Gainward Co VGA-GW806D Video Card User Manual 8

Gainward Co Ltd Video Card 8


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Document ID20095
Application IDU2GFdX5t6t1Jfbc7ZSsI9w==
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Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
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Filesize38.34kB (479220 bits)
Date Submitted1999-01-19 00:00:00
Date Available1999-02-10 00:00:00
Creation Date2001-07-07 12:15:31
Producing SoftwareAcrobat Distiller 4.0 for Windows
Document Lastmod2001-07-07 12:15:32
Document Title8

wk «C;
0" 9598 uadxaawozma
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the
following two conditions :(1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2)
this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may
cause undesired operation.
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B
digital device. pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to
provide reasonable protection. This equipment generates, uses and can radiated
radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the
instructions. may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However,
there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation If this
equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can
be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to
correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
-Reorlent o relocate the receiving antenna.
-Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the
receiver is connected.
-Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
Shielded interface cables must be used in order to comply with emission limits.
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for
compliance could void the user‘s authority to operate the equipment.
‘mwumpmmmmm‘mmmmmumi mun-m;
ones“: on pea! m. m mgr-mm 51mm pmqm x.- sm. madman m4 1!
mm m m:
a. ”1mm” unqmwnmmp mania finmndfl
pm Will/5711: muA m ‘lmuuniumn um.“ lambda M 2-1ng moql mam-mom
a! m was an“! mg “pm mp summm mm mm Inmndo am my“ paglddms mp1)
“mam” vem- mmmum aupumomxmsgmwg non-up puflummm am
“pm 3“ mm m!” cam-mom m. mi ‘56 smnpmM Elm mm mm
MM m w- vm (mm m an my Hang-m [Ipadx sugmm m n
mum-nu; flupna panddu nun-ad J; unn- Am "MM
no awl: ' |
i 01 mm pull wen-ammo- am -modnm umsxs o| aim-q
“Mm; mme nllhlum wgyinb n mm ‘uogllmw!
m/un-mm an luv-1mm film-01W m m an M11 “Fwomd 3mm
alfl Ewan-Al ‘ Myolwmlm m nmndnwa A... p minus"! ndmdmg [q 3“!quth
fijfif‘a 10 “my pom; flump m Jojfilmqun an nlnnm mumsjnmm a“,
Tm mm hump)“; m lam-wed ampq — mam 11mm! mp p
was maul am “81— mm pap-m- imqalm xq aimp apmp W
x and o
mumnmdnmxmxnmm‘mnnaaunmmmmapammm z _ mmipoqnmuhqmppmmuflum nu illll} "flu.
name up iugwuw moqt [Inuull 1
‘ Jsmdwoo moA fiuuedald
“m m“ Ilmll! m Sum-mus mm mm! film pm maid mama“!
amul MK mm m pmflgnp mum “Mum film-Wynn- anyflnqmdma
plll mAgp poqun: mm Mam: m napalm. Dmdlfl mo;
mag-mm plunder!“ mdqp pm We not {0 mmnoyad mp nmdm!
mu Klponmp’lul alp ua pump. 1mm an an mummy. =quus ml“,
» mdmm 1mm”; mp um,- ' sdu, Bumoussmnml .
aluminum“: an wan-man: W ‘mm m mid-Am 1mm mmd I ' 1117 JN mpr 10 96 smopugM
pm swam wmdemuA ||v|sn| 01 10) lama Mfldsm paouaqug at" Bu|||msu| .
“WWW. mm was Joxmqaonv sawdus) max fiulllflsm .
m4 mu“! m Kpnal m. m ‘mylu‘lmmjunfi pmwdaud an... nun-nu MN
was Jowmmv samdma moA Bu|||n|su| Pa‘lnls 5.”an
a Augiymunmwimmommawu‘oummmusummmmv
Group inc ml
by uu lop my
oud artfully
um ilflrmly
uuo w
ammo-u no:
(Pct pump).
monitor ml:
i“: naively
You me now mfly‘o install the Mdfivm. For Mums 9S, sue [13854-
For Windows NT, up“: 5.
