HM Electronics BP2G4A Wireless intercom beltpack User Manual 399G087 reg 02April15x

HM Electronics Inc Wireless intercom beltpack 399G087 reg 02April15x

Users Manual

Base Station Version
Part Number: 399G087 Rev 22
Date: April 02, 2015
User Guide | FreeSpeak II
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Document Reference
Clear-Com FreeSpeak II User Guide
Part Number: 399G087 Revision: 22
Legal Disclaimers
Copyright © 2015 HME Clear-Com Ltd.
All rights reserved.
Clear-Com and the Clear-Com logo are registered trademarks of HM Electronics,
The software described in this document is furnished under a license agreement
and may be used only in accordance with the terms of the agreement.
The product described in this document is distributed under licenses restricting its
use, copying, distribution, and decompilation/reverse engineering. No part of this
document may be reproduced in any form by any means without prior written
authorization of Clear-Com, an HME Company.
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can be found on Clear-Com’s corporate website:
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User Guide | FreeSpeak II
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Document Reference ..................................................................... 2
1Important Safety instructions ................................... 10
1.1Safety symbols ............................................................ 11
2Introduction to FreeSpeak II™ .................................. 12
2.1An FS II communication system ...................................... 13
2.1.1FreeSpeak II system capacity ........................................... 14
3Installing a system .................................................... 14
3.1Placing the Base station ................................................. 16
3.2Placing the antennas and splitters ................................... 16
3.2.1Wiring the antennas and splitters ...................................... 17
3.2.2Power supplies to the components of an FS II System .......... 18
3.2.3Determining coverage areas ............................................. 19
3.3Doing a site survey to determine coverage areas .............. 20
3.3.1Doing a site survey with a beltpack .................................... 20
3.3.2Testing antenna handoff .................................................. 22
3.3.3Getting information on active antenna status ...................... 23
3.3.4Assigning beltpacks to coverage areas ............................... 23
3.3.5Conditions affecting coverage areas ................................... 24
3.4Registering beltpacks .................................................... 24
3.4.1Over the air (OTA) registration of a beltpack from the Base
station ........................................................................... 25
4Connecting the Base station ...................................... 28
4.1Understanding the Back-Panel Connectors ....................... 29
4.2Connecting to partyline intercom systems ........................ 32
4.2.1Clear-Com and compatible partyline .................................. 32
4.2.2Connecting directly to Clear-Com partyline beltpacks ........... 33
4.2.3Connecting to an RTS™ wired beltpack ............................... 34
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4.2.4Front-panel adjustments for partyline connections ............... 35
4.2.5Troubleshooting partyline connections ................................ 35
4.3Wireless partyline ......................................................... 37
4.4Connecting to 4-Wire and digital matrix intercom .............. 38
4.4.2Connecting to Clear-Com matrix plus ................................. 40
4.4.3Connecting to Clear-Com Eclipse digital matrix .................... 40
4.4.4Connecting with other digital matrix intercom systems ......... 41
4.4.5Connecting with other 4-wire devices ................................. 41
4.5Connecting to a program audio source ............................. 42
4.6IFB configuration .......................................................... 42
4.7Connecting to the stage announce output ........................ 43
4.8Connecting to a PC ....................................................... 44
4.8.1Connecting using the serial port ........................................ 44
4.8.2Connecting using the LAN port .......................................... 46
4.9Connecting to transceiver/antennas ................................ 46
4.9.1Connecting one transceiver/antenna directly to a transceiver
port .............................................................................. 46
4.9.2Connecting transceiver/antennas with a splitter (PD2203) ..... 47
4.9.3Powering an antenna or antenna splitter ............................. 48
5Operating the Base station ........................................ 49
5.1Introduction ................................................................. 49
5.2Understanding Front-Panel Operation .............................. 50
5.2.1Call Channel A ................................................................ 50
5.2.2Call Channel B ................................................................ 50
6Programming a system from the Base station ........... 54
6.1Introduction ................................................................. 55
6.2Using the Base station’s programming menus ................... 56
6.3Saving changes ............................................................ 56
6.4Changing beltpack labels ............................................... 56
6.4.1To change a beltpack label ............................................... 56
6.5Setting and changing port labels ..................................... 58
6.5.1To create a port label ...................................................... 58
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6.6Setting and changing group labels .................................. 60
6.6.1To create a group label .................................................... 60
6.7Adding group members ................................................. 62
6.7.1To assign members to a group .......................................... 62
6.8Beltpacks .................................................................... 63
6.9Assigning audio routes to a beltpack ............................... 63
6.10Setting the beltpack audio level ...................................... 66
6.11Setting beltpack latching ............................................... 67
6.12Over the Air (OTA) beltpack registration from the Base
station ........................................................................ 67
6.13Setting input and output port levels ................................ 67
6.13.1Input level ..................................................................... 68
6.13.2Output level ................................................................... 68
6.13.3To set the audio level for a port ........................................ 68
6.14Setting port call destination ........................................... 69
6.15Configuring a wired partyline .......................................... 71
6.15.1To select the type of partyline system for a partyline port ..... 72
6.15.2To configure the Noise Gate for a partyline port ................... 73
6.15.3To configure the levels for a partyline port .......................... 74
6.16Base station System Menu ............................................. 76
6.17System Info ................................................................. 77
6.18Restoring the Defaults ................................................... 77
6.19Antennas ..................................................................... 78
6.20Setting the IP address ................................................... 79
6.21Locking front-panel enable buttons ................................. 79
6.22Remote microphone kill ................................................. 80
6.22.1Kill beltpack microphones ................................................. 80
6.22.2Kill partyline microphones ................................................ 80
6.22.3Kill all microphones ......................................................... 80
6.23Battery indicator........................................................... 80
7Operating the wireless beltpack ................................ 81
7.1Overview of the wireless beltpack ................................... 81
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7.2Beltpack user controls ................................................... 84
7.2.1Top controls ................................................................... 84
7.2.2Beltpack display .............................................................. 85
7.2.3Beltpack headset tones/alerts ........................................... 85
7.2.4Front controls ................................................................. 86
7.2.5Beltpack bottom connectors .............................................. 88
7.2.6Beltpack rear panel ......................................................... 89
7.3Using the beltpack ........................................................ 90
7.3.1Registering the beltpack ................................................... 90
7.3.2Charging the beltpack ...................................................... 90
7.3.3Powering on the beltpack ................................................. 91
7.3.4Using the beltpack to communicate ................................... 91
7.3.5Entering and exiting Menu mode ....................................... 92
7.3.6Setting and Adjusting Listen Levels .................................... 92
7.3.7Upgrading beltpack firmware ............................................ 92
8Programming on the beltpack ................................... 94
8.1Introduction to programming on the beltpack ................... 94
8.2Configuring the beltpack volume settings ......................... 95
8.2.1Configuring the beltpack channel volumes and master
volume .......................................................................... 96
8.2.2Configuring the volume level of the line input ...................... 96
8.2.3Configuring the rotary controls .......................................... 96
8.3Configuring the beltpack headset .................................... 97
8.3.1Setting headset autodetect ............................................... 97
8.3.2Setting the sidetone level ................................................. 98
8.3.3Setting the headset limiter ............................................... 98
8.4Configuring the beltpack microphone ............................... 98
8.4.1Setting the microphone type ............................................. 98
8.4.2Setting the microphone echo cancellation ........................... 99
8.5Configuring the beltpack display and LEDs ....................... 99
8.5.1Setting the display and LED brightness ............................. 100
8.5.2Setting the display dim timeout ....................................... 100
8.5.3Setting the display off timeout ........................................ 100
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8.6Configuring the beltpack alarm options .......................... 101
8.6.1Setting the low battery alarm ......................................... 101
8.6.2Setting the low battery alarm threshold ............................ 102
8.6.3Setting the out of range alarm ........................................ 102
8.6.4Setting the call alert ...................................................... 102
8.7Selecting the beltpack role default set ........................... 103
8.8Selecting the beltpack administration ............................ 103
8.8.1Enabling OTA registration mode ...................................... 103
8.8.2Setting full menu access ................................................ 104
8.8.3Setting system sync mode .............................................. 105
8.9Setting the listen again option ...................................... 105
8.10Accessing beltpack information ..................................... 105
8.11Setting display mode .................................................. 106
8.12Setting system connect ............................................... 106
8.13Enabling over the air (OTA) registration mode from a
beltpack .................................................................... 107
8.14Performing a site survey .............................................. 107
9Operating the transceiver/antenna .......................... 109
9.1Transceiver/antenna ................................................... 109
9.1.1IP rating (International Protection Marking) ...................... 109
9.1.2FS II transceiver/antenna connector panel ........................ 110
9.1.3Cabling the antennas ..................................................... 111
9.1.4Beltpack support capacities for transceiver/antennas .......... 111
9.1.5Coverage areas under various conditions .......................... 112
9.1.6Transceiver/antenna setup rules and tips .......................... 112
9.1.7Upgrading the antenna/transceiver firmware ..................... 113
9.2Transceiver/antenna splitter (PD2203) .......................... 113
9.2.1PD2203 Front connector panel ........................................ 114
9.2.2PD2203 rear panel ........................................................ 115
9.2.3Connecting an antenna splitter to the FS II Base station and to
transceiver/antennas ..................................................... 116
10FS II Configuration Editor ........................................ 117
10.1Loading configurations ................................................ 118
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10.1.1Loading a local configuration file ..................................... 118
10.1.2Loading a configuration file from a Base station using a serial
link ............................................................................. 119
10.1.3Loading a configuration from a Base station using Ethernet . 120
10.1.4Loading a configuration file to the Base station from the
Configuration Editor ...................................................... 121
10.2Configuration Editor Screen basics ................................ 122
10.3Registering beltpacks using the over the air (OTA) facility 123
10.4Configuring beltpacks .................................................. 126
10.4.1Selecting the beltpack to register or edit .......................... 126
10.4.2Registering beltpacks using the micro USB cable ............... 126
10.4.3Viewing beltpack registration information ......................... 127
10.4.4Viewing beltpack properties ............................................ 127
10.4.5Beltpack audio levels ..................................................... 129
10.4.6Beltpack alarm options .................................................. 130
10.4.7Setting the beltpack role options ..................................... 131
10.4.8Assigning beltpack keys ................................................. 133
10.4.9Configuring the Reply key .............................................. 134
10.4.10Key assignment types .................................................... 135
10.5Configuring ports ........................................................ 135
10.5.1Selecting the port to edit ................................................ 136
10.5.2Changing the label of the port ......................................... 136
10.5.3Selecting the port type .................................................. 136
10.5.4Selecting a communication path for the port ..................... 137
10.5.5Setting the input, output and VOX levels .......................... 139
10.6Configuring groups and wireless partylines ..................... 139
10.6.1Selecting the group to edit ............................................. 140
10.6.2Changing the label of the group ...................................... 140
10.6.3Changing the members of the group ................................ 141
10.6.4Displaying a group overview ........................................... 141
10.7Reducing antenna interference ..................................... 142
10.8Configuring IFBs ......................................................... 142
10.8.1Selecting the IFB to edit ................................................. 143
10.8.2Changing the label of the IFB .......................................... 143
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10.8.3Changing the IFB sources ............................................... 143
10.8.4Setting the IFB dim level ................................................ 143
10.9Configuring Base station system parameters .................. 144
10.9.1Editing the system parameters: ...................................... 144
10.9.2Enabling Over The Air (OTA) registration .......................... 145
10.10Diagnostics ................................................................ 145
10.10.1Beltpack status ............................................................. 146
10.10.2Static log ..................................................................... 147
10.10.3Antenna status ............................................................. 148
10.10.4Antenna roles ............................................................... 149
10.10.5Event Log .................................................................... 149
10.11Upgrading the Configuration Editor ............................... 150
11Upgrading the Base station from FS to FS II ............ 151
11.1Setting the Base station IP address ............................... 151
11.2Upgrading the Base station firmware ............................. 151
11.3Upgrading the Base station FPGA .................................. 151
11.4Loading the default map .............................................. 152
12Specifications ........................................................... 154
12.1FreeSpeak II Base station ............................................ 154
12.2FreeSpeak II Beltpack ................................................. 155
12.3FreeSpeak II Transceiver/Antenna ................................ 156
12.4FreeSpeak II Transceiver/Antenna Splitter ..................... 156
12.5Transmission Method .................................................. 157
13Compliance ............................................................... 158
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1 Important Safety instructions
Read these instructions.
Keep these instructions.
Heed all warnings.
Follow all instructions.
Do not use this apparatus near water.
Clean only with dry cloth.
Do not block any ventilation openings. Install in accordance with the
manufacturer’s instructions.
Do not install near any heat sources such as radiators, heat registers,
stoves, or other apparatus (including amplifiers) that produce heat.
Do not defeat the safety purpose of the polarized or grounding-type plug.
A polarized plug has two blades and a third grounding prong. The wide
blade or the third prong is provided for your safety. If the provided plug
does not fit into your outlet, consult an electrician for replacement of the
obsolete outlet.
Protect the power cord from being walked on or pinched particularly at
plugs, convenience receptacles, and the point where they exit from the
Only use attachments/accessories specified by the manufacturer.
Use only with the cart, stand, tripod, bracket, or table specified by the
manufacturer, or sold with the apparatus. When a cart is used, use
caution when moving the cart/apparatus combination to avoid injury from
Unplug this apparatus during lightning storms or when unused for long
periods of time.
Refer all servicing to qualified service personnel. Servicing is required
when the apparatus has been damaged in any way, such as power-cord
supply or plug is damaged, liquid has been spilled or objects have fallen
into the apparatus, the apparatus has been exposed to rain or moisture,
does not operate normally, or has been dropped.
Use only chargers provided by HME/Clear-Com to charge the battery
packs or beltpacks. These include:
BAT60 Battery pack and beltpack charger manufactured by
USB Charger model PA1015-050SIB200/PA1015-1SI/ PA1015-
1SI050200 provided by HME/Clear-Com with your beltpack.
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This product uses Lithium Ion Batteries which can be a fire hazard, if used
improperly. Use only HME/Clear-Com supplied BAT60 or equivalent
battery packs to ensure safe operation of the beltpack.
When using AA Batteries follow all safety instructions from manufacturer.
Do not mix different battery chemistries. When depleted, replace all
The in-beltpack USB charging feature has only been tested utilizing
USB2.0 port.
Warning: To reduce the risk of fire or electric shock, do not expose this product
to rain or moisture.
1.1 Safety symbols
Familiarize yourself with the safety symbols in Figure 1: Safety symbols. These
symbols are displayed on the apparatus and warn you of the potential danger of
electric shock if the system is used improperly.
Figure 1-1: Safety symbols
Note: For compliance notices, see 13 Compliance.
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2 Introduction to FreeSpeak II™
This chapter provides an overview of the FreeSpeak II digital wireless beltpack
With a FreeSpeak II (FS II) wireless beltpack you can roam freely around a studio
or production facility while talking and listening to all, or selected, members of the
production team. With its four communication routes, the beltpack gives you the
flexibility to communicate quickly and seamlessly with individuals or groups, and
to change communication routes as often as needed.
The system operates in the unlicensed 1.9 and 2.4 GHz bands. With its unique
and innovative digital technology, which continually searches for unused radio
frequency (RF) channels, FS II avoids the noise and interference issues associated
with traditional wireless systems using congested UHF and VHF bands.
Figure 2-1 An FS II Base station, antenna, and beltpack
With FS II you can set up a wireless system specifically tailored to local needs by
locating antennas and beltpacks in areas where they are needed most. And
because the beltpacks operate in the unlicensed 1.9 and 2.4 GHz frequency
ranges, there is no interference with existing wireless systems, even those located
in the same production area.
The Base station holds connections for several wired interfaces, including
partylines, 4-wire sources, a program audio source, and a stage announce output
device. When connected to the Base station, these devices communicate
seamlessly with the wireless beltpacks. Partyline beltpacks and 4-wire matrix
stations and panels can key directly to wireless beltpack by name.
Note: This manual covers the use of FS II with a Base station only. For more
information on running an FS II system with a matrix, please see
FreeSpeak II™ Integra User Guide (Eclipse HX 7.6 Version).
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You can configure FS II either from the Base station or from a PC Configuration
FreeSpeak II components can be used either with a Base station or with a matrix
equipped with E-Que cards in antenna or splitter mode. For more information, see
the Eclipse HX Configuration Software User Guide.
2.1 An FS II communication system
An FS II system consists of three main elements:
The wireless beltpacks.
The Base station that routes communication to and from wireless
beltpacks and other audio devices, and also allows you to configure the FS
II system.
The antennas that provide custom coverage zones in which beltpacks can
operate. Beltpacks can roam freely between coverage zones.
FS II also includes a drop-in battery charger for the beltpack Li-Ion batteries. You
can conveniently charge the battery by placing the whole beltpack into the
FS II operates using a cellular network of antennas located around a working
environment. The antennas connect directly to the FS II Base station with CAT-5
cable. Each antenna provides an area or cell in which four to five full-duplex
beltpacks can operate. Figure 2-2 shows an example configuration.
Beltpacks can roam among and between cells without disconnecting because each
beltpack continually signals an antenna as to the strongest available signal. When
the signal from an antenna starts to diminish due to the distance from a beltpack,
the beltpack automatically “hands off” its signal to the nearest antenna, ensuring
smooth transfer.
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Figure 2-2 Configurations for a studio and large-scale broadcast facility
2.1.1 FreeSpeak II system capacity
The FreeSpeak II Base station supports up to 20 beltpacks.
Connecting an antenna splitter to the transceiver port on the back of the Base
Station allows up to 5 antennas to be connected to the system. The Base station
can connect to two splitters and so support up to 10 antennas, giving a wider
coverage area and a great deal of flexibility in placing beltpacks where they are
needed most. Figure 2-2 illustrates how an FS II system can be set up to operate
in a single studio or in a large-scale permanent broadcast facility.
Note: Each antenna is designed to handle five beltpacks simultaneously in good
conditions. However, if interference or propagation problems occur in an area, to
ensure proper operation and reliability, it may be more practical to install four
beltpacks for each antenna.
Single studio (e.g. quiz
Large scale permanent broadcast (e.g. soap opera), one studio
Typical FreeSpeak Configurations
beltpack user
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For zones which are likely to need coverage for five or more beltpacks
simultaneously you must install a second antenna. Similarly, for good coverage
for nine or more beltpacks simultaneously, a third antenna may be required.
If more than 20 beltpacks are required, you should upgrade to FreeSpeak II
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3 Installing a system
This chapter explains how to install a FreeSpeak II system, including cable
connections, positioning the equipment, registering beltpacks and performing a
site survey to optimize system performance. It contains the following sections:
Placing the Base station
Placing the antennas and splitters
Doing a site survey to determine coverage areas
Registering beltpacks
3.1 Placing the Base station
The first stage in setup is placing the Base station in a convenient location,
knowing that it is the central routing unit of the FS II system. It should be made
At this stage you might choose to register all of the beltpacks with the Base
station, or at least register one or two for system setup and testing.
3.2 Placing the antennas and splitters
The next step is to begin placing antennas and splitters to provide the necessary
coverage areas for all of the beltpacks. The first placements of antennas and
splitters will be experimental and temporary. After placing the antennas, walk
through the coverage areas to check for gaps and then re-locate the antennas
More information on checking coverage areas is given later in this chapter, in
3.2.3 Determining coverage areas
3.3 Doing a site survey to determine coverage areas
Consider the following:
What areas will have more than five active beltpack users in them at any
time? Co-locate a second antenna there.
Is there a central place to locate an antenna so that it will provide
omnidirectional (all directions / circular) coverage?
Are there balcony areas, corridors, or other rooms or areas that will
require coverage with antennas?
For systems with only one or two transceiver/antennas, the cable runs will go
directly from the two transceiver ports on the Base station. If you need more than
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two transceiver/antennas you will need to decide where the splitters that feed
these will be located.
The Base station supports two splitters.
If you need more than one antenna splitter, the second splitter must be
connected directly to the Base station. Splitters cannot be connected in a daisy
chain configuration. Each splitter supports up to 5 antenna/transceivers which in
turn support up to 5 beltpacks.
For antenna coverage options, see 3.2.3 Determining coverage areas.
3.2.1 Wiring the antennas and splitters
To wire antennas and splitters:
1) Run 4-pair shielded Ethernet cable from the Base station to the antenna or
splitter, and determine that the antenna or splitter is showing both power
(green) and signal (amber) LEDs alight when the Base station is on.
Note: To meet FCC emissions requirements, a ferrite must be fitted on any shielded
Ethernet cable plugged into either of the two ports labeled “transceivers.” The
ferrite should be fitted at the Base station end of the CAT-5 cable. Position the
ferrite as close to the Base station as possible. The manufacturer of the ferrite is
Wurth Elektronix (part number is 742 711 32).
2) Run 4-pair shielded Ethernet cable from the splitter to each of the
3) Make sure that the local power supplies are plugged into the antennas.
If the green power LED and the amber data LED light up, then the
transceiver/antenna has sufficient power from the cable. If the amber data LED
flashes, a data link is established, and if the LED is solid, Base station
synchronization is established and the system is ready to use. If there are several
longer runs and you are attempting to power the transceiver/antennas from the
Base station / splitter connection, check each one again when they are all
connected. Local powering for the transceiver/antenna is recommended in most
cases to provide the most reliable long-term FS II installation.
