GuangZhou Walkera Technology SUPER-FP 2.4GHz Transceiver User Manual Part 2of3
GuangZhou Walkera Technology Co., Ltd 2.4GHz Transceiver Users Manual Part 2of3
- 1. Users Manual Part 1of3
- 2. Users Manual Part 2of3
- 3. Users Manual Part 3of3
Users Manual Part 2of3
05 Transmitter setup e s as e (is) ' RC MEL/CGPTER gfiflfl UKJLK) UJED THRO reverse setup Press ENT to enterthe settmg status, and both ELEV and the current reverse status NOR or REV are together flashing Press UP or DN to flash THRO Eolh THRO and its currenl reverse status NOR or REV are together flashthg. Press R or L to Iet NOR flashmg. and then press ENT IQ cchfirm Press EXT to extt. 12.0V STICK MOD 1 12.Dv STICK MOD 2 100% ELEV ELEV AILE 1 O 0 % AILE THRO AUX THRO AUX RUDD BUZZ RUDD BUZZ RUDD reverse setup Press ENT ID enIer Ihe setting status, and both ELEV and the Current reverse sIatus NOR or REV are flashmg Press UP or DN In flash RUDD RUDD and its current reverse status NOR ur REV are tagether flashing Press R or L to IetNOR flashmg Press ENT to confirm. and then press EXT (0 exit. 12.0v STICK MOD 1 12.0v STICK MOD 2 AILE 1 OO% All-E 1 000A) THRO AUX THRD AUX RUDD BUZZ RUDD BUZZ 5.1.3 Buzzer setup The buzzer setup rhetuaes two status ON or OFF aetew ts the settmg methnd Press ENT to enter the settmg status and both ELEV and the current reverse status NOR er REV are flashing Press up or DN to flashl BUZZ BUZZ and rts current swrteh status ON or OFF are together flashing. ttwaht to change the swrteh status, press R or L to make ON flashrrrg, and then press ENT to confirm and save Press EXT to exit 12.0v STICK MOD 1 12.0v STICK MOD 2 ELEV ELEV THRO AUX RUDD BUZZ AILE 1 0 O 0/0 AILE ON 1 00% THRO AUX RUDD BUZZ E. HEM 5.2 DEVO-Gfllasl1ol1zs(optional radio) settings 5 2 1 Type:l-lelioopter 5 2 z swash typez1 Servo Normal ( <5 5 2 3 Reverse switch settings DEVO—G DEVO—7 DEVO-BS 0 5 Elevator Normal ELEV NORM Elevator Normal _ N, N ‘ Transmltter Alleron Normal NLE NORM em" 0mm Throws Norma‘ THRO NORM Throttle Normal setup Rudder Normal Rudder Normal RUDD NORM Gear Normal Gyro Normal GEAR NORM Pitch Normal Pitch Normal we” NORM Gym Normal GYRO NORM AUX3 Normal DEVO-10 DEVO-1ZS Elevator Normal Elevator Normal were“ Narmal Alleron Normal Thmme Normal Throttle Normal Rudd er Normal Rudder Normal Gear Normal Gear Noma‘ Pitch Normal Pitch Normal Gym Normal Gym N°’"‘a‘ AUXS Normal AU)“ N°""a‘ Aux4 Normal AUX“ N°""E‘ AUX5 Normal AUX5 Normal AUXS Normal AUX7 Normal 5.2.4 Gyro sensor Mode Manual switch MIX SW Pos 0 50 0°/u Pos 1 50.0% Pos 2 50.0% @Q Q? 06 Setup of the RX2456V-D receiver 5.1 RX2456V-D receiver lealures 5.75” (1) The RXZASSVVD receiver uses 2.4GHz spread spectrum technology wllrt aulcmallc scanning. code paring and LED bind indication tunctions (2) The use ot a high periormance receiver dramatically reduces the posslbllity ot signal loss and ensures the accuracy and reliability or signal reception. (3) Archannel output makes multiple lunctions with fine control availaole (4) Gyro sensitivity otters fine and customized adiustrnents to relevantly meet the habits or your operallon. 6.2 Function of receiver SIN Name for short Full name Function Connects to the elevator servo and transmits the control 1 ELEV E'sva'” ”N" signal or elevator servo. 2 AlLE Ai‘emn servo Connects to the aileron servo and transmits the control signal of aileron servo 3 Signal indicator Signal indicator light Displays the status oisignal reception and binding. Elevator/aileron gyro Adjusts the elevator/aileron gyro sensitiVity. changes 4 ELEV/“LEGS sensitivity adlust knob the flight effect Rudder gyro sensitivity Adjusts the rudder gyro sensitivity, changes the flight 5 RUDD GS adlust knob effect Tam eramre Connect With Temperature sensor to test the motors' 5 Senspw Teml’em‘we 59W” temperaturetA Telemetry Radio is a must) Connects to the main motor and transmits the control 7 MAIN MOTOR Mam motor slgnal of main motor. Connects to the tail motor and transmits the control signal 8 TAIL MOTOR Tall motor 0! lail motor. 9 BATT. Power cable Connects to the batten/(3 7\/) 10 Upgrade channel 1 Upgrade channel 1 Reserve for upgrade. 