Giant Electronics T8230 FRS+GMRS User Manual manual

Giant Electronics Ltd FRS+GMRS manual

User Manual

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Document DescriptionUser Manual
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Document TypeUser Manual
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Filesize286.58kB (3582254 bits)
Date Submitted2004-06-29 00:00:00
Date Available2004-06-29 00:00:00
Creation Date2004-06-03 16:08:17
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Document Titlemanual.doc
Document Creatormanual.doc - Microsoft Word
Document Author: pcwong

A. an" Tom
. 1.3 Chzmuls (a cums.
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[Ilmmalm (odes
CMR) fmv'ek WW
mmammm smog" . hlk Hmdsfree
ra'lgv 4 ,, a \ muhrr m. .< L, AH m, up,“
Mum“ c mrpm a» My um: w v swam
ww» w wuvadm; gutsy/rm mam mm.
a w-avm mm ~ ,. M17 my,
wmmm— 1m. mnc' _ M“ Quin"
my, mm: Hdlcs age
- - Vear umued Warranty
m- mum, an. w m
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- Lw Battery Merl
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dnphy m m. warn In: any)
‘; mmg firm"
. Illuminned Dlsplay
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Hmuys Shmk u] 1-47 ‘vc PM Vilm- >
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g?“ f‘l‘iglflsffli’fl‘fie '"“’ "’ W ' "" Quid: ELL; Swivel Bell
mm“ .xgm,xx:1<, ' “l" “"fi'm’“°" 1°“; C"? Included
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. QY Noise Flllev
- Usur's Guide |M|ud=d
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mam: mu; - ml u ‘m )m u a , yr»:
1m ‘ ‘ rtc cups ucsuss A» w“ (Mu—J." w mu
REQUIRED ’ '" ' ’ '
my”. ‘ “My“. ‘ mu, -,,|un., m h“ A, h M,
mmzfirfl A
Models TRIIN'IJ‘MIU T3230
5 C undr-
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To register your product on-line, visit mun:-
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service of your Motorola product, you will need to provide a copy of your dated
sales receipt to confirm warranty status. Registration is not required for warranty
:'_:..?:m"n'a"i':l,; more.
For a copy of a largeprint version of this guide, or for product-related questions.
1-800-353-2729 in the USA
1-888-390-6456 ‘I'I’Y (Text Telephone)
On the web, please reter to ww‘w'jnt
. ..r,'w 2.1mm;
Contents Sa'ely and General Information
Impom Inform-Hun on 5!“ And Elfldum Duct-Hon
1 speclllfelwul , , .,.‘,..21 Mrnlslmrmnlon Eden Using Your mo
v 3 lmnmnee Elm-um Coco 21 Tm, mbfmafim pmvlded |r ms mcumen-t suaersedes the geneml “My vnlormallun =
Fcc Umnuug lnlalnnfion . , u Push to Talk Tmacul Tm'e' 2\ mmmm M use, games “bush“ pm! w July 2000 g.
le WNW—MM "110 33mm; i'm’c Models “101,122 771an mu Rue-No macaw. E
Comm! BumnyM-mds Tam segxifim “1m: 27 You! zwomy radio curls-us a |ransmmar and a raceway, T0 conlrol your ammo 5
.v 73 and msurs mrnphancc mm mo mural populanorvumommilsd snwcrmsnl ;
mm stifled . ‘ l ...... , ...... 10 Rcmovnq cumes turn me Sear L151 mosuve limtts. always adhere w lhe Oollawmg procedure, :
mm mg m M Bananas ,, 1: mrim‘me De new»! 53 - Tvansm: no more mar. m cl me lrne. 3
s ...... .
