Gainward Co VGA-GW804 User Manual 8

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Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize16.99kB (212326 bits)
Date Submitted1998-05-11 00:00:00
Date Available1998-06-01 00:00:00
Creation Date2001-07-17 14:52:32
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Document Lastmod2001-07-17 14:52:33
Document Title8

Table of Contents
FCC mom: I
Chapter 1 Overview ...................................................... 1
Chapter 2 Hardware Installation ................................ 2
Chapter 3 Microsoft Windows 95/98 Drivers ............. 4
Chapter 4 Microsoft Windows NT Drivers
A Chapter 5 Display Utility for Windows ....................... 6
Chapter 6 Technical Information.... 7
Chapter 7 Trouble Shooting ........................................ 8
E bverv CW
Congratulation nn rire purchase of your VGA board! You are now me owner of a
slaie-of-rhe-an Video adapter that uffers failures and funcliunality equal in, and
beyond any other in me VGA rinse,
> High-performance 2mm inremo Graphics Aceeiernmr
> 2x Full Sideband AGP Suppon
> m Semp Engine suppnrl Flat and Goumud Shading, MlP-Maping with Bilinear
Filiering. Color Alpha Blending for Transparency, Real-Time Texture Paging and
Videu Texmring, fogging and Atmospheric Effects, Specular Lignring. Edge Ami-
Aliasing, Supplmg nr "Scum Door“1‘ransparency. Backfacc Culling, z Buffering,
> NTSC and PAL TV Our Support
> Maximum Refresh Raxe BSHZ Dn 1024x768 resalutinn
> Display Memory supwm zwx MB SGRAM or BMB SDRAM
> Full Bl-diremcn VMI CCIRSOI Video For!
> Sufiwm MPEG IIDVD playback
> Support Hardware DVD pieyback (option)
> VESA DDGDPMS suvpart
> Microscfi Windows NT4 u
> Micruscfi wind”; mm (Opunn)
> Micmsafl Windows 95 OSRZJ
> Windows 98
> OpenGL (Option)
> DirectX 50
Hardware Installation
Insen your Graphic Card ,
Remove (he cover for lh: slut you lnlend to use and save the screw [or lhe mounting
bracket. Then, plck up lhe Graphic card and posithn in over the expnnslon slot you've
chosen Push lhe card with firmly and =venly mil in fully sealed in lhe slol. Replace
the screw m secure lhe bmckc! ofthe Graphic card (a lhz computer chassls.
AGP expansion slot
Connect the monitor
Plug ycur monlm cable imo the monilor connecmr on your Graphlc card. Make sure me
other end nfthe monitor cable is properly connected m your monitor.
Monitor cunneclur (blue)
I Microso Windows NT Drivers
> Before lnslallmg the video rlrim, make sure your WindowsNT is lnstallzd in
VGA mode and work fine.
> Before lnstalling the video driven please install the Windows NT service
pack 3 pnelruge rusr (or please download lira drivers from Microsofi web
site). otherwise Ill: PowerStn'p U|i1i|y will not work correctly.
tr you are running Windows NT, please note that drivers for NT are not compatible with
earlier releases ofNT. and me verxa. Consult your dealer, local user support groups or on-
llne services fmrn time to lime lo ensure you have the latest release for (he leon ofNT
you are running.
To install the oplimized display drivers for Windows NT, you must be running NT and
fellow Microsofi standard display driver installation procedure as documented in the NT
user manual. Note the somewhxl different inmllatlon procedures between NT and earlier
release below.
l. Turn on your computer and Stan Windows NT
1. Insert the Driver CD into your CD-ROM driver.
3. Type szcnsz'rur [Enter] in the Run dia og box.
4. me Powersrn‘p Setup wiurd dialog unit will appear on use screen, pleuse foilnw the
instruction lo install.
5. in Display Properties. select Settings | Displly type and then click the [Change]
button for Adapter Type.
6. When the Change Display dialog box appears on screen, click the [Hun Disk] bunon
and enter me path in the driver inmllaticn diskette (e.g., D:\winNT4). Click "0K".
1 Select the Correct VGA mode (e.g., lnul740 Vldeo Accelerator), then click OK
button to l‘Esmrl your computer.
Windows 9S/NT Display Properties
Windows 95/NT allows you In select resolution, color depth, refresh frequency and font
size using the standard Windows 95/NT Display Properties sheet1 which can be accessed
by right clicking anywhere on the Windows 95/NT desktop. and tlien selecting Properties
from the pop-up menu that appears on screen.
