User Manual

Model name : ACB00C1GG, ACB10C1GG, ACB00C1GN, ACB10C1GN, ACB00C1GE, ACB10C1GE,                     ACB00C1EE, ACB10C1EE, ACB00C1GL, ACB10C1GL, ACB01C1GG, ACB11C1GG
<Head-Unit> <Accessory :External keyboard>
1 2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11
Audio system94Steering wheel remote control❈The actual features in the vehiclemay differ from the illustration.(1) MODE• Press the button to change themode in the following order: Radio➟Media.• Press and hold the button to turnoff.(2) VOLUME• Press to adjust the volume.(3) UP/DOWN• Press the button in radio mode tosearch Presets.• Press and hold the button in radiomode to search frequencies.• Press the button in media mode tochange the current song.• Press and hold the button in mediamode to quick search throughsongs.(4) CALL• Pressing the button- If not in Bluetooth®Handsfreemode or receiving a phone call.First press: Display Dial Numberscreen.Second press: Automatically dis-play the most recently DialedCall number.Third press: Dial the phone num-ber entered.- Press in the Incoming Call notifi-cation screen to accept thephone call.- Press in Bluetooth®Handsfreemode to switch to the waitingcall.• Pressing and holding the button- If not in Bluetooth®Handsfreemode or receiving a phone call,the most recently Dialed Callnumber is dialed.- Press in Bluetooth®Handsfreemode to transfer the call to yourcell phone.- Press in cell phone mode toswitch to Bluetooth®Handsfreemode.(5) END• Press in Bluetooth®Handsfreemode to end the phone call.• Press in the incoming call screento reject the call.
Audio system410WARNING- Audio System SafetyWarnings• Do not stare at the screenwhile driving. Staring at thescreen for prolonged periodsof time could lead to trafficaccidents.• Do not disassemble, assem-ble, or modify the audio sys-tem. Such acts could result inaccidents, fire, or electricshock.• Using the phone while drivingmay lead to a lack of attentionof traffic conditions andincrease the likelihood ofaccidents. Use the phone fea-ture after parking the vehicle.• Exercise caution not to spillwater or introduce foreignobjects into the device. Suchacts could lead to smoke, fire,or product malfunction.(Continued)(Continued)• Please refrain from use if thescreen is blank or no soundcan be heard as these signsmay indicate product malfunc-tion. Continued use in suchconditions could lead to acci-dents (fires, electric shock) orproduct malfunctions.• Do not touch the antenna dur-ing thunder or lightening assuch acts may lead to light-ning induced electric shock.• Do not stop or park in park-ing-restricted areas to operatethe product. Such acts couldlead to traffic accidents.• Use the system with the vehi-cle ignition turned on.Prolonged use with the igni-tion turned off could result inbattery discharge.WARNING - DistractedDrivingDriving while distracted canresult in a loss of vehicle con-trol that may lead to an acci-dent, severe personal injury,and death. The driver’s primaryresponsibility is in the safe andlegal operation of a vehicle, anduse of any handheld devices,other equipment, or vehicle sys-tems which take the driver’seyes, attention and focus awayfrom the safe operation of avehicle or which are not permis-sible by law should never beused during operation of thevehicle.
