HP FAQ For Wi Fi Mobile Mouse Frequently Asked Questions C02915517

User Manual: HP Frequently Asked Questions

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HP Wi-Fi Direct Mobile Mouse Frequently Asked Questions
System Requirements
Question: Will the HP Wi-Fi Mobile Mouse work on operating systems other than Windows 7 (in older
versions of Windows, Linux, etc)?
Answer: No, the Wi-Fi mouse requires the “SoftAP feature built into Windows 7 to work, so older
versions of Windows (XP, Vista, etc) or non-Windows environments are not supported.
Question: Why does my HP Wi-Fi Mobile Mouse not work with my “HP QuickWeb” feature?
Answer: The HP QuickWeb function runs in a Linux environment (not Windows). Currently the HP Wi-Fi
Mobile Mouse does not support Linux.
Paring the HP Wi-Fi Mobile Mouse
Question: Do I need to install software in order to use my HP Wi-Fi Mobile Mouse?
Answer: Yes, in order for the PC and mouse to communicate over 802.11 wireless, the PC and mouse
must be “paired” together. In order to pair the mouse, you must first install the included software. At
the end of the software installation, your PC will lead you through the pairing process automatically. If
you need to pair the mouse after the software installation, click the “Pairing Wizard” button on the
mouse control center (click “Configure” on the first control center screen).
Wi-Fi Adapters
Question: What does it mean when it says that I need to have a “Windows 7 certified Wi-Fi Adapter”?
Answer: Some older Wi-Fi adapters came out before Windows 7, and may not properly support the
“SoftAP” function in Windows 7 (SoftAP is a software module built into Windows 7). If the Wi-Fi adapter
is not certified for use in Windows 7, it may not properly support SoftAP, which can then cause
problems when pairing with the HP Wi-Fi Mobile Mouse. Please make sure that your Wi-Fi adapter is
designed and certified for use in Windows 7.
Wi-Fi Drivers
Question: How do I know if I have the latest Wi-Fi adapter drivers?
Answer: You have to go check to see if there are any updated drivers. There are several sources, but
you should check in the following order:
1) For HP systems that include the “HP Support Assistant”, launch that application, and click the
“Maintain” button:
Click the “Refresh” button to have the application check for the latest updates, and if found, you
can directly install the updated drivers from the HP Support Assistant:
2) Look on your PC manufacturer’s website for updated drivers. In the case of HP, you can go to
www.hp.com, select “Support & Drivers”, and then select “Drivers & Software”. Type in the
model number of your PC, and look under the “Network” category to see if any updated Wi-Fi
adapter drivers are listed.
3) Start “Windows Update” or “Microsoft Update” to see if there are any updated drivers that are
posted there. Note that in most cases, Wi-Fi adapter drivers are listed under the “Optional
Updates” category (not under “Important Updates”), so you have to manually look in that
category and select any Wi-Fi adapter updates.
4) Look up the Wi-Fi manufacturer from Device Manager, and based on that look at the Wi-Fi
manufacturer’s website for updated drivers (this is not the preferred method to look for
Question: I have a Ralink RT2860 Wi-Fi Adapter (VEN_1814 & DEV_3092), and my mouse is having
problems pairing, or keeps disconnecting.
Answer: Make sure that you install the latest drivers, please check your PC manufacturer’s website for
updated drivers (see topic above about looking for updated drivers). We have tested with version You may also check for updated Ralink Wi-Fi drivers at:
Question: I have an Intel 5100AGN Wi-Fi Adapter, and my HP Wi-Fi Mobile Mouse keeps disconnecting.
Answer: Make sure that you install the latest drivers, please check your PC manufacturer’s website for
updated drivers (see topic above about looking for updated drivers). If your PC manufacturer’s website
does not have any updated Intel drivers, you may also check for updated Wi-Fi drivers on the Intel
website. (Note that drivers from the PC manufacturer’s website are preferred, since they are tested and
known to be working by the manufacturer.) For example, the Intel 5100AGN drivers can be found on
the Intel site at:
Question: I have a Realtek RTL8191SE or RTL8191SE-VA2 Wi-Fi Adapter, and my HP Wi-Fi Mobile Mouse
is having problems pairing or keeps disconnecting.