11 Upgrade channel 2 Upgrade channel 2 Reserve for upgrade. E. bib—It 6.3 Adjustment et receiver (1) Receiver indicator LED status A qulck flash means the signal is being received (binding in progress); a solid light means the signal was received correctly (binding was successlul); a slow tlash means no signal was received (binding lailed). (2) ELE/AlLE gym sensitivity ad)ust knob:CW rotating(+) increases the gyro sensitivitynt Will increase the balance ol the helicopter(the body of the helicopter not shake Will be required);CCW rotatingb) decreases the gyro sensitivity ,it Will decrease the balance of the helicopter. (3) RUDD gyro sensitivity adjust knob:cw rotating(+) increases the gyro sensitivitylt will decrease the tail steering velocity. ccw rctattngp) decreases the gyro sensitivity and tail steering velocity Will be increased. (4) Clear fix la in receiver insert plug terminal into Upgrade channel 1 on receiver to clearlix ID memory and disconnect plug terrninal when the indicator on receiver start to llash. (5) Receiver upgrade: Plug the three colored cable (black, red and blue) into upgrade channel 1 and plug the tree colored cable (black, red and yellow) into upgrade channel 2 (fixed ID may clear after upgrade) please see below illustration Upgrade channel 27 Upgrade channel (— 6.4 Channel connection 0! receiver sm Z‘i‘mfin’afi' Connection method Wire direction 1 ELEV Connects to the plug ol elevator servo signal Wire The black wire is lacing up 2 AILE Connects to the plug ol aileron servo signal Wire The black wire is lacing up a g:’:;;’““'° Connects to the plug ol temperature sensor signal wire The black wire is lacing up 7 MAIN-MOTOR Connects to the plug cl rnain motor signal wire The black wire is lacing up 8 TAIL-MOTOR Connects to the plug cl tail motor signal wire The black wire is lacing up as Matters needing attention (t)All the signal Wires should be connected in the correct way Misconnection will result in failure to receive signal and even damage to the receiver. (2) Use the special adiustrnent pen supplied to rotate the gyro sensitivity dial in order to avoid damaging the ad)ustnient dials. (3) The helicopter must be placed in horizontal level when matching code. (4) Please always strictly tollow the sequence cl "power on the transmitter first, then connect the battery". Turn on the lransmltlen then connect the battery to the receiver within 10 seconds, the red light on the receiver Will begin to flash The llashing red lightwill turn to a solid red lightlor 173 seconds alter the transmitterfinishes pairing With the receiver. the red light Will llasli again. it the red light then turns solid red and a mechanical BEEP sound can be heard from the serves, it means the receiver has successfully received the signal trorn the transmitter and their codes match fifi Q? 06 Setup of the RX2456V-D receiver Servo setup and adjustment £595” 7.1 Specification and function ofservc 7.1.1 Specification of servo Weight Voltage Speed Dimension WK-02-5 2 65g 3.o~4.5v 0.1259c/GU‘ 16.5xs.t3x15.7mm 7.1.2 Basic tunctinn of servo A servo is an electro-mechanical device that converts a signal lrom the receiver into mechanical movement. By means ol a sensor the accurate control ol its direction and speed is possible 7.2 Connection and adjustment of servos 7.2.1 Connection of servos S/N REEF” Connection method Wire direction terminal 1 ELEV Connects to the plug otelevator servo signal Wire The black wire is lacing up 2 AlLE Connects to the plug oiaileron servo signal wire The black wire is lacing up 7.2.2 Adjustment of servos Belore departure from the lactory, all the servos have been correctly adlusted and are locked in the correct position In general no adjustment is needed. 7.2.3 Matters needing attention (1) All the plugs should be correctly connected An incorrect connection will cause the servos not to lunction or to operate in a direction which is oiilerent from the one required. (2) Please ensure that the travel extents oi the servo bell cranks are all within the permitted maximum range after maintenance. replacement or aoiustment oi servo llnkages. Failure to do this could cause a servo to lam at maxlmum travel causing loss ol control, damage and pcsslbly iniury a. 451k 3.1 lnstallation at battery pack install the battery pack into the battery compartment in the direction of the arrow. Battery pack iocation Steps of flight Diagram or battery installation. 3.2 Turn on the power 3.2.1 Turn on the power 1 install the battery pack in the battery 2 Turn on the power of transmitter compartment. 3 Pult down the throttle stick and thruttte trlrrl 4. Connect the power came at the heticopter oi transmitter to the lowest position, and then and wait to receive the signal tram the move the elevatortrlmi alien)" tnm, and rudder transmitter. The hetlcopter should be trim at the neutral positluns. respectively placed on "519mm“, 0, “mice dunng code paring (blndirtg) Do not move the transmltler sticks or the hetlcopter unlll binding has completed. 