Genvict Technologies WB-R30B Roadside Unit User Manual WB R30B manual

Shenzhen Genvict Technologies Co.,Ltd Roadside Unit WB R30B manual


Users Manual

                             Cooperative Vehicle Infrastructure (V2X) Specific Roadside Unit WB-R30B User Guide
                                                                  WB-R30B user guide 1   Catalog 1 Product Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 21.1 Product parameter .................................................................................................................. 22 Product installation ......................................................................................................................... 32.1 Product accessories ................................................................................................................ 32.2 Login WB-R30B .................................................................................................................... 52.2.1 Device installation .......................................................................................................... 52.2.2serial port log in ............................................................................................................... 62.2.3Wi-Fi log in ..................................................................................................................... 73 WB-R30BAutomatic Start-up Items ............................................................................................... 7 4ǃWB-R30BSoftware Use Guidance .............................................................................................. 84.1Device Network Interface Introduction .................................................................................. 84.2Wi-Fi Use Guidance .............................................................................................................. 104.2.1 Change Wi-Fi broadcast ssid and password ................................................................. 104.2.2Modify Wi-Fi IP Address and Assign IP Address Pool ................................................. 104.3 Ethernet Use Guidance ......................................................................................................... 114.3.1ManuallyConfigure Ethernet Interface IP Address ....................................................... 114.3.2AutomaticallyAcquire Ethernet Interface IP Address ................................................... 124.4 4G Network Interface Use Guidance ................................................................................... 124.5System Upgrading Introduction ............................................................................................ 124.5.1Upgrading File Preparation ........................................................................................... 124.5.2Parameter Introduction ............................................................................................ 13
                                                                  WB-R30B user guide 2   1 Product Introduction WB-R30B roadside unit equipment is based on 5.8~5.92GHz DSRC cooperative vehicle technology (V2V, V2I, V2X). It provides DSRC (IEEE802.11p), Bluetooth/Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Ethernet and CAN communication functions and mainly used in cooperative intelligent traffic, vehicle safety and autonomous driving. WB-R30B enables vehicles to talk to each other in real time. It will provide supports for Connected Vehicles, Cooperative ITS and Autonomous Vehicles. It supports applications such as cooperative traffic light, intelligent traffic infrastructure, etc. 1.1 Product parameter LWHP SDUDPHWHUSURWRFRO9 ,(((S9 ,(((9 6$(-'65&SDUDPHWHUV9 'XDODQWHQQDV9 :RUNLQJIUHTXHQF\*+]*+]9 0D[FRPPXQLFDWLRQUDJHP9 /DWHQF\OHVVWKDQPVLQDYHUDJHZLWKELWVSD\ORDG9 'DWDUDWH00000000ESV9 &KDQQHOEDQGZLGWK0&KDQQHO1R̚9 &KDQQHOVZLWFKWLPHPV9 6XSSRUWPXOWLFKDQQHOV\QFKURQL]DWLRQ9 6XSSRUWVZLWFKEHWZHHQFRQWUROFKDQQHODQGVHUYLFHFKDQQHOLQUHDOWLPHVHFXULW\ 9 6XSSRUWPHVVDJHVLJQLQJDQGYHULILFDWLRQ9 6XSSRUWPHVVDJHHQFU\SWLRQDQGGHFU\SWLR7\SLFDODSSOLFDWLRQ9 6XSSRUW:603DQG,3DSSOLFDWLRQ9 0XOWLDSSOLFDWLRQVXSSRUW9 6XSSRUWPXOWLSULRULW\9 6XSSRUWZDYHGDWDDQGFRQWUROGDWDWUDQVPLVVLRQ9 6XSSRUWUHPRWHORJLQDSSOLFDWLRQ9 3URYLGHXVHUGHYHORSPHQWNLW:%6'.WB-R30B is a class C devicefor private application.according to Table 9 of ASTM E2213-03 and is
