Gibson Innovations SHB3060 Bluetooth headphone User Manual
Gibson Innovations Limited Bluetooth headphone
- 1. User Manual
- 2. User Manual Statement
User Manual
aim him 175 Ip. press prooiwim dienA 2015/03/31 Films: Screen Linc: Colur prnol: Papa . Quick start guide Phiiips Wireless Bluetooth headphones SHB3165/3185 PHILIPS PHILIPS WelCome Io PhiIiPSi For an Dptimai expenenee regixler your predun m www, :rru i'miNii‘i-v- _ who a“: rrvuxurvz; wrleaizu'd rcmsyrwiin on .7/arir'rww3‘ m-e r ,nni hi yin Ah n ih n inn ni. n r innnhn :ri n‘hi-Hrmhh h "wish“ :4: you emu =Wiiiprt ”mom-4 nee-5e e (on m: ‘Viiipxr . r homage-521ml mm”, e :Fz m+mu out mmmzemmmmh‘ie tin-smegma utfiuhmv mageaimsmslmm nae e, fiiiflizfiltliufls «mm: mam/eager ma 24T¥~fi¥)§l§fii&iifi“&imiifl ea» (£0890 1% _ m \ fianmmfifiifllflt‘jflififiifl ~ .“UK Quick start guide Philips wireiess Biueicoth headphones SHBZ‘iES/S’iab Music/(Sail cenrroi Leo Mme, inghr Power On/Oif Volume/Track central Micro usa Microphone :hzrglng slut Pairing/Mute (call) Charge the battery Plug one end o1 use cabi: hm me charger 101 mm 0‘: USE purl eia mmpurer). Plugthn mher end uhhc uhl: mm the mizm uss [hwyng :Im on [he hudphunfi, When the heuuphones on e (hargirign a white ihuimor light Will be dlspllyed , when the headphone: are iuiiy eharged.xhe wh-re ilght goex on, beer) Turn on and off the headphones 1, Turn die headphanes on. Frey; and hair! 2 Turn the heldphnnesnfl Prexsand hoid lightturnx on and Varies andmen ehe headphone: WiII eurn ofl. Pair the headphones With your phone Pair the headphones mh your phone huhuaiiy Di by using NFC. Airer suczexxiui pairinthe headphone: eehneu nummnlimliy {a He phone ante the headphone: are eurned on and within range. Manuai Pmririg e. 1 MakeSureyourhendphuneszretumed on Add ISIuwn: 1, I’iei: and hold ® untii on nhernzting biue 4mm " and whne iighe (lashes. nu .e 1 Turn on the Bluemorh iunmon on your phone 4‘ m hum nor 4 your phone. wiil mnseerrhingier ' FWH‘VNJD" WiiIipS 945315511195 ”“313"; sh Foiiow rhe on-streen inmumons to per your phone (Chezk your phone': user manual «or details) NFC Pairing 1 Make sure your hendphuries ere turned on 2 Make xure you mm on the NFC (uhezion on your phone and rher your phones streen remains acme. 1 Fix: your phohe oyer the headphone: Sn lhauhe NFC dereeuon Area e1 each deyiee wuzh eaeh oeher. 4, Follow the pairing inuiuctionx eiyour phone in pzxszude is requiredn enter new Remark: - Make xure your "nubile phone hu rhe NFcienrure um um the NFC iuheuoh hn peeh swiklied on end your ,7 phnne n; her in mhdhy mode - Fliringwilh NF: is Suimbil ehiyiorAherere mubile operurine xyncm 4 2 on nbavc - Reier m yum phones user nun-oi m nuenmy no NFC dcmdion am: NFC duqnian are: Use music (voice I call controls Music controls Vaice central: ‘ shn < 1 re rne o hnei nonune onyoui phone F o Biuuumh W: Moro eho humi hr m“ remheeor r rheeorrmerhhphryeurrehee “7‘“ V prerrnhuhoiu +. Call controls noupeun © premheeor M “ Pregame Vaiumedown WWW H x p heieer Aehnhuhempr mm a“ zoeeuhuiyouhur * haeep‘muru sihpcoimnu Flcsxouzu Mure/uhrnure ® rhehhewnhie Meme. hm" my Skiybankmrd Prcixlwim Swmnu while in . uii LED Indicator light A «hire hem flashes Sinwly The hutuy i) iow Ah ailermlin: whhe rne piue hghlflashb m heeephpher .re n, made A blue iighfiiashax 1: every 5 samnds new The hudphnnes are open paired Ind mnreeeee A piue hghtiiashu ”pieiy m heeephpher .re menu: on but rim eonneered i1 no (anneniun uh he made rhe heldphunex Win Wm iueiiuihker s hhhurer Imvlcs zI-rnne has been considered and zomvlled Plum never m wwwphiliyx mm/wulmmu for rhe iuii um ivilriuai
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