Guideline Geo 1200MHZ Shielded 1.2GHz Antenna User Manual Manual 1 2GHz

Mala GeoScience AB (publ) Shielded 1.2GHz Antenna Manual 1 2GHz

User manual

       RAMAC 1.2 GHz antenna        Operating manual  Version 1.0 2  Table of Contents _________________________________________________    1 Introduction 3 1.1 Unpacking and Inspection 4 1.2 Repacking and Shipping 4 1.3 Limited Warranty and Liability 4 2 Hardware and Start Up 5 2.1 Hardware 5 2.2 Start up 5 3 Using the RAMAC 1.2 GHz 7 4 RAMAC 1.2 GHz specifications 9 3 1 Introduction   __________________________________________________   Thank you for purchasing the RAMAC 1.2 GHz, the shielded high frequency antenna.  Together with the RAMAC CUII control unit and the RAMAC Monitor for data acquisition you have the entire 1.2 GHz at hand, the high frequency concept, giving you a straightforward one-man operated GPR system for concrete, forensic and other high-resolution applications.   We at Malå GeoScience welcome comments from you concerning the use and experience of this equipment, as well as the contents and usefulness of this manual. Please take the time to read through the assembling instructions carefully and address any questions or suggestions to the following:   Main Office: Subsidiary: Malå GeoScience Malå GeoScience USA, Inc. Skolgatan 11 2040 Savage Rd, P.O. Box 80430         S-930 70 Malå Charleston, SC 29416                   Sweden USA   Phone: +46 953 345 50 Phone:  +1-843 852 5021                 Fax: +46 953 345 67 Fax: +1-843 769 7397    E-mail: E-mail:  Technical support issues can be sent to:  Information about MALÅ GeoSciences products is also available on Internet:     Copyright© 2004 Malå Geoscience AB 4  1.1 Unpacking and Inspection  Great care should be taken when unpacking the equipment. Be sure to verify the contents shown on the packing list and inspect the equipment for any loose parts or other damage. All packing material should be preserved in the event that any damage occurred during shipping. Any claims for shipping damage should be filed to the carrier. Any claims for missing equipment or parts should be filed with Mala GeoScience.   1.2 Repacking and Shipping  If original packing materials are unavailable, the equipment should be packed with at least 80 mm of absorbing material. Do not use shredded fibres, paper wood, or wool, as these materials tend to get compacted during shipment and permit the instruments to move around inside the package.   1.3 Limited Warranty and Liability  Malå Geoscience warrants that, for a period of 12 months from the delivery date to the original purchaser, Malå Geoscience products will be free from defects in materials and workmanship. Except for the foregoing limited warranty, Malå Geoscience disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including nay warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Malå Geoscience will repair and replace parts or equipment which are returned to Malå Geoscience, transportation and insurance pre-paid, without alteration or further damage, and which in Malå Geoscience´s judgement, were defective or became defective during normal use.   Malå Geoscience assumes no liability for any direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages or injures caused by proper or improper operation of its equipment or software, whether or not defective. 5  2 Hardware and Start Up __________________________________________________   2.1 Hardware  The 1.2 GHz is a one-piece radar antenna where the antenna elements are mounted in a small handheld, shielded box easily mounted on a small wheel carriage. See picture below.     The RAMAC 1.2 GHz antenna communicates with the control unit CUII through a 3 m long data cable, giving you an easily and freely movable antenna.    2.2 Start up   When initialising 1.2 GHz measurements the following easy steps are made to connect and start up the whole GPR system: 6  ?? Make sure that the battery is fully charged for the control unit CUII (See Operating Manual CUII) and correctly mounted. This battery also supplies the 1.2 GHz antenna with power.  ?? Connect the CUII supporting system part to the CUII itself. Three short coaxial cables to the R, T and D connectors and the encoder cable to the CUII encoder connection. The T corresponds to transmitter, R to receiver and D to data. See picture below.    ?? Connect the CUII (LPT1) to the external PC parallel port or to the parallel port on the RAMAC Monitor. ?? Connect the 1.2 GHz data cable to the control unit CUII (dark gray connector at the left-hand side in the picture above).  ?? Attach an appropriate length-measuring device and connect it to port  ENC  on the antenna. When using the wheel carriage, the encoder is mounted on one of the wheels and only need to be connected to the antenna.  ?? Turn on the power on the CUII. Turn on the PC or the RAMAC Monitor.  Your RAMAC 1.2 GHz is now ready for operation. 7 3 Using the RAMAC 1.2 GHz __________________________________________________  The 1.2 Ghz antenna is operated by 2 buttons on the shielded antenna box itself.  You can easily create a new profile and start and stop the data collection.  The 1.2 Ghz antenna can also be used together with an extension handle (see picture below), giving you access to the  two different remote controls to manage the system.  Observe! One of the remote controls (on the antenna itself and on the extension handle) (see pictures below) also functions as a “kill” switch, so it has to be held down at all times duing measurments. If the button is released the transmitter will stop transmitting within 10 seconds. 8 The extension handle, with the remote control, are mounted on the wheel carriage and connected on the back-side of the 1.2 GHz antenna.  See picture below.     When the 1.2 GHz system is used together with the RAMAC XV11 Monitor, you have access o the fully integrated data collection, 2.5D analysis tool and Migration Wizard.              See Manuals for the XV11 Monitor and Easy3D for further details. 9   4 RAMAC 1.2 GHz specifications __________________________________________________    Centre frequency 1.2 GHz   Bandwidth > 100 %  Time window > 50 ns  Reprate 100 kHz  Pulse width 760 ps  Total weight incl. batteries 1.3 kg   Cable length 3 m  Power supply 8 V Li-ion rechargeable batteries  Operating time 3 hours  Operating temperature -20 to + 50 0C    Control Unit RAMAC CUII   Data acquisition RAMAC Monitor (preferred) or other laptop (with Malå Geoscience software Ground Vision)  Environmental  IP67

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