HTC CDMAHTL21 Smartphone User Manual USERS MANUAL

HTC Corporation Smartphone USERS MANUAL


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Document ID1833111
Application IDK8aBZUum00R+rqxV5keGrA==
Document DescriptionUSERS MANUAL
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Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize451.19kB (5639921 bits)
Date Submitted2012-11-08 00:00:00
Date Available2013-05-07 00:00:00
Creation Date2012-11-06 17:47:19
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Document Lastmod2012-11-06 17:47:19
Document TitleUSERS MANUAL
Document CreatorDocuCentre-II 3005

201 2“ “05 Vlncent_Yu 14:32
* Your ngC J DLX
Q?“ User guide
J‘x Q
2D12/11I06 VlnoenLYu 14:32
Setting up HTC J DLX for the first time
When you switch on HTC J DLX for the first time, you'll be asked to set it up.
Just follow the onscreen instructions and you‘ii be gigs running in no time.
Ch as iocation~based services
tra data fees. Don't worry. You
Some Features that need to connect to the In
and auto- -sync of your online accoLInts ma
can enabie or disable them I s’e ings ia‘Ko
Whérfi? C J DL>< has started youru5\ee Quick Tips on some screens (such as the
Home 5‘3 ) that will guide youw: usigg HTC J DLX. The tips for a screen won’t
edisfio’agafin after you ve closedt egg».
@iew‘ the Qulck Tipsggairfi’UFd/e the Notifications panel open and then tap © >
t>HeIp>Shovi=aqu k ips
‘K‘e' Cg
seegm-ck guidance on using g; V V
at e \«J
h fiou get the mostjfigogHTC J DLX In secon %
we, y 5%
3, \
eed to know how 8x310 séirjething right away? {
and get clear, up- -te’dat‘:e’\':answers right on PREV?
Ever have the facing that you’ re not gettin§t tie gmost out of your phone?
Browse throu’Kt he‘: hffiiendiy walkthrougg gggg’fiow Me to learn how The topics
rangem frog/it I r0 0 advanced and mesh e widget even recommends Q
topicfi‘tQ‘§ @might like. mg fife,
ijJfiie from the Hogefie; :Efii > Show Mé§
.. a
't downioaded S Eco Lent yet or ir the ' pigéted content
Just tap the downiqaddmk -0 get it.
earching Show Me“? :‘7’
and then enter the tVifO‘l’ldSvjilOU want to search
2012/11/06 Vincenl_Yu 14:32
10 Your first week wltn you! new phone
Yew first week with your
Ho‘fige screen
at '30 A
fiYotfl-Tagegcreen is where youwc J DLX your own, You can add your
¥ ”@9fo pplicatlons, s grtc‘ s. g d rs and widgets so they're always just a tap away.
Perse‘gi 7' g on page 23.
Téiigpd out how‘ see
gr horizontally tofiifift or right on the screen you‘ll dlscover more
ling icons. widgetsjfin (Eye, Q
rfifié‘g’sueen. I
. To jump stgé‘g ' e screen that you? §?ess or pinch the screen to
(‘2? If .
Shqflfte py w. lt reveals all Hofn‘e soxr‘ieens as thumbnalls. Just tap the one
you ghewou'll leap rlg Qtfiere kw)
f / AK \ V N
w, if there's scape gatitcrnew screen. yo® tap Add panel to do
mpty Home scfiefigeggs and you can stai§u§§gqizing from there.
V l
As you start t
is not engélhgn
Slldsgyo rim
2012/11/06 Vincent_Vu 14:32
II Your first week with your new phone
Finger gestures
:Tap ‘ ‘ When you want to type using t > keyboard. select items onscreen
such as application and settings Icon press onscreen buttons” ,
simply tap them with your finger 1'
Press and To open the available optionsfo wit m (for example. a contact or
link In a web page), simply mg}: no hold the item.
To swipe or slide means to ,Iq My drag your finger vertically or
horizontally across ttaezscreen .
' i mg with some pressure before you start to V
For nglosl: screens. you can automatically change the scfie’efinentation ;
fr portrait to | scape by turning HTC J DLX sidewayrwhen
V \al ry or tfie'weh{§)
‘screen usiIzTfi t ‘fingers (for example
zoom i 2 out when viewmgk
Lnger Insom @Kp that have sortinggfi?
scrolling& fi 9 scrollthe screen. lag r ,
§m§an easily scroll 183% for ation you want
Q; o \fsi gs,
3’“ 3%
putting HTC J asery ”REESE; power state'lizv '
alsqs’t p3x cidental button pres en HTC J DLX isi Iyo
{ages and calls thou%)5::§yjnlssed calls and (TEEN @2935; r
To prevent r§ settfié'j‘lls or messages «rowéaring on the 333 5:95;;g file the
NotifIcatigns panel open. andt nt Privacy. ‘ k
fix. ‘ §5§7y
press the POWER utt a turn off the displa ch to Sleep mode.
HTCJ DLX also automakigllfigoes Into Sleep mo “Wheriéit's idle for a while.
:‘fi‘h' g
201 2/11/06 Vinaent_Yu 14:32
12 Your first Week with your new phone
Waking Lit: from Sieep mode
To wake HTC J DLX up manuaily. press the POWER button. You'il need to uniock the
\ HTC J DLX automatically wakes up when you coming cail.
vniockmeihescreefim ,, ,, QM
n ,,
Ze or dismisrs‘flghev (fit 0 larrn
:Efggxiwe set an event rem' r or an aiarm, you can? aigmr Q to the rng<§9§i®
say a
Y d t 1 ’th d
een. rag an am?“ We ring 0 un ugh g s reeg‘ an
direfitiy go to the app. flG/‘k \V \E’K
QT effiflts oh the lock 585%.; e same apps as figfifilyour Home V ‘ ‘
launch bald To (flack screen short§ e the apps on the
hch bar.
- When there-is a o Ligation or info sho‘wn oxfck screen such as a missed
call or ”ew mes 59 you can drag it to the directiy go to its app
2012I11I05 V VinoenLYu 14:32
‘lZ Your first week with yam new phone
Ways of getting contests into H‘E‘C .3 EELX
There are several ways you can add contacts to HTC J DLX. You can sync HTC J DLX
WIth contacts from your Google’ Account. compute I cebook‘, and more
'Gmall" , ,L Google Contact: are importeflt‘bfifl'fi: J DLX after you s‘Ign I'n to
E your Gougle Account Ypu fie so create more Google contacts
right from HTCJ DL W ~
Log In to your Facebomcount to import your Facebook
, friends contackko ormatlon
, You can chdgssf reate and store contacts directlyin
_ nsfer existing ones from your old phone. , ’
x __ , ,
KW; ard ‘ V . (:9 Seek a 5M contacts to HTC J DLX ' ;
QR“ fcrosoft“ _ , HT» \: bk syncs ycur work contacts from the Microso @
M: "~ Exchange f gh nge ActiveSync Server yDur workplace. , ,
(5.“ {K I)" l ActiveSync' {<5 '
“I: l.
\ he; :33?! Transz,‘ A WUse the Transfer app to transfer not only your 0% but also
calenda and t messages fromyou‘ild phone to V
dphoneg ‘ \.. V
A (Ti: E Ily transfer contac jr C%L)( through Bluetooth'.
Dependlng on yourpd e 5 model you may-also r
\ °‘37
as calendar eve sa >Messag%\>’k
at,“ A} 2. Tap"+_ " {"7” 5, Q
3. Tap -‘er: en select the Wta‘egiyefl want to gen the message to. \3
\Elhen enter your mesigge. Q
2012111!” Vlncent_Yu 14:32
15 Yuur first week wlth your new phone
Cogs: mg and sharéng text
In apps such as the web browser and Ma“, you can select and copy text, and then
paste or share it.
Eeéecting text
1. Press and hold on a word.
"Mme: imaaidielx'
.emm m .,
teixt is then copied? to the mcljpboard
253m at xt efitry field (for mg m& Ix fa composing an e Wi1), press and he‘d at
\{i‘gfieap where you wKtKgaE/zvt e text 1%
\ NF
J 1‘ After yak; have seIeeTed the text you want {$5}. tap Share.
2 ChooseWfire t6 paste and sharetheQZCted text such as in
or social WW status updateAn
{N5 \
2012/11/05 VincenLYu 14:32
16 Your first week wIth your new phone
Switching between recentiy oaefied apps
You can easily access apps you’ve just recently opened.
1. Press 13. {£3}
2. Slide your finger left or right to see recenfiififip gngd apps.
.1, \3 Tap an app to operafa
f \
- Solid gr II Ilght .when HTC J D}%
0 es
computé‘fléfldflffie battery' 15 qu‘yvharég
- 1:135an green \ight wh eu eh’avex‘éyending nofiflcgti‘"!
f6: 73%“:
{1/ éfila
2012I11I06 I VincenI_Yu 14:32
I7 Your first week WIth your new Dhone
Mtéi‘wfifiphs 96,55! 7 V W ‘
When you get a new notification, you can open the No cations panel to see what
event notification or new information you've received, The Notifications panel also lets
you quickly access settings {53’
i. To open the Notifications panel press andfiqifih‘é status bar then slide your
finger downward. a u
‘Clmfl new»
3X7 W ligatihgs X‘s;
‘ ”92 91$}
change the rington se “Eb a Wi Fi connetitiov in ke the screen b’n‘ lite?
.this and more in Setfigsx i“!
ide the Notifcations g‘apwelfopen and then tafiflfire are some of the or ”\‘H‘?’
sethngs you c\n change:
- Tap the On/Ofiwitch next to an IE
ite iteelf to configure its setting;
. Lap$3 SOund & vibration to {eff/Ea;
, UP?
\figjynmg call sound settingsg .:<\ K
Tap Display to changegfihe \sfireen brightness or sétehow‘é‘gng the screen IS off
gbefore going to sleet} \jy \{E’J
A \ I’M” r‘ J
I Tao Secufity to sega screen or SIM card lock. \c'y
2012I11I|16 Vincent_YIl 14:32
is Your first week with you! new phone
Getth the battery to last ionger
How long the battery can last before it needs recharging depends on how you use
HTC J DLX. The features and accessories you use C ffect battery life.
You can get the battery to last longer by follow/pg mtg simple tips
I Turn off the display when you re not uéi mg}
I VLower the volume @‘W
ose battery-intensive progrjagns, such as the Camera, when you're done using
Yottézan }}E J DLX to autom ally switch to power save
fit; Lreaches a certain
”firs: glide the Notificationsfiaane‘Ld
egaKZa/v Tap Power. mix ;§:€‘$>7 xiii?”
eel K
3. Tap Save powelaufi‘omatically and chooieh
before Asv:lt$’: $0 power saver mode. fifh
4. Taps/i e QWr settings an hoosew veignsettings to adjust or turn off when {3%
’ (gowktw Vie ISHOn.
I figkgiar saye L <\eanallthe time. .éelerggéj
2/9““ {@Updati mg the" LE'C J DLX {/ng are
775;} HTC J DLX ca 1!
can then download and install the softw a),
connectieE‘S‘You can also manually IQhQ
y @Ie‘rsonal data and
d settings. and als (rerinqye any applications yiéh installed. Make sure that
\ {:9
b l4 d th fat ‘5 dfl t
$56 ac e up sin of)“ I03: n Ies you wan fité‘égeiep
Vou mightw .to se '-Fi to dow:lo? softwf? .e U dates to avoid extra data
- t 32 J
\ “a, we.
