Global Sun Technology GL2411RT-0C EtherFast WRLS AP+CBL/DSL Router w/4-port Switch User Manual befw11s4 ug

Global Sun Technology Inc EtherFast WRLS AP+CBL/DSL Router w/4-port Switch befw11s4 ug

users manual

Instant Broadband™  Series EtherFast®Wireless AccessPoint + Cable/DSL Routerwith 4-Port SwitchUse this Guide to install: BEFW11S4 User Guide
COPYRIGHT & TRADEMARKS Copyright © 2001 Linksys, All Rights Reserved.  Instant Broadband is a registeredtrademark of Linksys.  Microsoft, Windows, and the Windows logo are registered trade-marks of Microsoft Corporation.  All other trademarks and brand names are the proper-ty of their respective proprietors.LIMITED WARRANTY Linksys guarantees that every Instant Broadband EtherFast®Wireless Access Point +Cable/DSL Router with 4-Port Switch is free from physical defects in material and work-manship under normal use for one (1) year from the date of purchase. If the productproves defective during this warranty period, call Linksys Customer Support in order toobtain a Return Authorization number. BE SURE TO HAVE YOUR PROOF OF PUR-CHASE ON HAND WHEN CALLING.  When returning a product, mark the ReturnAuthorization number clearly on the outside of the package and include your originalproof of purchase.  RETURN REQUESTS CANNOT BE PROCESSED WITHOUT PROOFOF PURCHASE.  All customers located outside of the United States of America andCanada shall be held responsible for shipping and handling charges.IN NO EVENT SHALL LINKSYS’ LIABILITY EXCEED THE PRICE PAID FOR THE PROD-UCT FROM DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAM-AGES RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THE PRODUCT, ITS ACCOMPANYING SOFT-WARE, OR ITS DOCUMENTATION. LINKSYS OFFERS NO REFUNDS FOR ITS PROD-UCTS.  Linksys makes no warranty or representation, expressed, implied, or statutory,with respect to its products or the contents or use of this documentation and all accom-panying software, and specifically disclaims its quality, performance, merchantability,or fitness for any particular purpose. Linksys reserves the right to revise or update itsproducts, software, or documentation without obligation to notify any individual or entity.Please direct all inquiries to:Linksys  P.O. Box 18558, Irvine, CA 92623.   FCC STATEMENTThe Instant Broadband EtherFast®Wireless Access Point + Cable/DSL Router with 4-Port Switch has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digitaldevice, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide rea-sonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equip-ment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed andused according to the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communi-cations. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particularinstallation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or televisionreception, which is found by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouragedto try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna• Increase the separation between the equipment or device• Connect the equipment to an outlet other than the receiver’s• Consult a dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for assistanceUG-BEFW11S4-10116NC DG
Instant BroadbandTM SeriesTable of ContentsIntroduction 1Linksys Wireless AP + Cable/DSL Router 1Features 2Package Contents  3 System Requirements 3Getting to Know the Wireless Access Point +Cable/DSL Router 3The Wireless Access Point + Cable/DSL Router’s Rear Panel 3The Reset Button 4The Wireless Access Point + Cable/DSL Router’s Front Panel LEDs 5Connecting the Wireless Access Point + Cable/DSL Router to Your Network 7Overview 7About Static & Dynamic IP Addresses 7Connecting Your Hardware Together & Booting Up 8Configuring Your PCs to Connect to the Wireless Access Point + Cable/DSL Router 10Configuring Your Network with the Wireless Access Point + Cable/DSL Router 12Configuring the Wireless AP + Cable/DSL Router 12The Wireless Access Point + Cable/DSL Router’s Web-based Utility 17Quick and Easy Administration 17Setup 18Setting WEP Encryption 21Password 24Status 25DHCP 26Log 28Help 29Filters 31Forwarding 33Dynamic Routing 34Static Routing 35DMZ Host 37MAC Address Cloning 38Troubleshooting 39Common Problems and Solutions 39Frequently Asked Questions 41Appendix 45How to Ping Your ISP’s E-mail & Web Addresses 45Installing the TCP/IP Protocol 48Twisted-Pair Cabling 50Crimping Your Own Network Cables 51Glossary 52Specifications 58Environmental 52Warranty Information 60Contact Information 61EtherFast®  Wireless Access Point + Cable/DSL Router with 4-Port Switch
EtherFast®  Wireless Access Point + Cable/DSL Router with 4-Port SwitchIntroductionThe Linksys  Wireless AP + Cable/DSL RouterCongratulations on your purchase of an EtherFast®Wireless AP + Cable/DSLRouter with 4-Port Switch.  The EtherFast®Wireless AP + Cable/DSL Routerprovides the ideal solution for connecting your wireless network to a high-speed broadband Internet connection and a 10/100 Fast Ethernet backbone.Configurable as a DHCP server for your existing network, the EtherFast®Wireless AP + Cable/DSL Router acts as the only externally recognizedInternet gateway on your local area network (LAN) and serve as an InternetNAT firewall against unwanted outside intruders.  The Router can also beconfigured to filter internal users’ access to the Internet. A typical router relies on a hub or a switch to share its Internet connection,but the Linksys EtherFast®Wireless AP + Cable/DSL Router channels thisconnection through the blazing, full duplex speed of its built-in EtherFast®10/100 4-Port Switch.  This cutting-edge combination of wireless router andswitch technology eliminates the need to buy an additional hub or switch andextends the range of your wireless network.  Now your entire wireless net-work can enjoy blazing broadband Internet connections supported by itsrobust switched backbone.  With the dual-function speed and power of theEtherFast®Wireless AP + Cable/DSL Router, your network will take off atspeeds faster than you ever imagined possible.• Share Internet Access With Others on the Network• Interoperable with IEEE 802.11b (DSSS) 2.4GHz-Compliant Equipment• Provides Roaming, Best Access Point Selection, Load Balancing, andNetwork Traffic Filtering• Long Operating Range Supports up to 91m (Indoors) and up to 457m(Outdoors)• Capable of up to 128-Bit WEP Encryption• MAC Address and Internal Internet Access Filtering• Connects to a Broadband Modem, a 10/100 Ethernet Backbone and aWireless Network• Configurable Through Your Networked PC's Web Browser• Supports IPSec Pass-Thru and PPTP• Able to Act as a DHCP Server for Your Existing Network• Free Technical Support—24 Hours a Day, 7 Days a Week for NorthAmerica Only• 1-Year Limited Warranty 2FeaturesInstant BroadbandTM SeriesPackage Contents• One Linksys EtherFast®Wireless Access Point + Cable/DSL Router with 4-Port Switch• One power adapter • One Tech Helper CD-ROM• Two Antennas• One user guide and registration cardSystem Requirements• One Broadband Internet connection using an External Cable or DSLModem (if sharing an Internet connection)• One PC with an installed 10Mbps, 100Mbps, or 10/100 Mbps Ethernet card(for initial setup)• TCP/IP network protocol for each PC• UTP network cable with RJ-45 connector• Internet Explorer 4.0 (Minimum) or higher (5.0 Recommended), orNetscape Navigator 4.0 (Minimum) or higher (4.7 Recommended)1UG-BEFW11S4-10125NC DG
Uplink The Uplink Port is where you can expand your net-work by connecting to another switch or hub. TheUplink Port is shared with Port 4. Uplinking toanother switch or a hub is done by simply runninga cable from the Uplink Port to the other device. Ifthe Uplink port is being used, Port 4 will not work. Power The Power Port is where you will connect theincluded AC Power adapter.Antenna Jacks The Antenna Jacks are where you will connect theincluded antennas.The Reset Button*Briefly pressing the Reset Button will refresh the Router’s connec-tions, potentially clearing any jammed links. Pressing the Reset Button and holding it in for a few seconds willclear all of the Router’s data and restore the factory defaults. This should bedone only if you are experiencing heavy routing problems, and only after youhave exhausted all of the other troubleshooting options. By resetting the Router,you run the risk of creating conflicts between your PCs’ actual IP Addresses andwhat the Router thinks their IP Addresses should be. You may be forced toreboot the entire system(s).If your router locks up, simply power it down for 3 to 5 seconds by removing thepower cable from the Router’s Power Port. Leaving the power off for too longcould result in the loss of network connections.Getting to Know the WirelessAccess Point + Cable/DSLRouterThe Wireless AP + Cable/DSL Router’s Rear PanelThe rear panel of the Router is where all of the Router’s connections aremade.WAN The WAN (Wide Area Network) Port is where youwill connect your cable or DSL modem.Ports 1-4 These four LAN (Local Area Network) ports arewhere you will connect networked devices, such asPCs, print servers, and any other Ethernet devicesyou want to put on your network. If Port 4 is beingused, the Uplink Port will not work.EtherFast®  Wireless Access Point + Cable/DSL Router with 4-Port Switch43Instant BroadbandTM Series
