Giant Electronics G2489 Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum Device User Manual
Giant Electronics Ltd Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum Device
User Manual
“EH: 5 Cordless Telephone ._4,_,,,,__ GM 8 IMPORTANT SAFETY msmucnous ..............__. SAFETY |Nsmucnous FOR BATTERIES w NAME OF CONTROLS Am IhDICATIONs . Fccwmrsvou ToKnow......M-....._.“.._..,._....~..,.w....,-e MBQQQQTLQN , FEATURES...............,........,..................................._. _;...~.......9 BOX CONTENTS PREPARATION .._. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS INSTALLATION ......_.......,............. ............ ........ HANDSET BATTERY CHARGING ..._. CALLER m SETUP m. TELEPHONEOPERAI'ION. ' 15 CALLER ID DFERA'HON ..._..._...-.u.........,..._"..n......... m... 19 TROUBLESHOOHNG.........._A.................... . .. .. . vdeamusuueddmusmudmpcmmrdmhn. ,_ ' _ mummmmmmee-ummw Mmhmby » 15mm mums mew-ink. madmasunhnun wagelfl ' mum-gamut“: ' win-unamwummmnpmm. ' illmsmdmsmmmmmmmw IMPORTANT SAFTEY INSTRUCTIO S mmuswc‘vwamspmvéedmw.mmw P , EEmumEDro Rams THERISKOF FIRE, ELECTRICCHOGKAND wuwmrsnsws. NCLUDING THE mtlmwef . ,, 1. Midwamnddhdnuims. , ,. 2, Follw: fl waning: and Imudlurls markedmlhe prom-1, ‘ . Cl. Urchin“! mdhmlmwallmphnnaladtwpkuwmwm‘ 4.mmuami-mumuala.lurmmmnwabmmfisu aims Prlnswbemk . ’ 5.150 ml" m unfin- an maEHn ciil. slam! «HIE. “mane. » ' , '. ' asxmmmmmmmmmwmmmm mmummawmmslmmmmhmumm> andlamrwmlmdsler. d'a'rflesdlvlnemqhwlflm Manama-lawman 1D,NsvupulhMdmfihdhhlfinmmmhMMuanmq Mmpmmimnwlm.ThisumldlulehWnflMcnhthewspMmdduq new. ~ , b, ”JaredmmaNdehdflcsbonljomldsasmflbltflswodufilm mmhmmflmvlbawiflledsmiw _wbsequeflllv used. l v ‘ w 12. (IBM HS puma tum lhswall Mal Ind lefa mrln awn aerIIMpvmrswywdwpIuglsd-mdufiaymfi almnmudhmmWWHNMMn I ‘ ml; muse munlsmalan mdbychanpsmlng IMAM mar/mm Manage udwildlen mum mmnuml upuaunn. - eLIHha producing: been dmppsdur [he am has bee-dammed.“ ' l. “mu puma mm udisllnfl change i| psalummw. - 11 Amid uslng a (damn (am! I'm a cordless lype) wring an eledrlcal mm“ elm M lrom Iiuhlnlng, “ 14430!“ useflxalelephmmorewfl agasleaklnlmmbflyn! lhshak SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS FOR BATTERIES Safety Instructions for Batterles Handset Battery Pack CAU'HON: , Use only a Soutlwreshm Bell Freedom Fhone approved battery pedr In the handset olyour 6 up; at Cordess Teleptme. To reduce Ire rlrk at tie or tritury. a‘lwaye do the lollorrtrtg when rupturing. dimming ordrargm batterbe When hand-ta the betMes. he weir! not to short Dre battery with oonduolng mutate nrdr es rings. bracelets, and keyaflhe battery oroorrduct‘lng melertatmey overtreetend neusebumr, ~ » Use orrty lh etotlowirrg type and size ol battery pack: FOR HANDSET own a. GP40MK 3.5V 400mAHr. GPI Mamallonet Ltd or b. BYD D-ZISAMDOBC 35V40$|1AHL EVD Battery Co Ltd. CONTAINS MCKEHJADMFJM BATTERY. BKFI'ERY MUST BE RECVCLEB OR DISPOSED or= PROPERLY. ‘ a. Do not wear the battery pack In a fire. The oellmayesplode ctredrwlth tout nodes for possible menial disposeltnetrudtnrrs. ' b. Do not ettamt to open or muilale the bettery peothre whale ere darneruns and may oause damage to lheeyes or skin. and may be tonicit swallowed. 