Ge Appliances Ddhf Multistage Centrifugal Pump Brochure
Ge-Ddhf-Multistage-Centrifugal-Pump-Brochure-648664 ge-ddhf-multistage-centrifugal-pump-brochure-648664
: Ge-Appliances Ge-Ddhf-Multistage-Centrifugal-Pump-Brochure-648664 ge-ddhf-multistage-centrifugal-pump-brochure-648664 ge-appliances pdf
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Proven experience &
value-adding technologies
GE Oil & Gas has extensive experience in liquefied gas
pumping, and provides customers with all the technological
resources needed for the challenges of CO2 re-injection,
transportation and storage.
Our domain knowledge in turbomachinery enables a unique
centrifugal compressor plus pump solution for carbon
capture and sequestration (CCS) and enhanced oil recovery
(EOR) applications. It gives customers the opportunity to
realize significant power savings as well as highly flexible
performance upgrades.
With a high molecular weight, CO2 reaches the liquid phase
at high pressure (> 90 bar) and water-cooled temperature
without the need for any additional power installation.
The enhanced DDHF is a multistage centrifugal pump with
double casing and barrel-type, back-to-back arrangement.
It is based on our proven hydraulic design, but specially
re-engineered for CO2 pumping and EOR. It delivers 540 bar
discharge pressure – the highest ever provided by a
centrifugal pump.
Key features
API 10,000 barrel design•
Onshore and offshore application (ABS certified for FPSO)•
Mechanical seals dynamically qualified up to 550 bar•
Dry gas seals available •
Can be fully integrated with our high-pressure centrifugal •
Detailed thermodynamic and rotor dynamic assessment •
as a result of proprietary centrifugal compressor technology
Standard performance tested at API 610, latest edition•
Advanced CO• 2 full-load test to simulate operating conditions
DDHF pump for
CO2 applications
The optimized solution for CCS and EOR
re-injection, transportation and storage
GE Oil & Gas
© 2010 General Electric Company. All rights reserved.
Mechanical design
The DDHF pump design was developed using finite element
analysis (FEA) to avoid resonance in structural and foundation
natural frequencies. Additional FEA with ANSYS codes has
ensured sizing accuracy (to ASME VIII Div. II Appendix 4) of
the pump’s outer barrel as the main pressure retaining part.
Dry and wet analyses have been carried out with acceptance
criteria as stated in API 617. Drawing on the strengths of our
centrifugal compressor design, the wet analysis was performed
with annular seal stiffness and damping coefficients based
on process fluid properties slightly variable versus pressure
and temperature. Rotordynamic and thermodynamic tools
has been implemented, and hydraulic forces have been
calculated by CFD code, taking into account the cross-coupled
aerodynamic coefficients for impeller-stator interaction.
Testing performance &
discovering opportunities
Like every product GE designs for the oil and gas industry,
our pumps undergo stringent testing at every stage of the
design and manufacturing process. With the most advanced
techniques and seasoned professionals, our goal is not
simply to confirm specifications (API610) and deliver reliable
machines, but to find new opportunities to improve
performance. The GE Oil & Gas Center of Excellence for
pumps in Bari, Italy, includes advanced testing facilities
for liquefied CO2 pumps, including a CO2-filled closed loop
for performance assessment under the specified in-field
Stress analysis Support resonance analysis
GE imagination at work
CO2 test bed