Glynn Johnson Product Catalog Glynnjohnsoncatalog
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Door Holders/Stops _____________________________________________ 2
Push/Pull Latches _____________________________________________ 34

Overhead Door Holders/Stops

Quality hardware for superior door control

Glynn-Johnson has been providing the highest quality
door control hardware for 75 years. Known in the industry
as “the overhead door holder specialists,” Glynn-Johnson
uses only state-of-the-art technology and manufacturing
processes. Glynn-Johnson also manufactures a full line of
push/pull latches. These products were designed to meet the
requirements of hardware specifiers, delivering consistent
quality and exceptional performance. And they are offered
in a variety of finishes and configurations, to meet the most
demanding door control applications. For specific product
information, or to find out more about the company, call
Glynn-Johnson customer service at 1-877-613-8766.
General Information 4
Installations Methods 5
70 & 79 Series 6–9
81 Series 10–13
90 Series 14–17
100 Series 18–21
410 Series 22–25
450 Series 26–29
280 Sensaguard 30–31
Finish No. Description
US3 Polished Brass
US4 Satin Brass
US10 Satin Bronze
US10B Oil Rubbed Bronze
US26 Polished Chrome
US26D Satin Chrome
US28 Clear Anodized Aluminum
US32 Polished Stainless Steel
US32D Satin Stainless Steel
313AN Dark Bronze Anodized Aluminum
652 Chrome-like Coating on Steel
SP4 Powder Coat Brass
SP10 Powder Coat Bronze
SP28 Powder Coat Aluminum
SP313 Powder Coat Dark Bronze
SPBLK Powder Coat Black

Overhead Door Holders/Stops
Overhead Door Controls
The best door control device is one that operates overhead, with
an arm functioning from the jamb to the top of the door. When
the door stopping or hold-open does not exceed 110°, this device
is by far the most efficient.
The overhead holder and stop is out of the way, in contrast with
floor or wall-mounted stops, which can be a stumbling hazard and
are vulnerable to damage by accident and vandalism.
Glynn-Johnson overhead holders and stops should always be
used on doors furnished with door closers, as closers are not
door stops and should not be expected to perform that function.
Glynn-Johnson overhead stops are designed to protect door
closers from violent openings.
Selecting Degree of Hold-Open or Stop
Glynn-Johnson overhead holders are designed to function effectively
from 85° to 110°. When conditions permit, we recommend the
minimum degree of hold-open be set at 95° to put the door knob,
pull and panic hardware beyond the flow of traffic.
When selecting the degree of Hold-Open for doors opening back-
to-back, or against a wall, please note all Glynn-Johnson overhead
holders have shock absorbers which ‘give’ approximately 5° – 7°
beyond the hold-open or initial stop point.
The concept of dead stop templating means that the degree of
opening be set 5°–7° less than the point of required dead stop
to accommodate the compression of the shock absorber.
Door and Frame Reinforcement
Glynn-Johnson overhead holders and stops are fabricated from
top quality brass, steel and stainless steel materials, and are
designed to function even under constant heavy-duty abuse.
Therefore, it is essential that all doors and frames be adequately
reinforced to provide proper anchorage for the overhead stop.
For metal doors and frames, we recommend reinforcement be
a minimum of 3/16" thick, 1-1/2" wide and 12" long to effectively
distribute the load.
For wood doors and frames, we stress the importance of making
them strong enough to provide proper anchorage for the door holders.
For reinforcement details, refer to individual templates for
each overhead stop.
Definition of “Door Opening”
Glynn-Johnson defines the terms “door opening” as the actual
width of the door opening, from jamb to jamb, not just the width
of the door. Refer to the chart below, for example, and you will find
that a 45" opening would require a size 5 holder if the door is hung
on butts or offset pivots.
You will note also that, regardless of the style or series of holders,
Glynn-Johnson has standardized the size of holders and stops for
all openings, combining the size in the model number. The third
digit in all models designates the size. If any further information is
required on sizing a holder or stop, contact Glynn-Johnson or your
local representative for assistance.
Butts/Offset Pivots1
Concealed Series Surface Series
Size 100 410 Door Opening 70 79 81 90 450
1 1012411218" – 23" – – – – 451
2 1022412223-1/16" – 27" 702 792 – 902 452
3 103 413 27-1/16" – 33" 703 793 813 903 453
4 104 414 33-1/16" – 39" 704 794 814 904 454
5 105 415 39-1/16" – 45" 705 795 815 905 455
6 106 – 45-1/16" – 54" 706 7963816 906 –
Refer to individual catalog pages for further details and for information on
center hung applications.
These sizes not available for use with offset pivots.
796 unit may be templated for use on doors wider than 54". Contact factory
with specific information on door frame construction.

Installation Methods
Door Mounting Hardware
Mounting templates for all series holders show various types
of hinging methods as well as various degrees of opening. To
accommodate the overhead stop to the various mounting methods
requires a simple shifting of dimensions A and B. To be assured that
reinforcement and mortising are in the proper location, be
sure to secure the proper templates from your Glynn-Johnson
dealer. These templates include all necessary information for
reinforcing door and frame, complete installation instructions for
the various mounting methods and the degree of opening required.
Concealed overhead door holder installation requires that the jamb
bracket be mortised flush with the bottom of the jamb. The arm and
channel must be mortised into the door so the arm is flush with top
of the door. A cutout made for the arm on the stop side of single
acting doors as in the sketch. Double acting doors require a cutout
for the arm on both sides of the door as shown in the sketch.
Hollow metal doors must be reinforced at the top of the door to
provide necessary strength for the channel. Hollow metal frames
must be reinforced in the jamb to provide strength for the jamb
bracket. Strength of wood frame and door must be adequate for the
holder specified. Accurate template drawings for each holder give
complete reinforcement and mortising specifications. They are
readily available from your Glynn-Johnson representative.
Surface Type
Surface mounted overhead door holder installation does not
require mortising of jamb or door. The jamb bracket is surface
mounted on the stop of the frame. The channel is also surface
mounted on the face of the door. Hollow metal doors and jambs
must be reinforced to provide necessary strength for the holder
specified. Strength of wood doors and jambs must also be adequate
for the holder. A typical surface mounted installation is shown in
Figure 1 where jamb bracket is fastened to the stop. Angle jamb
brackets are available for hinge side mounting (Figure 2) and for
use with rabbeted doors or flush transom installations (Figure 3).
Jamb brackets with special shims for use on jambs with blade stops
are also available (Figure 4). Advise stop height and the appropriate
shim kit will be provided.

70 & 79 Surface Overhead Door Holders/Stops
70 Series Heavy-Duty
79 Series Extra Heavy-Duty
Glynn-Johnson offers a complete line of overhead holders and
stops, providing solutions for the most complex door control
problems. Glynn-Johnson 70 series and 79 series surface-mounted
holders and stops are designed to meet the demands of high-traffic
industrial applications. These units are simple to install.
Compatible with a variety of door closers, these models come
with templates to allow for variable mounting positions, ranging
from 85º to 110º Hold-Open/Stop angle. These templates are
designed for installation in almost all types of doors, including
doors with conventional butt-type hinges or specialty hinges.
Four Models:
• 70H Series Hold-Open Model – Heavy-Duty
• 70S Series Stop-Only Model – Heavy-Duty
• 79H Series Hold-Open Model – Extra Heavy-Duty
• 79S Series Stop-Only Model – Extra Heavy-Duty
Five Sizes:
• Simple
• Standardized
• Each model is available in five sizes
Three Options:
• J—Angle Jamb Bracket
• SB—Sex Bolt Mounting
• SOC—Pin-in-Socket Security Screws
Unmatched Convenience:
• Non-Handed
• Single-Acting Doors
• Interior/Exterior Applications
• Durable
• Easy to Install
• Improved Corrosion Resistance
• Function Conversion Kits Available
Materials and Finishes:
Glynn-Johnson 70 and 79 series models are constructed primarily
of Brass and 300 series Stainless Steel substrates, with several
components fabricated of Steel treated to resist corrosion. Models
in the 70 series utilize a 1/2"-diameter stainless steel bar, while the
79 series uses a 3/4" stainless steel bar.
The bar is always provided in US32D. The spring, washer and nut
are provided in a clear zinc finish. The door bracket, jamb bracket
and hook (for Hold-Open units) are available in the following
finishes: US3, US4, US10, US10B, US26, US26D, SP4, SP10,
SP28, SP313 and SPBLK.
Glynn-Johnson 70 and 79 series holders and stops offer rugged
durability and ease of installation. The surface-applied door and
jamb brackets provide reliable door control, yet require minimal
door and frame preparation.
Glynn-Johnson 70 series Hold-Open and Stop-Only models
provide heavy-duty door protection. The 79 series models
incorporate the basic characteristics of the 70 series, but can
protect extremely heavy or large doors subject to violent use
or abusive conditions (i.e., vault doors, cell doors, oversized
plant entry doors).
70H and 79H Series Hold-Open Models
(Suffix H) Hold-Open models in both series provide a selective
Hold-Open function with easy-to-adjust tension. A simple 90º
rotation of the roller mechanism disables the Hold-Open function,
allowing the unit to serve as a shock-absorbing stop. The Hold-
Open function provides a convenient method of holding the door
open at a predetermined position for short or long periods of time,
permitting an unobstructed traffic flow through the opening.
Both series provide a durable Hold-Open mechanism that can be
turned off, allowing the unit to function as a shock-absorbing stop.
The Hold-Open tension is simply adjusted incrementally for
increased or decreased holding power by turning the nut at the
end of the bar. While both series are designed for demanding
applications, the 79 Series is recommended for extremely heavy
or wide doors subject to violent or abusive conditions.
70S and 79S Series Stop-Only Models
(Suffix S) When the Hold-Open function is not a requirement,
Stop-Only models provide a reliable method of door control.
Stop-Only models provide the same shock-absorbing capability
as Hold-Open models. The Stop-Only model may be used on
fire doors.

