Ge Appliances Wwa8616M Users Manual 1.0
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contents Agitator Appliance Registration 22 2 SafetyInstructions Soak Setting 3,4 8 Care and Cleaning Consumer Services 22 23 Sorting Stains 4,9 16 Controls Setting Guide CycleSettings 6,7 5 Detergents, Other Additives 11-15 8 Energy-SavingTips Filter-F1o”Pan Hard Water Limestone Deposits Loading the Washer Model and Serial Numbers Operating Instructions Pre-Treating Problem Solver Mc)dek WWM616M Stain RemovalGuide Storage &Vacation Tips User Maintenance Instructions 22 Back Cover Warranty 4,8, 10 14 12,22 4, 10 2 4,5 7,9, 15 18-22 17 22 GfA1.!Swt?r GM??P It is intended to helpyouoperate andmaintainyournewwasher properly. Keepit handyfor answersto your questions. If youdon’tunderstandsomething or needmorehelp,write(include yourphonenumber) ConsumerAffairs GEAppliances AppliancePark Louisville,KY40225 If youreceivedal damagedvva$kr... Immediatelycontactthedealer (or builder)thatsoldyouthe washer. Save Beforeyourequestservice... checktheProblemSolveron pages18through22. It listscauses ofminoroperatingproblemsthat youcan correctyourself. Toobtaina Spanishlanguage versionof this book, call GEAnswerCenter” 800.626.2000 consumerinformationservice. I%raobtenerlaversibnen espaiioldeestemanual, Hamea GEAnswerCenter$ serviciodeinformacibn parael consumidor, tek$fono800.626.2000. .>. . . . . ,’ “ ,. .. “.. . “: . :::-,-:’;: , . .: -’- “---:’- down the and serial You’llfindthemona labelonthe lowerleftsidenearthefront. Thesenumbersarealsoonthe ConsumerProductOwnership Rcgkration Cardthatcamewith yourwasher.Beforesendingin this card, pleasewritethesenumbers here: ModelNumber SerialNumber Usethesenumbersin any correspondenceor servicecalls concerningyourwasher. AHwashinginstructiontermsin this bookconformto the Care Labeling January~9$4. ~~u~e establishedby the FederalTrade Commission, @ Toobtainservice,seethe ConsumerServicespagein the backofthisbook, We’reproudofourserviceand wantyouto bepleased.If for some reasonyouarenothappywiththe serviceyoureceive,herearethree stepsto followforfurtherhelp. FIRST,contactthepeoplewho servicedyourappliance.Explain whyyouare notpleased.In most cases,thiswillsolvetheproblem. NEXT,if youarestillnotpleased, writeallthedetails-including yourphonenumber—to: Manager,ConsumerRelations GE Appliances AppliancePark Louisville,Kentucky40225 FINALLY,if yourproblemis still notresolved,write: MajorAppliance ConsumerActionPanel 20 NorthWackerDrive Chicago,Illinois60606 I Read all ..——,—. beforeusing this of * (q@se inclding @~~f!this applianceonlyfor its purposeasdescribedin thisUseandCareBook. ~~h~swashermust beproperly installedandklcatedinaccordance withtheInstallationInstructions beforeit is used.Ifyoudidnot receiveanInstallationInstructions sheetwithyourwasher,youcan obtainonebycontactingtheservice locationnearestyou. –ProperlygroundtOconform withallgoverningcodesand ordinances.Followdetailsin –Instd orst.orewhereit Willnot beexposed theweather. –Connecttoapropcrly rated, protectedandsizedpowersupply circuittoavoidelectricaloverload. –Connect toadequateplumbing anddrainfacilitiesasdescribedin theInsolation Inst~CtiOnS. *Turnoffwaterfaucetswhen thewasherisnotin useto relieve pressureonhosesandvalves,andto minimizeleakageif a hoseorvalve shouldbreakor rupture. this *~h~~ disconnecting appIiancepullbytheplugrather thanthecordtoavoiddamagetothe cordorjunctionofcordandplug. iMakesurethatthecordislocatedso thatitwillnotbesteppedon,tripped overorotherwisesubjectedto dmageorstress+ @~~gzot 01’ my pm% &~~~$J @’ any --:-; MM’vickg --+illWs usea.R’K! C$EW &-)&~y;fi WN?x’-repak ithatyw! :;~~{jgjg~~~ ~~~$~{~]~~ @$~~”qQ~& ...... ..+—-..+.. .—--........” -—-- -------------- ------.. -.> . .--- is if this fh=e,dectricsbck, ymomwhenwhgyowapptiace, ——— 0DOnotm.ixchlorinebleachwith tui-unoniaor acidsstichasvinegar ardor rustremover.Mixingcan praduceatoxicgaswhichmay causedeath. ~~(1notwashor dry wicks in, washed in, soA3din9orspottwhvith combtibleorq~~i~e~b-~~ (Suchaswax,pint, gasoline, degreasers,dry-ckaningsohents, kerosene,etc.)whichn3ayignite orexplode. Donotaddthesesubsticesto the washwater,anddonotusethese. substancesaroundyourwasher and/ordryerduringoperation producedbythechemicaiaction withinyourwaterkater andthe gmcanaccunmhteint~ewater heaterandlorwaterpip~if~ot ‘ waterhasnotbeenusedfora periodoftwoweeksorlonger. iswseiibyornear Donot tophy insiqe, discarded appliance.Dispseof@smrd* pachgmat~ri~ properlya. ‘. ‘Before or removingfromseiwiee,remove thewasherlid. oKeepalllaundryaids(SUd& detergents,bleachgs,fabricsoft.eners, etc.)outofthereachofchildren, pmkmblyhal~kdmb~~.~b~~e allwarningsoncontain~rlabelsto avoidperscmalinju~. ~ ~ Keeptheareaaroundmd underneath yourappliances free flomtheaccurnulationofcombus~ble materials,suchaslint,paper,rags, chemicals, etc. *Keeptheflooraroundyour appliances cleananddrytoreduce possibility ofslipping. *&e *Ib ~nimizethepossibility ofelectricshock,unplugthis appliancefromthepowersupply h~forea~emptinganymaintenance orcleaning(excepttheremovaland cleaningofthelintfilter). NOTE:TurningtheCycleSelector knobtoanOFFpositiondoesNX disconnect theappliancefromthe powersupplyo ~Donotroper with ~ DO not operate‘thisappliance ifitisdamaged,malfunctioning, partiallydisassembled, orhas missingorbrokenparts,including adarriaged cordorplug. ~Neverclimbonorstandonthe washertop. ~DOnotwashfiberglassatiicks in yourwasher. resultfromthe remainingparticles thatmaybepiclcedup13y cl~ring ‘~. to WARl$UNG-Torecluce theriskoffire,ekctricshock,ork@ry topersons, readtheIMPORTANT SAFETYINSTRIJCTIONS beforeoperatingthisappliance. W%terL3ve/ Wash/Rinse Temp. > MEDIUM A&A w sorting and LQtiding +i’1)’’.,, — ‘~HOT m-z J — “’”(l?”’”” ‘F’-nf$? “’”’s’’’’” *+ on Al!lo[slPARINsl *0, mm Extra Clean Cycle \ .mmclro$lu! m“!osw @Sort clothescarefdly byfabric type,weight,colorand amountof soil, accordingto instructionson page9. N~E: Do notusetheFilter-FIo pan as a washbasket.Do notput &y itemsto be washedin theFilter-Flopan. Seepage15for information SelectWashandRinse Temperature. PushCycleSelectorknobin andturn clockwiseto yourselected washsetting. ~RemoveFilter-Flo@pan. The undersideof the lid is a goodplace to put thepan whileloadingor unloadingclothes. ~Closethe lid. Washerwill fillbut notagitateor spinwiththe lid open. aut~maticajlyprovidesNormal WashSpeedandNormalSpin Speed. setting the controls Use theControlsSettingGuideon pages6 and 7 to helpyoumakethe properselections. @Add rncasuredamountof detergent.Seepages 11through15 for informationon detergentsand other laundryadditives. =Load clothesinto washbasket, beingcarefulnotto overload.Clothes shouldbe belowretainingring. See page10for moreloadinginformation. ~Positionthe Filter-Flopanon the agitator.Lint will collectin the pan for easy removalwhen the washis fiilished. o SelectWaterLevel. SMALL:Washeris lessthan 1/2fill of clothes. MEDIUM:Between1/2and 2/3 full. LARGE:over 2/3 full. PermanentPressCyckautomaticallyprovidesGentle WashSpeedandGentleSpin Speed. ~ Pull CycleSelectorknoboutto startthewasher.Ifyouwishtochange settingafterwasherhas started,push CycleSelectorknobinto stopthe washerandresetto thenewposition. Settingcan be changedat a~ytime. .