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raise the bar
Albeo™ LED Luminaires for high- and low-bay environments
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out with the old
Today’s lighting landscape is
constantly changing. At GE, we’re creating
newer, more efficient lighting solutions.
Commercial and industrial facilities are challenging
environments for lighting design. They need to accomplish
many goals without sacrificing performance. Longer operating
hours, hard-to-reach ceilings, expansive space and expensive
maintenance – the costs pile up. While high-intensity discharge (HID)
and high-intensity fluorescent lamps have been the solution
for years, they waste substantial amounts of light, maintenance
man-hours and energy. It’s time for the lighting landscape to change again.
Meet Albeo.

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in with the new – LEDs
In 1962, a GE scientist invented the first visible LED: paving the way for the next generation of lighting
solutions. LED fixtures deliver, with better light distribution, increased visual acuity, superior color consistency
and optical control. Best of all, their improved fixture efficiency means less wattage, less waste and
significantly longer replacement intervals to reduce maintenance costs.
Now you can bring commercial and industrial lighting out of the dark ages and into the bright,
white light of LED fixtures with GE Albeo™ LED Luminaires. Designed specifically for high- and low-bay
environments, they combine the benefits of LED lighting with the ease of a flexible system that can
be customized to fit your exact needs.
make it modular and scalable
Now there’s a more efficient solution. Albeo LED Luminaires are built on a modular and scalable platform
designed for customization. Its modularity lets you choose the ideal number of light modules, lens type,
power source, color temperature, CRI, mounting configuration and integrated controls, while also making
repairs simpler and future upgrades easier if the need arises. Albeo’s scalability offers a range
of options – from 6,350 to 65,350 lumens per fixture, reducing the number of fixtures needed to light your
space. You’ll save on upfront fixture and installation costs, plus the cost for ongoing maintenance and
energy over time.
A smart choice. Albeo LED Luminaires are 30 to 65 percent more energy efficient than fluorescent and HID
systems, and deliver a brighter, whiter light with less wattage, less maintenance and less waste.

S Y S TEM CONFI GU R AT I O N S : AL B EO AB H -S e r ie s
•1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 modules
•Light packages available from 6,350 to 65,350 lumens
•Choice of 4000K or 5000K color temperature
•Choice of 70 or 80 CRI
• Precision lenses:
– 20°
– 80°
– 30°
– 120°
– 40°
- 120° Diffused
• Four mounting options:
– Chain/cable – Pendant
– Rod – Indirect
•Mounting height up to 80 feet
• Energy-saving control options:
– Motion and occupancy sensors
– Wireless control and reporting
– Dimming
– Daylight harvesting
•5-year limited system warranty
•Made in the USA with domestic and imported parts
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- 30° Diffused

made with smart technology
GE Albeo LED Luminaires are projected to deliver 100,000 hours at L70, and significantly reduce relamping
and maintenance time and costs. A wide operating temperature between -31°F and 131°F means
exceptional performance at both extremes – and every temperature in between. While excessive heat
buildup can compromise the performance of other lighting systems before their time, an innovative
thermal management design and smart technology protect Albeo LED Luminaires and helps extend
their life.
1. Robust, cast aluminum heat sink efficiently removes excess heat away from the LED
2. Spacing between light modules allows greater airflow for natural cooling of the fixture
3. Integrated smart card constantly monitors fixture temperature
Smart technology automatically dims lights to prevent overheating if maximum
temperature limits are reached
Utility rebates reduce initial investment and lead to lower costs.
In addition to energy savings, LED fixtures can reduce the overall cost of ownership through
rebate incentives, when available. GE will work with you to determine eligibility requirements and
to coordinate any local utility rebates you may qualify for.