During the initial system setup, before walking through the system with a
beltpack to check for gaps in coverage, it is wise to avoid “permanently” installing
the transceiver/antennas. Hold them in place in some temporary way until their
optimal position is determined.
Note: 4-pair shielded Ethernet cable (CAT-5/5e/6) with RJ-45 connectors on each end is
specified for connection between the Base station and the transceiver/antennas.
Use of other cable can result in markedly shorter distances of cable runs and
other possibly other performance problems.
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3.2.2 Power supplies to the components of an FS II System
See figure 3-1 and figure 3-2 below for recommended powering and cable lengths
for an FS II system.
Figure 3-1 Recommended antenna and splitter powering schemes and cable
lengths, PSU at splitter only
Figure 3-2 Recommended splitter and antenna powering schemes and cable
lengths, PSU at splitter and antenna/transceiver
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3.2.3 Determining coverage areas
After the transceiver/antennas and splitters have been initially set up proceed to
test the coverage areas and re-locate antennas and splitters, if necessary, for
optimal coverage.
The following figure illustrates some FreeSpeak II coverage scenarios.
Figure 3-3 Coverage areas for FS II TAs
Note: Cells can be completely overlapped for density (by co-locating multiple antennas).
Cells can be overlapped at boundaries (increases radio coverage).
For most working systems Clear-Com uses a ratio of 3-4 users per antenna. This
is due to system losses.
To determine coverage areas:
1) When the Base station, splitter(s), and transceiver/antennas have been
placed and wired, turn on an FS II beltpack (assuming that it has been
registered with the Base station) and walk the coverage area.
Alternatively, use the “site survey” mode on the beltpack (see “Doing a Site
Survey to Determine Coverage Areas” below). It is often best to begin with one
antenna in place, and then place additional units to enhance coverage.
 Each antenna covers a
certain range or cell
 Maximum line of sight
range: up to 500m
 Typical range: 50 -
150m (160 - 490ft).
 Each antenna covers 5
full duplex users
 If two or more
antennas are placed
in the same area
the cell size is the
 However, cell
density has
increased to handle
up to 10 users in
the same area.
 If antennas are placed
across the site then this
increases radio coverage
 Beltpacks can roam
from one antenna to
another and stay in
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2) Walk through all of the areas where beltpack users will typically be
moving, and note any areas of weak signal, dropout, or disconnection
from the system. Pay special attention to the overlap areas between
antenna coverage zones, making sure sufficient signal strength is there
from each of the transceiver/antennas to make a clean handoff between
them for the beltpack.
3) Finally, when the coverage zones have been properly and effectively set
up, it is time to program the system. See Chapter 5, “Programming a
System from the Base station” for instructions.
3.3 Doing a site survey to determine coverage areas
You might want to test coverage areas more extensively before setting up a
complete system. Testing a system in the setting in which it will be located helps
to meet operational needs. Factors in the local setting may affect the areas a
system can cover, so it is important to plan a site setup accordingly.
Doing a complete site survey, as described below, helps to set up an optimal
system. You can do a site survey using a beltpack that is connected to the system
or one that is not connected to the system.
3.3.1 Doing a site survey with a beltpack
1) Place the FS II Base station in a convenient location. Link one beltpack to
the Base station.
2) Place one connected antenna in the center of the coverage area.
3) Put the beltpack into Site Survey mode using the beltpack menu. See 7
Operating the wireless beltpack. The following figures show the
information that the Site Survey mode displays for connected and
unconnected beltpacks.
Figure 3-4 An unconnected beltpack site survey screen
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Figure 3-4 A connected beltpack site survey screen
Parameter Meaning
Received Signal Strength Indication
(RSSI) A measure of the signal strength in a
wireless environment. The higher the
value, the stronger the signal.
Frame Error Rate (FER) A measure of the signal connection
quality. The lower the FER, the better
the signal connection.
Link Quality (LQ) A combined quality metric ranging
from 1 (poor) to 5 (high).
Table 3-1 Key to site survey terms
4) Walk around the antenna with the beltpack, monitoring the beltpack signal
strength and goodness rating at various distances.
The signal strength is shown in the Received Signal Strength Indication (RSSI)
The signal strength number will fluctuate, ranging between 0 - 59 as you
walk through the coverage area, and may even fluctuate as you stand
still. As a rule-of-thumb the best system performance will be obtained
when the signal strength remains at 30 or above. If the signal strength
falls below 30 the beltpack may start losing audio. This is the limit of the
coverage zone.
A high Received Signal strength indication and a high Error rate may
indicate that there is another RF system causing interference.
A beltpack can transmit to an antenna at a range of approximately 500m in good
5) Draw a map of the coverage zone for the antenna. The coverage zone is
the area where the signal strength, as a rule-of-thumb, is 30 or above and
the Line Quality is 3-5.
Frameerrorrate Linkquality
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6) Repeat this process for as many antennas as necessary to cover the
required area. Overlap coverage zones so that there is no area where the
signal strength is below 30, and no area where the error rate is above a
few percent.
7) The antenna placement will need to be adjusted to get the best coverage.
Figure 3-5 Mapping overlapping coverage zones
In some environments you might observe that despite having a high signal
strength, the beltpack consistently reports a high error rate.
This could be due to two things:
In-band interference from an RF source broadcasting in the 1.9/2.4 GHz
area of the spectrum. This can be verified using a band monitor or by
using a Spectrum Analyzer.
Long Delay Spread Multipath, where the signal is bounced off a number of
reflective surfaces, such as metal ceilings, gantries, walkways or other
large structures. This problem is greatest where the reflective surface is
large and exists at a range of distances from the antenna. To reduce the
problem, consider siting the antenna where it cannot “see” the reflective
surface or installing a reflector close to the antenna between it and the
reflective surface.
3.3.2 Testing antenna handoff
After testing the coverage areas for individual antennas, test the handoff between
the antennas. When you walk through a coverage area with the beltpack, the
beltpack searches to find the antenna with the best signal strength, and switches
transmission to that antenna. Therefore the beltpack continually hands off
transmission among antennas as you move through the coverage area. You can
determine which antenna the beltpack is connected to using the Configuration
Editor Diagnostics Tool.
To test antenna handoff, connect any additional antennas in the installation and
walk through the coverage areas to ensure that the coverage is continuous and
complete, without audio breakups. Reposition antennas if necessary.
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3.3.3 Getting information on active antenna status
You can also monitor which beltpacks are connected to which antennas using the
Base station SYSTEM menu and using the Configuration Editor Diagnostics Tool.
When you select ANTNS from the SYSTEM menu, the display shows the status of
the active antennas that are connected to the Base station, and shows the slots
on each antenna that are occupied by beltpacks. This information may be useful
during a site survey, or when troubleshooting coverage areas or antenna
A typical display is shown below:
Figure 3-6 ANTNS menu
The numbers 1 through 10 represent the maximum number of antennas that can
be connected to the Base station. Numbers 1 through 5 can be positions on a
splitter connected to transceiver port 1, while 6 through 10 can be positions on a
splitter connected to transceiver port 2. An antenna connected directly to
transceiver port 2 would appear at position 6.
“__” indicates an empty slot on an active antenna that is connected to the Base
station. A number in place of a “__” indicates that this slot is occupied by the
indicated beltpack.
Blank spaces next to an antenna number indicate that no connected antenna has
been detected in this position.
So the above display would indicate that five antennas are connected to the Base
station in positions 1, 2, 3, 6, and 7. There are no active antennas in positions 4,
5, 8, 9, and 10.
There are 4 beltpacks currently connected. Beltpacks 2 and 4 occupy the first 2
slots of antenna 3; beltpack 1 occupies the first slot of antenna 6; and beltpack 3
occupies the first slot of antenna 7.
The display updates every 4 seconds to reflect changes in antenna status and
beltpack connections.
Rotate or push in the setup/enter encoder to exit this menu.
3.3.4 Assigning beltpacks to coverage areas
Each antenna is designed to handle five beltpacks simultaneously. Although it can
achieve this in good conditions, this may not always be possible for a number of
reasons. First, interference or propagation problems may mean that not all
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antenna slots are available all the time. Second, a beltpack constantly searches
for the best antenna signal, and may frequently switch antennas. To make this
transmission seamless, a beltpack maintains the connection to its current antenna
until it is confident that the new antenna is functioning well. Therefore, for a short
period of time during this transition, a single beltpack can occupy slots on more
than one antenna.
This means that for zones likely to need coverage for five or more beltpacks
simultaneously it is recommended that a second antenna is installed. Similarly,
for good coverage for nine or more beltpacks simultaneously, a third antenna may
be required.
3.3.5 Conditions affecting coverage areas
The environment in which a system is located affects the coverage area for any
particular beltpack/antenna combination. The presence of walls, floors, ceilings,
trees, shrubbery, people, and numerous other items may affect the coverage
zone. Metallic objects, safety doors, lighting equipment, and bodies of water may
possibly block transmission. These factors must be taken into consideration when
planning the installation.
3.4 Registering beltpacks
Before you can use a beltpack, you must first register it with the FreeSpeak II
You can register the beltpacks using a USB cable or over the air (OTA).
For USB cable registration, use:
o The FS II configuration editor (see 10.4.2 Registering beltpacks
using the micro USB cable to register the beltpack to the Base
For Over the air (OTA) registration, use:
o The FS II Base station (see below)
o The FreeSpeak Configuration Editor (10.3 Registering beltpacks
using the over the air (OTA) facility.)
When registering beltpacks OTA, the basic steps are the same in each
context though the detail is slightly different in each case.
1) The registration process must be enabled.
2) The beltpack must be registered over the air (a radio frequency
connection must be opened between the beltpack and the antenna).
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3) The beltpack registration details must be added to the software
3.4.1 Over the air (OTA) registration of a beltpack from the
Base station
Beltpack registration mode can be registered OTA from the Base station.
Note: You can also use a previously registered beltpack to enable registration mode.
See 8.8.1 Enabling OTA registration mode.
1) From the Base station menu go to MAIN MENU ->SYSTEM->REG->START
using the setup/enter rotary encoder on the front panel of the Base
Figure 3-6 OTA registration from the Base station
This enables registration mode. Enable registration mode has a two
minute inactive time-out. This is so that several beltpacks can be
registered sequentially without the user having to re-enable registration
mode. It also prevents unauthorized users from registering beltpacks.
2) On the beltpack to be registered, hold the menu key for two seconds to
enter MENU options. Scroll to SYSTEM CONNECT using the rotary
controllers and select it using key D. In menu mode the D key on the
beltpack operates as SELECT and the C key exits the menu level and
cancels the selection.
Note: On a new system there will be no previous connections at this
point. However, if the beltpack is currently connected to an active
system, a confirmation screen will appear. Select Yes to connect
to a new system or No to remain connected to the current system.
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3) Available systems, and previously registered systems, will be visible on
the beltpack menu screen.
Figure 3-7 Beltpack systems
To connect the beltpack to the system, the system must be visible (V) and
in registration (pairing) mode (P) on the beltpack screen. If the system is
not in registration mode, registration should be re-enabled on the Base
station. (Step 1).
Note: If a beltpack is currently registered to a system ‘C’ will be visible in
this screen. If a beltpack is not currently registered but has been
in the past ‘R’ will be visible. This shows that the beltpack has
been previously registered with the system which might recognize
4) Enter the four digit pairing code for the system using both rotary
controllers and the menu select key (D). The default code is 0000.
Note: The OTA registration code is available from the Base station menu.
Go to MENU->SYSTEM->REG->PIN. It can also be found in
Eclipse HX software, Configuration > Preferences > Wireless
Beltpacks and in the Configuration Editor, under the System tab.
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If you change the registration code from the Base station, do a
black restart before continuing.
5) Select an available role from the list displayed on the beltpack.
Figure 3-8 Select beltpack role
6) The beltpack is now registered and ready for operation. The inactive timer
on enable registration is restarted now. The role is now associated with
the beltpack until association is removed using the Configuration Editor or
Base station.
7) If required, the next beltpack can now be registered (Step 2).
Note: On the Base station these changes are persistent, but should still be retrieved
from the unit by the Configuration Editor so they can be backed up.
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4 Connecting the Base station
This chapter explains how to connect the Base station to various wired and
wireless audio interfaces through its rear-panel connectors. It contains the
following sections:
Understanding the Back-Panel Connectors
Connecting to partyline intercom systems
Wireless partyline
Connecting to 4-Wire and digital matrix intercom
Connecting to a program audio source
IFB configuration
Connecting to the stage announce output
Connecting to a PC
Connecting to transceiver/antennas
Page 29
4.1 Understanding the Back-Panel Connectors
Figure 4-1 FS II Base station Back Panel
Page 30
Key to FS II Base station rear panel
Feature Description
Power connector
The 3-conductor AC power connector and universal power supply
voltages from 90 to 250 volts, at 50/60 Hz. Power
consumption is 80 watts.
Partyline channel A connectors
The FS II Base station provides two pairs of partyline connectors, labeled
“Channel A” and “Channel B.” Each pair of female and male 3-pin XLR
connectors joins a channel of partyline intercom to the FS II, allowing
communication between the wired partyline equipment and FS II wireless
beltpacks. Input and Output level control is set via the front-panel display
The second connector of each pair is a loop-through, so that the user can
continue the connection to another FS II Base station or to another partyline
beltpack or station. This connector auto-detects a connection with a powered
partyline channel (30-VDC on Pin 2), and the Base station’s internal 200-
partyline termination and DC voltage to power PL beltpacks is not
Alternatively, when a wired, unpowered partyline beltpack (up to four) is
connected to PL CH-A with standard two-conductor shielded microphone cable,
the Base station engages the 200-ohm termination and supplies 24-VDC to the
beltpack(s) allowing them to operate and communicate with the wireless
beltpacks in the system.
Pin Function
1 Mic ground
2 Mic +
3 Earphone ground
4 Earphone
Table 2-1: Headset socket pin out
Partyline channel B connectors
These connectors are the same as the partyline channel A connectors.
Program input.
This female 3-pin XLR connector accepts a line-level audio signal from
outside source such as a mixing console or audio player. It is
isolated. Level adjustment is done via the front-panel
display programming. The
program input can be assigned as an IFB
source from the front panel.
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Key to FS II Base station rear panel
Feature Description
Stage announce output
This male 3-pin XLR connector allows a line-level audio signal,
typically from
wireless beltpacks or 4-Wire sources, to be sent to a
paging system or other
audio system. It is transformer-isolated.
Level adjustment is done via the front-
panel display programming.
More than one audio source at a time can be
routed to the Stage
Announce, with the audio being combined to give a single
Stage announce relay
This DB-9 male connector provides a relay closure that is triggered
simultaneously with the SA Output. The relay may be used to open
an audio
pathway for the signal from the SA Output, or could also be
used to activate a
light or lock or some other device. The relay may
be wired for normally closed
or normally open operation, and the
signal appears on pins 1 & 6 or 2 & 6. It is
rated to a maximum of
30-VDC at 1 amp.
Four-wire matrix ports
These four RJ-45 connectors can connect four full-duplex (input pair
and output
pair) audio connections from a 4-wire communications
device, digital matrix
intercom, or similar – making them available to
the wireless beltpacks. Any of
the 4-wire ports or the program input
can be assigned as IFB sources from the
front panel.
Each of these connectors has its own time slot, and can be addressed
separately from a beltpack, or combined with other beltpacks and
connectors in a group. Level adjustment is done via the
front-panel display
Base loop connector
The connector has no function in FS II.
LAN connector
This RJ-45 connector allows the Base station to be connected to a
LAN for system software upgrades and configuration downloads from
the Configuration
Editor. It is a 10BaseT Ethernet port.
PC connector.
This female DB-9 connects to a PC computer for firmware updates
monitoring of the system configuration. It functions as a serial
Transceiver connectors
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Key to FS II Base station rear panel
Feature Description
These two RJ-45 connectors connect the Base station to two remote
transceiver/antennas or antenna splitters.
Each wired transceiver/antenna communicates with five wireless
Each antenna splitter provides connection for five
transceiver antennas,
providing communication with up to a
maximum of 10 beltpacks depending
upon available bandwidth.
To meet FCC emissions requirements a ferrite must be fitted on any
cable plugged into either of the two ports labeled
“transceivers.” The ferrite
should be fitted at the Base station end of
the CAT-5 cable. Position the ferrite as close to the Base station as
possible. A suitable ferrite is available from Wurth, part number 742
711 32.
4.2 Connecting to partyline intercom systems
Up to two channels of partyline intercom can be connected to the FS II Base
station. The descriptions below will discuss connections with Clear-Com and
compatible partyline, RTS partyline, the ability of FS II to power up to four Clear-
Com partyline beltpacks by itself, and the front-panel settings associated with
these partyline connections.
Using the front-panel display and rotary encoder, the user may go into the PORTS
menu, select the desired partyline channel, and create a five-character
alphanumeric label for it. This is the label that would then appear on any
beltpacks to which that partyline connection was assigned for communications. In
the GROUPS menu, the partyline connection can be assigned as a member of any
of the groups, as desired.
4.2.1 Clear-Com and compatible partyline
Clear-Com and Clear-Com-compatible wired partyline intercoms connect to the PL
CH-A and PL CH-B connectors in a similar manner to connecting beltpacks or
remote stations to the intercom line. Typically that wired intercom connection
would have a 30-VDC current on Pin 2, coming from a main station or an intercom
power supply. The second connector in the pair may be used as a loop-through to
go to other wired partyline stations or beltpacks, or to a second FS II Base
station. The pinout for partyline connector is shown in Table 4-1.
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Pin Description
1 Ground (shield)
2 Power
3 Audio
Table 4-1 Partyline pinout To connect partyline equipment to the Base station
1) Check that the partyline LED on the front-panel is out, which indicates
that the partyline connection is disabled from the Base station.
2) Connect, and if appropriate, power up, the external partyline equipment.
3) Enable the partyline by pressing the “enable” button on the Base station’s
front panel.
The Base station detects power and termination settings when the partyline is
enabled by pressing the “enable” button on the Base station’s front panel, or
when the Base station is powered up after having enabled the partyline. The Base
station remembers that the partyline is enabled when it powers up.
When the FS II Base station detects a wired partyline being connected with 30
VDC on Pin 2, it does not enable the 24-VDC power supply that the FS II Base
station supplies to the connector to support a handful of locally connected wired
partyline beltpacks. The Base station then appears to the wired partyline system
as a remote station.
The first call to a Partyline channel A or B results in the call alert and subsequent
ones do not give any further alerting unless the Partyline channel buttons on the
Base station are toggled. This prevents all calls giving alerts when this is not
4.2.2 Connecting directly to Clear-Com partyline beltpacks
PL CH-A and PL CH-B have the ability to directly support up to four Clear-Com RS-
501/601/701 partyline beltpacks each, without any other connection to a wired
partyline system. This feature gives the convenience of being able to add a few
wired beltpacks when needed to an FS II installation.
Connect a standard two-conductor shielded microphone cable to the PL CH-A
connector, and then connect it to a Clear-Com single-channel partyline beltpack.
Enable the partyline and the Base station will enable the required 200-ohm
termination, and will supply 24-VDC to Pin 2 to power the beltpack(s)
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It is possible to daisy-chain up to four beltpacks, or use an intercom XLR splitter
at the Base station to feed microphone cables connected to the individual
beltpacks. Because it is a 24-volt rather than a 30-volt current, the maximum
length of cable that can be connected (the sum of all of the runs) will be shorter
than what is expected with the standard partyline voltage. Do the same with PL
CH-B to support an additional four beltpacks. To connect to the partyline
1) From the main menu, scroll to PORTS and select by pressing the
setup/enter encoder in.
2) Scroll to PLCHA or PLCHB and press to select.
The SELECTED PORT screen appears.
3) Scroll to and select CALLS.
The CALL DESTINATION screen appears.
4) Select the port or group to be connected to the partyline by scrolling to it
and pressing the rotary encoder. Doing so creates a route to the selected
destination—this port or group can now hear the activity on the partyline.
Note: This option can also be set to NONE.
5) Select TYPE from the menu.
6) Select either Clear-Com, Drake, or RTS.
7) The Base station automatically sets the termination, audio levels, and call
signaling options for the selected partyline system.
Note: The Base station does not detect the RTS call signal.
8) If the changes are saved the route will be reinstated on power up.
Note: Suggested settings for a partyline connection are that the VOX should be set to -
26dB, the gain output to -6dB and the input to 0dB.
4.2.3 Connecting to an RTS™ wired beltpack
FS II can only transmit and receive audio from channel 2 of an RTS wired
beltpack. Connect using a standard XLR cable. Ensure that the partyline type is
set to “RTS” using the menu on the Base station before enabling the partyline.
See the chapter “Programming a System from the Base station” for more
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Warning: Previous versions of this manual described a cable which would allow access
to channel 1 of a dual channel RTS beltpack. DO NOT attempt to use a cable
like this as it could result in damage to the FS II Base station.
