Golden Mark HSWS200 Wall Switch User Manual

Golden Mark (HK) Limited Wall Switch Users Manual

Users Manual

 HomeSeer | 10 Commerce Park North, Unit 10 | Bedford, NH 03110 | | Doc: HS-WS200-en-v1 WARNING  RISK OF FIRE | RISK OF ELECTRICAL SHOCK | RISK OF BURNS  DO NOT USE THIS SWITCH TO CONTROL DEVICES OR APPLIANCES THAT MAY PRESENT A HAZARD WHEN CONTROLLED REMOTELY OR USED IN AN UNATTENDED FASHION. DO NOT USE WITH MEDICAL AND LIFE SUPPORT INSTRUMENTS.  HS-WS200+ Z-Wave Wall Switch INSTALLATION Tools required: medium standard and Phillips head screwdrivers, wire strippers/cuers  1 Shut o power to the circuit at the circuit breaker or fuse box. VERIFY power is OFF before connuing! 2 Remove exisng switch’s wall plate and mounng screws. Carefully remove the exisng switch from the electrical box but leave the wires connected. 3 There may be up to ve wires connected to the exisng switch. Make note of these wires and label, if necessary, to ensure correct installaon of the HS-WS200+. You will need to match these wires with the corresponding screw terminals on the HS-WS200+.  Note: LINE, NEUTRAL and LOAD wires are required for every installaon •  LINE (Hot) - Black (connected to power) •  NEUTRAL - White (this wire is oen ed to other neutral wires and may require a jumper to connect with the HS-WS200+) •  LOAD - Black (connected to load) •  GROUND — Green or Bare •  TRAVELER — Red/Other (only used in 3-way circuits) 4 Disconnect the wires from the exisng switch and aach those wires to the HS-WS200+ using the screw terminal connectors on the back with the following procedure:  1  Strip 16 mm (5/8”) insulaon from each wire*. 2  With a screw driver, loosen each screw terminal by rotang the screw counter-clockwise a few turns unl resistance is felt. 3  There are two holes on the back of the switch near each screw terminal. Insert the stripped wire into one of these holes and ghten the screw terminal to secure the connecon. Connecons should be snug. *all wires should be 14 AWG or larger rated at 80°C or higher. Tightening torque should be 12 lbf-in (14kgf-cm). 5 Carefully install the wired switch back into the electrical box and reaach the trim plate.   OVERVIEW HS-WS200+ is a Z-Wave wall switch that’s designed for wireless on-o control of connected lighng and appliance loads.  Seeng for a complete list of features and applicaons. Single-pole circuit 3-way circuit
 HomeSeer | 10 Commerce Park North, Unit 10 | Bedford, NH 03110 | | Doc: HS-WS200-en-v1 COMPATIBILITY Your new HomeSeer switch is Z-Wave cered and is ready to be used with a wide variety of home automaon hubs and control-lers. All features are fully supported by HomeSeer systems but some ADVANCED FEATURES (see below) may not be fully supported by other controllers. If you’re using another brand of controller, be sure to check with that company to determine compability. Z-WAVE INCLUSION Follow this 2-step procedure to add your new HomeSeer switch to your Z-Wave network: 1 Put your Z-Wave controller into inclusion mode. Consult your controller manual if you’re unsure how to do this.  HomeSeer users: press “Add Device” on your Z-Tool+ mobile app 2 Tap the paddle of your new HomeSeer switch to begin the inclusion process. This will take a few moments to complete. HomeSeer users: Be sure to name the switch and assign it to a locaon using Z-Tool+ when inclusion is done MANUAL RESET - To be used only in the event that the network primary controller is lost or otherwise inoperable. (1) Turn switch on by tapping the top of the paddle once. (2) Quickly tap top of the paddle 3 mes. (3) Quickly tap boom of pad-dle 3 mes. (4) If light turns o and then on again, switch is reset.  If not, repeat manual reset.  ASSOCIATION - This product supports associaon group #1 for lifeline communicaon.  Refer to your controller manual for in-strucons on seng the lifeline associaon.   OPERATION Your new HomeSeer switch may be operated locally (manually) or remotely using a Z-Wave compable controller or home auto-maon system.  Local Control:  •  Press (tap) the top of the paddle to power the load  •  Press (tap) the boom of the paddle to cut power to the load Remote Control:  •  On / O control is available remotely. Consult your controller manual for details.  HomeSeer users: this switch creates 3 devices; a root device, central scene device and control device. The root device may  be used to manage Z-Wave sengs. The central scene device may be used as a trigger for events. The control device will  will send on / o commands to the switch. ADVANCED FEATURES Your new HomeSeer switch includes advanced features that may be accessed with HomeSeer (and possibly other) systems.   •  Mul-tap triggering - Tapping the top or boom of the paddle 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 mes in rapid succession may be used as a  trigger to launch HomeSeer events. Note: tapping the paddle once will also control the aached local load.  •  Controllable Indicator Color - Color of LED indicator may be controlled via Z-Wave commands. Colors include red,  green, blue, magenta, cyan, yellow, white.  •  Instant status updates - Status changes to HomeSeer switches are monitored in real me with HomeSeer systems. SPECIFICATIONS Power Requirements 120VAC / 60 Hz Max Load Incandescent | LED | Resisve | Motor 900 was | 200 was | 1800 was | 1/2 Horsepower Z-Wave  Frequency 908.4 / 916 MHz  Range 100 . (open air) Cercaons UL (US, Canada), FCC/IC, Z-Wave Plus WARRANTY HomeSeer warrants to the original purchaser that this product, for the warranty period, will be free from material defects and workmanship. This warranty is subject to proper installaon and operaon of the product. HomeSeer’s sole obligaon, under this warranty, is to repair, replace or correct any defect that was present at the me of delivery. This warranty does not extend to consequenal or incidental damage to other products that may be used with this product. Warranty claims must be submied in wring directly to HomeSeer at  Warranty period: limited 1 year from date of purchase FCC/IC Statement - see hp://ng.html
FCCstatements:Thisdevicecomplieswithpart15oftheFCCrules.Operationissubjecttothe followingtwoconditions:(1)thisdevicemaynotcauseharmfulinterference,and(2) thisdevicemustacceptanyinterferencereceived,includinginterferencethatmay causeundesiredoperation. NOTE:ThemanufacturerisnotresponsibleforanyradioorTVinterferencecaused byunauthorizedmodificationsorchangestothisequipment.Suchmodificationsorchangescouldvoidtheuser’sauthoritytooperatetheequipment.ICstatements:ThisdevicecomplieswithPart15oftheFCCRulesandwithRSS‐247ofIndustryCanada.Operationissubjecttothefollowingtwoconditions:(1)Thisdevicemaynotcauseharmfulinterference,and(2)thisdevicemustacceptanyinterferencereceived,includinginterferencethatmaycauseundesiredoperation.LeprésentappareilestconformeauxCNRd'IndustrieCanadaapplicablesauxappareilsradioexemptsdelicence.L'exploitationestautoriséeauxdeuxconditionssuivantes:(1)l'appareilnedoitpasproduiredebrouillage,et(2)l'utilisateurdel'appareildoitacceptertoutbrouillageradioélectriquesubi,mêmesilebrouillageestsusceptibled'encompromettrelefonctionnement.ThisClassBdigitalapparatuscomplieswithCanadianICES‐003.CetappareilnumériquedelaclasseBestconformeàlanormeNMB‐003duCanada.

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