HP Application And Device Security For Web Jetadmin ENWW C01840730
User Manual: HP HP Web Jetadmin - Application and Device Security for HP Web Jetadmin
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Page Count: 19
- Overview
- Application security
- Roles and users
- HP Web Jetadmin administrator role
- Create roles
- User/role assignment
- Alternate log-in prompt
- Device group restriction type
- User/role diagnostics
- Manage the role permissions and user assignments
- HTTPS and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
- Important points to remember when implementing SSL
- Certificates and backup/restore procedures
- Digital signatures
- Network ports
- HPWJA Service
- SQL Server (HPWJA)—database access and authentication
- Active Clients task module
- Roles and users
- Device security
Overview ................................................................................................................................ 2
Application security .................................................................................................................. 2
Roles and users ..................................................................................................................... 2
HP Web Jetadmin administrator role .................................................................................... 3
Create roles ...................................................................................................................... 3
User/role assignment ......................................................................................................... 3
Alternate log-in prompt ....................................................................................................... 5
Device group restriction type ............................................................................................... 6
User/role diagnostics ......................................................................................................... 6
Manage the role permissions and user assignments ............................................................... 7
HTTPS and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) .................................................................................. 7
Important points to remember when implementing SSL............................................................ 8
Certificates and backup/restore procedures .......................................................................... 9
Digital signatures .................................................................................................................. 9
Network ports ....................................................................................................................... 9
HPWJA Service ................................................................................................................... 11
SQL Server (HPWJA)—database access and authentication ..................................................... 11
Active Clients task module .................................................................................................... 12
Device security ....................................................................................................................... 12
Passwords and credentials ................................................................................................... 13
Credentials Store ............................................................................................................. 13
Configure a device credential ........................................................................................... 14
Credentials delegation ..................................................................................................... 14
Credentials settings and global credentials ......................................................................... 14
Credentials needed .......................................................................................................... 15
Sensitive device information ................................................................................................. 16
Notes about backups and restores ........................................................................................ 16
Get Images feature .............................................................................................................. 16
Device disk security ............................................................................................................. 17
Other access controls .......................................................................................................... 18
HP Jetdirect IPsec plug-in ................................................................................................... 18
Disable unused protocols and services ............................................................................... 18
Control panel lock ........................................................................................................... 18
Other device security features ........................................................................................... 19
Protecting IT environments against loss or harm is crucial in today’s data and system-driven world.
HP Web Jetadmin provides tools and features that work in tandem with your device fleet to bring you
superior security management. HP Web Jetadmin has a robust set of features that provide the
• Protection against the unauthorized use of HP Web Jetadmin
• Role-based administration using Microsoft® account management
• Feature enablement tied to an account login
• Control over device-based security features for both individual devices and batches of devices
This document discusses security details for HP Web Jetadmin in two sections—application security
and device security. Note that this document does not cover all the aspects of device and application
security that should be considered when managing devices or implementing software applications.
To meet the needs for higher levels of imaging and printing security, HP implemented a Storage Erase
feature that meets the U.S. Department of Defense 5220-22.M requirements for clearing storage
media when the administrator selects certain options and uses supported devices.
HP Web Jetadmin has the following features that make it easy to secure the application and its
• Single sign-on—Users do not have to provide password and user details to access the
• .NET Remoting—The client displays through a local application that uses Microsoft .NET Remoting
as a secure means of communicating with the server.
• Active Directory (AD) integration—Domain accounts are used to identify who has access to the
application and its features.1
• Low-privilege service—HP Web Jetadmin does not run as a system and has no direct access to
key OS components. The client application runs under user credentials.2
• Secure online downloads—The HP Web Jetadmin installer and update files obtained from hp.com
are digitally signed. This helps to ensure the integrity and authenticity of the files and underlying
components as they are installed.
• Optional SSL/TLS—The ClickOnce client deployment can apply added security with certificates.
Roles and users
HP Web Jetadmin is a single sign-on application. A username and password are not always required
if the user’s Windows® user account has been granted access to an HP Web Jetadmin role.3 The
administrator can create roles that define the feature access to the client and enable and disable
features for various user levels.
1 For HP Web Jetadmin to validate AD user accounts, the HP Web Jetadmin host system must be joined to the AD domain.
2 The HP Web Jetadmin service runs under NT AUTHORITY\Network Service, a local, built-in account on the server that hosts the application. By
using this account, the HP Web Jetadmin service runs as a low-privilege service. HP does not support and strongly discourages changing the
account that the HP Web Jetadmin service uses. Be aware that NT AUTHORITY\Network Service should have default access rights to its
ServiceProfiles\Network directory (typically C:\Windows\ServiceProfiles\NetworkService\AppData\Local\HP Inc\HPWebJetadmin). During
installation, HP Web Jetadmin also sets Read, Execute, and List permissions on the HP Web Jetadmin directory (usually in C:\Program Files\HP
Inc) for the user NT AUTHORITY\Network Service. Finally, the Microsoft SQL Server instance that either the HP Web Jetadmin installer or the end
user creates should log on as NT AUTHORITY\Network Service.
3 For more information, including scenarios in which single sign-on is not the active log-in mechanism, see “User/role assignment” on page 3.