4.2.4 Front-panel adjustments for partyline connections
To connect the partyline channels to FS II and make the communication available
to the rest of the system, press the CH-A and/or CH-B enable switches. The LED
will light, and the connection is made. To disconnect the partyline connections,
press these switches again. The switch may be “locked” in the SYSTEM menu so
that the partylines may not be disconnected.
Because partyline intercom does not have global level control on a channel, input
and output level controls are provided via the front panel programming. Scroll to
PORTS on the main display screen and press the rotary encoder to select. Scroll
to PLCHA or PLCHB and press to select. Select LEVELS, then select the input or
output level. This notation is relative to the Base station–input level refers to the
level at which everyone else hears the partyline, and output level refers to the
level at which the users on the partyline channel hear everyone else. Use the
rotary encoder to adjust the numerical level—clockwise to increase the level and
counter-clockwise to decrease the level.
Make the estimated changes in level and press the rotary encoder to save the
changes. Test the levels between the partyline and FS II beltpack, and make
additional changes as needed. When the levels are set as desired, press to select
and the display will go to the previous INPUT/OUTPUT screen. When both are
adjusted, select BACK on each screen until the main screen is displayed.
Users connected to the Base station can be forced to listen to the activity on the
partyline by initiating a “call”.
For more information on programming the Base station, see the chapter
“Programming a System from the Base station”.
4.2.5 Troubleshooting partyline connections Reducing FS II beltpack echo when talking to a analogue
If the Base station and beltpack are not set up correctly the FS II user will
experience an echo when talking to a partyline (either directly or via a group or a
wireless partyline). The echo is caused by either local audio coupling in the
headset due to the microphone gain being set too high or audio reflections from
the partyline that can be minimized by setting a VOX gate on the partyline and
the partyline being auto nulled. An FS II system has a built-in microphone gain
control, but a VOX gate level can also be set in the configuration editor (see next
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Page 36 Include the partyline channel inside a wireless partyline
It is recommended that when connecting to an analogue partyline system that the
user includes the wireless partylines (WPL). The WPLs reduce the variation in
audio levels heard when talking to analogue partylines. The WPLs are created in
the configuration editor in a similar way to a user creating a group. How to set the VOX gating level on the partyline connected
to the Base station
Figure 4-2 VOX Gating Level on partyline connection
The VOX gate allows the user to set limits to the audio that will be passed from
the partyline to the Base station mixer; by setting the VOX level at the correct
level the user can cut the audio reflections (which cause the echo) from the
partyline when a wireless beltpack user speaks. This is achieved when the VOX
level is set above the audio level of the reflections, thus allowing a partyline user’s
voice to pass through the VOX gate in the Base station mixer but the VOX gate
will reject the audio reflections.
Note: If both the partyline user and the FS II user speak at the same time, the FS II
user may hear the echo as the audio reflections piggy back the partyline audio.
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Figure 4-3 VOX Gate Setting Examples
Note: If the FS II beltpack users shouts or increases the microphone gain into the
beltpack the echo might return if the audio reflects are above the VOX gate level. Auto null the partyline channel at the Base station
Partylines connected to the Base station can be auto nulled by first enabling
partyline channel by pressing the partyline button on the front of the Base station.
The auto nulling is then activated by pressing and holding the enable partyline
button. The Base station will go then into an auto null routine.
4.3 Wireless partyline
The FS II Base station provides five wireless partyline groups which allow up to
twenty eight members to be connected together in a conference call. The beltpack
keys assigned to the wireless partyline group are assigned as dual talk and listen
and partylines connected to the group are assigned as talk and listen.
When a beltpack or partyline talks to a wireless partyline group the talk signal
from the beltpack or partyline is subtracted from the listen signal to remove the
sidetone resulting from the user’s voice being looped back in the conference
audio, leaving only the audio from other members.
Party-line A
The reflections from the party-line get delayed by the base station
encoding, decoding and the DECT stack which causes the echo.
V2.0 VOX gate
set to -26db
Party-line A
V2.0 VOX gate
set to -26db
Party-line A
The reflection from the party-line can be removed by using the
new V2.0 VOX gate functionality therefore removing the echo.
But if the audio volume is increased either by shouting or increasing
the mic gain the party-line reflections will return, due to the VOX gate
set at a lower level.
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Figure 4-4 Wireless partyline Audio Flow
This facility allows conferencing over a large area between a mix of beltpacks,
partyline stations and Eclipse system panels through an FS II Base station.
FS II beltpacks can only connect to a wired partyline via a wireless partyline.
Therefore in order to allow beltpacks to talk to each other and a wired partyline a
wireless partyline must be set up that includes the wired partyline (PLCHA or
PLCHB) and the beltpacks (see Figure 4-5 Connecting beltpacks to a wired
partyline). This ensures that the audio on the beltpacks is the talk audio and not
the sidetone audio.
Figure 4-5 Connecting beltpacks to a wired partyline
4.4 Connecting to 4-Wire and digital matrix intercom
Up to four channels of 4-wire/digital matrix intercom can be connected to the FS
II Base station. The descriptions below will discuss connections with Clear-Com
Matrix Plus digital matrix, Clear-Com Eclipse digital matrix, other brands of digital
Wireless Party Line
Party Line
Channel A
Audio from
Audio to BP1 Audio from
Audio to BP2
Audio from
Party Line A
Audio to
Party Line A
Wireless Party Line
Party Line
Channel A
Audio from
Audio to BP2
Audio from
Party Line A
Audio to
Party Line A
Audio to BP3
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matrix intercoms, other 4-wire audio devices, and the front-panel settings
associated with these 4-wire connections. To connect the Base station to a matrix port:
1) Scroll to PORTS on the main display screen and press the rotary encoder
to select.
2) Scroll to 4-WIRE and press to select.
3) Scroll to CALLS and press to select.
4) Select the port or group to create an audio path to and press to select.
Doing so creates a route to the selected destination—this port or group
can now hear the activity on the partyline.
Note: This option can also be set to NONE.
5) Once the changes have been saved, the route will be reinstated on power
Note: Call signaling is not currently supported on 4-wire connections.
In the GROUPS menu, the 4-wire port can be assigned as a member of any of the
groups, as desired. 4-Wire Pinout
The pinout for the RJ-45 4-wire port is shown in Table 4-2 FS II Base station 4-
wire pinout.
Pin Description
1 Not used
2 Not used
3 Audio Output +
4 Audio Input +
5 Audio Input -
6 Audio Output -
7 Not used
8 Not used
Table 4-2 FS II Base station 4-wire pinout
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4.4.2 Connecting to Clear-Com matrix plus
The connection between a Matrix Plus digital intercom port and an FS II 4-wire
port is accomplished with a standard 4-pair straight-through CAT-5 data cable
with RJ-45 connectors on both ends. In the current generation of FS II, the audio
input and audio output pairs are all that will be used.
In the Matrix Plus PGM-WIN configuration software, set the matrix port that is
connected to the FS-BASE Base station 4-wire port to “4-Wire”. If the label of this
FS II 4-wire port is to be put onto more than one intercom panel within the matrix
system, and any and all people who have activated a talk/listen to that port are to
be able to hear each other, as well as hearing the person talking to them from the
FS II wireless beltpack, also check “Partyline Enable” for that 4-Wire connection in
the configuration software.
Within the FS II Base station configuration software, the user can adjust the input
and output level for that port. Alternately, the input and output levels can be
adjusted on the FS II Base station for the particular 4-wire port, using the front-
panel display. Repeat the procedure for each FS II 4-wire port that is connected
with the Matrix Plus system.
Note: FS II does not currently generate a call signal to the Matrix port.
4.4.3 Connecting to Clear-Com Eclipse digital matrix
The procedure to connect between an FS II 4-wire port and the Eclipse digital
matrix is similar to that of Matrix Plus 3. An identical connection is made with 4-
pair straight-through CAT-5 cable between an Eclipse port and the FS II port.
Within the Eclipse Configuration System software (EHX) or ECS 5.2, set the port
to “Direct.” This will allow intercom stations in the Eclipse system to converse with
the FS II Base station and beltpacks. Because there is not a “Partyline Enable”
within Eclipse, if several users of intercom stations connected with Eclipse need to
hear each other as well as the wireless FS II beltpack, another procedure will
need to be added. Within the configuration software, the user would create a new
partyline label, with members including the desired intercom stations and the
particular FS II 4-wire port. That label would then be assigned to a key on each of
the intercom stations, allowing connection with the FS II 4-wire port and the other
members of the new partyline.
Within the FS II Base station configuration software, the user can adjust the input
and output level for that port. Alternately, the input and output levels can be
adjusted on the FS II Base station for the particular 4-wire port, using the front-
panel display. Repeat the procedure for each FS II 4-wire port that is connected
with the Eclipse system.
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4.4.4 Connecting with other digital matrix intercom systems
Because FS II features standard 4-wire ports, with an input pair and an output
pair, virtually any 4-wire signal can be connected with it. Make sure to properly
match the input and output pairs between the digital matrix port and the FS II 4-
wire port (see diagram below).
The pinouts for the first two 4-wire ports contain both audio and data
connections, though the data connections are not currently used. Those pinouts
are shown in the following table.
Pin Function
1 Data Tx+
2 Data Tx–
3 Audio
4 Audio In+
5 Audio In–
6 Audio Out–
7 Data Rx+
8 Data Rx–
Table 4-3 Pinouts for connecting to other digital matrix intercom systems
The remaining two 4-wire connections are audio only, and the data connections
are unterminated (see Table 4-2 FS II Base station 4-wire pinout).
Within the configuration software of the other digital intercom system, configure
its connected port to 4-wire or similar. Adjust the input and output levels either at
matrix side or within the FS II front-panel display for the particular FS II 4-wire
4.4.5 Connecting with other 4-wire devices
Various other 4-wire audio devices can be connected with FS II. The Clear-Com
EF-701M 4-wire interface can be used to attach additional partyline channels to
FS II, converting them from partyline on the wired side to 4-wire on the FS II
The Clear-Com IF4W4 interface can be used similarly. The audio input side of the
FS II 4-wire connectors could be used for additional program or other audio inputs
that could then be accessed by FS II beltpacks. The audio output side of the FS II
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4-wire connectors could be used to route an FS II wireless beltpack user’s voice
out of the system for paging or other reasons, similar to the SA OUT connector.
When using the FS II 4-wire ports in this way, make sure that proper connections
are made between FS II and the other device. Adjust the input and/or output
levels either at the 4-wire device or within the FS II front-panel display for that
particular 4-wire port.
4.5 Connecting to a program audio source
FS II can connect with a program audio source, making it accessible to be
assigned by itself to a communication path to one or more FS-BP wireless
beltpacks, or to be added to a group with other communications and assigned to
beltpacks. Using the two separate rotary encoder volume controls on the
beltpack, the user can monitor the program on one control while talking and
listening on an intercom channel with the other.
The balanced female 3-pin XLR connector accepts a standard audio signal from a
mixing console or similar, with Pin 1 ground, Pin 2 audio hot (+), and Pin 3 audio
cold (-).This connector is transformer-isolated.
To make the program input signal available to the system, the front-panel PRGM
enable button must be activated/on. The red LED above it will light, indicating
that it is now available. This front-panel switch may be “locked” to prevent
accidental disengagement, using the front panel display.
Using the front-panel display and rotary encoder, the user may select PORTS and
give the connector a five-character alphanumeric label. The user may assign that
program input by itself to a beltpack using the BELTPACKS menu, or use the
GROUPS menu to assign the program input to any group or wireless partyline.
Program input can be assigned to multiple groups or wireless partylines using the
GROUPS menu.
4.6 IFB configuration
One of five FS II Base station inputs can be defined as a source for an IFB. These
inputs are the Program Input and the four 4-Wire ports. All the 4-Wire ports,
partyline channels, beltpacks, wireless partylines and stage output can be defined
as IFB destinations.
Up to ten IFB key configurations can be set up that group together an IFB source
and a number of IFB destinations and set the dimming level for that IFB key
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IFB Source IFB
Destination IFB Talks
Program Audio Four-wire 3
Four-wire 4
All beltpacks
All beltpacks
Four-wire 4 Four-wire 4
All beltpacks All beltpacks
Table 4-4 IFB key configurations
An IFB talk is a panel or beltpack with a key set up to talk to the IFB key
configuration. Whenever an IFB talk key is pressed the audio from the IFB source
to the IFB destinations configured in the IFB key configuration is dimmed by the
set amount and the audio from the IFB talk is heard by all the IFB destinations set
up in that IFB key configuration.
Figure 4-6 IFB Audio Path
The IFB source audio will be dimmed on the IFB destinations for as long as the
IFB talk key is active. When the IFB talk key is released the IFB source audio to
the destinations will return to normal level.
Connecting to the stage announce output
The stage announce feature allows a talker to route their voice to an external
paging system or other audio destination by pressing one of the rotary encoders
to which the SA OUT connector is assigned. The adjacent SA RELAY is
simultaneously triggered. One beltpack user at a time may use this feature,
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though the capability may be assigned to any or all of the wireless beltpacks, as
Connect a microphone cable to the male 3-pin XLR connector on the rear of the
FS II Base station, and connect the other end to the external audio system. When
the output is activated, the beltpack user’s voice will be sent at line level to the
audio system. The audio output ceases when the beltpack user stops pressing the
rotary encoder; it is good practice to make sure that any rotary encoder to which
the SA OUT is assigned is set to momentary/non-latching mode.
Pin Function
1 Normally Closed
2 Normally Open
3 N/C (no
4 N/C
5 N/C
6 Pole
7 N/C
8 N/C
9 N/C
Table 4-5 Pin assignments for stage announce connector
The associated SA RELAY can be assigned to open an audio route for the paging
or announcement, or can be assigned to initiate any other event such as turning
on a light or activating a lock. It is rated at a maximum of 30 VDC at 1 ampere.
The relay can be wired to be either normally open or normally closed, using the
pinout information in Table 4-5 Pin assignments for stage announce connector .
4.8 Connecting to a PC
4.8.1 Connecting using the serial port
The PC serial port on the rear of the FS II Base station is mainly used for firmware
version upgrades of the system.
A specially wired cable is required for these updates, consisting of two 9-pin D-
type connectors for the PC and the FS II ends. On the FS II end, a male 9-pin D
connector is used, and is wired as follows in relation to the D connector pins on
the PC end. Pin 2 goes to pin 3, pin 3 goes to pin 2, and pin 5 goes to pin 5; in
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other words, the data Tx and Rx lines on pins 2 and 3 are reversed. Those are the
only wiring connections on the FS II end of the cable.
PC Connection (9-pin
F) Base station (9-pin
1 N/C
2 3
3 2
4 N/C
5 5
6 N/C
7 N/C
8 N/C
9 N/C
Table 4-6 Pinout for cable to upgrade Base station firmware
On the PC end, a female 9-pin D connector is used. Make sure that the data
connections of pin 2 to pin 3 and pin 3 to pin 2 are followed, and that pin 5 goes
through to pin 5. Then short pins 1, 4, 6, and 8 together on the PC end of the
cable. The cable will now be ready to use with the any upgrade files from the
factory. Table 4-6 Pinout for cable to upgrade Base station firmware gives the pin
configuration for this cable. Table 4-7 Pinout for cable to upgrade beltpack
firmware shows the pin configuration for the cable used to upgrade beltpack
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PC Connection (9-
pin ) BELTPACK (3.5
1 N/C
2 tip
3 ring
4 N/C
5 screen
6 N/C
7 N/C
8 N/C
9 N/C
Table 4-7 Pinout for cable to upgrade beltpack firmware
4.8.2 Connecting using the LAN port
This connection is used for rapid firmware updates, as well as in the future for
system configuration and intelligent connection with the Eclipse digital matrix. It
is wired as a standard Ethernet connection.
The Base station has a fixed IP address. This can be found by selecting SYSTEM
and then INFO from the front-panel display menu. Refer to the chapter “FS II
Toolkit” for more information on using the LAN port to upgrade firmware.
4.9 Connecting to transceiver/antennas
4.9.1 Connecting one transceiver/antenna directly to a
transceiver port
A transceiver/antenna connects to the transceiver port on the FS II Base station
using a standard 4-pair CAT-5 data cable with RJ-45 connectors. It may be
located up to 1,000 meters from the Base station if 24AWG cable is used or for
500 meters if 26AWG cable is used creating a coverage area for five FS-BP
wireless beltpacks in that location. The port is able to provide the required power
to the transceiver/antenna at a distance of up to 300 meters (approximately 900
feet); beyond that distance, the FS-TA transceiver/antenna must be locally
powered via its in-line external universal power supply.
Note: It is recommended that shielded CAT-5 cable or better is used.
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To know that a transceiver/antenna is active, observe the green power LED and
the yellow signal LED on the face of the unit where the RJ-45 connector is
connected. Both must be lit. Also, wireless beltpacks in the vicinity of the active
transceiver/antenna will be connected to the system and their displays will show
labels and other information.
Using both transceiver ports, a Base station may be connected with up to two
transceiver/antennas via a direct connection with the Base station. For the best,
most reliable coverage, it is advisable to use a minimum of two
transceiver/antennas in any installation, positioned in different locations in the
coverage area. When more antennas are required to support a larger coverage
area or more wireless beltpacks, an antenna splitter will need to be introduced
between the Base station and the transceiver/antennas.
Note: In some situations, particularly in outdoor venues, interference from external
radio sources can severely reduce the range of the system. In these cases we
recommend a site survey as described in Chapter 8, “Installing a System”.
4.9.2 Connecting transceiver/antennas with a splitter
A splitter (PD2203) will connect up to five transceiver/antennas to one of the
transceiver ports on the FS II Base station, creating up to five coverage zones
that can be overlapped to make large areas where FS-BP wireless beltpacks can
have continuous coverage. The use of the splitter also extends the distance that
the transceiver antennas can be located from the Base station to 2,000 meters
(6,400 feet) if 24AWG cable is used or 1.000 meters (3,200 feet) if 26AWG cable
is used (assuming the same cable type is used to connect the antenna to the
splitter and the splitter to the Base station).
Note: It is recommended that shielded CAT-5 cable or better is used.
For example, a splitter can be used to connect to an FS II Base station that is
located in a production truck outside an arena or stadium, with a single CAT-5
cable going to the splitter which is then located just inside the stadium. From that
splitter, up to five transceiver/antennas are distributed throughout the stadium to
create wide coverage – each with a run of CAT-5 cable back to the splitter. A
similar arrangement may be used in a large theatre or performing arts facility.
The connection between a transceiver port on the FS II Base station and a
PD2203 splitter is accomplished with standard 4-pair CAT-5 data cable with RJ-45
connectors. It is connected to the port labeled MATRIX on the splitter. This cable
can be as long as 1,000 meters (3,200 feet) if 24AWG cable is used or 500
meters (1,600 feet) if 26AWG cable is used. The splitter must be locally powered
via its DC IN connector, using the in-line external universal power supply. The RJ-
45 ports on the splitter labeled “1” through “5” are the connections to the FS-TA
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4.9.3 Powering an antenna or antenna splitter
Provision of 24 VDC power to an FS II antenna is done as follows:
Connect the antenna to a 150/UNI-DIN power supply unit through the 4-pin
DIN connector at the antenna.
Connect the antenna to an antenna splitter which is powered by a power-
supply unit.
The preferred method is to connect the antenna to a powered antenna splitter, as
illustrated in Figure 4-9 Powering an antenna splitter . An antenna splitter
distributes power to all antennas connected to it. A single power-supply unit can
power the maximum 5 antennas. However, maximum cable lengths will be
Figure 4-7 Recommended antenna and splitter powering schemes and cable
lengths, PSU at splitter only
Figure 4-8 Recommended splitter and antenna powering schemes and cable
lengths, PSU at splitter and antenna/transceiver
Figure 4-9 Powering an antenna splitter
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5 Operating the Base station
This chaper explains how to operate the FreeSpeak II Base Station. It contains
the following sections:
Understanding Front-Panel Operation
5.1 Introduction
The FS II Base station provides all of the intelligence and signal routing for the FS
II digital wireless intercom system. The Base station is a full-duplex digital matrix
communications system, with virtual “ports” for the wireless beltpacks rather than
physical ports.
In its memory, the Base station contains all of the labels and communications
paths assigned to each beltpack, and this information is sent to the beltpacks via
the transceiver/antennas as soon as they are switched on and recognized by the
The Base station also functions as the interface between wired and wireless
communication devices. The two partyline intercom connectors, four 4-Wire
connectors, and program input/stage-announce output each have their own full-
duplex time slot. They can be labeled, added to communication groups, and
assigned to beltpacks as desired. Additionally the program input or one of the four
4-Wire connections can be assigned as IFB sources on the Base station.
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Understanding Front-Panel Operation
Figure 5-1 FS II Base station Front Panel
5.2.1 Call Channel A
Pressing buttons (B) & (D) together will send a call signal to the port, group or wireless partyline (WPL) assigned
under headset channel A. The Talk button (B) must be engaged momentarily before the Call/Reply (D).
5.2.2 Call Channel B
Pressing buttons (E) & (D) together will send a call signal to the port, group or WPL assigned under headset channel B.
The Talk button (E) must be engaged momentarily before the Call/Reply (D).