=.=..— ,=.,L= -+..& ....=-: .. ,!.:.7 ,.-. .-= e ..>= ‘da Qdes- Press cyd3-’— Forpolyesterknits,delicatesand permanentpress.An extended cool-downsprayrinseis provided to minimizethesettingofwrinkles. Selectionof thesesettings automaticallyprovidesforGentle SpeedWash,SlowSpin. Formostcottons,linensandwork andplayclothes.Threesoillevel settingsare provided,butyoucan setthe selectorin-between,if desired.Selectionofthesesettings automaticallyprovidesfor Normal SpeedWash,FastSpin. Regular F-START cycles Soak Cvcle + o F r&STA8T 1!s ❑ Extra ck?m fcyck— Formodernfabricswithheavyor oilysoil.A secondrinseisprovided to helpremovetheadditional detergentthatis requiredfor thesesoils. =“P’ART ‘ +Wanen’press o Permanent Press LIGHT SOIL @ NORMAL a HEAVY m OFF ~@: e o ❑ START OFF * LIGHT SOIL ~ NORhlAL s HEAVY o A“To ‘XTRA “’isE e o & ~ 8 PreWash Cycle OFF START c? -&j o o& *~o STAR Extra C/can Cycle Fe I\ %- I ~– soak cyde- Pre wash cyde- Efmlr —. —-. Usewithmostsoakingaidsto loosenembeddedsoilsandstains. Seepage8. ‘ ‘7’1s’’”* Kanen’’’ess o LIGHT SOIL ~ NORMAL s HEAVY a OFF SS START OFF * o “0‘XTRA ““SE ** * o PreWash Cycle $ OFF START * I I Extra Clean Cycle I F m Regular Cycles Soak CYCk @ START r + o LIGHT SOIL ~ NORMAL e HEAVY e 8 -&l! +*OF Oe STAR F: 1 GE U/C* pub. 49-9766 & 49-9673, wwa!3616, pg 5, add NOTE:the pre-wash & the extxa ckan cycle have regulspeed & regular spin speed programmed into the time~. / ,9 ? inEach RegularCycles cycle Selector Settings Heavy Normal Light Soil ~re ~a~h r Soak Wash d===.. ‘- 19 Spin 31/2 Rinse 31/2 spin Znd Rinse Spin Total Time cycle Soak 7 35 14 31/. 31/2 7 30 11 2v2 31/’ 31/2 31/2 7 7 41/2 22 11 Extra Clean Cycle 7 2 41/2 6 31/~ Permanent Press Cycle 14 24 15 31/2 3 3 3 7 42 .+Noms: ~‘Ma] time includes pauses between each phase of the cycle. ~ ‘R)t:]ltim docs nor inciude water fill times. Fill times vary ciepenciingon house-hold w:i[~l.p~.CSSUrC OIIdyour wlectcd water level. 5 TURN THE PACE forcontrols swingChide > ---- Load Wmh water Temperature C@! cycle setting Hotor Warm Warmor Cold RegularCycles RegularCycles Normalor LightSoilSetting Normalor LightSoilSetting Hot Hotor Warm ExtraCleaningCycle RegularCycles Setat Start NormalSetting Hot Warm ExtraCleaningCycle PermanentPressCycle Setat Start Setat Start Warm Warm Warm PermanentPressCycle PermanentPressCycle PermanentPressCycle Setat Start Setat Start Setat Start Warm PermanentPressCycle Setat Start Down-filledgarments,if machine washingis recommended Warm PermanentPressCycle Setat Start BabyClothes—Sturdy, suchas Diapers,Nightgowns,Shirts,Pads, Sheets,ReceivingBlankets, Coveralls BabyClothes—Delicate Blankets-Wool,Part-Wool,Cotton Hot RegularCycles Normalor LightSoilSetting Warm Warm PermanentPressCycle RegularCycles 5 min. soakthenLightSoilSetting Blankets-Synthetic,Electric Warm RegularCycles 5 min. soakthenLightSoilSetting Hotor Warm PermanentPressCycle Setat Start Hotor Warm Hotor Warm PermanentPressCycle RegularCycles Setat Start Norma]Setting Coldor Warm RegularCycles NormalSetting Warm PermanentPressCycle Setat Start Warm PermanentPressCycle Setat Start CottonsandLinens White/Colorfast BriM/Non-coIorfmt WorkClothes,Dungarees,etc. Heavysoil Averagesoil PermanentPress,TreatedCottons, BlendswithCottons Heavyor oilysoil Averageor lightsoil Synthetics-Polyester,Nylon, AcrylicKnits&ndWovenFabrics sturdy Delicates Silks,Wools;Blendsof Silk andWool RayonandAcetate Curtains-DO NCWMACHINE WASHFIBERGLASS ChenilleBedspreads,Robes** Slipcovers,Draperies,Bathmats andRugs** Denims(especiallyIndigoBlue Jeans)and otherfabricsthatbleed Rubber-coatedItems,Lamimited Fabrics,Vinyl,Plasticsand ArticleswithP1asticTrim Pillows Setat Start **Checksize. Someslipcovers,draperiesandbedspreadsmaybe too largeforautomatichome-sizewasher. 6 — . care Labels Referto Bk?ad Liquidchlorinetype. Onlvnon-chlorinebleachwhenneeded. Whiteor colorfast,iiquidchlorinetype. Non-colorfast,onlynon-chlorinebleach whenneeded. If colorfastisunusuallysoiled,usehotwater.Usemaximumdetergentrecommended on page13. Whiteor colorfast,liquidchlorinetype. Non-colorfast,onlynon-chlorinebleach whenneeded. Smallloadsreducewrinkling.Usemaximumdetergentrecommendedinguideonpage13. UseExtraCleaningCycle—seepage5. Whiteor colorfast,liquidch~orinetype. Non-colorfast,onlynon-chlorinebleach whenneeded. If unusuallysoiled,usehotwater.Usemaximumdetergentrecommendedinguideon page13.Smallloadsreducewrinkling. Nobleach WashonZyif recommendedbythegarmentmanufacturer.Followinstructionscarefully. Seldomneeded.If needed,useonly non-chlorinebleach. Nobleach Washinyourwasheronlyif recommendedbythegarmentmanufacturer. Usemaximumdetergentrecommendedinguideonpage13. Washfrequentlytofluffupthedownandretainthegarment’swarmth.Washseparately.Wet downgivesoffan odorwhichmaybeabsorbedbyothergarments.Odordisappearswhen garmentis dry.Treatheavilysoiledareaswithliquiddetergentor pastemadeofwaterand granulardetergent.Closezippers.Wash2 or 3 at a timeor addtowelsto balance. GARMENTMUSTBETUMBLEDRIED. Youmayprefertousea mildtypedetergent.Dobabyclothesseparately.Pretreatspots. Rinsediapers,nightgowns, padsandsheetsafteruse.Keepdiapersina coveredpailofcold waterandconditioningagentlikeBorateembrand. Whiteor colorfast,liquidchlorinetype. -.——— — -— -_. -— = -– E@--- —. ~mi&9-. -— I Whiteor colorfast,liquidchlorinetype. Youmayprefertousea mildtypedetergent.Dohand-knitgarmentsbyhand. Fill washer,adddetergent,allowtodissolvebeforeaddingblanket.Dooneblanketat a time. Pretreatheavilysoiledspotswithliquiddetergent, On electricblanket,sewa strongpieceofclothoverplugto protectblanketandwasherfrom damage.Dooneblanketat a time.Pretreatheavilysoiledspotswithliquiddetergent. Vacuumout loosedirtbeforewashing. Whiteor colorfast,liquidchlorinetype. Whiteor colorfast,liquidchlorinetype. Washonly2 or 3 rugsor matsat onetime. Shakebeforewashingto removeexcessdirt. My non-chlorinebleachwhenneeded. 