GuangZhou Walkera Technology WK-0703 6-CH TRANSMITTER R/C HELICOPTER User Manual S29WK 0703 UserManual

GuangZhou Walkera Technology Co., Ltd 6-CH TRANSMITTER R/C HELICOPTER S29WK 0703 UserManual



Download: GuangZhou Walkera Technology WK-0703 6-CH TRANSMITTER R/C HELICOPTER User Manual S29WK 0703 UserManual
Mirror Download []GuangZhou Walkera Technology WK-0703 6-CH TRANSMITTER R/C HELICOPTER User Manual S29WK 0703 UserManual
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Document DescriptionUSERS MANUAL 2
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Date Submitted2006-11-28 00:00:00
Date Available2006-11-28 00:00:00
Creation Date2006-11-14 16:55:25
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Document Lastmod2006-11-14 17:25:45
Document TitleS29WK-0703_UserManual.pdf
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Document Author: CBF9D3D0D5DF Automatic Dual Rate, Exponential Function
Move UP er DN to access the lcl lowing graphics.
Given the Aulpmalic Dual Rate function is activaled (ACT). When switching
the Flight Mode switch to STVI, ST72, or switching the Autorotatiorl
Landing in ON. the Dual Rales ollne aileron, alevalar and rudder should
be switched to the Position 1. ltthe Automatlc Dual Rate function is set
as one flight mode, when you switch to the flight made. the AUTO will
appear on the DIR screen. Once the Automatic Dual Rate function is
activated, lne AUTO will appear on the DR/EXP screen
Press UP or DN la move the cursor to ma desimd model. and press L —
or + R to change the current slams into ACT or lHN.
Setting condllion
lNT: lnhibil
ACT: Activate
When the lhmnle is Holden. the
HOLD will appear on the screen Rudder Automatic Dual Rate Setting
Typical dual rate setting is shown as below:
Posltlons ol the dual rale: Poslllun o (decreasing the servo travel for
hovering lllghit; Positlon 1 (maxlnlum servo travel tor aeroballc filght)
e g : the dual rate value at Fosillon o is sel as so%, and the dual rate
value at Posmon 1 is set as 1mm
4.1.5 Thrhld and Gear
in the Function Menu. prees up or UN to select lhe MODEL and access
by pressing the EMT key. Then press the UP or DN key to select
HLDINV and press the EMT key to enter Throttle Hold
The purpose of executing “THRHLD (Throttle Hold)" is to atfei the pilot
with Automation Landlng prolection. Switch THRHLD forward to ON
and backward tc OFF. The iactory settlng lcr the throttle helci is
inhibited it can be activated (ACT) by pressing L , or s R Once the
THRHLD is activated. HOLD Pas (Hold Position) will appear on the
screen That means the lhreilie is Holden at THIS posnion The adjustable
lange is between em“, and e sci/n.
47mm) HOLD Ac'r ON <
When the Throttle Hold is in the ‘ON' position,
'ON" will appear on the smeen
Throttle Hold Pbsillon Value ( eznva , s 50%) 47
Adjustment Step
1) Start the engine, and leave your hellcopter in the ground not to tly.
Ensure the throttle stick is at the lowest position The engine is
iunning at idling speed and main iolor olade cannot rotate
2) Switch the Autorotation Landing switch to ON position lt the flameout
of the engine happens. please increase the value of HOLD P05 and
repeat Step 1
3) It the engine RPM at idling speed is too fast. please decrease the value
of HOLD Pos.
4) The adjusmtent will be finished until no fiameeut happens and main rotor
blades don't rotate.
5) lf you want to cancel the Throttle Hold tunctim. please alter ACT into INH.
Throttle Hold switch. Inhibit Slaliondi Gear
if the locked switch of throttle is the state of ban The HOLD /
GEAR switch is the tunction of GEAR
4.1.6 Switch Mixing
In the Function Menu, use UP or UN to select the MODEL and press
the EMT key to access its supmenu. And then move UP nr DN to select
SWAMIX and press the ENT key to awess Note: The function cannot
he experienced unless 2 to 3 servos are previously selected in the
SWASH in the Funcllan Menu.
CCPM is a klrld of pitch mlxing type Several servos connect to the
swashplate and together drive the pitches. Three types ot swoshplate
are available below
1. One servo (NORM): is the most popular type and is to use one servo
to move the pitch. If1 servo model is seleoted in the SWASH of the
Function Menu. the SWAMIX will be torbictden to enter
2. 2 Serve! (180 degma): It uses two servos to move the svimshplete
to alter the pitch, spaced at 180 degrees.