gmqmmym Benn ack : “5 Own] a.” Maw 24 : 17'" uansmu 07k), pmss me Push to Tax (PTT) button E
Usmg «h. (Mk Stuns Chavw smug ano T'anm-q 0a» Tums . 24 0 mm" 08 5. rah-5° IN ”T1 M10" 0
(0mm Amsmi . . , v v :5 memm; a nu. cw-mmm Tom 25 Tnnsmllng m or me «me. or less. Is muonam bemuse me mm generates 1,
“mm lhe Bell Ctp . n at Mass Fmomg measurable RF mow axoosure onry men Ivensmilmg (in Isms ol measur ng =
Hemcmr‘g m w ma “0" ”y i; slandsrds corny‘ianee)‘ ';
m Vow new Or! nrd . 7 m‘ .......... _
13.1.5“ Volume . |7 Usmg Am: Assessor“ . $W°azr= 1° Hflfifl Fin-mm Energy 3
5mm 1 Channel 7 7 m Wm WM NOXI Ammm _our mom rad-o sacsqmdto comply van we mum/m national and Nemmonal m
Danni; and meu‘cbs I9 (Models nznonnu Only) 27 slalmards sun gudelmes vegamng exposuve ac human mug; to mm "squmy m
Tfllhg and Lllhnlnn. ....... 20 Saturn M Somnivw Lava! eleclrmgnem ensrgy'
mu “Mg: 20 (Model! “200-1373“ Only) 28 - United smtes Feoeral Commuucafions Commission, Code a! Fedem
Chammq INCH!!!“ Bdove mmwonmnm . . 29 Reguluuons 47 cm: pan 2 autumn J
hansmlnnn .. 2c “you uw Auunmzl .
- American Mariana! standards Insmm: (ANSii/insmum oi Electrical and Electronic
- lnslilille 01 Elecirnai and EIQCK’Ionin Engheers “EEEi CS5 14999 Efifiofl
- Iniernaiional Commisson on Nowlornzing Raulairor Protection (iCNIRP) 1998
' Ministry 01 Realm (Cardii Saiety C009 5 Lmrls oi Human Expflsile in Ratio
Frequency Eleciromaqnonc Fields “n we Frequency Range mm 3 kHz In
300 GNL 1999
- Ausirairan Cnmmunicairons mummy Radiooomrrlmicaiiufls (Eieciromagneuc
Rind-slim 4 Human Emulate) Standard 2001 (applrcabia to Wireless phonos only)
- ANATEL, Brash Reyuaiory Amnonry. Resolution 256 (April 1! 9002) ‘addriiomi
requrmnla for SMR, calmer. and PCS product “Mi-31m?
Yo 5mm oprrmai radio porionnarrca and make sure human exposure in ream
ineqimicy elecromagneiic energy if) wiihin ma guidciiies m tom m Ihe above
siandards, Marys adhera to iris iuiiowmg procedures.
Pariah Radio Operation Ind EME Elma
AnMM oar-
Un only In suppiind or an approved rapt-commit mama. Umhorizsd
antennas. rriodilmrions. oranlchmenis amid damage“; radio and may violate FCC
DO NOT hold m0 Imam. when me Min ll “1" USE.” Hokhng mu mlenna aflocis
me eflearvc range.
MW W Operation
Wnan ulmg ywrrado as a trunnion-i two—way mm mm m- ane |rr
- verticai pognion am- the microphone one to m incrru (2.5 to
5 cm) lmy [tom me lip-
!ochom Opel-rim
Yo mainrain confluence wiih FOC/Healih Canada RF expand. Marines. iiyou wear
a radio on your body when irarismilirig, airways piece irre radio in a Mervin-What]
of approved dp, homer, hoisier, case. or body harness for "us produci. use 01 non-
Moiomin-apptvvad «counties may exceed FCC/Healih Canada RF Elm
guidelines Ii yw on noi use one oi the Melanin—supplied or awroved body-worn
lCCesmfl'i and am not using "in radio held In Vie normal use position' 0mm me
radaand humour-mil lemon-incMLSomi lrcmvourboay m
Dah 0mm
ii mm‘ when using any can ieaiure oi [he radio ‘MIY‘ o: wlmui an accessory
cabie, pocliion rho radio ind in unann- n ion: an. inch (2.5 cm) 1mm in- boa,
AW Amanda
For a list ai approved Maomia accessories visii our website ai a»: in rr s r,
Electromagnetic Immroneclcmnplmimy
Net-- Nanny every warm: mm is summit; in siaaromagneirc imanarenca
(sun nmqumary muse. mama. «otherwise configured lor electromagnetic
To avoid dummy-relic ininriurence andmr compnlibillry confirm. un- til your radio
in any inclity where pceied nonoes nslrud you in on so, Hospitals or noalm care
iaciiilles my be using equlpmenl that Is sensiive lo enema! RF anmgy
when Instructed Indu sol |um all ynur radio Mien on boat: ar airmail Any use ol 3
radio mus! be In nocomance wilh applicable regulalions per arrine (new rnslruwom.
