HP PCL 5 Comparison Guide ENWW PCL/PJL Reference Bpl13206
User Manual: HP HP PCL/PJL reference - PCL 5 Comparison Guide
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- Main Menu
- PCL 5 Comparison Guide
- Contents
- Printer Features
- Printer-Specific Differences
- Introduction
- HP LaserJet III and IIID Printers
- HP LaserJet IIISi Printer
- HP LaserJet IIIP Printer
- HP LaserJet 4 Printer
- HP LaserJet 4Si Printer
- HP LaserJet 4L Printer
- HP LaserJet 4ML Printer
- HP LaserJet 4P and 4MP Printers
- HP LaserJet 4PJ Printer
- HP LaserJet 4Plus and 4M Plus Printers
- HP LaserJet 4V and 4MV Printers
- Font Header Format 16 Bitmap Font Support
- HP Color LaserJet Printer
- HP LaserJet 4LJ Pro Printer
- HP LaserJet 4LC Printer
- HP LaserJet 5P and 5MP Printers
- HP LaserJet 5L Printer
- HP LaserJet 5Si and 5SiMx Printers
- HP DeskJet 1200C Printer
- HP DeskJet 1600C Printer
- HP LaserJet 5 and 5M Printers
- HP Color LaserJet 5 and 5M Printers
- HP LaserJet 6P/ 6MP Printers
- HP LaserJet 5Si Mopier
- HP LaserJet 6L and LaserJet 6L Gold Printers
- HP LaserJet 4000 Series Printers
- HP LaserJet 5000 Series Printers
- HP LaserJet 8000 Series Printers
- HP LaserJet 8100 Series Printers
- HP Color LaserJet 4500 Series Printers
- HP Color LaserJet 8500 Series Printers
- HP LaserJet 1100 Series Printers
- HP LaserJet 2100 Series Printers
- Internal Typefaces / Fonts and Symbol Sets
- Print Environment
- Memory Usage
- Printer Commands
- Internal Symbol Set Charts
- Symbol Set and Typeface Codes
- MSL/Unicode Symbol Indexes
- Index

PCL 5 Comparison Guide
for the
HP LaserJet 4 / 5 / 6 Families
HP LaserJet 1100 series
HP LaserJet 2100 series
HP LaserJet 4000 series
HP LaserJet 5000 series
HP LaserJet 8000 series
HP LaserJet 8100 series
HP Color LaserJet
HP Color LaserJet 5 / 5M
HP Color LaserJet 4500 series
HP Color LaserJet 8500 series
HP DeskJet 1200C / HP DeskJet 1600C
Copyright and
Copyright © 2003
Hewlett-Packard Company, LP
All Rights Reserved.
Reproduction, adaptation, or
translation without prior written
permission is prohibited, except
as allowed under the copyright
The information contained in
this document is subject to
change without notice.
Publication Number: 5021-0378
Edition 2, 6/2003
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ENWW iii
Manual Conventions
This manual uses the following conventions:
•Bold indicates a term defined in the glossary.
•Italic refers to a related document, or is used for emphasis.
• The cursive letter l is used in some examples to distinguish
the letter “l” from the numeral “1” (one).
• A slash zero 0 is used in some examples and escape
sequences to distinguish the letter “O” from the number “0”.
• 0x XX represents a hexadecimal number (XX).
• The ~ character indicates that the current line of code is a
continuation of the previous line.
Note Notes contain important information set off from the text.
ENWW Contents v
PCL 5 Comparison Guide
Manual Conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii
1 Printer Features
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-1
PCL Feature Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-3
PCL 5 Technical Reference Manual Corrections. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-5
Printable Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-36
2 Printer-Specific Differences
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-1
HP LaserJet III and IIID Printers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-1
HP LaserJet IIISi Printer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-2
HP LaserJet IIIP Printer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-2
Raster Graphics Adaptive Compression (IIIP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-4
HP LaserJet 4 Printer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-4
Configuration Command (AppleTalk) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-7
HP LaserJet 4Si Printer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-10
HP LaserJet 4L Printer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-11
HP LaserJet 4ML Printer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-12
Logical Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-13
Logical Operations and Transparency Interactions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-15
Logical Operation Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-16
Pixel Placement Command. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-24
Pixel Placement Command (HP-GL/2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-27
Merge Control Command (HP-GL/2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-28
HP LaserJet 4P and 4MP Printers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-30
HP LaserJet 4PJ Printer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-31
Text Parsing Method Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-32
Character Text Path Direction Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-33
Font Header Format 16. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-34
New Font Format Header Segments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-35
Description of Font Header Segments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-36
HP LaserJet 4PJ Programming Tips. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-48
Paper Size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-59
HP LaserJet 4 Plus and 4M Plus Printers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-60
HP LaserJet 4V and 4MV Printers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-61
vi Contents ENWW
Font Header Format 16 Bitmap Font Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-62
Font Header Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-62
Character Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-67
Limitations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-68
HP Color LaserJet Printer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-69
AppleTalk Configuration Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-70
HP LaserJet 4LJ Pro Printer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-71
HP LaserJet 4LC Printer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-71
HP LaserJet 5P and 5MP Printers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-72
HP LaserJet 5L Printer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-73
HP LaserJet 5Si and 5SiMx Printers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-74
Paper (Media) Source Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-75
Output Bin Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-77
Alphanumeric ID Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-78
HP DeskJet 1200C Printer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-84
Updated Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-85
Enter HP-GL/2 Mode Command. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-86
Media Type Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-87
Print Quality Command. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-88
Negative Motion Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-89
HP DeskJet 1600C Printer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-90
HP LaserJet 5 and 5M Printers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-96
Text Parsing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-96
Two-Byte HP-GL/2 Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-97
Label Mode Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-97
Vertical Writing with Proportional Fonts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-100
HP Color LaserJet 5 and 5M Printers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-102
HP LaserJet 6P/ 6MP Printers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-104
HP LaserJet 5Si Mopier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-104
HP LaserJet 6L and LaserJet 6L Gold Printers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-105
HP LaserJet 4000 Series Printers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-105
HP LaserJet 5000 Series Printers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-107
HP LaserJet 8000 Series Printers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-109
HP LaserJet 8100 Series Printers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-110
HP Color LaserJet 4500 Series Printers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-111
Simplified Color Management. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-111
Color Raster Images. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-112
Asian Font Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-112
Media Handling. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-112
Alphanumeric ID Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-114
Color Space Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-114
Changes to PCL 5 Color Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-114
New PCL 5 Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-117
Differences with the HP LaserJet 4000 Series Printers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-118
HP Color LaserJet 8500 Series Printers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-119
HP LaserJet 1100 Series Printers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-120
HP LaserJet 2100 Series Printers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-120
ENWW Contents vii
3 Internal Typefaces / Fonts and Symbol Sets
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-1
Bitmap Fonts and Symbol Sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-2
Scalable Typefaces and Symbol Sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-4
Typeface Selection Differences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-13
4 Print Environment
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-1
5 Memory Usage
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-1
Operation of ADC and MEt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-2
Image Adapt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-2
Additional MEt Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-3
ADC and MEt Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-3
Recommendations For Sending Data to the Printer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-4
Raster Graphics Adaptive Compression (Method 5). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-7
Appendix A Printer Commands
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-1
Appendix B Internal Symbol Set Charts
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-1
ISO Substitution Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-34
Conversion Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-35
Appendix C Symbol Set and Typeface Codes
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-1
Appendix D MSL/Unicode Symbol Indexes
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-1
viii Contents ENWW

ENWW Printer Features 1-1
1Printer Features
Hewlett-Packard printers which support the PCL 5 printer language
contain slightly different feature sets, each suitable for that printer's
intended use. Each printer implements minor variations of PCL 5 as a
result of those differences. With new printer releases, new features
may be added with new commands and/or PCL operations which
require documentation.
The purpose of this guide is to identify the differences in the
implementation of the PCL 5 Printer Language for different
HP LaserJet and DeskJet printers, as compared to the features
described in the PCL 5 Printer Language Technical Reference
Manual. This guide describes new commands and exceptions to
existing commands unique to the printers, as well as internal
typeface/font support and print environment settings.
Note For information about products newer than those included in this
book, see the PCL5 Comparison Guide Addendum, which includes
product-specific information about newer products, as well as
commands and variables added to support these newer products.
1-2 Printer Features ENWW
This guide covers the following HP LaserJet printers:
This guide also covers the HP 1200C and 1600C DeskJet printers.
Introduction Date
zLaserJet III March 1990
zLaserJet IIID September 1990
zLaserJet IIISi February 1991
zLaserJet IIIP May 1991
zLaserJet 4, 4M October 1992
zLaserJet 4Si, 4SiMx April 1993
zLaserJet 4L, 4ML May 1993
zLaserJet 4P, 4MP September 1993
zLaserJet 4 Plus, 4M Plus, 4PJ May 1994
zLaserJet 4V, 4MV September 1994
zDeskJet 1200C, 1200/PS May 1993
zColor LaserJet September 1994
zLaserJet 4LC March 1995
zDeskJet 1600C March 1995
zLaserJet 4LJ Pro May 1995
zLaserJet 5P, 5MP May 1995
zLaserJet 5L September 1995
zLaserJet 5Si, 5SiMx November 1995
zColor LaserJet 5, 5M March 1996
zLaserJet 5, 5M April 1996
zLaserJet 5Si Mopier October 1996
zLaserJet 6P, 6MP October 1996
zLaserJet 6L September 1997
zLaserJet 4000 series November 1997
zLaserJet 5000 series February 1998
zLaserJet 8000 series May 1998
zLaserJet 8100 series October 1998
zColor LaserJet 4500 series October 1998
zColor LaserJet 8500 series October 1998
zLaserJet 1100 series October 1998
zLaserJet 2100 series February 1999

ENWW Printer Features 1-3
PCL Feature Support
Tables 1-1A through 1-1C, the PCL Feature Support Matrix, lists all
the printer commands from the PCL 5 Printer Language Technical
Reference Manual and identifies which of these commands are
supported by the various printers. The table below describes the
printers covered in each table. (More detailed PCL information for
each PCL 5 printer is provided in Chapter 2.)
Note The PCL 5 Printer Language Technical Reference Manual (part
number 5961-0509) was revised for the release of the HP LaserJet 4
printer and contains all PCL language features up to the
HP LaserJet 4 printer. Subsequent commands are covered in this
PCL 5 Comparison Guide and the PCL 5 Color Technical Reference
Table Pages Features for these Printers
1-1A 1-6 to 15 HP LaserJet III, IIID, IIISi, IIIP, 4, 4M, 4Si,
4SiMx, 4L, 4ML, 4P, 4MP, 4PJ, 4 Plus,
4M Plus, 4V, 4MV
1-1B 1-16 to 25 HP Color LaserJet, Color LaserJet 5/5M,
LaserJet 4LJ Pro, 4LC, 5L, 6L, 6L Gold, 5P,
5MP, 6P, 6MP, 5Si, 5SiMx, 5Si Mopier, 5,
5M, DeskJet 1200C, DeskJet 1600C
1-1C 1-26 to 35 HP LaserJet 1100 Series, 2100 Series,
4000 Series, 5000 Series, 8000 Series,
8100 Series,
HP Color LaserJet 4500 Series,
HP Color LaserJet 8500 Series

1-4 Printer Features ENWW
Note In Table 1-1, if the command value field parameters are not listed,
then all parameters are supported by printers that support that
The value in parentheses following a command parameter identifies
the parameter value (for example, the parameter “Letter (2)” indicates
that the value field to select letter size in the Page Size command is
Commands which are not supported (“ns”) by a printer are ignored.
ENWW Printer Features 1-5
PCL 5 Technical Reference Manual Corrections
This section describes updates to the PCL 5 Printer Language
Technical Reference Manual (5961-0509). Because this manual will
not be updated, any changes to it are documented in this guide.
Some errors have been identified in the PCL 5 Printer Language
Technical Reference Manual since its printing. Those errors are
identified and corrections are provided on this page.
Chapter 4 PCL Job Control Commands
Unit of Measure Command
In Figure 4-6 on page 4-18, the two escape sequences at the top
should read “(?&u100D) and (?&u200D)” instead of “(?&u100B)
and (?&u200B).”
Chapter 8 PCL Font Selection
Transparent Print Data Command
The last sentence in the note at the bottom of page 8-33 should read
“Refer to the PCL 5 Comparison Guide, Appendix A, for character
codes for the various symbol sets.” instead of “Refer to Appendix A
for character codes for the various symbol sets.”
Chapter 13 The PCL Print Model
User-Defined Pattern Command
In Figure 13-10 on page 13-19, byte zero should read Format (20)
instead of Format (0)
On page 13-21, Format (Byte 0) should read “0” for a 300 DPI
user-defined pattern header and “20” for a resolution-specified
user-defined pattern header.

1-6 Printer Features ENWW
Table 1-1A. PCL 5 Feature Support Matrix
4M 4Si
4Si Mx 4L
4 MP 4PJ 4 Plus
4M Plus 4V
4 MV
Configuration (AppleTalk) ?&b#W[data] ns ns ns ns ✓✓ns ✓ns ✓✓
Universal Exit/Start of PJL
?%–12345X ns ns ✓ns ✓✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓
Reset ?E ✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Number of Copies ?&l#X ✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Simplex/Duplex Print ?&l#S ns ✓✓ns ns ✓ns ns ns ✓
Left (Long-Edge) Offset
?&l#U ✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Top (Short-Edge) Offset
?&l#Z ✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Unit Of Measure ?&u#D ns ns ns ns ✓✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓
Mechanical Print Quality ?*o#Q ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
Media Type ?&l#M ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
Negative Motion ?&a#N ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
Self-Test ?z✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Paper Type ?&n5WdBond ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
?&n6WdPlain ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
?&n6WdColor ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
?&n7WdLabels ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
?&n9WdRecycled ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
?&n11WdLetterhead ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
?&n10WdCardstock ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
?&n11WdPrepunched ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
?&n11WdPreprinted ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
?&n13WdTransparency ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
?&n#WdCustomType2ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
✓ Indicates a command is supported. ns - Indicates a command is not supported.
1 Supported if duplex option is installed.
2 For custom paper, replace “CustomType” with the name of the paper, and replace “#” with the number of characters in the name, plus 1.

ENWW Printer Features 1-7
Table 1-1A. PCL 5 Feature Support Matrix (continued)
4M 4Si
4SiMx 4L
4MP 4PJ 4 Plus
4M Plus 4V
Page (Job) Size ?&l#A
Executive (1) ✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Letter (2) ✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Legal (3) ✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Ledger (6) ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ✓
A5 (25) ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
A4 (26) ✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
A3 (27) ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ✓
JIS B5 Paper (45) ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ✓ns ✓
JIS B4 Paper (46) ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ✓
Monarch Envelope (80) ✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Comm. 10 Envelope (81) ✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Intl. DL Envelope (90) ✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Intl. C5 Envelope (91) ✓✓ ns ✓✓ ns ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Intl. B5 Envelope (100) ns ns ns ns ✓✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓
Custom (101) ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ✓✓ ns ✓2
Hagaki Postcard (71) ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ✓ns ✓
Postcard (72) ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ✓ns ✓
Orientation ?&l#O ✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Page Side Selection1?&a#G ✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Job Separation ?&l1T ns ns ✓ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
Finish Mode ?&b#F ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
✓ Indicates a command is supported. ns - Indicates a command is not supported.
1 On non-duplex printers, this command causes a conditional page eject.
2 The custom size is 11.7" x 17.7" on the HP LaserJet 4V/4MV printers.

1-8 Printer Features ENWW
Table 1-1A. PCL 5 Feature Support Matrix (continued)
4M 4Si
4SiMx 4L
4MP 4PJ 4 Plus
4M Plus 4V
PAGE CONTROL (continued)
Paper (Media) Source ?&l#H
Eject Page (0) ✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Main (Front) Paper
Source (1)
✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Manual (Top/Rear)
Feed (2)
✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Manual Env. Feed (3) ✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Alt. Paper Source (4) ns ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ns ns ns ✓✓
Opt. Large Source (5) ns ns ns ns ✓✓ns ns ns ✓✓
Envelope Feeder (6) ns ✓✓ns ✓✓ns ns ns ✓ns
Auto Select (7) ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
Tray 1 (right side) (8) ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
HCI Trays 2-21 (20-39) ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
Output (Media) Bin ?&l#G
Automatic (0) ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
Destination Tray 1 (1) ns ns ✓ns ns ✓ns ns ns ns ns
Destination Tray 2 (2) ns ns ✓ns ns ✓ns ns ns ns ns
Destination Tray 3 (3) ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
Print Direction ?&a#P ✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Character Text Path Dir. ?&c#T ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ✓ns ✓
Left Margin ?&a#L ✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Right Margin ?&a#M ✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Clear Horizontal Margins ?9✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Top Margin ?&l#E ✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Text Length ?&l#F ✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Perforation Skip ?&l#L ✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Horizontal Motion Index ?&k#H ✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Vertical Motion Index ?&l#C ✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Line Spacing ?&l#D ✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
ALPHANUMERIC ID (Media selection by type/PCL mass storage command)
Alphanumeric ID ?&n#W[operation] [string] ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
✓ Indicates a command is supported. ns - Indicates a command is not supported.

ENWW Printer Features 1-9
Table 1-1A. PCL 5 Feature Support Matrix (continued)
4M 4Si
4Si Mx 4L
4MP 4PJ 4 Plus
4M Plus 4V
Horizontal Position ?&a#C ✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
?*p#X ✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
?&a#H ✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Vertical Position ?&a#R ✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
?*p#Y ✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
?&a#V ✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Half Line Feed ?=✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Line Termination ?&k#G ✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Push/Pop Position ?&f#S ✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
The Primary font printer commands in this table can be changed to Secondary by replacing the left parenthesis “(” in the command with a right
parenthesis “)”.
Symbol Set (Primary) ?(ID ✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Spacing (Primary) ?(s#P ✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Pitch (Primary) ?(s#H ✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Height (Primary) ?(s#V ✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Style (Primary) ?(s#S ✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Stroke Weight (Primary) ?(s#B ✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Typeface (Primary) ?(s#T ✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Font Selection By ID # (Pri.) ?(#X ✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Select Default Font
(Primary) ?(3@ ✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Underline ?&d#D ✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
?&d@ ✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Transparent Print Data ?&p#X[data] ✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Text Parsing Method ?&t#P ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ✓ns ✓
Assign Font ID # ?*c#D ✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Font Control ?*c#F ✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Symbol Set ID Code ?*c#R ns ns ns ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Define Symbol Set ?(f#W[data] ns ns ns ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Symbol Set Control ?*c#S ns ns ns ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
✓ Indicates a command is supported. ns - Indicates a command is not supported.

1-10 Printer Features ENWW
Table 1-1A. PCL 5 Feature Support Matrix (continued)
4M 4Si
4Si Mx 4L
4MP 4PJ 4 Plus
4M Plus 4V
Font Descriptor ?)s#W[data]
Range: 0 - 32767 ✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Range: 0 - 65535 ✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Character Code ?*c#E ✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Download Character ?(s#W[data] ✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Macro ID ?&f#Y ✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Macro Control ?&f#X ✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Source Transparency Mode ?*v#N ✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Pattern Transparency Mode ?*v#O ✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Area Fill (Pattern) ID ?*c#G ✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Select Current Pattern ?*v#T
Solid Black (0) ✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Solid White (1) ✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
HP Shading Pattern (2) ✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Cross-hatch Pattern (3)
(HP-hatch Pattern)
✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
User-defined Pattern (4) ns ns ns ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Logical Operation ?*l#O ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ✓✓ ✓ ✓
Pixel Placement ?*l#R ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ✓✓ ✓ ✓
Define (Download) Pattern ?*c#W[data] ns ns ns ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Range: 0 - 32767 ✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Range: 0 - 65535
Set Pattern Reference Point ?*p#R ns ns ns ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
User-defined Pattern Control ?*c#Q ns ns ns ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
✓ Indicates a command is supported. ns - Indicates a command is not supported.

ENWW Printer Features 1-11
Table 1-1A. PCL 5 Feature Support Matrix (continued)
4M 4Si
4Si Mx 4L
4MP 4PJ 4 Plus
4M Plus 4V
Raster Resolution ?*t#R
75 Dots/Inch (75) ✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
100 Dots/Inch (100) ✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
150 Dots/Inch (150) ✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
200 Dots/Inch (200)1 ns ns ns ns ✓✓ns ✓2✓✓✓
300 Dots/Inch (300) ✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
600 Dots/Inch (600)1ns ns ns ns ✓✓ns ✓2✓✓✓
Graphics Presentation ?*r#F ✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Raster Height (Source) ?*r#T ✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Raster Height (Destination) ?*t#V ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
Raster Width (Source) ?*r#S ✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Raster Width (Destination) ?*t#H ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
Scale Algorithm ?*t#K ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
Start Raster Graphics ?*r#A
At logical page left
✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
At CAP (1) ✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
At logic. page left limit,
scaling ON (2) ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
At CAP, scaling ON (3) ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
Y Offset ?*b#Y ✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Set Compression Mode ?*b#M
Unencoded (0) ✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Run-Length Encoded (1) ✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
TIFF Encoded (2) ✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Delta Row Encoded (3) ✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Mode 5 Adaptive (5) ns ns ns ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Replacement Delta
Row (9) ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
Transfer Raster (Row/Block) ?*b#W[data] ✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Transfer Raster (Plane) ?*b#V[data] ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
End Graphics
Version B ?*rB ✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Version C (Preferred) ?*rC ns ns ✓✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
✓ Indicates a command is supported. ns - Indicates a command is not supported.
1 Supported if printer resolution is 600 dpi.
2 The 4ML printer does not support 200 or 600 dpi operation.

1-12 Printer Features ENWW
Table 1-1A. PCL 5 Feature Support Matrix (continued)
4M 4Si
4Si Mx 4L
4MP 4PJ 4 Plus
4M Plus 4V
Horizontal Rectangle Size ?*c#A ✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
?*c#H ✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Vertical Rectangle Size ?*c#B ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
?*c#V ✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Pattern ID (Area Fill ID) ?*c#G
1-100 for Shading ✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1-6 for Cross-hatch ✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
0-32767 for User-defined ns ns ns ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Fill Rectangle Area ?*c#P
Black (solid) (0) ✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
(Solid) White (erase) (1) ✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Shaded (gray) (2) ✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Cross-hatch Pattern (3) ✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
User-defined Pattern (4) ns ns ns ✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Current Pattern (5) ✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Set Status Readback
Location Type ?*s#T ns ns ns ns ✓✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓
Set Status Readback
Location Unit ?*s#U ns ns ns ns ✓✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓
Inquire Status Readback
Entity ?*s#I ns ns ns ns ✓✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓
Free Space ?*s1M ns ns ns ns ✓✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓
Flush All Pages ?&r#F ns ns ns ns ✓✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓
Echo ?*s#X ns ns ns ns ✓✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓
✓ Indicates a command is supported. ns - Indicates a command is not supported.

ENWW Printer Features 1-13
Table 1-1A. PCL 5 Feature Support Matrix (continued)
4M 4Si
4SiMx 4L
4MP 4PJ 4 Plus
4M Plus 4V
PICTURE FRAME (for Vector Graphics)
Picture Frame Horiz. Size ?*c#X ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓
Picture Frame Vert. Size ?*c#Y ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓
Set Picture Frame Anchor Point ?*c0T ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓
HP-GL/2 Horiz. Plot Size ?*c#K ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓
HP-GL/2 Vert. Plot Size ?*c#L ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓
Enter HP-GL/2 ?%#B
_Stand-alone plotter (-1) ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
_Previous HP-GL (0) ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓
_Current PCL CAP (1) ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓
_Current PCL coordinates and
old HP-GL/2 (2) ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
_Current PCL coordinates and
current CAP (3) ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
Enter PCL Mode ?%#A ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓
Display Functions
On ?Y✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓
Off ?Z✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓
End-Of-Line Wrap ?&s#C ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓
✓ Indicates a command is supported. ns - Indicates a command is not supported.

1-14 Printer Features ENWW
Table 1-1A. PCL 5 Feature Support Matrix (continued)
4M 4Si
4Si Mx 4L
4MP 4PJ 4 Plus
4M Plus 4V
Assign Color Index ?*v#I ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
Color Component 1 ?*v#A ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
Color Component 2 ?*v#B ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
Color Component 3 ?*v#C ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
Color Lookup Tables ?*l#W[data] ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
Configure Image Data ?*v#W[data] ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
Download Dither Matrix ?*m#W ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
Foreground Color ?*v#S ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
Gamma Correction ?*t#I ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
Monochrome Print Mode ?&b#M ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
Palette Control ID ?&p#I ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
Palette Control ?&p#C ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
Push/Pop Palette ?*p#P ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
Render Algorithm ?*t#J
Range: 0 - 8 ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
Range: 9 - 10 ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
Range: 11 - 14 ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
Range: 15 - 19 ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
Select Palette ?&p#S ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
Set Viewing Illuminant ?*i#W[data] ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
Simple Color ?*r#U ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
✓ Indicates a command is supported. ns - Indicates a command is not supported.

ENWW Printer Features 1-15
Table 1-1A. PCL 5 Feature Support Matrix (continued)
4M 4Si
4Si Mx 4L
4MP 4PJ 4 Plus
4M Plus 4V
HP-GL/2—Commands listed
in Table A-2 except as
shown below
✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Advance Full Page PG ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
Bezier BR, BZ ns ns ns ns ✓✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓
Begin Plot BP ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
Chord Tolerance Mode CT ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
(Relative) Color Range CR ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
Download Character DL ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
Fill Type FT
Odd/Even ✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Non-Zero Winding ns ns ns ns ✓✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓
Frame Advance FR ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
Label origin LO
1-9 / 11-19 ✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
21 ns ns ns ns ✓✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓
Media Type MT ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
Merge Control MC ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ✓✓ ✓ ✓
Number of Pens NP ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
Output Error OE ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
Output Hardcopy Limits OH ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
Output Identification OI ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
Output P1 and P2 OP ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
Output Status OS ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
Pen Color Assignment PC ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
Pixel Placement PP ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ✓✓ ✓ ✓
Plot Size PS ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
Quality Level QL ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
Replot RP ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
✓ Indicates a command is supported. ns - Indicates a command is not supported.

1-16 Printer Features ENWW
Table 1-1B. PCL 5 Feature Support Matrix
LJ 5,
5M 4LJ
Pro 4LC
6L Gold 5P
5 MP 6P
6 MP
5Si Mx
Mopier 5
(AppleTalk) ?&b#W[data] ✓✓✓ns ns ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
Universal Exit/Start of
PJL (UEL) ?%–12✓45X ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
Reset ?E ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
Number of Copies ?&l#X ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
Simplex/Duplex Print ?&l#S ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ✓✓ns ns
Left (Long-Edge) Offset
Registration ?&l#U ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
Top (Short-Edge) Offset
Registration ?&l#Z ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
Unit Of Measure ?&u#D ns ns ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ns ✓
Mechanical Print Quality ?*o#Q ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ✓✓
Media Type ?&l#M ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ✓✓
Negative Motion ?&a#N ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ✓✓
Self-Test ?z✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
Paper Type ?&n5WdBond ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
?&n6WdPlain ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
?&n6WdColor ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
?&n7WdLabels ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
?&n9WdRecycled ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
?&n11WdLetterhead ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
?&n10WdCardstock ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
?&n11WdPrepunched ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
?&n11WdPreprinted ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
?&n13WdTransparency ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
?&n#WdCustomType1ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
✓ Indicates a command is supported. ns - Indicates a command is not supported.
1 For custom paper, replace “CustomType” with the name of the paper, and replace “#” with the number of characters in the name, plus 1.

ENWW Printer Features 1-17
Table 1-1B. PCL 5 Feature Support Matrix (continued)
LJ 5,
5M 4LJ
Pro 4LC
6L Gold 5P
5MP 6P
Mopier 5
Page (Job) Size ?&l#A
Executive (1) ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ns ns
Letter (2) ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
Legal (3) ✓✓
1✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Ledger (6) ✓4✓1ns ns ns ns ns ✓ns ns ns
A5 (25) ns ns ns ns ns ns ✓ns ✓ns ns
A4 (26) ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
A3 (27) ✓✓
1ns ns ns ns ns ✓ns ns ns
JIS B5 Paper (45) ns ns ✓✓ ns ns ✓✓✓ns ns
JIS B4 Paper (46) ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
Monarch Envelope
(80) ns ns ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ns ns
Com-10 Envelope
(81) ns ns ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Intl. DL Envelope (90) ns ns ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Intl. C5 Envelope (91) ns ns ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Intl. B5 Envelope (100) ns ns ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ns ns
Custom (101) ns ns ✓✓ ns2✓✓✓
3✓ns ns
Hagaki Postcard (71) ns ns ✓✓ ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
Postcard (72) ns ns ✓✓ ns ns ✓ns ✓ns ns
Orientation ?&l#O ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
Page Side Selection4?&a#G ns ns ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Job Separation ?&l1T ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
Finish Mode ?&b#F ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
✓ Indicates a command is supported. ns - Indicates a command is not supported.
1 Black & White only
2 For the HP LaserJet 5L printer, the printer driver sets the paper size to legal (3) when “custom” is selected.
3 The custom size is 11.7" x 17.7" on HP LaserJet 5Si, 5SiMx, and 5Si Mopier printers.
4 On non-duplex printers, this command causes a conditional page eject.

1-18 Printer Features ENWW
Table 1-1B. PCL 5 Feature Support Matrix (continued)
LJ 5,
5M 4LJ
Pro 4LC
6L Gold 5P
5MP 6P
5Si Mx
Mopier 5
PAGE CONTROL (continued)
Paper (Media) Source ?&l#H
Eject Page (0) ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
Main (Front) Paper
Source (1)
✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
Manual (Top/Rear)
Feed (2)
✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
Manual Env. Feed (3) ns ns ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ns ns
Alt. Paper Source (4) ✓✓ns ns ns ✓✓ ✓✓ns ns
Optional Source (5) ✓✓ns ns ns ns ns ✓✓✓ ns
Envelope Feeder (6) ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ✓✓ns ns
Auto Select (7) ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ✓✓ns ✓
Tray 1 (right side) (8) ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ✓ns ns ns
HCI Trays 2-21 (20-39) ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ✓ns ns ns
Output (Media) Bin ?&l#G
Automatic (0) ns ✓ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
Destination Tray 1 (1) ✓✓ns ns ns ns ns ✓✓ns ns
Destination Tray 2 ✓✓ns ns ns ns ns ✓✓ns ns
Destination Tray 3 ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ✓ns ns ns
Print Direction ?&a#P ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
Character Text Path Dir. ?&c#T ns ns ✓✓ ns ✓✓ ✓✓ns ns
Left Margin ?&a#L ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
Right Margin ?&a#M ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
Clear Horizontal
Margins ?9✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
Top Margin ?&l#E ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
Text Length ?&l#F ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
Perforation Skip ?&l#L ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
Horizontal Motion Index ?&k#H ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
Vertical Motion Index ?&l#C ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
Line Spacing ?&l#D ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
ALPHANUMERIC ID (Media selection by type/PCL mass storage command)
Alphanumeric ID ?&n#W[operation]
[string] ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ✓✓ns ns
✓ Indicates a command is supported. ns - Indicates a command is not supported.

ENWW Printer Features 1-19
Table 1-1B. PCL 5 Feature Support Matrix (continued)
LJ 5,
5M 4LJ
Pro 4LC
6L Gold 5P
5 MP 6P
6 MP
Mopier 5
Horizontal Position ?&a#C ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
?*p#X ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
?&a#H ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Vertical Position ?&a#R ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
?*p#Y ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
?&a#V ✓✓✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓
Half Line Feed ?=✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
Line Termination ?&k#G ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
Push/Pop Position ?&f#S ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
The Primary font commands in this table can be changed to Secondary by replacing the left parenthesis “(” in the command with a right
parenthesis “)”.
Symbol Set (Primary) ?(ID ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
Spacing (Primary) ?(s#P ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
Pitch (Primary) ?(s#H ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
Height (Primary) ?(s#V ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
Style (Primary) ?(s#S ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
Stroke Weight (Primary) ?(s#B ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
Typeface (Primary) ?(s#T ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
Font Selection By ID #
?(#X ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
Select Default Font
?(3@ ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
Underline ?&d#D ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
?&d@ ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
Transparent Print Data ?&p#X[data] ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
Text Parsing Method ?&t#P ns ns ✓✓ ns ✓✓ ✓✓✓
Assign Font ID # ?*c#D ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
Font Control ?*c#F ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
Symbol Set ID Code ?*c#R ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
Define Symbol Set ?(f#W[data] ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
Symbol Set Control ?*c#S ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
✓ Indicates a command is supported. ns - Indicates a command is not supported.
1 Available in code versions “B” and “C” only (see the DeskJet 1200C section near the end of this chapter).

1-20 Printer Features ENWW
Table 1-1B. PCL 5 Feature Support Matrix (continued)
LJ 5,
5M 4LJ
Pro 4LC
6L Gold 5P
5 MP 6P
6 MP
Mopier 5
Font Descriptor ?)s#W[data]
Range: 0 - 32767 ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
Range: 0 - 65535 ✓✓ ✓✓
Character Code ?*c#E ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓
Download Character ?(s#W[data] ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
Macro ID ?&f#Y ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓
Macro Control ?&f#X ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓
Source Transparency
Mode ?*v#N ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
Pattern Transparency
Mode ?*v#O ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
Area Fill (Pattern) ID ?*c#G ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
Select Current Pattern ?*v#T
Solid Black (0) ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
Solid White (1) ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
HP Shading
Pattern (2)
✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
Cross-hatch Pattern
(3) (HP-hatch Pattern)
✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
Pattern (4)
✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
Logical Operation ?*l#O ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓
Pixel Placement ?*l#R ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓
Define (Download)
Pattern ?*c#W[data] ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
Range: 0 - 32767 ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
Range: 0 - 65535 ✓✓ ✓✓
Set Pattern Reference
Point ?*p#R ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
User-defined Pattern
Control ?*c#Q ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
✓ Indicates a command is supported. ns - Indicates a command is not supported.

ENWW Printer Features 1-21
Table 1-1B. PCL 5 Feature Support Matrix (continued)
LJ 5,
5M 4LJ
Pro 4LC
6L Gold 5P
5 MP 6P
Mopier 5
Raster Resolution ?*t#R
75 Dots/Inch (75) ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
100 Dots/Inch (100) ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
150 Dots/Inch (150) ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
200 Dots/Inch (200)1 ns ns ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ns ✓
300 Dots/Inch (300) ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
600 Dots/Inch (600)1ns ns ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ns ✓
Graphics Presentation ?*r#F ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
Raster Height (Source) ?*r#T ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
Raster Height
(Destination) ?*t#V ✓✓ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ✓✓
Raster Width (Source) ?*r#S ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
Raster Width (Destination) ?*t#H ✓✓ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ✓✓
Scale Algorithm ?*t#K ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ✓✓
Start Raster Graphics ?*r#A
At logical page left
✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
At CAP (1) ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
At logic. page left limit,
scaling ON (2)
✓✓ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ✓✓
At CAP, scaling ON (3) ✓✓ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ✓✓
Y Offset ?*b#Y ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
Set Compression Mode ?*b#M
Unencoded (0) ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
Run-Length Encoded (1) ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
TIFF Encoded (2) ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
Delta Row Encoded (3) ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
Mode 5 Adaptive (5) ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
Replacement Delta
Row (9) ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ✓
Transfer Raster
(Row/Block) ?*b#W[data] ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
Transfer Raster (Plane) ?*b#V[data] ✓✓ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ✓✓
End Graphics
Version B ?*rB ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
Version C (Preferred) ?*rC ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
✓ Indicates a command is supported. ns - Indicates a command is not supported.
1 Supported if printer resolution is 600 dpi.

1-22 Printer Features ENWW
Table 1-1B. PCL 5 Feature Support Matrix (continued)
LJ 5,
5M 4LJ
Pro 4LC
6L Gold 5P
5 MP 6P
Mopier 5
Horizontal Rectangle Size ?*c#A ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
?*c#H ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
Vertical Rectangle Size ?*c#B ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
?*c#V ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
Pattern ID (Area Fill ID) ?*c#G
1-100 for Shading ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
1-6 for Cross-hatch ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
0-32767 for User-defined ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
Fill Rectangle Area ?*c#P
Black (solid) (0) ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
(Solid) White (erase) (1) ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
Shaded (gray) (2) ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
Cross-hatch Pattern (3) ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
User-defined Pattern (4) ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
Current Pattern (5) ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
Set Status Readback
Location Type ?*s#T ns ns ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ns ns
Set Status Readback
Location Unit ?*s#U ns ns ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ns ns
Inquire Status Readback
Entity ?*s#I ns ns ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ns ns
Free Space ?*s1M ns ns ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ns ns
Flush All Pages ?&r#F ns ns ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Echo ?*s#X ns ns ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ns ns
✓ Indicates a command is supported. ns - Indicates a command is not supported.

ENWW Printer Features 1-23
Table 1-1B. PCL 5 Feature Support Matrix (continued)
LJ 5,
5M 4LJ
Pro 4LC
6L Gold 5P
5MP 6P
Mopier 5
PICTURE FRAME (for Vector Graphics)
Picture Frame Horiz. Size ?*c#X ✓ns ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Picture Frame Vert. Size ?*c#Y ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
Set Picture Frame Anchor
?*c0T ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
HP-GL/2 Horiz. Plot Size ?*c#K ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
HP-GL/2 Vert. Plot Size ?*c#L ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
Enter HP-GL/2 ?%#B
_Stand-alone plotter (-1) ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns 3 ns
_Previous HP-GL (0) ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
_Current PCL CAP (1) ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
_Current PCL coordinates
and old HP-GL/2 (2) ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ✓✓
_Current PCL coordinates
and current CAP (3) ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ✓✓
Enter PCL Mode ?%#A ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
Display Functions
On ?Y✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
Off ?Z✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
End-Of-Line Wrap ?&s#C ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
✓ Indicates a command is supported. ns - Indicates a command is not supported.

1-24 Printer Features ENWW
Table 1-1B. PCL 5 Feature Support Matrix (continued)
LJ 5,
5M 4LJ
Pro 4LC
6L Gold 5P
5MP 6P
Mopier 5
Assign Color Index ?*v#I ✓✓ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ✓✓
Color Component 1 ?*v#A ✓✓ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ✓✓
Color Component 2 ?*v#B ✓✓ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ✓✓
Color Component 3 ?*v#C ✓✓ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ✓✓
Color Lookup Tables ?*l#W[data] ✓✓ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
Configure Image Data ?*v#W[data] ✓✓ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ✓✓
Download Dither Matrix ?*m#W ✓✓ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ✓✓
Foreground Color ?*v#S ✓✓ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ✓✓
Gamma Correction ?*t#I ✓✓ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ✓✓
Monochrome Print
Mode ?&b#M ✓✓ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
Palette Control ID ?&p#I ✓✓ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
Palette Control ?&p#C ✓✓ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
Push/Pop Palette ?*p#P ✓✓ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ✓✓
Render Algorithm ?*t#J
Range: 0 - 8 ✓✓ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ✓✓
Range: 9 - 10 ✓ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ✓✓
Range: 11 - 14 ✓✓ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ✓✓
Range: 15 - 19 ns ✓ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
Select Palette ?&p#S ✓✓ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
Set Viewing Illuminant ?*i#W[data] ✓✓ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
Simple Color ?*r#U ✓✓ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ✓✓
✓ Indicates a command is supported. ns - Indicates a command is not supported.

ENWW Printer Features 1-25
Table 1-1B. PCL 5 Feature Support Matrix (continued)
LJ 5,
5M 4LJ
Pro 4LC
6L Gold 5P
5MP 6P
Mopier 5
listed in Table A-2
except as shown below
✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
Advance Full Page PG ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ✓✓
Bezier BR, BZ ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
Begin Plot BP ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ✓1ns
Chord Tolerance Mode CT ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ✓1ns
(Relative) Color Range CR ✓✓ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ✓✓
Download Character DL ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ✓1ns
Fill Type FT
Odd/Even ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
Non-Zero Winding ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
Frame Advance FR ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ✓1ns
Label origin LO
1-9 / 11-19 ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
21 ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
Media Type MT ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ✓1ns
Merge Control MC ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓
Number of Pens NP ✓✓ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ✓✓
Output Error OE ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ✓1ns
Output Hardcopy Limits OH ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ✓1ns
Output Identification OI ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ✓1ns
Output P1 and P2 OP ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ✓1ns
Output Status OS ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ✓1ns
Pen Color Assignment PC 3 3 ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ✓3
Pixel Placement PP 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ✓3
Plot Size PS ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ✓1ns
Quality Level QL ns nsnsns ns ns ns nsns✓1ns
Replot RP ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ✓1ns
✓ Indicates a command is supported. ns - Indicates a command is not supported.
1 Supported in stand-alone HP-GL/2 Mode only (DeskJet 1200)

1-26 Printer Features ENWW
Table 1-1C. PCL 5 Feature Support Matrix
Series 2100
Series 4000
Series 4500
Series 5000
Series 8000
Series 8100
Series 8500
Configuration (AppleTalk) ?&b#W[data] ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓ns
Universal Exit/Start of PJL (UEL) ?%–12345X ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
Reset ?E ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
Number of Copies ?&l#X ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
Simplex/Duplex Print ?&l#S ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
Left (Long-Edge) Offset
Registration ?&l#U ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
Top (Short-Edge) Offset
Registration ?&l#Z ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
Unit Of Measure ?&u#D ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
Mechanical Print Quality ?*o#Q ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
Media Type ?&l#M ns ns 3 ns 3 ns ns ✓
Negative Motion ?&a#N ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
Self-Test ?z ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
Paper Type ?&n5WdBond ns ns ✓✓✓✓✓✓
?&n6WdPlain ns ns ✓✓✓✓✓✓
?&n6WdColor ns ns ✓✓✓✓✓✓
?&n6WdRough ns ns ✓✓✓✓✓ns
?&n6WdHeavy ns ns ns ✓ns ns ns ✓
?&n6WdGloss ns ns ns ✓ns ns ns ✓
?&n7WdLabels ns ns ✓✓✓✓✓✓
?&n7WdVellum ns ns ns ✓✓ns ns ns
?&n8WdDefault ns ns ✓✓✓✓✓✓
?&n9WdRecycled ns ns ✓✓✓✓✓✓
?&n11WdLetterhead ns ns ✓✓✓✓✓✓
?&n11WdCard Stock ns ns ✓✓✓✓✓✓
?&n10WdCardstock ns ns ✓✓✓✓✓✓
?&n11WdPrepunched ns ns ✓✓✓✓✓✓
?&n11WdPreprinted ns ns ✓✓✓✓✓✓
?&n13WdTransparency ns ns ✓✓✓✓✓✓
?&n#WdCustomType1ns ns ✓ns ✓✓✓ns
✓ Indicates a command is supported. ns - Indicates a command is not supported.
1 For custom paper, replace “CustomType” with the name of the paper, and replace “#” with the number of characters in the name, plus1.

ENWW Printer Features 1-27
Table 1-1C. PCL 5 Feature Support Matrix (continued)
Series 2100
Series 4000
Series 4500
Series 5000
Series 8000
Series 8100
Series 8500
Page (Job) Size ?&l#A
Executive (1) ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
Letter (2) ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
Legal (3) ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
Ledger (6) ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ✓
JISExec (Foolscap) (10) ✓
A5 (25) ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
A4 (26) ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
A3 (27) ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ✓
JIS B5 Paper (45) ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
JIS B4 Paper (46) ns ns ns ✓✓ns ns ✓
Monarch Envelope (80) ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
Com-10 Envelope (81) ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
Intl. DL Envelope (90) ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
Intl. C5 Envelope (91) ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
Intl. B5 Envelope (100) ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
Custom (101)1✓✓✓
Hagaki Postcard (71) ns ✓ns ✓ns ns ns ns
Postcard (72) ns ✓ns ✓ns ns ns ns
Orientation ?&l#O ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
Page Side Selection2?&a#G ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
Job Separation ?&l1T ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
Finish Mode ?&b#F ns ns ns ✓ns ns ns ns
✓ Indicates a command is supported. ns - Indicates a command is not supported.
1 For some HP LaserJet printers, the custom size is configurable via the control panel.
2 On non-duplex printers, this command causes a conditional page eject.

1-28 Printer Features ENWW
Table 1-1C. PCL 5 Feature Support Matrix (continued)
Series 2100
Series 4000
Series 4500
Series 5000
Series 8000
Series 8100
Series 8500
PAGE CONTROL (continued)
Paper (Media) Source ?&l#H
In Tray (current tray)(0) ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
1st Cassette (Main Paper
Src.) (1)
Manual Feed Tray (2) ✓✓✓
Manual Feed Tray (3) ✓✓✓ns ✓2✓✓✓
MultiPurpose Tray (4) ✓✓✓
2nd Cassette (Opt.
Source) (5)
Envelope Feeder (6) ✓✓✓ns ✓2✓✓✓
Auto Select (7) ✓✓✓✓✓
3rd Cassette(8) ns ✓✓
2ns ns ✓
HCI Trays 2-21 (20-39) ns ns ✓3✓✓
Output (Media) Bin ?&l#G
Automatic (0) ns ns ns2ns2ns2ns ns ns
Destination Tray 1 (1) ✓✓ns2ns2ns2✓✓✓
Destination Tray 2 (2) ✓✓ns2ns2ns2✓✓✓
Destination Tray 3 (3) ns ns ns2ns2ns2ns ns ns
Print Direction ?&a#P ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
Character Text Path Dir. ?&c#T ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
Left Margin ?&a#L ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
Right Margin ?&a#M ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
Clear Horizontal Margins ?9✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
Top Margin ?&l#E ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
Text Length ?&l#F ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
Perforation Skip ?&l#L ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
Horizontal Motion Index ?&k#H ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
Vertical Motion Index ?&l#C ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
Line Spacing ?&l#D ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
ALPHANUMERIC ID (Media selection by type/PCL mass storage command)
Alphanumeric ID ?&n#W[operation] [string] ✓✓✓✓
✓ Indicates a command is supported. ns - Indicates a command is not supported.
1 The LaserJet 4500 series printers support any Alphanumeric ID command that does not reference anything stored on a hard disk.
2 For these printers, see the printer-specific sections in Chapter 2.
3 The LaserJet 4000 series printers support HCI trays 2 – 41 (20 – 59)

ENWW Printer Features 1-29
Table 1-1C. PCL 5 Feature Support Matrix (continued)
Series 2100
Series 4000
Series 4500
Series 5000
Series 8000
Series 8100
Series 8500
Horizontal Position ?&a#C ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
?*p#X ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
?&a#H ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓✓
Vertical Position ?&a#R ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
?*p#Y ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
?&a#V ✓✓✓✓✓ ✓✓✓
Half Line Feed ?=✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
Line Termination ?&k#G ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
Push/Pop Position ?&f#S ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
The Primary font commands in this table can be changed to Secondary by replacing the left parenthesis “(” in the command with a right
parenthesis “)”.
Symbol Set (Primary) ?(ID ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
Spacing (Primary) ?(s#P ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
Pitch (Primary) ?(s#H ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
Height (Primary) ?(s#V ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
Style (Primary) ?(s#S ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
Stroke Weight (Primary) ?(s#B ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
Typeface (Primary) ?(s#T ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
Font Selection By ID # (Pri.) ?(#X ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
Select Default Font (Primary) ?(3@ ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
Underline ?&d#D ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
?&d@ ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
Transparent Print Data ?&p#X[data] ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
Text Parsing Method ?&t#P ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
Assign Font ID # ?*c#D ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
Font Control ?*c#F ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
Symbol Set ID Code ?*c#R ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
Define Symbol Set ?(f#W[data] ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
Symbol Set Control ?*c#S ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
✓ Indicates a command is supported. ns - Indicates a command is not supported.

