user manual

Features of your vehicle    PA710RBLSBT1064✽NOTICEIf you install an after market HID headlamp, your vehicle’s audio and electron-ic device may malfunction.AntennaD300102AAM-EUYour vehicle uses a roof antenna toreceive both AM and FM broadcast sig-nals.This antenna is removable. To removethe roof antenna, turn it counterclock-wise. To install the roof antenna, turn itclockwise.AUDIO SYSTEMCAUTION• Before entering a place with a lowheight clearance, be sure that theroof antenna is removed.• Be sure to remove the roof anten-na before washing the car in anautomatic car wash or it may bedamaged.• When reinstalling your roofantenna, it is important that it isfully tightened and adjusted tothe upright position to ensureproper reception. But it could beremoved when parking the vehi-cle or when loading cargo on theroof rack.• When cargo is loaded on the roofrack, do not place the cargo nearthe antenna pole to ensure properreception.OXM049252N4107Features of your vehicleD300200AENSteering wheel audio controls (if equipped) The steering wheel may incorporateaudio control buttons.D300204AHMVOLUME ( / ) (1)• Press the lever upward ( ) toincrease the volume.• Press the lever downward ( ) todecrease  the volume.D300203AHMSEEK/PRESET ( / ) (2)The SEEK/PRESET button has differentfunctions based on the system mode. Forthe following functions the button shouldbe pressed for 0.8 seconds or more.RADIO modeIt will function as the AUTO SEEK selectbutton.CD/USB/iPod modeIt will function as the FF/REW button.If the SEEK/PRESET button is pressedfor less than 0.8 seconds, it will work asfollows in each mode.RADIO modeIt will function as the PRESET STATIONbuttons.CD/USB/iPod modeIt will function as TRACK UP/DOWN but-ton.D300202AENMODE (3)Press the button to change audio source.FM(1~2)➟AM➟SAT(1~3)➟CD➟USBAUX(iPod)➟FM...D300205AHMMUTE (4)• Press the button to mute the sound.• Press the button to turn off the micro-phone during a telephone call.Detailed information for audio controlbuttons are described in the followingpages in this section.CAUTIONDo not operate audio remote con-trol buttons simultaneously.
Features of your vehicle1084D300600AHM-EEAux, USB and iPod®*portIf your vehicle has an aux and/orUSB(universal serial bus) port or iPodport, you can use an aux port to connectaudio devices and an USB port to plug inan USB and also an iPod port to plug inan iPod.✽NOTICEWhen using a portable audio deviceconnected to the power outlet, noise mayoccur during playback. If this happens,use the power source of the portableaudio device.*iPod®is a trademark of Apple Inc.D300800AHMHow vehicle audio worksAM and FM radio signals are broadcastfrom transmitter towers located aroundyour city. They are intercepted by theradio antenna on your vehicle. This signalis then received by the radio and sent toyour vehicle speakers.When a strong radio signal has reachedyour vehicle, the precise engineering ofyour audio system ensures the best pos-sible quality reproduction. However, insome cases the signal coming to yourvehicle may not be strong and clear. Thiscan be due to factors such as the dis-tance from the radio station, closeness ofother strong radio stations or the pres-ence of buildings, bridges or other largeobstructions in the area.AM broadcasts can be received atgreater distances than FM broadcasts.This is because AM radio waves aretransmitted at low frequencies. Theselong, low frequency radio waves can fol-low the curvature of the earth rather thantravelling straight out into the atmos-phere. In addition, they curve aroundobstructions so that they can provide bet-ter signal coverage.¢¢¢¢¢¢JBM002AM reception¢¢¢JBM001FM receptionOSL0401214109Features of your vehicleFM broadcasts are transmitted at highfrequencies and do not bend to follow theearth's surface. Because of this, FMbroadcasts generally begin to fade atshort distances from the station.Also, FM signals are easily affected bybuildings, mountains, or other obstruc-tions. These can result in certain listeningconditions which might lead you tobelieve a problem exists with your radio.The following conditions are normal anddo not indicate radio trouble:• Fading - As your vehicle moves awayfrom the radio station, the signal willweaken and sound will begin to fade.When this occurs, we suggest that youselect another stronger station.• Flutter/Static - Weak FM signals orlarge obstructions between the trans-mitter and your radio can disturb thesignal causing static or fluttering nois-es to occur. Reducing the treble levelmay lessen this effect until the distur-bance clears.• Station Swapping - As a FM signalweakens, another more powerful sig-nal near the same frequency maybegin to play. This is because yourradio is designed to lock onto the clear-est signal. If this occurs, select anotherstation with a stronger signal.• Multi-Path Cancellation - Radio signalsbeing received from several directionscan cause distortion or fluttering. Thiscan be caused by a direct and reflect-ed signal from the same station, or bysignals from two stations with closefrequencies. If this occurs, selectanother station until the condition haspassed.JBM005¢¢¢JBM004JBM003FM radio station
