Greenmaster Ub5 Users Manual
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MOMENTUM UB5 UPRIGHT BIKE USER MANUAL 2 MOMENTUM UB5 UPRIGHT BIKE PREASSEMBLY Open the boxes: You are now ready to open the boxes of your new equipment. Make sure to inventory all of the parts that are included in the boxes. Check the Parts List for a full count of the number of parts included for this product to be assembled properly. If you are missing any parts or have any assembly questions call your local dealer. Gather your tools: Before starting the assembly of your unit, make sure that you have gathered all the necessary tools you may require to assemble the unit properly. Having all of the necessary equipment at hand will save time and make the assembly quick and hassle-free. Clear your work area: Make sure that you have cleared away a large enough space to properly assemble the unit. Make sure the space is free from anything that may cause injury during assembly. After the unit is fully assembled, make sure there is a comfortable amount of free area around the unit for unobstructed operation. Invite a friend: Some of the assembly steps may require heavy lifting. It is recommended that you obtain the assistance of another person when assembling this product. User Weight Limitation: Please note that there is a weight limitation for this product. If you weigh more than 160 kg. it is not recommended that you use this product. Serious injury may occur if the user’s weight exceeds the limit shown here. This product is not intended to support users whose weight exceeds this limit. CONTENTS CHECKLIST Carton chart: For your convenience, we have identified the contents of the shipping carton. Please check to make sure you have all of the components before assembly. This chart is provided to help you identify the components used in the assembly of this product. No. Description Qty. 42 Computer 1 43 Console Upright Tube 1 45 Computer Protect Cover 1 48 Handlebar Post 1 55 Seat Post 1 62 Front Upright Cover 1 81 Main Frame 1 83 Bottle Holder 1 84 Water Bottle 1 42 48 81 43 55 83 45 62 84 3 4 MOMENTUM UB5 UPRIGHT BIKE HARDWARE COMPARISON CHART Hardware chart: For your convenience, we have identified the hardware used in the assembly of this product. This chart is provided to help you identify those items that may be unfamiliar to you. No. Description Qty. 27 M8 x 10mm Bolt 6 44 M6 x 15mm Screw 4 46 4 x 19mm Bolt 4 85 4 x 9mm Screw 4 A Screw Driver 1 B 5mm Wrench 1 C 8mm Wrench 1 27 44 85 46 A B MILLIMETERS C 5 PARTS LIST No. Description Qty. Order No. No. Description Qty. Order No. 1 M6 x 10mm Bolt 14 UB5-001 35 Crank Disk 1 UB5-035 2 Flywheel Shock Absorber 2 UB5-002 36 20 x 30 x T2 Washer 1 UB5-036 3 12 x 22 x T0.5 Plastic Washer 2 UB5-003 37 3/4" Nut 2 UB5-037 4 6901ZZ Bearing 1 UB5-004 38 Crank - Right 1 UB5-038 5 Flywheel Pulley 1 UB5-005 39 V Type Hand Pulse Sensor - Upper 1 UB5-039 6 20 x 32 x T1Plastic Washer 1 UB5-006 40 V Type Hand Pulse Sensor - Lower 1 UB5-040 7 6004ZZ Bearing 4 UB5-007 41 3 x 12mm Screws 7 UB5-041 8 One Way Bearing 1 UB5-008 42 Computer 1 UB5-042 9 Flywheel 1 UB5-009 43 Console Upright Tube 1 UB5-043 10 Bearing Bracket 1 UB5-010 44 M6 x 15mm Bolt 4 UB5-044 11 6201ZZ Bearing 1 UB5-011 45 Computer protect Cover 1 UB5-045 12 Flywheel Fan 4 UB5-012 46 4 x 19mm Screws 15 UB5-046 13 Bushing 1 UB5-013 47 Hand Pulse Sensor 2 UB5-047 14 M6 x 25mm Bolt 4 UB5-014 48 Handlebar - Left 1 UB5-048 15 Generator System 1 UB5-015 49 Handlebar Casing 1 UB5-049 16 Flywheel Axle 1 UB5-016 50 Handlebar - Right 1 UB5-050 17 M6 Nylon Nut 4 UB5-017 51 Saddle 1 UB5-051 18 Flywheel Axle Fixing Plate 1 UB5-018 52 Saddle Prop Tube 1 UB5-052 19 4 x 19mm Screws 20 UB5-019 53 Saddle Plastic Sleeve 1 UB5-053 20 Control Board 1 UB5-020 54 M8 x 15mm Bolt 4 UB5-054 21 M6 x 100mm Bolt 2 UB5-021 55 Seat Post 1 UB5-055 22 Battery Upper 1 UB5-022 56 Aluminum Sleeve 1 UB5-056 23 Battery Lower 1 UB5-023 57 Loop for Seat Post 1 UB5-057 24 Sensor 1 UB5-024 58 Pedal - Left 1 UB5-058 25 Battery 1 UB5-025 59 Height Adjustment Knob 1 UB5-059 26 Resistor 1 UB5-026 60 Chain Cover - Front Left 1 UB5-060 27 M8 x 10mm Bolt 