HITACHI Digital Camcorder Manual L0604653
User Manual: HITACHI HITACHI Digital Camcorder Manual HITACHI Digital Camcorder Owner's Manual, HITACHI Digital Camcorder installation guides
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Page Count: 64
Di_ii_d 8v:ideeCam x>_de:r
_8_!_ Ooruoch ( o,' n'_
San Die$o CA 92i S4--7225
:[r£ DS00&tITAC it
6740 (ampobc' !o _oad
Mfssfssa_ 'sa, Or'HaNo ].5)',. 2[,8
I7{:i :t-80(!-_ I'iACHI
(] -800 448-2244)
QR32194(O[!tac[d ftcL2000 Tii_ied :-tJ} ir ()(bNME)
important information
For Your Safety
Rw C/_.L,_/(DFflWDt<C, _Wtofi tlfn'_ the c<:_noorder on d_!io of_ ;eav_n(] lhc dc>_e.h mr; _e< _u_6_u._-oh__x.-
ted if f_%÷_',',it is fo E;'e i_#i y_Ffe i_'od i_,r (_ tOnC) t:,er.od otoo, _" _ "_ "c --r - er fho
[he Oonicoro'et Gilt# AO </dopto" P1L_VOfho foflo_¢
_r_g o_Tutfon rno/?s.
Ti_,is symbol abuts [hu use_ that report-
ant [Ker_ hKe conce_nim 8 tho operatbn
and !:_]Sl'4ena}_t<e o_ t}_s unit ]:l!/s }een
tncRtded I[}_e_e_ore k sh<_u_d be read
WARN][NG: Man> te]evlsc-npK>_dmnl:sa_d filns
a:e copyrighted, I_ <;ert_, n c r _m_btanees, coFy
fish[ law may apply to pr _,ate in-home vidco-
lapin 8 o copynsbted K_ateia_'>.
'!'I}s ([[ass B d%_it_d apparak-_ complies _it[-_
Ca ]adian ICES-0( '_
_a:ie b', ]-,_ ;ID p _cise t(c]no]o_t, h4o_e
t]:m_ 99.991; of its pk:tuH_ e]etn nts p x<4s}
are eff_ ctive b_t so_t"e {less ban LOIT_} may
apFear a: e( bred bsg]t dos '{is does not
_.,d_ca,e,_" _ a mdt 4s the L{D pa_e! _-tretei_es
tl}u }i ] its of el1 :refit t_ dw/oiogy.
Warning; Ti:s d,. vke compl:es with Fai't 15 of the _ C(_ £t _e_ Operation fs s:ib)ect to the fo :o_x in£
'oso co lditior/s: (1) This device may nut cats_ harmfifi ilile_'ference, and (2) this devk-e n:ist accepi:
as), in e_%_'emce _-eceived, k_cludW_ 8 infer:A-fence tha_ may cause undesired operation
Note: 'Ibis equipmer_ has Seen [_'stcd a::d {_.,u :d to comely _,ith the ]imi[s !o: a ('lass E_]i_',ftat
device, pursua-_t to Fa[t _5 )[ {he FCC ihiies, t}k_se lhnits ,u'e cle igned to provide >:asonaNe p:o-
k,c@ _,,1aSai :st harmfi_] kller[erel:ce h_, a _'sfden[ia] insta]latio:_. This equipment Se:_era[es, uses, al_d
can radiate radio fl-equency energy a_d_ i[ r_,ot nstnlR@ a:_,d used in acco_dan{e frith @_e:nstrt_cti )ns
may cause harmful :nit, ft,_ence :o _adio c<,m I_:u:_icadoi_s. Hov,'evus, :here is l':o 8ua 'a :tee that f_:_te _
ieren£e will not occur in a particular' fnsta{lation. [£ @is equipn ent does cause hasmfi I inte_:ferer:ce
/o radio or te]evlsioT_ re(-ep_io_. _,_hicl: can be deb.,smh_ed b) hsTlin 8 [he equfpn3e :t off al_d o3b the
bse is eN_:ouraged to !t}" to corset by one o_ mor_' o{ ti:e {oHowir: 8 mcasu 7es:
Reo::ie;_ o! _eloca}e {he receiv n,c,.anK' _]a
-- h:crease @-resepa_'acion betwee,u {}:eeq uipme:_t a r_d_>_:ive_
Con _,d @_eequipment in:o an o *det o> a ci:'euit d (_o eut t*'om h_ _o _vhh h the receive_: :s cot>
--- Consutt he dealer o a_: expc,_ie :ted tadioiTV eclm cia:_ !bNlelp.
CcIution to the use_: Ct:a_:sts or modi_]catRms w> e×p essl} approued by the ma;ut:ac!{,_e co_ld
void the users authority t:oop<' _.te tK, eq@ptxR'nt
Before using: li:is Digital 8 camcord@" uses P 8 / Dgita] 8 apes wi/P_ a ["_[ _ /[ } mad( and 'eeol'< s
i_ [_e ):Dita: 8 [_ format. Thi_ camcorder also can pit, back pictm'e:q ou tapes recorded by other
HE _ and [_ camtorde:*_;, kor mo_e !,mout]-l]} ru<( _'ded picture's, iS {sR:commended !hat you do not
mix i_ rages n,co!ded in these _-[_ a_d _ !ormats, ltith Digi a: 8 [_ fob:mat on the sa'ne tape.
Note lhat ths camcorder cannot pla), back _118/8 Mrmat ape's _'ecol:ded in th_ I,P mode
[_|1 _ /_ _ is a trademark o Sop_' Co_'poratio!:.
/\v(d {>p_,r_th%, )'o,u( ::t:_<itN_'inL:qed:atcy a!t:_movi_g itf%_m a ,,-oJd:qao_ Io a w_rpa l:u::aid
place C;ive the ca:nco:ck':2 to 3 ]:::_I.:rsto s abiiiz_"in :he a:q/,iei:tcorldi_ons o{ :he s:i:'round:n::s
be{ore insertint: a cassvt o. W::mn moved [re:: a (ok{ place to a ,Aa:'m, :_.t:mki place, moisturt, may
condense on !he }_ead &:urn :aside ',hu : _achi _e, this moistme could cause the tape to stick to the
h;_d>, heel a_d da::r:a?,e he headwheel (>_'ta_?e_
W_er: a _ma]l amourtt of n:o:sture is sensed, "I:'A E" flashes in the v:e:,_fil_d:'_ e: on the L(D tool: -.
to_:. Rein( ve t{:u _'assette a:d se: @:e CAMiOF[:i VH)EO :-_v,ifeh 1o OFF, t!_en > at u_ about o:e
O[ i_ve_v irlgtil!_noi]t Bti_, 8a_ty iS VOL_ _$po_sib}iity i0o
[ i_is p_i{}e iis_!; _r?_Do_ts!ii: i¢_©rr_ia_ioi t t!i_t W{]} i_ii:) to 8S_dr_ y_t iF en_oyi_n_ 8_d proo_i i,i_e O! _ Vid@o CS_icoi _Je! ai'¢_ 8cce98o_v eq!iipi/_;!t
oo :t s ',r; :oio_ o rt{_{ '_: S )t 0is
7 _ob_;_er ('.'@[_ P_rs}.eotiolt P ,,_e 5(,ppy <;hi{ s s_oii
8_t_q_ion io co_d8 8t Did{i'_ _'Cr_Ve_e_]C8 _c_gt_c_S 8_] ti_e _o,_t
8 Ve_t_lat_ S{ois a_]i_ c_p_!i_}8 i_i the csbin_t 81e _>_o
vid4!d for v_ti[_tion to e_sd_e _eiisDi÷ o_giStiOii oi iii_ video
i)y p[sciiig tii_ vi_50 _rO{i!ict On _ b®d, SO_, t Li_, Oi Oti!ei ¸ si_lii!ar S_._i
8_01 ¸ O_ i_at FegiSt_ }i_iS Video _iod_ct Si_L_i_i _q{Z be _sced i_ a
i_i[t _'_ i_is_aiis_io_ st_ci_ ag _ bo(_x_csse oi ¸ _¢:!t t_}i_8 _o[}(_ v_,_
%%72 ,-_ "
.........L_ [
10 _ater sr_d _/ioist_
• ..... o t_-. :?¢, --
'_'5 Ctean_ng ....
._; _ 5','i C: ro n-_c
I_, Obieot S/_: Lquid _n/:r
u .... Jl_JLtof _- q
. o , - _ /
I7 Csnd{t}o_s _eq_lirh_g __
. c
P _ tr_
_e 3, 3 _;el>_cr _s ?'?co _,, ,%. _ .7 , i_ ¸
1_ SaFe1: Oheck ,_- u , ........ c, 'c';- ,_;, _
£8 Heat ....
Before You g ........................
An pPobb_, th,ai _ ccur _s a es@[ )f: _:_n):o_ lhu @ Be S!Jrt 2(l [O i_'i_e i_i( Ct_}_lCoi'd{ _1 kl p_itt('
fOi!OV, ng cosd :k>ss ,"£_}i .:)saLbe co_},!_/_.St}a}t!_sK whe_ =,1_(_(mperaIu "e exceeds 140] (60'(i), o_
I Do not shook _he s_n directly. O{benvise_ £_e
tei_s _,flI be fa@{y
m be careful that no ware< dust or Bend enkem _he
camcorder m@ a!] aeccsso es
@ W}_e> },-oil sho>t/t a sce_se whic]_ co_ttab_s an
Pxttemely bright ( biect such as a Eg_t suuroc, a
brfg}_ vertical bar may appeal: in the picture.
You_ tamcorder is tuacde_ _g propeSy, but he
solid-state pickup device (C.C.O) usual}
causes this as a} hfi ere_at charact_Tislic. 'fy to
avoid shootin£ an excessive bright obied all-
tee pfck_p device may be damaged,
Dang_¢ous includes:
I _side a ca_*>,,ith _be v,qndows closed and in
,_ Near heaIk_8 app!ian(ss.
@Of fief hmve 6e vfewfk_d !r le_s and the ]q_td
c_ystaldispla ( ,C'D}sre_n faring su:p,lig}}t fl
a pro!o:_ged p_ dod, or he phosp}tc_'es e _t st_>-
ace of the cathode ray lube and the LCD par;el
may I)e da >aged.
Read This First
_C)@ii(]e yC)iD W<' '\/6 _i;)C)[Udt(gd/
An "hs_por lant hto_. rnadon" section co£_fa nin$
hnporIant caudo_s for )'<u* _ fa£*ih/s sa£'ty as
welt as instruction for Setting your video cam-
corder read}, Io _se. PR'as_: _ead and under-
stand his section d_orough_y before movP_ 8 oq.
, A "Ge_l.i>g 8tartod' sec! on to familiarize you>
self with the con rul_ and p_'epare you for
A "Basic "rec*b_iq,._ s '_ section to allow you to
us_ your" video camcorder quick[y and confi
denk]y befo',e advancMg to the more sophisti-
cated [ealur_s of the [tftachi VM-D965LA/VM-
We vvr_# #)is manual re e÷ cs £e©£/,_xs p&sdbfe,
,SO 17 II}C[Ud@S i%vo @OSV WG}qS _0 {/DCJS_@ /;_fPf-
!NGf@n you need
Aq_fck index i)r the k'_h)rmation you '._se most
of Rm (this page).
A detailed taNe of conixmb_ dbecting yot_ to spe*
cific i_ffor I-/afion qukl<[>' (page 8)
@el ,_<:k'_o%/ },ioLig _ddeo conqcorcYof by us%g i!_is
monuQ!, c,md get to know fdtochi, We opprecia%"
lOUt b_s/sess.
Quick Index
E>86511 A. ...................................................................
.... I-i
"Adv;meed '! cchrfiques" to hvip ),o_ with ,_{rile ,_hQ g_r_91, _, B ..... G .................................
(f [}'le exeiIL,_g, s( phistical _d featu es o1 the SeH:hg the [}ate and HrQe .............................. 24
Hitachi VM-D965LAiVM-D865L,A. We }!ope
you wfil _ake the time to ]ear_ aboui these fux-
trains sine they h4e been ,.tesigr_ed for you.
Yc_ cm use h_e ldeo camcotde_" witho{_[ rc, d
ng lhs sectios.
* A "GeP_ura] Mainlenance" section to help keep
y)u_ purcha_o in good Pepair.
Making oBasic Recording ........................... 26
Zoom ng 29
Pl@yb,ock ................................................... 32
Dubbk'g florr C@mcorder 1o oVCR ................ 52
Coiolqiqtld crystMdisp]ay(I,CD)mo_itorv_id_
C otor [{]ect_:onie viewfi Tder (l_ol. VM-D965LA)
® fcti _' SC[({'I}
[_T[eCtpower (Lithfure-fo_bat[e_ )
- [:]uIt-in©C ]iZht(_o_-V_[-Dg65I,A)
X22 op[ica]zoom £at]o
X]OO df$ita]zo{_m raLio(switdmb]etoX500)
" Ois[ta] effects
,} Stable pix (Eb< tronic _ma_ZcStabilizatk/_ (Eft:O)
* Fadei _/fadeout
Recorded date sea_'c}l
ti Types of differences
:,w-D96SlAI W -D86S .A
, Buil_dn DC light Yes _. No
reco_'ding I Yes
Analog _n (AJN)-- I
Elecfronic i O_44,-inc_tca]o_:
viewfinde_ ,
i natanaloginput ] Yes
O, b-h3c:h black. ]
m_.d- while i
With this camcorder you can view the picture being recorded or @_e pla) back picture whether' <:.i)_tlle
LC[-) moMh)r o_"n !:he vie_findex <)peMn_f ot closJn_:_ the LCD x.nox_itoz s_<itches the picture 1o
appea_ on the LC'[) morJ.tor or in the viewfinde_. -. The f,)t]owing tex[ describe_ the opera[ion as-
suming t}m/the viewfinder J,_ used as a major monitor devicxt.
Importantinfo_Tnaton 2
ForYourSafety 2
ImporaptSafeg_ards 4
BeforeYouBegin .................................... 6
Read This First 6
Ga_th_g 5"tatted
Components and Accesao ies .................. 9
_dent f_. _ g Cant o}s .................................. 10
Loading C_ock Battery ........................... 13
C_ock Battery ................................................ t3
Us _9t_ !nil'areal Put,ate Control ............. "3
LCD Mentor. '14
Opening the LCD Me _ito_ ..................... !4
Ad}ust ng the Br 9ht'_ess of the
LCD Screen t4
Range in which the LCD Monito can be
moved ............................................. 14
Active Screen 15
Ad the Electronic Vievvfir der ........ 15
Eyepiece Ad ustment ............................. t6
Adiustment the Hand St_'ap .................. !6
l\_taching the Shoulder St_'_@...................16
Charging the Batte!'y 17
Removing the Battery Rack ......................... 18
Reference of CI arged [eve! ...................... !8
Charg ng T}me ......................................... 18
Operating Time .........................................18
Checking the Battew s Charge ................ 19
Carnco_'der Power So _rces 20
Usng Battery Pack ............................... 20
Usng the AC Adaptor .......................... 20
Using a Car Battery .......................... 20
nsertb g and Rer-_oving Cassettes .......... 21
inse_dng a Cassette ................................. 2t
Removing a Cassette ............................. 21
Pro'tact ng Recorded Mater ai .............. 21
terns Se ectabie with Menu Disp!ays ...... 22
Menu sele(tabie n he CAM mode ........ 22
Mend seiectabte in the V_DEO rhode ...... 22
How to se}ect items and set !bert ...... 22
Remai_ irtg Tape 23
Usng the Lnear T,me Co-rater ................. 23
S_mitciff'_ On-.ScreeR Dispay Or!,/OK 23
Demo _st_ation Mode 23
Sett r g the Da_e and The ......................24
Bas_ T÷c_N¢ues
Making a Base Record ng ....................26
Chan ingtheAngeof!heLCDMonitor
_!_en Recording 27
Using nsar! Revew ............................. 27
Us'_g Auto Focus ..................................28
Usn9 the Power Zoom, ....................29
Ush._g The Dig ta_ Zoom. .......................... 29
Usin 9 Macro 29
Settil g Record ng Audio Mode .......... 30
Sett ng Recording Mode ....................30
Recording Stl! P ctures {Pinata) (for VM_
D965[A} 3t
P ayback 32
Using Stit! 33
Usng Forward and Reverse Search ........ 33
Dsp!aying DatdT me dudrg playback .....34
Advar_ced Tech_igues
Using Ma sual Focus ............................... 36
Using x500 Digital Zoom ........................... 36
Spec at Effects Recap"cling ......................... 37
Act vat ng Specia_ Effects Recording ....... 38
Using Fade 39
Using 'the PROGRAM AE Button ............ 41
Usng the Back ight Compensation ..........42
Locking 1he White Balance ...................... 42
Using the Eieetro_}c _rnage Stabitize_ ....... 43
Usng Quck Edit 43
Da_e Sea_'ch ............................................. 44
Photo Searcis .............................................. 44
Using Memory ........................................... 44
Creating and Recording a Tide ................. 45
Selecting Stored Tide (Prememo} ........... 46
Creating a Tit!e .................................... 47
Recording Tite on a [ape n [_,e
Ca_ corder ........................................ 48
Recording a Title w_ile Transfe_ dng a
Tape 48
Switch n_ O,n--Sc_een Display On/Off ....4-9
Setting Playback Mode .................. 49
Sett t_g Piayback Audio Mode .............4g
Corwert ng Ana}og Signa! to DigKal Sig sai
(for' VM-D965LA} ........................... 49
Play ng Back Your Recor@ng
on Your TV 80
Connecting to TeJev s on (or VCR} with
Aud o/Video Input Jacks .................. 50
Ptayin9 Back Your Recording on t e TV
Screen BI
D _bbing _rom the Camcorder to a VCB ..... 52
Using Aud o/Video Dubb ng .................... 53
Analog-to Digits/Conversion {for VM
Dg65LA) ................................................. 54
Recording from your MOP or TV ............... 55
TBC (Time Base Corrector} ON or OFF ..... 56
Attaching a liter ........................................ 56
Usngt_Bu]lt. • DCLight
(fo_ VN-Dg65LA} ................................... 57
Ge_eya_ A4a_Y_t'e_q,a_ce
Ciaaning t_e Camcordet Heads ................... 58
Qeaning the Lens and Picture Tube
o[the Eiectronic Y ewfir!der ................ 58
Periodic Maintena _ce ............................. 59
°["ot_b eshooting 59
Bpedfcatio s 61
Availabie Accessories 63
Getting Started
CObJof, ;_'on_ of _OSO pr©c@_s c,d_ COmplo_ _ _I_C sore@
,time nebx csnd fam!tucsri,7_ yours@If "_h_hth_s quc;i]_/ <"nS_rU'T_@m_
E_loy getf_ng fo J<now 'S a_:,ou:, your Hitc_chi 8mnn comcorcbr rhe
}_oro comfor:;abio and fctm,'i_¢;'r you are w_th the machine and its
_ed!ure_, it_e Fnofe you co_ FTa_,_ tf do ;r_sr yoLi. Lets ge ,_Ic;_dl
It b crucial that you _ad cod ur'.,do_stc_.nd aft fne sgte_.ty /_,}s_q;c_b,qs
be_gre+ ),_>u begin, if 'you ,hdven" _ad tt_,e sr]f¢_ty [nsin_ctions y@f;
VM-D965LAiVM-D865LA _g
345 I1 1213
7 8 9 I{} 14 15 16 17
I, Bultqn DC Light (p57) (for VM-
2. Lens Door (p26)
_'•_e }('_> doo!:' open, ;,; t _ma[ic'altv ,_*,l"__ _:h_,
ca :n('o_:d{ v:s se_ !:o [i*te cam(a (l%A:\f} mode,
3, Power Zoom Cont_e_ (p29)
4, Cassette Eject Switch (p2t)
5. Shoulder Strap Slot (p!6)
6. Charge Indicator (p17)
7, Record !ndicator (p26)
8. _nffared Receiver (p14)
9, Microphone
10,CAM/OFF/VIDEO Power Switch
CAM: bk't o J_is posi_:_<_ to r_ c _rd,
VIDEO: t:iet o t is l)os don to p}',y back t_pe or
h_put cxterr_ai s g_a_
! 1.Diopte_ Controt (p]6)
'Fo adiust t]w ', w/h-,der eyep _cv Eosuit yore: e'_'-
12. EIecffonic Viewfinder (pl 5)
13. DC Light Switch (p57)
(for VM°D965LA)
I< _,ic:h !.i'o D< _ht b.,w en at< CFF ,-,-_J
'' s
At i<.