Features of your vehicle1104Satellite radio receptionYou may experience difficulties in receiv-ing XM satellite radio signals in the fol-lowing situations.• If you are driving in a tunnel or a cov-ered parking area.• If you are driving beneath the top levelof a multi-level freeway.• If you drive under a bridge.• If you are driving next to a tall vehicle(such as a truck or a bus) that blocksthe signal.• If you are driving in a valley where thesurrounding hills or peaks block thesignal from the satellite.• If you are driving on a mountain roadwhere is the signal blocked by moun-tains.• If you are driving in an area with talltrees that block the signal (30 ft. / 10mor more), for example on an road thatgoes through a dense forest.• The signal can become weak in someareas that are not covered by the XMrepeater network.NOTE:There may be other unforeseen cir-cumstances leading to receptionproblems with the XM satellite radiosignal.SATELITE2SATELITE14111Features of your vehicleUsing a cellular phone or a two-wayradioWhen a cellular phone is used inside thevehicle, noise may be produced from theaudio equipment. This does not meanthat something is wrong with the audioequipment. In such a case, use the cellu-lar phone at a place as far as possiblefrom the audio equipment.Care of discs• If the temperature inside the vehicle istoo high, open the vehicle windows forventilation before using your vehicleaudio.• It is illegal to copy and use MP3/WMAfiles without permission. Use CDs thatare created only by lawful means.• Do not apply volatile agents such asbenzene and thinner, normal cleanersand magnetic sprays made for ana-logue disc onto CDs.• To prevent the disc surface from get-ting damaged. Hold and carry CDs bythe edges or the edges of the centerhole only.• Clean the disc surface with a piece ofsoft cloth before playback (wipe it fromthe center to the outside edge).• Do not damage the disc surface orattach pieces of sticky tape or paperonto it.• Make sure objects other than CDs arenot inserted into the CD player (Do notinsert more than one CD at a time).• Keep CDs in their cases after use toprotect them from scratches or dirt.• Depending on the type of CD-R/CD-RW CDs, certain CDs may not operatenormally according to manufacturingcompanies or making and recordingmethods. In such circumstances, if youstill continue to use those CDs, theymay cause the malfunction of yourvehicle audio system.✽NOTICE - Playing anIncompatible CopyProtected Audio CDSome copy protected CDs, which do notcomply with the international audio CDstandards (Red Book), may not play onyour vehicle audio. Please note that ifyou try to play copy protected CDs andthe CD player does not perform correct-ly the CDs maybe defective, not the CDplayer.WARNINGDo not use a cellular phone whiledriving. Stop at a safe location touse a cellular phone.
Features of your vehicle1124■ CD Player : PA710RBRB_USA_RADIO4113Features of your vehicleUsing RADIO, SETUP, VOLUMEand AUDIO CONTROL1. Button The FM/AM button toggles between FMand AM. Listed below are the paths asthe system switches from FM to AM andback to FM.• FM/AM : FM1➟FM2➟AM➟FM1...2. Button &  Knob• Turns the audio system on/off whenthe ignition switch is on ACC or ON.• If the knob is turned clockwise/counter-clockwise, the volume will increase/decrease.3. Button• When the  is pressed, it willautomatically tune to the next lowerstation.• When the  is pressed, it willautomatically tune to the next higherstation.4. Button• When the button is pressed, it auto-matically scans the radio stationsupwards.• The SCAN feature steps through eachstation, starting from the initial station,for 10 seconds.• Press the  button again to stopthe scan feature and to listen to thecurrently selected channel.5. ButtonWhen the button is pressed, stops sound and “Audio Mute” is displayed on LCD.6. PRESET Buttons• Press ~ buttons lessthan 0.8 seconds to play the stationsaved in each button.• Press ~ button morethan 0.8 seconds or longer to save thecurrent station to the respective buttonwith a beep.7. ButtonTurn the LCD Display & BacklightON/OFF when  button press.DISPDISP6161MUTESCANSCANSEEKSEEKSEEKVOLPOWERFM/AMRB_USA_RADIORB_USA_RADIORB_USA_RADIO
Features of your vehicle11448. ButtonPress this button to enter SETUP mode,If no action is taken for 8 seconds, it willreturn to previous mode.In “SETUP” mode, rotate the TUNE knobto move the cursor between items, andpush the TUNE knob to select.• MAINSelect this item to enter the Scroll andSDVC setup.• SCROLLSelect whether long file names arescrolled continuously (On) or just once(Off).• SDVC (Speed Dependent Volume Control)Select this item to turn the SDVC featureOn or Off. If it is turned ON, volume levelis adjusted automatically according tothe vehicle speed.• MEDIASelect default display of MP3 play infor-mation. “Folder/File” or “Artist/Title” canbe selected.