Inswlllng Enhanced Drivers for Wlnduws 95
You mod loinsllll n: enhanced mimforwiuaowsoa um unuugooi ymlr
emf: higher pal-formula, mlmims. md ooociui fumes.
To msmelhnt yml um.“ iii; lmn auiuu, innnlllhe aim-cod dlivzr ioouod on
no cumin “ripped win yo-u graph“: mam mid.
1b|ns|xlldu HIM elm-"or was
wuui you mm your mm fallvwingintnllniw nfyum‘ whim
cud. Windmln 95 will own me new Mum and mly “tempt io iumii
udiiuuimmiu symmimy,whfl1pmmptfliw”kuuflnuwmpmu
ow: mm N0. Thai follml an mm!!! iuuuimioo Mm! below.
Selecting ‘NO' in: minilinl munpmmp‘ is . my moo since
Windum 95 my land on flkt dixploy drive: in: i! iooomp-fioio wilh
ywlnfllplphiuelfl. Alwnylmlhedlivuwlihblamth: mum
CD-ROM um um win. your wmplnmx or on applinble drivrx “We.
1 himmddvudishm umyouuoiumouxiuo,
z (JinknnflwSu-Ihlm-inlhesmmm.
3 Smlluplnsemnpmflclkk onCchmleel.
4 DoubledipkonSym.
s ClipkoanevieeMni-getub.
s cuckmuopioi<+)xi;ummemomiupmoduom
7 Dwuetlickmflzmmznfymlfllpllyflldinmmmfin
s miokmmnriuuuo.
9 cuckouimcmgenrim...imou
in Click on ma Hm Disk ouuou.
flw-it in! I mm, M lelecl helium ofyuwuld m Ills lining “WWII
mil out 0K.
1: You will uowbebuk iu Ill: window wiui the Drivu uh. cum on
14 The “Copying me." dialog box nppeln oi, your drivers are iuumod.
1! Click on me mm mm,
Farmmn nmlm’m and min!- mu optrdllon, ya: and to ukci a
minim! Plea." nftr M7 the ouiw kip/w marl won-opium.
mans an nu
an“! “56 mm Sums, w bx semi imam A21 wow ms "9
so sMDpulM plan] 'd||1m|s inpnp snnmmd mu m J. Sugmuqszmnml
mm mm mm am "5 "M! an nous-mm ‘66 mowmwd -
mpp pomqua JnM
mueml! mm “mm min-Mu gamma: mp mama “K Wu mu new .
mmmmop lemma max at mgmm
mm ma 1mm!!!" moi no mum-ins SDNM lug-lulu] A... “me .
um sumac» pu- mamma- nmdmm pu- mm mu mu mm mm .
“put: an m pwalsnj nan-nos s; amen muunm 2m maug .
w]; warmth: my 10 134 "hump a An ms!“ nu;
mammd amp [1 ‘mi "mm“ m u; (padoni In)!” S! van am mp mg .
mum-mm immwfilqlmn Warn/mu amm Jo; ulup mu nun-mg
“mlqmd wuzpfldfl no; ;! mi am xzm min iuwmq-mn flan-mm, flu.
sdu Bunoousamnou
wuwu‘y’w mm ‘flf‘fW mm M m nfil mam
Jomlmunpnzr upon naA‘ wnmda m W454 pm; 140qu mum m,
111me ‘mm mm M Susi-mp um! Maw]!!! PIMP “a"
1nd mun mas“, palm: ! mas wad-in mq 35pm) squzdmd maul] an n
‘xo mm “fimfldu WW!" ssh-was “first! Pllmrl flu “wow "UV fl
“LN mum Mal o| “A WP
‘maddn mq 5°1flv..=inmfl“ws “Ms. 4‘wa “mm "940 Ma r:
“m mp unmdummofi m wins um “a “DJ am law (I
w mummmdmlnm Mom sm- v- mm 1:
“x0 mm W Wm infirm afimu mu m
310 was w- (:v ‘IFNH)=APP°W‘W Mums
“um ma MIH n: ma
“film-D Ml:
"nu-u] mm. “mm am m3
W films W "a mm
“m! Jaded an min-mm
“M! We! manage-u mam-mu
um! nmflmng M an bun-mm“
"m wuvuw was l
M m mopum mp mum p‘oullwo am “mm 01,
m u “my“ m) mm: paauluna
9m um"! um Mo‘l “1mm mom momma «41 (mm 9: 1m x mm 4mm-
VIDA mew-m 0: iIMFP nw lN FMWM ‘mo ”sud-fl "M fiuulmu! nuv
m smopu1M m; SJaAuu paoueuug Bummsm
"IVflNVW 8.8330
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions :(1) this
device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including
interference that may cause undesired operation.
