Generac 1974 0 User Manual PRESSURE WASHER Manuals And Guides L0403261
GENERAC Power Washer, Gas Manual L0403261 GENERAC Power Washer, Gas Owner's Manual, GENERAC Power Washer, Gas installation guides
User Manual: Generac 1974-0 1974-0 GENERAC PRESSURE WASHER - Manuals and Guides View the owners manual for your GENERAC PRESSURE WASHER #19740. Home:Lawn & Garden Parts:Generac Parts:Generac PRESSURE WASHER Manual
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GENPortable Products RAC°I 2 IOOPSI Owner's Manual/Manual del Propietario Generac Portable Products is a licensed trademark of Briggs & Stratton Power Products. Generac Portable Products es una marca registrada llcenciada de Briggs & Stratton Power Products. Questions? Help is just a moment away! Preguntas? La ayuda es justa un momento lejos! Call: Generac Pressure Washer Helpline Llame: Linea Directa del Lavador a Presi6n de Generac - 1-800-270-1408 Web: www.generac-por Model No. 1974-0 (2100 PSIPressureWasher)Manual M-F 8-5 CT tables.corn No. 193729GS Revision 0 (09/17/2003)I!!!!!!l!l!!l! O 8 Generac Portable Products 2100 PSI PressureWasher TABLE OF CONTENTS SAFETY RULES SafetyRules .................................... 2-4 KnowYour PressureWasher ........................ 5 j_IL Assembly ...................................... 6-7 Opera, on .................................... 8-10 Product Specific_Jons ............................ II Maintenance ................................. I I-13 Storage ........................................ Troubleshooting ................................. Replacement Par_s ............................ Warranty ................................. The safety alert symbol (_I,) is used with a signal word 14 15 16-17 last P_e (DANGER, CAUTION,WARNING), a pictorial and/or a safety message to alert you to h_=z_rds,DANGER indicates a hazard which, ff not avoided, w_ff result fn death or serious injury, WARNING fndfcates a h_z_rd which, if not couldresult in death or serious fniury. CAUTION indicates a hazard which, ff not avoided, might result minor or moderate injury. CAUTION, when used without the aler_csymbol, indicates a situation that result in equipment damage. Follow safety messzses avoid or reduce the risk of fniury or de_th. EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION _Read with your this manual familiar pressure carefully vrasher. and Knowbecome its applicadons, its limitations and any hazards involved. Every effort has been made to ensure _at this manual Ts accurate and current, However, Thls is the to safeL_ alert personal symbol. injury It is used to alert you potential hazards. Obey all safeL_ messages that follow this symbol to avoid possible injury or death. could to The engine exhaust from this product €ontalns chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer, birth defects, or other reproductive harm, reserve the right to change, al_r or otherwise improve the product and thisdocument at any time wfthout priorno_ce. !n _he S_e 0f c_iifum!a_ spa#(_r_ster is_qU!_d bylaw (SeC_i°n _42 0f_e C_lTf°mi_ Pub!!€ ReS0U_es Cede)i Ot_er S_tes m_ have Sfmflar I_S i Fede_l laws apply On fn WARNING fnforma_-Jon in we avoided, I Hazard Symbols and Meanings fed,_l I_nds I_yO_ e_ip _he m_me_ _idl _ _p,r k arres_r, !t mUSt:be m_in_!_ed fn effect!ve w_c_r_rig Toxic Fumes Slippery Surface Fire rVlovingParts 1 2 ElecCric&l Shock F_II Fluid In[ecCion Explos(on HoC Surface FlyingObjects Kickback Generac Portable Produc_ 2100 PSIPressureW_sher DANGER WARN WHEN ADDING ING FUEL ,Turn presSU_ _her OFF _nd Ictic _! at !east2 minutes bdo__m0v!n_ _ _p ' F(II fuel _nk OUtdoOrsL ,DO '_eP ,DO NO! overfill tank_AI!0w sP_-Ce for fuel aY_ayfro m spa_€ open/lames, pi!_ I!ghts¢h_ r. and NOT dp engine 0r eClUiprnen__.tangleWhich eaUsesfuel , DO NOT Sprayflammabl_ liquids WHEN TRANSPORTING OR REPAIRI NG EQU!PMEN'I" ' Transpordrepalr withfuel tank E'VlPTYOr with fuel shutoff WHEN STORING IN TANK FUEL OR EQUIPMENT W!TH FUEL ' StOreawayfrom fureaces, stoves_w_cerh_terS_ dothes dryers 0r otherappl!ancesthat havepilot !(gh t_or 0the_ ignition SOUrc_bet_.Us_thc_y canignite fuel VapOrs WARN , _ep Spray nozzle b_een 8 co 24 inchesawayfrom Cleaning , Operate thi_, unit on _ stable suriname , The gleaning area shOUld have adequateslopes _ncl drainage tO _dOCO theP_sib!l!