maul Men - Pamwkpn
The Advanced Medical Tocnnmngy Association recommends man a minrlixn
separation ni srx inches (15 cm) be mahlaineu bemoan a handheld wireless radio
and a pacemaker These recommendations are mnsasieni mm the misnomer"
rosaamh by. anu lewmrnendah'ons oi the U S. Food and Drug Ami-airshow,
Persons with pacemakers should:
ALWAYS keep lho Vfldlfi more lhan srx incl»: (15 cm) from their pacemaker when
the radio 5 Mined ON.
- Not carry me radin m me breast pocwai
- Use me ear opposite [ha pacemaker to minimize me poie'llnl ior irleriere'ice
' Tum the radio OFF rrrvnodiaieiy rl you have any reason in susnoct m
rnielisrance is iakrng placer
M-dlfll Mica. - Hearing Aids
Some agilai Wireless males may rmeriem wrrn some hearing am In me svenl cl such
rmenererrw. you may wani in consul! your hearing and manufacturer in discuss
Other Medical Devices
ll you use any omer personal medical device‘ ccnwii the marnlacturor of your mm
to delermrne ri it IS adequately shielded lmm RF energy Your physician may be able
in 83515! you In emailing (his inlormanon
501m and Gmlrll Ule While Dviving
crack "in laws and remlanons on lhs use OI radios r| Ihfi Mu when you drive,
Always obey mam When using your rafio while driv'ng. please
' lee lull amnion to dmlng and in the 1016
~ Use handsiraa operaiion. ii available
~ Full on rha road and park Debra making or mmrhg a cal ii driving conditions
so require
Openilonu w-mlngs
For Mic!" wiin an Air Bag
Do nol place a portable radio In the area over an air bag or in l’lE air bag devioymefll
area. Air haw inllale WM great lance, || a poftaole 1050 is phced in the H! bug
deployment area am the ear bag mfiaws‘ the rm may be propeled wrrir geal lame
and cause senous lmury in occupants at me vehicle.
Pol-MW Explosiv- Atmospheres
Turn all your radio prim lo anterlng any area with a polenlrally enclosure annosahoru
unless il in radio lype aspeoaly wanlodloruse n such areas as 'InMnslcalySale.'
Do rm remove. meta“. or charge bananas |n such areas Sparks m a pomally
OXP|OSIVE atmosohore can GaUse an emloslon or lire resulllwg ”n wily many or even
Mm: The areas with polenlinlly explosive almosohcms lelerred in above rldee
luellng areas such as below decks on boats. Fuel or memhzl nansrer or storage
Mules. areas when: (be all Mains chemicals of particles. such as wail. Ml or
melal aowdsrsv and any filler urea where you mun normally be ”vised lo tum all
your vehicla angina. Areas mm polemluny exploelvs atmospheres are one» bnl no!
always poslod
Blasting Cap: and Ana.
To avold posslhla Inlarlarerlco mm blasmg operanom. lurn all your rm when you
are near eleclrlcal blastlng caps. lrr a blaslmg area. or in areas poslcd, “Turn oll mm-
way refllor‘ Obey a! sagas and mslruclm
Optimum-l Caution-
Done! use any portable radio that hit a dam-god nmnrrn. ll a flanged amerma
names mlo contact with your sin. a rumor hum can rasun.
All balleries can cause pmpeny damage and/or badly mm such as bums ir a
ouneuctive malarial such 51am” keys, urnennoa chairs loam amosedlarmmals,
The conduclrvs malarial rray complete an slac1nwurum(srm mourn and Demo
wile ho! Exercrse care n handlmg any charged ballery. pamcu'arly whan plaarlg rl
inside a poclm, purse, or omer wnla'nerwith Mal obiom
Ban-r, Charger salary hslructlone
Suva than MIMI-1m
1. Dormexposelmdurgerluralnorsm.
2. 00 full operate 0! mm the draw! 3 ll has received a sharp blow, orhas
been crowed or damaged rn my way
3 Never aller me AC cord 0! plug 910le mm the unk ff ma plug null ml F! the
outlet, have me proper outlet msraloa try a qualifiad uloclru’an. An Immune!
condition can result in a risk d elaclrlc shout
4. To reduce the Hill ol damage to lhe wrd 01 pk)“, pull the plug rather than [he
cord when drsconnecrmg lhe charger lrom the AC «accolade.
