Gemalto M2M ALS6A-E LTE Module User Manual hid als6a e

Gemalto M2M GmbH LTE Module hid als6a e

User Manual

Cinterion® ALS6A-E
Hardware Interface Overview
Version: 01.270a
DocId: ALS6A-E_HIO_H_v01.270a
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tents and communication thereof to others without express authorization are prohibited. Offenders will be
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Copyright © 2015, Gemalto M2M GmbH, a Gemalto Company
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Gemalto, the Gemalto logo, are trademarks and service marks of Gemalto and are registered in certain
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tion in the United States and/or other countries. All other registered trademarks or trademarks mentioned
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Cinterion® ALS6A-E Hardware Interface Overview
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Document Name: Cinterion® ALS6A-E Hardware Interface Overview
Version: 01.270a
Date: 2015-03-10
DocId: ALS6A-E_HIO_H_v01.270a
Status Confidential / Released
Cinterion® ALS6A-E Hardware Interface Overview
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0 Document History ....................................................................................................... 6
1 Introduction ................................................................................................................. 7
1.1 Supported Products ........................................................................................... 7
1.2 Related Documents ........................................................................................... 7
1.3 Terms and Abbreviations................................................................................... 7
1.4 Regulatory and Type Approval Information ..................................................... 10
1.4.1 Directives and Standards.................................................................... 10
1.4.2 SAR requirements specific to portable mobiles .................................. 13
1.4.3 SELV Requirements ........................................................................... 14
1.4.4 Safety Precautions.............................................................................. 14
2 Product Concept ....................................................................................................... 15
2.1 Key Features at a Glance ................................................................................ 15
2.2 ALS6A-E System Overview ............................................................................. 18
3 Application Interface................................................................................................. 19
3.1 Operating Modes ............................................................................................. 20
3.2 Power Supply................................................................................................... 21
3.3 USB Interface................................................................................................... 22
3.4 UICC/SIM/USIM Interface................................................................................ 23
3.5 Pulse Code Modulation Interface (PCM) ......................................................... 25
3.6 Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC)................................................................... 25
3.7 GPIO Interface................................................................................................. 25
4 Antenna Interfaces.................................................................................................... 26
4.1 GSM/UMTS/LTE Antenna Interface................................................................. 26
4.1.1 Antenna Installation ............................................................................ 27
5 Mechanics, Mounting and Packaging ..................................................................... 28
5.1 Mechanical Dimensions of ALS6A-E ............................................................... 28
6 Sample Application................................................................................................... 30
7 Reference Approval .................................................................................................. 32
7.1 Reference Equipment for Type Approval......................................................... 32
7.2 Compliance with FCC Rules and Regulations................................................. 33
8 Appendix.................................................................................................................... 34
8.1 List of Parts and Accessories........................................................................... 34
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Table 1: Directives ....................................................................................................... 10
Table 2: Standards of North American type approval .................................................. 10
Table 3: Standards of European type approval............................................................ 10
Table 4: Requirements of quality ................................................................................. 11
Table 5: Standards of the Ministry of Information Industry of the
People’s Republic of China............................................................................ 12
Table 6: Toxic or hazardous substances or elements with defined concentration
limits................................................................................................................ 12
Table 7: Overview of operating modes ........................................................................ 20
Table 8: Signals of the SIM interface (SMT application interface) ............................... 23
Table 9: Return loss in the active band........................................................................ 26
Table 10: List of parts and accessories.......................................................................... 34
Table 11: Molex sales contacts (subject to change) ...................................................... 35
Table 12: Hirose sales contacts (subject to change) ..................................................... 35
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Figure 1: ALS6A-E system overview............................................................................. 18
Figure 2: USB circuit ..................................................................................................... 22
Figure 3: UICC/SIM/USIM interface .............................................................................. 24
Figure 4: ALS6A-E – top and bottom view .................................................................... 28
Figure 5: Dimensions of ALS6A-E (all dimensions in mm)............................................ 29
Figure 6: ALS6A-E sample application.......................................................................... 31
Figure 7: Reference equipment for type approval......................................................... 32
Cinterion® ALS6A-E Hardware Interface Overview
0 Document History
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0 Document History
New document: "ALS6A-E Hardware Interface Overview" Version 01.270a
Chapter What is new
-- Initial document setup.
Cinterion® ALS6A-E Hardware Interface Overview
1 Introduction
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1 Introduction
The document1 describes the hardware of the Cinterion® ALS6A-E module, designed to con-
nect to a cellular device application and the air interface. It helps you quickly retrieve interface
specifications, electrical and mechanical details and information on the requirements to be con-
sidered for integrating further components.
1.1 Supported Products
This document applies to the following Gemalto M2M products:
® ALS6A-E module
1.2 Related Documents
[1] AT Command Set for your Gemalto M2M product
[2] Release Notes for your Gemalto M2M product
[3] Application Note 48: SMT Module Integration
[4] Universal Serial Bus Specification Revision 2.0, April 27, 2000
1.3 Terms and Abbreviations
1. The document is effective only if listed in the appropriate Release Notes as part of the technical
documentation delivered with your Gemalto M2M product.