Application Information
UL Classification
The 70 and 79 Series Stop-Only models are classified by
Underwriters Laboratories (UL) as Miscellaneous Fire Door
Accessories. This classification applies to use on either Hollow
Metal Fire Doors or Wood Fire doors. These units may be used on
doors of any rating. As a reminder, the Miscellaneous fire door
Accessories (GVUX) Section is defined by UL as: “Miscellaneous
fire door accessories are intended for installation with classified
fire doors and/or listed fire door frame as identified in the individ-
ual listings. The accessories have been investigated to determine
that when installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s instruc-
tions, the accessories do not adversely affect the fire rating at the
fire door and/or fire door frame.”
Dead-Stop Templating:
Dead-Stop Templating is recommended for applications where a wall
or similar obstruction is placed at an opening angle of 110º or less
(i.e., doors that open back-to-back). Dead-Stop Templating can be
applied to Hold-Open and Stop-Only models. The Dead-Stop position
is the point at which the shock-absorbing spring is fully compressed.
Therefore, when Dead-Stop Templating is used, the initial degree of
opening will be 5º to 7º less than the Dead-Stop opening.
Example: If the holder is templated to a 100º dead stop, the door will hold open
at an angle between 93º and 95º but no further than 100º.
Suffix J (Angle Jamb Bracket):
An angle jamb bracket is available to convert standard models to
hinge-side or flush transom mounting If ordered with unit add suffix
J. If needed separately, order either 70J or 79J by finish needed.
Suffix SB (Sex Bolt Mounting):
A package of 4 sex bolts provided with the 79 Series and a package
of 2 sex bolts provided with the 70 Series.
Suffix SOC (Pin-in-Socket Security Screw):
A screw package with pin-in-socket screw for mounting both the
door bracket and jamb bracket is provided instead of the standard
screw package.

70 & 79 Series Surface Overhead Holders/Stops
The template information on this page is for reference only and is not intended to serve as an installation template.
For complete dimensional information, refer to Glynn-Johnson template book.
1 ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- ----
2 23-1/16"–27" 702S/792S 702H/792H 27-1/16"–33" 702S/792S 702H/792H
3 27-1/16"–33" 703S/793S 703H/793H 33-1/16"–39" 703S/793S 703H/793H
4 33-1/16"–39" 704S/794S 704H/794H 39-1/16"–45" 704S/794S 704H/794H
5 39-1/16"–45" 705S/795S 705H/795H 45-1/16"–51" 705S/795S 705H/795H
6 45-1/16"– 51" 706S/796S 706H/796H 51-1/16"–59" 706S/796S 706H/796H
70 and 79 Series Sizing Chart
BHMA/ANSI, A156.8 & FED. Spec. Cross Reference
G-J Model BHMA FED. Spec.
702H - 706H C08511 G-J 70
702S - 706S C08541 G-J 70
792H - 796H C08511 G-J 70
792S - 796H C08541 G-J 70
Note: This chart illustrates the most common types of hinging and door opening sizes.
For unusual door details, contact Glynn-Johnson for availability.
3/16" 12"

How to Order
Overhead Series:
70 Heavy-Duty
79 Extra Heavy-Duty
Size (Door Opening Using Butts or Offset Pivots):
3(27-1/16" –33")
US3 Polished Brass
US4 Satin Brass
US10 Satin Bronze
US10B Oil Rubbed Bronze
US26 Polished Chrome
US26D Satin Chrome
SP4 Powder Coat Brass
SP10 Powder Coat Bronze
SP28 Powder Coat Aluminum
SP313 Powder Coat Dark Bronze
SPBLK Powder Coat Black
JAngle Jamb Bracket
SB-1 Sex Bolts for Door Bracket, Doors up to 2"
SB-2 Sex Bolts for Door Bracket, Doors from 2" to 3"
SOC Pin-in-Socket Security Screws
___ ___ ___ – ___ – ____
70 4 S US3 SB-1

81 Surface Overhead Door Holders/Stops
81 Series Heavy-Duty
Glynn-Johnson offers the most complete line of overhead holders
and stops, providing solutions for the most complex door control
problems. These surface-mounted holders and stops offer the most
effective shock-absorbing capacity, helping protect doors, frames
and hardware.
Glynn-Johnson 81 series holders and stops provide rugged,
heavy-duty door control. The jointed-arm design provides the
most effective stop mechanism available. The shock absorber
bracket is surface mounted, usually with sex bolts. The jamb
bracket is mounted to the stop of the frame, so a minimum of
door and frame preparation is required.
Two Models:
• 81H Series Hold-Open
• 81S Series Stop-Only
Four Sizes:
• Simple
• Standardized
• Each model is available in four sizes
Three Options:
• J—Angle Jamb Bracket
• SHIM—Blade Stop Shims
• SOC—Pin-in-Socket Security Screw Package
Unmatched Convenience:
• Reversible
• Single-Acting Doors
• Interior/Exterior Applications
• Durable
• Easy to Install
Materials and Finishes:
In Brass, Steel or 300 Stainless Steel, these models offer the broadest
range of finishes in the industry, complementing any design.
Stainless Steel models offer the highest resistance to corrosion.
Available in the following finishes:
Finishes Description
US3 Polished Brass
US4 Satin Brass
US10 Satin Bronze
US10B Oil Rubbed Bronze
US32 Polished Stainless Steel
US32D Satin Stainless Steel
652 Chrome-like Coating
Designed for heavy-duty applications, these models provide
long-lasting protection for doors, frames, hardware and surrounding
walls or obstructions. They are compatible with most door closers
and feature an extremely reliable Hold-Open function and rugged
shock absorption. All models feature jointed-arm design and
centered jamb bracket.
Designed for heavy-duty applications, 81 series models
are ideal for doors that are opened frequently. They provide
long-lasting protection to doors, frames, hinges, related
hardware and surrounding walls or obstructions.
81H Series Hold-Open
(Suffix H) The Hold-Open model should be used when doors
will need to be held open at a preset position for an extended
period. This allows unobstructed traffic flow. Hold-Open model
provides a selective Hold-Open function. A simple turn of the
thumbturn disables the Hold-Open function, allowing the unit to
serve as a shock absorbing stop.
The Hold-Open mechanism is selective and may be turned on
or off with a simple turn of the thumbturn. In the “off ” position,
these models act as stops and shock absorbers. In the “on” position,
they hold the door open at a preset position between 85º and 110º.
The Hold-Open force is not adjustable in the 81H Series.
81S Series Stop-Only
(Suffix S) When the Hold-Open function is not required,
the Stop-Only models provide the same effective door control,
without the Hold-Open feature. The Stop-Only model may be
used on fire doors.

Application Information
UL Classification
The 81 series Stop-Only models are classified by Underwriters
Laboratories (UL) as Miscellaneous Fire Door Accessories. This
classification applies to use on either Hollow Metal Fire Doors or
Wood Fire Doors. These units may be used on doors of any rating.
As a reminder, the Miscellaneous Fire Door Accessories (GVUX)
section is defined by UL as: “Miscellaneous fire door accessories
are intended in the individual Listings. The accessories have been
investigated to determine that when installed in accordance with the
manufacturer’s instructions, the accessories do not adversely affect
the fire rating of the fire door and/or fire door frames.”
Dead-Stop Templating:
If a wall or similar obstruction is in place at an opening angle
of 110º or less (i.e. doors that open back-to-back), Dead Stop
Templating should be used for all Hold-Open and Stop-Only
models. The Dead Stop position is reached when the shock-
absorbing spring is fully compressed. The initial degree of
opening will be 5º to 7º less than the Dead Stop opening.
Example: If the holder is templated to 100º Dead Stop, the door will hold open
somewhere between 93º to 95º, but no further than 100º.
Environmental Considerations:
Environmental factors should always be considered when
specifying overhead holders and stops. Doors that are positioned
on a building’s exterior or subject to corrosive conditions should
be equipped with a holder constructed primarily of stainless steel
or brass materials. For interior applications, steel is acceptable,
though brass substrates generally provide a more attractive
architectural-grade finish.
Suffix J (Angle Jamb Bracket):
An option on the 81 series is the “J” angle jamb bracket, which
converts the standard model to hinge side mounting (on Stop-Only
models) or to flush transom mounting. The angle jamb bracket affixes
to the standard jamb bracket. If ordered with unit add suffix J. If need
separately order 81J by finish needed.
Suffix SOC (Pin-in-Socket Security Screws):
A screw package with pin-in-socket screws for mounting the door
bracket and the jamb bracket is provided instead of the standard
screw package.
Suffix SHIM (Blade Stop Shims):
Shim kits are available in 3 sizes
81 SHIM1 is a 1/4" Shim Kit
81 SHIM2 is a 1/2" Shim Kit
81 SHIM3 is a 3/4" Shim Kit
If ordered with overhead, add suffix SHIM (1, 2 or 3). If needed
separately order 81 SHIM 1, 2, or 3 by finish needed.