5 Tu reduce me ask ol alecmc shoal, unplug me charger from Ihe aural belore
allemprhg arvy marrierlance orclaamnq.
5, Use ol an anammenl nol recommended or sold by Molanla may result m a risk
01 lire. elsclm snack. urpsrsonal lmury,
7. Make sure we cord is localad so nwur not be slapped on. tripped over or sub
196190 to damage or sfless,
An meow can! should nul he used unless msu‘uldy necessary Use of an
mumps! elhflswn emu cnuld rssun in a risk 01 ‘vre andJm elecmc shodtv {I an
enension mm must be used. make sue lhal
' The pus on the ping at me extensmn cmd are the saw runner 51m, and
smpe as hose on me plug 0! the cnargor
- me exumyor cm: \s uvoperly mac and m good electrical wnamon
' The 00"! sue ls 18 AWG 001 ‘orvglhs up 10 mofeez, and 15 AWG for lengms 03
to 150 her.
The supp'y can: of ms merger cannoi be mpiaced n he (301de damaged. call
Mulomla Product Servsces a! 1-800-3532729 In me USA or “58844906456
TTV (Tom Tolepl'one).
FCC Licensing Infon'nntlon
ch Mzmmia mam weaves un Genera» noble Rama Semee {GMRS) "squares and 15
suapctloihe am and Regulaims a (no room Commuricahons Comm-Non (sec; The
FCC mum m at counters using was hawenoes mlnammwense m
operating men moment To com me rm m phase request Forms mam 159.
when names all forms and Instructions I! you wlsh II.) have My ducunml (and at mallmt
on have quuvims. pleasa me me iotawn- nomad ntormulon
Faxed Mailed Oussfion
Comucf ll-e Faro"? CaH 1h? : C lurms Regarding FCC Ivccnse
Demand zy'flem a! hull I, Count! (ht FCC at
ban-4150177 ‘mfigg‘ l-mzusw
On mmmmw
Changes 0! modmcamns not axprmry Eppmvcd by Motoroh may you! 1m usefs
mummy grantad by the FCC m Damn; Hus man and should nmbe Nada To comp'y wm
FCC reqmmmcms. lransmmu amumans would be made My by m unmet me
suwmsnon of a person ccnlfiefl as lschmcal'y aualwied lo penmm n-ansmmsr
mmenarca arm repel-s m the pflvaxe law flows and hen SSNIDSS as cemlned by an
organuafion vemesafllaflve ml the ussv nl those services Hepace'nsm of any war-5mm
mmpanem (cryslal. semucanduam, at: ) nu auxholvleG by the FCC equipment
authonzahm for "us lama wuld mdale FCC mes
Nola: Use a! ms race ousde |he oourfllv wwm n was infiended to be dmruuteo is
sumac! to government mgu'anms and may be pmbnw.
FCC Licensinq Inlormation
Controi Bum-ms -
un- m m: fl ,,
- Tun ‘ado ONO"
LED mum um
Una lo: 7
-Sam 5 setting
use ® to:
. Transm cal (one
Models T8210
4 1 me. to:
I ‘ - Saw monu opium
- Exn ms mam [when
pressed wmle In a menu)
' L” and unlock m9
“wad (when held down
and mm m a menu)
“ Acton-low Jack
- Scan (Model 15700 Duly)
‘flmC “03m:
-Sorolmrougn mews
Control Buttons ~Mudeh Tm»
mm m
- urnmdlo mm
' mum volumr
LED Indium! Ugh
Tmnsni'. call [one
«Lj— Un all"):
Memory Jack
UsF [EM/(u
- Sclea menu optiom
0 am Ihc mm (when
Pmscd whflc m . mcnu)
. Lock l'ml unluck (h:
Keypad (when mm dawn
And am in n mcnll)
o m : mung
Uh! ”lilo:
O qumr chmnel ullvily
0 Sam
ma ml 111 m.
