Greenwave Reality d b a Greenwave Systems GNS22 Power Node User Manual powernodes user guide 2011 11 07

Greenwave Systems Pte. Ltd. Power Node powernodes user guide 2011 11 07

User Man_Z3M-GNS22

NP220-B, NP222-B
NS220-B, NS222-B
Table of Contents
Introduction 1
PowerNode Overview 2
One-Port PowerNode 3
Multi-Port PowerNode 4
Installation 9
Common Z-Wave Tasks 14
Network Inclusion Process 14
Network Exclusion Process 16
Safety Information 18
About GreenWave 19
Product Specifications 20
The GreenWave Reality platform helps create a smart, energy
controlling of your
appliances and electronics (referred to as
impact to your lifestyle by using our products to easily manage your devices. Simply connect our Gateway to
GreenWave Reality energy management system
and control the devices’ power usage through a Web browser or
The GreenWave Reality platform helps create a smart, energy
efficient home through the monitoring and
appliances and electronics (referred to as
impact to your lifestyle by using our products to easily manage your devices. Simply connect our Gateway to
GreenWave Reality energy management system
, plug your devices into our PowerNodes, and then mo
and control the devices’ power usage through a Web browser or
smartphone application.
efficient home through the monitoring and
. You can conserve energy with minimal
impact to your lifestyle by using our products to easily manage your devices. Simply connect our Gateway to
, plug your devices into our PowerNodes, and then mo
PowerNode Overview
The GreenWave Reality PowerNode is a smart outlet adapter that connects your
your GreenWave Reality
energy man
usage remotely through a Web browser or
multi-port configuration.
The PowerNode automatically connects to your Green
home network). This connection enables the Gateway to securely
connect the devices you have powered through your PowerNode to
your energy management system
. The PowerNode collects data on
the energy consumption of the connected devices and transmits the
data to the Gateway. You can then control the energy consumption
of each connected device automatically using GreenWave Reality
Smart Controls. These user-de
fined Smart Controls allow you to turn
devices on or off remotely through a Web browser or
or to set a schedule for automatically turning your devices
on or off at pre-defined times.
PowerNode Overview
The GreenWave Reality PowerNode is a smart outlet adapter that connects your
to electrical outlets and
energy man
agement system
so that you can monitor and control your devices’ power
usage remotely through a Web browser or
smartphone application.
PowerNodes are available with a one
The PowerNode automatically connects to your Green
Wave Reality Gateway (the device that connects to your
home network). This connection enables the Gateway to securely
connect the devices you have powered through your PowerNode to
. The PowerNode collects data on
the energy consumption of the connected devices and transmits the
data to the Gateway. You can then control the energy consumption
of each connected device automatically using GreenWave Reality
fined Smart Controls allow you to turn
devices on or off remotely through a Web browser or
or to set a schedule for automatically turning your devices
to electrical outlets and
so that you can monitor and control your devices’ power
PowerNodes are available with a one
-port or
Wave Reality Gateway (the device that connects to your
One-Port PowerNode
PowerNode plug
into your
your device.
Room color selector
rotate to
specify the associated room
4. Sync
sync PowerNode with Gateway
process call
Activity indicator and power on/off
button. Shows the status of synced
devices, and allows you to manually
turn the PowerNode ports on or off.
port PowerNodes, the power
button turns on
PowerNode plug
: Prongs that you plug
socket: Port where you plug
your device.
Room color selector
: Wheel that you
specify the associated room
: Button that you press to
sync PowerNode with Gateway
process call
ed “inclusion”).
Activity indicator and power on/off
button. Shows the status of synced
devices, and allows you to manually
turn the PowerNode ports on or off.
port PowerNodes, the power
button turns on
or off all ports.
Multi-Port PowerNode
1. PowerNode power cord: Power cord
that you plug into your electrical outlet.
2. PowerNode sockets: Ports where you
plug in your devices.
3. Room color selector: Wheel that you
rotate to specify the associated room
4. Activity indicator and power on/off
button. Shows the status of synced
devices, and allows you to manually
turn the PowerNode ports on or off. For
multi-port PowerNodes, the power
button turns on or off all ports.
