Giant Electronics T710R Transmitter Portion of Two Way Radio w FRS & GMRS User Manual
Giant Electronics Ltd Transmitter Portion of Two Way Radio w FRS & GMRS Users Manual
Users Manual
W" Neptune T7 100 user guide Cover l Nleplunc moo um guldn Back Cover ‘ 22 Channels ' 38 Interference Elimlnator Codes lnlelrcmmc cumumm codes help mlnunuc lmc. Menu by pmvkllng you mm a choice or we (olnbhlulloni. ' IIandsflee Use (VOX) Valcc uclmlmn lets you talk handsl'mc willl (lpllcnsl accessories ' Talk Confirmation Tone Il's like saying 'mgcr' or ever“ and lets olllels know yull have r. all xalklng‘ Scan Easlly null: wan groun‘s channel and «We by sexual-Inn; ull |mslb1c column-lam while your home channel Is stall-wt] lnosl (mqmlly, 10 Call Tones Mulllple dlslincl nnglng opllous so your group can idenllfy who's calling Companding Vulce compwwim [or improved range and clean: sound. Low Battery Alert Audible lune a! m. lawn, lcll yc... when "w ballevy u ruullingden FRS/GMRS use approved in the US only GMRS License Requimd ' Backlll Display Eusy In road ymlr wlllllgs In um plates ' Motorola Quality Shock, amp ml wmpcmum mm: m mecl Molulola'a high quallly slullllank. v I Yuar Limited Wanumy way a Lupy or lhh wanamy pllur Io purrhnm plucw m ynur remller, ' Use sGulde Included ' Balterim (not included) llequlml 3 AA alkaline banana; or one NlMll rechargeable bunny. A WARNING CHOKING HAZARD SMALL PAIfl‘S rim (or chvldlcn under 3 years. 1 his product Is nul illlcmlud no he used as a my nr playlhlng, MOTOROLA and me Slylizud M Logo are mglilered n. the us I’m-m a Tradumark mm. All ulhcl pmducl or sen/me "arm‘s are (he properly wflllclr ru'becllve owners 0 Mulumla‘ 1m: 2002 l:42«<«§ffil§‘>fl Aqwmmmnw, flax/Aggy» i Neptune moo user guide -Pg3 4613 Contents Safety and Gcticrzti information _ _ 4 cnun ng your Radio Setting. Setting ine Chaim Setting the inierierenee Selling the Can Tone l-tands [me UstOX _ 15 Scanning .. 5 Battery Meter iG Battery Lire . I6 Menu Funcllolls FCC Licensing information Getting Started Turning Un/Oii' Your itndio Installing Batten NiMii Battery in, iliation . AA Alkaline Battery ins ilation Bullcry Drop-In Charging Tray Using Accessories . in Bell Hulsler _ . Ear-piece with Push~To—’i‘a|lt Mitmp Ear-piece with iioom Mieropnune . Ctmtlol Buttons .. orinrntrng .. inking Range Areessing the B- kltght , 29 Contents Use and Care .. it Si) Frequency and Codes Charts interferenee Eliminator Codes. "Roger“ Beep/Talk Contirruuuun' Button soups, Troublesnoonng . 34 Copyright Information . . as Warranty .. _....® l Neptune i‘7liifl uscrgttldu Pg4 GB“ | SAFETY AND GENERAL INFORMATION IMPORTANT INFORMATION ON SAFE AND EFFICIENT OPERATION READ THIS INFORMATlON BEFORE USING YOUR RADIO The information provided in this document supersedes the general safety information contained in user guides published prior to July 2000. For information regarding mdio use in a hazardous atmosphere please refer to the Factory Mutual (FM) Approval Manual Supplement or Instruction Card, which ts included with radio models that r offer this capability, 1011 Transmit and Receive Procedure ibui- twcirway radio contains a transmitter and a rec vcr, “Ii: transmit (talk), you must push the Pushrtofihik button; to receive (listen). release the Push—iD—ihlk button. Exposure To Radio Frequency Energy tour Motorola radio is designed to comply with the toiiowing national and international standards and guidelines regarding exposure or human beings to radio frequency electromagnetic energy: ' United States Federal Communications Commission. Code of Federal Regulations; 47 CFR part 2 sub~part J - American National Standards institute (ANSI) / institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) C95. 