When the HP Web Jetadmin client application launches, the user is authenticated to the server using
Windows Integrated Authentication. Features that have been disabled as a result of assigned role
permissions cannot be viewed or accessed from the user’s account. To log in to the HP Web Jetadmin
server using a different Windows account user name, users must launch Microsoft Internet Explorer by
going to Internet Explorer > Start, right-clicking Programs., and then selecting Run As.
HP Web Jetadmin administrator role
After installing HP Web Jetadmin, all accounts with membership to the local administrator group also
have HP Web Jetadmin administrative account access to all the features and settings on the HP Web
Jetadmin server. Within the client, this account role privilege is referred to as HP Web Jetadmin
Administrator (Read Only). The administrator role is read-only and cannot be deleted. Any local user,
domain user, or group that is part of the Microsoft local administrator group on the HP Web Jetadmin
server host has full administrator rights to the HP Web Jetadmin server. Additional roles beyond
administrator can be created to define access or privileges for different users based on their job
Create roles
Roles are created by launching the Create Role
wizard (Figure 1). To launch the wizard, go to
Application Management > User Security >
Roles, and then click New.
Select None from the Restriction type list to
display the global permission choices that apply
to all parts of the application.
The Groups restriction type provides permission
choices that are specific to device groups. The
Groups permissions are discussed in “Device
group restriction type” on page 6.
After the restriction type is selected, the
permission settings can be defined (Figure 1).
Use the checkboxes to enable or disable access
to the application features. For example, you
can allow access to device features for a group
working in the helpdesk operations. These
permissions can allow viewing device status and information, but not allow device configuration.
After specific permission settings are configured, click Next to assign the Role name. After the role
settings are complete, a Confirm page displays the selected settings. Next, the Results page shows the
settings for the role and has an Assign to users now checkbox that is selected by default.
The name and permissions for an existing role can be changed. The restriction type cannot be
changed. Roles can also be deleted. The deletion of a role is immediately applied to all the connected
clients. To access existing roles, go to Application Management > User Security > Roles.
User/role assignment
Custom roles and the HP Web Jetadmin Administrator role can have one or more user assignments.
Assign users and roles with Windows users or user groups. These users or user groups can be based
in either the local system or the Windows domain.
HP Web Jetadmin servers that are joined to a Windows domain exist in the list of domain member
computers. Users who log in to the computers are members of the domain. These users, as well as the
user groups to which they belong, can be assigned to HP Web Jetadmin roles. After these
assignments are made, users have access to the features defined by the role permissions settings.
Figure 1
—Role permissions
To view and manage the user/role assignments, go
to Application Management > User Security >
Roles > Users.
• Assign Role—Launches the Assign User Role
wizard that initially provides controls to select
one or more users or groups (Figure 2).
• User name—Specifies the local or domain user
account or group name.
• Domain—Specifies the Windows domain or the
HP Web Jetadmin host name in the case of local
users or groups.
• Browse—Finds users or groups on either the
HP Web Jetadmin host or the Windows domain.
After clicking Next, one role can be selected for assignment. Group selection is possible when the
role has a Group, which is discussed in “Device group restriction type” on page 6. After confirming
the settings, the Results page shows the new user/role assignments. After these assignments are
complete, users can access HP Web Jetadmin by browsing to the server without being prompted for a
username or password.
Users and user groups can be selected when making user/role assignments. The following table
shows how both user and user groups can be referenced when making user/role assignments.
Type Domain User/user group
Domain user Domain name User name
Domain group Domain name Domain group name
Local user Computer name Local user name
Local group Computer name Local group name
In most cases, the domain user, domain user group, or local user group is used in user/role
assignment. The following are examples:
• Helpdesk employees are members of a domain group that the IT team manages. New helpdesk
employees are automatically granted permissions to the HelpDesk role in HP Web Jetadmin by
virtue of the domain group membership. The domain group membership is managed at the
Windows domain.
• The HP Web Jetadmin administrator has many partners who also use HP Web Jetadmin. These
users can be tracked locally by using a group on the HP Web Jetadmin installation host.
For more information about local or domain user accounts and domain or local groups, see the
Microsoft security documents.
Existing user/role assignments can be edited to change or delete the user/user group or the HP Web
Jetadmin role. To view the existing assignments, go to Application Management > User Security >
NOTE At this time, HP Web Jetadmin does not support groups within groups. For example, assume
that User A is a member of Group A and Group A is a member of Group B. If Group B is
assigned to a role, User A does not have access to that role.
Figure 2
—Assign user role
Alternate log-in prompt
In some cases, the client host and the server that
hosts HP Web Jetadmin do not reside on the same
or on any Windows security domain. An alternate
log-in prompt (Figure 3) is provided so that users
can enter log-in credentials other than the
credentials that the current Windows session uses.
Single sign-on is normally used to pass the identity
of a user who is logged in to the local desktop
Windows session to HP Web Jetadmin. If HP Web
Jetadmin fails to authenticate this identity for any
reason, it displays the alternate log-in prompt.
An alternate log-in prompt is useful in the following
• An HP Web Jetadmin-authorized user accesses
the software from an unauthorized person’s
• The HP Web Jetadmin server is on a secured
domain while the end-user desktops are not.