EtherFast®  Wireless Access Point + Cable/DSL Router with 4-Port Switch6The WAN IndicatorsLink Green. The Link LED illuminates when a successful con-nection is made between the Router and your Broadbanddevice or network.Act Green. The Act LED flickers when the Router is sending orreceiving data over the broadband port.Diag Red. The Diag LED illuminates when the Router goesthrough its self-diagnosis mode during boot-up and restart.It will turn off upon successful completion of the diagnosis.If this LED stays on for an abnormally long period of time,refer to the Troubleshooting section.The Wireless AP + Cable/DSL Router’s Front Panel LEDsThe LAN IndicatorsWLAN Act Green. The Link LED illuminates when there is wirelessactivity.WLAN Link Green. The Link LED illuminates when the wireless optionis enabled.  When the wireless option is disabled (throughthe Web-based utility), the LED is off.Power Green. The Power LED illuminates when the Router is pow-ered on.Link/Act Green. The Link/Act LED serves two purposes. If the LEDis continuously illuminated, the Router is successfully con-nected to a device through the corresponding port (1, 2, 3or 4). If the LED is flickering, the Router is actively send-ing or receiving data over that port.Full/Col Green. The Full/Col LED also serves two purposes. If thisLED is continuously illuminated, the connection madethrough the corresponding port is successfully running inFull Duplex mode. If the LED is flickering, the connectionis experiencing collisions. Infrequent collisions are normal.If this LED is flickering too often, there may be a problemwith your connection. Check the Troubleshooting section ifyou think there is a problem.100 Orange. The 100 LED illuminates when a successful100Mbps connection is made through the correspondingport.5Instant BroadbandTM Series
EtherFast®  Wireless Access Point + Cable/DSL Router with 4-Port Switch8A dynamic IP address may change every time your computer connects to thenetwork.DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) DHCP is software that automati-cally assigns IP addresses to client stations logging onto a TCP/IP network.DHCP eliminates having to manually assign permanent IP addresses to everydevice on your network. DHCP software typically runs in servers and is alsofound in network devices such as Routers. Connecting Your Hardware Together and Booting UpOnce you are sure that you have the above values on hand, you can begin theInstallation and Setup of your Wireless Access Point + Cable/DSL Router.1. Power everything down, including your PCs, your Cable or DSL modemand the Router.2. Connect a Network cable from one of your PCs’ Ethernet ports to one ofthe LAN Ports on the back of the Router. Do the same with all the PCs youwish to connect to the Router. (LAN Port 4 will become inactive if you usethe Uplink port.)3. Connect the network cable from your Cable or DSL modem to the WANport on the rear of the Router.4. Connect the power-supply cable to the Power port on the rear of theRouter, then plug the supplied AC power cable into a power outlet.• The Power LED will illuminate green as soon as the power adapter isconnected.• The Diag LED will illuminate red for a few seconds while the Router goes through its internal diagnostic test. The LED will turn off when theself-test is complete.5. Power on the Cable or DSL modem.  Verify that the power is on bychecking the Link LED in  the WAN column on the front of the Router.The Link LED will be illuminated if the power is on and the modem isready.Connecting the WirelessAccess Point + Cable/DSLRouter to Your NetworkOverviewUnlike a simple hub or switch, the setup of the Wireless Access Point +Cable/DSL Router consists of more than simply plugging everything together.Because the Router acts as a DHCP server, you will have to set some valueswithin the Router, and also configure your networked PCs to accept the IPAddresses the Router chooses to assign them. You will need the following values from your ISP in order to install theWireless Access Point + Cable/DSL Router:• Your broadband-configured PC’s fixed Internet IP Address (if applicable)• Your broadband-configured PC’s Computer Name and Workgroup Name• Your Subnet Mask• Your Default Gateway• Your Primary DNS IP addressWhoever installed your broadband access should have left this informationwith you. If not, call your ISP and they will be able to supply you with it.About Static & Dynamic IP AddressesStatic IP Addresses A static IP address is an IP address permanently assignedto computer in a TCP/IP network. Static IP addresses are usually assigned tonetworked devices, which are consistently accessed by multiple users, such asServer PCs, or print server. If you are using your Router to share your cableor DSL Internet connection, contact your ISP to see if they have assignedyour home a static IP address. You will need that address during your Router’sconfiguration.Dynamic IP Addresses A dynamic IP address is an IP address that is automati-cally assigned to a client station (computer, printer, etc.) in a TCP/IP network.Dynamic IP addresses are typically assigned by a DHCP server, which can bea computer on the network or another piece of hardware, such as the Router.}Only if applicable7Instant BroadbandTM Series
Now that your Router is physically installed, you will have to configure yourPCs to accept the IP addresses that your Router will provide. 1. Click the Start button, select Settings, then Control Panel.2. Double-click the Network icon.3. In the Configuration window, select the TCP/IP protocol line that hasbeen associated with your network card/adapter. These instructions apply only to Windows 95, 98  andMillennium machines. For TCP/IP setup under Windows NT orWindows 2000, please refer to your Microsoft Windows NT orWindows 2000 manual.EtherFast®  Wireless Access Point + Cable/DSL Router with 4-Port Switch10Configuring Your PCs to Connect to the Wireless AccessPoint + Cable/DSL RouterNNoottee::  If theTCP/IP protocolis not config-ured on yourPC, go to  theAppendix forTCP/IP installa-tion instructionsnow.6. Press the Reset button on the back of the router. Hold the button in forthree seconds, or until the Diag LED illuminates red. This restores therouter’s default settings.7. Power on your PC.The Hardware Installation is complete. Continue to the next page to con-figure your PCs and Router.9NNoottee::Some ISPs—most notably some cable providers—configuretheir networks so that you do not have to enter a full Internetaddress into your web browser or e-mail application to reach yourhome page or receive your e-mail. If your Internet home pageaddress is something very simple, such as “www”, rather than“”, or your e-mail server’s address is something similar to “e-mail” or “pop3”, rather than “”, you won’t be able to prop-erly configure your Router until you determine the actual Internet addresses ofyour Web and e-mail connections.You mmuussttobtain this information prior to connecting the Router to your network.You can obtain this information by contacting your ISP, or you can turn to thesection of the Appendix on HHooww  ttoo  PPiinngg  YYoouurr  IISSPP’’ss  EE--mmaaiill  &&  WWeebb  AAddddrreesssseess..Instant BroadbandTM Series
EtherFast®  Wireless Access Point + Cable/DSL Router with 4-Port Switch12Configuring Your Networkwith the Wireless Access Point+ Cable/DSL RouterConfiguring the Wireless AP + Cable/DSL RouterNow that your Wireless Access Point + Cable/DSL Router is wired into yournetwork, you can begin configuring your system.1. Open your web browser and type in thebrowser’s Address box. This number is the default IP address of yourrouter. Press Enter.NNoottee::  If you have previously enabled an Internet SharingProxy Service on any of your PCs, you must disable it now. • If you are running Netscape Navigator: Click EEddiitt>> PPrreeffeerreennccee>>AAddvvaanncceedd>> PPrrooxxiieess> and click DDiirreecctt  CCoonnnneeccttiioonn  ttoo  tthhee  IInntteerrnneett.• If you are running Internet Explorer v5 or better, click SSttaarrtt>>SSeettttiinnggss>> CCoonnttrrooll  PPaanneell>> IInntteerrnneett  OOppttiioonnss>> CCoonnnneeccttiioonnss>>LLAANN  SSeettttiinnggss. Remove the checks from  all three boxes. Click OOKKtocontinue.4. Click the Properties button, then choose the IP Address tab. SelectObtain an IP address automatically. Click on the Gateway tab and makesure that all fields there are empty.5. Click OK. The Network Properties window will reappear.  Click OK.  Allclient settings are complete.  Windows may ask for original Windowsinstallation files, which can be found on your Windows CD-ROM  (i.e.:D:\win98, D:\win95, D:\ win9x - where “D” is the letter of your CD-ROMdrive) or possibly on your hard drive (c:\windows\options\cabs.)6. Windows will ask you to restart the PC. Click Yes.Repeat steps 1-6 for each PC on your network. When all of your PCs areconfigured, continue on to set up the router using the router’s Web-based Utility.11Instant BroadbandTM Series
EtherFast®  Wireless Access Point + Cable/DSL Router with 4-Port Switch144. Configure the following values.Host Name & Domain Name These fields allow you to supply a host anddomain name for the Router. Some ISPs require these names as identifi-cation. You may have to check with your ISP to see if your BroadbandInternet service has been configured with a host and domain name. Inmost cases, leaving these fields blank will work. LAN IP Address These values refer to your internal network settings.Unless you have specific internal needs, there should be no reason tochange these values. For the internal LAN, the default values are as fol-lows. • Private IP Address:• Subnet Mask: In this section, you can decide whether or not to use WEPEncryption and configure the level of WEP Encryption.  WEPEncryption is not necessary for the operation of your Router.  For moreinformation, see the section of this guide called Setting WEPEncryption.WAN IP Address These values refer to the outside network you connect toevery time you access your Broadband Internet connection. MostBroadband ISPs assign their clients with a different IP address each timethey log on. If this is the case with your ISP, click Obtain an IPAddress Automatically and continue to step 5. If your ISP assigns you afixed IP address, click Specify an IP Address and enter the address intothe Subnet Mask, Default Gateway Address and DNS fields providedby the ISP. NNoottee::All of this information should be readily available from your ISP.  2. A username and password prompt will appear. Leave the User Namebox empty and type admin (the default password) in the Password box.Click OK.3. The Wireless AP + Cable/DSL Router’s Setup page will appear.13NNoottee::    Due to dif-ferences in webbrowsers, someof the screensshown may differfrom those seenon your router. Instant BroadbandTM Series
