HELLA and KGaA 009014 LCDAS Lane Change Decision Aid System User Manual Dokument1

Hella KGaA Hueck & Co. LCDAS Lane Change Decision Aid System Dokument1

Revised user manual

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Document DescriptionRevised user manual
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Date Submitted2006-01-13 00:00:00
Date Available2005-08-18 00:00:00
Creation Date2006-01-12 15:14:48
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Document TitleDokument1
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Document Author: hollhe1

side assist
Lane change asslst feature
Wh- lnvllllsb- mm Ink an"
Desc riplion
The side asslsl Illnctlml assists lhe driver when changing
in. m nuns-sci:
muo- oi mm
ssnnis inn mun-ii
wim- swims m m s.»-
Switching side astist on and off
swnchlng on
7 Press the button a lip. 190. The red indicatorlamp in the
bunonwill Iighl up.
switching off
7 Press tho bullon again. ThD indicalor lamp In the button
will go out.
me sysiein is designed to prwide assismceon molule/s and
other oumnown reads, an ii only opersies si speeds show about
so km/h.
0 Plus. um am an unw- m not Hm" abl- w den-ct nl
vehicles which rm rep-"em . pin-mid Mind been." risli).
as. m wail-sins
MI ins-is, ism-
inns-rs lull
the side aslin fuminn emplove radaw sensors 3 fig. ”8 n
momlorfollowinniume and ms blind swison lwm sidesolme car
zpapfl isms. lal.
Wlmlnu lsmps If! weapons-d in me two ulflrior minus
3 fig. |7Sl. Th: wsming lamp on «is Infi~h and minor sssisss ms
drivlrwlun chany'ng lea-«amid: ine len end mewsmins lump
an an iigmhend mlrml’ alulns ms dliv-rwh-n changlng isn-
lowivds lhe righl.
When on. aim" lamps ligms up. lhiu is m in|orm you mm the
sidssssiss nss doucledavuhicle an that side and csieulsies mm a
lane changewould be eiiziesl. Thisinlh' lim siege 0! lhewlrmng,
mfnrmd to El "ll Win-6M m6. 3 pay. 15A 1h stage thn
wsming is dnlgntdla havinibl- 0an vaDH lack Ill iiis snenei
"you operate me nun ugnsl whln the side 5194's! has registered
wnsi k judge-lo ha s crhlculvshch-A (h. lump on me snark}! mm
will ilien ilssh until limts wilh gnsisi iniensiiy. This is me
wins-mm: melee.-
s rises. nos-ms in sm- ssslss is not sue to use sis-gm-
ssaminsei muss logwlelumwvln‘fiombehifi, Mil-hide-
mn van svs wen-Aim. usury.
e ri- rad-v ssnm's "field dvision” essi be insssiied by islis
lnwulloto'wlt-vwllht mu. mismunsln "muss nu!
Mini mil-Mr mums-d w. In some ciwumml not lull-n
o n. siae min only aim s miss ol swimming which
ma v'lllcln mils blhd sis-mum» ma “rod is slew-so mm
o thnmcmnthfidomitmmcm-inliwnb-ldl
0 Th- sid- mist ism-n is ml is ssh-mm in mull ems-ms-
mmmtwamM-wlsdmsmpmslbhlwm lama
lsm sis-sign ms was mums-awn. um“ gis- your lul mm
mm to n.- posmui 01 you. vslileh on m- mud and mm- mm
. email.
- To woid impailinglht lumion olme side Quiet, do no! snscli
aw omens (9.9. suckers or bicycle esnieisi in such a way "in they
might inieneiewim ins musrsenssis inms resr bump-i
s Makesurelhmlllewaminglampsonmeexleiinrmlirolsalenm
ob“: "red in stick-u in «that obiacls,
. Nos.
0 To ensuie Illa! ms slus sssm lunciion works propem, do no!
sllcm snow end ice as eecumulsxeonms resmumpernesnhe rider
sensors. Piss-e chum ms oddlflunul notes on = page 175.
a The s‘ . min lunmion wil b- twitched oflauiomailesllv when
ms slecsnssl eonnmm lnr ihe irsllsr sucks: ll plugged n on “his
elsswim s imomfimld lowing hmkal.