8 UB5-027 61 Vent Cover - Left 1 UB5-061 28 Stabilizer Tube Cap 4 UB5-028 62 Front Upright Cover 1 UB5-062 29 Crank Cap 2 UB5-029 63 Iron Plate Nut 8 UB5-063 30 3/8" Nut 2 UB5-030 64 Chain Cover - Front Right 1 UB5-064 31 Crank - Left 1 UB5-031 65 Vent Cover - Right 1 UB5-065 32 M6 x 12mm Bolt 4 UB5-032 66 Chain Cover - Rear Left 1 UB5-066 33 Crank Shaft 1 UB5-033 67 Vent Cover - Rear 1 UB5-067 34 Drive Belt 1 UB5-034 68 Pedal - Right 1 UB5-068 6 MOMENTUM UB5 UPRIGHT BIKE PARTS LIST No. Description Qty. Order No. 69 Chain Cover - Rear Right 1 UB5-069 70 Computer Wire Lower 1 UB5-070 71 Hand Pulse Wire - Upper Left 1 UB5-071 72 Computer Wire Upper 1 UB5-072 73 Hand Pulse Wire - Upper Right 1 UB5-073 74 Computer Wire Middle 1 UB5-074 75 Hand Pulse Wire - Lower Left 1 UB5-075 76 Hand Pulse Wire - Lower Right 1 UB5-076 77 M8 x 25mm Bolt 2 UB5-077 78 Spring Steel Piece 1 UB5-078 79 Tension Pulley 1 UB5-079 80 Fixing Set for Console Upright 1 UB5-080 81 Main Frame 1 UB5-081 82 M5 x 8mm Bolt 2 UB5-082 83 Bottle Holder 1 UB5-083 84 Water Bottle 1 UB5-084 85 4 x 9mm Screw 4 UB5-085 86 Level Adjusters 4 UB5-086 87 Sensor Magnet 1 UB5-087 88 M5 x 10mm Bolt 2 UB5-088 No. Description Qty. Order No. 7 PARTS DIAGRAM A MAJORITY OF THE PARTS SHOWN HERE HAVE BEEN PREASSEMBLED AT THE FACTORY. 2 3 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 7 9 10 11 12 13 1 15 16 19 77 1 21 70 28 82 81 23 24 25 19 32 86 28 87 88 86 86 29 28 30 31 33 34 35 7 7 36 37 37 38 30 2 17 78 79 22 14 80 1 20 29 26 27 27 86 28 18 1 8 MOMENTUM UB5 UPRIGHT BIKE PARTS DIAGRAM A MAJORITY OF THE PARTS SHOWN HERE HAVE BEEN PREASSEMBLED AT THE FACTORY. 84 39 83 42 40 41 43 41 44 27 71 72 45 73 44 49 47 48 74 75 76 27 50 47 41 46 9 PARTS DIAGRAM A MAJORITY OF THE PARTS SHOWN HERE HAVE BEEN PREASSEMBLED AT THE FACTORY. 51 52 53 54 55 43 54 85 60 46 56 85 61 57 62 58 59 46 19 64 63 63 65 66 85 67 46 81 68 69 19 10 MOMENTUM UB5 UPRIGHT BIKE ASSEMBLY STEP 1: Loosen the Height Adjustment Knob (59). Insert the Seat Post (55) into the Main Frame (81). Choose the desired position and retighten the Height Adjustment Knob (59). Ensure that the knob is always firmly tightened before use. 55 59 81 81 59 ASSEMBLY STEP 2: Slide the Computer Protect Cover (45) onto the Console Upright Tube (43) and connect the Computer Wire – Middle (74) to the Computer Wire – Lower (70). Slide the Console Upright Tube (43) onto the Main Frame (81). 43 74 74 45 70 81 70 11 12 MOMENTUM UB5 UPRIGHT BIKE ASSEMBLY STEP 3: Secure the Console Upright Tube (43) to the Main Frame (81) by tightening the Bolt as shown. 43 8mm Wrench 81 ASSEMBLY STEP 4: First insert the Hand Pulse Wire – Lower Left (75) and Lower Right (76) into the holes on the sides of the Console Upright Tube (43). Then feed both through and out the top of the Console Upright Tube (43) as shown. Attach the Handlebar Left (48) and Handlebar Right (50) to the Console Upright Tube (43) then secure using six M8 x 10mm Bolts (27). NOTE: Make sure all wires are recessed into the Console Upright Tube (43), do not trap or pinch any of the wires. 75 27 76 27 48 50 43 x6 13 14 MOMENTUM UB5 UPRIGHT BIKE ASSEMBLY STEP 5: Connect the Computer Wire – Upper (72) to the Computer Wire – Middle (74). Connect the Hand Pulse Wire – Upper Left (71) to the Hand Pulse Wire – Lower Left (75) and the Hand Pulse Wire – Upper Right (73) to the Hand Pulse Wire – Lower Right (76). x4 Attach the Computer (42) to the Console Upright Tube (43) and secure using four M6 x 15mm Bolts (44). NOTE: Make sure the wires are recessed into the Console Upright Tube, do not trap or pinch the wires. 73 42 74 72 71 75 44 43 76 ASSEMBLY STEP 6: x4 Attach the Computer Protect Cover (45) to the Computer Bottom (42) and secure using four 4 x 19mm Screws (46). 42 45 46 15 16 MOMENTUM UB5 UPRIGHT BIKE ASSEMBLY STEP 7: Attach the Front Upright Cover (62) to the Main Frame (81) and secure using four 4 x 9mm Screws (85). x4 43 85 62 85 81 ASSEMBLY STEP 8: Attach the Bottle Holder (83) to the Computer (42). Congratulations your UB5 Upright Bike has been fully assembled. 