1-30 Printer Features ENWW
Table 1-1C. PCL 5 Feature Support Matrix (continued)
Series 2100
Series 4000
Series 4500
Series 5000
Series 8000
Series 8100
Series 8500
Font Descriptor ?)s#W[data]
Range: 0 - 32767 ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
Range: 0 - 65535 ✓✓ns
Character Code ?*c#E ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
Download Character ?(s#W[data] ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
Macro ID ?&f#Y ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
Macro Control ?&f#X ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
Source Transparency Mode ?*v#N ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
Pattern Transparency Mode ?*v#O ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
Area Fill (Pattern) ID ?*c#G ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
Select Current Pattern ?*v#T
Solid Black (0) ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
Solid White (1) ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
HP Shading Pattern (2) ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
Cross-hatch Pattern (3)
(HP-hatch Pattern)
User-defined Pattern (4) ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
Logical Operation ?*l#O ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
Pixel Placement ?*l#R ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
Define (Download) Pattern ?*c#W[data] ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
Range: 0 - 32767 ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
Range: 0 - 65535 ✓✓ns
Set Pattern Reference Point ?*p#R ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
User-defined Pattern Control ?*c#Q ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
✓ Indicates a command is supported. ns - Indicates a command is not supported.

ENWW Printer Features 1-31
Table 1-1C. PCL 5 Feature Support Matrix (continued)
Series 2100
Series 4000
Series 4500
Series 5000
Series 8000
Series 8100
Series 8500
Raster Resolution ?*t#R
75 Dots/Inch (75) ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
100 Dots/Inch (100) ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
150 Dots/Inch (150) ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
200 Dots/Inch (200)1 ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
300 Dots/Inch (300) ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
600 Dots/Inch (600)1✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
Graphics Presentation ?*r#F ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
Raster Height (Source) ?*r#T ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
Raster Height (Destination) ?*t#V ns ns ns 3 ns ns ns 3
Raster Width (Source) ?*r#S ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
Raster Width (Destination) ?*t#H ns ns ns ✓ns ns ns ✓
Scale Algorithm ?*t#K ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ✓
Start Raster Graphics ?*r#A
At logical page left limit(0) ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
At CAP (1) ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
At logic. page left limit,
scaling ON (2) ns ns ns ✓ns ns ns ✓
At CAP, scaling ON (3) ns ns ns ✓ns ns ns ✓
Y Offset ?*b#Y ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
Set Compression Mode ?*b#M
Unencoded (0) ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
Run-Length Encoded (1) ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
TIFF Encoded (2) ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
Delta Row Encoded (3) ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
Mode 5 Adaptive (5) ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
Replacement Delta Row (9) ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
Transfer Raster (Row/Block) ?*b#W[data] ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
Transfer Raster (Plane) ?*b#V[data] ns ns ns 3 ns ns ns ✓
End Graphics
Version B ?*rB ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
Version C (Preferred) ?*rC ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
✓ Indicates a command is supported. ns - Indicates a command is not supported.
1 Supported if printer resolution is 600 dpi.

1-32 Printer Features ENWW
Table 1-1C. PCL 5 Feature Support Matrix (continued)
Series 2100
Series 4000
Series 4500
Series 5000
Series 8000
Series 8100
Series 8500
Horizontal Rectangle Size ?*c#A ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
?*c#H ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
Vertical Rectangle Size ?*c#B ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
?*c#V ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
Pattern ID (Area Fill ID) ?*c#G
1-100 for Shading ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
1-6 for Cross-hatch ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
0-32767 for User-defined ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
Fill Rectangle Area ?*c#P
Black (solid) (0) ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
(Solid) White (erase) (1) ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
Shaded (gray) (2) ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
Cross-hatch Pattern (3) ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
User-defined Pattern (4) ✓✓✓ ✓✓✓✓✓
Current Pattern (5) ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
Set Status Readback Location
?*s#T ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
Set Status Readback Location Unit ?*s#U ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
Inquire Status Readback Entity ?*s#I ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
Free Space ?*s1M ✓✓✓ns ✓✓✓✓
Flush All Pages ?&r#F ✓✓✓ns ✓✓✓✓
Echo ?*s#X ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
✓ Indicates a command is supported. ns - Indicates a command is not supported.

ENWW Printer Features 1-33
Table 1-1C. PCL 5 Feature Support Matrix (continued)
Series 2100
Series 4000
Series 4500
Series 5000
Series 8000
Series 8100
Series 8500
PICTURE FRAME (for Vector Graphics)
Picture Frame Horiz. Size ?*c#X ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
Picture Frame Vert. Size ?*c#Y ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
Set Picture Frame Anchor Point ?*c0T ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
HP-GL/2 Horiz. Plot Size ?*c#K ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
HP-GL/2 Vert. Plot Size ?*c#L ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
Enter HP-GL/2 ?%#B
_Stand-alone plotter (-1) ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
_Previous HP-GL (0) ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
_Current PCL CAP (1) ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
_Current PCL coordinates and
old HP-GL/2 (2) ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
_Current PCL coordinates and
current CAP (3) ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
Enter PCL Mode ?%#A ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
Display Functions
On ?Y✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
Off ?Z✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
End-Of-Line Wrap ?&s#C ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
✓ Indicates a command is supported. ns - Indicates a command is not supported.

1-34 Printer Features ENWW
Table 1-1C. PCL 5 Feature Support Matrix (continued)
Series 2100
Series 4000
Series 4500
Series 5000
Series 8000
Series 8100
Series 8500
Assign Color Index ?*v#I ns ns ns ✓ns ns ns ✓
Color Component 1 ?*v#A ns ns ns ✓ns ns ns ✓
Color Component 2 ?*v#B ns ns ns ✓ns ns ns ✓
Color Component 3 ?*v#C ns ns ns ✓ns ns ns ✓
Color Lookup Tables ?*l#W[data] ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ✓
Configure Image Data ?*v#W[data] ns ns ns ✓1ns ns ns ✓
Download Dither Matrix ?*m#W ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ✓
Driver Function Config. ?*o3W643 ns ns ns ✓ns ns ns ns
?*o3W646 ns ns ns ✓ns ns ns ns
?*o3W647 ns ns ns ✓ns ns ns ns
Foreground Color ?*v#S ns ns ns ✓ns ns ns ✓
Gamma Correction ?*t#I ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ✓
Monochrome Print Mode ?&b#M ns ns ns ✓ns ns ns ✓
Palette Control ID ?&p#I ns ns ns ✓ns ns ns ✓
Palette Control ?&p#C ns ns ns ✓ns ns ns ✓
Push/Pop Palette ?*p#P ns ns ns ✓ns ns ns ✓
Render Algorithm ?*t#J
Range: 0 - 8 ns ns ns 0,3
only ns ns ns ✓
Range: 9 - 10 ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ✓
Range: 11 - 14 ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ✓
Range: 15 - 19 ns ns ns 15,18
only ns ns ns ✓
Select Palette ?&p#S ns ns ns ✓ns ns ns ✓
Set Viewing Illuminant ?*i#W[data] ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ✓
Simple Color ?*r#U ns ns ns ✓ns ns ns ✓
✓ Indicates a command is supported. ns - Indicates a command is not supported.
1 The HP LaserJet 4500 Series printers do not support Luminance-Chrominance and CIE Lab, the long form of RGB/CMY, and the long form
of cRGB

ENWW Printer Features 1-35
Table 1-1C. PCL 5 Feature Support Matrix (continued)
Series 2100
Series 4000
Series 4500
Series 5000
Series 8000
Series 8100
Series 8500
HP-GL/2—Commands listed in
Table A-2 except as shown below
Advance Full Page PG ✓✓✓ns ✓✓✓ns
Bezier BR, BZ ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
Begin Plot BP ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
Chord Tolerance Mode CT ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
(Relative) Color Range CR ns ns ns ✓ns ns ns ✓
Download Character DL nsnsnsnsnsnsnsns
Fill Type FT
Odd/Even ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
Non-Zero Winding ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
Frame Advance FR nsnsnsnsnsnsnsns
Label origin LO
1-9 / 11-19 ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
21 ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
Media Type MT ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
Merge Control MC ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
Number of Pens NP ns ns ns ✓ns ns ns ✓
Output Error OE nsnsnsnsnsnsnsns
Output Hardcopy Limits OH ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
Output Identification OI ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
Output P1 and P2 OP ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
Output Status OS ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
Pen Color Assignment PC ns ns ns ✓ns ns ns ✓
Pixel Placement PP ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
Plot Size PS ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
Quality Level QL nsnsnsnsnsnsnsns
Replot RP ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
✓ Indicates a command is supported. ns - Indicates a command is not supported.
1-36 Printer Features ENWW
Printable Area
The relationships between physical page, logical page, default picture
frame, and printable area are illustrated in Figures 1-1 and 1-2. The
tables list the variations in sizes for the different physical page sizes.
For more information concerning printable area or logical/physical
page differences, consult the PCL 5 Printer Language Technical
Reference Manual.

ENWW Printer Features 1-37
Figure 1-1 Portrait Logical Page and Printable Area Boundaries
DIMENSIONS (in dots at 300 DPI - double for 600 DPI)
Portrait Dimensions
Letter 2550 3300 2400 3300 75 0 50 150
Legal 2550 4200 2400 4200 75 0 50 150
Ledger 3300 5100 3150 5100 75 0 50 150
Executive 2175 3150 2025 3150 75 0 50 150
A4 2480 3507 2338 3507 71 0 50 150
A3 3507 4960 3365 4960 71 0 50 150
Com-10 1237 2850 1087 2850 75 0 50 150
Monarch 1162 2250 1012 2250 75 0 50 150
C5 1913 2704 1771 2704 71 0 50 150
B5 2078 2952 1936 2952 71 0 50 150
DL 1299 2598 1157 2598 71 0 50 150
JIS B4 3035 4299 2893 4299 71 0 50 150
JIS B5 2149 3035 2007 3035 71 0 50 150
Hagaki 1181 1748 1039 1748 71 0 50 150
Oufuku-hagaki 1748 2362 1606 2362 71 0 50 150

1-38 Printer Features ENWW
Figure 1-2 Landscape Logical Page and Printable Area Boundaries
DIMENSIONS (in dots at 300 DPI - double for 600 DPI)
Portrait Dimensions
Letter 2550 3300 2400 3300 75 0 50 150
Legal 2550 4200 2400 4200 75 0 50 150
Ledger 3300 5100 3150 5100 75 0 50 150
Executive 2175 3150 2025 3150 75 0 50 150
A4 2480 3507 2338 3507 71 0 50 150
A3 3507 4960 3365 4960 71 0 50 150
Com-10 1237 2850 1087 2850 75 0 50 150
Monarch 1162 2250 1012 2250 75 0 50 150
C5 1913 2704 1771 2704 71 0 50 150
B5 2078 2952 1936 2952 71 0 50 150
DL 1299 2598 1157 2598 71 0 50 150
JIS B4 3035 4299 2893 4299 71 0 50
JIS B5 2149 3035 2007 3035 71 0 50
Hagaki 1181 1748 1039 1748 71 0 50 150
Oufuku-hagaki 1748 2362 1606 2362 71 0 50 150

ENWW Printer-Specific Differences 2-1
Each Hewlett-Packard printer implements minor variations of PCL 5
in order to best suit its intended use. This chapter describes specific
differences that are important when developing applications for the
various PCL 5 printers. The sections in this chapter describe such
information as new commands not contained in the PCL 5 Printer
Language Technical Reference Manual, and other miscellaneous
differences in PCL operation particular to that printer.
Note For information about products newer than those included in this
book, see the PCL5 Comparison Guide Addendum, which includes
product-specific information about newer products, as well as
commands and variables added to support these newer products.
HP LaserJet III and IIID Printers
With the introduction of the HP LaserJet III printer, Hewlett-Packard
introduced the PCL 5 printer language. The PCL 5 printer language
incorporated many new features over the PCL 4 language. A few of
the more significant features included such things as the addition of a
scalable font technology, HP-GL/2 vector graphics language support,
print model features, raster graphics enhancements, and the Print
Direction command.
The HP LaserJet IIID printer language support is basically identical to
the HP LaserJet III printer except for the addition of the duplex
feature, dual input bin, envelope feeder support and their associated
commands (see Table 1-1).

2-2 Printer-Specific Differences ENWW
HP LaserJet IIISi Printer
Several new PCL features were added to the PCL 5 language with the
release of the HP LaserJet IIISi printer. These new features are
summarized in Table 2-1 below.
Table 2-1. PCL Feature Additions for HP LaserJet IIISi Printer
HP LaserJet IIIP Printer
Several new PCL features were added to the PCL 5 language with the
release of the HP LaserJet IIIP printer. These new features are
summarized in Table 2-2. One new feature listed here is adaptive
compression (method 5) for the Raster Compression Mode
command. In addition to compressing data for transmission, if certain
rules are followed (discussed below), the HP LaserJet IIIP printer will
store adaptive compressed data in compressed format and only
decompress it when required for printing. There are certain
requirements which must be met for this data to be stored in
compressed format. These requirements are discussed following
Table 2-2.
Feature Status Comments
Number of Copies Modified Greater range, 1 to 32,767.
Page Size Modified C5 Envelopes not supported.
Output Bin Selection
Command New Allows programmatic selection of
upper or lower output paper bins.
End Raster Graphics
Command New/Modified Modified version of the existing End
Raster Graphics command.
Job Separation New Command Causes the paper stacker to shift
positions to offset the output paper
Fonts New Additions Four variations of Univers
Condensed; ITC Zapf Dingbats in
five symbol sets.

ENWW Printer-Specific Differences 2-3
Table 2-2. HP LaserJet IIIP PCL Feature Additions
Feature/Command Status Comments
Set Compression Method Modified Adds Adaptive Compression method to the
Set Compression Method command.
End Raster Graphics
Command Modified Modified version of the End Raster
Graphics command.
User-defined Patterns New Enables users to define and download
their own user-defined pattern.
User-defined Pattern
Command New
Feature Used to download the binary data for
user-defined pattern.
Set Pattern Reference Point
Command New Sets pattern reference point.
Pattern Control Command New Used to make user-defined patterns
permanent or temporary, or to delete them.
Select Pattern & Fill
Rectangular Area
Modified Adds a parameter to support user-defined
Pattern ID Command Modified In addition to selecting internal patterns,
this command is now used to assign an ID
to a user-defined pattern as well as to
select patterns. Also, parameter range is
extended from 100 to 32,767.
User-defined Symbol Sets New
Feature Enables user to build a symbol set which
contains user-selected characters.
Define Symbol Set
Command New Identifies the characters for a user-defined
symbol set.
Symbol Set ID Code
Command New Assigns a number for identification to the
user-defined symbol set.
Symbol Set Control
Command New Used to make user-defined symbol sets
permanent or temporary, or to delete them.
Unbound Scalable Fonts New
Feature Allows typefaces (unbound fonts), not just
fonts (bound fonts) to be downloaded to
the printer.
Unbound Scalable Font
Descriptor New Addition of a new header used for unbound
fonts (font type 10).

2-4 Printer-Specific Differences ENWW
Raster Graphics Adaptive Compression (IIIP)
Adaptive compression was added to the PCL language with the
introduction of the HP LaserJet IIIP printer. Adaptive compression (or
method 5 as it is referred to) is a method for compressing raster data
using the raster Set Compression Method command (parameter
value 5). (Refer to the Set Compression Method command in the
PCL 5 Printer Language Technical Reference manual for detailed
information on using this compression technique.) Also, refer to
Chapter 5 in this document, “Raster Graphics Adaptive Compression
(Method 5)” for additional information.
HP LaserJet 4 Printer
Several new PCL features were added to the PCL 5 language with the
release of the HP LaserJet 4 printer. These new features are
summarized in Table 2-3. Most of these features are described in the
revised PCL 5 Printer Language Technical Reference Manual (part
number 5961-0509). (This revised technical reference manual is
supplied as part of the Technical Reference Documentation Package
which can be obtained by ordering part number 5961-0601.) In
addition, there are some additional differences for the HP LaserJet 4
printer that are not covered in the technical reference manual but are
described below.
Note The HP LaserJet 4M printer, in addition to PCL, contains PostScript
and a LocalTalk I/O for printing in the Macintosh environment. PCL
operation and the PCL internal fonts for this printer are identical to the
HP LaserJet 4 printer. Thus, for PCL information for the
HP LaserJet 4M printer, refer to the HP LaserJet 4 printer features.

ENWW Printer-Specific Differences 2-5
Table 2-3. PCL Feature Additions for HP LaserJet 4
Feature/Command Support Comments
Adaptive Compression System New Adaptive compression system enables the printer to
compress internal raster data when memory becomes
low. This operation occurs automatically; there are no
PCL commands for this feature (refer to Chapter 5 for
ADC information).
Configuration Command New Allows PCL jobs to be printed (using LocalTalk or
EtherTalk MIO) using AppleTalk protocol.
Number of Copies Modified Supports 1-32,767 copies as does the HP LaserJet IIISi
Units of Measure Command New Allows selection of the units of measure for cursor
moves, drawing rules, and for character spacing (font
Page Size Modified A parameter value is added for B5 envelope size; the
HP LaserJet 4 printer supports the four standard paper
sizes and five envelope sizes.
Bitmap Font Support New Header Printer will expand 300 dpi bitmap fonts to 600 dpi. A
new 300/600 dpi bitmap font descriptor has been added
to allow bitmap fonts to be created that work at either
1/300 or 1/600 inch printer resolution.
Scalable Font Support New Header A new Universal header has been added to allow
design of typefaces of different scaling technologies to
be supported by one header. This header is used to
support TrueType on the HP LaserJet 4 printer. (This
header will be used to support any other new scaling
technologies HP may add in the future).
TrueType New TrueType scaling technology support has been added to
the printer.
Internal Typefaces New Several new Intellifont and TrueType internal typefaces
(and supporting symbol sets) are now provided in the
Raster Resolution Command Modified Parameter values have been added to support raster
resolutions of 200 dpi and 600 dpi.
User-defined Pattern New Header A new 300/600 dpi user-defined pattern header has
been added to support patterns that work at either
1/300 or 1/600 inch printer resolution.
Continued on next page.

2-6 Printer-Specific Differences ENWW
Table 2-3. PCL Feature Additions for HP LaserJet 4 (continued)
Feature/Command Support Comments
Status Readback New Feature The addition of 6 new status readback commands
enable the user to receive certain information back
from the printer about fonts, symbol sets, macros,
user-defined patterns, and available memory.
Location Type Command New Used to specify a status readback type of location
(current, all, internal, downloaded, cartridge, SIMMs).
Location Unit Command New Specifies a status readback location unit (all,
temporary or permanent, highest-lowest priority,
specific SIMM).
Inquire Entity Command New Requests the status from the location (type and unit)
specified for fonts, symbol sets, macros, or
user-defined patterns.
Flush All Pages Command New Allows the user to clear page data from printer
Free Memory Command New This command returns the current available memory.
Echo Command New Allows the user to send a unique ID number to the
printer to be used as a “place holder.”
Bezier Curve Commands New HP-GL/2 commands (relative and absolute) that allow
a user to draw complex curves with less data required
than that required for arcs.
Label Origin Modified Label position LO 21 is provided for correct alignment
of HP-GL/2 text with PCL text.
Fill Polygon Modified Previously, the HP-GL/2 Fill Polygon command filled
polygons using the odd/even fill technique. A second
technique, non-zero winding fill, has been added.
Macros Modified HP-GL/2 is now supported in macros.
Configuration Command New Added to allow the user to communicate with the MIO
card in the printer.
ENWW Printer-Specific Differences 2-7
Configuration Command (AppleTalk)
The Configuration command allows a user to send PCL jobs to the
printer over AppleTalk. This data is sent in the form of “key/value” data
pairs (refer to “AppleTalk Configuration” below for more information).
?&b#W [key]<sp>[value]
AppleTalk Configuration
The HP LaserJet 4 printer can be configured to receive PCL print jobs
over an AppleTalk connection using the Configuration command. The
HP LaserJet 4 MIO AppleTalk interfaces support three key values:
RENAME, JOB, and TYPE. These keys are used for configuring an
installed LocalTalk or EtherTalk MIO card to allow PCL print jobs
generated by a Macintosh host to be printed.
# = Number of data bytes that follow command
Default =0
Range = 0 - 32767
[key] can be 1 character through 32765 characters.
[value] can be 1 character through 32765 characters.

2-8 Printer-Specific Differences ENWW
Note PostScript in the HP LaserJet 4 printer supports the PostScript level 1
operators setprintername, AppleTalktype, and jobname, and the
PostScript level 2 setdevparams operator to allow PostScript print
jobs to change the Name Binding Protocol (NBP) printer name and
printer type, as well as change the print job name.
MIO sub-system in the printer accepts a new NBP printer name, NBP
printer type, and job name from either the PCL or PostScript
personalities. The printer passes that information across the MIO
interface to the installed MIO card which indicated support for the
MIO AppleTalk extensions. The MIO sub-system will treat the PCL
NBP type and the PostScript NBP type separately.
For information about AppleTalk Name Binding Protocol refer to
Inside AppleTalk published by Addison Wesley Company, Inc.
RENAME changes the printer name portion of the printer’s AppleTalk
Name Binding Protocol name field.
Valid characters for the printer name include 0-255 except for
characters $00, “@” ($40), “:” ($3A), “*” ($2A), “=” ($3D), and $C5.
The printername must contain at least one character, and only the
first 31 characters are used. If an invalid character ($00 is not treated
as an invalid character) is contained in the printername, the printer
will ignore the escape sequence. If the printer encounters the NULL
($00) character, the printer uses the NULL character to terminate the
printer name. All the characters preceding the NULL will be used. If
another device on the AppleTalk network uses the same printer
name, another character is added to the end of the printer name.
The default printername is the printer model (for example,
“HP LaserJet 4”).
ENWW Printer-Specific Differences 2-9
JOB renames the current job name.
All characters are valid. For the job name the first 127 characters are
There is no default jobname.
TYPE changes the type (device type) portion of the printer’s
AppleTalk Name Binding Protocol type field.
Valid characters for the device type include 0-255 except for
characters $00, “@” ($40), “:” ($3A), “*” ($2A), “=” ($3D), and $C5.
The devicetype must contain at least one character, and only the first
31 characters are used. If an invalid character ($00 is not treated as
an invalid character) is contained in the devicetype, the printer will
ignore the escape sequence. If the printer encounters the NULL ($00)
character in the devicetype, it uses the NULL character to terminate
the device type. All the characters preceding the NULL will be used
as the devicetype. If the device type is invalid then the printer's type is
not changed.
The default device type for PCL is “HP LaserJet 4” and for PostScript
is “LaserWriter”.
2-10 Printer-Specific Differences ENWW
HP LaserJet 4Si Printer
The HP LaserJet 4Si printer is the follow-on to the HP LaserJet IIISi
printer. The HP LaserJet 4Si printer contains many new PCL features
over the HP LaserJet IIISi. PCL support for the HP LaserJet 4Si
printer is identical to the HP LaserJet 4 printer except for the addition
of the duplex feature, dual output bin (see Table 1-1) and resource
Like the HP LaserJet IIISi printer, the HP LaserJet 4Si supports the
HP LaserJet IIISi features listed in Table 2-1 with two exceptions.
First, is that the HP LaserJet 4Si does not support ITC Zapf Dingbats.
Font support for the HP LaserJet 4Si is identical to the HP LaserJet 4
printer (refer to Chapter 3, “Internal Typefaces/Fonts and Symbol
Sets,” for complete font support information). The other exception
concerns job separation. The PCL Job Separation command is not
supported. The HP LaserJet 4Si printer handles job separation
through the control panel. If a PCL Job Separation command is
received by the printer it will be ignored. Refer to the HP LaserJet 4Si
User’s Manual (part number C2010-90901) for additional information.
Resource saving, a new feature in the HP LaserJet 4Si printer, allows
saving information for the current language (PCL or PostScript) when
switching to the other language. If resource saving is enabled (from
the control panel or PJL; no PCL commands are required for this
operation), all the permanent fonts, macros, and user-defined
patterns plus some other miscellaneous data is saved in a reserved
portion of printer memory. This data is stored until the language is
enabled again. When the language is re-enabled, the stored data will
be made available for use.
ENWW Printer-Specific Differences 2-11
HP LaserJet 4L Printer
The HP LaserJet 4L printer is a smaller, low-cost HP LaserJet printer.
The control panel on this printer is limited to one button with four
indicators. Many of the control panel functions must be controlled
programmatically using Hewlett-Packard’s Printer Job Language
(refer to the Printer Job Language Technical Reference Manual, part
number 5021-0380 for detailed PJL information).
The HP LaserJet 4L printer PCL command features are identical to
those of the HP LaserJet 4 printer PCL features, except for some
differences in parameter values (such as for paper source—refer to
Table 1-1). Additional features which do not require PCL command
control include EconoMode and HP Memory Enhancement
technology (MEt). EconoMode causes the printer to print less dots,
thus saving toner. Memory Enhancement technology involves some
memory saving techniques to better utilize available memory (refer to
Chapter 5, “Memory Usage” for additional information).
Typefaces in the HP LaserJet 4L printer are different from those of the
HP LaserJet 4 printer. The HP LaserJet 4 printer contains both
Intellifont and TrueType scaling technologies, but the 4L contains only
Intellifont scaling technology. Thus, the 4L does not contain any of the
TrueType typefaces, with one modification. The TrueType Wingdings
typeface has been converted to Intellifont format and is available in
the printer as an Intellifont typeface (refer to Chapter 3, “Internal
Typefaces/Fonts and Symbol Sets” for additional information). The
Line Printer bitmap font is not present on the HP LaserJet 4L printer.

2-12 Printer-Specific Differences ENWW
HP LaserJet 4ML Printer
The HP LaserJet 4ML printer is similar to the HP LaserJet 4L printer,
however, the 4ML includes PostScript and a LocalTalk I/O for printing
in the Macintosh environment. The HP LaserJet 4ML printer also
includes some new PCL features: print model logical operation
(ROP3) and pixel placement, as described on the following pages.
The HP LaserJet 4ML supports the typefaces that the HP LaserJet 4
printer supports. Several of the typefaces in the HP LaserJet 4ML
printer have additional support for the Latin 2 and Latin 5 symbol sets
(refer to Chapter 3, “Internal Typefaces/Fonts and Symbol Sets,” for
complete font support information). The Line Printer bitmap font is not
present on the HP LaserJet 4L printer.
Table 2-4. PCL Feature Additions for HP LaserJet 4ML
Feature Status Comments
Paper (Job) Size
Command Modified An additional parameter (101) has been
added to provide support for custom size.
Logical Operations New Modifies the print model to allow logical
operations (such as AND, OR, XOR, NOT) to
be performed on source, texture, and
Pixel Placement (PCL) New Allows user to select either grid intersection
or grid centered placement of pixels when
rendering an image in PCL.
Pixel Placement
(HP-GL/2) New Allows user to select either grid intersection
or grid centered placement of pixels when
rendering an image in HP-GL/2.
Merge Control New Allows the user to use logical operations
(ROP’s) in HP-GL/2.
ENWW Printer-Specific Differences 2-13
Logical Operations
With the introduction of the HP LaserJet 4ML printer the print model
was expanded to include logical operations.
The basic print model defines how a pattern, source image, and
destination image are applied to each other using the print model’s
transparent and opaque modes to produce a resulting image (refer to
the PCL 5 Printer Language Technical Reference Manual for detailed
information about the basic print model operation). The Logical
Operations (?*l#O) command can apply logical functions (e.g.,
AND, OR, XOR, NOT) to any of these operands except transparency,
which must be specified first.
The print model process consists of the following steps:
1Specify source and/or pattern transparency modes, if desired.
2Specify the logical operation (or use the default).
3Define the desired operands (source, destination, pattern).
Source: The source image may be one of the following:
• HP-GL/2 primitives
• Rules
• Characters
• Raster images (single plane mask or multiplane color)
Destination: The destination image contains whatever is currently
defined on the page. It includes any images placed through previous
Pattern or Texture: The pattern is defined by Current Pattern
(?*v#T). The terms pattern and texture are used interchangeably in
this section.
Transparency Modes: The white pixels of the source and/or pattern
may be made transparent (source transparency 0, pattern
transparency 0). The destination shows through these areas.
Transparency modes are set by the Source Transparency (?*v#N)
and Pattern Transparency (?*v#O) commands (refer to the PCL 5
Printer Language Technical Reference Manual).

2-14 Printer-Specific Differences ENWW
The print model allows logical operations, such as AND, OR, XOR,
NOT, to be performed on source, texture, and destination images.
Transparency modes and Logical Operation must be specified before
printable data is sent.
• Source Transparency (specified before logical operation;
default is transparent)
• Pattern Transparency (specified before logical operation;
default is transparent)
• Logical Operators (default is Texture OR Source)
• Source objects: character cell, raster image, rule, HP-GL/2
vectors and polygons
• Texture: pattern mask
• Destination: current page definition
Assuming three bits per pixel, the following diagram shows the print
model process.
Note The Logical Operation command (?*l#O) provides 255 possible
logical operations. All of these logic operations map directly to their
ROP3 (raster operation) counterparts (see the Microsoft Document,
Reference, Volume 2, Chapter 11, Binary and Ternary Raster
Operation Codes).
The logical operations were defined by Microsoft Windows for an
RGB color space (a “1” is white and a “0” is black).
ENWW Printer-Specific Differences 2-15
Logical Operations and Transparency
As described above, transparency modes operate in addition to
logical operations. The logical operations in Table 2-5, Logical
Operations (ROP3), on the following pages, are true only if source
and pattern transparency (for white pixels) are explicitly set to opaque
(?*v1N and ?*v1O). If source and/or pattern transparency modes
are transparent (defaulted), the additional operations shown on the
following page must be performed to achieve the final result.
The four basic interactions are:
•Case 1: Source and Pattern are opaque.
Return ROP3 (Dest, Src, Texture).
•Case 2: Source is opaque, Pattern is transparent.
Temporary_ROP3 = ROP3 (Dest, Src, Texture).
Image_A = Temporary_ROP3, & Not Src.
Image_B = Temporary_ROP3 & Pattern.
Image_C = Not Pattern & Src & Dest.
Return Image_A | Image_B | Image_C
•Case 3: Source is transparent, Pattern is opaque.
Temporary_ROP3 = ROP3 (Dest, Src, Texture).
Image_A = Temporary_ROP3 & Src.
Image_B = Dest & Not Src.
Return Image_A | Image_B
•Case 4: Source and Pattern are transparent
Temporary_ROP3 = ROP3 (Dest, Src, Texture).
Image_A = Temporary_ROP3 & Src & Pattern.
Image_B = Dest & Not Src.
Image_C = Dest & Not Pattern.
Return Image_A | Image_B | Image_C.

2-16 Printer-Specific Differences ENWW
Logical Operation Command
Specifies the logical operation to be performed in RGB color space on
the destination, source and texture to produce new destination data.
Note When source and/or pattern transparency modes are set opaque (not
defaulted), values specified by this command map directly to the
ROP3 (raster operation) table values on the following page. However,
when source and/or pattern transparency modes are set transparent,
the additional operations shown on the previous page must be
performed to achieve the final result.
Logical operations in the table are shown in RPN (reverse polish
notation). For example, the value 225 corresponds to TDSoxn, the
logical function of
NOT (texture XOR (source OR destination))
Note This command is the PCL Version of the HP-GL/2 MC command.
This command sets the ROP value which affects not only PCL
operation but also the HP-GL/2 ROP value.
#= Logical operation value (see Table 2-6)
Default = 252 (TSo)
Range = 0 to 255

ENWW Printer-Specific Differences 2-17
The Logical Operation default value is 252 (TSo), corresponding to a
logical function of:
(texture | source)
The result is computed below for both case 1 (source and pattern
opaque) and case 4 (source and pattern transparent) on the previous
page. Note that the ROP3 value of 252 results only with case 1, when
both source and pattern transparency modes are set to opaque.
Table 2-5. Logical Operation (ROP3)
Each column of destination, source, and texture values are the input
to the logical function. The result, 252, is the value that would be sent
to identify the logical operation (source and pattern transparency
modes are opaque). The last row, “ROP3 + Transparencies (source &
pattern are transparent)” shows the result if source and pattern
transparency modes are transparent (the default transparency mode).
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Texture 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
Source 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0
Destination 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0
ROP3 (source & pattern are opaque) 11111100
(decimal 252)
ROP3 Transparencies
(source & pattern are transparent) 11101010

2-18 Printer-Specific Differences ENWW
Table of Logical Operations
Table 2-6, Logical Operations (ROP3), shows the mapping between
input values and their logical operations. Note that the logical
operations are specified as RPN (reverse polish notation) equations.
Here is a key to describe what the Boolean Function values mean;
Note Since logical operations are interpreted in RGB space (white = 1 and
black = 0) rather than in CMY space (white = 0 and black = 1), the
results may not be intuitive. For example, ORing a white object with a
black object in RGB space yields a white object. This is the same as
ANDing the two objects in CMY space. It must be remembered that
the printer operates in something similar to a CMY space and inverts
the bits and reverses the order.
S = Source a = AND
T = Texture o = OR
D = Destination n = NOT

ENWW Printer-Specific Differences 2-19
Table 2-6. Logical Operations (ROP3)
Input Value Boolean Function Input Value Boolean Function
0 0 27 SDTSxaxn
1 DTSoon 28 TSDTaox
2 DTSona 29 DSTDxaxn
3 TSon 30 TDSox
4 SDTona 31 TDSoan
6 TDSxnon 33 SDTxon
7 TDSaon 34 DSna
8 SDTnaa 35 STDnaon
9 TDSxon 36 STxDSxa
10 DTna 37 TDSTanaxn
11 TSDnaon 38 SDTSaox
12 STna 39 SDTSxnox
13 TDSnaon 40 DTSxa
14 TDSonon 41 TSDTSaoxxn
15 Tn 42 DTSana
16 TDSona 43 SSTxTDxaxn
17 DSon 44 STDSoax
18 SDTxnon 45 TSDnox
19 SDTaon 46 TSDTxox
20 DTSxnon 47 TSDnoan
21 DTSaon 48 TSna
22 TSDTSanaxx 49 SDTnaon
23 SSTxDSxaxn 50 SDTSoox
24 STxTDxa 51 Sn
25 SDTSanaxn 52 STDSaox
26 TDSTaox 53 STDSxnox

2-20 Printer-Specific Differences ENWW
Table 2-6. Logical Operations (ROP3) continued
Input Value Boolean Function Input Value Boolean Function
54 SDTox 81 DSTnaon
55 SDToan 82 DTSDaox
56 TSDToax 83 STDSxaxn
57 STDnox 84 DTSonon
58 STDSxox 85 Dn
59 STDnoan 86 DTSox
60 TSx 87 DTSoan
61 STDSonox 88 TDSToax
62 STDSnaox 89 DTSnox
63 TSan 90 DTx
64 TSDnaa 91 DTSDonox
65 DTSxon 92 DTSDxox
66 SDxTDxa 93 DTSnoan
67 STDSanaxn 94 DTSDnaox
68 SDna 95 DTan
69 DTSnaon 96 TDSxa
70 DSTDaox 97 DSTDSaoxxn
71 TSDTxaxn 98 DSTDoax
72 SDTxa 99 SDTnox
73 TDSTDaoxxn 100 SDTSoax
74 DTSDoax 101 DSTnox
75 TDSnox 102 DSx
76 SDTana 103 SDTSonox
77 SSTxDSxoxn 104 DSTDSonoxxn
78 TDSTxox 105 TDSxxn
79 TDSnoan 106 DTSax
80 TDna 107 TSDTSoaxxn

ENWW Printer-Specific Differences 2-21
Table 2-6. Logical Operations (ROP3) continued
Input Value Boolean Function Input Value Boolean Function
108 SDTax 135 TDSaxn
109 TDSTDoaxxn 136 DSa
110 SDTSnoax 137 SDTSnaoxn
111 TDSxnan 138 DSTnoa
112 TDSana 139 DSTDxoxn
113 SSDxTDxaxn 140 SDTnoa
114 SDTSxox 141 SDTSxoxn
115 SDTnoan 142 SSDxTDxax
116 DSTDxox 143 TDSanan
117 DSTnoan 144 TDSxna
118 SDTSnaox 145 SDTSnoaxn
119 DSan 146 DTSDToaxx
120 TDSax 147 STDaxn
121 DSTDSoaxxn 148 TSDTSoaxx
122 DTSDnoax 149 DTSaxn
123 SDTxnan 150 DTSxx
124 STDSnoax 151 TSDTSonoxx
125 DTSxnan 152 SDTSonoxn
126 STxDSxo 153 DSxn
127 DTSaan 154 DTSoaxn
128 DTSaa 155 SDTSoaxn
129STxDSxon156 STDnax
131 STDSnoaxn 158 DSTDSaoxx
133 TDSTnoaxn 160 DTa
134 DSTDSoaxx 161 TDSTnaoxn

2-22 Printer-Specific Differences ENWW
Table 2-6. Logical Operations (ROP3) continued
Input Value Boolean Function Input Value Boolean Function
162 DTSnoa 189 SDxTDxan
163 DTSDxoxn 190 DTSxo
164 TDSTonoxn 191 DTSano
165TDxn192 TSa
166 DSTnax 193 STDSnaoxn
167 TDSToaxn 194 STDSonoxn
168 DTSoa 195 TSxn
170 D 197 STDSxoxn
171 DTSono 198 SDTnax
172 STDSxax 199 TSDToaxn
173DTSDaoxn200 SDToa
174 DSTnao 201 STDoxn
176 TDSnoa 203 STDSaoxn
177TDSTxoxn204 S
178 SSTxDSxox 205 SDTono
179 SDTanan 206 SDTnao
180 TSDnax 207 STno
181 DTSDoaxn 208 TSDnoa
182 DTSDTaoxx 209 TSDTxoxn
184 TSDTxax 211 STDSoaxn
186 DTSnao 213 DTSanan
188 STDSanax 215 DTSxan

ENWW Printer-Specific Differences 2-23
Table 2-6. Logical Operations (ROP3) continued
Input Value Boolean Function Input Value Boolean Function
216 TDSTxax 236 SDTao
217 SDTSaoxn 237 SDTxno
218 DTSDanax 238 DSo
219STxDSxan239 SDTnoo
220 STDnao 240 T
222 SDTxo 242 TDSnao
223 SDTano 243 TSno
224 TDSoa 244 TSDnao
225TDSoxn245 TDno
226 DSTDxax 246 TDSxo
227TSDTaoxn247 TDSano
228 SDTSxax 248 TDSao
229TDSTaoxn249 TDSxno
230 SDTSanax 250 DTo
231 STxTDxan 251 DTSnoo
232 SSTxDSxax 252 TSo
233 DSTDSanaxxn 253 TSDnoo
234 DTSao 254 DTSoo
235DTSxno255 1

2-24 Printer-Specific Differences ENWW
Pixel Placement Command
This command determines how pixels are rendered in images.
?*l # R
Two models are used for rendering pixels when an image is placed on
• Grid Intersection Model
• Grid Centered Model
This command can be invoked multiple times during a page. It has no
effect except to switch the model being used for imaging.
Note The PCL Pixel Placement command determines how pixels are
placed for both PCL and HP-GL/2 operation.
The example shown in Figure 2-1 illustrates the concepts of the two
models. Assume a rectangle extends from coordinate position (1,1) to
position (3,4). As shown below, each model produces a different
result. (Since PCL printers print only at intersections, grid centered
pixel placement is implemented as shown on the right.)
# = 0 - Grid intersection
1 - Grid centered
Default =0
Range = 0, 1 (command is ignored for other values)

ENWW Printer-Specific Differences 2-25
Figure 2-1 Pixel Placement
The grid centered model produces a rectangle that is one dot row
thinner and one dot row shorter than the grid intersection model. The
grid intersection model is the PCL default.
Note The grid centered method is used by Microsoft Windows.

2-26 Printer-Specific Differences ENWW
Placement Variations
PCL and HP-GL/2 (see following pages for HP-GL/2 pixel placement
command description) provide two pixel placement modes: grid
intersection (the default) and grid centered. Grid intersection places
pixels on the intersections of the grid (see Figure 2-2). Grid centered
places pixels in the center of the grid. In Figure 2-2, a rectangle
extends from position (1,1) to (3,4). The grid centered model
produces a rectangle one dot thinner and one dot shorter then the
grid intersection model.
When rectangular area fills are used and grid intersection is used, an
overlapping of pixels can occur if rectangular area fills are placed
adjacent to one another (as shown below). Depending on the raster
operation presently in effect, this overlap can produce undesirable
results in the final printed image. To avoid this problem, use the grid
centered method.
Note Since PCL printers print only at intersections, grid centered is
implemented as shown on the right.
Figure 2-2 Pixel Placement Variations

ENWW Printer-Specific Differences 2-27
Pixel Placement Command (HP-GL/2)
The Pixel Placement (PP) command controls how pixels are placed
on the layout grid during polygon fills. Two pixel placement modes are
grid intersection or grid centered.
PP [mode] ;
Pixel Placement Command (HP-GL/2)
The command is the HP-GL/2 version of the PCL Pixel Placement
command. Whatever mode is selected, using the HP-GL/2 PP
command also applies to PCL operation. Likewise the PCL Pixel
Placement command also affects HP-GL/2 pixel placement.
Note Microsoft Windows fills polygons based on grid centered method.
This command determines how pixels will be placed for both HP-GL/2
and PCL operation.
The PP command is not defaulted by an IN command.
Parameter Format Functional Range Default
mode clamped integer 0 or 1 0 (grid intersection)
0 = grid intersection; device draws pixels centered at grid
intersections (see Figure 2-1).
1 = grid centered; device draws pixels centered inside the boxes
created by the grid (see Figure 2-1).

2-28 Printer-Specific Differences ENWW
Merge Control Command (HP-GL/2)
The Merge Control (MC) command specifies the raster operation
(ROP's) to be performed in HP-GL/2. Raster Operations specify how
source, destination, and patterns are combined to produce final
images. This command supports all 256 Microsoft Windows ternary
(ROP3) raster-operation codes.
MC [mode, [opcode] ] ;
Merge Control Command (HP-GL/2)
1 For opcode ROP values refer to Table 2-6, Logical Operation.
Note This command is the HP-GL/2 version of the PCL Logical Operation
This command sets a ROP value which affects not only HP-GL/2
operation but also the PCL ROP value.
The MC command is defaulted by an IN command.
Parameter Format Functional Range Default
mode clamped integer 0 or 1 0 (ROP 252)
opcode clamped integer 0...2551 168, 252
0 = opcode value is ignored; printer sets ROP to 252.
1 = opcode value is used as the ROP value. If no opcode value is
sent, printer sets ROP to 168. If opcode is out of range (some
value other then 0-255), the command is ignored and the
default ROP of 252 is used. (For example: MC1,60; MC1,60-;
MC1,+60; MC1,60+; all set the ROP to 60; however, MC1,-60;
or MC1,300; set the ROP to the default value (252).

ENWW Printer-Specific Differences 2-29
Note When using the MC command, some pattern types will not produce
the expected ROP result. This only occurs when using the FT (Fill
Type) command pattern types 1, 2, 3, and 4, and the ROP includes an
XOR operation. (This problem is due to the fact that these patterns
are the result of a vector operation and do not produce raster data for
use by a ROP operation.) All other Fill Type command patterns
(types, 10, 11, 21, or 22) operate as expected.
The operation code (opcode) specifies the logical operations that are
performed on a source, destination, and patterned image prior to
drawing the final image. The opcodes are created by listing all
possible combinations of a single pattern, source and destination
pixel, and constructing the desired final pixel values. The following
table shows three common opcodes (also see Table 2-6).
Table 2-3. Common Opcodes
Pixel Combinations Desired Destination Values
Pattern Pixel Source Pixel Destination
Pixel Source
Overwrite Transparency
(TR command) Source
10 1011
Resulting Opcode 204 (0xCC) 238 (0xEE) 102 (0x66)
2-30 Printer-Specific Differences ENWW
HP LaserJet 4P and 4MP Printers
The HP LaserJet 4P printer is the follow-on to the HP LaserJet IIIP
printer. The HP LaserJet 4MP printer is the multi-platform (PostScript)
version of the 4P printer. PCL operation and the internal fonts in these
two printers are identical to that of the HP LaserJet 4ML printer. The
4P and 4MP printers have a control panel unlike the 4L and 4ML
printers. Refer to Table 1-1, PCL Feature Support Matrix, for the
commands these printers support and to Chapter 3, “Internal
Typefaces/Fonts and Symbol Sets,” for font support information.