Audio system114(Continued)• If you want to change the posi-tion of device installation,please inquire with your placeof purchase or service mainte-nance center. Technicalexpertise is required to installor disassemble the device.• Turn on the car ignition beforeusing this device. Do not oper-ate the audio system for longperiods of time with the igni-tion turned off as such opera-tions may lead to battery dis-charge.• Do not subject the device tosevere shock or impact. Directpressure onto the front side ofthe monitor may cause damageto the LCD or touch screen.(Continued)(Continued)• When cleaning the device,make sure to turn off thedevice and use a dry andsmooth cloth. Never usetough materials, chemicalcloths, or solvents (alcohol,benzene, thinners, etc.) assuch materials may damagethe device panel or causecolor/quality deterioration.• Do not place beverages closeto the audio system. Spillingbeverages may lead to systemmalfunction.• In case of product malfunc-tion, please contact yourplace of purchase or AfterService center.• Placing the audio system with-in an electromagnetic environ-ment may result in noise inter-ference.• Prevent caustic solutions suchas perfume and cosmetic oilfrom contacting the dashboardbecause they may cause dam-age or discoloration.CAUTION• Operating the device whiledriving could lead to acci-dents due to a lack of atten-tion to external surroundings.First park the vehicle beforeoperating the device.• Adjust the volume to levelsthat allow the driver to hearsounds from outside of thevehicle. Driving in a statewhere external sounds cannotbe heard may lead to acci-dents.• Pay attention to the volumesetting when turning thedevice on. A sudden output ofextreme volume upon turningthe device on could lead tohearing impairment. (Adjustthe volume to a suitable levelsbefore turning off the device.)(Continued)
Audio system412Information on status iconsIcons showing audio status are shown in the upper-rightcorner of the screen.Icon DescriptionMute Mute engagedBattery Remaining battery life of a connectedBluetooth®deviceHandsfree +Audio streamingconnectionBluetooth®Handsfree call and audio stream-ing availableHandsfreeconnection Bluetooth®Handsfree call availableBluetooth®audio streaming Bluetooth®audio streaming availableDownloadingcontactsDownloading contacts through Bluetooth®wire-less communicationsDownloading call historyDownloading call history through Bluetooth®wireless communicationsLine busy Phone call in progressMute mic Mic muted during a call(caller cannot hear your voice)Phone signalstrengthDisplay the phone signal strength for a cellphone connected by Bluetooth®
Audio system134RDS Radio (if equipped)FM/AMSwitching between FM and AMPress the [RADIO] button on theaudio system to switch between FMand AM.Searching channelsSearch channels by pressing the[SEEK/TRACK] button on the prod-uct.PresetsSave up to 36 frequently used sta-tions.1. Press and hold the desired slotfrom 1 through 36. This saves thecurrent station in the selected slot.If the slot is empty, simply press-ing saves the station to the slot.2. To save in slots numbered 7 orhigher, press the [PRESET] but-ton to move to the previous/nextpage and save. To listen to a preset station, pressthe desired station in the list.MenuPress the [MENU] button, and selectthe desired function.• List: A list of all stations available inthe current location of the vehicle isdisplayed. Press the desired sta-tion.• Traffic Announcement (TA): Enableor disable Traffic Announcements.• Scan: All available stations areplayed for five seconds each.• Sound Settings: Audio sound set-tings can be changed.
Audio system414RadioFM/AMSwitching between FM and AMPress the [RADIO] button on theaudio system to switch between FMand AM.Searching channelsSearch channels by pressing the[SEEK/TRACK] button on the prod-uct.PresetsSave up to 36 frequently used sta-tions.1. Press and hold the desired slotfrom 1 through 36. This saves thecurrent station in the selected slot.2. To save in slots numbered 7 orhigher, press the [PRESET] but-ton to move to the previous/nextpage and save. To listen to a preset station, pressthe desired station in the list.MenuPress the [MENU] button, and selectthe desired function.• List: A list of all stations available inthe current location of the vehicle isdisplayed. Press the desired sta-tion. Press the [Refresh] to updatethe list of available stations.• Scan: All stations available in thecurrent location of the vehicle areplayed for five seconds each.• Sound Settings: Audio sound set-tings can be changed.