Abbreviation Description
ANSI American National Standards Institute
ARP Antenna Reference Point
CE Conformité Européene (European Conformity)
CS Coding Scheme
CS Circuit Switched
CSD Circuit Switched Data
DCS Digital Cellular System
DL Download
dnu Do not use
DRX Discontinuous Reception
DSB Development Support Board
DTX Discontinuous Transmission
EDGE Enhanced Data rates for GSM Evolution
EGSM Extended GSM
Cinterion® ALS6A-E Hardware Interface Overview
1.3 Terms and Abbreviations
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EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility
ESD Electrostatic Discharge
ETS European Telecommunication Standard
ETSI European Telecommunications Standards Institute
FCC Federal Communications Commission (U.S.)
FDD Frequency Division Duplex
GPRS General Packet Radio Service
GSM Global Standard for Mobile Communications
HiZ High Impedance
HSDPA High Speed Downlink Packet Access
I/O Input/Output
IMEI International Mobile Equipment Identity
ISO International Standards Organization
ITU International Telecommunications Union
kbps kbits per second
LED Light Emitting Diode
LGA Land Grid Array
LTE Long term evolution
MBB Moisture barrier bag
Mbps Mbits per second
MCS Modulation and Coding Scheme
MIMO Multiple Input Multiple Output
MLCC Multi Layer Ceramic Capacitor
MO Mobile Originated
MS Mobile Station, also referred to as TE
MSL Moisture Sensitivity Level
MT Mobile Terminated
nc Not connected
NTC Negative Temperature Coefficient
PCB Printed Circuit Board
PCL Power Control Level
PCS Personal Communication System, also referred to as GSM 1900
PD Pull Down resistor
PDU Protocol Data Unit
PS Packet Switched
PSK Phase Shift Keying
Abbreviation Description
Cinterion® ALS6A-E Hardware Interface Overview
1.3 Terms and Abbreviations
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PU Pull Up resistor
QAM Quadrature Amplitude Modulation
R&TTE Radio and Telecommunication Terminal Equipment
RF Radio Frequency
rfu Reserved for future use
ROPR Radio Output Power Reduction
RTC Real Time Clock
Rx Receive Direction
SAR Specific Absorption Rate
SELV Safety Extra Low Voltage
SIM Subscriber Identification Module
SMD Surface Mount Device
SMS Short Message Service
SMT Surface Mount Technology
SRAM Static Random Access Memory
SRB Signalling Radio Bearer
TE Terminal Equipment
TPC Transmit Power Control
TS Technical Specification
Tx Transmit Direction
UL Upload
UMTS Universal Mobile Telecommunications System
URC Unsolicited Result Code
USB Universal Serial Bus
UICC USIM Integrated Circuit Card
USIM UMTS Subscriber Identification Module
WCDMA Wideband Code Division Multiple Access
Abbreviation Description
Cinterion® ALS6A-E Hardware Interface Overview
1.4 Regulatory and Type Approval Information
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1.4 Regulatory and Type Approval Information
1.4.1 Directives and Standards
ALS6A-E has been designed to comply with the directives and standards listed below.
It is the responsibility of the application manufacturer to ensure compliance of the final product
with all provisions of the applicable directives and standards as well as with the technical spec-
ifications provided in the "ALS6A-E Hardware Interface Description".
Table 1: Directives
99/05/EC Directive of the European Parliament and of the council of 9 March 1999 on
radio equipment and telecommunications terminal equipment and the
mutual recognition of their conformity (in short referred to as R&TTE Direc-
tive 1999/5/EC).
The product is labeled with the CE conformity mark
ECE-R 10 Economic Commission for Europe (ECE) Regulation No. 10: Uniform pro-
visions concerning the approval of vehicles with regard to electromagnetic
2002/95/EC (RoHS 1)
2011/65/EC (RoHS 2) Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council of
27 January 2003 (and revised on 8 June 2011) on the
restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in
electrical and electronic equipment (RoHS)
Table 2: Standards of North American type approval
CFR Title 47 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 27; US Equipment Authorization FCC
OET Bulletin 65
(Edition 97-01) Evaluating Compliance with FCC Guidelines for Human Exposure to Radio-
frequency Electromagnetic Fields
Table 3: Standards of European type approval
3GPP TS 51.010-1 Digital cellular telecommunications system (Release 7); Mobile Station
(MS) conformance specification;
ETSI EN 301 511 V9.0.2 Global System for Mobile communications (GSM); Harmonized standard for
mobile stations in the GSM 900 and DCS 1800 bands covering essential
requirements under article 3.2 of the R&TTE directive (1999/5/EC)
GCF-CC V3.48 Global Certification Forum - Certification Criteria
ETSI EN 301 489-01
V1.9.1 Electromagnetic Compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM); Electro-
magnetic Compatibility (EMC) standard for radio equipment and services;
Part 1: Common Technical Requirements
ETSI EN 301 489-07
V1.3.1 Electromagnetic Compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM); Electro-
magnetic Compatibility (EMC) standard for radio equipment and services;
Part 7: Specific conditions for mobile and portable radio and ancillary equip-
ment of digital cellular radio telecommunications systems (GSM and DCS)
ETSI EN 301 489-24
V1.5.1 Electromagnetic Compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM); Electro-
magnetic Compatibility (EMC) standard for radio equipment and services;
Part 24: Specific conditions for IMT-2000 CDMA Direct Spread (UTRA) for
Mobile and portable (UE) radio and ancillary equipment
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1.4 Regulatory and Type Approval Information
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EN 301 908-01 V5.2.1 Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM); Base
Stations (BS) and User Equipment (UE) for IMT-2000 Third Generation cel-
lular networks; Part 1: Harmonized EN for IMT-2000, introduction and com-
mon requirements of article 3.2 of the R&TTE Directive
EN 301 908-02 V5.2.1 Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM); Base
