Gospell Smarthome Electronic GA8213 900MHz wireless Baby monitor User Manual 8213SC

Shenzhen Gospell Smarthome Electronic Co., Ltd. 900MHz wireless Baby monitor 8213SC

User Manual

Download: Gospell Smarthome Electronic GA8213 900MHz wireless Baby monitor User Manual 8213SC
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Document ID1011994
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Document DescriptionUser Manual
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Date Submitted2008-10-06 00:00:00
Date Available2008-10-06 00:00:00
Creation Date2007-11-22 15:44:10
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Document Lastmod2008-09-30 13:52:23
Document Title8213SCתÇú.cdr
Document CreatorCorelDRAW Version 9.397
Document Author: ΢ÈíÓû§

Operation Guide
0.9GHz Wireless Baby Monitor Kit
Model No.: 8213SC
The graphlcx minded are Subjcfl m mlnor change wuhaur not/m
.Packing List
. Diagram
. Structure
. Installation
. FCC and EU
1. Packing List
(0 0.9cnz Wueless Camerax 1
12) 0.9an Wireless Rcccivc'rX‘l
@ Sensor for camera ><1
(A) Adapm for camera x 1
is) Adapter for fictive! >< 1
(gm cabin ><1
* 821391: means GA 8213 + GA 7613
2. Diagram
Camera mama Gamma
3. Structure
3-1. Structure of Camera
Power :
Orl/Olf Swmh
3-2. Structure of Receiver
11:11ch Channel
AV Om Eliminate
POW“ Human
smog lndlcamr
4. Installation
4-1. Installation of Camera
4-1-1. Basic installation of Camera
1, Locale ihc camera to a specific posnlonv
2. Connecl the camera \0 the adaplerand then slide the power
swnch ID oN position, the power lndlcalor gels greenr
f\;Th|s camera can also use dry battery as power supply. Please load
4 AA batteries to the battery compartment at the back ofeamera
with their polarities matched.
©The AC adapter will work instead ofbaueries after it is plugged.
lithe camera is not used for a long period of time, please unplug
i; the adapter and remove the batteries.
Avoid shun circuit of the hanery.
* Continue working for 5 hum-sun on)
3. Rotate lhe rounded head olcamera m a suilahle angle (or
4-1-2. Camera channel setup
1. Check out the fight side of the camera and (here 15 the channel
switch marked as CHI, ChZ.. Each of them can be selected
separate1y for the purpose oflhc mum—camera working siruation
or interference avoidance.
2. Press channel button ofthe receiver to select the same channel as
Ihe camera, The piclures will be displayed on [he screenr
Chl: 905MHz
4-1-3. Camera alarm setup
1. 'lhc: camera provides Motion Detection, Sensor Detection) Sound
Detection Sound alarm 15 nasty and interruptibie, like as “BEEP" .
Alarm sound volume is adjustable
2. Connect the optional sensoriaelt to the camera sensor socket, put
the sensor end in cotton diaper iryou select the Bedtwelllng Sensor
' specialists recommend the sensor is not suitable
for disposable panty diapzr: and not suitable for
touching sltlu dicectly.
QM a
LMotion Alarm setup:
Motion Alarm refers to the alarm against vanous movements. To set up motion
alarm slide the alarm swllch to Motion poslllon the system enter motion
alarm mode standby for changes or movements to occur in orderto triggerrhe
alarm. When movemenl is delecled, lhe alarm beglns lo sound for 2 mlnllles
until the Eliminate Alarm button is pressed to snooze for 35 seconds. Aftertlie
3. secondt is up, the motion alarm will automatically clandthy rorihe next
alarm to re—ctcur.
2.5ound Alarm Setup:
Saul-id Alarm refers to the alarm against sound. To set up sound alarm slide the
alarm much to Sound petition the system enrcrsouiid alarin rnodc wand—by
to pick up sound for a arm to trigger . when sound is detected, the alarm
bcglns to sound (or 2 minutes untll [he Ellnllnatc Alarm button N praisnd m
snooze for 35 seconds After the 35 seconds is up. the sound alarm will
automaticallystand—byfcr the ncxt alarm to m—occur.
33mm: Alum setup:
Sensor Alarm refcrs to the alarm against bedwetting To sct up sensoralarm
slide the alarm switchto Sensor pDSllibn, The system enter sensor alarm mode
stand—bym dctecrwatcr for alarm to trigger. when the bedwetting and water is
actually detected, the alarm begins to sound [or 2 minutes unlll the Ellmlnale
Alarm Button is pressed to snoozc for 35 seconds. Aftertne 35 seconds is up,
the motion alarm will automatically sland—by lot the next alarm to reeoeciie