__ af_ll ,Be _mely eareful ify0u mUStUSethepmsSU_ _her from a ladder,scaffoldingor any ocher relatively unstable location , _f_!Yg_Psp_ gun_f_hb_hh_ _h_n_Sin_ / 3 ING Generac Portable Products 2100 PSI PressureWasher CAUTION CAUTION , DO NO'r s_Um Sp_ gun !n open p_!cion. ,0o NOTlea,_S_ray gU"U"_"d_d Wh!le m_h!,e ,NEVER , USea sP_ gun which does not have a cr(_er lock or A!W_ys be certain spray gun, no_!es and _C_eSsories CAUTION CAUTION , !i_yoU have quascions ab0uc intended u_ei ask d_!er c0n_ ,NEVER Biffs & Str_tton operate units _Ch broken _^dch_c prot_ve Before _r_ing par_ Or missing p_rt_; or h0using0r covers. , DO NOT by_ass , or powe_ produc_. _.ny S&fe_ device on this machine_ pressur_ w_-sher in co!d We_Jher. check a!l of _e equipment to be surc (co has not formed _h_re , NEVER- move machine by pul!ing on high pressu_ handl_ prev(d_d hOSe. on unit. , Chccl¢ fuelsystem for le_ksor Signs Of deteriorationL Such as Chafed or sp0n_)" hos_i !o_e or missing clamps, 0r d_.m_ed tank or cap. C0r reccal! d_eccs b_ore Operating PmSSU_ ,'-his Power _Ch m_m 4 equipment (_ designed to be USed With Bri_S Productt. author!zeal P"r_s th_ DO N_ p_rts ONLY, c0mP_ & Strat:on If equ!pmenl: it. used _i_h minimum spcc!fieati0ns Generec Por_ble Produc_s2100 PSIPressureW_sher KNOWYOUR PRESSURE WASH ER Read (;his owner's manual and safeL-_frules before operating your pressure washer. Compare the Tllus_retTonswith your pressure wr_sher to famTITr_rTze yourself wTth the IocatTons of vr_rious controls r_nd r_djustme_ts. Sr_vethTs mr_nualfor future reference. High Pressure Hose Air Cle_r_er ............. PrTmer Bulb ........... High _ressure O_tlet ....... & W_er Inlet I Pump eq_!pped with A_om_ti¢ Cool DOWn FuelTa_k A!r C!eaner _ Dry ?/pe fTIter elemen: limits the am0unt Of dirt _r_d d_JStthat gets in H!gh P_ssure hos_i Automatic C00! Down System _ Cycles _hrough pump When _er reaches 125%1_5_E Warm W_ter wili rJischar from P ump onto Data Tag {no€ shown, near rear _f base P!aCe) Pro¥ides model _nd serial n_mber of pressure _sher. have _hese readily zv_il_ble iF Czl]i_g for assis_cei system Prevents I nternal Pump damage, Chemlcal Iniectlon Siphon/Filter _ Use _o sipho_ Primer p_SSu_ Rec0!! starter Used for S_ng the e_gine m_n_ally, Spray Gun _ Cor_trols the applic_Jo_ of water onto clea_|_g s_r_r_ce wll:h tr_er devlce_ I_cl_des sr_tetylatch. Fue Tank _ F High PressUre Hose Connec_ 0r_e end :o w,'_ter pump _cl the O_her e_d _ sprey gUn, water / 5 Bulb !n!e_ Oudet _ C_nnec:!0n _r high pressure Prepares a _oId engine for s_rtingi €OnneC:!_n fo_ g_rd_n hose, Generac Portable Products 2100 PSI PressureWasher ASSEMBLY Attach IMPORTANT: Read entire owner's manual before you attempt to assemble or operate your new pressure washer. I. Remove Pressure Washer Carton From I, Remove the parts bag, accessories, and inserts included with pressure washer. 2, Slice t_vo corners at the end of c_rton from top to botr;om so the panel can be folded down flat, 3, Remove pressure washer from carl;ore Carton Handle Place handle assembly onto handle supports connected to main unit, Make sure holes in handle align with holes on handle supports (Figure I). Alig Handle Supports Contents Items in the carton Main Unit Handle NOTE: It may be necessary to move the handle supports from side to side in order to align the handle so it will slide over the handle supports. include: 2. High Pressure Hose Spray Gun Nozzle Extension Insert carriage bolts through holes from outside of unit and aI;t'.acha plastic knob from inside of unit (Figure 2).Tighten by hand. Safety Goggles Oil Bottle Parts Bag (which includes the following): Owner's Manual 5 Engine Manual Owner's Registration Card Handle Attachment Hardware PREPARING WASHER . PRESSURE FOR USE hook fn place with pliers and attach Iocknut with 7/16" wrench (Figure 3), If you have any problems with the assembly of your pressure washer or if parts are missing or damaged, call the pressure washer helplfne at 1-800-270-1408. If calling for assistance, please have the model, revision, and serial number from the data tag available. To prepare your pressure washer for operation, will need to perform these tasks: Insert one "L" hooks through hole just under billboard on lefl;side of handle (viewing from rear of unit). Hold ;pray Gun Hook you I. Fill out and send in registration 2. Attach handle to main unit. card. 3. Add oil to engine crankcase. 