• CLOCKSelect this item to enter Clock setupmode. Adjust the hour and press thebutton to set. Adjust the minuteand press the  button to completeand exit from clock adjustment mode.Pressing the  button while inpower off, screen will allow the user tomake immediately adjustments to theclock.• P.BASS (PowerBass)This function creates virtual soundeffects and allows adjustments to theBass level.Off ➟Low ➟Mid ➟High ➟ Off...❈ AM Mode is not supported.SETUPENTERENTERSETUP4115Features of your vehicle• SATSelect default display of XM mode.“Cat./Ch.” or “Artist/Title” can be select-ed.• PHONESelect this item to enter BLUETOOTHsetup mode. Refer to “BLUETOOTHPHONE OPERATION” section fordetailed information.9. TUNE & Audio Control KnobRotate the knob clockwise or counter-clock wise to increase or decrease fromcurrent frequency.(AM 10 kHz, FM 200 MHz)Pressing the button changes the BASS,MIDDLE, TREBLE, FADER and BAL-ANCE TUNE mode. The mode selectedis shown on the display. After selectingeach mode, rotate the Audio control knobclockwise or counterclockwise.• BASS ControlTo increase the BASS, rotate the knobclockwise, while to decrease the BASS,rotate the knob counterclockwise.• MIDDLE ControlTo increase the MIDDLE, rotate the knobclockwise, while to decrease the MID-DLE, rotate the knob counterclockwise.• TREBLE ControlTo increase the TREBLE, rotate the knobclockwise, while to decrease the TRE-BLE, rotate the knob counterclockwise.• FADER ControlTurn the control knob clockwise to empha-size rear speaker sound (front speakersound will be attenuated). When the con-trol knob is turned counterclockwise, frontspeaker sound will be emphasized (rearspeaker sound will be attenuated).• BALANCE ControlRotate the knob clockwise to emphasizeright speaker sound (left speaker soundwill be attenuated). When the controlknob is turned counter clockwise, leftspeaker sound will be emphasized (rightspeaker sound will be attenuated).RB_USA_RADIO
Features of your vehicle1164Using CD Player1. CD Eject Button• Press   button to eject the CD.This button works regardless of ignitionswitch status.2. Button (CD)If the CD is loaded, turns to CD mode. Ifno CD, it displays “No Media” for 3 sec-onds and returns to the previous mode.3. Button (RANDOM)Press this button for less than 0.8 sec-onds to activate ‘RDM’ mode and morethan 0.8 seconds to activate ‘ALL RDM’mode.• RDM : Only files/tracks in a folder/discare played back in a random sequence.• ALL RDM (MP3/WMA Only) : All files ina disc are played back in the randomsequence.4. Button (REPEAT)Press this button for less than 0.8 sec-onds to activate 'RPT' mode and morethan 0.8 seconds to activate 'FLD RPT'mode.• RPT : Only a track (file) is repeatedlyplayed back.• FLD RPT (MP3/WMA Only) : Only filesin a folder are repeatedly played back.5. ButtonPlay each song in the CD for 10 seconds. Tocancel SCAN Play, press this button again.6. CD SlotInsert a CD label side up and gently pushin while ignition switch is on ACC or ON.The audio automatically switches to CDmode and begins to play the CD.If the audio was turned off, audio powerwill automatically turned on as the CD isinserted.• This audio only recognizes 12cm-size, CD-DA (Audio CD) or ISO data-CD (MP3 CD).• If UDF data-CD or non-CD (e.g. DVD) isinserted, "Reading Error" message willbe displayed and the disc will be ejected.SCAN21CD/AUXCAUTION Do not insert a CD if CD indicator islit.RB_USA_CD4117Features of your vehicle7. Button• Press  button for less than0.8 seconds to play from the beginningof current song.• Press  button for less than 0.8 seconds and press again within1 second to play the previous song.• Press  button for 0.8 sec-onds or longer to initiate reverse direc-tion high speed sound search of cur-rent song.• Press  button for less than0.8 seconds to play the next song.• Press  button for 0.8 sec-onds or longer to initiate forward direc-tion high speed sound search of cur-rent song.8. Button • Press button to move tochild folder of the current folder anddisplay the first song in the folder.Press TUNE/ ENTER knob to move tothe folder displayed. It will play the firstsong in the folder.• Press  button to move toparent folder of the current folder anddisplay the first song in the folder.Press TUNE/ENTER knob to move tothe folder displayed.9. ButtonDisplays the information of the currentsong.• Audio CD : Disc Title/Artist, Track Title/Artist, Total Track.• MP3 CD : File Name, Title, Artist,Album, Folder, Total Files (Not dis-played if the information is unavailableon the CD or file.)10.Knob &  Button• Turn this knob clockwise to browsesongs after current song, or counter-clockwise to browse songs before cur-rent song. To play the displayed song,press the knob.• Pressing this knob without turningenters to AUDIO CONTROL mode.NOTE:Order of playing files (folders) :1. Song playing order : to  sequen-tially.ENTERTUNEINFOFOLDERFOLDERFOLDERTRACKTRACKT  TRACKT  TRACKT  TRACKTRACKRB_USA_CD