However, the end users have log-in identities in this domain that have been given access rights in
HP Web Jetadmin user/roles.
• Windows users are managed locally at the HP Web Jetadmin server and have been given access
in HP Web Jetadmin to user/roles.
NOTE HP Web Jetadmin running on Windows XP Professional and other operating systems might
continue to display not authorized messages even though the user has been authorized for
user/roles features. If these messages continue to display, check the Local Security Settings on
the Windows host running HP Web Jetadmin. Under Local Policies > Security Options, find
the policy labeled Network Security: Sharing and security model for local accounts. Be sure
this policy is set to Classic, local users authenticate as themselves. Always review the
Microsoft documentation when adjusting security policies on Windows hosts.
Figure 3—Alternate log-in prompt
Device group restriction type
A role can be created that has a Restriction
type of Group. These roles provide access to
features based on both user account and device
group details. When the Restriction type is set
to Group, the feature permissions that are
available in the Create Role wizard are limited
to device management items (Figure 4). After
the role is named and settings are confirmed,
this role is assigned to both users and device
From the Assign User Role wizard (Figure 5),
device groups and users are specified when the
role selected has a group restriction type.
When a role is selected that does not have this
restriction type, the Groups area is unavailable
and groups cannot be selected.
Using roles in restricted groups can be
valuable, as in the case of regionalized
helpdesk operations. Consider the following:
• The helpdesk in the north region is staffed
by five people. All of these people are
given permissions to the appropriate
application features and are given
HP Web Jetadmin feature access to the
devices in their region.
• The helpdesk in the south region is staffed
by eight people who have HP Web
Jetadmin feature access to the devices in
their region.
In both cases, the helpdesk has a role
assignment on the same role, but for the
appropriate group containing the
devices in its region. The features
needed to perform helpdesk tasks are
specified by the role. The device groups
are selected during the role assignment.
User/role diagnostics
Users can be assigned to multiple roles.
A common scenario might be that a
small helpdesk is staffed with 15
people. All of them are assigned to the
HelpDesk role that gives them the ability
to troubleshoot devices using the Status,
Detailed Info, Troubleshooting, and
Capabilities features. To keep device
information up-to-date, two of the senior
helpdesk staff are given additional
access to the Configuration, Firmware,
Figure 6
—User/role diagnostics
Figure 5
—User/group role assignment
Figure 4
—Group restrictions
and Discovery features. In addition to the HelpDesk role, they have been given an assignment to
another role named ExtendedHelp. These two users now have access to additional features beyond
those needed by the normal helpdesk staff. HP Web Jetadmin uses the least restrictive permissions in
its user/roles feature. A user can access any feature that is enabled in a role that has been assigned
to that user.
Diagnostics can be used to observe the privileges granted to any user that has a user/role assignment
(Figure 6). To access the diagnostics feature, go to Application Management > User Security >
Diagnostics. To display the diagnostic information for a user, specify the User name and Domain, and
then click View Roles.
Manage the role permissions and user assignments
As already noted, user/role assignments, role permissions, and even local/domain user groups can
be edited and changed. When managing these items, keep the following rules in mind:
• As users have role permission changes applied to them, the display interface does not change to
reflect (hide) the feature access changes until the next time the user logs in to the application.
• As users have role permission changes applied to them, access to restricted features are blocked
and the users receives an access denied message from the application in areas where feature
restrictions have been implemented.
• Scheduled tasks implemented by users with role permission changes or authorization removals
remain intact and are not affected by user/role or permission changes.
HTTPS and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
HP Web Jetadmin administrators can
enable the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
protocol on HP Web Jetadmin. This
forces browser communication to the
more secure HTTPS protocol. The
administrator enables SSL from the
console or host running the application.
A notice occurs when users try to enable
this feature from a remote client
(Figure 7).
Prior to HP Web Jetadmin 10, SSL was enabled by default and the primary client interface went
through a web browser. SSL is not enabled by default on HP Web Jetadmin 10.x for the following
• HP Web Jetadmin 10.x does not use a web browser as a primary application interface.
• The HTTP service in HP Web Jetadmin 10.x provides minimal or limited functionality and is not
core to the client/server communication. Microsoft .NET Remoting provides data encryption and
user authentication.
• Self-signed certificates cannot be used unless all the clients have the appropriate Certificate
Authority (CA) installed.
In some environments, SSL is required every time an HTTP interface or service is used for
communication. The administrator can enable and enforce t SSL. When SSL is enforced, it provides
an industry-accepted protocol for both authentication and encryption of HTTP communication. A host
that requests access to the HP Web Jetadmin ClickOnce client download is assured that the system
hosting HP Web Jetadmin is authentic and that communication between the two systems is encrypted.
Figure 7
—Certificates notice
SSL uses certificates to
accommodate both
authentication and encryption.
HP Web Jetadmin can generate
a signing request that a CA can
use to generate a certificate.
From the application console
only, the user can generate a
signing request through Tools >
Options > Application
Management > Server
Certificates (Figure 8).
After the CA fulfills the request,
the certificate is ready to be
installed on the HP Web
Jetadmin application. The Install Certificate feature is used to browse to and upload the certificate file.