Audio system420✽NOTICE - Using the USBDevices• Starting the vehicle while a USBdevice is connected can damagethe device. Please disconnect USBdevices before starting the vehicle.• Starting the vehicle or stoppingthe engine while an external USBdevice is connected can result infailure of the external USB deviceto operate.• Be cautious of static electricitywhen connecting/disconnectingexternal USB devices.• An encrypted MP3 player is notrecognized when connected as anexternal device.• External USB devices may not berecognized, depending on the stateof the external USB device.• Only products with byte/sectorsformatted at 4 KB or lower arerecognized.• Only USB devices in FAT12/16/32format are recognized; NTFS andExFAT file systems are not recog-nized.• Some USB devices are not recog-nized due to compatibility issues.(Continued)(Continued)• Do not touch the USB connections.• Connecting and disconnectingUSB devices rapidly over a shortperiod of time can cause equip-ment failure.• Abnormal sounds may be audiblewhen the USB device is discon-nected.• Turn the audio off before connect-ing or disconnecting external USBdevices.• Recognition may take longerdepending on the type, capacity orfile format of the external USBdevice. This is not a product mal-function.• Use of USB devices for purposesother than playing music files isprohibited.• Image display and video playbackare not supported.• Use of USB accessories, includingcharge and heat though the USBI/F, can lead to reduced productperformance or malfunctions. Donot use USB devices or accessoriesfor these purposes.(Continued)(Continued)• Use of aftermarket USB hubs andextension cables can result in thevehicle’s audio system failing to rec-ognize your USB device. Connectthe USB device directly to the mul-timedia port of your vehicle.• When using high-capacity USBdevices with logical drive divi-sions, only files saved on the high-est level logical drive can beplayed.If applications are loaded on aUSB drive, file playback may fail.• Some MP3 players, cell phones,digital cameras, etc. (USB devicesthat are not recognized as mobilestorage) may not operate normallywhen connected.• USB charging may not be sup-ported by some mobile devices.• Operation is guaranteed only forstandard (Metal Cover Type) USBMemory drives.• Operation of HDD, CF, SD andmemory stick devices is not guar-anteed.(Continued)
Audio system214(Continued)• DRM (Digital Rights Management)files cannot be played.• SD-type USB memory, CF-typeUSB memory, and other USBmemory devices that requireadapters for connection are notsupported.• Proper operation of USB HDDs orUSB drives with connectors thatloosen due to vehicle vibrations isnot guaranteed. (iStick, etc.)• USB products that areused as key chains orcell phone accessoriesmay damage the USBjack and affect properfile playback. Please refrain fromuse. Use only products with plugconnectors, as shown in the follow-ing illustration.• When MP3 devices or cell phonesare connected simultaneouslythrough AUX, BT Audio and USBmodes, a popping noise or mal-function may occur.
Audio system422USB(1) RepeatEnable/disable repeat by pressingbutton [1].(2) ShuffleEnable/disable shuffle play by press-ing button [2].(3) ListView a list of all songs by pressingbutton [3].Playback• Press the [MEDIA] button, andselect [USB].• Connect a USB drive to the USBport to automatically play files onthe USB drive.Changing songs• Press the [SEEK/TRACK] buttonto play the previous or next song.• Press and hold the [SEEK/TRACK]button to rewind or fast-forwardthe song that is currently playing.• Search songs by turning TUNEknob, and press the knob to play.Selecting songs from a listPress the [List] to view a list of songsavailable for play.Select and play the desired song.Repeat playPress the [Repeat] to enable or dis-able ‘Repeat all’, ‘Repeat currentsong’, ‘Repeat folder’ or ‘Repeat cat-egory’.• Repeat all: Repeat all songs.• Repeat current song: The cur-rently playing song is repeated.• Repeat folder: All songs in thecurrent folder are repeated.• Repeat category: Repeat allsongs in the current category.✽NOTICEThe repeat folder function is avail-able only when songs are playingfrom the [File] category under[List].Shuffle playPress the [Shuffle] to enable/disable‘Shuffle’, ‘Shuffle folder’ or ‘Shufflecategory’.• Shuffle: Songs are played inrandom order.• Shuffle folder: Songs withinthe current folder are played in ran-dom order.• Shuffle category: Songs withinthe current category are played inrandom order.
Audio system234MenuPress the [MENU] button, and selectthe desired function.• Save to My Music: Songs on yourUSB device can be saved to MyMusic.(1) File: Select a file by using TUNEknob.(2) Mark All: Select all files by press-ing button [1].(3) Unmark All: Deselect all files bypressing button [2].(4) Save: Save the selected files bypressing button [3].- Select the files you want to save,and press the [Save]. This savesthe selected files to My Music.- Saving is canceled if phone callsare received or made while sav-ing.- Up to 6,000 files can be saved.• Information: Detailed informationonthe currently playing song is dis-played.• Scan: All songs are played for 10seconds each.• Sound Settings: Audio sound set-tings can be changed.