Features of your vehicle11842. Folder playing order :❋If no song file is contained in thefolder, that folder is not displayed.4119Features of your vehicleCAUTION IN USING USB DEVICE• To use an external USB device,make sure the device is not con-nected when starting up the vehi-cle. Connect the device afterstarting up.• If you start the engine when theUSB device is connected, it maydamage the USB device. (USBflashdrives are very sensitive toelectric shock.)• If the engine is started up orturned off while the external USBdevice is connected, the externalUSB device may not work.• It may not play inauthentic MP3 orWMA files.1) It can only play MP3 files withthe compression rate between8Kbps~320Kbps.2) It can only play WMA musicfiles with the compression ratebetween 8Kbps~320Kbps.• Take precautions for static electrici-ty when connecting or disconnect-ing the external USB device.(Continued)(Continued)• An encrypted MP3 PLAYER is notrecognizable.• Depending on the condition ofthe external USB device, the con-nected external USB device canbe unrecognizable.• When the formatted byte/sectorsetting of External USB device isnot either 512BYTE or 2048BYTE,then the device will not be recog-nized.• Use only a USB device formattedto FAT 12/16/32.• USB devices without USB I/Fauthentication may not be recog-nizable.• Make sure the USB connectionterminal does not come in contactwith the human body or otherobjects.• If you repeatedly connect or dis-connect the USB device in a shortperiod of time, it may break thedevice.• You may hear a strange noisewhen connecting or disconnect-ing a USB device.(Continued)(Continued)• If you disconnect the external USBdevice during playback in USBmode, the external USB device canbe damaged or may malfunction.Therefore, disconnect the externalUSB device when the audio isturned off or in another mode. (e.g,Radio, XM or CD)• Depending on the type and capac-ity of the external USB device orthe type of the files stored in thedevice, there is a difference in thetime taken for recognition of thedevice.• Do not use the USB device for pur-poses other than playing musicfiles.• Use of USB accessories such asrechargers or heaters using USBI/F may lower performance orcause trouble.• If you use devices such as a USBhub purchased separately, thevehicle’s audio system may notrecognize the USB device. In thatcase, connect the USB devicedirectly to the multimedia termi-nal of the vehicle.(Continued)
Features of your vehicle1204(Continued)• If the USB device is divided bylogical drives, only the music fileson the highest-priority drive arerecognized by car audio.• Devices such as MP3 Player/Cellular phone/Digital camera canbe unrecognizable by standardUSB I/F can be unrecognizable.• Some non-standard USB devices(METAL COVER TYPE USB) can beunrecognizable.• Some USB flash memory readers(such as CF, SD, microSD, etc.) orexternal-HDD type devices can beunrecognizable.• Music files protected by DRM(DIGITAL RIGHTS MANAGEMENT)are not recognizable.• The data in the USB memory maybe lost while using this audio.Always back up important data ona personal storage device.(Continued)(Continued)• Please avoid using USB memoryproducts which can be used askey chains or cellular phoneaccessories as they could causedamage to the USB jack. Pleasemake certain only to use plug typeconnector products as shownbelow.4121Features of your vehicleUsing USB device1. Button (USB or AUX)If the auxiliary device is connected, itswitches to AUX or USB mode to play thesound from the auxiliary player.If there is no auxiliary device, then themessage “No Media” will become dis-played on the LCD for 3 seconds andreturns to previous mode.2. Button (RANDOM)• Press this button for less than 0.8 sec-onds to play songs randomly in currentfolder.• Press this button for 0.8 seconds orlonger to play songs randomly in entireUSB device.• To cancel RANDOM play, press thisbutton again.3. Button (REPEAT)• Press this button for less than 0.8 sec-onds to repeat current song.• Press this button for 0.8 seconds or longerto repeat all songs in current folder.• To cancel REPEAT, press this buttonagain.4. Button• Press the  button for lessthan 0.8 seconds to play from thebeginning of the current song.Press the button for less than 0.8 seconds and press it again within 1 sec-ond to move to and play the previoussong.Press the button for 0.8 seconds orlonger to play the song in reversedirection in fast speed.• Press the button for lessthan 0.8 seconds to move to the nextsong. Press the button for 0.8 secondsor longer to play the song in forwarddirection in fast speed.5. ButtonPlays each song in the USB device for 10seconds.To cancel SCAN Play, press this buttonagain.6. ButtonDisplays the information of the file cur-rently played in the order of FILE NAME ➟  TITLE  ➟  ARTIST  ➟ALBUM  ➟  FOLDER  ➟  TOTAL FILE ➟NORMAL DISPLAY ➟  FILE NAME…(Displays no information if the file has nosong information.)INFOSCANTRACKT  TRACKTRACK21CD/AUXRB_USA_USBRB_USA_USB