After the certificate is installed, the HTTP service enforces SSL. Any web browser contact with HP Web
Jetadmin should indicate HTTPS in the URL when SSL is enforced. The Remove Certificate feature
uninstalls the certificate and SSL is no longer enforced.
Important points to remember when implementing SSL
SSL-enforced client communication requires one or more of the following considerations:
• When SSL is implemented on HP Web Jetadmin with an internal CA, the CA’s authorizing
certificate must be installed in the client browser. If this certificate is not installed in the client
browser, the HP Web Jetadmin ClickOnce page fails to load.
• Proxy servers tend to use the standard SSL port, which is port 443. If the HP Web Jetadmin
ClickOnce page is called through a proxy server, a redirect error might occur because the URL is
redirected to port 443 rather than port 8443, which is the port that SSL in HP Web Jetadmin
uses. The workaround for this problem is to place the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) for HP
Web Jetadmin in the browser’s exceptions list under Tools > Internet Options > Connections >
LAN Settings > Advanced. The browser pulls HTTP and HTTPS content directly from the HP Web
Jetadmin server.
NOTE The HTTP and HTTPS port numbers in HP Web Jetadmin HTTP and HTTPS can be
changed to something other than ports 8000 and 8443. A procedure for implementing
custom ports is outlined in the online Help for HP Web Jetadmin.
• When a user implements SSL in HP Web Jetadmin, a redirect occurs when the browser URL uses
port 8000. For example:
• Known URL prior to SSL implementation: http://servername.domain.domain.xxx:8000
• After SSL implementation, HP Web Jetadmin redirects to the new URL:
• The URLs shown here use FQDN. In most cases the certificate issued and installed in the SSL
implementation for HP Web Jetadmin contain an FQDN for the host on which HP Web Jetadmin
is installed. If a non-FQDN is used in the browser, a certificate failure occurs. As a general rule,
create the HP Web Jetadmin URL with FQDN when HP Web Jetadmin is implemented with SSL.
• The server host FQDN used in the certificate must be DNS resolvable. If it is not, the client
application might fail to launch.
Figure 8
—Server certificates
Certificates and backup/restore procedures
HP Web Jetadmin provides backup and restore scripts and instructions for qualifying and using them.
These scripts are designed to help the administrator save time when a catastrophic hardware,
operating system (OS), or application failure occurs. The backup and restore scripts act on the
HP Web Jetadmin database and the HP Web Jetadmin settings files. Most software settings and
device data can be restored.
The certificate used to enforce HTTPS/SSL communications is not retained or restored during the
backup and restore processes. The certificate is installed in the local Windows certificate store. The
following outcomes are possible when using the HP Web Jetadmin restore scripts on a server that has
HTTPS/SSL enabled:
• If HP Web Jetadmin is restored to a host where the certificate is already installed and if the
application settings have SSL enabled, HP Web Jetadmin enforces SSL using that certificate.
• If HP Web Jetadmin is restored to a host where the certificate is not installed and if SSL is enabled
through application settings, HP Web Jetadmin runs without SSL enforced. A certificate must be
installed on the server using Tools > Options > Application Management > Certificates as
described previously. Always test to make sure that SSL is enabled and being enforced when
performing an HP Web Jetadmin restore.
Digital signatures
HP Web Jetadmin uses digital signatures for all of its packages and plug-in descriptor files to ensure
file integrity and authenticity. All files downloaded from hp.com for product updates are digitally
signed. HP Web Jetadmin verifies the digital signatures by using a Verisign-managed root certification
authority. During the application installation, this root CA is installed in the Trusted Root Certification
Authorities location in the Local Machine certificate store. Files and packages are signed by a
certificate derived from this CA chain. If authentication of a package or file fails, HP Web Jetadmin
refuses to load it. This industry-standard infrastructure also uses Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs) to
track any certificates that might have been revoked. If necessary, the most up-to-date CRL can be
manually obtained at:
Network ports
HP Web Jetadmin uses the following ports.
Port number Type Inbound/Outbound
69 UDP I TFTP Incoming Port: HP Web Jetadmin uses this port as a staging area for
firmware images during HP Jetdirect firmware updates. Through SNMP,
HP Web Jetadmin triggers HP Jetdirect to retrieve firmware through this port.
80 TCP O HP Web Jetadmin uses this port to qualify the link to the HP Embedded Web
Server (EWS) on the device.
161 UDP O SNMP: HP Web Jetadmin and other management applications use SNMP to
communicate with and manage devices. HP Web Jetadmin uses this port on
the printer to issue Set and Get commands to the SNMP agent.
427 UDP I SLP Listen: HP Jetdirect-connected devices use Service Location Protocol (SLP)
to advertise their existence. When the passive SLP discovery feature is
enabled on HP Web Jetadmin, devices send multicast packets to this port on
the HP Web Jetadmin server.
Port number Type Inbound/Outbound
443 TCP O Web Services (HTTPS): HP Web Jetadmin uses this port to manage some
newer HP devices. HP Web Jetadmin sends device configuration as well as
queries to this port.