4; Follow the charge instruiune outtlnert in thin rnenuel (See page 13) The FA certified RBRC‘ Battery Rewdlng Seal on the ntnketcllt’lllrtm (NI-Cd) battery indicates that Snultrwestem Belt Freedom Phone Relatl sales ls vulurrluiy partinlpalrrg h an industryprourantooolted mdrecyolethesabetteriesettheend ofmetr melt! Ilenmen takerrurdol eervtoehlre Unhed Shtesorcanada, ‘I'heRBRc program prmMeeaoohventent eltemallve lo planlng used Nwd hatterlse Into the trash or the rmntclpet waste stream, whlclrmey beillenel tnyeur aeoerPleaee oatl-‘r-tlwfa-BAWERY'torflernrdioan-edw ' battery roe/ding and disposal bone I restrflonr In your area. Southwestern Bell Freedom Phone Retail Salee'e lnvelvemonttn ttrb program bpatotouroonuhlmentlo preservllgaur envlrnrtment and oonservlng our new resources. ‘RBRC is a lredemak ot the Rem-gentle Battery Recyottng Corporntlorr. Save These Instructions Taeruttrm . ' Used loi‘ld lte dlsphyed 'LCDDIsplayindicalor" ' ' -- - - v ' A NewCaII Cal Olnnk er Date CaIICounier lid °l cm =BB£IHIHB£BB£ Eng?“ _ 5119591399959" lZ—Charaelu Taxi Llnn 124m Number Lina va c-III Gallon-Inlet Shows Ine amwnl oi ails I mails In sinfully mode. When lime ls new cdl llrai mm: been mined. the dnplny wil shwr 'NEW CALL' and maNEWCaWLEDmIrehaflseiwIIblnk, Renamed can Indlmlnr Lighls on to indicate Ira dsplayed phnne number called more (hm ones. llww Voice “meindlalor Indcam Inai Ins mailbox h central arms In a message, clock firms like real line clam (AMIPM) lormal, at lira lime clump of a caller !) record. Clank Tick-r . , A. L. Blinks when red lime Mia being displayed Data Show iha dale (MM/DD) formal, uflhe dais stamp on: Calm ID mount Wmfifler Line Display Ihe mlier’s number, or diquay yuur dialed diglis. lz-cllammr Tani Lina Display caller's name, cfli timer and syuium piano! (such aaRNGING. TALK}. ~ v VIP Indicator _ Monies IhaIpiiogily tinge! has been seller 'lD lispluysd mmbsr. pass Unilconlrolrandlndlcalarsv-I * - Thiseinlipmenloonmleswilll’mmoflne FCCnlluflnlfle bollom oflhshase oilidsequlpmunl is a mi ihal malns. among other inlonnallon. lho FCC Reglwdlon Number and am Emivdalos Number (REM) ionhi: oqu'pmenl. You ml, upon request, pluviia this hionnonon In your Elephono oornpary. The RE" is usefullo delermlnelhsqumllly oldavbes you may wooed loyour lslephono Ila aid silhuuadmlnsodsvbosmg when yourleleplma nurrberlsofid. h Moulmldl was, Ills sum ollfis REN's oi allduvbos oonnsclsd to one firm should noiexoeed five (5.0). To booemin oi ills nun-hem doldoayou mayoomeolhywrlho, u dlluoimadbyllw REM, you should hot you lots! lelepl'lono company In deimine in maximum HEN lot your ring if, =_ar;wmmmflh*rmfl.mmfipflfim llyourldephono aqubmsnl was; harm lo muhphonenolwodg Ilia lshpllane empony my month» you servlu lolnpuruiiy. ll possible, lhiuy will molly you in admoo But fl admin» nollne Iw‘lwaollnl.youvil heliolllod assoon uposliblo.YbuMl boilhnmdolyourlipmln file a oomplail will! Ihe FOO. leoleplmn oompanymaymmmuoolnluhofiles, equlprnonl, npormnorprooodums lhaloould nfledlnpmpulundioninnol moqu'lpnml. ll maydo, youvflbamtlledhadvanoe lo gin you an opporhnily lo maillaln mhlevmplsd elephone sum. ll you sip-lame loubis will mishloplnme ouulplmlflsomlsolimmlhenolvm uni “emblem has bean consoled orunlil you so sure Matthew ismlmfllmollon‘llg. Tlis aquipmsm maynolbauserl on coil ”Metamucil hyflwulsphom company Conneoion on party mm is sublet)! in m wilt. This equipmsnl is healing in Mlle. Wlmlnn: Chames or modlbmionx to hkuilnoiexpmsdy