171992 ' Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (lEEE) (3951—1999 Edition ' National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP) of the United States, Report 86, 1986 to 5-4 a? i: s. Q.) cu C) T} Kl i? to u“: «i ;. . ., . (it, ‘ Neptune T7100 user guide Pg 5 s (I) s . international Commission on NonsIOanIng Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) 1998 ' Ministry of Health (Canada) Safety Code 6. Limits of Human Exposure to Rariiorrequoncy Electromagnetic Fields in the Frequency Range from 3 kHz to 300 6112, 1999 - Australian Communications Authority Radlocommunicarions [Electromagnetic 1011 Radiation - Human Exposure) Standard 1999 (applicable to wireless phones only) $5 To assure optimal radio performance and make sure human exposure to radio frequency E electromagnetic energy is within the guidelines set forth in the above standards. 5 always adhere to the following procedures: “— PORTABLE RADIO OPERATION AND EME EXPOSURE Antenna Care Use only the supplied or an approved replacement antenna Unauthorized antennas. modifications. or attachments could damage the radio and may violate FCC regulations DO NOT hold the antenna when the radio is “IN USE." Holding the antenna aiiects call quality and may cause the radio to operate at a higher power level than needed. Tworway Radio operation When using your radio as a traditional two-way radio hold the radio in a vertical position with the microphone one to two Inches (25 to 5 cm) away (tom the Ilps. Safety and General In .._$_ Neptune ’l 7100 user guuit- Pg c “519. (ii $4 OJ L? "a (V! >, £4, at (n Body~worll Operation To maintain compliance with FCC/Health Canada RF exposure guidelines, liyou wear a radio on your body when transmitting. always place the radio in a Motorola supplied or approved clip, holder, holster case, or body harness ror thls product, Use oinon Motorolarappmved accessories may exceed FCC/Health Canada RF exposure guidelines If you do not use one of the Motorolasuppited or approved body—worn accessories, and are not using the radio held in the normal use pos on. ensure the radio and its antenna are at least one inch (2.5 cm) from your body when transmitting ' Data operation When using any data feature of the radio, with or without an wessory cable. position the radio and its antenna at least one inch (2.5 Cm) from the body, Approved Accessories For a list of approved Motorola accessories, please contact the point of purchase. ELECTROMAGNETIC INTERFERENCE/COMPATIBle Note: Nearly every electronic device is susceptible to electromagnetic interference (EMI) if inadequately shielded, designed or otherwise configured for electromagnetic compatibility FACILITIES To avoid electromagnetic interference and/or compatibility conflicts, turn off your radio in any facility where posted notices instruct you to do so, Hospitals or health care facilities may be using equipment that is sensitive to external RF energy. seeps, Neptune T7100 uscr guide Pg 7 433 ‘ Neptune I‘7HJO user guide Pg 3 ‘5‘ <1 fl I—t <9 co i: r, “f o“: to U) fl AIRCRAFT When instructed to do so, turn orryour radio when on board an aircraft. Any use or a radio must be in accordance with applicable regulations per air ine crew instructions. MEDICAL DEVICES Pacemakers The Advanced Medical TechnoIog/ Association recommends lhal a minimum separation of 6 inches (15 cm) be maintained between a handheld vln'rehss radio and a pacemaken These recommendations are conslstcnt with the Independent research by, and recommendations of, the United States Food and Drug Admlnlslraliun. Persons with pacemakers should: - ALWAYS keep the radlc more than six inches (15 cm) from their pacemaker when the radio ls turned ON. - not carry the radio in the breast pocket. . use the car opposite the pacemaker to minimize the potential for interference. - [um the radio OFF immediately if you have any reason to suspuci lhnl interference is taking place. I‘IL mg Al 5 Sumo digital wireless radios may Interfere with some hearing aids. In the even! or such interference. you may want to consult your hearing aid manufacturer in discuss nllerllativcs. _@. CD Other Medical Devices if you use any other