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15
of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection. This equipment generates, uses and
can radiated radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause
harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a
particular installation If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be
determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or
more of the following measures:
-Reorient o relocate the receiving antenna.
-lncrease the separation between the equipment and receiver.
«Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
-Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
Shielded interface cables must be used in order to comply with emission limits.
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's
authority to operate the equipment.
‘Iu usual
[I ma ................................. 3111100115“ BMW—(L 9 Jallhlllg
01 """" "0’1'11WS’6/S6 smalmm 10! 1170711 5 mdmlo
6 """" 0 ‘hLIWM/s‘fl momma Jufdwsmmod r 121110119
4 """""" ‘smayq 0 71A] smapum Jjasonm]
; " ‘smnya 86/56 smnpug,“ Jjosougw
S' ................. “My“ IT smapum “030,13!”
uoyuflmszq { Jaldmlg
£............. ................ “Magnum!” aJDMpJnH Z ”KIWI?
I. .................................................. “4431413110 I ”1de
smomog JO alqnl
: 1 Overview
Congratulations and lhttnk you for selecting this graphics card 4 Savageala‘" orings liigl.
performance 30 graphics to the mainstream PC by integrating 2D acceleration, MPEG-2
video acceleration, and leading edge 31: performanoe into a cost cirective pneisuge,
Savagezn provides the solution for the lugs performance consumer, corporate desktop user
and entry level professional.
System Requirements
The minimum system requirements [or installing the graphics art! are as follows:
> a personal computer with a Pentium, Pentium ll or cumpalible microprocessor and at
least 8MB oi’memory
> a VGA analog monitor supprming a minimum oqu venioal refresh rate
> a free 32-bit AG? iaus slot
> a CD-ROM drive
Features ‘
High Periormunce slum/Video Accelerator
> New Single Cycle 30 Architecture
> SM triangles/second Triangle Setup Engine
> lZB-bil Dual Rendering Pipeline
> lZSM pixels/sec Trilineur Fill Rate
> Full AG? zx lmplcmemalion including sideiannri Addressing and AG? Execute Mode
3D Rendering Futures
Single Cycle Triiineur Filtering
53“ Texture Compression
True Color Rendering
Void and Clusler Dithering for lérbil Modes
Specular Lighting and Diffuse Shading
Alplin Blending Marlee
MPEG-l Video Texturu
Edge AnlirAIiasiitg, Vertex and Table Fug. 16- or 24-bit Zebufi‘eting
Sprite Anti-Aiiasing, Reflection and Environment Mapping, Muir: Morphing,
Shadows, Procedural Textures, and A|mosp|tcfic Effects
20 Accelerlllon Features
> Highly Optimized 128 bil Graphics Engine
> Full Featured 2D Engine for acceleration of Bitbit, Rectangle rill, Line Draw,
Polygon Fill, panning/Scolling and HW armor
y B,l6, and 32bpp Mode Acceleration
High Speed Memory interlace