1&Hand Sffap (pt 6)
} &Cassette Ho_der (p21)
1&Mic[ophone Jack
Co_, "_ect.><rema! mk ophove not supp,}i_'d} h_'e.
7 Audio/Video Jacks (Behind the
jack cover) (p50)
(_ _ec[ the ]:,_:ovidedA'v cabie from this iack 1o
theAVia(k of you_TV<1<VCR,
18 19 20 2122 2324 25 26
/ /
28 29 30 31
i \ \ "\
32 33 34 35
] &LCD Brightness Controls (p 14)
tg.2.5dnch/CD Monitor (p! 4)
20.Speaker (p32)
21 .Power SuppJy Attachment
Section (p] 7)
22oCiock Battery Compartment
2&Sub Power Switch (p26,3!)
PHOTO (fo_' VM-D965LA): P_{,@'_g 5_ar_i'.;fx,p
:_It[onwil_ecolrd !.d]]
p ctues
STANDBY: P<e'÷s]ng _}_e :StartiSq:)p )u"ton w}]
s_ar <ec );dh;g
tOOK: _'he c,su'/co_'de_" w]] __{./_ ente_ }_e
_eco d Tlode eve_ _f Ihe 9tc_tiStop
>_tt<m is p"es _ecL
24,StarVStop Button (p26,3] 33)
his wo_'ks as: 8 repot si:urt/ ,top _)_tt<m h_ ih<,
<AM modea_d/:_aT_/afbackpalseb_ onir_t_e
VIDEO mode.
25,BATT. [JECT Leve_' (p] 8)
S!diT,,and _.'_hodn_i t_i_ v-,t@_ rumow_ _e
ba!ter} fro: lh_ carr,;ozde<
26.Shou{der Sffap S_ot (pt 6)
27 &CO Monitor OPEN Button (p !4)
28oDATE Buffon @24)
Fo el: _]_e date ov display it
29£FFECT Button (p37)
_'o re<o'd di£i aih' ix')cessed im,%;o w_h ,,:li_. _
effect: actded_
30,T]TL[ Button {p45)
To _,_DC _" < ea/e ! t]l< _, o_ dis}via}, olin.
31 Menu Button(p22)
32EOCUS/VOL Cont{o_ Buttons
VIDEO mode: 'io c_mtrol pbyb,_,ck voh._m_.
3&BLC (Back_ight Compensation)
Button (p42)
W],:_ 1 _ x:d t ?, s _d_ut it_ b_ip;ht lg:< hold dlis
buto dow_ _l) coiT/pon at_ &_' i]ght _'bi >n t_q->e.
34.FADE Button (p40)
'o selecl t[R _{,d *<1 !'4de stud.
35.DC tN Jack (p20)
ad _i2t :q"<" if>l:! lsa:t_) y il ,'oul: \_ ]:dclo.
_2 ..... IiL !221:f ' 2-2_ /_.__]
36, Tape Transport and Menu
Setting Buttons (p22,32)
"[ape t]anspor{ Buttons:
J_ 1-LA_ : To p!%, b,l_k bq_u
44 REW: Fo r_wMd S,:_p ,
@SI()P: "h stoptap<
kWD: 7o fast fo_'wa_d [ape
Mer_u Settir_g Buttons:
1o s<iect menu items and se[ c_etafls,
37 PROGRAM AE Button (p41)
Fo ch_mge the expo,_ rc,
38. Tripod Mounting Threaded
39° DV JACK (p52,54,55}
40. Recorder Remote Control
Snm, e <m'/_f o _ _ hi, owm, pond l':g butto_s o_
[I'Ve(-arn{PoI*d[ 1,
4!. COUNTER RESETButton (only on
the remote control) (p44)
'r> re_,ethe dine countc,_"to0:00:00
42_ A/V DUB Buffon (only on the
remote controD (p53)
I'{dub4udk>and_ d{x
aey .....................................................................
@Clock Battery
_. ()pen the d, ck ha_,. _ co_er.
:_'!, Clod< battery cever
':_: 1I
..... 1_,) 1
0 _[ #'gig IS.
Note: Rep<_co th:q bc@ev w! ,._Hochi
Moxe, Sot'y, POrlQSOrqC, So"yo OFk}@ bO bat
terv, _)<s_nv. CR9025 on!y Lse )f {_n:.t! ÷r t:,;
terycc id eoetorskof:reorexposon
No_e: D{spese of :XP-k?F/sa_e]y in <:cco_ocm :e
wth cool qws ?>o ns_;soose o P, fire
Note: Do no shc>t c rote the ba ±e'y,
Note: DO no1 hod the baiev wth 1he metal c
Note: Keep t!',e )(:fiery r" o derk coo dy
3Ck_,e tJq_cover
Using the infrared Remote Control
InstaNng the Remote Cont[o_ Batteries
"][ 9]k vthe cos'u., i_ t_e dJ[t,c_Jo 1 o_ f_e a:R_w o
removei{, arid thews _sert he batteies. I:_ecare_
fi_] :) install t,Sth cer_'ec[ p<£sl:it),,
• _ l I X /
Cautions on the batteries
[-;0/",o u_e ?bq o:N r](J Jew xr er_;':"_f sFi_] o
D) rst b _tle es of diff_ _et vpes
De n,c _ho_% tnke oport or d spose o ,_ se _er es b',,,
lhrowng the_ no q fire
When lqud eelks, wpe o [ eo r,pefeiy c_r_d } e_
hsed _ew botte %s,
VM*D985LA/VM-D865LA E13
Operating YourCameorder :: ;, ,:_ ,, ;::, ,
Use 1he >w,.fies_ ,omoie cenfroi !o <V::)e£_x _ the csrncotd¢_ iror: o @st_:;;r,oe 7he PLA KF:F f_-£Yi, SYOP.
RA L/SE.(STAR }_/STOF;) <> d ZOOM bu#ons oP, fhe v4'_e/_s _'o_7;ote co_ ,ftU G:3eroto fr_e £_r cfir:,r5 of f;_e c:>-
_<_;t::on',Sn@ t;wf_or?s o: *t?c carr ce:de,_ /,/rn £e_Jfre/<.,_t:F@Inofi_ confro/_t the ,'r_ "areal _oce/_zd÷r of ft)._-',
Note: Use iqe wir(;@ss :emo:.e confrOi whin lhe
o_1_e of t_<.. infra ed [ece}v r ef te co
car ,s 9_,<}'¢¢FIQbove
NoI_; [_'e w}rees£ K: siete co t¢ol rrgy r<£
u_cton nsiro 9 L/tsdohcsdrec_sbn/{.'h o
very b¢'..}:'4 Or1 ficie i g "'qr%.'
No_e: Cs-a c ,;i@ci peP: =rein _:_e v, ieess
romeo: cone 3o te ifrere( receive The
'v4Feless ¢,%r"/ote COntrol v,oh' ,,,/ )[k _;_ o?>
sic,co b oc_,r,sP,e hf&-; e(J Fovs
Note rhe remo!e c<:r',ro(code of <s cugf%
coder s Hik;c _%cod VCR2. tf,/o :_ove e VCR
wih fpe s#? _e .';O_A; "lOUt }_tocb) VC2 rNo 'P,O_
furore %4,he yod use tlneCOmCoroe ' w'e
ess terse !e Cor_P©[
LCD Monitor ..............................,,........................ ...... .........
Wf e s u'_w?&fff?e LOP monitor (;F_r'n_ reoorU[ng one p&_yooo£ pu con rs'o} ist t_e ibt _;ir?e_ss of ifs croea
aqd the :_sgle of me monffor,
@Opening the LCD MoB#or decrease it, Are, 15 seconds the adi :sb'l:(nt (:its
te ([) PaO:i:-
.'_ O :T',:b_ t [ ope_ p_ '-
_; Press f ' p]a) ni:] .tl{o_TtstkTa]]}* !;s_lppea:'.
Hate: Opening Or COS!g tie LCD moniio
sw ches the peture to appear o _, the (.D
rnor_iior or rs 9,e v'ewf n,isor
@Adjusting the Brightness o_ the LCD
_Use th6 brf£,h£:ses, corlt:el buttc::s to ad} }st ::e
blTi__tness _ :Ae ',.C[) _creer_,"_:>;:sei@-,e:"bt:t-
los spressed, dxe b:ightnvss c(x]tro! diisp a}
:rill app_ ar on :e LCD no: her for abot:t 5 sec-
o_{:]s Press A t( i :o'ease brigh hess, e: _ te
N: I
@Range in which the LCD Monitor
con be moved
Viewed from Side
If the :CD monitor is turne_ 90 ° so th4t it {aces
]_e sam{" <i rection as tint k:ns >_hen _::e camera
sSna] is beh: 8 recorded dun$ recor,JinE,
Hcordin 8 pause, ins[arlt_eview, edi nS, A/V
dubbLnf_or A/V dubbin8 pouse,tk'imageon
t_:e re(x: Cos screen vd]l become a mitre[ h_]age,
and the vie>,{:inde w] h_rn oP. rile on croon
dsplayon he ICD ruonitor >_i]] dJBappear.
Cautions on LCD Montor Screen
, Do not _uch the L<D s_r<en wi!i }ou_"t n_: i-s
a:.{-_escree : could get dirty a_d [_e pic ure w_
not be seen dear b . h- he :CO screen becomes
di:y usea settee@ to wipeo_ithedrt
i @e £amcorder is <sod in a cold plat aid
}teems: s tee <o}d, {he (1) scree : _ql]b! dim
_o' a >,h ]e alter the p(>,_ er _,s t_rned on When
[he @rip _rabsre ]nsde the ca_]corder rises, {_e
br]_ht lesso_ t]e pRtue vii: become nnr _ .
*])o no{ hold by t!w ICD mo*_,i or :s 6his coHd
cause a : m_fu: c{io_,}_
* Open 1he LCD m<mi!or by 90 ° before chalagin 8
is direc on, i} you _e_e to aDem, p_: >a nvea'{ its
direct o,u before opt :ing it compbtdy it could
cause a maihmct}on.
* The I,CD monito:" cs_nlot be dosed if it is :.i]ted.
*C]ose the LCD {non tot after makng sure it is
paral}] _ it_ @e eas:<'o_der,}fyou > ere {o e])se
the rl_onitor v_h:{eit {:{sees the same direrLt:on 5
Ue ]e_s ,%7i is diagonal, i could d;::::ag,._ he
L<D me -item:,
Do not dis<_s,_e::::bIethe {,I::I) mo dtor ,::,@:k.
mig]-_ cat:so a ma]R::k:ti(a:.
. W]nenup:niuztheLCDmonitonbeea:eh.AGmt
no :vat:>rdlop]ets adheru ihc moyJ o:-se'oen
and [[:at no Yva(er er dust eisle: s @>._c::mco:dc:
thro_:g}:[]:esap as R(:odd cause a ma]fun< Non
The eamce:'de: autonlaticaly brigh(er/s dse >ad light of the LCD mord{or w}:es you arc reoardi::g a big]::l
sub)ed % o tba{ the _CJ) screen is easy to s<e.
Note: Who _"you eccxct @bfig:1 scbjec ouI:loo_£ the coH_cordec oDe<_ i sOt:qe wil be less ?hGn when
_e()o,rdi ]0 iNdoo s.
Note: Even if YO, [eco_d o_J(:eo_s he LC'f3 mo}o_ bookig)A xsGy no[ brighten, t y()_ @_e c:_hg el o
dGrk ]bjeo_
Note Who [!e be _ery the!go _dicc] or " _1_ ' s fiass]ng, The Active Sc_een fu_ orion wi no ope_ale,
Adios /h_ <lee: o Jc .,iew!:b_ ] : [o t}_, posit o:_ o_ _..................................................................................................
<{_tha_> '_si i1 Iv ]'lace We'_h:w:%de'bat< 1_ib: {CAUTION:
o_'$1::! Des tio:':befo:cesto:Jng t]m<:_m<o_'Ieri: ts / Do :Dr hog {-.'- uni )/i-9 ee,fi" <: ,o vfhe,::
ease or _a;: }in;:: he col?ace,de:' around o avoid who-, Ost vir'O c_s ths cocci eHLSe O [ x k.,/c{o¢,
VM-DO_5_IVM_O885LA E15
Ad _stt]_L_ dstraptcb_tf }'o_rhm_d.
NOIOi /tft_r¢£Jusiw('t <ose''e O<J top's
pod see reM
Ch® gir g the B®He y
:," _[=7;}Ft s!ep :_ :o s_? :" e :. Q_ %P): _0: o : c;<:k_::% [0 O,'?<z::_:; r,c= b:::f:_eG/ rm:'k'::?t i11",) :_e _;o:_w) >::_=,t c;n'_
con-_oc!"t'- 5, vt_'-AC!_5_ /:'_C c;:-! -.:p:t>_
Note: its c¢_ iK2o tie< O e[c_kes'¢.,t 2; [ft iurn on b_ Tee.+ s_,c; ;as V?."-IP[ ]3/Vh '_ BPL80/\,'L'_-BPLoO
[go_e: '."J:> cc ]l-_e! <>o [esI;ol_sioh) br 81)_, ioi tlnoNe 15 e[ ih_= 0© co["÷ ,,;hich (DeC:N; W!-IeT} _,0_ iS'..s 0©[
ei .'xoks oii.)r iief iios,=, p c[ied
•DC ?K;g
!_ AC Adaptor
BA_'{'. CIGAR< E ,l_d{cator To DC NJack _
_\. }I!_i l_I _ lilt!Pc I);i( I< [() I](? ({]II'](K!}< i"
I>a<e he baiter} o_ibeI.i_idepat/or_) aid
s <e it chin', so "11 [ J _S _ ! t_! {t < <
_et_ce01 tb_'charied }eve i.