Features of your vehicle12247. Button• Press button to move tochild folder of the current folder anddisplay the first song in the folder.Press TUNE/ ENTER knob to move tothe folder displayed. It will play the firstsong in the folder.• Press button to move toparent folder display the first song inthe folder.Press TUNE/ENTER knob to move tothe folder displayed.8.Knob &  Button• Turn this knob clockwise to browsesongs after current song, or counterclockwise to browse songs before cur-rent song. To play the displayed song,press the knob.• Pressing this knob without turningenters to AUDIO CONTROL mode.ENTERTUNEFOLDERFOLDERFOLDERRB_USA_USB4123Features of your vehicle✽NOTICE FOR USING THEiPod®DEVICE• Some iPod models might not sup-port the communication protocoland the files will not be played. Supported iPod models: - iPod Mini- iPod 4th(Photo) ~ 6th(Classic)generation- iPod Nano 1st~4th generation- iPod Touch 1st~2nd generation• The order of search or playback ofsongs in the iPod can be differentfrom the order searched in theaudio system.• If the iPod disabled due to its ownmalfunction, reset the iPod. (Reset:Refer to iPod manual)• An iPod may not operate normallyon low battery.• Some iPod devices, such as theiPhone, can be connected through theBluetooth®interface. The devicemust have audio Bluetooth®capabili-ty (such as for stereo headphoneBluetooth®). The device can play, butit will not be controlled by the audiosystem.CAUTION IN USING THE iPod®DEVICE• The Hyundai iPod Power Cable isneeded in order to operate iPodwith the audio buttons on theaudio system. The USB cable pro-vided by Apple may cause  mal-function and should not be usedfor Hyundai vehicles.❋ The Hyundai iPod Power Cablemay be purchased through yourHyundai Dealership.•When connecting iPod with theiPod Power Cable, insert the con-nector to the multimedia socketcompletely. If not inserted com-pletely, communications betweeniPod and audio may be interrupted.• When adjusting the sound effects ofthe iPod and the audio system, thesound effects of both devices willoverlap and might reduce or distortthe quality of the sound.• Deactivate (turn off) the equalizerfunction of an iPod when adjust-ing the audio system’s volume,and turn off the equalizer of theaudio system when using theequalizer of an iPod.(Continued)(Continued)• When the iPod cable is connected,the system can be switched to AUXmode even without iPod deviceand may cause noise. Disconnectthe iPod cable when you are notusing the iPod device.• When not using iPod with caraudio, detach the iPod cable fromiPod. Otherwise, iPod may remainin accessory mode, and may notwork properly.
Features of your vehicle1244Using iPod®❋iPod®is a trademark of Apple Inc.1. Button (iPod)If iPod is connected, it switches to theiPod mode from the previous mode toplay the song files stored in the iPod.If there is no iPod connected, then it dis-plays the message "No Media" for 3 sec-onds and returns to the previous mode.2. Button (RANDOM)• Press this button for less than 0.8 sec-onds to shuffle order of all songs incurrent category. (Song Random)• Press this button for 0.8 seconds orlonger to shuffle order of albums in cur-rent category. (Album Random)• To cancel RANDOM Play, press thisbutton again.3. Button (REPEAT)Repeats the song currently played.4. Button• Press the button for lessthan 0.8 seconds to play from thebeginning of the song currently played.Press the button for less than 0.8 sec-onds and press it again within 1 sec-ond to move to and play the previoustrack.Press the button for 0.8 seconds orlonger to play the song in reversedirection in fast speed.• Press the  button for lessthan 0.8 seconds to move to the nexttrack.Press the button for 0.8 seconds orlonger to play the song in forward direc-tion in fast speed.5. ButtonPlays each song in the USB device for 10seconds.To cancel SCAN Play, press this buttonagain.6. Button (MENU)Moves to the upper category from cur-rently played category of the iPod.To move to (play) the category (song)displayed, press  knob.You will be able to search through thelower category of the selected category.The standard order of iPod’s category isSONGS ➟ALBUMS ➟ARTISTS ➟GEN-RES ➟iPodTUNE6SCANTRACKT  TRACKTRACK21CD/AUXRB_USA_iPod  RB_USA_iPod 4125Features of your vehicle7.Knob &  ButtonWhen you rotate the knob clockwise, itwill display the songs (category) aheadof the song currently played (category inthe same level).Also, when you rotate the knob counter-clockwise, it will display the songs (cate-gory) before the song currently played(category in the same level).To listen to the song displayed in thesong category, press the button to skip toand play the selected song.Pressing the button changes the BASS,MIDDLE, TREBLE, FADER and BAL-ANCE TUNE mode. The mode selectedis shown on the display. After selectingeach mode, rotate the Audio control knobclockwise or counterclockwise.8. ButtonDisplays the information of the file cur-rently played in the order of TITLE ➟ARTIST ➟ALBUM ➟NORMALDISPLAY ➟TITLE... (Displays no informa-tion if the file has no song information.)INFOENTERTUNERB_USA_iPod