81 Series Surface Overhead Holders/Stops
The template information on this page is for reference only and is not intended to serve as an installation template.
For complete dimensional information, refer to Glynn-Johnson template book.
1 ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- ----
2 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
3 27-1/16"–33" 813S 813H 33-1/16"–39" 813S 813H
4 33-1/16"–39" 814S 814H 39-1/16"–45" 814S 814H
5 39-1/16"–45" 815S 815H 45-1/16"–51" 815S 815H
6 45-1/16"–51" 816S 816H 51-1/16"–59" 816S 816H
81 Series Sizing Chart
* First numeral (0) designates optional material.
To specify:
Brass material, change 0 to 1 (i.e. C13511)
Stainless Steel material, change 0 to 5 (i.e. C51511)
Steel material, change 0 to 8 (i.e. C83511)
Note: This chart illustrates the most common types of hinging and door opening sizes.
For unusual door details, contact Glynn-Johnson for availability.
BHMA/ANSI, A156.8 & FED. Spec. Cross Reference
G-J Model BHMA* FED. Spec.
813-816 H C03511 G-J 80
813-816 S C03541 G-J 80
1/2" (13mm)
3-1/2" (64mm)
1/2" (13mm)

How to Order:
Overhead Series:
Size (Door Opening Using Butts or Offset Pivots):
3(27-1/16" –33")
US3 Polished Brass
US4 Satin Brass
US10 Satin Bronze
US10B Oil Rubbed Bronze
US32 Polished Stainless Steel
US32D Satin Stainless Steel
652 Chrome-like Coating
JAngle Jamb Bracket
SHIM Blade Stop Shims—
SHIM1–1/4" Kit
SHIM2–1/2" Kit
SHIM3–3/4" Kit
SOC Pin-in-Socket Security Screws
___ ___ ___ – ______ – ____
81 4 H US32D SOC

90 Series Surface Overhead Door Holders/Stops
90 Series Heavy-Duty
Glynn-Johnson 90 series holders and stops are the most rugged
models available for heavy-duty applications. The channel is
surface-mounted to the door, most often with sex bolts, and the
jamb bracket is surface mounted to the jamb, requiring minimal
door and frame preparation.
These versatile units can be used in conjunction with most
surface-applied door closers. The provided templates allow
for variable mounting positions, ranging from 85º to 110º
Hold-Open/Stop angle. These templates are designed for
installation in almost all types of doors, including doors
with conventional butt-type hinges or specialty hinges.
Four Models:
• 90H Series Hold-Open Model
• 90S Series Stop-Only Model
• 90F Series Friction Hold-Open Model
• 90SE Series Special Stop-Only Model
Five Sizes:
• Simple
• Standardized
• Each model is available in five sizes
Three Options:
• J—Angle Jamb Bracket
• SHIM—Blade Stop Shim Kits
• SOC—Pin-in-Socket Security Screw Package
Unmatched Convenience:
• Non-Handed
• Improved Compatibility with Door Closers
• Single-Acting Doors
• Interior/Exterior Applications
• Durable
• Easy to Install
• Improved Corrosion Resistance
• Function Conversion Kits Available
Materials and Finishes:
In 300 series Stainless Steel, Brass and Steel substrates, these
models are available in the largest selection of finishes in the
industry. Stainless Steel models offer the highest resistance to
corrosion. Available in the following finishes:
Finish Description
US3 Polished Brass
US4 Satin Brass
US10 Satin Bronze
US10B Oil Rubbed Bronze
US32 Polished Stainless Steel
US32D Satin Stainless Steel
SP4 Powder Coat Brass
SP10 Powder Coat Bronze
SP28 Powder Coat Aluminum
SP313 Powder Coat Dark Bronze
SPBLK Powder Coat Black
652 Chrome-like Coating
Glynn-Johnson 90 series door holders and stops provide
long-lasting protection for doors, frames and hardware. All
models incorporate a heavy-duty channel/slide-arm design
and offset jamb bracket. This unique design allows for simple
field modification of functions, should user requirements change.
90H Series Hold-Open
(Suffix H) Hold-Open models provide a convenient method
of holding the door open at a predetermined position for short
or long periods of time, permitting an unobstructed traffic flow
through the opening. The Hold-Open function can easily be
turned on or off by simply rotating the serrated knob on the
bottom of the channel. This knob engages the Hold-Open
mechanism, allowing the door to be held open at a predetermined
position ranging from 85º to 110º. When the knob is flipped over,
it acts as a stop and shock absorber.
The tension on the Hold-Open mechanism can be adjusted
using a phillips screwdriver to offset air currents or other exterior
conditions. The Hold-Open tension adjustment is located on the
top of the slider in the channel.
90S Series Stop-Only
(Suffix S) When the Hold-Open function is not a requirement,
Stop-Only models provide a reliable method of door control.
Stop-Only models provide the same shock-absorbing capability
as Hold-Open models. The Stop-Only model may be used on
fire doors.
90F Series Friction Hold-Open
(Suffix F) Friction Hold-Open models are ideal for patient room
doors, wardrobe and closet doors or similar applications where
multiple Hold-Open positions are desired. The friction tension can
be adjusted through the top of the channel using an allen wrench.
The friction tension adjustment is located on the top of the slider in
the channel.

90SE Series Special Stop-Only
(Suffix SE) When Stop-Only models are used in conjunction
with single-point, Hold-Only electronic door closers, the
Stop-Only function may be ordered without the shock-absorbing
mechanism. Used as an auxiliary stop, these models prolong
the life of the closer. The stop location is adjusted using an allen
wrench on the stop block located in the channel.
Note: Caution should be taken when using this option in other applications, as
the elimination of the shock-absorbing spring can put added stress on the door
and frame.
Application Information
UL Classification
The 90 series Stop-Only models are classified by Underwriters
Laboratories (UL) as Miscellaneous Fire Door Accessories. This
classification applies to use on either Hollow Metal Fire Doors or
Wood Fire Doors. These units may be used on doors of any rating.
As a reminder, the Miscellaneous Fire Door Accessories (GVUX)
section is defined by UL as: “Miscellaneous fire door accessories
are intended in the individual Listings. The accessories have been
investigated to determine that when installed in accordance with
the manufacturer’s instructions, the accessories do not adversely
affect the fire rating of the fire door and/or fire door frames.”
Dead-Stop Templating:
Dead-stop templating is recommended for applications where a
wall or similar obstruction is placed at an opening angle of 110º
or less (i.e., doors that open back-to-back). Dead-stop templating
can be applied to Hold-Open, Stop-Only and Friction models.
The Dead-Stop position is the point at which the shock-absorbing
spring is fully compressed. Therefore, when Dead-Stop Templating
is used, the initial degree of opening will be 5º to 7º less than the
Dead-Stop opening.
Example: If the holder is templated to a 100º Dead Stop, the door will hold
open at an angle between 93º and 95º but no further than 100º
Note: Do not use dead-stop templating on the 90SE Series since there is no
shock-absorbing spring.
Environmental Considerations:
Environmental factors should always be considered when
specifying overhead holders and stops. Doors that are positioned
on a building’s exterior or subject to corrosive conditions should
be equipped with a holder constructed primarily of stainless steel
or brass materials. For interior applications, steel is acceptable,
though brass substrates generally provide a more attractive
architectural-grade finish.
Suffix J (Angle Jamb Bracket):
An angle jamb bracket is available for converting standard models
to hinge-side or flush transom mounting. The angle jamb bracket
affixes to the standard jamb bracket. If ordered with the unit add
suffix J. If needed separately order 90J by finish needed.
Suffix SOC (Pin-in-Socket Security Screws):
A screw package with pin-in-socket screws for mounting the door
bracket and the jamb bracket is provided instead of the standard
screw package.
Suffix SHIM (Blade Stop Shims):
Shim kits are available in 3 sizes
90 SHIM1 is a 1/4" Shim Kit
90 SHIM2 is a 1/2" Shim Kit
90 SHIM3 is a 3/4" Shim Kit
If ordered with overhead, add suffix SHIM (1, 2 or 3). If needed
separately order 90 SHIM (1, 2 or 3)–Finish.

90 Series Surface Overhead Door Holders/Stops
The template information on this page is for reference only and is not intended to serve as an installation template.
For complete dimensional information, refer to Glynn-Johnson template book.
1 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- ---- ----
2 23-1/16"–27" 902S 902H 902F 27-1/16"–33" 902S 902H 902F
3 27-1/16"–33" 903S 903H 903F 33-1/16"–39" 903S 903H 903F
4 33-1/16"–39" 904S 904H 904F 39-1/16"–45" 904S 904H 904F
5 39-1/16"–45" 905S 905H 905F 45-1/16"–51" 905S 905H 905F
6 45-1/16"–51" 906S 906H 906F 51-1/16"–59" 906S 906H 906F
90 Series Sizing Chart
* First numeral (0) designates optional material.
To specify:
Brass material, change 0 to 1 (i.e. C12511)
Stainless Steel material, change 0 to 5 (i.e. C52511)
Steel material, change 0 to 8 (i.e. C82511)
Note: This chart illustrates the most common types of hinging and door opening sizes.
For unusual door details, contact Glynn-Johnson for availability.
BHMA/ANSI, A156.8 & FED. Spec. Cross Reference
G-J Model BHMA* FED. Spec.
902 - 906H C02511 1161
902 - 906S C02541 1161A
902 - 906F C02531 —
NEW image to come

How to Order
Overhead Series:
Size (Door Opening Using Butts or Offset Pivots):
FFriction Hold-Open
SE Special Stop-Only
US3 Polished Brass
US4 Satin Brass
US10 Satin Bronze
US10B Oil Rubbed Bronze
US32 Polished Stainless Steel
US32D Satin Stainless Steel
SP4 Powder Coat Brass
SP10 Powder Coat Bronze
SP28 Powder Coat Aluminum
SP313 Powder Coat Dark Bronze
SPBLK Powder Coat Black
652 Chrome-like Coating
JAngle Jamb Bracket
SHIM Blade Stop Shims—
SHIM1–1/4" Kit
SHIM2–1/2" Kit
SHIM3–3/4" Kit
SOC Pin-in-Socket Security Screws
__ __ __ – ______ – __
90 4 H US32D J