Audio system424✽NOTICE - Using the iPod®Devices• To use the audio system’s iPod®control function, use the dedicatedcable provided with your iPod®.• Connecting the iPod®to the vehi-cle during play may result in aloud noise that lasts about one totwo seconds. Connect the iPod®tothe vehicle after stopping or paus-ing play.• Connect the iPod®with the vehiclein the ACC ON state to begincharging.• When connecting the iPod®cable,be sure to fully push the cable intothe port.• When EQ effects are enabledsimultaneously on externaldevices, such as iPod®s and theaudio system, the EQ effects mayoverlap, causing sound qualitydeterioration or distortion.Deactivate the EQ function for allexternal devices, if possible.• Noise may occur when your iPod®or the AUX port is connected.Disconnect and store separatelywhen not in use.(Continued)(Continued)• There may be noise if the audiosystem is used with an iPod®orAUX external device connected tothe power jack. In these cases, dis-connect the iPod®or externaldevice from the power jack.• Play may be interrupted, or devicemalfunctions may occur depend-ing on the characteristics of youriPod®/iPhone®.• Play may fail if your iPhone®isconnected through both Bluetooth®and USB. In this case, select Dockconnector or Bluetooth®on youriPhone®to change the sound out-put settings.• If your software version does notsupport the communication proto-col or your iPod®is not recognizeddue to device failure, anomalies ordefects, iPod®mode cannot beused.• iPod®nano (5th generation)devices may not be recognized ifthe battery is low. Charge suffi-ciently before use.(Continued)(Continued)• The search and song play order inthe iPod®device may be differentfrom the search order in the audiosystem.• If the iPod®has failed due to aninternal defect, please reset theiPod®(consult your iPod®manual).• Depending on the software ver-sion, the iPod®may fail to syncwith the system. If the media isremoved or disconnected beforerecognition, the previous modemay not be restored (iPad®cannotbe charged).• Cables other than the 1-metercable provided with iPod®/iPhone®products may not be recognized.• When other music apps are usedon your iPod®, the system syncfunction may fail due to malfunc-tion of the iPod®application.
Audio system254iPod®(1) RepeatEnable/disable repeat by pressingbutton [1].(2) ShuffleEnable/disable shuffle play by press-ing button [2].(3) ListView a list of all songs by pressingbutton [3].Playback• Connect your iPod®to the audioUSB port, press the [MEDIA] but-ton, and select [iPod].Changing songs• Press the [SEEK/TRACK] buttonto play the previous or next song.• Press and hold the [SEEK/TRACK]button to rewind or fast-forwardthe currently playing song.• Search songs by turning the TUNEknob, and press the knob to play.Selecting songs from a listPress the [List] to see a list of songsavailable for play.Select and play the desired song.Repeat playPress the [Repeat] to enable or dis-able ‘Repeat category’, ‘Repeat cur-rent song’.• Repeat category: Repeat allsongs in the current category.• Repeat current song: The cur-rently playing song is repeated.Shuffle playPress the [Shuffle] to enable/disable‘Shuffle category’ play.• Shuffle category: Songs withinthe current category are played inrandom order.MenuPress the [MENU] button, and selectthe desired function.• Information: Detailed info on thecurrently playing song is displayed.• Sound Settings: Audio sound set-tings can be changed.
Audio system426When other music programs are run-ningWhen songs saved on your iPod®are playing through a separate musicapp, the following screen is dis-played.(1) Play/Pause: Pause or play musicby pressing button [1].(2) Play iPod Files: Play music filessaved on your iPod®by pressingbutton [2].✽NOTICEOperation cannot be carried outcorrectly due to iPod®applicationmalfunction.Playing iPod Files• Select [Play iPod Files] to playsongs saved on your iPod®.If there are no songs saved on youriPod®, the [Play iPod Files] is dis-abled.