Note If the 8ATT CiiAII©E iPdicato; ficshes
o{_ee every v/o secor, ds, i'se bo_ e y co:Ad r)e
c!e ec ve
Note: 7_e BP,TI C Ai4G, d ncJo<] or wl no ilb
,_i )1 ',,, e_ I-_e AC <_dep 0_ s de'-oc_ve,
f_o_e Yo_ o<ir" e_se the {:)o e LIei:::):_i? s co'_
©!ere y chargecl
No_i._ Wheli crh¢'rgr g is corn)ere, tt,e eAi:
CHAR(:; i;,qcolof o- if'e ca n<zo ]e _,;i', iig[A
Ihe ely ChQ @e@ bc_ e_y s _e{ eyed o--t
tie 'eQl@cise@, lie c©rlcorese< w Gg<il%
one< the (hGge _ode, q/d i]e 8A
OHAR©f _ irid -@lo w}l iosh i wi take ( ew
" :,_ es to Phe CGi CO d( ; o e?96r %e o ]c ,:!e
(;o/Yipiete S?'l S,
Note C]@rg "g oow Pe;'npect_es w}ll
decease c % )_r_e 0£ ©@ciy
K)iscolsnect the AC o_; i-'ot_ th,. A(] o _d_e .
_Y )<tr! ]l ]i b;[t +_ Jf()l-_l )i_ _ [;:_is]£Ol?< "
No,_I.< Ai/veys (41D<; i :3 b@ "cry o-qy by _le pro-
ee_i_[e <Jes<)[ibe<J he;e Aii_c_i[ri@ © b<][iery
"_ Pu 8 N_e ,'\C: d_Rk_ cel-I in/:i A(
W[ak<! s:_e flat ]re ",, fde blaie fits i_R) {I've ;,: d_
so, f k dies '[ [:ii, >ve_.ii H if if @:;
blales sNil _o e [i[ft];, hie tie os&let, it[ r
a_ eie<:tki< ito r%da_e F<)ilkebs(k (
o 1tier e_ ]se a po]a ze< cer<! Or estiek a<<:ess-
._{i<}_/<{tti< &( acz_)to 1)( ]:,t_I, _ [-ei)(} [3
<:( k ( _7 ] ' i/" <"") _ '_"
C}'_a;/<ing <.iiI [a[ ,ithir/[<,e,_eco d 13 rh _.:
< _rsh:< te I,:,.-[T CI{.,\R<% i dk,i:e f: @!e
a£!_. d t,'l t:;Isi ylie}It _8ivey ! sHie
Noie: Alv,cys fer'_ove ["e bo÷terv flo _" }e
(;(]_T_co_ef Gfie! ¸ rise
Motet C_ic_rgi_ wii! _</i be performed _t_er]
ie OAM/QF:F/VIDEO wiicti o[ the c s; _co_de{
s se b CAili o; V/GEe ', oweveL f reeo<,_ g
polio eo/} isues or yore t?]o_% 5 ,}its ]-S y_ s<
(}A_/_ rote, e' <re] Co_<e wc_ o/ e oe ,
I oi : e/ // <:i c O{ ](% ,,, s(]:-¢ f T e
sub oov,'e' s/,,,i ;r is se o tOO, O _r 1;_wi
De p_rfor _ ed e_J y ,/} -)- O (]:hi,/j(.): / I1 } r
WHO :_ e! o CAM
f-_oe: f :e _]Cok% i<i;cer_nece;::we- te
_%c![<y cJ,q; -ed '{}e_<J re Cis_I£) '_iVI{),_-O
s;,,ltch is set o CAr/ Dr ViDe) e c :] cor';e_
wi T_] fo"c,, )_ lho" sN+e_cic_:iv at]
on o(.oi] ,ei_ o t_e o(]_I- v ',vii <',sc]<sge
he cs,_oo Get is ie ss is
VM-©915LA/VM-,©IISLA _17
@Rem®ving ttte BatteR.f Pack
bide heBAI/',B]£Ci eve nt_:_diec o:_o "_e
s;,_. }o!d t; tke_ sk_e ]_*'I-. et.' o 1,:
'.1 :p( r _, i._e <;re r,i _ }v .
lypicat Recording
£V : _',hen',s £_.}_ -:,,._i cer
L(2D:. ,h_Kusn_ ]v.:,LCD£ / :(
@Charging Time
'4%V%S ..........."t;-Ti(-- 7 " ;- -V-: ...........1:;7- -_
@Operating Time
)_t{_l iON L/FI !3C!_ 2r O[-f,'()l:{ _illd 12( f;-f_'_'_is[ }[
Corltinuous [lecording
}%VF ¢!e% tsns he iesqi_tder
LC_: _\[ (1} u;-,h )_ ti( [,(D r_o_ftor
i; e c[,c-:t }.,; sH_% ,,v err _io rss(b Gn(S
c;} or_j }(d co c K, %,o us( t
_' /-,,vC .,/story',{ C f Y 3_'Q j£rC b< 1£7 oral d< not
tC)r? I _ >[OC_; wit-? 11</ i_:' f ; G t 6 <
)o ti C>O€)loi >01 re :)i t<t,r _p(_rdiu e _)e o',,'
: (-!C.) ot c;bt,.,'e i i3'[: 45'(} A ex eiT(_,_
t_{. ed,
£})( iO (]i_]Ch GtO ]:DiffEr;IV i__, ,/£ £1 l_r C;:_l(ie[
,4[i i>,'/ C;qo[
Mg[qE A %E N() ,!SEi..--b[:: _ ,. [ .E/,so .:- P£!-_i "q
(ABOVE ] 40°g {60 C})
[i",iCREASESr._,£_'"}I= p_o_ ,'-.r,
Checking the Battery% Cha ge
ADati%,ry ci ,s<4to ,9:dk?ofor 6" ;o¢:c;?ed o_ f,>_e
UDp ],' '_!i? CCi?e 3_ :<c: _,"i_w_3_'¢,r o L(5 ):nor-
tO: C:e of s:;<s:"pbo% <1%?c )":u:he- ff;e bo#:ry
["_o_e: T_e bar cry choge r'dicc:ter does _ot
op_xeo' W-t_ V) ce__oo'cPK S )oweed by
e AC adapfc ¢
This flashn 8 s},'ml _di-
cai:.sab t!er_ _e4ryo_ >_
powe_. <s a/ ai_ernatt-e
]o< *_\_:<sou_:ce o:" cl::zs.z'_e ti_e
batty' G be!e_e co _t n_in_ to
;_2S/' _i](' Ca_l£O£l-]l}?.
_.nowing Remaining lattery Power Time
7: !xot .<3e :_oe VM.B:V30 ::thiu:n:on bc;ffe':y
(boT/o_o{/1"4 ©0% ::_ ifH? OOrTC A_:' y._ CO", f:F,d-
:;_7 0_ :tOW :r_uoP cdlrRoofdo: <::::,@r(:t:,]{7 #:Ne
ro:r<_ks ,wfft ?eL'_mtM;'y
calculates the re rm :_:J_S ba _te_'y and d s_)]a[_-s
t{n _kotes) i_ e v,wq nde' oz on tSe LCI?
_ _et_ tel, Sidle:' the can_corde_ {>o_,_er consump R>}
vades accordh_ 8 [o [sow i!_eque_]y suto[ocusfn}_, o
_:x>mk_!_fs ised, the di% {a).ed kp,e may d{ cre:_s<
or i_c!'eas< ,everal m mites a! a tifne:o_ r/a}, [I(}t
<hanXe R)!' some tm_<
Nofe; Ihefer '.:[ i_gOotieytimew _npeor
0 5 seco ds ::lf_er te CAM/OFFiVD£O
swi-c _,s se_ o (::AM i8 wiI _e _ opoeo_ n _e
VIDEO :sos io s
Hole: /v' :ep_ 1he re so1 n£j _p,_:_de<:; e<: s:_sfe 5
m nutes o less, te iiw_e :fispk-ly wil diseppeqr
We u<::om"_e_ d theft yoJ _:._ol<ce !h bat_ew
f{ote.: f yo_ connecl ',he VM- Pi3O botew wi!:"
to res"','o _ _9 baiib[y t:_e of 5 rr_,_t les or ,ss:
1be t-pe ',v! rot (.e disp o_ed,
NoIe: f t}_£ cerl.-_c? reK(:n (s i_( (ions -e,f
<<oN_c: <ssc tO t"e boric y ott;,c e: b t:"
co pcordob end h:_n fuy cher,:e J1
_ofe: fyet ::,_pea/cham gord dsc u% g
1_e _e fety betxe sn'S ;), ihe co (_ct
rer:,(]ifh: _,]*FT_O(Rey O_ <><5dS[.)©yo( ,
_lefe; /f be :<s sery is <sed et ow "e _pe_qt' fes
_Pe e(;<o open:: td time :/ith bcHey w[ be
S bS!Q(b }Oib/d[ [:;re f F,,or_ i"e ,7}Spove:_ iHe.
@z,:(t_o CO ¢,sc?IP0o ncy 001 <]©_,:_e<1_
No_e: ] t_e _:cd[er:i wnci_ ;c:s beer _se( _;i
bw 'ern >er<:rt re s s osoqLi _riy le::'d 8 _ her
1@[ ef ©o O:,tlR_, <:}sp}oy of e'_'GbR{_ ba lery
tr:,: w', ',:; :cormc_ For d}s©iay of c<xf<:ct
re i<_p,_,(:_ !i:e. t,_y e (:rge i,e bcffe y,
•dr-3s7:::<<, )'<_
_,t 7* {gl S ii i
t \ )
_'-.. _t I[),% !7%i ii !J
..... L'.[, ;' i _;%,,_ j
Hole: The remoinhg baitery lne v,ili "sot
opoear w}e@/ou are reco tin© esr: _oge )
,lOUiSe f, o< th_ LCD monilo ':spul back o ca}
cordr wi_ is screen focng io fi_,s side,
_'_ote: ; you ejec :_nd _ense cassete afle
the b::! el!,, _ csche[ge.< pewee w_ shJ off
mdv/@y or,( h:.: eQ nco_'c;<'r wil ste:) W_en
i,e bt: i._ry s d scho_@ed mrredQ ey re now_
¢:'.)r the cemcorde and chqrg_ it Gg<)r_
Hole; W_er i_,t.',!M B?L3O b@t_erv s sed f"t_
:>olley C[ :],do -dieQiol" "1 " _yly no'
mo_ct, fie _emoning ©cAferv tree diso<]y (
{ i_ les) !n ths cse, }ere io t'_e :emof:r]{_;j
time d sp!sty when tsn _,e c smcord >_
TO display lhe corsect _emaining boNe_y
time @"_ carflcorde_'
}u_y cha!'i:,e the' mt!.e 'y be{ere use.
'_ b.!r_, [_e ca-nee "de :o_ a_d leave i: ?,intln- a[ ;_
sill s:_i';_o_ _ :o" abe4 30 s<:,co _ds D,, o{ move
tJs <:amcerde_" dtxHn l?Js ti!-it+;'.
1{ dfsplav do_,5 not cha<8/.! seine dine open mM
cose the I,£'D r :)ni o' w:i{e y,u a_e dsir,$ the
ea_co d#t
VM-O965LAiVM-Dg85tA Et9
CGmcord@_ Pow@_ Sources
/,'. {,' _/_C' i'}C C'] i{/_;( ]/<;_ ;._,'/J.];Q(_}_ i!J_} .;Zi'Jb_OO'(Cf'( ',YS_"_} 0 O,f) )J;T}( fy COX_ (_]£; i.oqe'O ,to L'}et,ve"
f/e: C,b' TCdf.c4e _tte uf._., _.:_,SL£4 t© f_!7}O,,:S, ? ._Cwe; S_?:?_.iy
Using Battery Pack .......
ANa<:]-_ _}_ c]_aQ}ed bat 0 _>a:J< t< i'/ c;u-
c<>de£. (See p_Se 17.8 for _t!c],r ex as[
dm_$£_sgoihabr pa<k.)
Usingt.heAC Adaptor
;>{_dX,7 ?_ftOt the (Y:_?.@'C?FFit/fL>EO SWf ?!S/o t/{" OFf ©o;iti> ,/_n@/t (WI >')Fiioo O_ < elcleSi/sd
DC F_ v_
- b
i_. :'ui_' }_e <a" _,,)'(1 _o ]_e ci{}i,e h
!]?__,{X sO{ ,,e?
esd e ".'co,-c}"}_')L < _'' ] .
<a'}' t__ C sr{j
To ci_<aret[e _}gh[er
Note: O[y <se Pe css botey CCrC '_,+ c<_rs
}_ovii',© [2/24 voi's nero÷ire 9round sysi_m,
No_e: You cor/iio! iisc! ?fie co_" bO_¢eFy COrd io
cbo%e c_7o_$efv
Note: 4ou reeo ie oplouc Y:,': CO 0A kl
inserting and Removing Casseffes ,
_,: ,_ _,:r, De nserted o rerroved v,/helhe t'r?e .'?,_@4/'© P,,"_L© s_.._'ltchi o," or di?
bed) o[ @:e c_mcor]er and the spr<ck(is
tuw 4_dt:e bed> or [he tamcoid_,;
Note: AP£" f!<xshes h the vie >finder o_ on
f_e bed men,or _emove _he co_eae end
check t_;o_ the 'oGe sno_ 'tO_'Toged, s nol
s}oc_ mr no dusl odhe_es to it eo, Ahor mokng
SLe !lO_ e_s s o obrl<rr}ol y _ef_set be
cgsst_lie. "]/'P_' eop!>eor:< see ']?oub_e.
shooing os oGge 99.
No_e f 1he tope s}eo' ff%e winon g es, t r<:y
oKe o%ger 1o }Odd h
e_er! s/ib._:latk%tI!v F£e_ 1o1_ }se c_sse_[,?
@P_otecting Recorded Mateda_
s]Jdn 8 the tab on th_ <fid_* <)_ the casset_ tewaYd Ihe
opposite _deunti he Lab,s compbte]y : sble.
Side @'/e tab the opi)oske d r,.ctio_, mdl ti_e ah
dJsap/:ea_s, to eco_d on _h*; cassN:t: agaN_
]'opt(:e::tKce:'dn_ T._re-record
} ,,
® Menu selecJobJe in the VIDEO mode
¢ How to selecf ilems and set them
d_a cie<&'ed _em,
4IT¢_ X4}7)<U bc_[[tu'a}_ain[0 deh-_<ni te[h_
(or VM.D9t 5[ A)(p49),
...............[_0 Se]ec[ a;] _XlTI _i]ose
F<{ss PLAY to move [he
--Io sd_ct :_> _<@: of the
[eY: },(}L_]_1 'e C}:OS _]L
'Io se_t ar_ re;! whose
:'ode yo::vdsh o cha:_ge.
P_ess %[0_ to move the
CL: [_SO]: <_OW:]
Remaining Tape .......................... ......... ......
P_ PD :qOPrO C£S</_V S? <,J' _"'_
........ -/ "j >
+_,_/'_]W_ CC,? b'@ 15@C;/ _SPfFeCOTC,N{_ < _<_ DC),-
.c, .....b@c .... '...........................................
'4/?@T? "@i;OfdJi/ C Sif}fi;@ /' /<" S Y<)'3 k ()V ? " _ i" s"
, ...... <./ ,
_,;tl CC? l'@<;OfC_ <)S r,@ O(;_C7<,'C7f(i_Oe
[I_5:q_ _ <1i'5 : 'till<)'d:/ Ca (<)_.i{T 4:]< ;{a'.
_cO<!h_ o q;',:? << 0 seconds k,,?r :se i
pn:,i_h¢;:_::. ]i]b di<A::,.=,i :%h_: d'e * - .......................
ess 1o ]bou '-'-'_:, ninuies 'AP EaD
fles_es -:t-_e,_ev,/ de o :):I e 3) :o" on
I?;08 !
;d :_/
0: )i i
qii:i ] i
< i
052_5 !
cis_Z! i
<.................. i
Usk g the Linear Time Counte
J?:@; 7_@ . _; _>_i2 6 _)5 i??e for:@ Ft? k ]'nn the c:: : <<):_d:7os o d]q_ 5<_:o:@
%<t?? Y}/r!(_?::% _:[?4 _}<:OMCJS _:@:),'_::I }/0: 1<) G:<_p
Id] ? < C/30 V:pC #' , ,b £:C::_ ;:i_Ir': ¢r ,,'??0 Y'?,J
_'NS, sk! -_ [,,'? --.%- _ -. _, ' - _ s £ 2s: 16
NOtes vOt e <_Q@e 2s fo'g/o!_cJi:_g CI@wsd
It}'<rl V/ih :: @C<' dee {]h,i.-s, <:) _(D_.e$ #<X3{) (}_@(3
in it-i: o-°_'G:1 .P modes mxec <:)gel:e<. ha,.
c<_ rie eod-_ :cy t)@ CO @
Switching On-Screen Display OnlOff
[S _: ::(I : {]et'l:O% }')_ <an [HI o: I] C_IN<;{! 1( sl Is di%]a}' <Iti_i]_ reco dis_% :11< Nu- t s_
aSah aft_ _:_ _rd <
track'rein -,}_e:you o:d :_
cassette ht} ::he ca_ o:'de_
a:-dc{_ssio 090:00' s, her
[:e{asse::s vie<:ked
::, Set:he{,A,fsO :iVH)£Osv,,hd t CA?eL
::>_,s_ k, H,,. ?:,'_ C.............,,-t,,,-:..........