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Key to FS II Base station front panel
Feature Description
Headset connector
The 4-pin male XLR-type headset socket connects to Clear-Com
headsets and other headsets with 4-pin female connectors. This
headset connector is for the on-board two-channel intercom, with
controls just to the right of the connector.
Headset channel A talk control/listen control
The channel A talk switch and associated light, and listen level
encoder, allow full-duplex conversations with any FS II wireless
beltpacks or other communications systems wired to the rear of the
Base station to which the on-board Channel A has been assigned.
Assignments are done via the front-panel programming.
The talk switch is momentary/latching, such that pressing it and
holding down will create a talk path that ends when the user releases
the switch, while quickly tapping it will latch the talk, and a second
tap will release it. The LED lights red when a talk is active.
Turning the listen level encoder clockwise will allow the user to hear
the other party’s voice, increasing the level to maximum when fully
A/B reply button.
Pressing this button will reply to the last caller to call A or B.
Headset channel B talk control/listen control
The channel B talk switch and associated light, and listen level
encoder, function the same as the controls for Channel A.
Partyline channels A and B
The channel A and channel B enable switches and associated lights
activates the power only on the rear-panel to partyline intercom
channels A and B. Activating one or both of these switches enables
the power to that party line but does not affect the audio to the
partyline which is always connected. These switches may be “locked”
via the front-panel SYSTEM programming menu so that they may not
be disengaged accidentally. See 6.21 Locking Front Panel Enable
If the button is held in for more than 8 seconds autonulling mode will
be enabled for the current partyline and the following message will
be displayed:
“Release button to begin autonulling”
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Key to FS II Base station front panel
Feature Description
When the button is release the Base station will perform an
autonulling on the current partyline. On completion the following
message will be displayed:
“Partyline A/B Autonulling complete”
The autonulling process is recommended on initial system set up and
when the partyline system has been changed.
Program audio enable switch
This latching switch makes any program audio signal that enters via
the rear-panel line-level 3-pin XLR connector available to be
assigned to wireless beltpacks, either separately or mixed with
communications groups. This switch may be “locked” via the front-
panel SYSTEM programming menu so that it may not be disengaged
Antenna ready light display
These green LEDs, one for each of the ten antennas that the Base
station will support, light when an antenna is connected and ready.
Display screen.
The display screen shows all of the menus and programming options
that are available within the FS II system. The user can select a
particular beltpack and view all of its current talk/listen assignments,
or see all of the current members of a particular group. Via the
screen and rotary encoder, labels (5-character user names) can be
created and/or changed, new members assigned to groups, input
and output levels adjusted, and so on.
Scroll/enter control
The setup/enter encoder is used to scroll through the various menu
options within the FS II Base station, in order to discover specific
information regarding users or to program communications routes
and groups. Turning the encoder clockwise scrolls display items
toward the right, and turning the encoder counter clockwise scrolls
display items toward the left.
When a desired menu item is highlighted, pushing the setup/enter
encoder inward will select that item. The lists of available beltpacks
and groups typically span two or more screens, so when the
highlight is at the leftmost or rightmost part of the screen and the
user continues to turn the rotary encoder in that direction, the
display will jump to the next screen selections (Example: in the
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Key to FS II Base station front panel
Feature Description
beltpack sections, the first screen shows beltpacks 1 through 5, and
the second shows 6 through 10.)
Pressing and holding the setup/enter encoder for more than three
seconds will return the display to the battery monitor.
Power switch
The power switch will turn the FreeSpeak Base station on and off.
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6 Programming a system from the Base station
This chapter describes how to program the FreeSpeak II system using the Base
station front panel controls and menu. It contains the following sections:
Using the Base station’s programming menus
Saving changes
Changing beltpack labels
Setting and changing port labels
Setting and changing group labels
Adding group members
Assigning audio routes to a beltpack
Setting the beltpack audio level
Setting beltpack latching
Over the Air (OTA) beltpack registration from the Base station
Setting input and output port levels
Setting port call destination
Configuring a wired partyline
Base station System Menu
Restoring the Defaults
Setting the IP address
Locking front-panel enable buttons
Remote microphone kill
Battery indicator
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6.1 Introduction
An FS II system is programmed using the menus displayed on the Base station’s
front panel. Programming the system requires four basic steps:
1) Create individual names (“labels”) for the wireless beltpacks and for the
wired devices connected to the Base station. Use individual labels for
building “point-to-point” communication paths.
Labels are composed of five alphanumeric characters. Labels can be created for
users’ names (“John” or “Susan”), roles (“AUDIO” or “DIR”), or for connections
(“PL_A” or “PL_B”).
Alternatively a device’s generic name can be used, which never changes. An
example of a generic name is “BPK01” for Beltpack 1. Generic names are always
displayed on the programming menus.
2) Create names (“labels”) for groups. A group label is used when an FS
II beltpack needs to communicate with all members of a group
simultaneously, as in a partyline. Up to ten groups can be created, with
five groups being standard groups and five groups being wireless partyline
groups. Up to fifteen members can be assigned to a standard group and
up to twenty eight members can be assigned to a wireless partyline group.
A label can be customized to reflect the group’s function, such as “STG-A” for
communicating with the production staff on Stage A.
Alternatively the generic names assigned for the ten possible groups can be used.
For example, “GP#01” is the generic name for Group 1.
3) Assign members to the groups created. Group members are drawn
from the wireless beltpacks and from the wired devices connected to the
Base station. A group created from these devices functions as a partyline,
in which all members of the group can communicate simultaneously with
all other members of the group.
4) Assign individual and grouped devices each FS II beltpack by using the
programming screens on the Base station’s front panel. Each assignment
creates a communication route from the FS II beltpack to the selected
device or group. Up to four communication routes can be assigned to a
These steps are discussed in more detail in the following sections.
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6.2 Using the Base station’s programming menus
An FS II system can be programmed using the programming menus that appear
on the Base station’s front-panel display screen. The user navigates through the
menus to select programming options for the system.
Rotating the setup/enter encoder allows the user to scroll through the selections
on the screen. As the user scrolls through the menu items are highlighted on the
screen. To select an item as a new programming option, press the setup/enter
encoder in, as if it were a pushbutton, when the desired item is highlighted on the
6.3 Saving changes
The changes are saved and applied automatically when changes are made to the
unit’s programming. Five seconds after the last time the setup/enter encoder was
turned or pressed, the front-panel display flashes to indicate that the changes are
being saved and applied.
6.4 Changing beltpack labels
The first step in creating an FS II system is to create individual names (“labels”)
for the wireless beltpacks and for the wired devices connected to the Base station.
Use individual labels for building “point-to-point” communication routes.
6.4.1 To change a beltpack label
1) From the MAIN menu on the Base station’s front panel display, scroll to
and select BELTPACKS, as shown in Figure 6-1 From the MAIN menu,
Figure 6-1 From the MAIN menu, select BELTPACKS
The AVAILABLE BELTPACKS menu appears, as shown in Figure 6-2 Available
beltpacks menu below. The first page shows the first five beltpack labels.
Figure 6-2 Available beltpacks menu
The beltpacks’ generic labels BPK01 through BPK05 appear on the upper
row, while the labels given to the beltpacks appear just under the generic
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labels. At first both upper and lower labels will have the same generic
To get to the second, third and fourth pages of beltpacks, scroll all the
way to the right of the screen, and then continue to scroll. The second,
third and fourth pages will be displayed showing beltpacks 6 - 10, 11 - 15
and 16 - 20 (BPK06 - BPK10, BPK11 - BPK15, BPK16 - BPK20).
2) Scroll to and select the desired beltpack.
The next menu that appears gives the options for programming the selected
beltpack, as shown in Figure 6-3 First beltpack programming options menu.
Figure 6-3 First beltpack programming options menu
3) Scroll all the way to the right of the screen and continue to scroll. The
second beltpack programming options menu will be displayed.
Figure 6-4 Second beltpack programming menu
4) Scroll to and select LABEL from the menu.
A menu to edit the selected beltpack label appears, as shown in Figure 6-5 editing
a beltpack label. The current 5-character label appears, just under its generic
Figure 6-5 editing a beltpack label
5) Scroll to and select the alphanumeric character to be changed. A box
appears around the character.
6) Rotate the setup/enter encoder. As the encoder is rotated the entire range
of available characters appears, starting with upper-case characters,
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proceeding to lower-case characters, then to digits, and finally to
punctuation characters.
7) When the desired new character appears, press the setup/enter encoder
to select it. The box disappears, and is replaced by the solid highlight.
8) Repeat steps 4 through 6 for all the characters in the label that are to be
9) When editing the label has been completed, select BACK to return to the
10) The changes are saved and applied automatically five seconds after the
last time the setup/enter encoder was pressed or turned. The front-panel
display flashes to indicate that the changes are being saved and applied.
11) The beltpack that has had a new label assigned to it should be power
cycled to ensure it is updated with the new label.
To edit another beltpack label, scroll clockwise to the BACK command and select
the beltpack. The AVAILABLE BELTPACKS screen appears. Select a new beltpack
label to edit, and repeat steps 2 through 9.
6.5 Setting and changing port labels
Port labels are created to identify the audio devices wired to the Base station’s
rear panel ports, such as partyline beltpacks, 4-wire devices, program sources,
and stage-announce outputs and relays.
6.5.1 To create a port label
1) From the Base station’s MAIN menu, scroll to and select PORTS (see
Figure 6-6 Select “Ports” from the main menu).
Figure 6-6 Select “Ports” from the main menu
The first AVAILABLE AUDIO PORTS menu is displayed, as shown in Figure 6-7
First available ports menu.
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Figure 6-7 First available ports menu
The first page of the menu shows the first 5 ports, starting with HDSTA (front-
panel headset A) and continuing through 4WIR3 (the third 4-wire connector on
the rear panel), as shown in Figure 6-7 First available ports menu.
By scrolling all the way to the right, and then continuing to scroll, 4WIR4 through
PRGRM (program) will be displayed (Figure 6-8 Second available ports menu).
Figure 6-8 Second available ports menu
Note: The upper character of the pair is a generic label, while the lower
character is editable.
2) Select an audio port from the menu. A screen appears that gives the
options for programming the selected port, as shown in Figure 6-9 Port
programming options menu.
Figure 6-9 Port programming options menu
3) Select LABEL from the menu.
A menu to edit that port’s label appears as shown in Figure 6-10 Editing a port’s
Figure 6-10 Editing a port’s label
4) Scroll to and select the alphanumeric character to be changed. A box
appears around the character.
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5) Rotate the setup/enter encoder. As the encoder is rotated the entire range
of available characters appears, starting with upper-case characters,
proceeding to lower-case characters, then to digits, and finally to
punctuation characters.
6) When the desired new character appears, press the setup/enter encoder
to select it. The box disappears, and is replaced by the solid highlight.
7) Repeat steps 4 through 6 for all the characters in the label that are to be
8) Select ‘BACK’ to save the label. The front-panel display flashes to indicate
that the changes are being saved and applied.
To edit another port label, scroll clockwise to the BACK command and select it.
The AVAILABLE AUDIO PORTS menu appears. Select a new audio port to edit, and
repeat steps 2 through 9.
6.6 Setting and changing group labels
A group label is used when an FS II beltpack needs to communicate with all
members of a group simultaneously, as in a partyline. The user can create up to
ten groups. Five of these can be standard groups with up to twelve members per
group and five can be wireless partyline groups with up to thirty members per
Group members can be individual beltpacks or wired devices connected to the
Base station. To form a group, the user must first create a name or “label” for the
group, and then assign members to the group.
6.6.1 To create a group label
1) From the main menu, select GROUPS. The first page of the AVAILABLE
GROUPS menu appears, as shown in The 5 standard group labels appear
on the first page of the menu. The generic labels GP#01 through GP#05
appear on the top row, and their editable versions appear on the lower
row. The default values are GRP01 through GRP05.
Figure 6-11 Standard group labels
By scrolling all the way to the right, and then continuing to scroll, the wireless
partyline groups appear on the second page of the menu.
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Figure 6-12 Wireless partyline group labels
The generic wireless partyline group labels WP#01 through WP#05 appear on the
top row, and their editable versions appear on the lower row. The default values
are WPL01 through WPL05.
2) From the AVAILABLE GROUPS menu, select a group label. A menu appears
that gives the options for programming the selected group, as in Figure
6-13 Select label from the menu.
Figure 6-13 Select label from the menu
3) Select LABEL from the menu.
A menu to edit that group label appears, as shown in Figure 6-14 Group name
edit menu.
Figure 6-14 Group name edit menu
4) Scroll to and select the alphanumeric character to be changed. A box
appears around the character.
5) Rotate the setup/enter encoder. As the encoder is rotated the entire range
of available characters appears, starting with upper-case characters,
proceeding to lower-case characters, then to digits, and finally to
punctuation characters.
6) When the desired new character appears, press the setup/enter encoder
to select it. The box disappears, and is replaced by the solid highlight.
7) Repeat steps 4 through 6 for all the characters in the label that are to be
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8) Select ‘BACK’ to save the label. The front-panel display flashes to indicate
that the changes are being saved and applied.
In order to edit another group label scroll clockwise to the BACK command and
select it. The AVAILABLE GROUPS menu appears. Select a new group label to edit,
and repeat steps 2 through 9.
6.7 Adding group members
When a group name or “label” has been chosen the user may then “populate” that
group. Group members are drawn from the individual wireless beltpacks and
individual wired devices connected to the FS II Base station. A group created from
these devices functions as a partyline, in which all members of the group can
communicate simultaneously with all other members of the group. A standard
partyline group may contain up to fifteen members and a wireless partyline group
may contain up to twenty eight members.
Note: Headsets cannot be added to a wireless partyline type group by this method.
6.7.1 To assign members to a group
1) From the MAIN menu, select GROUPS. The AVAILABLE GROUPS menu
2) Select the group to which members are to be added. The PROGRAMMING
OPTIONS menu appears, as shown in Figure 6-15 Group programming
options menu.
Figure 6-15 Group programming options menu
3) Select MEMBERS from the menu.
The MEMBERS menu appears, as shown in Figure 6-16 Adding members to a
group. On this set of pages, all of the Base station wired ports appear (HDSTA
through PRGRM, “headset A” through “program”), followed by the labels for all
twenty FS II beltpacks. The menu header displays the number of members
currently in the group out of a possible maximum of twelve members e.g. 4/12
for four members.
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Figure 6-16 Adding members to a group
4) Scroll through the pages of this list to find the desired members for the
group. When a desired member is highlighted, press the setup/enter
encoder to select that member. A box appears around it.
5) To de-select a member that has already been selected, highlight that
member and press the setup/enter encoder. Pressing the setup/enter
encoder effectively works as a toggle switch, first selecting the item by
putting a box around it, and then de-selecting it and removing the box.
6) When all of the desired beltpack labels and Base station port labels have
been selected, scroll clockwise to BACK and select it to exit the selection
process. Continue selecting the BACK command until the desired screen is
7) The changes are saved and applied automatically five seconds after the
last time the setup/enter encoder was pressed or turned. The front-panel
display flashes to indicate that the changes are being saved and applied.
To edit a group that already has members, go through the procedure above to
reach the member labels. Scroll through the list, using presses of the rotary
encoder to select and de-select members. Exit as above, and save the changes in
the system memory.
6.8 Beltpacks
The following steps have been completed in setting up the system:
Created names (“labels”) for the FS II beltpacks and for the devices wired
to the Base station’s rear panel
Created names (“labels”) for communication groups and assigned
members to the each group.
6.9 Assigning audio routes to a beltpack
The next step is to assign communication routes to the individual FS II beltpacks.
For this example, communication routes are assigned to the beltpack in position
one—BPK01. The procedure is identical for all remaining beltpacks.
1) From the MAIN menu, select BELTPACKS.
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The AVAILABLE BELTPACKS screen is displayed.
2) Select the required beltpack. The BELTPACK menu is displayed. Scroll
through the screens to KEYS.
3) Select KEYS. The KEY EDITING screen appears,
4) A list of the audio routes and groups available for selection is visible.
Select the beltpack key to assign communication to (A, B, C or D). See
Figure 6.17 below.
Figure 6-17 Select beltpack key
5) A screen appears with a list of available sources and destinations to assign
to this key. This list will include:
Headset A and B
4 wire ports 1-4
Stage announce
Program feed
Beltpacks 1-20
Groups 1-5
Wireless partylines 1-5
Interruptible foldback (IFB) 1-10
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Figure 6-18 Select the source/destination to assign to that beltpack key
6) Scroll through the list and select the desired source or destination to
assign to that beltpack key. A box appears around the selection and the
next screen appears for assigning the key type.
7) For some destinations and sources (headsets, stage and program
announce, beltpacks and IFB’s) the system will assign the feed to the
beltpack key when you press the setup/Enter rotary controller. You will be
returned to the previous screen and it will flash to show a change has
been accepted by the system.
For other audio routes (4 wire ports, groups and wireless partylines) it will
be necessary to select a key assignment type. See step 8 below.
8) Select either talk (TLK), listen (LIS), talk/listen (T+L), dual talk/listen
(DTL), forced listen (FL) or talk/forced listen (TFL) for that key.
Figure 6-19 Key type menu
Note: For more information on audio route key types see 10.4.10 Key Assignment
9) The display automatically returns to the screen for selecting the next key
to program.
10) Select the next key and follow steps 4 through 6. Continue until sources
and destinations have been assigned to all desired keys on that beltpack.
Note: Keys C & D default to call keys for A & B respectively if not assigned.
To assign keys for another beltpack continue selecting the BACK command on
each successive screen until reaching the AVAILABLE BELTPACKS menu. Highlight
and select the next beltpack, and repeat the above procedures.
11) The screen will flash after a change has been made to show that it has
been accepted by the system.
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6.10 Setting the beltpack audio level
1) From the MAIN menu, select BELTPACKS.
The AVAILABLE BELTPACKS screen is displayed (Figure 6-2 Available beltpacks
2) Select the beltpack for which audio levels are to be set. The BELTPACK
menu is displayed.
3) Select ‘LEVELS’. The beltpack levels editing menu is displayed, as shown
in Figure 6-20 Beltpack levels menu.
Figure 6-20 Beltpack levels menu
4) Use the setup/enter encoder to select the input level to display the
beltpack input level setup.
Figure 6-21 Beltpack Input level setup
5) Use the setup/enter encoder to set the beltpack input level in the range -
20dB to +6dB by rotating it anticlockwise to reduce the level and
clockwise to increase the level. Press the setup/enter encoder to select the
input level.
6) Use the setup/enter encoder to select the output level to display the
beltpack output level setup.
Figure 6-22 Beltpack output level setup
7) Use the setup/enter encoder to set the beltpack output level in the range -
20dB to +6dB by rotating it anticlockwise to reduce the level and
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clockwise to increase the level. Press the setup/enter encoder to select the
output level.
6.11 Setting beltpack latching
Beltpack latching determines whether the beltpack A and B latch when pressed so
that the user does not have to keep the button pressed to maintain an audio
route, or are non-latching so the audio route is only open when the button is
1) From the MAIN menu, select BELTPACKS.
The AVAILABLE BELTPACKS screen is displayed (see Figure 6-2 Available
beltpacks menu).
2) Select the beltpack for which audio levels are to be set. The BELTPACK
menu is displayed.
3) Select ‘LATCH’. The beltpack latching menu is displayed, as shown in
Figure 6-23 Beltpack latching menu.
Figure 6-23 Beltpack latching menu
4) Use the setup/enter encoder to select ‘NON-LATCHING’ or ‘LATCHING’ on
the menu and press the setup/enter encoder to set the latching status.
6.12 Over the Air (OTA) beltpack registration from the
Base station
Before beltpacks can be used they must be registered to the Base station. There
are a number of ways of doing this, either OTA or via a USB cable using the
configuration software.
For more information, see 3.4.1 Over the air (OTA) registration of a beltpack
from the Base station for the procedure.
6.13 Setting input and output port levels
The settings at the Base station determine the input and output audio levels of a
device connected to a port. The user can adjust the levels from -20 to +6 dB.
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6.13.1 Input level
The input level affects the volume of a signal coming into the Base station, for
example from the Program (PRGRM) port. Adjusting this level will affect the
volume of this channel to ALL the users of the Base station.
Setting the “input” level alters how loudly all users of the system will hear a
channel; it is a global volume control.
6.13.2 Output level
The output level refers to the signal output to individual ports.
Setting the “output” level alters how loudly individual ports hear audio sources.
For example, to adjust the program audio to head set A only, adjust the Output
level on that port (HDSTA). See instructions below.
6.13.3 To set the audio level for a port
1) From the MAIN menu, select PORTS. A menu of the available audio ports
is displayed.
Figure 6-24 Available audio ports menu
2) Select the port for which the audio levels are to be adjusted from the
Figure 6-25 Selected port menu for level setting
3) Select ‘LEVELS’ from the next menu.
The EDITING LEVELS menu appears.
Figure 6-26 Port levels menu
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4) Select ‘INPUT’ to display the input level setup menu.
Figure 6-27 Port input level setup
5) Rotate the setup/enter encoder clockwise or counter clockwise to increase
or decrease the input level in 1 dB increments.