Stations (BS) and User Equipment (UE) for IMT-2000 Third Generation cel-
lular networks; Part 2: Harmonized EN for IMT-2000, CDMA Direct Spread
(UTRA FDD) (UE) covering essential requirements of article 3.2 of the
R&TTE Directive
EN 301 908-13 V5.2.1 IMT cellular networks; Harmonized EN covering the essential requirements
of article 3.2 of the R&TTE Directive; Part 13: Evolved Universal Terrestrial
Radio Access (E-UTRA) User Equipment (UE)
EN 300 440-02 V1.3.1 Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM); Short
range devices; Radio equipment to be used in the 1 GHz to 40 GHz fre-
quency range; Part 2: Harmonized EN covering essential requirements of
article 3.2 of the R&TTE Directive
EN 62311:2008 Assessment of electronic and electrical equipment related to human expo-
sure restrictions for electromagnetic fields (0 Hz - 300 GHz)
IEC/EN 60950-1:2006+
Safety of information technology equipment
Table 4: Requirements of quality
IEC 60068 Environmental testing
DIN EN 60529 IP codes
Table 3: Standards of European type approval
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Table 6: Toxic or hazardous substances or elements with defined concentration limits
Table 5: Standards of the Ministry of Information Industry of the People’s Republic of China
SJ/T 11363-2006 “Requirements for Concentration Limits for Certain Hazardous Substances
in Electronic Information Products” (2006-06).
SJ/T 11364-2006 “Marking for Control of Pollution Caused by Electronic
Information Products” (2006-06).
According to the “Chinese Administration on the Control of
Pollution caused by Electronic Information Products”
(ACPEIP) the EPUP, i.e., Environmental Protection Use
Period, of this product is 20 years as per the symbol
shown here, unless otherwise marked. The EPUP is valid only as long as
the product is operated within the operating limits described in the Hardware
Interface Description.
Please see Table 6 for an overview of toxic or hazardous substances or ele-
ments that might be contained in product parts in concentrations above the
limits defined by SJ/T 11363-2006.
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1.4 Regulatory and Type Approval Information
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1.4.2 SAR requirements specific to portable mobiles
Mobile phones, PDAs or other portable transmitters and receivers incorporating a GSM module
must be in accordance with the guidelines for human exposure to radio frequency energy. This
requires the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) of portable ALS6A-E based applications to be
evaluated and approved for compliance with national and/or international regulations.
Since the SAR value varies significantly with the individual product design manufacturers are
advised to submit their product for approval if designed for portable use. For US and European
markets the relevant directives are mentioned below. It is the responsibility of the manufacturer
of the final product to verify whether or not further standards, recommendations or directives
are in force outside these areas.
Products intended for sale on US markets
ES 59005/ANSI C95.1 Considerations for evaluation of human exposure to electromagnetic
fields (EMFs) from mobile telecommunication equipment (MTE) in the
frequency range 30MHz - 6GHz
Products intended for sale on European markets
EN 50360 Product standard to demonstrate the compliance of mobile phones with
the basic restrictions related to human exposure to electromagnetic
fields (300MHz - 3GHz)
Manufacturers of portable applications based on ALS6A-E modules are required to have their
final product certified and apply for their own FCC Grant related to the specific portable mobile.
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1.4 Regulatory and Type Approval Information
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1.4.3 SELV Requirements
The power supply connected to the ALS6A-E module shall be in compliance with the SELV re-
quirements defined in EN 60950-1.
1.4.4 Safety Precautions
The following safety precautions must be observed during all phases of the operation, usage,
service or repair of any cellular terminal or mobile incorporating ALS6A-E. Manufacturers of the
cellular terminal are advised to convey the following safety information to users and operating
personnel and to incorporate these guidelines into all manuals supplied with the product. Fail-
ure to comply with these precautions violates safety standards of design, manufacture and in-
tended use of the product. Gemalto M2M assumes no liability for customer’s failure to comply
with these precautions.
When in a hospital or other health care facility, observe the restrictions on the use of
mobiles. Switch the cellular terminal or mobile off, if instructed to do so by the guide-
lines posted in sensitive areas. Medical equipment may be sensitive to RF energy.
The operation of cardiac pacemakers, other implanted medical equipment and hearing
aids can be affected by interference from cellular terminals or mobiles placed close to
the device. If in doubt about potential danger, contact the physician or the manufac-
turer of the device to verify that the equipment is properly shielded. Pacemaker
patients are advised to keep their hand-held mobile away from the pacemaker, while
it is on.
Switch off the cellular terminal or mobile before boarding an aircraft. Make sure it can-
not be switched on inadvertently. The operation of wireless appliances in an aircraft is
forbidden to prevent interference with communications systems. Failure to observe
these instructions may lead to the suspension or denial of cellular services to the
offender, legal action, or both.
Do not operate the cellular terminal or mobile in the presence of flammable gases or
fumes. Switch off the cellular terminal when you are near petrol stations, fuel depots,
chemical plants or where blasting operations are in progress. Operation of any electri-
cal equipment in potentially explosive atmospheres can constitute a safety hazard.