40bleach Jo bleach Fornew“indigoblue”jeans, washat least3 timesinverysmallloadswithfiIl waterfill. Jeansneedampleroomtomovetoavoidwhitelinesat creases.Maydiscolorplasticwasher parts.Subsequentwashingswill reducediscolorations,but willprobablynevereliminateit. The stainedparts willnotdiscolorsubsequentwashingloads. Tumbleon FLUFF(NoHeat). Nobtcach —— Nobleach . No bleach Pillowsare madeofdifferentmaterials—dacron,fiber,foam,polyester,naturalfeathersand!iowed down.Manypillowscanbe machinewashed,butmanufacturers’ ccire$dly. If washingis recommended,checkpillowsfor weakseamsor holesandmendto preventescapeof feathersor filling.Fillwasher,adddetergentandagitateforseveralminutes to dissolvedetergent.Addtwopillowsat a timetobalanceload,usehighwaterlevel. —.—— Formoreinformationon c;!relabeling,send for“What’sNcwAboutCARELAF3ELS~’ _=~-r== S~lCbythe Superin[cndentof Docllnlcnts, ~-:+~~ F(>[. &$f$#l.J.S. GovcrnnwntPrinting~fficc, Washillgtoll,DC 2040~ ‘7 -,———-, ., ... --. — ---- - - ——. -.~--r—- —-~, EisH&” ==3-—y— —.- ~w= &z– : — F Regular Cycles w Soak Cycle & STAfiT * o LIGHT SOIL a NORMAL ~ HEAVY s 6 -q 8 Oe @40F START F; ~ W&34~CYCLE”temperature willautomaticallybecold. e If a hotor wa~ soakisdesired,set theWMH/RINSETEMPERATURE switchto “HOT/COLD”or “WARM/COLD”and turnthe CycleSelectorKnobto “Normal” in theRegularCycles.Startthe washer.Afterwasherfillsand beginsto agitate,pushintheCycle SelectorKnobandturnto “SOAK CYCLE~’ Pulloutthe Cycle SelectorKnobto completethecycle. If yourclothesand householditems don’tlookcleanand freshafter washing,youwillprobablyre-wash them..and thatmeansyou’llwaste energy.Rememberto sortyour clothescarefully,and loadthem properly,selectcorrectcycles,use enoughdetergentand chuosea water temperature warmenough to release and get rid oj’soiL o Use Hot Wash—upto 150°F.—on a regular basis oniy whenwashing heavilysoiledarticles—suchas workand playclothes. @Undernormalsoilconditions, washin waterabove80°F.(27°C.). ‘I’hisgenerallymeansusingthe WarmWashtemperaturesettingon yourwasher—temperatures approximately90° to 1lO°F.or hand comfoi-tab]e.H’you noticethat soil has accumulatedafter several consecutivewashings,useHotV&h occasionally,if safe for fabrics. ~Foranextendedsoak,allowthe washerto fillandagitatefora few minutesto dissolvethesoaking agent.ThenpushintheCycle SelectorKnobto stopthewasher (keeplidclosed)andallowto soak foras longas desired.Afterdesired soakperiod,pulloutthe Cycle SelectorKnobto completethe cycle. ~ Tryto washlessofien.Save articlesof the sametypeof fabric untilyouhavea fullload. @If youmustwashsmallerloads, adjusttheamountofwater.Small loadsshouldhavelowerwater levels, @Washin off-peakutilityhours. Yourlocalutilitycantellyouwhich are theoff-peakhours. TheFilter-Flopanis the lintfilter. PositiontheFilter-Flopan on the agitatorafterloadingclothesinto thewasher.Lintis easilyseenand removedafterthewashis finished. NO’13:Do notusethe Filter-Flo panas a washbasket.Do notputany itemsto be washedin the Filter-Flo pan. Do not placedetergentpackets in theF’ilter-Flopan. Sort by Sdw? Separate texture by Mill Aithesfor washing. Separate @Empty pockets, brushoutcuffs, zipzippers,snapsnaps,hooks andbuttons. from from LINTPRODUCERS— Suchas terrytowelingandchenille-give up lint. LINTCOLLECXMIS— suchas man-madefibersandnapped fabricslikevelveteenandcorduroy —attractlint. Thesemustbe washedseparately. Formore informationon lint control,see page18. tscn’-t by fabric Separate from sortby color Separate ● Whites \i from 8 from m ~“ ~ . w _– -... e D. any necessa~ mending—rips, hems, tears. Check all items for areas of heavy soil or stain. e Removestains.For STAIN REMOIVAL GUIDE,SEEPAGE17. Tkn PolyKnitsinside-outto minimizefabricsurfacedamage. SoakingandPre-treating— a goodwayto loosendeepsoik3 andstains. A thoroughsoakingwithdetergent or specialsoakingagentis another wayto removeheavysoils, embeddeddirt andevensome stains. Soakingcanbe eithera completely separatewashingstepor a preliminarystepto a completewashcycle. Fordetailedinformationon how to soakin yourwasher,seepage8. FOR INFORMATIONON SOAKINGAGENT$,SEE PAGE15. Lights @Pre-treatheavysoilby rubbingin a smallamountofliquiddetergent orapastemadeofwaterandpowdered detergentor soap.For bestresults, wait 1/2hourbeforewashing. 13 from from from from 9 —— —.-————..—— Special for ‘wa$hing pr%ss if you do niit-hm’e a dry% If you are machine-washing Permanent Press clothes that you planto linedry or drip-dry,use extracareto minimizewrinkling in thewashprocess: @Becarefi.dnotto overload washer.PermanentPressclothes musthaveampleroomto move freely.A MediumsizePermanent Pressloadis thelargestthatshould be washed. @Usemorewaterthanyouwould for a regularload.Usea Medium WaterLevelfora SmallLoad;a LargeWaterLevelfor a Medium Load. ~ Removeclothes promptly as soon as washer stops andhang immediately. e T’ finirnize wrinkling, use the I?erm.Press&Knits (Gentle Speed Cycle). * Loadclothesdry. ~Takea properlysortedgroupof clothesanddrop themlooselyin the washbasketin this order: LargeItems—1ike sheets.Do not wraparoundtheagitator. SmallItems–like washcloths. MediumSizeItems—1iketowels. Here is a typicalfill load: 3 DoubleSheets 4 LongSleeveShirts 3 BoxerShorts 6 StandardPillowCases 5 T-shirts 2 Pair Trousers 3 Thisillustration,withclothesjust reachingthe ClothesRetaining Ring,showsa properload. Clothes haveampleroomto movebecause theyare notpackeddown,nor wrappedaroundthe agitator. Clothesare loadeddry sincewet itemsare apt to packdownwhich encouragesoverloading.This size loadrequiresa fill waterfill. TO additems afterthe washerhas started. @Turnoffthe washer. @Carefidlyremovethe Filter-no pan. ~ Addanyadditionalarticlesby submergingnextto the agitator. @Replacethe Filter-Flopan and restartthe washer. what is the best sizeload of clothes—large,medkm, or small?save time,energyand detergentby avoidingextrause of the washer.Tryto washa fill load of clothes.If youcan it is betterto saveclothesuntilyouhavea fill load. If youmustwashsmaller loads, savewater,energyand detergentby adjustingthe water levelfor the sizeof the load, See page4. N~E: Do notuse the Filter-Flo pan as a washbasket.Do notput any itemsto be washedin the Filter-Flopan. Do not place detergentpacketsin the I?ilter-l?lo pan. NOTE:Whenwashingstockings, pantyhose and other easilytangled items,alwayshandleseparately.To minimizetangling,we recommend,3+. ....--.,~.:,+;. ~;: .-.,. the use of a netlaundrybag. o.