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make the robust choice
The GE Albeo LED Luminaire offers robust design features for better protection from damage. It starts
with break-resistant acrylic optical lenses built to withstand accidental abuse. It includes built-in mounting
channels for safe and secure installation. A heavy-duty cast aluminum housing
with an integrated heat sink for maximum thermal protection for the LED.
And a polyester powder coat finish to withstand use and abuse over the
many years it will be in operation.
A fine-tuned lighting system, the Albeo LED Luminaire reduces
maintenance and your carbon footprint, paying back your investment
in as little as one to four years.
Maintenance made easy:
• 100,000-hour rated life • Field replaceable modules
• Field upgradeable optics • No glass to break
We’re proud to be the 2013 winners of:
• The U.S. Department of Energy’s Next Generation Luminaires™
Solid-State Lighting Design Competition (high- and low-bay
industrial lighting)
• Architectural SSL Magazine Product Innovation
Award (high-bay category)
• Architectural Products Magazine Product Innovation Award

It’s true. HID systems can provide adequate light for warehouse environments. However, complexity
or incompatibility with today’s sensors and control technologies makes it difficult to implement
energy-saving strategies such as daylight harvesting, motion control and dimming.
Instead, Albeo LED Luminaires are ideal in storage facilities with a mixture of conditioned and
unconditioned spaces, open areas and racked aisles, and where ceiling heights range from 20 to 80 feet.
Albeo’s modular design is scalable to fit a variety of lighting needs, where each fixture can be matched
with precision optics that provide up to 65,350 lumens of light only where it’s needed, and do it more
effectively and efficiently than HID.
Customize Albeo fixtures to fit any need. Fine-tune the lumen output to reduce waste when renovating
existing spaces or to reduce the number of fixtures needed in new construction, saving energy and upfront
fixture costs. Then add integrated controls for even greater energy savings overall.
A typical HID fixture uses 458 watts to
produce an average of 20 foot candles
on the racked aisle floor, where the Albeo
LED fixture with a 40° lens uses only 210
watts to provide the equivalent amount
of light. A 54% energy savings.
Unlike HIDs, which waste light and
energy, GE Albeo LED fixtures can be
matched with precision lenses to more
efficiently deliver the right amount of
light, just where it’s needed.
12 Feet
20 FC 20 FC
HID – 458 watts
Albeo LED – 210 watts
40° Lens
Less Energy
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cold storage
In cold storage environments, HID and fluorescent fixtures are often
left on continuously, due to cold temperature or warmup/restrike
challenges. Unfortunately, it’s a practice that wastes energy,
shortens lamp life and increases maintenance costs.
Just the opposite, energy-efficient Albeo LED Luminaires thrive
in the cold – performing flawlessly in temperatures down to
-31°F. They turn on instantly to full brightness, and when matched
with inexpensive controls, they offer on/off, motion sensing and
high-low dimming options to save energy while the space is
not being used, extending the 100,000-hour life of the LED even
further. Better color stability and consistency make packaging
and labels easier to see, for improved order accuracy and speed.
And solid-state construction means no glass, no mercury and
no lead – making them safer to operate in food environments.
cold storage facilities
warm up to LEDs
Imagine how much it costs to run 250
lights in a 100,000 sq. ft. cold storage
facility operating 24/7 at .11 kWh.
By replacing 465-watt HID fixtures with
200-watt GE Albeo ABH-Series LED
fixtures with motion sensing, the facility
could cut energy costs by 91 percent
per year.
• Albeo’s advantages include:
– Reduced energy costs by 91%
– Energy savings of
$104,000 annually
– Reduced energy consumption
by 917, 290 kWh annually
– Six times the life span of HIDs,
drastically reducing maintenance
costs over the life of the fixture
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In manufacturing or any 24/7 operation, nothing is more dreaded than downtime. With HID and fluorescent
systems’ shorter lifetimes, you’ll see plenty of it, as more frequent relamping is required. Both systems are
susceptible to catastrophic failure in high-vibration environments, due to fragile glass components. And that
can lead to disruptions and maintenance concerns. While high ceilings will require more fixtures to light the
space, that light can be difficult to control and expensive to maintain.
Contrast that with the Albeo LED Luminaire,
offering three times the life of fluorescents and
six times the life of HIDs, significantly reducing
maintenance and downtime costs. Albeo’s
rugged construction is highly resistant to
vibration and includes no glass components
that can break. Even at 100,000 hours, Albeo
will still deliver ample light at 70 percent of
initial output.
Albeo’s exceptional optical control allows you to aim the light where it’s needed; eliminating waste and
reducing energy consumption by 30 to 65 percent compared to fluorescent and HID systems. Even more,
when you factor in savings from dimming, daylight harvesting, motion sensors and other integrated controls.
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sports arenas
When it comes to sporting venues, HID systems simply can’t
compete. They can’t be turned on and off quickly, and aren’t easily
compatible with control systems that allow for the customized
lighting design required in multipurpose spaces. Their short life
spans mean more frequent maintenance, which can be difficult
with high ceilings. Plus, they produce a poorer quality of light with
little uniformity – yet, use a significant amount of energy to do so.
Your GE team has a smarter solution with Albeo LED Luminaires.
They instantly illuminate and can be easily paired with controllers
to add dimming capabilities. That gives you maximum flexibility
to create the perfect ambiance, special effects and entertainment
values needed during game time and halftime, along with the
other events taking place in today’s multiuse arenas.
Albeo fixtures offer precision optics and better uniformity, plus
can save 30 to 65 percent on energy costs over HID. With their
longer 100,000-hour life span, they can significantly reduce
maintenance costs too. As a modular and scalable lighting system,
Albeo lets you customize each fixture based on lumens, color
quality, optical control and your own installation needs – so there
is always just the right amount of light, without waste. And that
makes Albeo a win-win solution for arenas, hockey rinks, gyms,
coliseums, convention centers and other mixed-use facilities.
Weber State University
makes a smart choice
The Weber State University Dee Events center
replaced 100 HID fixtures at 1,000-1,600 watts
each with 80 GE Albeo ABH-Series LED high-
bay lighting fixtures at just 600 watts each.
Operating an average of 4,000 hours annually
at .12 kWh – they are expected to save 70
percent on energy consumption every year.
• 70% savings in annual energy use
• $40,000 in energy savings per year
• 382,000 fewer kWh use
• 200 foot candles, double NCAA requirements
- Increased the ability for special effects
because the LEDs instantly illuminate,
and can be dimmed and adjusted in nine
zones throughout the arena.
Albeo LED fixtures will substantially reduce
maintenance costs and headaches over the
life of the fixture when compared to the much
shorter life span of HIDs.