o The tide eatiet ahould he witched an manualty wheniowinee
treileriltheuehicle te muippedwilh atowingtnacltetwhichwae not
e The tide ism system will awitch on automatically ti it detect-
al! obnruc “ ihll impu'u flu fuflcllrm 01 (In radar IEHBMI
e The naming lampt on the exterior mirrors mw not he property
hlfl i| “mud lnil ls nflixnd (a (h! dn windmvn on (he Grit/M's nr
paaaengere tide.-
wttu Invlnch- tater tie. aatu
Area covered by the radar sensors
The area cert/sud o, the radar eenaora r: lig. lat conaiate oi:
o the mamaMappm-chzom (Iiahlgmn area. uproaoeta so
metreat ®and
o mine apota taiark green areet®t
The rad-r nnmm mo rlhu Ian” mndialely to lhl Iufi Ind
tightotyouruehicle orhar latter are notcouered by the aeneore.
The aide ttwtl teapond tn the appropriate mod depending on
whqihu or "a you ep-rnu lhn turn signal lo indlcai- In imundnd
lnfonnetion mode
Aa long aayeu dn not upetatethetuntalgnah the aide ee' will
merely inlorm you at the presence at vehicles that h has detected
and atdpeato be critical in the event cl a lane change the weaning
lamp on the mlwuntcnun‘ar mtrrorwtll light up with law int-natty
whenever the tide aaaiat calculates that thedtetance and the weed
difluml‘ill of an ippruanhlnu vnhicln urn armed
1h: intensity M “w warnlng lump h lhlu hiwmslinn moon "I delta
etat-lv tept relativeh low, ao that it doee not dittrectyou whlllyou
are loelnng at the read in hortt and do not intend to change to a
difierertt latte. 1hernlorntation mode iscleamvitible whenyoel loelt
in the qufior ' ml.
warning mode
ll voel operate tlte tum wnsl when the sidearaiat headetected a
vehicle an that aide that ttiudgee ta be eriticat in the erent el a latte
change,thewarning lamp on the relevam exterior mirrorwill flash
brimth eeveraltimes. rh‘ ia the warninpmud lithe lamp naahee
hrtghth hwamaynulhflvnu ehould chaokthealtuatlon again inthe
minoretttl by looking haclt oueryeur ahoulaer =& in “Safety
name" on page 175.
. Note
You canediuat the brtghtnesa otthe warning lempa on the aaterior
mirmriviulhe MMI apt-19! 172,-
I Note
The lideassul system is programmed lorlaneaof a iiaeewidth and
is not able to measure difluing lane widths. lt mortitort a zone
equivalent to one normal latte width on eittter aid ii the lanea are
nanewertltan thte,orttuehtclea are not travelling in thecentreoi
the tenet, the eystent may regttteruehicles that are not in tact trau-
elling in an adjacent lane :. page in I
Awhhuntrl— tern. ee. .a.r
How the system works
When mlluvehicles aee detected, the side atatst I'vflem registers
theirdiatance and how tattthq are lpprnachlnwv Thewenting lamp
onthe releeant exteriormlnornrill llgla upwhmurth- are. eeaiat
celeuletet that the diatenoe and the speed diner-mial oi
appreechingvehtcletwouldoe entteal in the want ole lane change.
m-wamtng lamp ml] Hum up when you are oeing awn-hen and
whm you ate menelting anotheruehicla.
liyou ere overt-lung Ikmlywllh a apeed dmammml ol leaa than
15 inn/h the warning lamp will light up aaeoon asthe otheruehiole
enlemyourbfind spot and it detected by the tenaora. "you are
warming with a tpeed din-rential which ie water than thit the
lamp will no! give a warning. .
eavtuearrentrtae mined. tattet
lnfotmation mode and warning mode
The aide aaaiet haa lwo modea at operation
a The information mode and
a me wanting made )
‘Dflln tetaraetaataterataa ht-lll
Situation with vehicle approaching rapidly
from bah d
nun men-at VIM- am-eummmr—t
® Warning lamp on exterior mirror doaa not light up
Th- mnmr‘ luvs not detected unyw an. Thnwnminn Ilmpen
the exterior mirrordees not light upnAh "Shiny notes'on
page 175,
6) Warning lamp light. up in information mode
the aenaent have detected a rapidly approaching vehicle A in thit
arample m the Mt-Iland lane. Becauae ol ita appvoich tpud. this
vehicle in alreadytudged to oecrttlcel tn the vent at a lane change
aven though it ie atll some dittanceewau. The warning lampon the
-terior minor light- up in the inlormation mode = page 153, P
(9 Warning lamp flashes in warning mode
llyeu operate the turn signal-1 lilualion (a), the warning lamp on
the exterior minor will flash briefly several timer. This calls your
attantian to tha pratenoa oi a yahialawhlch you may humour—
. New
. Th. tastara vehicle apprcaches. the aarlier the warning will
appear on the exterior mirror In all cases. the side assist will give a
warning ior thevehteles it haadetected at the latestwhentheyenrer
the “blind ivm'v
e Ilavehicle isapprsachingat high epeetl it is possrblethata lane
change may he antic-l. mnthsugh no warning is given I
litall cases the side assist willlight up n: indicate tlievehiolee it has
detected at the latest when they enter the ~blind spot".