-.:. Products Advantages Dk%Mhan*es Phosphate— PowderedDetergents Performwellinhardor softwater Are not availablein someareas. Washalltypesoffabricswell. Canbeusedinhot,warm,or coldwater. Non-Phospkite— Rmkw’IDete~ents Performsatisfactorilyinsoft or moderatelyhardwater. In someareasonlynon-phosphate productsareavailable. Generallydonotcleanwellin hardwater. Maybe difficultto dissolve, especiallyin cold water. Shouldnotbe usedincoldwater. Thosecontainingsodium carbonateas aningredientmay causeharmfullimestonedeposits onclothesandwasherwhen combinedwithhardwater. (Seepage12.) Detergents Liquid Performwellin softwater. Offerbetterperformancein hardwaterthanpowdered non-phosphatetypes. Maynotperformaswellas powderedphosphateproducts whendilutedinwashwater. Cleanssyntheticsandfabric blendswell. Areexcellentasconcentrates forremovingspots. Completelydissolveevenin coldwater. soaps Performwellinsoftwater. Generallydo notcleanwellin medium-hardor hardwater. Maycombinewithwater hardnessmineralstoform stickysoapcurd. Is yourwaterhard?If it is, and if youusea carbonatetypenonphosphatedetergent,youwill mostprobablynoticelimestone* depositsonyourclothesand washersurfaces.Thehardness ofyourwaterandyourwashing frequencywilldeterminehow rapidlythe limestonewillbuild up.If yourwateris VERYHARD (11or moregrains)andif youwash just a fewloadsa week,youmay seelimestonebuildupsinjust a few months. Efkds Recommendedn@hds to reducelinRstonebuildups @Increaseuseofbleaches,presoak+ packagedwaterconditioners, prewash soiland stainremoverstohelpin removingstubbornsoilsandstains. ~Usegreatercarein sortingloads. Washverydirtyloadsseparately andincreasedetergentto helpkeep dirt fromredepositingon less soileditems.Washdelicateitems separatelyto preventdamagefrom heavy,sturdyclothes. oWashsmallerloadsto increase cleaningactionof washer. ~Use fabricsoftenerto counteract stiffhessor harshnessin clothes. (II’I domes Althoughlimestonebuildupoccurs morerapidlyon cotton,it will eventuallyaffectvariousfabricsin thefollowingways: @Givesa stiff, harsh,roughfeelto fabricssuchas toweling. @Causescolorsto fadeandbecome dullanddingy. @Causesgrayingof fabrics. @Leavesa white,powderyresidue on dark-coloreditems. @Causesspot-fadingofbright colorsas a resultof directcontact withdetergent. ~Reduceswrinkle-resistanceof permanentpressfabrics. @Destroyseffectivenessof flameretardantfinisheson cottonssuch as children’ssleepwear. @Increasesfabricwearbecause of the scrubbingactionbetween limestonedepositson thefabrics duringwasheragitation. Efkts on washer ~ Unsightlybuildupon all washer surfacesexposedto thewash solution. ~Mat-[ike,crustyformationscaused bylint adheringto the sticky limestonedeposits. @Increasedservicecallsbecause of limestonedepositsin thepump, recirculationwaterhoses,filters and otherwasherparts. ~ Reducedusefullifeof washer. ~ Use a powderedphosphate detergentor a liquiddetergent if these are availablein your area. @Install a home water softener. This will significantlyreduce limestonebuildup. ~ Use a packaged non-precipitating water softener, such as Calgon brand with phosphate. w washing pl-%ltiees my delayIirnesbnedamage thdothes Thefollowingrecommendations willtemporarilydelaytheeffects oflimestoneon yourclothes. Theseare generallygoodwashing practicesandwillgivebettersoil removalwhetheror notyouhave hard wateror use carbonate detergent. ~ Usehotterwashwater,for exampleup to 150°F.for cottons. Thisalso improvesoily-soil removal. ~If youwashin coolerwaterto saveenergy,use moredetergentto promotebetterwashing.Alsobe sureto use bleachon bleachable fabrics.Use hot waterwhenever possible. ~Adddetergentandallowwasher to fill and agitateforthree or four minutesto dissolvedetergent beforeaddingclothes. Ehvto partiallyrestoreclothes Onceclotheshavedeveloped deposits,theymaybe partially restoredby soakingin a solution of twocupsof vinegarin onegallon of hot tap waterfor 15minutes. usEA PLASTICCONTAINER. Thenwashclothesin thewasher usingdetergent. @Do notusevinegarsoak solutionin washer.Theacidic actionof thevinegarmay damagethe porcelain. ~Vinegarsoaksolutionmay reducethe wrinkle-resistance of permanentpress fabrics. @Vinegarsoakmaydamage the dyesin somefabrics. ~Increaseamountof detergent. Seeguideon oppositepagefor recommendeddetergentamounts in relationto waterhardness. *LlMESl13NE-technicaHy calledCALCIUMCARBONATE—is causedbythe reactionof thecalciumin thehardwaterwiththe-wdiumcarbonatein thedetergent. clean. If therecommendedamountof detergentproducestoomanysuds, switchto a lowsudsingdetergent brand,andfollowinstructionson package. AmountIwpired Wwies accordingto: ~ Theuseofa sufficientamountof detergentis oneofthemost importantthingsyoucandoto makesureyourwashcomesout i. Waterhardness 2. Amountof soil 3. Sizeof load 4. Typeof detergent 5. Washtemperature Howtouse detergent—graa~~ar or powdered: Add detergentnextto the agitator after the clotheshavebeen loaded. If your detergentdoesn’tdissolve well, predissolvethe detergentin hot water,then pour directly into thewashbasket. -’ Usemoredetergentif youhave.. . 1. Hardwater 2. Largeloads 3. Greasyor oilysoils 4. Lowerwashtemperature 5. Lowphosphatedetergent Usingtoolittledetergentis a commoncauseoflaundryproblems. Alwaysmeasuredetergentin a standardmeasuringcup. FEV&i ofdetergentforaverage WaterLevelSetting Water l-larclmss VERY HARD 10-20Gr. HARD 4-10Gr. Large Medium Small 2 cups 1%cups 11/4 cups 1%cups 1%cups %cup SOFT O-4Gr. 1cup 1cup ‘/2cup Low-$htsing Concentrated o-1o Grains 1cup ?4cup ‘/2cup LIQUID 0-10 Grains FOLLOWPACKAGE DIRECTIO~S High-Sudsing PowderType PowderType - soil bad 1. Userecommendedamountof detergentfor yourloadandwater hardnessas shownin guide. 2. Whenusingotherdetergent types-lowandnormalsuds,powden, liquids,non-phosphatepowders— followrecommendations onpackage. 3. For hard watertreatment,see page 14. - you Beforeyou can decide what to do about hard water, you need to know if you haveit and, if so, how hard it is. @If you live in a municipalarea, contact your water company. o If you live in a rural area, or in some suburban areas, contactyour county agent. The answer will be “you have ‘so many grains’per gallon” and means this: Oto 3 grainsper gallon-SOFT 4 to 10grains—I+ARD 11to 19grains–VERYHARD 20 grains and over— EXTREMELY 14ARD Add this Grainsof hardness Whenusing withdetergent Whenusing withsoap water it? If your water is SOFT, youhave no problem. Youcan use soap or detergentas you.prefer and forget all abouthard water.If you have FIAR13water—lessthan 10grains— and you use phosphatedetergent, you also haveno problem. But, if you havemore than 10 grains, you will need to softenyour water with either. . . 