5. Sync button: Button that you press to
sync PowerNode with Gateway (a
process called “inclusion”).
Room Colors
Your PowerNode has a corner wheel with colored numbers to
represent the room or device that the PowerNode is powering. Set
the PowerNode to the colored number you want to use to identify
the room or device (this is referred to as the “room color”). For
example, you can set the room color to blue. Then, when you
access your account through the Web or smartphone application,
the corresponding room is identified by the same blue color as your
You can set PowerNodes in different rooms to different colors to
make those rooms easy to identify when managing the power
sources on the Web or smartphone application.
Special Wheel Colors
The PowerNode includes unnumbered white and black wheel colors that each serve a special purpose. The
white wheel color (which also contains a lock icon) is the locked position. Setting a PowerNode to white enables
monitoring but disables power management. You can monitor energy use information for devices plugged into a
PowerNode using the white wheel color, but you cannot power those devices on or off remotely (for example,
through Smart Controls). White is suggested for appliances such as refrigerators or medical equipment.
The black wheel color allows you to manage the connected devices without assigning them to a specific colored
number. All devices that you have plugged into a PowerNode using the black wheel color will be included under
one generic grouping when you access your account through the Web or smartphone application. You can still
monitor the devices’ energy use information and use them with Smart Controls as if they were categorized under
a standard wheel color. The only difference is the manner in which they are grouped under your account.
Your PowerNode has an indicator that displays any of the following patterns and colors to show you its current
Off (no color): All PowerNode ports are
powered off.
Steady white in center: All PowerNode ports
are powered on.
Steady green in center: Some ports on a
multi-port PowerNode are powered on
(some are off).
Two flashing green bars on each side of
white flashing center: PowerNode cannot
communicate with Gateway. This may occur
if the PowerNode is out of range from the
Gateway. You can move the PowerNode
closer to the Gateway to improve reception.
Or you can add additional PowerNodes
closer to the Gateway so that the
PowerNode can connect to the Gateway via
the additional PowerNodes (PowerNodes
can “piggy back” on each other’s network
Two green bars rotating clockwise:
PowerNode is in inclusion mode to connect
with Gateway. When inclusion is
successful, the rotating bars stop and all
bars turn green for several seconds
(flashing bars mean inclusion was
Two green bars rotating counter-clockwise:
PowerNode is in exclusion mode to
disconnect from Gateway. When exclusion
is successful, the rotating bars stop and all
bars turn green for several seconds
(flashing bars mean exclusion was
All flashing green bars (forming a circle):
Inclusion or exclusion process was
All steady green bars (forming a circle):
Inclusion or exclusion process was
successful. The bars remain green for
several seconds.
Before you install your PowerNode and devices, make sure that your GreenWave Reality Gateway is already
connected to your
energy management system
The following process summarizes the steps to follow to install your PowerNode:
Set the PowerNode room color.
Choose the device to connect and its location.
Sync the PowerNode with your GreenWave Reality Gateway, only if the PowerNode i
package with your Gateway (packages are already synced at the factory).
Prepare the PowerNode for the device.
Plug in the device and turn on the PowerNode.
Before you install your PowerNode and devices, make sure that your GreenWave Reality Gateway is already
energy management system
and operating (refer to the instruction
s that came
The following process summarizes the steps to follow to install your PowerNode:
Set the PowerNode room color.
Choose the device to connect and its location.
Sync the PowerNode with your GreenWave Reality Gateway, only if the PowerNode i
package with your Gateway (packages are already synced at the factory).
Prepare the PowerNode for the device.
Plug in the device and turn on the PowerNode.
Before you install your PowerNode and devices, make sure that your GreenWave Reality Gateway is already
s that came
with your
Sync the PowerNode with your GreenWave Reality Gateway, only if the PowerNode i
s not part of a
1. Set the PowerNode Room Color
Set the PowerNode to the colored number you want to use to identify the room or
device (this is referred to as the “room color”).
The room color selection is strictly to help you identify the room when you monitor
and control its power usage. Any color setting you use will work automatically with
your Gateway. Refer to the section above on room colors.