83 42 17 18 MOMENTUM UB5 UPRIGHT BIKE LEVEL ADJUSTMENT LEVEL ADJUSTMENT: To adjust the levelers follow these instructions: You will need someone to help you with this procedure, as you will need to tip the bike on its side. Tip the bike to the left/right. You will then see the LEVEL ADJUSTERS. These will need to be screwed either in or out to level the bike. Repeat for the other side. It may help to use a spirit level when adjusting the level on your bike. Please find 4 adjustable stabilizers and 4 installed casters underneath the base frame Floor stabilizer 19 SEAT HEIGHT ADJUSTMENT SEAT HEIGHT ADJUSTMENT: Unscrew the Height Adjustment Knob (59) and pull. Please note you don’t have to fully remove the knob in order to release the Seat Post (55). Once you have done this you can alter the height of the Saddle. When you have selected the correct height, screw the knob back in. 55 59 20 MOMENTUM UB5 UPRIGHT BIKE COMPUTER OPERATION A B H C I D J E F G K L M LOAD DENSITY A B SPEED/RPM TIME/WATTS C D PRESET PROGRAMS UP E F STOP MODE G H DISTANCE/PACE CALORIES/PULSE I J PRESET PROGRAMS DOWN K L START ENTER M 21 COMPUTER INSTRUCTIONS BUTTONS AND FUNCTIONS STOP: Press STOP to pause the functions during your exercise program. All the data on the display will freeze. Press START to resume the program and all the data displayed will continue until the program has finished. If the STOP button is pressed twice, all the data will return to 0 and the computer will return to POWER ON status. START: Press START to begin your exercise. ENTER: Press ENTER to confirm the setting of program. MODE: Switches the LED window display information between SPEED/TIME/DISTANCE/CALORIES and RPM/WATTS/PACE/PULSE. SPEED: Displays current exercise speed. LEVEL: Displays the current level of intensity of your exercise program. CALORIES: Count up: this measures total calories burned during exercise. Count down: if you have set the number of calories, the computer will count down from that preset number down to zero. This data is a guide and should not be used for medical assessment. Please note when setting a target this is in blocks of 10 from 0 to 990. TENSION (RESISTANCE): Displays the current resistance level from 1 to 20. DISTANCE: Count up: this measures the total distance from 0 to 99.9 Km / Mile. Count down: if you have set the target distance, the computer will count down from that preset distance down to zero as soon as you start exercising. WATT: This displays your current wattage output. TIME: Count up: the computer measures total exercise time from 16:00 up to 99:00. Count down: if you have set the target time, the computer will count down from that preset time down to 0:00. QUICK START: When the bike is in the POWER ON status, press the START button to activate the QUICK START program. The TIME, DISTANCE and CALORIES will count up when you start exercising. PROGRAM: To select one of the User programs, you will need to set up a user profile. To input new information, please follow the procedure below: WEIGHT set up – After the User Code has been confirmed the TIME display will show 68kg/150lbs or the previous setting and begin flashing. Press the UP/DOWN button to adjust the user weight information then press ENTER to confirm. HEIGHT set up – After the WEIGHT has been confirmed the DISTANCE display will show 170cm/67 inches or the previous setting and begin flashing. Press the UP/DOWN button to adjust the user height information then press ENTER to confirm. 22 MOMENTUM UB5 UPRIGHT BIKE COMPUTER INSTRUCTIONS AGE set up – After the HEIGHT has been confirmed the CALORIES display will show 35 or the previous setting and begin flashing. Press the UP/DOWN button to adjust the user age information then press ENTER to confirm. SEX set up – After the AGE has been confirmed the LOAD DENSITY display will show M (Male) and begin flashing. Press the UP/DOWN button to adjust the user sex to M (Male) or F (Female) then press ENTER to confirm. ENGLISH to METRIC conversion: The bike computer display can show both ENGLISH and METRIC information. If you want to change from ENGLISH to METRIC, please follow the procedure below: 1. 