EtherFast®  Wireless Access Point + Cable/DSL Router with 4-Port Switch166. Choose the DHCP tab. 7. Unless you already have a DHCP server on your internal network,choose Enable from the DHCP Server field. By choosing Enable, you willconfigure the Router to automatically assign IP addresses to each of yourPCs. In the Number of DHCP Users box, enter the number of PCs you planon networking to the Router. Don’t forget to change this number if, in thefuture, you add more PCs to your network.  In most cases, these values willnot have to be changed unless you have more than 50 computers on thenetwork.8. Click Apply, then click Continue.9. Reset the power on the cable or DSL modem,then restart the computer so the computer canobtain the new Router information.Your Wireless Access Point + Cable/DSL Router is now configured toyour network. If you would like, you may continue on to learn moreabout the Router’s Web-based Utility.NNoottee::Make sure that aNetwork Card oradapter has been suc-cessfully installed intoeach PC you plan onconfiguring prior tocontinuing.NNoottee::  You cannot have two DHCP servers running on one LAN at the same time. Ifyou have an existing DHCP server on your LAN, you must decide which device willact as server. If you choose this Router, you must disable the DHCP capabilities of theother device, and vice versa.  The device which is not the DHCP server must have astatic IP address, which must be compatible with your existing network in order to berecognized. PPPoE (Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet) Some DSL-based ISPs use PPPoE to establish communications with an end-user. If you areusing a DSL line, check with your ISP to see if they use PPPoE. If theydo use PPPoE, you must enable it. If you do enable PPPoE, remember toremove any existing PPPoE applications already on any of your PCs. Toenable PPPoE:1. Click on the Enable option in the PPPoE section of the Setup screen.2. Enter the User Name you use to log on to your Internet connection.3. Enter your corresponding Password.Connect on Demand (Only available if PPPoE is enabled) If you aren’tactively using the Internet, you can configure your Router to cut your con-nection with your ISP after a certain period of time. If you have been dis-connected due to inactivity, Connect on Demand enables your Router toautomatically re-establish your connection as soon as you attempt toaccess the Internet again. If you wish to activate Connect on Demand,choose the Enable option. Max Idle Time (Only available if PPPoE is enabled) Max Idle Time is thenumber of minutes that passes before the Router drops your Internet con-nection, due to inactivity. If you want your Internet connection to remainon at all times, enter zero (0) in this field.  Otherwise, enter in the numberof minutes you want to elapse before your Internet access disconnects.   Keep Alive Option (Only available if PPPoE is enabled) This option keepsyour PPPoE-enabled Internet access connected indefinitely, even when itsits idle.  It keeps the connection alive by sending out a few data packetsperiodically, so your Internet service thinks that the connection is stillactive.  To use this option, click on the box next to Keep Alive to select it.5. When you have properly configured the Setup page, click Apply, thenclick Continue.15Instant BroadbandTM SeriesNNoottee::RAS Settings are for Singapore customers only.  If you are a Singaporecustomer, contact your ISP for RAS Settings before trying to complete thisscreen.
EtherFast®  Wireless Access Point + Cable/DSL Router with 4-Port Switch18SetupThe Basic Setup screen is the first screen you will see when you access theUtility. If you have already installed and setup your router, you have alreadyseen this screen and have already properly configured all of the screen’s val-ues. • Host Name This entry is necessary for some ISPs.  Ask your ISP.• Domain Name This entry is necessary for some ISPs. Ask your ISP.• Firmware Version This entry shows the version of the firmware you areusing. Future versions of the Router’s Firmware may become available onthe Linksys Website.• LAN IP Address and Subnet Mask The IP Address and Subnet Mask ofthe router as it is seen on the internal LAN. The default value is IP and for Subnet Mask.  Unless you already know yoursettings, we recommend that you keep the defaults.•Wireless (Enable/Disable). In order to utilize the wireless functions of theRouter, select Enable. If you do not wish do utilize any wireless functions,make sure Disable is selected.  (Note: No other wireless functions will beavailable unless you enable this setting.)NNoottee::  The Setuppage shown inthis graphic maydiffer from theone seen on yourrouter. The Wireless Access Point +Cable/DSL Router’s Web-basedUtilityQuick & Easy AdministrationFor your convenience, an administrative utility has been programmed into thechipset of your router. All router-based administrative tasks are performedthrough this web utility. The web utility can be accessed by any PC on thenetwork by typing into the PC’s web browseraddress window.Upon entering the address into the web browser, a password request page willpop up. Leave the User Name field empty, but type “admin” into the Password field.On the following pages you will find brief descriptions of each utility web-page and each page’s more important functions. More detailed explanationsand instructions can be found by clicking each page’s Help button. To clearany values you’ve entered on any page, click Cancel and re-enter informa-tion.  To apply any settings you’ve altered on any page, click the Apply but-ton.  Once all settings are correct, click Continue.17Instant BroadbandTM Series
EtherFast®  Wireless Access Point + Cable/DSL Router with 4-Port Switch20• Connect on Demand (Only available if PPPoE is enabled) If you aren’tactively using the Internet, you can configure your Router to cut yourconnection with your ISP after a certain period of time. If you have beendisconnected due to inactivity, Connect on Demand enables your Routerto automatically re-establish your connection as soon as you attempt toaccess the Internet again. If you wish to activate Connect on Demand,choose the Enable option. • Max Idle Time (Only available if PPPoE is enabled) The Max Idle Timeis the amount of time you would like to pass before the Router drops yourInternet connection due to inactivity. If you want your Internet connectionto remain on at all times, enter zero (0) in this field.• Keep Alive Option (Only available if PPPoE is enabled) This optionkeeps your PPPoE-enabled Internet access connected indefinitely, evenwhen it sits idle.  It keeps the connection alive by sending out a few datapackets periodically, so your Internet service thinks that the connection isstill active.  To use this option, click on the box next to Keep Alive toselect it.PasswordIn order to have the changes that you havemade take affect, click the AAppppllyy  button..•  ESSID The ESSID is the unique name shared among all points in a wire-less network. The ESSID must be identical for all points in the network. Itis case sensitive and must not exceed 32 characters. Make sure that allpoints in the network are the same. Verify that you’re using the correctESSID and click the Enable button to set it.•Channel  Select the appropriate channel from the list provided to corre-spond with your network settings, between 1 and 11. All points in yourwireless network must use the same channel in order to function correctly. Verify that the correct channel is selected and click the Enable button to setit.•WEP (Mandatory/Disable). In order to utilize WEP encryption, selectEnable. If you do not wish do utilize WEP encryption, make sure Disableis selected.•WEP Key Setting When WEP Encryption is Enabled, press this button tomodify the WEP Key Settings.  See the Section on Setting WEPEncryption for more information.•WAN IP Address and Subnet Mask The IP Address and Subnet Maskof the router as seen by external users on the Internet (including yourISP). If set to Obtain an IP address automatically, these values areassigned by your ISP.•  Default Gateway Address Your ISP will provide you with the Gateway IPAddress. If set to Obtain an IP address automatically, these values areautomatically assigned by your ISP.•  DNS (Domain Name Server) IP Address Your ISP will provide youwith at least one DNS IP Address. If set to Obtain an IP address automati-cally, these values are automatically assigned by your ISP.You can test and see if the above settings are correct by successfully connect-ing to the Internet.•  PPPoE (Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet)  Some DSL-based ISPsuse PPPoE to establish communications with an end-user. If you are usinga DSL line, check with your ISP to see if they use PPPoE. If they do usePPPoE, you must enable it. If you do enable PPPoE, remember to removeany existing PPPoE applications already on any of your PCs. To enablePPPoE:1. Click on the Enable option in the PPPoE section of the Setup screen.2. Enter the User Name you use to log on to your Internet connection.3. Enter your corresponding Password.19Instant BroadbandTM SeriesNNoottee::RAS Settings are for Singapore customers only.  If you are a Singaporecustomer, contact your ISP for RAS Settings before trying to complete thisscreen.