4. Add fuel to fuel tank. 5. Connect high pressure hose to spray gun and pump. 6, Connect water supply to pump, 7. Attach nozzle extension to spray gun. 4. / 6 Insert other"L" hook through hole iust above billboard on right side of handle (viewing from rear of unit). Hold hook fn place with pliers and at_ch Iocknut with 7/16" wrench (Figure 3), Generac Portable Produc_s2100 PSIPressureWasher Add Engine Oil and Fuel , Before connecting garden hose to wa:er inlet, fnspect inlet screen (Ffgure 6), Cle_n screen ff i: cont_fns debrTs or have Tt replaced if damaged. Refer to the sectTon "O-Ring MaTetenance" Tfinlet screen Ts damagud, DO NOT RUN PRESSLJREWASHER IF INLET SCREEN IS DAMAGED. _t, Run wa_er _hrough your garden hose for 30 seconds to clean out any debris, • Place pressure washer on a level surface. CAUTION • Refer to engTneowner's manual and follow recommendatTons and instructTons, oil and fuel NOTE: Check oTI often durTng engTnebre_k4n, engine owner's manual for recommendations, Connect Hose and Water Refer to Supply to Pump IMPORTANT: DO NOT siphon standing wa_er for the wa_er supply, Use ONLY cold water (less than 100:F), IMPORTANT: To avoid pump damage, you must _ssemble _he nozzle extension to the spray gun and attach all hoses before you s_r% the engine, I, S, Uncoil high pressure hose and att._ch one end of hose to base of spray gun (Figure 4),Tighten by hand, CAUTION 6, NOTE: Remove and discard all pump shipping caps before at_ching hoses, 2, Connect _he garden hose (not to exceed S0 feet in length) to the water inlet_Tighten by hand (Figure 6), Attach other end of high pressure hose to high pressure outlet on pump (Figure 5),Tighten by hand, / 7 Turn ON the wa_er and squeeze the trigger on the gun to purge the pump system of air and impurities, Generac Portable Products 2100PSIPressureWasher CH ECKLIST STARTING BEFORE ENGINE CAUTION Review t:he unft:'sassembly to ensure you have pert'ormed all of t:he following. I, Make sure handle is fn place and secure, 2, Check that oil has been added to proper level fn the engine cran k_se, 3, Add proper gasoline to fuel tank, 4, Check for properly 5, Check to make sure :here are no kfn_, cuts, or 5. At_ch adius_ble nozzle extension to sprm/gun (Figure 7).Tighten by hand. 5, Position nozzle in low pressure mode (see "How t:o Use t:he Adjustable Nozzle") and squeeze t:rf_er on spraygun t:orelieve airpressurec_used by turningON t:fghtened hose connect:ions, damzge to high pressure hose, 6. Provide a proper wa_er supply at an adequate flow. 7, Be sure to read "S_fe_ Rules" and "HowTo UseYour PressureWasher" before using pressure washer. HOWTO USE YOUR PRESSURE WASH ER wa_enWat:er will flow out of spray gun in a thin stream. Continue to hold trigger until :here is a steady stream of wat:er and no air remains in system.This will make it easier t:o pull s_r_ engine. Release t:ri_er. If you have any problems operating your pressure washer, please call t:he pressure washer helplfne at: 1-800-270-1408. How to StartYour 7, E%=zgu safety latchto spraygunt:rf_er (Figure8). Pressure Washer Szfe ytch To s_rt your pressure washer forthe first: time, follow these fnatruc_ions st:ep-by-s_ep.Thfs star_fng information also applies if you have let the pressure washer sit idle for at least a day. , Start engine according to fnst:ruci;fons given in engine owner's l, Place pressure washer near an outside wa_er source c_pable of supplying water at: a flow rate great:er t:han 3.0 gullons per minute and no less t:han 20 PSI at: pressure washer end of garden hose. 2, Check that high pressure hose is tightly connect:ed t:o spray gun and pump. See "Preparing Pressure Washer for Use" for illustrations. 3. rvlake sure unit is in a level position. 