22s DS  3HULQ:HQY$SSHD2 Prod2.1 ProdWB-R3serial wirepower on, Followserial and on RC1     ULSKHUDOWHUIDFHRUNLQJLURQPHQWDUDQFHDQGVL]Hduct induct acce30B road-si, DSRC antuser shouldwing shows Wne 48V powIndicator             9 9;9 ([W9 *369 :RU9 6WR9 :RUG9 6LOPHW9 VL]nstallaessories ide equipmetenna, GNSd distinguishWB-R30B fwer interfaceR˄DC            ;'65&WHUQDOLQWH6%HL'RXPUNLQJWHPSRUDJHWHPSUNLQJKXPLOYHUSUHVVWDOVKHOO]H˖PPation ent hardwarSantenna, 4h different afront and bae. FigureS232 C supply˅            HUIDFH˖56PRGXOHSHUDWXUH˖SHUDWXUH˖LGLW\˖XUHSURRI/PPre includes m4G antenna accessories ack interfac e2-1 WB-R30POE            ˈ5-ˈć̚ć̚̚IZDWHUS:PP+main frame(optional) ato prevent pces. Of whic0Bfront Waterpo            :L)Lˈ%OXććURRIGXVW+, power corand Wi-Fi/Bpossible damch RS232 inr-proofort   WB-R30B XHWRRWKWSURRIrd, POE EthBTantenna. Bmage. nterface conWi-Fi/BT user guide hernet wire, Before ntains two  DS3 SRC2
       Fig10 meteD    gure 2-4 shoers POE, amGNSS DSRCantenn            ows WB-R3mong whichna  WIFI            FigureFigure230B wires. Th in 12-pin, Iantenna            e2-2 WB-R302-3WB-R30BThere are 1serial 2 useGN            0B back Bantenna 5 meters 12d in debug, NSSantenna            2-pin serial serial 1 is fa   WB-R30B port& DC pfunctional p4G 4G antennuser guide   power and port. For thena 4 e
22otsssapair ora2.2 Login2.2.1 DeviAccessone is DC pthe POE powserial port osupports netseparately). antennais opange power n WB-Rice installasories contapower cord wwer cord anof 12-pin potwork cableAntennas inptional. Dev           wire, positiR30Bationain power cawithin 12-pnd this is opower cable,ae function; include two vice is insta12-pin pow          ive is green Figureable, data cain power coptional. The and 8-pin caf DC powerDSRC antealled correctwer         and brown 2-4WB-R30able and antord (Note: gdata cable iable (If POEr supply moenna, WIFI tly as shown        is negativeB wires tennas. Thergreen for theincludes DEE power supode is select/ BT antennn in Figure 2P  are two te positive, bEBUG seriapply modeited, networkna and GNS2-5.POE powerWB-R30Btypes of powbrown negatal port and fis selected, k need to prSS antenna, user guidewer cable,tive), one isfunctionPOE also repare4G5s
2f2.2.2serialTake sefollows:1) Ope2) Chol port log ierial port acen Xshell5, soose "SERIA           inccessing tooselect "newAL" as proto          Figureol Xshell5 fow" connectioocol incatal         e2-5full instaor example,on;log;        allation , the steps o           of serial portWB-R30Bt accessing user guideare as 6
                                                                 WB-R30B user guide71) Configure parameters in SERIAL panel. 2) Click "Connect", choose accept and save key. Then type in user name: root and password: victgen to complete connection. 2.2.3Wi-Fi log in For setting up Wi-Fi connection, please check chapter four, section two. Use Xshell5 to access device, the configuration steps are as follows:   1) Open the Xshell5, select "new" connection;   3) 2) Select SSH as protocol, set host address to, port number uses the default port number 22 4) Click "OK", choose accept and save key. Then type in user name: root and password: victgento complete connection. 3 WB-R30BAutomatic Start-up Items Check script /etc/init.d/S90init-stuff for WB-R30B startup items, here will explain how to configure and edit each programwhich will run at the start of device.   1.To reviewscript S90init-stuff: vi/etc/init.d/S90init-stuff, as shown in figure 3-1: Figure 3-1 Automatic Start Scripts
                                                                 WB-R30B user guide82. Script content is as follows: -- GPSD configuration script, through which user can configure GPSD serial port and baud rate, the gpsd baud rate is 115200. -- 4G module reset script, which to ensure that 4G module can work correctly. -- Load Wi-Fi driver module, after running this script, device will act as an AP, waiting wireless terminal to access by Wi-Fi. -- Hostapd configuration script, through whichuser can set IP address pool for client devices. -- Bluetooth module loading script, after running this script,Bluetooth function is switch on. -- 4G module loading script, after running this script,4Gfunction is switch on. -- WAVE service module loading script, after running this script,DSRCfunction is switch on. zrtl3d -- Read local GNSS message, and send as multicast message tomulticast group address on Wi-Fi interface address 4ǃǃWB-R30BSoftware Use Guidance 4.1DeviceNetworkInterfaceIntroductionAfter login system, input command “ifconfig” to view device network interface information, as shown in figure 4-1:
                                                                 WB-R30B user guide9Figure 4-1 Network Interface Info Through “ifconfig”command, there are five network interfaces on the device, namely eth0, lo, usb1, wave0 and wlan0. Eth0 is Ethernet interface, lo is local loopback interface, usb1 is 4G network interface, wave0 is DSRC communication interface and wlan0 is Wi-Fi interface. Please note that if4G module or SIM card is not plugged in, usb1 interface won't appear.