100 Series Concealed Overhead Door Holders/Stops
100 Series Heavy-Duty
Glynn-Johnson offers a complete line of overhead door holders and
stops, accommodating virtually all openings with solutions for even
the most complex door control problems. These concealed holders
and stops provide the most attractive and reliable heavy-duty door
control available.
Glynn-Johnson 100 series holders and stops provide the most reli-
able and versatile concealed overhead door control. They are
designed for installation on virtually all types of doors mounted on
conventional type butt hinges, pivots, continuous hinges, swing
clear hinges and numerous other specialty hinges. When used in
conjunction with many surface-applied door closers, 100 series
holders and stops provide the most effective control for entrance
doors and vestibule doors of all types, as well as heavy or often
used interior doors. Templates provided allow for variable mounting
positions, ranging from 85° - 110° of opening.
Five Models:
• 100H Series Hold-Open Model
• 100HP Series Internal Hold-Open Model
• 100F Series Friction Hold-Open Model
• 100S Series Stop-Only Model
• 100SE Series Special Stop-Only Model
Six Sizes:
• Each model comes in six sizes.
• Simple
• Standardized
Three Options:
• ADJ—Adjustable Jamb Bracket
• CJ—Jamb Bracket for use with LCN5030 Closer
• SOC—Pin-in-Socket Security Screw Package
Unmatched Convenience:
• Non-handed
• Improved Compatibility with Door Closers
• Single/Double-Acting Doors
• Interior/Exterior Applications
• Reduced Door Prep
• Durable
• Improved Corrosion Resistance
• Function Conversion Kits are Available.
Materials and Finishes:
In Heavy Gauge Brass or 300 Series Stainless Steel, these models
offer the broadest range of finishes in the industry, complementing
any design and offering the highest resistance to corrosion.
Available in the following finishes:
Finishes Description
US3 Polished Brass
US4 Satin Brass
US10 Satin Bronze
US10B Oil Rubbed Bronze
US32 Polished Stainless Steel
US32D Satin Stainless Steel
SP4 Powder Coat Brass
SP10 Powder Coat Bronze
SP28 Powder Coat Aluminum
SP313 Powder Coat Dark Bronze
SPBLK Powder Coat Black
These models provide a wide range of optional features, and are
ideal for use on entrance and vestibule doors, large doors, doors
opened frequently, or doors subject to abuse. These models are also
furnished with an offset-style jamb bracket.
Designed for heavy-duty applications, 100 series models will
provide long-lasting protection to doors, frames, hinges, related
hardware and surrounding walls or obstructions.
100H Series Hold-Open
(Suffix H) The Hold-Open function should be used where it
is desired to hold a door open at a predetermined position for
short or long periods of time, permitting an unobstructed
traffic flow through the opening.
These models are both selective and adjustable, featuring the
most reliable Hold-Open mechanism available. They feature
a control knob which protrudes from the face of the door and
turns the Hold-Open function on or off. Set in the inactive
position, the unit acts as a stop and shock absorber. The tension
on the Hold-Open mechanism can be adjusted using an allen
wrench to offset air currents or other exterior conditions. The
Hold-Open tension adjustment is located in the bottom of the
track in the top of the door.
100HP Series Internal Hold-Open
These models provide a Hold-Open unit with the Hold-Open
mechanism built into the channel, thus reducing the door prep.
The 100HP have a preset Hold-Open force that is not adjustable.
The Hold-Open feature is not selectable in these units, so the doors
are always held open.

100F Series Friction Hold-Open
(Suffix F) Friction Hold-Open models provide an alternative
holding method, ideal for heavy patient room doors, closet
doors or similar applications where multiple Hold-Open
positions are desired. The friction tension is adjusted using
an allen wrench and an open end wrench. The friction tension
adjustment is located on the top of the slider in the channel.
100S Series Stop-Only
(Suffix S) When the Hold-Open function is not required, the
Stop-Only function provides the same effective door control
minus the Hold-Open feature. The Stop-Only model may be
used on fire doors.
100SE Series Special Stop-Only
(Suffix SE) When Stop-Only models are used in conjunction with
single point Hold-Open electronic door closers, they may be ordered
without the shock-absorbing mechanism. Used as an auxiliary stop
with these closers, they will prolong the life of the closer. The stop
location is adjusted using an allen wrench on the stop block located
in the channel.
Note: Caution should be used when using this option in other applications,
as the elimination of the shock-absorbing spring can put added stress on door
and frame if used improperly.
Application Information
UL Classification
The 100 series Stop-Only models are classified by Underwriters
Laboratories (UL) as Miscellaneous Fire Door Accessories. This
classification applies to use on either Hollow Metal Fire Doors or
Wood Fire Doors. Where Wood Door manufacturer’s listing allows
for the cutout required for installation, concealed overhead stops
may be used on those wood fire doors. These units may be used on
doors of any rating. As a reminder, the Miscellaneous Fire Door
Accessories (GVUX) section is defined by UL as: “Miscellaneous
fire door accessories are intended in the individual Listings. The
accessories have been investigated to determine that when installed
in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions, the accessories
do not adversely affect the fire rating of the fire door and/or fire
door frames.”
Dead Stop Templating:
If a wall or similar obstruction is in place at 110° or less opening
angle (i.e. doors that open back-to-back), Dead Stop Templating
should be used. This includes all Hold-Open, Friction and
Stop-Only models, except when the “SE” Option is used. The
Dead Stop position is reached when the shock-absorbing spring
is fully compressed, the initial degree of opening will be 5° to 7°
less than the Dead Stop opening.
Example: If the holder is templated to 100° Dead Stop, the door will hold open
somewhere between 93° and 95°, but no further than 100°.
Note: Do not use dead-stop templating on the 100SE Series since there is no
shock-absorbing spring.
Environmental Considerations:
Environmental factors should always be considered when
specifying overhead holders and stops. Doors that are positioned
on a building’s exterior or subject to corrosive conditions should
be equipped with a holder constructed primarily of stainless steel
or brass materials. For interior applications, steel is acceptable,
though brass substrates generally provide a more attractive
architectural-grade finish.
Suffix ADJ (Adjustable Jamb Bracket):
An additional option on the 100 series is the adjustable jamb bracket,
which allows the degree of Hold-Open or Stop angle to be adjusted
after installation. Suffix “ADJ” is available in all functions, but only
in sizes 3, 4, 5 & 6. ADJ jamb bracket requires additional frame prep.
The ADJ option cannot be added to an existing unit, it must be
factory ordered.
Suffix CJ (Closer Jamb Bracket):
Provides a special jamb bracket needed for 100 series units used with
LCN5030 closers. These special jamb brackets are handed, so handing
will need to be specified when ordering the “CJ” option, CJLH for
a left hand door and CJRH for a right hand door. The CJ option
cannot be added to an existing unit, it must be factory ordered.
Suffix SOC (Pin-in-Socket Security Screw Package):
A screw package with pin-in-socket screws for mounting the jamb
bracket to the frame is provided instead of the standard screw package.

100 Series Concealed Overhead Door Holders/Stops
The template information on this page is for reference only and is not intended to serve as an installation template.
For complete dimensional information, refer to Glynn-Johnson template book.
2-3/8" 5-1/2"
1 18"–23" 101S* 101H* 101F* ----- ---- ---- ----
2 23-1/16"–27" 102S* 102H* 102F* ----- ----- ----- -----
3 27-1/16"–33" 103S 103H 103F 33-1/16"–39" 103S 103H 103F
4 33-1/16"–39" 104S 104H 104F 39-1/16"–45" 104S 104H 104F
5 39-1/16"–45" 105S 105H 105F 45-1/16"–51" 105S 105H 105F
6 45-1/16"–54" 106S 106H 106F 51-1/16"–59" 106S 106H 106F
100 Series Sizing Chart
* First numeral (0) designates optional material.
To specify:
Brass material, change 0 to 1 (i.e. C11511)
Stainless Steel material, change 0 to 5 (i.e. C51511)
Note: This chart illustrates the most common types of hinging and door opening sizes.
For unusual door details, contact Glynn-Johnson for availability.
*These sizes are not available for use with offset pivots. Also not available with the ADJ option.
All 100 series models are designed for heavy-duty
applications and far exceed BHMA cycle test and
force test requirements for Grade 1 holders and stops.
BHMA/ANSI, A156.8 & FED. Spec. Cross Reference
G-J Model BHMA* FED. Spec.
101-106 H C01511 1160
101-106 S C01541 ----
101-106 F C01531 ----

How to Order
Overhead Series:
Size (Door Opening Using Butts or Offset Pivots:
3(27-1/16" –33")
6 (45-1/16"–54")
HP Internal Hold-Open
FFriction Hold-Open
SE Special Stop-Only
US3 Polished Brass
US4 Satin Brass
US10 Satin Bronze
US10B Oil Rubbed Bronze
US32 Polished Stainless Steel
US32D Satin Stainless Steel
SP4 Powder Coat Brass
SP10 Powder Coat Bronze
SP28 Powder Coat Aluminum
SP313 Powder Coat Dark Bronze
SPBLK Powder Coat Black
ADJ Adjustable Jamb Bracket
CJLH Special Jamb Bracket for LCN 5030 Closer, LH Door
CJRH Special Jamb Bracket for LCN 5030 Closer, RH Door
SOC Pin-in-Socket Security Screws
___ ___ ___ – ______ – ____
10 4 H US26D ADJ