Your cellular terminal or mobile receives and transmits radio frequency energy while
switched on. Remember that interference can occur if it is used close to TV sets,
radios, computers or inadequately shielded equipment. Follow any special regulations
and always switch off the cellular terminal or mobile wherever forbidden, or when you
suspect that it may cause interference or danger.
Cellular terminals or mobiles operate using radio signals and cellular networks.
Because of this, connection cannot be guaranteed at all times under all conditions.
Therefore, you should never rely solely upon any wireless device for essential com-
munications, for example emergency calls.
Remember, in order to make or receive calls, the cellular terminal or mobile must be
switched on and in a service area with adequate cellular signal strength.
Some networks do not allow for emergency calls if certain network services or phone
features are in use (e.g. lock functions, fixed dialing etc.). You may need to deactivate
those features before you can make an emergency call.
Some networks require that a valid SIM card be properly inserted in the cellular termi-
nal or mobile.
Cinterion® ALS6A-E Hardware Interface Overview
2 Product Concept
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2 Product Concept
2.1 Key Features at a Glance
Feature Implementation
Frequency bands GSM/GPRS/EDGE: Dual band, 900/1800MHz
UMTS/HSPA+: Triple band, 900 (BdVIII) / 1800 (BdIII) / 2100MHz (BdI)
LTE: band, 800 (Bd20) / 900 (Bd8) / 1800 (Bd3) / 2600MHz (Bd7)
GSM class Small MS
Output power (according to
Release 99) Class 4 (+33dBm ±2dB) for EGSM900
Class 1 (+30dBm ±2dB) for GSM1800
Class E2 (+27dBm ± 3dB) for GSM 900 8-PSK
Class E2 (+26dBm +3 /-4dB) for GSM 1800 8-PSK
Class 3 (+24dBm +1/-3dB) for UMTS 2100, WCDMA FDD BdI
Class 3 (+24dBm +1/-3dB) for UMTS 1800, WCDMA FDD BdIII
Class 3 (+24dBm +1/-3dB) for UMTS 900, WCDMA FDD BdVIII
Output power (according to
Release 8) Class 3 (+23dBm +-2dB) for LTE 2600, LTE FDD Bd7
Class 3 (+23dBm +-2dB) for LTE 1800, LTE FDD Bd3
Class 3 (+23dBm +-2dB) for LTE 900, LTE FDD Bd8
Class 3 (+23dBm +-2dB) for LTE 800, LTE FDD Bd20
Power supply 3.3V < VBATT+ < 4.2V
Operating temperature
(board temperature) Normal operation: -30°C to +85°C
Restricted operation: -40°C to +95°C
Physical Dimensions: 33mm x 29mm x 2.2mm
Weight: approx. 4.5g
RoHS All hardware components fully compliant with EU RoHS Directive
LTE features
3GPP Release 9 UE CAT 3 supported
DL 100Mbps, UL 50Mbps
2x2 MIMO in DL direction
HSPA features
3GPP Release 8 UE CAT. 14, 24
DC-HSPA+ – DL 42Mbps
HSUPA – UL 5.76Mbps
Compressed mode (CM) supported according to 3GPP TS25.212
UMTS features
3GPP Release 8 PS data rate – 384 kbps DL / 384 kbps UL
Cinterion® ALS6A-E Hardware Interface Overview
2.1 Key Features at a Glance
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GSM / GPRS / EGPRS features
Data transfer GPRS:
Multislot Class 12
Mobile Station Class B
Coding Scheme 1 – 4
Multislot Class 12
EDGE E2 power class for 8 PSK
Downlink coding schemes – CS 1-4, MCS 1-9
Uplink coding schemes – CS 1-4, MCS 1-9
SRB loopback and test mode B
8-bit, 11-bit RACH
1 phase/2 phase access procedures
Link adaptation and IR
NACC, extended UL TBF
Mobile Station Class B
SMS Point-to-point MT and MO
Cell broadcast
Text and PDU mode
AT commands Hayes, 3GPP TS 27.007 and 27.005, and proprietary Gemalto M2M com-
Firmware update Generic update from host application over USB
Module interface Surface mount device with solderable connection pads (SMT application
Land grid array (LGA) technology ensures high solder joint reliability and
provides the possibility to use an optional module mounting socket.
For more information on how to integrate SMT modules see also [3]. This
application note comprises chapters on module mounting and application
layout issues as well as on additional SMT application development
Antenna 50. GSM/UMTS/LTE main antenna, UMTS/LTE Diversity/MIMO
USB USB 2.0 High Speed (480Mbit/s) device interface
UICC interface Supported chip cards: UICC/SIM/USIM 3V, 1.8V
Audio 1 digital interface (PCM)
RING0 Signal line to indicate incoming calls and other types of URCs
Power on/off, Reset
Power on/off Switch-on by hardware signal IGT
Switch-off by AT command (AT^SMSO) or IGT
Automatic switch-off in case of critical temperature or voltage conditions
Reset Orderly shutdown and reset by AT command
Feature Implementation
Cinterion® ALS6A-E Hardware Interface Overview
2.1 Key Features at a Glance
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Emergency-off Emergency-off by hardware signal EMERG_OFF if IGT is not active
Special Features
Antenna SAIC (Single Antenna Interference Cancellation) / DARP (Downlink
Advanced Receiver Performance)
Rx Diversity (receiver type 3i - 64-QAM) / MIMO
GPIO 10 I/O pins of the application interface programmable as GPIO.
