HARRIS TR-307-B2 Private Radio Basestation User Manual Manual
HARRIS CORPORATION Private Radio Basestation Manual

June 28, 1999
Federal Communications Commissions
Authorization & Evaluation Division
7435 Oakland Mills Road
Columbia, Maryland 21046
Attention: Equipment Authorization Branch
Subject:: Type Acceptance FCC ID: AXATR-307-B2
Members of the Commission,
Ericsson Inc. request the modification of Type acceptance of the AXATR-307-B2 basestation.
The AXATR-307-B2 is a trunking basestation that operates in the 450-470 Mhz band at a power
rating of 110 Watts. Ericsson Inc. simply wishes to add emissions designators for narrow
band{12.5 kHz } data and digital voice, Occupied Band width plots have been supplied to show
compliance with 90.210 at 9600 bps. The data also shows compliance with 90.203 J 3. All other
exhibits are the same as in the original filing.
Bryan McWatters
Staff Engineer
(804) 592-6110 FAX (804) 592-6510
Email: eusblmw@am1.ericsson.se