2012/11/06 VIncenLYu 14:32
19 Your first week with your new phone
installing an update
When the Internet connection is on and there‘s a new update available, the system
update dialog box appears and guides you through the process. if you don’t see the
dialog box, check for the update notification Icon @wthe status bar.
1. Slide open the Notifications panel. and tnééfiaéglffie update notification.
2. In the system update dialog box. shod?» he type of connection to use for
downloading the update, fishy
3.4Eejlow the onscreen prompts to start the download.
e download is complete p Install now and then tap OK In the Install
in software updaEe‘iii‘allegfibox.
or the update tojni‘sQNHiééJ DLX will then restart automatically.
1. Slide thefifitf‘éations panel open, and then tap {é}.
" “kg A
ape/(Eoutw Software updates > Check now.
2012(11I06 VlncanLYu 14:32
20 Camera
gamera basics
2001:3eg I _
33;? )5 taking a photo or wag: yod’can first use th
f\§oruof yO_UrSU:§S£\ g ERR] 5‘
wsimpiy siide . ur finger‘oafiffhe zoom bar to 209 ”N7 out
Some caIIm a feétuy“ s are'IIot availabieiwz're Using the frontIcamera, such
as zoIomj g d e detectibn’.’ , , L ' _
3. Tap eitherFron or Mam. x j
x i: {
2012/11/08 VlncenLYu
21 Camera
Use the available camera effects to make your photos look like they ve been taken
through speCIal lenses and filters You can also apply certain erfects to Videos
1. Tap @.
( 5;?! .
2 Scroll through the available effects and ta me that you like.
FW\ conditions
a}? T3 1"} ‘5,
e v \
Fr the Home scr n, tabiii >tamera. 49'
xx» ‘35“ e5 £6)?
Pbint the camera and f9:
nyour subject. (3
ffi When you’ re reaflii§gike the photo. tap
:9 ‘k
g ”is, [far we.
@Fronahgfl-lome screen, tag) “”535
2~§€% your sub] ect ontk e
finder screen. {>1
1% - to start rec ‘
While recording? “29%;!
- Freely zoomfimaf‘ out
Viewf'nder screen.
£31; ‘3:
k A} gee k
Iqao the flash butto to fiswifiramera light on '
Ag e. ' a;
Ch nge focus to a different sub' her area by just tapping
2012111fl18 VlnoenLYu 14:32
22 Camera
Taking a photo whiie recording a video
While you're recording video using the rear camera. tap o to capture a still shot of
your subiect.
Changing cemera and vigoysettings
1. .4:n the Viewfinder screen, tap @.\y
a”fie/ell as changing basic carers and video settings you can also:
Change the rewewfiq’é‘tio to set how long a captured photo or video will
be displayedrtgn the R i/iew screen before the camera changes back to the
Viewfindenscréen% {37
V \33 ,
Automaticaliy is ’a shot when your subject smiles (photo mode orl
Geo- tag dpigto‘flo store GPS location In your captured photcfilfijfiet
modagnlég; “
ék "t—lgke/ ISO level. Higher ISO numbers are better for taking"%{g§d}%§ In low
Conditions (photo ode only).
matically upload ph s to a social networkéggatégm mode only) Vou
i to and set the
2012(11I06 Vincam_Yu 14:32
23 Personalizing
Making HTC J {31.x Hui/{4&3' 3
Make TC J DLX look and sound jusithe wayfyou want It, Personalize it with a
differe allpaper skin ringtone aarléznotification sound for events such as incoming
mtexwe aL. nd calendar reminder§ "
X" ‘\;r‘ 6% Q‘?%
rsonal 323% i ELA with seenes W
E}. I“
HTCJ DLX becom s
Iple phones in one when you use scenes Scen/‘es ‘aPerfzj
personalized l—éome @gveen layouts that you can quickly apply By swfichiné aneen
scene gran tum HTC J DLX into your perfect weekend phone\tj;§vel phone
4%ka DLWXW ', i
t .
{ l—1TC J DL>< features I)? scenes. each prec {ARE-ed with a d erent wallpaper and Q
, collection ii étsi: at reflect difierentflfimgts In your life. You can choose a
scene {MKS hié' for work. pl Relmyour social life Qty,
“Eng?” otificetions owe/é“ Eld then tap @ > fiQanalize. fits-fl
2§gmé Display tab tap S ene.y fi‘fi ’
. z 1:.
g‘kfi cle your finger on ‘ scre n from right to legoxaeject the scene you Wantfi}
‘2; I’M‘LM‘"
e s
mpty Home screenxwherudu create a he
gihe Notifications Dxéfigi‘p Qixflythen tap ((3%?
, Q3
2012I11I06 VlncanLYu 14:32
24 Personalizlng
4‘ Enter a new scene name. and then tap Done.
5. Personalize the scene by adding widgets and apps, changing the wallpaper, and
more. All of your changes will be automatically saved to this scene.
1, Slide the Notifications panel open, anifi::;p @ > Personalize
2 On the Display tab tap Scene
3 @lfde your finger on the screen from\ right to left to select the scene you want to
nter a new sceng' Inar‘ne ;
Tap Done. \:
C" V '
flea ek‘gm‘l‘ications pagfieni and then tap {J} > Personaliz
e I‘épiaytab,tap$cen .
Qu a‘Vorite photo as yourfiggé e allpaper. Choose go
lQaBeTs or use any phiifi Lye‘taken with the ca‘r‘neIa
Wslide the NotIfIca flp el open and then thersonalize % ’
x {M 5 KEEV K
SJ 2 On the play ta a; Wallpaper 7,23 5} , ‘
B 3 Tap on flak the following:
§ wallpapers Choose a $9et animated wallgikwwwhen tap Preview. if
, th (R; d wallpaper you c be customized, tap
59%“095‘ m y
2012l11l09 VincenLYu 14:32
25 Personalizing
Apeiyiag a new skin
Personalize beyond the Home screen by applying a new skin. Skins give a different
look and feel to most onscreen buttons, application ens. option menus, and other
i. Slide the Notifications panel open, and’thezgtab @ > Personalize.
2. On the Display tab, tao Skin. {\\
3. wide your finger on the screen from rIg t to left to select the skin you want.
4 Tara ply. {{2} P"
e 6”
Widgets put at-a- glanié‘imbortant information and media content up fronfgn: your
Home screen. S/ggifie gets are already added to your Home screen forzour/é
Home screen with widg
dd more from the available selections of widg'
\» 93%
We! \
and hold on gaqiemétgfiggce on your Home swig}?
the Widgets t 3%; KQV
- Slide left orrtighix browse through thEwfite set of widgets.
- Tap CLI towsearflafl for specific widget
IfJap/élu hFE’ets to choose from. eéelection menu.
_ \ fie wi®ren availa ein dI : . s and Sizes. [ARK
as w
31D a widget to a ham creep humbnail whegfi yog‘ agtito add it
’YMn also add widgetsetligfitalh you to quickly (itc “g r off certain seéfing
3h as Wi- Fi anggluetfié‘th. .“ifeb All Widgets > s{§\tings, and then tap the widge baa
ou want V [st ,7
2012111/05 VIncent_Yu 14:32
26 Persenallzmg
You can modify basic settings of some widgets (for example, the People and Mail
widgets) from the Home screen.
i. Press and hold a widget on your Home scree nd3then drag it to © ‘
E U \ ml“ ; . _
EH‘Ie relevant screerk/vflérez“ u can change sqme rigs for this WIdget then
A opens \-
2. Customize thew settings
be resized afte m%fiaed them to “£me screen
néffime screen, and (hm)? your finger. if Q
§ee directional arr abuttdn‘s appear on thew/id e at means the widg
Ajfl¢1§resizable K3; /§\\,§§3 QM
( MK} :1’ «w a“ _ \
{we :2», Drag an :ngxy btétyn tq; enlarge or shrmk t gfsize. \
fin j = s :v
ll - f, _
5mg assess em?
Homfiscreen gi'
rfilarfli‘? \“
an often use on yourx
To add an $3 0 can also ta
- empty area on your Home scree
2012/11I05 Vincent_Yu 14:32
27 PersonalIzIng
Reati‘enging or removing wiége“ semi Eeees an
hie-me screen
1. Press and held the widget or icon you a move.
2, Drag the widget or Icon to a new iqeat' the screen.
- fiesgan pause at the ieft or righ edge of the screen to drag the widget or icon
ont\é\ca Rather Home screen p e, , ,
6 @you drag a WIdg t ' L thats aiready occupied by another Widget 0(
the occupant auto: tic iy moves away to give room. j ,
Removing aM'aé ’
I’d the widget r icon you want to remove, and thgagvit to ®.
the waywidget or icon tur ed. lift your finger.
,« 12,; m},
V %rsenahzmg}ޣ%eumh b r W
”E‘The launch bar on y”:\ erme screen gives you
My apps You an refiVa‘ce e apps on the Iauieg
1. Pres\
.5“: \f
fiend-I access to commoniy used
Ith other apps you often use
shortcut first to tip
\ e .
z§fgnthe launch bar. Add a
@2th e launch bar.
I The app I short ou see on the ock scre‘en'are the same as the ones on the
launch b i
2012/11/06 VinoenLYu 14:32
29 Personalizing
Grouping amps into a :23: :e?
Use folders to group apps on the launch bar or your Home screen to free up space so
you can add more apps. $3.
1. Press and hold an app, and then drag it (7ng nétner app to automatically
create a folder. f
‘* ‘av/
1W Iv;
x. g *3“ \l
' 23/ Ta an the folder {K/o‘fn‘liw’
“ J
. Tap +.
(fi\;\“ =11
4. Select one omit) e- apps that you want to add to the folder.
f“ {:5
gl: dd shortcuts
n and then cl
. Tap the foldepgi‘q‘EEfi ll:
{‘2 I) 2. Ta%he fglde‘rfki/Efiiow‘ s title bar. Q
W 3. Enteg:\ \Qffieider name {(33 AXE,
31‘ if.
A t tn fold to 0 ~
}\\\§, afioxséjrd‘e e er 31 i
g'or shortcut, and then fogs}?! out to (’9 to removfi‘euw
:y $39 the folder to 530;
\r' 2. Press end‘Fél'd am
I V x?
A 0 remove more item a;
l: .5 r :3
3:3: lf there‘ 5 only new, left' In the foldér mdér ungroups Riast (em and
removes Itself automatically. wk 2%
2012I11Ifl6 Vincent_Yu 14:32
29 Personalizing
Rearranging the Home screen
Reorder your Home screen panels in any way that fits how you use them, For
example, move the panels with frequently-used widiief; shortcuts, and folders closer
to the main Home screen, it
fa \ .3
'I. Pinch the Home screen to show the Leg???
2, Press and hold the thumbnail of th ’ \%e}creen you want to move. HTC J DLX
then vibrates. Don't lift your finger JUS t.