Audio system274✽NOTICE - Using Bluetooth®(BT)Audio (if equipped)• Bluetooth®Audio mode can onlybe used if a Bluetooth®-enabledphone is connected. Only devicesthat support Bluetooth®audio canbe used.• If the Bluetooth®-enabled phone isdisconnected during play, themusic stops.• When the TRACK UP/DOWNbuttons are used duringBluetooth®audio streaming, apopping noise or sound interrup-tions may occur, depending on thecell phone device.• Depending on the cell phonemodel, the audio streaming func-tion may not be supported.• If a phone call is made or receivedwhen music is playing inBluetooth®Audio mode, the callmay mix with the music.• When returning to Bluetooth®Audio mode after ending a call,play might not resume automati-cally for some cell phone models.CAUTION• Bluetooth®Wireless TechnologyHandsfree is a feature thatenables drivers to practicesafe driving. Connecting thecar audio system with aBluetooth®Wireless Technologyphone allows the user to con-veniently make calls, receivecalls, and manage the phonebook. Before using theBluetooth®Wireless Technology,carefully read the contents ofthis user’s manual.• Excessive use or operationswhile driving may lead to neg-ligent driving practices and bethe cause of accidents. • Do not operate the deviceexcessively while driving. • Viewing the screen for pro-longed periods of time is dan-gerous and may lead to acci-dents. • When driving, view the screenonly for short periods of time.
Audio system428Bluetooth®(BT) Audio (if equipped)(1) Play/PausePause or play music by pressingbutton [1].(2) ConnectionsGo to the connections screen bypressing button [2].✽NOTICESome cell phones may not supportthis function.Playback• Press the [MEDIA] button, andselect [BT Audio].Changing songs• Press the [SEEK/TRACK] button,to play the previous or next song.✽NOTICESome cell phones may not supportthis function.MenuPress the [MENU] button, and selectthe desired function.• Connections: The currently con-nected Bluetooth®device can bechanged.• Sound Settings: Audio sound set-tings can be changed.AUXRunning AUX• Press the [MEDIA] button, andselect [AUX].• Connect the external device con-nection jack to the AUX terminal torun AUX.MenuPress the [MENU] button and selectthe desired function.• Sound Settings: Audio sound set-tings can be changed.
Audio system294My Music(1) RepeatEnable/disable repeat by pressingbutton [1].(2) ShuffleEnable/disable shuffle play by press-ing button [2].(3) ListView a list of all songs by pressingbutton [3].PlaybackPress the [MEDIA] button, andselect [My Music]. • My Music cannot be selected if itdoes not contain music.• Check the content of your USBdrive before saving music to MyMusic.Changing songsPress the [SEEK/TRACK] button toplay the previous or next song.• Press and hold the [SEEK/TRACK]button to rewind or fast-forwardthe currently playing song.• Search songs by turning the TUNEknob and press the knob to play.Selecting songs from a listPress the [List] to see a list of songsavailable for play.Select and play the desired song.Repeat playPress the [Repeat] to enable or dis-able ‘Repeat all’, ‘Repeat currentsong’ or ‘Repeat category’.• Repeat all: Repeat all songs.• Repeat current song: The cur-rently playing song is repeated.• Repeat category: Repeat allsongs in the current category.Shuffle playPress the [Shuffle] to enable/disable‘Shuffle’, ‘Shuffle category’.• Shuffle: Songs are played inrandom order.• Shuffle category: Songs withinthe current category are played inrandom order.
Audio system430MenuPress the [MENU] button, and selectthe desired function.• Delete Files: You can delete filesfrom My Music.(1) File: Select saved file by usingTUNE knob.(2) Mark All: Select all files by press-ing button [1].(3) Unmark All: Deselect all files bypressing button [2].(4) Delete: Delete the selected file(s)by pressing button [3].- Select the file to delete, thenpress the [Delete] to delete it.- Delete is canceled if phone callsare received or made duringdelete.• Add to Playlist: Frequently playedsongs can be paired in a [Playlist].- Songs can be played from the[Playlist].• Information: Detailed info on thecurrently playing song is displayed.• Sound Settings: Audio sound set-tings can be changed.• Scan: All songs are played for 10seconds each.Delete from PlaylistWhen a song in the playlist is play-ing, press the [MENU] button andselect [Delete from Playlist].Select the song to delete, then press[Delete].