2. Choose the Device and Location
Choose the device you would like to connect to your PowerNode. Turn the device off and unplug it from any
power source. As discussed in the “Installation Tips” section, you should attach only one device to each
PowerNode port (one device for a single-port PowerNode or up to six devices for a multi-port PowerNode).
Locate a suitable electrical outlet nearby where you would like to place the device.
3. Sync the PowerNode with Gateway (if Not Part of Package)
Note: If your PowerNode came as part of a package with a GreenWave Reality Gateway, then you can skip this
section since the PowerNode and Gateway were already connected at the factory. This section applies only for
adding a new PowerNode or a PowerNode that you previously excluded.
If the PowerNode is not part of a package with a GreenWave Reality Gateway, then you must sync it with your
Gateway (a process called “inclusion”) so that the PowerNode and Gateway can communicate with each other.
Verify that your Gateway is plugged in and working, and then perform the following steps:
1. Plug the PowerNode into an electrical outlet.
2. On the Gateway, press and release the sync button once. The activity indicator
begins to display a clockwise rotating pattern. When this rotating “inclusion mode”
pattern appears on the Gateway activity indicator, the Gateway is ready to be synced
with the PowerNode.
3. Locate the sync button on the PowerNode. It is a small round button on the side of the device,
marked with the sync symbol.
4. Press and hold the sync button for approximately one second until the PowerNode
activity indicator begins to display a clockwise rotating pattern, indicating that the
PowerNode is attempting inclusion. During this process, verify that the Gateway
activity indicator still displays a clockwise rotating pattern from the first step you performed above. If
not, then the Gateway is not in inclusion mode and you must return to step 2.
5. After a few seconds, the rotating pattern on both the PowerNode and the Gateway
should stop and all bars turn green (forming a circle) for several seconds to indicate
successful inclusion.
If all bars on the activity indicator flash instead of forming a solid circle, then the PowerNode inclusion
process has failed, and you must start over.
4. Prepare the PowerNode for the Device
Make sure the PowerNode is plugged into the electrical outlet. Turn the PowerNode off by pressing the power
button, which will illuminate white to indicate the power is off.
5. Plug in the Device and Turn on the PowerNode
Plug the device you want to power into the PowerNode port. Turn the PowerNode on by pressing the power
button, which will illuminate green to indicate the power is on. Turn the device on.
The device is now part of your GreenWave home network.
Installation Tips
Review the safety information. Be sure to review the information contained in the “Safety Information” chapter
for important safety information you should follow.
Connect only one device per PowerNode port. For best results, attach only one device to each PowerNode
port (one device for a single-port PowerNode or up to six devices for a multi-port PowerNode). Do not connect
power strips and extension cords (or other PowerNodes) to the PowerNode. The PowerNode can only reliably
monitor and control one device connected to one port at the time. Connecting more devices to one port interferes
with power consumption monitoring and may cause risk of malfunction and damage to your PowerNode from
overloading. If you would like to control more devices, you can easily add more PowerNodes to your energy
management system.
Keep radio signals clear. Your Gateway and PowerNodes have antennas built-in for radio communication with
Internet services and other devices on your energy management system. Just as you might experience reception
problems on your mobile phone inside a building, your Gateway can have trouble communicating with
PowerNodes if their radio signals are blocked by obstacles such as large metal panels or walls containing wire
mesh. When placing these devices in your home, imagine invisible lines connecting between them. Try to keep
these lines clear from obstruction as much as possible. Also place your PowerNodes at least 1 foot (.3 meters)
above floor level to promote reception.
Common Z
The GreenWave Reality PowerNodes communicate wirelessly with the Gateway by use of Z
networking, which is a robust connection technology designed for home automation with security and privacy in
mind. The more Z-
Wave compatible devices installed in your home, the better coverage your private GreenWave
energy management system
Wave enabled networks and hardware from other manufacturers.
Network Inclusion Process
Note: If your PowerNode came as part of a package with
section since the PowerNode was already connected at the factory. This section applies only for adding
additional PowerNodes or for including a PowerNode that you previously excluded.
The process for adding a PowerNode to your home network is
and you must have the Gateway plugged in and working first.