1. An installedwatersoftenerin yourhome,or 2. Theuseofa packagedwater softener. For information on water softeners, see guide below. a)fiw water kvd o–lo lo–15 15-20 20–25 25–30 over30 o ?4cup (60ml) % cup (160ml) %cup (120ml) %cup (180ml) % cup (160ml) 1cup (240ml) 1cup (240ml) 1!4cups (360ml) 1cupplus 1tablespoonforevery5 grainsabove 30 (240mlplus 15mlforeachextra5 grains) 1%CUpSplUS1tablespoonfir every5 gtis above 30 (300mlplus 15mlforeachextra5 grains) %cup (80ml) Laundry productandtype BILEMXI Howto Useit specialinstructions ChlorineLiquid suchas Cloroxbrand Dilutebleachwithat leastonequart (0.96liter)waterandaddafterwash actionhasstartedanddetergentis dissolved. Non-chlorinesuchas Clorox2 brand Followpackagedirections. Putbleachintowasherwithdetergent. 1)Donotpourundilutedliquidchlorinebleachdirectlyinto washeror ondryclothes. 2) Someoftoday’swashablefabricsshouldnotbechlorine bleachedsuchas: 100%cottonflame-retardant children’s sleepwear,silk,wool,mohair,spandex,leather,or non-fast colors.Dilutebleachbeforeusingonanyfabric. 3) CheckManufacturers’ CareLabelsforspecial instructions. 1)Maybeusedonallkindsoffabrics. 2) Is mosteffectiveinhotwater. FABRICSOFTENERS Rinseadditivesuchas DownyBrand Mixrecommendedamountwithone cup(240ml)waterandaddat startof rinsecycle. FollowPackagedirections. Addduringwashcycle. 1)Helpsmakeclothesfluffyandsoft. 2) Reducesstaticelectricity. 3) Usecarefully.Tbomuchmaycausestainingon someclothes. 4) Donotpourdirectlyonclothes. 5) Forthoserecommendedforaddingtothewashcycle, suchas RainBarrelbrand,followmanufacturer’s instructionsexactly. Usein caseofinfectionand contagiousdisease. SeeunderBleachabove. Guardsagainstinfectionbykillingmostbacteriaand viruses. Jon-precipitating uchasCalgonbrand ‘precipitating suchas loraxbrand Followpackagedirections. Addatstartofwashcycle. Followpackagedirections. Usewithdetergent orsoapinwashcycle. Suspends hardnessmineralsinsolution,keeping waterclear. Combines withwaterhardnessmineralstoformpreciphate whichgivescloudyormilkyappearance towater. OAKAGENT uchas Bizbrand Followpackagedirections. WashAdditivesuchas RainBarrelbrand WWTIZER 2hIorineBleach, wchas Clorox brand IVATER SOIWEI’4ER RETREATING, STAIN m SPOT Rm’mvms ~chas Spray‘nWash IdK2Rbrands NM ANDDYES wdcrcdsuchas Rit ~Tintexbrands Followpackagedirections.Treatonly heavilysoiledareas.Checkgarments’ care labelsforinstructions. CAUTION:Washercontrolpanelsandfinishesmaybe damagedbysomelaundrypretreatmentsoilandstain removerproductsif suchproductsare sprayedonor have directcontactwiththewasher.Applythesepretreatment productsawayfromwasher.The fabricmaythenbe washed normally.Damagetoyourwashercausedbypretreatment productsis notcoveredbyyourwarranty. FoHowpackagedirections. N~E: Tintedgarmentsmaynot be Colorfast.Washseparately. Cleanwasherto avoiddiscolorationof nextload.Go throughcompletecycle(5-minutewash)usinghotwater, 1/2cup(120ml)detergent,1cup(240ml)bleach.Wipe exteriorparts.Caution:Tintingmaydiscolorplasticin washer.Subsequentwashingswillreducediscoloration but maynevereliminateit. 1.5 1. Tryto removestainsas soonas possible.Thefresherthestain,the easierit is to remove. 2. Beforeattemptingto remove anystain,take thesesteps: ~Findthefabric~d thefinishin thecharton thenextpage,anduse onlyrecommendedmethods. @Checkthecarelabelinstructions thatcamewiththegarment. ~Teststainremovalproducton a. hiddeninsideseamor on a sample of thematerial. e Avoiduse ofhotwateron unknownstain.It can setsome stains. 3. Followstainremovalwitha thoroughrinsing. 4. Washwithrecommended amountof soapor detergent. Stain RemovalHint— Using Chlorine Bleach for White ad! Bkachabk Fabrics. Mix 1/4cup (60ml)chlorine bleachwithonegallon(3.8liter)of coolwater-approximately80”F. (27°C.)-in a sinkor pan. Soak stainedareafor 5 minutesand launderin washer. The Case of the %visible’>Stain. Foodor cookingoilson your syntheticgarmentsmaycausestains whichare virtuallyinvisibleand whichyoumaynotnoticeas you putyourclothesintothewasher. If thesestainsarenotcompletely removedin the wash,theoilyspots maypickup dirt fromthe wash water.Thentheywillbecomevery visibleandyoumaythinktheywere causedby the washcycleitself. Oncethese spotsbecomevisibie9 howcm you removethem? ~Rubin undilutedliquiddetergent andlet stand30 minutes. ~Re-washusinghottestwaterthe fabriccan stand. Howcan you preventthese ‘lMter=%u-Wash” stains? @Increasethe amountof detergent normallyused. @Increasewatertemperaturewhere fabricwill permit. * Washsyntheticgarmentsmore often. see m!xtpage for Shin Removal(X&k. stain mite and E’abrk!s I seecontrolsettingGuide,BleachonPage7 Adhesives (ChewingGum,etc.) 1 Rubwithiceor immerseinverycoldwater.Usedulltoolto other Wmhabk M’ah%!s Sameaswhiteandbleachablefabrics. carefillyscrape ofas muchadhesive or gumaspossible, Sponge witha safedrycleaningfluid,*thenlaunder. Applyundilutedliquiddetergent.Rinse.If stainremains,bleach accordingtoStainRemovalHintonoppositepage.If colorhas changed,youmaybeableto restoreit byspongingwith ammonia.%Rinsethoroughly. Sameaswhiteandbleachablefabrics exceptusenon-chlorinebleach. Blood Soakincoldwater,thenlaunderinwarmwater.If stainremains, bleachaccordingtoStainRemovalHintonoppositepage,launder. Spongeor soakincoolwater,thenlaunder. Chocolate,Cream, IceCreamandMilk Soakincoldwater.Treatstainwitha safedrycleaningfluid*; Applyundilutedliquiddetergent,launder,dry.Bleachaccording toStainRemovalHintonoppositepage,launderanddry. Soakincoldwater.Spongewitha safedry cleaningfluid.*Applyundilutedliquid detergent.Launderinwarmwater. CoffeeandTea Withoutcream:BleachaccordingtoStainRemovalHinton oppositepage.Launder.Withcream;Followguidedirectionsfor cream. Spongewithwarmwater.If stainremains, applywarmglycerine,let stand30minutes andrinsewell,or spongewitha safedry cleaningfluid.*Launder. Cosmetics:EyeShadow, Lipstick,Mascara,Liquid or PancakeMakeup,Rouge Powder;Crayon;Grease, Oil, Tar,CodLiverOil. Treatstainwithsafedrycleaningfluid.*Applyundilutedliquid detergent;launderanddry.BleachaccordingtoStainRemoval Hintonoppositepage. Spongewitha safedrycleaningfluid.* Thenlaunderinwarmdetergentwater. FreshFruit,FruitJuices, Wine,Vegetables,or Food Coloring Soakstain in cool water.If stainremains,bleachaccordingtoStain RemovalHintonoppositepage,launder. Spongewithwarmwater.Bleachremaining stainwithnon-chlorinebleach. Grass,Foliage,Fiowers, Mildew,Scorch Applyundilutedliquiddetergent.Launder.(Treatmildewspots whiletheyare fresh,beforemoldhasa chancetoweakenfabric,)If eithertypestainremains,bleachaccordingtoStainRemovalHint onoppositepage,launder.