2. When the bike is in the power on status, press and hold both the ENTER and STOP buttons for 3 seconds. The LOAD DENSITY display will show a blinking ML. Press the UP or DOWN buttons to switch between ENGLISH (ML) and METRIC (KM) then press the ENTER button to confirm the selection and return to POWER ON status. P1 TO P12 PROGRAMS SELECTION PROCEDURE P1: MANUAL After you have pressed the P1 MANUAL program button, the display will show the default user profile. Input the user profile then the TIME display will show 30:00. Press the UP/DOWN button to adjust the target time then press ENTER to confirm. Press START to begin the exercise program. The TIME will start to count down to 0:00 then the program will stop automatically. To increase or decrease the resistance while exercising, press the UP/DOWN button. To pause the program while exercising, press the STOP button. To resume exercising, press the START button. P2: GOAL After you have pressed the P2 GOAL program button, the display will show the default user profile. Input the user profile then the TIME display will show a blinking 0:00. Press the UP/DOWN button to adjust the target time then press ENTER to confirm. Repeat the same procedure to set up your goal on DISTANCE, CALORIES and TARGET HEART RATE. Press START to begin the exercise program. To increase or decrease the resistance while exercising, press the UP/DOWN button. To pause the program while exercising, press the STOP button. To resume exercising, press the START button. P3: RANDOM After you have pressed the P3 RANDOM, the display will show the default user profile. Input the user profile then the TIME display will show a blinking 30:00. Press the UP/DOWN button to adjust workout time then press ENTER to confirm. Press START to begin the exercise program. The RANDOM program has 50 different RESISTANCE based programs. If while exercising, you find the level of RESISTANCE too intense you can press the UP/DOWN button to decrease the resistance. To pause the program while exercising, press the STOP button. To resume exercising, press the START button. 23 COMPUTER INSTRUCTIONS P4: INTERVAL After you have pressed P4 INTERVAL, the display will show the default user profile. Input the user profile then the TIME display will show a blinking 30:00. Press the UP/DOWN button to adjust the workout time then press ENTER to confirm. The RPM display will show a blinking L1. Press the UP/DOWN button to select the workout intensity level from L1 to L10 then press ENTER to confirm. Press START to begin the exercise program. The aim of an INTERVAL program is to exercise at levels of LOW and HIGH intensity for short periods of time. There is one profile with 10 different levels of intensity. The resistance will be changed automatically while exercising according to the following profile. To increase or decrease the resistance while exercising, press the UP/DOWN button. To pause the program while exercising, press the STOP button. To resume exercising, press the START button. INTERVAL Profile: If the user sets the workout time for more than 20 minutes the computer will average the workout time into 20 sections as the following Resistance Profile table shows, i.e. input 40 minutes and the computer will operate in 2 minute intervals for each section displayed. If the user sets the workout time for less than 20 minutes, the computer will operate in 1 minute intervals for each section displayed until the time runs out, i.e. input 12 minutes and the program will run for 12 sections at 1 minute per section. RESISTANCE PROFILE Intensity Level Resistance Level per Section (20 total) L1 1 11 11 1 1 11 11 1 1 11 11 1 1 11 11 1 1 11 11 1 L2 2 12 12 2 2 12 12 2 2 12 12 2 2 12 12 2 2 12 12 2 L3 3 13 13 3 3 13 13 3 3 13 13 3 3 13 13 3 3 13 13 3 L4 4 14 14 4 4 14 14 4 4 14 14 4 4 14 14 4 4 14 14 4 L5 5 15 15 5 5 15 15 5 5 15 15 5 5 15 15 5 5 15 15 5 L6 6 16 16 6 6 16 16 6 6 16 16 6 6 16 16 6 6 16 16 6 L7 7 17 17 7 7 17 17 7 7 17 17 7 7 17 17 7 7 17 17 7 L8 8 18 18 8 8 18 18 8 8 18 18 8 8 18 18 8 8 18 18 8 L9 9 19 19 9 9 19 19 9 9 19 19 9 9 19 19 9 9 19 19 9 L 10 10 20 20 10 10 20 20 10 10 20 20 10 10 20 20 10 10 20 20 10 P5: X-COUNTRY After you have pressed P5 X-COUNTRY, the display will show the default user profile. Input the user profile then the TIME display will show a blinking 30:00. Press the UP/DOWN button to adjust the workout time then press ENTER to confirm. The RPM display will show a blinking L1. Press the UP/DOWN button to select the workout intensity level from L1 to L18 then press ENTER to confirm. Press START to begin the exercise program. To increase or decrease the resistance while exercising, press the UP/DOWN button. To pause the program while exercising, press the STOP button. To resume exercising, press the START button. 