8.2.2 Matters needing attention (1) Please always strictly lollow the sequence ol "power on the transmitter first, then connect the battery". Turn on the transmitter, then connect the battery to the receiver within 10 seconds. the red light on the receiver will begin to flash. The flashing red light will turn to a solid red light for 1—3 seconds, after the transmitter finishes pairing With the receiver, the red light Will flash again. lr the red light then turns solid red and a mechanical BEEP sound can he heard from the servos, it means the receiver has successlully received the signal rrcm the transmitter and their codes match (2) If more than to seconds passed belore the power cable was connected oinding Will rail When oinding falls. disconnect the battery, turn offlhe transmitter and repeat step (t) 08 Steps of flight E. ‘IEIk 8.2.3 Trouble shooting a flashing receiver LED after connecting the power cable Pussible causes Solutions Code pamng (mm Tum transmitteroffthen on and reconnect helicopter power cable The throttle trim and throttle stick of transmitter Pull down the throttle trim and throttle stick to the are not at the lowest position. lowest position and re-code pair. The transmitter battery is low or empty Replace transmitter battery and rescode pair (feeblfld). Replace the helicopter battery with a fresh pack and The helicopter battery is low or empty refine pair No function in receiver or transmitter Replace faulty receiver or transmitter and re-ccde pair 3.3 Adjustment before flight Warning: Disconnect the power cable of main motor before adjustment forthe sake of pilot's safety. Matters needing attention: Before departing the factory, all of the components have been correctly adjusted. Normally it is not necessary to make any adjustment. However. due to disturbance during longdislance transportation, some joints, screws or parts may be loose or even damaged. For safety's sake, please refer to section 2 3 . "attention before flight" and strictly follow the helicopter checks described. 8.3.1 Adjustment of swashplate inspection of swashplate Warning: Disconnect the power cable of main motor before adjustment for the sake of pilot's safety. Place your helicopter on a spacious flat ground Move the transmitter throttle stick and throttle trim to the lowest position. Move the elevator trim, aileron trim. and rudder trim to the neutral position. Turn on the transmitter first and then connect the power cable of the helicopter After the LED on the receiver stops flashing and the beeps of the servos are heard. the transmitter and receiver are successfully connected. Next, check ifthe bottom plane of the swashplate is parallel to the longitudinal axis (front to back) of the helicopter - the extension line of the tail boom Also check ilthe plane of the swashplate is parallel to the lateral axis (left to rlghl) of the helicopter Ball linkages of swashplate Swashplate .......... ' ..bottomleveloi swasripiate . sExteflslofi line of tail boom Adjustment of swashplate Warning: Disconnect the power cable of main motor before adjustment forthe sake of pilots safety. Serve bellcranks must be horizontal at mid throttle. Swasnplate must be at center oftravel at mid throttle. if during the check above it is found that the swashplate is not level With either axis it can be adjusted using the followtng 2 steps: (f )Adjust the servo bellcrank First disconnect the helicopter power cable and turn off the transmitter Unscrew the screw in the bellcrank of the servo and remove the bellcrank. Re—(ltfn on the transmitter and reconnect the helicopter power cable in sequence. After code parlng. replace the servo bellcrank so it is horizontal and check the swashplate is now level lf the swashplate is still angled or not at the center of travel, replace and re-tighteri the bellcrank screw and move to step (2) (2) Adjust the servo ball linkage Adjust the length of the ball linkages of each servo until the swashplate is level and in the centre ofthe range of travel E. HE” 0.4 Adjuslmanl of Maln ruler blados 3.4.1 inspection of Main rotor blades Check the following before flight or ii lhe helicopter yiorales during flight: (1) Check if the cross—head fixing screws in the main rotor blade grips are over—tight. (2) Check if the main rotor blades are able to swing a little horizontally but not flap vertically (3) Check lithe main blades are level when rotating (tracking). 08 (4) Check if the main blades are correctly balanced Steps of flight 8.4.2 Adjustmenl of Maln rotor blades (1) The main mlorfixlng screw should be tight enough to prevent the blade flap vertically but loose enough to allow the blade to swing slightly in the grip. (2) lflhe blades are not in line with one anotherhcld the blade tips firmly and pull them into line. (3) lf the main rotor blades occur blade tracking, please shorten the ball linkage of the higher one or lengthen the ball linkage of the lower one Main rotor Fixing screw Main rotor blade Ball linkage .Elfi ****** ****** 09 Flight over Step 1: disconnect the power Step 2:1um off the Step 3: Remove me banery pack. cable of Ihs he‘iooptsr transmitter
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