(Severescorchcannotbe removed.) Spongewithwarmwater.Applyundiluted liquid detergent. Bleachremainingstain Anti-perspirants, Deodorants /--% .’:-%3 .;!-;? -..J--<.” -. -= - withnon-chlorinebleach,thenlaunder. Oldmildewstainscanseldombe removed. Scorchcanseldombe removed. Ink, Ballpoint Freshstains:Placestainfacedownon an absorbenttoweland spongewithdrycleaningfluid$or usespraycleaner.Apply undilutedliquiddetergent.Oldstains;bleachaccordingto Stain RemovalHintonoppositepage. Sameas whiteandbleachablefabrics exceptlaunderusingnon-chlorinebleach. hint andVarnish Softenwithoil, lardor Vaseline,thenspongewithturpentineor bananaoil, Launderin warmwater, Sameas whiteandbleachablefabrics. Perspiration Applyundilutedliquiddetergentandlaunderinwarmwater.If colorhaschangedyoumaybe ableto restoreit bytreatingwith ammoniaor vinegar.**If anystainremains,treatwithsafedry cleaningfluid*or bleachaccordingto StainRemovalHinton oppositepage,launderanddry. Launderinwarmwater,Rinsewell.Bleach withnon-chlorinebleach. Rust Applyrust remover?*usingmanufacturer’sdirections.Rinseand klurlder. Sameas whiteandbleachablefabrics. Bccmsccleaningfluidstendto betoxic, bc sureyou arein a well ventilatedroomwhenusingthem. No cleaningfluid shouldbeusedunlessuseris caution with flammable compounds. f:!lllili:ll. ~Jitilth~]ilni~tions and req[]ired ca~ti{}lls (usu~lly printed on label). Useextreme Wi]t]tiol]: Under no circumstancesshouldfabricscontainingflammableinaierials (wmcs,cleaningfluids, etc.)bewashedin washer. +.+:~(> ,,(}t,Ili>i~}}tc>rillebleach\vi(\l ~lll[noninor ~c~dssuchaS~ineg;~r~nd/or~st remover.Mixing can produce a toxic gaswhich maycausedeath. %vc and rckr to garmentmanufacturers’carelabels. [ .> ‘ use IPRmmm POSSIBLEG$JLJSE ANDREMEDY ofclothes.Separatelint-producers(such as terry towelsand chenille) LINTORRJ3SIDUE@Incorrect CN4CLOTHES frornlint-receivers (suchasrnan-rnadefab~ics,velveteen,corduroy). ~wastingtooiong,especi~y forsm~lerloads.Fornormalsoil,washonefinute Per poundofdryclothes. s use ofnon.phosphatedetergentswhich combine Witi hadness mineralsk)fo~ a sorting precipitatewhichcan be mistakenforlint. Use a phosphateorliquiddetergent; use warmer washwateror softenwaterwith an installedmechanicalsofteneror a packaged watersoftener. ~powderyresiduefrom gramdardetergent mayappear to be lint. Predissolve gr~ulu detergentinhotwaterbeforeaddingtowasher;makesuredetergentis completely dissokdbeforeadd ing clothes;switchtoliquidorcoldwaterdetergentorusewarmer washwater.Seepage13. * overloading wiJJCauseabrasion w~ch creates excessivelint. wash feweritems with b correct waterlevel. e ~m much b~~ch. Use correct ~ountof bleach accordingtopackagedirections. e Not enoughdetergent tohold~~t~ suspension during wash cycle. Increase mount of detergent. Seepage13. mayreact with e ~comat useoffabricso~neroIfused~ wash detergentto createa whitedeposit. Use softenersin rinse cycleonly unlesspackage specifiesadding towashcycle. Seepage 15. , e p~~g usu~y on polyester-cottonblends is caused by norm~ wear md may IOOklike cycle, Sofieners lint.Tlwning clothesinside-outmayprovidesomehelp. e s~tic elect~citycausedby over&ying wfll cause at~ction. Use fabricsoftener in rinse cycle. 3REASY OROILY Thesearesometimescalled“InvisibleStains”becauseyoumaynotnoticethembefore washingclothes.However,if oilysoilsarenotcompletelyremovedin washcycle,the oilyspotsmaypickupdirtfromthewashwater.Thespotswillthenbeveryvisible.They are notcausedbythewasher.Washsyntheticgarmentsas soonaspossibleafterwearing. Usemoredetergentthannormalandhottestwaterfabriccanstand.If spotsappear,rub in mdiluted1iquiddetergent,let.stand30 minutesandrewashwithextradetergentusing hottestwaterfabriccanstand. RAYEDCxxmn3s a ~nsufilcientdetergent, ~o~ may need to increase amount of detergent used if load is larger than normal, if soils are oily or heavier than average, if waterlevelis largeor if rr’s ON ,/i~~D~~~ VLR?VENTS waterisHardto ExtremelyHard. ~ water not hot enough for ~pe ofload.Besurewaterheateris setto deliver hot water at the washer at M)”-150”F. Danotwashwhenotherhotwaterneeds—suchas dishwashingor familybaths—areheavy. =~OQrOr infe~ordetergent+ Changetophosphatedetergent,ifpossible.I?oI1ow thesesteps: , 1. Usewaterconditioner,(suchasCalgonbrand) ‘7 -. Me-treatstains 3. ‘4. 5. 6. .— PROBLEM POSSIBLECAUSEANDREMEDY GRAYEDCLCYI’HES (continued) @Washeroverloaded.Clothescannotmovefreelyto loosenandremovesoil,causing grayappearance.FO11OW correctloadingproceduresforsizeofload. ~@Impropersoakingwithinsufikientdetergent.Usuallya 30-minutesoakis sufficient. However,whenusingextendedsoaksforheavilysoiledgarmentsyoumayneedto use twicetherecommendedamountofdetergent. ~Useof soapin hardwater.Switchto a phosphatedetergent,or followsixstepsatthe bottomofpage18. may result in increased soil deposition. Use shorter washtimes for e * smallerloads. washing tcm long ~ Detergent dissolvestoo slowly.Detergentmust be present inthewashsolution atthe startofagitation.Seepage13. ~ clothes, followone of theseprocedures: 1. Put clothes in washer. Fill with I!IGTwater. Check I’vfanufacturer’s Care Labels to determine if hot water is suitablefor garment. * Add a non-precipitatingtype of water softener such as Calgon with phosphate– use 2% times as much as you need for normal water softening. ~ Do not use detergent or soap. ~Allow clothes to go through complete cycle. @Repeat, if necessary. TO restore grayed 2, If you prefer to use the Soak Setting, seepage 8. Use the water softenerin place of soak agentor prewashdetergentand allowclothesto soakfor about20 minutes. YELLOWED cLmEIEs I BLUE OR GRAY COLORSTAINS m=.: . : SIN?HYKAGE, x:.2~GENERAL i @Incompleterernova~ of bodysoildueto constanduseof insufficientdetergent.Check hemof T-shirtor pillowcase.If theyare whiteandcenteris yeilow,it containsbody oil. Restorewhitenessfollowingprocedureson “GrayedClothes;’above. @Chlorinebleachmayyellowsomefabricswithresiniinishes.Use oxygenbleach (suchas Clorox2 brand).Referto GarmentManui%cturer’s CareInstructions.Restore ~olorusingcolorremover(suchas Ritor Tintexbrands),followpackagedirections. *Iron or manganesein watermaycauseoverallyellowingor yellowspots. L Useextradetergentplusa non-precipitatingwatersoftenerdissolvedin water beforeaddingclothes.Use non-chlorinebleach. 2. Havea specialfilteror chemicalfeederinstalledin yourhometo removeiron and manganesefrom water. 3. Runhotwaterfor a fewminutesto cleanironresiduebuildupin lines;drainwater heateroccasionally. 4. To spreadstainedportionoverpan of boilingwaterand squeeze lemonjuice throughstain. ToremoveoverallyelIovv9 usea commerciallyavailable rust scaleremover,followingpackageinstructions.If porcelaindamagecan occur, do not use in the washer,use a plasticcontainer. 