3. Dr‘gg the thumbnail to Its ne 'm‘szvltion, and then lift your finger.
«2: /a J
kgfigfgfiyeu need fewer HOW “5’. you can removefi. ‘
.4 'va r \3
/ @}‘r§ the Home screeqfincxxhe touch screen  Personalize.
e Sound tab tap{g Set]
n the Sound set reeQ p a sound set name
You can tap >§§>fl0 the different sounds for that sound set C Q}
fiE’qLSEQOtifications panei§ben and then tap @ > Pef/sghaiize
he Sound tab, tsp 5:5?ng
E‘s 1“ 3\E3Jn the Sound sets‘soree tab +. (5‘ Q
{a K17 ‘ 4%
(wk 5. Enter a new soumjtsetinéme, and then tapaxe’j one e
ti?!” 3
The newly creat gidd set is then added to alga? of sound sets You can assign
different {Rags h sound set to gawk prerere
. as . . . a , .
,the NotIfIcatIons { and then tap? >(gigé‘t\s;nalize.
re en
he Sound tab t ($3: %fi;f (3
Choose a sound QED} ant to customize. (01%?me a new one. and t en‘e
r s; “\‘e
4 Changeggthe ringtxone. notIfication‘sou5firfindfiiarm from the PerE/sgrsial-Ee‘?reen.
Go to theNessages Mail, and Ca\[e‘]3t d “g s to choosegfiggz ew
me§§eges. email and caLeandar reminfiers respectively\
igngJ'gx‘gxfautomaticaiiy save‘gfiozichmces to the current/
1. Slide the Notific 1% panel open.
2. On th§250und (3%59 Sound set.
3. Tapi S \j
2012/11/06 Vinccm_Yu 14:32
El Personalizing
4. Select one or more sound sets you want to delete.
5. Tap Delete
You can rearrange the tabs at the bottom ogslégie‘ébps to prioritize the types of
information you frequently use. You can aisgéjfit‘for remove tabs.
E'angis‘ig application igbe
LNG. n an app that has the usuaEtabs at the bottom of its screen.
24’” ssend hold the currentlfilfiw
Kay ut rearranglnggtabsjrq§g ’
liyou don‘t see anyfi/ he app, tap 1:7 > Edit tabs. , -
‘fifieceiiggfihe order of the tabs. Press and hold a tab, and th’é‘rhvmg it to its
Vt: m osltion.
g a tab into or out
%pottom row to add @e it,
the screen changes and shows a message
\ . X W > ,
Cl‘a\005e from our selchQQIQSélPék screens. Some le/K‘scrgens are customizable.
. is i '
we ,r
r i , » \e
l, Slide the Notificfigyg panel upen, a d then ts‘alfiié? > Personalize.
e1 ,
2. On thé‘lDisplay t b. tap Lock screen tyl f
\“w j ‘
3. Slide yohf¥FEEr left or right to choose a lock screen style.
2012/11/06 Vincenl_Yu 14:32
32 Pevsonalizing
4, Tap the lock screen style to see a preview. If you went to further customize it.
tap Settings.
5‘ Tap Apply.
, he shoi‘tcuts on the lock screen are the same apfii‘gejhe ones on your Home ,
reen's launch bar. To change them, you'll hakfififi'repl'ayce the apps on the iauhch
b" _, ta
2012/11/05 Vincenl_Yu 14:32
33 Phone caiis
Phehe caiis
Makieg a ceii with Smxfié‘efiu
You ither dial a number directiy. or use \Smart diai to quickiy piace a call. Smart
{gland caiis a stored cont‘ or a number from your cali history.
Home screenfigw
W“ Enter the phone Kg irst few letters of the contacts name K
d a
f§§kéim From the list t so act to cail . g}
To check othexyhiéepnumbers associated with the co tact, tap E3] beside e ‘
41% T tap End Call.
$3 Seem gee <3
{fee , 1 Use? Speed dial to callfai駧fi93number with a sin t or example, if you assign a
i g\:~«1:ontact' 5 number ta‘Ehe\ number 2 key. you caé'mqué Y: 55 and hold 2 to dial the
number. Q If“ ,Q‘f" Q
V V I I, ' ’ Iflrvoicemaii.’ ress and’hpid this key _' %
4. On the Spgfi’fiial screen, cho
583$} dial key to asslgn
2012/11/06 Vlncenl_Yu 14:32
34 Phone calis
CaiEing a ehone number Es"; a text message
1. Tap the phone number within the message.
2. Tap Call. ,Q.
V , 7 , “W1
Th cail the message sender, tap the received Q; g, and then tap Call on the
options menu ’ figx’
eEi ‘3“; a phone vantage? in et: email
pr he phone numbek
5% TapCell \j’
ngr Caii' mg wig/he number m a Caiehdet
1. 65% em; in Caiendar‘i‘ M
mx Event details scre§§§y§fiye phone number. Q
fags ch as the conference celi
I ‘3
[3 ES to see :ve‘nt,«ai
etch the Phone diaiel’ eree ’
/§§®calls tram HTC (KJbilfi/(en if you don‘t
When yOUiJjeCeiVe a phone call from _coh§fq’pt the incoming
e the pol ite ringerai:&:eket mode feature
\ 5:
- if the disEtglay Is Ig‘cked when you getia‘étil, d 9 $ to the Lock screen ring.
- if the disb 9:15 on when you get a cail ta nswer,
2012/11/06 VincenLYu 14:32
35 Phune calls
Do one of the following
- if the display Is locked when you get a call, dragfi to the Lock screen ring. Then
drag to the rlng the Remind me icon to create/é? task or the Send message icon
to send a text message to the caller. (22%:
- If the display is on when you get a call, Jeep Delcl
. Press the POWER button twice to rel” {GM
@Do {QESVW‘E following: fi§3j§r
\V/é- ‘ $5 the VOLUME VOLUME UP buttons
Rt firp’ress the POWER
\ 5- Place HTC J DLXfa gown on a level surface.
agir 43nd gives you 3 Ii 33 t to see your friend' 3
7¥right on the call-"Em; JEU ll also see a bivthday
ma‘ay will happen WIt in G eweek.
we» ,/
J’Wha‘i egg: deeming a
When a call' IS In Drogress you can wk
and more"%
2012/11I06 VincenLYu 14:32
35 Phone calls
‘Switching betwe h cells
If you’re already in a call and you accept another call, you can SWItch between the two
1. When you receive another call, tap Answer téfiept the second call and put
the first call on hold. gar): '
2. To switch between the calls, tap tharfjfiqfiyou want to talk to on the screen.
4% Kit»)! 2 To decrpase\,:\‘ men al damage to your hearing. do not hold HTC J Dig?“ gur ear
whelfik yegealjfphone IS on. \ h-
mgfiexv following: ”Xx;
5““ lip \lflTC J DLX ovg: «Qgiqayoe‘ll (be sure thagFlip@eéker' Is selected In
Sound & vibration s
In 5
On the cell screemjao ‘.‘§VV RR
6/ .391.“ speakerphone
l W a?! appears in the stat’tfjigwhen the speakerphone Is on. 4%
M To turn th eWone off. just fliptHTQE’Qle over again facing it up. Or tap 5‘)» fl\\\/
'13 \
II screen tap ‘9' totfigggbetween turning l? i®hone on or off Wh {aw}?
app %eo status bar
game mute Icon ""
Do one of the How to end the cailk
- >
- On the call screen. tap End Call
fl‘g‘fifi’ ‘ 4%:
. SlideLopen the NOtlflCathr léfghe tap. <3 ké‘y
:“ii the 9R n numberof the pegggw ’called is not In yéur$§g§€s list. you can
We; save the numbe tag?) xfontacts list after yqqih’é’kgp
2012/11I06 VincenLYu
37 Phone calls
Setting up a cee eence call
Conference calling with your friends family. or caxWOritegs Is easy. Make the first call
(or accept a call), and then simply dial each subsqul‘ent call to add it to the
conference .V’
Fl Maggie your SIM card is enable with conference calling service. Contact y
mobile erator for details
ake a call to the rs
participant. Ehex 1:30— cipant is put on hold
3. When cofnecwy‘ifo the second participant tap merge X
4.132%916 eager participant tap {2’ on the conference call screen,
then dial
thefpu- er of the contac. Q
S. fWhéhfi'onnected, tap k toy-ass: be permanent to the ‘qoference call
I‘ \37 E eel)?
$6 3* talk to a personXIn 3th Vférence call In prjvat ta and then select
”KY private call on the giwenu
: ‘Eo end the call with eligicipent, tap ® and theEjSh’ish call on the options menu
I C‘: ‘3,
Iliail, tap End Call. [<5 KEV/6;;
irgfgingflalis X \M, \\
WhengyouT’e’ connected to a @égigrk you can reeke
. ’ Imeniet calling accoun Q7,
._y In gee ling ccountl maiéasg
anilnternet c ling ser hat orts voic
(SIP). inte:nét%calls tflph he rI
{@J eive calls through
“giggly Session InitIaho
ditional fees.
, I!
6. To set H‘ngfi X to receive Internet caiis%;n your added account, tap the
Receive incoming calls check bt’I‘tton.
2012I11IBE VincentrYu 14:32
38 Phone Calls
Make an Internet call to either your contact's Interne‘tégpgglling account or phone
numben 4;: \3/
Call any of the following: 6
- In People tap a contact \A/Mas an Internet calling account and
then tap internet ea ‘
I In Call History, flag? nlfitemet call log
First. enéfil l rn tcalling for your outgoing calls. Slide the
NotlfIc‘ 'on anel open and then tap'@ > Cell Tap Use Intern t
callin n select either For all ’calls when data networgjéa‘
ebgrAskforeach call , . > “1/;
f \7’
story to checl< m'Isse 6‘; styour dialed numbersiefivecelved calls
3 ' gr
Met: ‘|| see the mIssed‘Qalxax
‘éiafiéxnw you miss a call.
il'I the status
L {5
A u \
I. 5“ng en“: the Notifications pa el tqgcheelflwho the caller Is. Xi“
Ag? (gs \ x :2
2. {Io returnwh e call, tap the ml éf’éfix' étification.
a /
SVTngetallers name or n W
41%? (the Call History 5:re\e
. ' 1V ,0 (m
; 4&3 On the Homescreen a M yng
2. Tap thefall inst§ Remfigcall history > Select all > Delete, C
Qigéfié mag:
Wen you’ re on a trip%\b o 4:21}
QQEEI ' Your home countrfréé’g ~l1.“automatically added when you call your congegg—wim
g/ 1. I; roaming But whé? aggrwally entering a phone number to call, you newfier a plus
a "r" N; (“35%;
9 {W Ta ap Home dialing §étin
{'21 j 3 Select a countrfsfigihén tap OK.
if you prefg ually 549‘ numbers tofiall while roaming, you /\\;
caizr TMPRUB! edialing
., \ \y
Waffle Notifications p‘éIiel 099 y
n‘fgnd then tap§ >I§E€S
. m der Othersettlngs’Qhe Home dialing chem .
Cali 38%;??? if:
You can change the settIngs of varioufi‘kgk five?)
forwardéwcall waiting voicemaill’anékzmore Contact yourimokfi
wailability of call sem§£5E§>eIf
e-Notlfications panel 6: n J
I fig
201 2/11/06 Vincenl_Yu 14:32
40 Messages
Messages [e
Ab t she Messag pp
s. are
elfch with importannp‘eqp 7 n your life, Use the Messages app to compose
\V rg text and multWedE}T%ages. On the All messages screen, your sent and
elved messages are? {y 9%uped into conversations, by contact name ori‘o‘lg‘me
I ‘ ber. “\{3’ ,
Q if? $3
> x}?! Sengmgé Xi message (3M5) Q/
k ,
94s. ,
i, eF ' ti ' ome screen. tap m > Messages.