445 UDP O WMI Communication: Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) is a
protocol on Microsoft Windows hosts. HP Web Jetadmin uses WMI to
detect the presence of a printer on the Windows host. This is one of the
ports on the Windows host that WMI uses to allow communication from
outside servers, including servers running HP Web Jetadmin.
843 TCP O HP Web Jetadmin uses this port to configure some settings, such as fax and
digital sending, on some HP MFP device models.
1434 UDP O Microsoft SQL Server: By default, HP Web Jetadmin installs the SQL Server
database on the same host. Optionally, you can configure HP Web
Jetadmin to communicate with a SQL Server database on a different host.
HP Web Jetadmin uses this port to facilitate communication with a remote
SQL Server database.
2493 UDP I/O Build Monitor: This is an HP Web Jetadmin server port that is kept open.
Other HP Web Jetadmin servers use this port to discover running instances
of HP Web Jetadmin.
3702 UDP O WS Discovery: HP Web Jetadmin uses this port to perform a Web Services
discovery on newer HP devices.
3910 TCP O WS Discovery: HP Web Jetadmin uses this port to retrieve details about the
device Web Services during a discovery. HP Web Jetadmin uses these
details to establish the WS communication paths that it needs to manage
4088 TCP I Remoting: HP Web Jetadmin uses this port as the primary communication
channel between a started HP Web Jetadmin client and its corresponding
HP Web Jetadmin server.
4089 TCP I Client Event Notification: HP Web Jetadmin uses this port to communicate
change events from the HP Web Jetadmin server to the client. These events
trigger the client to pull updates from the server through the Remoting
interface. In previous releases of HP Web Jetadmin, Windows assigned this
7627 TCP O Web Services (HTTPS): HP Web Jetadmin uses this port to manage
communications on some newer HP devices. The HPWSProAdapter Service,
which is an additional service that HP Web Jetadmin launches, opens this
8000 UDP O HP Web Jetadmin Discovery Listen: HP Web Jetadmin uses this port on
remote IP hosts to detect earlier versions of the HP Web Jetadmin software.
8000 TCP I Web Server: HP Web Jetadmin provides an HTTP listener for the initial
client launch, online Help content, and device file transfer operations.
8050 TCP I Device Eventing Callback (HTTPS): Newer HP devices use a WS eventing
protocol for management communications.
8140 TCP I OXPm Web Services (HTTP): This is the communication port for HP Open
Extensibility Platform (management operations).
8143 TCP I OXPm Web Services (HTTPS): This is a secure communication port for
HP Open Extensibility Platform (management operations).
8443 TCP I Secure Web Server (HTTPS): HP Web Jetadmin provides a secure HTTPS
listener for the initial client launch, Help content, and device file transfer
Port number Type Inbound/Outbound
9100 TCP O Printer Firmware Upgrade and Test File Operation: HP Web Jetadmin uses
this printer port to transfer printer firmware files, test job files, and PJL
configuration files.
27892 UDP I Traps Listener: HP Web Jetadmin uses this port for SNMP-based alerts and
for By User Data Collections.
37893 UDP I WS Hello Listener: HP Web Jetadmin monitors this port for incoming WS
Hello packets from the HP WS Pro Proxy Agent software installed on hosts
in the enterprise. When HP Web Jetadmin detects a packet, it follows up to
determine if there are any discoverable printers on the sending host. For
more information, see the HP Web Jetadmin Proxy Agents Readme. This
document is available by going to the HP Web Jetadmin support page.
59113 TCP O Microsoft SQL Server: By default, HP Web Jetadmin installs the SQL Server
database on the same host. Optionally, you can configure HP Web
Jetadmin to communicate with a SQL Server database on a different host.
HP Web Jetadmin uses this port to facilitate communication with a remote
SQL Server database.
NOTE The I/O column represents the communication direction with respect to the HP Web Jetadmin
server host. HP Web Jetadmin uses random source ports when communicating with ports on
remote IP addresses.
NOTE HP Web Jetadmin uses ports 7627, 3702, and 3910 internally to communicate with devices.
To ensure proper communication, these ports must be kept open for communication directly
with the device and the internal HPWSProAdapter service.
NOTE HP Web Jetadmin uses the Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) in the discovery process.
HP Web Jetadmin sends an ICMP echo request to determine if the IP is active.
HPWJA Service
HPWJA Service is core to the HP Web Jetadmin application and runs under the low-privilege
Microsoft user account called NT Authority\Network Service. Many environments require that
applications such as HP Web Jetadmin do not have administrative access to the operating system.
SQL Server (HPWJA)—database access and authentication
For HP Web Jetadmin 10.3 SR8 and later, a SQL Server 2012 Express database instance is created
during the installation. For HP Web Jetadmin 10.3 SR7 and earlier, SQL Server Express 2005 is
NOTE When upgrading HP Web Jetadmin, the existing version of SQL Server does not change. For
instructions how to upgrade a SQL Express version for HP Web Jetadmin, see the Upgrade
Microsoft® SQL Server Express for HP Web Jetadmin white paper. This white paper is
available from the HP Web Jetadmin support page.
HP Web Jetadmin uses Windows credentials to access this database instance. The service for this
database instance runs under the NT Authority\Network Service user and is named SQL Server
(HPWJA). HP Web Jetadmin uses the Network Service account in the local Windows system to access
SQL Server. Sensitive information, such as device credentials and other data identity settings, are
encrypted and stored securely in the SQL Server data tables.