ENWW Printer-Specific Differences 2-31
HP LaserJet 4PJ Printer
The HP LaserJet 4PJ printer is a modified version of the
HP LaserJet 4P printer designed specifically for the Japanese
market. The enhanced PCL 5 printer language in this printer includes
all of the PCL 5 features of the HP LaserJet 4P, plus special features
which specifically support the Asian printing market. These features
include large font support, support for vertical printing, and the ESC/P
printer language. Table 2-8 lists the PCL feature additions for this
Table 2-4. PCL Feature Additions for HP LaserJet 4PJ
Feature Status Comments
Text Parsing Method
Command New Provides a method for specifying character
codes to select characters in large fonts
(> 256 characters).
Character Text Path
Direction Command New Allows vertical printing for Asian markets,
which use both horizontal and vertical
Font Header Format Modified Adds Font Format 16, a font header which
supports large TrueType fonts. Five new font
header segments are supported.
Fonts New Additions
and Deletions The resident typefaces are different than
those in the HP LaserJet 4P printer. Two
large fonts (fonts containing a large number
of characters) are included to support the
Japanese market: MS Mincho and MS
Gothic. The printer also contains some
Western TrueType typefaces (Arial and
Times Roman families). The printer does not
have any Intellifont typefaces except the
Courier family.
Page Size Command New Additions Adds support for JIS B5 paper (?&l45A)
and two Japanese postcard sizes: Hagaki
(?&l71A) and Oufuku-Hagaki (?&l72A).
Enhancements New Allows pseudo-bold and pseudo-italic
enhancements to be applied to MS Mincho,
MS Gothic, and certain downloaded
TrueType fonts.
2-32 Printer-Specific Differences ENWW
Descriptions of the Text Parsing Method Command, Character Text
Path Direction Command, and Font Format 16 are provided in the
following paragraphs. Following that, a “LaserJet 4PJ Programming
Tips” section offers examples and tips for performing specific tasks
using PCL 5.
Text Parsing Method Command
The Text Parsing Method command informs the PCL parser whether
character codes should be interpreted as 1-byte or 2-byte character
codes as described below.
If the value field is 21, character codes in the range 0x21-0xFF are
processed as the first byte of a two-byte character. The following byte
is processed as the second byte of the two-byte character. All
character codes outside this range are processed as one-byte values.
This method can be used for parsing characters in Asian seven-bit
encoding specifications, including JIS X0208 (Japan), GB 2312-80
(China), and KS C 5601-1992 (Korea).
If the value field is 31, character codes in the range 0x81-0x9F and
0xE0-0xFC are processed as the first byte of a two-byte character.
The following byte is processed as the second byte of the two-byte
character. All character codes outside this range are processed as
one-byte values. This method can be used for parsing characters in
the Shift-JIS encoding specification.
# = 0, 1 - All character codes are processed as one-byte
21 - Character codes are processed as one-byte or two-byte
characters as described below.
31 - Character codes are processed as one-byte or two-byte
characters as described below.
38 - Character codes are processed as one-byte or two-byte
characters as described below.
Default = 0 or 31 (if the default symbol set is WIN31J, the value is
31; otherwise it is 0)
Range = 0, 1, 21, 31, 38
ENWW Printer-Specific Differences 2-33
If the value field is 38, character codes in the range 0x80-0xFF are
processed as the first byte of a two-byte character. The following byte
is processed as the second byte of the two-byte character. All
character codes outside this range are processed as one-byte values.
This method can be used for parsing Asian eight-bit encoding
specifications, such as the Big Five and TCA encoding specifications
(Taiwan), and KS C 5601-1992 and GB 2312-80, which can be either
7 or 8 bit.
Character Text Path Direction Command
This command allows the user to vertically rotate text for use in
vertical writing applications.
Using ?&c0T, the printer’s current active position (CAP) advances
left to right, and linefeed advances top to bottom with horizontal,
upright characters.
Using ?&c–1T, the following actions occur:
• Full-width characters in large fonts are rotated
counter-clockwise 90 degrees (“vertical rotated” characters).
• Vertical substitutes are made for characters which change
their appearance, orientation, or positioning when written
• All other characters are unaffected by this setting.
• The vertical-rotated printing mode (?&c-1T) has the effect of
transforming a portrait page with horizontal text into a
landscape page with vertical text. The PCL Print Direction
command can be used to achieve other text orientations.
# = 0- Horizontal printing
-1 - Vertical rotated printing
Default =0
Range =0, 1

2-34 Printer-Specific Differences ENWW
Vertical substitution characters are those characters which change
their appearance, orientation, or positioning when written vertically.
Examples in Japanese fonts include parentheses, brackets,
punctuation and small kana. In the example above, the two small
characters are replaced with vertical substitutes. Vertical substitution
characters are accessed through the Vertical Substitutes Character
Segment, which is described in more detail later in this chapter.
Font Header Format 16
The HP LaserJet 4PJ printer provides support for large fonts. Large
fonts, such as the MS Mincho and MS Gothic fonts supplied in the
printer, are fonts which are bound to large symbol sets. The
LaserJet 4PJ printer supports a new font header to accommodate
large bound fonts. New segments are provided for support of vertical
substitutes, galley characters, typeface strings, and character
The Font Header Command, described beginning on page 11-6 of the
PCL 5 Printer Language Technical Reference Manual, has several
different header formats. The support of large fonts adds Font Header
Format 16 (Universal Font Header). Font Header Format 16 is
identical in structure to format 15 (Universal Scalable Font Header)
except that the size field for data segments has been enlarged from
16 bits to 32 bits, and a new Font Type has been added for large fonts
(Font Type 3).
ENWW Printer-Specific Differences 2-35
New Font Format Header Segments
For the HP LaserJet 4PJ printer, Font Header Format 15 has been
extended to include optional data segments for supporting galley
characters, typeface strings, and character enhancements. Font
Format 16 supports these segments plus optional segments for
supporting vertical substitution and a vertical rotation offset.
(Segmented Font Data is described beginning on page 11-45 of the
PCL 5 Printer Language Technical Reference Manual.)
Galley Character Segment
If an application requests a character that does not exist within the
current font, the printer checks the Galley Character Segment for a
substitute character to print.
Vertical Substitution Character Segment
The Vertical Substitution Character Segment is used to identify
vertical substitute glyphs for characters which change their
appearance, orientation, or positioning when written vertically.
Typeface String Segment
The Typeface String Segment allows names of permanent
downloaded fonts to be displayed, using non-Latin characters, in the
appropriate typeface on the Typeface List.
Vertical Rotation Segment
When the character text path direction is set to vertical rotation,
full-width characters are rotated counter-clockwise 90°. The Vertical
Rotation Segment sets the point around which the character rotates,
so that character alignment is compatible with the way Windows 3.1J
rotates characters.
Character Enhancement Segment
The HP LaserJet 4PJ printer can apply pseudo-bold and pseudo-italic
enhancements to MS Mincho, MS Gothic, and certain downloaded
TrueType fonts. This segment is used to indicate that a particular
downloaded font is able to have these character enhancements

2-36 Printer-Specific Differences ENWW
Table 2-5. Printer Segment Support for Font Format 16
Description of Font Header Segments
Each font header data segment contains three parts:
• Segment Identifier
• Data Segment Size
• Data Segment
Segment1LJ 4PJ LJ 4V/
Pro DJ 1600 LJ 5P
Galley Character – GC ✓✓✓✓✓✓
Vertical Substitution – VT ✓✓✓✓✓✓
Typeface string – TF ✓✓✓✓✓ns
Vertical Rotation – VR ✓✓✓✓✓✓
Character Enhancement –
Bitmap Resolution – BR* ns ✓✓✓ns ✓
TrueType fonts ✓✓✓✓✓✓
Bitmap fonts* ns ✓✓✓ns ✓
ns – not supported
* Format 16 bitmap font support is described beginning on page 2-63.
1 These segments are supported for the HP LaserJet 5Si and all later LaserJet printers.

ENWW Printer-Specific Differences 2-37
Segment Identifier Values
The Segment Identifier Values for the Galley Character, Vertical
Substitution Character, Typeface String, Vertical Rotation, and
Character Enhancement Segments are as shown in the following
Data Segment Size
The Data Segment Size indicates the number of bytes in the
immediately following Data Segment. The size of this field is 4 bytes
for Font Format 16 fonts, and 2 bytes for Font Format 15 fonts. The
rest of the data segments are identical for both font formats.
Galley Character Segment
If an application requests a character that does not exist within the
current font, the printer checks the Galley Character Segment for a
substitute character to print instead. The Galley Character Segment
specifies the character codes of the substitute characters to be
printed. A different galley character can be specified for different
regions of the symbol set. For example, this segment can be set up
so that an asterisk prints when a non-existent character is selected in
the region 0x81 - 0x9F, and a question mark for characters in the
region 0xE0-0xFC.
Value Mnemonic* Data Segment
18243 GC Galley Character Segment
22100 VT Vertical Substitute Segment
21574 TF Typeface String Segment
22098 VR Vertical Rotation Segment
17221 CE Character Enhancement Segment
* The mnemonic is obtained when the two bytes of this big-endian word are treated as
ASCII characters.
Byte 15 (MSB) 8 7 (LSB) 0 Byte
0 GC (18243) 1
4Data Segment Size (6*n+6) * 3
6Format = 0 7
8 Default Galley Character 9

2-38 Printer-Specific Differences ENWW
•Default Galley Character (UI). Character code of the
character to be printed when a specified character is not within
any of the defined regions.
•Number of Regions (UI). Number of regions for which galley
characters are defined. Regions are defined for a table in
which the first character code byte specifies the row and the
second byte specifies the column.
•Region #x Upper Left Character Code (UI). Character code
defining upper left corner of Region #x.
•Region #x Lower Right Character Code (UI). Character
code defining lower right corner of Region #x.
•Region #x Galley Character (UI). Character code of the
character to be printed when a character within Region #x is
missing from the selected font.
If the value of the galley character field is 0xFFFF, then if the font
contains a missing character glyph, that glyph is printed. The missing
character glyph can be downloaded using the PCL Download
Character command with a character code = 0xFFFF and a glyph
ID = 0.
If both the character specified by the original character code and by
the galley character code are missing, the CAP is advanced in
accordance with previous PCL rules for missing characters, that is, it
is advanced according to the current setting of HMI (Horizontal
Motion Index).
10 Number of Regions (n) 11
12 Region #1 Upper Left Character Code 13
14 Region #1 Lower Right Character Code 15
16 Region #1 Galley Character 17
. . . . . .
6*n+6 Region #n Upper Left Character Code 6*n+7
6*n+8 Region #n Lower Right Character Code 6*n+9
6*n+10 Region #n Galley Character 6*n+11
* This segment is for Font Format 16. The Data Segment Size field for Font Format 16
fonts is 4 bytes; the segment for Font Format 15 fonts is identical except the Data
Segment Size field is 2 bytes instead.
Byte 15 (MSB) 8 7 (LSB) 0 Byte

ENWW Printer-Specific Differences 2-39
The Galley Character Segment will be invalid if the format number is
not supported or if the segment size declared in the Segment Size
field is larger or smaller than required for the number of regions (N). If
the segment is invalid, the font download will be ignored.
Galley Character Segments can be downloaded with any Font Format
15 or 16 font, regardless of font type.
The Galley Character Segment can be used to implement a
requirement of the Microsoft Windows Version 3.1, Japanese Version,
Microsoft Standard Character Set Specification (March 11, 1993),
which states “when there is an output request for a character of a
specified typeface, even if the glyph corresponding to the specified
character code does not exist, some glyph data will be output. For
double-byte characters, the glyph of the default character defined for
the given TrueType font is used. For single-byte characters, the glyph
at 0xA5 (small dot, U+FF65) is used.”
The following table shows a Galley Character Segment which follows
the Japanese Windows specification.
Byte 15 (MSB) 8 7 (LSB) 0 Byte
0 GC (18243) 1
4Data Segment Size (12) * 3
6Format = 0 7
8 Default Galley Character = 0xFFFF 9
10 Number of Regions (n) = 1 11
12 Region #1 Upper Left
Character Code = 0x0000 13
14 Region #1 Lower Right
Character Code = 0x00FF 15
16 Region #1 Galley Character = 0x00A5 17
* This segment is for Font Format 16. The Data Segment Size field for Font Format 16
fonts is 4 bytes; the segment for Font Format 15 fonts is identical except the Data
Segment Size field is 2 bytes instead.

2-40 Printer-Specific Differences ENWW
In this example segment, there is one galley character region. This
region is applied to all one-byte characters (character codes
0x0000-0x00FF); any missing character in this region is replaced with
the character at character code location 0x00A5. Any missing
characters falling into this region (e.g. character codes 0x0100 -
0xFFFF) are replaced with the default galley character. Since in this
example the Default Galley Character field = 0xFFFF, the missing
character glyph is printed if it is present in the font.
Vertical Substitution Segment
The Vertical Substitution Segment contains pairs of glyph IDs. Each
pair specifies the horizontal and vertical glyph ID for a character. The
segment can be built directly from a TrueType mort table which
contains a vertical substitution array. The segment definition is shown
in the table below.
The Horizontal Glyph ID field is used by TrueType as an ID number for
the horizontal glyph data associated with a given character. The
Vertical Glyph ID field contains the ID number for the vertical glyph
data associated with the same character.
The vertical glyphs can be downloaded using the PCL Character
Definition Command using a character code = 0xFFFF.
Byte 15 (MSB) 8 7 (LSB) 0 Byte
0 VT (22100) 1
4Data Segment Size (4*n+4) * 3
6 Horizontal Glyph ID #1 7
8 Vertical Glyph ID #1 9
. . . . . .
4*n+2 Horizontal Glyph ID #n 4*n+3
4*n+4 Vertical Glyph ID #n 4*n+5
4*n+6 End of table mark #1 = 0xFFFF 4*n+7
4*n+8 End of table mark #2 = 0xFFFF 4*n+9

ENWW Printer-Specific Differences 2-41
A TrueType mort table typically contains a header of 76 bytes,
followed by the vertical substitution array which follows the segment
format described here. However, the mort table header is designed to
be variable-length, and the location of the vertical substitution data
may be located elsewhere in mort tables in future fonts.
If the Font Type is not Type 3 (16-bit fonts), this data segment is
If the value pairs are not sorted by horizontal glyph ID, the data
segment is invalid. If the End of Table mark #1 is not 0xFFFF, the data
segment is invalid. The location of the end of the table is determined
using the Data Segment Size field. If the segment is invalid, the font
download is ignored.
Typeface String Segment
The purpose of this segment is to provide a substitute string to print
for a permanent downloaded font when doing a PCL Typeface List
printout. It has the following structure:
Embedded Font Name Flag (UB)—A zero value in this field is used to
indicate that the ASCII name of the font (from the Font Name field)
should be printed in addition to the substitute string. A non-zero value
is used to indicate that only the substitute string should be printed.
• Substitute String Length (UB)—the number of UI characters in
the Substitute String Character List.
Byte 15 (MSB) 8 7 (LSB) 0 Byte
0 TF (21574) 1
4Data Segment Size (2*n+2) * 3
6 Embedded Font
Name Flag Substitute String
Length (n) 7
8 Substitute String Character List 9
. . . . . .
* This segment is for Font Format 16. The Data Segment Size field for Font Format 16
fonts is 4 bytes; the segment for Font Format 15 fonts is identical except the Data
Segment Size field is 2 bytes instead.

2-42 Printer-Specific Differences ENWW
• Substitute String Character List (array of UI)—the characters
which make up the substitute string. Each character is
represented as a UI value. If the font is a bound font, then the
values are accessed by their character codes values; if the font
is unbound, then the Unicode index numbers (see
Appendix D) are used.
The Typeface String Segment will be invalid if the Data Segment Size
declared in the Data Segment Size field is larger or smaller than
required for substitute string length, or if the Data Segment Size is an
odd number of bytes. If the segment is invalid, the font download will
be ignored.
Typeface String Segments can be downloaded with any Font
Format 15 or Font Format 16 font, regardless of font type.
The following tables are examples of Typeface String Segments for
two downloaded fonts. The first is for MS Mincho, and has the
embedded font name flag set to true. The second is for MS Gothic,
and has the embedded font name flag set to false.
MS Mincho
Byte 15 (MSB) 8 7 (LSB) 0 Byte
0 TF (21574) 1
4Data Segment Size
(10) * 3
6 Embedded Font
Name Flag = 1 Substitute String
Length = 4 7
Substitute String Character List =
0x826c (Note: these are full-width
0x8272 Shift-JIS character codes
0x96be for “MS” and Kanji “Mincho”)

ENWW Printer-Specific Differences 2-43
MS Gothic
Byte 15 (MSB) 8 7 (LSB) 0 Byte
0 TF (21574) 1
4Data Segment Size
(14) * 3
6 Embedded Font
Name Flag = 0 Substitute String
Length = 6 7
Substitute String Character List =
0x826c (Note: these are full-width
0x8272 Shift-JIS character codes
0x8353 for “MS” and Katakana for
0x8356 “Gothic”)
* This segment is for Font Format 16. The Data Segment Size field for Font Format 16
fonts is 4 bytes; the segment for Font Format 15 fonts is identical except the Data
Segment Size field is 2 bytes instead.

2-44 Printer-Specific Differences ENWW
The following illustration shows how the PCL Typeface List would
Vertical Rotation Segment
The Vertical Rotation Segment is used to define the lower boundary
of the rotation box used when the character text path direction is set
to vertical rotation. This is an optional segment which may be
downloaded with Font Format 16 TrueType fonts.
The following illustration shows an example of character rotation. The
boxes around each character represent the vertical rotation box. The
distance between the baseline and the bottom of the character box is
represented by the Descender value in the Vertical Rotation

ENWW Printer-Specific Differences 2-45
The structure of the Vertical Rotation Segment is:
• Format (UINT16)—Set this value to 0.
• Descender Value (SINT16)—Set this value to equal the
“sTypoDescender” value from the “OS/2” table of the TrueType
Byte 15 (MSB) 8 7 (LSB) 0 Byte
0 VR (22098) 1
4Data Segment Size (4) * 3
6Format (0) 7
8 Descender value 9
* This segment is for Font Format 16. The Data Segment Size field for Font Format 16
fonts is 4 bytes; the segment for Font Format 15 fonts is identical except the Data
Segment Size field is 2 bytes instead.

2-46 Printer-Specific Differences ENWW
• If the Vertical Rotation Segment is not downloaded with the
font definition, a default value is used for the Descender value.
The default value is set to the following:
Descender value = -36/256 * ScaleFactor
Where: ScaleFactor is Bytes 64 and 65 from the Font Format
16 Font Header.
Character Enhancement Segment
This segment indicates whether the pseudo-bold or pseudo-italic
enhancements can be performed on a downloaded font.
The structure of the Character Enhancement Segment is:
• Style (UINT32)—This field specifies the style types that the
printer is allowed to perform on the font characters.
Byte 15 (MSB) 8 7 (LSB) 0 Byte
0 CE (17221) 1
2 Data Segment Size (8) 3
6Style 7
10 Stroke Weight 11
12 Reserved 13
* This segment is for Font Format 16. The Data Segment Size field for Font Format 16
fonts is 4 bytes; the segment for Font Format 15 fonts is identical except the Data
Segment Size field is 2 bytes instead.
31 4 3 0
Reserved Posture
Bit Positions (#) = Posture
1 = Italics
0, 2, 3 = Reserved

ENWW Printer-Specific Differences 2-47
• Stroke Weight (UINT16)—This field specifies the stroke
weights which the printer is allowed to provide using the
pseudo-bold enhancement algorithm.
Note Only stroke weights greater than the stroke weight of the font can be
provided using the pseudo-bold enhancement algorithm.
15 0
Stroke weight
Bit Position (#) = Stroke Weight
0 = Reserved 8 = “Book” or “Text” Weight
1 = Ultra Thin 9 = Semi-Bold
2 = Extra Thin 10 = Demi-Bold
3 = Thin 11 = Bold
4 = Extra Light 12 = Extra Bold
5 = Light 13 = Black
6 = Demi Light 14 = Extra Black
7 = Semi Light 15 = Ultra Black
2-48 Printer-Specific Differences ENWW
HP LaserJet 4PJ Programming Tips
This section provides programming tips concerning specific
considerations for the HP LaserJet 4PJ printer. This section covers
general print job initialization, font metric calculation, vertical writing,
and other issues which are pertinent to printing Japanese text on the
HP LaserJet 4PJ printer using PCL 5.
General Print Job Initialization
This example demonstrates the general print job initialization
procedure for the HP LaserJet 4PJ printer, which is slightly different
than that used for other HP LaserJet printers.
Output from pre-LaserJet 4PJ PCL drivers (for example, a
HP LaserJet 4P driver) will only print correctly on the
HP LaserJet 4PJ printer if the default PCL symbol set is set to a value
other than the Japanese Windows 3.1 (Win3.1J) symbol set. This is
because the default PCL text parsing method is set based on the
default PCL symbol set. When the default PCL symbol set is set to
Win3.1J, the default text parsing method is Shift-JIS parsing; for any
other value, such as Roman-8, the default text parsing method is
1-byte parsing. To set the default PCL symbol set value, use PJL or
the control panel.
The first example given here is nearly identical to the initialization
used for other HP LaserJet 4 family printers. The only difference is
that it includes a PJL command to set the default PCL symbol set to
@PJL COMMENT *** This command is added ***
The commands in the above example are explained in more detail in
the PCL 5 and PJL technical reference manuals.
ENWW Printer-Specific Differences 2-49
The second example given here initializes a PCL 5 print job for
printing Japanese text. The major differences from the previous
example are that it specifies A4 paper, initializes the text parsing
method to Shift-JIS, selects Win3.1J as the primary symbol set,
selects MS-Mincho as the primary font.
The last line (2 lines, as shown) in the above example is a PCL 5
initialization string. This set of commands resets the printer, specifies
1 copy, specifies the paper tray as a paper source, chooses A4-size
paper, selects portrait orientation, VMI=8 (6LPI), sets top margin to
6 lines, selects a text length of 60 lines, a 5-column left margin,
Shift-JIS parsing, WIN3.1J symbol set, and a proportional, 10-point,
upright, text-weight MS-Mincho font.
After the PCL print data, the following commands would be used to
complete the job:
Font Metric Calculation
Accurate character placement relies on the ability to predict character
width and height. As a character’s point size changes, so does its
width and height. (CAP displacement, the distance the CAP moves
for vertically rotated text, is a full-width calculation.)
In proportionally spaced fonts, character widths also vary from
character to character within the font. Variable character widths add
complexity to maintaining accurate line widths, page breaks, or
WYSIWYG operation. To support most proportionally spaced fonts,
font metrics must be extracted from the font metric files.
2-50 Printer-Specific Differences ENWW
In the MS-Mincho and MS-Gothic fonts provided in the
HP LaserJet 4PJ, font metric calculation is somewhat easier than for
the Latin-based fonts. Width calculations are easier because all
characters of these fonts conform to one of two different character
widths at a particular point size. The characters are either considered
full-width or half- width. One-byte characters are always half-width
and two-byte characters are always full-width.
Full-width characters occupy the entire EM width at a particular point
size. Half-width characters occupy half of an EM width. The following
equations show how to calculate the EM width and character widths
for a full-width and a half-width character.
ppem = round (DeviceResolution * PointSize/72)
FullWidthDeltaX = round (ppem * PCLUnits/ DeviceResolution)
HalfWidthDeltaX=round ((ppem/2) * PCLUnits/DeviceResolution)
ppem = EM width in pixels
DeviceResolution = current device resolution in dots per inch
(600 or 300dpi)
PointSize = point size requested
FullWidthDeltaX = character width of full-width character in PCL Units
HalfWidthDeltaX = character width of half-width character in PCL Units
PCLUnits = PCL Units
The PCL Unit of measure is explained in more detail in the PCL 5
Technical Reference Manual. The default PCL Unit size is 1/300th of
an inch, but the Unit of Measure command can be used to set the
PCL Unit size to other values.
Note that HalfWidthDeltaX may not be exactly half of FullWidthDeltaX
because of rounding. For example, if FullWidthDeltaX = round(99.0) =
99, then the corresponding HalfWidthDeltaX = round(99.0/2) =
round(49.5) = 50.
ENWW Printer-Specific Differences 2-51
Character Enhancements
The HP LaserJet 4PJ printer supports PCL pseudo-bold and
pseudo-italic character enhancements. These enhancements can be
applied to the internal MS-Mincho and MS-Gothic fonts. They can
also be applied to a TrueType soft font if a suitable “Character
Enhancement” Segment is downloaded with the font header.
The enhancements are selected using PCL font selection commands.
The pseudo-italic enhancement can be selected using the Style
command. The pseudo-bold enhancement can be selected using the
Stroke Weight command. The bold levels which can be applied to the
internal MS-Mincho and MS-Gothic fonts are Semi Bold, Demi Bold,
Bold, and Extra Bold. For example, to select a 10-point, Extra Bold,
Italic, MS-Mincho font, use the following PCL command:
In the above command, Italics style (1s) and Extra Bold weight (4b)
are selected. Since there is not an Extra Bold Italic MS-Mincho font
resident in the printer, pseudo-italics and pseudo-bolding algorithms
are applied to characters printed from the regular MS-Mincho font.
If a soft font is selected using the “Font Selection by ID” command
(e.g. ?(#X ), the font is selected without any character
enhancements applied. To select a soft font by ID with character
enhancements, first select the font by ID, then select the desired
attributes. For example, assume a soft font is downloaded with ID = 1
and a Character Enhancement Segment indicating that pseudo-bold
and pseudo-italics character enhancements can be applied. The
following command can be used to select that font with those
Other font effects, such as character shadowing, strike-through, and
gray-shading can be accomplished using the print model.

2-52 Printer-Specific Differences ENWW
Note HP-GL/2 as implemented in HP LaserJet printers has no mechanism
for parsing 2-byte characters. Therefore, HP-GL/2 character
transformations (e.g. SI and SR commands) cannot be applied to
these characters.
HP-GL/2 as implemented in HP LaserJet printers has no mechanism
for parsing 2-byte characters. Therefore, HP-GL/2 character
transformations (e.g. SI and SR commands) cannot be applied to
these characters.
Vertical Writing
Vertical writing can be accomplished using the vertical rotated (“-1”)
mode of the Character Text Path command (?&c-1T). When using a
vertical rotated text path direction, full-width characters are rotated
and printed “on their sides.” All other characters are unaffected and
the CAP is still advanced in the horizontal direction. The “-1” mode
has the effect of transforming a portrait page with horizontal full-width
characters into a landscape page with vertical full-width characters.
This can be combined with the Print Direction command (?&a#P) to
achieve the desired text orientation (e.g. portrait, landscape, reverse
portrait, or reverse landscape).
An example of horizontal and vertical rotated writing is shown below.
The first line of text is horizontal writing and the second line is vertical
rotated writing. Note that the “~” character is replaced with a vertical
substitute on the second line. The C program that follows was used to
generate the PCL commands for this example.

ENWW Printer-Specific Differences 2-53
#include <stdio.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#define MONTH “\202P\202P\214\216"
#define DAY1 ”\202P\202U\223\372"
#define TILDE “\201\140"
#define DAY2 ”\202P\202V\223\372"
FILE *prn;
int point_size=24;
prn = fopen(“lpt1",”wb"); /* open lpt1 for writing */
fprintf(prn,"\33%%-12345X"); /* send UEL to get to PJL */
fprintf(prn,"@PJL ENTER LANGUAGE=PCL\n"); /* Enter PCL */
fprintf(prn,"\33E"); /* send an esc E to reset printer */
fprintf(prn,"\33&a4L"); /* left margin */
fprintf(prn,"\33&t31P"); /* text parsing = Shift-JIS */
fprintf(prn,"\33(19K"); /* symbol set = Win3.1J */
fprintf(prn,"\33(s1p%dv0s0b28752T",point_size); /* MS-Mincho */
fprintf(prn,"\n\n\n\r" KANJITXT); /* print horizontal version */
fprintf(prn,"\33&c-1T"); /* select vertical writing */
fprintf(prn,"\n\n\n\r" KANJITXT); /* print vertical version */
fprintf(prn,"\f"); /* formfeed */
fprintf(prn,"\33%%-12345X"); /* send UEL to get to PJL */
Printing Ruby Characters (Furigana)
Ruby characters, also known in Japanese as furigana, are small
characters typically used as an aid in kanji pronunciation. Ruby
characters are usually (but not always) hiragana. They are generally
placed above the corresponding kanji in horizontal writing and to the
right in vertical writing. Ruby characters can be generated using font
scaling and cursor positioning commands.
An example of ruby characters is shown below. In this example, the
ruby characters are printed at one-third the size of the kanji. The C
program that follows was used to generate the PCL commands for
this example.
2-54 Printer-Specific Differences ENWW
#include <stdio.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#define KANJITXT “\225\127\226\173"
#define RUBYTXT ”\202\320\202\345\202\244 \202\331\202\361 “
FILE *prn;
int point_size=72;
prn = fopen(”lpt1","wb"); /* open lpt1 for writing */
fprintf(prn,"\33%%-12345X"); /* send UEL to get to PJL */
fprintf(prn,"@PJL ENTER LANGUAGE=PCL\n"); /* Enter PCL */
fprintf(prn,"\33E"); /* EscE to reset printer */
fprintf(prn,"\33&t31P"); /* text parsing = Shift-JIS */
fprintf(prn,"\33(19K"); /* symbol set = Win3.1J */
fprintf(prn,"\33(s1p%dv0s0b28752T",point_size); /* MS-Mincho */
fprintf(prn,"\33*p300x400Y"); /* set cursor position */
fprintf(prn,KANJITXT); /* print kanji characters */
fprintf(prn,"\33(s%dV",point_size/3); /*furigana point size */
fprintf(prn,"\33*p300x%dY",400-4*point_size);/*cursor position*/
fprintf(prn,RUBYTXT); /* print ruby characters */
fprintf(prn,"\f"); /* formfeed */
fprintf(prn,"\33%%-12345X"); /* send UEL to get to PJL */

ENWW Printer-Specific Differences 2-55
Vertical Underlining
In Japanese writing, vertical underlines are placed to the right of
vertical columns of text. This can be accomplished in PCL 5 using the
Fill Rectangular Area command.
An underline is simply a long thin black-filled box. The length of the
underline depends on the length of the text to be underlined.
An example of vertical underlining is shown below. The C program
that follows was used to generate the PCL commands for this
#include <stdio.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#define MONTH “\202P\202P\214\216"
#define DAY1 ”\202P\202U\223\372"
#define TILDE “\201\140"
#define DAY2 ”\202P\202V\223\372"
FILE *prn;
int point_size=24;
prn = fopen(“lpt1",”wb"); /* open lpt1 for writing */
2-56 Printer-Specific Differences ENWW
fprintf(prn,"\33%%-12345X"); /* send UEL to get to PJL */
fprintf(prn,"@PJL ENTER LANGUAGE=PCL\n"); /* Enter PCL */
fprintf(prn,"\33E"); /* Esc E to reset printer */
fprintf(prn,"\33&t31P"); /* text parsing = Shift-JIS */
fprintf(prn,"\33(19K"); /* symbol set = Win3.1J */
fprintf(prn,"\33&a270P"); /* print direction = 270 */
fprintf(prn,"\33*p500x1300Y"); /* set CAP position */
fprintf(prn,"\33(s1p%dv0s0b28752T",point_size); /* MS-Mincho */
fprintf(prn,"\33&c-1T"); /* select vertical writing */
fprintf(prn, KANJITXT); /* print vertical text */
fprintf(prn,"\33*p500x%dY",1300-point_size*4); /* set CAP for
/* draw underline */
fprintf(prn,"\33*c%da3b0P",300 * strlen(KANJITXT)/2 *
fprintf(prn,"\f"); /* formfeed */
fprintf(prn,"\33%%-12345X"); /* send UEL to get to PJL */

ENWW Printer-Specific Differences 2-57
Vertical Clusters
Vertical clusters are groups of two or three narrow characters
side-by-side in a vertical line of text. Vertical clusters containing
half-width characters can be created by using a combination of print
direction and cursor positioning commands.
An example of vertical clusters is shown below. The C program that
follows was used to generate the PCL commands for this example. In
this example, two half- width characters (e.g. 2-digit numbers) were
printed as vertical clusters.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#define MONTH “\214\216"
#define TILDE ”\201\140"
#define DAY “\223\372"
#define CLUSTER ”\201\100\033&f0S\033&a0P%s%d\033&a270P\033&f1S"
FILE *prn;
int point_size=24;
int offset;
char OFFSET[40];
prn = fopen(“lpt1",”wb"); /* open lpt1 for writing */
offset = ( 36 * point_size * 300) /
2-58 Printer-Specific Differences ENWW
/* —— ————— */
( 256 * 72 );
sprintf(OFFSET,"\33*p-%dx-%dY",offset,offset); /* used to
place cluster */
fprintf(prn,"\33%%-12345X"); /* send UEL to get to PJL */
fprintf(prn,"@PJL ENTER LANGUAGE=PCL\n"); /* Enter PCL */
fprintf(prn,"\33E"); /* Esc E to reset printer */
fprintf(prn,"\33&t31P"); /* text parsing = Shift-JIS */
fprintf(prn,"\33(19K"); /* symbol set = Win3.1J */
fprintf(prn,"\33&a270P"); /* print direction = 270 */
fprintf(prn,"\33*p500x1300Y"); /* set CAP position */
fprintf(prn,"\33(s1p%dv0s0b28752T",point_size); /* MS-Mincho */
fprintf(prn,"\33&c-1T"); /* select vertical writing mode */
fprintf(prn, CLUSTER MONTH, OFFSET, 11); /* print month */
fprintf(prn, CLUSTER DAY, OFFSET, 16); /* print day */
fprintf(prn, TILDE); /* print tilde */
fprintf(prn, CLUSTER MONTH, OFFSET, 11); /* print month */
fprintf(prn, CLUSTER DAY, OFFSET, 17); /* print day */
fprintf(prn,"\f"); /* formfeed */
fprintf(prn,"\33%%-12345X"); /* send UEL to get to PJL */

ENWW Printer-Specific Differences 2-59
Paper Size
Three new paper sizes were added to the HP LaserJet 4PJ printer.
These paper sizes include: JIS B5, Hagaki, and Oufuku-hagaki. The
logical page size in dots per inch are shown in the table below. See
page 1-26 in this manual and pages 2-9 to 2-10 in the PCL 5 Printer
Language Technical Reference Manual for an explanation of these
(at 300 DPI - double for 600 DPI)
Portrait Dimensions
JIS B5 2149 3035 2007 3035 71 0 50 150
Hagaki 1181 1748 1039 1748 71 0 50 150
Oufuku-hagaki 1748 2362 1606 2362 71 0 50 150
Landscape Dimensions
JIS B5 3035 2149 2917 2149 59 0 50 150
Hagaki 1748 1181 1630 1181 59 0 50 150
Oufuku-hagaki 2362 1748 2244 1748 59 0 50 150
2-60 Printer-Specific Differences ENWW
HP LaserJet 4 Plus and 4M Plus Printers
HP LaserJet 4 Plus and 4M Plus printers are performance-enhanced
follow-on products for HP LaserJet 4 and 4M printers, respectively.
The HP LaserJet 4M Plus printer is the multi-platform (PostScript)
version of the LaserJet 4 Plus printer.
In addition to extra speed, these printers also have the following
added features which are not controlled using PCL:
• Memory Enhancement technology (MEt), which uses
memory-saving techniques to better utilize available memory
(refer to Chapter 5, “Memory Usage” for additional
information). MEt is not controlled using PCL.
• Resource saving, as in the LaserJet 4Si printer. Resource
saving allows saving information for the current language (PCL
or PostScript) when switching to another language. If resource
saving is enabled, all the permanent fonts, macros, and
user-defined patterns plus other miscellaneous data is saved
in a reserved portion of printer memory. This data is stored
until the language is enabled again. When the language is
re-enabled, the stored data is made available for use.
Resource saving is enabled from the control panel or using
PJL—no PCL commands are required for this operation.
• EconoMode, a feature supported by HP LaserJet 4L and 4P
printers, allows the user to reduce the amount of toner used by
removing about 75% of the dots from the printed page.
EconoMode is selected using PJL or from the control panel—it
is not controlled using PCL.
• Powersave mode, which minimizes power consumption when
the printer is sitting idle. The amount of idle time required
before the printer goes into powersave mode is configurable
using the control panel or PJL.
PCL operation in these two printers is almost identical to that of
HP LaserJet 4 and 4M printers, except HP LaserJet 4 Plus and 4M
Plus printers support Logical Operations (ROP3) as explained in the
HP LaserJet 4ML printer section in this chapter. In addition, the
internal fonts in HP LaserJet Plus and 4M Plus printers support the
Latin 2 and Latin 5 symbol sets for all typefaces (in the HP LaserJet 4,
4M, 4Si, and 4SiMx, only 15 of the 35 Intellifont typefaces support
these symbol sets). Refer to Table 1-1, PCL Feature Support Matrix,
for the commands these printers support and to Chapter 3, “Internal
Typefaces/Fonts and Symbol Sets,” for font support information.
ENWW Printer-Specific Differences 2-61
HP LaserJet 4V and 4MV Printers
HP LaserJet 4V and 4MV printers print at speeds up to 16 pages per
minute and handle many paper sizes including 11"x17" paper. The
HP LaserJet 4MV is the multi-platform (PostScript) version of the
HP LaserJet 4V printer.
The HP LaserJet 4V/4MV PCL 5 feature set is similar to that of the
HP LaserJet 4 Plus/4M Plus printers, with the addition of wide format
media support. As an option, the printer can also support Japanese
printing as does the HP LaserJet 4PJ printer, including the following
PCL enhancements:
• Font header support for large bitmap fonts
• Text parsing method
• Character text path direction
• Japanese media/postcard support
• Japanese fonts (large fonts)
As with HP LaserJet 4Plus and 4M Plus printers, the LaserJet 4V and
4MV printers support the following added features which are not
controlled using PCL:
• Memory Enhancement technology (MEt)
• Resource saving
• Powersave mode
Refer to Table 1-1, the PCL Feature Support Matrix, for the
commands these printers support, and to Chapter 3, “Internal
Typefaces/Fonts and Symbol Sets,” for font support information.
2-62 Printer-Specific Differences ENWW
Font Header Format 16 Bitmap Font Support
Font Header Format 16 was introduced with the HP LaserJet 4PJ for
downloading large TrueType fonts. For the HP LaserJet 4V, Font
Header Format 16 has been extended to support large bitmap fonts
as well. The Font Header command ( ? ) s # W [font header data] ) is
used to download font header data to the printer.
A large font is a bound font with character codes that are not limited to
8-bit values. For this reason a large font is sometimes called a 16-bit
Font Header Format
Font Header Format 16 was introduced because some font data
segments in large fonts could be larger than 65535 bytes, and this
was not supported by Font Header Format 15. The structures of
Format 15 and Format 16 are identical with the exception of the
Segment Size field in the Segmented Font Data format. Table 2-10
below shows the Format 15 and Format 16 Font Header format.
Table 2-11 shows the Format 15 Segmented Font Data format.
Table 2-12 shows the Format 16 Segmented Font Data format. Note
that Format 15 does not support bitmap fonts.

ENWW Printer-Specific Differences 2-63
Table 2-6. Format 15 and Format 16 Font Header
Byte 15 (MSB) 8 7 (LSB) 0
0 Font Descriptor Size (minimum 72)
2 Header Format (15 or 16) Font Type
4 Style MSB Reserved
6 Baseline Position
8Cell Width
10 Cell Height
12 Orientation Spacing
14 Symbol Set
16 Pitch (default HMI)
18 Height
20 x-Height
22 Width Type Style LSB
24 Stroke Weight Typeface LSB
26 Typeface MSB Serif Style
28 Quality Placement
30 Underline Position (Distance) Underline Thickness
32 Text Height
34 Text Width
36 First Code
38 Last Code/Number of Characters
40 Pitch Extended Height Extended
42 Cap Height
44 - 47 Font Number
48 - 63 Font Name
64 Scale Factor
66 Master Underline Position
68 Master Underline Thickness
70 Font Scaling Technology Variety
. . . [additional data may be inserted here]
. . .
Segmented Font Data
. . .
# - 2 Reserved (0) Checksum

2-64 Printer-Specific Differences ENWW
Table 2-7. Format 15 Segmented Font Data
Table 2-8. Format 16 Segmented Font Data
Byte 15 (MSB) 8 7 (LSB) 0
x + 0 First segment, Segment Identifier
x + 2 First segment, Segment Size
x + 4
. . . First segment, Data Segment
. . .
x + 4
+ 1st
seg size
Second segment: Segment identifier,
Size, Data Segment
. . .
. . . . . .
# - 6 Null Segment Identifier (FFFF - hex)
# - 4 Null Segment Size (0)
# - 2 Reserved (0) Checksum
x = Font Descriptor Size
# = Font header length (as defined in the Font Header command).
Byte 15 (MSB) 8 7 (LSB) 0
x + 0 First segment, Segment Identifier
x + 2
x + 4 First segment, Segment Size
x+ 6
. . . First segment, Data Segment
. . .
x + 6
+ 1st
Second segment: Segment identifier,
Size, Data Segment
. . .
. . . . . .
# - 8 Null Segment Identifier (FFFF - hex)
# - 6
# - 4 Null Segment Size (0)
# - 2 Reserved (0) Checksum
x = Font Descriptor Size
# = Font header length (as defined in Font Header command).
ENWW Printer-Specific Differences 2-65
The Segment Size field, which is part of each segment within the
Segmented Font Data, was changed from an unsigned integer in
Format 15 to an unsigned long integer in Format 16. This allows
segments to be up to 232– 1 bytes long.
Font Header Format 15 is described in more detail in the PCL 5
Printer Language Technical Reference Manual in the “Soft Font
Creation” chapter.
Format 16 supports new segments and new values for the Font Type
and Font Scaling Technology fields. New segments which are specific
to large TrueType fonts are described in this chapter in the section
titled “HP LaserJet 4PJ printer.” (This information will included be in
future versions of the PCL 5 Printer Language Technical Reference
Manual.) The new segments and values which are specific to bitmap
fonts are described below.
Header Format
The Header Format byte identifies the font header format. For large
fonts, this field should be set to 16. Note that Format 15 does not
support bitmap fonts.
Scale Factor
For bitmap fonts, set this field to 0.
Master Underline Position
For bitmap fonts, set this field to 0.
Master Underline Thickness
For bitmap fonts, set this field to 0.
Font Scaling Technology
For bitmap fonts, set this field to 254.
2-66 Printer-Specific Differences ENWW
For bitmap fonts, set this field to 0.
The remaining fields should be set the same as in the Format 0 Font
Header for PCL Bitmapped Fonts, with the following exceptions:
Font Type
Font type describes the font's relation to symbol sets. For Format 16
bitmap fonts, set this field to 3. A value of 3 is used to identify a large
(16-bit) font. All character codes 0 to 65534 are printable, except 0, 7
to 15, and 27 [decimal]. Access to those codes which are unprintable,
yet have a character defined, requires the use of the Transparent
Print Data command. In older font header formats, PCL 5 LaserJet
printers use this field to determine the first and last codes of the
symbol set.
First Code
For Format 16 bitmap fonts, set this field to the first printable
character in the font. In older bitmap font formats, PCL 5 LaserJet
printers ignore this field.
Last Code
For Format 16 bitmap fonts, set this field to the last printable
character in the font. In older bitmap font formats, PCL 5 LaserJet
printers ignore this field.
One new data segment is defined for Format 16 bitmap fonts:
Bitmap Resolution Data Segment
The bitmap resolution data segment is used to define the x-resolution
and y-resolution for the bitmap. This segment is required for Format
16 bitmap fonts.
The structure for the bitmap segment is shown in Table 2-13.

ENWW Printer-Specific Differences 2-67
Table 2-9. Bitmap Resolution Data Segment
The decimal equivalent for the ‘BR’ mnemonic is 16978.
X Resolution (unsigned long integer)
This fields specifies the resolution of the font in the X dimension in
dots per inch.
Y Resolution (unsigned long integer)
This fields specifies the resolution of the font in the Y dimension in
dots per inch.
If the specified combination is not supported by the printer, the font
will be invalidated. In the HP LaserJet 4V, supported combinations
are (X Resolution=300,Y Resolution=300) and (X Resolution=600,Y
Character Definition
The Character Descriptor and Data command ( ?( s # W [character
descriptor and data] ) is used to download character data blocks to
the printer. Format 4 is used to download character descriptors and
data for bitmap characters. This command is described in detail in the
PCL 5 Printer Language Technical Reference Manual.
Byte 15 (MSB) 8 7 (LSB) 0
x + 0 Segment Identifier ('BR')
x + 2
x + 4 Segment Size (4)
x + 6 X Resolution
x + 8 Y Resolution
2-68 Printer-Specific Differences ENWW
The following limitations apply to Format 16 Font Headers for bitmap
• The Font Type field for Format 16 bitmap fonts must be set to
3. This is the case for 1-byte as well as 2-byte bitmap fonts.
First Code and Last Code fields need to be set.
• Format 16 optional data segments are ignored for bitmap
fonts. These include the galley character segment, vertical
substitution character segment, typeface string segment, and
vertical rotation segment.
• Vertical rotated printing (character text path direction
command, ?&c-1T) is not available for bitmap fonts.

ENWW Printer-Specific Differences 2-69
HP Color LaserJet Printer
As its name implies, the HP Color LaserJet printer is a color laser
printer. This 300 dpi printer adds several new features to the PCL 5
language. These new features are summarized in the table below and
are described in detail in the PCL 5 Color Technical Reference
Manual (part number 5961-0940). The printer also supports logical
operations, the HP-GL/2 Merge Control command, and pixel
placement (both PCL and HP-GL/2 commands). These commands
are described in the HP LaserJet 4L section of this chapter and also
in the PCL 5 Color Technical Reference Manual.
Table 2-10. PCL Feature Additions for HP Color LaserJet Printer
Feature Status Comments
AppleTalk Configuration Modified In addition to supporting the RENAME, JOB, and TYPE
key values, this printer also supports the ZONE value.
Assign Color Index New Assigns the three current color components to the
specified palette index number.
Color Components 1, 2, 3 New These three commands specify the three color
components of any new color entry in the color palette.
Color lookup Tables New Enables and specifies color lookup tables to map color
input data into a new output range based on
point-by-point conversions. A lookup table is specified for
each primary color.
CR (Color Range—HP-GL/2) New Sets the range for specifying relative color data.
Configure Image Data New Configures the printer for color imaging—establishes a
modifiable color palette, sets the pixel encoding mode,
and sets the number of bits per index and per primary
Download Dither Matrix New Specifies a single dither matrix for all three primary
Download Pattern New Downloads user-defined patterns, including color
patterns, to the printer.
Foreground Color New Sets the foreground color to the specified index of the
current palette.
Gamma Correction New Specifies the gamma correction to be applied equally to
each primary color.
Monochrome Print Mode New Provides a means to convert a color page to a
quick-printing gray-scale equivalent.
NP (Number of Pens—
New Resizes the palette after the IN or ?*v#W commands.
Palette Control New Provides a mechanism for marking and deleting palettes.
Palette Control ID New Identifies a palette to be used for some of the palette
control functions.