Audio system314Phone (if equipped)✽NOTICE - Using Bluetooth®(BT)Phone• Bluetooth®is a near-field wirelessnetworking technology that usesthe 2.4 GHz frequency to connectvarious devices within a certaindistance wirelessly.• The technology is used in PCs,peripherals, Bluetooth®phones,tablet PCs, household appliancesand automobiles. Devices support-ing Bluetooth®can exchange dataat high speeds without physicalcable connections.• Bluetooth®Handsfree devicesenable convenient access to phonefunctions through cell phonesequipped with Bluetooth®.• Some Bluetooth®devices may notbe supported by the Bluetooth®Handsfree function.(Continued)(Continued)• When Bluetooth®is connected andcalls are attempted through a con-nected cell phone from outside thevehicle, the call is connectedthrough the Bluetooth®Handsfreefunction of the vehicle.• Please be sure to disconnect theBluetooth®Handsfree functionthrough your Bluetooth®device orthe audio screen.• The Bluetooth®Handsfree func-tion helps drivers to drive safely.By connecting a Bluetooth®-enabled phone to the vehicle’saudio system, phone calls can bemade and received through theaudio system and contacts can bemanaged. Consult the user manu-al before use.• Excessive manipulation of con-trols while driving, making it diffi-cult to pay attention to the roadahead, can lead to accidents. Donot operate the device excessivelywhile driving.(Continued)(Continued)• Looking at the screen for a pro-longed time increases the risk ofaccidents. Keep time spent lookingat the screen to a minimum.
Audio system432Precautions when connecting Bluetooth®devices• The vehicle supports the followingBluetooth®functions. SomeBluetooth®devices may not supportsome functions.1) Bluetooth®Handsfree phonecalls2) Operations during a call (Private,Switch, Out Vol. controls)3) Download call history saved tothe Bluetooth®device4) Download contacts saved to theBluetooth®device5) Automatic contacts/call historydownload when Bluetooth®isconnected6) Automatic Bluetooth®deviceconnection when the vehicle isstarted7) Bluetooth®audio streamingplayback• Before connecting the audio sys-tem to your device, make sure yourdevice supports Bluetooth®.• Even if your device supportsBluetooth®, a Bluetooth®connec-tion cannot be established if thedevice’s Bluetooth®function isswitched off. Search and connectwith the Bluetooth®functionenabled.• Pair or connect Bluetooth®devicesto the audio system with the vehi-cle at a standstill.• If a Bluetooth®connection is lostdue to abnormal conditions while aBluetooth®device is connected(communication range exceeded,device power OFF, communicationerrors, etc.), the disconnectedBluetooth®device is searched forand automatically reconnected.• If you want to disable theBluetooth®device auto-connectfunction, turn the Bluetooth®func-tion OFF on your device. Consultthe user manuals for individualdevices to see whether Bluetooth®is supported.• Handsfree call quality and volumemay vary depending on the type ofBluetooth®device.• Some Bluetooth®devices are sub-ject to intermittent Bluetooth®con-nection failures. In this case, usethe following method.1) Turn the Bluetooth®function offon your Bluetooth®device  ➟Turn it on and try again.2) Delete the paired device fromboth the audio system andBluetooth®device, then pairagain.3) Power down your Bluetooth®device  ➟Turn it on and tryagain.4) Completely remove the batteryfrom your Bluetooth®device;reinsert it, reboot, and attemptconnection.5) Restart the vehicle and reat-tempt connection.