The bigger the swash mixing value led?
the blgger the movement is
a. 3 serves: This type employs three serves to move the swashplate,
spaced at 120 degrees
The bigger the swash mixing value is.
lhe blggerthe movement ls
4.1.7 curve
In the Function Menu. press uP or DN to select the MODEL and
access by pressing the EMT key. Then press UP er DN lo select
the CURVE and enter by pressing the ENT key
. PIT. CV .0 Throttle Curve
Press up or DN to select lhe THROCV
Flight Made
Point Output Value
Point Display
Stlck Output Value
Stick input Value
The WK—0703 offers three flight modes: N (Normal. suitabie for hovering
and static flight). 5m and srz (STe‘l and srz are suitable lor altitude
and aerobatic nights), respectively Each flight mode is in possession oi
separate lhrotile curves wilh five adjustable points per curve: L (Law, the
”Home stick is atme icwem position). P0in|1u Point 2, Poim 3. and H (High,
the throttle stick ls at the highest positlon). Press UF' or DN to move the
adjustable points, and press L , or + R in aller lhe setling value. The
adjustable range is between 0 and 100% Throttle Trim Setting
The position of the Throttie Trim Setting is shown in the section of “1 1
Control lderltincalion and Location" on page 2
The function of the Throttle Trim is to adjust the engine at idling
speed to reach stably running state When adjusting, pull down
the throme stick to the lowest point, end then adiust the Throttle
Trim and make the engine stably run at idling speed The Throttle
Trim lever is only active when the flight mode switch is in the
normal position
Using the Throttle Trim to adjust engine idling speed is not a good
Idea The oplimai manner is in keep the Thmfile Trim isvsr at lhe
neutral position and then to adjust the preset value ot the throttle
end make the engine running at stetzle idling speed Exponential Throttle Curve Function
in (he CURVE submenu, move UF' or DN (0 select the THROCV
and access via pressing the EMT key
. PIT. cv
Press UP or DN until the current mode ExP OFF or ExP ON is
eppeered on the screen
o o o
anouTu L123}!
Then press L. . or + R to change the EXP OFF into ExP ON the
exponentiel curve is to meke the servo smoothly moving
The wmm throttle curves are selectable to be either straight (LlN,
Linear) or curved (EXP, Exponential) The characteristic oilhe exponential
curvs is In make lhe servo smnaihly mulling.
4. .7.2.0 Pitch Curve
tn the Function Menu, press UP or UN to select the MODEL and access
by pressing the EMT key. Then press UP or DN to select lhe CURVE and
enter via pressing the ENT key Press egein UP or DN to select the PlT
cv and aooess by pressing the EMT key.
The method tor setting Pitch Curve is very similar to the Throttle Curve
There are iour llight modes: N (Normal), STsi, s‘r—z, and THRO Hold
(Throme Hold) Every flight mode is in possession of seperete pilen curve
with 5 adiustaole points: L (Low, the throttle stick is at the lowest position),
Stunt 1, Stunt z, Stunt 3, and H (High. the throttle stick is at the highest
position). Use UP or DN keys to select Pitch Curve end eooess by pressing
L or + R The adjustable range is trom o to 100% Note: when setting
pitch curve for Ihrome hoid, it is necessary for the lhmfiie hoid to be active
"the function is inhibiled (INH), the lhrollie held wlli be invisibie on the
u u u u 5
Fugntmude —->N0RM g
—> o o n o a o 2
Point Output vatue —>L: n. ma 5
m 5 OUT 0 L 1 z 3 H
Point Dismay
stick Output Vatue
sttck Input Value Examples of the Throttle Curve and Pitch Curve
The examptes at the throttle curve and pitch curve are just used tor your reference.
Adjustment to [he actuat flights is a must.
thmttte curve
55-1. 50-1.
25-1. sw-
pitch curve
L 1
Flight Mode 1
lhmme curve
4.1.8 Travel Adjustment
in the MODEL menu, press UP or DN to select the TRVADJ
and access by pressing the EMT key.
The purpose of the Travel Adjustment is to alter you precise
servo control dsflsclion The mugs nf the adjustable travel
adjustment is from o , 150m at 50° ) it can be adjusted
farthe vertical and horizontal directions All the factory semngs
are 100% The setfings torttre tmvel adjustment occupy Mn
pages at electronic paper it can be turned by pressing UP
or DN wnen adjusting the travel value, please press UP or
DN lo select the position you desire, and press ~ R ur L - In
alter the setting value
Pitch curve Pilch curve
my. my.
es 09
1m 15'/.
es 0
sw- 50-1.
25-1. _5 257.
(lNl-l) (lNl—l) a (th—l) (lNHj
nv. L 1 1 a N 1 z s H
Flight mode 2 Autorotation Landing
throttle curve lhrottle curve
law. tow.