DpenGL for Windows 95 and NT
The OpenGL Driver for Windows DS/NT is install a! the same lime as the installm‘iun of the
Windows 95/NT drivers. See “1: Windows 95/NT installation instructions for further
Display Memary Cunfiguration
256 “K 16.7M
color color color
640x480 SSH: 85Hz 85111
1024x768 SSHZ ESHz -
128011024 75Hz - -
256 64K 16‘7M
wlur enlor cnlnr
6401480 SSH: ESHZ 85“:
101417621 85111 85111 85Hz
1280x1014 75Hz 75Hz -
Monitor Cnnnector Pin Assignments
Pin no.
Function m no. Functicn
Red Video 9 Key (no cunnectiun)
Green Wdeo 10 Sync Relum (gmmld)
mu: Video 11 NC
Ground 13 Horimnm Syn:
Red Remm (ground) 14 Venice] Sync
Green Return (ground) 15 BBC CLOCK
Blue Remm (gmund)
3 Trouble Shooting
Problem: Afier installing me driver, Windows 95 doesn't prompt me for resuming
and the driver sllll dozsn'i work aner I retinal it by myself,
You may have inslalled similar drivers before Try me following sieps m
(I) Use nghl bum)“ ofmouse w eliek on “My Computer" icon on desktop.
(2) Select "Propertits" and “System Propenies" hex appears
(3) Click 011 ”Device Manager" tab
(4) You wlII see a list of devices on your computer
(5) lf“Displny adapters" appears in the list, click 11.
ll "Display adapters“ docsn‘l appear, Jump in srep 9 and cuminue.
(6) The name of your card wlll be lisled in the box, Double click ||
(7) The propenies box of your card appears. Select "Driver" tab.
(10cm “Change Drlver and fellow rhe installation steps.
(9) Click ”Other devlces" you wlll see your card ls Ilslcdi
(10) Cllck an the name ofcaxd, the properties box appears
Se|ecr "Dnve'r" lab
(1 1) Click ”Change Driver .” and follow lhe installation steps
, v__v«,.vv-4—-v
Trouble Shooting
Problem: Sorlware programs will nor run wilh lire drivers.
1 Try running rhe sofiware wirh siaudard VGA drivers supplied wirh rhe upphcaiiun
program. Mosi sofiware programs have slaudard IBM VGA drivers. lrrhe program srill
does not work ir may he a problem with ihe appliearion sofiwm. .
2 Removed all TSR (Terminlte Ind Slay Resident) programs fmm your sysrem
(specially in DOS sysremland try ihe program again,
Problem: How do l gel rhe latest drivers for llle card?
Solution: You can check wirh me relalive web site lo download rhem,
Problem: When I hear (he computer the dlsplay is no! black. It is a dlfi'erent Dolor . such
as blue.
Check the monitor ccnnectlon Genenlly blue, or other color screens are related lo
improper connecliuns herwceu lire video card urui mouiiur cable
Problem: i am using a high resolution mum-frequency monimr. The vertical refresh rare
is ser for 140Hz using 1024x768 rmluliun. When going inro Windows or
prher graphics applications , my display size shrinks quit a bir on she screen ,
Use a slower vertical refresh rule. The verrieal refresh rare may be ser too high for rhe
monitor to suppon ll. The monilor may he compcnsal'ulg for the high frequ=ncy rate by
reducing rhe screen size
Problem: Afier installation and resuming, Windows 95 infoms me mar display
semng is srili incorrect Whai can 1 do?
There may he oonflier heiweeu previous and current display drivers.
This is caused by her eumpleie removal of previous display driver. Try
llle followmg steps lo remove ir:
(1) Use riglii buriou of'mouse in click on "My Compurer" imn on desirrop.
(2) Select "Properties" and "System Properties" box appears
(3) Click on "Device Manager" lab
(4) You will see a lisr of devices on your eompurcr.
(5) Open "Display adapters” in me lixt (double click ii),
(6) You will find two (or more) conflicted adapters lislxd here
(7) Remove all previous adapters by selecting mm and press "Remove"
(8) Close Device Manager and usun Windows 95,
(9) Now display driver will work correcily,
z I fD1sglaz Ut z'for Windows
> For rnexinrurn eurnpenbiliiy and flexibility, ihe anersuin can he loaded and
unlnnded dynnrnicnlly, hut nnie thni many of the tenure; ir provides are only
nvallable whil: lhe PowerSmp is running
The pnwerstrip is a display enntrnl end desktop enhancement uiility for Windows
ss/Nr, speeinlly designed and oprnnieed for use with your grenhies acceleralor. You
shnuld think ni me Fewersnin u a kind ofsupplememary "device driver“ which woms in
conjunclion with your uceelerniur's display driver.