22EtherFast®  Wireless Access Point + Cable/DSL Router with 4-Port Switch3. The following screen will appear, verifying that you are enabling WEPEncryption.  Press the OK button to continue.4. The following screen will appear, where you will choose your WEPEncryption settings.WEP Encryption key can be generated in one of two ways:1.  You can create an encryption key by using a Passphrase. To generatethe encryption key using a passphrase, enter a text string in the Passphrasebox and press the Generate button. The Passphrase can be any text stringwith a maximum of 31 alphanumeric characters.    21Instant BroadbandTM SeriesWEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) Encryption is a method of encrypting datathat is transmitted over your wireless network to insure data security. In awired network, data security is maintained through the physical wire.  WEPEncryption provides the same level of security for your wireless data as if itwere being transmitted over standard network cabling (which is how the nameis derived).  In order to duplicate wired network security levels, wireless datais encrypted at its point of transmission.  It is decoded by the receivingdevice.  This allows users to have the same amount of security over theirwireless network as they would over a wired network.  This level of securityis above that already provided by the use of password protection by your net-work operating system.The present standard for this encryption, set by the IEEE (the Institute ofElectrical and Electronics Engineers), is defined as 40-bit (sometimes alsocalled 64-bit) encryption.  Like many manufacturers, Linksys also includes ahigher level of encryption, identified as 128-bit.  These numbers refer to thecomplexity of the algorithms generated in order to code and decode the datatransmitted.  The higher the bit number, the greater the complexity of thealgorithm, which is designed to provide a more secure the encryption. Beaware, however, that higher levels of  encryption often negatively affect net-work data transmission rates.  This encryption is not necessary for theoperation of your wireless network device. Your need for security can onlybe determined by you.  If your security needs are such that ordinary passwordprotection is sufficient, you may decide not to use the additional WEPEncryption.  However, should your security needs dictate it, the WirelessAccess Point + Cable/DSL Router can provide as secure a connection as isavailable in wireless networking. 1. At the Setup Screen, if you choose to enableWEP Encryption, select Mandatory under theWEP section.2. Press the WEP Key Setting button to set theWEP Encryption type and level.Setting WEP EncryptionNote: WEP Encryption is an additional data security measure andnot essential for Router operation.NNoottee::In order for WEPEncryption to be enabled,wireless functions must firstbe enabled.  Select EEnnaabblleeunder the Wireless sectionbefore prcceeding.
24EtherFast®  Wireless Access Point + Cable/DSL Router with 4-Port SwitchIt is strongly recommended that you set a password for the router. When youfirst power up the router, you will notice that the Password setting default is“admin”.  For security, we recommend that you change your password often.To change your password,  enter your new password in the Router Passwordbox.  Enter it again in the box just below the Router Password box, exactly asyou typed it in the first box.  When you are sure you have entered the pass-word as you want it, press the Apply button.PasswordIf you set the Restore Factory Default option and click Apply,you will clear all of the router’s settings. Do not restore to thefactory defaults unless you want to completely set up theRouter again. Once the Router is reset, you will have to re-enter your configuration.2.  You may enter the encryption key manually.(The Passphrase method is recommended; however, you may need to entera manual key in order to meet the requirements of existing wireless equip-ment on your network. If you are unsure, check with your SystemAdministrator.)In either case, you should commit this Passphrase or Manual Key to memory.You will probably need it for other wireless devices on the network.Once you have chosen your key encryption method and entered either thePassphrase or manual key, click the Apply button and the encryption portion ofthe setup is complete.23Instant BroadbandTM Series
EtherFast®  Wireless Access Point + Cable/DSL Router with 4-Port Switch26• Channel Select the appropriate channel from the list provided to correspondwith your network settings, between 1 and 11. All points in your wireless net-work must use the same channel in order to function correctly.  Verifythat the correct channel is selected and click the Enable button to set it.• DHCP Server  This field shows the status of the Router's DHCP serverfunction, which is either enabled or disabled.•WANThese fields display the WAN IP Address, WAN Subnet Mask andWAN Default Gateway IP address of the Router, as seen by external userson the Internet.• DNS (Domain Name System) IP Address These fields show the IPAddress(es) of the DNS currently used by the Router. Multiple DNS IP set-tings are common. In most cases, the first available DNS entry is used.DHCPA DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) Server automaticallyassigns IP addresses to each computer on your network. Unless you alreadyhave one, it is highly recommended that your router be set up as a DHCPserver. • DHCP Server  Check the Enable option to enable the DHCP serveroption of the router. If you already have a DHCP server on your network,set the router's DHCP option to Disable.DHCP25This tab displays the current status of the Router; it reflects data and selec-tions you’ve entered under the setup tab.All of the information provided on this screen is read-only.  To make changes,select the Setup tab.  • Host Name This field shows the name of your Router. This entry is necessary for some ISPs.  • Firmware Version This field shows the installed version and date of thefirmware.  Version dates are slightly more accurate than version numbers.• Login  This field shows whether you have enabled the use of the Router’sPPPoE support and the status. • LAN These fields display the current IP Address and Subnet Mask of theRouter, as seen by users on your internal network.• Wireless (Enable/Disable). In order to utilize the wireless functions of theRouter, select Enable. If you do not wish do utilize any wireless functions,make sure Disable is selected.  (Note: No other wireless functions will beavailable unless you enable this setting.)• ESSID The ESSID is the unique name shared among all points in a wire-less network. The ESSID must be identical for all points in the network. It iscase sensitive and must not exceed 32 characters. Make sure that all pointsin the network are the same. Verify that you’re using the correct ESSID andclick the Enable button to set it.StatusInstant BroadbandTM Series
This tab shows the status of Logging on the Router.  If you enable logging,the Router will keep a record of all sites on the Internet (i.e., e-mail, ftp sites,etc.) that have been accessed through the Router.•  Access Log: Here you will either Enable or Disable the logging feature.• Send Log To: Here you will specify the address that you would like the log to be sent to.• Incoming/Outgoing Access Log: Here you will specify whether you want to make a record of Inernet sites that have been accessedthrough the Router.  Both outgoing or incoming addresses can be recorded.  (For instance, if you have web-server, you can keep a record of the sites from which your web-server has been accessed.)To view these logs, you need the Log Viewer software.  You can downloadthe software from®  Wireless Access Point + Cable/DSL Router with 4-Port Switch27Instant BroadbandTM Series• Starting IP Address Enter a numerical value for the DHCP server tostart with when issuing IP addresses.•Number of DHCP users Enter the maximum number of PCs that youwant the DHCP server to assign IP addresses to, with the absolute maxi-mum being 253.• DHCP Clients Table  Click on the Clients Table button to show the cur-rent DHCP Client information. (This information is stored in temporarymemory, so the list of clients could disappear, as in the following screen.)
3. Click Upgrade Firmware. A new page will appear.4.  Enter your Router’s administration password into the Password box.5. Click the Browse button and find the firmware upgrade file that youdownloaded from the Linksys website. Double-click the upgrade file.This will place the file into the “File Path:” box.6.  When the correct file is in the “File Path:” box, click the Upgrade buttonand follow the instructions there.  This will complete your firmwareupgrade.EtherFast®  Wireless Access Point + Cable/DSL Router with 4-Port Switch30EtherFast®  Wireless Access Point + Cable/DSL Router with 4-Port SwitchHelpHere you will find links to all of the Utility’s internal support documentation,a  link to Linksys’s website, the application that upgrades the Router’sfirmware.To upgrade the Router’s firmware:1.  Download the latest firmware version from the Linksys website(  Go to the Help screen (above).29In order to upgrade the Router’s firmware, you must useInternet Explorer 5.0 or higher, or Netscape Navigator 4.7 orhigher.  Upgrading the firmware may cause the Router to bereset to the factory defaults.  Make a record of all settingsbefore attempting the upgrade.