uppmved Ivy Ina pally laspoflflbla for compliance could void lh- user‘smllioriylo oparala mo equipmonl. NOTE: This equipment has bun lasted an! lound in corw will llle llmllxlor a clots l! Ml device. puvsiuam In Part 15 oi ll» FCC Russ. mesa irris in: mlgnsd In pmvldo reasonable pmleclion aga'nsl lwmiul "affirm in a rasidanlial installallon. Some oodles: lelophonss upufle a lmquenu'u lhul maycm hilarious-loo in nearby W3 and WE“. To miinim or primal sum lnlaismwomshasedl (he oordlssslslephone should nolbo paced DH! own lop oi a‘l’V or VCR. liaisriaoencs is ewedemod, mwirollle oonihs labpnonn Me! My (mm Ills TV orVCR wil anon mime or elhnluala llloirneolamnoa. Hmvur. Mrs Is no gunnloe um hledemoovlnolowxrii aomlaflwhshllafionrlllfisqulmnldooa um hmnulularfsmrx in radio urlclovlslon moepllon. voildlmbouoluminod byhlnl'g meequimonl all and on, In userlsemoumgod mlrylooonaclma imam byooe uynmoilha lollwilg measures: .Rmrienl or mhcah the waiving aim Ancien- "WWW! boivnsnlnelpbmunlmdmoelvey. .Comw.1 llieequipmenlimo mwlelonadwildflsreulhnmmolhwlidllha moeivur I: and‘ed. . . m, wnunoeiwgwmgiloflmfiwgm .. ' INTROD TION " ‘ AliOUTTHE (um, WT, ff ‘ THIS OPERATNG GUIDETHOROUGHLY. ' leegofi In afflqlflzcmlessmmlhcdlm yonfigqllsdulmsd antimglnastadloexaflng slandords forlelinhllly longlll. lad , ’ periotmonoo. - CollerID (64 al data memory muons) w‘ih oallw -4o channelsmlo ormmud selection), a. , - LCD on ills handsel will lhreohnguags sum - 10-NumharTwo—looeh Dhl Mammy ‘ ' - Dlnacl doling llom filler llsl - Exierded bellow life ’ - Dinllal secullly coding The qaltsfilsalm mos AUTO Talk" and mom olowsyoubmwaramllbylmranovlng tho Handiolfinm up; , don'lhavs lowaslalknapwhhu hnmnlmllppm mmmo slim you to lung up by simply [alumina the nominal lolllq ThoUIlraCbavHusmweownpanderehwhyvimdlydlnflnammm mluflnfimaflvaumnnmogalmnoniodiwlm-Qo ptuidu k you wllil Illa has! posslhlo reception doling all your conversollnns » TO PROTECT you AGAINST MISElLLED consul-HE; v mmnmtwfimcomoonwm ONE OF OVER 55000 DIGITAL secunlw CODES EonTHE HAIIJSEF AND BASE UNIT. ALSO.” THE AUTOSEouREligglEEoLu, ' ELEGIRONIGALLY LOCKS YOUR PHONE WHEll,THE HmbsETj is 1 THE BASE TO GET THE mosr FROM YOUR GH24 pLEpsE INTRODUCTION (CONT.) " “.“ ' Desk or Table Installation 1 Box Contents - Base unll ' Ac adapmrwilh non! - Handset wllh rechargeable battery ' DesleraiI mounting bradtet - Garner‘s nrarmal ' Quick reference guide - Memory card ' Reglihaiion cold ' Telephone line cord NOTE: a. Keep the shipphg carbn and pldtfla'nyr it me you need to treneporlyoorphone. b. If any at these Items m mleeira ordunaged, oonlaol your plaoeot pt'oiraea. Preliminary Preparation Telephone Line Installation 1. Never install telephone lacks mains allghlnhg storm. 2 Naverlnshall ielaphoneieolraln wet Iocalionsmlesstheiadrls speciftcalydeslgted torwal locations. 3. Never leach uninarrldad telephone wires or terminals unless the telephone irre has been disconnected at the network lnhtt‘ooe. L Use caution when installing or modifying telephone lines. Modular Outlet , The GH2415 oordlees lalephma operates horn a alandard1101120 volodlal The handset is powered by a rechargeable battery pack. Batteries are charged automalicaliy when lhe handset is placed in the mob oi the base unil. INSTALLATION 1. ToeonneotDesltANaI mount mater In the dealt/labia mama ’ with the bradret slolson the Bose until his semely ln piaoe. ' ‘ 2. Plug theAC adaphroml Into the 9V Dc lnputiadr on theBase unl. , NOTE Pieoe the ACatieplor cord inside lira molded slraineief. 