Common Z
-Wave Tasks
The GreenWave Reality PowerNodes communicate wirelessly with the Gateway by use of Z
networking, which is a robust connection technology designed for home automation with security and privacy in
Wave compatible devices installed in your home, the better coverage your private GreenWave
energy management system
will have. As a Z-
Wave enabled device, the PowerNode is compatible with
Wave enabled networks and hardware from other manufacturers.
Network Inclusion Process
Note: If your PowerNode came as part of a package with
a GreenWave Reality
Gateway, then you c
section since the PowerNode was already connected at the factory. This section applies only for adding
additional PowerNodes or for including a PowerNode that you previously excluded.
The process for adding a PowerNode to your home network is
called “inclusion.” It must only be performed once,
and you must have the Gateway plugged in and working first.
The GreenWave Reality PowerNodes communicate wirelessly with the Gateway by use of Z
-Wave mesh
networking, which is a robust connection technology designed for home automation with security and privacy in
Wave compatible devices installed in your home, the better coverage your private GreenWave
Wave enabled device, the PowerNode is compatible with
Gateway, then you c
an skip this
section since the PowerNode was already connected at the factory. This section applies only for adding
called “inclusion.” It must only be performed once,
To complete the inclusion process perform the following steps:
1. Plug the PowerNode into an electrical outlet.
2. On the Gateway, press and release the sync button once. The activity indicator
begins to display a clockwise rotating pattern. When this rotating “inclusion mode”
pattern appears on the Gateway activity indicator, the Gateway is ready to be synced
with the PowerNode.
If you attempt to include a PowerNode from another energy management system with an “alien”
Gateway, the inclusion will fail and the indicator bars will flash rapidly.
3. Locate the sync button on the PowerNode. It is a small round button on the side of the device,
marked with the sync symbol.
4. Press and hold the sync button for approximately one second until the PowerNode
activity indicator begins to display a clockwise rotating pattern, indicating that the
PowerNode is attempting inclusion. During this process, verify that the Gateway
activity indicator still displays a clockwise rotating pattern. If not, then the Gateway is
not in inclusion mode and you must return to step 2.
5. After a few seconds, the rotating pattern on both the PowerNode and the Gateway
should stop and all bars turn green (forming a circle) for several seconds to indicate
successful inclusion. The PowerNode is now part of your energy management
system, and you can connect a device (refer to the instructions that came with your
PowerNode to plug in your device).
If all bars on the activity indicator flash instead of forming a solid circle, then the PowerNode inclusion
process has failed, and you must start over.
Network Exclusion Process
Note: If your PowerNode is new and has never been used before, then you should not need to perform the
exclusion process.
A PowerNode that has been previously used with a different Z-Wave network must have its association (homeID)
with the other network removed before you can connect it to your GreenWave Reality energy management
system. This process is called “exclusion” and requires you to perform steps with both the Gateway and the
To complete the exclusion process perform the following steps:
1. Plug the PowerNode into an electrical outlet.
2. On the Gateway, press and hold the sync button until the activity indicator begins to
display a counter-clockwise rotating pattern. When this rotating “exclusion mode”
pattern appears on the Gateway activity indicator, the Gateway is ready to perform
the exclusion of the PowerNode.
3. Locate the sync button on the PowerNode. It is a small round button on the side of the device,
marked with the sync symbol.
4. Press and hold the sync button for approximately one second until the PowerNode
activity indicator begins to display a counter-clockwise rotating pattern, indicating
that the PowerNode is attempting exclusion. During this process, verify that the
Gateway activity indicator still displays a counter-clockwise rotating pattern. If not,
then the Gateway is not in exclusion mode and you must return to step 2.
5. Notice that all bars on both the PowerNode and the Gateway turn green (forming a
circle) for several seconds, indicating that the exclusion process had completed.
Your PowerNode is now free of its former association.
If all bars on the activity indicator flash instead of forming a solid circle, then the PowerNode exclusion
process has failed, and you must start over.
Indoor Use Only
Your PowerNode should be used only in dry, indoor locations. D
locations such as greenhouses, saunas, washrooms, or patios. Do not use your PowerNode in locations where it
can get wet such as near aquariums or running water.
Do Not Disassemble
Your PowerNode has no user-
Customer Service to arrange for repair at a certified service location. Do not attempt to disassemble the
PowerNode for any reason.
