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Document ID | 967941 |
Application ID | p/0wOlC6Rf6Y2lbfpcU+CA== |
Document Description | USERS MANUAL |
Short Term Confidential | No |
Permanent Confidential | No |
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Document Type | User Manual |
Display Format | Adobe Acrobat PDF - pdf |
Filesize | 217.64kB (2720465 bits) |
Date Submitted | 2008-07-09 00:00:00 |
Date Available | 2008-07-09 00:00:00 |
Creation Date | 2008-07-04 18:29:36 |
Producing Software | Acrobat Distiller 7.0 (Windows) |
Document Lastmod | 2008-07-09 15:40:07 |
Document Title | Microsoft Word - 59#D_2.4G_英文说明书.pdf.doc |
Document Creator | PScript5.dll Version 5.2.2 |
Document Author: | jerry |
Main Rotor Dia. : 630 mm Main Motor Type“ 380 PF Transmitter: WK-2601
Tail Rotor Dia. : 136 mm Tail Motor Type: 1627FE33 Gyro: Built—m
Overall Length: 650 mm Battery: 11,1V 1200mAh Li~Po Receiver: RX-ZGOl
All»up Weight: 5109 (Battery included)
Servo: weight 8.59 / speed 0,1isec/60' (4ABV)/ torque ll9kglcm (48V) I dimension 22.5X11_5X24mm
1) CCPM mixing control system and collective pitch control system make perlsct 30 maneuvers such as rolls, inverted, and swoop
2) The compad structure characterized by metal main frame and metal tail boom makes the helicopter more stable. Easy-to»be
mounted parts like servo are used.
3) 3BDPF brushed motors as dnve are powerful and make you fly wuth much more enjoyment.
4) The filghttame on the saturated Li-Po battery erI be up to 6-8 minutes. depending on your flight.
5) The usage of 2,46 technology is prompter in reaction, more sensitive in operation. and stronger in antiimerfefence,
|ntr0duction ........................................................................................................ 2
Warning ............................................................................................................ 2
Cautions ............................................................................................................ 3
Transmitter Features --
Receiver Identification ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5
Switch Between Model I and Model H ....................................................................... 5
Battery Mounting and Adjustment -- 6
Swashplate Adjustment ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6
Exponential Function 6
PIT adjustment and locking ................................................................................... 7
Gyro sensitivity and Rudder Mixing adjustment --------------------------------------------------------- 8
Main Rotor Blade Adjustment -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8
Tail Rotor Blade Adjustment ................................................................................... 8
Technical Data for Adjustment -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9
The Disassembly steps of Rotor Head ...................................................................... 9
The Assembly Steps of Rotor Head ......................................................................... 11
Exploded Diagram for 59#D Upgrade ....................................................................... 14
Flight Mode ....................................................................................................... 15
Thank you for your purchase or our product in order to fly your helicooler more easily and conveniently‘ we kindly recommend you to read
carelully (he whoie user handbook and keep II in a safe way as a reflerence book {or maintenance and adjustment in me Vuture
1 The HM 5913D Is no! a toy it Is a complex combination 0! electronics mechanics and aerodynamlcsc It requires Drover setup and fine
adiustmenr (o avord accrdent We accept no liabilirylor damage and consequent damage ansrng from me use or the products. because
we have no coniroi over me way they are installed. used, and operated
2 When charging lhe haltery‘ do nor overcharge overcharging may result in fire or explosion when the banery is not during charging
piease slop charging at once use specified charger only Never short circunl The battery must he propeny disposed or
3 Children under 14 years old are stricny iomrooen rrom flying me helicopler
4 when your helicopter Is ruining, any causes which 5100 the rotor blades spinning of make wllslon will lesun In serious damage or bumlngv
Please immediately turn down the throttle s1|d< at the lowest posmunl
1 Because the helicopter ts operated by raoto control, It IS Important to make sure you are always using fresh and/ or fully charged battenes