> Over iUDMHz SDRAM/SGRAM with Black Wtile
64—bit Synchronous Memory Bus
z., 4-, or le3 Frame Butter (SGRAM Version)
SDRAM for cost savings (sMB Fume Bufler)
: ! Overview
Mntion Video Arrhiteclure
> lligir Quality Up/Down Scalar
> Motion Compensation
1» Subpicture Blending and Highlights
> Optimized Somme DVD Deooders
> Streams Processor‘M for on»lhe Multiple video windows
> Brightness. line. and Saturation Controls
> 60MHz VIP Video Port allows HDTV Resolutions
> GlucleSs interface for HW MPEG~2 Deeortiers and video Digitizers
t tgh Quality TV Out (Optional)
> integrated NTSCIPAL Encoder
0ptionai Macmv on“ 7.1 Support (53 W390 Support unly)
Programmable J-Yap Flicker Filter
Vertical 0uerscon Compensation ‘
> Simultaneous CRT and TV Display
Additional Ventures
> Flash ROM and 12 c Serirl Communications nus
> ZSOMHz RAMDAC with Gamml Correction
> PC] Power Management
> BBC Monitor Communications
Softwnre Support
> Windows 3.1
> windows“ 95 and 98 Display Drivers
> Windows NT4 0 and NT3.S| Display Drivers
> 05/2 3.0 and 4.0
> Direct] Hm, DircciDraw’“. and Direct Video“
> DpeilGL'MICD for Windows 9X and NT
“PM-S mo-AL ausmimna "IO-AL
¢ ¢
(alum) mmnmn muunw
mug-mm max m paw-m Kuadmd 5! one: Jaunnm aqua pua nqw
am ms axiw 'p.m nquaxg max no 101mm Jouuoul am on“! am“ 10“qu mm in“
mumnu an; wauuog
|o|s nugsunlxa m
pm snquuf)
mt unnnrdxa day = H Mussxaypug
flmqa mndmua mp 01pm squug am y: 1»:qu a!" amass 0) Mains an
my»); map sq) u; [mum Ann; s,“ mun mm pill? mug mm pm em ma "uasmp
aA,no& mp nogtundxa a!" mu :! unmsod pul pnb omdug am dn and mm mm;
flnpunaul mu m, mm: am am pm! am 0; puaux! mu ms 31“ to; mm mu mm);
pug amdluf) moi uasul
uonlm'ezsu] axnmpmfl i Z
mu "alt-min VS] n 131 AM asv
"mm —’ ==
“I‘m ——>_ 4—— "‘""“‘“’
10 1358
mismv —> I==
‘qu m mums moK
‘run am mil-w Wm WIS (13d) dov-lml u mu! pm wins mod iumnu 'sw|s (13d)
my sin Qnuap! pllmqs “ml-m mm; m.“ mum max u; flop lama ueql nun-(s
an Pu! ‘(mpn aim) mun ummq sumnm - _;o anmd mm 9mm mm" m (m) day
ml! mm“ VSI Pm (10d) dSVJO mmmflm B Mu flamflum 5m (Dd) 49V MN
MS (mv) ma "own-"1x3 nun-A u wales
”uh pmm s! luamdgnba
pm,» An: pm mndluoo an 10 mod am mm mm uamdmm um no 5mm m 10ng
unpunusu] Jo; umdumg moA undo”
MVP ledrw ng pmpum mu 0] Wm; pun smamaxgnbm
xmaqdpad sq] mam Will/(5 mndum um om: 53mm ‘nqunj ssnoojd “ox mpg
ugflafl m“ amps
mum mg iugucmm pmu puI my 5“ Aq u wnq ‘wn z flunpwzq 11on
‘suud aguwmp in mm; Bump moK 1=| mod
"magnum m a; 1m
n ma ‘umdmm gnoK um; [um v mum m Ion 1! "mm m Kym
mm; mm uy mam. 1! magnum nuns—ulna =m um, pun . mm» mm
‘pafimdun x,“ mm. Aamdlum
um y: alum maul |mu=|ug am Rumour!) Kq m. op mm mm m4
max um) mapmp mm at“ “yup ma “thump m flumanm mm. <
zsuogmwd m" m1 ‘rund mumuqa saw-p (mains urn Antiwar-1 was
uogwnuwul SJBMpIBH E i
Microsoft Windows 3.1 Drivers
tr ityuu are performing a driver and utility upgrade, first conngure Windows for u
standard Windows ditplay driver lmi ensure that the Displly Control Panel is not
running heiore euntinuiut,
1. insert the Driver cu inlo your (ID-ROM drive.