Features of your vehicle1264Satellite Radio channels:XM Satellite Radio has over 130 channels,including 69 channels of 100% commercial-free music, plus sports, news, talk andentertainment available nationwide in yourvehicle. For more information and a com-plete list of XM Satellite Radio channels,visit in the United States, in Canada, or call XM at 1-888-539-7474.Satellite Radio reception factors:To receive the satellite signal, your vehi-cle has been equipped with a satelliteradio antenna located on the roof of yourvehicle. The vehicle roof provides thebest location for an unobstructed, openview of the sky, a requirement of a satel-lite radio system. Like AM/FM, there areseveral factors that can affect satelliteradio reception performance:• Antenna obstructions: For optimalreception performance, keep the anten-na clear of snow and ice build-up andkeep luggage and other material as faraway from the antenna as possible.• Terrain: Hills, mountains, tall buildings,bridges, tunnels, freeway overpasses,parking garages, dense tree foliageand thunderstorms can interfere withyour reception.XM Satellite Radio service:XM Satellite Radio is a subscription-based satellite radio service that broad-casts music, sports, news and entertain-ment programming to radio receivers,which are available for installation inmotor vehicles or factory installed, aswell as for the home, portable and wire-less devices, and through an Internetconnection on personal computer.Vehicles that are equipped with a factoryinstalled XM Satellite Radio systeminclude:• Hardware and an introductory trial sub-scription term, which begins on thedate of sale or lease of the vehicle.• For a small upgrade fee, access to XMmusic channels, and other select chan-nels over the Internet using any com-puter connected to the Internet (U.S.customers only).For information on extended subscrip-tion terms, contact XM at 1-888-539-7474.NOTE:Satellite Radio requires XM®compatiblereceiver and a subscription service feeafter trial period.Vehicles without a factory-installedradio receiver require hardware pur-chase and installation. Please see yourdealer for further details. All fees andprogramming subject to change.Subscriptions governed by the XMTerms & Conditions available / service terms.Available only in the 48 contiguousUnited States and the District ofColumbia. Service available in Canada;see www.xmcanada.caHYUNDAI shall not be responsible forany such programming changes.Satellite Radio Electronic SerialNumber (ESN): This 12-digit SatelliteSerial Number is needed to re-activate,modify or track your satellite radioaccount. You will need this number whencommunicating with XM.XM Satellite Radio information (if equipped)4127Features of your vehicleUsing XM Satellite RadioYour Hyundai vehicle is equipped with a3 month complimentary period of XMSatellite Radio so you have access toover 130 channels of music, information,and entertainment programming.ActivationIn order to extend or reactivate your sub-scription to XM Satellite Radio, you willneed to contact XM Customer Care at 1-888-539-7474. Have your 12 digit SID (XmIdentification Number)/ESN (Electronic SerialNumber) ready. To retrieve the SID/ESN,turn on the radio, press the [SAT] button,and tune to channel zero.Please note that the vehicle will need tobe turned on, in Xm mode, and have anunobstructed view of the sky in order forthe radio to receive the activation signal.1. Button(XM SatelliteRadio)Press the  button to switch to XMSatellite Radio. It cycles through the dif-ferent bands as noted below.SAT1➟SAT2➟SAT3➟SAT1...2. Button (CHANNEL)• Press  button for less than0.8 seconds to select previous or nextchannel.• Press  button for 0.8 sec-onds or longer to continuously move toprevious or next channel.• If “CATEGORY” Icon is displayed at thetop of the screen, channel up/down isdone through the channels within cur-rent category.3. Button • When the  button is pressed, itautomatically scans the radio stationsupwards.• The SCAN feature steps through everychannel, starting from the initial chan-nel, for ten seconds.• Press the  button again to stopthe scan feature and to listen to thecurrently selected channel.• If "CATEGORY" Icon is displayed atthe top of the screen, channel chang-ing is done through the channels with-in current category.4. Button (CATEGORY)• Press  button to enter theCategory List Mode. The display willindicate the category items, highlightthe category that the current channelbelongs to.• In the Category List Mode, press thesebuttons to navigate category list.• Press  Button to select thelowest channel in highlighted category.• If channel is selected by selecting cat-egory "CATEGORY" Icon is displayedat the top of the screen.ENTERCATCATSCANSCANSCANSEEKSEEKSEEKSATSATRB_USA_XM