0 Scroll thlnugh lmmlu
Control Buttons -j Models T8200
. Use © to:
Use In) to: —7k_
~ Tum radio on/ofl
- Adjust volume )
' Select menu options
/ - Exn the menu (when
tossed while m a menu}
‘ odk and unlock the
LED Indicator nght— and nagflsrmfilg down
Una to:——~—"'/ \\ Acosssorydaek
- Talk
- Save a semng // ' '\ Us. ® to:
7//' - Scan (Models T5620.
Ute ® to:/ T5710 only)
- Transmrt call tone
\ Use 6 and Dto:
Removable Front Cover - Soto" through menus
SP‘M‘“ I ' “l— \ Microphone
Getting Started
Insulting the AA Batteries 192
Your man uses 3 AA Alkatlna bananas ‘r W
t. thh the baa M the radio hung you M! the baflety latch
up to reteese the battery cover and remove ma cover
2. Insert 3M Altaltne bananas as shown on me inside at
the aa-tary compartment.
3 Renosthott the battery Dover and mess down to secure.
Nab: The Tiltmmlhlnd 18210
model radtos can use a Nth rechargeable battery nsteau , 7 ,
at 3 AA Alkatrne batteoes A rechargeabte battery upgrade kit. model
number 535m a avmlnbh tor (hm mums For the dealer nearest yuu. can
1.5“).3532729 tn the USA, or vistl our websue at at. t ' . c.
hut-Ill"; tn- Ntca Battery Plclt
1 Follow step 1 above to remove the battery cover.
2. Remove the battery pack lrom the dear plastic bag.
Do nnt dllltlclnhh or unwrap lhn binary pack.
3. Insert the Nice battery pack so the metal contacts on the
srde ol the battery am tactng outward tram the mdto to
connect wtttt the contacts on the battery door,
1 4 4. fispostlton ttre battery covet and press own In secure.
Getting started
emery nut-r
The battery neon shows the battery cnarge tevet from tul _ to empty 2).
when me nattery rs empty, the radrn chrrps oeriodically after reteasing 9 .
The radto powers art when the voltage dmps bettwv a predetermnaa level to
protect the rechargeahte battery
Non: Remove the batter-es betore stormg your radio tor extended perms ol
ttma. Battertes mtmda aver ttrrta am may cause permanent damage to your
Uu‘rtg the Desk Bland Churn-r (Optional Mastery)
The desk stand charger provtdes amp-tn chargrng corwantence [or Ner batterth
and can be placed on any fiat suflam. such as a desk or workbench Charge the
med battery overntgtrt (at Iaast ta hours) berm ustng rl tor me ltrsl trme, Alter
me inrtrat marge. an empty battery is fully charged mmm 14 hours,
1 Turn the radio on and remove the battery cover
2 Remove the battery pack tram the clear plastic bag
Do not fibumbte or unwrnp the hatt-ry pack.
3 Insert the Nth battery pack so the metal contacts on the soda 04 the battery
are racing outward tram tnc radto to connect Wt|'t the contacts on tne battery
4 Reposition mo battery cover and press down to secure.
5 mg [rm AC puwsf supply mo the plug an the desk stand
5 Plug the AC puwer supply mm a standard wall ounct,
7A Slide the radio lnto one 0‘ he charglng pockets lactng lorward.
To charge the battery pack separately [tom the tadro.
l Remove the battery pad 1mm the clear ptasttc my
be not d|u|umbll or unmp tha may pick.
2. Insurt the battery pack into the chargmg pocket Mala sure the metal cuntacts
on the side ol the battery are making canted wtth the CONSCIS tnstcte the
aha rger.
3. Plug the AC power supply tnto the plug on the desk stand.
4, Plug the AC power supply into a slanoard wall outlet.
- When rr'wttlg between hot and cold temperatures, do nut chargn the battery
urrttl the battery temperature accltrrtates (usually about 20 rrrtrtutosl,
- For flphmal battery lite, remove the radio or battery lrom the charger wlthtrt
tti hourst Do not store the radto tn the charger
Attachth the Belt Cllp
t. Attgn Ihe bell cttp post wtrh me hole m the back at the
2 Gently push untt lfle clip clrcks into place
Removing I!" But Cllp
1. Push down on the release lab at the top at the belt cltp to
IBISBSS the Catch
a Pull the hell cup away l'om the back ol the rsdb.