Information provided is subject to change without notice. All values are design or typical values when
measured under laboratory conditions, and GE makes no warranty or guarantee, express or implied, that such
performance will be obtained under end-use conditions. Albeo™ is a registered trademark of GE. ©2013 GE. ALB005 02/2014 Printed in USA
The numbers speak for themselves
Picture a 500,000 sq. ft. warehouse facility, with both open areas and racked aisles. It’s buzzing with 1,250 HID fixtures,
operating 14 hours/day, 6 days/week at .11 kWh.
That’s a pretty hefty bill.
Now, imagine replacing every outdated HID fixture with an energy-efficient Albeo LED fixture, and adding motion sensors
for racked aisle areas. With the amazing efficiency of Albeo LED high-bay luminaires, you’d see a remarkable difference in
operational costs, plus significantly reduced operation time – with no effect on your productivity.
Make the switch–it’s the easiest calculation you will make.
Visit for more information.
Albeo LED High-Bay ROI
Albeo LED ROI / Simple payback example - warehouse application
Annual energy costs $277,177 $57,099 $220,078
Annual maintenance costs $26,186 $- $26,186
Total annual savings $246,264
Without utility rebate $726,250 $246,264 2.9
With utility rebate $601,250 $246,264 2.4
Annual energy reduction 2,000,708 kWh 79%
Annual CO2 reduction 2,801,000 lbs
Equal to planting
382 acres of trees
Equal to removing
267 cars from the road annually
• Additional tax savings through EPAC • No money down with GE nancing