EtherFast®  Wireless Access Point + Cable/DSL Router with 4-Port SwitchRequest feature also adds another measure of security to your network byhiding your network ports. Both functions of the Block WAN Request fea-ture make it more difficult for outside users to work their way into yournetwork.Click the Apply button to save any changes.Using IPSec Pass Through •This feature lets you use IPSec Pass Through.  To use this feature, click on   Enable next to “IPSec Pass Through,” then click on Apply.•To disable IPSec Pass Through, click on Disable and then click on Apply.Using PPTP Pass Through •Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol is the method used to enable VPN   (Virtual Private Networking) sessions.  To enable this feature, click on Enable next to PPTP Pass Through, and then click Apply. •To disable this feature, click on Disable next to PPTP Pass Through, and then click Apply.  Using Remote Management •This feature allows you to manage your Router from a remote location, viathe Internet.  To enable this feature, click on Enable, then click on Apply.  Using remote management is easy.  Once you have enabled remote manage-ment, enter http://<WAN IP Address>:8080 into the browser of any PC onthe network and press the Enter key.  You will then be able to alter the Routerconfiguration settings.•To disable Remote Management, click on Disable, then click on Apply. Using Remote Upgrade •  This feature allows you to “flash,” or upgrade,your Router’s firmware from a remote location.To enable Remote Upgrade, click on Enable,then click on Apply. •  To disable this feature, click on Disable, then click on Apply.32NNoottee::Upgrading maycause the Router to bereset to the factorydefaults.  Make a record ofall settings before attempt-ing the upgrade.FiltersFilters block specific internal users from accessing the Internet. You can setup a filter through an IP address or a network Port number.To Modify Filter Settings•Enter the IP addresses you wish to filter into the IP address fields. Theusers who have these IP addresses will not be able to access the Internet. •You can also filter users by entering their network port number and proto-col (UDP, TCP or both). Enter the port numbers  and protocol you want tofilter into the port numbers fields. Users who are connected to the Routerwill no longer be able to access any port number listed there. Block WAN Request•By enabling the Block WAN Request feature, you can prevent your networkfrom being pinged, or detected, by other Internet users. The Block WANFiltersInstant BroadbandTM Series31
EtherFast®  Wireless Access Point + Cable/DSL Router with 4-Port SwitchDynamic Routing With Dynamic Routing you can automatically adjust to physical changes inthe network's layout. The router, using the RIP protocol, determines the net-work packets’ route based on the fewest number of hops between the sourceand the destination. The RIP protocol regularly broadcasts routing informa-tion to other routers on the network. To set up Dynamic Routing:1.  Choose the correct working mode. Gateway Mode should be used if yourLinksys router is hosting your network's connection to the Internet.Router Mode should be selected if the router exists on a network withother routers. 2. In the TX field, choose the protocol by which you transmit data on thenetwork. 3. In the RX field, choose the protocol by which the Router receives net-work data. 4. Click the Apply button to save your changes.Dynamic Routing34ForPort forwarding sets up public services on your network. When users from theInternet make certain requests of your network, the router will forward thoserequests to the appropriate computer. The router's DHCP function must bedisabled to use Forwarding.Forwarding is generally used to set up a web server, ftp server, or e-mail serv-er on your network. To add a server using Forwarding:1.  Enter the port number or range used by the server. On the same line,select TCP, UDP or Both.  Enter the IP Address of the server that youwant the Internet users to be able to access.  Refer to your software docu-mentation for more information concerning which service port settingsmay need to be changed, if any.2.  Configure as many entries as you would like until all of the link entriesare filled. 3. Click Apply to save the settings.ForwardingInstant BroadbandTM Series33
EtherFast®  Wireless Access Point + Cable/DSL Router with 4-Port Switch2.  Enter the following data to create a new static route:Destination LAN IP The Destination LAN IP is the Address of the remotenetwork or host to which you want to assign a static route. Enter the IPaddress of the host for which you wish to create a static route here. If youare building a route to an entire network, be sure that the network portionof the IP address is set to zero (0). For example, the Router’s standard IPaddress is Based on this address, the address of the networkto which the Router is connected is 192.168.1, with the last digit (1, inthis case) determining the Router’s place on the network. Therefore youwould enter the IP address if you wanted to route to theRouter’s entire network, rather than just to the Router.Network Mask  The Network Mask (also known as the Subnet Mask)determines which portion of an IP address is the network portion, andwhich portion is the host portion. In the example above the NetworkMask is This determines (by using the values 255) that thefirst three numbers of an network IP address identify this particular net-work, while the last digit (from 1 to 254) would identify the specific host.Gateway IP  This IP address should be the IP address of the gatewaydevice that allows for contact between the Router and the remote networkor host.Hop Count This value gives the number of nodes that a data packet passesthrough before reaching its destination.  A node is any deviceon the network, such as switches, PCs, etc.  Interface This interface tells you whether your network is on the internalLAN or the WAN, or the external Internet.  If you’re connecting to a sub-network, select LAN.  If you’re connecting to another network throughthe Internet, select WAN.    3. Click the Apply button to save your changes. 36Static Routing If your Router is connected to more than one network, it may be necessary toset up a static route between them. A static route is a pre-determined pathwaythat network information must travel to reach a specific host or network.Click the Show Routing Table button to view the current static routing con-figuration.To create a static route entry:1. Select Static Route Entry from the drop down list. The Cable/DSLRouter supports up to 20 static route entries. Static RoutingInstant BroadbandTM Series35
EtherFast®  Wireless Access Point + Cable/DSL Router with 4-Port SwitchMAC Address Cloning allows you to assign the Router a MAC address,which is a 12-digit code assigned to a unique piece of hardware for identifi-cation, like a social security number.  Some ISPs require that you register theMAC address of your network card/adapter, which was connected to yourcable or DSL modem during installation.  You can find your adapter's MACaddress by doing the following: • If you are running Windows 95, 98 or Millennium: Go to Start, Run, type in command, and press Enter.  At the DOSprompt, type winipcfg.• If you are running Windows NT 4.0 or 2000:         Go to Start, Run, type in command, and press Enter.  At the DOSprompt, type ipconfig /all.  The Physical Address with 12 digits is youradapter’s MAC address. Enter those 12 digits into the fields on this screen, and click Apply.  This“clones” your network adapter’s MAC address onto your Router, and preventsyou from having to call your ISP to change the registered MAC address to theadapter’s MAC address. Z Host MAC Address Cloning38The DMZ Host setting allows one local computer to be exposed to theInternet to use a special-purpose service such as Internet gaming or video-conferencing. To expose one computer, enter the computer’s IP address and click the Applybutton. Inactivate DMZ by entering a zero (0). DMZ Host DMZ HostInstant BroadbandTM Series37
EtherFast®  Wireless Access Point + Cable/DSL Router with 4-Port Switch3. I can’t browse through the Wireless Access Point + Cable/DSL Router.• Check if both ends of the network cable and power adapter are properlyconnected. Check if the status LEDs on the front panel are functioningproperly. • If using Windows 95 or Windows 98, check the TCP/IP setup on theclient side. Run winipcfg by clicking on the Start button, then select-ing Run, and typing winipcfg in the Run box and press Enter.   ThePC should have an IP address of ("xxx" is from 2 to254.) Subnet Mask is, the default gateway IP should bethe Router’s IP Address, and DNS (in "More".)• Same as above, check the same setup values in the Status Monitor pageof the Wireless AP + Cable/DSL Router.4. When I enter a URL or IP address, I get a time out error.• Check if other PCs work. If they do, ensure that your workstations IPsettings are correct (IP address, Subnet Mask, Default gateway andDNS)• If the PCs are configured correctly, but still not working, check theWireless Access Point + Cable/DSL Router. Ensure that it is connectedand ON. Connect to it and check its settings. (If you cannot connect toit, check the LAN and power connections.)• If the Cable/DSL Router is configured correctly, check your Internetconnection. (DSL/Cable modem etc.) to see that it is working correctly.• Manually configure the TCP/IP with a DNS address provided by yourISP.5. I can’t obtain an IP address from my cable or DSL modem.• Ensure that all of your cabling is properly connected and that all of therouter’s WAN and LAN LEDs are correctly illuminated.• Power down your cable or DSL modem for a few seconds. Turn it backon. After the modem goes through its self-test, check to see if you nowhave an IP address.• Ensure that your cable or DSL modem is DHCP-capable.• You may have to enter the router or host name in the Setup page of theRouter’s web-based utility. Go to the Setup section of the Web-basedUtility for more information.