NOTE As of November 2009, HP Web Jetadmin 10.2 SR1 (10.2.62227) can be configured to use
a remote instance of SQL Server and authenticate using a SQL user account. Windows
authentication to the SQL Server instance and secure, certificates-based authentication are not
currently possible. This might be considered a security vulnerability in some environments.
During SQL authentication, the SQL username and password are hidden to prevent casual
observation. However, using HP Web Jetadmin on untrusted networks might be a concern to
some administrators.
Active Clients task module
The Active Clients task module can be activated and viewed from the Task Module Docking area or
from Application Management > Overview. This task module shows the clients who are logged in to
HP Web Jetadmin and the number of
active client applications that each
client is running. This feature helps the
administrator determine which clients
are logged in to the system prior to
running product updates or performing
tasks that might burden the system and
cause slow performance. A short
custom message can be sent to clients
using Tools > Broadcast Message,
which is available from Application
Management (Figure 9).
In many environments, password policies require the device administrator to periodically reconfigure
the security credentials. HP Web Jetadmin is a powerful device management tool because it can
configure many devices at once. This saves administrators from having to contact each device
separately to assign configuration items such as passwords and other credentials.
Device passwords, community names, ports, and other credentials are used to prevent unauthorized
access. Even though an HP Web Jetadmin installation is secure, other HP Web Jetadmin installations
and other utilities can access devices. These can include the following:
• HP Web Jetadmin
• Telnet
• HP Embedded Web Server (EWS)
• Other SNMP utilities
The protocols that these and other utilities use include the following:
• SNMP over UDP—changes to PML objects
• SNMP over UDP—changes to PML objects
• RFU file through port 9100 over TCP—printer firmware upgrades
• PJL file through port 9100 over TCP—changes to PML objects
• PCL file through port 9100 over TCP—changes to PML objects
• NFS over TCP—changes to storage, such as a hard disk
In addition to providing additional security methods to prevent unwanted device configuration,
HP Web Jetadmin provides security against unwanted printing. For example, printing can occur to
printers using the following techniques:
• HP Standard Port Monitor
• HP Jetdirect port
Figure 9—Active Clients task module
• Microsoft Standard Port Monitor
Passwords and credentials
To prevent unauthorized access to device configuration interfaces, several password and credential
options are available. Setting these items through HP Web Jetadmin is possible in both the batch and
single device configuration modes. In addition to configuring passwords and credentials from
HP Web Jetadmin, the administrator can protect these items through the Credential Store.
Security settings are consolidated in the Security category on the Config tab so they are easy to find
and manage. Security settings can also be stored in device configuration templates so they can be
applied through schedules and group configuration policies. Security settings can also be customized
in the My Settings category so that an individual user can easily find and configure all the settings that
are considered critical to security.
Credentials Store
The Credentials Store prevents HP Web Jetadmin users from having to provide device credentials
every time one or more devices require credentials. The Credentials Store also facilitates batch and
background device operations.
The Credentials Store uses a portion of the HP Web Jetadmin SQL Server database that securely
encrypts and stores device credentials whenever a correct credential value is authenticated. These
values are stored on a per-credential and per-device basis. HP Web Jetadmin uses the following HP
device credentials:
• EWS Password—Blocks unauthorized access to the device-embedded HTTP interface. This
password is synchronized with the HP Jetdirect Telnet password.
• PJL Password—Blocks unauthorized PJL command strings.
• File System Password—Protects the printer disk and other storage facilities from unauthorized
• SNMPv3 Credentials—Consists of the user name, passphrase1 and passphrase2 that are used
when SNMPv3 is enabled. This version of SNMP secures and authenticates communication
between management applications, such as HP Web Jetadmin, and the device. This protocol is
used when strong security is required.
• SNMP Set Community Name—Provides the grouping mechanism for SNMPv1/SNMPv2 that
many users have adopted as a security mechanism. Device configuration is not possible without
knowledge of the Set name value. However, the Set name value traverses the network in clear
text and can be sniffed, or viewed, by eavesdroppers.
• SNMP Get Community Name—Provides a mechanism that is used sometimes to prevent device
discovery from other HP Web Jetadmin installations. Devices do not respond to Get packets that
do not contain the correct value. However, the Get name value traverses the network in clear text
and can be sniffed by eavesdroppers.
The following actions cause the value of any credential to be stored:
• Configuration—The credential value is stored after it is configured on the device.
• Use—The credential value is stored when it is used during a configuration and the software has
not previously stored the credential.
The application reuses the stored credentials whenever a requirement for them is encountered. A user
who configures a device that has had a credential stored is not required to re-enter the credential in
the application. The application uses the credential as a background operation in the HP Web
Jetadmin server’s steps to configure the device.
After a backup and restore, the content of the Credential Store is retained if the restore occurs on the
same machine with the same OS. If the restore occurs on a different machine or the OS is rebuilt
between the backup and the restore, all the credentials are lost.
NOTE Instructions and sample script files for the backup and restore procedures are in the following
HP Web Jetadmin installation directory:
C:\Program Files\HP Inc\Web Jetadmin 10\WJABackupRestore
Configure a device credential
Figure 10 shows the configuration item that is used to set the EWS password.