3. Plogone end oi Ire long telephone oordlnto are TEL LlNEleck _ Base wit 4. Rates the anleme on the Base unit. , 4. 5. Plug Ira alter and olthalong telephone cord into the leiephon 5. Plug no to more Into a staldard 120VACwalIouliel. NOTE: Use mitt/win the AC adaptor slippiedw'fil QM” Place the telephone and power cords whereiheyzwr n create alrip hazard. orwirere they could become chated and create a lire or other electrical hazard IhSTALLATlON (com; Wall Mounting The 6 no fimey be munbd on ewellphone date or onto two screws (nut Included) that you laden In the wall. For either type of irtetelhllnn, mutate the lullow'm steps Test. 1. In case Musing the standard wall plate, this step Is not necessary. Plats he DesttM‘d Mel on the WI and mark the location at the screws. install the semws leaving 3/16“ estending out from the wall. Use writers to secum 2. Tu connect the DeetIWalI hadtetln the wall mount politien. smpty sign the bracket with the slots on the base tnti it is seatrely in ptaee. 1 Insert theAc adapter Into theheck at the unit. 4‘Ptug one endottheshertbtaphnmlineenrfllntn theTELUNEtacttmtheE-esemit 5,111reed the adaptor cord and teteplmne eon‘l through the grooves In the Mot the tin“. The-wrdwitl-efitttornflwhethunr -~ -~ — - - -—4 ~- -» ~ — ~ 00 NOT CONNECT THE AC ADAPT OR TO THE WALL PM OUTLET YET. 5. Plug the otter end at the the oordtntn the well jade 7. Mount the phone on the wall plate studs and plessunllt the unit Iodrs In place. 8. Plug the AC adapter Into he power what, ' later. It wlll tahe ten Ilme tor the battery to recharge. The CHARGE LE) 'c.Thsbaflerwaluotdhettupflorseveraldayawtoltltecrattle,depe d' »" hequerttpertiel charm. fl INSTALLATlON (CONTJ Mindset Bafletwcharging: t ‘ " , The hahetybpadt In the handset met be ttttly charged lot about 19-14 haunt: AlterounneethlgteAcpowerJeette Itehendsetuwedlnthemtfletnrtenbt til when the handset is in the walls. NUT E: . ‘ ' , a. When the battery gets low,the TALK LED wIII lash and Ire tnitwll heephrall seconds. ultimatum becomes hwwhlleymareen-autl; you whl benmonn‘eetodettei‘ehwtkfi' mlmtuTmmtnete Ireeatlwbttly‘ and put thehandset In Irelaese methane the Nm’ E: ~ . - . I The handset wI not fun when he ringer Is In the ‘DFF'pesIlon. II the Grade. the TALK LED will tlash dubs en Imomlng cell, ‘ . To Replace Batteries: L Remove battery cover. , znsmaveoubattory. "’ , 3. Plug the cord ofthehetbryp mdplemthe battery ln‘ltem __ _ "3 Tomuilmlzteywr battery'sllte,weteoonlnendlhatyoupertndfllyltllydisdn’geltebdleq; ' fit amt tlten footage it. To do this. unplug your phone line cont from the wall phone M. Hm a , , the TALK bumn, and flow the hendeello temaln on tor 10 b tzhuuts. Recmteetthettm , ‘ , 1’1 cord mlhewdl plmejaek. Ratumtltehandsetmlhebase andaluwlttofultyetngeterfl torn. lttiu proves: it completed monthly. Itwit reduce the memyhulkh [helm lrum’ GI CALLER ID SE" P E" " To SetAree Code 1. Allerinsielling lhe binaries, all LCD segmenlwil ighl up and display will show “Area Code“. 