410 Concealed Overhead Door Holders/Stops
410 Series Medium-Duty
Glynn-Johnson offers the most complete line of overhead door
holders and stops, offering solutions for the most complex door
control problems. The 410 series offers the industry’s widest
variety of functions, base materials and finishes to fit all medium
to light-duty applications.
The perfect combination of form and function, Glynn-Johnson
410 series holders and stops offer effective door control and a
low-profile design. Each model is constructed so that the channel
is encased in the door and the jamb bracket is mortised in the
frame. When the door is open, the arm and jamb bracket are
visible. Conversely, when the door is in the closed position, the
entire holder is completely concealed.
These versatile models can be used with most surface-applied
door closers. The provided templates allow for variable mounting
positions, ranging from 85º to 110º of opening. These templates are
designed for installation in almost all types of doors, including
doors with conventional butt-type hinges or specialty hinges.
Four Models:
• 410H Series Hold-Open
• 410S Series Stop-Only
• 410F Series Friction Hold-Open
• 410SE Series Special Stop-Only
Five Sizes:
• Simple
• Standardized
• Each model is available in five sizes
One Option:
• SOC—Pin-in-Socket Security Screw Package
Unmatched Convenience:
• Non-Handed
• Improved Compatibility with Door Closers
• Single/Double-Acting Doors
• Interior Applications
• Durable
• Easy to Install
• Improved Corrosion Resistance
Materials and Finishes:
All models are available in 300 series Stainless Steel, Brass and
Steel substrates. The broadest range of finishes in the industry is
provided to complement any design.
Finishes Description
US3 Polished Brass
US4 Satin Brass
US10 Satin Bronze
US10B Oil Rubbed Bronze
US32 Polished Stainless Steel
US32D Satin Stainless Steel
SP4 Powder Coast Brass
SP10 Powder Coat Bronze
SP28 Powder Coat Aluminum
SP313 Powder Coat Dark Bronze
SPBLK Powder Coat Black
652 Chrome-like Coating
Glynn-Johnson 410 series holders and stops are designed for
medium- to light-duty applications. They’re ideal for openings
that are subject to normal activity, providing protection for the
door, frame, hinges and surrounding walls or obstructions.
All models incorporate the popular channel/slide-arm design and
offset jamb brackets. This improved design allows for simple field
modification of functions, should user requirements change.
410H Series Hold-Open
(Suffix H) Hold-Open models provide a convenient method of
holding the door open at a predetermined position for short or
long periods of time, permitting an unobstructed traffic flow.
The Hold-Open tension can be adjusted using an allen wrench
through the end of the slider located in the channel mounted in
the top of the door.
These models feature a rugged, automatic Hold-Open mechanism
activated when the door is opened to a preset angle. Each model
meets the 250,000 test cycles required for Grade 1 classification.
The Hold-Open feature is not selectable, so the door is always
held open.
410S Series Stop-Only
(Suffix S) When the Hold-Open function is not a requirement,the
Stop-Only function provides an effective method of door control.
The Stop-Only model may be used on fire doors.

410F Series Friction Hold-Open
(Suffix F) Friction Hold-Open models are ideal for patient room
doors, wardrobe and closet doors, or similar applications where
multiple Hold-Open positions are desired. The friction tension
can be adjusted using a allen wrench on the slider located in the
channel mounted at the top of the door.
410SE Series Special Stop-Only
(Suffix SE) When Stop-Only models are used in conjunction with
single-point, Hold-Open electronic door closers, the Stop-Only
function may be ordered less the shock-absorbing mechanism.
Used as an auxiliary stop, these optional models prolong the life
of the closer. The stop location is adjusted using an allen wrench
on the stop block located in the channel.
Note: Caution should be taken when using this option in other applications,
as the elimination of the shock-absorbing spring can put added stress on
the door and frame.
Application Information
UL Classification
The 410 series Stop-Only models are classified by Underwriters
Laboratories (UL) as Miscellaneous Fire Door Accessories. This
classification applies to use on either Hollow Metal Fire Doors or
Wood Fire Doors. Where Wood Door manufacturer’s listing allows
for the cutout required for installation, concealed overhead stops
may be used on those wood fire doors. These units may be used on
doors of any rating. As a reminder, the Miscellaneous Fire Door
Accessories (GVUX) section is defined by UL as: “Miscellaneous
fire door accessories are intended in the individual Listings. The
accessories have been investigated to determine that when installed
in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions, the accessories
do not adversely affect the fire rating of the fire door and/or fire
door frames.”
Dead-Stop Templating:
Dead-Stop Templating is recommended for applications where a
wall or similar obstruction is in place at an opening angle of 110º
or less (i.e., doors that open back-to-back). Dead-Stop Templating
can be applied to Hold-Open, Stop-Only and Friction models.
The Dead-Stop position is the point at which the shock-absorbing
spring is fully compressed. Therefore, when Dead-Stop Templating
is used, the initial degree of opening will be 5º to 7º less than
the Dead-Stop opening.
Example: If the holder is templated to a 100º dead stop, the door will hold open
at an angle between 93º and 95º but no further than 100º.
Note: Do not use dead-stop templating on the 410SE Series since there is no
shock-absorbing spring.
Environmental Considerations:
Environmental factors should always be considered when
specifying overhead holders and stops. Doors that are positioned
on a building’s exterior or subject to corrosive conditions should
be equipped with a holder constructed primarily of stainless steel,
brass or bronze materials. For interior applications, steel is
acceptable, though brass and bronze substrates generally
provide a more attractive architectural-grade finish.
Heavy-Use Applications:
A heavy-duty holder or stop should be considered when doors
and frames are subject to heavy, frequent use. Also, heavy-duty
units should be considered on exterior doors subject to wind.
Suffix SOC (Pin-in-Socket Security Screw Package):
A screw package with pin-in-socket screws for mounting the jamb
bracket to the frame is provided instead of the standard screw package.

410 Series Concealed Overhead Door Holders/Stops
1 18"–23" 411S 411H 411F ----- ----- ----- -----
2 23-1/16"–27" 412S 412H 412F ----- ----- ----- -----
3 27-1/16"–33" 413S 413H 413F 33-1/16"–39" 413S 413H 413F
4 33-1/16"–39" 414S 414H 414F 39-1/16"–45" 414S 414H 414F
5 39-1/16"–45" 415S 415H 415F 45-1/16"–51" 415S 415H 415F
410 Series Sizing Chart
* First numeral (0) designates optional material.
To specify:
Brass material, change 0 to 1 (i.e. C14511)
Stainless Steel Material, change 0 to 5 (i.e. C54511)
Steel material, change 0 to 8 (i.e. C84511)
Note: This chart illustrates the most common types of hinging and door opening sizes.
For unusual door details, contact Glynn-Johnson for availability.
The template information on this page is for reference only and is not intended to serve as an installation template.
For complete dimensional information, refer to Glynn-Johnson template book.
BHMA/ANSI, A156.8 & FED. Spec. Cross Reference
G-J Model BHMA* FED. Spec.
411-415 H C04511 1166
411-415 S C04541 1166A
411-415 F C04531 1164
NEW image to come

Overhead Series:
Size (Door Opening Using Butts or Offset Pivots):
2 (23-1/16"–27")
3(27-1/16" –33")
FFriction Hold-Open
SE Special Stop-Only
US3 Polished Brass
US4 Satin Brass
US10 Satin Bronze
US10B Oil Rubbed Bronze
US32 Polished Stainless Steel
US32D Satin Stainless Steel
SP4 Powder Coat Brass
SP10 Powder Coat Bronze
SP28 Powder Coat Aluminum
SP313 Powder Coat Dark Bronze
SPBLK Powder Coat Black
652 Chrome-like Coating
SOC Pin-in-Socket Security Screws
___ __ __ – ______ – ____
How to Order
41 1 H US10B SOC

450 Series Surface Overhead Door Holders/Stops
Materials and Finishes:
In Brass, 300 series stainless steel or steel, these models offer
the broadest range of finishes in the industry to complement
any design. Brass and Stainless Steel offer the highest resistance
to corrosion, while all these base materials are suitable for
normal interior use.
Finish Description
US3 Polished Brass
US4 Satin Brass
US10 Satin Bronze
US10B Oil Rubbed Bronze
US32 Polished Stainless Steel
US32D Satin Stainless Steel
SP4 Powder Coast Brass
SP10 Powder Coat Bronze
SP28 Powder Coat Aluminum
SP313 Powder Coat Dark Bronze
SPBLK Powder Coat Black
652 Chrome-like Coating
Glynn-Johnson 450 series holders and stops are designed for
medium to light-duty applications. They’re ideal for openings that
are subject to normal activity, providing protection for the door,
frame, hinges and surrounding walls or obstructions.
Designed for improved compatibility with most door closers, all
models incorporate popular channel/slide arm design and offset
jamb brackets. The improved design makes it easier to change
functions in the field, should user requirements change.
450H Series Hold-Open
(Suffix H) These models conveniently hold doors open at a
predetermined position, permitting unobstructed traffic flow.
These models feature an adjustable automatic Hold-Open that is
activated when the door is opened to a preset angle. The Hold-Open
tension can be adjusted using an allen wrench through the end of
the slider located in the channel at the top of the door. Each meets
the 250,000 test cycles required for Grade 1 classification.
450S Series Stop-Only
(Suffix S) When the Hold-Open function is not required, the
Stop-Only function provides the same effective door control
without keeping the door held open. The Stop-Only model
may be used on fire doors.
450F Series Friction Hold-Open
(Suffix F) Friction Hold-Open models provide an alternative
holding method ideal for patient room doors, wardrobe or
closet doors, or similar applications where multiple Hold-Open
positions are desired. The friction tension can be adjusted using
an allen wrench on the slider located in the channel at the top
of the door.
450 Series Medium-Duty
Glynn-Johnson provides the most complete line of overhead
holders and stops, offering solutions for the most demanding
door control problems. These surface-mounted holders and
stops offer the widest variety of functions, materials and
finishes to fit all medium- to light-duty applications.
Glynn-Johnson 450 series holders and stops provide reliable and
versatile surface-mounted overhead door control for all medium
to light-duty applications. The visible components are available
in a wide variety of architectural finishes to complement any design.
The 450 series holders and stops are designed for installation
in virtually all types of doors and frames including doors with
conventional butt hinges, offset pivots, continuous hinges, swing
clear hinges and many other specialty hinges. The templates
provided allow for variable mounting positions, ranging from
85° - 110° of opening.
Four Models:
• 450H Series Hold-Open Model
• 450S Series Stop-Only Model
• 450F Series Friction Hold-Open Model
• 450SE Series Special Stop-Only Model
Five Sizes:
• Simple
• Standardized
• Each model is available in five sizes
Three Options:
• J—Angle Jamb Bracket
• SHIM—Blade Stop Shim Kit
• SOC—Pin-in-Socket Security Screw Package
Unmatched Convenience:
• Non-Handed
• Improved Compatibility with Door Closers
• Improved Jamb Bracket Design
• Single Acting Doors
• Interior Applications
• Durable
• Easy to Install
• Improved Corrosion Resistance