0 . Km , Q
§T§yt 4;: 33‘s, Fe
('3 .
En'ter a contact ham fink 5 number in thgTo-A'el
9“ \V fifvthen select the contacts to
n’g he messa 34:: ‘ up 0 ends? Ta'
whom you want t entgahe message 4%, _' ,
4. TapL he bégkhat lays Add text and n Later your message
5" _- We?
, «@‘7
. Q;
5. Tap Sen 0 save thwgé as a draft.
I The \' a limit on the numfifiof cw ers fora singlergek
a t “Send button). if, @figeq the limit, your e %s
liv ed as one but will 6‘2, :as more than one q‘esggj P’ , , _
, ’ ur text message’au a -- at jly becemeé’almulti€%message if‘yourenter an :
' , , email address as t. ‘ Libkntfidd a me “ e wiser attach an item. or compose,
' a very lonflg’fié‘ssa g \k‘fij
Sending‘multimedga message {MMS}
1. From the Home screen; ta . x
2. Tap +.
9 S ding the-message to a group of friends? Tap
f\/ 9. TapSend waffles
M4) 1.
41 Messages
3 Enter a contact name. mobile number. or email address In the To field
' then select the contacts to :
whom you want to send the message.
4 To add a subject line. tap E > Add sgfi
5 1 an the box that says Add text. and ti’fifi’yenter your message
.and then choosea att vhmenttype.
@ 75€€§iect or browse for thde‘itel? ttach.
fter adding an at‘t §%K ré‘tap @ to see options for replacing. viewing
\2 removing your atgac
. to save the message as a draft
oto Video. or audio‘ In themultimedia message
Le. A er yofie/e added either a
Cl‘iij‘qlflu:"€730mposing. tap fgéij’y
Qhoose where you W5 tto n ert the next slide.
Right after adding ,.:é@é;do one of the folLowirJg‘
fimchoose to add a phat
I Tap ékq 23%;! Ideo.
o to add music or a «golfggecording to a slide
I Tap Q
I A? Afdcl téxt. and then enter yéur ficéfifion.
I “Pa '- VT‘tfi’see options f’geplaCIugné/Iewmg or reqving your attachment.
«breview. Tap onc‘e n..\l;§< \rzi'leview screen to se layback controls.
Age " (to save thyneéE‘Eg/ev a draft.
y 3w.
\(K‘m‘y ‘ . 03.. {3:333
u hen you' re enterig
If 0‘ Iy phone numbers areish‘ow
g3: Tap = > Show Emaiw
u /
foggys show email addressésfi’a
:2é:tao‘X Eettings > Gener "S w?“ ‘
: on the All e’s/sag $5 32;“ and then
«\X‘; , K? i," I. s
{E \. Can’t find youé‘ygn‘ltacts' email adq§sm Messa985?5 fféy
rs \
2012l11I06 VlncenI_Yu 14:32
42 Messages
Reseming a draft message
1. On the AH messages screen. tap E > Dra@m‘
2. Tap the message and then resume edi it;
3. [item ’\
GCIggéxzmg yew «23%
~ «
”x '=
BeBeEfiing on your notficatiétggettmgs. HTC J DLX plays a sound, vibrates, or
\; > >’\_~ _
spiays the message‘ggziehfl < the status bar when you recelve a new messag@
w message icon E153]; displayed in the status bar.
’ 21%.
To open and r3a$§§§aessage you can.
Og’e‘nt Vfigéifications panei, and then tap the new message notfi‘rfia’y n.
n the message.
a received message.
If there‘s a media a ~ giggwch as a photéficvgid‘egkn
t .
J tap it to View th gem . k
a h»,
- To save the at’técrirn nt. tap the multimeflia‘m age. and then choose to save
frorp he oéfiansmenu. («f @sz 4
V» - ~>
- If the ’[awch-‘fifélnt is a conta 2%argkflgfi it to View the contact information $3
e r \
V % n 00 are concern
yea g] heckthe siz n3 s’u
e.“ _ 1 we
“ eni‘ta Save to add to DU ontasts. \
wag“; ya ask y \X A
fthefiattachment is an ajp m at or event (vCalen . agrit to Choose the
\ 3 e
extender where to save gt nd . en tap Import, (9 Q
\) i (J
6/ _' All message screen, I
Auto-retriev Otion
S >~
(fiavefiéxifinessage in your Ta\5A grim you can remindKztfiEN‘hen to reply.
E i \i ”A“ ‘ \‘M
k- the All messages Keen], ap a contact (or ph§§§ - lber) to display the
. - \
exchange of mes/Se Wfifi that contact. w \y
p . ave as task.
. ,e’éés.
2. Tap thefissagfgéyfizéEWant to save ghd then
2012/11/06 Vincent_Yu 14:32
43 Messages
Repiying to a message
.9" y
{3 ’
1. On the Ali messages screen, tap a contact/$9; he number) to display the
exchange of messages with that contain;EV V
2. Tap the box that says Add text, an en 3??th your message.
[R , /‘
Keep in mfimgéoér response vgggfie sag-5g; e phone number of the iatest
mess e u' ‘- ceived from thi »0 ”t r. 7
fey g fie e
1N0 \ Aii messages 5: ew'i’kontect (or phonewglto display the
eitgh n eof messa esw t E’contect. f‘
{\ 9 9 {g , ¢
2. a
K p 7. and then sele/Etexgflot er phone numbe f ntact.
{4 Tap the boiathatéfi Add text. then entergfé‘gx
W ‘fiy
15‘in message.
M V /
' . , C} k
% Ev
“« kl'
, \\é’ / .
@nfthe Ail rnessageigg?9 p a contact (or phgfi§§gfibeo to View the
iyexchange of messag wit' that contact. .:
/“‘“; ‘1/ {\
2. Tap a meséagef then tap Forward. 34”;
\‘w ’ ‘2 ~’
3. In the Tgfieid. fig in one or more r '
4. Tap Se 3:433:71;
2012/11/06 VincsnLYu 14:32
44 Messages
WAP push messages
WAP push messages contain a web link. Often. the twill be to download a file that
you have requested from a service provider.A “’4 '1
When you receive a WAP push message” otfieation icon ”(E is displayed in the
may") er: the Nptificationsrfpgil E’d then tap the push message notification
Tap Visit website/
push message
'I. mthéfiime creen. tap
> Messages.
IQXPush messages.
%f§\k ca only see this opgpn if) previp sly receive
\ V3533} \& _ 9 , e E:
Ev .
flaw: cone??? ons
fig? deleted even ifyo‘eelete the other
.3 e»
x ‘6
its»: “y
{:‘ltxgn' the All messagesfiee Jap a contact (orw'.
change of mess \S\)ith that contact
\ 2. Tapthe r’ééENaQe t puwantto lock
1 Re "a >1
3. Tap Lo messe§e on the options mentiA lqek' Icon 9 Is displayed
\ z
s . A153
_ We’re Q» Q?
A“ fatherAll messages 53K“ fa éE;\C'ontact (or phonire: nufr:§/
L V xc‘hahge of messagesw haf Ezontact.
"12 “Fan the message, ankjfitap Copy to SlM. A 54
Q»%on ' is displayed.
1. On the\l ll messages screen tap a cg§act( i phone number) to display the
exchang essages with that con
2. Tap the message that you we delete.
2012M1I06 Vlncem‘Yu 14:32
45 Messages
3. lf the message is locked, tap Unlock message on the options menu, and then tap
the message to display the options menu agai . <
4. Tap Delete message, and then tap OK.
1mm the All messages screen, tap a Contact (or phone number) to dIsplay the
e Range of messages with \thaf‘contact
p Delete by selé’ctio r:§\elete by phone number (if the contact used
(multiple phone qunége‘rs throughout the conversation). {:7}
4 Select the messaviefisjou want to delete and then tap Delete £2“ 5"”
in thgeglzlgssages {msetfingsj tap General > Delete old messages to auto‘fii/‘leferold
mes gas erggwersatlon - ,
n the All mess:gle}{€f€€l@r§ss and hold afgon: Ct
\34 messages you wan delete and then tamfi
if \33/2 2. Tap OK to delete , entire thread. i ‘e
t Any loc
WK select the
r phone number) whose
Qfiek the mnversatlogrmreag%II not be deleted unless you
e‘tetln’éked messag§ CW , _
/ I * \/
ilinged messages will notigie daeted.
geekmg up your :3):
:\ x
4’3 1C:to‘rn; A‘Yhe Home screen, ta
\xgi: at; — > Back up SMS >~Ba§l€2up SMS
3: Enter a name foyyoiffiihxgckup rile, “€139an tadtfi.
You can only Wgext messages that w‘eifeie ’- orted usIng the Back up SMS
1. From the Home screen, ta
_.. P c
2. Tap .3 > Back up sfisgggre SMS
2012I11I06 VinoonLVu 14:32
46 Messages
3. Tap the backup file to import.
4. Tap OK,
Setting message opéimteigge
ACCe/ng\ d change the settings of Vfiessages app. You can enab‘e pop-up
megsqgs ngpficahons, add a sigrfi‘g fib‘youv messages. edit your MMS optrons, and
1 ; e ;
6‘ ‘w fix
afl'hfill messages 5&3 E > Settings.
y ( P
* Ray
2012111IDS Vincen(_Yu 14:32
47 Search and Web browser
{:h and Web growser
. I5
CYouwga {search for informatigmqn J DLX and on the Web by using Google
S§§h§ome apps sucifbas Reople or Mail, have their own search function which you
§§g se to search onlkéiwhose apps. ”i“? ‘
1. FIRE thefHom screen, tap 0. We. &
fa? KR“- ,e
2. Tee’ 5‘» \Settings. ‘2
6 \7 “far? /‘V\,q
If, @gle Search, and the c $0mize your search setth
E» f6». n done press 6:3}? § :lj“?
3‘ V5,, Tap Searchable aitex‘a: n‘then select the It§6g% ant included when doing
(K @j a search
I} ..... 4‘
W91 W wk %
time screen tap ’ K
A!“ W ix \
“ ‘ heisearch box, enter me w \ ‘36 want to search fo “As you type, _ \2’9
we r
”(:3 I! 92/833ng suggestions from 66‘ leEIWeb search are Vg§ 7
y . f what you're seam
.r‘ n’ \
i \ its compgapble ap‘p/ A
g , .
S’ ) Tap N to ergter it' In the search box Newa 56 Ige ons appear and y% _ r
Efi‘flf‘ = more text or%&§5afieside a subse§m rite? stion “tn‘quickly efirse yoi} earch
gFQEmQ the W
‘1}7From the Home is;
2. Tap the/Ul$li~bo§on
4, On the Wetsge e, you can:
- Tap a link to open It or prE‘ss and hold a IInk to see more ophons
- Tap an email addfsslft‘g“ rI >3 message to the email address.
W K’s}
2012(11/06 VinoenLYu 14:32
48 Search and Web browser
Want to read an article or blog without distractionsgaReaping mode removes menus,
banners. and backgrounds from a webpage. f” \-3f
labia) to swmch reading mode on or
While viewing an article, tap :1 (when it
he" uii’QeEsién’béa’Wéigsite a W ,,
w desktop site
ws to make it easier for you to switch From oqé’wfgsite
another. e
K?» ‘3
i‘ kyle VIWa webpage, tap = > Windows.
figfiwhe following: R 5%,
gopen a new windwagifiinew tab. “3%?