6) When the desired audio level appears on the screen, press and release the
setup/enter encoder to select it,
7) The changes are saved and applied automatically five seconds after the
last time the setup/enter encoder was pressed or turned. The front-panel
display flashes to indicate that the changes are being saved and applied.
8) Select ‘OUTPUT’ to display the output level setup menu.
Figure 6-28 Port output level setup
9) Rotate the setup/enter encoder clockwise or counter clockwise to increase
or decrease the output level in 1 dB increments.
10) When the desired audio level appears on the screen, press and release the
setup/enter encoder to select it.
11) The changes are saved and applied automatically five seconds after the
last time the setup/enter encoder was pressed or turned. The front-panel
display flashes to indicate that the changes are being saved and applied.
In some cases, the audio paths must be re-made before the changes will take
6.14 Setting port call destination
Partyline, 4-Wire, Stage Announce and Program ports can also have call
destinations configured. In this case any audio on the port will immediately be
routed to the specified destination which may be any of the other available ports.
If the VOX trigger is set then audio on this port will be routed to the destination
when the specified threshold is exceeded.
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1) From the MAIN menu, select ‘PORTS’. A menu of the available audio ports
is displayed.
Figure 6-29 Available audio ports menu
2) Select the port for which the call destination is to be set (excludes headset
ports). The menu for the selected port will be displayed.
Figure 6-30 Selected port menu for calls
3) Select ‘CALLS’ from the menu. The call destination menu will be displayed.
Figure 6-31 Port call menu
4) Use the setup/enter encoder to scroll through the available ports and
select the required destination port. It is possible to select the source port
as the call destination to create an audio loopback system. This may be
used for audio testing purposes.
Figure 6-32 Port destination select menu
5) When the port is selected, the user is returned to Selected Port Menu
for Calls (Step 2). The screen will flash momentarily to indicate that the
port change has been accepted by the system.
6) The port destination can be cleared by repeating the process and selecting
the ‘NONE’ entry.
If one of the headset ports (HDSTA, HDSTB) is selected the port menu is different
in that ‘KEY’ is displayed rather than ‘CALL’. This indicates than in order to trigger
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an auto route from the headset to the chosen destination the key on the Base
station front panel should be used.
7) From the MAIN menu, select ‘PORTS’. A menu of the available audio ports
is displayed.
Figure 6-33 Available audio ports menu
8) Select the head set for which the call destination is to be set. The menu
for the selected headset will be displayed.
Figure 6-34 Selected port menu for calls
9) Select ‘KEY’ from the menu. The audio destination menu will be displayed.
Figure 6-35 Port call menu
10) Use the setup/enter encoder to scroll through the available ports and
select the required destination port. It is possible to select the source port
as the call destination to create an audio loopback system. This may be
used for audio testing purposes.
11) The port destination can be cleared by repeating the process and selecting
the ‘NONE’ entry.
6.15 Configuring a wired partyline
Before enabling a partyline from the Base station’s front panel the type of
partyline must be set on the Base station so that it can set the proper
termination, gain level, and call signaling for that system.
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The three types of partyline systems are: Clear-Com, Drake, and RTS.
6.15.1 To select the type of partyline system for a partyline port
1) Select PORTS from the main menu, then select PLCHA or PLCHB from the
AVAILABLE AUDIO port menu which appears.
Figure 6-36 Select audio port
2) The port configuration menu is displayed. Scroll rightwards to display the
second page of the menu.
Figure 6-37 Select type of partyline
3) Select TYPE. The first port type menu is displayed.
Figure 6-38 First partyline connection type menu
4) All the options on the first menu imply that the partyline port will have
termination enabled. If this is correct select either Clear-Com, Drake, or
RTS. If the partyline port should have termination disabled because the
partyline is already terminated by another device scroll rightwards to
display the second partyline type menu.
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Figure 6-39 Second partyline connection type menu
5) Select ‘OFF’ to disable partyline termination on the port. This will apply
regardless of the type of partyline connected to the port. For example if
the partyline is connected to an MS-702 master station with termination
enabled the Base station termination must be disabled.
6) The changes are saved and applied automatically five seconds after the
last time the setup/enter encoder was pressed or turned. The front-panel
display flashes to indicate that the changes are being saved and applied.
The Base station automatically sets the port’s termination, gain, and call signaling
options for the selected partyline type.
6.15.2 To configure the Noise Gate for a partyline port
The noise gate sets a cutoff level below which audio input is ignored in order to
avoid transmitting low levels of background noise. The noise gate can be set to a
value in the range -70dB to -10dB when enabled.
1) Select PORTS from the main menu, then select PLCHA or PLCHB from the
AVAILABLE AUDIO port menu which appears.
2) The port configuration menu is displayed. Scroll rightwards to display the
second page of the menu.
3) Select GATE. The Noise Gate menu is displayed.
Figure 6-40 Partyline noise gate menu
4) Scroll to the ‘STATE’ option and press the setup/enter encoder to display
the noise gate state menu.
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Figure 6-41 Partyline noise gate options menu
Scroll through the options to enable or disable the noise gate and use the enter
function to select the required state. The main noise gate menu will be
5) Select the level entry to display the partyline level setup menu.
Figure 6-42 Partyline noise gate trigger level
The vertical bar indicates the noise gate trigger level. Turning the setup encoder
clockwise increases the noise gate level (towards the maximum -10dB) and
turning it counter clockwise reduces the noise gate level (towards -70dB). The
horizontal bar indicates the current input audio level in real-time to assist in
setting the noise gate level.
6) Select the ‘DELAY’ option on the noise gate menu to set the VOX off delay
level. This allows the operator to set a delay in milliseconds before audio
is cut by the noise gate.
Figure 6-43 VOX delay setup
The VOX delay can be set to values between 50ms and 5000ms in 50ms steps.
Turn the Setup encoder clockwise to increase the delay and anticlockwise to
reduce the delay.
6.15.3 To configure the levels for a partyline port
The Levels menu allows Input, Output and nulling levels to be set for a partyline.
Note: Please do not auto-null from this menu option.
1) Select the partyline port and then select ‘LEVELS’ from the partyline menu
to display the levels menu.
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Figure 6-44 Level editing menu for partyline
2) Select the ‘INPUT’ item to display the input level setup menu.
Figure 6-45 Partyline input level
3) Rotate the setup/enter encoder clockwise or counter clockwise to increase
or decrease the level in 1 dB increments between -20dB and +6dB.
4) When the desired audio level appears on the screen, press and release the
setup/enter encoder to select it,
5) The changes are saved and applied automatically five seconds after the
last time the setup/enter encoder was pressed or turned. The front-panel
display flashes to indicate that the changes are being saved and applied.
6) Select the ‘OUTPUT’ item to display the output level setup menu.
Figure 6-46 Partyline output level
7) Rotate the setup/enter encoder clockwise or counter clockwise to increase
or decrease the level in 1 dB increments between -20dB and +6dB.
8) When the desired audio level appears on the screen, press and release the
setup/enter encoder to select it.
9) The changes are saved and applied automatically five seconds after the
last time the setup/enter encoder was pressed or turned. The front-panel
display flashes to indicate that the changes are being saved and applied.
10) Select the LoNULL item to display the output level setup menu.
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Figure 6-47 Partyline LoNULL level
11) Rotate the setup/enter encoder clockwise or counter clockwise to increase
or decrease the nulling level in increments of 1 between 0 and 127.
12) When the desired audio level appears on the screen, press and release the
setup/enter encoder to select it,
13) The changes are saved and applied automatically five seconds after the
last time the setup/enter encoder was pressed or turned. The front-panel
display flashes to indicate that the changes are being saved and applied.
14) Select the HiNULL item to display the output level setup menu.
Figure 6-48 Partyline HiNULL level
15) Rotate the setup/enter encoder clockwise or counter clockwise to increase
or decrease the nulling level in increments of 1 between 0 and 127.
16) When the desired audio level appears on the screen, press and release the
setup/enter encoder to select it.
17) The changes are saved and applied automatically five seconds after the
last time the setup/enter encoder was pressed or turned. The front-panel
display flashes to indicate that the changes are being saved and applied.
6.16 Base station System Menu
The Base station System menu offers several system-wide capabilities, including
giving information on firmware, system ID, IP address, and active antenna status,
in addition to locking the front-panel enable buttons, remote microphone kill, and
restoring the most recent downloaded configuration.
The left and right arrows at the edges of the display allow scrolling backwards and
forwards between screens on the system menu.
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From the MAIN menu, select SYSTEM. The SYSTEM menu appears as shown in
Figure 6-49 System menu 1.
Figure 6-49 System menu 1
Rotate the setup/enter encoder clockwise to scroll through the list and display
further options.
Figure 6-50 System menu 2
Figure 6-51 System menu 3
The following sections describe the items on this menu.
6.17 System Info
When Info is selected the screen displays the system’s current firmware version,
system ID (for registering beltpacks), and if applicable, IP address.
Figure 6-52 System info menu
To return to the SYSTEM menu, press the setup/enter button.
6.18 Restoring the Defaults
When F.DEFAULT is selected the factory default map is loaded into memory, the
IP address is set to and the IP mask is set to
Note: The F.DEFAULT feature will only work on Base stations that have been upgraded
by Clear-Com or a qualified Clear-Com representative.
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Figure 6-53 Restore defaults menu
6.19 Antennas
When Antennas is selected the display shows the status of the active antennas
that are connected to the Base station, and shows the slots on each antenna that
are occupied by beltpacks. This information may be useful during a site survey, or
when troubleshooting coverage areas or antenna connections.
A typical display is shown below:
Figure 6-54 Antennas menu
The numbers 1 through 10 represent the maximum number of antennas that can
be connected to the Base station. Numbers 1 through 5 can be positions on a
splitter connected to transceiver port 1, while 6 through 10 can be positions on a
splitter connected to transceiver port 2. An antenna connected directly to
transceiver port 2 would appear at position 6.
“__” indicates an empty slot on an active antenna that is connected to the Base
station. A number in place of a “__” indicates that this slot is occupied by the
indicated beltpack.
Blank spaces next to an antenna number indicate that no antenna has been
detected in this position.
So, for example, the above display would indicate that five antennas are
connected to the Base station in positions 1, 2, 3, 6, and 7. There are no active
antennas in positions 4, 5, 8, 9, and 10.
There are 4 beltpacks currently connected. Beltpacks 2 and 4 occupy the first 2
slots of antenna 3; beltpack 1 occupies the first slot of antenna 6; and beltpack 3
occupies the first slot of antenna 7.
The display updates every 4 seconds to reflect changes in antenna status and
beltpack connections.
Rotate or push in the setup/enter encoder to exit this menu.
When you upgrade the Antenna software using the Configuration Editor, a screen
appears showing the status of the upgrade for each connected antenna.
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6.20 Setting the IP address
When IP is selected a screen appears allowing the IP address of the Base station
to be set.
Figure 6-55 IP address menu
The IP address may be changed by use of the Enter/Setup rotary encoder. The
current part of the IP address that will be changed is highlighted and slowly
rotating the encoder increases the IP address in increments of 1 per step whilst
rapidly rotating the encoder increases the IP address in increments of 10 per step.
When the required value is set press the encoder to confirm it and then rotate the
encoder one step to select the next part of the IP address and repeat the
When the required IP address has been set select ‘BACK’ to save the IP address
and exit the menu.
Note: You cannot set the subnet or gateway information in this screen.
To exit without saving any changes to the IP address allow the menu to
timeout (about 30 seconds).
6.21 Locking front-panel enable buttons
From the main menu go to SYSTEM -> LOCK.
When LOCK is selected a menu appears that allows the user to lock the front-
panel enable buttons for partyline channel A, partyline channel B, and the wired
program source.
Figure 6-56 Lock enable menu
Selecting ON for the lock maintains whatever state the buttons are in when they
are locked. That state is maintained even when the Base station is turned off and
re-started. The buttons can be locked either in the enabled or disabled position, in
any desired combination.
Selecting OFF allows the buttons to be toggled on and off with a single push.
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6.22 Remote microphone kill
When RMK is selected the remote microphone kill menu will be displayed.
Figure 6-57 Remote MIC kill menu
6.22.1 Kill beltpack microphones
Selecting this function will kill the microphones on all the wireless beltpacks
connected to the Base station. Beltpack users will have to press a talk key again
to re-enable the beltpack microphone.
6.22.2 Kill partyline microphones
Selecting this function will kill the microphones on all the partyline stations
connected to the Base station. As this operates by interrupting the power to the
partyline stations it does not kill microphones on partyline stations that are
externally powered, that is not powered from the FS II Base station.
6.22.3 Kill all microphones
Selecting this function will kill the microphones on all beltpacks and partyline
stations attached to the FS II Base station other than partyline stations that are
externally powered.
Beltpack and partyline users must press a talk button in order to re-enable
microphones afterwards.
6.23 Battery indicator
Selecting the “BATT” function will display the battery life monitor screen.
Figure 6-58 Battery level menu
The line below the title line is battery monitor that shows the battery levels of all
beltpacks that are connected to the Base station. When the battery level of a
beltpack drops to the alarm level and the battery low alarm is triggered the
display for that beltpack will be displayed highlighted.
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7 Operating the wireless beltpack
This chapter explains how to operate the FS II beltpack. It contains the following
Overview of the wireless beltpack
Beltpack user controls
Using the beltpack
7.1 Overview of the wireless beltpack
Figure 7-1 FreeSpeak II beltpack
An FS II wireless beltpack gives you simultaneous access to up to five channels of
talk/listen communication, with the ability to switch among them as desired. Any
or all of these routes may be kept open during use. You can adjust Incoming
volume levels (“listen levels”) using the two rotary level controls, so that one
conversation can be monitored in the background while a primary conversation is
Note: The FS-II beltpack has an IP rating of 65.
The panel display contains the role (label) of the beltpack user, identifies up to
four talk/listen labels currently selected, and gives other information such as
signal strength and battery level. You can choose between two display modes:
Intercom display mode – displays key labels, role name, signal strengths,
battery level and volume levels.
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Figure 7-2 Intercom display mode
Partyline display mode – displays role name, signal strength, battery level
and volume levels for channel A and channel B.
Figure 7-3 Partyline display mode
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Key to display layout
Feature Description
Label for key A assignment.
Label for key B assignment.
Label for Key C Assignment or CALL key for Key A if not assigned.
Label for Key D Assignment or CALL key for Key B if not assigned.
Volume level for Key A assignment.
Volume level for Key B assignment.
Signal strength.
Role name for the role assigned to the Beltpack.
Battery life remaining (in hours for Li-Ion, in % for AA battery).
Table 7-1 Key to display layout
A 4-pin male headset connector is provided for connection with a standard Clear-
Com headset or similar device. The FS II beltpack will operate for approximately
18 hours using a rechargeable Li-Ion battery. Real operational times depend on
usage and quality of batteries used. You can also use AA batteries, but you must
not attempt to recharge them.
On the bottom of the beltpack, there is an LED torch with a latching key that
provides a quick and convenient source of illumination when working in poorly lit
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7.2 Beltpack user controls
7.2.1 Top controls
Figure 7-4 View of top of beltpack
Key to beltpack top controls
Feature Description
Talk key A and B. Press to talk or listen on channel A and channel
Talk key C. Press to talk or listen on channel C.
In menu mode, press to cancel menu.
Talk key D. Press to talk or listen on channel D.
In menu mode, press to select menu.
Display. When the beltpack is not in menu mode, information about
each of the four channels supported by the beltpack is displayed on
screen. Exactly what is present on the screen depends on the display
mode (intercom or partyline).
Table 7-2 Key to beltpack top controls
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7.2.2 Beltpack display
The following table lists the beltpack display icons and indicators.
Beltpack display icons and indicators
Name Icon Description
Key label A descriptive name for the channel. The
maximum length is 10 characters (5 characters
for the Base station system).
Role name A descriptive name for the beltpack role.
volume level
The volume of the channel audio.
strength Bars that indicate the strength of the signal from
the Main Station.
level Indicates the battery time remaining.
Table 7-3 Beltpack display icons and indicators
7.2.3 Beltpack headset tones/alerts
Note: To change call signal, low battery or out-of-range alerts go to Menu (press and
hold) -> Settings -> Alarm options on your beltpack. Choose from Vibrate &
audio/Vibrate only/Audio only/Off.
Beltpack headset tones/alerts
Event Tone
Call signal Mid to high beep, as long as call is
Mid on 200ms, mid off 0ms, high on
200ms, high off 400ms. Repeat if key
Low battery High beep, long then short.
High, on 400ms, off 100ms, on 100ms.
Repeats intermittently.
Out-of-range High beep, long then short (as above).
Repeats as long as beltpack is out of
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Menu button Mid beep.
Mid, on 100ms, off 100ms.
Triggers on entering menu mode.
Power button Mid beep.
Mid, on 100ms, off 100ms, repeated
while power button pressed.
Listen again Low beep.
Low, on 100ms, off 100ms.
Table 7-4 Beltpack headset tones/alerts
7.2.4 Front controls
Figure 7-5 Beltpack front controls
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Key to beltpack front controls
Feature Description
Right rotary level control. Turn clockwise or counter-clockwise to
adjust volume.
In menu mode, turn clockwise or counter-clockwise to navigate the
Power button. Press to power up or power down the beltpack.
Reply key. Reply key can be configured as an extra fifth channel
using the Configuration Editor or EHX software.
Menu key. Press firmly for about two seconds to enter menu mode
To exit menu mode, press the menu key again. If you tap the Menu
key, the Listen Again feature is activated. See 8.9 Setting the
listen again option.
Left rotary level control. Turn clockwise or counter-clockwise to
adjust volume.
In menu mode, turn clockwise or counter-clockwise to navigate the
Table 7-5 Key to beltpack front controls
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7.2.5 Beltpack bottom connectors
Figure 7-6 Beltpack bottom connectors
Key to beltpack bottom connectors
Feature Description
LED torch
LED torch control
Headset socket (4-pin XLR–M)
Pin Function
1 Mic ground
2 Mic +
3 Earphone ground
4 Earphone
Table 7-6: Headset socket pin out
3.5 mm stereo jack.
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Key to beltpack bottom connectors
Feature Description
Micro USB connector.
Table 7-7 Key to beltpack bottom connectors
7.2.6 Beltpack rear panel
Figure 7-7 Beltpack rear panel
Key to beltpack rear panel
Feature Description
Beltpack clip
Beltpack battery compartment
Table 7-8 Key to beltpack rear panel
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7.3 Using the beltpack
7.3.1 Registering the beltpack
Before you can use a beltpack, you must first register it with the FreeSpeak II
system. For more information, see 3.4 Registering beltpacks.
7.3.2 Charging the beltpack
The beltpack batteries are located inside the beltpack battery compartment. The
beltpack can use a Clear-Com rechargeable Li-Ion battery or AA batteries. A
dedicated battery charger can charge up to five batteries simultaneously.
Note: You can also recharge batteries by using the supplied USB charger. Do not use
any other USB charger.
Caution: Only use the battery charger with the
supplied rechargeable batteries. If you use the
charger with any other batteries, serious damage
or injury could result.
To recharge the beltpack battery:
1) Insert either the beltpack containing the battery, or the battery itself into
one of the recharging bays on the battery charger. A red LED indicates
that the battery is recharging.
If you are recharging the battery while it is still in the beltpack battery
compartment, an illuminated beltpack key (Talk key A) indicates the
charging status. The beltpack charging sequence depends on whether you
insert a powered on unpowered beltpack into the charger. The table below
shows the charging status conditions.
Talk key
A red Talk key A
green RF component Beltpack screen
charging Battery fully
recharged Disabled Displays current
percentage charge and
software version
Note: If a beltpack is powered on when placed in the charger, on
removal the RF component is re-enabled and the beltpack
attempts to reconnect to its previous connection.
Note: If a beltpack is powered off when placed in the charger, on
removal it will power off.
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2) Wait until the recharging LED turns from red to green. The battery is now
fully recharged.
Figure 7-8 FreeSpeak II battery charger
7.3.3 Powering on the beltpack
The recessed power button is used to turn the FS II beltpack on and off. Press
and hold the button for about three seconds to turn the beltpack on. To turn it off,
press and hold the button for about three seconds.
7.3.4 Using the beltpack to communicate
The beltpack has four keys labelled A, B, C, D and Reply. You can program each
of these keys to determine their communication destinations, and the type of
communication possible. For example, a key could be programmed to call a
partyline channel, with both talk and listen enabled. You can program the
beltpack keys by using:
The Eclipse HX software. For more information, see the Eclipse HX
Configuration Software User Guide.
The FreeSpeak II Configuration Editor. For more information, see 10 FS
II Configuration Editor.
The FreeSpeak II Base station.
To talk to all the devices connected to the channel:
1) Connect a headset, using the 4-pin XLR–M connector on the base / rear of
the beltpack.
2) Press the appropriate key.
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While the key is held down audio transmits on that channel. When the key
is released audio no longer transmits. To latch a key on for hands-free
use, quickly tap the key. Another quick tap releases the latch.
3) Speak into the headset microphone.
To adjust the volume of incoming audio for a channel, turn the
appropriate side-mounted rotary control. Turn the rotary control
clockwise to increase the volume, and counter-clockwise to decrease
volume. The current volume level for the channel is shown on screen.