450SE Series Special Stop-Only
(Suffix SE) When Stop-Only models are used in conjunction
with single point Hold-Open electronic door closers, the function
may be ordered without the shock absorbing mechanism. Used
as an auxiliary stop with these closers, they will prolong the
life of the closer. The stop location is adjusted using an allen
wrench on the stop block located in the channel.
Note: Caution should be taken when using this option in other applications,
as the elimination of the shock-absorbing spring can put added stress on
the door and frame.
Application Information
Closer Applications
Glynn-Johnson 450 series models require minimal door and frame
preparation. They may be used in conjunction with most surface-
applied door closers. In some cases, optional drop brackets may
need to be mounted on the closers. These brackets are available
from the closer manufacturer.
UL Classification
The 450 series Stop-Only models are classified by Underwriters
Laboratories (UL) as Miscellaneous Fire Door Accessories. This
classification applies to use on either Hollow Metal Fire Doors or
Wood Fire Doors. These units may be used on doors of any rating.
As a reminder, the Miscellaneous Fire Door Accessories (GVUX)
section is defined by UL as: “Miscellaneous fire door accessories
are intended in the individual Listings. The accessories have been
investigated to determine that when installed in accordance with the
manufacturer’s instructions, the accessories do not adversely affect
the fire rating of the fire door and/or fire door frames.”
Dead-Stop Templating:
For situations where a wall or similar obstruction is in place at
an opening angle of 110° or less (e.g. doors that open back-to-back),
dead stop templating should be used. This includes all Hold-Open,
Friction and Stop-Only models, except when the "SE" option is used.
The Dead Stop position is reached when the shock-absorbing
spring is fully compressed, allowing an initial degree of opening of
5º to 7º less than the Dead Stop opening.
Example: If the holder is templated for 100° Dead Stop, the door will hold
open somewhere between 93° to 95°, and no further than 100°.
Note: Do not use dead-stop templating on the 450SE Series since there is no
shock-absorbing spring.
Environmental Conditions:
To assure a long operating life for holders and stops, consider
the environment where they will be used. Doors that open to
the exterior of a building or are subject to corrosive conditions
should have a holder constructed primarily of stainless steel,
brass or bronze materials. For interior doors, steel material may
be acceptable, although brass and bronze substrates will provide
a more attractive architectural grade finish.
Heavy-Use Applications:
Where doors and frames are subject to heavy use and abuse,
a heavy-duty holder or stop should be considered. Also heavy-duty
units should be considered on exterior doors subject to wind.
Suffix J (Angle Jamb Bracket):
An additional option on the 450 Series is the Angle Jamb Bracket
for hinge-side or flush transom mounting. The angle jamb bracket
affixes to the standard jamb bracket. If ordered with the overhead
add suffix J. If needed separately order 450J-Finish.
Suffix SHIM (Blade Stop Shims):
Shim kits are available in 3 sizes:
450 SHIM1 is a 3/16" Shim Kit
450 SHIM2 is a 3/8" Shim Kit
450 SHIM3 is a 9/16" Shim Kit
If ordered with overhead, add suffix SHIM (1, 2 or 3). If needed
separately order 450SHIM (1, 2 or 3)–Finish.
Suffix SOC (Pin-in-Socket Security Screw Package):
A screw package with pin-in-socket screws for mounting the channel
to the door and the jamb bracket to the frame is provided instead of
the standard screw package.

450 Series Surface Overhead Door Holders/Stops
The template information on this page is for reference only and is not intended to serve as an installation template.
For complete dimensional information, refer to Glynn-Johnson template book.
1 18"–23" 451S 451H 451F 23-1/16"–27" 451S 451H 451F
2 23-1/16"–27" 452S 452H 452F 27-1/16"–33" 452S 452H 452F
3 27-1/16"–33" 453S 453H 453F 33-1/16"–39" 453S 453H 453F
4 33-1/16"–39" 454S 454H 454F 39-1/16"–45" 454S 454H 454F
5 39-1/16"–45" 455S 455H 455F 45-1/16"–51" 455S 455H 455F
450 Series Sizing Chart
* First numeral (0) designates optional material.
To specify:
Brass/bronze material, change 0 to 1 (e.e. C15511)
Stainless Steel Material, change 0 to 5 (i.e. C55511)
Steel material, change 0 to 8 (i.e. C85511)
Note: This chart illustrates the most common types of hinging and door opening sizes.
For unusual door details, contact Glynn-Johnson for availability.
BHMA/ANSI, A156.8 & FED. Spec. Cross Reference
G-J Model BHMA* FED. Spec.
451-455 H C05511 1166
451-455 S C05541 1166A
451-455 F C05531 1164
NEW image to come

Overhead Series:
Size (Door Opening Using Butts or Offset Pivots):
2 (23-1/16"–27")
3(27-1/16" –33")
FFriction Hold-Open
SE Special Stop-Only
US3 Polished Brass
US4 Satin Brass
US10 Satin Bronze
US10B Oil Rubbed Bronze
US32 Polished Stainless Steel
US32D Satin Stainless Steel
SP4 Powder Coat Brass
SP10 Powder Coat Bronze
SP28 Powder Coat Aluminum
SP313 Powder Coat Dark Bronze
SPBLK Powder Coat Black
652 Chrome-like Coating
JAngle Jamb Bracket
SHIM Blade Stop Shims—
SHIM1–3/16" Kit
SHIM2–3/8" Kit
SHIM3–9/16" Kit
SOC Pin-in-Socket Security Screws
How to Order
45 1 H US32D J
___ __ __ – ______ – __

Holder/Release Smoke Detector
Series 280 SENSAGUARD™
Glynn-Johnson provides a holder/release smoke detector designed
to allow fire doors to remain open for easy passage, while releasing
doors in an emergency. The SensaGuard™ Series 280 features an
internal ionization-type smoke detector, powered by a single
nine-volt battery. Its fail-safe operation automatically releases
the door when battery power drops below 7.2 volts.
Safe and Dependable
• Fail Safe Operation
• Battery Operated
• Automatic Release when Battery Power Drops
Unmatched Convenience
• Easy to Install
• Self-contained
• Adjustable Hold-Open
• Stand-Alone Detector/Holder
UL Listed
• Fail Safe Electronics
Ideal for a variety of uses, including:
• Office building corridors
• Factories
• Schools
• Hospitals
• Nursing home patient rooms
• Multifamily residential units
Adjustable Hold-Open
• SENSAGUARD™will hold the door open at a single,
adjustable position:
–Pull Side Mounted adjustable from 90º to 130º
–Push Side Mounted adjustable from 90º to 180º
• Adjustable Hold-Open force
NFPA 101, Life Safety Code
• 5–2.1.8 Self Closing Devices Exception C, 2
• US28 Clear Anodized Aluminum
• 313AN Dark Bronze Anodized Aluminum
• Channel 27" Long x 1-3/8" Tall x 2-1/8" Depth
• Angle Bracket 2-3/4" Wide x 1" Tall x 1-1/2" Depth
Battery Requirement
• Unit is furnished with battery.
• To replace battery, use a 9V Alkaline Eveready Energizer ®#522
battery or Duracell®#MN1604. Do not substitute.

Test Switch
Allows testing for proper operation of the release mechanism.
Reset Switch
Used to reset the unit after testing or smoke detection.
Smoke Chamber
An ionization chamber that when smoke or particles of combustion
are detected will release the door.
LED Indicator
Monitors the battery condition and signals status every 40 seconds.
Fail Safe Operation
Releases the hold-open when battery is below 7.2 volts or if battery
or battery cover is removed.
Manual Release
Allows the door to close when pulled to the closed position. The
unit will reset when the door is returned to hold-open position.
Easy to Install
SensaGuard Holder/Release is easy to install. The unit surface
mounts to the top of the door frame and the arm attaches to the
door. The unit is battery operated, self-contained and requires no
external wiring.
Fail Safe
Test Switch
Reset Switch Smoke
Frame Holder/
Push Side
Pull Side

© 2006 Ingersoll-Rand Company Form GJ-GN-1032 Rev. 6/06
Ingersoll Rand’s Security Technologies Sector is a leading global provider of products and services that make environments safe,
secure and productive. The Sector’s market-leading products include electronic and biometric access control systems; time and
attendance and personnel scheduling systems; mechanical locks and portable security, door closers and exit devices, steel doors
and frames, architectural hardware and technologies and services for global security markets.