personal medical device. consult lhc manuracturer or your device to determine irit is adequately shielded from RF energy. Your physician may be able to assist you in obtaining this information. Safety and General Use Whlle Driving Check the laws and regulations on the use of radios in the area where you drive, Always obey them. When using your radio while driving, please: - Give full attention in driving and to the road. - Use handsrfrcc operation. if available. - Pull off the road and park bcfore making or answering a call it driving conditions so require. OPERATIONAL WARNINGS FOR VEHICLES WITH AN AIR BAG Do not place a portable radio in the area over an alr bag or in the air bag deployment area. Air bags inflate with great force. If a portable mdi is placed in the air bag deployment area and the air bag inflates. the radio may be propelled with great force and cause serious injury to occupants of the vehicle. 1011 Safety and General Illformat Neptune T7100 user guide Pg 9 73; . IOI] Safety and General Iliformat Neptune T7100 user guide Pg ll) POTENTIALLY EXPLOSIVE AT MOSPHERES turn off your radio prior to entering any area with a potentially explosive atmosphere, unless it is a radio type especially qualified for use in such areas as "intrinsically Sate. " Do not remove, install, ur charge batteries in such areas Sparks in a potentially explosive atmosphere can cause an explosion or tire resulting In bodily injury or even death. Note: The areas with potentially explosive atmospheres referred to above include fueling areas such as below decks on boaLsr fuel or chemical lransfer or storage facilities. areas where the air contains chemicals or parilcles, such as grain, dust or metal powders. and any other area where you would normally be advised to turn off your vehicle engine. Arms with potentially explosive atmospheres are often but not always posted. BLASTING CAPS AND AREAS To avoid possible interference with blasting operations. turn all your radio when you are near electrical blasting caps, in a blasting area, or in areas posted. "iiirn offiwo— way radio." Obey all signs and instructions. OPERATIONAL CAUTIONS ANTENNAS Do not use any portable radio that has a damaged antenna lia damaged anlcnna comes into contact with your skin. a minor burn can result. 96 BA’l'l'ERiES All batteries can cause property damage and/or bodily injury such as burns ii a conductive material such as jcwelry. keys. or headed chains touch exposed terminals, The conductive material may complete all clcctrlcal clrcull (shun circuit) and become quite hot. Exercise care in handling any charged haltcry, parllcuiarly when placing ii inside a pocket. purse. or other container with metal objects, BATTERY CHARGER SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS Save these Charger instructions 1. Do not expose the charger to rain or snow. 2. Do not operate the charger ifit has received a sharp blow, or has been dropped or damaged in any way 3. Do not disassemble the charger if it has received a sharp blow. or has been dropped or damaged in any way. 4. Never alter the AC cord or plug provided with the unll. lfplug will not ii: the outlet. have proper outlet installed by a qualified electrician, Ari improper condition can result in a risk of electric shock. 5. To reduce risk of damage to cord or plug, pull the plug rather than the cord when disconnecting charger from AC receptacle. 