Programming is done via AT commands.
GPIOs can be configured for antenna diagnosis.
ADC inputs Analog-to-Digital Converter with two unbalanced analog inputs for (exter-
nal) antenna diagnosis.
Evaluation kit
Evaluation module ALS6A-E module soldered onto a dedicated PCB that can be connected
to an adapter in order to be mounted onto the DSB75.
DSB75 DSB75 Development Support Board designed to test and type approve
Gemalto M2M modules and provide a sample configuration for applica-
tion engineering. A special adapter is required to connect the ALS6A-E
evaluation module to the DSB75.
Feature Implementation
Cinterion® ALS6A-E Hardware Interface Overview
2.2 ALS6A-E System Overview
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2.2 ALS6A-E System Overview
Figure 1: ALS6A-E system overview
supply IGT,
Emergency Off
Host application On/Off
Power indication
Power for application
Antenna diversity
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3 Application Interface
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3 Application Interface
ALS6A-E is equipped with an SMT application interface (LGA pads) that connects to the exter-
nal application. The host interface incorporates several sub-interfaces described in the follow-
ing sections:
Operating modes - see Section 3.1
Power supply - see Section 3.2
Serial interface USB - see Section 3.3
UICC/SIM/USIM interface - see Section 3.4
Digital audio interface - see Section 3.5
ADC interface - Section 3.6
GPIO interface - Section 3.7
Cinterion® ALS6A-E Hardware Interface Overview
3.1 Operating Modes
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3.1 Operating Modes
The table below briefly summarizes the various operating modes referred to in the following
Table 7: Overview of operating modes
Mode Function
operation GSM / GPRS /
Power saving set automatically when no call is in progress and the USB
connection is detached.
Power saving disabled or an USB connection active, but no data trans-
fer in progress.
GPRS DATA GPRS data transfer in progress. Power consumption depends on net-
work settings (e.g. power control level), uplink / downlink data rates and
GPRS configuration (e.g. used multislot settings).
EGPRS DATA EGPRS data transfer in progress. Power consumption depends on net-
work settings (e.g. power control level), uplink / downlink data rates and
EGPRS configuration (e.g. used multislot settings).
UMTS DATA UMTS data transfer in progress. Power consumption depends on net-
work settings (e.g. TPC Pattern) and data transfer rate.
HSPA DATA HSPA data transfer in progress. Power consumption depends on net-
work settings (e.g. TPC Pattern) and data transfer rate.
LTE DATA LTE data transfer in progress. Power consumption depends on network
settings (e.g. TPC Pattern) and data transfer rate.
Down Normal shutdown after sending the AT^SMSO command. Software is not active. Interfaces
are not accessible. Operating voltage (connected to BATT+) remains applied.
mode Airplane mode shuts down the radio part of the module, causes the module to log off from
the GSM/GPRS network and disables all AT commands whose execution requires a radio
Airplane mode can be controlled by AT command (see [1]).
Cinterion® ALS6A-E Hardware Interface Overview
3.2 Power Supply
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3.2 Power Supply
ALS6A-E needs to be connected to a power supply at the SMT application interface - 4 lines
BATT+, and GND. There are two separate voltage domains for BATT+:
BATT+_RF with 2 lines for the RF power amplifier supply
BATT+ with 2 lines for the general power management.
The main power supply from an external application has to be a single voltage source and has
to be expanded to two sub paths (star structure). The power supply of ALS6A-E must be able
to provide the peak current during the uplink transmission.
All key functions for supplying power to the device are handled by the power management IC.
It provides the following features:
• Stabilizes the supply voltages for the baseband using switching regulators and low drop lin-
ear voltage regulators.
Switches the module's power voltages for the power-up and -down procedures.
Delivers, across the VEXT line, a regulated voltage for an external application.
LDO to provide SIM power supply.
Cinterion® ALS6A-E Hardware Interface Overview
3.3 USB Interface
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3.3 USB Interface
ALS6A-E supports a USB 2.0 High Speed (480Mbps) device interface. The USB interface is
primarily intended for use as command and data interface and for downloading firmware.
The USB host is responsible for supplying the VUSB_IN line. This line is for voltage detection
only. The USB part (driver and transceiver) is supplied by means of BATT+. This is because
ALS6A-E is designed as a self-powered device compliant with the “Universal Serial Bus Spec-
ification Revision 2.0”1.
Figure 2: USB circuit
To properly connect the module's USB interface to the external application, a USB 2.0 compat-
ible connector and cable or hardware design is required. Furthermore, the USB modem driver
distributed with ALS6A-E needs to be installed.
While a USB connection is active, the module will never switch into SLEEP mode. Only if the
USB interface is in Detached state (i.e., VUSB_IN = 0) the module is able to switch into SLEEP
mode thereby saving power. In this case the RING0 line can be employed to wake up the ex-
ternal application when events signalized by URCs are detected (incl. incoming SMS). Every
wakeup event will force a new USB enumeration. Therefore, the external application has to
carefully consider the enumeration timings to avoid loosing any signalled events.
