Users Manual

FCC WarningThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in aresidential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installedand used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However,there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does causeharmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off andon, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:̰Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.̰Increasetheseparationbetweentheequipmentandreceiver.̰Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.̰Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.Caution: Any changes or modifications to this device not explicitly approved by manufacturer could voidyour authority to operate this equipment.This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:(1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received,including interference that may cause undesired operation.IC Warning"This device complies with Industry Canada licence-exempt RSS standard(s)."Operation is subject to the following conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device mustaccept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d'Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence.L'exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes : (1) l'appareil ne doit pas provoquer de brouillage, et (2)l'appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d'encompromettre le fonctionnement.
41Features of your vehicleHow vehicle audio worksAM and FM radio signals are broad-cast from transmitter towers locatedaround your city. They are intercept-ed by the radio antenna on your vehi-cle. This signal is then processed bythe radio and sent to your vehiclespeakers.When a strong radio signal hasreached your vehicle, the preciseengineering of your audio systemensures the best possible qualityreproduction. However, in somecases the signal coming to your vehi-cle may not be strong and clear.This can be due to factors, such asthe distance from the radio station,closeness of other strong radio sta-tions or the presence of buildings,bridges or other large obstructions inthe area.AM broadcasts can be received atgreater distances than FM broad-casts. This is because AM radiowaves are transmitted at low fre-quencies. These long distance,lowfrequency radio waves can follow thecurvature of the earth rather thantravelling straight. In addition, theycurve around obstructions  resultingin better signal coverage.♬♩♪♬♩♪JBM002AM reception ♬♩♪JBM001FM reception
Features of your vehicle24FM broadcasts are transmitted athigh frequencies and do not bend tofollow the earth's surface. Becauseof this, FM broadcasts generallybegin to fade within short distancesfrom the station. short distances fromthe station. Also, FM signals are eas-ily affected by buildings, mountains,and obstructions. This can lead toundesirable or unpleasant listeningconditions which might lead you tobelieve a problem exists with yourradio. The following conditions arenormal and do not indicate radiotrouble:• Fading - As your vehicle movesaway from the radio station, thesignal will weaken and sound willbegin to fade. When this occurs,we suggest that you select anotherstronger station.• Flutter/Static - Weak FM signals orlarge obstructions between thetransmitter and your radio can dis-turb the signal causing static orfluttering noises to occur. Reducingthe treble level may lessen thiseffect until the disturbance clears.• Station Swapping - As an FM sig-nal weakens, another more power-ful signal near the same frequencymay begin to play. This is becauseyour radio is designed to lock ontothe clearest signal. If this occurs,select another station with astronger signal.• Multi-Path Cancellation - Radiosignals being received from sever-al directions can cause distortionor fluttering. This can be caused bya direct and reflected signal fromthe same station, or by signalsfrom two stations with close fre-quencies. If this occurs, selectanother station until the conditionhas passed.JBM003FM radio stationJBM005♬♩♪JBM004
43Features of your vehicleUsing a cellular phone or a two-wayradio   When a cellular phone is used insidethe vehicle, noise may be producedfrom the audio system. This does notmean that something is wrong withthe audio equipment. In such a case,try to operate mobile devices as farfrom the audio equipment as possi-ble.Caring for disc• If the temperature inside the car is toohigh, open the car windows to venti-late before using the system.• It is illegal to copy and useMP3/WMA files without permission.Use CDs that are created only bylawful means.• Do not apply volatile agents, suchas benzene and thinner, normalcleaners and magnetic spraysmade for analogue disc onto CDs.• To prevent the disc surface fromgetting damaged, hold CDs by theedges or the center hole only.• Clean the disc surface with a pieceof soft cloth before playback (wipeit from the center to the outsideedge).• Do not damage the disc surface orattach pieces of sticky tape orpaper.• Make certain only CDs are insert-ed into the CD player (Do not insertmore than one CD at a time).• Keep CDs in their cases after use toprotect them from scratches or dirt.CAUTIONWhen using a communicationsystem such as a cellular phoneor a radio set inside the vehicle,a separate external antennamust be fitted. When a cellularphone or a radio set is usedwith an internal antenna alone,it may interfere with the vehi-cle's electrical system andadversely affect safe operationof the vehicle.WARNINGDo not use a cellular phonewhile driving. Stop at a safelocation to use a cellular phone.
Features of your vehicle44• Depending on the type of CD-R/CD-RW CDs, certain CDs maynot operate normally according tothe manufacturing companies. Insuch circumstances, continueduse may cause malfunctions toyour audio system.✽NOTICE - Playing an IncompatibleCopy Protected Audio CDSome copy protected CDs, which donot comply with  international audioCD standards (Red Book), may notplay on your car audio. Please notethat inabilities to properly play acopy protected CD may indicatethat the CD is defective, not the CDplayer.NOTE:Order of playing files (folders) :1. Song playing order : to sequentially.2. Folder playing order :❋If no song file is contained in thefolder, that folder is not displayed.
45Features of your vehicleCAUTION• Operating the device whiledriving could lead to acci-dents due to a lack of atten-tion to external surroundings.First park the vehicle beforeoperating the device.• Adjust the volume to levelsthat allow the driver to hearsounds from outside of thevehicle. Driving in a statewhere external sounds cannotbe heard may lead to acci-dents.• Pay attention to the volumesetting when turning thedevice on. A sudden output ofextreme volume upon turningthe device on could lead tohearing impairment. (Adjustthe volume to a suitable levelsbefore turning off the device.)(Continued)WARNING• Do not stare at the screenwhile driving. Staring at thescreen for prolonged periodsof time could lead to trafficaccidents.• Do not disassemble, assem-ble, or modify the audio sys-tem. Such acts could result inaccidents, fire, or electricshock.• Using the phone while drivingmay lead to a lack of attention oftraffic conditions and increasethe likelihood of accidents.Use the phone feature afterparking the vehicle.• Heed caution not to spill wateror introduce foreign objectsinto the device. Such actscould lead to smoke, fire, orproduct malfunction.(Continued)(Continued)• Please refrain from use if thescreen is blank or no soundcan be heard as these signsmay indicate product mal-function. Continued usein such conditions could leadto accidents(fires, electricshock) or product malfunc-tions.• Do not touch the antenna dur-ing thunder or lightening assuch acts may lead to light-ning induced electric shock.• Do not stop or park in park-ing-restricted areas to operatethe product. Such acts couldlead to traffic accidents.• Use the system with the vehi-cle ignition turned on.Prolonged use with the igni-tion turned off could result inbattery discharge.
Features of your vehicle64(Continued)• If you want to change the posi-tion of device installation,please inquire with your placeof purchase or service mainte-nance center. Technicalexpertise is required to installor disassemble the device.• Turn on the car ignition beforeusing this device. Do not oper-ate the audio system for longperiods of time with the igni-tion turned off as such opera-tions may lead to battery dis-charge.• Do not subject the device tosevere shock or impact. Directpressure onto the front side ofthe monitor may cause dam-age to the LCD or touchscreen.(Continued)(Continued)• When cleaning the device,make sure to turn off thedevice and use a dry andsmooth cloth. Never usetough materials, chemicalcloths, or solvents (alcohol,benzene, thinners, etc.) assuch materials may damagethe device panel or causecolor/quality deterioration• Do not place beverages closeto the audio system. Spillingbeverages may lead to systemmalfunction.• In case of product malfunction,please contact your place of pur-chase or After Service center.• Placing the audio systemwithin an electromagneticenvironment may result innoise interference.• Prevent caustic solutionssuch as perfume and cosmet-ic oil from contacting thedashboard because they maycause damage or discol-oration.