6. io reduce the risk oi electric shock, unplug the charger from the outlet before attempting any maintenance or cleaning, 7. Use otan attachment not recommended or sold by Motorola may result in a risk of fire, electric shock, or personal injury, 7<% 3: 55 Q} "D i: is if (Ti (I) i Neptune T7100 riser guide Pg 11 ,., - To start scanning. briefly press @. at) Your Channel/Code screen displays z and begins to scroll through Channels. When "0:15 the radio detects channel activity, it stops on that channel and displays its Channel and : Code. You can talk to [he persoll(s] transmitting without having to switch Channels by E pressingar C 1 «is— l Neptune moo user guldo Pg an “69“ . To stop scanningr briefly press @ . lryou press 6) while the radio is scanning, the radio will transmit on the channel which was selected before you a vated Scan. lino transmission occurs within two seconds. scanning will resume, Scan Manual Advance If Scan stops on a channel that you don't want. brlefly press ® to resume scanning l for the next active Channel in the Scan List. Scan Nuisance Delete lfScan continuously stops on an undesired channel, hold press ©or®key for 2 seconds This will temporarily remove the undesired Channel from being scanned. To restore the deleted Channel, turn Scan Orrby pressing@, lhcn lum Scan back On by pressing @ again. Note: \our Home Channel is the Channel your radio was set to when you activated Scan, You cannot Nuisance Delete your Home Channel, ll) on .a is ya OJ in ,l/1 "O o: a, on Go (G .: Neptune T7100 user guide Pg 27 49, Battery Meter The battery meter located in the upper left corner at the display indicates how much battery power you have. U] 1 r , c i 3—- | it: | D | Q' E NiMH at, 100-85 | 85-25 25710 | Final 10 g Alkaline % 1011770 | 7040 40-10 | Final 10 V) V“ Tire radio will power off when the voltage drops below a pre-delermined level in 1:1 orderto protect the rechargeable battery. when the battery meternasites; 11—4 . ;; the rarllo chirps after releasing 6 and every 5 minutes F6 Battery Life CF The following chart lists the appropriate battery life during Two»way Use‘ for Alkaline 5 and NiMl—l batteries. Q 7) Min— at AA Alkaline (High Capacity] 22 Hours Motorola NIMH Hallow—pack 13 Hours ”‘Tworwziy Use is defined as 9096 standby time. 5 (x. taiit lime. and 5% receive lime. Challgln Note Use of Scan, VOX, Weather and other features may reduce Baltcry Life. Neptune 171011 user guide ,. Pg 28 W 1 Menu Functluno Rriiliit , V) xltrtiri “' “’ OD . . , v : T7100 @ onetime Change the ChatrrrelPlease refer to page 22. Change the interference Eliminator Corie 3 I 5“) @ ‘W° ‘ mes Please refer to page 22, -8 Change the Call Tone (10 to choose from) z @ three times Choose D it you wall! to lurn Call Tone Oil E Please refer to page 23, 04 g Sensitivity Level selection. 5 @ four times Please refer to Setting Sensilivily Level on 9 page 24. ing Chan N,t , mot i —vP 29 i opunLT'l iiscrgudc g 4a} Using Accessories Make sure the radio is lumed off before plugging ziurllo accessories into the accessory port. Before you place an accessory on your head or In your ear. tum ihe volume down. To order accessories, please contact the point or purchase. Ear-piece with Push-To-Talk Microphone Discreet, lightweight earpiece wlth hand—operated lapel or collarmoumeu microphone. It allows clear communicatlun without dlsturbmicc or inletfemnce. Ear-piece with Beam Microphone Discreet. lightweight ear—piece which (its comfortably amund Ihe ear while boom microphone allows for remute radio placement and is VOXIHaiids~lree compatible. 1 Q) ; Ncplunc 17100 user guldc , Pgao fig) Use and Care Use a soft damp cloth to Do not immerse in water Do not use alcohol or clean the exterior. cleaning solulions. If the radio gets wet... iii Turn it Off and remove Dry with soft cloth, DD not use until batteries completely dry. Use and Care "4? Neplune T7100 user guide Pg 31 2 (D? VJ f: 01 “s ks (J 0.1 c- 91 LL. Frequency and Code Charts The charts on these pages provide fiequency and code compalibllily information. These charts are useful when using Motumlfl Talkaboul lwo-Way radios with other GMRS and FRS radios. ”w“ (“my Immimi lulhvml («a i 1 1‘14‘(|11t'l|«\ iniui-i |iL'A||H‘V|\'. iii»‘.i».ipiiiii. “l“““'“' "HM“ lMlIi Mimi mum l 0738 4625625 2 462.5625 FRS IIGMRS lnlerslillal 1 2 038 462.5875 2 462.5875 FRS 2/GMRS lnlersllua] 2 3 038 462.6125 2 462.6125 FRS 3/GMRSInIerRIHia13 4 038 462.6375 2 462.3675 FRS 4/GMRS lnlerslilial 4 5 038 462.6625 2 462.6625 FRS