24 MOMENTUM UB5 UPRIGHT BIKE COMPUTER INSTRUCTIONS X-COUNTRY Profile: If the user sets the workout time for more than 20 minutes, the computer will average the workout time into 20 sections as the following Resistance Profile table shows, i.e. input 40 minutes and the computer will operate in 2 minute intervals for each section displayed. If the user sets the workout time for less than 20 minutes the computer will operate in 1 minute intervals for each section until the time runs out, i.e. input 12 minutes and the program will run for 12 sections at 1 minute per section. RESISTANCE PROFILE Intensity Level Resistance Level per Section (20 total) L1 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 L2 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 L3 3 5 3 5 3 5 3 5 3 5 3 5 3 5 3 5 3 5 3 5 L4 4 6 4 6 4 6 4 6 4 6 4 6 4 6 4 6 4 6 4 6 L5 5 7 5 7 5 7 5 7 5 7 5 7 5 7 5 7 5 7 5 7 L6 6 8 6 8 6 8 6 8 6 8 6 8 6 8 6 8 6 8 6 8 L7 7 9 7 9 7 9 7 9 7 9 7 9 7 9 7 9 7 9 7 9 L8 8 10 8 10 8 10 8 10 8 10 8 10 8 10 8 10 8 10 8 10 L9 9 11 9 11 9 11 9 11 9 11 9 11 9 11 9 11 9 11 9 11 L 10 10 12 10 12 10 12 10 12 10 12 10 12 10 12 10 12 10 12 10 12 L 11 11 13 11 13 11 13 11 13 11 13 11 13 11 13 11 13 11 13 11 13 L 12 12 14 12 14 12 14 12 14 12 14 12 14 12 14 12 14 12 14 12 14 L 13 13 15 13 15 13 15 13 15 13 15 13 15 13 15 13 15 13 15 13 15 L 14 14 16 14 16 14 16 14 16 14 16 14 16 14 16 14 16 14 16 14 16 L 15 15 17 15 17 15 17 15 17 15 17 15 17 15 17 15 17 15 17 15 17 L 16 16 18 16 18 16 18 16 18 16 18 16 18 16 18 16 18 16 18 16 18 L 17 17 19 17 19 17 19 17 19 17 19 17 19 17 19 17 19 17 19 17 19 L 18 18 20 18 20 18 20 18 20 18 20 18 20 18 20 18 20 18 20 18 20 P6: WATT CONTROL After you have pressed the P6 WATT CONTROL button, the display will show the default user profile. Input the user profile then the TIME display will show a blinking 30:00. Press the UP/DOWN button to adjust the workout time then press ENTER to confirm. The RPM display will show the default workout watt setting of 110W. Press the UP/DOWN button to adjust the workout watts then press ENTER to confirm. Press START to begin the exercise program. The resistance will be changed automatically while exercising. The program will change the resistance automatically to match the user watts setting. 25 COMPUTER INSTRUCTIONS To increase or decrease the resistance while exercising, press the UP/DOWN button. To pause the program while exercising, press the STOP button. To resume exercising, press the START button. P7: METs (Metabolic Equivalents) Press the P7 METs button, the display will show the default user profile. Input the user profile then the TIME display will show a blinking 30:00. Press the UP/DOWN button to adjust the workout time then press ENTER to confirm. The RPM display will show a blinking 2.0. Press the UP/DOWN button to select the METs level of the workout from 1.0 – 16.0 then press ENTER to confirm. Press START to begin the exercise program. To increase or decrease the resistance while exercising, press the UP/DOWN button. To pause the program while exercising, press the STOP button. To resume exercising, press the START button. P8: RACING After you have pressed the P8 RACING button, the display will show the default user profile. Input the user profile then the DISTANCE display will show 20 Km (12.5 Mile). This is the target distance in the RACING program. Press the START button to begin the exercise program. During the program the target distance will count down to zero. The first row from top of the LOAD DENSITY LED