Safety Information
Your PowerNode should be used only in dry, indoor locations. D
o not use your PowerNode in high
locations such as greenhouses, saunas, washrooms, or patios. Do not use your PowerNode in locations where it
can get wet such as near aquariums or running water.
eable parts inside. In case of persisting malfunction, please contact
Customer Service to arrange for repair at a certified service location. Do not attempt to disassemble the
o not use your PowerNode in high
locations such as greenhouses, saunas, washrooms, or patios. Do not use your PowerNode in locations where it
eable parts inside. In case of persisting malfunction, please contact
Customer Service to arrange for repair at a certified service location. Do not attempt to disassemble the
GreenWave Reality is a global innovator in the emerging Home Energy Management market. GreenWave
Reality provides an affordable, easy
relationship with consumers and better balance ene
minimal impact to their lifestyle by easily monitoring and controlling their appliances and adding intelligent LED
lighting. GreenWave Reality is led by a diverse team of proven leaders with global
39 Parker, Suite 100
Irvine, CA 92618
Tel. +1 714 805 WAVE (9283)
About GreenWave
GreenWave Reality is a global innovator in the emerging Home Energy Management market. GreenWave
-to-use, standards-based platform that allows utilities
relationship with consumers and better balance ene
rgy on the grid while consumers can conserve energy with a
minimal impact to their lifestyle by easily monitoring and controlling their appliances and adding intelligent LED
lighting. GreenWave Reality is led by a diverse team of proven leaders with global
GreenWave Reality ApS.
Dr. Neergaardsvej 3
2970 Hørsholm
Tel. +45 6913 2333
41 Science Park Road
#01-01 The Gemini (Science Park II)
Tel. +65 3157 1700
GreenWave Reality is a global innovator in the emerging Home Energy Management market. GreenWave
enhance their
rgy on the grid while consumers can conserve energy with a
minimal impact to their lifestyle by easily monitoring and controlling their appliances and adding intelligent LED
GreenWave Reality ApS.
Dr. Neergaardsvej 3
2970 Hørsholm
Tel. +45 6913 2333
Product Specifications
Model NP220-B NP222-B NS220-B NS222-B
AC Voltage 120V ~ 60Hz 120V ~ 60Hz 120V ~ 60Hz 120V ~ 60Hz
Maximum Load Current 15A 15A 15A 15A
Standby Power 0.4W 0.4W 0.4W 0.4W
Load Monitoring Precision ±0.1W ±0.1W ±0.1W ±0.1W
Plug NEMA 5-15 NEMA 5-15 NEMA 5-15 NEMA 5-15
Socket 6 x Type B 6 x Type B 1 x Type B 1 x Type B
Overcurrent Protection
Surge Protection
Z-Wave Radio Frequency 908.42MHz 908.42MHz 908.42MHz 908.42MHz
Z-Wave Maximum Inter-Node Range
(measured with line of sight, no
obstacles, and height of devices
above floor >1m)
30m 30m 30m 30m
GreenWave Reality DeviceDNA v1.0 v1.0 v1.0 v1.0
Operating Temperature C to +40°C C to +40°C C to +40°C C to +40°C
Storage Temperature -20°C to +60°C -20°C to +60°C -20°C to +60°C -20°C to +60°C
Maximum Humidity 5% to 90% N/C 5% to 90% N/C 5% to 90% N/C 5% to 90% N/C
IP-Class (Moisture Tolerance) IP20 IP20 IP20 IP20
Z-Wave Command Classes Certified
Binary Switch
Power Meter
Firmware Metadata
Binary Switch
Power Meter
Firmware Metadata
Binary Switch
Power Meter
Firmware Metadata
Binary Switch
Power Meter
Firmware Metadata
Document Version
Model Numbers
NP220-B, NP222-B, NS220-B, NS220-B
Federal Communication Commission Interference Statement
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may
not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may
cause undesired operation.
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC
Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This
equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the
instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not
occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be
determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one of the following
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
FCC Caution: Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the
user's authority to operate this equipment.
FCC Radiation Exposure Statement:
This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This equipment should
be installed and operated with a minimum distance of 20cm between the radiator and your body.
(Back Cover)

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