1. The specification is ready for download on
VREG (3V075)
lin. reg. GND
Detection only VUSB_IN2)
USB part1)
1) All serial (including RS) and pull-up resistors for data lines are implemented.
3) If the USB interface is operated in High Speed mode (480MHz), it is recommended to take
special care routing the data lines USB_DP and USB_DN. Application layout should in this
case implement a differential impedance of 90 ohms for proper signal integrity.
2) Since VUSB_IN is used for detection only it is recommended not to add any further
blocking capacitors on the VUSB_IN line.
Host wakeup RING0
Cinterion® ALS6A-E Hardware Interface Overview
3.4 UICC/SIM/USIM Interface
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3.4 UICC/SIM/USIM Interface
ALS6A-E has an integrated UICC/SIM/USIM interface compatible with the 3GPP 31.102 and
ETSI 102 221. This is wired to the host interface in order to be connected to an external SIM
card holder. Five pads on the SMT application interface are reserved for the SIM interface.
The UICC/SIM/USIM interface supports 3V and 1.8V SIM cards.
The CCIN signal serves to detect whether a tray (with SIM card) is present in the card holder.
Using the CCIN signal is mandatory for compliance with the GSM 11.11 recommendation if the
mechanical design of the host application allows the user to remove the SIM card during oper-
ation. To take advantage of this feature, an appropriate SIM card detect switch is required on
the card holder. For example, this is true for the model supplied by Molex, which has been test-
ed to operate with ALS6A-E and is part of the Gemalto M2M reference equipment submitted
for type approval. See Chapter 8 for Molex ordering numbers.
Note: No guarantee can be given, nor any liability accepted, if loss of data is encountered after
removing the SIM card during operation. Also, no guarantee can be given for properly initializ-
ing any SIM card that the user inserts after having removed the SIM card during operation. In
this case, the application must restart ALS6A-E.
Table 8: Signals of the SIM interface (SMT application interface)
Signal Description
GND Ground connection for SIM. Optionally a separate SIM ground line using e.g., pad N11 may
be used to improve EMC.
CCCLK Chipcard clock
CCVCC SIM supply voltage.
CCIO Serial data line, input and output.
CCRST Chipcard reset
CCIN Input on the baseband processor for detecting a SIM card tray in the holder. If the SIM is
removed during operation the SIM interface is shut down immediately to prevent destruc-
tion of the SIM. The CCIN signal is active low.
The CCIN signal is mandatory for applications that allow the user to remove the SIM card
during operation.
The CCIN signal is solely intended for use with a SIM card. It must not be used for any other
purposes. Failure to comply with this requirement may invalidate the type approval of
Cinterion® ALS6A-E Hardware Interface Overview
3.4 UICC/SIM/USIM Interface
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Figure 3: UICC/SIM/USIM interface
The total cable length between the SMT application interface pads on ALS6A-E and the pads
of the external SIM card holder must not exceed 100mm in order to meet the specifications of
3GPP TS 51.010-1 and to satisfy the requirements of EMC compliance.
To avoid possible cross-talk from the CCCLK signal to the CCIO signal be careful that both
lines are not placed closely next to each other. A useful approach is using the GND line to
shield the CCIO line from the CCCLK line.
open: Card removed
closed: Card inserted
SMT application interface
Cinterion® ALS6A-E Hardware Interface Overview
3.5 Pulse Code Modulation Interface (PCM)
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3.5 Pulse Code Modulation Interface (PCM)
ALS6A-E's PCM interface can be used to connect audio devices capable of pulse code modu-
lation. The PCM functionality is limited to the use of wideband codecs with 16kHz sample rate
3.6 Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC)
ALS6A-E provides two unbalanced ADC input lines: ADC1_IN and ADC2_IN. They can be
used to measure two independent, externally connected DC voltages in the range of 0.3V to
3.075V. They can also be used for antenna diagnosing.
3.7 GPIO Interface
ALS6A-E has 10 GPIOs for external hardware devices. Each GPIO can be configured for use
as input or output. All settings are AT command controlled.
Cinterion® ALS6A-E Hardware Interface Overview
4 Antenna Interfaces
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4 Antenna Interfaces
4.1 GSM/UMTS/LTE Antenna Interface
The ALS6A-E GSM/UMTS/LTE antenna interface comprises a GSM/UMTS/LTE main antenna
as well as a UMTS/LTE Rx diversity/MIMO antenna to improve signal reliability and quality1.
The interface has an impedance of 50. ALS6A-E is capable of sustaining a total mismatch at
the antenna interface without any damage, even when transmitting at maximum RF power.
The external antennas must be matched properly to achieve best performance regarding radi-
ated power, modulation accuracy and harmonic suppression. Matching networks are not in-
cluded on the ALS6A-E PCB and should be placed in the host application, if the antenna does
not have an impedance of 50.
Regarding the return loss ALS6A-E provides the following values in the active band:
1. By delivery default the UMTS/LTE Rx diversity/MIMO antenna is configured as available for the module
since its usage is mandatory for LTE. Please refer to [1] for details on how to configure antenna settings.
Table 9: Return loss in the active band
State of module Return loss of module Recommended return loss of application
Receive > 8dB > 12dB
Transmit not applicable > 12dB
Idle < 5dB not applicable
Cinterion® ALS6A-E Hardware Interface Overview
4.1 GSM/UMTS/LTE Antenna Interface
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4.1.1 Antenna Installation
The antenna is connected by soldering the antenna pads (ANT_MAIN; ANT_DRX_MIMO) and
their neighboring ground pads directly to the application’s PCB.