1m~ro~er us~ offabric softener. Never pour fabricsofienerdirectlyon clothes;always diiute before addingto rinse water.Seepage 15.‘TOI stains: dampenstained area.and rub withundilutedliquiddetergent.Re-wash,usingchlorinebleachif safe for fabric. Somefabricswill shrinkwhetherwashedin a washeror byhand;othersmaybe safely washedbut will shrinkin a dryer. FollowGarmentManufacturer’sCareInstructions wwcdy.Ifin doubt, do not machinewashor dry. (continued) PROBLEM SHMNKAGE, Mwrs andelongatedbythem-anui%cturer. Whenthisocctm, garmentmaybepressedback intoshapeaftereachwashanddrycycle.~ is kused when-starchor,sizing@.somefabrics) @Progressivem deiayed thathavebeen is graduallyremovedbylaundering.Maybenoticedin oldergarments washed many times without previousshrinkage. !Ileat.asfor RelaxationShrinkage 4 above. ~ $~~age ~W~ed by ove~~~~~~goccurs in certain-knitfabricsthathavebeenheat- shaped.Whenwashing,d~ing or ironing&m@eratures exceedtie temperaturesused toshapeset, shrinkagemayoccur.Thiscannotbecorrected,butit canbe preventedby washingin coolor warmwater;dryingon Lowor Delicateheat. < WUNKUNG IN PERMANENTPRESS AND “NC)-RON” ITEMS @Leavingclothesin dryeraftertumblingstops.Removeandhangclothesimmediately. @Toomanyclothesin dryer.Dryonlyonewasherloadat a time.ho notcombineloads. e Improperloads.Avoidlaunder~gheavyPermanentPressitems,suchas work clothes,withlighterPermanentFressitemssuchas shii-tsor blouses.Do notwash permanentpress withregularlaundry. should alwayk be smaller th~ e Too mmy clo~es in washer. perm~ent press loads regular loads. . .no more than medium loads to give clothes room to movefreely. * ~comect wash ~d d~ cy~~~s.Use Pel=manetitPress IJlashcyclewhich prbvides a cooldown rinse to minimize wrinkling. Also use l?ermanentPress IXj cycle. e ~ncomectwater level. Use Large water Level for M@iumLoad$I$fediumLevel for 1’ Small Load. e ~epea~ was~g ~ too hot water. Wash in cold or warm water with plenty of detergent. * Accumulation of lime scale due to use of carbonate detergents. If you.must use a nonphosphate detergent, avoidthe use ofhigh-carbonate-built detergent. @Failure to use fabric softener. Proper use will minimize wrinkling. WRINKLING IN PRESS AND“NO-IRON” ITEMS (continued) To remove Wrinkk?s: SNAGS,HOLES, TEARS,RIPS OR E~CESS~VEWEAR sPins on garmentsor sharp objectsleftin pockets.Checkto makesureall suchobjects u-eremoved.Alsocheckwashtub. L Retumbleon “PermanentPress” setting, Rerinseand dry on “PermanentPress” setting. If unsuccessful,retumbleon highheatfor 10to 12minutesandhangimmediately. Iron carefully. Sendto dry cleanersfor pressing. Somewrinklesmayremainwhichcannotbe removed. ~Snaps,hooks,sharp buttons,beltbuckles,zippers.Fastenhooks,zippersand buttons.Removesharp buttonsand belt buckles.This is especially in washingknitswhichsnageasily.Tbrnknitsinsideout. @Holeswith randomsquareshapeswith yellow maybe imm-ogeruse of chlorinebleach. Use only correct of bhmch.Seepage 15. N&eI~~dd~ndi]~tedblea& to wash~b or diOW dd%i% ~0 COIIE h~O Contict w~~~ ~ undilutedbleach. Do not wipe up bleachspillswithclothes. 20 t- POSSIBLECAUSEANDREMEDY SNAGS,HOLES, TEARS,RIPSOR EXCESSIVEWEAR (continued) . HEAVILYSOILED AREASsuchas collarsandcuffs * Chemicalssuchas hairbleach,dye,permanentwavesolutions,batteryacidsand toiletbowlcleanersmaycausefabricholes.Rinsealltowelsandotherarticlesthat camein contactwiththesechemicalsbeforeputtingthemin wash.Donotcontaminate clothingarticleswiththesechemicals. @Small,unnoticedtearsmayenlargeduringwashingprocess.Checkgarmentsbefore washingandmendallrips andtears. ~AsPermanentPressgarmentsage,theymayshowfrayingat collarsandcuffs.Thisis normaldueto weakeningoffibersbythePermanentPressprocess.It is notcausedby washer.Youcan slowthisprocessbywashingsmallPermanentPressloadswitha LargeWaterLevel.Do notwashheavyitemssuchas towelswithPermanentPress. Removecollarstays,whenpossible. ~Roughnessor burrs on agitatormaycauserips or tears.Checkagitatorandfilerough spotsif necessary. ~Maybe causedbythe useof RegularCycle(NormalSpeed)fordelicatearticles.Use PermPress& KnitsCycle(GentleSpeed).Referto GarmentManufacturer’sCare Labels. @Garmentsweakenedby age,sunor atmosphere.Thisis inevitableandis notcaused bywasher.Slowprocessbywashingon PermPress &Knits Cycle(GentleSpeed). @Toolargeloads,or too littlewater.Loadwasheronlywithnumberofitemsthatwill movefreely.Selectcorrectwaterlevel. Pretreatwithliquiddetergent. @Makesurecord is pluggedintooutlet. ~Makesure bothhot and coldfaucetsare turnedon. ~Makesure controlsare set and cycleselectorknobis pulledout to ONposition. @Makesure lid is closed. Washerwill fillbut willnot spinor agitatewithlid open. ~Checkhousefusesor circuitbreakers.If anotherapplianceis sharingtheelectrical )utlet,removeit. Washershouldhaveseparateoutlet. WATER JMakesure temperatureselec{orswitchesare correctlyset. TfiNlP131?AT1.Jl?E [s INcoRREcr IMakesure hot and cold faucetsare turnedon and egu]atedcorrectly. IMakesuw hosesare connectedto correct faucets... !Ottohot, cold m cold. Watervalvescreensmay be stoppedup. Removeinlet oscs from watervalve.Cleanthe screensand reinstallhoses. (Meekhousew~~erheater to makesure it is deliveringwaterat 14-0°to 150”F. E3mi —— miEs—. wis?s–– m&%?ix -— ~ (continued) PROBLEM wATl&lKIN’,~ ~~~~ .,> WATE~L~AKS .. ‘( { P(.MMBIJE CAUSEANDREMEDY hOSt? iil’20t kinkd . . ,- “4M~ke$ui%j’dmin ~., :.,-:, .!. ,,’ .-;’ ~op;~f~~n~~~l~fs~()~~~ be]ess’thian 8 ft. 43?30V4flmr. ,,. , ,* : .‘ “ -* ~ake;sur~hoseconnections we tig~~~~ &uce~” i.,‘ ‘ ‘/’ . .. !.. *M~e ~~~,endof~~n ho~qis Co~@ly”j&&@&& ,! ,,- .- ., ‘, ., ,‘ ., >. aklswm-~,to’$ftih fi@~~t~, ,-. ‘ I’” ,, ~a~fieris leVelandfirmto me”floo~.wi~~~ber !o@ptids-in pla~~’~d“~~“. WASI-IERIS,NN3Y- .’”: @--M&&&u~ -, ~~• I ; ,, .~ .‘ ,.. , “ flopt,.j*Y*u@ight.S~-@ur~~~lation I@trUfhri$ ,. ,’ !, r... ,:- , :a:~: 4. , ,“~;“.-. sharp,,@st+mctiVe soundwillb,eheardattheenddfeaeh:spin-penodas themottir ‘ , StOpSand~,e.spin’brake insidethetransmission“~oc~iq;’ ~S SO~d @ IIOrIIIal-’ ., ., ,,, e .qwvily.ufib~~c~ il 4. loads carl cause the washer to vibrate excessivelyduring spin, and may:ctitisei! to movefrom its original,positiOn”i In extreme cases (tuwally.occurs when washing a single, heavy item or a small load,whenwater level issethigher than nece~sary), the spin basket maystri~~tie outertub;~f@@ ~.10udbut ha.