Audio system334Pairing a Bluetooth®deviceInformation on pairing Bluetooth®devices• Pairing refers to the process ofpairing Bluetooth®cell phones ordevices with the system prior toconnection. This is a necessaryprocedure for Bluetooth®connec-tion and usage.• Up to five devices can be paired.• Pairing Bluetooth®device is notallowed while vehicle is moving.Pairing the first Bluetooth®deviceSelect the [PHONE] button on theaudio system or the [CALL] buttonon the steering wheel remote control➟Search for the vehicle from theBluetooth®device, and pair ➟Enterthe passkey on the Bluetooth®device or approve passkey ➟Bluetooth®pairing completed.1. When the [PHONE] button on theaudio or the [CALL] button on thesteering wheel remote control ispressed, the following screen is dis-played. Devices can now be paired.(1) Vehicle Name: Searched name inBluetooth®device.(2) Passkey: Passkey for device pairing.✽NOTICEThe vehicle name in the image aboveis an example. Refer to your devicefor the actual name of your device.2. Search for available Bluetooth®devices in the Bluetooth®menu ofyour Bluetooth®device (cellphone, etc.).3. Confirm that the vehicle name inyour Bluetooth®device matches thevehicle name shown on the audioscreen, then select it.4-1. For devices that require passkeyentry, a passkey entry screen isshown on your Bluetooth device.- Enter the passkey ‘0000’, shownon the audio screen, in yourBluetooth device.4-2. For devices that require passkeyconfirmation, the followingscreen is shown on the audiosystem. A 6-digit passkey inputscreen is shown in the Bluetoothdevice.✽NOTICEThe 6-digit passkey in the imageabove is an example. Refer to yourvehicle for the actual passkey.
Audio system434Pairing a second Bluetooth®devicePress the [SETUP] button on theaudio system ➟Select [Phone] ➟Select [Connections] ➟Select [AddNew Device].- The pairing procedure from thispoint is identical to [Pairing the firstBluetooth device].✽NOTICE• Bluetooth®standby mode lasts forthree minutes. If a device is notpaired within three minutes, pair-ing is canceled. Start over from thebeginning.• For most Bluetooth®devices, aconnection is established automat-ically after pairing. Some devices,however, require separate confir-mation when connecting afterpairing. Be sure to check yourBluetooth®device after pairing toconfirm that it has connected.Connecting Bluetooth®devicesIf there are no connected devicesSelect the [PHONE] button on theaudio system or the [CALL] button inthe steering wheel remote control ➟List of paired Bluetooth®devices  ➟Select the desired Bluetooth®devicefrom the list ➟Connect Bluetooth®.
Audio system354If there are connected devicesSelect the [PHONE] button on theaudio system ➟Select [Settings] ➟Select [Connections] ➟SelectBluetooth®device to connect ➟Select[Connect] ➟Connect Bluetooth®.✽NOTICE• Only one Bluetooth®device can beconnected at a time.• When a Bluetooth®device is con-nected, other devices cannot bepaired.Accepting/rejecting phone callsReceiving phone calls withBluetooth®connected.(1) Caller name: If the caller numberis in your contacts, the correspon-ding name is displayed.(2) Incoming phone number: Incomingphone number is displayed.(3) Accept: Accept call.(4) Reject: Reject call.✽NOTICE• When the incoming call screen isdisplayed, audio mode and the set-tings screen cannot be shown.Only call volume control is sup-ported.• Some Bluetooth®devices may notsupport the call reject function.• Some Bluetooth®devices may notsupport the phone number displayfunction.
Audio system436Operation during calls Incoming call with Bluetooth®con-nected ➟Select [Accept].(1) Call duration: Call duration display.(2) Caller name: If the caller number isin your contacts, the correspondingname is displayed.(3) Incoming phone number: Incomingphone number is displayed.(4) Private: Call is transferred to a cellphone.(5) End: End call.(6) Mute: Block outgoing voice. MenuPress the [MENU] button, and selectthe desired function.• Switch: Switch between calls ifconnected to two or more calls.• Outgoing volume: Adjust outgoingvoice volume.✽NOTICE• Some Bluetooth®devices may notsupport the Private function.• The outgoing voice volume mayvary depending on the type ofBluetooth®device. If the outgoingvoice volume is too high or low,adjust the outgoing volume.• The Switch menu will only be dis-played if connected to two or morecalls.FavoritesSelect the [PHONE] button on theaudio system ➟Select [Favorites] ➟Favorites list displayed.(1) Add to Favorites: Add a down-loaded phone number to favorites.(2) Favorites list: A list of pairedfavorites is displayed Connect acall when selected.MenuPress the [MENU] button, and selectthe desired function.• Delete: Delete a saved favorites.