The FowerSlrip is nutnnierieelly lnslall=d when you use the Selup program under windcws
' 95/‘NT (refer to Chapter 3-4). Afier you finish [he installation, the About lhe PowerSIrip
dialog box will appear en the screen, rhen click "ox". Then click ngrlms l
FowerStrip 1 Fewersmp (Figure 5-1) or double click an the "Monitor" | Shaw
rowersuip Cnnrigurnrinn (Figure 5.2) ienn in the Sysrern my in shnw rhe pnwersrrip
Propenies on your screen. (Figure 5-3)
Note: liynu need the more inrnrrnntion (Inn is referred In the petripdne me or on line
help where local: ll. Prngnms | inerstflp | Online Documentation, (Figure 5-1)
Figure 51
Figure 5-1
Figure 5-3 rowers: pmclhar
M rosoft Windows 95/98 Drivers
> Befnm inslalling lhe Display driver, make sure your Windows 95 is inslalled
in VGA mode and work firm.
Play: inslall lhe DiRCIX before you wam in play lhe MPEG Movie Player.
This Driver doesn'l supporl Chinese 05m al presenr.
lnsrallanon or «he Windows 95x93 drivers and ulililies is a two-step procedure: (1) first
lnslall the Windows 9519s Ulililies using the: Senip program, and lhen (z) lnsiall the
Windows 9519s drivers using slandard Windows 95/93 procedlnes. Almough we do no:
recommend lhis, you can inslall rile display drivers for Windows 9503 wirhom inslalling
(he support files.
Click me rignl mouse butmn anywhere on rile windows 95193 deskrop and selecl Propenies
from rile pop-up menu mar appears on sereen. Seieer Settings 1 Change Display lype and
men click lhe [Change] burlon for Adapler Type. When lhe Selecr Demo dialog box
appears on lhe screen, please selecr [Slandard display lypes] rrnrn lhe manufactures and
selecl sundard Display Adsprer (VGA) from (he Models rhen click OK humane
li Tum on your computer and Stan Windows 9519s.
2. [risen ihe Driver CD inw your CDeROM driven
3. Type DSCDSETUP [Enler] in lhe Run dialog box,
4. The Powersuip Serup Wizard dialog box will appear on the screen, please foiluw lhe
insmlcriorl to inslall
5. in Display properlies, selecl Settings | Change Display lype (If you use rile osxz
please select smings | Advanced Properliee. if you use rhe Win9B please seleer
Sellings l Advanced) and dlen click lile [Ci-angel bIIIan ror Adapler Type,
5. ln Wln9li. the Updare Device Driver Wizard dialog box will appear, please click
"next" button and follow the instruction on screen to insull,
7, when lhe Selecl Devioe dialog box appears on sereen, click rhe [Have Dish] huhon
and enter the path to the driver insiallalicn diskette (c,g.. D:\win95) Click “OK"s
s. Selecl rhe Correcl VGA mode (e.g., lnlel7AD-xxx Memphis sun Bela xxxxxx-
annual lhen click OK bunon. Finally click Apply huuon lo resrarl your computer,
Hardware Installation
smlir olecrriciry can severely damage elearamc pansy Tulre these preraurloris-
> Before louohing any rlcclmm: puns. druin iho slalic elocrriciry lmln your
body. YDu can do lhis by munhmg rhe internal metal frame ul your
compmer whilc irs unplugged.
> Dnn‘l mnavc a card from Lh: mlisiarie eoniuiner lr shipped In unlil you're
Indy ro insull ir. Whul you rzmovc u card from your tompnler, plant in
hook in ils churniner.
Dell'l let your rlorhes louch any elecrroruc puns
When handling a nerd, llcld u oy irs edges, and avoid muchmg irs eirouirry.
Before You Begin
Before you process furrher, make sure your compurer sysrem meeu rho peripheral
requiramcnls and switch (a the standard ch dlsplsy dnvn.
Prepare Your Computer far Installation
Prior ro warking on your compuier, make sure he power of m: computer and any relurerl
equipmeor is turned ufi.
Select 2 Vacant Expansion PCI (AGP) Slot
Mast AGP (PCI) bus computers llflve a cumblnalion of AG? (PCI) and ISA expansion slots.
AGP (PC!) Are usually made wirh plastic of; canonsring hrowri colorflaeige calm). and ar:
shoner mph omer slurs in your cumpurer. Your rysrem manual should identify rhe AGP
(PC!) slors. Plugging your Graphic cord low a nun-AGP (PCl) slor could damage Llle curd,
your rompurer. or horn.
== <— mm
<— ya on
= <— lsmm
AGP vs. PCl u ISA explnslnn slou
Back of
This device complies with Part 15 oftlre FCC Rules Operation is subject to the following
two conditions :(1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must
accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital
device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable
protection. This equipment generates, uses and can radiated radio frequency energy and, if
not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to
radio communications However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a
particular installation If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television
reception, which can be determined by tuming the equipment off and on, the user is
encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures
-Reorient o relocate the receiving antenna.
-lncrease the separation between the equipment and receiver.
-Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is
-Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/T V technician for help.
Shielded interface cables must be used in order to comply with emission limits.
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance
could void the user‘s authority to operate the equipment.

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