~ess~oisS~ WASHERPAUSES Tocorrect,openthelid andredistributetheloadevenlyab.outthewashbasket.Close ‘ ., thelid andrpstart. .. s washer nor~~y pau& between washin~ steps...SUChas’between ‘washand spin or . IN CYCLE between spin and rinse. HYOUneed rnorehelp... call, tollfree: GE Amwer Center@/ 800.626.2000/ conswnerinfornmtion service USERMAINTENANCE U$X$TRUCTIOPJS ‘Me tub. Theporcelainis selfcleaning.Leavelid openafier washingto allow moisutre to evaporate. Do not use harshor grittycleansers. The exterior. Wipeoff anyspillsof washingcompounds.Wipeor dust with dampcloth. Try notto hit surfacewithsharp objects. ‘lbstore washer: Ask servicetechnicianto remove waterfrom drainpump andhoses to preventfreezing. Do not storethe washerwhereit wi.libe exposedto the weather. WOE” long vacations: Be sure watersupplyis shutoff at fiucets ;mddrain all waterfrom hosesif weatherwill lx below freezing. . A Lubricate with grease or } Petroleum Jelly. ‘l’heActivator” agitator. Remove at regularintervals—about 4 to 6 months—andremoveanylint that mayhaveaccumulated.No tools are needed,simplygrasp agitator with bothhandsandpuil straight up sharply.The slottedsectionat the top of the metalshafthas a light coatingof lubricantto preventparts stickingtogether.If thisareaappears to be dry,applya lightcoatof grease or petroleumjelly aroundthe slotted sectionof the shaftbeforereplacing the agilator.Do notovergrease. 22 Whenreplacingthe agitator, carefullylowerstraightdownonto the shaftso thatit fitsintothe slots. Thenapplydownwardpressure untilagitatorsnapsintoits normal position. How to remove deposits from Filter FkB@ pan ~Seal filterpan in a preheated 160”F.(71”C.)solutionof half vinegarand halfwaterfor 15 minutes.Then brusheach sideof pan with a stiffbristlebrush while flushingwith runningwater. CAUTIONS: ~ Do not soak in porcelain container.Vinegarcan damage I ! ~ _— -—. -–– — — — -– ~— -— —. — - your new GE appkmce, receivethe tlmt if you everneed M3rmation or assistance from GE,we’llbe there.AUyou haveto do is ml&tcWree! W~ti tie~u~C~2iSt30~ — Bxfm?$~ —. - Whateveryourquestionabout anyGE major appliance,GEAnswerCente# informationserviceis availableto help.Yourcall-and yourquestion— willbe answeredpromptlyand COUrteOUSl)L And YOUC2UlCd any time.GEAnswerCente# serviceis open 24 hours a day 7 daysa week. Youcan have the secure feeling that AGE Consumer Service professional will provide expert repair service, scheciuled at a time that’s convenient for you. Many GE Consumer Service company-operated locations offer you service today or tomorrow, or at your convenience (7:00a.m. to 7:00 pm. weekdays 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 ~m. Saturciays).C)ur factory-trained technicians know your appliance inside and out— so most repaim can be handled in just one visit. GE Consumer Semice will still be there after your warranty expires l?twchase a GE contract while your warranty is still in effect and you’ll receive a substantial discount. With a multipleyear contractj you’re assured of fiture service at today’sprices. Telecommunication DevicefortheDeaf w— . . . lkdviduds (@ifkd own appliancescan -. . .. . . ..9. “ ,M, .!lw . . .?.. . . . ml... -.. . !.. , 1 to SC?MCf3their haveneeded parts or accessoriessent directlyto their home, free of shipping charge! The GE parts systemprovidesaccess to over47,000parts. ..and all GE Genuine RenewalParts are filly wamanted,VISA,MasterCardand Discovercards are accepted. IJser contained in this bookletcoverproeedwes intended to ‘bepdbmed by any user+Other servicinggenedy Shoukibe referred to ‘qEaa.lifk?d sea’tiee pm%mmei.caution must be exercised, Siliaeimproper servicing may calls%? mwafe operation. Upon request,GE willprovide Braille controlsfor a varietyof GE appliances, and a brochure to assistin planning a barrier-free kitchen for persons with limited mobility To obtain these items, free of charge, call800.626.2000. Consumers with impaired hearing or speech who haveaccessto a TDD or a conventionalteletypewritermay call 800-TDD-GEAC(800-833-4322) to recluest information or service. ~~ Saveproof of original purchase date such as your salesslip or cancelled check to establish warrantyperiod. Is FULLOiW%YEAR WARRANTY For one year from date of original purchase,we will provide,free of charge, parts and service labor in your home to repair or replace anyparf of the washerthat fails because of a manufacturing defect. LIMITED ADDITIONAL FOUR-YEARWARRANTY For the second through fifth year from date of original purchase, we will provide, free of charge, replacement parts for any pan of the fransmks~onthat fails because of a manufacturing defect. Youpay for the service trip to your home and service labor charges. Or, if you desire, we will provide a completely reconcfif~onecf transmkslon. Youpay for the shop reconditioning labor,the service trip to your home and service labor charges. Is Ncn- ‘Servi’’tripstoyour h”meto teach you how to use the product. Read your L& and Care material. If you then have any questions about operating the product, please contact your dealer or our Consumer Affairs office at the address below, or call, toll free: GE Answer CenteF 800,626.2000 consumer information service This warranty is extendedto the original purchaserand any succeeding ownerfor products purchasedfor ordinary home use in the 48 mainland states, Hawaii and Washington, D.(LIn Alaskathe warranty is the same exceptthat it is LIMITED becauseyou must pay to ship the product to the service shop or forthe servicetechnician’stravel costs to your home. All warranty service will be provided by our FactoryService Centersor by our authorized Customer Care@ servicers during normal working hours. Look in the White or Yellow Pages of your telephone directory for GENERAL ELECTRICCOMPANY, GENERAL ELECTRICFACTORY SERVICE, GENERAL ELECTRICHOTPOINT FACTORYSERVICEor GENERAL ELECTRICCUSTOMER CARE@SERVICE. ~ Replacement of house fuses or resetting of circuit breakers. ~ Failure of the product if it is used for other than its intended purpose or used commercially. ~ Damage to product caused by accident, fire, floods or acts of God. WARRANTORIS NOTRESPONSIBLE FOR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. ~ Improper installation. If you have an installation problem, contact your dealer or installer. You are responsible for providing adequate electrical, plumbing and other connecting facilities. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state. are in your state, consult your local or state consumer affairs office or your state’sAttorney General. Toknow what your legal rights General H ~ur313i5~help is this Affairs, GE 6-!30 CG Ek%irk write: KY40225
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