Figure 10—EWS password configuration item
Before HP Web Jetadmin sets the device credential, the software authenticates the user’s knowledge
of the credential. This is true in both the batch and single device configuration modes for password or
credential configuration. After a password or credential is successfully configured or changed, it is
added to the Credentials Store as an encrypted value.
Credentials delegation
With credentials stored, HP Web Jetadmin can apply them transparently any time the need arises.
HP Web Jetadmin uses these passwords or credentials during a live configuration or during
automated background tasks, such as scheduled firmware upgrades or configurations. When
configuring devices, users do not have to know the credential to perform the configuration. The user
just needs access to HP Web Jetadmin and the device configuration features. This is called credentials
Credentials delegation is used to allow device configuration without having to share confidential
credential information across a large distribution. The IT staff can control and configure devices while
IT administrators control and configure passwords. Any user with access to devices and configuration
features has delegated access to the Credential Store.
Credentials settings and global credentials
Controls for adding global multiple try-values for each of the following credential types can be found
under Tools > Options > Application Management > Credentials:
• EWS Password
• File System Password
• SNMPv3 Credentials
• SNMP Set Community Name
• SNMP Get Community Name
The user sets the global credentials. HP Web Jetadmin then uses the global credentials when a
credential is needed, but the credential is not available in the Credentials Store. Multiple values can
be set for global credentials. HP Web Jetadmin tries each credential value in the stack until it
encounters success. If the application uses a global credentials value and it results in a success, that
value is stored for that device in the Credentials Store. If success is not achieved, the device is placed
in a credentials needed state.
In Tools > Options > Credentials, the following options are available to clear the stored credentials:
• Clear All Credentials—Removes all the device credentials from the Credentials Store in the
HP Web Jetadmin database.
• Clear Global Credentials—Clears all the global values stored in each of the credential types.
Credentials needed
When HP Web Jetadmin performs an action, such as a device configuration, and encounters a
device with a credential, such as an SNMP Set Community Name, it follows a specific sequence. The
following is a simplified example of how HP Web Jetadmin attempts to resolve a credential:
1. Checks the store for the credential.
• If the credential exists, attempts the configuration using the credential value.
• If the credential does not exist, goes to the global credentials.
• If the credential succeeds, stops.
• If the credential fails, goes to the global credentials.
2. Checks for a global credential.
• If a global credential exists, attempts the configuration using the global credential value.
• Else, logs a credential-needed,
and prompts the user if it is a
live configuration session.
• If the credential succeeds, stops,
and adds the credential to the
device store.
• Else, logs a credential-needed,
and prompt the user if it is a live
configuration session.
During a live user-attended configuration
session, HP Web Jetadmin prompts for
credentials (Figure 11).
If the user did not supply the credential or the session was not live, the device is flagged as requiring
credentials. This state can be observed in the Credentials Required column that can be enabled in any
device list (Figure 12). To resolve this state, users can right-click the device, and add the needed
credential to the system.
Figure 11—Needed Credentials dialog
Figure 12
—Credentials Required column
Sensitive device information
In some cases, HP Web Jetadmin sends sensitive
information to the device. This information can
include user and password details (Figure 13). In
this case, HP Web Jetadmin uses SSL/TLS to send
the information. This protocol allows HP Web
Jetadmin to send encrypted information to the
device and prevents clear-text information from
being sniffed through a network trace utility. When
communicating with the device through SSL/TLS,
HP Web Jetadmin uses the certificates stored on the
printer’s HP Jetdirect network interface. These
certificates can be self-signed or they can be signed
by a verifiable CA. At this time, HP Web Jetadmin
does not check the authenticity of certificates stored
on the device. HP Web Jetadmin simply uses the
certificate when communicating with the device
through SSL/TLS. This security limitation might be
exploited to allow unauthorized individuals to
access sensitive information. Administrators should
keep this in mind when using HP Web Jetadmin to
manage sensitive device information.
Notes about backups and restores
HP Web Jetadmin stores many items securely in the SQL Server data tables that it uses for all
information storage and retrieval. Much of this information is considered sensitive and is encrypted in
these data tables. HP Web Jetadmin uses security techniques that include tying this data encryption to
the Windows certificate that is unique to each instance of Windows. For this reason, many securely
stored items do not traverse a restore when this operation is being performed on a new or different
instance of Windows. These items include the following:
• All stored device credentials
• Sensitive device configuration items stored in templates, such as account details and passwords
• Any other device-based credentials that are either stored for retrieval and use by HP Web
Jetadmin or used for device configuration
IMPORTANT Backup data, including the HP Web Jetadmin Settings directory backup and HP Web
Jetadmin/SQL Server backup .dat files, should be secured. These files might contain
sensitive information and should not be stored unsecured.
Get Images feature
HP Web Jetadmin users can retrieve files directly from the Internet by using the Get Images feature in
the Firmware Repository. These files can be automatically stored on the HP Web Jetadmin server.