0 switch to enginel'ola o §er window, slide y urxer until the webpage
rs. Tap a webpatgqu o®ay it in full screen
(Q ‘32.,
\Qé‘gg'io close a webp
2012(11/05 VinoenLYu 14:32
A9 Search and Web bwwsev
Private érowsing
You can use incognito tabs to browse the Webgt {@é privacy. Browser cookies
are not shared and deleted when you close a In 09- -ito tabs. Pages you view in
Incognito also won 't appear in your browser AHV’except for files you download.
'|. £me the browser screen. tap’ = > WI‘hdows.
2, T « ewmcogmtotab. f «
6% E},
U "w’
‘ G
u. "s “V. _
kWfiwle’wewmg a webgagefig
ép Bookmark. ‘e/
Edit the bookrn
4 To save the boo mark to a new folder, t
5. On t‘x/ngétch’feen tap V > Nelngfi‘oidecl?
*1 ,
r. § v
m ’ ‘7»
3%; {file viewing a webp\aga ~619— —~ > Bookmarks :@§7
’ ~<< On the Boo ar 13 naVIgale to the boo ar u want to open a‘d
A ~\ Am ‘15}3 a o? n.
tap it
If you have 5% p Goggle Chrom9i ’ ur‘Google Account, tfivxwrhe
(a, , \ a
@219: Bookmarks :ckreen‘and then select t $Account to v We; yz‘oyynced
bookm‘agifs. 'fifl £3 \§\\ ‘3,
5x3; = _ g
2. On the Beakmar s\ta ’tap- = > Edit! Via?"
3. Tap [Eli’s/t the right of the bookmar ou wan to edit.
2012I11I06 Vinoem_Yu 14:32
50 Search and Web browser
Syngirngyorur bookmarks with Goooie Chrome
Create bookmarks from your computer’s Google C "cg e‘browser and sync them on
HTC J DLX. For more information about Googl \ amid. visit http:/,/
supportgoogte com/chrome. AX ’
fng your GODgle Chrome desktop kn you need to sign into your Google
_ Acéioe‘st and set up Google mync. _
Wat you are logged ”5); V r Googte Account every time you save-
6 o 9 Chrome bocgmaliis‘bs fourcomoute
‘ /
2. Tap your Gogjxficcount.
{Q a \y
3. Select t Sygc’ nternet option.
“1. Slide the Notificg‘t’igofinel open, and then tap @ > Accounts & SWQQ
_. \t e j ‘5:
y o { F" fl???
‘3‘; 8%! eb cogrtefi r tater [my y
”s Am \‘I’ /§\ V o $an . . . .
V 3533 webpages to read Etie en wrthout an Intern CW tron. Some video ohps In
“ m e
, ‘{ wefi‘pages (for exampleig ded VouTube’ vidq’s) also be added to the
[k 4 ‘hWatch Later list 50 g c‘abzqu‘rckly find and wg ' during your free time,
‘w _ __ V 4}
\;/- F - enryfiiag: \, m be stored MTG? or. .
when inked'pages‘an vyié$ .
Qtfififia-ed to download% I a
_ _ter rist. k] '
While v‘rewr‘ng a egg/tap '5' > Add to.
W :
2, Tap Reag Later 0 match Later.
K5 mbnai‘ of the we‘bpvab'
can also tep MorTeLto Y é a“ Read Later items‘f\
- Undewmgfiifiéggfiap a thumbn tLgf @eo clip you want to open.
f . t ff . _
Yofu c_an alsfigyplay aH to we h all CIIQ .,
I T E to see more options.
”‘35 went to open. You
2012/11I06 Vlncan!_Yu 14:32
51 Search and Web browser
Viewing your browsing histogj
1. While viewing a webpage. tap _ > Histo
, e a list of webpages you've Visited.
You can also press and hold :_
2. On the History tab. tap a time per
. Wh' e viewii’ng
ebpage. tap _ > History.
”I W ~ - 3“
2. QCIIJ'AM? isited tab, na 1 ate to the page you want to View, an then tap
:5 mfyml While viewing a WEE/EE‘ {ap > Histor \jxifi‘?’
2 On the Most v /:te\&i§ab. tap _ > Clear ai.
Youfien cymload fiie and epgs§\yfrom your favorit %
, 1m I ,,,,,,,
nsources T06 RQ
d apps downloa’dxyow e Web can be folri'rfi;
as sonai data we KER Ecommend thaty
49/6“! the f 5 you trust. k
, \ ‘7'? ,
1. Open your web bjrowser. then gage tkjl'g‘iueB‘fite where you can dew/wt
to 4g;
g Q \ ,
wa \7‘
ad instructions roer£§\ ,
a web link and thenfap Sa've link
Be‘fore you can instali Ell/Jed ioaded app. you needqto etHTC J DLX to aliow
Instaiiatlon of third- pa ty ps in Settingsjlsée’turityé gnfinown sources
1. From the
orne screen, tap a “Downloads.
2. Tap the file to open it.
2012/11/06 Vincenl_Yu 14:32
52 Search and Web browser
Setting b?OWS€§‘ oeiiens
Customize the web browser to suit your browsipgts‘tSl/ichet dispiay, privacy. and
security options when using the web browser W
From the browser screen. tap: = > Settin s,‘\_\,
<3, 1&0, e browser scree «3:31;, > Settings.
43 em; Generai > Set? ho age
it” s ”*7?
‘ /u want to use fix: 2
.' Select the hornegége
Chooseqaifiich dob‘e Flash content you want to see on a webpage, Q you
wantt W' 61%: ' 4’“
‘ /
RV F 5“ ”31%“. downioee 3% _
”959%? ‘ ‘ ’ KKK“; 4%»;
fly ’I. From the brogfigéfin tap— = > Settingékg
2. Tap Advanced Enabie Flash and plug- 411543: demand.
, «a m .4“
i/ I
After seiecti gags/demand. you caQ3sh/glziihefidobe Flesh
\x\ m
at. \
content by tapping ii; on /‘\\;
thew bpag e.
a? fiafig
201Z1 1/06
53 Accounts and Sync
Accomts aha? swig
2333333 soci
Ad; Q3
Tap +
3. Tap the accofii‘lggp
4 FoII wt'égns
§ 332133 335" mg?
C a _. 3
Ruth? your Google Accofi‘nt fiéfié
\ggIe apps on HTC J D V
Slide the Notifl mg: nel op
A ‘ t,
3. Tap (5‘30 g‘IeWg‘
gyou want to add.
e een Instruct'Ions to enter your account Informat n
oogie Ace
e your GmaiI EQnta‘EtSf‘:
Ulfikw Accounts & sync.
en, and the
FQ‘E‘R‘Bt your 6009]
" ve forgotten youn
ng to the GoogIewb \sI/e
On HTC J Dtxefimon our
Go Iteewwx,‘
Enter the elmaII/address o
Gsoqgle Agcount.
Click Submit.
FolIow the instructions 5“?»
(I? "3
Ie com/accoupt's‘frecqu
computer, openggu web browser
I usegname that you use to sign in to your
e screen ta reset your password.
/\ v
tworks, emaii accounts,
:SIIde the Notificatigtfne open and then tap @
> Accounts 83 sync.
ca tenders and to use
2012I11I06 VlnaenLYu 14:32
54 Accounts and sync
Managing your oniine «mug;
§yncing aii your accoun
e! open and then tap @ > Accounts & sync )3
m» MW}
2. Tap the acco’u yaggfisiant to sync.
E; ‘
«khan the account that y\9u
You can rénqpvéfifl akc'ount to delete‘all _ orm‘atron associated with it from 4
HTC J DL «R‘movmg an account as o‘figglete informatwq\from the onllne servwce N.»
g35nd then tap ;% s & sync
2012(11/06 VincenLYu 14:32
55 People
Peopie Q;
Alf“: t the Peopie ago
‘ nggéfifigéople app, easily gang! V,
p ssaging. ema an ‘50s Inetworks.
W , if you have the sage ‘gtécts from dIfferent sources. you can merge twig;
ontact mformanogsg ygxgyWon't have duphcate entries, ‘“
your communications with your contacts via
w f“;
To open Peoplgfigofigygé Home screen, tap > People, “\3“
w > r
nggafi'e" app fists all corflicts Si fed on HTC J DLX andztr £1479 onl‘me accounts
u>r\e- {
bgged in to. K6 “Q3 g
03? contacts \ist alsoidiigfg/he contacts storéco®ur SIM card (marked with
>- «V 5a
- You can: 53 {Ly}!
-Q9? ‘ r ! roflle and edit your contact ' KN
K‘~ %
,3 non.
x Q\
Tap a name to
, , k ‘ information ‘
mama _ >3;
Managua: mamfma,
7 mime-aw
Mm: gammy
- See a morgcwgkon when a contafigsent
e (fiess ges or when it's tné‘EonEaéi’s
b' He.
2‘; _ h:
rcwmutwho's onlinezq'r] o gié?’alk“,0n!ine
V3,“? RJ}
‘§<§>Googie Ta‘k.
2012/11/06 Vlncent_Yu 14:32
55 People
F Iltering your contacts Iii st ,1 H
Choose which account contacts to show. (1:?)
1 ~21,
1. On the People tab, tap V on the top bgrkgiii
2, Choose the online accounts that (”15% 9 contacts you want to display
Jess {it
Q6“\‘cijtacts by name.
> Settings.
as by their grouomaine r company.
”‘53 (3%
you can also search by otheQQ
1, {Igw’éfie eo‘nlé tab. tap: >\ettings.
Zaao‘iggr rh contacts by :W choose the types of n: to search for.
{3 E“
‘2‘ ”A Q.
V A Set-“ting up yo ”rofile
K 1 tore your personal‘éiantébt information to easi it to other people.
13% j
Elijah tap My profie fléyv ‘
ap gdit my contact card \K’fi'fi
gig/i5? Molt your name ahg‘Q‘tay‘ef/details x
\ifay (or the current; to to change your
63%}?!5; to
£3 <3
\ 5 ~Tap Save % R}??? E
1. ont
When you ta 9‘
3m D ’émjis
@fiifgso see your
_ eggsyour contact (11%
93:11:15 (if you re Sign: g$§é73cial networks)
share it with ,x _
{ Updates I
Show ’ e wag shat you' ve 1:055:11 y cial networks
a Gallery YV w __
Shows social network albums and photos. L
Qfléngrofile. you” see theggollovyjngjt‘é s: {a I” "
\, (so no
7 r"
03c cqu‘ posts In social :
{c so edit your profile
\gn‘zas _ _
2012/11/06 Vlncnnt_Yu 14:32
57 People
Adding a new centac
1. On the People tab. tap E > Add contactf“
2, Tap the Name field, and then enter thefianteégt name.
Tap If you want to separately enter tkfltact‘s first mIddle and last name
= Depefiding on the contact type y Iggy also be able to add a name prefix (such as ;
Dr, r aggme suffix (such as 33% ‘ _ ‘ :
» - \
etermines thch account the contact will sync
® Some fields mayfikfivailable when you re adding contacts to your Engage!”