S/GMRS Interslilia] 5 6 0738 462.6875 2 462.6875 FRS B/GMRS Inleislilial 6 7 038 462.7125 2 462.7125 FRS 7/GMRSInlcriniia17 8 (1738 467.5625 (15 4675625 FRS B 9 038 467.5875 0.5 467.5875 FRS 9 10 038 467.6125 0.5 467.6125 FRS 10 11 038 467.6375 0.5 467.6375 FRS 11 12 0—38 467.6625 0.5 467.6625 FRS 12 13 0—38 467.6875 0.5 467.6875 FRS 13 14 0-38 467.7125 0.5 467.7125 FRS 14 15 0—38 462.5500 2 462.5500 GMRS Primary 1 16 038 462.5750 2 462.5750 CMRS Prlmary 2 [7 038 462.6000 2 462.6000 GMRS Primary 3 18 0-38 462.6250 2 462.6250 GMRS Primary 4 (D . Ncplum‘. T7 mo mur guide pg 32 'Q}* immuil ‘iiuimiiu Hum-ix. linuiu-iu-i l-i-ui-i 1‘I\'q\|\1. limiipiiiiii (Mil/l Mum» (.\|||.i. I7IIlIl (ml.- <,|iuuui iii.[ii.iy 10 0-38 462.6500 2 462.6500 GMRS Primaiy 5 20 0—38 462.6750 2 462.6750 GMRS Primary 6 21 038 462.7000 2 462.7000 GMRS Primary 7 22 038 462.7250 2 462.7250 GMRS Primary B (I) (0 0.1 "J “c K! >. 5: OJ 02 LL, LA) i Neptune T7100 user guide Pg 33 469. Carrier squelch (0) disables lnterference Eliminator Codes. Thls allows you to monitor all activity on the Channel you are using. interference Eliminator Cedes help minimize interference by providing you with a choice oreooe combinations Illlori'el'unu‘ 1"11[]1111211(1I' Clitll‘s Code Hz Freq Code Hz Freq 1 67.0 14 107.2 27 2 71.0 15 110.9 28 173.8 3 74.4 16 114.8 29 179.9 4 77.0 17 118.8 30 186.2 5 79.7 18 123.0 3] 152.8 82.5 19 127.3 32 203.5 85.4 20 131.8 33 210.7 88.5 21 136.5 34 218.1 9 91.5 22 141.3 35 225.7 10 94.8 23 146.2 36 233.6 11 97.4 24 151.4 37 241.8 12 100.0 25 156.7 38 250.3 13 103.5 26 162.2 Neptune T7 100 user guide Pg 34 7 Q plum No power Messnge not ll‘dnsmlllod Hearing other noises or conversalion on a Channel on c: _: (I) $3 {21 Limited lulk range Troubleshooting Illls Repuslrlon or replace Alkaline benches, Recharge or replace NlMH battery. Make sure 6 Is completely pressed as you iransmll, Reposition. replace. or recharge ballerles. Confirm Interference Eliminator Code Is sol. Shared Channel or interference Eliminator Code may be in use, try another, Steel and/or concrete structures. heavy lounge, use in buildings or vehicles decrease range. Check for clear line of sight to improve transmission. Wearing radio close to body such as in a pockel or on a be]: decreases range, Change localien of radio. V) OJ w: F: >. 0) D" 93 LL l Neptune T7100 user guide Pg 35 sq) , LOW banems Extreme operating temperatures allect battery life, Cannot activate Feulut'c not set and On. ibu can also increase the Sensitivity Level vox Please refer to Setting Sensitivity Level on page 25. t se— ‘ Neptune T7 mo user guide Pg 36 43, i: (U <2 J: on >s Confirm radios have the same Channel and Interference Eliminator Code settings. Message not Make sure 6 is Nor being pressed white trying In listen. received Reposition. replace, or recharge batteries. Obstructions and operating indoors. or In vehicles, may interfere _. change location. Radios are too close. they must be at Ieasl five feet apart. Radios are too far apart or obstacles interfering with transmission. lleavy static or ltllclfcrcnce Make sure keypad is unlocked. Unlock by pressing ® for three Keypad lucked seconds‘ Recharge or replace NiMH battery Replace AA batteries. Copyright Information Manufacturer], distributed oi sold by Giant International I.ld.. official Iiceneen for [his product. Motorola, the Motorola logo trademarks and Ihe Motorola llade dress iill‘ owned by Motorola. Inc and arc used under license from Motorola, Iltc. Please ttonlacl Giant International Ltd. at soil-638751 19 for questions/comments. warianty, support, or service related to this product. MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo on? registered in tlie US. Patent & Trademark Olficc. All other prorlucl or service names are the property or their respective owners to Motorola, Inc. 2002. "fi'oubleshootillg Neptunr‘ T7100 user guide Pg 37 (I)? Motorola Limited Warranty for Personal Communication