• Your ISP may require Mac Addresses. Check with your ISP. Thisaddress can be obtained in the Status screen of the Router’s Web-basedUtility.Frequently Asked Questions40TroubleshootingCommon Problems and SolutionsThis section provides possible solutions to problems regarding the installationand operation of the Wireless Access Point + Cable/DSL Router. If your situ-ation is described here, the problem should be solved by applying the corre-sponding solution.  If you can’t find an answer here, check the Linksys web-site at I Can’t connect to the Wireless Access Point + Cable/DSL Router.• The Wireless AP + Cable/DSL Router is properly installed, LAN con-nections are OK, and it is powered ON.• Ensure that your PC and the Wireless AP + Cable/DSL Voice Routerare on the same network segment. If you are not sure, initiate theDHCP function, let the PC get the IP address automatically.• Ensure that your PC is using an IP Address within the default range of192.168.1.2 to and thus compatible with the Wireless AP+ Cable/DSL Router default IP Address of• Also, the Subnet Mask should be set to to match theWireless AP + Cable/DSL Router. In the Wireless AP + Cable/DSLRouter, you can check these settings by using Control Panel-Network tocheck the Properties for the TCP/IP protocol.2. The Diag LED stays lit when it shouldn’t.• The Diag LED lights up when the device is first powered up.Meantime, the system will boot up itself and check for proper opera-tion. After finishing the checking procedure, the LED turns off to showthe system is working fine. If the LED remains lit after this time, thedevice is not working properly. Try to re-flash the firmware by assign-ing a static IP address to the computer, then upgrade the firmwareagain. If that doesn’t help, contact your dealer for further inspection.Instant BroadbandTM Series39
EtherFast®  Wireless Access Point + Cable/DSL Router with 4-Port SwitchDoes the Wireless Access Point + Cable/DSL Router support any operating sys-tem other than Windows 95,Windows 98,Windows 2000, or Windows NT? Yes,but Linksys does not, at this time, provide technical support for setup, con-figuration or troubleshooting of any non-Windows operating systems.Does the Cable/DSL router support ICQ send file? Yes, with the following fix:ICQ menu-> preference -> connections tab-> check "I am behind a firewallor proxy", and set the firewall time-out to 80 seconds in firewall setting.The Internet user can then send a file to a user behind the router.How do I get Napster to work with the Router? Napster is fully compatiblewith the Router, but you must make sure that, during installation, you select“no idea” when asked about your firewall selection.  Set your proxy settingsto “No Proxy Server” in your File>Preferences.I setup an Unreal Tournament Server, but others on the LAN cannot join. What doI need to do?  If you have a dedicated Unreal Tournament server running,you need to create a static IP for each of the LAN computers and forwardports 7777, 7778, 7779, 7780, 7781, and 27900 to the IP address of theserver. If you want to use the UT Server Admin, forward another port (8080usually works well), then in the [UWeb.WebServer] section of the server.inifile, set the ListenPort to 8080 (to match the mapped port above) andServerName to the IP assigned to the router from your ISP.Can multiple gamers on the LAN get on one game server and play simultaneous-ly with just one public IP address? It depends on the which network game orwhat kind of game server you are using.  For example, Unreal Tournamentsupports multi-login with one public IP.How do I get Half-Life:Team Fortressto Work with the Router? The defaultclient port for Half-Life is 27005.  The computers on your LAN need tohave "+clientport 2700x" to the HL shortcut command line; the x would be6, 7, 8, and on up. This lets multiple computers connect to the same server.One problem: version won't let multiple computers with the sameCD key connect at the same time, even if on the same LAN (not a problemwith  As far as hosting games, the HL server does not need to be inthe DMZ. Just forward port 27015 to the local IP of the server computer.There remains, however, a problem with people being booted after a fewminutes with an "illegible server message."42What is the maximum number of IP addresses that the Wireless Access Point +Cable/DSL Router will support? The Router will support up to 253 IP address-es.Is IPSec Pass-Thru supported by the  Router?Yes, it is a built-in feature that therouter automatically enables.Where is the Wireless Access Point +Cable/DSL Router installed on the network?In a typical environment, the Router is installed between the Cable/DSLModem and the LAN.  Plug the Wireless AP +Cable/DSL Router into theCable/DSL Modem's Ethernet port.Does the Wireless Access Point + Cable/DSL Router support IPX or AppleTalk?No. TCP/IP is the only protocol standard for the Internet and has becomethe global standard for communications. IPX, a NetWare communicationsprotocol used only to route messages from one node to another, andAppleTalk, a communications protocol used on Apple and Macintosh net-works, can be used from LAN to LAN connections, but those protocols can-not connect from WAN to LAN.Does the WAN connection of the Wireless Access Point + Cable/DSL Router sup-port 100Mb Ethernet? Because of the speed limitations of broadband Internetconnections, the Cable/DSL Router’s current hardware design supports10Mb Ethernet on its WAN port. It does, of course, support 100Mbps overin the auto-sensing Fast Ethernet 10/100 switch on the LAN side of therouter. What is Network Address Translation and what is it used for? NetworkAddress Translation (NAT) translates multiple IP addresses on the privateLAN to one public address that is sent out to the Internet. This adds a levelof security since the address of a PC connected to the private LAN is nevertransmitted on the Internet. Furthermore, NAT allows the Cable/DSL Routerto be used with low cost Internet accounts, such as DSL or cable modems,where only one TCP/IP address is provided by the ISP. The user may havemany private addresses behind this single address provided by the ISP.Instant BroadbandTM Series41Frequently Asked Questions
EtherFast®  Wireless Access Point + Cable/DSL Router with 4-Port SwitchIf DMZ is used, does the exposed user share the public IP with the Router?  No.Does the Router pass PPTP packets or actively route PPTP sessions?  The routerallows PPTP packets to pass through.Is the Router cross-platform compatible?  Any platform that supports Ethernetand TCP/IP is compatible with the router.Will the Router allow me to use my own public IPs and Domain, or do I have touse the IPs provided by the router?  The router mode allows for customiza-tion of your public IPs and Domain.How many ports can be simultaneously forwarded? Theoretically, the routercan establish 520 sessions at the same time, but you can only forward 10ranges of ports.Does the Router replace a modem?  Is there a cable or DSL modem in therouter?  No, this version of the router must work in conjunction with a cableor DSL modem.Which modems are compatible with the router?  The router is compatible withvirtually any cable or DSL modem that supports Ethernet.What are the advanced features of the router? The router's advanced featuresinclude Filters, Forwarding, Dynamic Routing, Static Routing, and DMZhost.Does Linksys provide syslog support?  No, Linksys does not currently providesyslog support.How can I check whether I have static DHCP IP Addresses? Consult your ISP toconfirm the information.How do I get mIRC to work with the Router? Set port forwarding to 113 for thecomputer on which you are using mIRC.  If you are experiencing difficultyafter setting the port forwarding, try changing the Direct Client-to-Client(DCC) settings to a range from 1024 to 1030 on the DCC option andForwarding page of the Web-based Setup Utility.  If your questions are not addressed here, refer to the contact informationon the last page of this manual.44Web page hangs, corrupt downloads, or nothing but junk characters are beingdisplayed on the screen. What do I need to do? Force your NIC to 10Mbpsor half duplex mode, and turn off the "Auto-negotiate" feature of your NICas a temporary measure.  (Please look at the Network Control Panel, in yourEthernet Adapter's Advanced Properties tab.). Make sure that your proxysetting is disabled in the browser.  Check our website at www.linksys.comfor more information.If all else fails in the installation, what can I do? Reset the router by holdingdown the reset button for at least three seconds and reset your cable or DSLmodem by powering the unit off and then on.  Obtain and flash the latestfirmware release that is readily available on Linksys website, will I be notified of new router firmware upgrades? All Linksys firmwareupgrades are posted on the Linksys website at, wherethey can downloaded for free.  The router's firmware can be upgraded withTFTP programs.Does the Wireless Access Point + Cable/DSL Router support IPSec? Yes, butonly pass through IPSec is supported.   Will the router function in a Macintosh environment? Yes, but the router's setuppages are accessible only through Internet Explorer v4.0 or NetscapeNavigator v4.0 or higher for Macintosh.With which type of firewall is the router equipped? The Wireless AP +Cable/DSL router uses NAT and TCP/IP port inspections.Does the Router do Stateful packet inspection? NoI am not able to get the web configuration screen for the router.  What can I do?You may have to remove the proxy settings on your Internet browser, e.g.,Netscape Navigator or Internet Explorer.  Or remove the dial-up settings onyour browser.  Check with your browser documentation.What is DMZ? Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) allows one IP Address (computer)to be exposed to the Internet.  Some applications require multiple TCP/IPports to be open.  It is recommended that you set your computer with a stat-ic IP if you want to use DMZ.Instant BroadbandTM Series43