47Features of your vehicleUSING THE USB DEVICE• To use an external USB device,make sure the device is not con-nected when starting up thevehicle. Connect the device afterstarting up.• If you start the engine when theUSB device is connected, it maydamage the USB device. (USBflashdrives are very sensitive toelectric shock.)• If the engine is started up orturned off while the external USBdevice is connected, the externalUSB device may not work.• The System may not play unau-thenticated MP3 or WMA files.1) It can only play MP3 files withthe compression ratebetween 8Kbps ~ 320Kbps.2) It can only play WMA musicfiles with the compressionrate between 8Kbps ~320Kbps.• Take precautions for static elec-tricity when connecting or discon-necting the external USB device.(Continued)(Continued)• An encrypted MP3 PLAYER isnot recognizable.• Depending on the condition ofthe external USB device, theconnected external USB devicecan be unrecognizable.• When the formatted byte/sectorsetting of External USB device isnot either 512BYTE or2048BYTE, then the device willnot be recognized.• Use only a USB device format-ted to FAT 12/16/32.• USB devices without USB I/Fauthentication may not be recog-nizable.• Make sure the USB connectionterminal does not come in con-tact with the human body orother objects.• If you repeatedly connect or dis-connect the USB device in ashort period of time, it may breakthe device.(Continued)(Continued)• You may hear a strange noisewhen connecting or disconnect-ing a USB device.• If you disconnect the externalUSB device during playback inUSB mode, the external USBdevice can be damaged or maymalfunction. Therefore, discon-nect the external USB devicewhen the audio is turned off or inanother mode. (e.g, Radio, CD)• Depending on the type andcapacity of the external USBdevice or the type of the filesstored in the device, there is adifference in the time taken forrecognition of the device.• Do not use the USB device forpurposes other than playingmusic files.• Playing videos through the USBis not supported.• Use of USB accessories such asrechargers or heaters using USBI/F may lower performance orcause trouble.(Continued)
Features of your vehicle84(Continued)• Some USB flash memory read-ers (such as CF, SD, micro SD,etc.) or external-HDD typedevices can be unrecognizable.• Music files protected by DRM(DIGITAL RIGHTS MANAGE-MENT) are not recognizable.• The data in the USB memorymay be lost while using thisaudio. Always back up importantdata on a personal storagedevice.• Please avoid usingUSB memory prod-ucts which can beused as key chains orcellular phone acces-sories as they could cause dam-age to the USB jack. Pleasemake certain only to use plugtype connector products.(Continued)• If you use devices such as a USBhub purchased separately, thevehicle’s audio system may notrecognize the USB device. In thatcase, connect the USB devicedirectly to the multimedia terminalof the vehicle.• If the USB device is divided by log-ical drives, only the music files onthe highest-priority drive are rec-ognized by car audio.• Devices such as MP3 Player/Cellular phone/Digital camera canbe unrecognizable by standardUSB I/F can be unrecognizable.• Charging through the USB maynot be supported in some mobiledevices.• USB HDD or USB types liable toconnection failures due to vehiclevibrations are not supported.(i-stick type)• Some non-standard USB devices(METAL COVER TYPE USB) canbe unrecognizable.(Continued)
49Features of your vehicleUSING THE iPod®DEVICE• Some iPod®models may notsupport communication protocoland files may not properly play.Supported iPod®models:- iPhone®3GS/4- iPod®touch 1st~4th generation- iPod®nano 1st~6th generation- iPod®classic• The order of search or playbackof songs in the iPod®can be dif-ferent from the order searched inthe audio system.• If the iPod®is disabled due to itsown malfunction, reset theiPod®. (Reset: Refer to iPod®manual)• An iPod®may not operate nor-mally on low battery.(Continued)(Continued)• Some iPod®devices, such as theiPhone®, can be connectedthrough the Bluetooth®WirelessTechnology interface. The devicemust have audio Bluetooth®Wireless Technology capability(such as for stereo headphoneBluetooth®Wireless Technology). The device can play, but it willnot be controlled by the audiosystem.• To use iPod®features within theaudio, use the cable providedupon purchasing an iPod®device.• Skipping or improper operationmay occur depending on thecharacteristics of youriPod®/iPhone®device.• If your iPhone®is connected toboth the Bluetooth®WirelessTechnology and USB, the soundmay not be properly played. Inyour iPhone®, select the Dockconnector or Bluetooth®Wireless Technology to changethe sound output (source).(Continued)(Continued)• When connecting iPod®with theiPod®Power Cable, insert theconnector to the multimediasocket completely. If not insertedcompletely, communicationsbetween iPod®and audio maybe interrupted.• When adjusting the soundeffects of the iPod®and theaudio system, the sound effectsof both devices will overlap andmight reduce or distort the qual-ity of the sound.• Deactivate (turn off) the equaliz-er function of an iPod®whenadjusting the audio system’s vol-ume, and turn off the equalizerof the audio system when usingthe equalizer of an iPod®.• When not using iPod®with caraudio, detach the iPod®cablefrom iPod®. Otherwise, iPod®may remain in accessory mode,and may not work properly.
Features of your vehicle104Bluetooth®WirelessTechnologyBluetooth®Wireless TechnologyThe Bluetooth®word mark and logosare registered trademarks owned byBluetooth SIG, lnc. and any use ofsuch marks by Kia is under license.A Bluetooth®enabled call phone isrequired to use Bluetooth®wirelesstechnology.Before Using the Bluetooth®HandsfreeWhat is Bluetooth®?• Bluetooth®refers to a short-dis-tance wireless networking technol-ogy which uses a 2.4GHz ~2.48GHz frequency to connect var-ious devices within a certain dis-tance.• Supported  within  PCs,  externaldevices, Bluetooth®phones, PDAs,various electronic devices, andautomotive environments,Bluetooth®allows data to be trans-mitted at high speeds without hav-ing to use a connector cable.• Bluetooth®Handsfree refers to adevice which allows the user to con-veniently make phone calls withBluetooth®mobile phones throughthe audio system.• Bluetooth®Handsfree may not besupported in some mobile phones.To learn more about mobile devicecompatibility, visit for Safe Driving• Bluetooth®Handsfree is a featurethat enables drivers to practice safedriving. Connecting the head unitwith a Bluetooth®phone allows theuser to conveniently make andreceive calls and use contacts.Before using Bluetooth®, carefullyread the contents of this user’smanual.• Excessive use or operations whiledriving may lead to negligent driv-ing practices and result in acci-dents. Refrain from excessive oper-ations while driving.• Viewing the screen for prolongedperiods of time is dangerous andmay lead to accidents. When driv-ing, view the screen only for shortperiods of time.WARNINGDriving while distracted canresult in a loss of vehicle controlthat may lead to an accident,severe personal injury, anddeath. The driver’s primaryresponsibility is in the safe andlegal operation of a vehicle, anduse of any handheld devices,other equipment, or vehicle sys-tems which take the driver’seyes, attention and focus awayfrom the safe operation of a vehi-cle or which are not permissibleby law should never be used dur-ing operation of the vehicle.
411Features of your vehicleWhen connecting aBluetooth®Phone• Before connecting the head unitwith the mobile phone, check tosee that the mobile phone sup-ports Bluetooth®features.• Even if the phone supportsBluetooth®, the phone will not befound during device searches ifthe phone has been set to hiddenstate or the Bluetooth®power isturned off. Disable the hiddenstate or turn on the Bluetooth®power prior to searching/connect-ing with the Head unit.• Bluetooth phone is automaticallyconnected when the ignition on.• If you do not want automatic con-nection with your Bluetooth®device, turn off the Bluetooth®feature within your mobile phone.• The Handsfree call volume andquality may differ depending onthe mobile phone.• Park the vehicle when connectingthe head unit with the mobilephone.• Bluetooth®connection maybecome intermittently discon-nected in some mobile phones.Follow these steps to try again.1. Within the mobile phone, turnthe Bluetooth®function off/onand try again.2. Turn the mobile phone powerOff/On and try again.3. Completely remove the mobilephone battery, reboot, and thenagain.4. Reboot the audio system andtry again.5. Delete all paired devices, pairand try again.• Handsfree call quality and volumemay differ depending on themodel of your mobile phone.