Features of your vehicle12845. PRESET Buttons• Press ~ buttons lessthan 0.8 seconds to play the channelsaved in each button.• Press ~ buttons for 0.8seconds or longer to save currentchannel to the respective button with abeep.6. Knob &  Button• Rotate clockwise to increase the chan-nel number or to scroll down the cate-gory list.• Rotate counterclockwise to decreasethe channel number or to scroll up thecategory list.• Press this to make selection of chan-nels or items.7. ButtonDisplays the information of the currentchannel as below when the button ispressed each time.• When default display isCAT(Category)/CH(Channel)  ➟  Artist/Title  ➟Composer (if available) ➟ Category/Channel...• When default display is ART(Artist)/TITLE(Title) ➟ Category/Channel➟ Composer(if available) ➟ Artist/Title...✽Troubleshooting1. Antenna ErrorIf this message is displayed, the anten-na or antenna cable is broken orunplugged. Please consult with yourHyundai dealership. 2. Acquiring SignalIf this message is displayed, it meansthat the antenna is covered and thatthe XM Satellite Radio signal is notavailable. Ensure the antenna isuncovered and has a clear view of thesky.INFOENTERTUNE6161RB_USA_XM4129Features of your vehicleCAUTION IN USINGBLUETOOTH®CELLULARPHONE• Do not use a cellular phone orperform Bluetooth®settings (e.g.pairing a phone) while driving.• Some Bluetooth®-enabled phonesmay not be recognized by thesystem or fully compatible withthe system.• Before using Bluetooth®relatedfeatures of the audio system,refer your phone’s User’s Manualfor phone-side Bluetooth®opera-tions.•The phone must be paired to theaudio system to use Bluetooth®related features.• You will not be able to use thehands-free feature when yourphone (in the car) is outside ofthe cellular service area (e.g. in atunnel, in a underground, in amountainous area, etc.).• If the cellular phone signal is pooror the vehicles interior noise istoo loud, it may be difficult to hearthe other person’s voice during acall.(Continued)(continued)• Do not place the phone near orinside metallic objects, otherwise communications with Bluetooth®system or cellular service sta-tions can be disturbed.• While a phone is connectedthrough Bluetooth®your phonemay discharge quicker than usualfor additional Bluetooth®-relatedoperations.• Some cellular phones or otherdevices may cause interferencenoise or malfunction to audiosystem. In this case, storing thedevice in a different location mayresolve the situation.
Features of your vehicle1304BLUETOOTH®PHONE OPERATION(if equipped)1. button : Raises or lowersspeaker volume.2. : Mute the microphone duringa call.3. button : Activates voice recognition.4. button : Places and transfers calls.5. button : Ends calls or cancelsfunctions.■What is Bluetooth®?Bluetooth®is a wireless technology thatallows multiple devices to be connectedin a short range, low-powered deviceslike hands-free, stereo headset, steeringremote control, etc. For more informa-tion, visit the Bluetooth®website■General Features• This audio system supports Bluetooth®hands-free and stereo-headset fea-tures.- HANDS-FREE feature: Making orreceiving calls wirelessly throughvoice recognition.- STEREO-HEADSET  feature: Playingmusic from cellular phones (that sup-ports A2DP feature) wirelessly.• Voice recognition engine of theBluetooth®system supports 3 types oflanguages:EnglishCanadian FrenchUS Spanish✽NOTICE• The phone must be paired to the sys-tem before using Bluetooth®features.• Only one selected (linked) cellular phonecan be used with the system at a time.• Some phones are not fully compatiblewith this system.• The Bluetooth®word mark and logosare registered trademarks owned byBluetooth®SIG, Inc. and any use ofsuch marks by Hyundai is underlicense.    A Bluetooth enabled cellphone is required to use Bluetooth®wireless technology.■Bluetooth®Language SettingThe system language can be changed bythe following steps:1. Power on the audio system with thevolume set to an audible level.2. Press and hold  button on thesteering wheel until the audio displays“Please Wait”.- The  Bluetooth®system will reply incurrently selected language that it ischanging to the next language.- System language cycles between English,Canadian French and US Spanish.3. When completed, the audio displayreturns to normal.4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for the next lan-guage selection.NOTE:The phone needs to be paired againafter changing system language.- Avoid resting your thumb or fingeron the  button as the languagecould unintentionally change.ENDCALLTA L KMUTEVOLUME435124131Features of your vehicle■Voice Recognition Activation• The voice recognition engine containedin the Bluetooth®System can be acti-vated in the following conditions:- Button ActivationThe voice recognition system will beactive when the  button is pressedand after the sound of a Beep.- Active ListeningThe voice recognition system will beactive for a period of time when theVoice Recognition system has askedfor a customer response.• The system can recognize single digitsfrom zero to nine while number greaterthan ten will not be recognized.• If the command is not recognized, thesystem will announce "Pardon" or Noinput voice signal from microphone. (Noresponse)• The system shall cancel voice recogni-tion mode in following cases : Whenpressing the  button and sayingcancel following the beep. When notmaking a call and pressing thebutton. When voice recognition hasfailed 3 consecutive times.• At any time if you say “help”, the systemwill announce what commands areavailable.■Menu treeThe menu tree identifies available voicerecognition Bluetooth®functions.■Voice Operation TipTo get the best performance out of theVoice Recognition System, observe thefollowings:- Keep the interior of the vehicle as quietas possible. Close the window to elim-inate surrounding noise (traffic noise,vibration sounds, etc), which may dis-turb recognizing the voice commandcorrectly.- Speak a command after a beep soundwithin 5 seconds. Otherwise the com-mand will not be received properly.- Speak in a natural voice without paus-ing between words.■Information DisplayPair phoneSelect phoneChange priorityDelete phoneBluetooth offSetupAdd entryPhonebookChangeDelete nameBy PhoneBy voiceCall By nameBy number<Active Call>