;ll?r ){,{:
0 z?¢: i :)
{?u !;ol'i{0 sde£[ "[)1%- :: :uo:_ st>
o: (o s:b<:t 1:{ des([?< t.............................
LCO :::::::::::::::::::::(>::th :ape r:mab,4:: th:e
c)ti3:(lr= ([(:, i ( i;pl} :((I (:l JOe I J, ? IY!<H:[[O .
eounte {"M_mo::y FeaIuW', :4:_), W]el :CE)i
[,1>81- s,,pedPed, yo: ca::view tire n_or nat o':
h: },e :emo b,dbp!a)ed >_ ke[(H ::,onito<
whk]" _,q!l oe supe:ln:gos}A o: the" payDa k
pk- _ :-ese :on th_ c< n :_.cited 'IV
O_[1 h:::ns:dk:n :n :ape _ema:inS, :hx:e
'ount:':_ ::. is not df.J-qay_'d.
Nofe [ir;:><Aiery:e ]:dhi'_d_,owe kPde,!11 be
:ib,'<s<syc?d who v<):i:IS_ C :;-;h,?:yf_cxc;:' <3s<:
:Y,.wc': s ID )]y
Ho_e: The c<_e <,>]d:c,c;oK:::(]sk:h]s:.!re J:S
pi_ ',y: d <x <_ U}D r vx-ikK,
CD/[IME: A,_ i: dL_ :y d :?<sk{e _ a :hne _ Pi_e:, IB'I:NiJ "UfO:
Demonstration Mode
[ SIt: _ :}1: n:< :Rt y<t (fIN Sl it(]I {}]edtRx is:tr :tiolkK<tde ![:a is s _ : : tl] c KneoY'.!e
2, ]?re,as ti,e MEN ti b: 1:kern ,:_:iii ...................
i iI: Ii_
_e>u :,: R:,,,'%} 1>1°: (){: ;:::_:: :as
}?...._:t< _> -',_,:.." ': ,.
'Ds'q<_" i :
;_'ess ]:tRkW,:>'F;bu- "" '> _"
ton to seIed l:]e o:skvt {................................
AUTO; :[s'oui _tve !:eo::c<_d:.r[er10snin.
c:t(s _,ith< 1;:1 b,s rtk/8 a :as_el e :.vixen no dae
his bee_ 'e% ) tirec]:ck {att{','v:sdead 1}:,{)
de,tons< rio.. _od iH ::u<)r_!aiJ<:a]y e _aSe
S]/kR:: 7he de: (>l st' _,on nc:ie < ]][ a/so sta::
a_[el" t}_e Z,H:;,, L] but<-: is R_' _ssed ,_! S'F,%RT [s
OF: [_ed_ o_st'aton aode soft
}?:'sst}:<>>,I}>, b_ trot,
<rti] p'.,'uer s tum:d off, or hi. bqLNu b£kn is
i)f(¢s _+. cJ[d ",¢_ NO" of ()I[- ],spec;fied
e<< b ,_. _e[ ,,At "_1 _i e dock ©<_ er/ir sert,e<, fi _!%,w{! <._isGp[ ecr 'w el*i tiq-_ bo[te ? p e ,'©P{,) pov#e ".>
4..... _. d
Mal<_> su_:( ihat the (:u ;_e_[ free is dfs_r,']aved co_':e<:I +'bef{,4'_t )'ou stal<l [iIH-_h:_
Dale ond Time Select lulon
] [,cad the hal:t{}0:, ("Carn<olfder ]h),,_er S<sul:ces",
()ten the ICi) ;t onitor, ard
thin press thei)A]gbttton
[']'_e date a_d Lir_e sl'/ou d
appea_" irl t]<,e o_,,u_" H_,ht
/,,it the":i" [as}i _8
Is: ssi4_£<, the ILA _" l:;tltton
_i'e )'or iii'}_es: _mbezs
whh' th StOP butt)n _4,'_ "
,ou k) _,{Y numbe',!,, e]ect
12 0lid!
and Duttoms lo select the _[oper da} }e_:_[
]}ou_D r_dnt ie :_1 AI_'io l%f
Correcting the Date and Time
I [ {oi:1 dowt'_ the; [ A_E ."it _-_ h:)r at least 7 (<:-
(ndq: Fhe {]t_hh1{[cu_:soi w7]i al)[_e;>i7 [he
_ I_:ess the DAI bt t:or: tos_t th(t col"1_ctt{{ <:i_tt:
dale _[he ( ]sph ]_
Basic Techniques
Tt e bottv>v_ _';_e t; p/ooe and oharge_1, ihe cicJt6, cnd vf_'_-;÷cte se_
and you ors fC_T ilia w:fh file col ?yoi5 fi_sffm_> to rnoi<÷ a nsco,,'di" g_
Sos;,: ,_oord_r_g i_ ÷os'y an_Jsimo'o
7b,is se tt;on gt,_obs you h_/ough basic record;rig ,tnd pR:_ybook,
}C_r,_gChO@ _t2@bOS;_.:fechn!qr'e_ o¢ r<_Oof{?Og and p%',VbaOR <>! sfl*me-
J_%io_?LJQ,"Kr_!;POFtCF)tS_O)_ #!<ttf_STC Or <7.#tOrt toclf of "iot_r PGOKVf;FO
OY]Ct9 f47fY_flid_YW';_3 ;90w t_@ [7700hL'_ works you co_ _ ft';OVe ;sOT_@
,rco_#" SO/T>h_Ts,iO0iO¢]fed_hJ _38_,'/_Jf1J@SSS'f_G_,S,
VM-Dg65LAiVM_D865LA _=
Making a Basic Recording
he Ftoot: YbT_D965_/Yf.,'_D#68iA uses P/7OG_!<M AE _D e><pc',_ure tqct c_, o_@cos;y :'e£_ct_ ft>_
optkl?um s_q.iiffe: specs/(Wtt>_y 7Lf(.s i17;':% /;8S i/S'.SE_ 7/356 7/5V}0. i)QgO. 7/'300. 7/!5_<.t ./20G; or
V4OO{; of c seco/ @ 7he k,_ oo} :s% outorno_';col;Y s', f;ss:;ons's 7o ?_÷ d_ufror sPe÷d
Use t}< 2ROCRi<A'I AL b ,tto:: to s_lec: @'e <xRoo
s_r, {a[s s[:esi_iec comi[ti>n {40_ d tails,
see "L s_'<_, @e _ROCii A;,,f Al! _7_uito_" on _;'u 'i ]. de_r _7! ,pen a tie: ;3 c::[b;, "O ! 1" t]:_}:_et!_'s;s
i_e v etvf r_ e_ o_ ors f?/e [<<D nei _'nrd [_e
>lintel'd<s"isuo__, ;et:kb' Io yecord.
Recording speeds end epp onbie tapes:
L ................
W_u-_}:H _er_adytsr_-ctrd_::ess host :'/
qt- st it({ 'R}.%*' 8",{_ _ s &sexier
r,'c{ _:s the _.*i<:t_ yo: see n th__v ew bade< es
i[?_e :: ceyd :_d catol: :7_j:t _w}_c,u t}_: c,_ _co_de/:
sis 1., se< ' JJlH,
Note: fts cc_,Teordef re(:o:'ds _ ie ;<_,'cl 8
onY'_ to_v,
F,_ete I[ VOL use 3¢-el c_srAco <:ors io play Oc3k
_tt3 <3,,s< 8nli t<;oe feoei{J@i! oi', ],is CQF -
OOf'ief OLSic-ke r_ose qoy o[.pe_4f ',e
oi@ybo k thciue<:n_/o poyb< cksound ov
be e upte<
No#e vol use o>Y_e co ncorde s :) pOy L)ocR
@ 9(pe e3ofde@ oq [_%5 col ico_:_el rtPe [P
r?ode trios© 3 <e ['<ose ryloy o©{oeor r} i%te
p[ey'r'©ok "_(N", <e MiMer pGybG 3k 50<, d _ cy
so to: up!ed
Mete t 5 ieC<KY %@Fide< [t%c_ vo use Hh,[
:ot%e to ed()d }[" the P W}O(:e
7'oso R <c :dn 8PresstR:StwtiSt(Pb@-ti_.
a_<]"[_EC" isap:)_'s ,(:rn thes e_,frider{,:
,C!-) ::):-:tar tej:iaced r_y "@It' 71- :.laces
the' camce_'d_-"n st,;: db}..
Note: f!e CD : ohio' is open(:(; o*' (iced
Gill1_:](;O()<_b<' 8CV fC qse 5i ©:% TSCy
_i_,pee n ]e pkt e, btf [his doe r;o :no
cqeefeti, !/ov, eve,t e::e; 'pes(]re coo,r:
ed wtne Dot ] e, so Hs recom:ne x_ed :-,,m
vet <e :o/ cost o opc, n Pe CD moqitor cc-
h_9 reco '7 -_g
Note: 'fAR f(; let: bfqevew h}G6_ro ote
C[) Y]onto_ v¢]_] the I,.;b o side o ]e
c(:::_s._,ile _ (ompe ev vr:b[e
Hate: "APff :-ND f.?:< es a -_e vics\,,f -de o:
or_ ! e LCD re o _:_eo ebe', i 8 mh_< :cs o
_@£S (?R':O N c)f i"P < _e cGsse':tc,
Note: ftteccr_ced_r sk:_h;r <::o d/ pocse
r'_oce fO KIore t'( 5 lu: _t s. he COP'sCO;.%_-}
trNs Of CUk> hGto'G y to HstQt. }:')eSS tbG
[{iC_/Sop b Pier: G:<; Ise col]code eturr s to
_ecord/oeuss r r,,od<:
:F(t ' '• ' ..........
, I C C rl ' _( " J "_iP @_)T.! li."
NoSe: Wh@ yo_ feco_ tyn FPqg@ of yoursef,
tie _c',ge cispoyed on e CD r_onlo wit
!)()COO C _iG'Y _'/:3'_0. "]i':C?O'-_CF_OD diS';]C /
n CO n I ,_,"IId sQp_)oc_
_t_ol'e; tte LCD to_ c n beciecf of %e
C< r¥,_.rM ,.'_[ s so fho', re:ices Jp si{}bty, dqd "1@
SC'(:_¢_ ;'TOy _:," V-{_¢>:C _:Qs}y
_4ot@; V.h@[ yo r®cod O_ (.de o¢ y_ ;r,se'2
tke on sc_eel dispoy w o ,/_ {_e',tX, ,.,c1 _ne
re:}ording s:tls _,;cqo ' 2FC w} d _ge
Using nstant Review
VM@965LA!VM*D865LA _ss
Using Auio Focus
_hc cam_ovdc-_ kx:us_s f1_e _u,biec_ in fhe ce_e_ of (he v fern!! nde_ o_" LC;) _w_u l:ol: m_t }ma}k ail) _'_e_, he
_ at, _a focus s t _;4_god. {f 'l:OC [ S _f-pe,,rs iz_t}ie v _;-_Wi_4er or o0 the LC] _v.or_]te_, me't if4 _'._ us is
<m{6aged _ess the _q_CUSiVOL _elOol bitfee, s s m_ [[a _ov.s]} t _: tutti fe alf_ ['.:u_>, See <'Osiog
'\";a _uai foct s" ,;_l Fage 36.
Go}d Not good
'Th auto i:ocu_ xil[ qo/_;ork/_der tl-e oi]o,v r_g c >;'}d[tk;r_.; s_'_d you mt;t f<}cu_ ma-_e<stI3 :
Ude dfff_ _x rice
7_ !i?,h refltctfor_ s_(:h a', _
,! ,,hil:e w_]l
,-%;,+).v_ _ 47
b' 4
_[i) d y_evin£ objects
13J'lgh_ly f_: ebJ _cts s_c]°_as a
neo_s 1g]:_t obect; lh b) slc>et-
{iS% e_c.
) rk ;[ l_.C ,
"-................. Objects behind
dtppled o_'c},sst] g}sss
Note: Wth €he i zoorn ooF4_o[ ye con use t_e
o¢0 focus wth sue}< cls She" (_re 35 feet
(! O0 cm) O'woy fore he Jerks4_{; fu_Jher owoy
fO [qfinty W_h the W zoom co i,oi you ooq
use !he QcJfO focus wt_ s,£'_ects 3/8 nct<es
(] csO cwov from Jbe [e_s o_d fur h,er Q_/qy to
inf',n ty
Using the Power Zoom _::,. ::_.:._,.,
Tie ftOS'._'ZOofTi !/Y CO'_f:D/_:"deN£ J:ie Oo7%//"o mo',Yi_: P_te
susb_<_t :k_ OP)_Fd2woy, _ hi,-c $%e po_,./cY ;u:'o_ z,7 cohiYcf :?i_y,gs
f?'@s./ojo'c cfPsc4 scot,co _'_m(_/?_d,p/.q'_u:_, f "Z,OO/_A" (??_Geof5
of #_e le£ of ff_e v:ewff::der or LC© mor_i%w: 2_e d_/FW zoo _:
£,n;:_,:;:,, dw':u,/s £;,c,,,?w ?os Ooon engogeo(
w<X:}................... ...... ,
'rbe yt,:_ speed w_rk*,, depen, inS_ on },ow i've lw_w :' ,:o_,_!
cor, t (t leve_ ]s moved: ]t, :noie th,.' m,'er is mo_e( fb_
L o;her t[ar_ zoom smed wt_ b.
W_scn _he _x_we zoom co _tro_ s ot..e_'ated Lrle zx_m p( tio_
is d splayed h_ _' Gew;;;ndur o' o_ t}]e SC}) monifo _/or
abort 5 seconds a/_d t}_e:l d sa!pea:s. T}_e 2x_o_ posit o_q s
dsph.yvd _, 10 teps
.... f. q'_
% t.......',-.c-#_!;?
t .....q-._ 1:!? -
f "I ......::S :_
k l
Using the Digital Zoom
}the dA2//Y._lzoom i c':eoses the Sogn fi ?offO ] :)!" i...............................1 :........
i?;O:.?O_Ve:/(_Or__>/41:_//:yKp_.Yot Yx.l:;tp/¢;,()e?he
_:b/o:,::y:;u wL_-h7o rnG%r_:h/d:/::_e£6'n/erof 7t!e
: :>_/fz%i(iYd'r,}_'_) :,::,¢7to,"
Slide and ]Hsd ]se Rowe ° zoom con!: o) to t!_e "-V _
sde }(/!b&l _< pi_tt!'e }._u wa_] You ccm
f_'o] Kle zoom uJth th F-owe " xo(_l 'l asd W co_-
fro]s. W_un "ZOOM" is no! disp_a},,ed i'_ the
vie'*_rde _: or t] ], [) w>5t,._, _o'r/_] zoom
[[ltW! O:!5 I: !;Iune.
Hotel Y@ cqh swio} _he <igil@ zoor
b Swe(:- } OF;,:. XIC;0 @r,d XSO/} s:,g ie m:ru
sc:oen (se p. 3,S).
Note ii dg!8 ZOOS} h(]s CeSO:! _i_ {O_'iOSS
© d r:icxy deg_ds¢:e :st exile _e tang fcoeio i
G[s(SO,"8_Afy CG£ ()o_de's :o/e rte_
Using Macro
,_',%/8 _c-s (icrO a;d hold d_e ?owul:
zo¢)_n toni'o] IA" Yise ca tf;'i_ (OCLISOS Or th _;6 <'d
a _IOI! at call} . Cheek }'olr i£_:I :$_as ewiis 1: ?e
k -__i@cienf v,'}-_enfi]mi ::4close _lp,
Seffing Recording Audio Mode
bse @c 1Y:(!l u sclet _ t,.>sq! t]_ re :re _:,al. _k:_y_( d_.
_I. C '1 t_ CAM i()}:['1 \ 1) O s ',, [ < ,_.,_%L } 2BIT: "[', rec:_l:d audR> H be ]2-b}t mod_'.
}?tess i_m A4}:NO burton. "- --T'T- ......................"}
T A[ Ai )
[-r ss n_ P[AYorSK}_ )l :,
b/.ltb.)r_ to sdec[ 'i[K)](_ ,; _0-_ sF
IS_ /:_ LC:_ LP
>KbDg'.. _:'' I
8to_ to se]ec_ (:h( dcsked .................................... .-*
l-l:oci c,:
16BIT: "o r_xxx:d audo :_ @_ "16-bR _ o&'.