Push/Pull Latches

Quality hardware for superior door control

Glynn-Johnson has been providing the highest quality door
control hardware for 75 years. Glynn-Johnson uses only
state-of-the-art technology and manufacturing processes.
Glynn-Johnson manufactures a full line of push/pull latches,
including the standard passage set, a privacy set and a
version that incorporates a mortise lock. The mortise lock
unit incorporates the Schlage® 9000 Series mortise lock.
Glynn-Johnson also manufactures a full line of overhead
door holders. These products were designed to meet the
requirements of hardware specifiers delivering consistent
quality and exceptional performance. And they are offered
in a variety of finishes and configurations, to meet the most
demanding door control applications. For specific product
information, or to find out more about the company, call
Glynn-Johnson Customer Service at 1-800-525-0336.
Finishes Base Material Description
US3 Brass Polished Brass
US4 Brass Satin Brass
US10 Brass Satin Bronze
US10B Brass Oil Rubbed Bronze
US26 Zinc (Brass Optional) Polished Chrome
US26D Zinc (Brass Optional) Satin Chrome
US32 Stainless Steel Polished Stainless Steel
US32D Stainless Steel Satin Stainless Steel
Standard Function – HL6 4-5
Privacy Function – PL7 or PL8 6-7
Mortise Lock Function – HL6 8-11
Engraving Guide 12

Push/Pull Latch
Glynn-Johnson HL6
Glynn-Johnson offers a complete line of door hardware, providing
solutions for the most complex door control problems. The HL6
Push/Pull Latch offers versatility and durability for commercial and
institutional settings. These models are designed for commercial
and institutional doors up to 1-3/4", including fire doors. For doors
over 1-3/4" please specify door thickness.
Six Mounting Positions:
• Increases versatility
• Suits a wide range of applications
• Mounts in any of six positions
–Handles down
–Handles up
–One handle up, one handle down (either push or pull)
–Handles point away from latch
–Handles point toward latch
Four Backset Sizes:
• 2-3/4"
• 3-3/4"
• 5"
• 7"
Two Strike Sizes:
• Standard – 2-3/4"
• ASA – 4-7/8"
Seven Options:
• B—Brass Base Material for US26 and US26D Finishes
• E—Engraved Handles – “PUSH” and “PULL”
• EN—Entrance Only Latch
• EO—Exit Only Latch
• L—Lead Lined
• RL—Roller Latch Conversion Kit
• SOC—Pin-in-Socket Security Screws
US3, US4, US10, US10B, US26, US26D, US32, US32D
Unmatched Convenience:
• Non-Handed
• Variable mounting positions
• No fusible link to fail
• UL listed for all labeled metal or wood doors
Application Information
The sleek design has a short throw angle, allowing the door to
be opened with an easy push or pull action, even when hands
are not free.
For applications with the handles pointing towards the latch edge of
the door, the 7" backset must be used. All other handle orientations
may use any backset.
Suffix B (Brass Base-Material)
The option of using brass handles and covers instead of the standard
zinc for the US26 and US26D finishes.
Suffix E (Engraved Handles)
Adds engraving to the handles “PUSH” and “PULL”. See page 12
for engraving guide. Engraved handles are not recommended for
humid applications.
Suffix EN (Entrance Only)
The Entrance Only latch is appropriate for doors where only one
side is used for entry. Order HL6EN for applications where no exit
is required.
Suffix EO (Exit Only)
The Exit Only latch is appropriate for doors where only one side is
used for exit. Order HL6EO for applications where the security of
no entry is required.
Suffix L (Lead Lining)
The lead lining kit provides lead components to cover cut-outs
made in lead lined doors.
Suffix RL (Roller Latch Conversion)
The Push/Pull Roller Latch Conversion Kit is used to convert
existing Glynn Johnson 30 roller latches to meet current federal
standard requirements. Minimal alterations are required, to the
door edge.
Suffix SOC (Pin-in-Socket Security Screws)
The option of having pin-in-socket security screws instead of
standard screws. Pin-in-Socket screws are provided for the strike,
latch bolt and covers.

BBrass Base Material on US26 and US26D
E(1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6) – Engraved handles
EN Entrance Only
EO Exit Only
LLead Lined
RL Roller Latch Conversion Kit
SOC Pin-in-Socket Security Screws
US3, US4, US10, US10B, US26, US26D, US32, US32D
Blank Standard Strike
AASA Strike
Door Thickness:
Blank 1-3/4" door, specify other thickness
HL6 _____ – _____ – _____ – _____ – _____
How to Order

Privacy Function Push/Pull Latch
Glynn Johnson PL7 / PL8
Glynn Johnson offers a wide range of door hardware to provide
solutions for the most complex door control problems. The PL7
and PL8 Privacy Function Push/Pull latches provide the versatility
and durability needed for commercial and institutional doors
up to 1-3/4", including fire doors.
Two Models:
• PL7 for push-side thumbturn
• PL8 for pull-side thumbturn
Three Mounting Positions:
• Increased versatility
• Mount in any of three positions
–Handles down
–Handles up
–Handles point towards latch
Four Sizes of Backsets:
• 2-3/4"
• 3-3/4"
• 5"
• 7"
Two Strike Sizes:
• Standard–2-3/4"
• ASA–4-7/8"
Five Options:
• B—Brass Base Material for US26 and US26D Finishes
• E—Engraved Handles – “PUSH” and “PULL”
• L—Lead lined
• RL—Roller Latch Conversion Kit
• SOC—Pin-in-Socket Security Screws
US3, US4, US10, US10B, US26, US26D, US32, US32D
Unmatched Convenience:
• Non-Handed
• Variable mounting positions
• No fusible link to fail
Application Information
The patented design is ideal for restrooms or patient bathrooms.
It combines all the features and functions of the popular HL6
Push/Pull Latch, with the added convenience of privacy actuated
by a thumbturn.
The sleek design has a short throw angle, allowing the door
to be opened with an easy push or pull action, even when hands
are not free. The release on opposite side provides for access in
case of emergency.
For applications with the handles pointing towards the latch edge
of the door, the 7" backset must be used. Both handles must point
in the same direction. When both handles point up or down, any
backset may be used.
Suffix B (Brass Base-Material)
The option of using brass handles and covers instead of the standard
zinc for the US26 and US26D finishes.
Suffix E (Engraved Handles)
Adds engraving to the handles “PUSH” and “PULL”. See page 12
for engraving guide. Engraved handles are not recommended for
humid applications.
Suffix L (Lead Lining)
The lead lining kit provides lead components to cover cut-outs
made in lead lined doors.
Suffix RL (Roller Latch Conversion)
The Push/Pull Roller Latch Conversion Kit is used to convert
existing Glynn Johnson 30 roller latches to meet current federal
standard requirements. Minimal alterations are required, to the
door edge.
Suffix SOC (Pin-in-Socket Security Screws)
The option of having pin-in-socket security screws instead of
standard screws. Pin-in-Socket screws are provided for the strike,
latch bolt and covers.

How to Order
7Push-Side Thumbturn
8Pull-Side Thumbturn
BBrass Base Material on US26 and US26D
E(2, 3, 4 or 6)—Engraved handles
LLead Lined
RL Roller Latch Conversion Kit
SOC Pin-in-Socket Security Screws
US3, US4, US10, US10B, US26, US26D, US32, US32D
Blank Standard Strike
AASA Strike
Door Thickness:
Blank 1-3/4" door, specify other thickness
PL _____ – _____ – _____ – _____ – _____ – _____

Combination Push/Pull Latch and Mortise Lock
Mortise Lock Option
The HL6 Push/Pull Latch is available with a Schlage®L series
heavy-duty mortise lock included. Mortise lock combination
models are furnished in 2-3/4" backset.
Five Mounting Positions:
• Increased versatility
• Mount in five positions
–Handles down
–Handles up
–One handle up, one handle down (either push or pull)
–Handles point away from latch
• Suits a wide range of applications
Cylinder Operation:
Where cylinders are required, Glynn Johnson will supply locks
less cylinders. An 1-1/8" cylinder with a cloverleaf cam is required.
Handle on cylinder side must be mounted in down position, if
vertical mounting is used.
Thumbturn Operation:
Where thumbturn operations are required, the handle must be
mounted in horizontal position. Standard thumbturn is provided.
Mortise Lock Retrofit Kit:
Kits are available to retrofit existing installations and they
include all necessary components. 9000RK is specified for
the lock function. If Schlage mortise locks are already installed,
the set can be easily converted to Push/Pull operation with minor
modifications to door.
Mortise Lock Functions Available
For a full list of standard and special lock functions available
see pages 10 and 11.
Six Options:
• B—Brass Base Material for US26 and US260 Finishes
• E—Engraved Handles – “PUSH” and “PULL”
• EN—Entrance Only Latch
• EO—Exit Only Latch
• L—Lead Lined
• SOC—Pin-in-Socket Security Screws
US3, US4, US10, US10B, US26, US26D, US32D
Unmatched Convenience:
• Non-Handed
• Variable mounting positions
• UL listed for all labeled metal or wood doors
Application Information
The unit combines the features and convenience of the HL6
Push/Pull operation with the durability of the heavy-duty mortise
lock. The sleek design has a short throw angle, allowing the door
to be opened with an easy push or pull action, even when hands
are not free. The mortise lock offers many lock functions, see
page 10 and 11 for the specific functions available. The only
handle orientation not available would be handles pointing
towards the latch edge of the door.
Suffix B (Brass Base-Material)
The option of using brass handles and covers instead of the
standard zinc for the US26 and US26D finishes.
Suffix E (Engraved Handles)
Adds engraving to the handles “push” and “pull”. See page 12
for engraving guide. Engraved handles are not recommended
for humid applications.
Suffix EN (Entrance Only)
This Entrance Only latch is appropriate for doors where only one
side is used for entry. Order HL6EN for applications where no exit
is required.
Suffix EO (Exit Only)
This Exit Only latch is appropriate for doors where only one side is
used for exit. Order HL6EO for applications where the security of
no entry is required.
Suffix L (Lead Lining)
The lead lining kit provides lead components to cover cut-outs
made in lead lined doors.
Suffix SOC (Pin-in-Socket Security Screws)
The option of having pin-in-socket security screws instead of
standard screws. Pin-in-Socket screws are provided for the strike,
latch bolt and covers.