Features of your vehicle124Voice Recognition• When using the voice recognitionfeature, only commands listedwithin the user's manual are sup-ported.• Be aware that during the operationof the voice recognition system,pressing any key other than thekey terminate voice recogni-tion mode.• For superior voice recognition per-formance, position the microphoneused for voice recognition abovethe head of the driver’s seat andmaintain a proper position whensaying commands.• Within the following situations,voice recognition may not functionproperly due to external sound.- When the windows and sunroofare open- When the wind of the cooling /heating device is strong- When entering and passingthrough tunnels(Continued)(Continued)- When driving on rugged anduneven roads- During severe rain (heavy rains,windstorms)• Phone related voice commandscan be used only when aBluetooth®Wireless Technologydevice is connected.• When making calls by stating aname, the corresponding contactmust be downloaded and storedwithin the audio system.• After downloading the Bluetooth®Wireless Technology phone book,it takes some times to convert thephone book data into voice infor-mation. During this time, voicerecognition may not properly oper-ate.• Pronounce the voice commandsnaturally and clearly as if in a nor-mal conversation.
413Features of your vehicle■ CD Player :❋ No  logo will be shown if the Bluetooth®Wireless Technology feature is not supported.
Features of your vehicle144SYSTEM CONTROLLERSAND FUNCTIONS❈Display and settings may differdepending on the selected audio.Audio Head Unit(1) (EJECT)Ejects the disc.(2) Changes to FM/AM/SIRIUSTM mode.Each time the key is pressed, themode is changed in order of FM1 ➟FM2 ➟AM ➟SAT1 ➟SAT2 ➟SAT3.❈In Setup>Display, the radio pop upscreen will be displayed when[Mode Pop up] is turned  .When the pop up screen is dis-played, use the  TUNE knob orkeys ~ to select thedesired mode.(3) Changes to CD, USB(iPod®), AUX,My Music, BT Audio mode.Each time the key is pressed, themode is changed in order of CD,USB(iPod®), AUX, My Music, BTAudio.❈In Setup>Display, the media popup screen will be displayed when[Mode Pop up] is turned   .When the pop up screen is dis-played, use the  TUNE  knob orkeys ~ to select thedesired mode.(4) Operates Phone Screen❈When a phone is not connected,the connection screen is displayed.(5) PWR/VOL knobPower : Turns power On/Off bypressing the knobVolume : Sets volume by turningthe knob left/right(6) Radio Mode : Automatically search-es for broadcast frequencies.CD, USB, iPod®, My Music modes- Shortly press the key (under 0.8 sec-onds): Moves to next or previous song(file)- Press and hold the key (over 0.8 sec-onds): Rewinds or fast-forwards thecurrent song.BT Audio mode : Moves to next orprevious song(file)❈ The Play/Pause feature may oper-ate differently depending on themobile phone.SEEKTRACKPHONE51 OnMEDIA61 OnRADIO
415Features of your vehicle(7) Each time the button is shortlypressed (under 0.8 seconds), it setsthe screen Off ➟Screen On ➟Screen Off❈Audio operation is maintained andonly the screen will be turned Off.In the screen Off state, press anykey to turn the screen On again.(8) Radio Mode- Shortly press the key : Previewseach broadcast for 5 secondseach.- Press and hold the key (over 0.8seconds): Previews the broadcastssaved in Preset  ~  for 5seconds each.❈Press the  key again tocontinue listening to the currentfrequency.❈SAT Radio does not support thePreset scan feature.CD, USB, My Music mode- Shortly press the key (under 0.8seconds): Previews each song(file) for 10 seconds each.❈Press the  key again tocontinue listening to the currentsong (file).(9) Shortly press the key (under 0.8 sec-onds) : Moves to the Display, Sound,Clock, Phone, System setting modesPress and hold the key (over 0.8 sec-onds) : Move to the Time settingscreen (10) Displays menus for the current mode.❈iPod List : Move to parent category(11) TUNE knobRadio mode : Changes frequency byturning the knob left/right.CD, USB, iPod®, My Music mode:Searches songs (files) by turning theknob left/right.❈When the desired song is displayed,press the knob to play the song.Moves focus in all selection menusand selects menus.MENUSETUPCLOCKSCANSCAN61SCANDISP
(12) Radio Mode- SIRIUSTM RADIO : Category SearchMP3, CD, USB mode : Folder Search(13) (14) (15) ~ (Preset)Radio Mode: Saves frequencies(channels) or receives saved fre-quencies (channels)CD, USB, iPod®, My Music mode- : Repeat- : RandomIn the Radio, Media, Setup, andMenu pop up screen, the numbermenu is selected.(16) Changes to FM mode.Each time the key is pressed, themode changed in order of FM1 ➟FM2.(17) Changes to AM mode.AMFM2 RDM1 RPT61BACKMUTECATFOLDERFeatures of your vehicle164
417Features of your vehicleSETUPDisplay SettingsPress the  key Select [Display]through  TUNE knob or  keySelect menu through  TUNE knobMode Pop up[Mode Pop up] Changes  /selection mode• During On state, press the or  key to display the modechange pop up screen.Text Scroll[Text Scroll] Set  /• : Maintains scroll•  : Scrolls only one (1) time.Media DisplayWhen playing an MP3 file, select thedesired display info from ‘Folder/File’or ‘Album/Artist/Song’.OffOnOffOnMEDIARADIOOffOn1SETUP
Features of your vehicle184SOUND SETTINGSPress the  key Select [Sound]through  TUNE knob or  keySelect menu through  TUNE knobSound SettingsThis menu allows you to set the ‘Bass,Middle, Treble’ and the Sound Fader andBalance.Select [Sound Settings] Selectmenu through TUNE knobTu r nTUNE knobleft/right to set• Bass, Middle, Treble : Selects thesound tone.• Fader, Balance : Moves the soundfader and balance.• Default : Restores default settings.❈Back : While adjusting values,pressing the  TUNE knob willrestore the parent menu.Speed Dependent Volume ControlThis feature is used to automaticallycontrol the volume level according tothe speed of the vehicle.Select [Speed Dependent Vol.] Setin 4 levels [Off/Low/Mid/High] of TUNEknobVoice Recognition VolumeAdjusts voice recognition volume.Select [Voice Recognition Vol.] Setvolume of TUNEknob2SETUP
419Features of your vehicleSYSTEM SETTINGSPress the  key Select[System]  Select menu through TUNE knobMemory InformationDisplays currently used memory andtotal system memory.Select [Memory Information] OKThe currently used memory is dis-played on the left side while the totalsystem memory is displayed on theright side.Prompt FeedbackThis feature is used to change voicecommand feedback between Normaland Expert modes.Select [Prompt Feedback] Setthrough TUNEknob• On : This mode is for beginnerusers and provides detailed instruc-tions during voice command opera-tion.• Off : This mode is for expert usersand omits some information duringvoice command operation. (Whenusing Expert mode, guidanceinstructions can be heard throughthe [Help] or [Menu] commands.LanguageThis menu is used to set the displayand voice recognition language.Select [Language]Set through  TUNE knob❈ The system will reboot after thelanguage is changed.❈ Language support by region- English, Francais, EspanolSETUP