2. Euler 3-dlgil [or your heal area code, il here is no Inputwilhln 30 seconds, the program will on bank (n he marl, 1PM); lhe "FMS-"PRGM' hey ”select the lhlrd rigil lo oonfirln (he ~ displayed louai area code—Thewlwill beep oneeandgolo idle- To Set Ringer Volume 1. Press and hold ' FLASHIPRGM" bullon for 2 seoorule. Press “7" lo aslecl ringer volume. 2 Press '> “for 'I#" or'l¢'le mange ringerlype. 3. Phase 'FI.ASHIPRGlW Indium man when finished. NDIE: . _.._ w, 1. TheCaiier lD selup procedure will hol begin and the liondsel“ bee heen Mly obtained for ' ' ' 10-14 hours 2, To eel up your (a. rqfiagm preseend hold me Caller ID'FLASHIPRGM' button hr 2 seconds in Dale/fine men, 3. Your 67 m fiwil always slayln selup mode, unlilyou compiele lire setupwepe. Hweuer, il will so] record ihe Crier ID hlormaiionr ’ 7" TELEPHONE OPERATION Tone / muse Operallon Thefisuz‘l wil nperele on lime or many ' (prise) syslems. 1. Il your house is wired lor rolary service. > move Ihe TonelPulee ewilnh lo the Tone Wm - ' zlf‘yiziTiidfisTala'WlieHl‘o'r Mafia. florid lire TonelPuluu switch to lhe Tone posiion. 3. Il your are unsure ulthe lype ol dialing service you have, eel the ewloh loTone. On the Handset pres! lire TALK nation and dial anyd'wilon lhekeypad. llredallerepereisle. ewlohlomseTodisoomecimressheTALK button again. orsei lire hmdsetln the cradle. Digllal Security 3 1m code allows your hose and [mama ElliEl': phones wII nnlmeke'oelsori you'll IliheAc adapuxie dleoonneded er a nl pnweroewre nhle lire heme“! WHY , lromhebaseunlihemultymmue Iosllnd hephunwll helmpeulble. Illhls mannemmllreAcmpiar rem ’ (he “Hrd' dngiq assimilated wllh cordless telephones nol equlpped TELEPHONE OPERATION (CONT) ‘ 40 Channel AutoScun Operation Your cordless telephone has 40 opening chennetethephonevriltautomatleelyaeemn and select the dearest chmnei when you press the TALK button Ilyou hear noise or other interference during your conversation, in'ove desert» the“ new. Receiver Volume Control erGHZAtSeltowsywtoudjuetthohendeet volume to e moreoorntortdrle listening level During a oetl, the receiver utume out be hmebypreeslng'A‘lreyorrlecreosedhy pressing ‘V' hey. Therearetourtevds: Low, Medium. Normal at High, Making a Call 1. Maire sureihehase antenneistn upright position, zuflthehandeetondprese lheTALK button to be oomectert In the phone ine. ‘PHONE'wlIbeehovmmLCDJhelNUSE ' [EU amiwewn fish. 3, Albr hearing a dial tone. dot the oedred number. 4. it you u'dut'lat. simply press the TALK butter. we! tor a urinate nt sounds. and press the TALK button egatn tor a hen dial tone. 5 Alter your conversation is oornptetert, preee the TALK button once to disconnect the line, or rettm Ire handset to the base. the IN USE LBJ will turn ofl. Receiving a Cell When the phone rings: 1. F THE HANDSET IS OUT OF THE CRADLE. press the TALKm any button on " the‘keypadr'w “""" ' ' " ’ 2. FTHE HMDSETISINTHECRADLE, lift the handseLDONOTpreeeflreTALKhutton, a you will be oonnected automatically. - rELEPHONE OPERATION lCONT.) NOTE: il you experience dilfiouly with piecing or receiving calls, tlrelnst security code may be themee or Ire problem When this oocurs. the hendsetoen nu tongereommunkzatew'rlh itstroseflhelon otlre code cenooureny dutetmw and need: reohsglng. the handeel to out of range ot me base unit; the AC adapter ts dieoonnected or a power loss has ooorrred; ormythhglhatmueeeeteolrtcathterferenoe, tor emote nuttiple cordless tetephonee, hahyrmnltore. Mormons. VGR'a ehReeet the lecurttyoode by placing