Never BHOMI the batteries to run low. of you CDUld lose CONTO| Of the helicopter
2 Do not allow any Ofthe electrical components to get wet Omelwlse electrical damage may occur.
3 You should complete a successful range check or your radio equipment Drlor to each new day or liylrtg or pnor to the first fllgm or a new
or repaired model
4 It the helicopter gets ditty, don‘t use any solvents to clean it Solvents wtll damage the plastic and composite pans
5 Always turn on the transmitter before plugging in the flight battery and always unplug the night battery before turning cm the transmitter
6 Never cut me receiver antenna shorter or you could lose control of the helicopter during night.
7 When flying the helicopter, please make sure that the transmitter antenna is completely extended and is painted up toward the sky, not
down toward the ground
fly helicopter at the places wrth se signs
m tter Features
The code pairing instruction for wit-2601:
t The usage of 2 AG technology is promoter in reaction, more sensltlve in ooerauon, and stronger in anti-interference
2 The methods tot automatic scanning, code pairing and ID allocanon are shown as below
A. Push the throttle stick to the lowest postticih and turn on the transmitter and then the power indicator WI|| llash l Note: never move any
control sticks when it ls llashihgl
B The receiver LED Will flash swrftly as soon as the battery is conneded to the receiveri and W" get a solid light 1-3 seconds later iNote Do move
the right control sttck when it ls havrng a solid llghti When the power InletOI‘ of the transmltter has stopped llashlng to recover to the state oi
power indication, the codes have been matched successlully and you can lly the helicomel‘
Note: I: vnll take about tn seconds for the code pairing ll code palnng lS railed, please return on the transmitter to match the code again Please
don't havethe codes paired smultaneousty when a few at oeople are flying their helicopters in the same field
5737 7
&CH Transmitter Features:
1. TI'teDIPsMitmesareavailmleforvariousservos lttznpemrmhelligitadicnssuch as
ascending. descending, iorwzd, hodtwal'o. letlwaro. mum: and so on
2 4-channel microcomputer as the encoder, output power 5 lunw; curent thin: 50m;
power source 1 ZV X B NI—Od battery ( 9.6V Smith) or 1.5V X 8 AA try cell battery.
3. Free to swrtch between tell-hand and right—hand thnmtes.
Control Identification and iunaion:
1. Left stick I Kidder It controls you helicopter forward, backwafl, left, aid right. Push up
ronyymneliupoteruwamwn downtoltybadrwad. push Ieltwn‘ltollyleit, aldnush
ngitwa'd tn lty ngrt.
7. Right stick I Throttle. It controls your helicopter ascentlng. descending. left moving
aid hart rmving Push up to ascend yotlheliowten pulldwn to descend. ptsh Ietthd
to "We your helicooterlelt and push rightward tomove right
IIODE || ~ item "£1ch
Z. “stick/Rutter. nmyurrleiocnerlorwdbadrwdlatnmlgadmmg
helimpter lat. and mm hghthd to move rigit
3. Power indicator. The NICZE!‘ is falsified ofttree colors“ red. yellow, are green Green
LEDon mismeelectridtyisenoughtolly: GreenLEJmmdyelowLEDm indiwte
is n extreme shortage, and please 5&0on at once.
4. Elevator trim. It controls and modifies your helimnterlorwaru and backward. Push to to
fly forwzu. and pull down to fly backward.
5. Rudder trim. Thetrim omtiols and "loam your helicopter leftward aid nsrllward Move
the trim left to fly leftward. and move right lolly riommrd
ommttletnm.Tmtrvmtle trim murals your hencoptertoasceno “descend F’tlQl to
7.Aileron trim. True aleron tr‘m oomolsyulheliooner lettmrd and ammo Push lhetnm
Ienandllyleft and wsnthetilmnmtwwdamwriflm
8. Power switch. Turn on or all the power at the transmitter Push w the witch to turn on
9. Antenna. Tmsrm the svgtals.
10. Charge lack. Charge the rechargeable battery pack at current SDrnA. voltage <12V.
(Name the charge lack is forbidden to use for non-recharged)le battery pad).