The distance between the antenna pads and their neighboring GND pads has been optimized
for best possible impedance. To prevent mismatch, special attention should be paid to these
pads on the application’ PCB.
The wiring of the antenna connection, starting from the antenna pad to the application’s anten-
na should result in a 50 line impedance. Line width and distance to the GND plane need to
be optimized with regard to the PCB’s layer stack.
To prevent receiver desensitization due to interferences generated by fast transients like high
speed clocks on the external application PCB, it is recommended to realize the antenna con-
nection line using embedded Stripline rather than Micro-Stripline technology.
For type approval purposes, the use of a 50 coaxial antenna connector (U.FL-R-SMT) might
be necessary. In this case the U.FL-R-SMT connector should be placed as close as possible
to ALS6A-E‘s antenna pad.
Cinterion® ALS6A-E Hardware Interface Overview
5 Mechanics, Mounting and Packaging
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5 Mechanics, Mounting and Packaging
5.1 Mechanical Dimensions of ALS6A-E
Figure 4 shows a 3D view1 of ALS6A-E and provides an overview of the board's mechanical
dimensions. For further details see Figure 5.
Length: 33mm
Width: 29mm
Height: 2.2mm
Figure 4: ALS6A-E – top and bottom view
1. The coloring of the 3D view does not reflect the module’s real color.
Top view
Bottom view
Cinterion® ALS6A-E Hardware Interface Overview
5.1 Mechanical Dimensions of ALS6A-E
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Figure 5: Dimensions of ALS6A-E (all dimensions in mm)
Cinterion® ALS6A-E Hardware Interface Overview
6 Sample Application
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6 Sample Application
Figure 6 shows a typical example of how to integrate an ALS6A-E module with an application.
The PWR_IND line is an open collector that needs an external pull-up resistor which connects
to the voltage supply VCC µC of the microcontroller. Low state of the open collector pulls the
PWR_IND signal low and indicates that the ALS6A-E module is active, high level notifies the
Power Down mode.
If the module is in Power Down mode avoid current flowing from any other source into the mod-
ule circuit, for example reverse current from high state external control lines. Therefore, the
controlling application must be designed to prevent reverse flow.
While developing SMT applications it is strongly recommended to provide test points
for certain signals, i.e., lines to and from the module - for debug and/or test purposes.
The SMT application should allow for an easy access to these signals. For details on
how to implement test points see [3].
The EMC measures are best practice recommendations. In fact, an adequate EMC strategy for
an individual application is very much determined by the overall layout and, especially, the po-
sition of components.
Some LGA pads are connected to clocks or high speed data streams that might interfere with
the module’s antenna. The RF receiver would then be blocked at certain frequencies (self in-
terference). The external application’s PCB tracks connected to these pads should therefore
be well shielded or kept away from the antenna. This applies especially to the USB and UICC/
SIM interfaces.
No warranty, either stated or implied, is provided on the sample schematic diagram shown in
Figure 6 and the information detailed in this section. As functionality and compliance with na-
tional regulations depend to a great amount on the used electronic components and the indi-
vidual application layout manufacturers are required to ensure adequate design and operating
safeguards for their products using ALS6A-E modules.
Cinterion® ALS6A-E Hardware Interface Overview
6 Sample Application
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Figure 6: ALS6A-E sample application
Cinterion® ALS6A-E Hardware Interface Overview
7 Reference Approval
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7 Reference Approval
7.1 Reference Equipment for Type Approval
The Gemalto M2M reference setup submitted to type approve ALS6A-E is shown in Figure 7.
The module (i.e., the evaluation module) is connected to the DSB75 by means of a flex cable
and a special DSB75 adapter. The GSM/UMTS/LTE test equipment is connected via edge
mount SMA connectors soldered to the module’s antenna pads.
For ESD tests and evaluation purposes, it is also possible connect the module to the GSM/
UMTS/LTE test equipment through an SMA-to-Hirose-U.FL antenna cable and the SMA anten-
na connectors of the DSB75 adapter.
A further option is to mount the evaluation module directly onto the DSB75 adapter’s 80-pin
board-to-board connector and to connect the test equipment as shown below.
Figure 7: Reference equipment for type approval
80 polig Flex
test equipment
DSB75 adapter
SIM card
Edge mount SMA connectors
manually soldered to antenna pads
SMA to Hirose U.FL cable
UMTS/LTE Rx Diversity/
Cinterion® ALS6A-E Hardware Interface Overview
7.2 Compliance with FCC Rules and Regulations
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7.2 Compliance with FCC Rules and Regulations
The Equipment Authorization Certification for the Gemalto M2M modules reference application
described in Section 7.1 will be registered under the following identifiers:
FCC Identifier QIPALS6A-E
Granted to Gemalto M2M GmbH
Manufacturers of mobile or fixed devices incorporating ALS6A-E modules are authorized to
use the FCC Grants of the ALS6A-E modules for their own final products according to the con-
ditions referenced in these documents. In this case, the FCC label of the module shall be visible
from the outside, or the host device shall bear a second label stating "Contains FCC ID:
QIPALS6A-E". The integration is limited to fixed or mobile categorised host devices, where a
separation distance between the antenna and any person of min. 20cm can be assured during
normal operating conditions. For mobile and fixed operation configurations the antenna gain,
including cable loss, must not exceed the limits 9.51 dBi (2600MHz).