757. 757.
W. 5°"- es
507. soy.
15-1. 25'/- 4
' (NM) (NM)
W‘ I. I z a W“ L 1 z 3
D 1007-
L won/-
H "NW-
L 10W.
+ 1007.
H 1007.
U 1007.
R wov-
L 1007.
R 1007.
Jr Revolution and Acceleration Mixing
in the MODEL menu, press UP ur DN to select the ATSMIX
and access by pressing the ENT key.
The Revolution Mlxing tunctlon mlxes tail rotor input wlth the
Throttle/ Collective functlon to counteract lrom the maln rotor
blades if the function is set properly. the helicopter will not
yaw during the process of ascent or descent Because the
changes at the main mtDr RPM and the pitch wlll result in the
torque change, the tail rotor pitch should be altered to compensate
lor the torque. There are two revolution mixing programs in
the WKeoms: NORM and STNT NORM is corresponding
with the flight mode Normal. and STNT canespandlng with
the tiight modes of ST—1 and STrz Each revolution mixing
program eflers with two adjustment points: UP and DN. UP
is used lor the tail rotor compensation for the throttle stick
settings from middle to high. DN adjusts the tail mtor
compensation for the throttle slick settings lronr middle to low
L and R shew the direction of compensation. Revolution Mixing Setup
The set—up manners below are used for the clockwise main
rotor helicopter The first step is to hover the helicopter in a
neutral position with the tail rotortrim and revolution mixing
at center ltlhe helicopter yaws. please adjust the length of
the tail rotor ball linkage to a stable hover Then gradually
increase the throttle stick to make the helicopter vertically
climb If the helicopter with the tail lacing the pilot) yews
leftward, please increase the UP value lt the helicopter ymts
rightward, please decrease the UP value Repeat the step until
the helicopter doesn't yaw The second step is to hover the
helicopter ate sets altitude and pull down the throttle stick to the lowest
position During the descending process. it the helicopter yaws rightward.
please increase the DN value. if the helicopter yaws leftward, please
decrease the DN value. Repeat the step until the helicopterdeesn'l yew.
When attempting this procedure, throttle stick movement should be slow,
and the initial acceleration and deceleration swings should be overlooked
*NORM UP we"
Acc. Mlx
Acceleration Mixing value
Revolution Mixing value t R for right
revolution mixlng. L for let revolullon
4— Acceleration Mi ing
The WK70703 otters the acceleration mixing lunction with compensations
tor the main rotor acceleration or deceleration torque. It quickly or slowly
accelerating nr decelerating the throttle. the torques tmm the main rotor
is various Under the help ot gyro. the acceleration mixing setting is not
necessary. Set the acceleration value at o
4.1.10 Servo Output Monitor
in the MODEL menu. press UP or UN to select the MONlT,
and access hy pressing the EMT key
The WKaom offers the display function to show each serva's
operating value Each bar center displays the neutral position
Left or nght dots indicate sort/n. 100% end ism
150 ion 50 so too is!)
OW 703 eatures
5.1 WK-D703 Features
Function menu of the WK-0703 is simple to understand and
easy to set
The transmitter case is ergonomically designed and the large
LCD display is of elegent hlue heckllghtwith eesy-to-reed graphilx
The length or tight a, loose can be eoiustment using the rocker. end it
convenient to change the left a; right throttle each other
The WKaom offers 3 flight modes Each flight mode is capable of free setting
and adjusting parameter in order to suit the various requirements for Fsc or
3D aerobatic flights.
Adopting the locked ring of selfrmction technique, there are six
channels choused. Change the channel without changing the crystal
Eight model memory storage.
Capable of gyro rate adjustment by transmitter, and convenient to hover and
fly so maneuver
Adjustablefourhot keys facilitate the pilot to enlerthe set menu.
5.2 Receiver RX 702
Adopt the receiver of self—motion alock screen. the sensitivity of the
receiver is very high, end the anti-jamming is powerful Take the SCM
as CPU it has powerful parse and there have six channels for choice
Change the channel without changing the crystal.
We @?@8
6.0 Transmitter Specification
Encudefrr 77777777 rchannel micro computer system
Moduiallon ---------- -- PCMIPCM
Output Power rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr .. <750Mw
Current Dram ................
Power Source - -
-------------- 12x8 NiCad (9.6V 600 mAh)
or ‘i 5Vx8 AA dry batteries
Oulpul Puise---
-- 850 72050 Ms (1450 Neutral)
7.0 Receiver Specificatio
Type ---------- ---7-Channei PCM
Sensitivity-- -------------------- o 5 u v (minimai)
Seiectivity -- ------------ amsooo
Frequency lntervai--- -- ZOKZ
Weight 199
Dimension 77777 " 42.5 X 28 X 15 5mm
Antenna Length ~
Receiver Batteryr .