Setting Recording Mode
L}su t-_ me_i sc:e_ _o set th_ _'ec(;:dh_ S speed n_o(tP,
Ii, :A A
3 _ress {i_e 1;£ A_ o_ S'IOP :'"
, AO[:) too: 18{ [
,ss _, [_[ r'E
MO}D£'L . "'_
..... •' [_ i <'E b: _£kS _1 [
_-rssS_eRLY_ _I _ -
ton _o sdect [[se desf_ed L
SP: Io i:eco_:d ir_ t[_e s_andard mode;
LP: tar _xt_!ded reco:rd__g elsgth of 1,5 _bnes
Note: _fyou s,,_feb the K/ode between SP Grid
!.P duhg record no, nose wil @pDecr c_l pic
ture pb_s and!or sbund wi} be n ÷mipted
Nora: 1toes recorded o} Shiscorr_corder n [he
LP _r_ode r'_ay not be normc}ly played back on
other < ©: _co[der&
Note: Standard 8 ms_ tapes canhoi be ecod
ed h the LP mode
Recording Stil Pictures(Photo)(for VMoD965LA)
ILH<, _L/OO (t [7 _F _/
_TXD.';H:'(TfC C%_?U_O.:,//?IQ;iO["_'7;5 S%'/[.__' :_ __-Y"_ "
W :,,u ue <es }, rc'cx{, pr_ss tie
'. ap _e,w a_4 @e ec rl l/dca or <,]1 ii;4ht
ai i_:, _>oz,ueut R_ess Strt 8tet-_ _s _ 5!lJ i:o"
_..OSle(: ]'] <ati 10{¢<{ 0 kl I:>')_, ?r :)1 -7o I'{-]_
g,_8 sp2(),
{I x>q C_$50{ 0 _ .. "_/ 81]41 { 1>0% !L
If },(u rant t_ veu' @qepict .ue b_i]g recorde {
<nd_ei(FDmon o_,open L< LC) >o@tor; £
you we>ttovewthepct_re -_t_evewfi_{e
ie4ve/_< ],() nonitoi" dosed,
)dakesu'i tk_atd_esubpov_!'s,, tc]li; v e
• [i)iO -,_,_c!/syo! "J ( > R>C'dB'X Fie]el
t,(,*<) @ll
<x)* o]p_ cd-ona! ca } P _"" .......
a:>pea/>:i {{e _vbdez'o_o- t{ae_< )monb
{<I a-_d [il{?CJID_C(! CI !'S _K)_V17caJ% o rh:/}*d
i P-l_ O@H
?NOTO @ ,
(o'd iF.
Ho_e You :so ]_or cho[ ,qe he v}ode o_ sellk !j
h _-e _ e] we yo4 Gr', R-cofdi sO o
NOte You C'.l io{ eco_O s siii d_t'q ce !in£, o
operc? on of t_<_ fo Io,,_ <_ f <_ct ons:
- S) :1o Ff ecfs
B_ote: o ]oi sb<ske he cGsso<)f<!e_ wie
re<'o_'d ]g of o I orrrosck ;:e nose -'soy be
{_(}0d%( ]¢ t--_" l')<}ttj£
No{*e: ' "/_" l:]shes ] tse 'dev¢ n(e o o:- the
.CD monito w_r] /he t,b o [[<, side of ih_
ot;sse i,? s <;or',©iete!y vbbe
Hole: "TAPE ENd)' Gshes lr'_ the ve',_f de o_
o_ e LCD mor:iror whe 4x)" 3 mh.£,;s o
ess [e <_ir_ of _e lope ccssef e
_qo_: ][ ho, :7;(_WCO (]8,t S]e£- i_ @C) (/ [)<J S@
[Yode fo[ flo[0 "PIG] _ riFt{ ]_S, th') COrFCO{U, [
t t': o[ ( [ to[]_iooH? [o eslqr if <c;ss the
$ of iSiC)p bh,{O ",bf!te c< P;_cor-te re? s o
_C,C" "(J/p( < e C)C _)
@_ftape is inserted in the VIDEO made
(Only during Hi 8/8 playback) :
rmm_ _ rv<,/b ','_,l ; ib q,%s,I'.A '_,,s'}/[ da@_ i-_
_,_ote _'i '1 ;I;';Pq::isO' c ''co h._'_;
C N'_,< __s'@"O O(2"..@_>_O' < p<vt:]]sOF'!_<]i !_ i](Y
[JECT one POLf'?LP ON'
O' tb NL ._ .' N O'l .< OU[Ni(A i [<)'i<d3t:¢_4_1!'q)'fI<
.: ¢C,, c < cpsr<lir t'.' -) " fn;, ". D<_,d r<i t "%of!o _
Diai_a_ 8 ..................................
k ...............
Pr, ,:_ [he +DROP., ;[k{_!_ ",}_el, <o.u "/a,_' !i <Q _d
_ol*e] [)ci._o(_,<) ic %Ot;MC{ t,t, !fit" O[ _f'_(; -it7 _'_
OPC)£_ _w-_d:)r !_Ct <C,-j ]y -.,-r-
Ofl'2c _15@1KJ,9:0 f'f !dr; _ Hi' .>lcJ_<t¢
0¢ OH= __ "<<,1_/1;0 .,_, c._,.
'\'O'tl;{ _7 t [10 $0 1( q_;'f_'" I E'!{Stl"7_ ':/CO" /!" "
...... _ _ 771<]V_t] [,KIt>,[ )dlCl ( S:O ! s "ICI,J(
_qOt@; 7[u3;7 _he C['_ non<,( _ -
-:"0 > LP A<OC:O[0OSV_Ci;" iN i)
"_,]¢ _ ,',6:€ 1[,': <{]_h (7 T
B_ote: V<hCE! rr¢: ?i'G< O_F dID' }
_OPO c iC_0<]
[10t_; _t iOtO_ "(f <-<:._c_;_O"', C] .CCS :_I'W kCL}
i'(,Pl;<)['OS(J'_O '_ {3,'31'_ , ,OOcY_.; _,' < " 5< %
?Cqr, t,c <.:to, %_IV \_,i[ih('Li[iiC'_ Nr
No_te: )"t' [( X;_ SO, ¢" _5'-,CO'O 7[_d
%12 i[/] OC_ l_ ;Ut)}qi</(J:" (." I/m);l'{
I_OT{'}_ ,_;9£.:J! }:J ;d _ ,vr_c R- C_ I <1[) '-" GI'@C r
[qO[!_: iVto't{ o: _ .... -9C "(A_C :L)Or K) " '
%{t r[ ,(]C) O C{ TtO (]DO r ;liLt !c -" O[o:
-f !>.<,© C_- _-<" >%C,[hC<], vp,/6! CO .;'(.
"" _H;'@ (0'i'_><
@To Play Back a '[ape with the
(bs t]_e _C) mo-r'itoz, "/ep !>'es,, the -/<Y b_t
k;] o {,lay back t}-,t_tcp,._ N-e picb.s e_p:_k_s n
ti,e \ ie ,, k>de
B4oIe; }or COrn01 ecx ±lhe pcy_>ock soJRd
w-'er DI@Y',_ book VOLt Ideo ,,i},!'_ e
Note: f yo.'. are freezing c: pctJe wit he
tad mentor eosed, then yet ,,u_ net be Gbie
to view o siil p ctHre _W_'h less rto]se when yov
open the monitor (O_iy d_ ring Hit/8 p}ay
Using Forward and Reverse Search :,, :_ _ ,: _;,,: ;_
W]k'n iouk[ng !br a pal:t cuh_ point i_ yam _ ideetape _se the F _:butte t and REW button <e lind the spot
_ress the ]1' button du'n S pIayback to visua[iy
san _"_etape fi_rward at a high speed, Press the
PLAY Bu tto_ to return to nesl:a] playback
Press and ]hold do_,,,n t[_e N: button dlMng % '-
ward sea_'c]:tto visually scan the ape forward at
Relea,qfn$ the I-F button will ret:rn the carn.-
corde_' to _xx'm :t ferwmrd sea,'d}
Press the REW burro::during playSac < h:,_vfsu*
£ly scan die tape backward al a hgl_ speed.
Press @_e PLAY Button to retur t to ire:real
Press a_d }:old dow:s tl:e ilEW buttes duds 8
reve:ise searc}: to vJsua!{} sea:: the tape back,.
ward at a ]igher speed. Rele_@]n 8 the I_EW but-
ten wil r_:tu_x: the camc<x dt:r to horn:a{ ue e,fse
'.W t£(:_,
No_e; W_en you engo[ge F b.@on or i2_W bf-
io<l the pckJte wf hove some qe ferehcc or
nes:a t'e viewfff de_ ]hs s norm, a', dJrrg
searc _rr ede. (C): qv du4ng F8/8 pl<:', sack)
in case of anatog video
tn case of dig#a/video
No[e; if yotJ ae usi{@ forward or reverse seato 1
with the LaD monlbr c osed, then you wi_ not
ce cole to view _: ctures wfl: bss noise wizen
_,o1 o©:Y the :"or lot (Or!}y durh¢_ li8/8 pay-
Note: If you e<gape fi:_stforward or rewind dur-
ing pioyback o analog/idea, raise bars will
@ppoa[ ntt{_ sea"or ed picture
If you engage fasf forward o lewnd du ir/g
payba z ofd giiai vdeo. mos®ic like soise wll
appear : the searched pc urea. (Or!,/ during
Hi8/8 playbook)
Note: A o seless pcture w!i not appear during
gt*speed sea :h eve:} if he ".CD monitor is
.'.)per: (On'/du'1l_g %qBi:_O xyback)
Note: Noise nay fi,w riling highspeed
search in low te<rpera(_: cor,di 9!1s (C}11y
,flu in{_ Hit!8 playback)
Note: 'f £e,e is a se--skgna recorded i;'o ! on n
the aiodle tape, or if "the q8 recorded pop
fion Qr;d Dgiid! 8 re :o ded poI:, op <;_e _ix_<J
o<} ape 1he 1rear t _e cou<_ may _() op:_r.
at< c affect y
No_'e; Dur}r'_g aces pks'/'b:_ck, ose rT:O,_
apt)oar h lt:e search pct<_ or the ,CO rnor:
a: or cob m<y ;soppc>a, r,_:_!f:is does not
i *d 02ie r?fa_t
Note; When Digito 8 recorded tapes o_e vi_: :)P
yscared dtNg forwa!d or rev< se search
mosac ke nose wil' ux->e@
Ne%: Whe] H8/8 recorded t<x;es ate vbualy
soon ieo -jk:l nO forward el qs/erse sec oh. yet
CG/ vew _ e no'}e)ess ,oieur} 0% te iCi)
VM*O965LA/V}M@865LA E33
Note; if [he d,'ate/ih-_ e s "}c_ p _-:<'qtusl _e, !his
fmct on wl no_ oper,:ste ,¢'Se c"91he D_te ond
rq/se" ec'_pdge 24).
] _ _¢'SS I;}_ {)ATJ! {:,utt(sn dt_s'b'_{'>!-da}baO<,: "f'io
_,cordin$ date <tinu _, ill appear.
I :2OA_d [
..................... ! 'f. 5S:°C) I J
{: "(ss _£ t e )AI[ Dutton a_ar_ w turr_ _ ff _ "l('
Nol+e: If y:A © 3 bC_CKhe T._pe ©o'tlol, recc, (>
od '+ t_-- ,_'.....
_>aI-,, e d,_ e no, sei, oressing [)AT v41lc s-
play the foitow rig:
,,i.I l
.................................... _J
Note: This funciion will not _verk wiib Hi8/8
eeco_ded k_pes,
Advanced Techniques
Zhe Hitc_oh _,,?,,J_Dg_65L_/_X,_vt-DSbS"Ao_ers c, c'!v_rse group of fe_-
?u_es#_ot _dd i,ot_r#.'stahd e_'c_/ement _0 your v/deo. Adding L_c'es
to ,%'7!.oot_ fTOTns[?_on3 CfeCfte*s _deo _.4_ft_ d f)rotes_]opc_l _oo_,
As you leom and pi-a,ct_ce ,4./_-}h*ses@fectu:os fhink of sit_otior_,s :/_b_t
they nnight lib"iT_¢;fsd (_o'cf_ spoo_ci/ touct_.
VM-Dg65LAtV_-D865LA E35
Using Manual Focus
1 ]be,_; bhc _O( :2_ _( [. _{>r} _'o[ btZton:÷ sht._u] _ P_wer Zoom Cont_0_
ta-_</t's_,. "_ OCL S" d_sp a s nthe _iev,{i_ d<,_"
o" on he _,C[) me_i/.oi. Yot c._m ¢_di_st _s_'_
[e_ t;< s%ap is i%
conhx ] t<ze<m 1o the picture you want, _be pc-
Rne in,% {aIiout e {ocus 'J_hen actua] r_'cocdin[3
_%ess the }OCt-S !%OL cot_trd A ({at) or V
(e,eaN button mti] th; subiec[ b in f :,cus. FOCUS/VOL. (£_)_troI i}uttons
Note: ]o telurn t()ouio focs pess 1he FOCUS/
\iOL co-irc, i b_ ttons ond lPe "FOCUS" dsep_
pees fron ',h.9v{ewf ride or LCD monito
Using X500 Digital Zoom
You canuset]'_eXS00disita]zoom fu"_cLion[oxmZ_t[{ythusu(jectelitapeup ioapp ox.23dinestheX22
oRticalzoom, 'ibisful:'_c!_onalso e _ hies you to h;irthcrmagnifya distantsubiect
Menu Select Buttons
_ENU But[_m
I Press the sma]] button o¢, the (:AMiON:i
StDEOm £tchas)o_s de _eCAb4
2 i%ss @,'_'MEKU b _tton: [
The m_m_ dspbv vd_l r,
#} A{ (
: £oc_
;a £ o _
_% s the]"_ olREWbut i _s _u0_
to/_ <disi]as,,XSO0,," [ , _. re
.......... ]!:
(1 b'O
ffress the Mti'<U blJ:ton: The me_;u disp]a), w}II
disapgea ' horn {he LC'D _ _o g or or view[ir<f_ x_
Note Its d gito) zoorr h@s ce_¢o n [i'r 01 ors: it
m,ay ,.']eg_cde if sed to" ex re_'e rcgnifoa
ton, ond t_,erebv op_,p[fv cQ.-_ corder move-
Special Effecfs Recording ,_ _ _,_,,_=, _
i*:e digit(; prec'essur i_ th_ co,recoVer clio.yes y¢:_1to record ,olc u._earx2 :;ub" spec'o/effecLs: 16;,:9
record,rig mode. c_neg<%',£@/,7:c_(_e('negofi'/e_posi_.o mode), o sy:y_4peff/o image (oDt_!_ted by p/c_c
[Ibg 0tRirnOr Ot fl)e CeOfcY of h'le scf_.ei3 !_mdf_" q)i'ror 7 ode)'J, _;p }rT)(_,ge it-, !7_0s¢,_" _'T oso'!c R',,ed-_ }, cJ" dof
o;, pai_ ti,qg ©ok (cur rtloc/e).
Each tirn-:_ th{ IF'ECI' butio* is p_ss<d, I-he
recolTdir!g mode i; sx_i ch_x:L
i 16,X9 ]NEGROS /
' i
16X9 Mode NegalvelPosl}_,e Mode Hail-mid,or Mode
t 8
No_'moI Mode Art Mode
! i
Mosaic Mode
Activating Speciat Effects
>_ace[}teca._er_e" nt2e'(:ord 4_:semode
1._ p , _ '_MOSAIC': Mosaic Mode
2Pre;,s _}3e ENEC? b-_;Rtoo_ select the spe at
effe_ s_ecord m)de)e_ ua_:L
"16X9"; _6X9 Mode
i'}le pic!.nre _OrRtat Ca_l _e Sw td_(!ci _ro_;: d:3 (h
_'_ct/:m .q_rr_?at_?fa-i ord:_?ary _'V set-) t(>16x9. 'l'!l_
lop ?,n,dbe_tem 0[ t}-_ p ct_re _n @",e\, _ w£_nde_e:
on ff_e £CT) o:oMt( r becon:u bl;_d ba¢'s.
T!_e mage n tie vi: wfi:tder or on the .CD m
or w:]!be _nmosaic.
.............. i
Normo_ Mode Mosaic Mode
i: : _ 7,
Ne[mcfl Mode f6X9 Mode
"NEGPOS% Negative/Positive Mode
:k kn_l}j:i::_]_c',iew!:ride'or e he _(:])men}-
e: *_:]1become negative,
_4o_m(_fMede ¢_,egaffvetPesiffve Mode
"MIRROR': Half-mirror Mode
"}:_' im%'e t_tu c:-o: i:_:LCD too::--
tot :v::1c:nnS_,to a _,>,mmetic ima$("on i:he ief't
and right, ob ain_d by p:acing a mi_ro: at ]_e
c@?ter of hc,,:c3:eer,
Nermai Mode
Normal Mode Art Mode
3%ess }:( S[ _r /'Stop @:k):: ::o s_art reco'(i:_,,
3-: re:ease speda] effec:s r _co:'ding, r _j?eab
_diy pres M. EFN,CT %:[ten 133 @_e r_cerd
Ra':_e _:}ode mr] {:e n<rma K)d_ is
Using Fade
Use Lk_efoo'o 7_ecsFuee_; od<Y o p¢ofessloqo] 7<>uc_)]c vodr lecor{Jings. Use #Te _Df: t}utron _O se]ec _,oPe
of J-t_es]_ !:e_de options
Note: ff you pless the EFFECT b<t?or_ afar setting the lode funo_}o,_, the tcde f ]notion wili be ee_edsed,
After setting _he spec ®1effect mode, _esef the fede functicn:
Note: The rude tuner en cdnnot be used in ihe Pho;o mode.