the hueteeton llwbesstottttseinndiflllhatdoos nolwortr. moire sure the AC adaptor is connected. It neoeseury, uptug the Ar: adaptor from the power louroe. Disoonneot the battery tor 5 seconds and then rewnneot. Hope the handset on Itehese end thenreplug theAC ' adeptotleeo Tmoreshoolrng). Ringer Control it youdu notvrentme unlto ring. setthe RINGER witch on lre aloe otlhe handset to OFFFThehuMwiti notongenmu. A when a eel is being reeeived. OutotRenge , Ityouiytoplaoeemtlwhon youeretootar mayhem the hue,you mum-aerate Ittltts oooure, move closer to the base. mentoring _ Fleet: You can use your cordless totephono special eervieeeeuotheIIWdlnoor , ThreeWayCattnalareetaieuheortpttoniorn ‘ your lowlMephoneoor-punybrq ’ Bring a leteurone conversation. you , hersmewurevnu r- resellers: ; prominFLASHbutthmeeFLASHbutlon again to return tothoortgtnd cell Youmey Pane/Handset Lentor Ywmsendepagestgnallrmnlrebfse' Temporary Tone Fir. ,, ~ 4 v In Pulse u'tetlng mooe. youcm aooeouherrir taotitr'es. telephone memo whee,_ gthyyeimpjypreeeInL the‘tOtEtltleyh _ . nettntolhe tonemodeendlnputther'eqired Memory Feature Your al‘rfi leequlpped will leernurlee lor programing yul' morl frequently dloled lelephone numbers. You can store no lo 18 dlpila In mob of fire memory broadens 01 llrrough 20 by lollow'rrg me slaps mined. A reorder up runbeolelomiehd may be kepl on lhe mermrylndéx oharl on page 24 in llrls manual. To Program Frequenlly Called Numbers 1. Pick up llre handsel. DO NOT PRESS TALK bullon. 2. Press lheMEMORYbulmnmlhekeyped press llre memory Iecafiun Dl lbrunglr 20 whereyou wish lo slnrelnenumber. You Hi bearabeep moonlirl llre numberhaebeen suweeelully alone In memory. 3. Press (he MEMORY bullorr again 4. Euler your name. Press "v- hulren when finished. 5. Dial phone nunber(uplo lodlnile). Each TONE ("j enlered uses one olllre available digie. llyeu pause more lnen Shoo-ands In . progremmirgmrllyouawldenmlypreea a- . llmdlgl. an error bne wllsound. You llren must reprogram the number. 6. Press memory button lo me. 7. To rlernumhere in olnerlocdione. elerl el slep 2 again. TELEPHONE OPERATlON {CONT} __ To Retrieve Stored Numbers: 1 . Pidr up Handset 2. Press TALK. and Illerl MEMUW button. a. Prosemedes‘rredmerrmylooalion number. The number you programmed wIII be aulomelicolly dlubd. NOTE; ~- ~ The numberwll be dined, based on Illa oellingol IreTonelFulreswllo’n. To Channel a stored Number: Replaoeaslored nunber by programing e newnumberhin'pleoeNou wIll hearebeeu oenllrmhglbemw runner hasbeen slored. Redial Your SH go remember: lhe last number dleled. TnIe Is a oonvenlenl leelure men lrylnglopleoeawllbrouglrmaphone number Ibel Ir nol bolng answered or Is oonllnuouely busy. 1. Press [ha TALK bum m llre hendsel. 2. When you near a dlel lone, press llre REJIAI. bullon. The mmber Will he dlalerl. Beside! 99. Elm"! E’JPNEE’ULWSF... . .. . _ __§tl,__2415.vnl_.d§rl_y._a “continue-LI wine . . .. mildr. . Caller ID illorrnellm. 1. You nll hearebeepend lha lelophonewill PW“ berrlrledmernenlerllywlrlle llre LCD dlrpley You can insert a 2eeoond PAUE irlo Ire dlallng ollona dlslanee numbers. Press lhe REDlALbullnnmllre handeeldur'ngdallna. " CALLER lD OPERATION Reoelvlny a Call , Afler fire l'nl rlng, llre odors name and lelepnene number rrl dleolay on Ire LCD. ' TheNevr Cal LED will lleslr rlrlll you renew ALL your new walls. . mow rlormr , AOEFM'IH . ‘izfi-s‘s‘s‘film’ ' ' The careful Hormullon(ofur1lo5licallere) vrll be eloredlu me order reoelved. ll llre reee'wedoelllnlormallonislheeaneasmyof the new calls, Ilreunllwlll dleplaytlre 'RP1‘ loonloindlceleareoeelcall. Illheunllmelvee ' more men 50 mile, lhe oldeel caller ID . inlurmallon wil be erased. 