Products, Accessories and Software Purchased in the United States or Canada What Does this Warranty Cover? Subject to the exclusions contained below, Motorola Inc. or its licensees warrants its consumer two-way radios that operate via Family Radio Service or General Mobile Radio Service (“Products"), Moloroiarhranded or certified accessories sold for use with these Products (“Accessories") and Motorola software contained on CD-Rums or other tangible media and Sold for use with these Products (“Software") to be free from defects in maleflals and workmanship under normal consumer usage for the periotl(s) outlined heluw This limited warranty is a consumer's exclusive remedy. and applies as follows to new Moluroia Prorlurts. Accessories and Software purchased by consumers in the United Slalcs or Canada. which are accompanied by this written warranty: Length of Coverage Exclusions Normal Wear and Tear. Periodic maintenance. repair and replacement oi pails due ll) normal wear and tear are A. Products as defined above. unless otherwise A. One (i) year from the date or purchase by the first consumer provided fot' putt-haser cithc product excluded from coverage. hnlnw. unless otherwise provided for below. Batteries. Only ballerins whose fully charged capacity falls below 80% of their rated capacity and batteries that leak are covered by this limited warranty. i) -— ; Neptune T7100 user guide Pg 38 _q;__ Products Covered Length of Coverage Exclusions 1. Decorative 1. Limited lifetime Normal Wear and Tear. Periodic Act‘t'sso es and warranty for the llfellme mainlenance, repair and replacemenl of CHSL Decorative trfowrlership by the first parts due I0 normal wear and tear art: covers. bezeis. consumer purchaser of excluded from coverage. PhoneWrap covers the product. and cases. Batteries, Only ballerius Whose fully charged capacity falls below SUD/u orthcii- 24 Monaural 24 Limited lifetime rated capacity and ballerles lhat leak are Headsets. Ear warranty for the lifetime covered by this Ii ilcd warranty, buds and boom of ownership by the first headsets that consumer purchaser of Abuse lit Misuse, Dclecls or da - c that transmit mono the product. result from: (a) improper operation, sound through a wired connection. storage, rnlsusc or abuse. accident or neglect, such as physlcal damage (cracks, scratches. etc.) to Ilre surface of the product resulting from misuse: (b) contact 3. Consumer ']\1vu- 3, Ninety (90) clays from wlth liquid. walcl, lain, extreme humidity Way Radio the date of purchase by or heavy perspirallun, sand. dirt or the Ac . series, the first consumer like, extreme heal, or food; (u) use ofthc purchaser or the Products or Acc -s for commercial product. purposes or subjecting the Product or Accessory to abnormal usage or l Neptunr T7100 usur guide Pg 39 ,® W LengthofCovcrage Exclusions 4. Products and 4. The balance of the condlllons: or (d) other acts which are Accessories that original warranty or for not (ht: fault of Motorola, are excluded arc chalrod or ninety (90) days from from coverage. Replaced. the date returned to the consumer. whichever is Use of Non-Motorola Products and longer. Accessories. Defecls or damage that result from the use of Non—Molorula branded orccrllfied Products, Accessories, Sonware or other peripheral equipment are excluded from coverage. Unaullmri7ed Service or Modification. Defects or damages rosulllng from service, testing, adjuslmonl. installation. maintenance, alteration, or modification in any way by somuoiie other lhaii Motorola, or ils authorized service centers. are excluded from coverage. Altered Products. Producls or Accessorits with (a) serial numbers or date tags that have been removed. altoicd or obliterated; (b) broken seals l Ncplutlt: T1100 userguldo Pg 40 (l) Products Covered length ofCoverage Exclusions or thal show evidence of lampciing: (c) mismatched board SCI’lDl numboib; oi (d) nonconforming or non-Motorola hous Igs, or parts, are excluded