2-70 Printer-Specific Differences ENWW
Table 2-10. PCL Feature Additions for HP Color LaserJet Printer (continued)
AppleTalk Configuration Command
As discussed in the HP LaserJet 4 section of this chapter, the
AppleTalk Configuration command allows a user to send PCL jobs to
the printer over AppleTalk. In addition to the key values previously
discussed (RENAME, TYPE, and JOB), the HP Color LaserJet printer
also supports the ZONE key value as follows.
ZONE changes the zone field of the printer’s AppleTalk Network
Identifier (Name Binding Protocol type field).
Valid characters for the zone name include 0-255 except for
characters $00, “@” ($40), “:” ($3A), “*” ($2A), “=” ($3D), $C5, and
($FF). The zone name must contain at least one character, and only
the first 31 characters are used. If the zone is invalid, then the
printer's zone is not changed. Zone changes only occur after the
present job has completed.
Feature Status Comments
PC (Pen Color—HP-GL/2) New Changes the pen color in a palette created by the IN or CID
command (?*v#W).
Push/Pop Palette New Pushes or pops the palette from the palette stack.
Raster Scaling New/Modified Several commands are added for raster scaling:
Destination Raster Width (?*t#H), Destination Raster
Height (?*t#V); also, two parameters are added to the
Start Raster Graphics command to initiate scaling (?*r2A
and ?*r3A). (See the PCL 5 Color Technical Reference
Manual for more information.)
Render Algorithm New Selects the algorithm to be used for rendering page
marking entities on a given page.
Select Palette by ID New Activates a palette with the specified ID number.
Set Viewing Illuminant New Specifies the relative white point used in the determination
of a viewing illuminant condition.
Simple Color New Specifies an unmodifiable fixed-size palette.
Transfer Raster Graphics
(by plane)
New Provides a means to send raster data by color plane. This
command sends a plane of raster data to the printer and
advances to the next plane.
ENWW Printer-Specific Differences 2-71
HP LaserJet 4LJ Pro Printer
The HP LaserJet 4LJ Pro printer (C3935), released in May 1995, is
designed primarily for the Japanese market. This printer provides a
print resolution of 600 dpi, has a maximum print speed of 4 ppm,
2 Mb of internal base memory, and improved font cache algorithm.
PCL operation for this printer is identical to that of the HP LaserJet
4PJ printer. For command support, refer to Table 1-1, PCL Feature
Support Matrix and to the “HP LaserJet 4PJ Printer” section earlier in
this chapter.
The HP LaserJet 4LJ Pro printer contains the same two Japanese
typefaces, MS Mincho and MS Gothic (and WIN3.1J symbol set), as
those in the HP LaserJet 4PJ printer. (The HP LaserJet 4PJ and the
4LJ Pro printers have a reduced set of Intellifont fonts from that of the
standard HP LaserJet 4 printer family.) For detailed font information
refer to Chapter 3.
HP LaserJet 4LC Printer
The HP LaserJet 4LC printer (C3932), released in March 1995, is
designed primarily for the Chinese market. This printer provides a
print resolution of 600 dpi, has a maximum print speed of 4 ppm,
2 Mb of internal base memory, and improved font cache algorithm.
PCL operation for this printer is identical to that of the LaserJet 4PJ
printer. For specific PCL command support information, refer to Table
1-1, PCL Feature Support Matrix.
The HP LaserJet 4LC printer contains three new Chinese typefaces,
SimSun, SimHei, and GW-Kai (and a new symbol set for these fonts,
GB2312). The default typeface is SimSun and the default symbol set
is GB2312. (The HP LaserJet 4LC printer contains the standard set of
Intellifont fonts, unlike the HP LaserJet 4PJ and 4LJ Pro printers
which have reduced Intellifont typeface sets.) Refer to Chapter 3 for
detailed font information.
2-72 Printer-Specific Differences ENWW
The typeface/font information, described in the “HP LaserJet 4PJ
Printer” section earlier in this chapter for the Japanese typefaces, also
applies to the LaserJet 4LC printer's Chinese typefaces with the
following differences. The default values for the Text Parsing Method
command are different for the HP LaserJet 4LC. These default values
are 0 or 38 (provided the default symbol set is GB2312, otherwise it is
0). Also, the examples in this section can be used for the Chinese
fonts, provided the symbol set value field in the Symbol Set command
is changed to 18C (for the GB2312 symbol set) and the typeface
value in the font selection command string is changed to one of the
Chinese fonts [for example, the Japanese font selection command
?(19K?(s1p10v1s4b2852T should be changed to
?(18C?(s1p10v1s4b37058T ].
HP LaserJet 5P and 5MP Printers
The HP LaserJet 5P and 5MP printers were released March 6, 1995.
These printers are similar to the HP LaserJet 4P printer except that
they are designed to run faster, have an MP paper tray in place of the
manual feed slot, and have a reduced control panel similar to the
HP LaserJet 4L printer. The HP LaserJet 5P / 5MP printer’s maximum
print speed is 6 pages per minute (HP LaserJet 4P runs at 4 ppm)
and has a print resolution of 600 dpi.
Another new feature on this printer is an IrDA-compliant infrared serial
I/O port located on the front of the printer.
PCL operation is almost identical to that of the HP LaserJet 4 Plus
printer. (Refer to Table 1-1, HP LaserJet Printer Feature Comparison,
for the specific PCL implementation.)
ENWW Printer-Specific Differences 2-73
HP LaserJet 5L Printer
The HP LaserJet 5L printer, introduced in September 1995, is much
different in appearance than the LaserJet 4L printer, but it has a very
similar feature set, including the same set of 26 internal typefaces.
One of the main differences is that the LaserJet 5L printer offers
600 dpi printing. Although both printers have a print engine speed of
4 pages per minute, the LaserJet 5L printer has faster processing
which increases performance. As the LaserJet 4L printer, the printer
has a reduced-function control panel.
The HP LaserJet 5L printer has a vertical design and supports all
paper sizes supported by the LaserJet 4L printer. In addition, the
“custom” paper size is supported through the printer driver.
The default symbol set is PC-8 instead of Roman-8.
Manual feed operation is slightly different for the HP LaserJet 5L
printer. When manual feed is selected, the printer pauses and waits
for the user to insert the correct media into the printer (either in the
paper input bin or the single sheet input slot) and press the control
panel key.
PCL and PJL operation is almost identical to that of the
HP LaserJet 4L printer. Two differences are that the LaserJet 5L
printer adds support for the logical operations and pixel placement
commands. These features are described in this chapter in the
LaserJet 4ML section. (Refer to Table 1-1, HP LaserJet Printer
Feature Comparison, for the specific PCL implementation.)
2-74 Printer-Specific Differences ENWW
HP LaserJet 5Si and 5SiMx Printers
HP LaserJet 5Si and 5SiMx printers are designed for using in shared
printing environments. The HP LaserJet 5SiMx printer is equivalent to
the HP LaserJet 5Si printer, but also includes PostScript Level 2,
8 Mb of additional memory, and the HP JetDirect network interface
HP LaserJet 5Si and 5SiMx printers have features similar to those of
HP LaserJet 4Si and 4SiMx printers, with improved performance and
extra paper handling features. Some of the feature differences are
listed below.
• The printers include the same set of internal fonts, but there
are no font cartridge slots on the printers. Both printers
support font/macro SIMMs and downloaded soft fonts and
• The default symbol set is PC-8 instead of Roman-8.
• Additional paper and envelope sizes are supported, including
ledger (11" x 17"). Executive size paper is only supported by
the MP tray.
• There is no job offset mechanism in the printers.
• HP LaserJet 5Si and 5SiMx printers do not request the
envelope size every time the power is cycled. It is assumed
that the size does not usually change between power down
and power up.
• Base HP LaserJet 5Si and 5SiMx printers have one 100-sheet
multi-purpose tray (Tray 1), and two 500-sheet universal-input
trays. Optional paper handling devices include a duplex unit, a
power envelope feeder, a 2000-sheet input tray and a multi-bin
• HP LaserJet 4Si and 4SiMx printers used “tray locking” to
prevent automatic selection of a paper tray. HP LaserJet 5Si
and 5SiMx printers accomplish “tray locking” using the
Alphanumeric ID command to select the paper tray by media
Table 2-15 lists the PCL feature additions for HP LaserJet 5Si and
5SiMx printers.

ENWW Printer-Specific Differences 2-75
Table 2-11. PCL Feature Additions for HP LaserJet 5Si/5SiMx Printers
Descriptions of the Paper (Media) Source, Output Bin, and
Alphanumeric ID commands are provided below.
Paper (Media) Source Command
The Paper (Media) Source command selects the specified input
media source. Parameters have been added to enable printing from
the LaserJet 5Si/5SiMx printer trays.
Feature Status Comments
Paper (Media) Source Modified Additional parameters have been added to provide
support for Tray 1, the printer's right side multi-purpose
tray and the other optional trays (see the description of
this command in the following paragraphs).
Output Bin Modified The Output Bin command (?&l#G) selects the
destination bin for the print job.
Alphanumeric ID New Specifies alphanumeric String IDs for selecting and
manipulating fonts, macros, and media types. Specifies
media selection by the type of media and supports
enhancements for the printer disk drive.
# = 0- Print current page (source is unchanged)
1 - Tray 2 (upper drawer)
2 - Manual feed (tray 1, right side tray)
3 - Manual envelope feed (tray 1, right tray)
4 - Tray 3 (lower drawer)
5 - High Capacity Input (HCI), first tray
6 - Optional envelope feeder
7 - Autoselect
8 - Tray 1 (right side tray)
20 - 39 - High Capacity Input (HCI) trays 2- 21
Default =7
Range = 0 to 8, 20 - 39

2-76 Printer-Specific Differences ENWW
The following table compares the paper/media source values and the
trays they select on various printers.
Value (#) LaserJet 4,
4 Plus, 4V LaserJet 4Si,
4SiMx LaserJet 5Si/
1 PC Tray Upper
Cassette Tray 2
(upper drawer)
2, 3
MP Tray Manual Feed
Slot Tray 1
(right side,
manual feed)
4MP Tray as
Cassette Lower
Cassette Tray 3
(lower drawer)
5 LC Tray First Tray of HCI
8N/AN/A Tray 1
(right side, normal)

ENWW Printer-Specific Differences 2-77
Output Bin Command
This command selects the destination bin into which the print job is
output when printed.
Note The Output Bin command is not recommended. Instead, it is
preferred that the PJL OUTBIN command be used to set the default
media destination.
# = 0- Automatic selection
1 - Selects bin #1 (printer top/face-down bin)
2 - Selects bin #2 (printer left/face-up bin; this bin not
available when the High Capacity Output (HCO) is
3 - Selects bin #3 (HCO face up bin)
4 - Selects bin #4 (HCO #1 face down bin)
5 - Selects bin #5 (HCO #2 face down bin)
6 - Selects bin #6 (HCO #3 face down bin)
7 - Selects bin #7 (HCO #4 face down bin)
8 - Selects bin #8 (HCO #5 face down bin)
9 - Selects bin #9 (HCO #6 face down bin)
10 - Selects bin #10 (HCO #7 face down bin)
11 - Selects bin #11 (HCO #8 face down bin)
Default =0
Range = 0 to 11
2-78 Printer-Specific Differences ENWW
Alphanumeric ID Command
The Alphanumeric ID command performs several different functions
depending on the operation specified. This command:
• Specifies the type of print media on which to print a job (rather
than specifying its location)
• Specifies an ID string for different PCL objects (fonts and
• Supports the mass storage PCL enhancements for the
LaserJet 5Si/5SiMx printer disk (allowing, for example,
downloading a font with a String ID to RAM—downloading to
the printer disk must be done using PJL)
The format of the Alphanumeric ID command is as follows:
?&n#W[Operation][String ID]
The value field (#) identifies the number of bytes in the String ID.
The Operation byte determines the type of operation and the type of
object on which the operation is to be performed. The operations are
listed in the table below.
The String ID begins with the second byte and can be up to
511 characters long.
#- Number of bytes of String ID data
Default =0
Range = 2 to 512

ENWW Printer-Specific Differences 2-79
Operation Description
0Sets the current Font ID to the given String ID. This operation allows
the user to set the current PCL Font ID to a string name, which gives the
user the ability to download fonts to a string name. If the current Font ID
has been set with both the Alphanumeric ID command and the Font ID
command (?*c#D), the ID last sent takes precedence. For example, if
the current font ID was set to 10 and then to “Font1”, the current font ID
would be “Font1”.
1Associates the current Font ID to the font with the String ID
supplied. This operation finds the font with the supplied String ID and
assigns the current Font ID to that font so that the font now has two
names. The original font name is used to perform font management
commands on the font, and the new associated name is used when
selecting the font for usage. Note that since fonts with string names can
be associated to numeric Font IDs, these fonts are selectable in
HP-GL/2 using the numeric Font ID.
2Selects the font referred to by the String ID as primary. This
operation finds the associated font using the supplied String ID and
specifies that font as the current primary font. The command is ignored if
there is no font with that String ID.
3Selects the font referred to by the String ID as secondary. This
operation functions the same as the primary font specification (operation
number 2), however this command specifies the font as secondary.
4Sets the current Macro ID to the String ID. This operation allows the
user to set the current PCL Macro ID to a String ID name. If the current
Macro ID has been set with both the Alphanumeric ID command and the
Macro ID command (?&f#Y), the ID last sent takes precedence. For
example, if the current Macro ID was set to 10 and then to “Macro1”, the
current macro ID would be “Macro1”.
5Associates the current Macro ID to the supplied String ID. This
operation finds the macro with the supplied String ID and assigns the
current Macro ID to that macro. This macro then has two names. The
original Macro ID name is used to perform macro management
commands on the macro, and the new associated name is used when
executing, calling, or overlaying the macro.
20 Deletes the font association named by the current Font ID. The font
must have been associated with an alphanumeric Font ID (using
operation 0). No String ID is supplied (?&n1W20). This command
removes the alphanumeric font name association, however the disk
resource itself is not changed.

2-80 Printer-Specific Differences ENWW
Note PCL objects stored on the printer disk cannot be deleted, set to
temporary, set to permanent, or modified in any way using the PCL
21 Deletes the macro association named by the current Macro ID. The
macro must have been associated with an alphanumeric Macro ID
(using operation 4). No String ID is supplied (?&n1W21). This
command removes the alphanumeric macro name association, however
the disk resource itself is not changed.
100 Media select (see media selection table). Media types are specified
using the printer control panel. The following table indicates which
media type and paper size is used in the various media-select
Operation Description

ENWW Printer-Specific Differences 2-81
A paper source is considered to be not specified when a Media
Source command has not been received or when the media source is
set to autoselect (value 7). The media type is considered to be not
specified when an Alphanumeric ID command for media type
(value 100) has not been received.
Selecting the default media type causes the printer to consider the
media type as not specified.
Selecting an undefined or unavailable ID causes the printer to
generate a manual feed request.
Media Type Paper Size Paper Source Size/Type Used
Not specified Not specified Not specified Default size
Default type
Not specified Not specified Specified
(not manual feed) Default size
Type configured in specified tray
Not specified Not specified Specified
(manual feed) Manual feed request
Default size
Not specified Specified Not specified Specified size
Default type
Not specified Specified Specified
(not manual feed) Specified size
Type configured in specified tray
Not specified Specified Specified
(manual feed) Manual feed request
Specified size
Specified Not specified Not specified Default size
Specified type
Specified Not specified Specified
(not manual feed) Default size
Specified type
Specified Not specified Specified
(manual feed) Manual feed request
Default size
Specified type
Specified Specified Not specified Specified size
Specified type
Specified Specified Specified
(not manual feed) Specified size
Specified type
Specified Specified Specified
(manual feed) Manual feed request
Specified size
Specified type
2-82 Printer-Specific Differences ENWW
Example: Using the Alphanumeric ID Command to
Download a Font
Fonts can be downloaded to the printer disk using PJL, or using PCL
you can download a font with a String ID to RAM. The following
example demonstrates downloading a font to a string name using
Set the alphanumeric font ID to “TTFont1”
Download the font. It is assigned the String ID “TTFont1”
Example: Using a Font with a String ID
When the user wants to use a font with a String ID, the user must first
associate that font with a new Font ID number. This association is
required so that whether the font is on disk or RAM, the procedure is
the same.
Set the current Font ID to “AssociatedFontID”
Find the font with ID “UnivRomanID” on disk or in RAM and give it the
associated ID of “AssociatedFontID”
Set the current Font ID to 10
Find the font with String ID “TimesRmID” on disk or in RAM and give it
the associated Font ID of 10
Set the current secondary font to the font with a Font ID of 10 (which
in this case, is an associated font)
ENWW Printer-Specific Differences 2-83
Specify the current font as primary using the alphanumeric ID
Delete the name “AssociatedFontID” from the PCL database
Reset the printer. Resetting deletes all font and macro associations.

2-84 Printer-Specific Differences ENWW
HP DeskJet 1200C Printer
The DeskJet 1200C is a 300-dpi LaserJet-compatible thermal inkjet
color printer. It uses PCL 5 and is very compatible with the LaserJet 4
family of printers. The main differences between the DeskJet 1200C
and the LaserJet 4 printer are summarized in the table below (for a
complete listing, see Table 1-1).
Table 2-12. PCL Feature Additions for HP DeskJet 1200C Printer
The DeskJet 1200C printer does not support the following LaserJet 4
• Unit of Measure (?&u#D)
• Status Readback (?*s#X, ?*s#U, ?*s#M, ?*s#T, ?*s#I)
• Raster resolutions of 200 dpi and 600 dpi
• Page sizes: Executive, A4, JIS B5 paper, International B5
envelope, Monarch envelope
• HP-GL/2 in macros
Feature Status Comments
Enter HP-GL/2 Mode Modified Three additional parameters (-1, 2, 3) have been added to
provide support for Standalone HP-GL/2 Mode
(?%-1B), for using the current PCL coordinate
system/previous HP-GL/2 pen position (?%2B), and for
using the current PCL coordinate system/current PCL
CAP (?%3B).
Media Type New Sets the print mode required for printing on various media
Mechanical Print Quality New Determines the graphics print quality.
Negative Motion New Specifies whether negative motion will be used.
Raster Scaling New/Modified Several commands are added for raster scaling:
Destination Raster Width (?*t#H), Destination Raster
Height (?*t#V), Scale Algorithm (?*t#K); also, two
parameters are added to the Start Raster Graphics
command to initiate scaling (?*r2A and ?*r3A). (See
the PCL 5 Color Technical Reference Manual for more
Color Commands New See Table 1-1 for a complete list of color commands
supported by the printer. See the PCL 5 Color Technical
Reference Manual for descriptions of the color
ENWW Printer-Specific Differences 2-85
Updated Features
Printers with a “B” or “C” revision code, indicated by the third digit in
the serial number, have the following additional new features. (Print
the self-test to see the serial number.)
•Two-Byte Fonts. Provides support for two-byte (large) fonts
with more than 256 characters. Two-byte fonts support such
large symbol set mappings as Unicode, Shift-JIS, JIS208, and
Big5. Two-byte fonts are compatible with current PCL data
•Frame Buffer/MEt Architecture. Provides MEt (Memory
Enhancement technology), which overcomes memory
contention problems. Drivers can use the PJL SET command
put the printer into a page protect mode that reserves the
memory equivalent of a complete full-color frame buffer for the
current page size. Page protect mode reserves printer memory
blocks large enough to represent cyan, magenta, and yellow
(CMY) bitmaps for an entire page of the currently selected
•Noise Dither. Two new halftone render algorithms (noise
dither and monochrome noise dither) have been added.
•Arbitrary Dither Matrix Sizes. The printer now allows the full
16-bit range for downloaded dither matrix height and width
2-86 Printer-Specific Differences ENWW
Enter HP-GL/2 Mode Command
The Enter HP-GL/2 Mode command causes the printer to interpret
data as HP-GL/2 commands instead of PCL commands. Three new
parameters are added: one enables stand-alone plotter mode
(?%-1B), and the other two affect the coordinate system and pen
position when switching into HP-GL/2 (?%2B and ?%3B).
HP-GL/2 mode remains in effect until a Start Raster command
(?*r#A), Reset (?E), UEL command (?%-12345X), or power-on.
In stand-alone plotter mode (?%–1B), only a single context can be
used (HP-GL/2 and PCL cannot be merged on the same page).
A value field of 1 or 3 sets the HP-GL/2 pen position and the label
carriage return point to the current PCL CAP. A value field of 2 or 3
transfers the current PCL dot coordinate system, including the PCL
origin and axes; the coordinate system thus established is
independent of the positions of P1 and P2.
This command cannot be executed from display functions mode or
within a binary data transfer. HP-GL/2 ignores this command.
# = –1 - Stand-alone plotter mode (single context)
0- Use previous HP-GL/2 pen position
1- Use current PCL CAP
2- Use current PCL dot coordinate system and old
HP-GL/2 pen position
3- Use PCL dot coordinate system and the current PCL
Default =0
Range = –1 to 3

ENWW Printer-Specific Differences 2-87
Media Type Command
This command sets the print mode required for printing on various
media types.
If no printable data has been sent, this command moves CAP to the
top of form at the left margin of the current page. If printable data has
been sent, the page is closed and printed, and CAP moves to the top
of form at the left margin of the next physical page.
When transparency media is loaded, the printer auto- matically
adjusts the media type to Transparency and the print quality to
Presentation Graphics, regardless of the language or remote-panel
The Media Type and Print Quality commands always override remote
control panel settings if the printer detects a different type of media
than was requested. It may override these commands and the remote
control panel settings.
Note This command may override the remote panel. HP recommends
programmatically setting media type, especially in network
# = 0 - Plain paper
1- Bond paper
2- Special paper
3- Glossy film
4- Transparency film
Default =0
Range = 0 to 4

2-88 Printer-Specific Differences ENWW
Print Quality Command
This command determines print quality and speed.
EconoFast prints black text at 300 dpi. When transparency or glossy
media is loaded, the printer automatically adjusts the media type to
Transparency and the print quality to Presentation graphics,
regardless of the language or remote-panel selection.
The Media Type and Print Quality commands always override remote
control panel settings if the printer detects a different type of media
than was requested. It may override these commands and the remote
control panel settings.
Note This command must be sent at the beginning of the page before any
printable data; otherwise, when the command is received, the current
page is closed and printed.
# = -1 - EconoFast
0- Normal quality
1- Best/Presentation graphics
Default =0
Range =-1, 0, 1

ENWW Printer-Specific Differences 2-89
Negative Motion Command
The Negative Motion command specifies whether negative motion
will be used, thus determining whether the full page must be buffered
before printing can begin.
If the page contains no negative motion, using the ?&a1N command
increases print speed.
Negative motion includes:
• Vertical motion toward the top of the page
• HP-GL/2 operations
• Print directions other than 0 degrees
• Landscape text
• When the top of the character cell on the next line is above the
top of the character cell on the current line
The default value of 0 delays printing until all the processing of input
data for a page is complete. This is for software that needs to
compose the data before printing.
A value of 1 allows data to be printed as received, rather than first
stored in a buffer. Otherwise, printing will be delayed until all
processing of input data is complete.
Note This command must be sent before any printable data is received by
the printer.
# = 0 - Picture contains negative motion (page formatting
1- Picture contains no negative motion (swath printers)
Default =0
Range =0, 1

2-90 Printer-Specific Differences ENWW
HP DeskJet 1600C Printer
The DeskJet 1600C printer is a follow-on to the DeskJet 1200C. It has
600 x 600 dpi black text resolution (plus TES, which is similar to REt)
and 300-dpi color resolution. Like the 1200C, the DeskJet 1600C is
font- and language- compatible with the latest LaserJet 4 series
printers. The DeskJet 1200C and 1600C contain most of the same
PCL 5 color features as the Color LaserJet (described in the PCL 5
Color Technical Reference Manual), with some exceptions and
additions (see Table 1-1). DeskJet 1200C and 1600C drivers should
work on the Color LaserJet, but not vice versa. Changes from the
DeskJet 1200C are listed below.
Table 2-13. PCL Feature Additions for the HP DeskJet 1600C Printer
* Also on “B” and “C” versions of the DeskJet 1200C.
Feature Status Comments
Raster Resolution Modified 200 and 600 dpi are supported.
Enter HP-GL/2 Mode Modified HP-GL/2 standalone mode (-1) is not
Compression Method Modified Method 9, replacement delta row is added.
Unit of Measure New Same as LaserJet 4 series printers.
Paper Source Modified Autoselect (7) is added.
HP-GL/2 in PCL
macros New HP-GL/2 commands may appear in PCL
Noise Dither* Modified Noise ordered dither (13) and monochrome
noise ordered dither (14) are added.
Downloaded dither
Matrix* Modified The full 16-bit range for height and width is
Two-Byte Fonts* New Font header format 16 two-byte font
Text Parsing Method* New Same as LaserJet 4PJ printer.
ENWW Printer-Specific Differences 2-91
Additional features include:
•Simplified Control Panel. The IEEE-P1284 ECP port
described below allows front-panel simplification and the
elimination of DIP switches. The DeskJet 1600C control panel
is similar to that of the LaserJet 4L, with one button and four
LED indicators.
•IEEE-P1284. This bi-directional enhanced capability port
(ECP) allows most printer features to be monitored and
controlled through Microsoft Windows or a DOS remote control
panel shipped with the product. In previous HP printers, PJL
provided some job-level status and control, but PJL is
embedded in the data stream, synchronous with the printer
description data. With the implementation if MLC (Multiple
Logical Channels) on the ECP and MIO 6.0, the printer can be
controlled and monitored on a separate channel,
asynchronous to the data stream. PJL still provides control
that must be synchronous with the data stream.
•ENERGY STAR. The printer lowers its power consumption if it
has not been used for 15 minutes.
•Out-of-Ink Sensing. An LED on the control panel lights when
a pen runs out of ink.
•MIO. Modular I/O interface with auto-sensing I/O configuration.
•JetDirect. Optional network cards: Novell, TCP-IP, LocalTalk,
EtherTalk, and third party.
•PostScript. A SIMM upgrade is available.
•Optional Media Source. An optional sheet feeder tray is
•Media Detection. Automatic detection of media size and
media type (transparency).
2-92 Printer-Specific Differences ENWW
•PJL. Unlike the DeskJet 1200C, which implemented only the
PJL kernel, the DeskJet 1600C printer supports all of the PJL
commands listed below. Full PJL implementation is not
needed because of the multiple-channel capability of the
IEEE-P1284 Extended Capabilities Port. DeskJet 1600C also
supports page protection with the @PJL SET PAGEPROTECT
•Print Modes. The DeskJet 1600C has the following
user-selectable print modes:
EconoFast. The primary goal is cost per copy. The secondary
goal is high speed.
Presentation Graphics. Best quality graphics.
Normal. Equal emphasis on quality and throughput. Best
mode for most uses, minimizing the need to switch to other

ENWW Printer-Specific Differences 2-93
Media Source Command
The Paper (Media) Source command (?&l#H) for the DeskJet 1600C
uses a value of 5 for its optional sheet feeder and also supports a
value of 7 (autoselect). A value of 7 selects the current printer default
source. The user, through the application, may select a particular tray
for the first page or pages (for example, a fancy cover page), then
choose autoselect to pull paper from a default tray (for example,
containing standard paper). This is different than option 0, which
continues printing from the currently selected source. The “default”
source may be user-selected, or based upon the printer's own
Compression Method Command
The Compression Method command (?*b#M) for the DeskJet 1600C
supports Method 9 compression (compressed replacement delta row
encoding) in addition to compression methods 0, 1, 2, 3, and 5.
Method 9 (Replacement Delta Row Encoding)
Like Method 3, this method replaces only bytes in the current row that
differ from the preceding (seed) row. Unlike Method 3, the
replacement (delta) bytes may be encoded.
The replacement byte string (delta compression string) consists of a
command byte, optional offset bytes, optional replacement count
bytes, and the replacement data.
Byte Optional Offset Bytes Optional Replacement
Count Bytes Data Bytes

2-94 Printer-Specific Differences ENWW
The command byte itself has three parts:
•Control Bit. Determines whether the replacement data is
compressed, and also the bit boundaries of the command
byte's other two fields.
•Offset Count. The left offset (number of bytes) the
replacement data is offset from the current byte position in the
seed row.
•Replacement Count. The number of consecutive bytes to be
replaced. One more byte than the replacement count is
replaced (for example, 6 bytes are replaced by a replacement
count of 5).
Like compression method 3, the “current” byte follows the last
replacement byte; at the beginning of a row, the current byte
immediately follows left raster margin. An offset of 0 indicates the
current byte; an offset of 1 indicates the byte following the current
The size of the offset count and replacement count fields depends on
the value of the control bit.
If the control bit is 0, the replacement data is uncompressed. If the
control bit is 0, bits 0-2 indicate the replacement count and bits 3-6
indicate the offset count.
If the offset count is 15, an additional offset count byte follows and is
added to the total offset count. If the offset count byte is 255, another
offset count byte follows. The last offset count byte is indicated by a
value less than 255.
If the replacement count is 7, an additional replacement count byte
follows and is added to the total replacement count. If the
replacement count byte is 255, another replacement count byte
follows. The last replacement count byte is indicated by a value less
than 255. One more than the total replacement byte count will be
Control Bit Offset Count Replacement Count
76 32 0
Control Bit = 0 Offset Count Replacement Count

ENWW Printer-Specific Differences 2-95
If the control bit is 1, the replacement data is run length encoded. the
bit boundaries are different than if the control bit is 0: bits 5-6 contain
the offset count, and bits 0-4 contain the replacement count. As when
the control bit is 0, optional offset bytes and replacement bytes may
be added.
76 54 0
Control Bit = 1 Offset Count Replacement Count

2-96 Printer-Specific Differences ENWW
HP LaserJet 5 and 5M Printers
HP LaserJet 5 and 5M printers are performance-enhanced follow-on
products for HP LaserJet 4 Plus and 4M Plus printers, respectively.
The enhanced PCL 5 printer language in these printers include all of
the PCL 5 features supported by HP LaserJet 4 Plus and 4M Plus
printers as well as the features listed in Table 2-18.
Table 2-14. PCL Feature Modifications for HP Color LaserJet 5 and 5M Printers
Text Parsing
When 2-byte text parsing methods were introduced in HP LaserJets
(from LaserJet 4PJ on), the default text parsing method was based on
the default symbol set. For example, if a user selected Roman-8 as
the default symbol set (via the control panel or a PJL command), then
1-byte text parsing was the default method. If they selected
WINJ-DBCS as the default symbol set, Shift-JIS text parsing was the
default method.
HP LaserJet printers (from LaserJet 5 and 5M on) now base the
default text parsing method on the font type and symbol set fields in
the default font. If the default font is a 16-bit font, the default text
parsing method is set to one that matches the symbol set field. In all
other cases, the default text parsing method is set to 1-byte text
Feature Status Comments
Character Text Path
Direction Command Modified A new algorithm decides whether or not to
counter-rotate characters when using the
vertical rotated printing mode.
Text Parsing Method
Command Modified The default text parsing method is based
on the font type and symbol set fields in the
default font.
Label Mode (LM)
Command New HP-GL/2 support for 2-byte applications.

ENWW Printer-Specific Differences 2-97
Two-Byte HP-GL/2 Support
One-byte applications (which support non-orthogonal rotation,
scaling, and shearing of text) have long been able to use HP-GL/2 to
print to HP LaserJet printers. Two-byte applications have not had this
capability until the introduction of HP LaserJet 5 and 5M printers.
The capability of 2-byte applications (which support non-orthogonal
rotation, scaling, and shearing of text) to print to HP LaserJet printers
using HP-GL/2 is provided by the Label Mode (LM) command.
Label Mode Command
Determines how the Label (LB) and Symbol Mode (SM) commands
interpret characters. Used for printing a 2-byte character set such as
WinJ-DBCS, GB2312, or Big-5.
LM(mode,[row number]:)
Parameter Format Functional
Range Default
mode clamped
integer 0, 1, 2, or 3 0 (8-bitmode)
row number clamped
integer 0 to 255 0
2-98 Printer-Specific Differences ENWW
•MODE. Determines the interpretation mode as follows:
0Interprets each byte as a character (8-bit mode where
the default row_number equals “0”). Computed
character code is equal to (row_number * 256) + 8-bit
code sent in LB or SM command.
1Interprets the next two bytes as a character (16-bit
mode). LB and SM commands will read two bytes to
form one 2-byte character code equal to (first_byte *
256) + second_byte. Label terminator and 8-bit control
codes must be preceded by a NULL byte. To turn
symbol mode off while in 16-bit mode, you must send
SM<NULL>; where NULL is ASCII or decimal 0.
2Same logic as mode 0, except that vertical substitutes
are used if found in a VT segment of the current font.
Characters are rotated counter clock-wise to match the
vertical-rotated printing mode of the Character Text
Path Direction command. Default row_number equals
3Same input logic as mode 1, except that vertical
substitutes are used if found in a VT segment of the
current font. Full width characters are rotated counter
clock-wise to match the vertical-rotated printing mode
of the Character Text Path Direction command.
ENWW Printer-Specific Differences 2-99
•Row Number. Used only in modes 0 and 2 (8-bit modes)
when a 16-bit character set is selected. The row number
indicates the first byte while the LB or SM instruction will
supply the second byte.
For example, if you send LMO,37, and you have selected a
16-bit character set, sending LBAB<TERM> would result in the
device printing characters 65 and 66 from row 37 of the
character set grid.
If you are using an 8-bit character set in 16-bit mode (modes 1
or 3), you must specify the first byte of each character as 0. All
other first byte values are treated as undefined characters.
• When LM switches modes, it turns off symbol mode (executes
• LM affects the way SM and LB interpret bytes.
• LM does not affect the DT or DL commands.
• DT allows 8-bit terminator definitions only. To terminate a label
in 16-bit mode, precede the current label terminator by the null
character (decimal 0). The only exception is the ?E (Reset)
instruction in dual-context devices. ?E is executed regardless
of the byte boundaries within LB and SM.
2-100 Printer-Specific Differences ENWW
Vertical Writing with Proportional Fonts
The Character Text Path Direction command was introduced with the
HP LaserJet 4PJ printer to allow users to vertically rotate Asian fonts
which were dual pitched. That is, the single-byte characters were
half-width and the other characters were full-width.
An algorithm was implemented to determine whether or not to
counter-rotate characters when using the vertical-rotated printing
mode of the Character Text Path Direction command. A character is
rotated if the glyph is full-width; otherwise, the character is not
Since the introduction of the LaserJet 4PJ, many vendors have
produced proportional versions of their Asian fonts. Thus, the
algorithm described above is no longer appropriate for determining
character rotation.
A new method to explicitly enumerate which characters should be
counter-rotated in the font is being introduced with HP LaserJet 5 and
5M printers. The new method consists of adding an optional font
segment to Font Format 16. The optional segment, which is called the
Vertical Exception (VE) segment, has the following form:
UBYTE Format = 0
(other values reserved)
UBYTE NumRanges = N
UINT16 Range1FirstCode
UINT16 Range1LastCode
UINT16 RangeNFirstCode
UINT16 RangeNLastCode

ENWW Printer-Specific Differences 2-101
The new algorithm for deciding whether or not to counter-rotate
characters (when using the Character Text Path Direction command’s
vertical-rotated printing mode) is as follows:
if (the current font contains a VE segment)
if(the character code* is NOT contained in
a VE range)
don't rotate
use the old logic
* The original character code, even if a galley character were
substituted at some point.
Japanese ShiftJIS Japanese Unicode
Segment ID V E V E
Format/NumRanges 0 1 0 2
Range1FirstCode 0x0000 0x0000 half-width latin
Range1LastCode 0x00FF 0x007F
Range2FirstCode 0xFF61 half-width
Range2LastCode 0xFF9F

2-102 Printer-Specific Differences ENWW
HP Color LaserJet 5 and 5M Printers
HP Color LaserJet 5 and 5M printers use new HP Image Resolution
Enhancement technology 1200 (HP Image REt 1200) to project
outstanding text, graphics, and more vibrant colors than before.
The HP Color LaserJet 5M printer is network-ready with genuine
Adobe PostScript Level 2 software, 36 Mbytes of memory, and an HP
JetDirect card. The HP Color LaserJet 5 printer is upgradable so you
can tailor it to suit the needs of your particular environment.
HP Color LaserJet 5 and 5M printers can use glossy paper or
transparency film for special output.
Modifications to the PCL language for HP Color LaserJet 5 and 5M
printers are summarized in the table below and are described in detail
in the PCL 5 Color Technical Reference Manual (P/N 5961-0940):
Table 2-15. PCL Feature Modifications for HP Color LaserJet 5 and 5M Printers
Feature Status Comments
Render Algorithm
Command Modified Five new algorithms have been added.
Configure Image Data
Command Modified Has unique functionality while in PCL Imaging
Download Dither
Matrix Command Support Not supported.
Driver Configuration
Command Support Do not support all features of the
function_index argument.
Download Pattern
Command Modified Restricts the width and height of a user
pattern to less than 16384 pixels.
Scale Algorithm
Command Support Not supported.
Font Cartridges Support Not supported. Customized fonts, if needed,
can be utilized via SIMMs.
ENWW Printer-Specific Differences 2-103
Render Algorithm Command
The Render Algorithm command selects the algorithm to be used for
rendering page marking entities on a given page.
HP Color LaserJet 5 and 5M printers remap non-continuous tone
render algorithms (3 - 14) into continuous tone smooth (15) and
monochrome continuous tone smooth (17) algorithms.
# = 0-14 - See section 4, “Modifying Output Color” in the PCL
5 Color Technical Reference Manual for information on
algorithms 0 through 14.
15 - Continuous tone smooth 150 lpi
16 - Monochrome continuous tone detail 300 lpi
17 - Monochrome continuous tone smooth 150 lpi
18 - Continuous tone basic 100 lpi
19 - Monochrome continuous tone basic 100 lpi
Default =3
Range = 0 to 19 (invalid values are ignored; values 1, 2, 9, and
10 are ignored for device-independent color)

2-104 Printer-Specific Differences ENWW
HP LaserJet 6P/ 6MP Printers
The HP LaserJet 6P and 6MP printers are similar to the LaserJet 5P
and 5MP printers, with the addition of higher performance and faster
print speed (up to 8 ppm). The PCL 5 feature set is identical to the
LaserJet 5P/5MP printers, with the exception that the
LaserJet 6P/6MP printers support some additional paper sizes (A5,
JIS B5, JIS B4, and Oufuku-Hagaki postcards).
The HP LaserJet 6MP printer also includes the Adobe PostScript
Level 2 printer language with 35 additional built-in PostScript fonts.
HP LaserJet 5Si Mopier
The HP LaserJet 5Si Mopier combines the performance and network
strengths of the LaserJet 5Si/5SiMx printers with the ability to print,
collate, and staple multiple copies of a document. The LaserJet 5Si
Mopier has the same PCL feature set as the LaserJet 5Si/5Si
printers, but allows you to download a document just once and then
print as many originals as you need.
Multiple-original printing (“mopying”) and stapling is accomplished
using PJL commands. The application soft- ware, using PJL
commands, determines to which output bin the printed copy will be
delivered. If the stapling bin is selected, the job is automatically
Note Multiple mopies are produced using the PJL SET QTY command. In
order for the mopier to produce more than one original of a print job,
the PCL number of copies command (?&l#X) must not be included
in the data stream, since this command will limit the job to one copy or
produce multiple uncollated copies.
See the PJL Printer Job Language Technical Reference Manual for a
PJL example of printing to the mopier.

ENWW Printer-Specific Differences 2-105
HP LaserJet 6L and LaserJet 6L Gold Printers
The HP LaserJet 6L and LaserJet 6L Gold printers look like the
LaserJet 5L printer and have an identical PCL feature set. At
6 pages-per-minute, they print two more pages per minute than the
LaserJet 5L, contain the same standard typefaces, and support the
same paper sizes. Like the LaserJet 5L, the LaserJet 6L and
LaserJet 6L Gold printers do not have a control panel.
(Refer to Table 1-1, HP LaserJet Printer Feature Comparison, for the
specific PCL implementation.)
HP LaserJet 4000 Series Printers
The HP LaserJet 4000 series printers are similar to the LaserJet 5/5M
printers in their design and PCL feature set, with increased font
support and 600 dpi support in PCL 5 (the printer offers 1200 dpi in
PCL 6). The printers support a very similar set of paper sizes. (Refer
to Table 1-1, HP LaserJet Printer Feature Comparison, for the specific
PCL implementation.)
Note The highest resolution you can access with PCL 5 is 600 dpi.
Selecting Paper Source
With the HP LaserJet 4000 series printer, the paper source
commands are somewhat different than in Table 1-1B. The table
below shows the commands for selecting the various paper sources.
Paper Source Command
Manual Feed Tray (2) ?&l2H
MultiPurpose Tray (Tray 1)(4) ?&l4H
Tray 2 (first cassette)(1) ?&l1H
Tray 3 (second cassette)(5) ?&l5H
Tray 4 (third cassette)(8) ?&l8H
Envelope Feeder ?&l6H
External Trays (HCI)(20-59) ?&l20H to ?&l59H

2-106 Printer-Specific Differences ENWW
Selecting Output Bins
The paper source commands for the HP LaserJet 4000 printer are
somewhat different than in Table 1-1B. The table below shows the
commands for selecting the various output bins.
Selecting Media Type
Besides using the Media Type command (?&l#M) to select a print
media, with the LaserJet 4000 series printers you can also use the
Paper Type command as follows:
(This command is actually a variation of the Alphanumeric ID
command. For information on this command, see page 2-79.)
Output Bins Command
Default (0) ?&l0G
Top Bin (face down)(1) ?&l1G
Face Up Bin (2) ?&l2G
External Bins (3-99) ?&l3G to ?&l99G
Paper Type Command
Bond ?&n5WdBond
Plain ?&n6WdPlain
Color ?&n6WdColor
Labels ?&n7WdLabels
Recycled ?&n9WdRecycled
Letterhead ?&n11WdLetterhead
Cardstock ?&n10WdCardstock
Prepunched ?&n11WdPrepunched
Preprinted ?&n11WdPreprinted
Transparency ?&n13WdTransparency
Custom ?&n#WdCustomType1
1 For custom paper, replace “CustomType” with the name of the paper, and replace
the “#” with the number of characters in the name, plus 1.

ENWW Printer-Specific Differences 2-107
HP LaserJet 5000 Series Printers
The HP LaserJet 5000 series printers have a nearly identical feature
set as the HP LaserJet 4000 series printers. The LaserJet 5000
series printers support a set of paper sizes similar to the
HP LaserJet 4V/4MV printers.
Selecting Paper Source
With the HP LaserJet 5000 series printer, the paper source
commands are somewhat different than in Table 1-1B. The table
below shows the commands for selecting the various paper sources.
Selecting Output Bins
The paper source commands for the HP LaserJet 5000 printer are
somewhat different than in Table 1-1B. The table below shows the
commands for selecting the various output bins.
Paper Source Command
Manual Feed Tray (2) ?&l2H
MultiPurpose Tray (Tray 1)(4) ?&l4H
Tray 2 (first cassette)(1) ?&l1H
Tray 3 (second cassette)(5) ?&l5H
Tray 4 (third cassette)(8) ?&l8H
Envelope Feeder ?&l6H
External Trays (HCI)(20-39) ?&l20H to ?&l39H
Output Bins Command
Default (0) ?&l0G
Top Bin (face down)(1) ?&l1G
Face Up Bin (2) ?&l2G
External Bins (3-99) ?&l3G to ?&l99G

2-108 Printer-Specific Differences ENWW
Selecting Media Type
Besides using the Media Type command (?&l#M) to select a print
media, with the LaserJet 5000 series printers you can also use the
Paper Type command as follows:
(This command is actually a variation of the Alphanumeric ID
command. For information on this command, see page 2-79.)
Paper Type Command
Bond ?&n5WdBond
Plain ?&n6WdPlain
Color ?&n6WdColor
Labels ?&n7WdLabels
Recycled ?&n9WdRecycled
Letterhead ?&n11WdLetterhead
Cardstock ?&n10WdCardstock
Prepunched ?&n11WdPrepunched
Preprinted ?&n11WdPreprinted
Transparency ?&n13WdTransparency
Custom ?&n#WdCustomType1
1 For custom paper, replace “CustomType” with the name of the paper, and replace
the “#” with the number of characters in the name, plus 1.
ENWW Printer-Specific Differences 2-109
HP LaserJet 8000 Series Printers
The HP LaserJet 8000 is a 24-ppm printer with 600 dpi support in
PCL 5 (the printer offers 1200 dpi in PCL 6). It has built-in mopy
capability, which is enabled when at least 16 Mb of memory or a disk
drive are installed.
The LaserJet 8000 series printers are direct replacements for the
LaserJet 5Si, LaserJet 5SiMx, and LaserJet 5Si Mopier printers. They
support the same PCL 5 commands and options, except as described
The LaserJet 8000 series printers use the same PCL 5
implementation as found in the LaserJet 4000 series, and support
exactly the same PCL 5 and HP-GL/2 commands as the
LaserJet 4000 series. They support the same options to the PCL 5
command set, with the exceptions listed below.
Selecting Paper Source
The HP LaserJet 8000 series printers support the same option set as
the LaserJet 5Si printer. This is a superset of what the LaserJet 4000
series supports.
Page Size
The LaserJet 8000 series printers do not support ledger, A3, or
JIS B4 paper. It does support A5 paper, which the 5Si did not support.
Advance Full Page HP-GL/2 Command
The LaserJet 8000 series supports the HP-GL/2 Advance Full Page
command (PG). The LaserJet 5Si printer does not support this
2-110 Printer-Specific Differences ENWW
HP LaserJet 8100 Series Printers
The HP LaserJet 8100 series printers are 32-ppm printers with
600 dpi support in PCL 5. They are a direct replacement for the
LaserJet 8000 series, and support exactly the same PCL 5
commands and options as the LaserJet 8000 printers. It includes
built-in mopy support, which is enabled when 16 Mb of memory or a
disk drive are installed.
ENWW Printer-Specific Differences 2-111
HP Color LaserJet 4500 Series Printers
The HP Color LaserJet 4500 printer is the third in the series of Color
LaserJet printers that started with the HP Color LaserJet printer. It is
a 600 dpi device with 8-bit continuous tone support on each color
channel. This means the printer uses 24 bits to represent each color it
This printer can be considered as the direct descendent of the
HP Color LaserJet 5 and the HP LaserJet 5 printers, since it
combines the PCL 5 features of both. For example, the Text Parsing
methods are supported as in the LaserJet 5, while such color features
as Palette, Monochrome Print Mode, and Foreground Color
commands are supported in the Color LaserJet and Color LaserJet 5
The HP Color LaserJet 4500 printer is also very much like a
LaserJet 4000 series printer, with respect to PCL 5. With very few
exceptions, the LaserJet 4500 supports the same PCL 5 and
HP-GL/2 commands and options as the LaserJet 4000 printer. The
differences are listed below.
The HP Color LaserJet 4500N printer is the network-ready version of
the base model (4500) printer. It includes an HP JetDirect card and
32 Mb of additional memory. The HP Color LaserJet 4500DN printer
is network-ready, with an HP JetDirect card, duplexer, 500-sheet
paper tray, and 32 Mb of additional memory.
Simplified Color Management
The HP Color LaserJet 4500 does represent a significant departure
from the HP Color LaserJet and Color LaserJet 5 printers in the area
of color specification and management. The use of sRGB (Standard
RGB) greatly simplifies the process of matching colors displayed on a
color monitor with those in the printed document. Furthermore, an
examination of customers and the way they use HP Color LaserJet
printers allowed HP to simplify the color command set without any
decrease in color print quality, print speed, or color matching.

2-112 Printer-Specific Differences ENWW
Color Raster Images
The suggested method for printing color images is by using 24-bit,
direct color pixels with delta row compression. The 24-bit, direct color
is specified using the Configure Image Data command. Delta row
compression is recommended over run length, or TIFF pack bits
since 24-bit, direct color uses three bytes per pixel so there is little
redundancy from one byte to the next. Delta row compression exploits
the redundancy from row to row, and therefore yields better
compression than any other supported PCL compression mode.
Asian Font Support
The following commands are supported especially for Asian font
• Character Text Path Direction
• Text Parsing Method
• 2-byte characters
• HP-GL/2 Label allows 2-byte characters.
Media Handling
The HP Color LaserJet 4500 printer has two standard paper trays and
one optional tray. They are accessed as follows:
Paper can be selected by requesting a media type using the Paper
Type command (?&n#Wdpapertype, where # is the number of
characters in “papertype”. For example, the command to select Color
paper is ?&n6WdColor. To select “Prepunched” the
?&n11WdPrepunched command would be used.
Tray Description Command
Tray 1 Multi-purpose paper tray. This is the
upper-most paper input tray and has a
retractable paper support.
Tray 2 Lowest standard paper tray ?&l1H
Tray 3 Optional 500-sheet input paper tray.
When installed, it is the bottom tray.