1. Change directory to Windows 3.1tt nos prompt and type "SETUP“.
3. Select "DISPLAY" [ENTER]
4. change to ”Other" [ENTER].
5, Type l):\winJl [ENTER], (u is the letter or your CD~ROM drive)
6. Select the resolution and color which you need then click EN FER button to save the
Microsoft Windows 95/98 Drivers
tr iieiure tustniiirtg the Display driver. uteite ture your Windows 95 is installed in
VGA mude anti vttn it fine.
fr Please install the Direcix before you wml to plly the MPEG Movie Player.
w Tire pictures at below are only iur rteierence under Wiuduws 95.
Click the light rnnuse hnttun anytvhere on the Windows 95/93 desktop and select
Properties from the poplin menu that appears on screen. Select Settings [ Change Display
Type ttryou use the maze please sclcclSellings | Adviuiud Pmperticsr "you use the
Windows 93, please select Settings [ Adv-lined) iind then click the [Change] billion for
Adapter iype When the Seieei Device dialog box appears on the screen, please select
[Standard display types| fmiii the manufactures and select Standard iiispiey Adapter
(VGA) from the Models tlren elicit OK button (Figure I)
I. Tum on your computer and start Windows 95/914.
1. insert the Driver cu into your CDrROM drive.
3. Chclt the Sun button on the task bar. Select Rim and type u;\Cdeetup.exe [Euler]
in the Rim dialog box. (D is the letter ofyciiirCD-ROM drive)
4. ‘llle rtrtverStrlp Setup wtrard dialog box will appear on the screen, please click
Next buttnn to begin the insinlialimi (Figure 1)
Chaos: Ihe Select III for mmavll (fllu will lml be ddutd) check box as Figure 3
and then click Next button to continue the installation.
Finally. click Finish button as Figure 4 to complete the FuwerStrtp setup.
Figure 3 Figure 4
At the Sallie time during lite insullalion, the driver will also choose (lie correcl path
and VGA card automatically so that you an my to finish lite installation click
3K billion. (Figure 5) in Advanced Display i-ropertiei dialog box, click Close
"the-driver doesn'l choose the correct pail! and VGA card liliomalically, please click
the "gill mouse button anywhere on the Wihduws 95/98 desktop and sclect
Fruperttes from the popfllp menu that appears on sereen. in D-pIay rmperties,
seieet Settings [ Change Display Type (if you use the OSRZ please select Settings
1 Advanced I’mperliex.) and titen click the Change | Have Disk lnrttou and enter
the path to the driver installation diskette (eg, D:\wtn95). Click OK button and
follow the iilslruclimis on screen to insiall.
{ans qam mp mm]
pflpmlumnp sq me: am luau) am wofl moi axlpdn ou am luau) ua'qslugl aML'z
“mum-l max 01 ..Hsv‘1moa\.. 4mm!!!) 113 mM NM) flu!“- anu Mac) ‘I
air-13m won mu
gums no unddu 1am nuaux dlvded am mm; saguadoxd
Emma)“ mp pm «dmmp My“ Emupugm sq] m) mum-m fillppufl 111351 Kq passncm
m1 um flown ‘mqfi filuadmd ledsul lN/RG/SG woww mpums am Ems" ms
mo; pm bum-ban] qmw um) m|uo ‘uunnlcsal maps 01 um smanz nus/so smupmm
muadwd “ulna muss/$5 won-1m
1331]; mm m cramp mu: ifivgllas mp Imp M mndum max new 0: mm]
mm spun mam 1mm up no mdd: xoq 50mg mmdmd Aqdnq 910qu 1;
”Hum! a; mans lm sumnvuysm =||| mun;
pm? 11qu no my ‘(VLN‘IWCI hie) was") nugmnmm Janup ml! on land
flu mun pun mum ma Mix-l [ elm-D flu WP "at“ pun MW. "NS!“ I ifinmas