display shows the distance completed by the computer. The second row from top of LOAD DENSITY LED display shows the distance completed by the user. The user can race against the computer to see who completes the total distance first. To increase or decrease the resistance while exercising, press the UP/DOWN button. To pause the program while exercising, press the STOP button. To resume exercising, press the START button. P9: HRC FAT BURN After you have pressed the P9 HRC FAT BURN button, the display will show the default user profile. Input the user profile then the TIME display will show a blinking 30:00. Press the UP/DOWN button to adjust the workout time then press ENTER to confirm. The PULSE display will show the default target heart rate of 157. Press the UP/DOWN button to adjust the target heart rate. Press START to begin the exercise program. The resistance will start from 1 when you begin this program. If the actual user heart rate does not reach the target heart rate, the resistance will increase by one level every 30 seconds until the actual user heart rate reaches the target heart rate. If the actual heart rate is higher than target heart rate, then the resistance will be reduced by one level every 30 seconds until the actual heart rate meets the target heart rate. To increase or decrease the resistance while exercising, press the UP/DOWN button. To pause the program while exercising, press the STOP button. To resume exercising, press the START button. P10: HRC INTERVAL After you have pressed the P10 HRC INTERVAL button, the display will show the default user profile. Input the user profile then the TIME display will show a blinking 30:00. Press the UP/DOWN button to adjust the workout time then press ENTER to confirm. The PULSE display will show the default target heart rate of 157. Press the UP/DOWN button to adjust the target heart rate. Press START to begin the exercise program. The resistance will start from 1 when you begin this program. If the actual user heart rate does not reach the target heart rate, the resistance will increase by one level every 30 seconds until the actual user heart rate reaches the target heart rate. The resistance will be reduced by one level every 30 seconds when actual user heart rate reaches the target heart rate. Then the resistance starts to increase again when the actual user heart rate decreases to 85% of the target heart rate. 26 MOMENTUM UB5 UPRIGHT BIKE COMPUTER INSTRUCTIONS To increase or decrease the resistance while exercising, press the UP/DOWN button. To pause the program while exercising, press the STOP button. To resume exercising, press the START button. P11: HRC ENDURANCE After you have pressed the P11 HRC ENDURANCE button, the display will show the default user profile. Input the user profile then the TIME display will show a blinking 30:00. Press the UP/DOWN button to adjust the workout time then press ENTER to confirm. The PULSE display will show the default target heart rate of 157. Please note the users TARGET HEART RATE will be adjusted with the user AGE according to the factory setting. The factory TARGET HEART RATE setting is based on 85% of the maximum heart rate. The maximum heart rate is calculated as 220 minus the user age. Example: For a 35-year old user the maximum user heart rate should be 185 (220 – 35 = 185) and 85% of the maximum user heart rate is 157. The user cannot adjust the target heart rate in this program. Press START to begin the exercise program. The resistance will start from level 1 when you begin this program. If the actual user heart rate does not reach the target heart rate, the resistance will increase by one level every 30 seconds until the actual user heart rate reaches the target heart rate. If the actual user heart rate is under the target heart rate, the resistance will increase by one more level every 30 seconds. The aim of this program is to keep the actual user heart at or above the target heart rate. To increase or decrease the resistance while exercising, press the UP/DOWN button. To pause the program while exercising, press the STOP button. To resume exercising, press the