ENWW Printer-Specific Differences 2-113
The following paper types are supported:
Sending the “Default” paper type will cancel any previous media type
request that may be in effect, and stops selection of media by type.
Note that both “Card Stock” and “Cardstock” are supported.
Note When the printer is set to TRAY1=FIRST and paper is in tray 1, the
printer will use the paper from tray 1 without regard to the media
source and page size commands. The page will be formatted to the
size specified in the page size command, but will be printed on the
paper from tray 1. This default behavior can be avoided by either
setting TRAY1= CASSETTE, or by only placing special media such
as overhead transparencies in tray 1.
Paper Type Command
Bond ?&n5WdBond
Plain ?&n6WdPlain
Color ?&n6WdColor
Labels ?&n7WdLabels
Recycled ?&n9WdRecycled
Letterhead ?&n11WdLetterhead
Cardstock ?&n10WdCardstock
Card stock ?&n11WdCard stock
Prepunched ?&n11WdPrepunched
Preprinted ?&n11WdPreprinted
Transparency ?&n13WdTransparency
Custom ?&n#WdCustomType1
Rough ?&n6WdRough
Vellum ?&n7WdVellum
Heavy ?&n6WdHeavy
Gloss ?&n6WdGloss
Default ?&n8WdDefault
1 For custom paper, replace “CustomType” with the name of the paper, and replace
the “#” with the number of characters in the name, plus 1.
2-114 Printer-Specific Differences ENWW
New Paper Sizes
The HP Color LaserJet 4500 printer supports ISO A5 and B5 paper
Forms Support
Forms are supported by the use of PCL macros which also include
support for HP-GL/2 commands.
Alphanumeric ID Command
The HP Color LaserJet 4500 printer supports all the options of the
Alphanumeric ID command. However, since the HP Color
LaserJet 4500 does not support a disk drive, associations can only be
made with non-disk-based fonts or macros. For more information on
the Alphanumeric ID command, see page 2-79.
Color Space Support
The supported color spaces are Standard RGB (sRGB), Device RGB,
and Device CMY. Standard RGB replaces Colorimetric RGB (cRGB).
All other color spaces supported in the HP Color LaserJet or Color
LaserJet 5 are not supported in the HP Color LaserJet 4500 printers.
Changes to PCL 5 Color Commands
The focus of the printer’s color support is on WYSIWYG color usage
and a simplified usage model. A number of PCL 5 color commands
introduced in the HP Color LaserJet and supported in the Color
LaserJet 5 printer have been made obsolete as a direct result of using
Standard RGB color to achieve WYSIWYG color. Furthermore,
several commands have been modified to match the predicted use of
the HP Color LaserJet 4500 printer.
ENWW Printer-Specific Differences 2-115
PCL 5 Commands No Longer Supported or Greatly
•Driver Function Configuration — This command had five
options for the HP Color LaserJet and Color LaserJet 5
printers: Lightness, Saturation, Scaling Algorithm, Select Color
Treatment, and Download Color Map. Select Color Treatment
is the only option supported on the HP Color LaserJet 4500
printer. The range of values has been reduced to two choices:
Vivid (2) (no color adjustment) and Screen Match (6).
•Raster Destination and Raster Width — four decimal places
of precision were added to avoid rounding errors when
converting to pixels.
•Picture Frame Scaling Command — four decimal places of
precision were added to avoid rounding errors.
•Configure Image Data — This command had two major
forms, the short form which selected default values for each of
the color spaces specified, and the long form which allowed a
complete specification of the parameters that characterize the
color spaces. The long form of the command is not supported
on this printer since the Luminance-Chrominance, CIE L*a*b*,
and Colorimetric RGB (cRGB) color spaces are not supported.
The supported color spaces are Standard RGB (sRGB),
Device RGB, and Device CMY. The sRGB color space is
selected using the same value as cRGB to enable files printed
with the Color LaserJet and Color LaserJet 5 drivers to take
advantage of the Color LaserJet 4500's use of sRGB for
WYSIWYG color. Furthermore, the specification of white and
black points for the Device RGB and CMY color spaces, and
the HP-GL/2 Color Range command, is not supported.

2-116 Printer-Specific Differences ENWW
•Render Algorithms — There are no new algorithms for this
command that had twenty different algorithms, of which almost
half of them were monochrome equivalents of color
algorithms. The following table lists the algorithms that are
The monochrome algorithms are no longer supported since
there are no applications which allow the user to specify that a
color image should sometimes be printed in color and other
times in black and white. The remainder of the algorithms are
not supported as they are not needed for quality WYSIWYG
color printing.
•Download Dither Matrix — Not supported
•Color Lookup Tables — Not supported since it does not
support WYSIWYG color.
•Gamma Correction — Not supported since it does not
support WYSIWYG color.
•Viewing Illuminant — Not supported since it does not support
WYSIWYG color.
•Monochrome Print Mode — This command is only supported
at the beginning of a job, since user applications only support
the choice of monochrome printing of color documents for an
entire document.
Algorithm Command
Contone Best (High LPI) ?*t0J
Device Best (Best) ?*t3J
Smooth Contone (High LPI) ?*t15J
Basic Contone (Low LPI) ?*t18J
ENWW Printer-Specific Differences 2-117
New PCL 5 Commands
The Finish Mode command allows the user to specify the finish, matte
or glossy, to be applied to the document. A normal page has a matte
finish. Glossy finish can be requested to be applied to the page as it is
printed. The finish is distinct from the type of media. Therefore, a
matte finish can be requested for glossy media, and a glossy finish
can be requested for plain or matte paper.
The finish mode must be set before the first page is marked and
applies to all the pages in the document. Each document defaults to a
matte finish.
# = 0 - Matte finish
1- Glossy finish
Default =0
Range = 0, 1 (command is ignored for invalid values)
2-118 Printer-Specific Differences ENWW
Differences with the HP LaserJet 4000 Series
The HP Color LaserJet 4500 series printers support the color
extensions to PCL 5e and HP-GL/2, commonly known as PCL 5c.
The HP LaserJet 4000 series printers do not support any of these
Windows driver output from a LaserJet 4000 series printer driver will
print correctly on the Color LaserJet 4500 printer. However, driver
output from a Color LaserJet 4500 series driver does not print well on
the LaserJet 4000 series because the HP LaserJet 4000 series
printers do not have PCL 5c support.
• The HP Color LaserJet 4500 printer supports JIS B4, Hagaki
Postcard, and Oufuku-Hagaki Postcard paper sizes. The
LaserJet 4000 series printers do not.
• The HP LaserJet 4500 series printers do not support the
envelope feeder options of the Page (Media) Source
command, because these devices do not exist for the
HP Color LaserJet 4500 printer. Envelopes are fed into the
Color LaserJet 4500 printer using the multipurpose tray, and
selected using that option.
• The HP Color LaserJet 4500 printer ignores the external bin
options to the Output Destination Bin command (?&l#G),
because no external bins can exist on the HP Color LaserJet
4500 printer.
• The HP Color LaserJet 4500 printer does support setting the
raster destination width and height commands, as well as
transferring raster data by plane. The HP Color LaserJet 4000
printer does not support these commands.
• The HP Color LaserJet 4500 printer does not support the Free
Space (?*s1M) or Flush All Pages (?&r#F) status readback
commands. The LaserJet 4000 printer supports these
commands, and manages its memory itself (as the Color
LaserJet 4500 printer does).
• The HP Color LaserJet 4500 printers do not support the
HP-GL/2 Advance Full Page (PG) command, which the
LaserJet 4000 printer does support.
ENWW Printer-Specific Differences 2-119
HP Color LaserJet 8500 Series Printers
The HP Color LaserJet 8500 series printer is a high-end color laser
printer. The printer is based on the feature set of the HP LaserJet 5Si
printer, with the addition of color and an EIO interface. The color
features are similar to the HP Color LaserJet 4500 series printer.
Asian Font Support
Two-byte printing is not supported, however, the PCL driver allows the
user to print two-byte characters.
Paper Types and Sizes
The printer can print a number of media types and sizes, including:
letter-size, A4, A3, ledger (11 x 17), envelopes, card stock, labels,
and heavy media up to 58 pound (216 g/m2) bond. Depending on the
paper size and type, the optional duplex printing accessory enables
color printing on two sides.
Paper Trays
The printer has two 500-sheet input trays (trays 2 and 3) that support
letter, legal, and A4-sized media. In addition, tray 3 supports
11 x 17 inch and A3-sized media. Tray 1, a 100-sheet multipurpose
tray, supports such media sizes and types as letter, legal, executive,
A4, and custom-sized media (up to 12 x 18.5 inch), as well as
envelopes, labels, and card stock. In addition to these three trays, an
optional tray can be installed that holds up to 2,000 sheets of paper.
Proof and Print
The Proof and Print feature allows you to print one copy of a job for
proofreading and then quickly and easily print any remaining copies
from the printer control panel. To use this feature, an optional hard
disk is required in the printer.

2-120 Printer-Specific Differences ENWW
HP LaserJet 1100 Series Printers
The HP LaserJet 1100 series printers are similar to the LaserJet 6L
printers. They have an identical PCL feature set. At 8
pages-per-minute, they print two more pages per minute than the
HP LaserJet 6L, contain the same standard typefaces (except the
Line Printer font), and support the same paper sizes. Like the
LaserJet 6L, the HP LaserJet 1100 series printers do not have a
control panel.
(Refer to Table 1-1, HP LaserJet Printer Feature Comparison, for the
specific PCL implementation.)
HP LaserJet 2100 Series Printers
The HP LaserJet 2100 series printers are versatile 10
page-per-minute laser printers designed for small workgroups and
individuals with advanced printing needs. These printers offer 600 dpi
support in PCL 5 (and 1200 dpi in PCL 6).
The HP LaserJet 2100 series printers have nearly the same PCL 5
feature set as the HP LaserJet 4000 series printers. Some of the
specific feature differences are listed below (Refer to Table 1-1,
HP LaserJet Printer Feature Comparison, for the specific PCL
Selecting Paper Source
The table below shows the commands for selecting the various paper
Paper Source Paper Source
First Available Tray (7) ?&l7H
Manual Feed Tray (2) ?&l2H
Tray 1 (4) ?&l1H
Tray 2 (1) ?&l4H
Tray 3 (5) ?&l5H
ENWW Printer-Specific Differences 2-121
Selecting Output Bins
Unlike the HP LaserJet 4000 printer, the HP LaserJet 2100 series
printers have no selectable output bins. All output lands in the one
standard output bin.
Selecting Media Type
The HP LaserJet 2100 series printers do not support the Paper Type
2-122 Printer-Specific Differences ENWW

ENWW Internal Typefaces / Fonts and Symbol Sets 3-1
3Internal Typefaces /
Fonts and Symbol
This chapter identifies the internal typefaces/fonts and their
associated symbol sets available in the various printers. This
information is presented first for bitmap fonts and their symbol sets,
then for scalable typefaces and their symbol sets.
Note Internal refers to those typefaces/fonts and symbol sets which are
resident in the printer.
Note For information about products newer than those included in this
book, see the PCL5 Comparison Guide Addendum, which includes
product-specific information about newer products, as well as
commands and variables added to support these newer products.

3-2 Internal Typefaces / Fonts and Symbol Sets ENWW
Bitmap Fonts and Symbol Sets
Table 3-1 identifies the resident bitmap fonts for the printers. The
supported symbol sets for these bitmap fonts are shown in Table 3-2.
The HP LaserJet III, IIID, IIIP, and IIISi printers contained all these
bitmap fonts. However, with the introduction of the HP LaserJet 4
printer, the bitmap Courier was replaced by a scalable Courier
typeface (refer to “Scalable Typefaces and Symbol Sets”). The
HP LaserJet 4L, 5L, 6L, and 1100 series printers do not contain any
bitmap fonts. If these printers receive a request for Line Printer, the
fixed-pitch scalable Courier typeface is substituted. Except as noted,
the DeskJet 1200C and 1600C support the same fonts and symbol
sets as the HP LaserJet 4 printer.
Table 3-2 identifies the symbol sets available for the internal bitmap
fonts. Note that this list is for the bitmap fonts only. For the scalable
typeface symbol sets, refer to the section “Scalable Typefaces and
Symbol Sets.”
Table 3-1. Bitmap Fonts (All Fixed Pitch)
nr - not resident P - Portrait L - Landscape
Typeface Pitch/Point
Treatment Orientation III, IIID, II-
4, 4M, 4P, 4MP, 4Si, 4ML, 4PJ,
4LJ Pro, 4LC, 4Plus,
4M Plus, 2100 series,
4000 series, 5000 series,
8000 series, 8100 series, 4V,
4MV, 5P, 5MP, 6P, 6MP, 5Si,
5SiMx, 5Si, Mopier, 5, 5M,
Color LJ, Color LJ 5,
Color LJ 5M, Color LJ 4500,
Color LJ 8500, DJ 1200C,
DJ 1600C
4L 5L,
6L Gold,
1100 series
Courier 10/12 Med P & L ✓nr nr nr
Courier 10/12 Italic P ✓nr nr nr
Courier 10/12 Bold P & L ✓nr nr nr
Courier 12/10 Med P ✓nr nr nr
Courier 12/10 Italic P ✓nr nr nr
Courier 12/10 Bold P ✓nr nr nr
Line Printer 16.67/8.5 Med P & L ✓✓nr nr

ENWW Internal Typefaces / Fonts and Symbol Sets 3-3
Table 3-2. Bitmap Symbol Sets
1 PCL 5 printers support an extensive range of additional symbol sets. Some of the more common sets and
their associated IDs are listed in Appendix C of this guide.
2 These symbol sets are becoming obsolete, are not recommended for future use, and are not resident on
HP LaserJet 4, 4M, 4Si, 4SiMx, 4ML, 4P, 4MP, 4PJ, 4 Plus, 4M Plus, 4V, 4MV, 4LJ Pro, 4LC, 2100 series,
4000 series, 5000 series, 8000 series, 8100 series, HP LaserJet 5 family, LaserJet 6 family, Color
LaserJet family, and HP DeskJet 1200C and 1600C printers.
3 The ISO Latin 2 and 5 symbol sets are not supported on HP LaserJet III family and HP LaserJet 4, 4M,
4Si, 4SiMx, HP DeskJet 1200C and 1600C printers.
4 Resident on HP LaserJet 5, 5M, 5Si Mopier, 6P, 6MP, 2100, 4000, 5000, 8000, 8100 series, and Color
LaserJet 4500 series printers only.
5 These symbol sets are not supported on the HP Color LaserJet 8500 series printers.
6 Only supported by the HP LaserJet 2100 and 8100 series, and the HP Color LaserJet 4500 series
7 Only supported by the HP Color LaserJet 8500 series printers.
Symbol Set1
Roman-8 ISO 15 Italian5ISO 84 Portuguese2
ISO 8859/1 Latin 1 (ECMA-94) ISO 60 Norwegian v15 ISO 85 Spanish2
PC-8 ISO 4 United Kingdom5ISO 10 Swedish/Finnish2
PC-8 Danish/Norwegian ISO 11 Swedish: names5HP German2
PC-850 ISO 57 Chinese2HP Spanish2
ISO 6 ASCII ISO 25 French2ISO 8859/2 Latin 23
Legal ISO 2 IRV2 ISO 8859/9 Latin 53
ISO 21 German5ISO 14 JIS ASCII2ISO 8859/10 Latin 64
ISO 17 Spanish5 ISO 61 Norwegian v22 ISO 8859/15 Latin 96
ISO 69 French5ISO 16 Portuguese2Windows Baltic (not 3.1)7

3-4 Internal Typefaces / Fonts and Symbol Sets ENWW
Scalable Typefaces and Symbol Sets
Table 3-3 and 3-4 list the internal scalable Intellifont and TrueType
typefaces resident in the various printers. Most of these typefaces are
unbound; that is, they can be linked to any of the available symbol
sets (with the limitations indicated). Symbol sets to which a typeface
can be bound (and bound font sets Symbol, Wingdings, Win 3.1J, and
GB2312) are identified in Tables 3-5, 3-6, and 3-7. Table 3-8 shows
symbol-set-bound fonts. (A list of all assigned symbol set and
typeface codes is provided in Tables B-1, B-2, and B-3.)
Table 3-3. Scalable Intellifont Typefaces
✓ - resident in the printer nr - not resident in the printer
Typeface Treatment Typeface
Number III,
IIISi 5P, 5Si, 5SiMx,
5Si Mopier,
6P, 6MP,
Color LJ,
Color LJ 5/5M,
DJ 1200C,
DJ 1600C,
LJ 4 family
4LJ Pro 4L,
6L Gold,
1100 series
4LC 5, 5M,
Color 4500,
Color 8500
ITC Zapf Dingbats Med 4141 nr ✓nr nr nr nr nr
CG Times Med, It, Bld, Bld It 4101 ✓✓ ✓ nr ✓✓ nr
Univers Med, It, Bld, Bld It 4148 ✓✓ ✓ nr ✓✓ nr
Univers Cond Med Cnd, It Cnd, Bld Cnd,
Bld It Cnd 4148 nr ✓✓ nr ✓✓ nr
Courier Med, It, Bld, Bld It 4099 nr nr ✓✓✓✓
Letter Gothic Med, It, Bld 4102 nr nr ✓nr ✓✓ nr
Albertus Med (semi-bold), Extra Bld 4362 nr nr ✓nr ✓✓ nr
Antique Olive Med, It, Bld 4168 nr nr ✓nr ✓✓ nr
Clarendon Cond Bld Cnd 4140 nr nr ✓nr nr ✓nr
Coronet Med It 4116 nr nr ✓nr ✓✓ nr
Garamond Antiqua (Med), Kursiv (It),
Halbfett (Bld), Kursiv Halb
(Bld It)
4197 nr nr ✓ nr nr ✓ nr
Marigold Med 4297 nr nr ✓nr nr ✓nr
CG Omega Med, It, Bld, Bld It 4113 nr nr ✓nr nr ✓nr
Wingdings Med 6826 nr nr nr nr ✓nr nr

ENWW Internal Typefaces / Fonts and Symbol Sets 3-5
Table 3-4. Scalable TrueType Typefaces
✓ - resident in the printer nr - not resident in the printer
1 Pseudo-bold, pseudo-italic, and pseudo-bold italic are available using character enhancements.
Typeface Treatment Typeface
Number III,
IIISi 5P, 5Si, 5SiMx,
5Si Mopier,
6P, 6MP,
Color LJ,
Color LJ 5/5M,
DJ 1200C,
DJ 1600C,
LJ 4 family
4LJ Pro 4L,
6L Gold,
1100 series
4LC 5, 5M,
Color 4500,
Color 8500,
Arial Med, It, Bld, Bld It 16602 nr nr ✓✓nr ✓✓
Times New Roman Med, It, Bld, Bld It 16901 nr nr ✓✓nr ✓ ✓
Symbol Med 16686 nr nr ✓✓nr ✓✓
Wingdings Med 31402 nr nr ✓✓nr ✓✓
CG Times Med, It, Bld, Bld It 4101 nr nr nr nr nr nr ✓
Univers Med, It, Bld, Bld It 4148 nr nr nr nr nr nr ✓
Univers Cond Med Cnd, It Cnd, Bld Cnd,
Bld It Cnd 4148 nr nr nr nr nr nr ✓
Courier Med, It, Bld, Bld It 4099 nr nr nr nr nr nr ✓
Letter Gothic Med, It, Bld 4102 nr nr nr nr nr nr ✓
Albertus Med (semi-bold),
Extra Bld 4362 nr nr nr nr nr nr ✓
Antique Olive Med, It, Bld 4168 nr nr nr nr nr nr ✓
Clarendon Cond. Bld Cnd 4140 nr nr nr nr nr nr ✓
Coronet Med It 4116 nr nr nr nr nr nr ✓
Garamond Antiqua (Med), Kursiv (It),
Halbfett (Bld), Kursiv Halb
(Bld It)
4197 nr nr nr nr nr nr ✓
Marigold Med 4297 nr nr nr nr nr nr ✓
CG Omega Med, It, Bld, Bld It 4113 nr nr nr nr nr nr ✓
MS Mincho Med128752 nr nr nr ✓nr nr nr
MS Gothic Med128825 nr nr nr ✓nr nr nr
SimSun Med137058 nr nr nr nr nr ✓nr
Sim Hei Med137110 nr nr nr nr nr ✓nr
GW-Kai Med137357 nr nr nr nr nr ✓nr

3-6 Internal Typefaces / Fonts and Symbol Sets ENWW
Table 3-4. Scalable TrueType Typefaces (continued)
✓ - resident in the printer nr - not resident in the printer
Typeface Treatment Typeface
Number III,
IIISi 5P, 5Si, 5SiMx,
5Si Mopier,
6P, 6MP,
Color LJ,
Color LJ 5/5M,
Color LJ 8500
DJ 1200C,
DJ 1600C,
LJ 4 family
4LJ Pro 4L,
6L Gold,
1100 series
4LC 2100,
Color 4500,
Times Roman Med, It, Bld, Bld It 25093 nr nr nr nr nr nr ✓
Helvetica Med, Ob, Bld, Bld Ob 24580 nr nr nr nr nr nr ✓
Helvetica Narrow Med, Ob, Bld, Bld Ob 24580 nr nr nr nr nr nr ✓
Century Schoolbk Med, It, Bld, Bld It 24703 nr nr nr nr nr nr ✓
ITC Avant Garde
Gothic Med, Ob, DemiBld,
DemiBld Ob 24607 nr nr nr nr nr nr ✓
ITC Bookman Lt, Lt It, DemiBld,
DemiBld It 24623 nr nr nr nr nr nr ✓
CourierPS Med, Ob, Bld, Bld Ob 24579 nr nr nr nr nr nr ✓
Palatino Med, It, Bld, Bld It 24591 nr nr nr nr nr nr ✓
ITC Zapf Chancery Med It 45099 nr nr nr nr nr nr ✓
ITC Zapf Dingbats Med 45101 nr nr nr nr nr nr ✓
SymbolPS Med 45358 nr nr nr nr nr nr ✓

ENWW Internal Typefaces / Fonts and Symbol Sets 3-7
Table 3-5. Scalable Symbol Sets
✓ symbol set is resident. nr - symbol set is not resident.
1 PCL 5 printers support an extensive range of additional symbol sets. Some of the more common sets and their associated IDs are shown in
Appendix C of this guide.
2 These symbol sets are soon to be obsolete, are not recommended for future use, and are not resident on any DeskJet 1200C or 1600C.
Symbol Set1
IIISi LaserJet 4 / 5 / 6 Families,
1100, 2100, 4000, 5000, 8000, 8100 series,
Color LaserJet, 5, 5M,
Color LaserJet 4500
DeskJet 1200C & 1600C
4LJ Pro
Jet 8500
Roman-8 ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Roman-9 nr nr nr nr ✓
ISO 8859/1 Latin 1 ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
PC-8 ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
PC-8 Danish/Norwegian ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
PC-850 ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
ISO 6 ASCII ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Legal ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
ISO 21 German ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
ISO 17 Spanish ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
ISO 69 French ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
ISO 15 Italian ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
ISO 60 Norwegian v1 ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
ISO 4 United Kingdom ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
ISO 11 Swedish: names ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
ISO 57 Chinese2 ✓✓ nr ✓nr
ISO 25 French2 ✓✓ nr ✓nr
ISO 2 IRV2 ✓✓ nr ✓nr
ISO 14 JIS ASCII2 ✓✓ nr ✓nr
ISO 61 Norwegian v22 ✓✓ nr ✓nr
ISO 16 Portuguese2 ✓✓ nr ✓nr
ISO 84 Portuguese2 ✓✓ nr ✓nr
ISO 85 Spanish2 ✓✓ nr ✓nr
ISO 10 Swedish/Finnish2 ✓✓ nr ✓nr
HP German2 ✓✓ nr ✓nr
HP Spanish2 ✓✓ nr ✓nr
PC-858 Multilingual w/ Euro nr nr nr nr ✓

3-8 Internal Typefaces / Fonts and Symbol Sets ENWW
Table 3-5. Scalable Symbol Sets (continued)
✓ Indicates a symbol set is supported. nr - Indicates a symbol set is not resident.
1 PCL 5 printers support an extensive range of additional symbol sets. See Appendix C of this guide.
2 These symbol sets are soon to be obsolete and are not recommended for future use.
3 The Japanese Windows 3.1J symbol set is only resident in the LaserJet 4PJ, 4LJ Pro printers, and if ESC/P SIMM is installed, in the LaserJet
4V, 4MV, 5Si, 5SiMx, 5Si Mopier printers.
4 For the HP LaserJet 4, 4M, 4Si, and 4SiMx printers, these symbol sets are only available in CG Times, Univers, Courier, and Letter Gothic.
5 Only available in the HP LaserJet 2100, 4500, and 8100 series printers.
Symbol Set1
IIISi LaserJet 4/5 Families
Color LaserJet,
Color LaserJet 5, 5M,
DeskJet 1200C, 1600C
4LC 4L, 5L, 6L,
6L Gold,
5, 5M, 6P, 6MP,
2100, 4000, 5000,
8000, 8100 series,
Color LJ 4500
PC-1004 (OS/2) nr nr nr nr nr ✓✓
DeskTop ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Ventura International 2 ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ nr nr
PS Text ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Ventura US 2✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ nr nr
Microsoft Publishing ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Math-8 ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Ventura Math 2✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ nr nr
PS Math ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ nr
Pi Font ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Ventura ITC Zapf Dingbats 2 nr ✓nr nr nr nr nr
PS ITC Zapf Dingbats nr ✓nr nr nr nr nr
ITC Zapf Dingbats 100 nr ✓nr nr nr nr nr
ITC Zapf Dingbats 200 nr ✓nr nr nr nr nr
ITC Zapf Dingbats 300 nr ✓nr nr nr nr nr
ISO 8859-2 Latin 2 nr nr ✓4✓✓ ✓ ✓
ISO 8859-9 Latin 5 nr nr ✓4✓✓ ✓ ✓
ISO 8859-10 Latin 6 nr nr nr nr nr ✓✓
ISO 8859-15 Latin 9 nr nr nr nr nr ✓5✓
PC 852 nr nr ✓4✓✓ ✓ ✓
PC 775 nr nr nr nr nr ✓✓
PC Turkish nr nr ✓4✓✓ ✓ ✓
MC Text nr nr ✓✓✓ ✓ ✓
Windows 3.1 Latin 1 nr nr ✓✓✓ ✓ ✓
Windows 3.1 Latin 2 nr nr ✓4✓✓ ✓ ✓
Windows 3.1 Latin 5 nr nr ✓4✓✓ ✓ ✓
Windows Baltic (not 3.1) nr nr nr nr nr ✓✓
Windows 3.0 Latin 1 ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Windows 3.1J (WIN3.1J) nr nr ✓3nr nr nr nr
GB2312 nr nr nr ✓nr nr nr
Symbol nr nr ✓✓nr ✓✓
Wingdings nr nr ✓✓✓ ✓ ✓

ENWW Internal Typefaces / Fonts and Symbol Sets 3-9
Table 3-6. Intellifont Typeface Symbol Set Support
• Fonts supported by Color LaserJet family, DeskJet 1200C, 1600C, LaserJet 1100 series, LaserJet 4/5/6 families except 4PJ, 4LJ Pro, 5, and
5M. Courier is the only Intellifont typeface family supported by the LaserJet 4PJ printer.
◆ Additional fonts supported by DeskJet 1200C,1600C (B,C revs.), Color LaserJet 8500, & LaserJet 4/5/6 families except
4,4M,4Si,4SiMx,4PJ,4LJ Pro, 5,5M.
* These symbol sets are subsets of the Roman-8 set.
Set ID
Symbol Set CG
Times Univers Courier Letter
Gothic Albertus Antique
Olive Coronet Univers
8U Roman-8 • • • • • • • •
0N ISO 8859-1 Latin 1
(ECMA 94 Latin 1)
••••• •••
10U PC-8 • • • • • • • •
11U PC-8 D/N • • • • • • • •
12U PC-850 • • • • • • • •
19U Windows 3.1 Latin1
••••• •••
7J DeskTop • • • • • • • •
10J PS Text • • • • • • • •
13J Ventura International • • • • • • • •
14J Ventura US • • • • • • • •
6J Microsoft Publishing • • • • • • • •
1U Legal • • • • • • • •
1E ISO United Kingdom* • • • • • • • •
0UASCII* ••••• •••
0S ISO Swedish: names* • • • • • • • •
0I ISO Italian* • • • • • • • •
2S ISO Spanish* • • • • • • • •
1G ISO German* • • • • • • • •
0D ISO Norwegian* • • • • • • • •
1F ISO French* • • • • • • • •
9U Windows 3.0 Latin 1 • • • • • • • •
12J MC Text • • • • • • • •
17U PC-852 • • • • ◆ ◆◆◆
9T PC-Turkish • • • • ◆ ◆◆◆
9E Windows 3.1 Latin 2 • • • • ◆ ◆◆◆
5T Windows 3.1 Latin 5 • • • • ◆ ◆◆◆
2N ISO 8859-2 Latin 2 • • • • ◆ ◆◆◆
5N ISO 8859-9 Latin 5 • • • • ◆ ◆◆◆
8M Math-8 • • • •
5M PS Math • • • •
6M Ventura Math • • • •
15U Pi Font • • • •
19M Symbol
579L Wingdings

3-10 Internal Typefaces / Fonts and Symbol Sets ENWW
Table 3-6. Intellifont Typeface Symbol Set Support (continued)
• Supported by Color LaserJet 8500 and all LaserJet 4 / 5 / 6 family printers, except 4PJ, 4L, 5L, 6L, 4LJ Pro, 5, and 5M. Not supported by
LaserJet 1100 series printers.
◆ Additional fonts supported by DeskJet 1200C,1600C (B,C revs.), Color LaserJet 8500, & LaserJet 4/5/6 families except
4,4M,4Si,4SiMx,4PJ,4LJ Pro, 5,5M.
▲ Additional font supported by the HP LaserJet 4L, 5L, 6L, 6L Gold, DeskJet 1200C (B, C revisions), and 1600C only.
* These symbol sets are subsets of the Roman-8 set.
PCL Symbol
Set ID Symbol Set Clarend.
Cond. Marigold CG
Omega Garmnd.
Antiqua Wingdings
8U Roman-8 • • • •
0N ISO 8859-1 Latin 1 (ECMA 94 Latin 1) • • • •
10U PC-8 • • • •
11U PC-8 D/N • • • •
12U PC-850 • • • •
19U Windows 3.1 Latin 1 (ANSI) • • • •
7J DeskTop • • • •
10J PS Text • • • •
13J Ventura International • • • •
14J Ventura US • • • •
6J Microsoft Publishing • • • •
1U Legal • • • •
1E ISO United Kingdom* • • • •
0U ASCII* • • • •
0S ISO Swedish: names* • • • •
0I ISO Italian* • • • •
2S ISO Spanish* • • • •
1G ISO German* • • • •
0D ISO Norwegian* • • • •
1F ISO French* • • • •
9U Windows 3.0 Latin 1 (Windows) • • • •
12J MC Text • • • •
17U PC-852 ◆◆ ◆◆
9T PC-Turkish ◆◆ ◆◆
9E Windows 3.1 Latin 2 ◆◆ ◆◆
5T Windows 3.1 Latin 5 ◆◆ ◆◆
2N ISO 8859-2 Latin 2 ◆◆ ◆◆
5N ISO 8859-9 Latin 5 ◆◆ ◆◆
8M Math-8
5M PS Math
6M Ventura Math
15U Pi Font
19M Symbol
579L Wingdings ▲

ENWW Internal Typefaces / Fonts and Symbol Sets 3-11
Table 3-7. Typeface Symbol Set
• Fonts supported by HP LaserJet 4, 4Si, 4ML, 4P, 4MP, 4PJ, 4Plus, 4M Plus, 4V, 4MV, 4LJ Pro, 4LC, 5P, 5Si, 5SiMx, 5Si Mopier, 5, 5M, 6P,
6MP, LaserJet 2100, 4000, 5000, 8000, 8100 series, Color LaserJet, Color LaserJet 5, 5M, Color LaserJet 4500 and 8500 series printers.
◆ Additional fonts supported by LaserJet 5, 5M, LaserJet 2100, 4000, 5000, 8000, and 8100 series, Color LaserJet 4500 and 8500 printers.
* These symbol sets are subsets of the Roman-8 set.
▲ Fonts supported by HP LaserJet 4ML, 4P, 4MP, 4PJ, 4 Plus, 4M Plus, 4V, 4MV, 5Si, 5SiMx, 5Si Mopier, 5, 5M, 6P, 6MP, LaserJet 2100,
4000, 5000, 8000, and 8100 series, Color LaserJet, Color LaserJet 5, 5M, Color LaserJet 4500 and 8500 series printers.
Fonts supported on the HP LaserJet 2100, 4500, 8100, and 8500 series printers.
1 Not supported on the HP Color LaserJet 8500 printer.
✝ Supported only on the HP Color LaserJet 8500 printer.
Scalable TrueType and Intellifont Typefaces Bitmap
PCL Symbol
Set ID Symbol Set TrueType
Typefaces Intellifont
Typefaces Line
7U Roman-9 ✝✝
8U Roman-8 • • •
0N ISO 8859-1 Latin 1 (was ECMA 94 Latin 1) • • •
10U PC-8 • • •
11U PC-8 D/N • • •
12U PC-850 • • •
13U PC-858 Multilingual with Euro ✝✝
19U Windows 3.1 Latin 1 (Microsoft “ANSI”) • •
9J PC-1004 (OS/2) • •
7J DeskTop • •
10J PS Text • •
1U Legal • • •
1E ISO United Kingdom* • • •1
0U ASCII* • • •
0S ISO Swedish: names* • • •1
0I ISO Italian* • • •1
2S ISO Spanish* • • •1
1G ISO German* • • •1
0D ISO Norwegian* • • •1
1F ISO French* • • •1
9U Windows 3.0 Latin 1 (formerly “Windows”) • •
12J MC Text • •
17U PC-852 ▲•
26U PC-775 ◆◆
9T PC-Turkish ▲•
9E Windows 3.1 Latin 2 ▲•
19L Windows Baltic (not 3.1) ◆◆ ✝
5T Windows 3.1 Latin 5 ▲•
2N ISO 8859-2 Latin 2 ▲• ▲
5N ISO 8859-9 Latin 5 ▲• ▲
6N ISO 8859-10 Latin 6 ◆◆◆
9N ISO 8859-15 Latin-91

3-12 Internal Typefaces / Fonts and Symbol Sets ENWW
Table 3-7. Typeface Symbol Set Support (continued)
• Fonts supported by HP LaserJet III / 4 / 5 families except 4PJ, 4LJ Pro, 4LC. Also supported by LaserJet 2100, 4000, 5000, 8000, 8100
series, Color LaserJet family, DeskJet 1200C and 1600C printers.
◆ Additional fonts supported by LaserJet 5, 5M, LaserJet 2100, 4000, 5000, 8000, and 8100 series, Color LaserJet 4500 and 8500 printers.
★ Not supported by HP LaserJet 5, 5M, LaserJet 2100, 4000, 5000, 8000, and 8100 series, Color LaserJet 4500 and 8500 series printers.
1 These symbol sets are only recommended for text typefaces.
Table 3-8. Bound Symbol Set Support
• Fonts supported by HP LaserJet 4, 4Si, 4ML, 4P, 4MP, 4PJ, 4Plus, 4M Plus, 4V, 4MV, 4LJ Pro, 4LC, 5P, 5Si, 5SiMx, 5Si Mopier, 5, 5M, 6P,
6MP, LaserJet 2100, 4000, 5000, 8000, and 8100 series, Color LaserJet, Color LaserJet 5, 5M, 4500, and 8500 series printers.
★ Only for HP LaserJet 4PJ, 4LJ Pro and printers with the ESC/P SIMM installed (LaserJet 4V/4MV, 5Si/5SiMx and 5Si Mopier).
■ Only for the HP LaserJet 4LC printer, and other LaserJet printers configured with a Chinese printing option.
✝ ITC Zapf Dingbats MS are supported on the LaserJet 4000, 5000, 8000, 8100, 2100, and 4500 printers.
Scalable TrueType and Intellifont Typefaces Bitmap
PCL Symbol
Set ID Symbol Set TrueType
Typefaces Intellifont
Typefaces Line
8M Math-81 ◆•
5M PS Math1 ◆•
15U Pi Font1 ◆•
6J Microsoft Publishing1 ◆•
6M Ventura Math1 ★★
13J Ventura International ★★
14J Ventura US ★★
PCL Symbol
Set ID Symbol Set Wingdings ITC Zapf Ding-
bats MS Symbol MS Mincho
MS Gothic Sim Sun
Sim Hei
19M Symbol •
579L Wingdings •
14L ITC Zapf Dingbats MS ✝
19K Japanese Windows 3.1J (WIN3.1J) ★
19C GB2312 ■

ENWW Internal Typefaces / Fonts and Symbol Sets 3-13
Typeface Selection Differences
With the introduction of the HP LaserJet IID printer, Hewlett-Packard
expanded the typeface value field (in the font header) from a one-byte
to a two-byte value field, thus expanding the typeface range from
0-255 to 0-32767. This expansion allows for additional typefaces.
Prior to the HP LaserJet IID printer, typeface values used a single
byte (8-bits for a range of 0-255) for font selection. This value,
referred to as the typeface base value, was used to identify fonts for
selection. With the addition of the second byte in the typeface value
field, one bit was added to the typeface base value range, increasing
it from 8 bits to 9 bits (for a range of 0-511). This allows a greater
range for typeface base value selection.
In addition to expanding the typeface base value, two other values
were included in the two-byte typeface value: vendor number and
vendor version. The vendor number identifies the font vendor and
the vendor version identifies the version of the font. These two values
are for a vendor to create an updated version of the typeface. The
three values together represent the typeface family value. Refer to
the PCL 5 Printer Language Technical Reference Manual Chapter
11,“Font Creation - Typeface Family,” for a more complete
description of this two-byte typeface family value.
Note With the introduction of the HP LaserJet 4 printer, HP redefined the
typeface field again, this time eliminating the vendor version identifier
and expanding the typeface family to encompass the 12 least
significant bits (bits 11-0) of this 16-bit field (see the field description
for “Typeface” in Chapter 11).
Both the typeface family value and the typeface base value can be
used for font selection. Since the typeface family value (two-byte
value) is based on the typeface base value (9 bit value), a font
selection which specifies the typeface base value may select a font
described by a typeface family value in the printer.
There is some variation in how font selection occurs between PCL 5
printer models when mixing the typeface family and base values. The
typeface selection compatibility for two types of values is identified for
the various PCL 5 printers in Table 3-8.

3-14 Internal Typefaces / Fonts and Symbol Sets ENWW
Some typeface (two-byte) family values and their corresponding base
values are listed below. For a complete listing of typeface family and
base values, refer to Tables C-2 and C-3 in Appendix C of this
Typeface Values
Table 3-9. Base/Family Typeface Selection Compatibility
1 The LaserJet series II printer only accepts a typeface selection value field range of 0-255.
2 If two fonts are available in the printer that have the same value in the lower (LSB) byte of the font
descriptor typeface field (such as 5 and 4101), the typeface selected will be one of these selected at
3 The MSB typeface byte in the Font Descriptor is ignored by the printer; only the LSB typeface byte is read.
Family Value Typeface Family Base Value
0 Line Printer 0
16602 Arial 218
4168 Antique Olive 72
4127 ITC Avant Garde 31
4119 CG Century Schoolbook 23
4101 CG Times 5
4148 Univers 52
?(s#T Type
Printer Font
Type PCL 5
Printer IIP IID series II1
Family Value Family Value Typeface
Ignores typeface
(value field too large)
Family Value Base Value Ignores
typeface for
font selection
typeface for
font selection
typeface for
font selection
Ignores typeface for font
selection (value field too
Base Value Family Value Typeface
typeface for
font selection
typeface for
font selection
Typeface may be selected
(font descriptor typeface
MSB field is ignored)3
Base Value Base Value Typeface
Typeface Selected
This table assumes that the typeface type specified is available in the printer.

ENWW Print Environment 4-1
4Print Environment
All of a printer’s current feature settings are collectively referred to as
a print environment. A PCL printer maintains four print environments:
Factory Default Environment, User Default Environment, Modified
Print, and Overlay Environment.
This chapter identifies the Factory Default Environment and User
Default Environment. The Factory Default Environment, which is
programmed into a printer at the factory, is listed in Table 4-1 for the
PCL context and Table 4-2 for the HP-GL/2 context. The User Default
Environment, which can be set from a printer's control panel, is listed
in Table 4-3.
Note If a feature setting is not supported on a printer (for example, duplex
on non-duplex printers, or status readback on printers which do not
support that feature), then the printer's print environment does not
contain that feature setting. In the following tables, not all values are
used for all printers. See Table 1-1 to identify supported values for a
certain HP printer.
The HP LaserJet 4PJ printer defaults to the ESC/P personality. The
defaults listed here are for PCL only.
Note For information about products newer than those included in this
book, see the PCL5 Comparison Guide Addendum, which includes
product-specific information about newer products, as well as
commands and variables added to support these newer products.

4-2 Print Environment ENWW
Table 4-1. Factory Default Environment — PCL Context
1 User can select default values from the printer's Operator Control Panel for these feature settings.
2 Selectable from the printer Operator Control Panel if duplex is selected.
3 Used on HP LaserJet IIISi and 4Si printers only.
4 The font characteristics are determined by the default font. The default font can be the factory default font, the user selected default font from
the Operator Control Panel, or from a font cartridge with a default font.
Number of Copies11
Duplex1Off (Simplex)
Registration Left=0, Top=0
Tray Lock1All trays unlocked
Manual Feed1Off
Job Separation3Off
Output Bin Upper (face down) bin
Units of Measure 300 Units/inch
Print Direction 0
Page Size1Letter
Paper (Media) Source Paper Source (Printer Specific Large
Media Destination 0 (Automatic Selection)
Vertical Motion Index18 (6 lpi)
Horizontal Motion Index412 (10 cpi)
Top Margin 1/2" (150 dots)
Text Length 60 lines
Left Margin Left logical page boundary
Right Margin Right logical page boundary
Perforation Skip On
Line Termination CR→CR, LF→LF, FF→FF

ENWW Print Environment 4-3
Table 4-1. Factory Default Environment — PCL Context (continued)
1 The font characteristics are determined by the default font. The default font can be the factory default font, the user selected default font from
the Operator Control Panel, or from a font cartridge with a default font.
2 User can select default values from the printer's Operator Control Panel for these feature settings.
3 Selectable from the front panel if a fixed-space scalable font was selected as the user default.
4 Selectable from the front panel if a proportional scalable font was selected as the user default.
5 If the default symbol set is WIN31J, the value is 31; otherwise, it is 0—only available on the LaserJet 4PJ, 4LJ Pro, and LaserJet 4V/4MV
printers if the ESC/P SIMM is installed. If the default symbol set is GB2312, the value is 38; otherwise it is 0.
6 For the LaserJet 4PJ and 4LJ Pro printers, the default symbol set is WIN31J, the default typeface is MS Mincho, and the default spacing is
proportional. For the LaserJet 4V/4MV printer, the default symbol set is Roman-8, default typeface is Courier, and spacing fixed; Japanese
customers must explicitly change the defaults if desired. For the LaserJet 4LC printer, the default symbol set is GB2312, default typeface is
Sim Sun, and the default spacing is proportional. For the LaserJet 5L, 5Si, 5SiMx, 6P, 6MP printers and the LaserJet 5Si Mopier, the default
symbol set is PC-8.
Symbol Set2,6 Roman-8
Pitch310 cpi
Height412 point
Style Upright
Stroke Weight Medium
Typeface6 Courier
Underlining Mode Off
Character Text Path Direction 0 (horizontal)
Text Parsing Method50 or 31
Font ID 0
Character Code 0
Symbol Set ID 0
Presentation Mode 3 (Print image along physical page width)
Left Graphics Margin 0
Resolution 75 dpi
Compression Mode 0
Raster Height N/A
Raster Width Logical Page Width

4-4 Print Environment ENWW
Table 4-1. Factory Default Environment — PCL Context (continued)
Current Pattern Solid
Source Transparency Mode 0 (transparent)
Pattern Transparency Mode 0 (transparent)
Pattern Reference Point 0, 0
Logical Operation ROP 252
Pattern Rotation 0 (Pattern rotates with print direction)
Horizontal Rectangle Size 0
Vertical Rectangle Size 0
Area Fill ID 0
Picture Frame Width Logical page width
Picture Frame Height Text length
Picture Frame Anchor Point PCL Cursor at left edge of the logical page
(top margin plus 75% of VMI)
HP-GL/2 Plot Horizontal Size Picture frame horizontal size
HP-GL/2 Plot Vertical Size Picture frame vertical size
Macro ID 0
End-of-Line Wrap Off
Display Functions Off
Current Location Type 0 - Invalid location
Current Location Unit 0 - All units

ENWW Print Environment 4-5
Table 4-2. Factory Default Environment — HP-GL/2 Context
Character Set Roman-8
Font Spacing Fixed
Pitch 10 cpi
Height 12 point
Posture Upright
Stroke Weight Medium
Typeface HP-GL/2 stick
Character Direction Horizontal
Character Direction Mode Absolute
Character Size Size transformation off
Character Size Mode Absolute
Character Slant 0
Extra Horizontal Space 0
Extra Vertical Space 0
Character Fill Mode Solidly filled, no edging
Label Origin 1
Label Terminator Etx
Transparent Data Mode Off
Primary Font ID 0
Secondary Font ID 0
Scalable or Bitmap Font Select scalable fonts only
Plotting Mode Absolute
Pen State Up
Polygon Buffer Cleared
Polygon Mode Off

4-6 Print Environment ENWW
Table 4-2. Factory Default Environment — HP-GL/2 Context (continued)
Line Type Solid
Line Type Repeat Length 4% of the diagonal distance from P1 to P2
Line Cap Butt
Line Join Mitered
Miter Limit 5
Pen Width 0.35 mm
Pen Width Selection Mode Metric
Selected Pen No pen
Symbol Mode Off
Fill Type Solid (bi-directional)
User-defined Line Type Eight standard line types
Anchor Corner (0,0) Plotter units
User-defined Fill Types Solid fill
Transparency Mode On (transparent)
Screened Vector No screening
Scale Mode Off
Window PCL default picture frame
(the PCL default logical page less 1/2 inch at the top
and the bottom)
Coordinate System Orientation Orientation of PCL default logical page coordinate
P1, P2 Lower left, upper right corners, respectively, of picture

ENWW Print Environment 4-7
Note Table 4-3 lists the User Default Environment. This print environment
is stored in non-volatile RAM (NVRAM), which allows it to be retained
in the event of a power cycle (except for the HP LaserJet 4L, 5L, 6L,
and 1100 series printers, which do not contain NVRAM). In earlier
printers without PJL, the feature settings contained in the User
Default Environment were selectable through the control panel only.
In newer printers with PJL, these feature settings can be set from
either the control panel (if the printer has one) or through PJL or both.
The User Default Environment is reset to the Factory Default
Environment upon a cold reset.