                                                                 WB-R30B user guide104.2WiǦFiUseGuidanceType in command “ifconfig” to view device network interface information, as shown in figure 4-2:Figure 4-2 Wi-Fi Interface The default interface for Wi-Fi is wlan0and default IP address is, this is the AP address forother devices to connect to. User can change this IP address by editing corresponding configuration file. See the next section for detail. 4.2.1 Change Wi-Fi broadcast ssid and password Initial WiFissid is: genvict-v2x and password is: cdgvmymm. This can be changed by modify hostapd.conf under directory /etc. Figure 4-3modifyWiFissid WiFi password can be modified by setting “wap_passphrase” value: Figure 4-4modify  WiFipassword 4.2.2Modify Wi-Fi IP Address and Assign IP Address Pool Use vi to open /etc/udhcpd.conf, find “start” and “end” items.
                                                                 WB-R30B user guide11Figure 4-5Wi-Fi Assign IP Address Pool Changethe start and end configuration in green spot to modify the address pool of AP.The default IP addresses for client is in segment, totally 10 addresses (From to Note that if you want to modify default address, please make sure that “opt router” item in udhcpd.conf has the same address segment as AP address segment, shown in figure 4-2-2 highlighted in green. Figure 4-6Wi-Fi IP Address Detailed Info 4.3 EthernetUseGuidance4.3.1ManuallyConfigure Ethernet Interface IP Address Connect WB-R30B to PC via Ethernet cable, log in and input“ifconfig eth0 up” and“ifconfig eth0 netmask”. Then eth0 IP address can be seen, as shown in figure 4-3. Note thatWB-R30B and PC must configure in the same network segment.
                                                                 WB-R30B user guide12Figure 4-7ManuallyConfigure Ethernet Interface 4.3.2AutomaticallyAcquire Ethernet Interface IP Address Connect WB-R30B to router via Ethernet cable, input “udhcpc -i eth0”, then WB-R30B’s Ethernet interface can obtain IP address automatically, as shown in figure 4-8 Figure 4-8AutomaticallyAcquire IP Address 4.4 4GNetworkInterfaceUseGuidanceUsb1 is the 4G network interface.WB-R30B obtained IP address server. The existence of this address stands that the device is capable of accessing to Internet, as shown in figure 4-9.Figure 4-94G Network Interface 4.5SystemUpgradingIntroduction4.5.1Upgrading File Preparation First of all, prepare the upgrade file such as kernel;copy upgrading file to any path of the device. To do this, user can use Linux SCP command under Linux or SSH, WinSCPunder Windows. Now takingWinSCP as an example, the access configuration steps are as follows:
                                                                 WB-R30B user guide131) Open the WinSCP, configuration interface will appear;   1) 2) SelectSCP as protocol, use as host name, default 22 as port number, “root” as user name and “victgen” as password.Click "login" to complete access. (If host key related security warning appears, select "update".) After accessing using WinSCP shown in Figure4-5-1, with PC’s file directory on the left and WB-R30B file directory on the right.Then user can do file operations. As user has root privilege, please be cautious when applying operations. Figure 4-11 WinSCP Operation Interface 4.5.2Parameter Introduction under /opt/scripts directory, this script supports four kinds of upgrading, including DTB, Uboot, Kernel and FS. User can use command line to upgrade. (For example,./ -x /xxx/ 1) -x to distinguish four types of upgrading files: z-d stands for DTB upgrading z-u stands for Uboot upgrading z-k stands for Linux Kernel upgrading z-f stands for Filesystem upgrading z-dǃ-uǃ-kǃ-f can be used in any combination, this means that not only one type upgrading file, Name Name
                                                                 WB-R30B user guide14but multiple combination files can be used for upgrading. For example,-u, -k, -d, and -f using at the same time means the device needs to upgrade using DTB, Uboot, Kernel and FS files at the same time. Note that parameters are all lowercase letters. 2) /xxx/xxxmeans that upgrade file can locate in any path.   3) xxx.xxxstands for upgrading file name, this name can be user defined and has no format requirements.Warning Any Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment. This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:  (1) This device may not cause harmful interference,   and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including   interference that may cause undesired operation. Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to   part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in   a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed   and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However,   there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful   interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is   encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:    —Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.    —Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.    —Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.    —Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. FCC Radiation Exposure Statement: This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment . This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter. This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance 20cm between the radiator& your body. 
                                                                 WB-R30B user guide15GENVICT Headquarters (Shenzhen)Add: 12/F Tower A, R&D Building, Tsinghua Hi-Tech Park, Keyuan Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, P.R.C. 518057 Tel: (0086) 0755-26030288      Fax: (0086)0755-33631693 GENVICT Department of Research ProgramAdd: Unit 903, Building A, Changhong Science and Technology Mansion, No 199 Tianfu Fourth Street, High-tech Zone, Chengdu, Sichuan, P.R.C. 610041 Tel: (0086)028-83168577 Fax:(0086)028-83168578   The underlying software technical support˖˖  Application software technical support˖xuzq@genvict.comHardware technical support:

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