White fade: Fades "_nf'o_ a wlJte screen or fades o;ti to a v, hire sereen, '<_t}" appears in tht upper
le_[ cor:r, er ef [he vie_ fi{_d er or LCD monitor,
Fade h]
Fade Out
Wipe fades
black screen " _ '_appea:s ]r/lJle upper Ief£ cornel of t{]e viewfhlde o_ i<D monlto<
Fade tn
,Mosa_ fades [:odes in h'em a ]J( [u:re iP, mosaic o_:'ode; _)ut to a picture h_ mosaic 'J;vtOS>?" appc'a_'s
{/:_t}]e tip set !eft co, mr _f the t 7e_,\ !hld_ _' oi: LCD _sonit( v
}:ade In
Art fade: }:' i(itts i_ l:onb oi7 fa@>s (:,t_ _;-_a ,_lc£ul:e _vf[h .Q_( [:ee el: an oil [)a _[7 sg. " AF, [Lt" _p{:le u"s hi
_?e uppe< e@ <:) "_,er ol the vie_, { t/dez _ot L,CD tr onitor,
Fade ir_
VM-D965LA/VM-O885LA E39
•,Zoc,rnfade:}:.'_desh-}'_;hi]ezoomingfror_a whte scre__torf_tdesot_twh_lezoo_ttba?,[oa_bke st.ree_-,_.
__ _ pp : s the upper hh com-r <ff []:e ,_,}__,,_[}]< _:_to- L<D lm):_.itor
Fade In
* B]lack-and-'w{_itef;:_b: "ades h_ Jrom a b]ack-_:ind-whitescreen o;.fades )ifl:o i,.bhtck-andvhf[e
screen "B /W" appears in the uppel: bf.t eor::er of the _,,fewfirtdc_ or LCD :'no:i_:or.
Fade In
Fade Out £s_ _ ;> _x0, ,,_,.............
Fading tn
I ]_]seh_eT:AD[!b_.If_n [oselecta {ad_'optio_
before recorc_ng_
start reeordin%
Fading Out
1. While reco::d ntt" _'_[:_ t_e c;mr_co_:del u_e [}_
['AT)E bu ton < se_ct a l[ade <pt}on,
2 Presst]wSta_'t/Sh)pbu[to,_'_[ostopfeces:elf_g;
[]}e lade begins a<_toma[lcal]y ai_d 'RI-]<-
flashes until t]_e itde e_ds,
Note: When fadicg o4t be sure 1o waif t_ntil 1he
pouse nd cqtor (_I!_) isvsbie in 1he viewfinde[
or on the LCD r_onif<;r before _!¢empting to p_.ff
the comcorder nTo t',e record mode ogoin,
'- ....."--<-<k" -:b__
F&DE 8u[I_,,:
FROG{AM ,q [h_kt<)_
b_t_-: ,,,,ill _m : SpoNghtMode
q R_I I_S r-iod c)i "!!_ r iS0 -, I[_ 'd
CI)I :>_ior ....
[)"Gta rs-up Mod®
<, ,
:_ /_{IS:-, I:}]_ )[/.Y ,. 'kl bd_'[( (_ [{> 5::b! t;[ [
Spot% Mode
" i
G_ir_.tJp Mode
Po 4rr'.".itMode
................................. i
Spot ight Mode
He O[spksy: lull Auto Mode
"_t sm<d-.t} <m <)'<_r mS: i_,a_m11y
t_e s !ttr. s]u'd a d a eht. ace( dru.}, o i_,,
s [j,<:[ br!::]t ess, tmc <)de R '
,_a _da:d :ecordh_ 8.
:Sports Mode
s_.becs stc:h as p>[f _r _ _;,s <k: }_e
ubi_ct_'ll]b c]e_iyrecHtkd,_,/[tI< _ bk q_$,
: Portro[f Mode
l;Ju rr<,_, eordh 8s_l-'p _: rr,.i
stanc S >u {o_r a b,, rre< I <:ks < _d
VM,.0965 LA/V_,-DS8SLA _s
BLC _utto_
Locking the White Balance ....
'lid!; c uu,to_<de_ adiu.sts }m..,_h tr' baI4 _c:' aul:omatica{]v (ue Iv_n ebarn _ce} O@-t 8 t!'_e _st_ }ou c_n
lock ihe o!>_ hum vd:_i[_ b@me ;I in t}_( acute v]'ite ba!ance st: til_:,
Menu Select B[4ffons
] 9e[!he<%3,'lsOlfi',lOEOs_stchteCAM,
? Fix!is 11: _vI[£'<L l_tflol : 7'1"_oix/_nu (Is)a+, w£l
tl}[[[ [ i J
o ;octl x f ,1
L.... I
3 l%'ess {}_- ST(}P o .P{AY {ttto'_ [o s../ed,
"i4 t]TE BAL".
Sis F I
c ¢c
Press t} e i:[ or RIW bt te -_t< d sp ay "IOCK"
{....... d/ ..................
i tub oi,_
zoo, _,i #
<) ip, H} [[
o o ,_ c
).,s ,x Tt r -, .... "
,_,_ _h_: ,._ NL ........ ,.o. !{-_emenud_sl_lay u][
di:,_ lppe tr from the LCD mei!it:oi' o_"_,iet_,_[i _det.
Hole< f the CAIViiOr-F VDEC) swtch is set 1o
VIDEO iockin0 wi b," ro/eesed ond A TO" wll
be spec f ed c.<gc r-,.
Note: .nroiuo_ cecx'sep }eo_ or t!'e Ci'i
rnoni o ,/1 WH!E B#.L LOCK" s_secfied [esef
[i;e w_lte belcnce or speefy "WHTE BAt.
7: the/of£)wP_g dtc ct or_,s
While you zoom 1o a dist, tnf ub ect.
W}-Aie ),ou appsoac[-_ a sn-_a]] s_lbiec .
_, Whik you walk around.
W}d]*_' you record (tom. h_sde a moving _e}_ de.
4 >re sf[eFF_rRE_, ibuto_o(ii_q:v 'ON'
.... }. ,_
i .... r: -r
[ c :st*,
?SVL , C_ i
oi<? sll{
l_r_'ssI:}< MENL Ic4toq, ihe [ S iem
appea_si.a@_e_lppe i itccrtero[tb, e_i_\£nd-
e! or L.(D [r'_on{[or,
r .................
MENU Bt_l_.o_ .............................................. J
1. S't:LeC_M OFF,\7[FtP'O..; ,_ oCAM
2 I>ress/he X/tENI.; bt,d: ol : 7u! if_pa 7 ,vii]
appear. ,( .................... I
I _!r{ )at &t (
7O0{ 00
I )Sp,V (t) _
_ K) v o
! ;Ii<_>-_ rE _!', I
v .................. 3
[%c :,s tJ-_<SlOf o: i>l At' i: utlou to <_ ec_"' '_:;L,c"
11i11 IIL 113
@70( I 11 6
' N _,O0
., {;_ w c¢_ I'
! :r f/J>+;[ _} I
mor!Jior image hakes with _ :;]ig}it dday.
No_;@ _{S >@V r,ol f lqctkbe 1{vou .,_@0 wd O
ele conve er let}s,
NOt÷: J s Ie(xx," _e!_oed thor got <) no use;
t_e @S unc;lor weq using c f©o<_ Re set sot
wolJld (Jetecf V!)rGti(:)PS frovs he rGod fl
wsich c_xse he pict re >/old be biu red.
Using Quick Edit
i, se < "_ick edit to searc} _,[or the e_d o( p*-<vJo_>]y
tee:or Je i r,'la e!la]. £{'.d a }:_a_tku),az sp( o',! },' _tr
tape, b%; t_'lJtk_g o: '{cord i_v, ,',-aerfa. While
it, cauwor_er is h :ecc "d /pa_s, ;<>orb, hc) S d_ x',n
flu FF. 7iqt.V ,'r I'IAY Usto_ _d ,,is _:iIl_ 5e,srch
the t,t}_e, ] ÷']<q¢;e l}/e btattor, _u'd tl_t ca_'cocder
stoi)s t}>, at_ a_ {_ ,act posik_ ou eected
Note: I }e FFor PEW b Jton is ore',sed ro 4ulck
C(D{[, if OS, JC ]Re ose WE < F+pe* ', vie:,,
_O? fY(_ @ ['C" DI Cbr <Jr } O CD!-fYJCt<<I
_4ot@:%'-S,@Ct ede;re¢4h<1'reo%.s%f
1' + ,t
/_{ac[_ a power 5o_]_(]12taL,d !i_!id@ {he <__/
={ II'/VXTLO svqtch { ,' D}"O.
v b _@rt@ r o;' on i}w L(D rno_ t )r
51_' I¢ f
dJ-,]/p _:s_o}n []',evfevfindelor L(-})monb
[ i
............ +
012 : ,! I
!ilI_ i
Note] t yob _ovi C]ec ed !he CO se t<, ?ha
fi cioh w _ot e!)enlk- w;_ _}01 (oss,_tte
(Whe< o cossette s nseFe,I on;'s!'e "ecot_PN
ask;red, e [,osib is denifec QS be ecoqd
kg s'<I:' [ os{! ;n on thor do'i}
[Uoie; f ]e c}ock i:xlt [y k: '01 i]_ered, ie
,']de sq:o[ci u:'cti r do[_< not opcrGte wh.n
{ie beery provd _(I the pow_ io trse ( (]r]'
corder s [er:q<sved
_o[e W]/ M iht_ COla@[% WQS [e<orcJc'd by
(i£_Ohi{ (OrBoodi , _l!e o+( 8of]_chf [( ioh
do,::s re[ epcFG e.
Nolo: %00ce ,e,'xrc:" f ten is re[eqre'd
whe[ yo_ pt£i,sH,e SIOPhullo d<r 9 <;o<
seGrob [<_ede
[_iete; I[ [he reeoccq }ine ki;s _ <:.r_30 sec
ends, e (Jo}e st<:_rch fur erie-, rnov net opop
©re r]C)FnO[ y
Photo Search (for VM-D965LA)
,_.t.., _...;o,:,_f ,,,0 GO<S) ........ ,., fvbY </_<.<_.t,(. _ (; • It 6 (;,_(_ .., }'O_)(_}"
Nee [?e sue !hot Jhe dct. Grid fine <0re sot
z kkVi,
"_ Atia<:]_ a powey seurce and slide /;i_e (' _ _' ¸</
'" ON: ,i)HOs,,!cD oV[Di<).
I_e vi mfkld<t ('on _}]_ (D menh:eL
P '0
Me!e; When _e <)ossetie wc_s reco_dee by
p_y _%e[ o©efote,
_o_i The pboio t¢_o_i'_ _;_c[ki_ri is r_,'-ieGse_
'v@',en you press fhe S[OP butt<:)," du!i"g p,ote
Sf._Q[( } <)C (e,
"PMOTO,9 _" 'a.[]l appea 'whib he £_/<:edin 8
s/H/ is b/.,i-%i seaKhed {> ;"q)idOll<).S _}',
<bile Pne next still is bdn 8 ses_'d ed {o:.
W}len [[w _-equire_ sti[l is _ av.d th_ ca_('_rc, e:
entv_'s ti'_L' sl) F Kode and "PHO'}O.8" dsap-
pear from the vie,_ [fnder o_ DLI) m< ni o_:
I _artrcror(i/?:_- _ _ -
Ao . _
,,x \, • btt.__ e CO,. _ R N::,£[ on ...... "er,_ot
CO trt,] a_ t}_{ _ [)() ;St O i_ }sC!l }O \k 5// Oeturu
line time c(_ ]e_ cea_s o '0:00:00 ,
[3ress [}]e 9"()_ } bl_ ton _o sio,,) )", _: <.,m" ._r<ss
e Star'./8':c LtR<- "c " a38 s_ _
CA:, /O}:i VTDYO s,'<it_ h !.o VD[O
b( 1@ _l_{,_Y ill ( O, ;/ [ iki ll!ly 1 ( S"
:,w,_d assbov-_ D! he i£ue
_,_O_@: "OU (:(pr) CI]S(; US@ _ @ /]@rrOKy f o:on
_:y s eclyng "CD/:x" fo f® bltF .AY ep
Oh _i_e "qo 3_sSC (:{_r
P:'_.':;s he R£:_,Y ] !!:K!l a_d t}k ta__e ;tops ;_
aRP ox _;ae]y whee }, _ zeset _@c kR!ar k;e
cou_lter _qs :'aS reworks sasweH,
!1ore: If tsee s c3D sgnG eco deal y:o'to; p
te ':fid:!le o" tope oF f f!--e f8 F(.oo£."e( p{:,-
ton od %gito arecorded )o_ton ore r xec
O[i ODe, ilq; _ []@[]O'.y SO_ J"C O[ r'_Gy no(
(>Porc[ 900'4£;0 Hy
HOt@ h," N'lf_iVO'! tJ Cii) :.y /Oi oN f(.xto
wlP ;-' bcor(ed io©:;5 0 (©P_S r_,co(_ed r'
Pe SP ('d !P t'r:od s m>'e:J
.t_W i ,,_,, 3_ ,._FI@A,.: _ F.[_@i <
', _:5_-Op /'
i ,_x3 _j
........................... J
l H Bu kb.m
V_'VJ@96.%4.AiVX'I D865 LA _4,8
_ofe: 5e {u_e [ise the oio<:< b@i ep_ beb; ( .............................
se!eci r { o tie Athc> (x- o tie (xr :)_ chos(: r"
vitho_ " ( "" _1÷ i W'_ ' "
. _K LL fogy 9 ( i OSC}
_e(x _,/ erl 1 b:_tery :.>to, ( rg x>..fe', io Ih:_
(,C_t, _,"O't[ < [ "¢[C), t:_d
_. (OlPed ('_:]t_cl_de 1( _ ">'£\let !£ tit eN_e k
:(l:i<_.'_ hesna luRor cntheCi\'_,I'O! '
,'[DEO sv, Rch a<f slide }t is t_er C,&,i )
3 P;'_ ; t_( i iTf _ l:x._tto_!.
/fhl{ ir[ r<)r \ill tp!._@_.r h[e 'X', dn_.e
(r :H! t_e L(._D no[_ito£ F/<[ [I] (i!/]<Ot(_ t H
e:te" t)re tftI cH ) b_?. y.7(: e {'t:r_t>!_ ._ Ill"
i i
4 %:s R_::W
•[ [A[>I "_'ID.C "'
.................. i
</ppv _ i" rAy, i
................................... J
"g u cai c!:io? e h_ ]e>r_d ,ng_!d._ of h_ db_
pLy_'d fit* by pr ssh_4 h REW }_ittl > m in
{o]lo% in 8 )_der:
tsethe PLAt ol S[()[ _b_£:ton t_sekc_a Jedr_id
.......................................... -[
!.................................. J
L................ _ _......................)
English French
7te o'eg_tfr_ mode Spaidsh
C[s}nese GeTm_r_
[ .................................. )
Ira! an
[;tess tb,' KfL,E b:ltt n lh* s_bcted fl:[e
]}R';r d ecc o _ "'( _ _ v,, ]_een!<ag_t.
hess PI,ST cr <> OP_ b _fk'_n to s_ect h<
' C{_]O_,Yet ' _C_',O)9e "{}r_] S (1 <1" OI,.""_
",.}_t_ 'e]b', c}at: ms<_n!-* re< je{_ mdisl e
,"_ff<r (>t hwe sek'cl:_d _', color, pe_s th
Stored ti,qes (P eme no} availabl_5
<EngXsh> <lrc_3ch> <Spanish>
[i-:27F_:T_NYiiT::VV-_. !-7_7{NiVK_:£_Ng-" VirPTUgi_'_ fli,r',J<
, '_ _ _, i: % %9 !JOY[ .7';K():<i :E vL.,, ,E
} (( N ;R _ "Ui A IO S } f£(ii.&[_ONh 51 PROTA(K)N/f ri\
[ iiE SLiPERSi _R '- P_ "'_ _ "
_AC&[IO\. ]hq ] [ A(I, "J(}S VA(A( ()N S
, "%( * _1(' [
n, [ '_ I-,q_' I_ OYEI S[-- ! ?,£)iYES _;FEIiZ <50 NU/\O
%N) I_,ERS '_R':' ANN!VER9 %]RE S[ v Ab A _'HX iA
L£ R'}'b % _!,%r '_ iCblE ANi[[ ...............! IE___S][_k..........................
<German> <italfar<_, <Chh_e:_e>
,. _ i:q,Y:_-S_H::£-i [KR-:<7_TKTg_F - _:_i ...................................
FROM} %tEH{NAC} T ) i E VACANZ%! ' g-_'_;_{
[ HOC {ZEI' VVA (51 '-;_()S_! [ _g_,k:F,_
G_ LCKWUNSCI _,F ! ICKAZK)N[' '17-_?t[_2 :J_
ECfiO',E :£1iEN { "_" " '
:RK t_hr,:<::q [ <_ji££>_,','o__..!......................
CteaNngaTiNe :....... ,: _ ,:, ;:
A dtle conta_ _s b, vo _ines o[ up to !6 characters per he, 7he :a ncerder cow,rains 8i dltD.Tent d-_racte s
{or cr'eatiru_ a If de.
Nofe: Be sure io _,se<r the C!ock b s_ ery befoi*e ore(; <{Fa file Air so <; _a t)e car be creoted wiihou}
_e cock batteR/ nse _ed, t v,,i disoppeaa when the ba,tery p:ovi3 W; Pc,we M the C<S x_corde_ is
t Con _ct t-_e <amco_dex to ape ,e_: sou:toe.
o1' _ H)E<).
Pr ss /e []TIT[ _ .... , _ ._
appem:s qtheve_l:f_d(:o_'o_ !_eL(t) l'nonb
buto[ o ( [SO<_yiq':, scre(<_ [o_ ee<qi ;{ ,:Jfit@
[_]e u_ll !,,Or )%' [°le t < ? :,_L
U_e the F[: burro 1 to place .......
vfsh to begb'_ you_ :itie.