Manufacturers of portable applications incorporating ALS6A-E modules are required to have
their final product certified and apply for their own FCC Grant related to the specific portable
mobile. This is mandatory to meet the SAR requirements for portable mobiles (see Section
1.4.1 for detail).
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance
could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.
Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital
device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable
protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates,
uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with
the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is
no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does
cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning
the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or
more of the following measures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver
is connected.
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
Cinterion® ALS6A-E Hardware Interface Overview
8 Appendix
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8 Appendix
8.1 List of Parts and Accessories
Table 10: List of parts and accessories
Description Supplier Ordering information
ALS6A-E Gemalto M2M Standard module
Gemalto M2M IMEI:
Packaging unit (ordering) number: L30960-N3140-A100
Module label number: S30960-S3140-A100-1
DSB75 Support Box Gemalto M2M Ordering number: L36880-N8811-A100
DSB75 adapter for mount-
ing the evaluation module Gemalto M2M Ordering number: L30960-N2301-A100
Votronic handset for
approval purposes Votronic /
Gemalto M2M Gemalto M2M ordering number: L36880-N8301-A107
Votronic ordering number: HH-SI-30.3/V1.1/0
Entwicklungs- und Produktionsgesellschaft für elek-
tronische Geräte mbH
Saarbrücker Str. 8
66386 St. Ingbert
Phone: +49-(0)6 89 4 / 92 55-0
Fax: +49-(0)6 89 4 / 92 55-88
SIM card holder incl. push
button ejector and slide-in
Molex Ordering numbers: 91228
Sales contacts are listed in Table 11.
U.FL antenna connector Hirose or
Molex Sales contacts are listed in Table 11 and Table 12.
Cinterion® ALS6A-E Hardware Interface Overview
8.1 List of Parts and Accessories
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Table 11: Molex sales contacts (subject to change)
For further information please click:
Molex Deutschland GmbH
Otto-Hahn-Str. 1b
69190 Walldorf
Phone: +49-6227-3091-0
Fax: +49-6227-3091-8100
American Headquarters
Lisle, Illinois 60532
Phone: +1-800-78MOLEX
Fax: +1-630-969-1352
Molex China Distributors
Room 1311, Tower B, COFCO Plaza
No. 8, Jian Guo Men Nei Street, 100005
P.R. China
Phone: +86-10-6526-9628
Fax: +86-10-6526-9730
Molex Singapore Pte. Ltd.
110, International Road
Jurong Town,
Singapore 629174
Phone: +65-6-268-6868
Fax: +65-6-265-6044
Molex Japan Co. Ltd.
1-5-4 Fukami-Higashi,
Kanagawa, 242-8585
Phone: +81-46-265-2325
Fax: +81-46-265-2365
Table 12: Hirose sales contacts (subject to change)
Hirose Ltd.
For further information please click:
Hirose Electric (U.S.A.) Inc
2688 Westhills Court
Simi Valley, CA 93065
Phone: +1-805-522-7958
Fax: +1-805-522-3217
Hirose Electric Europe B.V.
German Branch:
Herzog-Carl-Strasse 4
73760 Ostfildern
Phone: +49-711-456002-1
Fax: +49-711-456002-299
Hirose Electric Europe B.V.
UK Branch:
First Floor, St. Andrews House,
Caldecotte Lake Business Park,
Milton Keynes MK7 8LE
Great Britain
Phone: +44-1908-369060
Fax: +44-1908-369078
Hirose Electric Co., Ltd.
5-23, Osaki 5 Chome,
Tokyo 141
Phone: +81-03-3491-9741
Fax: +81-03-3493-2933
Hirose Electric Europe B.V.
Hogehillweg 8
1101 CC Amsterdam Z-O
Phone: +31-20-6557-460
Fax: +31-20-6557-469
About Gemalto
Gemalto (Euronext NL0000400653 GTO) is the world leader in digital security with 2011 annual
revenues of €2 billion and more than 10,000 employees operating out of 74 offices and 14 Research
& Development centers, located in 43 countries.
We are at the heart of the rapidly evolving digital society. Billions of people worldwide increasingly
want the freedom to communicate, travel, shop, bank, entertain and work - anytime, everywhere
- in ways that are enjoyable and safe. Gemalto delivers on their expanding needs for personal
mobile services, payment security, authenticated cloud access, identity and privacy protection,
eHealthcare and eGovernment efficiency, convenient ticketing and dependable machine-to-
machine (M2M) applications.
Gemalto develops secure embedded software and secure products which we design and
personalize. Our platforms and services manage these secure products, the confidential data they
contain and the trusted end-user services they enable. Our innovations enable our clients to offer
trusted and convenient digital services to billions of individuals.
Gemalto thrives with the growing number of people using its solutions to interact with the digital
and wireless world.
For more information please visit,, or Follow@gemaltom2m on twitter.
Gemalto M2M GmbH
St.-Martin-Str. 60
81541 Munich
© Gemalto 2015. All rights reserved. Gemalto, the Gemalto logo, are trademarks and service marks of Gemalto and are registered in certain countries. April 2013

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