HELLA and KGaA 009768T Keyless Car Entry User Manual

Hella KGaA Hueck & Co. Keyless Car Entry


User Manual

Annex No.5 Page 1 of 8 Functional description / User manual 5FA 009 768-40 / -70 5FA 010 007-30 / -40 / -50 / -60 5FA 010 381-30
1September 12, 2008Confidential.The contents may only be passed on, used or made known with our express permission. All rights reserved.1HellaPassive Entry Passive Start System (PEPS)for General MotorsUser Identification Device (UID)5FA 010 007-30 /-40 /-50 /-605FA 010 381-305FA 009 768-40 /-70
2September 12, 2008Confidential.The contents may only be passed on, used or made known with our express permission. All rights reserved.2Hella PEPS for GMFunctional Description of Passive StartPEPS ECU3 interior LF antennasUIDStart:A Person with the UID inside of the vehicle is pressing the Start-Stop-Switch. The Start-Stop-Switch activates the complete Passive Start protocol:The interior antenna IN is transmitting the LF Data and a carrier signal, which can be recognized and evaluated by quantity (RSSI-measurement) by the UID. The other two interior antennas IN and TRUNK transmit two additional carrier signals sequential.If the magnetic field strength of one of these transmits is high enough (a certain border is reached) then the UID authenticates the system to start the vehicle.If the magnetic field strength of all antenna transmits are too low (the field strengthborder is not reached, maybe the UID is laying outside or is held 10 cm outside the vehicle) the car won’t start.inside detection trunk separation
3September 12, 2008Confidential.The contents may only be passed on, used or made known with our express permission. All rights reserved.3Hella PEPS for GMFunctional Description of Passive EntryPEPS ECU3 interior LF antennas3 exterior LF antennasUIDEntry:A Person with the UID approaches the locked vehicle. If he graps the door handle a micro switch is activated and the complete Passive Entry Protocol is started: The door handle antenna is transmitting LF data and a carrier signal, which can be recognized and evaluated by quantity (RSSI-measurement) by the UID.If the magnetic field strength is high enough (a certain border is reached) the UID stays “awake” for additional LF communication by the other antennas driven sequentially.The additional LF communication guaranties the functionality, that only the valid key OUTSIDE the vehicle authenticates the system to unlock the car passively.If the magnetic field strength is not high enough (e.g. the UID is too far away from the vehicle, the border is not reached), the UID shuts down again and waits for the next LF Data. The vehicle is still locked.outside detectionoutside detectioninside detectionoutside rear detectiontrunk separationappr. 180cmappr. 180cm
4September 12, 2008Confidential.The contents may only be passed on, used or made known with our express permission. All rights reserved.4Hella PEPS for GMFunctional Description of Procedure, Hella Devices for Passive StartRadio Frequency Amplifier moduleBodyControlModuletransmitting frequencyf = 125kHztransmitting frequencyf = 314,9 MHzINTERIOR LF antennaINTERIOR LF antennaINTERIOR LF antennaPassiveEntryPassiveStartElectrical Control UnitUID
5September 12, 2008Confidential.The contents may only be passed on, used or made known with our express permission. All rights reserved.5Hella PEPS for GMFunctional Description of Procedure, Hella Devices for StartRadio Frequency Amplifier moduleINTERIOR LF antennaINTERIOR LF antennaINTERIOR LF antennaBodyControlModulePassiveEntryPassiveStartElectrical Control Unittransmitting frequencyf = 125kHzEXTERIOR LF antennaEXTERIOR LF antennaEXTERIOR LF antennaUIDtransmitting frequencyf = 314,9 MHz

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