4. Connect: garden hose to water washer pump. Turn ON manual, NOTE: If :he recoil star_er is hard to pull, squeeze the spray gun t:rfgger to relieve int:ernal pump pressure, inlet: on pressure NOTE: Always keep the throttle lever in the "Fast" position when operating the pressure washer. water. / 8 Generec Portable Products 2100 PSIPressureW_sher How to StopYour Pressure Washer I. 2. Let engfne idle for _vo mfnutes. "l'urn engine off accordfng to instructfons gfven in engine owner's m;_nual, 3, Squeeze pressure 2. Point nozzle down towards a fTrmsurface _nd press triggerto _est p_t_ern (Figure I0), 3. Twfstfng nozzle_djus_ spray p_ern from a n_rrow p_t_ern to _ fan pattern (FigureI I). trigger on the spray gun to relieve in the hose. NOTE: A small _mount of w_r release the pressure. will squirt out when you How to Use the Adjustable Nozzle You should now know how to START _nd STOP your pressure w_sher.The fnform_tJon in thfs sec_Jon will tell you how to adiust the spray pa_rn and to _pply detergent or ol:her cleaning chemicals. CAUTION I, Slide nozzle forward when you wish to _djust spray to low pressure mode (Figure 9), Slide nozzle b_ckw_rd :o _chieve high pressure, Rotate nozzle counterclockwfse forfan Slide nozzle b_ckw_rd for Hfgh Pressure Mode Slfde nozzle forward Rotate nozzle clodcwfse for narrow spraypattern spray pattern for low For most effective cleaning, le_ep spray nozzle from 8 to 24 fnches _w_y from cleaning suff_ce, pressure mode and detergent applicatfon / g 5. If you get spray nozzle _oo close, especfally usfng hfgh pressure mode, you may d_mage surface befng cleaned, 6. DO NOT get closer than 6 inches when cleaning tfres, Generac Portable Products 2100PSIPressureWasher Applying Detergent Adiustable with the Pressure Washer Nozzle Rinsing For Rinsing= IMPORTANT: Use soaps designed specifically for pressure washers. Household detergents could damage the pump. I. Slide the nozzle backward to high pressure, press the trigger and wait for the detergent to clear, NOTE:You c_n also stop detergent from flowfng by simply removfng chemfcal injection hose from bottle. CAUTION 2. Keep the spray gun a safe dis_nce from the area you plan to spray. 3. Apply a high pressure spray to a small are_, then check the surface for damzge. If no damzge is found, it is okay to contfnue cleanfng. To apply detergent, follow these steps: I, 2, 3, Revfewuse of adjus=ble nozzles, Prepare detergent solution as required by iob. Place filter end of chemical injection hose into detergent confiner. ,Keep CAUTION Spraynozzle between8 to 2,4 inches &wayfrom Cleaning surf'aC_ , Be extremely _reful ({ FoumUSt Use_e pr_SSU_washer {rein ladder. Scaffoid(ngOr a_ Other relatJveiy unscabieiocadeni ' Firmly grasp SP_ gun v_thboth hands w_en us!ng high 4. Slfde adiustable nozzle forward to low pressure mode. Detergent cannot be applied with nozzle in hfgh 4. pressure posi_iom 5. Make sure g_rden hose is connected to water fnlet. Check that high pressure hose fs connected to spray gum and pump. Start engfne. 6. Apply detergent to a dry su_ace, starting at lower portion of area to be washed and work upward, using long, even, overlapping strokes. 7. Allow detergent to "soak fn" for 3-5 mfnutes before washing and rinsfng. Re_pply as needed to prevent surface from dryfng, DO NOT allow detergent to dry on (prevents streaking), Start at the top of the area to be rinsed, working down wfth same overlappfng strokes as you used for washfng and applyfng detergent. Automatic ('l-hernnal Cool Down System Relief) If you rum the engine on your pressure washer for 3-5 minu_es without pressing the trigger on the spray gun, circulating wa_er in the pump c_n re_ch temperatures above 125°EThe system engzges to cool the pump by discharging the warm water onto the ground. IMPORTANT: You must flush the chemf_l fniec_ion system after each use by placing the filter fnto a bucket of clean water, then rum the pressure washer fn low pressure for I-2 minutes. mm_m 10 Generec Portable Products 2100 PSIPressureW_sher SPECIFICATIONS Outlet Pressure ..... PRESSURE WASH ER MAINTENANCE 2100 psT Flow Rate .......... 2,0 g_llons per minute (gpm) De_rgent .......... Use detergent approved for pressure washers Wa_r Supply Temperature ...... Automatic Cool Down System .... ShippingWelght .... Check and Clean Inlet Screen Exr_mine 1:hescreen on the water inlet. Cler_n it if the Not to Exceed 100°F screen is clogged or replace it it"screen is dr_maged. Will cycle when w_ter re_ches 125°= 155°F Check Hish Pressure Hose The high pressure hose can develop le_ks from wear, kinl
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