4-8 Print Environment ENWW
Table 4-3. User Default Environment
✓ - Supported * - Default value (see Chapter 3 for list) ns - Not Supported
1 PCL range is 1 through 32767
2 SIMMs also available
3 The HP LaserJet 4L, 4ML, 4PJ, and 4MP printers do not accept cartridges.
4 Displayed for fixed-spaced scalable fonts only
5 Displayed for proportional scalable fonts only
6 Sets PCL text length
7 For LaserJet 4PJ and 4LJ Pro, WIN3.1J is the default symbol set and MS Mincho is default typeface; for the LaserJet 4LC, GB2312 is the
default symbol set and SimSun is the default typeface. A4 is default paper size, 64 is default lines of text; printer also supports JIS B5 paper,
Hagaki and Oufuku-Hagaki postcards.
8 Supported if duplex is installed (duplex is an option on LaserJet 4 Plus and 4M Plus)
9 LaserJet 4V/4MV also supports JIS B5, JIS B4, JPOST, JPOSTD, Commercial B5, and Custom (11.7" x 17.7").
Menu Item Range III IIID IIISi IIIP 4 4Si 4L 4ML,
4P, 4PJ,
4LJ Pro,
4 Plus,
4M Plus,
5P, 5MP
Copies 1* through 991 ✓✓✓✓1-999 1-999 1-999 1-999 1-999 1-999
Orientation Portrait*, Land. ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Font Source Internal*, Cartridge,
Soft Fonts
✓✓✓✓ ✓
2✓2✓✓ ✓2,3 ✓2✓2
Font Number 0* (Courier) to n ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Pitch410.00* .44 - 99.99 ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Point Size512.00* 4 - 999.75 ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Symbol Set Roman-8* ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Form/Lines of Text660* 5 - 128 ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Paper (Job) Size Letter*, Legal,
Executive, A4,
Com-10, Monarch,
DL, C5
✓ ✓no
B5 no
C5 plus
B5 plus B5
B5 plus
11 x 17
and more9
Manual Feed Off*, On ✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Duplex Off* (simplex), On ns ✓✓ns ns ✓ns ns ✓8ns
Binding Long-edge*,
Short-edge ns ✓8 ✓8 ns ns ✓8 ns ns ✓8ns
Output Bin Upper*, Lower ns ns ✓ns ns ✓ns ns ns ns
Enhancement Medium*, Light, Dark,
✓✓✓✓ ✓ On/
✓✓ ✓✓
Print Density 1, 2, 3*, 4, 5 ns ns ns ns ns ns ✓✓ ✓✓
EconoMode On, Off* ns ns ns ns ns ns ✓✓ ✓✓
Resource Saving On, Off* ns ns ns ns ns ✓ns ns On, Off,
Auto* On, Off,

ENWW Print Environment 4-9
Table 4-3. User Default Environment (continued)
✓ - Supported * - Default value (see Chapter 2 for list) ns - Not Supported
1 PCL range is 1 through 32767
2 Displayed for fixed-spaced scalable fonts only.
3 Displayed for proportional scalable fonts only
4 Sets PCL text length
Menu Item Range 5L
6L 5, 5M
6P, 6MP 5Si
LaserJet DeskJet
Copies 1* through 9991 ✓✓✓✓✓
Orientation Portrait*, Land. ✓✓✓✓✓
Font Source Internal*,
Soft Fonts
Font Number 0* (Courier) to n ✓✓✓✓✓
Pitch210.00* .44 - 99.99 ✓✓✓✓ ✓
Point Size312.00* 4 - 999.75 ✓✓✓✓ ✓
Symbol Set Roman-8* PC-8* ✓PC-8* ✓ ✓
Form/Lines Text460* 5 - 128 ✓✓✓✓ ✓
Paper (Job) Size Letter*, Legal, plus A4,
C5, DL, B5)
(3" x 5" –
8.5" x 14")
plus A4, A5,
Monarch, C5,
DL, B5)
(6P/6MP also
plus A4,
A3, B4, B5,
(11" x 17"),
DL, C5, B5)
plus A4,
11 x 17,
DL, C5
Manual Feed Off*, On ✓✓✓✓✓
Duplex Off* (simplex),On ns 5/5M (option)
6P/6MP (ns)
✓ns ns
Binding Long-edge*,
Short-edge ns 5/5M (w/
duplex option)
✓ns ns
Output Bin
(Media Bin)
Upper*, Lower ns ns ✓✓ns
Medium*, Light,
Dark, Off, On On*, Off ✓On*, Off ✓✓
Print Density 1, 2, 3*, 4, 5 ✓✓✓✓✓
EconoMode On, Off* ✓✓✓✓✓
Resource Saving On, Off* ns On, Off, Auto* On, Off,
On, Off,
On, Off,

4-10 Print Environment ENWW
Table 4-3. User Default Environment (continued)
✓ - Supported * - Default value (see Chapter 2 for list) ns - Not Supported
1 PCL range is 1 through 32767
2 Displayed for fixed-spaced scalable fonts only.
3 Displayed for proportional scalable fonts only
4 Sets PCL text length
Menu Item Range 1100 series 4000 series 5000,
8000 series 8100 series
Copies 1* through 9991 ✓✓✓✓
Orientation Portrait*, Land. ✓✓✓✓
Font Source Internal*,
Soft Fonts
Font Number 0* (Courier) to n ✓✓✓✓
Pitch210.00* .44 - 99.99 ✓✓✓✓
Point Size312.00* 4 - 999.75 ✓✓✓✓
Symbol Set Roman-8* PC-8* ✓✓✓
Form/Lines Text460* 5 - 128 ✓✓✓✓
Paper (Job) Size Letter*, Legal, plus A4,
Monarch, C5,
DL, B5)
(3" x 5" –
8.5" x 14")
plus A4, A5, B5,
Monarch, C5,
DL, B5)
plus A3, A4, A5,
B4, B5, JISB5,
Monarch, C5,
DL, B5)
plus A3, A4, A5,
B4, B5, JISB5,
Ledger, 8k, 16k,
Monarch, C5,
DL, B5)
Manual Feed Off*, On ✓✓✓✓
Duplex Off* (simplex),On ns option option option
Binding Long-edge*,
ns (w/ duplex
(w/ duplex
(w/ duplex
Output Bin
(Media Bin)
Upper*, Lower ns ✓✓✓
Medium*, Light,
Dark, Off, On
On*, Off ✓✓✓
Print Density 1, 2, 3*, 4, 5 ✓✓✓✓
EconoMode On, Off* ✓✓✓✓
Resource Saving On, Off* ns On, Off, Auto* On, Off, Auto* On, Off, Auto*

ENWW Print Environment 4-11
Table 4-3. User Default Environment (continued)
✓ - Supported * - Default value (see Chapter 2 for list) ns - Not Supported
1 PCL range is 1 through 32767
2 Displayed for fixed-spaced scalable fonts only.
3 Displayed for proportional scalable fonts only
4 Sets PCL text length
Menu Item Range 2100 series Color LaserJet
4500 series Color LaserJet
8500 series
Copies 1* through 9991 ✓✓✓
Orientation Portrait*, Land. ✓✓✓
Font Source Internal*, Cartridge,
Soft Fonts
Font Number 0* (Courier) to n ✓✓✓
Pitch210.00* .44 - 99.99 ✓✓✓
Point Size312.00* 4 - 999.75 ✓✓✓
Symbol Set Roman-8* ✓✓✓ (PC-8*)
Form/Lines Text460* 5 - 128 ✓✓✓
Paper (Job) Size Letter*, Legal plus A4, A5, B5,
JISB5, Executive,
(Com10, Monarch,
C5, DL, B5)
plus A4, A5, B5,
JISB5, Executive,
(Com10, Monarch,
C5, DL, B5)
plus A3, A4,
Executive, B4, B5,
Ledger (11" x 17"),
(Com10, Monarch,
DL, C5, B5
Manual Feed Off*, On ✓✓✓
Duplex Off* (simplex),On option option ✓
Binding Long-edge*,
(w/ duplex option) (w/ duplex option) ✓
Output Bin
(Media Bin)
Upper*, Lower ✓✓✓
Medium*, Light, Dark,
Off, On
Print Density 1, 2, 3*, 4, 5 ✓✓ns
EconoMode On, Off* ✓✓ns
Resource Saving On, Off* On, Off, Auto* On, Off, Auto* ns
4-12 Print Environment ENWW

ENWW Memory Usage 5-1
5Memory Usage
In some situations, the amount of available memory for printing pages
may be smaller than that required for printing. To make more effective
use of the available printer memory, newer HP PCL 5 printers
incorporate new methods for managing memory. This smaller amount
of available memory is made more usable by:
• Memory Enhancement technology, MEt, (available on all
HP LaserJet 6, LaserJet 5, and LaserJet 4 family printers
except the 4, 4M, 4Si and 4SiMx)
• Adaptive Data Compression, ADC, (available on
HP LaserJet 4, 4M, 4Si, 4SiMx and DeskJet 1200C printers)
• Following recommended practices for transmitting data,
especially raster graphics, to the printer
• For the HP LaserJet 4L, using Raster Graphics Adaptive
Compression (PCL compression mode five)
All HP LaserJet 4, 5 and 6 family printers have internal programming
for optimizing the use of limited memory. HP LaserJet 4, 4M, 4Si,
4SiMx, and DeskJet 1200C printers compress raster graphics data
using a system called Adaptive Data Compression or ADC. The other
HP LaserJet 4 / 5 / 6 printers use MEt to compress not only raster
graphics data, but also to compress fonts, improve memory usage for
page protection, and provide an overall improvement in memory
efficiency. Both systems operate automatically and without any
intervention from the user.
The HP Color LaserJet printer has memory management features
similar to MEt, but has additional features for color processing.
Note For information about products newer than those included in this
book, see the PCL5 Comparison Guide Addendum, which includes
product-specific information about newer products, as well as
commands and variables added to support these newer products.
5-2 Memory Usage ENWW
Operation of ADC and MEt
The goal of ADC is to automatically and transparently reduce Memory
Out errors caused by raster graphics pages. MEt extends this goal to
reducing all Memory Out errors and eliminating Print Overrun errors.
During the printing of a page, if available printer memory becomes
low, all HP LaserJet 4, 5, and 6 family printers and the HP Color
LaserJet printer have the ability to automatically compress any
already-stored raster graphics data using a variety of compression
techniques. This allows the printing of many raster graphics pages
which would have caused a Memory Out error on previous
HP LaserJet printers having the same amount of memory.
With ADC or MEt, PCL 5 printers can typically print a full page of
raster graphics in base memory without a memory out. This is
especially true for line art and typical business graphics. Other types
of graphics such as scanned photographs (especially if a technique
called error-diffusion is used), cannot always be printed as easily by
ADC or MEt as can line art graphics. Fortunately, another internal
printer feature, Image Adapt, can be called upon to make the page fit
in memory.
Image Adapt
Image Adapt is only used as a last resort for compressing raster
graphics data and as such will rarely be seen. It reduces a raster
graphic image to one-fourth its original size by trading off some of the
image's fine detail. This loss of fine detail is often not noticeable.
Image Adapt can be disabled on some of the HP LaserJet 4, 5, and 6
family printers if required, but the technique varies. On the
HP LaserJet 4, 4M and 4Si the user will have to add more memory to
effectively remove the need for Image Adapt. Image Adapt can be
disabled on some of the other HP LaserJet 4, 5, and 6 family printers
by using a PJL command (refer to the respective printer user manuals
for further information—the Color LaserJet printer does not utilize
Image Adapt). If Image Adapt is turned off, more pages will cause
Memory Out errors.
All HP LaserJet 4, 5, and 6 family printers also include enhancements
to improve the internal storage of raster graphics data.
ENWW Memory Usage 5-3
Additional MEt Features
With MEt, font data can also be compressed. All downloaded bitmap
characters and characters scaled from internal or downloaded
scalable outlines can be compressed. The amount of memory
savings varies with the size of the characters involved (larger is
better) but character sizes can typically be cut in half. This allows
roughly twice as many fonts to be downloaded or scaled using a
MEt-enhanced LaserJet printer as previously allowed on printers
without MEt.
In prior PCL 5 printers, if the page could not be rendered as fast as
the laser printed it, a Print Overrun error occurred unless page
protection was manually turned on and memory was added to
accommodate it. With MEt, the manual setting of Page Protection and
the additional memory required to facilitate it is obsolete. MEt
automatically assesses the complexity of the page being printed and
if too complex turns on a new form of page protection which uses
compression to remove the requirement for additional memory.
In rare circumstances MEt's assessment of the page may prove to be
incorrect. For these cases there is some amount of control over this
Page Protection process depending upon which MEt-equipped printer
is being used. Page Protection may be explicitly turned on or off to
avoid the complexity assessment and either always or never perform
the page protection process. See the appropriate user manual for
MEt also includes other internal memory-saving techniques which
improve the amount of memory required for the printer's internal
representation of your page.
ADC and MEt Notes
For raster graphics compression to perform at its best it is
recommended that the “Recommendations For Sending Data to the
Printer,” described below, be followed.
Character bitmaps can only be compressed if they can be stored
uncompressed in contiguous printer memory first. This requirement
implies that large point size characters may require more printer
memory than would seem necessary.
During MEt's Page Protection, portions of the internal representation
of the page are discarded to make room for other aspects of the page
protection process. If a memory out condition occurs during this
5-4 Memory Usage ENWW
process (unlikely, but possible) a white band will be seen on the
page. The best way to remedy this situation is to add memory to the
Recommendations For Sending Data to the
The HP PCL 5 printers perform best in terms of speed and memory
utilization if the recommendations made below are followed. Failure
to follow these recommendations will not harm the printer, but may
increase the chances of a memory out condition or increase the time
to print a page.
•Ordered Images — Raster Graphic images or pictures should
be sent from top to bottom with the data in one band (start
raster, end raster pair). If one band is not possible, as few as
possible multiple bands may be used as long as they exactly
follow each other and are sent in top-to-bottom order. Also,
multiple bands should be as large as possible.
•Band Sizes — If an image is sent in bands (start raster, end
raster pairs), the bands should be multiples of 32 lines high.
This is especially critical for landscape graphics. If there is no
way to send multiples of 32-line high bands, multiples of four
for band height should be used. This allows Image Adapt to
work better.
ENWW Memory Usage 5-5
•Avoid Non-Raster Commands — During the transmission of
sequential raster bands non-raster commands should be
avoided. This includes cursor positioning commands.
•Separation of Images — If more than one image or picture is
to be printed on a page, it is best to keep them separate.
Separation consists of assuring that the new image starts with
a new start raster command and that the one image does not
exactly follow the next image (separate the image by at least
one line vertically and sixteen pixels horizontally). This
constraint improves the operation of Image Adapt.
•Rectangular Images — All HP LaserJet 4 family printers
perform best if raster images are sent as rectangular images
to the printer. This entails keeping the right margin of the
image constant and keeping all lines the full image width (no
lines are truncated). Also, avoid skipping lines. When whole
blank lines appear in the image, either send zeroed data
row(s) or use the Raster Y-Offset command.
•Avoid Unnecessary Print Model Use — Print model modes,
other than source and pattern transparent, degrade memory
efficiency. (This restriction is not true for the HP Color LaserJet
printer.) For best results do not use an opaque source unless
there is an image known to already be on the page in the same
area. Following the other rules listed in this section minimizes
the impact of using non-transparent print model modes.
•Avoid Tall, Narrow Images — For ADC, images which are
taller than they are wide by more than eight to one disable the
printer's ability to automatically separate images upon the
page (this restriction is not true for the HP Color LaserJet
printer). This violation is desirable in the case where the above
rules are violated and multiple images are rendered as one
image and sent to the printer as one combined image.
Sending raster data as a checkerboard with non-full width
bands sent left to right and top to bottom also disables the
printer's automatic image separation. In general, for all
HP LaserJet printers, tall, narrow images should be avoided
since they typically require more memory.

5-6 Memory Usage ENWW
•Wide Patterns — Patterns can use up a lot of memory—
avoid them if possible. Avoid patterns which, in their final
orientation, are not 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 or 32 (32 is for all but the 4L)
bits wide. Patterns of other sizes will be tiled out to the full
width of the page and can consume a large amount of memory
(since the HP Color LaserJet printer does not perform this
way, it is not a factor for this printer). Note that a landscape
pattern that is 16 wide by 5 high would become 5 wide by 16
high when rotated and be subjected to being tiled across the
•Avoid Unnecessary Pattern Selection — In HP-GL/2, avoid
issuing redundant Fill Type (FT) and Line Type (LT)
commands. These commands may cause patterns to be
rebuilt and tiled for each invocation.
•Avoid Many Small Polygons — In HP-GL/2 avoid entering
and exiting polygon mode repeatedly as it fragments memory.
If possible send down fewer, larger polygons.
•Download Font Characters as Needed — All PCL 5 printers
operate best if fonts and outlines downloaded do not include
information for characters which are not used upon the current
page. It is also best to download bitmap characters in the
orientation which they will be used.
Note When deleting font characters and patterns, remember that if a
pattern or font character is used on the current page, any deletion
commands affecting it will not be executed until the page is printed.
ENWW Memory Usage 5-7
Raster Graphics Adaptive Compression
(Method 5)
Raster Graphics Adaptive Compression (Set Compression Method
Command, mode 5) is implemented on the HP LaserJet IIIP, Color
LaserJet, all LaserJet 4, 5, and 6 family printers, and the
DeskJet 1200C and 1600C printers.
This compression method allows the host to compress data using a
combination of PCL compression modes to obtain optimum
compression (refer to the PCL 5 Printer Language Technical
Reference manual, Set Compression Method Command, for details).
An added benefit of this method for the HP LaserJet 4L and
LaserJet IIIP printers is that the data is not decompressed upon entry
to the printer provided the image is portrait, 300 dpi, transparent print
model and no patterns are being used. This allows the LaserJet 4L
and IIIP to print many pages which would otherwise require more
memory. As an added benefit these pages print faster. The other
HP LaserJet 4, 5, and 6 family printers decompress the data upon
entry to the printer and rely upon ADC or MEt to compress the data if
For the HP LaserJet 4L printer it is critical that the image actually
compress (not expand) if Adaptive Compression is used since MEt
does not operate upon images meeting the requirements for delayed
5-8 Memory Usage ENWW

ENWW Printer Commands A-1
APrinter Commands
This appendix lists HP printer language commands. Table A-1 lists
PCL 5 commands in hierarchical order and gives the decimal and
hexadecimal equivalents of each. Table A-2 lists HP-GL/2
commands, where as Table A-3 lists control codes.
Note Values in parentheses “(x)” identify the lower case of the termination
character which is used for combining commands.
Note For information about products newer than those included in this
book, see the PCL5 Comparison Guide Addendum, which includes
product-specific information about newer products, as well as
commands and variables added to support these newer products.

A-2 Printer Commands ENWW
Table A-1. HP PCL5 Commands
1 For HP LaserJet 5Si/5SiMx printers, ?&l2G selects the “printer left/face up bin,” which is not available when the High Capacity Output (HCO)
is attached.
(AppleTalk) Key/Value data pair ?&b#W[data] 027 038 098 #...# 87 1B 26 62 #...# 57
Universal Exit
Language (ULE) —?%–12345X 027 037 045 049 050 051 052 053 088 1B 25 2D 31 32 33 34 35 58
Reset — ?E 027 069 1B 45
Number of Copies # of Copies ?&l#X (x) 027 038 108 #...# 088 (120) 1B 26 6C #...# 58 (78)
Simplex/Duplex Print Simplex ?&l0S (s) 027 038 108 048 083 (115) 1B 26 6C 30 53 (73)
Long Edge Binding ?&l1S (s) 027 038 108 049 083 (115) 1B 26 6C 31 53 (73)
Short Edge Binding ?&l2S (s) 027 038 108 050 083 (115) 1B 26 6C 32 53 (73)
Long-Edge (Left)
Offset Registration # of Decipoints
(1/720") ?&l#U (u) 027 038 108 #...# 085 (117) 1B 26 6C #...# 55 (75)
Short-Edge (Top)
Offset Registration # of Decipoints
?&l#Z (z) 027 038 108 #...# 090 (122) 1B 26 6C #...# 5A (7A)
Page Side Selection Next Side ?&a0G (g) 027 038 097 048 071 (103) 1B 26 61 30 47 (67)
Front Side ?&a1G (g) 027 038 097 049 071 (103) 1B 26 61 31 47 (67)
Back Side ?&a2G (g) 027 038 097 050 071 (103) 1B 26 61 32 47 (67)
Job Separation — ?&l1T (t) 027 038 108 049 084 (116) 1B 26 6C 31 54 (74)
Output (Media) Bin Automatic selection ?&l0G (g) 027 038 108 048 071 (103) 1B 26 6C 30 47 (67)
Selection Upper Output Bin
(Bin #1) ?&l1G (g) 027 038 108 049 071 (103) 1B 26 6C 31 47 (67)
Rear Output Bin1
(Bin #2)
?&l2G (g) 027 038 108 050 071 (103) 1B 26 6C 32 47 (67)
Selects Bin #3 ?&l3G (g) 027 038 108 051 071 (103) 1B 26 6C 33 47 (67)
Selects Bin #4 ?&l4G (g) 027 038 108 052 071 (103) 1B 26 6C 34 47 (67)
Selects Bin #5 ?&l5G (g) 027 038 108 053 071 (103) 1B 26 6C 35 47 (67)
Selects Bin #6 ?&l6G (g) 027 038 108 054 071 (103) 1B 26 6C 36 47 (67)
Selects Bin #7 ?&l7G (g) 027 038 108 055 071 (103) 1B 26 6C 37 47 (67)
Selects Bin #8 ?&l8G (g) 027 038 108 056 071 (103) 1B 26 6C 38 47 (67)
Selects Bin #9 ?&l9G (g) 027 038 108 057 071 (103) 1B 26 6C 39 47 (67)
Selects Bin #10 ?&l10G (g) 027 038 108 049 048 071 (103) 1B 26 6C 31 30 47 (67)
Selects Bin #11 ?&l11G (g) 027 038 108 049 049 071 (103) 1B 26 6C 31 31 47 (67)
Self-Test — ?Z 027 090 1B 5A
Finish Mode Matte ?&b0F (f) 027 038 098 048 070 (102) 1B 26 62 30 46 (66)
Glossy ?&b1F (f) 027 038 098 049 070 (102) 1B 26 62 31 46 (66)
Driver Function
Config. Vivid ?*o3W643 027 042 111 051 087 054 052 051 1B 2A 6F 33 57 36 34 33
Screen Match ?*o3W646 027 042 111 051 087 054 052 054 1B 2A 6F 33 57 36 34 36
Load Calibration Tbl ?*o3W647 027 042 111 051 087 054 052 055 1B 2A 6F 33 57 36 34 37

ENWW Printer Commands A-3
Table A-1. HP PCL5 Commands (continued)
Unit of
Measure # Number of units per
inch ?&u#D (d) 027 038 117 #...# 068 (100) 1B 26 75 #...# 44 (64)
Print Quality Normal ?*o0Q (q) 027 042 111 048 081 (113) 1B 2A 6F 30 51 (71)
Better ?*o1Q (q) 027 042 111 049 081 (113) 1B 2A 6F 31 51 (71)
Best ?*o2Q (q) 027 042 111 050 081 (113) 1B 2A 6F 32 51 (71)
Media Type Plain ?&l0M (m) 027 038 108 048 077 (109) 1B 26 6C 30 4D (6D)
Bond ?&l1M (m) 027 038 108 049 077 (109) 1B 26 6C 31 4D (6D)
Special ?&l2M (m) 027 038 108 050 077 (109) 1B 26 6C 32 4D (6D)
Glossy ?&l3M (m) 027 038 108 051 077 (109) 1B 26 6C 33 4D (6D)
Transparency ?&l4M (m) 027 038 108 052 077 (109) 1B 26 6C 34 4D (6D)
Motion Contains negative
?&a0N (n) 027 038 097 048 078 (110) 1B 26 61 30 4E (6E)
Does not contain
negative motion ?&a1N (n) 027 038 097 049 078 (110) 1B 26 61 31 4E (6E)
Page Length and Size
Source Eject Page ?&l0H (h) 027 038 108 048 072 (104) 1B 26 6C 30 48 (68)
Main Paper Source ?&l1H (h) 027 038 108 049 072 (104) 1B 26 6C 31 48 (68)
Manual Feed ?&l2H (h) 027 038 108 050 072 (104) 1B 26 6C 32 48 (68)
Manual Envelope Feed ?&l3H (h) 027 038 108 051 072 (104) 1B 26 6C 33 48 (68)
Alternate Paper Source ?&l4H (h) 027 038 108 052 072 (104) 1B 26 6C 34 48 (68)
Optional Large Paper
Source ?&l5H (h) 027 038 108 053 072 (104) 1B 26 6C 35 48 (68)
Envelope Feeder ?&l6H (h) 027 038 108 054 072 (104) 1B 26 6C 36 48 (68)
Auto Select ?&l7H (h) 027 038 108 055 072 (104) 1B 26 6C 37 48 (68)
Tray 1 (right tray) ?&l8H (h) 027 038 108 056 072 (104) 1B 26 6C 38 48 (68)
Page Size Executive ?&l1A (a) 027 038 108 049 065 (97) 1B 26 6C 31 41 (61)
Letter ?&l2A (a) 027 038 108 050 065 (97) 1B 26 6C 32 41 (61)
Legal ?&l3A (a) 027 038 108 051 065 (97) 1B 26 6C 33 41 (61)
Ledger ?&l6A (a) 027 038 108 054 065 (97) 1B 26 6C 36 41 (61)
A3 ?&l27A (a) 027 038 108 050 055 065 (97) 1B 26 6C 32 37 41 (61)
A4 ?&l26A (a) 027 038 108 050 054 065 (97) 1B 26 6C 32 36 41 (61)
A5 ?&l25A (a) 027 038 108 050 053 065 (97) 1B 26 6C 32 35 41 (61)
A6 ?&l24A (a) 027 038 108 050 052 065 (97) 1B 26 6C 32 34 41 (61)
JIS B4 Paper ?&l46A (a) 027 038 108 052 054 065 (97) 1B 26 6C 34 36 41 (61)
JIS B5 Paper ?&l45A (a) 027 038 108 052 053 065 (97) 1B 26 6C 34 35 41 (61)
JIS B6 Paper ?&l44A (a) 027 038 108 052 052 065 (97) 1B 26 6C 34 34 41 (61)
Hagaki Postcard ?&l71A (a) 027 038 108 055 049 065 (97) 1B 26 6C 37 31 41 (61)
Oufuku-Hagaki ?&l72A (a) 027 038 108 055 050 065 (97) 1B 26 6C 37 32 41 (61)
Monarch Envelope ?&l80A (a) 027 038 108 056 048 065 (97) 1B 26 6C 38 30 41 (61)
COM 10 Envelope ?&l81A (a) 027 038 108 056 049 065 (97) 1B 26 6C 38 31 41 (61)
DL Envelope ?&l90A (a) 027 038 108 057 048 065 (97) 1B 26 6C 39 30 41 (61)
C5 Envelope ?&l91A (a) 027 038 108 057 049 065 (97) 1B 26 6C 39 31 41 (61)
B5 Envelope ?&l100A (a) 027 038 108 049 048 048 065 (97) 1B 26 6C 31 30 30 41 (61)
Custom ?&l101A (a) 027 038 108 049 048 049 065 (97) 1B 26 6C 31 30 31 41 (61)

A-4 Printer Commands ENWW
Table A-1. HP PCL 5 Commands (continued)
Orientation Portrait ?&l0O (o) 027 038 108 048 079 (111) 1B 26 6C 30 4F (6F)
Landscape ?&l1O (o) 027 038 108 049 079 (111) 1B 26 6C 31 4F (6F)
Reverse Portrait ?&l2O (o) 027 038 108 050 079 (111) 1B 26 6C 32 4F (6F)
Landscape ?&l3O (o) 027 038 108 051 079 (111) 1B 26 6C 33 4F (6F)
Print Direction # Degrees of
90° increments
?&a#P (p) 027 038 097 #...# 080 (112) 1B 26 61 #...# 50 (70)
Character Text
Path Direction Horizontal
Vertical Rotated
?&c–1T (t)
(t) 027 038 099 048 084
027 038 099 045 049 084 (116)
(116) 1B 26 63 30 54
1B 26 63 2D 31 54 (74)
Margins and Text Length
Top Margin # of Lines ?&l#E (e) 027 038 108 #...# 069 (101) 1B 26 6C #...# 45 (65)
Text Length # of Lines ?&l#F (f) 027 038 108 #...# 070 (102) 1B 26 6C #...# 46 (66)
Left Margin # of Columns ?&a#L (l) 027 038 097 #...# 076 (108) 1B 26 61 #...# 4C (6C)
Right Margin # of Columns ?&a#M (m) 027 038 097 #...# 077 (109) 1B 26 61 #...# 4D (6D)
Clear Horizontal
Margins —?9 027 057 1B 39
Perforation Skip Mode
Perforation Skip Disable ?&l0L (l) 027 038 108 048 076 (108) 1B 26 6C 30 4C (6C)
Enable ?&l1L (l) 027 038 108 049 076 (108) 1B 26 6C 31 4C (6C)
Horizontal Column Spacing
Horizontal Motion
Index (HMI) # of 1/120"
Increments ?&k#H (h) 027 038 107 #...# 072 (104) 1B 26 6B #...# 48 (68)
Vertical Line Spacing
Vertical Motion
Index (VMI) # of 1/48"
Increments ?&l#C (c) 027 038 108 #...# 067 (99) 1B 26 6C #...# 43 (63)
Line Spacing
(Lines per inch) 1 line/inch ?&l1D (d) 027 038 108 049 068 (100) 1B 26 6C 31 44 (64)
2 lines/inch ?&l2D (d) 027 038 108 050 068 (100) 1B 26 6C 32 44 (64)
3 lines/inch ?&l3D (d) 027 038 108 051 068 (100) 1B 26 6C 33 44 (64)
4 lines/inch ?&l4D (d) 027 038 108 052 068 (100) 1B 26 6C 34 44 (64)
6 lines/inch ?&l6D (d) 027 038 108 054 068 (100) 1B 26 6C 36 44 (64)
8 lines/inch ?&l8D (d) 027 038 108 056 068 (100) 1B 26 6C 38 44 (64)
12 lines/inch ?&l12D (d) 027 038 108 049 050 068 (100) 1B 26 6C 31 32 44 (64)
16 lines/inch ?&l16D (d) 027 038 108 049 054 068 (100) 1B 26 6C 31 36 44 (64)
24 lines/inch ?&l24D (d) 027 038 108 050 052 068 (100) 1B 26 6C 32 34 44 (64)
48 lines/inch ?&l48D (d) 027 038 108 052 056 068 (100) 1B 26 6C 34 38 44 (64)
Alphanumeric ID # of bytes ?&n#W[operation]
[String] 027 038 110 #...# 087 1B 26 6E #...# 57

ENWW Printer Commands A-5
Table A-1. HP PCL 5 Commands (continued)
1Additional symbol sets are supported, refer to Table C-1 for a list of these symbol sets.
Vertical and Horizontal
Vertical Position # of Rows ?&a#R (r) 027 038 097 #...# 082 (114) 1B 26 61 #...# 52 (72)
# of Units ?*p#Y (y) 027 042 112 #...# 089 (121) 1B 2A 70 #...# 59 (79)
# of Decipoints ?&a#V (v) 027 038 097 #...# 086 (118) 1B 26 61 #...# 56 (76)
Horizontal Position # of Columns ?&a#C (c) 027 038 097 #...# 067 (99) 1B 26 61 #...# 43 (63)
# of Units ?*p#X (x) 027 042 112 #...# 088 (120) 1B 2A 70 #...# 58 (78)
# of Decipoints ?&a#H (h) 027 038 097 #...# 072 (104) 1B 26 61 #...# 48 (68)
Half Line Feed ?= 027 061 1B 3D
End-of-Line Termination
Line Termination CR=CR; LF=LF; FF=FF ?&k0G (g) 027 038 107 048 071 (103) 1B 26 6B 30 47 (67)
CR=CRLF; LF=LF; FF=FF ?&k1G (g) 027 038 107 049 071 (103) 1B 26 6B 31 47 (67)
CR=CR; LF=CRLF; FF=CRFF ?&k2G (g) 027 038 107 050 071 (103) 1B 26 6B 32 47 (67)
CR=CRLF; LF=CRLF; FF=CRFF ?&k3G (g) 027 038 107 051 071 (103) 1B 26 6B 33 47 (67)
Push/Pop Position
Push/Pop Position Push ?&f0S (s) 027 038 102 048 083 (115) 1B 26 66 30 53 (73)
Pop ?&f1S (s) 027 038 102 049 083 (115) 1B 26 66 31 53 (73)
Symbol Set Selection1
Primary Symbol Set ISO 60: Norwegian 1 ?(0D 027 040 048 068 1B 28 30 44
ISO 4: United Kingdom ?(1E 027 040 049 069 1B 28 31 45
Windows 3.1 Latin 2 ?(9E 027 040 057 069 1B 28 39 45
ISO 69: French ?(1F 027 040 049 070 1B 28 31 46
ISO 21: German ?(1G 027 040 049 071 1B 28 31 47
ISO 15: Italian ?(0I 027 040 048 073 1B 28 30 49
Microsoft Publishing ?(6J 027 040 054 074 1B 28 36 4A

A-6 Printer Commands ENWW
Table A-1. HP PCL 5 Commands (continued)
1 Additional symbol sets are supported, refer to Table C-1 for a list of these symbol sets.
Symbol Set Selection1 - continued
Primary Symbol Set DeskTop ?(7J 027 040 055 074 1B 28 37 4A
PC 1004 ?(9J 027 040 057 074 1B 28 39 4A
PS Text ?(10J 027 040 049 048 074 1B 28 31 30 4A
MC Text ?(12J 027 040 049 050 074 1B 28 31 32 4A
Ventura International ?(13J 027 040 049 051 074 1B 28 31 33 4A
Ventura US ?(14J 027 040 049 052 074 1B 28 31 34 4A
Ventura ITC Zapf Dingbats ?(9L 027 040 057 076 1B 28 39 4C
PS ITC Zapf Dingbats ?(10L 027 040 049 048 076 1B 28 31 30 4C
ITC Zapf Dingbats Series 100 ?(11L 027 040 049 049 076 1B 28 31 31 4C
ITC Zapf Dingbats Series 200 ?(12L 027 040 049 050 076 1B 28 31 32 4C
ITC Zapf Dingbats Series 300 ?(13L 027 040 049 051 076 1B 28 31 33 4C
ITC Zapf Dingbats MS ?(14L 027 040 049 052 076 1B 28 31 34 4C
Windows Baltic ?(19L 027 040 049 076 1B 28 31 4C
Wingdings ?(579L 027 040 053 055 057 076 1B 28 35 37 39 4C
PS Math ?(5M 027 040 053 077 1B 28 35 4D
Ventura Math ?(6M 027 040 054 077 1B 28 36 4D
Math-8 ?(8M 027 040 056 077 1B 28 38 4D
Symbol and SymbolPS ?(19M 027 040 049 057 077 1B 28 31 39 4D
ISO 8859-1 (ECMA-94) Latin 1 ?(0N 027 040 048 078 1B 28 30 4E
ISO 8859-2: Latin 2 ?(2N 027 040 050 078 1B 28 32 4E
ISO 8859-9: Latin 5 ?(5N 027 040 053 078 1B 28 35 4E
ISO 8859-10: Latin 6 ?(6N 027 040 054 078 1B 28 36 4E
ISO 8859-15: Latin 9 ?(9N 027 040 057 078 1B 28 39 4E
ISO 11: Swedish ?(0S 027 040 048 083 1B 28 30 53
ISO 17: Spanish ?(2S 027 040 050 083 1B 28 32 53
Windows 3.1 Latin 5 ?(5T 027 040 053 084 1B 28 35 54
PC 775 ?(26U 027 040 050 054 085 1B 28 32 36 55

ENWW Printer Commands A-7
Table A-1. HP PCL 5 Commands (continued)
1 Additional symbol sets are supported, refer to Table C-1 for a list of these symbol sets.
Symbol Set Selection1 - continued
Primary Symbol Set PC Turkish ?(9T 027 040 057 084 1B 28 39 54
ISO 6: ASCII ?(0U 027 040 048 085 1B 28 30 55
Legal ?(1U 027 040 049 085 1B 28 31 55
Roman-9 ?(4U 027 040 052 085 1B 28 34 55
Roman-8 ?(8U 027 040 056 085 1B 28 38 55
Windows 3.0 Latin 1 ?(9U 027 040 057 085 1B 28 39 55
PC-8 ?(10U 027 040 049 048 085 1B 28 31 30 55
PC-8 D/N ?(11U 027 040 049 049 085 1B 28 31 31 55
PC-850 ?(12U 027 040 049 050 085 1B 28 31 32 55
PC-858 ?(13U 027 040 049 051 085 1B 28 31 33 55
Pi Font ?(15U 027 040 049 053 085 1B 28 31 35 55
PC-852 ?(17U 027 040 049 055 085 1B 28 31 37 55
Windows 3.1 Latin 1 (ANSI) ?(19U 027 040 049 057 085 1B 28 31 39 55
Windows 3.1J(Japanese) ?(19K 027 040 049 057 075 1B 28 31 39 4B
Primary Spacing Fixed ?(s0P (p) 027 040 115 048 080 (112) 1B 28 73 30 50 (70)
Proportional ?(s1P (p) 027 040 115 049 080 (112) 1B 28 73 31 50 (70)
Primary Pitch # Characters/inch ?(s#H (h) 027 040 115 #...# 072 (104) 1B 28 73 #...# 48 (68)
Set Pitch Mode 10.0 ?&k0S (s) 027 038 107 048 083 (115) 1B 26 6B 30 53 (73)
Compressed (16.5-16.7) ?&k2S (s) 027 038 107 050 083 (115) 1B 26 6B 32 53 (73)
Elite (12.0) ?&k4S (s) 027 038 107 052 083 (115) 1B 26 6B 34 53 (73)
Point Size
Primary Height # Points ?(s#V (v) 027 040 115 #...# 086 (118) 1B 28 73 #...# 56 (76)

A-8 Printer Commands ENWW
Table A-1. HP PCL 5 Commands (continued)
Primary Style Upright (Solid) ?(s0S (s) 027 040 115 048 083 (115) 1B 28 73 30 53 (73)
Italic ?(s1S (s) 027 040 115 049 083 (115) 1B 28 73 31 53 (73)
Condensed ?(s4S (s) 027 040 115 052 083 (115) 1B 28 73 34 53 (73)
Condensed Italic ?(s5S (s) 027 040 115 053 083 (115) 1B 28 73 35 53 (73)
Compressed (Extra
Condensed) ?(s8S (s) 027 040 115 056 083 (115) 1B 28 73 38 53 (73)
Expanded ?(s24S (s) 027 040 115 050 052 083 (115) 1B 28 73 32 34 53 (73)
Outline ?(s32S (s) 027 040 115 051 050 083 (115) 1B 28 73 33 32 53 (73)
Inline ?(s64S (s) 027 040 115 054 052 083 (115) 1B 28 73 36 34 53 (73)
Shadowed ?(s128S (s) 027 040 115 049 050 056 083 (115) 1B 28 73 31 32 38 53 (73)
Outline Shadowed ?(s160S (s) 027 040 115 049 054 048 083 (115) 1B 28 73 31 36 30 53 (73)
Additional style values may be obtained from the related documentation provided with HP’s font products.
PCL 5 LaserJet Printers allows the specification of complex structures (contours, outlines, shading, etc.) and widths as well as posture.
Refer to the PCL 5 Printer Language Technical Reference Manual.
Stroke Weight
Primary Font
Stroke Weight Ultra Thin ?(s–7B (b) 027 040 115 045 055 066 (98) 1B 28 73 2D 37 42 (62)
Extra Thin ?(s–6B (b) 027 040 115 045 054 066 (98) 1B 28 73 2D 36 42 (62)
Thin ?(s–5B (b) 027 040 115 045 053 066 (98) 1B 28 73 2D 35 42 (62)
Extra Light ?(s–4B (b) 027 040 115 045 052 066 (98) 1B 28 73 2D 34 42 (62)
Light ?(s–3B (b) 027 040 115 045 051 066 (98) 1B 28 73 2D 33 42 (62)
Demi Light ?(s–2B (b) 027 040 115 045 050 066 (98) 1B 28 73 2D 32 42 (62)
Semi Light ?(s–1B (b) 027 040 115 045 049 066 (98) 1B 28 73 2D 31 42 (62)
Medium (book or text) ?(s0B (b) 027 040 115 048 066 (98) 1B 28 73 30 42 (62)
Semi Bold ?(s1B (b) 027 040 115 049 066 (98) 1B 28 73 31 42 (62)
Demi Bold ?(s2B (b) 027 040 115 050 066 (98) 1B 28 73 32 42 (62)
Bold ?(s3B (b) 027 040 115 051 066 (98) 1B 28 73 33 42 (62)
Extra Bold ?(s4B (b) 027 040 115 052 066 (98) 1B 28 73 34 42 (62)
Black ?(s5B (b) 027 040 115 053 066 (98) 1B 28 73 35 42 (62)
Extra Black ?(s6B (b) 027 040 115 054 066 (98) 1B 28 73 36 42 (62)
Ultra Black ?(s7B (b) 027 040 115 055 066 (98) 1B 28 73 37 42 (62)

ENWW Printer Commands A-9
Table A-1. HP PCL 5 Commands (continued)
1 Additional symbol sets are supported, refer to Table C-2 and C-3 for a list of these symbol sets.
Primary Typeface Family1
Family LinePrinter ?(s0T (t) 027 040 115 048 084 (116) 1B 28 73 30 54 (74)
Albertus ?(s4362T (t) 027 040 115 052 051 054 050 084 (116) 1B 28 73 34 33 36 32 54 (74)
Antique Olive ?(s4168T (t) 027 040 115 052 049 054 056 084 (116) 1B 28 73 34 31 36 38 54 (74)
Arial ?(s16602T (t) 027 040 115 049 054 054 048 050 084 (116) 1B 28 73 31 36 36 30 32 54 (74)
ITC Avant Garde
Gothic ?(s24607T (t) 027 040 115 050 052 054 048 055 084 (116) 1B 28 73 32 34 36 30 37 54 (74)
ITC Bookman ?(s24623T (t) 027 040 115 050 052 054 050 051 084 (116) 1B 28 73 32 34 36 32 33 54 (74)
ITC Zapf Chancery ?(s45099T (t) 027 040 115 052 053 048 057 057 084 (116) 1B 28 73 34 35 30 39 39 54 (74)
Clarendon ?(s4140T (t) 027 040 115 052 049 052 048 084 (116) 1B 28 73 34 31 34 30 54 (74)
Coronet ?(s4116T (t) 027 040 115 052 049 049 054 084 (116) 1B 28 73 34 31 31 36 54 (74)
Courier ?(s3T (t) 027 040 115 051 084 (116) 1B 28 73 33 54 (74)
Courier ?(s4099T (t) 027 040 115 052 048 057 057 084 (116) 1B 28 73 34 30 39 39 54 (74)
CourierPS ?(s24579T (t) 027 040 115 050 052 053 055 057 084 (116) 1B 28 73 32 34 35 37 39 54 (74)
ITC Zapf Dingbats ?(s4141T (t) 027 040 115 052 049 052 049 084 (116) 1B 28 73 34 31 34 31 54 (74)
ITC Zapf Dingbats MS ?(s45101T (t) 027 040 115 052 053 049 048 049 084 (116) 1B 28 73 34 35 31 30 31 54 (74)
Garamond Antiqua ?(s4197T (t) 027 040 115 052 049 057 055 084 (116) 1B 28 73 34 31 39 37 54 (74)
MS Gothic ?(s28825T (t) 027 040 115 050 056 056 050 053 084 (116) 1B 28 73 32 38 38 32 35 54 (74)
Helvetica ?(s24580T (t) 027 040 115 050 052 053 056 048 084 (116) 1B 28 73 32 34 35 38 30 54 (74)
Helvetica Narrow ?(s24580T (t) 027 040 115 050 052 053 056 048 084 (116) 1B 28 73 32 34 35 38 30 54 (74)
GW-Kai ?(s37357T (t) 027 040 115 051 055 051 053 055 084 (116) 1B 28 73 33 37 33 35 37 54 (74)
Letter Gothic ?(s4102T (t) 027 040 115 052 049 048 050 084 (116) 1B 28 73 34 31 30 32 54 (74)
Marigold ?(s4297T (t) 027 040 115 052 050 057 055 084 (116) 1B 28 73 34 32 39 37 54 (74)
MS Mincho ?(s28752T (t) 027 040 115 050 056 055 053 050 084 (116) 1B 28 73 32 38 37 35 32 54 (74)
New Century Schlbk ?(s24703T (t) 027 040 115 050 052 055 048 051 084 (116) 1B 28 73 32 34 37 30 33 54 (74)
CG Omega ?(s4113T (t) 027 040 115 052 049 049 051 084 (116) 1B 28 73 34 31 31 33 54 (74)
Palatino ?(s24591T (t) 027 040 115 050 052 053 057 049 084 (116) 1B 28 73 32 34 35 39 31 54 (74)
SimHei ?(s37110T (t) 027 040 115 051 055 049 049 048 084 (116) 1B 28 73 33 37 31 31 30 54 (74)
SimSun ?(s37058T (t) 027 040 115 051 055 048 053 056 084 (116) 1B 28 73 33 37 30 35 38 54 (74)
Symbol ?(s16686T (t) 027 040 115 049 054 054 056 054 084 (116) 1B 28 73 31 36 36 38 36 54 (74)
SymbolPS ?(s45358T (t) 027 040 115 052 053 051 053 056 084 (116) 1B 28 73 34 35 33 35 38 54 (74)
CG Times ?(s4101T (t) 027 040 115 052 049 048 049 084 (116) 1B 28 73 34 31 30 31 54 (74)
Times New ?(s16901T (t) 027 040 115 049 054 057 048 049 084 (116) 1B 28 73 31 36 39 30 31 54 (74)
Times Roman ?(s25093T (t) 027 040 115 050 053 048 057 051 084 (116) 1B 28 73 32 35 30 39 33 54 (74)
Univers ?(s4148T (t) 027 040 115 052 049 052 056 084 (116) 1B 28 73 34 31 34 38 54 (74)
Wingdings ?(s6826T (t) 027 040 115 054 056 050 054 084 (116) 1B 28 73 36 38 32 36 54 (74)
Wingdings ?(s31402T (t) 027 040 115 051 049 052 048 050 084 (116) 1B 28 73 33 31 34 30 32 54 (74)