maps ‘flguadmd may.“ u] “uaws uo smddn mp nuaw dn~dod am mm;
tamarind mm 9!!! (Imam .LN mopugM any no mwm mmnq mom um: sq;
x3“: ennui ‘Aumgmumnw pm: VQA pun mud mun: mp moqo “mop JQAUP up 51 1
uonunmsul I 2
“09mm! am mug on Km ma nofi mu as Annguzuwmw pm VDA puv
mad mum Mp molp osle mm mpp up ‘uumuusn; Np iupnp amp ems mp w '9
11mg dmsflmu am awl-into: m "cum! lulu-u WHO ‘Kuwu "s
“nopqlsmq mp ugfiaq m uounq m“
m“ mun mald ‘naams am no mm mm xoq sump [1ij dnyas amyow m 17
(MN) "03133 max jo Jam] 31" s! a) 'xoq flour”)
lmu am a; [mug] axo-dnmpmu um um um fin no uounq was out 1mm T
“Wm wax-no mm? 0m; «a mum am um! 'z
‘J.N mop-um um pun mnduwo max ua mill 1
11m mv m flwmmul mm (ms) 2 NJ “was
mm m “rum-an! m pew an m ‘nuN lmu pm flqulxfl any n. am u ,,
Sugmmxmmxlmommapmpmlalm mamquamuaowuumaumnmg
seq/ms aql-uo m Bil-115 unddns nsn rut ‘ansp m5 unsung “mm mm pm 1.410 mm
”W Wquuuh-mmammMWWWHWENMWM 3mm“ m “Mn
mmyq o'ym'smopugm uosoaogw
mgvenmu; sip Imug m “am: no suuuslulsll; a“; mono;
pull uunnq “Wu um" qnua pm; "|xan_ xauo mu ‘wm noK “App am mm
mm mi 05 ‘uouflaol 35pm: n u; mmp an “r p n" w Autism Jump“: pumas
an woauo ‘xoq Eomp puma Anya ”Mall “1de n; ‘llmmq 113“ | aims-43
an" pug “Judnpy | pnunpv | sinmaswom afield 26mm aql asn “0“! a
9 unfiu H ‘ 5 and“
(9 mm)
13:11: an m asuoqo “M singles a!“ M. as mmdnma max mass] 0) ucunq
x0 Wu amp: ‘uum aql no maddx xoq we“: “undo” Awdsm a.“ new ~§
uonnmnsul i
W PowerStrip for Windows95/98/NT4.0
The Powersuip is a display oootrol and desktop enhancement utility flu Windows
95/98/NT, specially designed and oplimized for use with your graplites accelerator or
monitor. You should lllink or lhe PowerStrip as a kind of supplementary "device drives"
which works in Cnnjunctllm with your aooelerator's display driver. and allows you to get the
most from your munilor.
or For maximum eontpatt y anti flexlbflily, the Powerstrip program and Myers
nrc loaded and unloaded dynamlcull . but note that many of the features the
program provtdes are only available while the PowerStrlp h running.
Starling lhe Paw" Slrip
I When you install the PowerStrip, the pmyam and on—ltne documentation is added (0
the rowerStt—lp folder under the Windows Start menu.
2. To start the PowerSlnp, click Start | Programs i PawerStrtp | l’flwerStrip.
3. Change the PowerStrip interfaoe to the language ofyour choice at any time, by clicking
the PowerStrip | Advanced options I About the PowerStrip | Appearanee
Remtn g the PowerStrlp from your system
i. To subsequently remove the PawerSu‘ip, click the start i settings | Control Panel l
AddvRemnve Programs.
1. 1 he Add/Remove Programs Propertles dialog box will appears (in screen, select
PowerStrip (remove only) from the list of progmms on the lmlull/Unlnsmll page.
3 ilteu ohclt the Add/Remnve bum)“.
«7 Basra mmnvlng the PowerStrlp from your system. il is a good idea to first switch
to PowerStrIp "sate mode". Wlmt you uninstall the PowerStrlp, you remove all
program files related to the program.
TV-OUT for Windows 95 /98/NT4.0
You can switch your Monitor anti TV in the Display Properties dialog box. me path is
Display Propertles I Switch. (Figure to) ‘
v The plclnm as below an only for reference under Windows 91
w lryou want to use the TV luncliun please select the TV Check box.