The HP Web Jetadmin client application runs on the end-user host computer. The client application
can contact hp.com and acquire an index file that shows all the available HP Jetdirect, printer, and
MFP firmware images. The user can select the firmware images to download to the client. The
downloaded files are passed to the HP Web Jetadmin server host. The files are then available in the
Firmware Repository and can be installed on HP devices by using the Firmware Upgrade feature.
The HP Web Jetadmin server and client applications do not check the authenticity of either the
downloaded files or the systems hosting them. The software simply uses the HTTP protocol to contact
Figure 13—Solutions settings include user/password
an hp.com URL and uses the same HTTP protocol to download the files. Administrators should be
aware that this might constitute a security weakness in their particular environment.
To address this weakness, administrators and users can download HP printer and MFP firmware in
self-extracting, signed files as follows:
1. Use Internet Explorer to visit the HP Support and Drivers Web pages at hp.com for a particular
product model.
3. On the Download Drivers and Software page, select the file to download, and then click
4. On the Do you want to run or save this file? dialog box, click Run. The file is downloaded, and
the Do you want to run this software? dialog box appears.
5. Verify that the publisher displayed is HP.
6. Optionally, click HP to examine the digital signature information.
7. If the publisher information is correct, click Run to extract the driver from the self-extracting file.
8. To upload the extracted firmware image to HP Web Jetadmin, go to Device Management >
Firmware > Repository, and then click Import.
NOTE At this time, HP does not sign firmware image downloads (DLD files) for HP Jetdirect print
Device disk security
Managing device credentials and passwords primarily prevents unauthorized management and
configuration. The following are other ways to protect devices. HP Secure Erase technology is applied
in two different ways to remove data from storage devices.
• Secure File Erase—Erases files on
a continuous basis as soon as
they are no longer needed to
perform the requested function.
This feature controls the way a
device deletes its files on an
ongoing basis and is set in the
File System category (Figure 14).
The mode in which a device
erases its files can be set to
Non-secure Fast Erase, Secure
Fast Erase, or Secure Sanitizing
• Secure Storage Erase—Removes
all non-essential data from
storage devices in a manner
consistent with preparation for decommissioning or redeployment. This operation can be initiated
on demand or scheduled for a later time. Secure Storage Erase is a device feature that can be
invoked from the Storage tab on any device list for one or more devices. When this feature is
invoked, it clears all the user files from the disk in one of the three erase modes.
Figure 14
—Secure File Erase option in configuration
HP Secure Erase technology provides a choice of three modes of erase security. An administrator can
configure each erase security mode and can protect them from unauthorized changes with a
password. The following are the erase security modes:
• Secure Sanitizing Erase—This mode conforms to the U.S. Department of Defense 5220-22.M
specification for deleting magnetically stored data. This mode uses multiple data overwrites to
eliminate trace magnetic data and also prevents subsequent analysis of the hard disk drive’s
physical platters for data retrieval.
• Secure Fast Erase—This mode completes the erasure faster than Secure Sanitizing Erase mode.
This mode overwrites the existing data once and prevents software-based undelete operations on
the data.
• Non-secure Fast Erase—The mode is the quickest of the three erasing modes. This mode marks the
print job data as deleted and allows the MFP’s operating system to reclaim and subsequently
overwrite the data when needed.
Other access controls
Managing device credentials and passwords primarily prevents unauthorized management and
configuration. The following areas describe other ways of protecting devices.
NOTE This document does not cover all of the device security features.
HP Jetdirect IPsec plug-in
HP Web Jetadmin offers plug-in packages that add functionality through the Application Update
feature. The IPsec plug-in is used to manage security policies on HP Jetdirect print servers. This plug-in
can be obtained directly through the Application Management > Application Update feature if the
application is capable of communicating with hp.com. Alternatively, users can download the
application update package file from www.hp.com/go/wja.
After the plug-in is installed, extra
device configuration items are available
in the Network configuration category
(Figure 15). These configuration items
can be used to apply and manage IPsec
policies on the HP Jetdirect devices.
Through an IPsec policy, IP traffic can
be processed or discarded and
processed traffic can be protected by
IPsec authentication and encryption
protocols. For more information about
the IPsec configuration, see the online
Help after the plug-in is installed.
For more information about IPsec and
other device security, see
Disable unused protocols and services
Many paths exist for providing both configuration and print access to devices. The Enable Features
option can be used to disable unused items on single or multiple devices.
Control panel lock
Many HP devices have a security feature that locks the control panel to varying degrees. Control
panel lock settings vary by device model. See the device documentation to determine the best settings
for a given environment.
Other device security features
Security features can depend on the device feature set. However, the following items can be
configured from HP Web Jetadmin. See the device documentation when working with any of these
• Color access control—Color functionality on devices can be restricted on a by-user, group, or
application basis.
• MFP access—There are a large number of feature and authentication settings to ensure
authorization for features such as scan-to-email and scan-to-fax.
• Jetdirect access control list—A feature used to lock out IP address connections.
• Encryption—Some network communication with devices can be encrypted by using SNMPv3,
device-based SSL, or both methods.
• Disable direct ports—A feature used to lock the physical hardware ports on a device.
• Disable RFU firmware upgrade—A feature used to prevent unauthorized firmware images from
being implemented on devices.
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c01840730EN, Rev. 8, April 2016