START button. P12: PERSONAL The PERSONAL program allows users to design and store their own preset workout programs in the computer. The maximum time duration is 60 minutes. After you have pressed the P12 PERSONAL button, the display will show the default user profile. Input the user profile then press the MODE button to start setting up the new program. The first line of the LOAD DENSITY display will light up and blink. Press the UP/DOWN button to set the resistance level in first minute. After completing the set up for the first minute of resistance, press the MODE button. The second line of the LOAD DENSITY display will start blinking. Follow the same procedure to set up the entire program. When the program set up is complete, press the START button to run the program. The program will automatically be saved in the computer for future use. To increase or decrease the resistance while exercising, press the UP/DOWN button. To pause the program while exercising, press the STOP button. To resume exercising, press the START button. 27 IMPORTANT STEPS Warning: Before using this product, please consult your personal physician for a complete physical examination. Frequent and strenuous exercise should be approved by your doctor first. If any discomfort should result from your use of this product, stop exercising and consult your doctor. Proper usage of this product is essential. Please read your manual carefully before exercising. Please keep all children away from the equipment during use and when equipment is unattended. Always wear appropriate clothing, including athletic shoes, when exercising. Do not wear loose clothing that could become caught during exercising. Make sure that all bolts and nuts are tightened when equipment is in use. Periodic maintenance is required on all exercise equipment to keep it in good condition. Before beginning: How you begin your exercise program depends on your physical condition. If you have been inactive for several years, or are severely overweight, you must start slowly and increase your time gradually, a few minutes per week. Initially you may be able to exercise only for a few minutes in your target zone. However, your aerobic fitness will improve over the next six to eight weeks. Don’t be discouraged if it takes longer. It’s important to work at your own pace. Ultimately, you’ll be able to exercise continuously for 30 minutes. And the better your aerobic fitness, the harder you will have to work to stay in your target zone. But remember these essentials: • Contact your physician before starting a workout or training program. Have your doctor review your training and diet programs to advise you of a workout routine you should adopt. • Begin your training program slowly with realistic goals that have been set by you and your doctor. • Supplement your program with some type of aerobic exercise such as walking, jogging, swimming, dancing and/or bicycling. Monitor your pulse frequently. If you do not have an electronic heart rate monitor, have your physician show you the proper way to manually check your pulse by using your wrist or neck. Establish your target heart rate based on your age and condition. • Drink plenty of fluids during the course of your routine. You must replace the water content lost from excessive exercising to avoid dehydration. Avoid drinking large amounts of cold liquids. Fluids should be at room temperature when consumed. 28 MOMENTUM UB5 UPRIGHT BIKE TARGET HEART RATE Finding your pulse: To make sure your heart is beating in its target zone, you’ll need to know how to monitor your heart rate. The easiest way is to feel the pulse in the carotid artery on either side of your neck, between the windpipe and the large neck muscles. Count the number of beats in ten seconds, and then multiply that number by six. This gives you the number of beats per minute. How fast should your heart beat during aerobic exercise? Fast enough to reach and stay in its “target zone,” a range of beats per minute that is largely determined by your age and physical condition. To determine your target zone, consult the chart we have provided. FIND