6) Warning lamp flashes in warning mode
it you operate the turn signal in situation ® thewarning lamp on
me annular mirmfwill flush Drinfly levamllimes Vhin cullsyuur
attamipn lo the pretence oiayahicla which you may have web
I int.
0 The lastei a vehicle lpwoachel. the earlier the warning will
appaaron the exterior mirror. The side assist will gheawarning for
the approaching vehicles it has detecteo at the lateetwhen they
entartha 'hlmd apat'.
e ll a vehicle is avprnaching at high speed it is possible that a lane
change may be ortticai even though nowarnlng il given]
Awlnbnmrh rein as. -
Situation with vehicle approaching slowly
from be d
an“: mum-”mmmmmanmm
(D Warning lamp on exterior rnirror does not light up
he sensors have detected a slaw approaching vehicle - In this
example in the lelt-hanti lane. Because it is relativelytaraway and
only approaching sllzmly, no warning will appear on the anterior
mirrw ag in “Safety notes'on pa|79175v
@ Warning lamp tights up in information mode
the slowly approac hing vehtcl- is now closer. The warning lamp on
"in uxlerior mirror ' his up In (ha inhmulion mudE.
ihewarninglanip on the exteriorrninorwillpnly light up lithe eioe
Basin calculate; that the dlslancs and ma speeddlflnlnmlnl 01
approachingvehiclaewuulaae critical in the event pia lanechanga. b
aaruntaveneianim-lr. r-ln
Situation when you are slowly overtaklng
other vehicles
sign ammm-mammno—im
® Warning tarnp on exterior mirror does not light up
Thm/nhicle you-ramnuh'nq ha! "diva! Mm dllccmd by lhunidu
assist. mewarning lamp on the art- or mini" one: not light up
343m ~safehi notes' on page in.
6) Warning lamp lights up in information mode
1he vehicle you are passing slowty iwnh a speed dilterential less
than |E km/hl ll detected by the tide assist. me warning lamp on
the mneriur minvr lights up In the intnrrnatign made,
(D Warning larnp flashes h warning mode
liven up ntatheturh signal in lilunion @ tit. wanting tampon
the exterior mirrsrw-ll ilash brieity several times This cellsyour b
aneiiiion lo the piesence oi a vehicle which vol! may lime
th/siiooked I
Awning (M hiiiieisi 11d!
Situation when you are rapidly overtaking
other vehicles
rig ii: an: int mammal. min. warm-n mainly
u’ji Warning lamp on exterior miricr does not light up
The vehicleyoii are meilaking has iintvet been detected in ine side
aisist The warning lanip onilie exterior mirror gees noi ligni iip
1&“1 "Safely notes' en p0ge175,
(D Weining lamp on exterior mirror does not light up
The veiiicleygii aie passing iepicih l\\lllh a speed diileieiitiei gleaiél
Ihaii 15 Itm‘lil is detected by the Side axsisl hill is no! iiidgsd to he
cniical inine E/Efll oi a lane change since it is iimpping back
7 Seleci Svstems‘ “0m lhs CAR menu
, Select Audi side assist
, Select Wamiiiq lanip: brightness
, riirii ilie Iarv pushblllli: inset the ilesii-ea brightness
ier ilie warning lamp on the exienar mirror s gage 172
fig 137.