7.3.5 Entering and exiting Menu mode
Use Menu mode to:
Configure the settings for the beltpack.
Read beltpack information such as software version
Perform a site survey to maximize signal strength and coverage.
To enter Menu mode, press and hold the Menu key for three seconds. To exit
Menu mode, press the Menu key again.
For more information about using Menu mode on the beltpack, see 8
Programming on the beltpack.
7.3.6 Setting and Adjusting Listen Levels
You can adjust a beltpack’s incoming audio volume in two ways:
The master volume level for the beltpack can be set by using the beltpack
menu options. See 0 Figure 8-1 B eltpack controls
Configuring the beltpack volume settings.
The incoming audio level can be adjusted during talk or listen on the
beltpack using the beltpack’s rotary level controls.
To adjust the listen level during talk or listen from the beltpack:
During talk and listen, use the rotary level control to increase or decrease
the incoming volume level (“listen level”) for that assignment.
Note: You can also configure the incoming audio volume using the Configuration Editor
or the EHX software.
7.3.7 Upgrading beltpack firmware
Note: Before attempting an upgrade, ensure that all the antennas are connected.
Note: While the beltpack software is being upgraded, do not attempt to retrieve a Base
station configuration file or the upgrade may not successfully complete.
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From the Configuration Editor, you can upgrade the beltpack firmware using a
USB connection or central upgrade Over The Air (OTA).
Note: If you have a matrix connection, you can also do an Over The Air upgrade. For
more information, see the Eclipse HX Configuration Software User Guide. Upgrading using a USB connection.
1) Connect the beltpack to a USB port on the computer running the
Configuration Editor.
2) Select Diagnostics > Tools > Apply Wireless Firmware Via USB.
3) Browse to the location of the upgrade file (.FWS), and then select Update
The upgrade file is downloaded to the beltpack.
Note: You can connect more than one beltpack to the computer if you have multiple
USB ports. The units will be upgraded sequentially. Upgrading by Over The Air Upgrade
1) From the Configuration Editor, Select Send File, and then browse to the
location of the upgrade file (.FWW).
2) Select Open. The download will begin. The beltpacks will be disconnected
while the download file is loaded onto the antennas.
The beltpacks will only be upgraded, when the download file has
successfully loaded on all the connected antennas.
Note: The Base station front panel will display a download progress
3) To cancel the download, press Enter on the Base station.
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8 Programming on the beltpack
This chapter explains how to program the beltpack using the beltpack's menu
system. It contains the following sections:
Introduction to programming on the beltpack
Configuring the beltpack volume settings
Configuring the beltpack headset
Configuring the beltpack microphone
Configuring the beltpack display
Configuring the beltpack alarm options
Selecting the beltpack role default set
Selecting the beltpack administration
Setting the listen again option
Accessing beltpack information
Setting display mode
Setting system connect
Enabling over the air (OTA) registration mode from a beltpack
Performing a site survey
8.1 Introduction to programming on the beltpack
You can access the beltpack menu by pressing and holding the menu key. The
Master Menu screen is displayed. This consists of the following submenus:
Volume Level Control
Volume Operation
Line In Volume Level
Display Mode
System Connect
Site Survey
Note: The menus that appear depend on the menu access level. See 8.8.2 Setting full
menu access.
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To select a submenu turn either of the two rotary dials clockwise. This will scroll
down the submenu options. If you turn the rotary dials counter-clockwise, you will
scroll upwards.
To select a submenu, press the Menu Select key (D).
To return to the previous screen, press the Menu Cancel key (C). You can also
return to the previous screen by pressing the Menu key.
Each menu screen on the beltpack has the following structure:
Header - this displays the menu title
Body - this displays a scrollable list of menu items
Footer - this displays the current value of the current menu selection
To exit the beltpack menus, press and hold the Menu key.
Figure 8-1 B eltpack controls
8.2 Configuring the beltpack volume settings
You can configure the following:
The volume on each of the four channels
The beltpack master volume
The volume of the line-in feed.
Rotary controllers. Scroll
through menu items in menu
Press and hold to enter
menu mode
cancel key Menu
select key
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8.2.1 Configuring the beltpack channel volumes and master
Each of the four beltpack channel volume levels is configurable separately.
Note: You can only change volume levels on keys that have been configured.
To configure a channel volume:
1) To enter the beltpack menu, press and hold the Menu key.
2) Turn either rotary control clockwise to highlight Vol Level Ctrl, and press
the Menu Select key (D). The Volume Level Control screen appears:
3) Use the left-hand rotary control to select the required channel, or select M
for the master volume
4) Use the right-hand rotary control to adjust the volume level. The default is
0dB for channel audio, and -9.6dB for master volume.
Note: The volume level appears in the footer.
5) To confirm the selection, press the Menu Select key (D).
8.2.2 Configuring the volume level of the line input
You can configure the volume of an audio line input:
1) To enter the beltpack menu, press and hold the Menu key.
2) Turn either rotary control clockwise to highlight Line In Vol Lvl, and
press the Menu Select key (D).
3) Use either rotary control to select between -15 dB to 6dB
4) To confirm the selection and exit the menu screen, press the Menu
Select key (D).
8.2.3 Configuring the rotary controls
You can configure the rotary controls on the beltpack to either:
Control the volume of the audio on keys A and B
Control the master volume of the beltpack audio.
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1) To enter the beltpack menu, press and hold the Menu key.
2) Turn either rotary control clockwise to highlight Vol Operation, and press
the Menu Select key (D).
3) Use either rotary control to select between:
Talk Key
4) To confirm the selection and exit the menu screen, press the Menu
Select key.
8.3 Configuring the beltpack headset
You can configure the following headset settings:
Headset autodetect
Headset sidetone level
Headset limiter
The menus that appear depend on the menu access level. See 8.8.2 Setting full
menu access.
8.3.1 Setting headset autodetect
Use this setting to allow the beltpack to automatically detect when you plug in a
headset, and route the audio to the headset.
Note: To use this feature, first set Mic Type to Auto. See 8.4.1 Setting the
microphone type.
1) To enter the beltpack menu, press and hold the Menu key.
2) Use the rotary and Menu Select keys to select Settings > Headset
Options > Auto Detect.
3) Use either rotary control to select between:
4) To confirm the selection and exit the menu screen, press the Menu
Select key (D).
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8.3.2 Setting the sidetone level
Use this setting to set the level of the sidetone. You can either set the sidetone to
a fixed level, or choose to have the sidetone track the master volume level. To set
sidetone to a fixed level:
1) To enter the beltpack menu, press and hold the Menu key.
2) Use the rotary and Menu Select keys to select Settings > Headset
Options > Sidetone > Sidetone Level.
3) Use either rotary control to select the sidetone level between -70dB and
4) To confirm the selection and exit the menu screen, press the Menu
Select key.
8.3.3 Setting the headset limiter
Use this setting to limit the incoming headset audio level to prevent excessive
sound levels.
1) To enter the beltpack menu, press and hold the Menu key.
2) Use the rotary and Menu Select keys to select Settings > Headset
Options > Limiter.
3) Use either rotary key to select the sidetone level between -32dB and
16dB. The default is 0dB.
4) To confirm the selection and exit the menu screen, press the Menu
Select key (D).
8.4 Configuring the beltpack microphone
You can configure the following microphone settings:
Microphone type
Microphone echo cancellation
The menus that appear depend on the menu access level. See 8.8.2 Setting full
menu access.
8.4.1 Setting the microphone type
Use this setting to specify the type of microphone you are using. You can also
allow the beltpack to automatically detect what kind of microphone is present.
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1) To enter the beltpack menu, press and hold the Menu key.
2) Use the rotary and Menu Select keys to select Settings > Mic Options
> Mic Type.
3) Use either rotary control to select between:
Automatic (default)
Dynamic Unbalanced
4) To confirm the selection and exit the menu screen, press the Menu
Select key (D).
Note: If automatic headset detection is ON:
Dynamic headset is detected if microphone impedance is between 90 –
320 Ohms
Electret headset is detected if microphone impedance is between 1.3 – 6.5
8.4.2 Setting the microphone echo cancellation
Use this setting to improve the microphone audio quality.
1) To enter the beltpack menu, press and hold the Menu key.
2) Use the rotary and Menu Select keys to select Settings > Mic Options
> Echo Cancellation.
3) Use either rotary control to select between:
Off (default)
4) To confirm the selection and exit the menu screen, press the Menu
Select key.
8.5 Configuring the beltpack display and LEDs
You can configure the following display options:
Display brightness level
Display dim timeout
Display off timeout
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8.5.1 Setting the display and LED brightness
Use this setting to control the brightness of the display. The beltpack
automatically dims after a timeout period if no key is used or there is no incoming
call or call alert. You can adjust the timeout period.
When the beltpack is dimmed, the display goes off after a timeout period if no key
is used or there is no incoming call or call alert. You can adjust the timeout
1) To enter the beltpack menu, press and hold the Menu key.
2) Use the rotary and Menu Select keys to select Settings > Display
Options > Brightness Level
3) Use either rotary control to select the dim level between 1 and 5 (default).
4) To confirm the selection and exit the menu screen, press the Menu
Select key.
8.5.2 Setting the display dim timeout
Use this setting to determine when the beltpack display will dim if no key is used
or there is no incoming call or call alert.
1) To enter the beltpack menu, press and hold the Menu key.
2) Use the rotary and Menu Select keys to select Settings > Display
Options > Dim Timeout
3) Use either rotary control to select the dim level between Off and 120
seconds (default).
Note: Setting the dim timeout to Off disables the timeout function.
4) To confirm the selection and exit the menu screen, press the Menu
Select key.
8.5.3 Setting the display off timeout
Use this setting to determine when a dimmed beltpack display will switch off.
1) To enter the beltpack menu, press and hold the Menu key.
2) Use the rotary and Menu Select keys to select Settings > Display
Options > Off Timeout
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3) Use either rotary control to select the dim level between Off and 120
seconds (35 second default).
Note: Setting the display off timeout to Off disables the timeout function.
4) To confirm the selection and exit the menu screen, press the Menu
Select key (D).
8.6 Configuring the beltpack alarm options
You can configure the following alarm options:
Low battery alarm
Low battery alarm threshold
Out of range alarm
Call alert mode
Note: See 7.2.3 Beltpack headset tones/alerts for a description of tones.
8.6.1 Setting the low battery alarm
Use this setting to determine how the beltpack behaves when battery power is
low. You can set the following types of alarm:
Audio warning
Audio warning and vibrate
1) To enter the beltpack menu, press and hold the Menu key.
2) Use the rotary and Menu Select keys to select Settings > Alarm
Options > Alarm Mode.
3) Use either rotary control to select between:
Vibrate & Audio (default)
Vibrate Only
Audio Only
4) To confirm the selection and exit the menu screen, press the Menu
Select key (D).
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8.6.2 Setting the low battery alarm threshold
Use this setting to determine the battery power level that triggers the low battery
1) To enter the beltpack menu, press and hold the Menu key (D).
2) Use the rotary and Menu Select keys to select Settings > Alarm
Options > Low Battery Threshold.
3) Use either rotary control to select a value between 0 and 100%.
4) To confirm the selection and exit the menu screen, press the Menu
Select key (D).
8.6.3 Setting the out of range alarm
Use this setting to determine what kind of alarm the beltpack issues when it
moves out or range of an antenna. You can set the following alarms:
Audio on
1) To enter the beltpack menu, press and hold the Menu key.
2) Use the rotary and Menu Select keys to select Settings > Alarm
Options > Out of Range Alarm.
3) Use either rotary control to select between:
Audio only
4) To confirm the selection and exit the menu screen, press the Menu
Select key (D).
8.6.4 Setting the call alert
Use this setting to determine what kind of alert the beltpack issues when it
receives an incoming call. You can set the following alerts:
Audio warning
Audio warning and vibrate
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1) To enter the beltpack menu, press and hold the Menu key.
2) Use the rotary and Menu Select keys to select Settings > Alarm
Options > Call Alert Mode.
3) Use either rotary control to select between:
Vibrate & Audio (default)
Vibrate Only
Audio Only
4) To confirm the selection and exit the menu screen, press the Menu
Select key (D).
8.7 Selecting the beltpack role default set
Use this setting to set the beltpack configuration to the default settings
downloaded from the configuration editor.
1) To enter the beltpack menu, press and hold the Menu key.
2) Use the rotary and Menu Select keys to select Settings > Role Default
3) Use either rotary control to select between:
On (default)
4) To confirm the selection and exit the menu screen, press the Menu
Select key (D).
8.8 Selecting the beltpack administration
You can select the following administration settings:
System pairing mode
Full menu access
System sync mode
8.8.1 Enabling OTA registration mode
Use this setting to enable or disable system pairing mode. Enable this mode if you
want to register a beltpack over the air.
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1) To enter the beltpack menu, press and hold the Menu key.
2) Use the rotary and Menu Select keys to select Settings > Admin
Options. You will be prompted to enter a four digit code. The default code
is 4632.
3) Select Enable Pair Mode.
4) Use either rotary control to select between:
5) To confirm the selection and exit the menu screen, press the Menu
Select key (D).
8.8.2 Setting full menu access
Use this setting to override the menu access for the beltpack role. The following
menu access levels apply:
If this setting is not enabled, the menu access is set in the EHX software to one of
the above four levels. When it is enabled, the beltpack has full menu access.
Note: If you change this setting, it will apply until the beltpack role changes, or the
beltpack is power cycled.
1) To enter the beltpack menu, press and hold the Menu key.
2) Use the rotary and Menu Select keys to select Settings > Admin
Options. You will be prompted to enter a four digit code. The default code
is 4632.
3) Select Full Menu Access.
4) Use either rotary control to select between:
Disable (default)
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8.8.3 Setting system sync mode
Use this setting to make antenna synchronization readings.
1) To enter the beltpack menu, press and hold the Menu key.
2) Use the rotary and Menu Select keys to select Settings > Admin
Options. You will be prompted to enter a four digit code. The default code
is 4632.
3) Select System Sync.
4) Use either rotary control to select the antenna group to synchronize.
8.9 Setting the listen again option
Use this setting to configure an option to allow you to play back an incoming
message. When Listen Again is active, if you tap the Menu key on the beltpack,
the last received message is played back. You can select the length of the
recorded message, and also how long the message is stored on the beltpack
before automatic deletion. To play back a recorded message, press the Menu
To select the length of the recording:
1) To enter the beltpack menu, press and hold the Menu key.
2) Use the rotary and Menu Select keys to select Settings > Listen Again
Opt > Recording Time.
3) Use either rotary control to select a value between Off and 15 seconds.
To determine how long the message is stored:
1) To enter the beltpack menu, press and hold the Menu key.
2) Use the rotary and Menu Select keys to select Settings > Listen Again
Opt > Auto Delete Time.
3) Use either rotary control to select a value between Off and 240 minutes.
8.10 Accessing beltpack information
You can access a list of beltpack information, including battery and fault-finding
1) To enter the beltpack menu, press and hold the Menu key.
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2) Use the rotary and Menu Select keys to select Information.
You can read the following information:
Item Value
Beltpack role Role name
SW (software) Version number
Beltpack. ID (beltpack identity) ID number
RFP (Remote Fixed Part –
antenna/receiver) ID number
Regional (radio frequency area) Radio frequency region.
Battery Level Percentage charge, hours of use
Table 8-1 Beltpack information
8.11 Setting display mode
You can select between two display modes: Intercom mode and Partyline mode.
Note: You can only access this option if you have advanced menu access.
1) To enter the beltpack menu, press and hold the Menu key.
2) Use the rotary and Menu Select keys to select Display Mode.
3) Use either rotary control to select between:
Intercom mode
Partyline mode
8.12 Setting system connect
Use this option to connect to an antenna.
1) To enter the beltpack menu, press and hold the Menu key.
2) Use the rotary and Menu Select keys to select System Connect.
A list of available systems appears on the beltpack screen.
3) Use the rotary control to select a system.
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8.13 Enabling over the air (OTA) registration mode
from a beltpack
In some circumstances you may need to enable registration of beltpacks without
having access to a Base station or computer. In this case it can be done from a
The beltpack needs to be previously registered and connected. You need the
system admin code, available from Eclipse EHX, the Configuration Editor or the
Base station. (The default code is 4632).
Note: The admin code is available on the System tab in the FS II Configuration Editor.
On the Base station go to MENU->SYSTEM->REG->PIN to find this code.
1) From the registered, connected beltpack press and hold the MENU button
for 2 seconds to enter the menu options.
3) Enter the admin code using the left and right hand rotary controllers on
the beltpack.
4) If the admin code is successful, the beltpack will display the ‘Enable Pair
Mode’ screen.
5) Press the D key on the beltpack to select this option.
6) A confirmation screen will appear. Select Y to confirm.
The system will now be open for registration for 2 minutes.
7) From the beltpack to be registered, follow the registration procedure. See
3.4.1 Over the air (OTA) registration of a beltpack from the Base
station, step 2.
8.14 Performing a site survey
Note: You can only access this option if you have advanced menu access.
You can survey an intercom installation to determine how may FreeSpeak II
antennas are present. You can do this in two ways:
Connecting to a system and detecting all FreeSpeak II antennas
connected to that system
Performing a survey with no system connection. All FreeSpeak II antennas
are detected regardless of which system they are connected to.
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1) To enter the beltpack menu, press and hold the Menu key.
2) Use the rotary and Menu Select keys to select Site Survey.
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9 Operating the transceiver/antenna
This chapter describes how to use the FreeSpeak II transceiver/antenna. It
contains the following sections:
Transceiver/antenna splitter (PD2203)
9.1 Transceiver/antenna
The FS II transceiver/antennas form the transmission link between the FS II
beltpacks and the FS II Base station. It has internal omnidirectional (all
directions/circular coverage) antennas. Multiple units are used to support the
beltpacks and to create larger, customized coverage areas. Each
transceiver/antenna is connected to the Base station, either directly or via a
PD2203 splitter.
The unit has two methods of fixing:
Three screw points for mounting on a flat surface.
Two microphone stand connectors, 3/8 in and 5/8 in.
Figure 9-1 FS II Transceiver/Antenna
9.1.1 IP rating (International Protection Marking)
The transceiver/antenna has an IP rating of 65 so it can be mounted outside and
will be resistant to weather conditions.
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9.1.2 FS II transceiver/antenna connector panel
Figure 9-2 FS II Transceiver/Antenna Connector Panel
Key to transceiver/antennas
Feature Description
USB connector. Used to upgrade the firmware in the FS II-TA.
Base/Matrix connector. This RJ-45/etherCON connector is used to
connect the bi-directional signal from the Base station, directly or via
the splitter. Up to 1,000 meters (3,200 feet) of 4-pair 24AWG
shielded Ethernet cable (CAT5/5e/6) can be used for this connection
between Base station and transceiver/antenna. If 26AWG cable is
used the maximum distance is 500 meters (1,600 feet).
DC in power connector. This connector is used to locally power the
transceiver/antenna with the supplied universal power supply. Use of
local power is required when the transceiver/antenna is located more
than 300 meters (925 feet) from the FS II Base station or the
splitter, and is recommended even when the transceiver/antenna is
closer whenever it is available and convenient.
Data signal/Power LEDs. This amber LED indicates that a
connection has been established between the Base station and the
transceiver/antenna, and that it is actively creating a coverage zone
within which the beltpacks can operate.
A flashing amber LED indicates that a data connection has been
established with the Base station. A solid amber light shows that
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Key to transceiver/antennas
Feature Description
there is a radio frequency synchronization lock between the devices.
A solid light is required for normal operation of the system.
Power LED. This green LED indicates that the transceiver/antenna
is receiving power, either from its local power supply or from the
connected CAT-5 cable (distances up to 300 meters, or 925 feet,
from the Base station or the splitter) being powered via the FS II
Base station.
Mode button. The mode button is currently not in use.
9.1.3 Cabling the antennas
See 3.2.1Wiring the antennas and splitters.
9.1.4 Beltpack support capacities for transceiver/antennas
Each transceiver/antenna can support five beltpacks within one coverage zone.
With the omnidirectional antennas, the coverage pattern is circular, with a
maximum range of up to 500 meters.
When designing the system, determine how many beltpack users will be in or
passing through a given coverage zone. If it will be five or fewer users, then place
one transceiver/antenna in the center of that area. If it is between 6 and 10
users, place two transceiver/antennas next to each other, both with a direct
connection to the FS II Base station or splitter. In larger systems – approaching
20 beltpacks – it is wiser to allow one transceiver/antenna for every 3 to 4 users
to ensure smooth handoffs between transceiver/antennas. It is good practice to
have each beltpack “seeing” two or more antennas, so a minimum of two
antennas in any system is to be considered.
If a sixth beltpack user goes into a coverage zone with only one
transceiver/antenna, and that user is out of range from another
transceiver/antenna, it will lose connection with the system. This is because the
transceiver/antenna has a maximum capacity of five beltpacks at a time. If one of
the existing users in that coverage area turns off a beltpack or leaves the area,
then the sixth beltpack will find an open slot and will be reconnected with the
The proprietary technology within FS II permits the beltpack user to go between
coverage zones created by different transceiver/antennas connected to the Base
station, and for the system to hand over the communication between beltpack
and Base station from one transceiver/antenna to the next one. Thus, a larger,
customizable communications area may be designed.