Answer: Make sure that you install the latest drivers, please check your PC manufacturer’s website for
updated drivers (see topic above about looking for updated drivers). You may also check for updated
Realtek Wi-Fi drivers at:
Or, go to the www.realtek.com website and search for the model number “RTL8191SE”.
Question: After I installed the HP Wi-Fi Mobile Mouse software, my Internet Explorer takes a long time
to view a webpage (after first booting, or after waking the PC up from a sleep mode).
Answer: There was an interaction issue between Internet Explorer and SoftAP (both Microsoft
components). A workaround for this issue is in the latest version of the HP Wi-Fi Mobile Mouse
(released November 2011). Please uninstall the previous version of mouse software, and re-install the
latest version of software to fix this issue.
Question: I am having problems pairing my HP Wi-Fi Mobile Mouse with my PC. The pairing wizard sees
the mouse, but fails to pair.
Answer: Make sure that your PC’s Wi-Fi adapter drivers are up to date. Use Windows Update to see if
there are any “wireless adapter” driver updates (Windows Update typically lists these as “optional”
updates, so you have to manually select them to be installed). Please refer to the other “Wi-Fi Drivers”
section in this document for more information on updating wireless adapter drivers.
Question: I am having problems pairing my HP Wi-Fi Mobile Mouse with my PC. The pairing wizard sees
the mouse, but fails to pair.
Answer: Check to see if the PC is running “Symantec Endpoint Protection” (firewall) software. If so,
there is a known issue where that firewall blocks communication between the PC and the mouse.
This can be fixed by having the IT administrator add a firewall rule to the “Symantec Endpoint
Protection” software. This rule should then apply to all clients in the customer’s environment. The
firewall policy is configured through the Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager (SEPM) Console on the
server. After logging into the console, navigate to the Policies tab, select “Firewall”, and then edit the
appropriate policy to add a rule as per the instructions below:
Note: This rule should be created to allow ALL TRAFFIC from the applications specified below, and
should be placed at the top of the Firewall rule list.
In the Symantec Endpoint Protection server, configure these application paths:
C:\Program Files\Hewlett-Packard\HP Wi-Fi Mobile Mouse\hpMonitor23.exe
C:\Program Files\Hewlett-Packard\HP Wi-Fi Mobile Mouse\Hpwms23.exe
Restart the PC once this Symantec rule is applied to the server, and the mouse should then work
normally (Note: The user will have to manually go through the Wi-Fi Mouse pairing process after the PC
is rebooted).
HP has worked with Symantec to automatically correct this issue in the next update of Symantec
Endpoint Protection, but this is not slated to be released until Q1 2012.
Question: The pairing wizard gives me an error “Unable to communicate with the Wi-Fi Adapter or
“SoftAP not available”.
Answer: Some older wireless adapters are not Windows 7 certified and do not support the SoftAP
function built into Windows 7. Since the HP Wi-Fi Mouse uses the SoftAP function, it is not supported
on these non Windows7 certified wireless adapters.
Also, make sure that your PC’s wireless function is turned on/enabled. Many notebooks have a switch
that turns the wireless function off/on.
Question: My HP Wi-Fi Mobile Mouse failed to pair after the software installation.
Answer: Retry the pairing process by opening the “HP Mouse Suite” software (double-click the desktop
icon), choose “Configure”, and then click on the “Pairing Wizard” button, and follow the steps in the
pairing wizard.
Question: When I shut down my and then restart it, the HP Wi-Fi Mobile Mouse does not automatically
Answer: If the PC has an Intel-based Wi-Fi adapter (Intel 5100AGN, etc), there is a known issue. If the
system is powered down and restarted while the mouse is in the first 2 minutes of inactivity, the mouse
will not reconnect. This is caused by a bug in the Intel driver, and we are looking into a firmware
workaround. Note: In order to get into this case, the user must be using the keyboard or some other
built in pointing device to shut the system down (otherwise, if they were using the HP Wi-Fi Mobile
Mouse, the mouse would not be sleeping because it would have been moving to perform the
If the PC has an Atheros AR9285 Wi-Fi adapter, we have seen cases where the mouse does not re-
connect after a PC restart. With older Atheros drivers (version, this problem does not seem
to exist. However, newer drivers such as version do exhibit the problem. HP is currently
working with Atheros on a fix for this issue. The only current user solution is to load the older driver
version, or disable/and then re-enable the SoftAP module.
