Guangzhou Tendystar Telecom G2 BLUETOOTH HEADSET User Manual USERS MANUAL
Guangzhou Tendystar Telecom Co., Ltd. BLUETOOTH HEADSET USERS MANUAL
TEN" YS Tllflm- GE b/us'muth‘ Wire/555 headset fur mob/IE phones ~ S anluemnm' . . . WI re\es Shimmy mm macaw-um mum um em TummGZInvgn\ z 1. Immducfion new-mama headset is a wwe‘ss heedsmbssed on me muemrmfmmy. The Smyrna"! lemmalogy lsssmndam lorwlmkss snarl mam mu: mmummm Devices Iika a hes-1.94 and a meme phone can oommunmbe mm am mm mm was mm. apwxwmme'y 10 means Tenflywr (52 m z quaifisd 5!!th museum mmpfles mm m mummf 1.1 pm. n woven: Mn promos Head-cl Prdme am Hsmwae Mln. mu wcrx mm mqulrfied swarm! dww mum on Headset prom arms Hams- fme Me Tsndyslar sz headset can be used wnn: -zqua\fnd amenemmm; ~Anun—B\ummm' mobfln phone m coma-1 mm mumm- “team 0 xx armhsr mum-am device suppxrmg me Headset ur Hawkins pmfie. This mar guide \; housing an ms nu oflhk mumm- hams: Mm a 51mm- mwne phone, which 15 me most common npmlmun Mrs-Gym G2 wm snow you mhks a all. mum a a” ("your phone nu voles whom am aqumuums «may on your handset Mlmam me need to mm your mama pmna Tn- mamr G2 mam has 3 mom: WALK ‘Bumm tunnel human}. - 1 "Von “human, . 1 1101. Won in... mm m m- mum- on war 2 3 \ TerZmnum More tutne Tammy 52 new. you mutt: ~ charge the headset- pteeee reter tn the “Changing TendysterTssflmn et the user guide leirtfn headset wilh a ntdbite dhdne. Hesse rater to the “Faring rerrdysterez'msen etttns rrtenuat 1 . Charfl ngTendymr G2 vaur headset re detivered undwgsd. so [Mars the hret use. you then My redterge met about t: hours wrtn me wppfied merger. mm the btue tndteetdr ttght tune on The use dnnyww merger wit euternaueatty suspend the wannly. During subsequanl eharges, the ehargtng sheutd take ewminretety 1 hour 45 nintrtee. Please ednnea ma charger to the headset and tn the mans Dunne me charge, the rr-dreeter ttght rs either red Wyatt! headset battery was sxmssivs'y dtsdtagsd, er burpte duirq a nsrnrat marge. The trtdteetttr tight wtl turn to btue when the merge tr. compete When yet. heara I’uhl beep in ydurheadeet atreguer rntervate, and the rndrrater Itghl ttashee tn Mr yawn-attest needttd be recharged. Te maximzs battery hfefims, i! is remmmended te recharge yeurheadeette qu eepadty enty when the battery iI law. ernee e bettery has e tnettrrreotebdut son margtng cyan. ku leave wt" heedset bettery empty fdr an etdended period at trrne, il edutd exes-rivet), are arargethe battery tn the case yw may "mammary: your headset torto hours orrnbre unfil the battery recovers end teen-rues wmptetety. me tndtcater light wfll be red at the bedtnntng er fienhagemmmemwmmennmtmmhmmhmenmflmflmtmm Only much drt the heedeet ones the bttte i teeter tight erme en. tndican'ng the bettery has Mly reewefed De net tet the battery charger remain piuggsd in the heedeet ter mere than 24h. TWGZNW‘ 4 2. Pairing Tendysbar 62 More um m. TsmiyfiszZ nmm. you mun pair in mn your sin-tom mane phone Fllr- mg rs ma pm at Ilnkmg z Elusmmh' mamas, so m may can mmmummle m naming only needs m be mir- nnee. mm. may me you m on your mam il wHI mmmanwly amen no your mobile phone Wynu par your mum mew; hone wru- miner mum devim. ynu win harm in pair ms deyshrGZ wilh ymr phone zuam berm rim The plume (Hansel nr Menus-Free) rs amnmanmlly germs by ins Mamie pnnne dunng me Painrrg Stags. lumimm : Bebe pairing. ail mum dwiom mus! named on. T5 inmaw me vain-in. pmbmh me newer Ind me rnoene pmne wumn 0.3 mew (1 foot; from awn other. Make sure mere “5 m Wm equipmem nperaung in me virinrry. i swim on your phone anu sexism me mush-71?! dlwwer mm an rne Mamie mane {See me aiusim mums plums ussr grids). 2 Pm» me now (do nu! mm m in. TALK human (199 human 1 on mac 2) our mm 7 seconds unm ins new ngnr «ashes red and hlus ammmvsly man mass me TALK minimum -rr bu heard in me spsakar. 