11. Battery box. Heme welts polaities mile insert'ng tte batteries.
12. Battery box cover. protect the transmitter battery please open the box according to
the arrow arection when replace the battery.
13. Gear switch. Convert the gear switch to fold or release the skid landing system
Switching the switch up is ON, and switming the switm down is OFF
14. Flightmode switch: There ae normaltligit mode and JD inversed rmde. Put it at ”N“
position isnonhal node—and putitm“1' position isSD inversed mode.
15. PIT limit I Exponential I Rudder in g adustment knob (V2; Under the help of
DIP switches, al the iunctiors can be swrtchable
16. Throttle curve! PIT curve / Gyro sensitivity adjustment (V1)t IUm the help (I DIP
sutures. the kml) at exne'enoe ttvottle cunre adjustment. PIT atrve aliustment and
gyro sensitivity ariustment .
mortar mun-s a Aulranui
err r Ema-W
I mm mm (V2)
Pm “dim
I-onsl man 1 mt;
Pm “dim
me Switch
The Factory Default settings:
enamel. cutoff cantata. OHBFF
2 off ON
3 oer on
4 on to OFF
5 OFF 1 1 OFF
5 ON 12 OFF
Reoelver Identification (Flg.
fig. 3
i. ELEV, zomnecrio meelevaorservo
2. AILE. : Conneci to me alleron servo
3. PIT. : Connect to me FIT servo
4. RUDD. : Connect (0 (he lail servo
5. TNRO. : Connect in the Speed controller
5. Not used.
7. Mam motor signal cable : connect in me mam motor signal able.
8. Tail molar signal cable : Conneci to me fall mar signal cable
9. MIX Please regulate accurdng to (he mgm eflecis. clockwrse adrustmenr
increases the mlxlng ratio control, counterclockwrse 69ch the mlxrng
raim control
10. Servo exlem adjustmeni (EXTENT) EXTENT knob is used Ia ser up
the servo travel Clockwise adrusimeni increases the servo travel. and
cmnierciockwise adjuslment decreases me servo travel
|1. LED LED |nd|caies (he recequng status Quick flash meansme signal rs ”m“- M" “ """ 1 , —
being received. LED on means the signal has been received. slow flash
means the signal lalls to be received
12. Main molar cable : Connect to me mam motor
13. Tall molor cable: Connecltothe tail mmor
14. Power cable : connect in me ballery
Sw ch Between odel I and Model II
Wife the battery pack and the 4 fm‘ng screws mine back cover or your 'M(-2601. and lake oil the back cover (Nole: don’t break me cables inside).
UVISUEN the fixing screw of linkage using cross screwdriver and fix the linkage 01 another side using lhe screw And men remove the lhrmile
arresimg spnng to fix m your expectrng srde In was way physrmi rem nasbeen flushed (Fug 4)
Faxing am of linkage
7mm; arms! re mm:
my“ D P 5mm Imam;
m m: and Ms Model 1 mm:
mu. smdvnulnnmrendrm
Made“: Miami-
Battery Mountlng an djustme
1. Battery pack mounnng. Place me battery pack m the correct posiuon or your nellcopler F' 5
(Fig 5) lg.