EtherFast®  Wireless Access Point + Cable/DSL Router with 4-Port Switch3.  At the DOS command prompt, type "ping mail" (assuming that thelocation for which you’re trying to find an IP address is configured as“mail”). Press Enter. Information such as the following data, taken froma ping of Microsoft Network’s e-mail server, will be displayed.4.  Write down the IP address returned by the ping command. (In theexample above: This IP address is the actual IP address of theserver “mail”, or any other word or value you have pinged.Step Two: Pinging for a Web AddressWhile the IP address returned above would work as your e-mail serveraddress, it may not be permanent. IP Addresses change all the time. Webaddresses, however, usually don’t. Because of this, you’re likely to have lessproblems by configuring your system with web addresses rather than IPaddresses. Follow the instructions below to find the web address assigned tothe IP address you just pinged.1. At the DOS command prompt, type “ping -a”, where24.53.32.4 is the IP address you just pinged. Information such as the fol-lowing data will be displayed.C:\>ping mailPinging mail [] with 32 bytes of data:Reply from bytes=32 time<10ms TTL=128Reply from bytes=32 time<10ms TTL=128Reply from bytes=32 time<10ms TTL=128Reply from bytes=32 time<10ms TTL=128Ping statistics for Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0%loss),Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:Minimum = 0ms, Maximum =  0ms, Average =  0ms46AppendixHow to Ping Your ISP’s E-mail & Web AddressesVirtually all Internet addresses are configured with words or characters (i.e.,,, etc.) In actuality, however, these Internetaddresses are assigned to IP addresses, which are the true addresses on theInternet. For example, is actually Type itinto your web browser and you will wind up at the Linksys home page everytime.IP and web addresses, however, can sometimes be long and hard to remem-ber. Because of this, certain ISPs will shorten their server addresses to singlewords or codes on their users’ web browser or e-mail configurations. If yourISP’s E-mail and Web server addresses are configured with single words(“www”, “e-mail”, “home”, “pop3”, etc.) rather than whole InternetAddresses or IP Addresses, your Router may have problems sending orreceiving mail and accessing the Internet. This happens because your Routerhas not been configured by your ISP to accept their abbreviated serveraddresses.The solution is to determine the true web addresses behind your ISPs codewords. You can determine the IP and web addresses of your ISP’s servers by“pinging” them.If you don’t have your ISP’s web and e-mail IP Addresses, youmust either get them from your ISP or follow these steps priorto connecting your Cable/DSL Router to your network.Step One: Pinging an IP AddressThe first step to determining your ISP’s web and e-mail server address is toping its IP Address.1.  Power on the computer and the cable or DSL modem, and restore thenetwork configuration set by your ISP if you have since changed it.2.  Click Start, then Run, and type "command". This will bring up the DOSWindow.How to Ping Your ISP’s E-mail & Web AddressesInstant BroadbandTM Series45
EtherFast®  Wireless Access Point + Cable/DSL Router with 4-Port SwitchFollow these instructions to install the TCP/IP Protocol on one of your PCsonly after a network card has been successfully installed inside the PC. Theseinstructions are for Windows 95, 98 or Milliennium. For TCP/IP setup underMicrosoft Windows NT or 2000, please refer to your Microsoft Windows NTor 2000 manual.1. Click the Start button. Choose Settings, then Control Panel.2. Double-click the Network icon. Your Network window should pop up.Select the Configuration tab.3. Click the Add button.4. Double-click Protocol.5. Highlight Microsoft under the list of manufactures.Installing the TCP/IP Protocol482.  Write down the web address returned by the ping command. (In theexample above: This web address is the webaddress assigned to the IP address you just pinged. While the IP addressof “mail” could conceivably change, it is likely that this web address willnot.3. Replace your ISP’s abbreviated server address with this extended webaddress in the corresponding Internet application (web browser, e-mailapplication, etc.).Once you have replaced the brief server address with the true server address,your Router should have no problem accessing the Internet through thatInternet application.C:\>ping -a [] with 32bytes of data:Reply from bytes=32 time<10ms TTL=127Reply from bytes=32 time<10ms TTL=127Reply from bytes=32 time<10ms TTL=127Reply from bytes=32 time<10ms TTL=127Ping statistics for Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0%loss),Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:Minimum = 0ms, Maximum =  0ms, Average =  0msInstant BroadbandTM Series47
EtherFast®  Wireless Access Point + Cable/DSL Router with 4-Port SwitchThere are different grades, or categories, of twisted-pair cabling. Category 5is the most reliable and is highly recommended. Category 3 is a good secondchoice. Straight-through cables are used for connecting computers to a hub.Crossover cables are used for connecting a hub to another hub (there is anexception: some hubs have a built-in uplink port that is crossed internally,which allows you to link or connect hubs together with a straight-throughcable instead). You can buy pre-made Category 5cabling, or cut and crimp your own.Category 5 cables can be purchasedor crimped as either straight-throughor crossover. Inside a Category 5cable are 8 thin, color-coded wiresinside that run from one end of thecable to the other. All 8 wires areused. In a straight-through cable,wires 1, 2, 3, and 6 at one end of thecable are also wires 1, 2, 3, and 6 atthe other end. In a crossover cable,the order of the wires change fromone end to the other: wire 1 becomes3, and 2 becomes 6.See the diagrams on thenext page for moredetailed information onstraight-through andcrossover cabling.To determine which wire is wire number 1, hold the cableso that the end of the plastic RJ-45 tip (the part that goesinto a wall jack first) is facing away from you. Face the clipdown so that the copper side faces up (the springy clip willnow be parallel to the floor).When looking down on thecopper side, wire 1 will be on the far left.Twisted-Pair Cabling506. Find and double-click TCP/IP in the list to the right (below).7. After a few seconds you will be brought back to the main Network win-dow. The TCP/IP Protocol should now be listed. 8. Click OK. Windows may ask for original Windows installation files.Supply them as needed (i.e.: D:\win98, D:\win95,c:\windows\options\cabs.)9. Windows will ask you to restart the PC. Click Yes. The TCP/IP Installation is complete.Instant BroadbandTM Series49
• Straight-Through Cabling•Cross-Over CablingCrimping Your Own Network CablesInstant BroadbandTM Series51GlossaryAd-hoc Network - An ad-hoc network is a wireless network or other small net-work in which some of the network devices are part of the network only for theduration of a communications session while in some close proximity to the restof the network.BSS (Basic Service Set) - A group of Instant WirelessTM Network PC Cardusers and a Wireless AP + Cable/DSL Router.Default Gateway - The router used to forward all traffic that is not addressedto a station within the local subnet.DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) - Aprotocol that lets networkadministrators manage centrally and automate the assignment of InternetProtocol (IP) addresses in an organization's network. Using the Internet's set ofprotocol (TCP/IP), each machine that can connect to the Internet needs aunique IP address. When an organization sets up its computer users with a con-nection to the Internet, an IP address must be assigned to each machine.Without DHCP, the IP address must be entered manually at each computer and,if computers move to another location in another part of the network, a new IPaddress must be entered. DHCP lets a network administrator supervise and dis-tribute IP addresses from a central point and automatically sends a new IPaddress when a computer is plugged into a different place in the network. DHCP uses the concept of a "lease" or amount of time that a given IP addresswill be valid for a computer. The lease time can vary depending on how long auser is likely to require the Internet connection at a particular location. It's espe-cially useful in education and other environments where users change fre-quently. Using very short leases, DHCP can dynamically reconfigure networksin which there are more computers than there are available IP addresses. DHCP supports static addresses for computers containing Web servers thatneed a permanent IP address. DMZ - A DMZ (demilitarized zone) is a computer host or small networkinserted as a "neutral zone" between a company's private network and the out-side public network. It prevents outside users from getting direct access to aserver that has company data. EtherFast®  Wireless Access Point + Cable/DSL Router with 4-Port Switch52
DNS - The domain name system (DNS) is the way that Internet domain nameare located and translated into Internet Protocol (IP) addresses. A domain nameis a meaningful and easy-to-remember "handle" for an Internet address. DSSS - Also known as “Direct Sequence Spred Spectrum”, this is a variety ofradio transmission methods that continuously change frequencies or signal pat-terns. Direct sequence spread spectrum (DSSS), which is used in CDMA, mul-tiplies the data bits by a very fast pseudo-random bit pattern (PN sequence) that"spreads" the data into a large coded stream that takes the full bandwidth of thechannel Dynamic IP Address - An IP address that is automatically assigned to a clientstation in a TCP/IP network, typically by a DHCP server. Network devices thatserve multiple users, such as servers and printers, are usually assigned static IPaddresses. ESS - More than one BSS in a network.FHSS - Also known as “Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum”. Frequencyhopping spread spectrum (FHSS) continuously changes the center frequency ofa conventional carrier several times per second according to a pseudo-randomset of channels, while chirp spread spectrum changes the carrier frequency.Because a fixed frequency is not used, illegal monitoring of spread spectrumsignals is extremely difficult, if not downright impossible depending on theparticular method. Firewall - A firewall is a set of related programs, located at a network gatewayserver, that protects the resources of a network from users from other networks.