Features of your vehicle204RADIO : FM, AM OR SIRIUSTMChanging RADIO mode (FM, AMor SIRIUSTM)Press the  key to change themode in order of FM1➟FM2➟AM➟SAT1➟SAT2➟SAT3.• When the power is off, press thekey to turn on the audio systemand receive radio broadcasts.• [Mode Pop up] On state : Displays thechange radio mode pop up screen.While the pop up screen is displayed,you can change the radio mode(FM1➟FM2➟AM➟SAT1➟SAT2➟SAT3)through the tune knob or  ~ keys.Adjust VolumeTurn the  VOL knob left/right toadjust the volume.SEEKPress the  key• Shortly pressing the key (under 0.8seconds): Automatically searchesfor the next station.• Pressing and holding the key (over0.8 seconds): While holding the key, frequency changes without stop-ping. When the key is released,automatically searches for the nextfrequency from that point.Preset SEEKPress the ~ key• Shortly pressing the key (under 0.8seconds): Plays the frequencysaved in the corresponding key.• Pressing and holding the key (over0.8 seconds): Pressing and holdingthe desired key from  ~ will save the currently playingbroadcast to the selected key andsound a BEEP.SCANPress the  key• Shortly pressing the key (under 0.8seconds): The broadcast frequencyincreases and previews eachbroadcast for 5 seconds each. Afterscanning all frequencies, returnsand plays the current broadcast fre-quency.• Pressing and holding the key (over0.8 seconds): Previews the broad-casts saved in Preset  ~ for 5 seconds each.Selecting through manualsearchTurn the  TUNE knob left/right toadjust the frequency.• FM : Changes by 200KHz• AM : Changes by 10KHz61SCAN6161 SEEKTRACK61RADIORADIO
421Features of your vehicleMENUWithin  key are the A.Store(Auto Store) and Info functions.A.StorePress the  key Set [A.Store]through  TUNE knob or  key.Saves broadcasts with superiorreception to ~ keys. If nofrequencies are received, then themost recently received frequency willbe broadcast.611MENUMENU
Features of your vehicle224Satellite Radio channels:SIRIUSTM Satellite Radio has over130 channels, including 69 channelsof 100% commercial-free music, plussports, news, talk and entertainmentavailable nationwide in your vehicle.For more information and a completelist of SIRIUSTM Satellite Radio chan-nels, visit in the UnitedStates, in Canada,or call SIRIUSTM at 1-888-539-7474.Satellite Radio reception factors:To receive the satellite signal, yourvehicle has been equipped with asatellite radio antenna located on theroof of your vehicle. The vehicle roofprovides the best location for anunobstructed, open view of the sky, arequirement of a satellite radio sys-tem. Like AM/FM, there are severalfactors that can affect satellite radioreception performance:• Antenna obstructions: For optimalreception performance, keep theantenna clear of snow and icebuild-up and keep luggage andother material as far away from theantenna as possible.• Terrain: Hills, mountains, tall build-ings, bridges, tunnels, freewayoverpasses, parking garages,dense tree foliage and thunder-storms can interfere with yourreception.SIRIUSTM Satellite Radio service:SIRIUSTM Satellite Radio is a subscrip-tion-based satellite radio service thatbroadcasts music, sports, news andentertainment programming to radioreceivers, which are available for installa-tion in motor vehicles or factory installed,as well as for the home, portable andwireless devices, and through an Internetconnection on personal computer.Vehicles that are equipped with a factoryinstalled SIRIUSTM Satellite Radio sys-tem  include:• Hardware and an introductory trial sub-scription term, which begins on thedate of sale or lease of the vehicle.• For a small upgrade fee, access toSIRIUSTM music channels, and otherselect channels over the Internet usingany computer connected to theInternet (U.S. customers only).For information on extended subscrip-tion terms, contact SIRIUSTM at 1-888-539-7474.NOTE:SiriusXM service requires a sub-scription, sold separately, after 3-month trial included with vehiclepurchase. If you decide to contin-ue your SiriusXM service at theend of your trial subscription, theplan you choose will automatical-ly renew and bill at then-currentrates until you call Sirius XM at 1-866-635-2349 to cancel. See ourCustomer Agreement for com-plete terms at subject to change.Sirius satellite service is availableonly to those at least 18 and olderin the 48 contiguous USA, D.C.,and PR (with coverage limita-tions). Traffic information notavailable in all markets. See for details.Sirius, XM and all related marksand logos are trademarks of SiriusXM Radio Inc.SIRIUSTM Satellite Radio information
423Features of your vehicleSIRIUSTM RADIOUsing SIRIUSTM Satellite RadioYour Kia vehicle is equipped with a 3month complimentary period of SIR-IUSTM Satellite Radio so you haveaccess to over 130 channels ofmusic, information, and entertain-ment programming.ActivationIn order to extend or reactivate yoursubscription to SIRIUSTM SatelliteRadio, you will need to contact SIR-IUSTM Customer Care at 1-888-539-7474. Have your 12 digit SID (SiriusIdentification Number) / ESN(Electronic Serial Number) ready. Toretrieve the SID / ESN, turn on theradio, press the [RADIO] button, andtune to channel zero.Please note that the vehicle will needto be turned on, in Sirius mode, andhave an unobstructed view of the skyin order for the radio to receive theactivation signal.SEEKPress the  key• Shortly pressing the key (under 0.8seconds): select previous or next chan-nel.• Pressing and holding the key (over 0.8seconds): continuously move to previ-ous or next channel.❈ If the “Category” icon is displayed,channels are changed within the cur-rent category.SCANPress the  key•  Shortly pressing the key (under 0.8seconds): Previews each broadcast for5 seconds each❈ Press the  key again to contin-ue listening to the current frequency❈ If the “Category” icon is displayed,channels are changed within the cur-rent category.CategoryPress the  key Setthrough theTUNEknob• The display will indicate the categorymenus, highlight the category that thecurrent channel belongs to.• In the Category List Mode, press thekey to navigate categorylist.• Press the tune knob to select the lowestchannel in the highlighted category.❈ If channel is selected by selecting cat-egory, then the “CATEGORY” icon isdisplayed at the top of the screen.CATFOLDERCATFOLDERSCANSCANRADIORADIO
Features of your vehicle244PresetPress the  key ~ • Shortly pressing the key (under 0.8seconds): Plays the frequency saved inthe corresponding key.• Pressing and holding the key (over0.8 seconds): Pressing and holdingthe desired key from  ~ will save the current broadcast tothe selected key and sound aBEEP.✽Troubleshooting1. Antenna ErrorIf this message is displayed, the anten-na or antenna cable is broken orunplugged. Please consult with yourKia dealership. 2. Acquiring SignalIf this message is displayed, it meansthat the antenna is covered and thatthe SIRIUSTM Satellite Radio signal isnot available. Ensure the antenna isuncovered and has a clear view of thesky.Tune• Rotate  TUNE knob : Changesthe channel number or scrolls cate-gory list.• Press  TUNE knob : Selects themenu.MenuSelect category menu through theTUNE knob Press the  keySelect [ Info] through the  TUNEknob or  keyInfo (Information)Displays the Artist/Song info of thecurrent song.1 RPTMENU6161RADIO
425Features of your vehicleBASIC METHOD OF USE :Audio CD / MP3 CD / USB /iPod®/ My MusicPress the  key to change themod mode in order of CD ➟USB(iPod®) ➟ AUX ➟ My Music ➟ BTAudio.The folder/file name is displayed onthe screen.<Audio CD><CD MP3><USB><My Music>❈ The CD is automatically playedwhen a CD is inserted.❈ The USB music is automaticallyplayed when a USB is connected.RepeatWhile song (file) is playing(RPT) keyAudio CD, MP3 CD, USB, iPod®, MyMusic mode: RPT on screen• To repeat one song (press the key): Repeats the current song.MP3 CD, USB mode: FLD.RPT onscreen• To repeat folder (pressing twice):repeats all files within the currentfolder.❈ Press the  key again to turnoff repeat.RandomWhile song (file) is playing(RDM) keyAudio CD, My Music mode: RDM onscreen• Random (press the key) : Plays allsongs in random order.2 RDM1 RPT1 RPTMEDIA