the bi ightiiess oi the waning lamp in boili ilie illloimallon and
warning modes is iegiilaied aulomaliczliy acmidingtothe ainiaieni
lighi level visit can alse agiiist the basic utgnmessievei oi the
naming lampyniiiseii via the liineiion Warning lainp: iightnesi,
“is new hllgmness ievelwiil he dismayed blieli I|l|e you ale
making ihe adiiistineni. The blighillessle/ai iiiai is siiowiiai this
pain! is the iriiensity 0! me lampwnen it ciinies on in the irfllllma—
lion inane The iiiiensity olihe lamp in ilie warning inene is linieii
it: the lnleiislry iii the "dalmatian mode
hie bl ighiiiess oi the lain the inionnation mode shouid he set
so inai yuu can see the lampwhen Wu glance atineaiiienor niiiror,
bul aie not aivaie 0! it when Ionkllig ici‘ivaltis tliiougli tliewiiiii-
llygiieieiiivemlaitoi velvllghlsllllolllirliligsivllenvellailjlislllle
n igniiiess iii (hs'ivarnilig lamp. the ainoniain b gntness camml
may already have ieaelieclthe leweii ertiie iirigniesi seliing unner
iliese ciiciinistances ihe biighlness er ihe wai niiig lamp on the
anei i-sr mirror may nni change insilih when you alter the basic
brightness level
Iiyoii ad|u§i the hasic ongntiiesslevelnliile the vehicle is in in veiv
dalk Oi veiy ghi siii iniindingi. the change in the setting may only
becomevlsl le iii SulioulltanS oi ineie innuei ate tiiighiiiess
ciiiiclih. thewaiiiiiig lamp on ihe enellc‘i miHDI does no! light up
A, a in ~saieiy iieies on page 175.
Gi Warning lamp on exterior minor dael not I lit up
Ilymi Dpeiaie the iiiiri signal in Sitllaliun @ ihe waiiiiiig lamp en
llieexleiloi iniiic-iwillstilliioi give alivwainlllg »&II\’>iiefv
noies' an pagans I
Awlnn lD'llVilEiu uni eni aeiiii
Chang ng settings in the MMI
vim call tithes: the bf hues-s ierei iii' the W0
ni- ih-c» exterior iii-rmrs i-in zho M’W.
‘i'l‘g VJii'pS
u. in MM new
nl-etlen "Illla
minim, iamr eiirimam
rt. m liiiisei-h
lightning NW.“
olvlllnhiu l-iii.
, Press the lunciion selectgr billion marked
. None
. The side assist is no! aciivenliiie ygii aie changing iiie biighi-
"st set 'l\g' the bile! flash (Allie “is! ' g Iain ' nn'v ' ended to
help run inalie ihe deslied seiiing
o Vonr pei xonxl senmqs ai e sioreei automatically and assigned to
the ienigte Conilol keywhicli is being used I
wins e-eiieiaawini.
General notes
The side assist system has inlieieni limitations in some sitiiatiens.
Fei this ieasiin please me paiticiilai Caie'
- Wltendi' ng lhlbugh bends a page 173
0 Lin madswilh varying lane idths a page in -
‘DvIl-s b‘mfitl
When driving through bands
wlltui iiiiiii
i'lie Side assist cannot detect vehicles in iight bends will a iacliiis
ol leis than 200 ineiresi
When driving Ihiough a bend. the side assist may leacno avehicle
that is Iwo lanes may and aciiiiaie ilie wei niiig lamp in the exterini
Awn— hunk-l rem ss- asst
Lane widths
ug. tn lattes at
non-I tenth In
eon-tn try the tat-nee
H]. in t-tmt inn:
1a ten-t they react
to tettletee tut-tn.
tn latt- um
TM lit‘h unsill sylhm induignnd m covaradjsnnnl lungs olnomial
width on ltotlr stdesotyoursehiste tlett and nghti, regardless ol
wltshervou aredrtving tfimtlv |I| thecentre ofyour lane or further
to one tide.
ltthe widths are reduced the sensors may also detectyehicles
inadd tonal lanes,especially ifyou are driving funherto one side
ofyour lane a list. 189. In such siluallflnnlh! system may react to
oanlsles travelling two lanes uww, as that the ants astlst actuate.
the information or thewaming mode.
Side assist do“ nol meenlraactual lane width. The synsm
assumes a find line width, Damion in [he left and tight lanes is
bBEd on his asutlmed Ianewidm.Whufl drilling Dnnirrvw rmdsor
when driving in in: la" or righl onhe cellist oi almel line, it is
wssiblalha vehicles wil L"! detacfld met It! nolin the lane rat
to the lane you are using.
e improper tel-tee on the min ttretettt eett mu oo i-
ntone and serious pcmmnttlum
s New rely ontyen side. twheet tat-turn. lanes.
— AM-vl cheek tear-testy mirror-remain etaethat tt ls eefeto
change lance.