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For more information on the coverage range of the FS II-TA, see 4.2.3
Determining coverage areas.
Note: For most working systems, Clear-Com recommends a ratio of 3-4 users per
antenna due to system losses.
9.1.5 Coverage areas under various conditions
Just as with any other product communicating via radio waves, the effective
distance between the beltpack and the transceiver/antenna (the range) will differ
depending on the particular environment in which it is being used. Radio waves
can be attenuated by walls, floors, ceilings, trees, shrubbery, the human body
(such as an audience), and numerous other objects. They can be reflected and/or
stopped by metallic objects such as structural beams, safety doors, lighting
equipment and truss, bodies of water, and so on.
Under ideal conditions, the maximum range between an FS II beltpack and a
transceiver/antenna is 500 meters. Typical distances are between approximately
50 meters (about 160 feet) and 150 meters (about 485 feet), depending on the
particular environment.
As the transceiver/antenna requirements for a particular installation are being
determined, keep in mind both the number of beltpack users who will be working
in a particular area (based on the five-beltpack capacity of each
transceiver/antenna), and the layout and potential RF attenuating and reflecting
items in the location. Be conservative in distance estimates to make sure that
enough transceiver/antennas are included to provide the necessary coverage for
the installation. Remember that additional transceiver/antennas may be added to
a Base station, up to a maximum of 10.
9.1.6 Transceiver/antenna setup rules and tips
Keep the following general rules and tips in mind:
Keep antennas high (typically, though lower placements away from
interfering objects can at times be beneficial) and line-of-sight.
Keep them away from larger metallic objects and surfaces, and from
lighting truss.
Antenna coverage is circular so put the transceiver/antennas in the center
of the area in which coverage is required.
When overlapping the coverage zones of transceiver/antennas to create
larger continuous coverage areas, test the in-between areas with a
beltpack for potential areas of low RF signal; adjust the positioning of the
antennas as needed.
Because of potential body shielding during movement, it is useful to place
two transceiver/antennas in different locations within larger working areas
to minimize low-level signals and potential signal dropouts.
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Going between a larger area and a corridor via a door, especially a heavy
or shielded one, or where the walls are thick, place a second antenna in
the corridor near the doorway to assure continuous coverage.
9.1.7 Upgrading the antenna/transceiver firmware
From the Configuration Editor, you can upgrade the antenna/transceiver firmware
using a USB connection or centrally upgrade using the Base station.
Note: Before you upgrade the firmware, ensure that all the antennas are connected.
Note: If you have a matrix connection, you can also centrally upgrade. For more
information, see the Eclipse HX Configuration Software User Guide. Upgrading using a USB connection.
1) Connect the antenna to a USB port on the computer running the
Configuration Editor.
2) Select Diagnostics > Tools > Apply Wireless Firmware Via USB.
3) Browse to the location of the upgrade file (.FWS), and then select Update
The upgrade file is downloaded to the antenna.
Note: You can connect more than one antenna to the computer if you have multiple USB
ports. The units will be upgraded sequentially. Centrally upgrading using the Base station
1) From the Configuration Editor, Select Send File, and then browse to the
location of the upgrade file (.FWS).
2) Select Open. The download will begin. Each antenna will upgrade as soon
as the upgrade file is loaded.
The beltpacks will be disconnected while the download file is loaded onto
the antennas.
Note: The Base station front panel will display a download progress
3) To cancel the upgrade, press Enter on the Base station.
9.2 Transceiver/antenna splitter (PD2203)
The PD2203 antenna splitter is the device that connects multiple
transceiver/antennas to the FS II Base station. It has an RJ-45 connector that
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carries the data between a Base station transceiver port and the splitter, and five
RJ-45 connectors to feed that information to and from up to five antennas. The
splitter must be locally powered via the supplied external in-line universal power
Note: You must power on the splitter before you power on the Base station, otherwise
the Base station might power the splitter. In this case there might be insufficient
9.2.1 PD2203 Front connector panel
Figure 9-3 FS II Splitter Front Connector Panel Base station connection indicator light
This yellow light indicates that the PD2203 splitter is receiving data from the FS II
Base station. Matrix (FS II Base station) connector
This RJ-45 connector accepts a 4-pair data cable from the FS II Base station
transceiver port. This cable can be up to 1,000 meters (3,200 feet) in length if
24AWG cable is used or up to 500 meters (1,600 feet) if 26AWG cable is used.
Note: It is recommended that shielded Ethernet cable (for instance, CAT-5/5e/6) is
used. Splitter-to-transceiver/antenna signal indicator light
These yellow lights indicate that a connection from the FS II Base station is
available to the particular transceiver connected to that port.
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These five RJ-45 connectors are used to connect up to five remote
transceiver/antennas to the splitter, and via the splitter to the FS II Base station.
Each of these cables can be up to 1,000 meters (3,200 feet) in length if 24AWG
cable is used or up to 500 meters (1,600 feet) long if 26AWG cable is used.
Note: It is recommended that shielded Ethernet cable (for instance, CAT-5/5e/6) is
9.2.2 PD2203 rear panel
Figure 9-4 FS II Splitter Rear Connector Panel Serial data connector
This 3.5 mm (1/8 inch) tip-ring-sleeve (TRS) connector is used for upgrading the
firmware in the PD2203. It will typically be unused. Power Indicator
This green LED indicates that the splitter is receiving power from the external
power supply. DC IN power connector
This connector is used to locally power the antenna splitter with the supplied
universal power supply. Use of local power is required. EXP IN connector
This male DB-15 connector is reserved for future use.
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This female DB-15 connector is reserved for future use.
9.2.3 Connecting an antenna splitter to the FS II Base station
and to
After the connections have been made between the splitter and the
transceiver/antennas, make sure that the data LED’s are lit at the individual ports
on the antenna splitter. Also make sure that the both the green power LED and
the yellow data LED are lit on each FS II-TA. If all are properly lit, then the
connection has been successfully made and the coverage zones will be active and
will support beltpacks. If the transceiver antennas are not lit, check the
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10 FS II Configuration Editor
This chapter explains how to use the Configuration Editor software to program the
FreeSpeak II system. Configuration Editor is a convenient and flexible tool that
allows you to quickly and easily create or edit configurations.
You can use the FS II Configuration Editor to extract, backup, edit and restore
configurations from the FS II Base stations. Configurations are initially extracted
from an FS II Base station via Ethernet or the serial cable, and once extracted
they can be edited and either sent back to the Base station or saved to disk for
future use.
It can also be used to clone a Base station in case of systems failure - all beltpack
registrations and the system ID are stored within the configuration.
This chapter contains the following sections:
Loading configurations
Configuration Editor Screen basics
Registering beltpacks using the over the air (OTA) facility
Configuring beltpacks
Configuring ports
Configuring groups and wireless partylines
Reducing antenna interference
Configuring IFBs
Configuring Base station system parameters
Upgrading the Configuration Editor
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Loading configurations
When you start the Configuration Editor the following screen appears:
Figure 10-1 Configuration Editor Initial Screen
You can either load a local configuration file from disk, or extract one from a Base
10.1.1 Loading a local configuration file
To load a configuration from disk:
1) Click Load.
2) Browse on your local disk for the configuration file.
Note: Configuration files end in a .bsc extension.
3) Click Open. The configuration loads into the Configuration Editor.
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10.1.2 Loading a configuration file from a Base station using a
serial link
1) Connect the PC to the Base station using a standard FreeSpeak II serial
2) From the Serial comms list, select a COM port. Power on the FS II Base
station and wait for at least 30 seconds.
Note: The Serial comms list shows only those ports that are available
for connection to the Base station. If the required port is not
shown, it may be that another program is using this port. Close
the other program, and try again.
3) In the Serial Comms section of the screen, click Retrieve. If the program
fails to connect to the Base station, the following dialog appears:
Figure 10-2 Configuration Editor Serial Timeout
If this occurs, check the cable, PC and Base station connection, and also
make sure that 30 seconds have elapsed since powering on the Base
station to ensure that serial comms have been activated.
The following screen is an example of a loaded configuration (with
beltpacks selected):
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Figure 10-3 Configuration Setup
10.1.3 Loading a configuration from a Base station using
1) Connect the PC and the Base station to the local network and set up an IP
address on the Base station.
Note: You can set the Base station IP address in the Configuration Editor
under the System tab, and on the Base station using the System
menu. The procedure for setting the Base station IP address using
the configuration editor is described in this chapter and the
procedure for setting up the IP address on the Base station is
described in 6.20 Setting the IP address.
Note: Make sure the IP address set on the Base station matches the
address in the system tab.
2) In the LAN section of the screen, click Retrieve. A progress window
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Figure 10-4 Map Upload Progress
Retrieval of the configuration should take about 15 seconds. If the
program fails to connect to the FS II Base station, the following dialog
Figure 10-5 Configuration Editor Ethernet Timeout
If this occurs, check the Ethernet connections at the PC and the Base
station. Ensure that the IP address is correct and that it is valid for use on
the local network.
10.1.4 Loading a configuration file to the Base station from the
Configuration Editor
You can load an edited configuration file from the Configuration Editor to the Base
station using:
A serial link
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1) Re-connect the Base station (if it has been disconnected) and ensure that
at least 30 seconds elapse since Base station power-up to allow serial
comms to be activated.
2) In the Serial comms area of the Configuration Editor screen, click Apply.
3) If you want to reset the Base station after the file is uploaded, select the
Reset On-Apply checkbox. The Base station reboots and the levels are
reset to the default values. If a reset is not requested, the file is applied
but the levels are not reset to the defaults. Using Ethernet
1) Ensure that there is an Ethernet link between the computer and the Base
2) In the LAN area of the screen, click Save & Apply.
3) If you want to reset the Base station after the file is uploaded, select the
Reset On-Apply checkbox. The Base station reboots and the levels are
reset to the default values. If a reset is not requested, the file is applied
but the levels are not reset to the defaults.
10.2 Configuration Editor Screen basics
There are six tabs at the top of the Configuration Editor screen:
Beltpacks – Allows you to register and unregister beltpacks, set beltpack
properties and assign beltpack keys.
Ports – Allows you to configure ports.
Groups/WPL – Allows to create and edit groups.
Antennas – Allows you to set cable lengths for transceiver/antennas
IFB – Allows you to configure IFBs.
System – Allows you to configure system parameters such as system IP,
pin numbers and access codes.
There are five buttons at the bottom of the Configuration Editor screen:
Diagnostics – Opens the FS II Diagnostics Tool. Allows you to view the
current state of the Base station, including beltpack and
transceiver/antenna statuses and the Base station event log.
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Help - Opens the online help for the Configuration Editor
Clear Map - Clears the current file from the Configuration Editor buffer. All
the parameters set in the editor will be reset to the startup defaults.
Send File - Sends a firmware file (normally a 4kr file) to the Base station.
This is normally only used to update the Base station firmware, and to
send antenna and beltpack software.
Exit - Exits the Configuration Editor. If a file has been changed or
retrieved from the Base station and not saved, you are prompted to save
the file before exiting the editor.
Registering beltpacks using the over the air (OTA)
Beltpacks can be registered wirelessly from the Configuration Editor.
1) Go to the System tab in the editor. Click Start Over the Air
2) If the Base station is unavailable for any reason there will be an error
message, otherwise you will see Over the Air Registration Mode
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3) Now take the beltpack you wish to register. On the beltpack to be
registered, hold the menu key for two seconds to enter MENU options.
Scroll to SYSTEM CONNECT using the rotary controllers and select it using
key D. In menu mode the D key on the beltpack operates as SELECT and
the C key exits the menu level and cancels the selection.
Note: On a new system there will be no previous connections at this
point. However, if the beltpack has been connected previously, a
confirmation screen will appear. Select Yes to connect to a new
system or No to remain connected to the current system.
4) Available systems will be visible on the beltpack menu screen.
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Figure 10-6 Beltpack systems
In order to connect the beltpack to the system, the system must be visible
(V) and in pairing mode (P) on the beltpack screen. If the system is not in
pairing mode, registration should be re-enabled.
Note: If a beltpack is connected to a system ‘C’ will be visible in this
screen. If a beltpack is not currently connected but has been in the
past ‘R’ will be visible. This shows that the beltpack has been
previously registered with the system which will recognize it.
5) Enter the four digit pairing code for the system using both rotary
controllers and the menu select key (D). The default code is 0000.
6) Select an available role from the list displayed on the beltpack.
7) The beltpack is now paired and ready for operation. The role is now
associated with the beltpack until association is removed using the
Configuration Editor or Base station.
8) If required, the next beltpack can now be registered (step 3). You may
need to re-enable registration mode before registering another beltpack.
Registration mode has a two minute inactive time-out.
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Configuring beltpacks
From the Configuration Editor, you can use the Beltpacks tab to:
Register beltpacks with the Base station
Edit key assignments
Change input and output levels.
10.4.1 Selecting the beltpack to register or edit
1) From the Name list, select a beltpack slot.
The Name list contains all the beltpacks and their serial numbers.
2) In the Name field, enter an ID for the beltpack. Enter a maximum of five
Note: You can also use the Next and Previous buttons between the
Name and Serial Num fields to step through the beltpacks.
3) In the Serial Num field, enter the serial number of the beltpack. The
beltpack serial number is a four digit number on a label on the back of the
Figure 10-7 Beltpack Label
10.4.2 Registering beltpacks using the micro USB cable
When beltpacks are first registered with a Base station they must be paired with
the Base station using the procedure below. You can now edit the beltpacks using
the Configuration Editor or the Base station front panel menus.
1) First load or retrieve a configuration file. See 10.1 Loading
2) Connect the beltpack to the PC using the standard beltpack micro USB
cable and power it on.
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3) From the Name field, select a beltpack slot. See 10.4.1 Selecting the
beltpack to register or edit.
Note: You can also change the name of the beltpack by over typing the
value in the Name field.
4) Select Register. The Configuration Editor now sends the system number
and carrier mask information to the beltpack, and also stores the serial
number of the beltpack in the Base station configuration.
If the program connects successfully with the beltpack, the BP ID field
displays its ID number.
Note: You can reassign the beltpacks to different slots on the same Base
station using the Configuration Editor.
10.4.3 Viewing beltpack registration information
1) To view a summary of the labels and serial numbers of the beltpacks, click
Overview. The following screen is an example:
Figure 10-8 Beltpack overview
2) Click OK to close the Overview window.
10.4.4 Viewing beltpack properties
The Set Properties button opens the beltpack properties screen. This allows the
beltpack defaults to be configured and downloaded to a beltpack as part of the
map. Beltpack setting defaults can be stored and restored in the editor and
factory default settings recalled. To view the beltpack properties:
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1) Connect the beltpack to the computer.
2) Switch on the beltpack.
3) Click Set Properties. The Properties window appears.
Figure 10-9 Beltpack properties Recalling default settings
Recall defaults resets the properties to a previously stored set of values saved
using Remember My Default Settings.
Click Recall My Default Settings to read back and display the default
settings stored on your PC.
Note: The settings read back are NOT the same settings entered via the beltpacks menu
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Click Recall Factory Defaults to read back and display the factory
default settings. You can use this option to reset beltpacks to the factory
settings if the saved default settings have been lost or are not suitable. Saving default settings
Click Remember My Default Settings to save the currently displayed
default settings (of the Configuration Editor) for later recall. This allows
you to ensure that all beltpacks are set up to the same default settings if
required. Closing the Properties window
Click CLOSE WINDOW to return to the Configuration Editor main screen.
10.4.5 Beltpack audio levels
The following sections describe how to configure the beltpack audio levels.
Headset Limiter
Use this option to assign a limit to the headset audio.
From the Headset Limiter list, select a headset limiter setting. The
settings run from -12dB to +8dB in steps of 1dB. The default is 0dB.
Note: The lowest level may vary depending on model type and software version.
Sidetone Level
Use this option to assign a microphone sidetone level.
From the Sidetone Level list, select a sidetone level setting. The settings
run from -70dB to 0dB. The factory default is -9.6dB.
Master Volume
Use this option to assign a master volume level.
From the Master Volume list, select a master volume setting. The
settings run from -70dB to 0dB. The factory default is -9.6dB.
Line In Vol Level
Use this option to set the level of the line in (program) feed.
From the External Line In Gain list, select a setting. The settings run
from -15dB to 6dB. The factory default is 6dB.
Port input gain
Use this option to set the level of gain on the input from the Base station
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Port output gain
Use this option to set the level of gain on the output from the Base station
Microphone Echo Cancellation
Use this option to improve audio quality by reducing microphone echo.
Select the Mic Echo Cancellation check box.
Master Volume Operation
If checked rotaries A and B both adjust the beltpack master volume level. If not
checked rotary A adjusts the volume for the assignment on Key A and rotary B
adjusts the volume for the assignment on Key B.
10.4.6 Beltpack alarm options
The following sections describe how to configure the beltback alarm options. The
beltpack issues alarms when:
The beltpack battery is low
The beltpack is out of antenna reception range
The beltpack receives an incoming call
Setting the battery alarm mode
Use this option to determine what kind of alarm the beltpack issues.
From the Battery Alarm Mode list, select from the following options:
Vibrate & Audio - the beltpack vibrates and issues an audible alarm
Vibrate only - the beltpack vibrates
Audio only - the beltpack issues an audible alarm
Off - the beltpack issues no alarms
Note: The factory default is Vibrate & Audio
Setting the low battery alarm threshold
Use this option to determine the battery level at which the beltpack issues a low
battery alarm.
From the Low Battery Threshold list, select a low battery threshold
level. The settings run from 0% to 100%. The factory default is 25%.
Setting the call alert mode
Use this option to determine what kind of alarm the beltpack issues when it
receives an incoming call.
From the Call Alert Mode list, select from the following options:
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Vibrate & Audio - the beltpack vibrates and issues an audible alarm
Vibrate only - the beltpack vibrates
Audio only - the beltpack issues an audible alarm
Off - the beltpack issues no alarms
Note: The factory default is Off.
Setting the out of range mode
Use this option to determine what kind of alarm the beltpack issues when it is no
longer within range of an antenna.
From the Out of Range Alarm list, select from the following options:
Audio only - the beltpack issues an audible alarm
Off - the beltpack issues no alarms
10.4.7 Setting the beltpack role options
Use this option to determine the beltpack role options.
Setting the display brightness
Use this option to adjust the display brightness.
From the Display Brightness list, select a display brightness from 1 to 5.
Note: The factory default is 5.
Setting when the screen automatically dims
The beltpack display will dim if no key is used or there is no incoming call or call
alert after a certain timeout period. To determine the timeout period:
From the Display Dim Timeout list, select a timeout period. The settings
run from Off to 120 seconds. The factory default is 30 seconds.
Setting when the screen automatically turns off
The beltpack display will turn off if no key is used or there is no incoming call or
call alert after a certain timeout period. To determine this threshold period:
From the Display Off Timeout list, select a timeout period. The settings
run from Off to 120 seconds. The factory default is 30 seconds.
Setting when the listen again auto is automatically deleted
You can configure the beltpack to automatically record incoming audio to allow
you to replay the audio. These recordings are automatically deleted after a certain
period. To determine this period:
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From the Listen Again Auto Delete list, select a timeout period. The
settings run from Off to 240 minutes. The factory default is 240 minutes.
Setting the listen again recording time
You can configure the beltpack to automatically record incoming audio to allow
you to replay the audio. To determine the recording period:
From the Listen Again Record Time, select a recording time. The
settings run from 0 seconds to 15 seconds. The factory default is 15
Setting the Reply Tally Auto Clear time
You can configure the beltpack to automatically clear the reply tally.
From the Reply Tally Auto Clear list, select a time. The settings run
from Off to 60 seconds. The factory default is 10 seconds.
Menu Level
Use this option to determine what menu options are available to beltpack users.
From the Menu list, select from the following settings:
Advanced- all menu options are available.
Normal – all menu options are available except:
o Main > Volume Operation
o Main > Display Mode
o Main > Settings > Headset Options > Headset Limiter
Basic – all menu options are available except:
o Main > Volume Level Control
o Main > Line In Volume Level
o Main > Admin Options
o Main > System Connect
o Main > Information
None – no menu options are available except:
Main > Admin Options (admin code required)
The factory default is Normal.
Enabling key latching
Key latching determines whether the beltpack keys latch when pressed so that
you do not have to keep the key pressed to maintain an audio route. If latching is
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disabled the audio route is only open when the key is pressed. To enable key
Select the Latching Talk Keys checkbox. The factory default is latching
Partyline display mode
Use this option to determine whether the beltpack can display in partyline mode.
Dimmed tallies
Use this option to enable dimmed tally lights. When enabled, keys will always
show a dimmed state of the active state. The factory default is enabled.
10.4.8 Assigning beltpack keys
You can use Configuration Editor to assign destinations for each of the four
beltpack talk keys, A, B, C and D.
Figure 10-10 Beltpack Key Assignments
1) From the Name list, select the beltpack.
2) Click on the down arrow beside each window to open a drop-down menu
of all the available ports or key types and select the required item. The
selected item will appear in the window.