Features of your vehicle264MP3 CD, USB mode: FLD.RDM onscreen• Folder Random (press the key) :Plays all files within the current fold-er in random order.iPod®mode: ALL RDM on screen• All Random (press the key) : Playsall files in random order.MP3 CD, USB : ALL RDM on screen• All Random (pressing twice): Playsall files in random order.❈ Press the  key again to turnoff random.Changing Song/FileWhile song (file) is playingkey• Shortly pressing the key : Plays thecurrent song from the beginning.❈ If the  key is pressedagain within 2 second, the previ-ous song is played.• Pressing and holding the key (over0.8 seconds): Rewinds the song.While song (file) is playingkey• Shortly pressing the key : Plays thenext song.• Pressing and holding the key (over0.8 seconds): Fast forwards thesong.ScanWhile song (file) is playingkey• Shortly pressing the key : Scans allsongs from the next song for 10seconds each.❈ Press the  key again to turnoff.❈ The SCAN function is not support-ed in iPod®mode.Folder Search : MP3 CD, USBModeWhile file is playing(Folder Up) key• Searches the next folder.While file is playing(Folder Down) key• Searches the parent folder.❈ If a folder is selected by pressingthe  TUNE knob, the first filewithin the selected folder will beplayed.❈ In iPod®mode, moves to theParent Folder.Searching Songs (File)• Turning TUNEknob : Searchesfor songs (files)• Pressing  TUNE knob : Playsselected song (file).CATFOLDERCATFOLDERSCANSCANSEEKTRACKSEEKTRACKSEEKTRACK2RDM
427Features of your vehicleMENU : Audio CDPress the CD MP3 mode  keyto set the Repeat, Random,Information features.RepeatPress the  key Set [ RPT]through the  TUNE knob or  keyto repeat the current song.❈ Press RPT again to turn off.RandomPress the  key Set [ RDM]through the TUNEknob or key to randomly play songs withinthe current folder.❈ Press RDM again to turn off.InformationPress the  key Set [ Info]through the TUNEknob or key to display information of the cur-rent song.❈ Press the  key to turn offinfo display.MENU : MP3 CD / USBPress the CD MP3 mode  keyto set the Repeat, Folder Random,Folder Repeat, All Random,Information, and Copy features.RepeatPress the  key Set [ RPT]through the TUNEknob or key to repeat the current song.❈ Press RPT again to turn off.1 RPTMENUMENUMENU3MENU2 RDMMENU1 RPTMENUMENU
Features of your vehicle284Folder RandomPress the  key Set [ F.RDM]through the TUNEknob or key to randomly play songs within thecurrent folder.❈ Press F.RDM again to turn off.Folder RepeatPress the  key Set [ F.RPT]through the TUNEknob or key to repeat songs within the cur-rent folder.❈ Press F.RPT again to turn off.All RandomPress the  key Set [ A.RDM]through the TUNEknob or  keyto randomly play all songs within theCD.❈ Press A.RDM again to turn off.InformationPress the  key Set [ Info]through the TUNEknob or key to display information of the cur-rent song.❈ Press the  key to turn offinfo display.CopyPress the  key Set [Copy] through the TUNEknobor key. This is used to copy the currentsong into My Music. You can playthe copied Music in My Musicmode.❈ If another key is pressed whilecopying is in progress, a pop upasking you whether to cancelcopying is displayed.❈ If another media is connected orinserted (USB, CD, iPod®, AUX)while copying is in progress, copy-ing is canceled.❈ Music will not be played whilecopying is in progress.MENU : iPod®In iPod mode, press the  key toset the Repeat, Random, Informationand Search features.RepeatPress the  key Set [ RPT]through the TUNEknob or key to repeat the current song.❈ Press RPT again to turn repeat off.RandomPress the  key Set [ RDM]through the  TUNE knob or key.Plays all songs within the currentlyplaying category in random order.❈Press RDM again to turn off.1 RDMMENU1 RPTMENUMENU6MENUMENU5MENU4MENU3MENU2 RDMMENU
429Features of your vehicleInformationPress the  key Set [ Info]through the TUNEknob or key.Displays information of the currentsong.❈Press the  key to turn offinfo display.SearchPress the  key Set [ Search]through the TUNEknob or key.Displays iPod®category list.❈Searching iPod®category iskey pressed, move to par-ent category.MENU4MENUMENU3MENU
Features of your vehicle304MENU : My Music Mode        In My Music mode, press the key to set the Repeat, Random,Information, Delete, Delete All, andDelete Selection features.RepeatPress the  key Set [ RPT]through the  TUNE knob or key.Repeats the currently playing song.❈ Press RPT again to turn repeatoff.RandomPress the  key Set [ RDM]through the  TUNE knob or  key.Plays all songs in random order.❈ Press RDM again to turn random off.InformationPress the  key Set [ Info]through the TUNEknob or key.Displays information of the currentsong.❈ Press the  key to turn offinfo display.DeletePress the  key Set [ Delete]through the  TUNE knob or key. Deletes currently playing fileIn the play screen, pressing deletewill delete the currently playing song. Deletes file from list➀ Select the file you wish to deleteby using the  TUNE knob.➁ Press the  key and selectthe delete menu to delete theselected file.Delete AllPress the  key Set [ Del.All]through the  TUNE knob or  key.Deletes all songs of My Music.Delete SelectionPress the  key Set [ Del.Sel]through the  TUNE knob or key.Songs within My Music are selectedand deleted.➀ Select the songs you wish todelete from the list.6MENU5MENUMENU4MENUMENU3MENU2 RDMMENU1 RPTMENUMENU
431Features of your vehicle➁ After selecting, press keyand select the delete menu.My Music• Even if memory is available, amaximum of 6,000 songs can bestored.• The same song can be copied upto 1,000 times.• Memory info can be checked in theSystem menu of Setup.AUXAUX is used to play external MEDIAcurrently connected with the AUXterminal.AUX mode will automatically startwhen an external device is connect-ed with the AUX terminal.If an external device is connected,you can also press the  key tochange to AUX mode.❈ AUX mode cannot be startedunless there is an external deviceconnected to the AUX terminal.AUXFully insert the AUX cable into theAUX terminal for use.MEDIAMENU
Features of your vehicle324Bluetooth®Wireless TechnologyAUDIO What is Bluetooth®WirelessTechnology?Bluetooth®Wireless Technology allowsdevices to be connected in a short dis-tance, including hands-free devices,stereo headsets, wireless remote con-trollers, etc. For more information, visit theBluetooth®Wireless Technologywebsite atwww.Bluetooth.comBefore using Bluetooth®WirelessTechnology audio features• Bluetooth®Wireless Technologyaudio may not be supported depend-ing on the compatibility of yourBluetooth®Wireless Technologymobile phone.• In order to use Bluetooth®WirelessTechnology audio, you must firstpair and connect the Bluetooth®Wireless Technology mobile phone.• The Bluetooth®word mark andlogos are registered trademarksowned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. andany use of such marks by Kia isunder license. Other trademarksand trade names are those of theirrespective owners. A Bluetooth®enabled cell phone is required touse Bluetooth®Wireless Technology• Bluetooth®Wireless Technologyaudio can be used only when the[Audio Streaming] of Phone is turned.❈ Setting Bluetooth®Wireless TechnologyAudio Streaming : Press the key Select [Phone]  Select [AudioStreaming] through the TUNEknob Set /Starting Bluetooth®WirelessTechnology Audio• Press the  key to change themode in order ofCD➟USB➟AUX➟My Music➟BTAudio.• If BT Audio is selected, Bluetooth®Wireless Technology audio will startplaying.❈ Audio may not automatically startplaying in some mobile phones.MEDIAOffOnSETUPOnWARNINGDriving while distracted canresult in a loss of vehicle controlthat may lead to an accident,severe personal injury, anddeath. The driver’s primaryresponsibility is in the safe andlegal operation of a vehicle, anduse of any handheld devices,other equipment, or vehicle sys-tems which take the driver’seyes, attention and focus awayfrom the safe operation of a vehi-cle or which are not permissibleby law should never be used dur-ing operation of the vehicle.