12:00“ 1m|uevl1m JOESMITH 203-555-1234 NOTE: ‘ . , Itymanweryourlmomlnueallberorelre eewndrlmlneurilwflnoldlepleylheod lnlomrelion. Revolving Call Wailing Caller ro Wherryou are on meelsllru phone call, your elm dre Cellar ID lnlormellon. 2. When you uooeee Ilreoall wollrrg eel. lne Caller D hlennallon will disappear and the TrnelDeysoreen wil be risplayed. ' harrdeilePreesIre'd/>‘brdlon an ”M‘ 203-555 \ were the 'A' or ‘Y' hullun ageln; . IMPORTANT. ~ You mmleubsalbe lo C Waking Caller ID serene . uephone olmoeny In order Welling Caller ID Reviewing New Gall, . u y 1. When TlmelDale eoreen u idomllon lor‘ reoelved. 1: z Oonflnue prerslny . revlewell newoell reoordsln oelewere reoelved. . When a name mulled mode 12 » alarm llre llrsl 11 ohareelerwil ~ shown islwlllr “9 showing on llre rlghr haremaiinuchemolere.’ :. 12:00“ runner"?I Joesrrrrrr'run ViAlerlnefinelrinlhasbemdlrpllyed. New Cell LED rrll slop bllnhln LchIl show'-‘- END ‘f‘n NOTE: , Ilyeudonotrenevr neumllflpnnel' - Dale screen wll dleplay new» around: j and the newoall oounlerwll slrovrllre lotal F numborol neurullsreeelvednul (emkrdlng lnoee youjral rerlerred). FE" " " CALLER ID OPERATION (CONN ""'"" Reviewing All Call Records 1. Allerynu have reviewed all ollha new calls, press “ClD' burdens, The LED display wil shew the calls shoredln memory. Zmrfinualopress'A'bulflumodisplayull reeurdsln headerdreyweremeelved Iorm henwrssllolheoldesLer'V' bullonfium _ _ ea ltle neweeL anEr tife'la LCDwill show - - END -- . OaHer ID Radial THE LOCAL AREA CODE MJST BE PROGRAMMED IN ORDER TO FULLV UTILIZE THE REDIAL REATURE (SEE PAGE 14). The GH2415 alwsyw In redal a phone number shred in lire Caller ID memory. 1. Press Ills ‘CID" and ‘A' or'V' billlnn lo selecr he Caller D number the! you wan! b dlel. 2. Plan and release I're REDIAL human. The numbeer sproll tunes Ihe men tom right b lefl as ltis dialed Wlllr current lelemm redialiu mm. were are 4 redlal npliene: (1) 7 drgils wilhoul a l prefix (Z) 7 dlgils wllh a1 prefix (3) 10 dlglls withuul a 1 walk, and -(4)1nd'u'rswi|rra1pmrn. Wfifimdfied'fil’fi' ' (I) Idlplts without a 1: II lhe area code 0! lire Caller lD mnnber maldreelnllre Wampum-02415. redlal yowheeledllbyprefiiluhREDlALbullan ONCE. (2) Idlpllt with l 1: II illsneeessaryloinaeflfi prellxlp your local call, fill! press the REBEL eddy!) . CE H 2' . '" ..> " (SJ 10 diam wllnwl a 1: Insane areas oldre ownw, ms area code melbe Included even when “up a local cell. In lhie elluallon, selyourGHi415 area eedebanollrararfiglsnaibemgusedr'rrlhe U.S. le. 100 am. 0m yourarea code is programmed as above. wur GH2415 w'n’l record al 10 dlglls lwevery inwrrlng call. Sines drepreflx1 Mlbeaddedaulurnafically when dlairg a 10 dgils nether. press Ihe REDIALMllenTWICEWITHINZSEOO'DS Ioralecel lodln'ueflvdnmulapvefml (l) 10 dlgiu with I 1: slnee Inspire!