U e t]_! [l AY a!_d STOP b'Jtto_s to select ihe
lit'st character e{ }ore titb.
"t i
_ C)_<_ you%e e _t_, a <:}qa/:ac[el:' pPss tile i:;I
bttten tose[ [t
the tide z_'ap!nics tom the v ewih_de_. <:u"lAID
m) die{'.
Note: As o'q/) cJsf_e Coffect curr()q?_'_) eo_
be dspQved the if', sheId r, ne nosy
Note: ] you dbpay l_e dote qong with i_,e
fit]e, ctP se <:in 3 _h.....c" )<)r *-_,.__dq_e vvi be
disp ayed in the spree coo¢
Characters avoi!ab]÷ for your title
R S T U VWX Y Z 0 I £ 3 4 5 _ 7
i897 ' 1, -+:<>!AE_O
10£_ i 00£_ I 60£ii i 00_I
[C£fO £i A 1f1/£ ¥ "
L2 .............................. ................................ C .....
Correcting £r_ofs
z<£ d[ ,,t
i ]'10[<] _)Wn till" ] _ __ tPU hi)n ._ S_P
_en{:Is: "tile [:ist c]_al:act_'' w_]] £]ssl-_.
Use the _f [,'_/_8on selec[ t_ e(7]]_tl'ac_e_"t< [7(
Use ]'_ P[ A'{ _ _<t F_'I'C)P butto_s o correct the
chat'a :h _'
C )_!p ete th tide by _:els!:atM_:, sl:_p _5 trod 6.
Note: s .. A_,, _ g _. Svv_Ich is Set tO
Vi)EO yo< C(21N_Ol s}ec CO,:DX e : ±e W!]
c@pear n white
5 i:_'}s_ ti_e [fT£}' b_.!. )t_ to st<:)r'{ th'. cers:ect d
I[d :iq7Y}T_t}7\,
]A_sE'8 8IA?iDAY i
ated title.
P_:ess t}e P!AY or 57OP bu(+cx/ to {eect t_e
d¢'si:cd i]e, Y:)u can <heose from se,.e _<elors:
s,,}lite, },(flow, cysts _%_}ent',, 'ed, 8_'ee _ mad
VM-Dg65LAIVM.D885LA _47
Reoo_'ding Yile on a Tape in the Camcorder
_-]o_d dowt t}'ie sma]_ hilt[on on the (ihdJ i'_o_e: Creclte ond stoe your ttie beF<re qn
OFF/\H) 0 sv :A<h whk s ds$ ]Ix{ s, c!s t< e,:e- yo. p } tO rS (ItS dis p'®SS t_e!LL
([/?_ b( iiot t s pe repose ihe 1tie o',i[ ih@ scene
2 L.o(ate th8 _ oi£s{ of se t pe -:hate v su ,_5h _(, os y©t [@COF(J [_/S YMd bd)d <',O('_S effs q
.... -' .... £ < -_ - r-
_ !T'@w )i*/FOCO[(]_). 9_t<) W/C" /gi{ )"i:Sp)_S_
_(CO_d [m :it]: ('Us nZ(]} Jcl< ]d_t/> }p43). wb; you rec( "d < 91:9 :)" cpev<><: y e-
4 []se t_e XEW button 1o se!ect !he [_le (the tit:e
you I',_'_e <:eaed o_ theexistn£ tde hsc_}_
<ordel:y<u h_v.. memo_'fzed on /caXe 46) yo,4
5 Ptpss t_i 9[a_'iiSfop butt{l_ to sat{ '_.co_cifng
i:h [I:h
6 s t_ I[I(H [-, i ion i:_ stop recol:di _:_ Ib
]e, i'le file $-<ta.p[cs disappearsrom }_e
viewf_ lder or LCD mO [ b)]:' and ]e cae, icorder
can _'ecord norm_Jly,
Recording a Tile while Transferring a Tape : ,
] Corn ect }]ecame :,<e '[) _e VCI{ ():GO),
b_ tLon to set t[_ [tie,
4lh'6ss(h_ ['[[Eb_ttonloh_'n[th,{)/f,
5' ru!:!o theV<_<a!'dseti:torecord Hokf
d::_,,_t _:_ Ji biH[o_ cn [he CA<!,OF /
V}DLO s',,[ch ,_,_'l_u slfdi_£, th:, s,,vih]_ to
VID}-;C T_ -' =,r.[i,:,i-I,='_( 11t 11!<IIVI}O[(I(.U[.
Note: RecofoiPg ihs [ite d._rir g tape __'.," "=_"
',_,t ÷[ese, o p<>ri or of yokr recorde I r _<:_÷[<:t
Nofe: _ he CAM/OF IV!DEO twiic:_ s set to
vL_ ,,1 ,1_ I w r3,0 (s)C:'O sy r_w[/_@
Switching On-Screen Display On/Off
sh:_ 1]IC:I:L Se e(lio %!oo1: ('_s tt_ o;; c : n_:ord_r';{ _L s d play du'n_ p a) ba:R a _d tt_'_ _(, _ %_!. ,
aI!te r_ 'ard s
Se _he CAM ()t_;i\ H)t!O
.............. swid_ _e VIDEO.
Press the MI!NU button. PNU
5t _on to se](tt "DIS [ _i: c ..
x_t;ri F
P ,AY".
Press the RE?v o:" T:F but-. <"_ ,-,P,0
ton o seiecl the desh'ed L ...................................
m :)de:
Leo: ]!l(ormatk!n on @_etape emaining, £me
eotmter etc. fs dl%£ayed o_ thu LeD monXor.
LOB/[IN[: M is displayed beside _he [i_le
counter "V, eT_er E ear,re, :_45). Whe_ Ci);
[fiNS fs s >calf ed, you _an view iLe inRum/do
il the memory displayed on th_ {.(D mo _ tot,
_ ti<:]t wl be sut)edmposed on the pla)baek
pk'ture seen on ti'e (:onr ected '[%".
O_F: !o[,_e'J_;_ltion on tape r'umainins,, hue
counte_ ere. i'_ not displayed.
Note: he better/rem,(xining powe_ love w! be
d}sp!oyeo wLeT fou Use o bol cry pqck _s o
power supp y,
Note: The ddte and teoordng stores do (]is-
p_ayod on fie LCD mop, iLo£
f%'ess t!_e fvtEN U bu_ton.
Use h_ mem_ screen _o set L[:e playback mode (tape i:ormat).
Set th_ CAb/iOI:Fit It):l O svdtch to VIDEO,
Rress th_ MiN{J butten. ........ ,_u ....
]?tess t]ne R[./SY e: STOP
_ t)tN.df/r_ to see[_ I t_
AUTO: The tGpe fo_ net ,>,]i be (]_ tom :fi;cG!/
detected dtA]g o!(]yl ook,
H 8/8: W! s(x;e Hi8/8 reoo deal !oDes, H8/8 ft_y
not ,e at tomc_tc(xty daiocted: I_ tp,iscose select
the option 18/8
Fr_ss tlu XtNL buiton
Note: SpocP ¢ '?B MDDi: AUTO" i() p_y oeck
t;gile 8 eooreeo tapes ! "PB MODF H8/8" [s
spec@ed with I _ese t_pes, ¢ose wi!i appear <?rd
pkyed beck piciu e cot not te vewed
Setting Playback Audio Mode ............
Dudt} HiS/8 _t _vbae]< ou eal use }_e menH screen to select d_ ;:tai audfio <u tpu t i:'{ n'_ l_e DV i:ermina]
,,DL(. _ ....I Set tbu CAM/O} F/V/D_ () sv,@ :h to _ _ Yress @e R}VY o: [l bitten to se/_ci the des ted
P:ess the M[NU butt
Press t{!e :PLAY or STOP
OtttO b, SeRCt /\t;b _t)
MOD}!: ".
f)_i OF
IN ,ii[_
16 BiT: Fo_ piGybock oF hgher qt oity s:ereo
SXD( ['l_L!
I2 BiT Select tins option to F,sY beck o cino y
stereo sound,
Note: A[HO s {or wh: dgb:i 8
_eooic]ed Io[_e is p @,'eq book
Converting Analog Signal to Digital Signal(for VM-D965LA).
This (:!r_cot'd( _,_,iHa:e(pt and duped. {if: _,kte,? and at@o _'e_( i_ded ( an4!_ "d(i_ _ e<?JipmeY_t, e _)v_'_l
_!:t_ ti:ta_s_£n'J _cllra_s:XIi_t u_::=, n_ ,,, h _./V. INK}_e_ N_£(s_!_ p._.4)
Set t} CAM/OI[;/riD!re ss_itcL to Vl!)}:O
R'ess tse ),f}:: q Ubu tt._n.
G_.:_ ........ :_ A orl- C) _
bt:tto:l to st/iec[ "AIM-
[ ).C)I. T/'
i:1c o i
OFF: ive di( tc i videe ,4/ii be o tt:)t t i:: ( roieg
',,it its e ::H%'ICOI,:/_eL
OM: Y!l(.' G']iO C] vidoe ,'41i i:;e " ÷ =_ ÷
_[I ii J (
Iiih this 3]r'Nsofde[
5 ]:>'c-_ tiieMI:P U ruth .
Playing Back Your Recording on Your TV ,_,,_,_',_,'_;'__-_,,,_,_
Connecting to a Television (or VCR) with Audio/Video hput Sacks
A[V Cable*:_
[n p _ t I acks
i_i_(Red) __'!(Bhite)¢_'!!(Ydt0w)_j (BIack}
JSo¥ _deo Cabte "2 (genm:aI[y available}
*i "17'h,, digita_ camco_'de_ is l>_ovid_._ wit}* a _e A/V ca}aic; Connec t_e cable pbags to the jackq on
TV or VCR, -nak *_gs_xe to matc__,_e colors,
2: This dtgftai camcor(te_: can use a geue_:aiiy available S-v deo cable, if yo_l" TV _r VCR has a*_S-Vff)EO
jack, cona< c t}e >vdeo cable instead of l}le ye[Io> V_)EO ph_,
S{e*'eo T3pe _,vi_l-t
S-VIDEO lack S{e_eo 3ype M<ma_*ut'al I'ype
[................... Zt fz2_
@Playing Back You[ Reco[ding on the TV
_ Inse}"t a _r_,viots}' _ec)K]ed casseU_e into _e
Calltcort [@r',
3 ?url on ;,o/._r 1V and/or VCR and ;,la(< i _ _he
c_ nordor i _/:)u mode (co _st:]t yu" IV ,, VCR
_sa _ua lo! d@ails)
}R}ddov,,_ i_esual]buil:o_oltheCA_d OF_/
VIDLO swic}l _'dile didhng tl_e sv_ic_ to
Pres_ th,._ PiAY blltto _ o bezin playback.
SH)R st S\'h&?_i
V##-O985LA/VM-©885LA E5!
Dubbing from the Camcorder to a VCR
}<t_r U.'tt_" _nn.'_>r_;_sto 1,'i/#O<p},-)s)y <_ ;w£,<erc'$ _ome _,n,< re.caf(Jrosic Y4S
• Connections with an AV cable
.]< nr _ ;t'o;: <_..r_,o:r c_ io ;h. V([< f( n%
"!_[a"h_S ['_ad<Your _b; )rdTnft, on Y_ 7b"
2 11'n' ,m ou" VCF, and ])],io._I.! t}_"m'_r!,,order
mpul node (,':o_scd/ :!am VCR man_A kr
'_fe:-;i!_) Operate ]_e tc,}ev]s (lls _1 you nc/r0-,a/ly
do to see b-_usigml cornil_ 8 h'O_l he VCR,
3 _h;>]d d/) .l_ t[! srtat ;t tel ¢_[ {h_ (lAb+%!
O!qTiVI!I) BO '#itch v\}_Ji }(_ s)ide !]e swift}
lnurt th( recorded b._l>eJ',,_/Le cam or':fer ;m(
[{arf< ,.q_ {n!o the VC]< D_ th< V<E to _xx<:ord.
_ (_lu_, _he t_;pe { x) t't tiqc (4mcorcle: while "eca_d-
m,_4 <n t[<. \/(71:_
fYofe: If ihe VCI? s connected 1o otc evls[o _
o,d !ee VCR/TV se ecto, s set ÷ VC&, vat c;os
-o o heiope }ent; (ss obec
b_@e: _e÷LJce tie voo_we of the cs_-roord60S
owosposslbed_rs 9dubbrg O_hewise i_e
payed book pc1 _es coulc_ b÷ (Jis_orted
Connections with an LLINK (bY) ¢abJe
'_cu c_.n con _e<:t tfis c-uncrvd_'_ lu video u'qui!:tm<' _ with a DV [errn naI. _in_ _n LLtXK (DV) (4bk for
d_d:ff.fng. Zh<'e vc{}l be rnini_ 41 d_ turin)ration of video an] andio since _he dgJa i{>/_a} i trn _s{er_ecl.
](}_6 Jr_l_{.l'lllft[iol.lck]_>[)14k;e¢](}i_[il,e bCKe01](alwio[b{ d_ bbeA.
tb equipn_nt v_'i[h
DV ( f.LINle tertni._at
]Open tl_e cove of 1)% jck,
2U{e au i,LIb, i( cal}e to <:ore _<.:ttt c snsc(sx _ I(
},ul e]t ]gssen
_'Pu:_}.ots" _€]u[ps_vA(x,.K: ]n_equi[s_ en "tas
in:)td <<e!?d:i, seff [o "[)' i :})ut " {c(ul u]t
Lh_,4 <Iov_ [}",e _7_[] bl. tt_.rt f" iht (:A_', ,,'
OFP,\lDEOs'-,tch ','_}e_-_ <,
.,Je _ _wT[ch
to \I_) [:( )
]iay !he iape fz÷n [-se camco<de!: _,r_sf]e record-
in8<slsbeeq preen
Note: [_e(Jc_(::e )evo urc'e of Jhe ccFs'_co/c_er os
low os pcssibe <:;t_r" o ©br,g Oihetwse _,e
payed back DCTL 6S CQLLd oe C stoded,
Note: [LN:< s te no"÷ c÷'-iifyng re lag![
13'? ;9_f:, _ie f( ce ston< ard c d f ,_>:oo dec
s_;ec [co',ksns
* iEEE: k-sfi!.ie o Eecticc:[ ord Eecrol}c
E /.<j"(ors
i '<k o( _b,iK oco "1' ore fader t ks of So{y
Car:sara! of
Using Audio!Video Dubbing
c(Tv:cosder once a DrevbusI)' recoprJed tope in the cat';corder.
'1 i h£I'F
1 HNd doyen he small butlen on @re CAM/
OFF /Till) E() sv_, k[_ _,.h te slid in g t[_,. s_;itci_ to
2_,s_;_t _, pr,.¢,k u_._.y r _coKted tap_ :n the c;_--
co :d(!r.
3[s_ the v_ireless remoe qellt_o! a!gd press :[1_
N.AY hither/. Use the PLA_, [LF%l),and RIW
buttons e find @_epla(e wheru )ou wa_t tc step
4Disp],2y 1iw ii _e u: tkule cetlr/[el v, it]_ M]e]]] oi =}
CUsing Meme:y," p4¢). P'ess line COt NTI:R
RESE'] button to ;,et the linear time eouP4er to
6 Plac{: the CAM/()IF_iV1)£O svvitc]'_ to CAM
pastil( _. "F}I( recrd parle r@Rtator "@H"
_ppuars and the camcorder is _ead), te record
pause mode. "@H" disaj?pea_:s R'pi_ced by
"\/\ DL;i_,ll .
The audio/vfdeo dubNng starts, When ;be lin-
ear time counter :ea(t-_es "O:00:0OM" the cam-
co_der _;tops a_ ,ma'Aeally, reeordk_g enl_, {he
portfo:: of the tap*, thai you sdected.
Note: if ]he camcorde_ s h AV DUB p(use .':_
SLL marie for more If ,'sn 5 minutes, the cart
co d :;_stops auto :_effcaliv o prol,sct the tope
Note: Whe_ the aud o/video dubbed podiort is
p',ayed back, _ose ::<_y appear at the end of
the duboed po_t:o _.
VM-Dg85LAtVM-D865LA E53
Analog-to-Digital Conversion(for VM°D965LA)
[,bh "'C;7;,COYd÷Y CQF_ t_/_C_JY(_,V C_O0 "2_Y,rJ Qd/© /_corch)df ors G_'-_oio_ VJdO( _'ev oe if _he- _of;5"f_._l_ _1@
,%1_to / converted signet to device wi#3 .¢.DV (i.L Nk_) teis.nh'_o.
S&ideo cable: z_ p •
_% J_DV input/
LL!NK (DV) cable (germ_:aJIy available)
10pe _ Ee co,._ of: f)\" lack.
2 C<nr_,.c_ the c_mcorder to yo_ r V(R md the
device >.ii:h a DV (i.I INK) terminal, using _he
/kV cabIe arid i },PqK ([)V) c4b] t,
31<d( dow_-t he smMl butl:or_ of £he
CAMJiOFFiV[ )EO su, itch vv]°':ileyou slide the
s_ itch toV 1DEO.