3. owe me mubile wane def-cu me has-13a, a massage I! displayed Min m. renaming infer "man - ~ TDSTAR." 4. FDHW rm mm inmcrims m auxin Ihs painng. The PIN mdu irrr pushy) is noon. 5. Wm me wiring Is mum-a. me indium Ham wm mm to mug. and New“ niuwiy. m mflbmmunmm pm a! mi by mus wimm- mum Ms ma mm Ms Same mnwnrmmwmmunmmmrnmmwmwmim murmur-maroon Tmnymrfizmdmmpmnmhpmfla Wmimihmrszmnflummmr name may rs umd mm; nrmm. mm Mums sum as murmurs. wrywum under new mu wmmmnmmflnmmwmumwmnpfirumrmm» ermmsvmnmremmrsznmmimm rsmasumimmimmmm urn aim-swim Tm rum nun-pum- 5 \ Tmrszwgum if you hnvan't sunea me dwscovery mode wnmn 5 minutes, In; nee-am will mm. on You mus! men swirm on my mam and 513mm paring agam. 3. Wen ' g Tendyshr Gz mammmmmmm mm-urmpnmmmunnnmmrm Theaardunpwsmsdenimmlelidvmimosnbemwlyshapsimfitynurw. Makesnreme Emits! m pmpfl'y immad imn wur ear. 4. Swilchmg Tsndyshr 62 ON and OFF wmlnmmyaw 62 on n Frau and mm the TALK mm hrubom 7mm um ms mu. Indlmr Hflmla muses (2 muss) can be heard m me speaker Manse me TALK Bulum "ray-Mays: is named in ms Hands Free Drama. nwiu Wmmnnsfi aumma Ame Gut-wary in. mobile 9mm). ymmuaimd "Tumsw a: m pawnd in ma Hem pmfiwa. mu may in standby mnde. swmhlnnT-nwmraz OFF mmmmrmmfixamnzmmsunmmem muzmxngmMmsmsquu blue flaming. A new 12 mos) can be new In an spa-key R-lsm ms TALK 5mm. Tu W pow, ma blue mdiramrlmhlfiashss allung immaws To mm Wywrhuadselism, was: mm on m. TALK mm. mm Imlmrlhhl \; Mun. m mam yawn-sum [H m 5. Making a call The wine remgmtim (m we dwal’ng) mm is run mwanwe an an "mam phones. Maverym an always mal dwrsdty on your kuypad "your mubih mm (mars ma mica mum mm... Wu can maKA . an enemy 7mm mam mhwlfiny werauon on your meme 9mm. TummGZIwgijM a Mm sum in. voiu recognmm iunwan an your menus W3 nominee and yenrvoim my; hm been rammed wim me prime 47m inn TALK button shumy (MEI! mm is m inmming and rm zcfiva Call). The a wmeaiun u nmniimm. -Wai(1ix the mini signni sent by me miin phone (genmiiy a sim lune). musk ml in Hams af pumin ymA wish In as m in ma phm wins iags. Thu mnbils wane will aiei me was number, min witmmt vui'm "cognition mam mm winin- nmwx and me manu- Dmne an on m h mm»; mm ‘Dialme prime numberym wsrnn mii on your Nubile pnnnn may mgniy z mnds‘ in audio mnnnciim is may“. 6. Answering a call Whenme mm Hugs, press the TALK mm. shanty 1. Rejoctlng a call PISS me TALK human fix abcm 2 ssmnds when he M551 is ringing. Tm: fimfibn only mini" Ihe Hinds-FM Profilev a. Endlng a call Pram me TALK hultvn shuntylnand an 3mm B” 9. Redlal Last Number PmflaTALKhuflnMuraknnZssmndsflmisnnacfivsrzliandminm heir n imp, ms filmmn only mm In Ins Hnmfiee Pmfile mu, uniii ym i immanqm 10. Adjusting the volumo ms mass: has been awed wm one were mm", am one vm. mm" Hm, no make ma hmdset mm amm'c and symmm-\, whmmr you use ilm ywur Ml or ngmean n has bs-n damned with 2 law Mum (vowana 2 MI Mon! (VOL-L 5m umy1 vou mm a flmfiiflnal on my me mime up, and amyI VOL- mm. \s mnmw m mm me name down. So to mm» the vowume dunng an am; an, make sure you was; shomy and germy on man bank humans (VOLr) swmhansmsiy. mu m cm ma Mums mum an arrive -n, make sum you wuss shanty and “my m mm. «mm mm»; (vow Multan-wily. 11. Mnllng rm mlcrophonn rammmmtmpnmmmanmcau Pm an m vou mum. of on both VOL- mom, umunaneunw for about 2 was. Aperindic lane is heard m mesmekmmne me miunphzme ws milled. To and me mur- 1mm when we mmmphme IS mmed‘ a snm press an Ddlh vou humus, Oran mm vor— humus, mmuhanmudy win and lhu mum mm" and ma mimic tons wiH disappear 12. Transferring a call to the mobile phone Dunng an we can. pm; ms nu bulwn for mm 2 seconds This fimmiun only mm; m in; HandsFlse Profile. In an. Hem Drums. you can may mm oryunrmaam 13. Transferring a call to Tsndyslar GZ Dunng m active can an me man Dhaka m In: TALK bum army on m. beam m nun-«sf me can