Note: If the key assignment is ‘----’ then the beltpack key is locked and
cannot be used.
For an explanation of the available port types abbreviations see Table 10-1
Available port types.
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Abbreviation Meaning
HDSTA Front panel headset on channel A
HDSTB Front panel headset on channel B
4WIR1, 4WIR2, 4WIR3, 4WIR4 Four Base station 4-wire output ports
PLCHA Partyline channel A
PLCHB Partyline channel B
STGAN Stage announce output
PRGRM Program input
BPK01 to BPK20 One of up to twenty beltpacks
GRP01 to GRP05 One of up to five configured groups
WPL01 to WPL05 One of up to five wireless partylines
IFB1 to IFB10 One of up to 10 interruptible foldbacks
Table 10-1 Available port types
Use the Copy and Paste buttons to copy the setup of the current beltpack and
paste that setup onto another beltpack. This allows you to quickly configure
beltpacks when many have the same setup.
Use the Clear button to clear all key assignments for the current beltpack.
10.4.9 Configuring the Reply key
You can configure the Reply key in the following ways:
As a Reply key. You can reply to the call by pushing the REPLY key (this
is the default setting for this key).
Assigning a talk/listen destination. Pushing the Reply key calls this
destination. For example, if you select STGAN from the list, the label
STGAN appears in the display. You can always activate the stage
announce by pushing the REPLY key. The key type will be enabled
allowing the reply key to be configured.
Locked. Selecting ---- de-activates the reply key. Five dashes ----- appear
in the reply key label.
Note: In the last two cases there is no mechanism for replying to sources that call the
beltpack which do not have keys on the beltpack assigned to them.
To configure as a reply key:
1) From the Name list, select the beltpack.
2) From the Reply key list, select REPLY.
To assign a call destination:
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3) From the Name list, select the beltpack.
4) From the Reply key list, select a destination from the drop-down list.
To deactivate the REPLY key:
5) From the Name list, select the beltpack.
6) From the Reply key list, select ----.
10.4.10 Key assignment types
By default an assignment is talk only; however 4-wire and partyline inputs can be
selected as the following:
Listen. The caller can be heard, but no outgoing audio path is created
when the key is pressed.
Talk and listen (Talk&List). An outgoing and incoming audio path is
created when the key is pressed.
Dual talk and listen (Dual T&L). A short press produces a latching
listen path, while a long press produces a momentary talk.
Forced listen (Frc L). Assigning a key in this way forces a permanent
listen path - that is the remote source can be heard on the beltpack even
when the key is not latched on. No talk path is created when the key is
pressed. This is useful for monitoring a program input or directors feed.
Talk and forced listen (T&F L). This is the same as a Forced Listen key,
except a talk path is created when the key is pressed.
Talk. The key will only create an outgoing audio path when pressed.
The type of a key is indicated on the beltpack with the use of different cases for
the label: a Talk key is shown in all capitals, for example TEST. A listen key is
shown in all lower-case, for example test. Dual Talk and Listen, and Talk and
Forced Listen keys are indicated by an initial capital, with the rest in lower case,
for example Test.
10.5 Configuring ports
From the Configuration Editor, you can use the Ports tab to:
Select, name and configure ports
Set the input output and VOX levels for ports
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Figure 10-11 Ports Tab
10.5.1 Selecting the port to edit
To select a port to edit:
Use the arrow buttons next to the Port edit box to make a selection.
10.5.2 Changing the label of the port
To change the port label:
Select the port to be changed, and then over-type the text in the Port
edit box.
10.5.3 Selecting the port type
You can only select a port type when a partyline port is selected. You can select
between the following:
Clear-Com - selects Clear-Com partyline compatibility with termination
Drake - selects Drake partyline compatibility with termination enabled.
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RTS - selects RTS compatibility with termination enabled.
OFF - termination disabled on partyline port.
The selection affects the gain, termination and call signaling used when
communicating with this port.
Figure 10-12 Partyline Port Type Menu
10.5.4 Selecting a communication path for the port
For headset, partyline, 4-wire ports and IFBs, you can select an audio path to
determine the destination for the port. To do so:
1) From the Cross Point Assignment left list, select the audio destination for
the port.
For a front panel headset port, you can specify the port which is called
when the Talk button for that port is pushed.
For a partyline or 4-wire port, it causes a permanent talk path to be
created from the port to this destination.
For an IFB it creates an IFB from the port to the destination.
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2) For 4-wire and partyline destination ports you can select talk and listen
functions as described in 10.4.10 Key assignment types. From the
Cross Point Assignment right list, select the required function.
Figure 10-13 Cross Point List for Port
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Figure 10-14 Partyline Crosspoint Type
10.5.5 Setting the input, output and VOX levels
The input level determines the level at which other users will hear a port, and the
output level determines the level at which the port hears other users.
If VOX is enabled, the VOX level specifies the audio level at which a VOX triggered
audio path is set. The VOX trigger level can be set in the range -70dB to -10dB.
To set an input, output or VOX level,
From the Input, Output or VOX list, select an input value. The values
run from 6dB to -20dB for input and output levels. For VOX level, the
values run from -10dB to -70dB.
Configuring groups and wireless partylines
From the Configuration Editor, you can use the Groups/WPL tab to:
Select and name groups*
Populate groups
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See an overview of configured groups
* Within the Groups tab, groups include wireless partylines (WPL).
Figure 10-15 Groups Tab
10.6.1 Selecting the group to edit
To select a group to edit:
Use the arrow buttons next to the Group edit box to make a selection.
10.6.2 Changing the label of the group
To change the group label:
Select the group to be changed, and then over-type the text in the Group
edit box.
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10.6.3 Changing the members of the group
The Groups/WPL tab displays two lists of members. The Available Members
list shows the members available to be placed in the current group, and the
Current Membership list shows the current group members.
To edit the group lists:
Move the mouse pointer over the member in the list and click. The
member will be transferred from one list to the other.
10.6.4 Displaying a group overview
To display a group overview:
Click Overview to display an overview of group membership
for all groups.
Figure 10-16 Group Overview Display
The groups are listed along the top and the total membership of all the groups is
listed down the side. Wherever a member of a group is online an x will be
displayed on the view at the intersection between the member and the group.
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Reducing antenna interference
From the Configuration Editor, you can use the Antennas tab to reduce
interference between antennas that are close to each other.
Because of propagation delays along the cables, antennas which are in close
proximity but which have effective cable lengths which differ by more than
approximately 150m can interfere with each other. This screen allows you to
compensate for the length of the connection of each of the 10 available antennas.
Figure 10-17 Antennas Tab
1) From each Antenna list, select the appropriate cable length.
Figure 10-18 Antenna Cable Length Setup
2) Download the changes to the Base station with reset.
Configuring IFBs
From the Configuration Editor, you can use the IFB tab to:
Assign IFB sources and destination to an IFB label
Set the dim level for the IFB
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Figure 10-19 IFB Configuration Tab
10.8.1 Selecting the IFB to edit
To select an IFB to edit:
From the IFB Label list, select the required label.
10.8.2 Changing the label of the IFB
To change the IFB label:
Select the label to be changed, and then over-type the text in the IFB
Label edit box.
10.8.3 Changing the IFB sources
The IFB tab displays two lists of sources. The Sources Available list shows the
sources available, and the Sources Selected list shows the current sources.
To edit the IFB lists:
Move the mouse pointer over the member in the list and click. The
member will be transferred from one list to the other.
10.8.4 Setting the IFB dim level
When an IFB is activated, its associated audio feed is dimmed. You can adjust the
level of this dimming.
To set the dim level:
From the Dim Level list, select the required level
You can choose between the following levels:
No cut - the audio feed is not reduced
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-3dB to -27dB - the audio feed is reduced by the selected
Full cut - the audio feed is reduced to zero
Configuring Base station system parameters
From the Configuration Editor, you can use the System tab to assign IP
addresses to the Base station and set pin numbers and access codes. You can also
enable Over The Air (OTA) beltpack registration.
10.9.1 Editing the system parameters:
To edit the system parameters:
1) Select the System tab. The following screen appears.
Figure 10-20 System Tab
2) Edit the required system fields.
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10.9.2 Enabling Over The Air (OTA) registration
To enable OTA, see 10.3 Registering beltpacks using the over the air (OTA)
10.10 Diagnostics
You can use the diagnostics tool to view the current state of the Base station,
beltpacks and transceivers/antennas. To access the diagnostics tool:
1) At the bottom of the screen, select Diagnostics. The following screen
Figure 10-21 Diagnostics connection
2) Enter the IP address of the Base station and click OK. After connection,
the following screen appears.
Figure 10-22 Diagnostics screen
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3) From the list on the upper left of the screen, select the option you require.
10.10.1 Beltpack status
The Beltpack Status screen shows the current status of each FreeSpeak II
beltpack on the matrix.
For beltpacks, users can see:
Whether the beltpack is online or not
The beltpack ID
The beltpack role currently assigned to the beltpack
The antenna currently used by the beltpack
The error rate of the beltpack
The signal strength of the beltpack
The battery level of the beltpack, in hours and minutes if using Li-Ion
batteries, or percentage remaining if using AA.
The type of the battery (Li-Ion or AA)
Whether a log is available on the beltpack
Whether the beltpack is live logging
For the error rate, signal strength and battery levels, values are provided in both
graphical and text forms. The graphs for these values are colored using standard
traffic light colors to indicate good, acceptable and potentially problematic values.
Figure 10-23 Beltpack Status screen
You can right-click on an online beltpack and select live logging of a beltpack’s
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When live logging is turned on, the beltpacks currently live logging will be
indicated on the beltpack status and the live logging pane will appear at the
bottom of the beltpack status screen.
Figure 10-24 Live logging screen
You can save the current log, clear the values currently displayed or open the live
log in a new window:
When the live log is open in a new window, users have the option of also seeing
any live logging data for antennas that is currently being output from the matrix.
The Live Log window shows the following details for each log:
Peripheral Type (Beltpack or antenna)
When a log is saved, the output file is a CSV file containing the same information
shown in the log window.
10.10.2 Static log
When a static log has been generated by the beltpack, this will be shown in the Is
Log Available column of the Beltpack Status screen. To get the current log, the
user right clicks on the beltpack and selected Get Log. A Diagnostic Log window
opens and shows the static log – users have the ability to save the log for future
The static log window shows the same details as the live log window. When a log
is saved, this is CSV format.
You can clear the log by right-clicking on the beltpack and selecting Clear Log.
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You can also navigate to the Beltpack, Role and Panel Programming entries for
the role from here.
10.10.3 Antenna status
The Antenna status screen behaves in a similar fashion to the Beltpack Status
screen, however with a different set of information available for the antennas.
For antennas, you can see:
Whether the antenna is online or not
The antenna port and antenna label
The cable length compensation
Whether a log is available on the antenna
Whether the antenna is live logging
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10.10.4 Antenna roles
The Antenna Roles screen shows which beltpack roles are currently operating on
each transceiver/antenna.
Figure 10-25 Antenna roles
10.10.5 Event Log
The Event Log shows a list of log messages produced by the Base station. An
example is shown below:
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Figure 10-26 Event Log
To start receiving messages from the Base station, from the right hand pane click
the Play icon at the top right of the screen.
10.11 Upgrading the Configuration Editor
Update the Configuration Editor using the update file supplied.
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11 Upgrading the Base station from FS to FS II
This section explains how to upgrade a FreeSpeak/CellCom Base station to
FreeSpeak II using the Configuration Editor.
11.1 Setting the Base station IP address
1) Power up the Base station, and select SYSTEM > IP.
2) Enter the IP address for the Base station.
3) Reboot the Base station. The Base station is now configured for the new IP
4) Install and start the Configuration Editor.
11.2 Upgrading the Base station firmware
1) From the Configuration Editor, click Send File, and ensure that the
correct Base station IP address is present.
2) Navigate to the location of the upgrade file.
Note: Make sure that the drop-down list in the lower right-hand corner of
the screen is set to Firmware files.
3) Click Open.
11.3 Upgrading the Base station FPGA
1) From the Configuration Editor, click Send File, and ensure that the
correct Base station IP address is present.
2) Navigate to the location of the upgrade file.
Note: Make sure that the drop-down list in the lower right-hand corner of
the screen is set to FPGA Files.
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3) Click Open.
11.4 Loading the default map
1) From the Configuration Editor, click Load, and navigate to the location of
the default map file.
Note: The default map file has a .bsc extension.
2) Select System > Unlock SYS ID.
3) In the Config Password screen, enter the following password: Clear-
ComMap. A password confirmation message appears.
4) Close the Configuration Editor, and then restart it and reload the default
map file.
5) Select System, and select the Reset On Apply check box.
6) In drop-down list below the Reset On Apply check box, select DEFAULT.
7) From the Map File area of the screen, select Save As, and save the file in
the required location.
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8) Click Save & Apply.
9) Click Unlock SYS ID, and enter the following password: Clear-
10) Close the Configuration Editor.
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12 Specifications
12.1 FreeSpeak II Base station
Base station-to-Beltpack
Frequency Response
100 Hz – 7.1 kHz
Number of FS-BP Beltpacks
per Base station 20
Number of FS-TA Transceiver/
Antennas Supported by Base station: 10
Number of transceiver/
antenna Ports 2
Programming port DB9
Relay port DB9; normally open and normally close
Party-Line Intercom A and
Intercom B (each) XLR-3F with XLR-3M loop through,
on/off termination switch
(via software), Clear-Com RTS selection
(via software)
4-Wire/Matrix Connection 4 RJ-45 for 4-wire (Intercom 3 – 6)
Program Input XLR-3F, transformer isolated, line-level
Stage Announce Output XLR-3M, transformer isolated, line-level
Front-Panel Headset 4-pin male connector with 2-channel,
mono-summed capability and individual
talks and listens
Front Panel Display 254 x 32 dot-graphic VFD
Front Panel Indicators 2 Talk LED’s for front-panel headset;
CH A and B party-line enable LED’s;
Program Input enable LED; 10 individual
beltpack LEDs
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Base station Programming/Editing Push-to-enter rotary encoder
Dimensions 1-RU unit, 44 x 483 x 312 mm (hwd)
(1.75 x 19.0 x 12.5 inches)
Weight Approx. 4.5 Kg (10 lb).
12.2 FreeSpeak II Beltpack
Beltpack Frequency Response 100 Hz – 7.1 kHz
Beltpack Assignment-Select Buttons 2, used to edit beltpack menu
Number of Full-Duplex Audio Paths 4, with individual level control
Level/Talk Controls 2 top-mounted rotary
Headset Connector XLR-4M, Clear-Com standard
Headphone Impedance 32 ohm to 2000 ohm
Microphone Type Dynamic or electret, selectable in
beltpack menu
Input Level -70 to -40 dBu
Electret headphone voltage 2.3V
Microphone and Headset Limiters Selectable in beltpack menu
Powering Li-Ion Battery, 3 AA alkaline cells
Battery Charging In unit, via supplied 5 way AC60 charger
Battery Life Approximately 18 hours
Range from Single FSII-TCVR-19
Transceiver/Antenna 500 m from transceiver/antenna in
line-of-sight conditions; 50 m indoors;
use multiple antennas for larger, custom
coverage areas
Approx. dimensions 38 x 130 x 100 mm (dwh)
(1.5 x 5 x 3.75 inches)
Weight (with batteries) Approx. 400g (9 oz).
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12.3 FreeSpeak II Transceiver/Antenna
Beltpacks Supported Per
Transceiver/Antenna 5, in one cellular zone
Transceiver Antenna Transmission
Range Up to 500 m (1475 ft.), line of sight
Maximum Distance, Base station to Transceiver
Via Base station Port 1,000 m (3,200 ft.) using 24 AWG cable
500 m (1,600 ft) using 26 AWG cable
Maximum Distance, Transceiver Powered
By Base station Port 300 m (975 ft.)
Local Powering Via 24VDC power supply
Connection to FreeSpeak Base station RJ-45
Mounting 3 fixing holes
Dimensions 50 x 140 x 175 mm (dwh)
(2.0 x 5.5 x 6.9 inches)
Weight Approx. 460g (16.1 oz).
12.4 FreeSpeak II Transceiver/Antenna Splitter
Number of Transceiver/Antennas
Supported 10
Number of Splitters Per Base station 2
Connection Between Base station
and Splitter 4-pair CAT5 cable with RJ-45
Connection Between Splitter and
Transceiver/Antennas 4-pair CAT5 cable with RJ-45
Powering of Splitter Locally powered via external power
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12.5 Transmission Method
Method of RF Operation 1.9 and 2.4 GHz radio frequency bands, using two bands
per beltpack for wider frequency response
Modulation GFSK
Frequencies of Operation
1880–1900 MHz
1920 – 1930 MHz
(North America)
Maximum RF Output 250 mW burst, average level 2 - 4 mW (Europe)
100 mW burst, average level 2 - 4 mW (US)
Theory of Operation
Dynamic allocation of frequencies and handoff of beltpacks among the
transceiver/antennas up to their individual limit of 5 connected beltpacks at a time; each
beltpack is assigned a “virtual port” within the FreeSpeak Base station.
While Clear-Com makes every attempt to maintain the accuracy of the
information contained in its product manuals, that information is subject to
change without notice. Performance specifications included in this manual are
design-center specifications and are included for customer guidance and to
facilitate system installation. Actual operating performance may vary.
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13 Compliance
FCC Notice:
Changes or modifications to the equipment not expressly approved by the party
responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the
following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and
(2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that
may cause undesired operation.
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A
digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to
provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is
operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can
radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with
the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.
Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful
interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at
his own expense.
Beltpack FCC/IC RF Exposure Warning:
- This product complies with FCC / IC radiation exposure limits set forth for an
uncontrolled environment.
- This product may not be collocated or operated in conjunction with any other
antenna or transmitter.
- The beltpack has been tested to comply with FCC / IC RF Exposure
requirements in body-worn position. Use of third party clips or holsters with the
beltpack may not ensure compliance with FCC / IC RF exposure requirements and
should be avoided.
Antenna/Transceiver FCC/IC RF Exposure Warning:
- To comply with FCC / IC RF exposure requirements, the Antenna/Transceiver
unit must be installed and operated at least 20 cm (8 inches) from any person.
Avertissement de la FCC / IC sur l’exposition humaine aux radiofréquences de
- Ce produit est conforme aux normes FCC / IC concernant les limites de champ
RF définies pour l’utilisation par le grand public
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- Ce produit ne peut pas être installé à proximité ou utilisé en conjonction avec
une autre antenne ou émetteur.
- Le produit a été testé pour se conformer aux exigences sur l’exposition aux
radiofréquences de la FCC / IC pour un appareil porté sur le corps. L'utilisation
de pinces ou d’étuis d’un tiers ne peuvent assurer la conformité aux normes FCC /
IC sur l’exposition aux radiofréquences et doivent donc être évitée.
Avertissement de la FCC / IC sur l’exposition humaine aux radiofréquences de
l’antenne émettrice:
- Pour se conformer aux exigences sur l’exposition aux radiofréquences de la FCC
/ IC, l’antenne émettrice doit être installé et utilisé à plus de 20 cm (8 po) de
tout utilisateur.
Regulatory model numbers:
Beltpack: BP2G4A
Transceiver: XCVR2G4A (Modular)
Transceiver: MER2G4TCVR (Transceiver)
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IC Notice:
This device complies with Industry Canada licence-exempt RSS standard(s).
Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause
interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including
interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.
Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d'Industrie Canada applicables aux
appareils radio exempts de licence. L'exploitation est autorisée aux deux
conditions suivantes : (1) l'appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et (2)
l'utilisateur de l'appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même
si le brouillage est susceptible d'en compromettre le fonctionnement.
Industry Canada Compliance Statement
This Class A digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.
Avis de conformité à la réglementation d'Industrie Canada
Cet appareil numérique de la classe A est conforme à la norme NMB-003 du
Changes or modifications to the equipment not expressly approved by the party
responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the
Hereby, HM Electronics, Inc. declares that FreeSpeak II products are in
compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of
R&TTE Directive 1999/5/EC.
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Waste Electrical And Electronic Equipment (WEEE)
The European Union (EU) WEEE Directive (2002/96/EC) places an obligation on
producers (manufacturers, distributors and/or retailers) to take-back electronic
products at the end of their useful life. The WEEE Directive covers most Clear-
Com products being sold into the EU as of August 13, 2005. Manufacturers,
distributors and retailers are obliged to finance the costs of recovery from
municipal collection points, reuse, and recycling of specified percentages per the
WEEE requirements.
Instructions for Disposal of WEEE by Users in the European Union
The symbol shown below is on the product or on its packaging which indicates
that this product was put on the market after August 13, 2005 and must not be
disposed of with other waste. Instead, it is the user’s responsibility to dispose of
the user’s waste equipment by handing it over to a designated collection point for
the recycling of WEEE. The separate collection and recycling of waste equipment
at the time of disposal will help to conserve natural resources and ensure that it is
recycled in a manner that protects human health and the environment. For more
information about where you can drop off your waste equipment for recycling,
please contact your local authority, your household waste disposal service or the
seller from whom you purchased the product.
Figure 13-1: WEEE Symbol

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