(The term also implies the security policy that is used with the programs.) Anenterprise with an intranet that allows its workers access to the wider Internetinstalls a firewall to prevent outsiders from accessing its own private dataresources and for controlling what outside resources to which its own usershave access. Basically, a firewall, working closely with a router program, examines eachnetwork packet to determine whether to forward it toward its destination.Firmware - Programming that is inserted into programmable read-only mem-ory (programmable read-only memory), thus becoming a permanent part of acomputing device. IEEE - The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. The IEEEdescribes itself as "the world's largest technical professional society -- promot-ing the development and application of electrotechnology and allied sciencesfor the benefit of humanity, the advancement of the profession, and the well-being of our members." The IEEE fosters the development of standards that often become national andinternational standards. The organization publishes a number of journals, hasmany local chapters, and several large societies in special areas, such as theIEEE Computer Society. Infrastructure - An infrastructure network is a wireless network or other smallnetwork in which the wireless network devices are made a part of the networkthrough the Access Point which connects them to the rest of the network.IP Address - In the most widely installed level of the Internet Protocol(Internet Protocol) today, an IP address is a 32-binary digit number that identi-fies each sender or receiver of information that is sent in packet across theInternet. When you request an HTML page or send e-mail, the InternetProtocol part of TCP/IP includes your IP address in the message (actually, ineach of the packets if more than one is required) and sends it to the IP addressthat is obtained by looking up the domain name in the Uniform ResourceLocator you requested or in the e-mail address you're sending a note to. At theother end, the recipient can see the IP address of the Web page requestor or thee-mail sender and can respond by sending another message using the IP addressit received. IPCONIFG - A utility that provides for querying, defining and managing IPaddresses within a network.  A commonly used utility, under Windows NT and2000, for configuring networks with static IP addresses.IPSec - IPSec (Internet Protocol Security) is a developing standard for securi-ty at the network or packet processing layer of network communication. A bigadvantage of IPSec is that security arrangements can be handled withoutrequiring changes to individual user computers. ISP - An ISP (Internet service provider) is a company that provides individualsand companies access to the Internet and other related services such as Web sitebuilding and virtual hosting. EtherFast®  Wireless Access Point + Cable/DSL Router with 4-Port Switch54Instant BroadbandTM Series53
LAN - A local area network (LAN) is a group of computers and associateddevices that share a common communications line and typically share theresources of a single processor or server within a small geographic area (forexample, within an office building). MAC Address - The MAC (Media Access Control) address is your computer'sunique hardware number. mIRC - mIRC runs under Windows and provides a graphical interface for log-ging onto IRC servers and listing, joining and leaving channels.NAT - NAT (Network Address Translation) is the translation of an InternetProtocol address (IP address) used within one network to a different IP addressknown within another network. One network is designated the inside networkand the other is the outside. Network Mask - also known as the “Subnet Mask”.Packet Filtering - Discarding unwanted network traffic based on its originat-ing address or range of addresses or its type (e-mail, file transfer, etc.). PCMCIA - The PCMCIA (Personal Computer Memory Card InternationalAssociation) is an industry group organized in 1989 to promote standards for acredit card-size memory or I/O device that would fit into a personal computer,usually a notebook or laptop computer. Ping - (Packet INternet Groper) An Internet utility used to determine whethera particular IP address is online. It is used to test and debug a network by send-ing out a packet and waiting for a response.PPPoE (Point to Point Protocol over Ethernet) - A method used mostly by DSLproviders for connecting personal computers to a broadband modem forInternet access.  It is similar to how a dial-up connection works but at higherspeeds and quicker access. PPTP (Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol) - A protocol (set of communicationrules) that allows corporations to extend their own corporate network throughprivate "tunnels" over the public Internet. Effectively, a corporation uses awide-area network as a single large local area network. A company no longerneeds to lease its own lines for wide-area communication but can securely usethe public networks. This kind of interconnection is known as a virtual privatenetwork.PrintServer - A hardware device that enables a printer to be located anywherein the network. RJ-45 - A connector similar to a telephone connector that holds up to eightwires, used for connecting Ethernet devices.Roaming - The ability to use a wireless device and be able to move from oneaccess point’s range to another without losing the connection.Static IP Address - A permanent IP address that is assigned to a node in aTCP/IP network. Subnet Mask - The method used for splitting IP networks into a series of sub-groups, or subnets. The mask is a binary pattern that is matched up with the IPaddress to turn part of the host ID address field into a field for subnets. TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) - A method (protocol) used along withthe Internet Protocol (Internet Protocol) to send data in the form of messageunits between computers over the Internet. While IP takes care of handling theactual delivery of the data, TCP takes care of keeping track of the individualunits of data (called packet) that a message is divided into for efficient routingthrough the Internet. TCP/IP - Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) is thebasic communication language or protocol of the Internet. It can also be usedas a communications protocol in a private network (either an intranet or anextranet). When you are set up with direct access to the Internet, your comput-er is provided with a copy of the TCP/IP program just as every other computerthat you may send messages to or get information from also has a copy ofTCP/IP. UDP (User Datagram Protocol) - A communications method (protocol) thatoffers a limited amount of service when messages are exchanged between com-puters in a network that uses the Internet Protocol (IP). UDP is an alternativeto the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and, together with IP, is sometimesreferred to as UDP/IP. Like the Transmission Control Protocol, UDP uses theInternet Protocol to actually get a data unit (called a datagram) from one com-puter to another. Unlike TCP, however, UDP does not provide the service ofdividing a message into packets (datagrams) and reassembling it at the otherend. Specifically, UDP doesn't provide sequencing of the packets that the dataarrives in. This means that the application program that uses UDP must be ableto make sure that the entire message has arrived and is in the right order.EtherFast®  Wireless Access Point + Cable/DSL Router with 4-Port Switch56Instant BroadbandTM Series55
EtherFast®  Wireless Access Point + Cable/DSL Router with 4-Port SwitchSpecificationsModel Number BEFW11S4Standards IEEE 802.3 (10BaseT), IEEE 802.3u(100BaseTX), IEEE 802.11b (Wireless)Protocol CSMA/CDPortsWAN:  One 10Base-T RJ-45 Port for Cable/DSL Modem LAN:  Four 10/100 RJ-45 Switched Ports, One Shared Uplink Port Speed WAN - 10Mbps, Switch - 10/100Mbps (HalfDuplex) 20/200 (Full Duplex)  Wireless (SeeBelow)Cabling Type 10BaseT: UTP/STP Category 3 or 5100BaseTX: UTP/STP Category 5Button ResetOperating Range: (Wireless)Indoors:  up to 30M (100 ft.) @ 11 Mbpsup to 50M (165 ft.) @ 5.5 Mbpsup to 70M (230 ft.) @ 2 Mbps up to 91M (300 ft.) @ 1 MbpsOutdoors: up to 152M (500 ft.) @ 11 Mbpsup to 270M (885 ft.) @ 5.5 Mbpsup to 396M (1300 ft.) @ 2 Mbpsup to 457M (1500 ft.) @ 1 MbpsTopology Star (Ethernet)LED Indicators Power, WLAN Activity, WLAN LinkWAN Link/Activity, Diag for WANLAN Full Duplex/Collision, Link/Activity 10058Network applications that want to save processing time because they have verysmall data units to exchange (and therefore very little message reassembling todo) may prefer UDP to TCP. UTP - Unshielded twisted pair is the most common kind of copper telephonewiring. Twisted pair is the ordinary copper wire that connects home and manybusiness computers to the telephone company. To reduce crosstalk or electro-magnetic induction between pairs of wires, two insulated copper wires aretwisted around each other. Each signal on twisted pair requires both wires.Since some telephone sets or desktop locations require multiple connections,twisted pair is sometimes installed in two or more pairs, all within a singlecable. Virtual Server - Multiple servers that appear as one server, or one systemimage, to the operating system or for network administrationWAN - A communications network that covers a wide geographic area, such asstate or country.WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) - A data privacy mechanism based on a 64-bit shared key algorithm, as described in the IEEE 802.11 standard. WINIPCFG - Configuration utility based on the Win32 API for querying,defining and managing IP addresses within a network.  A commonly used util-ity, under Windows 95, 98, and Millennium, for configuring networks withstatic IP addresses.Instant BroadbandTM Series57
Contact InformationFor help with the installation or operation of this product, contact LinksysCustomer Support at one of the phone numbers or Internet addresses below.Information 800-546-5797 (LINKSYS)Tech Support and RMA Issues 800-326-7114Fax 949-261-8868Email support@linksys.comWeb http://www.linksys.comFTP Site ftp.linksys.com61Instant BroadbandTM Series
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