433Features of your vehicleUsing the Bluetooth®WirelessTechnology audio features• Play / StopPress the  TUNE knob to play andpause the current song.• Previous / Next songPress or to playprevious or next song.❈ The previous song / next song /play / pause functions may not besupported in some mobile phones.SEEKTRACKSEEKTRACK
Features of your vehicle344PHONEBefore using the Bluetooth®WirelessTechnology phone features• In order to use Bluetooth®WirelessTechnology phone, you must firstpair and connect the Bluetooth®Wireless Technology mobile phone.• If the mobile phone is not paired orconnected, it is not possible toenter Phone mode. Once a phoneis paired or connected, the guid-ance screen will be displayed.• If Priority is set upon vehicle igni-tion (IGN/ACC ON), the Bluetooth®Wireless Technology phone will beautomatically connected. Even ifyou are outside, the Bluetooth®Wireless Technology phone will beautomatically connected once youare in the vicinity of the vehicle. Ifyou do not want automaticBluetooth®Wireless Technologyphone connection, set theBluetooth®Wireless Technologypower to OFFMaking a call using theSteering-wheel mount controls(1) MUTE button : Mute the micro-phone during a call.(2) VOLUME button : Raises or low-ers speaker volume.(3) button : Places and transfers calls.(4) button : Ends calls or cancels  functions.(5)  button : Activates voice recog-nition.• Check call history and making call➀ Shortly press (under 0.8 seconds)the  key on the steeringremote controller.➁ The call history list will be dis-played on the screen.➂ Press the  key again to con-nect a call to the selected number.• Redialing the most recently callednumber➀ Press and hold (over 0.8 seconds)the  key on the steeringremote controller.➁ The most recently called numberis redialed.
435Features of your vehicleBluetooth®Wireless TechnologyPairing a Bluetooth®WirelessTechnology DeviceWhat is Bluetooth®WirelessTechnology Pairing?Pairing refers to the process of syn-chronizing your Bluetooth®WirelessTechnology phone or device with thecar audio system for connection.Pairing is necessary to connect anduse the Bluetooth®WirelessTechnology feature.The Bluetooth®word mark and logosare registered trademarks owned byBluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use ofsuch marks by Kia is under license.Other trademarks and trade namesare those of their respective owners.A Bluetooth®enabled cell phone isrequired to use Bluetooth®WirelessTechnologyPairing Key / Keyon the Steering RemoteControllerWhen No Devices have beenPaired1. Press the  key or the  keyon the steering remote controller.The following screen is displayed.2. Select [OK] button to enter thePair Phone screen.1)Car Name : Name of device asshown when searching from yourBluetooth®Wireless Technologydevice2) Passkey : Passkey used to pairthe device3. From your Bluetooth®WirelessTechnology device (i.e. MobilePhone), search and select yourcar audio system.4. After a few moments, a screen isdisplayed where the passkey isentered. Here, enter thepasskey “0000” to pair yourBluetooth®Wireless Technologydevice with the car audio system.5. Once pairing is complete, the fol-lowing screen is displayed.PHONEPHONEWARNINGDriving while distracted canresult in a loss of vehicle controlthat may lead to an accident,severe personal injury, anddeath. The driver’s primaryresponsibility is in the safe andlegal operation of a vehicle, anduse of any handheld devices,other equipment, or vehicle sys-tems which take the driver’seyes, attention and focus awayfrom the safe operation of a vehi-cle or which are not permissibleby law should never be used dur-ing operation of the vehicle.
Features of your vehicle364Some phones (i.e., iPhone, Androidand Blackberry phones) may offer anoption to allow acceptance of allfuture Bluetooth connection requestsby default." and "Visit foradditional information on pairing yourBluetooth-enabled mobile phone,and to view a phone compatibility list. • If Bluetooth®Wireless Technologydevices are paired but none arecurrently connected, pressing thekey or the  key on thesteering wheel displays the follow-ing screen. Select [Pair] button topair a new device or select[Connect] to connect a previouslypaired device.Pairing through [PHONE]SetupPress the  key  Select[Phone] Select [Pair Phone] Select TUNE knob1. The following steps are the sameas those described in the section"When No Devices have beenPaired" on the previous page.SETUPPHONE
437Features of your vehicle• Bluetooth®Wireless Technologyfeatures supported within the vehi-cle are as follows. Some featuresmay not be supported dependingon your Bluetooth®WirelessTechnology device.- Outgoing/Incoming Handsfreecalls- Operations during a call (Switchto Private, Switch to call waiting,MIC on/off)- Downloading Call History- Downloading Mobile Contacts-Bluetooth®Wireless Technologydevice auto connection- Bluetooth Audio Streaming• Up to five Bluetooth®WirelessTechnology devices can be pairedto the Car Handsfree system.• Only one Bluetooth®device can beconnected at a time.• Only  one Bluetooth®WirelessTechnology device can be connect-ed at a time.• Other devices cannot be pairedwhile a Bluetooth®WirelessTechnology device is connected.• Only Bluetooth®WirelessTechnology Handsfree andBluetooth audio related featuresare supported.• Bluetooth related operations arepossible only within devices thatsupport Handsfree or audio fea-tures, such as a Bluetooth®Wireless Technology mobile phoneor a Bluetooth audio device.• If a connected Bluetooth®WirelessTechnology device becomes dis-connected due to being out of com-munication range, turning thedevice OFF, or a Bluetooth®Wireless Technology communica-tion error, corresponding Bluetooth®Wireless Technology devices areautomatically searched and recon-nected.• If the system becomes unstabledue to communication errorsbetween the car Handsfree and theBluetooth®Wireless Technologydevice, reset the device by turningoff and back on again. Upon reset-ting Bluetooth®WirelessTechnology device, the system willbe restored.• After pairing is complete, a con-tacts download request is sentonce to the mobile phone. Somemobile phones may require confir-mation upon receiving a downloadrequest, ensure your mobile phoneaccepts the connection. Refer toyour phones user’s manual foradditional information regardingphone pairing and connections.