A-10 Printer Commands ENWW
Table A-1. HP PCL 5 Commands (continued)
Font Default Primary Font ?(3@ 027 040 051 064 1B 28 33 40
Secondary Font ?)3@ 027 041 051 064 1B 29 33 40
Underline Enable Fixed ?&d0D (d) 027 038 100 048 068 (100) 1B 26 64 30 44 (64)
Enable Floating ?&d3D (d) 027 038 100 051 068 (100) 1B 26 64 33 44 (64)
Disable ?&d@ 027 038 100 064 1B 26 64 40
027 038 116 48 080
027 038 116 49 080
027 038 116 050 049 080
027 038 116 051 049 080
027 038 116 051 056 080
1B 26 74 30 50
1B 26 74 31 50
1B 26 74 32 31 50
1B 26 74 33 31 50
1B 26 74 33 38 50
Print Data # of Bytes ?&p#X[Data] 027 038 112 #...# 088 1B 26 70 #...# 58
Assign Font
ID Font ID # ?*c#D (d) 027 042 099 #...# 068 (100) 1B 2A 63 #...# 44 (64)
Font and
Delete all Fonts ?*c0F (f) 027 042 099 048 070 (102) 1B 2A 63 30 46 (66)
Delete all
temporary fonts ?*c1F (f) 027 042 099 049 070 (102) 1B 2A 63 31 46 (66)
Delete last font ID
specified ?*c2F (f) 027 042 099 050 070 (102) 1B 2A 63 32 46 (66)
Delete last
?*c3F (f) 027 042 099 051 070 (102) 1B 2A 63 33 46 (66)
Make font
?*c4F (f) 027 042 099 052 070 (102) 1B 2A 63 34 46 (66)
Make font
permanent ?*c5F (f) 027 042 099 053 070 (102) 1B 2A 63 35 46 (66)
Copy/Assign the
currently invoked
font as temporary
?*c6F (f) 027 042 099 054 070 (102) 1B 2A 63 36 46 (66)
Soft Symbol Set Management / Creation
Set Symbol
Set ID # ?*c#R (r) 027 042 099 #...# 082 (114) 1B 2A 63 #...# 52 (72)
Symbol Set # of Bytes ?(f#W[Data] 027 040 102 #...# 087 1B 28 66 #...# 57
Symbol Set
Control Delete all symbol
sets ?*c0S (s) 027 042 099 048 083 (115) 1B 2A 63 30 53 (73)
Delete all
temporary symbol
?*c1S (s) 027 042 099 049 083 (115) 1B 2A 63 31 53 (73)
Delete current soft
symbol set (last
?*c2S (s) 027 042 099 050 083 (115) 1B 2A 63 32 53 (73)
Make current soft
symbol set
?*c4S (s) 027 042 099 052 083 (115) 1B 2A 63 34 53 (73)
Make current soft
symbol set
?*c5S (s) 027 042 099 053 083 (115) 1B 2A 63 35 53 (73)

ENWW Printer Commands A-11
Table A-1. HP PCL 5 Commands (continued)
Font Selection by ID Number
Select font (with
ID #) ID # primary font ?(#X 027 040 #...# 088 1B 28 #...# 58
ID # secondary font ?)#X 027 041 #...# 088 1B 29 #...# 58
Font descriptor
(font header) # of bytes ?)s#W[Data] 027 041 115 #...# 087 1B 29 73 #...# 57
character # of bytes ?(s#W[Data] 027 040 115 #...# 087 1B 28 73 #...# 57
Character code Character code #
?*c#E (e) 027 042 099 #...# 069 (101) 1B 2A 63 #...# 45 (65)
Raster Graphics
Raster 75 dots/inch ?*t75R (r) 027 042 116 055 053 082 (114) 1B 2A 74 37 35 52 (72)
Resolution 100 dots/inch ?*t100R (r) 027 042 116 049 048 048 082 (114) 1B 2A 74 31 30 30 52 (72)
150 dots/inch ?*t150R (r) 027 042 116 049 053 048 082 (114) 1B 2A 74 31 35 30 52 (72)
200 dots/inch ?*t200R (r) 027 042 116 050 048 048 082 (114) 1B 2A 74 32 30 30 52 (72)
300 dots/inch ?*t300R (r) 027 042 116 051 048 048 082 (114) 1B 2A 74 33 30 30 52 (72)
600 dots/inch ?*t600R (r) 027 042 116 054 048 048 082 (114) 1B 2A 74 36 30 30 52 (72)

A-12 Printer Commands ENWW
Table A-1. HP PCL 5 Commands (continued)
Raster Graphics
Raster Graphics
Presentation Follows orientation ?*r0F (f) 027 042 114 048 070 (102) 1B 2A 72 30 46 (66)
Follows physical page ?*r3F (f) 027 042 114 051 070 (102) 1B 2A 72 33 46 (66)
Start Raster Graphics Left Raster Graphics
?*r0A (a) 027 042 114 048 065 (97) 1B 2A 72 30 41 (61)
Current Cursor ?*r1A (a) 027 042 114 049 065 (97) 1B 2A 72 31 41 (61)
Scale mode (logical left
page boundary) ?*r2A (a) 027 042 114 050 065 (97) 1B 2A 72 32 41 (61)
Scale mode (at CAP) ?*r3A (a) 027 042 114 051 065 (97) 1B 2A 72 33 42 (61)
Raster Y Offset # of Raster Lines of
vertical movement ?*b#Y (y) 027 042 098 #...# 089 (121) 1B 2A 62 #...# 59 (79)
Set Raster
Compression Mode Unencoded ?*b0M (m) 027 042 098 048 077 (109) 1B 2A 62 30 4D (6D)
Run-Length Encoded ?*b1M (m) 027 042 098 049 077 (109) 1B 2A 62 31 4D (6D)
Tagged Image File
Format ?*b2M (m) 027 042 098 050 077 (109) 1B 2A 62 32 4D (6D)
Delta Row ?*b3M (m) 027 042 098 051 077 (109) 1B 2A 62 33 4D (6D)
Adaptive Compression ?*b5M (m) 027 042 098 053 077 (109) 1B 2A 62 35 4D (6D)
Replacement Delta Row ?*b9M (m) 027 042 098 057 077 (109) 1B 2A 98 39 4D (6D)
Transfer Raster Data
(by row) # of Bytes ?*b#W[Data] 027 042 098 #...# 087 1B 2A 62 #...# 57
Transfer Raster Data
(by plane) # of Bytes ?*b#V[Data] 027 042 062 #...# 086 1B 2A 98 #...# 56
End Raster Graphics Old version Preferred ?*rB
?*rC (b)
(c) 027 042 114 066
027 042 114 067 (98)
(99) 1B 2A 72 42
1B 2A 72 43 (62)
Raster Height (Source) # Raster Rows ?*r#T (t) 027 042 114 #...# 084 (116) 1B 2A 72 #...# 54 (74)
Raster Width (Source) # Pixels of the Specified
Resolution ?*r#S (s) 027 042 114 #...# 083 (115) 1B 2A 72 #...# 53 (73)
Raster Height
(Destination) # of Decipoints ?*t#H (h) 027 042 116 #...# 072 (104) 1B 2A 74 #...# 48 (68)
Raster Width
(Destination) # of Decipoints ?*t#V (v) 027 042 116 #...# 086 (118) 1B 2A 74 #...# 56 (76)
Scale Algorithm Source with light
background ?*t0K (k) 027 042 116 048 075 (107) 1B 2A 74 30 4B (6B)
Source with dark
background ?*t1K (k) 027 042 116 049 075 (107) 1B 2A 74 31 4B (6B)

ENWW Printer Commands A-13
Table A-1. HP PCL 5 Commands (continued)
Select Current Pattern Solid Black (default) ?*v0T (t) 027 042 118 048 084 (116) 1B 2A 76 30 54 (74)
Solid White ?*v1T (t) 027 042 118 049 084 (116) 1B 2A 76 31 54 (74)
HP-defined Shading Pattern ?*v2T (t) 027 042 118 050 084 (116) 1B 2A 76 32 54 (74)
HP-defined Cross-hatched
Pattern ?*v3T (t) 027 042 118 051 084 (116) 1B 2A 76 33 54 (74)
User-defined Pattern ?*v4T (t) 027 042 118 052 084 (116) 1B 2A 76 34 54 (74)
Source Transparency
code Transparent Opaque ?*v0N
?*v1N (n)
(n) 027 042 118 048 078
027 042 118 049 078 (110)
(110) 1B 2A 76 30 4E
1B 2A 76 31 4E (6E)
Pattern Transparency
Mode Transparent Opaque ?*v0O
?*v1O (o)
(o) 027 042 118 048 079
027 042 118 049 079 (111)
(111) 1B 2A 76 30 4F
1B 2A 76 31 4F (6F)
Logical Operation # = ROP3 input value ?*l#O (o) 027 042 108 #...# 079 (111) 1B 2A 6C #...# 4F (6F)
Pixel Placement Grid Intersection ?*v0R (r) 027 042 108 048 082 (114) 1B 2A 6C 30 52 (72)
Pixel Placement ?*v1R (r) 027 042 118 049 082 (114) 1B 2A 76 31 52 (72)
Rectangle Dimensions
Rectangle Width
(Horizontal Size) # of dots ?*c#A (a) 027 042 099 #...# 065 (97) 1B 2A 63 #...# 41 (61)
# of decipoints ?*c#H (h) 027 042 099 #...# 072 (104) 1B 2A 63 #...# 48 (68)
Rectangle Height
(Vertical Size) # of dots ?*c#B (b) 027 042 099 #...# 066 (98) 1B 2A 63 # ... # 42 (62)
# of decipoints ?*c#V (v) 027 042 099 #...# 086 (118) 1B 2A 63 #...# 56 (76)

A-14 Printer Commands ENWW
Table A-1. HP PCL 5 Commands (continued)
Rectangular Area Fill
Fill Rectangular Area Solid Black ?*c0P (p) 027 042 099 048 080 (112) 1B 2A 63 30 50 (70)
Erase (solid white fill) ?*c1P (p) 027 042 099 049 080 (112) 1B 2A 63 31 50 (70)
Shaded Fill ?*c2P (p) 027 042 099 050 080 (112) 1B 2A 63 32 50 (70)
Cross-hatched Fill ?*c3P (p) 027 042 099 051 080 (112) 1B 2A 63 33 50 (70)
User-defined ?*c4P (p) 027 042 099 052 080 (112) 1B 2A 63 34 50 (70)
Current Pattern ?*c5P (p) 027 042 099 053 080 (112) 1B 2A 63 35 50 (70)
Pattern ID % of Shading or Type of
Pattern or User Pattern ID
?*c#G (g) 027 042 099 #...# 071 (103) 1B 2A 63 #...# 47 (67)
Shading 2% Gray ?*c2G (g) 027 042 099 050 071 (103) 1B 2A 63 32 47 (67)
10% Gray ?*c10G (g) 027 042 099 049 048 071 (103) 1B 2A 63 31 30 47 (67)
15% Gray ?*c15G (g) 027 042 099 049 053 071 (103) 1B 2A 63 31 35 47 (67)
30% Gray ?*c30G (g) 027 042 099 051 048 071 (103) 1B 2A 63 33 30 47 (67)
45% Gray ?*c45G (g) 027 042 099 052 053 071 (103) 1B 2A 63 34 35 47 (67)
70% Gray ?*c70G (g) 027 042 099 055 048 071 (103) 1B 2A 63 37 30 47 (67)
90% Gray ?*c90G (g) 027 042 099 057 048 071 (103) 1B 2A 63 39 30 47 (67)
100% Gray ?*c100G (g) 027 042 099 049 048 048 071 (103) 1B 2A 63 31 30 30 47 (67)
Pattern 1 Horiz. Line ?*c1G (g) 027 042 099 049 071 (103) 1B 2A 63 31 47 (67)
2 Vert. Lines ?*c2G (g) 027 042 099 050 071 (103) 1B 2A 63 32 47 (67)
3 Diagonal Lines ?*c3G (g) 027 042 099 051 071 (103) 1B 2A 63 33 47 (67)
4 Diagonal Lines ?*c4G (g) 027 042 099 052 071 (103) 1B 2A 63 34 47 (67)
5 Square Grid ?*c5G (g) 027 042 099 053 071 (103) 1B 2A 63 35 47 (67)
6 Diagonal Grid ?*c6G (g) 027 042 099 054 071 (103) 1B 2A 63 36 47 (67)

ENWW Printer Commands A-15
Table A-1. HP PCL 5 Commands (continued)
Define (Download)
Pattern # of bytes ?*c#W[Data] 027 042 099 #...# 087 1B 2A 63 #...# 57
User-defined Pattern
Control Delete all patterns ?*c0Q (q) 027 042 099 048 081 (113) 1B 2A 63 030 51 (71)
Delete all temporary
patterns ?*c1Q (q) 027 042 099 049 081 (113) 1B 2A 63 031 51 (71)
Delete current pattern ?*c2Q (q) 027 042 099 050 081 (113) 1B 2A 63 032 51 (71)
Make pattern temporary ?*c4Q (q) 027 042 099 052 081 (113) 1B 2A 63 034 51 (71)
Make pattern permanent ?*c5Q (q) 027 042 099 053 081 (113) 1B 2A 63 035 51 (71)
Set Pattern Reference Rotate with orientation ?*p0R (r) 027 042 112 048 082 (114) 1B 2A 70 30 52 (72)
Point Follow physical page ?*p1R (r) 027 042 112 049 082 (114) 1B 2A 70 31 52 (72)
Macro ID Macro ID # ?&f#Y (y) 027 038 102 #...# 089 (121) 1B 26 66 #...# 59 (79)
Macro Control Start Macro Def. ?&f0X (x) 027 038 102 048 088 (120) 1B 26 66 30 58 (78)
Stop Macro Def. ?&f1X (x) 027 038 102 049 088 (120) 1B 26 66 31 58 (78)
Execute Macro ?&f2X (x) 027 038 102 050 088 (120) 1B 26 66 32 58 (78)
Call Macro ?&f3X (x) 027 038 102 051 088 (120) 1B 26 66 33 58 (78)
Enable Overlay ?&f4X (x) 027 038 102 052 088 (120) 1B 26 66 34 58 (78)
Disable Overlay ?&f5X (x) 027 038 102 053 088 (120) 1B 26 66 35 58 (78)
Delete Macros ?&f6X (x) 027 038 102 054 088 (120) 1B 26 66 36 58 (78)
Delete All Temp. Macros ?&f7X (x) 027 038 102 055 088 (120) 1B 26 66 37 58 (78)
Delete Macro ID ?&f8X (x) 027 038 102 056 088 (120) 1B 26 66 38 58 (78)
Make Temporary ?&f9X (x) 027 038 102 057 088 (120) 1B 26 66 39 58 (78)
Make Permanent ?&f10X (x) 027 038 102 049 048 088 (120) 1B 26 66 31 30 58 (78)

A-16 Printer Commands ENWW
Table A-1. HP PCL 5 Commands (continued)
Set Status Readback
Location Type Invalid Location ?*s0T (t) 027 042 115 048 084 (116) 1B 2A 73 30 54 (74)
Currently Selected ?*s1T (t) 027 042 115 049 084 (116) 1B 2A 73 31 54 (74)
All Locations ?*s2T (t) 027 042 115 050 084 (116) 1B 2A 73 32 54 (74)
Internal ?*s3T (t) 027 042 115 051 084 (116) 1B 2A 73 33 54 (74)
Downloaded ?*s4T (t) 027 042 115 052 084 (116) 1B 2A 73 34 54 (74)
Cartridge ?*s5T (t) 027 042 115 053 084 (116) 1B 2A 73 35 54 (74)
User-installed ROM (SIMMs) ?*s7T (t) 027 042 115 055 084 (116) 1B 2A 73 37 54 (74)
Set Status Readback
Location Unit All entities of the Location Type ?*s0U (u) 027 042 115 048 085 (117) 1B 2A 73 30 55 (75)
Entity 1 or Temporary ?*s1U (u) 027 042 115 049 085 (117) 1B 2A 73 31 55 (75)
Entity 2 or Permanent ?*s2U (u) 027 042 115 050 085 (117) 1B 2A 73 32 55 (75)
Entity 3 ?*s3U (u) 027 042 115 051 085 (117) 1B 2A 73 33 55 (75)
Entity 4 ?*s4U (u) 027 042 115 052 085 (117) 1B 2A 73 34 55 (75)
Inquire Status Readback
Entity Font ?*s0I (i) 027 042 115 048 073 (105) 1B 2A 73 30 49 (69)
Macro ?*s1I (i) 027 042 115 049 073 (105) 1B 2A 73 31 49 (69)
User-defined Pattern ?*s2I (i) 027 042 115 050 073 (105) 1B 2A 73 32 49 (69)
Symbol Set ?*s3I (i) 027 042 115 051 073 (105) 1B 2A 73 33 49 (69)
Font Extended ?*s4I (i) 027 042 115 052 073 (105) 1B 2A 73 34 49 (69)
Flush All Pages Flush All Complete Pages ?&r0F (f) 027 038 114 048 070 (120) 1B 26 72 30 46 (66)
Flush All Page Data ?&r1F (f) 027 038 114 049 070 (120) 1B 26 72 31 46 (66)
Free Memory Space — ?*s1M (m) 027 042 115 049 077 (109) 1B 2A 73 31 4D (6D)
Echo # = Echo value (-32767 to 32767) ?*s#X (x) 027 042 115 #...# 088 (120) 1B 2A 73 #...# 58 (78)
End-of-Line Wrap Enabled ?&s0C (c) 027 038 115 048 067 (99) 1B 26 73 30 43 (63)
Disabled ?&s1C (c) 027 038 115 049 067 (99) 1B 26 73 31 43 (63)
Display Functions ON ?Y 027 089 1B 59
OFF ?Z 027 090 1B 5A

ENWW Printer Commands A-17
Table A-1. HP PCL 5 Commands (continued)
Enter PCL Mode Use previous PCL cursor
?%0A 027 037 048 65 1B 25 30 41
Use current HP-GL/2pen
position for cursor position
?%1A 027 037 049 65 1B 25 31 41
Enter HP-GL/2 Mode Use previous HP-GL/2 pen
?%0B 027 037 048 066 1B 25 30 42
Use current PCL cursor
?%1B 027 037 049 066 1B 25 31 42
Stand-alone plotter mode ?%–1B 027 037 045 049 066 1B 25 2D 31 42
Current PCL coordinate
system/old HP-GL pen position ?%2B 027 037 050 066 1B 25 32 42
Current PCL coordinate
system/current PCL CAP ?%3B 027 037 051 066 1B 25 33 42
HP-GL/2 Plot Horizontal
Size Horizontal size in inches ?*c#K (k) 027 042 099 #...# 075 (107) 1B 2A 63 # ... # 4B (6B)
HP-GL/2 Plot Vertical
Size Vertical size in inches ?*c#L (l) 027 042 099 #...# 076 (108) 1B 2A 63 #...# 4C (6C)
Set Picture Frame
Anchor Point Set anchor point to cursor
position ?*c0T (t) 027 042 099 048 084 (116) 1B 2A 63 30 54 (74)
Picture Frame Horizontal
Size Decipoints ?*c#X (x) 027 042 099 #...# 088 (120) 1B 2A 63 #...# 58 (78)
Picture Frame Vertical
Size Decipoints ?*c#Y (y) 027 042 099 #...# 089 (121) 1B 2A 63 #...# 59 (79)
Enter PCL Mode ?%#A 0 - Retain previous
PCL cursor
1 - Use current
HP-GL/2 pen
Reset ?E None
Primary Font FI Font_ID
Secondary Font FN Font_ID
Scalable Or Bitmapped
Fonts SB 0 - Scalable fonts
1 - Bitmapped fonts

A-18 Printer Commands ENWW
Table A-1. HP PCL 5 Commands (continued)
Assign Color Index Index Number ?*v#I (i) 027 042 118 #...# 073 (105) 1B 2A 76 #...# 49 (69)
Color Component One 1st Component ?*v#A (a) 027 042 118 #...# 065 (97) 1B 2A 76 #...# 41 (61)
Color Component Two 2nd Component ?*v#B (b) 027 042 118 #...# 066 (98) 1B 2A 76 #...# 42 (62)
Color Component Three 3rd Component ?*v#C (c) 027 042 118 #...# 067 (99) 1B 2A 76 #...# 43 (63)
Color Lookup Tables # of Bytes ?*l#W[Data] 027 042 108 #...# 087 1B 2A 6C #...# 57
Configure Image Data # of Bytes ?*v#W[Data] 027 042 118 #...# 087 1B 2A 76 #...# 57
Download Dither Matrix # of Bytes ?*v#I (i) 027 042 118 #...# 073 (105) 1B 2A 76 #...# 49 (69)
Foreground Color Index Number ?*v#S (s) 027 042 118 #...# 083 (115) 1B 2A 76 #...# 53 (73)
Gamma Correction Gamma Number ?*t#I (i) 027 042 116 #...# 073 (105) 1B 2A 74 #...# 49 (69)
Monochrome Print Mode Mixed Rendering ?&b0M (m) 027 038 062 048 077 (109) 1B 26 98 30 4D (6D)
Gray Equivalent ?&b1M (m) 027 038 062 049 077 (109) 1B 26 98 31 4D (6D)
Palette Control ID Palette ID # ?&p#I (i) 027 038 112 #...# 073 (105) 1B 26 70 #...# 49 (69)
Palette Control Delete All Palettes in store ?&p0C (c) 027 038 112 048 067 (99) 1B 26 70 30 43 (63)
Delete All Palettes in stack ?&p1C (c) 027 038 112 049 067 (99) 1B 26 70 31 43 (63)
Delete Palette (last ID) ?&p2C (c) 027 038 112 050 067 (99) 1B 26 70 32 43 (63)
Copy Palette ?&p6C (c) 027 038 112 054 067 (99) 1B 26 70 36 43 (63)
Push/Pop Palette Push Palette ?*p0P (p) 027 042 112 048 080 (112) 1B 2A 70 30 50 (70)
Pop Palette ?*p1P (p) 027 042 112 049 080 (112) 1B 2A 70 31 50 (70)
Render Algorithm Continuous tone detail ?*t0J (j) 027 042 116 048 074 (106) 1B 2A 74 30 4A (6A)
Snap to primaries ?*t1J (j) 027 042 116 049 074 (106) 1B 2A 74 31 4A (6A)
Snap black/white, colors to
black ?*t2J (j) 027 042 116 050 074 (106) 1B 2A 74 32 4A (6A)
Device best dither ?*t3J (j) 027 042 116 051 074 (106) 1B 2A 74 33 4A (6A)
Error diffusion ?*t4J (j) 027 042 116 052 074 (106) 1B 2A 74 34 4A (6A)
Monochrome device best
?*t5J (j) 027 042 116 053 074 (106) 1B 2A 74 35 4A (6A)
Monochrome error diffusion ?*t6J (j) 027 042 116 054 074 (106) 1B 2A 74 36 4A (6A)
Cluster ordered dither ?*t7J (j) 027 042 116 055 074 (106) 1B 2A 74 37 4A (6A)
Monochrome cluster ordered ?*t8J (j) 027 042 116 056 074 (106) 1B 2A 74 38 4A (6A)
User-defined dither ?*t9J (j) 027 042 116 057 074 (106) 1B 2A 74 30 4A (6A)
Monochrome user-defined
?*t10J (j) 027 042 116 049 048 074 (106) 1B 2A 74 31 30 4A (6A)
Ordered dither ?*t11J (j) 027 042 116 049 049 074 (106) 1B 2A 74 31 31 4A (6A)
Monochrome ordered dither ?*t12J (j) 027 042 116 049 050 074 (106) 1B 2A 74 31 32 4A (6A)
Noise ordered dither ?*t13J (j) 027 042 116 049 051 074 (106) 1B 2A 74 31 33 4A (6A)
Monochrome noise ordered
dither ?*t14J (j) 027 042 116 049 052 074 (106) 1B 2A 74 31 34 4A (6A)
Continuous tone smooth ?*t15J (j) 027 042 116 049 053 074 (106) 1B 2A 74 31 35 4A (6A)
Mono. continuous tone detail ?*t16J (j) 027 042 116 049 054 074 (106) 1B 2A 74 31 36 4A (6A)
Mono. continuous tone
?*t17J (j) 027 042 116 049 055 074 (106) 1B 2A 74 31 37 4A (6A)
Continuous tone basic ?*t18J (j) 027 042 116 049 056 074 (106) 1B 2A 74 31 38 4A (6A)
Mono. continuous tone basic ?*t19J (j) 027 042 116 049 057 074 (106) 1B 2A 74 31 39 4A (6A)
Select Palette Palette ID # ?&p#S (s) 027 038 112 #...# 083 (115) 1B 26 70 #...# 53 (73)
Set Viewing Illumination # of Bytes ?*i#W[Data] 027 042 105 #...# 087 1B 2A 69 #...# 57
Simple Color 3-Plane Device CMY Palette ?*r–3U (u) 027 042 114 045 051 085 (117) 1B 2A 72 2D 33 55 (75)
1-Plane K Palette ?*r1U (u) 027 042 114 049 085 (117) 1B 2A 72 31 55 (75)
3-Plane Device RGB Palette ?*r3U (u) 027 042 114 051 085 (117) 1B 2A 72 33 55 (75)

ENWW Printer Commands A-19
Table A-2. HP-GL/2 Commands
* Parameters in brackets are optional.
Color Range CR [b_ref_red, w_ref_red, b_ref_grn, w_ref_grn, b_ref_blue, w_ref_blue];
Number of Pens NP [n];
Pen Color Assignment PC [pen [,red, green, blue]];
Transparency Mode TR 0 - Off (opaque)
1 - On (transparent)
Screened Vectors SV [screen_type[,shading[,index]]]
Arc Absolute AA x_center,y_center,sweep_angle [,chord_angle];
Arc Relative AR x_increment,y_increment,sweep_angle [,chord_angle];
Absolute Arc Three Point AT x_inter,y_inter,x_end,y_end[,chord_angle];
Bezier Absolute BZ x1_control_pt, y1_control_pt
x2_control_pt, y2_control_pt
x3_control_pt, y3_control_pt ...
[x1_control_pt, y1_control_pt
x2_control_pt, y2_control_pt
x3_control_pt, y3_control_pt];
Bezier Relative BR x1_control_pt_increments,
y3_control_pt_increments ...
Circle CI radius [,chord angle];
Plot Absolute PA [x,y ... [,x,y]];
Plot Relative PR [x,y ... [,x,y]];
Pen Down PD [x,y ... [,x,y]];
Pen Up PU [x,y ... [,x,y]];
Relative Arc Three Point RT x_incr_inter,y_incr_inter,x_incr_end,y_incr_end[,chord angle];
Polyline Encoded PE [flag[val]|coord pair ... [flag[val]|coord pair]];

A-20 Printer Commands ENWW
Table A-2. HP-GL/2 Commands (continued)
* Parameters in brackets are optional.
Fill Rectangle Absolute RA x_coordinate,y_coordinate;
Fill Rectangle Relative RR x_increment,y_increment;
Edge Rectangle Absolute EA x_coordinate,y_coordinate;
Edge Rectangle Relative ER x_increment,y_increment;
Fill Wedge WG radius,start_angle,sweep_angle[,chord_angle];
Edge Wedge EW radius,start_angle,sweep_angle[chord_angle];
Polygon Mode PM polygon_definition;
Fill Polygon FP 0 - Odd/Even
1 - non-zero winding
Edge Polygon EP None

ENWW Printer Commands A-21
Table A-2. HP-GL/2 Commands (continued)
* Parameters in brackets are optional.
Select Standard Font SS None
Select Alternate Font SA None
Absolute Direction DI [run,rise];
Relative Direction DR [run,rise];
Absolute Character Size SI [width,height];
Relative Character Size SR [width,height];
Character Slant SL [tangent_of_angle];
Extra Space ES [width[,height]]
Standard Font Definition SD [kind,value ... [,kind,value]];
Alternate Font Definition AD [kind,value ... [,kind,value]];
Character Fill Mode CF [fill_mode[,edge_pen]];
Label Origin LO [position];
Label LB [char ... [char]]1bterm
Define Label Terminator DT [1bterm[,mode]];
Character Plot CP [spaces,lines];
Transparent Data TD [mode];
Define Variable Text Path DV [path[,line]];
Line Type LT [line_type[,pattern_length[,mode]]];
Line Attributes LA [kind,value ... [,kind,value]];
Pen Width PW [width[,pen]];
Pen Width Unit Selection WU [type];
Select Pen SP [pen]; (required, 1 for black (recommended) or 0 for white)
Symbol Mode SM [char];
Fill Type FT [fill_type[,option1[,option2]]];
Anchor Corner AC [x_coordinate,y_coordinate];
Raster Fill Definition RF [index[,width,height,pen_nbr ... pen_nbr]];
(width and height must be less than 255)
User Defined Line Type UL [index[,gap1 ... gapn]];

A-22 Printer Commands ENWW
Table A-2. HP-GL/2 Commands (continued)
* Parameters in brackets are optional.
Advance Full Page PG [n];
Scale SC [x1,x2,y1,y2[,type[,left,bottom]]];
Input Window IW [xLL,yLL,xUR,yUR];
Input P1 and P2 IP [p1x,p1y[,p2x,p2y]];
Input Relative P1 And P2 IR [p1x,p1y[,p2x,p2y]];
Default Values DF None
Initialize IN [n];
Replot RP [n];
Rotate Coordinate System RO [angle];
Begin Plot BP [kind, value...[,kind, value]];
Chord Tolerance Mode CT [mode];
Download Character DL [charnum [[,up], x, y...[,up],x,y]];
Frame Advance FR
Media Type MT [type];
Merge Control MC [mode [, opcod]];
Output Error OE
Output Hardclip Limits OH
Output Identification OI
Output P1 and P2 OP
Output Status OS
Pixel Placement PP [mode];
Plot Size PS [length [,width]];
Quality Level QL [quality level]

ENWW Printer Commands A-23
Table A-3. Control Codes
Function Symbol Decimal Value Description
Backspace BS8 Move one column left unless at left margin, in which case no action is taken.
Horizontal Tab HT9 Move to the next horizontal tab stop. The tab stops are at the left margin, and
every eight columns to the right of the left margin.
Line Feed LF10 Move to the next print line while maintaining current column position.
Form Feed FF12 Move to the first line at top of the next page while maintaining current column
Carriage Return CR13 Move to the left margin on the current print line.
Shift Out SO14 Select characters that follow from the current secondary font until receipt of a
Shift In.
Shift In SI15 Select characters that follow from the current primary font until receipt of a
Shift Out.
Escape EC27 Indicates the beginning of a special control sequence (escape sequence).
Space SP32 Move one column to the right unless already at the right margin, in which case
no action is taken.
A-24 Printer Commands ENWW
ENWW Internal Symbol Set Charts B-1
BInternal Symbol Set
This section includes symbol set tables showing character locations
and decimal addresses. Individual tables are provided for the
following symbol sets:
PC-8 PC-Turkish
Roman-8 Windows CP1257 Baltic
Windows CP1252 Latin 1 ISO 8859-10 Latin 6
ISO 8859-1 Latin 1 PC-775
PC-850 Multilingual Symbol Font2
PC-1004 Wingdings Font2
ISO 8859-15 Latin 9 Windows Dingbats Font2
PC-858 Multilingual PS Text
Roman-9 MC Text
Windows CP1252-obs. PS-Math1
PC-8 Danish/Norwegian Math-81
Windows CP1250 Latin 2 Pi Font1
ISO 8859-2 Latin 2 Desktop
PC-852 Legal
Windows CP1254 Latin 5 Microsoft Publishing1
ISO 8859-9 Latin 5
1 These math sets are inappropriate in script faces, italic faces, or any unusual weight or style. MS
Publishing and Pi Font may be used with script, italic, or unusual weight styles, since these sets
contain few “limited sensitivity” characters that conflict with the typeface sensitive characters of that
2 Available in one typeface only.

B-2 Internal Symbol Set Charts ENWW
The gray shaded areas in these tables denote printer control code
areas. Math composite characters are shown with light-colored
shades, and line-draw composite characters are shown with
dark-colored shades. Composite characters are made by combining
individual character elements into a large character.
The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) symbol sets
and the HP German and HP Spanish symbol sets are represented by
a character substitution table (see page B-19). The final table, the
Roman-8 Character Conversion table identifies the hexadecimal,
decimal, and octal codes for the Roman-8 symbol set.
Note To identify the symbol sets that are supported by a printer, refer to
Chapter 3, Internal Typefaces/Fonts and Symbol Sets,” in this

ENWW Internal Symbol Set Charts B-3

B-4 Internal Symbol Set Charts ENWW

ENWW Internal Symbol Set Charts B-5

B-6 Internal Symbol Set Charts ENWW

ENWW Internal Symbol Set Charts B-7

B-8 Internal Symbol Set Charts ENWW

ENWW Internal Symbol Set Charts B-9

B-10 Internal Symbol Set Charts ENWW

ENWW Internal Symbol Set Charts B-11

B-12 Internal Symbol Set Charts ENWW

ENWW Internal Symbol Set Charts B-13

B-14 Internal Symbol Set Charts ENWW

ENWW Internal Symbol Set Charts B-15

B-16 Internal Symbol Set Charts ENWW

ENWW Internal Symbol Set Charts B-17

B-18 Internal Symbol Set Charts ENWW

ENWW Internal Symbol Set Charts B-19

B-20 Internal Symbol Set Charts ENWW

ENWW Internal Symbol Set Charts B-21

B-22 Internal Symbol Set Charts ENWW

ENWW Internal Symbol Set Charts B-23

B-24 Internal Symbol Set Charts ENWW

ENWW Internal Symbol Set Charts B-25

B-26 Internal Symbol Set Charts ENWW

ENWW Internal Symbol Set Charts B-27

B-28 Internal Symbol Set Charts ENWW

ENWW Internal Symbol Set Charts B-29

B-30 Internal Symbol Set Charts ENWW

ENWW Internal Symbol Set Charts B-31

B-32 Internal Symbol Set Charts ENWW

ENWW Internal Symbol Set Charts B-33

B-34 Internal Symbol Set Charts ENWW
ISO Substitution Table
This table provides a quick reference for the values of special
characters contained in ISO (International Organization of
Standardization) symbol sets. ISO symbol sets contain the same
characters as the ASCII symbol set, except for the character
positions listed in this table. For example, in the ISO 4 (United
Kingdom) symbol set, the British pound sign replaces the number
sign used in decimal position 35 of the ASCII symbol set.
Table B-1. ISO Substitution Characters
*These symbol sets are becoming obsolete and are not recommended for future use and are not present on
the HP LaserJet 4, 4M, 4Si, 4SiMx, 4L, 4ML, 4P, 4MP, 4PJ, 4LJ Pro, 4LC, 4 Plus, 4M Plus, 4V, 4MV, 5, 5M,
5P, 5L, 5Si, 5SiMx, 5Si Mopier, 6L, 6P, 6MP, LaserJet 1100, 2100, 4000, 5000, 8000, and 8100 series,
Color LaserJet family, and DeskJet 1200C, 1600C printers.
ENWW Internal Symbol Set Charts B-35
Conversion Table
Table B-2 gives the hexadecimal, decimal, and octal equivalent of
each character in the Roman-8 and Roman-9 symbol sets. (The only
difference between the Roman-9 and Roman-8 symbol sets is the
Hex 0xBA character position: for Roman-9 the character is the Euro
Sign, and for Roman-8 the character is the General Currency
Symbol.) Use this table when your software requires hexadecimal,
decimal, or octal values in place of your printer command characters.
This conversion table begins on the following page.

B-36 Internal Symbol Set Charts ENWW
Table B-2. Roman-8 / Roman-9 Character Conversion

ENWW Internal Symbol Set Charts B-37
Table B-2. Roman-8 / Roman-9 Character Conversion (continued)

B-38 Internal Symbol Set Charts ENWW
Table B-2. Roman-8 / Roman-9 Character Conversion (continued)

ENWW Internal Symbol Set Charts B-39
Table B-2. Roman-8 / Roman-9 Character Conversion (continued)

B-40 Internal Symbol Set Charts ENWW
Table B-2. Roman-8 / Roman-9 Character Conversion (continued)
*Hex 0xBA character position: for Roman-9 the character is the Euro Sign, and for
Roman-8 the character is the General Currency Symbol.

ENWW Internal Symbol Set Charts B-41
Table B-2. Roman-8 / Roman-9 Character Conversion (continued)

B-42 Internal Symbol Set Charts ENWW
Table B-2. Roman-8 / Roman-9 Character Conversion (continued)
ENWW Symbol Set and Typeface Codes C-1
CSymbol Set and
Typeface Codes
The symbol set IDs in Table C-1 are used to select symbol sets using
PCL commands. Kind1 values are used to select symbol sets using
HP-GL/2 commands. The values under Kind1 are also used in the
Font Descriptor (header) symbol set field (bytes 14/15, described in
Chapter 11, Font Creation of the PCL 5 Printer Language Technical
Reference Manual). Table C-2 identifies the Typeface Family values
for the various type foundries. Table C-3 identifies all the currently
assigned typeface base values.

C-2 Symbol Set and Typeface Codes ENWW
Note The HP-GL/2 Kind1 value can be calculated from the symbol set ID.
The Kind1 value is the same value used for the Symbol Set value
field in the Font Header (refer to Chapter 11, Symbol Set of the PCL 5
Printer Language Technical Reference Manual). The Kind1 value is
computed by taking the value of the value field for the symbol set,
multiplying it by 32, adding the decimal (ASCII) value of the
termination character (the symbol set ID character value) of the
escape sequence, and subtracting 64.
Font Descriptor Symbol Set Value =
(Escape Sequence Value Field Value * 32)
(Decimal Value of Escape Sequence
Termination Character - 64).
For example, to calculate the Kind1 value for the symbol set 19M
(M = ASCII 77):
Symbol set 19M = (19*32) + (77 -64) = 621

ENWW Symbol Set and Typeface Codes C-3
Table C-1. Symbol Set Values
1 Contact your local software vendor for information regarding additional symbol set support.
2 This value is also used for the Encoded Symbol Set Designator field in the user-defined symbol set
descriptor, and for the Symbol Set field in the font headers.
3 Not recommended for future use. These symbol sets are of limited usage and are being discontinued.
Symbol Set Name1Symbol
Set ID Kind1
Value2Symbol Set Name1Symbol
Set ID Kind1
GW-3212 18C 597 Line Draw-7 0L 12
ISO 60: Danish/Norwegian 0D 4 HP Block Characters 1L 44
Devanagari 2D 68 Tax Line Draw 2L 76
ISO 4: United Kingdom 1E 37 Line Draw-8 8L 268
Windows 3.1 Latin 2 9E 293 Ventura ITC Zapf Dingbats39L 300
ISO 69: French 1F 38 PS ITC Zapf Dingbats 10L 332
ISO 21: German 1G 39 ITC Zapf Dingbats Series 100 11L 364
Greek-8 8G 263 ITC Zapf Dingbats Series 200 12L 396
Windows 3.1 Latin/Greek 9G 295 ITC Zapf Dingbats Series 300 13L 428
PC-851 Latin/Greek 10G 327 ITC Zapf Dingbats MS 14L 460
PC-8 Latin/Greek 12G 391 Windows Baltic 19L 620
Hebrew-7 0H 8 Carta 20L 652
ISO 8859/8 Latin/Hebrew 7H 232 Ornaments 21L 684
Hebrew-8 8H 264 Universal News & Commercial
22L 716
PC-862 Latin/Hebrew 15H 488 Chess 23L 748
ISO 15: Italian 0I 9 Astrology 1 24L 780
Microsoft Publishing 6J 202 Pi Set #1 31L 1004
DeskTop 7J 234 Pi Set #2 32L 1036
Document 8J 266 Pi Set #3 33L 1068
PC-1004 9J 298 Pi Set #4 34L 1100
PS Text 10J 330 Pi Set #5 35L 1132
PS ISO Latin1 11J 362 Pi Set #6 36L 1164
MC Text 12J 394 Wingdings 579L 18540
Ventura International313J 426 Math-7 0M 13
Ventura US314J 458 Tech-7 1M 45
Swash Characters 16J 522 PS Math 5M 173
Small Caps & Old Style Figures 17J 554 Ventura Math36M 205
Old Style Figures 18J 586 Math-8 8M 269
Fractions 19J 618 Universal Greek & Math Pi 10M 333
Lining Figures 21J 682 TeX Math Extension 11M 365
Small Caps and Lining Figures 22J 714 TeX Math Symbol 12M 397
Alternate Caps 23J 746 TeX Math Italic 13M 429
Kana-8 (JIS 210) 8K 267 Symbol 19M 621
Korean-8 9K 299 ISO 8859/1 Latin 1 0N 14

C-4 Symbol Set and Typeface Codes ENWW
Table C-1. Symbol Set Values (continued)
1 Contact your local software vendor for information regarding additional symbol set support.
2 This value is also used for the Encoded Symbol Set Designator field in the user-defined symbol set
descriptor and for the Symbol Set field in the font headers.
Symbol Set Name1Symbol
Set ID Kind1
Value2Symbol Set Name1Symbol
Set ID Kind1
ISO 8859/2 Latin 2 2N 78 Windows 3.1 Latin 5 5T 180
ISO 8859/3 Latin 3 3N 110 Turkish-8 8T 276
ISO 8859/4 Latin 4 4N 142 PC-8 Turkish 9T 308
ISO 8859/9 Latin 5 5N 174 Teletex 10T 340
ISO 8859/10 Latin 6 6N 206 ISO 6: ASCII 0U 21
ISO 8859/15 Latin 9 9N 302 Legal 1U 53
ISO 8859/5 Latin/Cyrillic 10N 334 Roman-9 4U 149
ISO 8859/6 Latin/Arabic 11N 366 HPL 5U 181
ISO 8859/7 Latin/Greek 12N 398 OEM-1 7U 245
OCR-A 0O 15 Roman-8 8U 277
OCR-B 1O 47 Windows 3.0 Latin 1 9U 309
OCR-M 2O 79 PC-8, Code Page 437 10U 341
MICR (E13B) 10O 335 PC-8 D/N, Danish/Norwegian 11U 373
Typewriter Paired APL 0P 16 PC-850, Multilingual 12U 405
Bit Paired APL 1P 48 PC-858 13U 437
Expert 10P 336 Pi Font 15U 501
Alternate 11P 368 PC-857 16U 533
Fraktur 12P 400 PC-852, Latin 2 17U 565
Reserved for Specials xQ 1732x Windows 3.1 Latin 1 19U 629
Cyrillic ASCII (8859/5-1986) 0R 18 PC-860 Portugal 20U 661
Cyrillic 1R 50 PC-861 Iceland 21U 693
PC Cyrillic 3R 114 PC-863 Canada-French 23U 757
Windows 3.1 Latin/Cyrillic 9R 306 PC-865 Norway 25U 821
ISO 11: Swedish 0S 19 PC-775 26U 853
ISO 17: Spanish 2S 83 Arabic-8 8V 278
HP European Spanish 7S 243 Windows 3.1 Latin/Arabic 9V 310
HP Latin Spanish 8S 275 Code Page 864 Latin/Arabic 10V 342
HP-GL Download 16S 531 3 of 9 Barcode 0Y 25
HP-GL Drafting 17S 563 Industrial 2 of 5 Barcode 1Y 57
HP-GL Special Symbols 18S 595 Matrix 2 of 5 Barcode 2Y 89
Sonata 20S 659 Interleaved 2 of 5 Barcode 4Y 153
Thai-8 0T 20 CODABAR Barcode 5Y 185
TISI 620-2533 (Thai) 1T 52 MSI/Plessey Barcode 6Y 217

ENWW Symbol Set and Typeface Codes C-5
Table C-1. Symbol Set Values (continued)
1 Contact your local software vendor for information regarding additional symbol set support.
2 This value is also used for the Encoded Symbol Set Designator field in the user-defined symbol set
descriptor and for the Symbol Set field in the font headers.
3 These symbol sets are becoming obsolete and are not recommended for future use and are not present
on the HP LaserJet 4, 4M, 4Si, 4SiMx, 4L, 4ML, 4P, 4MP, 4PJ, 4LJ Pro, 4LC, 4 Plus, 4M Plus, 4V, 4MV, 5,
5M, 5P, 5L, 5Si, 5SiMx, 5Si Mopier, 6L, 6P, 6MP, LaserJet 1100, 2100, 4000, 5000, 8000, and 8100
series, Color LaserJet family, and DeskJet 1200C, 1600C printers.
Symbol Set Name1Symbol
Set ID Kind1
Value2Symbol Set Name1Symbol
Set ID Kind1
Code 11 Barcode 7Y 249 MICR (CMC-7) 14Y 473
UPC/EAN Barcode 8Y 281 USPS ZIP 15Y 505
Obsolete Symbol Sets3Obsolete Symbol Sets3
Math-7 (same as 0M) 0A 1 ISO 57: Chinese 2K 75
Line Draw-7 (same as 0L) 0B 2 HP Spanish 1S 51
HP Large Characters 0C 3 ISO 10: Swedish 3S 115
ISO 61: Norwegian Version 2 1D 36 ISO 16: Portuguese 4S 147
Roman Extension 0E 5 ISO 84: Portuguese 5S 179
ISO 25: French 0F 6 ISO 85: Spanish 6S 211
HP German 0G 7 ISO 2: International Reference 2U 85
ISO 14: JIS ASCII 0K 11 Arabic (McKay’s version) 0V 22
ISO 13: Katakana 1K 43
C-6 Symbol Set and Typeface Codes ENWW
Table C-2 represents the typeface family values assigned to type
foundries. This value, plus the typeface base value (see Table C-3),
produces the numeric code needed to access the typeface.