Tuvnlng Your Radio On lnfl 0"
Turn (J) clocktmse tolurn the radrn on and txxtttlerclockwtse lo Ium Ihs radto o".
The 13010 cmms am the display tmstly shows all leeture mans avnttable on your
tattoo. Tho display then scrolls through the avallable channels and tnlerlerence
Eltmlnalor Codes
swing tha Volume
Rotate Lu white halving down 9 or® unlil you reach a cwortable Ilstanlng
twat, Rotate m clockwise to inctaase the volume or counterclockwise to
decrease the volume
Selling . Charm-I
You! ladle mas 22 chanmflsA Channels I-7 and 1b 22 an: GMRE Channnls 5-14
are rm
is on a in channel, (I dlsplays.
1. Wm the ram om press @ The cunenl channel Hashes,
2. Press 3 are no 591 me wanna!
3. Press 6 w savo me channel setting
when he ragia 15 cna mass manneh T d-sp:
13. when (ha radlc
Channels and Frequmcln
Chum-l anu-ncy mam" Channel Frequency mwpnlon
V 1 46151525 MHz QMRSFRS x2 467 5th MHI Fqs
j_ is 5575 MA§E1£§5MS 7 13 4616575 MH} Ffls
a we més MHz GMRS/FRS 14 A 467 "hes—MHz fins
4a 45 . 4/5 MHz GMRSIFRS |§7 452 5500 ME; Gms
e. . 452.5525 MHxJGMRS/FRS 15 432 5750 MHz (was;
3 5 _5Pw1H1 may Mus |7 7462675200 MHz suns
‘ 7 7 . 25 MHz "smug; m 4826250MH1 Guns -
am 12.51.5625 [mi FRS 1 19 [462.6500 MHz GM=t§
_ 9 4675875 Mm 7 FRS ’ 204 52 6750 mu was
7 467.6125 MHz‘ Hag; 7 21 462 7000 H} GMRS
11 |5xm 6675 W: ms , szijaez 725C MHy» (was __
Getting st: fled
Talking and Llstenlng
To mmmcale‘ all radios h your gluup must be set 10 me same channel and
Inledsrevme Ellminalov Coda,
To lalk‘ press am hold 6 Hold me radio 2 lo a lnches away rrom your mouth
when talking
When you nmsn talking‘ valease 6 lprass m Ialk, release to usren)
Talk R-ngz
Your radio rs aesrqnefl lo maximrle peflormance and worms lransmrsslon
range. Do not use lhfi radios closer "um 5 leel span.
Checking the Chennai Below Transmimng
Your radio nas mumple channels shared on a law tums' basis For uninterrupted
Ta check '01 adlvlly on a channel nelom you talk. press and hold or r ll
you hear slallc, the channel rs clear to use.
oommvmcaliun. do no! ink on a channel ll someone else Is sullen! talkl an It
Special Features
madman Elimimlor Code
Inleflzrence Elrmnalor Codes help minimlze inleflerence by proviarng you wlm a
chores 0' code combmanors,
To 511! IN! code 901 a charlncl‘
1‘ Press 63 mall the cone slens loflash.
24 Press 3 or 6 to solecr me cone
3. Press 6 to save me code setting,
You can set a (Maven! cone hr each channel LISlng 1his procedure
Mm: You mus! Eel me Imenerence Ellmrnamr Code to a on an FRS (BOID the!
uses lnmnevenee Ell-“male! Codes in cammunlcule With other FRS radus that
do not have lnleflemncs Elim-nmm Codesr
Pulh lo Tllll Tlmout Tin-v
‘ro prevem aocndenlal lransmrsslons and save battery Me. | radlo arms a
connnuous wsmmg (one and stops lmnsmllung rl you puss for so commons
Locking me Keypad sun Advanc.
n ma mam stops scanning on a channel you do no: wan! to blsten Io. bnellv moss
To avud accndanlalry wamng your vaalo semngs. mess and hold 6 do! _ _
3 seconds of unm fl dlsyjays You can tum the radio on and on, aalusl me ”5 "am” 3 °' C '° “W“ "Emmi? ‘°' ‘he "m “we mam“
voluma‘ recmve. transmit‘ senda can lona‘ and manner Mum, All olhef Removing Ohmnell [ram (he Sean Llsl (Nu‘unco Deleo- Foamn)
hnctions are locked To mmovs a channel some 1360 does nu! slap on H mm mnnlng, mess and
n, m.“ ms mm was, and mm 6) .,,, 3 saw of mm, a ,3 no longs, hold 3 or C tor at Ieas! 3 Seamus, then release ms (emporuny moms me
«swayed channel from me scan 1151.