- side eeelst cat-tot detect all terhtcles tetdsr etl eottditiottt-
danger ot socidentl
- side... ttcatetotdesectvahietee intanetoetert yottwhett
they approach than behind at very high speed, or ten deep haclt
reevlr wisely.
e 7M radar uml'l vision can its reduced at entirelyttioclsed by
rain, mm and heavy spray. rhfe can mult in side aadst not
adequately detectitg rrelrtsle- or, in some cnn not detecting
the-net l elm-keepenmenthetirsctlenyouaratmettng
and the relevant tee- srottttd tho vettlcle,
- please ttdte that side tteeiet imicm there an approaching
vehicles, eruehtrdes in your lrlttd spot, only alter trout vehicle has
meshed a drhrlng epesd otat leeet 37 mph lso tun/ht.
a su- eet. signal does not melt around tum comets thenirtg
udtll less than 218 yards. or zoo tttl.
a std. etet le noteplecetnetttfor the driver' Illll met-don."-
driv- alone is reepotteiale for latte ehlngu and sittilet dritr-tg
tttatteurrert. Air-trays trsep in eye on the direction you aretrauelfng
and the releuaett me around tho uehiste.
Sim-lam, ifthe lanesare velv wide, ills possible that the system
may not datactyehistea in the adraoent lane because they are
outside the area covered by the sensors. .
Apples In nnlt- antn so. aauat
Messages in tho nstrument cluster disglfl
Should the side assist be deactivated automatically. the indicator
lamp in the button will go out and e rhesuge will appear in the
rnstrurrtertt cluster display:
Audi side iet not eyeiablezeentere abetted
The sensors. which ere not externally ytailaie. are incorporated on
either side of the narbump": page 155, fig. tin. To ensure the
proper tunnion olthe side assist system, do not attach arty objects
(such IE slicks" ur hicych carriers. alt) (n ma mar hqur in such
a way that they might aostruct these sensors. Should the lurmitm
ofthe system be enpairsd, the illurumem cluster display wiltshow
this rrreatage. Please checkwhether anything iseoatructirrg the
sensors and remoyethe Dbllruclitm "necessary.
Audi else in ctttnndv not aveiatale
The side assnn is temporarily tnoperatneand cannot be switched
on llor inshlla it the battery ts not sufficiently charged).
Andi side tat: eynettt hull
The avstern should he checked by anArudidealership ototherqual-
ilied walk-hop,
Audi tide est-t not even-tale when who
en yehieteawith a linen/4mm (milling black! the side assist func-
lionwill be switched offautornaticallywhen the electricalcomecter
lor the trailer is plugged in. attd this melug- will appear in the
inetrunrentclustar displeymrs side assist function may not It- >
0 ton.
roensurethat side assist is not adyerasly aflectsd,you should not
blockthe areeon the rear humpsrwhere the radarsensorsare
located with lamim objects laueh at with stickers or bicycle racket.
- Tips
ll the positions oi the radar aartsurs have been changed as a result
01 a marend~collision. lor inflame, have side aalin checksd bv all
authorized Audi dualsf for ldalv reesonl,
wet-tmranettswmeud art- are
Declarat on of comp ance
TheAudi side tstiet system is hosed on ndarsensorswhich spams
in one ol two lrequency handset 24 GHz. In tomecounlr‘ret only one
of both bendsisallovrsd. Depending on the country inwhich you
are driving. the Audi sides-tist system may not be legally actiyeted
unlasathe frequency band psrm'nled has been set by an atlihorixed
Audi dealer.0peratton irttlte us and Canada taonly permitted on
the 24075 MHz to Ni 75 MHz lreqiency band. The correct frequency
band was set by Audi or arr authorized Audi dealer in the country
where yottryeiticlewaa originally purchased and may hays been
reset it theyehicle was operated outstdethe USoi canada Changes
or modifications not expressly apprwld byAudi cart void the user's
authority to operate the Audi side assist system.
This delicu complias with Pun |Eolthe FCC Rulefl. Operation is
suttject In the following two conditions:
0 thisdevice may not cause hatmlttl interterence, and
- thisdey‘rce must accept any interference remit/ad. including
interference that may cause undesired operation. I

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File Type                       : PDF
File Type Extension             : pdf
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PDF Version                     : 1.2
Linearized                      : No
Page Count                      : 5
Creator                         : Dokument1 - Microsoft Word
Create Date                     : 2006:01:12 15:14:48
Title                           : Dokument1
Author                          : hollhe1
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EXIF Metadata provided by EXIF.tools
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