Figure 10 Figure 11
V If you win! to use TV Illntilon with line Vldw RCA CONNECI'OR. plan selbcl
llle Composile Check box. on ill! miller lld, if you mm In Ill: TV luncllun
with [he SeVideo CONNECTOR, plus! select lhl S—Video Clink box.
(Com posit! 1nd S-Vlldeu u- not be helmet! umuluneonlly).
rv Conlml: Allows you to adjust the TV Brightness, Contrast, Color and Tim.
netault nattua: Allows you to set the TV Brightness, Contrast, Color and Tint to BIOS
defaull value.
Adjust TV I‘mlllul Button: Click this button to Invoke the Adjust TV Position oonlmls to
shift the position or images displayed on TV Screen
horizontally and/or vertically.
TV Enlll ncamenls Buiinn: Allows you to invoke a dialog bait to set “I! TV Flicker Filler,
Holizxmlal Sin and/or Vmicui Sim,
TV-TYPE reference table
Trouble Shooting
Problem: Aner installation and reslaning, windows 95 informs me lhal display
selling is still incorrect. wusn sun I lloi
There rnly be conflict iieiweeu previous and currem display drr'vers.
This is caused by not complete removal ofprevious display driver. 1ry
llie following sieps lo remove it:
(l) Use riglll hum)" ormouse in click on “My Cnmputcr" icon on desktop.
(2) Seleel "Propenies" and “Syslem Propenies" box appears
(1) Click on "Device Manager" lab
(4) You will see a lisl ofdeviees on your mmpllwn
(5)Opcn " isplay urinplers" in (he list (double elielr ii).
(6) You will find two (or more) oonflieled Mappers Ilslcd here,
(7) Remove all prevrons adapters by selecting lhem Ind press "Remove"
(8) Close Device Manager and resisn Windws 95.
(9) New display driver will work correctly.
Problem: Afier inslulling the driver, Windows 95 dosn'l prompt me for reslnning
and the driver slill doesn'l work allerl reboot il by myself.
You may have insollerl similar drivers before. Try the following steps to
(1) Use riglu ouiron ofmouse to click on "My Compuier" icon on desktop.
(2) Seleer "Properties" Ind "System Properties" box Ippurs
(3) Click on "Device Manager” lab
(4) You will see a liar oldevioeson your compuler
(5) If "Display adapters" appears in (lee lisi. elialr ii.
If"[)isplay adaplers- doesn'l appear, jump to step 9 und oopiinue
(6) The Mme olyonr card will be listed in the bnx. Daub]: Click ill
(7) The pmpertles box of your card appears. Select "Driver" lair,
(K) Click "Change Driver ." Ind follow Ihe install slaps.
(9) Click "Oiher devices" you will see your air lined
(In) Click on ilie name pleura. ihe propenies box appears.
Selecl "Driver" lab
(ll) Click ~cliange Dii er: and follow lllu inslailaiion sopr.
Problem: When using VIA MVP3 Main Board, ore sysiern will hand up under lire 37
irem (Texture swupping) of 3Dwinhecll's Qualily. (But i s normal wiih
Solution: This qu=sllon will be fixed in me finura driver.
' 5 1 Trouble Shooting
When you need advanced ieehuioue service. please Compiere ihis form
and FAX in your deeler.
Your mime; Plume :
Product SIN: PCB N0;
Mlinbozrd cuiprei: cm Clack: MHz
Mulnlmrri cru: VGA Memory 1ype:
Mllllhlnn'l Memory: ivu; vcn Memory MB
Maluuoerrl Build: . VGA Memoryni-und:
Crone Memory: KB won/mic Cara:
”Wm": Ilan'znnlll Freq. : kHz lo KHZ I
Vulifll Freq. Hz in Hz
other Carin aTMnInhc-arli:
"wax H! mm
11-1150” ml m umuns nnunqfld
zmuim,’ m, m muscuonnaflg
31190qu alqnoxx, E

Source Exif Data:
File Type                       : PDF
File Type Extension             : pdf
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Create Date                     : 2001:07:07 12:15:31
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