YOUR TARGET HEART RATE HEART RATE in beats per minute 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 AGE IN YEARS ADVANCED: Sports, athletic conditioning or interval training FITNESS: Optimal training, aerobic or cardiovascular HEALTH: Beginner, low intensity with long duration produces fat burning Aerobic exercise: Is any sustained activity that sends oxygen to your muscles via your heart and lungs. It will improve the fitness of your lungs and heart: your body’s most important muscle. Aerobic fitness is promoted by any activity that uses your large muscle groups - arms, legs or buttocks, for example. Your heart beats quickly and you breathe deeply. An aerobic exercise should be part of your entire exercise routine. 29 MUSCLE CHART Targeted muscle groups: The exercise routine that is performed on this product will develop the upper and lower body muscle groups. These muscle groups are shown in gray color on the chart below. Shoulder muscles A B Pectoral muscles Bicep muscle C D Abdominal muscles Forearm muscles E F Quadricep muscles Calf muscles G H Trapezius muscles Tricep muscles I J Back muscles Gluteal muscles K L Hamstring muscles 30 MOMENTUM UB5 UPRIGHT BIKE STRETCHING ROUTINE Warm up and cool down: A successful exercise program consists of a warm-up, aerobic exercise, and a cool-down. Do the entire program at least two and preferably three times a week, resting for a day between workouts. After several months, you can increase your workouts to four or five times per week. Warming up is an important part of your workout, and should begin every session. It prepares your body for more strenuous exercise by heating up and stretching out your muscles, increasing your circulation and pulse rate, and delivering more oxygen to your muscles. At the end of your workout, repeat these exercises to reduce sore muscle problems. We suggest the warm-up and cool-down exercises on the following pages: Toe Touch: Slowly bend forward from your waist, letting your back and shoulders relax as you stretch toward your toes. Reach down as far as you can and hold for 15 counts. Shoulder Lift: Lift your right shoulder up toward your ear for one count. Then lift your left shoulder up for one count as you lower your right shoulder. Inner Thigh Stretch: Sit with the soles of your feet together with your knees pointing outward. Pull your feet as close into your groin as possible. Gently push your knees towards the floor. Hold for 15 counts. Hamstring Stretch: Sit with your right leg extended. Rest the sole of your left foot against your right inner thigh. Stretch toward your toe as far as possible. Hold for 15 counts. Relax and then repeat with left leg extended. Side Stretch: Open your arms to the side and continue lifting them until they are over your head. Reach your right arm as far upward toward the ceiling as you can for one count. Feel the stretch up your right side. Repeat this action with your left arm. Calf-Achilles Stretch: Lean against a wall with your left leg in front of the right and your arms forward. Keep your right leg straight and the left foot on the floor; then bend the left leg and lean forward by moving your hips toward the wall. Hold, and then repeat on the other side for 15 counts. Head Roll: Rotate your head to the right for one count, feeling the stretch up the left side of your neck. Next, rotate your head back for one count, stretching your chin to the ceiling and letting your mouth open. Rotate your head to the left for one count, and finally, drop your head to your chest for one count. NOTES 31 MOMENTUM SERIES products are manufactured by: GREENMASTER INDUSTRIAL CORP. No. 1, Lane 233, Sec. 2, Charng Long Road Taiping City, Taichung Hsien Taiwan, R.O.C. Website: Copyright 2006 Greenmaster Industrial Corp. All rights reserved.
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.3 Linearized : Yes Create Date : 2006:05:02 21:20:46+08:00 Modify Date : 2006:05:02 21:20:46+08:00 Page Count : 32 Creation Date : 2006:05:02 13:20:46Z Mod Date : 2006:05:02 13:20:46Z Producer : Acrobat Distiller 5.0 (Windows) Metadata Date : 2006:05:02 13:20:46ZEXIF Metadata provided by