( “\w , {gs}; ,, __
4. gnvélaegc‘ioyatact information in the fields provided
ye ififiorks you‘ re signedsin \Bgsed on matching e aI resses and contact details.
u can send requeiiibyour contacts to join “32::96 al network.
To turn thIs feature?) Foff tap: — > Sett' r—Ig afi-
clear the Flnqpeople you know opgy < V
LX automaticallfis‘eghgches for your phone 8ft? 5%); different social
e People tab, and then selector \
T y' £1; tefi’esh the list of}? 60 l/es estions tap _ >
L- e acts On the New b, tap E > Refres
Tap the ‘Be’éfile fk know noti IcatIon (whenltk allable on the People
p t
2 Choose? per: 0 follow or send fg$3¥equests using the sociaéfiffiyflrks
you re 5 [$9 @L
A v
t ”$3?
3, If you héiela Ggogle or Exchange Ac givé’SS/nc account tap the type for the
imported contacts.
4‘ Select the contacts you w I figmort
5‘ Tap Save.
2012/11/06 VinI:enl_Yu 14:32
53 People
1. Oh the People tab. enter the contacts name em ‘Il address in the search box.
2. Tap Search contacts in your Company lilfieetoyy.
3. Tap the name of the contact you w §\c\oF)ed to HTC J DLX
4. ‘ p
n the People tab; 5tap-\E;\:§Manage contacts.
\2. Tap Copy contacts again/then choose a contact type or online account tag?
from. «
Km Conta sufroricfiogurso alnetwork accounts may not be cooled QM“
3.®§:I{\ctla\“ contact type or afifi t you want to save to. CR’REQEV
i\%r~ org. “
mficrging contwformatiqifiw
(f BAvold duplicate ent s byfifierging contact me I1 from dIffetent sources. such
1 } netwbrk‘atcounts into one cogéiy
3' .
Wr‘Ten,HT'C\d“3BiX finds contact
a“ " you §§¥he People app Viki
w (1.;
k“ 1“ %n the People tab, tafiy he k suggestion notiirc‘gtabnd hen available fiyllfk‘) see _;
‘r [1% a list of suggestegnt fits to merge. F/ \v‘h
Hf“ 11%} 2_ Choose , econtiw "gu want to mergefiffi ii€:‘:\3’y
:45} @ :Jf you don't ecelve contac st®y§tlona on the P leggéia E >
tIorI. . , . :
= Settingsfiglear the Suggest c:ntactj{1
acme of the contact «Kt th Icon or photo) you
2. Tap 09'
3. You ca 533;;
- Un er» ggest links. tap 0.9 to IInk the contact to an account
I Under Add contact, tap Qua: Not the options to link to another contact
v *
2012/11/06 WncenLYu 14:32
link you want to break. W
2. Tap 0‘5 . “
3. A‘Under the Linked contacts sectioht “131269 beside an account to break the
1. On the People tab. tap the name of the con 3%? the icon or photo) whose
fie ‘ ‘3»;th you tap a conrgszxé the People screen, the contact details screen opejlrgj
The contact defelléjgc‘iqz’n has the following tabs: ‘
Eil tfiIgW 143““
by! {the information you’vwred for the-
igffifianyg ct by tapping an 0%
.I: “K ,,
Shows-EMS messages d emails you've i
Vall_ your inco ing. and misseciégi
d from the contact.
' fig“: 3&5 from socIal network accounts : Xx
it’s birthday under it e Events section.
. S (151
1. On the P ople’xab press and hacfihewgact and thenig‘agg Edge; tact.
' ““3 fie
Faceb%and Twltt Contgxay eedited
fer the new informatren
N ,
\3\ Tap Save. .
wéb. tap = > Delete. km”
2. Select the contacts you wantéifiemove.
3. Tap Delete. flee
3:5 k\ /
1. On the
2012“ 1/06 VlnDelILYu 14:32
so People
Contact groups
Assign contacts to groups so you can easily sendsa‘ 'géége or email to a whole
group. You can also sync groups on HTC J . he groups in your Google
Account accessible Via your computer' 5 wetgbbfi'g‘Wser. We ve also added the Frequent
group as a special group type that automat «a_| stores the contacts you dial or get
calls film the most.
_\Add:cont\:ct to group.
I x.
fie oo’htacts you w to add. and then tap Save.
gin \Ewour group is gc:m:le§:u Save WQ,
{"4“ \ Q
gr p name to changetfi‘é‘n e. RYOU can only change the name fit
“figk was that you hav ‘cr'e agony \i‘f:
“Qijgfigfie Icon next to the (DU game to change 0%ve the group
a fig» 532 :K‘; m
Tap?“ — > Add co to Youp to add more mev {WW
To rearrange theiroufi‘khembers, press ma‘ggliF 1?
contacts name?- and hen drag it to Its ne '
, fig;
7 »You gal: charged for eachge‘x/ rkssege sent. For “2%
to a group of five" 'plé’gyou will be chargei: rsgtkgyrwessages“_
On the Groups tab‘mfap the group you/Want té‘g'idendfi message or emaII to
2 Go to tl{Group%trén tab {u
t We
3. Choose: you went to send a text m sageor email.
\c 7’
.t “in.
201fl11/06 VincenLYu 14:32
'I. On the Groups tab, tap = > Edit groups. I
7 r-
2, Press and hold E at the end of the 9; (E5560 , ove. and then drag it to its new
3. [Sp Save.
Dwagmét 0
\d fitOn the Groups tabtg€\c@ Q"
- Press and 1263??ng up you went to delete, and then tap Delete rdfz‘ia
> iEd t groups to choose several contact groups to “gawk,
A:al:§f:close with the peop Kg‘hebpfatter by addinga Gggw dget tor each of your
Kev %
‘l. Press and? l amen empty space on yell ltime screen
”X WE? V
2 On the thab tap All Kdgets‘x‘g > Pebfile.
if: x‘» 3fiéhoé’s‘a’éqé eFWIdget style an / %: ‘it to a home 95mg? thumbnail where
’7 ‘Nn » to add it. ® \
V to dasawidget (jg {3%
A? \a},
A x
,, ,. n memfik , ,,
tIon action (f examl‘afior send a messagei
e People widg \
1. 0mg}: Home screen, ”9&5ng \b’bwidget
’6 \t\ ein get
Ksi2fT §amontact'5 photo Ol'i
a contact’s pho
\\ 3X\9?Fab the communicatiq‘n ~ d you want For thefé‘ne if
lfyou need to (:ljangmd ault commiylfiflo$fit§d tap the contact's name
= ‘ (not the p Land‘x _ ap Set default action \
2012/11/06 Vincan(_Yu 14:32
62 People
jGetting in touch with a contact
L On the Home screen, go to the People wid e692}
. my
2 Top 3 contact 5 photo (not the name)o t dget. The default
communication method you ve set for Contact will be performed
83% contact! ation
g 5;
Q37 »(9n the People tab?
To 5» nd
WQ Someone s a g Press and hold the name of the contact ;
§x «39/; informa on i. ' or photo), and then tap Send contac »
‘2 V ”w—ggjsmmw We.”
’3 r\§d Wynn-£30 ’K 55 and hold My profile and then tap
(‘3 infiefima‘fib’n , ' , pro l t
the following:
V g o
§>:\; féxchoose how you waljt‘é: gEh/a’;he vCard. @s
" of
(<3 1. ntElfPeop p5 tab. tap_ _ >§e§§§ec€s
u“ 2 Selecétlzle contacts whos ‘ t in ormation you want share me
rs ‘e 3‘\{ x —
Ky 3"
\1} génd. 6% Q
\J 5:5? (*7 E3 1
V few oose how you wanjigjeno the contact caéyfi»
at (Q ”
to \ 5”» 52%;
Backs mg 5;; glow con ac§§>®
1 On the People tab tap_ " > Man€g\e\bontacts.
fwort/EXDOK > Exgj/g‘xone storage 5/: L'
2012I11I06 VincenL‘Iu 14:32
53 Peup‘e
You can only restore contacts that were backed upggthe Export to phone storage
feature. 9% 39"
1. On the Peopie tab, tap E > Managzéan ‘ “f
2‘ 515;: Import/Export > Import from phg‘h‘evstoragel
3. Rpu have more than one aoE‘E‘QQLset up. tap the type for the imported
gwnfé‘ets. K ;’
©Q Rwy 2,,
2012/11!“ VinoenLYu 14:32
Archive, delete or Tap the check box in rage
label multiple email message 0 v ‘5 tion.
c; versations Then tap the onscreen ttons at E
the bottonfz’f choose what to do i
’ ' with th lec 4 messages or
@_ conv- n
t the top bar and then
‘Sémessages, and _ via other label (such as Sent
i?! other labels 1‘11? 5,,or your created label) to
Iew its messages and
_ Tap inby Kit the top bar, and
then tap t ' ccountyou want to ~
_ VSW'rtch %
'l. in the inliiox of the
u i
Kl. 5‘ 2 Fill in Grim}; recipients.
@ Want t Bop in more recipiefl
7- of the%me§sage’é Tap'
§§3®r the email subjgfi-
Zlf—«If you want to attac
all account you we to u
5. Tap >Ipefsend{f\\
1. In the Gmamox tap the emailggiessage or conversation
2 To reply to the sender, tap §%Jap a and choose whether to Reply all or
Forward 5 ”A\
2012I11I06 Vlnoent_Yu 14:32
65 Email
3. Do one of the following
- If you're replying to the sender or you segte Reply all. enter your reply
message. ~I,
- ll‘you selected Forward specify themme’kge recipients.
, N _
Tap Respond iniine if you want to interleaiyour new message with the received
em I ut this removes any attachant/s or formatting‘ In the original email
messagmv, ‘K‘k
\ $35; to send Ci 7
Do one of the f “CW;
- If this i h gxmaii account you'fg‘s8dgng In Mail, tap Other (POPS/ ,4”:
e Choose a mail promdei’ \
. Iépyg wee ready addedm.€2§§ alVaCCbUrit' In Mail. tap: — > New account > 1%
e wage}; u' re asked to ente« Aka" lettings, ask y%a service p: V
§ §: ssistance. JV
4 Enter {hf account’ name and your hernia/QED Finish setifilfigé v
“2%? ea; f v
ro oft Exchange A; ync account g
cwith MicrosoftfiEerv 3: Key? .%§
Wm to 15 Exchange Ac i }C accounts on l—lTCJfiR/
' 5: f§¥
i From theA‘lome {$23 tap:n > Ma
( , the! POPS/IMAP)®
\EEC-t ;,the email addresagirgdf‘g as rd for your emailéegificg and then tap $1)?”
I» , C /
2. Do on of the fatijgwing: (L;
. if ti1 against email account yoflffiéadding in Mail, tap Microsoft
Exchange ActiveSync on the Choose a mail provider s_creen
- if you ve already added a {email account In Mail, tap: — > New account >
Microsoft Exchange mesync.
56 Email
3‘ Enter the Exchange ActiveSync account details and then tap Next.
If your corporate Exchanger Net does‘not sthp , etectjou'll need to
enter your Exchange Server settings. Ask you 9 Server administrator for
_ details. - '
4. Choose the sync options that you vfih tap Next.
. - e: the account name, theofig‘gnim setup.