Disabling and re-enabling the SoftAP module can be done by opening a command-line Window (DOS
box), and typing “netsh wlan stop hostednetwork” <press enter>, then typing “netsh wlan start
hostednetwork” <press enter>
Question: My HP Wi-Fi Mobile Mouse sometimes “pauses”.
Answer: Since your HP Wi-Fi Mobile Mouse communicates using the 802.11 wireless adapter in your PC,
if you connect or disconnect from a wireless network, Windows gives priority to the wireless networking
operation, and your mouse may pause for several seconds.
If this pause happens outside of connecting or disconnecting from a wireless network, please check to
make sure that your PC’s Wi-Fi adapter drivers are up to date. Also, please make sure that the batteries
in the HP Wi-Fi Mobile Mouse are not weak.
Question: When I click on the “User’s Guide” link from the mouse control center (under the “Discover”
section), the user’s guide does not launch.
Answer: There is a known defect where on some systems, the user’s guide (PDF) does not launch from
that link. This has been corrected in the latest version of the HP Wi-Fi Mobile Mouse software. In the
short term, help can be accessed via the “Help files in Additional Languages” (and then double-click the
PDF for your desired language), or by launching the control center and pressing the “F1” function key on
your keyboard.
It is also important to note that if you do not have a PDF reader installed, the “User’s Guide” link will
also appear to not be working. Please make sure that the Adobe Acrobat reader is installed.
Question: When I start a wireless ad-hoc network, my HP Wi-Fi Mobile Mouse stops working.
Answer: The HP Wi-Fi Mobile Mouse is not compatible with ad-hoc wireless networks. The ad-hoc
wireless mode and the Microsoft SoftAP virtual adapter interface do not co-exist (and the SoftAP
module is required by the Wi-Fi mouse. There is a Microsoft bulletin that states:
SoftAP and ad hoc networking are mutually exclusive on the same physical adapter. If SoftAP is running on the
AP adapter and a user or application starts ad hoc networking on the STA adapter, SoftAP will be shut down. If
ad hoc networking is running on the STA adapter, an attempt to start SoftAP on the AP adapter will fail.
Question: I have already paired my HP Wi-Fi Mobile Mouse to a PC, and I want to pair it with another
Answer: It is important to note that your HP Wi-Fi Mobile Mouse can only be paired with one PC at any
given time. So you can pair it with a second PC, but it will then no longer be paired to the first PC.
Also, when pairing a mouse that has already been paired before, you must press the “connect” button
on the bottom of the mouse within about 1 to 2 seconds of turning the mouse on. Otherwise, it will not
go into pairing mode, but will instead be in a connection mode, (trying to connect to the PC that it was
paired with before).
Question: When I shut down my PC and then later on turn it back on, sometimes my HP Wi-Fi Mobile
Mouse does not connect and I have to turn my mouse off and then back on.
Answer: This is a known problem on PC systems that use an Intel based Wi-Fi adapter. If the HP Wi-Fi
Mobile Mouse is “sleeping” (in a low power state from not being used recently), when the PC is
shutdown, the mouse may not connect when the PC is turned on again.
Note: In order to create this scenario, users would have to be using a different device (like a built in
touchpad, or a keyboard) to perform the PC shutdown. If they were using the HP Wi-Fi Mobile Mouse,
then it would not be sleeping, and this scenario would not occur.
This defect is in the initial firmware revision (v2.01.03.011), but has been fixed in the latest firmware
revision (v2.01.03.015). HP is working on supplying a firmware update utility for end users, and we will
be posting that as soon as possible.
User’s Guide
Question: Why can’t I view the user’s guide?
Answer: The user’s guide is in a PDF format, you must install the Adobe Acrobat reader in order to view
the user’s guide. Please visit www.adobe.com to download the reader for free.

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