Please lully charge the battery packs ol the lransmilter (ii a rechargeabie
battery pack used) and the receiver before iiighl. The average charging
time is aoout 12 hours. lithe battery pack is orano new. the fuliy charging
time tor the lirst time wiil reach is hours The WKeoma original charger
offers the Iransmiiterbaitery pack With so . tDOmAh current and the receiver
battery pack vvith izomAh current when charging Ensure to use the proper
charge rate before charging Note: the central pin or the WK-0703 original
charger‘s polarity is positive.
as 48V1iDUmAh
8.1 Charging Method:
Plug the charger into the electrical outlet or your local power and insert the
input plug of the adapter into the output end or the charger While insening
the round pin or the adapter into the chargeiack oi the transmitter. the T><
LED indicalur in the adapter wlIi oe red, while inserting the battery connector
of the receiver in a correct direction into the flat pin ol the adapter, the RX
LED indicator or the transmitter will be red During charging maybe the charger
ano adapter become warm This is a normal phenomenon. The voltage shown
on the adapter is a little higher than the rated voltage ol the battery pack in use.
Note: When charging, the voltage of the electric suppiy musl be accorded
With the nominated voltage oi the charger. Pay attention to the polarities
when charging. Never use the alter-market chargers other than WK-D703
originals to charge
We @?@8
9.0 Con oI Stick Adjustment
The length and tensloh ctthe control sllck are adjuslahle
9.1 Control Stick Length Adjustment
To adlusl the stlck length. use the l 5 mm Allen wrench to unlock the set
screw, and then turn the wrench elockwlse or counterolpekwrse to adyust
the slick length Alter the stick length has been adjusted to sultyourtlylng
style. tlghten the set screw
9.2 Control Stick Tension Adjustment
Remove the RF madulel battery pack and 7 back cover screws, and then
remove the transmltler back case. Be careful not to damage or bend the
RF module pins Remove the PCB board (don't touch or break the wlres),
and adlust each sorew tor the desired tenSlcn (Note: clockwlse to llghterl
stick and counterclockwlse to loose the stlok).
10.0 Neck Strap Usage
There ls a Hack on the lace of the WK70703 transmitter The neck strap can
be hooked on the eyelet The Hook located at the center ls helplul to gettlrlg
the optlrvlai balance of the transmltter.
11.0 Radio Frequency
Both olWK-0703 and reoelver ullllze manually controlled PLL (phase-locked
loop) to select the frequency pomls and save your crystal osclllators
There are total 5 irequerlcy polnts to be selected Notic never
use the same lrequency radio equipments wlth other hobbylsts tn
the same ground
0 Me d for Throttle Model Change
Take out the battery pack and RF module, unscrew these 4 llxlrlg
screws on the reverse or your WKrD703, and then remove lts cover
Notic :don‘l break any cables lnslotel
ball Ilnkage
throttle arrestlng
Datum Switch
Flrst press the key or EXT and then press the key of ENT to
enterthe mam Menu‘ Choose the CHNMOD after presslng the
key or up or DN, Alter pressed the key or ENT, then press UP
or DN to move the cursor to choose the CHANNEL MODULAT,
Press the key 01 ENT and then press up or DN to move the
cursor to choose the CHANNEL Press L— or +R to choose the
necessary lrequency, Press the key or up or DN move the
uulsor to chnose the MODULAT. and then press the key 0' L -
or +R change into Right or Len, anol then Press the key of ENT
to save the changed datum.
// Frequency direction
FRQEAND — Frequency
CHANNEL 5 (725mm)
The throttle at right or left
13 0 Installation Requrem
t is important to oorreclty mount your radio system in your model Below
are some arlvrees on how to install yourWALKERA equipment
1 Instatletluns at rubber grommets and copper steel/e to isntate the vibratiun
are musts. The mounting screws cannot be aver-tightened. Otherwise. the
mbber grommets will be distorted and decrease the vibration absorption elteot.
2 When mounting the servos, please make sure they can treely move over their
whole travel ranges and ensure the control linkages don't touch or impede
the muvement of the servos
3 lnstall various switches far away trom the engine tuned pipe and far away
trom the high vibration area, and ensure all the switches move freely over their
whole tanges
4 When mounting the receiver antenna. please make sure that the main rotor
and tail tutor blades ur the pmpeHers cannot entangle it.
5 Transmitter Battery Mounting: Please "file the putatifiss when inserting the
The specifications of (he RIC Product may be altered without notice.

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