HELLA and KGaA 009014B Field Disturbance Sensor User Manual Annex No
Hella KGaA Hueck & Co. Field Disturbance Sensor Annex No
State: 2010-03-01
Vers. no.: 1.10
m. dudde hochfrequenz-technik Rottland 5a D-51429 Bergisch Gladbach/ Germany Tel. +49 2207-96890 Fax +49 2207 968920
Annex no. 5
Functional Description /
User Manual
Date: 2011-11-04
Hella KGaA
Hueck & Co.
59552 Lippstadt
User Manual
Page 1
: LCA (Lane Change Assist), Gen. 1.7
SWA (Spurwechselassistent), Gen. 1.7
Org. unit/Gr.:
Ref.: Enclosures:
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This document is confidential. Its contents are not to be exploited, passed on or disclosed to third parties without our express permission. All rights are reserved.
Hella 3399EN (2000
LCA (Lane Change Assist) Gen. 1.7
SWA (Spurwechselassistent) Gen. 1.7
Model Names:
(Audi / VW / Porsche / Hyundai)
System Function and Purpose
The LCA system is an advanced driver assistant system, to warn the driver of the subject vehicle against
potential collisions with vehicles to the side and/or to the rear of the subject vehicle, and moving in the
same direction as the subject vehicle during lane change manoeuvres. The system therefore detects
vehicles to the rear and sides of the subject vehicle.
When the subject vehicle driver indicates the desire to make a lane change, the system will evaluate the
situation and warn the driver if a lane change is not recommended. LCA is not meant to encourage
aggressive driving. The absence of a warning will not guarantee that the driver can safely make a lane
change manoeuvre. The system will not take any automatic action to prevent possible collisions.
Responsibility for the safe operation of the vehicle remains with the driver.
Date: 2011-11-04
Hella KGaA
Hueck & Co.
59552 Lippstadt
LCA (Lane Change Assist), Gen. 1.7
SWA (Spurwechselassistent), Gen. 1.7
Page 2 of 5
Signed by: Checked by:
Hella 3399DE (2000
Vertraulich. Weitergabe sowie Verwertung und Mitteilung des Inhalts ist nur mit unserer ausdrücklichen Genehmigung gestattet. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.
LCA System Architecture
The LCA system consists of two radar sensor units which are mounted behind the rear bumper in the left
and right rear corners of a car so that the rear and the sides of the car can be observed.
One of the units is the main control unit "master = SWA SG1" and the other is the "slave = SWA SG2".
For Mazda the units are the main control unit "master =
RH " and the other is the
"slave =
LH ".
The two units interchange data between each other via the sensor CAN-bus.
The master interchanges data with other electronic control units of the vehicle via the vehicle CAN-bus.
Both units incorporate a DSP-board and a Radar Frequency Unit (Radio Front End) to perform the radar
signal processing.
Only the DSP-board of the master incorporates a microprocessor which handles the
communication to the vehicle CAN-bus.
An on-off-tipper to activate and de-activate the system is connected to the DSP-board of the master unit.
In the car a respective status lamp which indicates whether the system is activated or de-activated is
connected to the DSP-board of the master unit.
Warning lamps for the left and the right side are connected to the DSP-board of the slave unit.
Date: 2011-11-04
Hella KGaA
Hueck & Co.
59552 Lippstadt
LCA (Lane Change Assist), Gen. 1.7
SWA (Spurwechselassistent), Gen. 1.7
Page 4 of 5
Signed by: Checked by:
Hella 3399DE (2000
Vertraulich. Weitergabe sowie Verwertung und Mitteilung des Inhalts ist nur mit unserer ausdrücklichen Genehmigung gestattet. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.
The RF units each consist of
• one 24-GHz-VCO,
• one transmit antenna,
• two receivers (each consisting of antenna, LNA, mixer, BPF and base-band amplifier) and
• one 2.4-GHz-PLL oscillator with a 10x-frequency multiplier.
The transmit signal is generated by the 24-GHz-VCO.
The 24-GHz-VCO is frequency modulated by a DAC on the DSP-board.
The DSP-board is able to switch off the transmitter.
The tenth harmonic of 2.4-GHz-PLL is generated and used to align the modulation of the 24-GHz-VCO
and to keep it within the frequency band limits.
The transmit antenna pattern is a microstrip patch antenna array with 5x8 elements.
It is designed to illuminate the rear and the side of the vehicle and is thus a medium gain antenna.
The three receivers down-convert the receive signals directly to zero-IF by using the 24-GHz-VCO
The base-band receiver signals are digitized by ADCs on the DSP-board.
The receiver antennas are microstrip patch antennas with a lower gain than the transmit antenna (1x8 or
2x8 elements).
Technical Data of LCA
Supply Voltage +9 V … +15 V
Supply Current appr. 0.5 A (of master and slave without lamps connected)
Frequency Band 1 24075 MHz ... 24175 MHz
Frequency Band 2 24150 MHz … 24250 MHz
Modulation FMCW
Modulation Bandwidth < 100 MHz
EIRP < +20 dBmW
Antenna Type microstrip patch array
Antenna gain 16 dBi
Operating Temperature Range -40°C …+70°C
Storage Temperature Range -40°C …+90°C
Supply Voltage +9 V … +15 V
Date: 2011-11-04
Hella KGaA
Hueck & Co.
59552 Lippstadt
LCA (Lane Change Assist), Gen. 1.7
SWA (Spurwechselassistent), Gen. 1.7
Page 5 of 5
Signed by: Checked by:
Hella 3399DE (2000
Vertraulich. Weitergabe sowie Verwertung und Mitteilung des Inhalts ist nur mit unserer ausdrücklichen Genehmigung gestattet. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.
ADC analog-to-digital converter
BPF band pass filter
CAN controller area network
CP communication processor
DAC digital-to-analog converter
DSP digital signal processor
EIRP equivalent isotropically radiated power
FMCW frequency modulated continuous wave
IF intermediate frequency
HC-2 Lane Change Decision Aid System
LNA low noise amplifier
PLL phase-locked-loop
RF radio frequency
Rx Receive
SWA Spurwechselassistent - german term for LCDAS
Tx Transmit
VCO voltage controlled oscillator
XTAL crystal oscillator