Meg i’splays the inbox of one of your email amour-lg
‘ ”To switch betwee e
a i " a‘écounts. tap the bar that shows the Current e a fiunt,
and then tap agiothe't count. w
r‘fE l i i
,A {gage
Viewing the u ied inbb all your email accéfi
You can view ze332“ rilegsages from ail-your “accounts just in one placenfi hgyghavmg
to switch to différ3F{accounts. \Ky‘ {‘23
t < i‘
Just ta figbar that shows the‘éfiterl ail account. and ‘tjiexi .
gmaiktqe§§ges are color codgo. 'Wn easily disting islfimhi Eeehnail accounts
(hgéeyfigilgng to. > k§
\ Us, 015 email anew shown in the unif®§fi , . . .r, .,
Organizing egiail messages \
“lime of email messages in y -r inbox? Organize your email
messages into tabs and quickly find i; emessages you want.
1. Switch to the email agou «bigtyou want to use.
‘ . ab .
2. In the inbox, tap E ?a dl
2012/11/08 VlncenLYu 14:32
67 Email
3. Press and hold a tab. and then drag it to the bottom row to add.
4. Press :< and then Slide to the added tab, F?)
Manually refreshing an email account 53;“
Whatever your sync settings are, you can Jso\syg;c your sent and received email
' messages manually at any time. 1%
I 'e viewing an email acc/o h Qp_ = > Refresh
.6?ng #
have several eme an more you can _r=etresh them all at the same time
% hrough th me§§age list based on the 'rtin op on yo
se e e \B? s and hold two finge n any emaIl message, @n drag upward
\ard. {kg
. creen tap _>Mail FgW
2. Swit A@:il account that you We Jo use
wk x;
(IN §hgi more reciplehts R; \
* ”V “s; $3}?
- I
yemailmessage?‘f i: > hoch/Bcc
, n 5100!) in more reci 'fiZarbon copy «SSW carbon copy ( cc)
Au m 5. Enter thqsubjectJ-f/ a d hen compose your; ‘s‘sage.
’ &
we; ff ”\3 r
6. Do any the following: /-\‘, \‘w
is.) a .v" A\ s/ ‘f .1 i
W’ - Format yoC’Ir email message>éxtf Eges‘s and hold a weal; In your message
Rand then drag the stajfsaniefi parkers to highlig l'iEgg; ou went to
": I
& \ormat. Tap Style 616:“ geese a text editing‘fgpt
m Qw Aidd an attachment \t‘f Attach and then choose mh‘at ou want.
If Set the priority fofammportant message. Tgp”‘u\y
7:; Tap Send. or to fil \gte’r tap Save as drag?\\§w
essage {if/m K351;
Resuming a eta/7 ftema
I. In an e é[g‘aII accgfimt inbox tap: —— _>‘I=‘Wbrafts.
2. Tap the message.
3. When you finish editing them ge. tap Send.
From the Home screen. tap
2. Switch to the email account you wanttfi 4
3. In the email account inbox, tap the wessage or conversation you want to
Tap— = for moregfirfléfihe email.
as Q
4 k, the email account from
3‘“ Co‘i’ered bars appear @efiofifiread email messages insyo Inbox. If you re
ing the unified inbfixogali your email acoqunti‘ the ebars also Indicate
re the email messageaifiueceived
aIl messages add the\- K ad tab to your inbox.
kale my unreadgh‘ijl messages?
x tap: = > Edfiab
* and hold Unread d\§§n drag it to the 13609 row to add.
To group all u2\E
21%: email account y@u se.
nd therg’qlhg hread tab
ving an ema messagv the Tasks app
@in yourTasksAlstSOI (y remind yourself e'n
\HLKi the email "195$; gec $5!)
L In aniemail account ll'ibDX, pressen
, a
ntap Save
Save an ema
2. if you fight to reffme or filter your search taoj@, check the search options, and
then taDJQKZEor example you can focusw e search on a part of an email or
filter email messages that have attachments or tagged as high priority.
3. in the search box enter trifle fyou want to search for.
Tap a result to open the egil \Sgs’age.
2012(11I06 VlnnemiVu 14:32
65 Email
Searching for emails from a contact
Do you remember the sender, but can't find a particular email from him or her?
1. Switch to the email account you want to ’
2. Press and hold an email message frofi‘kfirfiact.
9i“ x.
or copwrén
@T‘fifl Mil messagei
@gan war-Elan the flag Icon 0
\ —\ ‘
@39’ your Out of théloffiee’s ms
Switch to yourfiénee ActiveSync a age“
Tap: — > Ofio{§l}e’dofflc: XX [A
Tap yQur: r'bnzent office status. and tggk‘ele‘; Out of the office xx
yorganIzation tap thé\§end‘auto reply messaé‘ t0“ ernal recipient optic)
‘ then enter the aut‘é rep message in the box £9536-
\x 5""
you want a differegpau'éggreply message for reacting: syeutside your §::\\¥>}'F
i. Swithoxyour Exchange AfsrseSyw’écount
e— ' \”
22,3 p: > New meetiéngiinvi'
er the meeting dei‘ails. \f’
2012/11/06 VincenLYu 14:32
70 Email
Moving email messages to another folder
1. Switch to the email account you want to
2. Select the email messages you want to”
and then tap 1:1- > Select all.
\ To select all select one email messaQ
Awp Move to, and then s légjddeh
t [I
’3, ti gemail messages
V k
\ Switch to the ifiégmnt you want to use
\ K. _ \ To selectfilbs one email message first, and then tap" = > Aka
“" ‘ W $293
\ 0 '
fa“ .. 2. Ta the cheg‘l‘ u @265 ofemaiimessa es en wahtto delete. {2% 1
@‘ D 9 y
4" .
\3’7 $19 to other mail folder
. . e
4“ 1’} In an email accqurffifigy tap— = > FoldeTi
@ 2. Tap the mail, AEetgfiat contains the m
You (2 e your email n gs. add an email signature, delete an
A“ e
‘3‘; u n more.
65’ g . A3237 , Q???
33 ” . ‘Wltch to the emailécé ’ hose settings you wanta‘go hange.
‘2’ ~ J Q
\a ,.-
\2.’ Tap E > Settingsst
2D12l11l06 Vincanl_Yu 14:32
71 Internet connections
a; net conneCtéens
Sate connection @‘7’1
Véfien yoou turn on HTC J DLX for the first time it will be automatically set up to use
'L Slide the No fica £§f§§ panel open, and then tap (Q
2. Tap Mowéfi’i‘y ef grk > Network operators or Access Point Names:
NQEJ fag; data connectiorroff saves battery life and mo on data charges.
:7 Si e the Notificaéionsj: eypen. and then tap
I‘Tap the Mobilexemgiggn/Off switch tocgurn @e
% cu‘ re also not connected to a _’ m
WI-Fi network vaon 't receive autom ates to your email social hem/ark ‘ .II
a:c‘>£:ts. fig?“ 1: synchronized Infgiégi
a ' i fone‘ you add another 0 (nection havet a
P s F \g RI” '3?
r0 your mobile opeégg dy (including userzéfia‘i‘séj
z§ V ___ “a fig» . x; ,
II SIId the Not {ligations panel open ang he
2. N\‘sTapEEobile‘: network > Access Point‘Nagnges
e R
3. Onth
connection on and off.
&- @II
{tighter the APN
\APINS screen tap
13312119 Edit access «infiltgx
m to edit It, 0%”! \
2012(11I06 Vln:snl_Yu 14:32
72 Internet connections
Connect to your mobile operator's partner networks and access data services when
you're out of your mobile operators coverage area.
es while roaming may be lweck with your mobile operator
9 rates before you use dag TEE! ng_
ixslide the Notifications panel open,‘ Vd then tap (‘3,
I“? Mobile network. erkgi’ffiegelect the Data roaming option.
USing data so
for data we
{‘33 §§§bfhe Data roaming owgetion 'if you'd like HTC J DLX to play a sound so
§ii’ll know when its???k égctifig to a roaming network.
. m. \w' e VS»
1. Slide the Nofifio t; 5 panel open, and the; rep Q.
"(a \ <33 {'3
. ‘L o
2‘ Tap thfjfiyWn/Off switch to ‘1.”an eon.
3- NV get? 6;
{exp we?! W Fi netwo£< w W
th ireless network
uall ‘ dd i
, 4‘ Tap the Wi-Fij/Eliw RE}? \l
( ‘2‘ [f you 519an s‘e red network. you’ll @efii to enter the netwgfi y
\“\ 3 , passwor‘sl’gnga;f g4!
wry _ __M Q9“, _,
5. .43 Connect. .‘r '
[3:0 “3 ‘ée &k
a; A .
X, , s . s \,
X; next time HTC J QM cognects to a preViouslyfa‘ccessed secured Wireless
Wireless network, t ’ Vii-PH icon appears in
V , . v‘ _ V
tus bar and tells you t ten roximete signal Stlj gt \
network, you won'tbes‘esjded to enter theakey or‘iitherg‘ecurity information again.
._ , r . ; "~ - I.
unless yoofreset H$C3®LX to its factiry defaul‘sr/erttmgs.
in i“ J
e .
ofirZyoLi want to connec
2012/11/05 VincenLYu 14:32
73 Internet connections
1. Slide the Notifications panel open. and then tap @.
2. Tap Wi- Pi. and then tap the wireless netwp that HTC J DLX is connected to
{K el-Bfigtatus. speed. signal strength. and
A message box is then displayed showing the
, K7
\ fit; want to remove the settings ffitzzbzs‘
_ 79 to a d feififl:
Eff“ W Slide the Noti ca‘tlo‘ngrpénel open. and then tap (Q. {’{e
“fiaxéy 2. Tap Wi- Fi. Dégfted’WI Fi networks are displayed. 1‘
\7’ \ To menu "915%ch available Wi Fr networks tap
It . Ix
§Y%may need to install a work certificate 912) H C J DLX before you can
': jconnect to 6 WI- Fi netw: itrI EAP- -TL$ authen “been n protocol.
if I 3 th “5% fl HTCJDL “i ‘ x
s. . ave 'er IC e le Ol‘l A
‘v’ 1 2 SIIde ti eNQt ications panel opep‘ ncfghen tap @ > Security.
m y t
3. Tafilnstml from phones r :ezé‘cy’l
“I: x X
\‘y' \4 the network ce’iti edecl to connect to e.EAP TLS network.
1 r
2'; n on WI- Pi and c a»/e o a wireless networkfib§r
r r\\\ :0\ ‘1 /
“iigéy ii}, fix: J
fat @V Connectznetgo a virtuei ete netweri’}&m)
‘1 I 3 L\‘e,
Kg; }; ' :3293 connect and® accefireémrces inside
\iTolrate network 36W “RVs A
Dep mg on the type om! «ogre dgng at work, yogi-n e\§§ked to enter your
longing: entials and instel‘x‘tA curlj certificates beforey _ (tonnect to your
mp’any' 5 local network Ego an get this Informationk‘. r network
Wewmstretor. \35
gist). HTC J DLX n3 sth‘géeestablish a Wj_.-Ei ofifi connection before you can start a
VPN connectldn \ ll ‘32:;
2012/11l06 VincenLYu 14:32
74 Internet connections
You must first set a lock screen PIN orpassword fore you can use credential
storage and set up the VPN.