HL6 _____ – _____ – _____ – _____
How to Order
BBrass Base Material on US26 and US26D
E(1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6)— Engraved handles
EN Entrance Only
EO Exit Only
LLead Lined
SOC Pin-in-Socket Security Screws
Lock Function: See pages 10 and 11
9000RK Retrofit Kit
US3, US4, US10, US10B, US26, US26D, US32D
Door Thickness:
Blank 1-3/4" door, specify other thickness

Mortise Lock Functions Available
Standard Lock Functions
Lock Number – ANSI Functions – Description
9010 – F01 – Passage Latch
Latchbolt retracted by handle from either side at all times.
9040 – F22 – Bath/Bedroom Privacy Lock
Latchbolt retracted by handle from either side unless outside is
locked by inside thumbturn. Activating inside handle or closing
door unlocks outside handle. To unlock from outside, remove
emergency button, insert emergency turn in access hole and rotate.
9050 – F04 – Office/Inner Entry Lock
Latchbolt retracted by handle from either side unless outside is
made inoperative by key outside or by turning inside thumbturn.
When outside is locked, latchbolt is retracted by key outside or by
handle inside. Outside handle remains locked until thumbturn is
turned to the unlocked position or outside key is unlocked.
Auxiliary latch deadlocks latchbolt when door is closed.
9060 – F09 – Apartment Lock
Latchbolt retracted by handle from either side unless outside is
locked by key from inside. When locked, latchbolt retracted by
key outside or handle inside. Auxiliary latch deadlocks when door
is closed.
9070 – F05 – Classroom Lock
Latchbolt retracted by handle from either side unless outside is
locked by key. Unlocked from outside by key. Inside handle always
free for immediate exit. Auxiliary latch deadlocks latchbolt when
door is closed.
9080 – F07 – Storeroom Lock
Latchbolt retracted by key outside or by handle inside. Outside
handle always inoperative. Auxiliary latch deadlocks latchbolt
when door is closed.
9080EL – Electrically Locked (Fail Safe)
Outside handle continuously locked by 24V AC or DC. Latch
bolt retracted by key outside or handle inside. Switch or power
failure allows outside handle to retract latchbolt. Auxiliary latch
deadlocks latchbolt when door is closed. Inside handle always
free for immediate exit.
9080EU – Electrically Unlocked (Fail Secure)
Outside handle unlocked by 24V AC or DC. Latchbolt retracted
by key outside or handle inside. Auxiliary latch deadlocks latchbolt
when door is closed. Inside handle always free for immediate exit.
9082 – Institution Lock
Latchbolt retracted by key from either side. Handle on both sides
always inoperative. Auxiliary latch deadlocks latchbolt when door
is closed.
9453 – F20 – Entrance Lock
Latchbolt retracted by handle from either side unless outside is
locked by 20 rotation of thumbturn. When locked, key outside or
handle inside retracts deadbolt and latchbolt simultaneously.
Outside handle remains locked until thumbturn is restored to vertical
position. Throwing deadbolt automatically locks outside handle.
Auxiliary latch deadlocks latchbolt when door is closed.
9456 – F13 – Corridor Lock
Latchbolt retracted by handle from either side. Deadbolt thrown or
retracted by key outside or inside thumbturn. Throwing deadbolt
locks outside handle. Activating inside handle simultaneously
retracts deadbolt and latchbolt, and unlocks outside handle.
9465 – Closet/Storeroom Lock
Latchbolt retracted by handle from either side. Deadbolt extended
or retracted by key outside.
9466 – F14 – Store/Utility Room Lock
Latchbolt retracted by handle from either side. Deadbolt thrown or
retracted by key from either side.
9473 – F21 – Dormitory/Bedroom Lock
Latchbolt retracted by handle from either side. Deadbolt thrown or
retracted by key outside or thumbturn inside.
9485 – Hotel Lock
Latchbolt retracted by key outside or by handle inside. Outside
handle always fixed. Deadbolt thrown or retracted by inside
thumbturn. When deadbolt is thrown, all keys become inoperative
except emergency or display keys. Activating handle retracts both
deadbolt and latchbolt simultaneously. Auxiliary latch deadlocks
latchbolt when door is closed.

Special Lock Functions
Lock Number – Description
9040 w/XL11-446 – Privacy with Thumbturns both Sides
Latchbolt retracted by handle from either side unless outside is
locked by inside or outside thumbturn. Operating inside handle,
closing door or rotating either thumbturn unlocks outside handle.
9044 w/XL11-867 – Privacy with Coin Turn Outside
Latchbolt retracted by handle from either side unless outside is
locked by inside thumbturn or outside coin turn. Operating inside
handle, closing door, rotating inside thumbturn or outside coin turn
unlocks outside handle.
9056 w/XL11-776 – 9050 with Simultaneous Retraction
Latchbolt retracted by handle from either side unless outside is
made inoperative by key outside or by rotating inside thumbturn.
When outside is locked, latchbolt is retracted by key outside or by
handle inside. Activating inside handle simultaneously retracts
latchbolt and unlocks outside handle. Auxiliary latch deadlocks
latchbolt when door is closed.
9080EL w/XL11-807 – Request to Exit (RX) with Electrically
Locked (Fail Safe)
Outside handle continuously locked by 24V AC or DC. Latch
bolt retracted by key outside or handle inside. Switch or power
failure allows outside handle to retract latchbolt. Auxiliary latch
deadlocks latchbolt when door is closed. Inside handle always
free for immediately exit. In addition, a micro switch positioned
inside the lock case monitors the retractor crank, and is actuated
when handle is activated.
9080EU w/XL11-807 – Request to Exit (RX) with Electrically
Unlocked (Fail Secure)
Outside handle unlocked by 24V AC or DC. Latchbolt retracted by
key outside or handle inside. Auxiliary latch deadlocks latchbolt
when door is closed. Inside handle always free for immediate exit.
In addition, a micro switch positioned inside the lock case monitors
the retractor crank, and is actuated when handle is activated.
9082EL w/XL11-452 – Electrically Locked (Fail Safe)
Outside and inside handle continually locked with 24V AC or DC.
Latchbolt retracted by key either side. Switch or power failure
allows outside and inside handle to retract latchbolt. Auxiliary
latch deadlocks latchbolt when door is closed.
9082EU w/Xl11-452 – Electrically Unlocked (Fail Safe)
Outside and inside handle unlocked with24V AC or DC. Latchbolt
retracted by key either side. Auxiliary latch deadlocks latchbolt
when door is closed.
9440 w/XL761 – Privacy with Deadbolt
Latchbolt retracted by handle from either side. Deadbolt thrown
or retracted by inside thumbturn. Throwing deadbolt locks outside
handle. Activating inside handle simultaneously retracts deadbolt
and latchbolt, and unlocks outside handle. To unlock from outside,
remove emergency button, insert emergency turn in access hole
and rotate.
9444 w/XL11-867 – Privacy with Deadbolt and Coin
Turn Outside
Latchbolt retracted by handle from either side. Deadbolt thrown or
retracted by inside thumbturn or outside coin turn. Throwing deadbolt
locks outside handle. Activating inside handle simultaneously
retracts deadbolt and latchbolt, and unlocks outside handle. Rotating
outside coin turn retracts deadbolt and unlocks outside handle.
9460 w/XL11-886 – Deadbolt with Retraction by Inside Handle
Deadbolt thrown or retracted by key outside or thumbturn inside.
Outside handle always fixed. Inside handle active when deadbolt
is retracted. Activating inside handle will retract deadbolt.
9462 w/XL11-886 – Deadbolt with Retraction by Inside Handle
Deadbolt thrown or retracted by key from either side. Outside
handle always fixed. Inside handle active when deadbolt is
retracted. Activating inside handle will retract deadbolt.
9464 w/XL11-886 – Deadbolt with Retraction by Inside Handle
Deadbolt thrown or retracted by key from one side. Outside handle
always fixed. Inside handle active when deadbolt is retracted.
Activating inside handle will retract deadbolt.
9480 w/XL11-591 – Storeroom Lock with Deadbolt
Latchbolt retracted by key outside or by handle inside. Outside
handle always fixed. Deadbolt thrown or retracted by key outside
or thumbturn inside. Activating inside handle simultaneously
retracts both deadbolt and latchbolt. Auxiliary latch deadlocks
latchbolt when door is closed.
9482 w/XL11-543 – Institution Lock with Deadbolt
Latchbolt retracted by key from either side. Handle on both sides
always inoperative. Deadbolt thrown or retracted by key either side.
Auxiliary latch deadlocks latchbolt when door is closed.

Engraving Guide
Mounting Position To Order, Specify
Push Up, Pull Down
• Any backset E1
• Non-handed
• No PL7 or PL8
Push Up, Pull Up
• Any backset E2
• Non-handed
Horizontal Engraving
• Any backset E3
• RH
• No PL7 or PL8
Horizontal Engraving
• Any backset E4
• LH
• No PL7 or PL8
Push Down, Pull Up
• Any backset E5
• Non-handed
• No PL7 or PL8
Push Down, Pull Down
• Any backset E6
• Non-handed
Horizontal Engraving
• 7" backset only E4
• RH
• No mortise lock
Horizontal Engraving
• 7" backset only E3
• LH
• No mortise lock
Push/Pull Latches




Information contained in this catalog is subject to change without prior notice. Contact Glynn Johnson Customer Service with questions or comments.
2720 Tobey Drive
Indianapolis, IN 46219
877-424-8494 Fax
888-371-7331 Technical Support
©2002 Ingersoll-Rand Form GJ-GN-1031 Rev.07/02 Printed in USA