Features of your vehicle384Connecting a DevicePress the  key Select[Phone] Select [Phone List]1) Connected Phone : Device that iscurrently connected 2) Paired Phone : Device that ispaired but not connectedFrom the paired phone list, select thedevice you want to connect andselect [Connect].SETUP
439Features of your vehicleChanging PriorityWhat is Priority?It is possible to pair up to fiveBluetooth®Wireless Technologydevices with the car audio system.The "Change Priority" feature is usedto set the connection priority ofpaired phones.Press the  key Select[Phone] Select [Phone List]From the paired phone list, selectthe phone you want to switch to thehighest priority, then select [ChangePriority] button from the Menu. Theselected device will be changed tothe highest priority.• Priority icon will be displayed whenthe selected phone is set as a pri-ority phone.SETUP
Features of your vehicle404Disconnecting a DevicePress the  key Select[Phone] Select [Phone List]From the paired phone list, select thecurrently connected device andselect [Disconnect] button.Deleting a DevicePress the  key Select[Phone] Select [Phone List]From the paired phone list, select thedevice you want to delete and select[Delete] button.• When deleting the currently con-nected device, the device will auto-matically be disconnected to pro-ceed with the deleting process.• If a paired Bluetooth®WirelessTechnology device is deleted, thedevice’s call history and contactsdata will also be deleted.• To re-use a deleted device, youmust pair the device again.SETUPSETUP
441Features of your vehicleUSING Bluetooth®WirelessTechnologyPhone Menu ScreenPhone MenusWith a Bluetooth®WirelessTechnology device connected, pressthe  key to display the Phonemenu screen.1) Favorite : Up to 20 frequently usedcontacts saved for easy access.2) Call History : Displays the call his-tory list screen3) Contacts : Displays the Contactslist screen4) Setup : Displays Phone relatedsettings.• If you select the [Call History] but-ton but there is no call history data,a prompt is displayed which asks todownload call history data.• If you select the [Contacts] buttonbut there is no contacts datastored, a prompt is displayed whichasks to download contacts data.• This feature may not be supportedin some mobile phones. For moreinformation on download support,refer to your mobile phone user’smanual.Answering CallsAnswering a CallAnswering a call with a Bluetooth®Wireless Technology device connect-ed will display the following screen.To accept the call, press  key onthe steering wheel while the call isincoming.1) Caller : Displays the other party’sname when the incoming caller issaved within your contacts2) Incoming Number : Displays theincoming numberPHONE
Features of your vehicle424•  When an incoming call pop-up isdisplayed, most Audio and SETUPmode features are disabled. Onlythe call volume will operate.•  The telephone number may not beproperly displayed in some mobilephones.•  When a call is answered with themobile phone, the call mode willautomatically  revert to Privatemode.FavoritesPress the  key  Select[Favorites]1) Saved favorite contact : Connectscall upon selection2) To add favorite : Downloaded con-tacts be saved as favorite.•  To save Favorite, contacts shouldbe downloaded.•  Contact saved in Favorites will notbe automatically updated if thecontact has been updated in thephone. To update Favorites, deletethe Favorite and create a newFavorite.Call HistoryPress the  key  Select [CallHistory]A list of incoming, outgoing andmissed calls is displayed.• Call history may not be saved in the callhistory list in some mobile phones.• Calls received with hidden caller ID willnot be saved in the call history list.• Calling through the call history is not pos-sible when there is no call history storedor a Bluetooth®Wireless Technologyphone is not connected.• Up to 20 received, dialed and missedcalls are stored in Call History.• Time of received/dialed calls and calltime information are not stored in CallHistory.PHONE PHONE
443Features of your vehicleContactsPress the  key Select[Contacts]The list of saved phone book entriesis displayed.NOTE:Find a contact in an alphabeticalorder, press the [MENU] key.• Up to 1,000 contacts saved in yourBluetooth®Wireless Technologyphone can be downloaded into thecar contacts. Contacts that havebeen downloaded to the car cannotbe edited or deleted on the phone.• Mobile phone contacts are man-aged separately for each pairedBluetooth®Wireless Technologydevice (max 5 devices x 1,000 con-tacts each). Previously downloadeddata is maintained even if theBluetooth®Wireless Technologydevice has been disconnected.(However, the contacts and call his-tory saved to the phone will bedeleted if a paired phone is delet-ed.)• It is possible to download contactsduring Bluetooth streaming audio.• When downloading contacts, theicon will be displayed within the sta-tus bar.• It is not possible to begin down-loading a contact list when the con-tact download feature has beenturned off within the Bluetooth®Wireless Technology device. Inaddition, some devices may requiredevice authorization upon attempt-ing to download contacts. If down-loading does not normally occur,check the Bluetooth®WirelessTechnology device settings or thescreen state.• The contacts download feature maynot be supported in some mobilephones. For more information ofsupported Bluetooth®devices andfunction support, refer to yourphone’s user manual.PHONE
Features of your vehicle444Bluetooth®WirelessTechnology SettingThe Bluetooth®word mark and logosare registered trademarks owned byBluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use ofsuch marks by Kia is under license.Other trademarks and trade namesare those of their respective owners.A Bluetooth®enabled cell phone isrequired to use Bluetooth®WirelessTechnologyPairing a New DevicePress the  key Select[Phone] Select [Pair Phone]Bluetooth®Wireless Technologydevices can be paired with the audiosystem.For more information, refer to the“Pairing through Phone Setup” sec-tion within Bluetooth®WirelessTechnology.Viewing Paired Phone ListPress the  key Select[Phone] Select [Phone List]This feature is used to view mobilephones that have been paired withthe audio system. Upon selecting apaired phone, the setup menu is dis-played.For more information, refer to the“Setting Bluetooth®WirelessTechnology Connection” sectionwithin Bluetooth®WirelessTechnology.SETUPSETUPWARNINGDriving while distracted canresult in a loss of vehicle controlthat may lead to an accident,severe personal injury, anddeath. The driver’s primaryresponsibility is in the safe andlegal operation of a vehicle, anduse of any handheld devices,other equipment, or vehicle sys-tems which take the driver’seyes, attention and focus awayfrom the safe operation of a vehi-cle or which are not permissibleby law should never be used dur-ing operation of the vehicle.
445Features of your vehicle1) Connect/Disconnect Phone :Connect/ disconnects currentlyselected phone2) Change Priority : Sets currentlyselected phone to highest connec-tion priority3) Delete : Deletes the currentlyselected phone4) Return : Moves to the previousscreen• To learn more about whether yourmobile phone supports contactsdownloads, refer to your mobilephone user’s manual.• The contacts for only the connectedphone can be downloadedDownloading ContactsPress the  key Select[Phone] Select [Contacts Download]As the contacts are downloadedfrom the mobile phone, a downloadprogress bar is displayed.• Upon downloading phone contacts,the previous corresponding data isdeleted.• This feature may not be supportedin some mobile phones.• Voice Recognition may not operatewhile contacts are being down-loaded.Audio StreamingPress the  key Select[Phone] Select [Audio Streaming]When Audio Streaming is turned on,you can play music files saved inyour Bluetooth®WirelessTechnology device through the audiosystem.SETUPSETUP
Features of your vehicle464Outgoing VolumePress the  key Select[Phone] Select [Outgoing Volume]Use TUNE knob to adjust the out-going volume level.• While on a call, the volume can bechanged by using the key.Turning Bluetooth System OffPress the  key Select[Phone] Select [Bluetooth SystemOff]Once Bluetooth®WirelessTechnology is turned off, Bluetooth®Wireless Technology related featureswill not be supported within the audiosystem.• To  turn Bluetooth®WirelessTechnology back on, go to[Phone] and select “Yes”.SETUPSETUPSEEKTRACKSETUP
447Features of your vehicleVOICE RECOGNITIONUsing Voice RecognitionStarting Voice RecognitionShortly press the  key on thesteering wheel .Say a commandIf prompt feedback is in [ON], thenthe system will say “Please say acommand after the beep (BEEP)”• If prompt feedback is in [OFF]mode, then the system will only say“(BEEP)”• To change Prompt Feedback[On]/[Off], go to  [System][Prompt Feedback]• For proper recognition, say thecommand after the voice instruc-tion and beep tone.Contact List Best Practices1)Do not store single-name entries(e.g., “Bob”, “Mom”, “Kim”, etc.).Instead, always use full names(including first and last names) forall contacts (e.g., use “JacobStevenson” instead of “Dad”).2)Do not use abbreviations (i.e., use“Lieutenant” instead of “Lt.” or“Sergeant” instead of “Sgt.”).3)Do not use acronyms (i.e., use“County Finance Department”instead of “CFD”).4)Do not use special characters(e.g., “@”, “hyphen -“, “asterisk *”,ampersand &”).5)If a name is not recognized fromthe contact list, change it to a moredescriptive name (e.g., use“Grandpa Joseph” instead of “PaJoe”).Skipping Prompt MessagesWhile prompt message is being stat-ed Shortly press the  key on thesteering remote controllerThe prompt message is immediatelyended and the beep tone will sound.After the “beep”, say the voice com-mand.Re-starting Voice RecognitionWhile system waits for a commandShortly press the  key on thesteering remote controllerThe command wait state is immedi-ately ended and the beep ton willsound. After the “beep”, say the voicecommand.SETUP