“ wlll Wedded nulormtically when dialing a 10 dlglls umber. simply pleas rm REDIAL bullorr (NOE lo rndre your uleI ' ZPmss'MUTE/ERASE'mlorieselhe ' Caller ID wil be erased and rm display will . show the Mmesuqe. ~ reviewllre Oder ID records received belor CALLER ID OPERATION (CONN Caller ID Erase Te Erase a Single Call 1. Press Ihe'ClU' ud'A'ar'V' bulton lo revlavr' (he Caller D records you renelvedr aldepleMMedlgdaywmshwaRASE’I' on rm bum llrre. 203 - 555 - 1234 3. Press WIUTEERASE' bulten again; he NOIE: ll the wrrerd display message Is Ilre last museum In. Irenflledlsplayvdllslrew ' - - END . -'. To Erase All Calls 1.Prsssm‘C|D'ar-1"A"or'v"bu|mn|u erasing d Gale. ‘ 2 We lire dlspley In In slardby mode, waurdholdlheualmdenferhemnde Thedlsplay wil shew TRASEMLTM lhe hnlfm Ine. “ERASE-ALEV— ~~A~—--—-— mm » '---~——4-—— 3. Press lhe 'MLITEIERASE" Imfl'm; all meand- VIEWED own will be erased, > , . ~ 7 ,, NOTE: “ ‘ ’ “ 1 Il lhere are rrwssagee Ural have no! been ‘ ‘ -' i: revlerredMe'EraseAllCellsfluncdvneannol be performed. A _ TROUBLESHOOTING II your (4.11131 ls nut pelfumlnu to youreupeutefiuw, please lry these simple steps: - Makem theAc Adapts Ie plugged Into the base null and wall wlel. ' Make sum the well outlet Ie lumhg, ‘Make sue the handset is pmpetly seated In Ihebase unIl JMake-eureulhn- tedtargeaMMatlety peckispmperlyp head In the handed Mate sure that pthe lngeentem 32a the handset and on the unltem II. ' charge the handseI lot 10 holes balms Inilal use. 'Place the handset hank Into mule Ier 5 mule. Charge light won't com 1111 when handset Is pleeef' 111 ban unit. 'Mdtastrelheltatld99ltllllly chased. " The CHARGE LED should IUIYI when Ihe hm h In Ills evadle. ' Malta sure the Tone/Pulse swileh is eel lathe wrrectsetttn ,Ilnettolhe Tone 1110119, smut he Pu . You may have glee tilting eervlee " manuals IheRlng «Onloflewlldl on lltn lldeel lte hmt‘lgset Is an I I0 Ills "011' lion. fiche able battery may be weak or not“ Ilydwged. C the battery pack let 4-5 hours. ' Make sure the base 51111311111! Is In [he Cen'lmke nutmlny tulle. Handset doesn’t 11119. "will-11mm Whahendeel rnay hem leuweylmm - Make sue the AC adapter ls plugged Inlo the hem mil and we! outlet. ' Tlfke sue miewdauflm ls IurLcllhuuinq. - em may many phones installed on the same time. Contact yeur local telephone company In determine the 1111136111111! IIIlI'lIIIOI ofeldenslnns Int-you callnu uses. - TROUBLESHOOTWG (CONN Caller'l vole. I! Ion low. Problem Conversation . Wight; . stills nolu Imus-n! during oonvomtlon. jgz93mcHANNahtMloMIdt clearerchemel. ,;. . mneummyommtw ,_ _ Pmmwglflwammhm. : V B E GI'I M9 " HHMp 1119151130",r may completed". lltscel beeemplal yracelvedn ”West the eonhnel. Hindi-Mae: nol dllpleyany caller ID mus-nu. Th-dllplqyscmnlldlmor um.~- » » ~ ' :. a $11 I W' Eye,“ amichnlthgllder IDantng service Item yuur Iecel lephone -ThecelLrIDdetEmuyhm bylempelaynolsewthecomthmi In theeluses,ywme seelhelnetmd J Inlenmllm on he m 11: N0 ' CALLER ID. CID BLOCK .F.RROH. a 11m ween, only the telephone uumtm. "oronlythanatnr— ——--—‘- '—- -lllalwaurlywhevesel Ilnlt Ll nnI receiving all WnIllna CallvrIDpcIls Telephon- numbeu are nntdleledeolmflylmm -Mata;mettlettlsptairedlem 1m call-Illa. releclslheceneddallngm _ , before area code). -
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.2 Linearized : No Modify Date : 2000:05:19 14:29:37 Creator : Acrobat 3.0 Scan Plug-in Producer : Acrobat 3.0 Scan Plug-in Create Date : 2000:05:19 11:01:29 Page Count : 12EXIF Metadata provided by