from m manna mans to ma headset Tmammw s 14. Multi Pairing umymrez can In pammm Mnmla Phanes (Audin Gateways) In me humus: «Manon, the m: palm: Audio Gamay wm be cam anmy Pmne‘ and m- prevmusiy nailed phme win be ad Summary Phone. Fof humus : Vnurhsadsal w! zlmady pain mm 3 New 39|0mubwle phone. Vuu perfum a pawing mm a saw EmcssoN my prune: ~ ynmsm wens mu be mu Pl'mary Phnm‘ "four NOKIA 3910 vrma wfll bc m- Sammy Phone Vnu Perform a sand Paimvg wfih an EmcssoN m. ~yourm mm- wfll be In. Family thn. . your Tam phone mu be the 35mm” Phone. AM 0.4mm cg”, 7mm Tandyglnrsfl are yam only to mo anw mm. Hwem m mummy can on my wane (an-navy ur mm) wnl be um nu your TendyfiarGZ headset, and n m be answe'ed an me neaasmm Tummreznas nu Imk es'abished mm lhe dlherpmne which “5 unleash/mg me mimming mm. m mu‘fivawing only mm mm headsels mm are mm m We headset pmfiwe mm: an mam namu in me mummy our-w mpewve owners). s \ Tmmuugum 1s. Troubleshooting guide In general. me rm Ihing you sham do when emunbfing a orouem Ihal you cannot eom w'nn we mnnuau u k: m drwur headset and your more phone, ma ma- mm on 593m Anautumn:Mannie"-mumm-headw\\nuum wows-n at n yum handset cannot Man on. phase charge your may; form less! an semnds. 15. Guidelines for ssh use New muse gwoahnes More using ywrheaflset ch “01de onry hsmrmsmape MynurHaadm. .no not expo” ywrheadmw now or masmre -Dc no] amass your headsm m extreme mmpemmrss. -Do norme- yearn-mom fire Movinfiamu. ~Dc nomyrooweaseemowe youmeeueex Sen/we am Mawnrenanoe oan umy be performed by aufimdeendysvaMeels-s. ~KeeD yawn-31:01 way worn any and am vDu noun arm-on pwuywnn your headset, smee uoomams mu pens me: come oaoome detached and mm a choking mam-1. mum (he reomauon In you area nyou am so me your Hewett Mme ammo. . Tum nflyflur headset Datum mammg an nnpnnne CAUTION Dangermxmnrion n balmry malty mum. Remand only mm the same arsquivzlsnl type. (vnnagu : 31 75 5M fiypwml aw, lypiml mrrem mmA) Tawfizwyib \ m FCC Caution Thisdeucecomplleswuhhn lSurrhchckules Operanonlssnluecuolhe followmglwocondluon: (l)rhrs devree mxv aur cause harmful lnlerference. aml (z) rhrs devree musr aceepl anv mterference reeeued ncludlng rulerfereuee lhal may cause uudeslred uperaueu Thrs equrprueur has been resred aml found to comply uuh rhe lrmus for a dlglml devree pursuaur lo parr IS orrhe FCC Rules These hrrurs are uesrgueu lo pronde reasonable proreeuua xgmml harmful rhrerrereueeru a resrdeuual rusrallauua Thrs equlpmenl geaerares. uses aml can raurare radm frequency energv and. lfnm lnstalled and used m aeeerdauee wlth lhe mslruelmns. may cause harmful rulerfereuee m radle Communications Hewever. Ihere rs rm guarnnleethntmlerferencewlllncloceurmnparllcularmstnllalmn mhls equlpmenl does cause harmful interference to rxdlo or relevrsrua recepuua uh h can be delermlned by mum-lg rhe equrpmehr offxmi one rhe user as encouraged to try to correct rhe lnlerfercnce hv one or more urrhe rullourug measures "Recrlent or relocale lhe reeelvmg anlerma elncrensethesepnralmn belweenlhe equrpmenlandreeeuer euueel lhe equlprueul mm an uullel an a elrcuu drlrereul freru Ihal m whlch rhereeeu er rs connected ..Con=u|l rhe dealer or an experreueeu radlo TV lechnlcmn for help Thls equlpmeul complies lvllh FCC radmueu exposure hruus sel forth for an uncontrolled emrrouruear FCC Noles: The manuraerurer rs aur respuasrble for and rxdw or TV nlerference eaused bv uhaurhurrzed modlficauons w rhrs equlpmenl Such modlficauons could \md rhe user's anthorllv lo operare rhe equrpmeur CE Caution: l-lerelvy. Guangzhou Teuaysrur Telecoul Co. m. declares rlur lllls Blllewolh Heudsel lluleueleel use Calegeu, Widzhand Dnla Trausrurssreu systems) rs m ceruplrauae wuh llre esseuual lzqmrzmemsxnd emerreleusul pruursreus olDuecllv: I999/5/EC
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