Audio system374✽NOTICE• Up to 20 favorites can be pairedfor each paired Bluetooth®device.• Favorites can be accessed whenthe Bluetooth®device they werepaired from is connected.• The audio system does not down-load favorites from Bluetooth®devices. Favorites must be newlysaved before use.• To add to favorites, contacts mustbe downloaded first.• Saved favorites are not updatedeven if the contacts of the connect-ed Bluetooth®device are changed.In this case, favorites need to bedeleted and added again.Call historySelect the [PHONE] button on theaudio system ➟Select [Call history]➟Call history is displayed.(1) Call history: Display the down-loaded call history list.Connect a call when selected.MenuPress the [MENU] button, and selectthe desired function.• All Calls: Display all call history.• Missed Calls: Display missed calls.• Dialed Calls: Display dialed calls.• Received Calls: Display receivedcalls.• Download: Download call historyfrom connected Bluetooth®devices.✽NOTICE• Up to 50 dialed, received andmissed calls are saved.• When the latest call history isreceived, the existing call history isdeleted.
Audio system438ContactsSelect the [PHONE] button on theaudio system ➟Select [Contacts] ➟Select letter (ABC) ➟Contacts dis-played.(1) Contacts: Display downloadedcontacts.If one phone number is saved, thenumber will be dialed whenselected.If two or more phone numbers aresaved, a list of saved numbers willbe displayed when selected.MenuPress the [MENU] button, and selectthe desired function.• Download: Download contacts fromconnected Bluetooth®devices.✽NOTICE• Up to 2,000 contacts can be saved.• In some cases, additional confir-mation from your Bluetooth®device is necessary when down-loading contacts. If downloadingof contacts unsuccessful, consultyour Bluetooth®device’s settingsor the audio screen to approve thedownload.• Contacts without phone numbersare not displayed.SettingsSelect the [PHONE] button on theaudio ➟Select [Settings].- For phone settings, refer to Setuppage.
Audio system394SetupAccess Display, Sound, Phone*,System and Display Off settings.Select the [SETUP] button on theaudio system.* if equippedDisplay Select the [SETUP] button on theaudio system ➟Select [Display].• Mode: Audio screen brightnesscan be adjusted to the time of day.• Illumination: The brightness of theaudio screen can be changed.• Text Scroll: If text is too long to bedisplayed on the screen, enablethe text scroll function.Sound Select the [SETUP] button on theaudio system ➟Select [Sound].• Position: Sound balance and pan-ning can be adjusted.• Tone: Sound tone color can beadjusted.• Speed Dependent Volume:Automatically adjust volume basedon vehicle speed.Phone (if equipped)Select the [SETUP] button on theaudio system ➟Select [Phone].• Connections: Control pairing, dele-tion, connection and disconnectionof Bluetooth®devices.• Auto Connection Priority: Set theconnection priority of Bluetooth®devices when the vehicle is start-ed.• Download Contacts: Contacts canbe downloaded from connectedBluetooth®devices.✽NOTICE• When paired devices are deleted,the call history and contacts of thedevice saved to the audio systemare deleted.• For Bluetooth®connections withlow connection priority, some timemay be required for the connec-tion to be established.• Contacts can be downloaded onlyfrom the currently connectedBluetooth®device.• If no Bluetooth®device is connect-ed, the download contacts buttonis disabled.
Audio system440SystemSelect the [SETUP] button on theaudio system ➟Select [System].• Memory Information: View MyMusic memory usage.• Language: Change the user lan-guage.• Default: Reset the audio system.✽NOTICEThe system resets to the default val-ues, and all saved data and settingsare lost.Display OffTo prevent glare, the screen can beturned off with the audio system inoperation.Select the [SETUP] button on theaudio system➟Select [Display Off].
FCC InformationThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class В digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.  Іf this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:–Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.–Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.–Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.–Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for helpThis device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.Caution: Any changes or modifications to this device not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void your authority to operate the equipment.This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment.This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum 20 cm between the radiator and your  body. This transmitter must not be collocated or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter unless authorized to do so by the FCC.

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