Gibson Innovations SHB7150 Bluetooth headset User Manual SHB7150 QSG trial run path 20130820 ai

Gibson Innovations Limited Bluetooth headset SHB7150 QSG trial run path 20130820 ai


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Document ID2177541
Application ID6icT6mkbuvL8i0DRXP5wlw==
Document DescriptionQuick start guide
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize42.83kB (535428 bits)
Date Submitted2014-01-27 00:00:00
Date Available2014-01-27 00:00:00
Creation Date2013-08-20 15:37:50
Producing SoftwareAcrobat Distiller 10.0.1 (Windows)
Document Lastmod2013-08-20 15:37:50
Document TitleSHB7150_QSG_trial
Document CreatorPScript5.dll Version 5.2.2
Document Author: 310087012

Phiilps Bluetooth stereo headset SHB7150
Welcome to Phlilps‘
Fer an epurnal expenenee reglsser your produer ac
wwwphlilps eens/welrorne
ml re wsux ir'lw‘ilr'wi n ml AH rant .renrn
Phliber: n, hllesshrelnhlen nu
Ko~ milk» vrlus A y and a e Au kl» yu
Uri-J lme Inn Kmlhki r. p» ilpc h y
une iueu you or
ox immr m unne
chk start 5;de
PM p5 Biuetooth stereo headset SHBWSD
LED lndlcator
On/Oll buuona “gm
Muslc/Call eonrrol
M lcrcphonc
Voiumc/Tmck Audle lack
Mlero usa
charging slot
Charge the battery
Ping one end or use ealale l'nm (he (hargar (or lnm 1h: use port ol a eornpurerl
Ping she oeher end el rhe (abie lmo me nnere use eharglng ales en she heaeaee
When she headser ls charglng,a whue lrldkamr llghsynll be dlsplayed
When rho headsor i! Miy chargod rho whltc ilgh: goes 0“.
Turn on and off the headset
1 Turn ihe headset en Press and hole "y Iar‘i see
2 Turn rhe headser o« Press and hold @ (or4 see Awhue lndaearer hghuurns on and
index and rhen the headsee wlli surn 0".
Pair rhe headset with your phone
Pllr rho hoadsu wlrh your phone manually or by uslng NFC, Aim suesoaslul pnlnng,
ihe headsei (nnnecis aurernaneally m she phene enee she headsee ls named en and
wlrhln range.
Manual Pairing
1 Make sure your handset ls surned ell fl
2. Press and hold © unul an alrernarlng Dine and whlu L» .
llghulashes Add Wm WM,
alumna j:
3. Turn en The sluereodn luneuen en yourphene. dense
Your phone wIll srarr snarchmg lor Phlllps SHB'HSQ
s Fullnw rhe onsereen lnsrmerlons [a palr your phone
(cheek yeur phone‘s user manual ler deralls)
new no r urea ray
on. noul‘f'phanes
NFC Palrlng
Make sure your headset ls eurned ell
1. Press and held (a) unul an aneling blue and whlre
llghr lleshes
3 Make sure you (um en she NFC luneelon on your
phone and rhas your phone's Succn romalns aenyo
4 Pine your phone oyer rhe headsee so rhae she Nrc
deaeenen area el each deylee seueh each erher
5 Foliowxhc pnnng lnxvucrlons oi your phone Ila
pasaeede .s reeuned, emer‘DDOO‘
Left side
. Make sure your rnolnle phone has the NFC learure and rhauhe NFC luneuon has been
swluhed on and your phenols nos ln ssandey node
~ Palrlng wnh NFC ls sunaole only lorAndrold nsoolle operanngsysrern 42 or above
. never so your phnne'x user rnanual m ldenuly lss NFC eeresuen area
Use music and call controls
Muxlc controls Cali centre‘s
naylrauu Pres: onoo fljhgvgpflw Prcxs one @
shde up enee 4. Reign Prexsand held (or K“
Vela,“ u , y . 1 see unnlyou hear m
e p :nélhdec‘dup ’Q ncomlng eall Bumps mm \/
Sildc down once men/“mm
V°‘“"‘e “W” 0r We “W" ‘ me nne whale Press one up l e
and hold I a an -
wl er /
Sklp lerward Press enee Eymffln‘ia” Press we (9
Skip backward Press lwlce Redlal Press mice @
LED Indicator light
A whlee laghr llashes slowly The leader, as low
An alrernaung whlre and blue llghulashes The headsee ls ln pzlrlng mud:
A lalue llghr llashes at every 5 seeonds lmcrvai The headsee u laorh palred and eennened
A blue laghr «ashes rapldly The headser ls swnehed on bus Hal eonneered
ll ne eennealon can be rnade rhe iludxel wull
rurn nsollowakor 5 rnmusos
Corded audio connection
You (an else use rhls headsee wnh she audlo ealale proyaded when she emery ls low
Make sure (he headser .s rurned on laelore using rhe audle ealale,
rlease rolor m meilps (om/weimmc her (he Mi user manual
Guxde de mxse en route Kurzanlextung
Casque stére’o Bmewom Phihps SHB7150 thps B‘uetoothrStereorHeadset SHB7150

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Create Date                     : 2013:08:20 15:37:50+08:00
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