.A] , _}DOLTOX" flora tJ-le men*
4 Sp{ cif:' N
screen (see p49}.
manuaI provided with the devic{ for details on
capturing ope_:at_o,n,
Note: 7be cna{o0 signc;i nput o the eoPacorder
w[i! hove some distort}on: t wiil nol be riormQi!y
conveded to d d giK_! signs! even }f the d spic >'ed
piciu_e or_ the _V seres _s _o r o iceoby d stort
Note: Art;og mcge w! a;t>p÷ orqy in the
yew r;de_: T w'i rot G©pedr O_ the I CD screen,
Recording from your VCR or IV
@Connecfions using AV cable (for VM-D965LA)
You bOP use this camcorder as o reco_de_, c,nd reoe,_d c,nd edlt v,<e,_'_ -" ,._,<7,_'_,,cw',_oi-_,_,y6c,-,_ ,_._,_K_'__" _.',- _r}_'_o_,,,.=,
'.¢(JeO Cv,e%,'_c'eor Cf;z progtc_;P%
'P]a) ingdad< _ eu:_ ReceKlkl_ on heLir F_" or_
_eages 50_o5i.
N(Jd < e_,,vl_ Jse slrla[] butten e[ [_te
CAbf/O_:_/\;IDEO svkch '_ hiie yet s]ide the
swtch to \"]!)}-O.
3 Insert a bhnk tape in the camcorder and the
recorded tape into the VCR.
[[eId down the S[az_iStop bu_ten tel at {e_,s 1
secend [o s(t ti](}carncet tel te t]<' _ecerdh_g
_ause mode.
5 Play ba<k videe materia_ en file {ta} back video
equipment er ei the TV program to be recorded.
PresSsthe Start/St> f) buffo_ ]Costarl record n _.
7After dubbing is firfished, p_es,_ the Stop button
to stop recerdir_g
Note Ano',og ilnoge: will appec_ ony to
vewfi °,der: It w! €el oppuar on the LeD seloc,a
Note: tf rite VCR is connected It> a _-eevsion end
1he VCR/BJ selector isse! o VCR, you car,. monibr
the tope being dubbed.
Note: Reduce the volume of 1he comcorder as
ow as possible duri@g dubblRg, Otherwise the
® Connections using LUNK (DV) cabJe
payed beck pictures cou!d be distorted,
Note: %r more smoot s V receded p}etures, _ is
recommended thor yeu do NO '.'q}x rn<lgos
ebb<ted r t_e Hid/standard 8m'.n forfpQ _and
DiOi*cfi ,_ormat on or_e the same fade.
Note: P}ay beck the iope o pleybock VCR in
_e standard speed mode: Vodeble speed
pay or] _ e VCR, stcR as fast forward oT sow
moron prey, wll c_suse distor*:,on n the inage
it, at is ben@ recorded c'n €he cameorde<
_f your VCR or TV has only one audio output jack
if an S-vdeo cable (sold separately) is used, dearer
nodes can be recorded.
tf your VCR or TV has am S (91) video jack, it is rec-
ommended hat vol.i use a sep;u'ate]; sotd S video
cable, instead e{ the v_Ueu_ [:Jug (',ideo) of AV
table, to connect the _qI video jack and th£ S iS1)
video jack o yeur \/CR or TV.
Vou con _onn_.ol th£ cameo, oe to video ..quipment with _ DV ier;, _,.a, usthg on LL NK OPV) cc_bie
Q_o/d sepat otefv} for dubbing. There will be minimal deterlorcfiion ")f video and audio, s_n<:e .) _ o glt ,,
mgn<'# is transferred,
[i) eqaipme_t vlth
DV (LL]NK) t*_rminal
l<)P{nt°ec<_<: ' )Vick-
<._[ If LLIN [<-(i[]e o Ct l]!}e]{[I__.;. rH )lde e
})t_r _,qiipme ti.
3Hold clot*.n the ss]s]l bul(:/a of te
CAM iON:iVKT)}'O st,'iteh t'dq]e _.'nu s] de/he
, ] ....
sv tch to V]DI(),
4 Mse¢_biankLap_inth< camcerd_ra dsett_e
idee £ite_ [a!{l_ [}}<!eq ciip ]i]e_.[.
5}fold do'¢,n the StarLiStoi;_btW,en fer a ]east ]
se< )lldto '-1,.t3_ <a uerc e[ _o ,_lerec<udl Ifz
pause mode.
6 }>]a} back ,,[duo n i:edal orl h_, }I_ybad ,,idea
eq _q'_ment, or s_t th( iV )rozram !e be/ecerded,
7 Press ihe S_rt/'Stop button to ;tart racer :ling,
Vvo._rl uubbmg ,, tin'shed, press the S'OR i utten
to sop recordh"%
Notes " _..... '- ........i_e(i2£}__ vJfi ¢!@Of he C(]KieeK]ef GS
low as possble during dubbing OTherwse tie
pbyed back F:ict _res tepid be rile;totted
Note: Dry ore devoe car be cenrtocfed o
y>u eameoqrer us}ng on !i,}K ([}V) Or.rOle
Notes DHng dgial d;nbiso/editisg, coo_'
uneve!_ness _*ay occur R th m]ge thor
appears on the mentor sereor;, but hs #', f_()t
(;£OCT ire dubbed mope,
_',_ete: Recording o Nayback p<Lse im.'ge
Pr(}U{_ the DV ie_r_ nai wil rest b a _cuoh
pci re Andi i estli picf reisei]yedo yo,r
eamcordeL [1;r]oy _e b]iJr<@<!
Note: [he anaog sigal ioul io lhe e mcerder wi'
_ave some dis o rior'c !,_',,,',/illre + be nor(_@ y con_
v<-sr!ed k', a dg_ai si/_na ev_:.r f !_e Nkspoyed pie
Je or ire P'/screen s not notksegb yd s ored
Note: A copy %oded image e_nn:)i be eeo_d
edo_th cemco_de,
Note; Ar,<Joti_ ire<p wi y,tl.ear oniy _ ]he
/iewflp<.leri t w! not aopeo_ en !he .CD sc'een
TBC (Time Base Corrector) ON or OFF _,_
_Xtt) ?TfC s.:>_._eiCfed0>6 you c_r_ supple,% fiuofue_,ons o; d_gerfiort in picture fl_c,t .may occur when Tapes
recorded by other c_mco/e'ets are _q<Jyed boc£ or any dlstefi[on c_usc_d by tope sTref_th C:r inconsis-
tent, rc'pe af;nlng that ocor when d';bDing is rep-eo1_d,
[?}C is efPective ot !y during H_&i# p/o!Xooo_
1 Sel _he ( AMiOF_ /VIDB() s'v,4td_ [:eVIDbO, 4 :'rus :_ ?Fbut_o_ _o disolay "ON".
2 h:ess the MI4NU butte
bert( n to su_ed "TB(Y c, sP a_ c, r n,.
B rO_}E ztU0
[ ..............................
i'ress tiBe MBN Ub_xtten,
Note: !n sorr,_- coses ff..otuo ONSOr digorfien n
picture CO!'_RO!¸ be suppressed GVeP, whet ¸'_"TBC
ON" ads been specified,
Notes Oeper ding on ib,e tape tsed. p[_xyoack
pictures mey t}uc uate up and down wt _iBC
ON" specif-..,d tn t/-s case, spoc fy "TBC OiF"
NOte Whenew;'r TBC ON is sp(,cfied, OFF will
o'£omaficai_y be specified for 1he DISPLA;¢
_e_u _eF(I
Attaching a filter _,-_,_ _-_-,_ ,:
Soew the fil_e_ h'_Lo the [[s_e_',ds o_ _he carn co_xkx:
lens assembly.
i _,/:xi ;i ,.] . ji"
,@f ..........t,,,
-,!i, _', _e
Using the Built-in DC Light (for VM-D965LA) ;.,-*.
Use fine bu h" LqDC light if '/uu _s.%hbe o:hoot obi<_c_ in c#_r£ p%ces,
P_:en the LIOHT sv/,toh (s set to "AUTO ". the light %'ms on auT_>matic_'ly when the c( l_corder is poMted
at o@;eci'-; 'n a dc::r£ pboe c.r dfl tns off ,lAden it is p@btod a oq-dot:< !r _a b,dgl# pioce
CAUTION S'_ce the power consumpt on of i_e ig?t s high. the camco_de' opera,trig f,mew decrease
even wth a fi_l'i chacged batfe W
OFF pesidon,
. Dc_>g opeafion {andio_ drier use of the
ikz_ht;he fionr sudace and _amp of he Iig]i
_,vil be ver_ hot, To avoid b_rns o_ hair,t¢_ _
8ge, do no! touch the-r, wi'h yoJ hand
• Whe_ the ight is on, do no; aiow water to
drop o ihelgh
- When 1he iii.]hi is on aveid subjecting tile
ight te ]mpc',cis or s _:rp vibrations,
De net cave te ligrt with Paper o_ other
objecls, sir',ce he o few _/¢ be qem pl-
od, r_suit g n possible overhe(?tin¢_ _Qz-
- Never lJse the ghi in ire viciniiy ()f expos
ve or tigh'y nflc_rc,mobie nabcrk_s
•.4tier usrq Ire lch* cooi th gbt seclion
sUff]dOfiily }:):,fore star t;g the camcorder "_
the ease
1re awip add oniy ©e repaced by a set
vce eng n_:}er: if y,w-}amp n<_sbbwn con-
SUIt yoor necresr serv ce codot
VM-D965LA/VM@S_5LA E57
General Maintenance:
_l:s coi'_ {1 t)u: _sea e5 d_</ier or '_'CR _e_sic
<es[_ lot pHs_ess on_ !_(ad <}can n 8,
C_eaning the Lens and Picture Tube of the Etecffonic
R> i@NSO gs@ @/_CtlOl}iC y_e_,£Firj6_,' CG/' £}e C:S_FC @6!S_,<, f _iU{ _'_iN;Or O,_Xe_tO£6@/N _YO/2Or <;_/-ieres
"j ]u_'n [h{ e}e c p co_ }l _ 3 A}i£.n t_se re[erence l'na_k
[hen p_ll it elf "o rom(;s e. ed)e._o1' _otch, and ,['>t:lsh
ab_a h_ d',{[% svH:_b or @_eeye <u_ (]HXd:I}; {ef_
ei £(!8.[_1A[ _)4pOf UrN [h( ('_, i}( q3 C[OC]<%_,r_S8
[0S_i_C_te it
Periodic Maintenance
A preds en e!ectr _mecEanica] device, tse ]tJ[ach Vb'LD965LA/VM-D865_ A ;equires ma ntep.ance a£ter
a p<riod e[ soresai use. We ex[_ect thai no maLn[ena_ce o@_e_tJ'_ae heat/c]ea_s .q5 will be _'d<!uired du'ds_
_:ho peied, o_ vvalTal]l.},' _n]es5 t_e ca nee dei' is _4sed _!ea', £,v or sddom. )ek,c ive gaffs are covered
by []se war anty. Norma] maint_nas_ce is the respo.qsibJ[ity o{: {]_e o_4ner. ('ons,_alt yeur deale ' or Io(:a]
\,CI_ se_.'vice cellte; for _ecommel'/d_tJons r_,ga_ding ! o[ma] ma nteo4 ice based on 'veer _se pa[te_'_!s, o
catJo% a_d }_.e _se _ _{{e c4;! uuider.
roura esnoo mg ............... .......
/W. ,FL,_....,_ , 0,.4,._.K ...... , w J!! ,..( _'c_@;_.__v" g /_[ i, :" ,0<-_©_ y
.'td_wfh<'.. nOS ¢_. ffr:u,'jilycf_#,',csdh_.)_,"+_m._s,<f_,_;_........ ,, .._....., _., ./...... CproLs!{_;rsdc>,._!o_.p/eoso:)heoki_,_,fc_i.
io_,t,'/n_ possibie so uffons t>e£),_e inqu nb "7a)ouf proYoss.'o _.o/ se>.,ioe
Symptom Check Point & Cor_ec{ion
! C<xssette ccr'nc[ be rise<led h-E.__xssse le c<x i_ ] t I ° } o_._] casseffe r directi()N indict;it d by (]_ow o]
I _ent
! : <fur< does ]o! xp;)e(sr _]e ._iewf _der er or! the i " %de t_e CAM/OFFIV_DEO switeh ie CAv
'_('O _-}on o[
{ Pie £@ s eui of fOOL{S, ,vloke s _r_ the 7:0C 5S" does noJ ........... '- _ "
....... ,_ p}o_(J ! _3:
vievdir;der ;>r o the L.CD rTonior, f i! is ( ss4rs,ed
_ Do to e'mo,ie he (]lock b(_efy (]f_w C eo i:] r]
, ile, {
VM-Dg_SLA/VM-D865LA [59
L_ .......................................................
S'(; F" rec<,rdir o
, Do noir,:* _.v _%o ckck _ c llr,_? arty r÷c ord r,:_
i I
Symptom Check Point & Correction
I oowe Cc_,sc11@l by' fw_ i C[} i¥)*hlor ,'.]nd
I vewfin(Je' is (HfeeqL {
_J _ _, o ol no rncloperoiion is K,,emJplec, COider s _!IIC oprocessor o liQilJrlc,_ion nssmpor,qs"-
iV f csndoL_,letfes oppeor in1he v ewfi",deror on i
t;-_e [C[; mopitor, or if I_oiff'a opI;rQqor: 15[mcmp +
ed remove i e powoi so -ce and cock !:)<:,tory,
....,.,e,,uw,s'"@GV(_C[_',l'-er_, the cc__-_co_der [LJr',CHODSI
wl reurr io the[ default sefqngs i
Genera! Specifications
Power consumption
72V D(
55W (vd_enreco_ding/_CD m_mit{vOFf')
62W (when <ecordingi[CD monitoiON)
Dimeus:io:ts VM-D955LA:
4-3/5" Wx 4-3/8" f-_x 7-3/4 # D
(li1.5mm x 111,5 minx 196into
VM-D865I A:
0--3/8 Wx44/S"Hx'77/;3 D
(I i1,5 mm :x 1! t,5 mm x 200 mm
1.8.8Ibs (approx, 855g) B@hou{ batk, ry pack and casse[te
Op_,raLg-lg >mperatu*<' 32"F _ ?(;_F (0'<- gO°C 2
Storage temperatLv'e -4>F _ 140°F (-20°C -_60°C )
Video Recorder Specifications
Format Digital 8 rnm
Video signal
Tape speed
Video ou [pu [
A_dio output
ba st {orward /rev_inJ tit1 e
Camera Specifications
ilequiredminfntum HRm_ina ion
Pickup device
,_ens diameRT
=lvvo video record/playback heads
E1A seandal:d N'[SC eob_
SP 28,7 _nm /s
[P I%t minis
[,(_ Vp-p, 25 ohm
7,8 d!3s (318mVrms)
Less than 8 minu{es with P6-120 casse te
525lines /60 fieMs /30 frames
05 ix
1/4" C,C,D,
FI.6 -308(4 ,-,88 ram) 22:1 p<>,_,erzoom lea >it}t auto fg_cus
and au [oiris {unceio _s
4:6 l'nlrt
VM*D965LA/VM-D865LA E6t
To locate an authorized
HITACHI se_,4ce facility in
the continental U,SA,
7 days a week_ 24 hours a day
IJjI I2 cC
Hitachi America, Ltd, Home Electronics Division
Hiach i_as l,,8d( ever e o/ to _asti e voL_ hotrs of i ou_sie _e ou_l_t o I bo!rl yes/ur_ _-;o,#_;v(-s =s_o_ c yOL _SQL e
service, a P,eLvvotk Of _ita_l_i Aut[_orized Service Faciiii:iea _s beeii es_ublia_ed in a11B0 stat_s and I-'tieii{; Rico¸ Each
facility wi_l provide yC,L_witii conve_ie_t al_d expedie_it assistance Ou_ se!vic_ "_-_otiiA¢" ope_sto_ cJi]i direct _i_ to the
H tat:, [ A I o zed Se_,,ice :'ac[[ ty nealesi yo _ Jt st p ÷se _ }_oof o* puc:' ase a_dior deJivery race pts to -se ac
Aut x} zed Se_vce fatty a_c aevce wil be e',( erers in accordasce wtt _se er_s o he I _ed eva antv as saxe(
on your v,/ur a ty card of oper8_ i/g (:_ude
Sho_}d Zeu have an}* question,s regarding is-wartant£ service, epe¢'s_ien or _e_hr#ca[ ass{stance; p/ease contact
H_tachl America, Ltd, }4o_e Electronics DMs or_
1855 Do _och Co _"t
San Dcgo CA92154 7225
_,el 1-800, d%z,C -
(1 800448 ?244)
Available Accessories :_,:,_ _ _÷_'_ _"_'_
!" F
Vf4_BPL! 3 ]
4 L
i lj _on b<,_ 9 y
Filiers _or spe
ci@ effects
©c powe_
sotc_ fo_
using c %_aret e
light,st socke?
_'o place an ol:de_7 or ally o[ £[_es_!'Xerns caU o_u" Le[] £re( nu£abe_.
VM*Dg65LA/VM-D865LA E83
To Order in the United States
By Phone
(1-800-448-2244) kl (anada - Please use Canadia_ order
form k_ Fr_:nd_ veR¢ion of @_:k_rn_mt_a
Page 6&
{] 800-_48-2244)