1. Slide the Notifications panel open aggwfhen tap @.
2. Under Wireless & Networks ta {3‘ v'
Rm: VPN > Add VPN network.
4. \ er the VPN <3selttlngsfl§a§:\f(3\‘s‘§ythem up according to the security details your
t, twork administra (mg @you.
4% r
KW Tap Save. 3&1;
F‘K\§ The VPN is then «ad/d dl: ithe VPNS section of the VPN settings screen.
3‘ («XX ,
Q! 53". ’
i e Kflotlfications panel open and then tap Q) “5333’
Wireless & Network p More (W
,.. 3\§\ap VPN. %
zfi:“\1j Tap the VPN t txfio’u tto connect (GSA Q
r 3g" 5. Enter your low sentials, and then @1560 ect. When you re connected. the
Ff N5; VPN connim on 3% appears int {iffyation area of the title bar @
‘3: Vou ca the Eben eé, esources such as your corporate A$<
networ untrafigta’
t e web browser t
4e“? ’
, e553 DLX .Qmi’e e55 W42}
‘ our data connectIONWithxffgg eVIces by turniggiih X into a wireless
‘ Y
. Makesure the datfie‘e’rion is turned on gcxw
- You musghav a gpfoved data planeass gar}: ith your account rrom your
mobile‘serwcéwider to use thi servicegfgj’
1, Sligfiwétifications panel open. When rap 4?}
2 Under Wireless & Networksgap More
2012I11I05 VlncenLYu 14:32
75 internet connections
Tap Tethering & portable hotspot.
Tap Portable Wi-Fi hotspot settings.
Enter a router name or use the default rout‘etrname.
I {9
Choose the type of security and set the ss'wo'rd (key) for your wireless router.
It you selected None in Security you donerreejd to enter a password
The password is the key other peop 0 enter on their deVIce so they can
onnect and use HTC J DLX as a wire outer. f, .
Elect the Portable Wi- Fl :h&\:)got option to turn on the wireless router.
““ 4%
C 'DLX is ready to b used {53% wireless router when you see on the status
2012/11I05 VincenLYu 14:32
76 Trademarks and com/rights
irademarks and come? gets
©2012 HTC Corporation. All Rights Reservevw C‘fl
HTC. the HTC logo the HTC quietly bril i$1:go, HTC One. Friend Stream HTC
Footprints HTC Sense. and HTC Watéh estrademerks or service marks of HTC
gang 9 Google logo. Ahdfio fix??? Android logo, Android Market. the Android
(3 ‘ a tlogo Googie Ap Calendar, Google Checkout Google Earth Google
fQfiLa‘ifiude. Google Maias 0;; Talk. Google Wallet. Gmail, Picasa, and YouTube are
©\j Fademarks of Gogfpfié, $93,! _
Microsoft. Win xiv ctiveSync. Excel, Outlook PowerPoint. Windowsfgfll E’a'h
Windows Vist eb/It-her registered trademarks or trademarks of Mid
Corporatio In t, e nited States and/or other countries Qty
' lfletooth SIG lnc
‘ logos are registered trademarks by
eifaariks of Adobe Systems
A” b ’lélash are either regi eed trademarks or tra
in cmorated' In the Unged l: €53? d/or other countrLe
Cfi Nyifi' is a registeredipafiy » or the Wirelesst'FidelQIiance, inc.
@fi acebook Is a tradeQ’kg} Facebook, Inc. R§>
\e/ “°
; Twitter Is a the e arklé'i’ TWItter. lnc.,andf13'°u's€d EInder license 03f
s FLICK-Fhan CKR Dots logo are tgdzfnarks and/or registered trademarks i“
it”? ‘t j
of Yahoo new ; \V:
5%? ‘fi'iFNAéén‘d he DLNA disc lqgo ar\e trademarks or registeI'NEjek
% :4 demarks of DIgItal LIVIngNe'Lwork/Alliance All rights@ eQVed Unauthorized walk
K , ,
, :\
f” “Isfcountries. /,,¢:I»‘ /
{A $54)) Polaris Offgce Is a tréfidemjark of lnfraware, ln® W
“e I 1:; <3 I
i‘Eunes Is a registered tFa emark of Apple Inc re 6% in the U S and th K‘}:
\yav k3»
All other c napan fproduct and semceégnas mentioned herein fired eirharks.
I a II Ie for technical or
(Q, editb\éf.e‘rrors or omission coaéired herein nor fon; r consequential
as resulting from mmishrgg this material. The q§rmahon is provided‘ 'as is'
wIEi-Iout warranty of a kin d Is subject to ch “Ewit out notice. HTC also
‘réserves the right reflsyhe content of this gotumem at any time without prior
notice fix
2012111!” VlncenLYu 14:32
77 Trademarks and cupyrlghls
retrieval system, or translated into any language in any form without prior written
permission of HTC
Federal Communication Commission Interference Statement
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following
two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device
must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired
This device has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital
device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide
reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This
equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy, and, if not installed
and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio
conn-nunications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a
particular installation If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or
television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment on“ and on, the
user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the
receiver is connected.
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
FCC Caution:
Any Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for
compliance could void the user‘s authority to operate the equipment.
The antenna(s) used for this transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction
with any other antenna or transmitter
Note: The country code selection is for non-US model only and is not available to all US
model. Per FCC regulation, all WiFi product marketed in US must fixed to US operation
channels only.
Operations in the 5.15—STZSGHZ band are restricted to indoor usage only.
' RF Exposure Information (SAR)
This device meets the government’s requirements for exposure to radio waves
This device is designed and manufactured not to exceed the emission limits for exposure to
radio fiequency (RF) energy set by the Federal Communications Commission of the US.
The exposure standard for wireless device employs a unit of measurement known as the
Specific Absorption Rate, or SAR. The SAR limit set by the FCC is 1.6W/kg. *Tests for SAR
are conducted using standard operating positions accepted by the FCC with the device
transmitting at its highest certified power level in all tested Erequency bands. Although the
SAR is determined at the highest certified power level, the actual SAR level of the device
while operating can be well below the maximum value. This is because the device is designed
to operate at multiple power levels so as to use only the poser required to reach the network.
In general, the closer you are to a wireless base station antenna, the lower the power output,
The highest SAR value for the model device as reported to the FCC when tested for use at the
ear is 0,767 W/kg and when worn on the body, as described in this user guide, is 0.524 W/kg
(Body-worn measurements differ among device models, depending upon available
accessories and FCC requirements.)
While there may be differences between the SAR levels of various devices and at various
positions, they all meet the government requirement
The FCC has granted an Equipment Authorization for this model device with all reported
SAR levels evaluated as in compliance with the FCC RF exposure guidelines. SAR
information on this model device is on file with the FCC and can be found under the Display
Grant section of"ccid afier searching on FCC ID: NMSCDMAHTLQl .
For body worn operation, this device has been tested and meets the FCC RF exposure
guidelines for use With an accessory that contains no metal and be positioned a minimum of
ii) cm from the body‘ Use of other accessories may not ensure compliance with FCC RF
exposure guidelines. If you do not use a body»worn accessory and are not holding the
device at the ear, position‘the handset a minimum of 1.0 cm fiom your body when the device
is switched on.
2012(11106 VincentVYu 14:32
This device is a 2.4 GHz z’SGl—Iz wideband transmission system (transceiver), intended for use in all EU
member states and EFTA countries, except in France and Italy where restrictive use applies.
In Italy the end-user should apply for a license at the national spectmm authorities in order to obtain
authorization to use the device for setting up outdoor radio links and/or for supplying public access to
telecommunications and/or network services.
A minimum separation distance of 1,5 cm must be maintained between the user’s body and the device,
including the antenna during body-worn operation to comply with the RF exposure requirements in Europe.
For the device which tests accordance to EN'609507122006+A1 l 12009+Al :20] 0+Al2120l l, it is mandatory
to perform audio tests for EN50332.
This device have been tested to comply with the Sound Pressure Level requirement laid down in the
applicable EN 50332-land/or EN 50332~2 standards. Permanent hearing loss may occur if earphones or
headphones are used at high volume for prolonged periods of time
EN 60950-13006 [“3069 A12:2010 gfigmfi mark
7* *1:
(6)Decla.ration of Conformity
Please added certification standard in your user manual which depended on the test standards your device
78 Index
éyEAié'di's“ ' "
Axuhgefiimizmg batte
- opening an gfiegnftfi tab 49
- options 5% {y
— basics 20 p ‘\
- effects 2/ N R}!
7 recording a VI eo\\
7 taking a p 215%
7 usIn a n r'o }
7 zoom§$§7§y
q {ca @c'all 37
— deleting 59
: R \l Copying ref/“75
5”" F
Data connectie
firming on or off 7]
4% D contacts 59
\ Bownloadlng
Y ; viewing downloads ‘
- Out 0 , '
gice 6‘9
yd “panel 29
\ 6"le a“ Widgets 25
)6}- Wireless rou§r
- acc’éSS point 77 N.)
ending a meeting request 69
\z 7 working with Exchange ActiveSync
email 69
Firmware 78
- grouping apps 23 a?
7 removing items 28 {a K33;
- renaming 28
\» I
Home dialing
Home scre /%
xé‘fided 70
$3.»; Iadanch bar 27
(Q, “fig/rearranging home panels 29 ”W
W: 7.
- rearranging items 27
Ingeiifi »c ' 37
lnt‘” [kennection
zonnection 77
N 73
‘>;Wi- Fi 72
l‘j‘gsldfing a POPS/IMAP account 65
adding an Exchange account 65
managing email messages 70
- sending 67
79 Index
- sorting email messages 67
- unified inbox 66
- working with Exchange ActiveSync
emaii 69
Making a cali 33
Meeting request 59
- copying to the SIM card 44 £§§§
Adeieting 44
Meleting a conversation 45
0%rding 43 fig.
king 44
wen/mg 42
MS 40
G Vne accounts \
» managing 54 §
- what can you em
Itering your contac’t
\V’ - groups 6 :2} \EV
- merging’cgoiniacwtgrimation 58
— settingiéearch cations 56
- Widget
Phone caiis
- ca mg a number' In a mesgage I 4 i“;
Router 74
- Power 78
SIM card
- copying a message 44
- inserting 7
— removing 7
SMS 40
Software update I8 fig”:
Sound @‘mfl
, ringtone. notificatiorfikam?
7 sound set 30 \
Speakerphone 36 KM
Speed dial 3
iarms 30
Updating phone software [8
Upgrade 78
Ifigfi Hg 2]
fijagk g,a number In an e“ gih§4 Wailpamer
c Ing using Wi Fi 37 “I V _ Charélfd
king an emergency‘cgi. W Wi-FRSV “9:3;
Trecering 34 .Igéfifi‘gmv
- setting UPIE CO I W liggonhecting to another network 73
Phone se’iétlngs w}
, Poweq
Phone wigs/18
I} etworkstatus 73
turnIng on 72
- adding 25
2012/1 1/06 Vincent_Yu , 14:32
50 Index
- changing settings 26
- removing 27
ereless router 74
DocuCentre—II 3005
fieflfiifia memaiazaawgg.
swam 2012/11/06 14:46
epgnfi Jesn §
X'IG F 31.? JnOA
5&1? El 291 flféfifififl fifgfik
2012/11/06 14:46 Vinccnljnflhlmcam fiffi'fékmlkmfil :31“? Server File System E

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