Gibson Innovations SHB9850NC Bluetooth Headphones User Manual statement

Gibson Innovations Limited Bluetooth Headphones statement


User Manual statement

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Mirror Download []Gibson Innovations SHB9850NC Bluetooth Headphones User Manual statement
Document ID2775681
Application IDIr3OJ/eadQr83uYAx6sH0w==
Document DescriptionUser Manual statement
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize13.99kB (174902 bits)
Date Submitted2015-10-08 00:00:00
Date Available2015-10-08 00:00:00
Creation Date2015-09-30 16:01:02
Producing SoftwareMicrosoft® Office Word 2007
Document Lastmod2015-09-30 16:01:02
Document TitleUser Manual statement
Document CreatorMicrosoft® Office Word 2007
Document Author: Sade_Luo

Notice of compliance
The deyrce camplres wrth the FCC rules Part I5. Operation rs sublecttc thetulounng two cundrtrans
t. Th rs deui may nut cause harrniul interference. and
2. Th rs device must accept any rnterlerence received. rncludrng rnterrerence that may cause undesired operation.
Fm: rulnx
Thrs aqurpmcnt has bnnrl tcsted and faund ta ccmuly wrth the lrmrts far a Class B drgrtal day-rec. uursuant m part i 5 utthc ICC Rules.
These lrmrts are desrgned to pmvlde reasonable protectran against harmtul rnterlerence rn a resrdertral rhstallatrdn. This equipment
generates. uses and can radiate radrotrequencyenergy and, rt nd: rnstalled and used rn acccrdance wth the rnstruct an manual may
cause harmful rnterlerence :u radrc commuhreatrons
Huwever there rs nu guarantee tha: lrller‘erence wlI not occur rn a particular rnstallatron. llth s edurpmeht dues cause harmful
rnterlerenae to radra ur televrsrah receptron. whrah can pe determined by turnrng Me equipment off and on. the user rs encouraged tu try to
current the interference by one er more at the follnwlrlg measures
Relocate the recerurng antenna.
Increase :he separatrdn between equrpmeht and receiver.
Connect tile Equipment into art umjei art a circumdliferenierl-l lhal In which the receiver is connected.
Cansuk the dealer or an experienced radlurrv technician tor help.
Fcc Radiation Exposure Statement:
This eaurprnent cemplres wth FCC rsdranan expusure limits set lenh ler an uncentraled envlmn ment.
This transmrtter mustnat be cu.lucated ctr uneranng rn cunyuncnan wrth any ether antenna urtransmrner.
This device complies wrth Industry Canada lrcence.exempt R55 slahdald(5). Operation s sublecl tn the Fullawlrlg Two eundrtrans (t ) this
devrce may net cause harmful rnterlerence and t2) thrs deurce must accept any lrlter‘ererlce received. including lnler‘ererlce that may
cause undesired cperatrun.
lc Radiutitm Elpnsum statement:
This equipment ecmplres wth Canada ladlal an exposure lrmrts set icrth fur uncontrolled envrrunments
This transmrtter mustndt be ca-lucated cr cperatrng rn cowtunctlanwlth any other antenna urlransmrtter
Cautran The user rs cautianed that changes or modlllcatlnns not expressly apprnved lay the party respunsrplelercamplrance cuuld vnln
the usar‘s authanty ta aperate the euurprnent.
Avis de coulorrniié
Gel apparel satrstart aux reglernents de la FCC partru l5 du cdde urFederal Regulltlons. Sun runctrunnernent est assuietfi aux deux
nnlldltmns sulvanles
r. eat apparerlne den pas causerd‘lnlefiélenc: prelud
2. livDaI-ll dun aes-pter mute rntertérencs racus. yccrnpns lee interterances cull peuvantce user un tunctlunnenrent nun disrre.
ple et
Righmlni do In FCC
cet equrpernent a ete teste et iuge ca 'llpalible avec les Inn rtes s appquuant aux apparerls numenques de la classe a. canlurnsentent a
IaVIlEIe 15 ml reglemertt fie Ia FCC. CBS Ier lie: um eue déflnlefi pouifott mll tine pmtecnorl raise l'lrl able contra |e§ interferences nulslblls
darts le cadre dune rnstalauun resrdentrelle Cet edurpernent genera utrlrse st peut emettue de l‘energre ndratreduence e1. s1 n'est pas
rnstalle nl utilise ccntarrnernent au nstrudlans, peutcauser des interferences penantus pour lea cannrnunlcatlcns adln
Rlen ne galarlm tautetcrs cue des interferences ne survrendrent pas dans une rnstalatlan pamc re. Si aetequrpernent cause des
rnterttsnrnces nu rates pour la rtsaeptlen a. is rude uu ds la telenslen. ca qul psut are determine an mattant tequrpemsnt hare tsnsren
pu rs spustensnen, utrlrsatsur dam sssayerdu cernger ces rnterterences err erectuant une uu plustauls ties spent-ens su nantes
Deplacazl'anlennc da recaptrcn.
Augmentez la distance entre l'edurpementetle recepteur
Branchez l‘edurpennenta une pnse dun crrcurt autre due eelur sur lewel le recepteurestpranche.
Cansuttsz la aetarlant au un tech nrcran da rudrataleyrsron expenma ntts.
can“: :
Le present apaarerl est cehhsrme aux CNR dlndustrre Canada applrea ates aux aDDa retls radra exempts as lraertee. L'earptanatren est
autonsee aux deux eahauans survantes: it l I‘nppurdll lle dart pus pradurre de mullaae, at Q) lutrlreateur de l'apparerl dart accepter taut
nreulllarge ndroelecthque sum, meme at he blotttlage est susceptlnte den camprotheme le ionmronneme VIE.
D‘clanlbn d'lG uur l'expmltton aux ladhllloltl:
net squrpernent est annfulm- aux lnntas d'uxpesrtran aux redranons dunnrus par la Catt uda puurdas envirunnsrnents nan cantrdlhs
eat emattaur na dart pas etra rnstalla au meme andnsit avac una autra antenna au un autra emattaur

Source Exif Data:
File Type                       : PDF
File Type Extension             : pdf
MIME Type                       : application/pdf
PDF Version                     : 1.5
Linearized                      : No
Page Count                      : 1
Language                        : zh-CN
Tagged PDF                      : Yes
Author                          : Sade_Luo
Creator                         : Microsoft® Office Word 2007
Create Date                     : 2015:09:30 16:01:02+08:00
Modify Date                     : 2015:09:30 16:01:02+08:00
Producer                        : Microsoft® Office Word 2007
EXIF Metadata provided by

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