mu! m
Alarm is disable when the alarm is swllcl‘l to the on position.
Alarm sound will aummallcally mm 017 lllhe Hlmlnme Alarm bunch are
not press Within 2 minutes. if both the battery and A/C adaptcr are in use
and the alarm setup (alled to trigger, please power cycle both lhe camera
and receiver to reactivate the alarm.
4-2i Installation ofReceiver
4-2-1. Basic installation of Receiver
L Connect the receiver I0 ihe adapter and (hen slide the power
swnchio ON posilion.
(D This receiver can also work on dry borrery. Please load 4 AA
barreries ro rhe barrery eomparrrnenr ar rhe back of receiver Wirn
rneir polariries matched.
(2; The AC adaprer will work insread ofbarreries afrer ir is plugged.
ifrhe recewer is lefr unused for along period chime) please unplug
rne adaprer and remove rlie barreries.
(3; Avoid shun circuit afthe banery.
, Conrinne working for 5 hours
1 Adjusl ihevoiume control lo a desired level.
3, Se! lhe channel oireeeiver L0 be lhe same as camera bypresslng lhe
ehannel huuon mnllnuously, and lheplclures Wlll dlsplayon lhe
For more clear pictures, please connect the receiver [0 a monitor/TV
with AV cable (yellow for video and red for audio).
4-2-2. Operation of Receiver
1. volume adjustment
Slide “Volume Switch" to adjust the volume at the receiver.
2. Channel selection
Press “CH button” to select the appropriate channel.
3. Channel Looping
Hold the “CH button" for three seconds to enter the loop mode, All
the available channels will he displayed one by one (default
interval is 5 seconds),
4. Sleep Mode
Press the “Sleep Button” to shut down the LCD display and keep
the voice function Press the button again and recall the normal
working mode, ll can save energy and help your sleeping,
5. Eliminate Alarm button
Press “EllmlnaleAIarm” butlon to eliminate alarm voice 4 Less
than l minute, Ihe alarm enters again next circle automatically,
5. Specification
hem Value
Transmission Frequcnc 15m 900430 MHz
_ uranemiremnpnwcr leW/CE;2mW/FCC
E Opemnng Frequency gusMHz: 9 vu-lz,
u; Lnobstructcd tffnnmn Range 100mle.)
E Modulation Mode FM
w Operating Temperature 40's ~ +501: / +14VF~ +122?
Operating llum|d|ty ' ssn/n
Imagmg sensor Iype cvxos
pmure Total Pixel: NTSC. 720 x 480P1xc15,
PM. 720 >< 575 Pixels
Minimum mummaurm on ux (m om
Nrghernn Dunn-Ace 5m
§ Bandwmth lEM
”4 Emery Working lime s ham
5 Manon/Harm Diamnce 5m
sound Dcrccnon Scmmvuy 55 + SdB
Consumption Curren((Max.) ISOmWUR on)
Power Supply DC +sv
Dimemmnflwxuxfl) 93><139 mm
Wclgh((Ahout) 152 g
‘Anual transmission rangr may vary according m wr-arhcr, loranon. mmrfcrcnrc and building
‘Nl rnr spcuficauons 2m 5thch lo mmor change wnhom pnur noncc.
. l'he appararus shall not be exposed to dripping or spl' hing and that
no objects filled with liquids, such as vases, shall he placctl on the
- l‘urn off the Camera/Receiver if the sysrem is not in use.
l‘he adapter is usctl ‘da the disconnect device from the mains. The
adapter shall remain readily operable.
. The Camera/Receiver ean only be eenipleiely disconncclcd from lhc
mains by unplug the adapter,
- Do not cut the DC power cable ot’the apparatus to fit with another
power source.
0 Attention should be drawn to the environment aspects of battery
6. FCC information
This device complies with panlS otrhe FCC Rules. Operation is subject
(a rhe followlng [W0 condirlons:
(1) this devlce may not cause harmful interference>
(2) this devlce rnust accept any lnterference received. including
interference that may cause undesired operation.
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible
for compliance eould void the user' s authority to operare the
EU Environmental Protection
Wasre elecrrlcal products should not be
dlsposed of wlrh household waste Please
recycle where iacllllles exist. Check wllJl
your Local Aulllorlly or retailer lor
recycling advice.

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Document ID                     : uuid:651ad920-4f56-401c-a328-4eff126ae42a
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Title                           : 8213SCתÇú.cdr
Creator                         : ΢ÈíÓû§
Author                          : ΢ÈíÓû§
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FCC ID Filing: TW5GA8213

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