Features of your vehicle484ENDING VOICERECOGNITIONWhile Voice Recognition is operatingPress and hold the  key on thesteering remote controller • While using voice command, press-ing any steering wheel control or adifferent key will end voice com-mand.• When the system is waiting for avoice command, say “cancel” or“end” to end voice command.• When the system is waiting for avoice command, press and hold thekey on the steering wheel toend voice command.Voice Recognition and PhoneContact Tips:The Kia Voice Recognition Systemmay have difficulty understandingsome accents or uncommonnames. When using VoiceRecognition to place a call, speak ina moderate tone, with clear pronun-ciationTo maximize the use of VoiceRecognition, consider these guide-lines when storing contacts:• Do not store single-name entries(e.g., “Bob”, “Mom”, etc.). Instead,always use full names (includingfirst and last names) for these con-tacts • Do not use special characters (e.g.,'@', '-', '*', '&', etc.) • Do not use abbreviations (i.e., use"Lieutenant" instead of "Lt.") oracronyms (i.e., use "CountyFinance Department" instead of"C. F. D."; Be sure to say the nameexactly as it is entered in the con-tacts list
449Features of your vehicleIllustration on using voice commands• Starting voice command.Shortly pressing the  key (under 0.8 seconds):• Skipping Voice RecognitionShortly pressing the  key (under 0.8 seconds):• End voice command.Shortly pressing the  key (under 0.8 seconds):while guidance message is being statedMore HelpContactsCancelMore HelpPlease say a command afterthe beep (BEEP)Please say a...More Help.You can say Radio, FM, AM, SIRIUSTM, Media, CD,USB, Aux, My Music, iPod®, Bluetooth Audio, Phone,Call History or Contacts. Please say a command.Contacts.Please say the name of the contact you want to call.More Help.You can say Radio, FM, AM, SIRIUSTM, Media, CD,USB, Aux, My Music, iPod®, Bluetooth Audio, Phone,Call History or Contacts. Please say a command.(BEEP)(BEEP)Beep Beep.. (end beep)Shortly pressing the key (under 0.8 seconds)Beep~
Features of your vehicle504Voice Command List• Common Commands: These commands can be used in most operations. (However a few commands may not beavailable during certain operations)Command FunctionMore Help Provides guidance on commands that can beused anywhere in the system.Help Provides guidance on commands that can beused within the current mode.Call<Name> Calls <Name> saved in ContactsEx) Call “John Smith”Phone Provides guidance on Phone related com-mands. After saying this command, say“Favorites”,“Call History”, “Contacts” or ”DialNumber” execute corresponding functions.Favorites Display the Favorite screen.Call History Displays the Call History screen.Contacts Displays the Contacts screen. After sayingthis command, say the name of a contactsaved in the Contacts to automatically con-nect the call.Dial Number Display the Dial number screen. After sayingthis command, you can say the number  thatyou want to call.Redial Connects the most recently called number.Tutorial Provide guidance on how to use voice recognition and Bluetooth®connectionsCommand Function• When listening to the radio, displays the nextradio screen. (FM1➟FM2➟AM➟SAT1➟SAT2➟SAT3➟FM1)Radio• When listening to a different mode, displaysthe most recently played radio screen.• When currently listening to the FM radio,maintains the current state.• When listening to a different mode, displaysthe most recently played FM screen.FM1(FM One) Displays the FM1 screen.FM2(FM Two) Displays the FM2 screen.AM Displays the AM screen.FM Preset 1~6 Plays the most recently played broadcastsaved in FM Preset 1~6.AM Preset 1~6 Plays the broadcast saved in AM Preset 1~6.FM 87.5~107.9 Plays the FM broadcast of the correspondingfrequency.AM 530~1710 Plays the AM broadcast of the correspondingfrequency.• When currently listening to the SIRIUSTM,maintains the current state.• When listening to a different mode, displaysthe most recently played SIRIUSTMscreen.(Call by Name)SIRIUSTM(Satellite)
451Features of your vehicleCommand FunctionSIRIUSTM(Satellite)Displays the selected SIRIUSTMscreen.SIRIUSTMChannel Plays the selected SIRIUSTMchannel.Media Moves to the most recently played mediascreen.CD Plays the music saved in the CD.USB Plays USB music.iPod®Plays iPod®music.Command FunctionMy Music Plays the music saved in My Music.AUX (Auxiliary) Plays the connected external device.Bluetooth®Audio Plays the music saved in connected Bluetooth®device.Please repeat Repeats the most recent comment.Cancel (Exit) Ends voice command.0~2231~3
Features of your vehicle524• FM/AM radio commands: Commands available duringFM, AM radio operation.• Satellite radio commands: Commands that can beused while listening to Satellite Radio.Command FunctionPreset 1~6 Plays the broadcast station saved in Preset 1~6.Auto Store Automatically selects radio broadcast fre-quencies with superior reception and saves inPresets 1~6.Seek up Plays the next (higher) receivable broadcast.Seek down Plays the previous (lower) receivable broadcast.Scan Scans receivable frequencies from the currentbroadcast and plays for 10 seconds each.Preset Scan Moves to the next preset from the currentpresent and plays for 10 seconds each.Information Displays the information of the current broad-cast.(This feature can be used when receivingRBDS broadcasts.)Command FunctionScan Scans receivable channels from the currentbroadcast and plays for 10 seconds each.Preset 1~6 Plays the broadcast saved in Preset 1~6.Information Displays the information of the current broad-cast.
453Features of your vehicle• Audio CD commands: Commands available duringAudio CD operation.• MP3 CD / USB commands: Commands available dur-ing USB and MP3 CD operation.Command FunctionRandom Randomly plays the tracks within the CD.Random Off Cancels random play to play tracks in sequen-tial order.Repeat Repeats the current track.Repeat Off Cancels repeat play to play tracks in sequen-tial order.Scan Scans the tracks from the next track for 10seconds each.Track 1~30 Plays the desired track number.Information Displays the information screen of the currenttrack.Command FunctionRandom Randomly plays the files within the currentfolder.All Random Randomly plays all saved files.Random Off Cancels random play to play files in sequentialorder.Repeat Repeats the current file.Folder Repeat Repeats all files in the current folder.Repeat Off Cancels repeat play to play files in sequentialorder.Next File Plays the next file.Previous File Plays the previous file.Scan Scans the files from the next files for 10 sec-onds each.Information Displays the information screen of the currentfile.Copy Copies the current file into My Music.
Features of your vehicle544• iPod®Commands: Commands available during iPod®operation.• My Music Commands: Commands available duringMy Music operation.Command FunctionRandom Randomly plays the songs within the currentcategory.Random Off Cancels random play to play songs in sequen-tial order.Repeat Repeats the current song.Repeat Off Cancels repeat play to play songs in sequen-tial order.Information Displays the information screen of the currentsong.Command FunctionRandom Randomly plays all saved files.Random Off Cancels random play to play files in sequentialorder.Repeat Repeats the current file.Repeat Off Cancels repeat play to play files in sequentialorder.Scan Scans the files from the next files for 10 sec-onds each.Information Displays the information screen of the currentfile.Delete Deletes the current file. You will bypass anadditional confirmation process.Delete All Deletes all files saved in My Music. You willbypass an additional confirmation process.
455Features of your vehicleCommand FunctionPlay Plays the currently paused song.Pause Pauses the current song.• Bluetooth®Wireless Technology Audio Commands:Commands available during Bluetooth®WirelessTechnology audio streaming from mobile phone oper-ation Command OperationNOTE:iPod®is a registered trademark of Apple Inc. iPod®mobile digital device sold separately. TheBluetooth®word mark and logos are registeredtrademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and anyuse of such marks by Kia is under license. ABluetooth®enabled cell phone is required to useBluetooth®wireless technology. SiriusXM™ servicerequires a subscription, sold separately, after 3-month trial included with vehicle purchase. If youdecide to continue your SiriusXM™ service at theend of the trial subscription, the plan you choosewill automatically renew and bill at the current ratesuntil you call SiriusXM™ at 1-866-635-2349 to can-cel. See our Customer Agreement for completeterms at Sirius satellite serviceis available only to those at least 18 and older in the48 contiguous United States, D.C., and P.R. (withcoverage limitations). SiriusXM™ Traffic availablein select markets. See for moreinformation. Sirius, XM and all related marks andlogos are trademarks of Sirius XM Radio Inc.

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