2. CG balance. Pm your hellooprer ln a honzonlal ground and make me flyl)ar vemcal lo me (all
boom ol your helicopter er your helicopter usmo your index fingers to suppon the lwo Sides
of flwar. and check me balance The (all boom should be level M!“ the ground If ll Is nol.
move the battery pack backwards or lorwards to balance Always check the Cenler 0! Gravlly
lcol wrtn me bartery pack and canooy lnslalled lFIg sl
Battery pack
Fig. 6
Swashplate Adjustment
1. Swashplate check. Turn on me lransmlrter pull down lhe thrortle suck and mrotlle mm
to the lowest positron and put me elevator mm and aileron mm in the neutral poslrlon F'g'7
Check whemer (He swashplale is horlzonral and level after (he reposlllon Ol elevator
alleron and PIT servos
Z. Swashplate adiuslmem. ll rhe swasrlplale IS not In a horizontal level. adjust Vla me
lollowmg Mo steps. (a elevalor aileron and FIT servos adjustment Unscrew servo \ jor‘zepxl
bellaank and lake servo bellcrank down Reconnecl tome barlery pack and adjust the A __ 51:5:mi
argle between the servo hellcrank and servo Ilnkage rod al 90 degrees aller lne reposlnon 41 3M: “rune
ol elevator. arleron and PIT servos. And then ngnlen servo Ixellcrank screw mg 7) m
2 servo Ilnkage rod aolustmenl Adlusr the servo Ilnkage rod to parallel to swasnplale
honor“ level
The lransmmer Drovldes servo exponenllal adjusrmenl and can lock me adjustment parameters as below
1 Open me transmmer power swucn when adlusr, rum me No 10 DIP swllcn to me “ON" posmon let the v2 knoh on the control panel polnr at
"0“ pwrion
2 When V2 lstmed m0 posnlion‘ me cuve ls linear (Fa 7) ‘ When V2 is ruled no me "“ end. the servo cuve Will be changed in meloml oiexnoflenlial
lFrg El when \-2 us tuned lo the em. me servo cave M" be changed n me rorm ol negauve exponenlld lFlg 9)
3 Rolale me knob rewards ”f end V210 4D ” posmon
Fig. 9
PIT adjustment and Iockmg
The transmltter provldes F‘IT adjustment and FIT went Mjlstmem and can lock 1M adjustment parameters as below
1 Open the transmuter power Mitch when adlust, “In the N0 11 DIP thCh (0 the "ON" positm, let the V1 ‘ V2 knot) on the CDntTOI panel
at "0" posttion Pull out the electnc machlne connect Ime turn on the flight power, carry PIT adlustment and PIT firming range aqustment
2 The V1 knob on me umsmltter panel rotaung towards "0" end increases the FIT ad|ustment capacity. atd rotating twards "-" and decreases
the PIT adjustment rapacIty
3 The v2 knob on the transmitter panel rotating towards u" end Increases the PIT extent value, and rotating towards end decreases the
PIT extent value
4 PIT paramer ad|ustrnent In the notmal fllght mode: turn the flight mode svaten to “N“ position. regulate the knot) V1 to "0" position. regulate
the knob V2 to "no “ post-on. and then set the PIT parameter
1) The PIT parameter 5 “5 5‘ ‘ when the throttle stuck says at the neutral Daemon
2) The PIT parameter I5"‘9' — 40“ “ when thettlottte star stays at the highest postscn "
3) The PIT parameter 5 "-3' - ~4' " when the throttle stuck stays at the loweet posmon
5 PIT parameter adjustment in 30 Inverted night mode. turn the fight mode swrtch to "1"
posmon. regulate the knob V1 to "0” posmon. regulate the knob V2 to um "‘ pasIton,
and then set the FIT parameters
1) The PIT parameter 5 "0' " when the throttle suck stays at the neutral position
2) The FIT parameter is" ’9‘ - ‘10' "when the thumb stlck says atme hlghesl position -’
when the throttle stick stays at the lowest postman
3) The PIT parameter is " —9' — —|
6. Alter the adjustment rs finished. turn the No,11 DIP swrtch to "OFF" positron
the regulated PIT parameters have been Iockeuv
Ir .A1—\ 7»
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Metadata Date : 2008:07:09 15:40:07+08:00
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Title : Microsoft Word - 59#D_2.4G_英文说明书.pdf.doc
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