To resmre the channel mm the mom on and men ban: on
sum“ Chm." ‘ (Modal; rszoonz umzsu 1 1) Non; You cannot vmve the channel your ladle was set to when you shined
Use scanmng lo monnor channels and codes 107 lmnsmlsslans or us find the scan (calfcd vow homo diamon-
someone in your grow who has ammnnany changed (mammals.
To start scannm. briefly press and release@ or@‘ The sum (ndlcaVofz
When me mam) detects channel anwity, iv slaps stamina and you can hear me
Ivansmismun To respond |umeuansm1sswm,wess wuhm 5so 1 ~ qr '
Using Audlo accessories
1 Turn the radio off Plug me acnessovy connocwr Into the lack. See page 12
and 13 Ml the location 0, [he accessory M on youl radio
2 Turn the radio on Lower me volume belore plamng lhe accessofy on you:
head of n your em‘
a. Press ® m @ wnlle mlalmg l "\ to adjust the volume to a oomfonablc
4 To lransmlt press 6 and speak into the accessory vmcrophone. il any
5‘ To reoewu‘ 1513959 @'
voloo Mllvauon (vex) Ace-norm (Mk Txmomsu my)
Voice adivallon (VQX) allows you to (Eli handsfllee when used wall! optional
accessories connectsd lo lhe radial See Illa anmla Talkaboul accessory
brochure lov avaulanlo VOX accessories,
L Turn the ladlo oil.
2. Insert the plug 01 me audio accessory lumty Into the aooessmy lack (m
9890 ml
3 Tum me rad-o an. -{ alsplays
4. Lower the radio volume berm placing the accessory on yout head or m your
5 m transmit. speak into accessovy mtcmohone Theve IS a short delay
between the time you start talk-"g and when lbs radwo lvansmirs.
at To mam stop talking.
To turn vox on pm 6 or remova me aucio accessory.
sank-fl In: somlflvnv l-ml {Mulch mammu 01th]
Admsllngyourvadlo s snnsllmty Ievet news mlrum|ze the posstbtllty at mmlaoded
noises tllqgeflnq a trammssmn and heme the rating pick uo sun voices
1 Pvess®untll J displays.
z rams 3 01 G to salectthe sensitivity Ievet.
3: high Scrum/Ir; E = M-utum Sonllllvhy .‘ = Law Slnuflvlly
to! qusat envtronmenls for most environments luv nonsy envuonmems
Non: when you connect a vox aecnssury, the ram 15 automaticafly set to mo
25 last chosen sensitivity level
Patsnt Infommlon
Tms product ts manufacturer: under one or more 01 the tollowmg united States
5696277 5894292 58484752 5699006 5742484 D408398 039932! D3B7755
D389158 5834592 58931327 5789090 5734975 5361350 0395552 0383745
D389627 D389I39 5929325 5925514 5953640 6071640 D4|3022 0416252
D41 sass 0433001
Export Law Assurances
Tm; product is continued under the export negulahons oi the United States 0!
America and Cal-ans. Tbs Guvemrnenls of the United States of America and
Canada may fes'llcl the exportatlon or re-expoflatton at INS product to ceflaln
destmanons‘ Fov lunhev in'ormshofl contact the us Department at Commerce or
the Camden Department of Furaign Aflmr: and Intumamnat Traae

Source Exif Data:
File Type                       : PDF
File Type Extension             : pdf
MIME Type                       : application/pdf
PDF Version                     : 1.2
Linearized                      : No
Page Count                      : 17
Creator                         : manual.doc - Microsoft Word
Create Date                     : 2004:06:03 16:08:17
Title                           : manual.doc
Author                          : pcwong
Producer                        : Acrobat PDFWriter 5.0 for Windows NT
EXIF Metadata provided by
FCC ID Filing: K7GT8230

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