form coverage. Communication Services, Dorm-ts, damages, or Ihe failure of Products, Accessories or Soflware duo to any communication service or signal you may subscribe Io or use with the Products Accessories urSonare is excluded from covciagc, la i: 5“ Fa Who is covered? This warranty extends only to the first consumer purchaser, and is not transferable. What will Motorola D0? Motorola or its licensees. at Its oplion, will at no charge repair, replace or refund the purchase price of any Products. Accessories or Software that does not conform to this warranty. We may use functionally equivalent refunditloncd/rcfurblshed/pre-owned or new Producls. Accessories or parts. No data, sofiware or applications added to your Product. Accessory or Software. including but riol limited to personal contacts games and ringer tones. will be reinstalled. To avoiri losing such data. software and applications please create a back up prior to requesting service. .$ ‘ Neptune T7100 Iiict’guichgfl , (I), l eNeptune T7100 uset guide Pg 42 E“ r? ./ how to Obtain Warranty Service or Other Information? in obtain service or information. please call: call the tctepiionc number dcsrgnatcu above for the product with which they are used. You will receive instructions (m how to ship the Products, Accessories ur Sofiware. at your expense. to a Motorola Authorized Repair Center. To obtain servlce. you must include: (a) a copy of your receipt. bill orsaie or othttrcompamble proofoipufchase: (b) a written description of the problem; (c) the name or your service provider, if applicable; (d) the name and location oi" the installation facility (if applicable) and, rims! importantly; (e) your address anci telephone number. What Other Li mlt‘dtiuns Ate Tilt-m? ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, SHALL BE LIMITED TO the durallon ofthis Limited WARRANTY. otherwise the REPAIR. REPLACEMENT. OR REFUND AS PROVIDED UNDER THIS EXPRESS Limited WARRANTY IS THE EXCLUSIVE REMEDY OF THE CONSUMER. and is provided in lieu otall other warranties. express utimpileti. In no event shall Motorola be liable. whether in contract or tort (including negligence) lot damages in excess of the purchase price or the Product, Accessory or Software, or for arty indirect. incidental. special or consequential damages of any kind, or loss of revenue or profits. loss 01“ business. loss of information or data. software or applications or other financial loss arising out of or in connection wllh IhL‘ ability or d)" (P)— inability to use the Products. Accessotlcs ur Software to the full extent Ihcse damages may he disclaimed by law. SUIHC states and jurisdictions do not allow the limitation or exdusion of Incidental or consequential damages. or limitation on the length oran implied warranty, so the above limitations or exclusions may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights. and you may also have other tights that vary from state to state or from one jurisdiction to another. laWs in the United States and other countries preserve for Motorola cerialn exclusive rights for copyrighted Motorola software such as the exclusive rights to repmducc and distribute copies of the Motorola software. Motorola wflwam may only be copied into. useoi in, and redistributed with. the Products associated with such Motorola software. No other use. incluu g without limitation disassembly ufsuch Motorola software or exercise orthe exclusive rights reserved tor Motorola. is permitted.
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.4 Linearized : No Modify Date : 2004:06:30 19:40:11+08:00 Create Date : 2004:06:30 19:38:21+08:00 Creator : Acrobat 5.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows Page Count : 21 Mod Date : 2004:06:30 19:40:11+08:00 Creation Date : 2004:06:30 19:38:21+08:00 Producer : Acrobat 5.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows Metadata Date : 2004:06:30 19:40:11+08:00 Has XFA : NoEXIF Metadata provided by