HANGZHOUNFORD TOOLS LM121 Transmitter User Manual


User Manual

User manual
There are two keys on the product, which each of them is pressed
can generate a serial of digital code with the carrier at modulator stage by
way of FSK mode and to the transmitter antenna. And of course there
are different from each other in key value. What is more,every time we
press any of the key will generate a different serial of digital code
comparing with the former time, and it varies according to some rules.
Acorrding to the designation,the carrier frequency is defined at
433MHZ and at a specified fundamental frequency +5KHZ or -5KHZ.
Antenna is printed in PCB
The transmitter is powered by 12V Battary.
Main function description
The product is used for controlling the opening and closing of a
Up key
Down key
There are two keys on the product which marked up key an down
Up key is defined to open door and the down key is defined to close
the door.
If we need open the door ,we can press the up key.on the contrary ,we
press the down key.
There ia another function that we can just use one key to control the
door opening and closing .For example,if we need open the door,we can
press the up key,and after that,we need close it ,we have two ways,one is
press the down key,and the other one is we press the up key again.

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