ENWW Symbol Set and Typeface Codes C-7
Table C-2. Typeface Family Values
CG Times from Agfa = 5 4096 = 4101.
801 from Bitstream Inc. = 5 8192 = 8197
Univers from Agfa = 52 4096 = 4148.
Times New Roman from Monotype = 517 16384 = 16901
Vendor Name Typeface Vendor Value
AGFA 4096
Bitstream Inc. 8192
Linotype Company 12288
Monotype Corporation 16384
Adobe Systems 20480
Bigelow & Holmes 28672

C-8 Symbol Set and Typeface Codes ENWW
Table C-3. Typeface Base Values
Value Typeface Family1Value Typeface Family1
0 Line Printer 32 Brush (italic)
2 Elite 32 Stop
3 Courier 33 Blippo (black)
4 Helvetica 33 Tea Chest (condensed)
5 Times Roman 34 Hobo
6 Letter Gothic 35 Windsor
7 Script 38 Peignot
8 Prestige 39 Baskerville
9 Caslon 540 & No. 3 41 Trade Gothic
9 Caslon Antique (contour) 41 Pemai (Thai)
9 Caslon Open Face (inline) 41 CG Trade
10 Orator 42 Goudy Old Style
11 Presentation 43 ITC Zapf Chancery
13 Serifa 44 Clarendon
14 Futura 45 ITC Zapf Dingbats
14 Greek Futura 46 Cooper
15 Palatino 47 ITC Bookman
16 ITC Souvenir 47 Noparat (Thai)
16 ITC Souvenir Greek 48 Stick
17 Optima 49 HP-GL Drafting
17 Safeer (Arabic) 50 HP-GL Spline
17 Komain (Thai) 51 Gill Sans
17 Greek Oracle 51 Unesco (Thai)
18 ITC Garamond 52 Univers
20 Coronet (italic) 53 Bodoni
20 Chevalier (bold expanded pattern 0) 53 Poster Bodoni (black)
21 Broadway 53 Greek Apla
23 Century Schoolbook 54 Rockwell
23 Greek & Math Serif 55 Melior
24 University Roman 56 ITC Tiffany
27 ITC Korinna 57 ITC Clearface
28 Naskh 58 Amelia
29 Cloister Black 59 Park Avenue (italic)
30 ITC Galliard 59 Falstaff (black)
31 ITC Avant Garde Gothic 60 Handel Gothic
31 Tom (Thai) 61 Dom Casual
1 These typeface names may be registered trademarks of a third party. Use of these fonts may be
conditional upon a license grant from the owners of the fonts. Hewlett-Packard makes no representation
as to the quality or performance of the fonts, and any reference to the fonts does not grant any license or
right to use the fonts.

ENWW Symbol Set and Typeface Codes C-9
62 ITC Benguiat 93 Kaufmann
63 ITC Cheltenham 93 U-Thong (Thai)
64 Century Expanded 94 ITC Bolt (extended)
65 Franklin Gothic 94 ITC Machine (condensed)
65 Paetai (Thai) 97 Revue
68 Plantin 101 Garamond (Stempel)
69 Trump Mediaeval 102 Garth Graphic
70 Futura Black 103 ITC Ronda
71 ITC American Typewriter 103 Candy Bits (patterned)
72 Antique Olive 104 OCR-A
72 Greek Antique Olive 105 Cochin
73 Uncial 106 Englische Schreibschrift (italic)
74 ITC Bauhaus 106 Mister Earl (condensed)
75 Century Old Style 107 Flash (italic)
76 ITC Eras 107 Woodstock
77 Friz Quadrata (ITC) 108 Gothic (numbered)
78 ITC Lubalin Graph 109 Stencil (ATF)
79 Eurostile 110 OCR-B
79 Intanon (Thai) 111 Akzidenz-Grotesk
79 Greek Microstyle 112 Black White (patterned, outline, inline)
80 Mincho (Japanese) 112 Logos
80 Myoungjo (Korean) 113 Shannon
80 HanYang Batang Proportional (Korean) 114 ITC Stone Informal
81 ITC Serif Gothic 115 ITC Stone Sans
81 Saemmul (Korea) 116 ITC Stone Serif
81 Sammul (Korea) 117 Schneidler Mediaeval
82 Snell Roundhand 118 ITC Symbol
82 Pilgy (Korean) 119 ITC Weidemann
83 Souvenir Gothic 120 Copperplate Gothic (display)
84 Stymie 121 Trajan
87 Bernhard Modern 122 Concorde
89 Excelsior 123 Janson Text
90 Gando Ronde Script 124 Linotype Centennial
91 Ondine 125 Life
91 EACT (Thai) 126 Minister
92 P. T. Barnum 127 New Century Schoolbook
Table C-3. Typeface Base Values (continued)
Value Typeface Family1Value Typeface Family1
1 These typeface names may be registered trademarks of a third party. Use of these fonts may be
conditional upon a license grant from the owners of the fonts. Hewlett-Packard makes no representation
as to the quality or performance of the fonts, and any reference to the fonts does not grant any license or
right to use the fonts.

C-10 Symbol Set and Typeface Codes ENWW
129 Naskh 164 Tieman
130 Naskh Hollow 164 Gyosho
131 Advertisers Naskh 165 David
133 Koufi 166 Nork
134 Oberon 167 Ousbouh
135 Callisto 168 Koufi
136 Charter 169 Italia (ITC)
137 Serif Proportional 169 Hadassah
138 Sans Serif Monospace 170 Bembo
139 Amerigo 170 Sharif
140 PiFont 171 Aachen
141 Old Dreadful 171 Malik
142 Carmina 172 Americana
143 Arrus 173 Arnold Boecklin
144 Oz 174 Copperplate Gothic (text)
146 Iowan Old Style 175 Belwe
152 Maru Gosikku (round gothic Japan) 176 ITC Berkeley Oldstyle
152 Gulrim (Korean) 177 Frutiger
152 HanYang Gulrim Proportional (Korean) 178 Candida
153 Gosikku (Kaku, gothic Japan) 179 Folio
153 Gothic (Japan, Fixed Pitch) 180 Corona
153 HanYang Dotum Proportional (Korean) 181 ITC Kabel
154 Socho 181 Zeppelin (inline)
155 Kyokasho (text book) 182 Garamond No. 3
156 Kaisho 183 Sabon
157 Trad. Arabic Script, Lotus, or Lily 184 ITC Novarese
158 Arabic News 185 Weiss
159 Post Antiqua 186 Hiroshige
160 Aerospace Pi 187 French Script
160 Devanagari (Hindi) 188 Meridien
161 Maritime Pi 189 Mistral
161 Krishna (Gujarati) 190 Aster
162 Bits Pic Pi 191 Caledonia
162 Ranjit (Gurmukhi) 192 Nuptial Script
163 Keycap Pi 193 Lucida
163 Raj Raja (Tamil) 194 Song (China)
Table C-3. Typeface Base Values (continued)
Value Typeface Family1Value Typeface Family1
1 These typeface names may be registered trademarks of a third party. Use of these fonts may be
conditional upon a license grant from the owners of the fonts. Hewlett-Packard makes no representation
as to the quality or performance of the fonts, and any reference to the fonts does not grant any license or
right to use the fonts.

ENWW Symbol Set and Typeface Codes C-11
194 Adobe Wood Series 1 226 Comenius-Antiqua
195 Memphis 227 Delta
196 Lucida Sans 228 Italian Old Style
197 Syntax 229 Zingo
198 Utopia 230 Octavian
199 Berthold Walbaum Buch 230 Borders & Ornaments 1
200 Minion 231 Footlight
201 Marigold 231 Borders & Ornaments 4
202 ITC Tiepolo 232 Apollo
203 Versailles 232 Borders & Ornaments 5
204 ITC Leawood 233 Bremen
205 ITC Caslon No. 224 233 Borders & Ornaments 6
206 ITC Cushing 234 Oranda
207 ITC Fenice 234 Communication 1
208 ITC Usherwood 235 Nubian
209 ITC Benguiat Gothic 235 Communication 2
210 Spartan 236 Cataneo
210 ITC Ozwald (fatface) 236 Communication 3
211 Neuzeit Grotesk 237 Wittenberger Fraktur
212 PMN Caecilia 237 Communication 6
213 ITC Busorama 238 Modern
214 Agfa Wile Roman 238 PL Modern
215 ITC Zapf International 238 Games & Sports 1
216 Poppl-Pontifex 239 Artistik
217 ITC Quay Sans 239 Games & Sports 2
218 Arial 240 Flintstones
219 Fairfield 240 Games & Sports 3
220 ITC Zapf Book 241 SnowCap
221 Lucida Casual 241 Games & Sports 4
221 Linotype Technical Pi 1 & 2 242 Bedrock
222 Graphite 242 Holidays 1
222 Linotype Textil Pi 1 & 2 243 Star Fleet
223 Poetica 243 Industry & Engineering 1
223 Century Schoolbook Monospace 244 Star Trek Film
224 Berliner Grotesk 244 Industry & Engineering 2
225 Christiana 245 Star Trek
Table C-3. Typeface Base Values (continued)
Value Typeface Family1Value Typeface Family1
1 These typeface names may be registered trademarks of a third party. Use of these fonts may be
conditional upon a license grant from the owners of the fonts. Hewlett-Packard makes no representation
as to the quality or performance of the fonts, and any reference to the fonts does not grant any license or
right to use the fonts.

C-12 Symbol Set and Typeface Codes ENWW
245 Transportation 1 275 Lutheresche Fraktur
246 Hei (China) 275 Universal News & Commercial Pi
246 Star Trek Pi 276 Thunderbird (extra condensed)
246 Transportation 2 276 ITC Honda (black)
247 ITC Mendoza 277 Shelley
248 Boton 277 Mr. Big
249 Jaeger Daily News 278 Macbeth
250 ITC Officina Serif 278 Universal Greek & Math Pi
251 ITC Officina Sans 279 ITC Century
252 Goudy Modern 280 Vineta
253 Scotch Roman 281 TBG Duc de Berry
254 Temporary-Only Font 282 Times Europa
256 Bar Codes 283 ITC Jamille
257 Hadriano 284 Flyer
258 Joanna 285 Wedding Text
259 Onyx 286 Carolina
260 Cyrillic Helvetica 287 Avenir
260 Greek Helvetica 288 Lucia
260 East Asian Helvetica 289 Tekton
261 Cyrillic Times 290 Charme
261 Greek Times 291 ITC Flora
261 East Asian Times 292 Basilica
262 ITC Quorum 293 Auriol
263 Engravers' Old English 294 Kuenstler Script
264 Kennerley 295 ITC New Baskerville
265 Adobe Caslon 296 Berling
266 Albertus 297 News Gothic
267 New Aurora Grotesque 298 Critter
268 TBG Omnia 298 Linotype Holiday Pi 1, 2, & 3
269 Glypha 299 Medici Script
270 Tempo 300 Aurora
270 Umbra (open shadow) 301 Carta
271 American Text 302 Adobe Symbol
272 Pasquale 303 Insignia
273 ITC Elan 304 Perpetua
274 Monotype Goudy Sans 305 Raleigh
Table C-3. Typeface Base Values (continued)
Value Typeface Family1Value Typeface Family1
1 These typeface names may be registered trademarks of a third party. Use of these fonts may be
conditional upon a license grant from the owners of the fonts. Hewlett-Packard makes no representation
as to the quality or performance of the fonts, and any reference to the fonts does not grant any license or
right to use the fonts.

ENWW Symbol Set and Typeface Codes C-13
306 Romic 335 ITC Giovanni
307 Formata 336 Neuzeit S
308 Cyrillic Univers 337 Erbar
308 Chuan Pim (like Univers) 338 Parisian
308 Narkis Tam (like Univers) 339 Nofret
308 Greek Univers II 340 City
309 Bauer Bodoni 341 Old Style 7
310 Industria 342 Bell Centennial
311 Cutout 343 Lydian
311 Decoration Pi 344 Monotype Ellington
312 Letraset Bramley 345 Impressum
313 Isabella 346 Reporter No. 2
314 Cascade Script 347 Freestyle Script
315 VAG Rounded 348 Serpentine
316 Russell Square 349 Lithos
317 Liberty 350 Basilia
318 ITC Esprit 351 Simplified Arabic
319 Clairvaux 352 Maximus
320 Raphael 353 ITC Slimbach
321 ITC Franklin Gothic 357 Berthold Garamond
322 Murray Hill 358 Rad
323 Baker Signet 358 Land Pi
324 Mythos 359 Oxford (italic)
324 Gambling Pi 359 Kino (bold condensed)
325 San Marco 360 Looney Tunes
326 Typo Roman 360 E13B MICR
327 Engravers Text (inline) 361 Imperial
327 New Berolina (italic) 361 CMC-7 MICR
328 Orbit-B 362 Charlemagne
329 McCollough 363 Present Script
330 ITC Isadora 364 Repro Script (italic)
331 Giddyup 364 Matura (bold)
331 Audio Pi 365 Baskerville No. 2
332 Letraset Crillee 366 Engravers' Roman
333 Agfa Nadianne 367 VGC Egyptian 505
334 Compliment 368 TBG Herculanum
Table C-3. Typeface Base Values (continued)
Value Typeface Family1Value Typeface Family1
1 These typeface names may be registered trademarks of a third party. Use of these fonts may be
conditional upon a license grant from the owners of the fonts. Hewlett-Packard makes no representation
as to the quality or performance of the fonts, and any reference to the fonts does not grant any license or
right to use the fonts.

C-14 Symbol Set and Typeface Codes ENWW
369 Clearface Gothic 398 Schadow
370 Studz 399 Akzidens Grotesk Buch
370 Border Pi 1515-9 400 Akzidens Grotesk Buch Stencil
371 Toolbox 401 Akzidens Grotesk Buch Schulbuch
371 Bundesbahn Pi 402 Bookman
372 Quake 403 Bruce Old Style
372 Chemical Pi 404 Bulmer
373 Neuland (solid & inline) 405 Madison
373 Newton Inline 406 Textype
373 Warning Pi 407 Primer
374 Harry 408 Garamond (Simoncini)
375 Alternate Gothic (numbered) 409 Adobe Wood Series 2
376 Figaro 410 Rotis Serif
377 Formal Script 410 Caravan LH One
378 Holland Title 411 Rotis Semiserif
379 ITC Barcelona 411 Caravan LH Two
380 Cartier 412 Rotis Sans Serif
381 Deepdene 412 Caravan LH Three
382 Delphin 413 Rotis Semisans
383 Parsons 413 Caravan LH Four
384 Brighton 414 Arcadia
385 Berthold Barmeno 415 ITC Veljovik
386 Berthold Colossalis 416 Armenian Aramian
387 Berthold Cosmos 417 Armenian Barz
388 ITC Isbell 418 Helvetica Rounded
389 ITC Mixage 419 Olympian
390 Sonata 420 DIN Engschrift (condensed)
390 Badr, or Bayaan II 420 DIN Mittelschrift
391 ITC Newtext 421 Granjon
392 Happening 422 Guardi
393 Menue 423 Impact
394 Doric 424 Sassoon Primary
395 S'maragd 425 Packard
396 Pierrot 426 Baskerville Book
396 Ornaments 427 ITC Pacella
397 Berthold Bodoni Old Face 428 Rusticana
Table C-3. Typeface Base Values (continued)
Value Typeface Family1Value Typeface Family1
1 These typeface names may be registered trademarks of a third party. Use of these fonts may be
conditional upon a license grant from the owners of the fonts. Hewlett-Packard makes no representation
as to the quality or performance of the fonts, and any reference to the fonts does not grant any license or
right to use the fonts.

ENWW Symbol Set and Typeface Codes C-15
429 Eccentric 456 Huxley Vertical
430 Embassy Script 457 Grayda
430 Greek Florentine Script II 458 Penfield No. 3
431 PL Latin Bold 459 Michelangelo
431 PL Latin Elongated (condensed) 460 Neo Didot
431 Latin Antique 461 Berthold Caslon Buch
431 Latin Wide (extended) 462 Sans No. 1
432 ITC Modern 216 463 Torino
433 Serlio 464 Photina
434 Piranesi 465 Calligraphiques
435 Imago 466 Concorde Nova
436 Wilke 467 Franco
437 Cyrillic 22 468 Goudy Text
438 Adobe Garamond 469 Balloon (italic)
439 Seagull 470 Eusebius
440 Latin MT 470 Eusebius Open (inline)
441 Runic MT 471 Digital
442 Moore Computer 471 Noris Script (italic)
443 Commercial Script 472 Poppl-Pontifex (B.metrics)
444 Dominante 473 Amigo
445 Wilhelm Klingspor Gotisch 473 Pelican (italic)
446 Trajanus 473 Visigoth (bold italic)
447 TSI Caxton 474 Letraset Arta
447 Letraset Caxton 475 Post Mediaval
448 Fette Fraktur 476 Adsans
448 Sapphire (pattern 0) 477 Ariadne
448 Saphir (pattern 0) 478 Calligraphy
449 Rainbow Bass (pattern 0) 479 Didot
449 European Pi 480 Ashley Script (italic)
450 Banco 480 Ashley Crawford (bold)
451 Bodoni Antiqua 480 Ashley Inline (inline)
452 Sallwey Script 481 Catull
452 Mathematical Pi 482 Cremona
453 Congress 483 Audrey No. 2
454 Cheq 484 Lo-Type
455 Berthold Walbaum Buch (B.metrics) 485 Madame (patterned with shadow)
Table C-3. Typeface Base Values (continued)
Value Typeface Family1Value Typeface Family1
1 These typeface names may be registered trademarks of a third party. Use of these fonts may be
conditional upon a license grant from the owners of the fonts. Hewlett-Packard makes no representation
as to the quality or performance of the fonts, and any reference to the fonts does not grant any license or
right to use the fonts.

C-16 Symbol Set and Typeface Codes ENWW
486 Roundy 510 ITC Beesknees (black)
486 Animals 511 ITC Studio Script (italic)
487 Ruling Script 511 ITC Mona Lisa Recut (inline)
487 Business & Services 1 511 ITC Mona Lisa Solid (upright)
488 Sho 512 Sackers Square Gothic
488 Business & Services 2 512 Sackers English Script
489 Wiesbaden Swing 513 Heritage
489 Commercial 1 514 Sackers Gothic
490 Star Trek Next 516 Greek Helios II
490 Commercial 2 517 Times (Ten, New, etc.)
491 ITC Highlander 518 Berthold Script
491 Ecology 519 Bernhard Tango (italic)
492 Helios II 520 Castellar (inline)
492 General Symbols 1 521 Else
493 Kai Medium 522 Basque (condensed)
493 General Symbols 2 522 Palace Script (italic)
494 Medical & Pharmaceutical 1 523 Centaur
495 Space 524 Fine Hand
495 Musical 525 Linotype Astrology Pi
496 Special Alphabets 4 526 Sackers Roman
497 Special Alphabets 5 527 Kompakt (ultra black italic)
498 Special Alphabets 6 527 Monoline Script (italic)
499 Inflex 528 Othello (bold condensed)
500 Monotype Old Style 529 Sackers Classic Roman
501 Ming 529 Sackers Italian Script (italic)
502 FangSong 530 Musketeer
503 Helinda Rook 530 Riviera (inline)
504 Original Script 531 Poppl-Residenz
505 Citadel Script 532 Rotation
506 Old Fashion Script 533 Bank Gothic
507 ITC Legacy Serif 534 Delphian (inline)
508 ITC Legacy Sans 534 Greeting Monotone
509 Athenaeum 535 Sackers Antique Roman
509 Athenaeum Negative (pattern 0) 536 Schwabacher
509 Athenaeum Positive (pattern 1) 537 Egyptienne (condensed)
510 ITC Anna (condensed) 538 Artisan Roman (inline)
Table C-3. Typeface Base Values (continued)
Value Typeface Family1Value Typeface Family1
1 These typeface names may be registered trademarks of a third party. Use of these fonts may be
conditional upon a license grant from the owners of the fonts. Hewlett-Packard makes no representation
as to the quality or performance of the fonts, and any reference to the fonts does not grant any license or
right to use the fonts.

ENWW Symbol Set and Typeface Codes C-17
538 Forte (bold italic) 571 Helvetica Inserat (condensed)
539 Burin Roman 572 Lucida Handwriting
539 Burin Sans (light) 572 Milestones
540 Hellenic Wide (extended) 573 Biffo
541 Thompson Quillscript 574 Calvert
542 Kartoon 575 Cantoria
543 Classic Roman 576 Dorchester Script
544 AG Old Face 577 Grotesque
545 Lucian 578 Pepita
546 Della Robbia 579 Vectora
547 Libra 580 Script Bold
548 Brody (bold upright) 581 Spectrum
549 Ad Lib (bold) 582 Boulevard
550 Choc (black) 583 Cheltenham
551 Handle Oldstyle 584 De Vinne
552 Roman 585 London Text (inline)
553 Antique Roman 585 Profil (bold italic inline)
554 Goudy Catalogue, addt’l Old Style faces 586 Imprint
554 Goudy Handtooled (inline) 587 Allegro (bold italic)
554 Goudy Heavyface (black) 587 Engraver's Gothic (text)
555 Calligrapher 588 Bernhard (bold condensed)
556 Lucida Bright 588 Eckmann (text)
557 Pi Collection 589 Cloister Open Face (outline)
558 Broadpen 589 Davida (text)
559 Amazone 589 Klang (italic)
560 Frank Ruehl 590 Fry's Baskerville
561 Cloe 591 Metro
562 Discus 592 Mandate
563 Myriad 593 Star Trek Gen
565 WTC Our Bodoni 594 Virile
566 Ideal Schreibschrift 595 Bingham Script (text)
567 Print 595 Block (bold)
568 Lucida Blackletter 596 ITC Gorilla (text)
569 Lucida Calligraphy 596 ITC Pioneer (outline shadow)
570 Data 70 597 Ruzicka
571 Compacta (expanded) 598 Bodoni Campanile
Table C-3. Typeface Base Values (continued)
Value Typeface Family1Value Typeface Family1
1 These typeface names may be registered trademarks of a third party. Use of these fonts may be
conditional upon a license grant from the owners of the fonts. Hewlett-Packard makes no representation
as to the quality or performance of the fonts, and any reference to the fonts does not grant any license or
right to use the fonts.

C-18 Symbol Set and Typeface Codes ENWW
599 Linotype Modern 629 Pifont OCRA Numbers
600 Monterey Script (italic) 630 Pifont Square Numbers
600 Playbill (condensed) 631 Pifont Triangle Numbers
601 Normande 632 Bank Script (italic)
602 Wave 633 Serlio Dekoration (pi numbers)
603 Bernhard Fashion (extra light) 634 Concorde (B.metrics)
603 Mercurius 635 Jets
604 Stuyvesant (inline) 636 Jetsons
605 Impuls (italic) 637 Looney Type
605 Romana (text & bold) 638 Pompeijana
606 Shotgun 639 Rusticana (Frutiger)
607 Ehrhardt 640 Notre Dame
608 ITC Grizzly 641 Beverly Hills (inline)
609 ITC Grouch 641 Lotus (pattern 0)
610 ITC Tom's New Roman 642 Advertisers Gothic Light
611 Palette (italic) 642 Eclipse (pattern 0)
611 Hanseatic (ultrabold condensed) 643 Capone Light
612 Bison 643 Victorian Silhouette (contour)
613 Jefferson 644 Dynamo (extra bold)
614 Electra 644 Modernistic (inline)
615 Antique No. 3 645 Gallia (inline)
616 Flemish Script (italic) 645 Skjald
617 Hallmark Bodoni 646 Bell Gothic
618 Modern #20 647 Gillies Gothic Bold (italic)
619 Westinghouse Gothic 648 Quaint Roman
620 Bloc (outline) 648 Chic (inline)
620 Empire (ultra condensed) 649 PL Westerveldt Light (condensed)
621 Oscar 650 PL Davison Americana
622 Eagle Bold 651 TC Jasper
622 Joanna Solotype (inline) 652 Poppl-Laudatio
623 Akzidenz-Grotesk (B.metrics) 653 TC Europa Bold
624 Koch Antiqua 654 Siena Black (italic)
625 Mirarae 655 Yearbook
626 Horley Old Style 656 Koloss (extra bold)
627 Tango 657 Phenix American (extra condensed)
628 Pifont Circle Numbers 658 PL Bernhardt
Table C-3. Typeface Base Values (continued)
Value Typeface Family1Value Typeface Family1
1 These typeface names may be registered trademarks of a third party. Use of these fonts may be
conditional upon a license grant from the owners of the fonts. Hewlett-Packard makes no representation
as to the quality or performance of the fonts, and any reference to the fonts does not grant any license or
right to use the fonts.

ENWW Symbol Set and Typeface Codes C-19
659 Orlando Caps 686 Architect
659 PL Barclay Outline (outline) 687 Beton Extra Bold
660 PL Britannia Bold 688 Metropolis (extra bold, solid & inline)
661 PL Fiorello Condensed 689 PL Davison Zip Bold
662 Fluidum Bold (italic) 690 Neon (Nebiolo)
663 Woodblock (bold) 691 PL Benguiat Frisky
663 Sinaloa (pattern 0) 692 PL Bartuska Trophy Oblique
664 Stratford Extra Bold 693 Cable
664 Matra (pattern 0) 694 PL Brazilia
665 PL Tower Condensed 695 PL Radiant
666 Section Bold Condensed 696 Ritmo Bold (italic)
667 Miehle Condensed 697 PL Fiedler Gothic Bold
668 Phyllis 698 Egiziano Black
669 Modernique (extra bold) 699 Studio
670 Egyptienne F 700 PL Futura Maxi
671 Post Antiqua (B.metrics) 701 Solemnis
672 Diotima 702 Quirinus Bold (condensed)
673 Aldus 703 PL West Behemoth Semi Condensed
(XBd Cd)
674 Chaplin (italic) 704 Renault
675 Uncle Sam Stars (pattern 0, shadow) 705 Forbes Bold
675 Uncle Sam Stripes (pattern 1, shadow) 706 Mobil
676 Wildstyle 707 Becket
677 Logan (pattern 0) 708 Lucida Sans Typewriter
677 Eon Age (pattern 1) 709 Cartoon Script Roman
677 System X3 (pattern 2) 710 Campanula
677 Galaxy Run (pattern 3) 711 Odilia
678 Jukebox (bold condensed) 712 Lino Letter
679 Marking Numbers Squares 713 Henche
679 Al Harf Al Jadid 714 Mahlau (condensed)
680 Vivaldi 715 Aquarias No. 8 (bold)
681 Codex 716 CG Frontiera
682 Metronome Gothic (bold extra
717 Globe Gothic
683 Salut (bold) 718 Signature
684 Lucida Fax 719 Sans Serif Stencil
685 Bellevue 720 Boldface PS
Table C-3. Typeface Base Values (continued)
Value Typeface Family1Value Typeface Family1
1 These typeface names may be registered trademarks of a third party. Use of these fonts may be
conditional upon a license grant from the owners of the fonts. Hewlett-Packard makes no representation
as to the quality or performance of the fonts, and any reference to the fonts does not grant any license or
right to use the fonts.

C-20 Symbol Set and Typeface Codes ENWW
721 Title PS 756 Caliban (condensed italic)
725 Hess Neobold 757 Ex Ponto
726 Hollandse Mediaeval 758 Neue Hammer Unziale 1
727 Holland Seminar 758 Neue Hammer Unziale 2 (edge)
728 CG Cloister 759 Galahad
729 Adroit 760 LiShu (China)
730 Claire News 760 Gungse (Korean)
731 Triplett 760 HanYang GungSe Proportional (Korean)
732 Accolade 761 Yuang (Yuan, XiYuang - China)
733 Claridge 762 Miryam
734 Alpin Gothic 763 Ryadh
735 Geometric 764 Arkona (ital script)
736 Heldustry 765 El Greco (ital script)
737 Busorama 766 Aja (ital script)
738 Salto 767 Poppl-Exquisit (ital script)
739 Fehrle Display 768 Sassafras Roman
740 Kismet 769 Kigali Roman
741 Digi Fraktur 770 Rundfunk Antiqua
742 Anglia 771 Rundfunk Grotesk
743 Jiffy 772 Apolline
744 Rosewood 773 Alisal
745 Zebrawood 774 Strider
746 Pepperwood (condensed) 775 Throhand
747 Copal (solid) 776 Cicéro
747 Copal (outline, patterned) 777 Antique Condensed Two
748 Motter Corpus (extrabold) 778 Asphalt Black
749 Cerigo 779 Avalon
750 Caflisch Script 780 Brok
751 Mezz 781 Citadel
752 Nueva 782 Hermes
753 Penumbra 783 Lafayette
754 Sanvito 784 Narcissus
755 Viva 785 Pilsner
756 Alexa (italic) 786 Showcard Moderne
756 Balzano 787 Streamline
Table C-3. Typeface Base Values (continued)
Value Typeface Family1Value Typeface Family1
1 These typeface names may be registered trademarks of a third party. Use of these fonts may be
conditional upon a license grant from the owners of the fonts. Hewlett-Packard makes no representation
as to the quality or performance of the fonts, and any reference to the fonts does not grant any license or
right to use the fonts.

ENWW Symbol Set and Typeface Codes C-21
788 Scherzo 820 Elegant (inline & outline)
789 Jante Antiqua 821 Poetry (solid & inline)
790 Albers Architype 822 Sphinx (extrabold, solid & inline)
791 Aubette Architype 823 Tube (upright)
792 Ballmer Architype 824 Searsucker (solid, outline, patterned)
793 Bayer Type Architype 825 Hindenburg (upright)
794 Schwitters Architype 826 Informal (black, norm & condensed)
795 Crane 827 Marquis (upright)
796 Runa Serif 828 Questions
797 Comedia Serif 829 Maximilian (upright, inline)
798 Breadline Normal 830 Minimal (upright thin)
799 Revolution Normal 831 Stalk (upright inline)
800 Virgin Roman Normal 832 Mariposa (family)
801 Gararond 833 Mariposa Sans (family)
802 Abacus 834 Corvallis (upright & italic)
803 Classic 835 Corvallis Sans (upright & italic)
804 Cupid 836 Alligators
805 Arepo 837 Carmela (italic)
806 Aureus Uncial (upright) 838 Dorothea (upright)
807 Connach (upright, norm and uncial lc) 839 Hrabanus (upright)
808 Cresci Rotunda (upright) 840 Lexie's Animals
809 Donatello (italic, black italic) 841 Mexican Birds
810 Francesca (lombardic, upright & cond) 841 Mexican Borders
810 Lombardic Capitals (upright) 841 Mexican Symbols
811 Ludovico Smooth (italic & flourishes) 842 Monmouth (upright)
811 Ludovico Woodcut (italic & flourishes) 843 Neuhengen (upright)
812 Mantegna (italic) 844 Ophelia Italic
813 Palatino Rotunda (upright) 845 Poggio Bookhand (upright)
814 Percival (upright) 846 Pompeii Capitals (upright)
815 Wolfdance (italic) 847 Ramsey (upright)
816 Adastra (bold italic inline) 848 Sallando Italic
817 Ampersands 849 Thalia Italic
818 Arwen (upright) 850 Trieste (upright)
819 Blocks (upright, solid filled) 851 Connach Historic
Table C-3. Typeface Base Values (continued)
Value Typeface Family1Value Typeface Family1
1 These typeface names may be registered trademarks of a third party. Use of these fonts may be
conditional upon a license grant from the owners of the fonts. Hewlett-Packard makes no representation
as to the quality or performance of the fonts, and any reference to the fonts does not grant any license or
right to use the fonts.

C-22 Symbol Set and Typeface Codes ENWW
852 Lombardic Caps 885 Bossa Nova MVB
853 Ludovico Smooth Flourish 886 Emmascript MVB
853 Ludovico Woodcut Flourish 887 Dante MT
854 Newton Inline 888 Strayhorn MT
855 Lucida Typewriter 889 Currency Symbol Pi Font
856 Mojo 890 Russell Oblique
857 Shuriken Boy 891 Postino
858 Andreas Plain 892 Immi 505
859 Jenson 893 Brashe
860 Ouch! 894 Kid Sans
861 Bermuda Open 895 Meister
862 Kolo Regular 896 Bear Rock Technologies Bar Codes
863 Spumoni 897 Fournier MT
864 Banshee 898 Bell MT
865 ZiptyDo 899 Mercurius CT
866 Coriander 930 Akzidenz Grotesk Buch Rounded
867 Prima Sans Roman 1030 Isil Gothic
868 Nyx 1070 Euro Sign
869 Hardwood LP 1078 Euro Font
870 Manito LP 2128 HanYang Batang Fixed Pitch (Korean)
871 Wendy 2128 MS Mincho (Japan, Proportional)
872 Spring 2200 HanYang Gulrim Fixed Pitch (Korean)
873 Old Claude 2201 HanYang Dotum Fixed Pitch (Korean)
874 Florens LP 2201 MS Gothic (Japan, Proportional)
875 Khaki One 2549 Ming Light (Japan, Proportional)
876 Pompeia UT (inline) 2730 Wingdings
877 Kepler 2808 HanYang GungSe Fixed Pitch (Korean)
878 Chaparral
879 Jimbo
880 Cronos
881 Celestia Antiqua
882 Flood
883 Prima Serif
884 Magnolia MVB
Table C-3. Typeface Base Values (continued)
Value Typeface Family1Value Typeface Family1
1 These typeface names may be registered trademarks of a third party. Use of these fonts may be
conditional upon a license grant from the owners of the fonts. Hewlett-Packard makes no representation
as to the quality or performance of the fonts, and any reference to the fonts does not grant any license or
right to use the fonts.

ENWW MSL/Unicode Symbol Indexes D-1
DMSL/Unicode Symbol
Table D-1, the Master Symbol List, lists all of the characters available
for the printers and their MSL index numbers. Table D-2, shows the
characters contained in the MSL symbol collections. Table D-3, the
Unicode Symbol List, lists all of the characters available for the
printers and identifies their unicode index number. Table D-4 shows
the characters contained in the unicode symbol collections.
Note Printers released in 1998 and newer (the LaserJet 8000 and newer)
contain the Euro character as character code 128 (hex 0x80). Earlier
printers require an added solution to print the Euro character.

D-2 MSL/Unicode Symbol Indexes ENWW
Table D-1. Master Symbol List - Basic Latin (Bit 63)

ENWW MSL/Unicode Symbol Indexes D-3
Table D-1. Master Symbol List - Basic Latin (Bit 63) (continued)

D-4 MSL/Unicode Symbol Indexes ENWW
Table D-1. Master Symbol List - Basic Latin (Bit 63) (continued)

ENWW MSL/Unicode Symbol Indexes D-5
Table D-1. Master Symbol List - Basic Latin (Bit 63) (continued)

D-6 MSL/Unicode Symbol Indexes ENWW
Table D-1. Master Symbol List - Basic Latin (Bit 63) (continued)

ENWW MSL/Unicode Symbol Indexes D-7
Table D-1. Master Symbol List - Basic Latin (Bit 63) (continued)

D-8 MSL/Unicode Symbol Indexes ENWW
Table D-1. Master Symbol List - Basic Latin (Bit 63) (continued)

ENWW MSL/Unicode Symbol Indexes D-9
Table D-1. Master Symbol List - East European (Bit 62) (continued)

D-10 MSL/Unicode Symbol Indexes ENWW
Table D-1. Master Symbol List - Turkish (Bit 61) (continued)

ENWW MSL/Unicode Symbol Indexes D-11
Table D-1. Master Symbol List - Baltic/Nordic/Latin-6 (Bit 60) (continued)

D-12 MSL/Unicode Symbol Indexes ENWW
Table D-1. Master Symbol List - Baltic/Nordic/Latin-6 (Bit 60) (continued)

ENWW MSL/Unicode Symbol Indexes D-13
Table D-1. Master Symbol List - Math (Bit 34) (continued)

D-14 MSL/Unicode Symbol Indexes ENWW
Table D-1. Master Symbol List - Math (Bit 34) (continued)

ENWW MSL/Unicode Symbol Indexes D-15
Table D-1. Master Symbol List - Math (Bit 34) (continued)

D-16 MSL/Unicode Symbol Indexes ENWW
Table D-1. Master Symbol List - Math (Bit 34) (continued)

ENWW MSL/Unicode Symbol Indexes D-17
Table D-1. Master Symbol List - Semi-Graphics (Bit 33) (continued)

D-18 MSL/Unicode Symbol Indexes ENWW
Table D-1. Master Symbol List - Semi-Graphics (Bit 33) (continued)

ENWW MSL/Unicode Symbol Indexes D-19
Table D-1. Master Symbol List - Semi-Graphics (Bit 33) (continued)

D-20 MSL/Unicode Symbol Indexes ENWW
Table D-2. MSL Symbol Collections

ENWW MSL/Unicode Symbol Indexes D-21
Table D-2. MSL Symbol Collections (continued)

D-22 MSL/Unicode Symbol Indexes ENWW
Table D-2. MSL Symbol Collections (continued)

ENWW MSL/Unicode Symbol Indexes D-23
Table D-2. MSL Symbol Collections (continued)

D-24 MSL/Unicode Symbol Indexes ENWW
Table D-3. Unicode Symbol List - ASCII (Bit 31)

ENWW MSL/Unicode Symbol Indexes D-25
Table D-3. Unicode Symbol List - ASCII (Bit 31) (continued)

D-26 MSL/Unicode Symbol Indexes ENWW
Table D-3. Unicode Symbol List - Latin 1 (Bit 30) (continued)

ENWW MSL/Unicode Symbol Indexes D-27
Table D-3. Unicode Symbol List - Latin 1 (Bit 30) (continued)

D-28 MSL/Unicode Symbol Indexes ENWW
Table D-3. Unicode Symbol List - Latin 2 (Bit 29) (continued)

ENWW MSL/Unicode Symbol Indexes D-29
Table D-3. Unicode Symbol List - Latin 2 (Bit 29) (continued)

D-30 MSL/Unicode Symbol Indexes ENWW
Table D-3. Unicode Symbol List - Latin 5 (Bit 28) (continued)

ENWW MSL/Unicode Symbol Indexes D-31
Table D-3. Unicode Symbol List - Latin 5 (Bit 28) (continued)

D-32 MSL/Unicode Symbol Indexes ENWW
Table D-3. Unicode Symbol List - Latin 6 (Bit 20) (continued)

ENWW MSL/Unicode Symbol Indexes D-33
Table D-3. Unicode Symbol List - Latin 6 (Bit 20) (continued)

D-34 MSL/Unicode Symbol Indexes ENWW
Table D-3. Unicode Symbol List - Latin 6 (Bit 20) (continued)

ENWW MSL/Unicode Symbol Indexes D-35
Table D-3. Unicode Symbol List - Desktop Publishing (Bit 27) (continued)

D-36 MSL/Unicode Symbol Indexes ENWW
Table D-3. Unicode Symbol List - Accents (Bit 26) (continued)

ENWW MSL/Unicode Symbol Indexes D-37
Table D-3. Unicode Symbol List - PCL (Bit 25) (continued)

D-38 MSL/Unicode Symbol Indexes ENWW
Table D-3. Unicode Symbol List - Macintosh (Bit 24) (continued)

ENWW MSL/Unicode Symbol Indexes D-39
Table D-3. Unicode Symbol List - PostScript (Bit 23) (continued)

D-40 MSL/Unicode Symbol Indexes ENWW
Table D-3. Unicode Symbol List - PC (Bit 22) (continued)

ENWW MSL/Unicode Symbol Indexes D-41
Table D-4. Unicode Symbol Collections

D-42 MSL/Unicode Symbol Indexes ENWW
Table D-4. Unicode Symbol Collections (continued)

ENWW MSL/Unicode Symbol Indexes D-43
Table D-4. Unicode Symbol Collections (continued)
D-44 MSL/Unicode Symbol Indexes ENWW
ENWW Index 1
?&b#W 2-7
?*l # R 2-24
?*l#O - Logical Operation 2-16
adaptive compression
IIIP 2-4
Adaptive Data Compression (ADC) 5-1
banded images 5-5
image separation 5-5
transmission guidelines 5-3
adaptive data compression (ADC) 2-4
advance full page (PG) command 2-109
alphanumeric ID command 2-78
configuration 2-7, 2-70
device type 2-9
PCL job support 2-7
RENAME 2-8, 2-70
type, PostScript 2-8
ZONE 2-70
arbitrary dither matrix sizes 2-85
assign color index command 2-69
base values, typeface 3-13
bitmap fonts, internal 3-2
conversion table B-35
downloading 5-6
enhancement segment 2-35, 2-46
enhancements 2-51
text path direction 2-33
CID command 2-69
commands 2-84
components 1, 2, and 3 2-69
foreground 2-69
lookup tables 2-69
Color LaserJet
4500 series printers 2-111
8500 series printers 2-119
Color LaserJet printer 2-69
alphanumeric ID 2-78
assign color index 2-69
change text path direction 2-33
configuration 2-7
end raster graphics 2-2, 2-62, 2-70
enter HP-GL/2 mode 2-84, 2-86
fill type HP-GL/2 5-6
foreground color 2-69
HP-GL/2 mode 2-86
job separation 2-2, 2-62
line type HP-GL/2 5-6
logical operation 2-16
MC (merge control) 2-28
mechanical print quality 2-84, 2-88
media destination (output bin) 2-77
media source 2-75
media type 2-84, 2-87
negative motion 2-89
number of copies 2-2, 2-62, 2-70
output bin 2-77
output bin selection 2-2, 2-62, 2-70
page size 2-2, 2-62
palette control 2-69
paper (media) source 2-75
paper type 2-106
pixel placement 2-24
PP (pixel placement) 2-27
print quality 2-88
push/pop palette 2-70
render algorithm 2-70, 2-103
simple color 2-70
text parsing method 2-32
text path direction 2-33
adaptive compression 2-4
transmission recommendations 5-4
compression methods, memory saving
configuration command 2-7
Configure Image Data (CID) command
conventions, manual 1-iii
corrections 1-5
2 Index ENWW
data transmission 5-4
decimal values
character B-35
printer commands A-1
default settings, factory 4-1
DeskJet 1200C printer 2-84
DeskJet 1600C printer 2-90
device type, AppleTalk 2-9
dither patterns 2-103
download dither matrix 2-69
downloading characters 5-6
duplex printing 2-1
EconoMode 2-60
economy mode, 4L 2-11
end raster graphics command 2-2, 2-62
enter HP-GL/2 mode command 2-84
factory default 4-1
saving 2-10
factory default
environment 4-1
settings 4-1
feature settings, default 4-1
fill type HP-GL/2 command 5-6
font format 16 2-31
font header format 16 2-34
font metric calculation 2-49
font selection
line printer substitution 3-2
symbol set ID values C-2
internal scalable 3-4
new header segments 2-35
TrueType 3-11
foreground color 2-69
frame anchor/MEt architecture 2-85
furigana (ruby characters) 2-53
galley character segment 2-35, 2-37
gamma correction 2-69
grid centered, pixel 2-24
grid intersection, pixel 2-24
hexadecimal values
character B-35
printer commands A-1
kind 1 values C-2
pixel placement command 2-27
polygon memory usage 5-6
HP-GL/2 mode command 2-86
I/O configuration 2-7
ID values, symbol set C-2
image adapt 5-2
initialization 2-48
internal fonts 3-1
internal symbol sets 3-1
mapping B-1
symbol set charts B-1
internal typefaces 3-1
ISO substitution characters B-34
job separation command
(4Si) 2-10
(IIISi) 2-2, 2-62
large fonts 2-34
1100 series printers 2-120
2100 series printers 2-120
4 Plus printer 2-60
4 printer 2-4
4000 series printers 2-105
4500 series printers 2-111
4L printer 2-11
4LC printer 2-71
4LJ printer 2-71
4M Plus printer 2-60
4M printer 2-4
4ML printer 2-12
4P printer 2-30
4PJ printer 2-31
4Si printer 2-10
4V/4MV printer 2-61
5000 series printers 2-107
5L printer 2-73
5MP printer 2-72
5P printer 2-72
5Si Mopier 2-104
5Si/5SiMx printers 2-74
6L printer 2-105
6P/6MP printers 2-104
8000 series printers 2-109
8100 series printers 2-110
8500 series printers 2-119
Color printer 2-69
III printer 2-1
ENWW Index 3
IIID printer 2-1
IIIP printer 2-2
IIISi printer 2-2, 2-62, 2-70
line printer font selection 3-2
line type HP-GL/2 command 5-6
logical operations 2-13
and transparency interactions 2-15
command 2-16
logical page area 1-36
manual conventions 1-iii
MC (merge control) command 2-28
mechanical print quality command 2-84
media destination (output bin) 2-77
media source command 2-75
media type command 2-84, 2-87, 2-106
LaserJet 5000 2-108
media type, selection by 2-78
character storage requirements 5-6
compression methods 5-5
polygon usage 5-6
print model 5-5
memory enhancement technology (MEt)
2-11, 2-60, 5-1
features 5-3
page protection 5-3
memory usage 5-1
font bitmaps 5-3
merge control command 2-28
monochrome print mode 2-69
MS Gothic 2-31
MS Mincho 2-31
name binding protocol (NBP) 2-8
negative motion 2-84
negative motion command 2-89
network, AppleTalk configuration 2-7
noise dither 2-85
notes 1-iii
number of copies 2-2, 2-62, 2-70
octal character values B-35
one-byte typeface values 3-13
operations, logical 2-13
output bin command 2-77
output bin selection command 2-2, 2-62,
LaserJet 4000 2-106
LaserJet 5000 2-107
page protection 5-4
MEt 5-3
page size command 2-2, 2-62, 2-70
LaserJet 8000 2-109
palette control command 2-69
paper (media) source command 2-75
LaserJet 4000 2-105
LaserJet 5000 2-107
LaserJet 8000 2-109
paper type command 2-106, 2-108
HP-GL/2 selection 5-6
memory usage 5-6
wide 5-6
default settings 4-1
feature support 1-1, 2-1
job over AppleTalk 2-7
printer commands A-1
PG command 2-109
pixel placement 2-24
command 2-24
HP-GL/2 command 2-27
PCL command 2-24
polygons, avoid multiple smaller 5-6
level 1 operators 2-8
level 2 operators 2-8
NBP 2-8
Powersave mode 2-60
PP command, HP-GL/2 2-27
print job initialization 2-48
print model 2-13
memory efficiency 5-5
print quality command 2-88
mechanical print quality command 2-88
printable area tables 1-36
printer commands
PCL - decimal and hexadecimal values
printer introduction dates 1-2
printer name, AppleTalk 2-8, 2-70
printing ruby characters (furigana) 2-53
proof and print 2-119
push/pop palette command 2-70
quality, print 2-88
raster graphics
adaptive compression (IIIP) 2-4
compression methods 5-5
transmission guidelines 5-3
4 Index ENWW
raster scaling 2-70, 2-84
render algorithm command 2-70, 2-103
resource saving
4 Plus/4M Plus 2-60
4Si 2-10
ROP3 logical operation 2-16
ruby characters (furigana) 2-53
scalable typefaces, internal 3-4
selection by media type 2-78
sending raster data to printer 5-4
set viewing illuminant command 2-70
setdevparams, PostScript 2-8
setprintername, PostScript 2-8
simple color command 2-70
string ID 2-78
symbol set
charts B-1
ID selection values C-2
ISO substitution characters B-34
kind 1 values C-2
scalable fonts 3-4
text parsing method command 2-32
text path direction, character 2-33
transfer raster graphics by plane 2-70
ADC recommendations 5-4
compression recommendations 5-4
transparency interactions and logical
operation 2-15
TrueType fonts 3-11
two-byte fonts 2-85
two-byte typeface values 3-13
type, AppleTalk 2-9
base values 3-13, C-6
family values C-6
one-byte values 3-13
two-byte values 3-13
value field 3-13
vendor values C-6
typeface field, scalable font descriptor
typeface string segment 2-35, 2-41
typefaces, internal scalable 3-4
clusters 2-57
printing 2-33
rotated characters 2-33
rotation segment 2-35, 2-44
substitution character segment 2-35
substitution characters 2-34
substitution segment 2-40
underlining 2-55
writing 2-52