Features of your vehicle1324The Bluetooth®icon appears on theupper side of audio display when aphone is connected.■Phone SetupAll Bluetooth®-related operations can beperformed by voice command or by man-ual operation.- By Voice Command:Press  button on the steering wheel to activate voice recognition.- By Manual Operation:1) Push the “SETUP” button to enterSETUP mode2) Select “PHONE” item by rotating theTUNE knob, then push the knob.3) Select desired item by rotating theTUNE knob, then push the knob.• Pairing phoneBefore using Bluetooth®features, thephone must be paired (registered) to theaudio system. Up to 5 phones can bepaired with the system.NOTE:The pairing procedure of the phonevaries according to each phonemodel. Before attempting to pairphone, please see your phone’sUser’s Guide for instructions.NOTE:Once pairing with the phone is com-pleted, there is no need to pair withthat phone again unless the phone isdeleted manually from the audio sys-tem (refer “Deleting Phone” section)or the vehicle’s information isremoved from the phone.1. Press button.2. Say “Set Up”.- The system replies with availablecommands.- To skip the information message,press  again and then a beep isheard.3. Say “Pair Phone”4. Proceed at next step.5. Say the name of your phone whenprompted.- Use any name to uniquely describeyour phone.- Use Full name to voice tag.- Not use to short name or similar tovoice command.6. Bluetooth®system will repeat thename you stated.7. Say “Yes” to confirm.8. The audio displays “searching ----passkey: 0000” and asks you to initiatepairing procedure from the phone.<Voice Recognism>4133Features of your vehicle9. Search the Bluetooth®system on yourphone .Your phone should display your[vehicle model name] on theBluetooth®device list. Then attemptpairing on your phone10. After Pairing is completed, yourphone will start to transfer phone/con-tact list to the audio system.- This process may take from a fewminutes to over 10 minutes depend-ing on the phone model and numberof entries in the phone/contact list.11. By manual operation:- Select “PAIR” in PHONE menu, thenproceed from step 5NOTE:• Until the audio displays “TransferComplete”, Bluetooth®hands-freefeature may not be fully operational.• Depending on the phone make andmodel, the phone book contact listmat not transfer to the audio system.NOTE:If the phone is paired to two or morevehicles of the same model, i.e. bothvehicles are HYUNDAI SPORTAGE,some  phones may not handleBluetooth®devices of that name correctly. In thiscase, you may need to change thename displayed on your phone fromSportage to Sportage1 and Sportage2.Refer to your phone’s User’s Guide, orcontact your cellular carrier or phonemanufacturer for instructions.• Connecting phoneWhen the Bluetooth®system is enabled,the phone previously used is automati-cally selected and re-connected. If youwant to select different phone previouslypaired, the phone can be selectedthrough “Select Phone” menu.Only a selected phone can be used withthe hands-free system at a time.1. Press button.2. Say “Set Up”.3. Say “Select Phone” after prompt- The system lists all the registeredphone names.4. Say the name or number of desiredphone from the list.5. Say “Yes” to confirm.6. By manual operation:- Select “SELECT” in PHONE menu,then select desired phone from the list.
Features of your vehicle1344• Deleting PhoneThe paired phone can be deleted.- When the phone is deleted, all the infor-mation associated with that phone isalso deleted (including phonebook).- If you want to use the deleted phonewith the audio system again, pairingprocedure must be completed oncemore.1.Press button.2.Say “Set Up”.3.Say “Delete Phone” after prompt.- The system lists all the registeredphone names.4.Say the name or number of desiredphone from the list.5.Say “Yes” to confirm.6.By manual operation:- Select “DELETE” in PHONE menu,then select desired phone from the list.• Changing PriorityWhen several phones are paired to theaudio system, the system attempts toconnect following order when theBluetooth®is enabled:1) “Priority” checked phone.2) Previously connected phone3) Gives up auto connection.1. Press button.2. Say “Set Up”.3. Say “Change Priority” after prompt.- The system lists all the registeredphone names.4. Say the name or number of desiredphone from the list.5. Say “Yes” to confirm.6. By manual operation:- Select “PRIORITY” in PHONE menu,then select desired phone from the list.• BT SETUP1. Adjusting Bluetooth • Volume Bluetooth®system volume can beadjusted separately from main volumeof the audio system. Volume control isavailable by manual operation only.- Select “BT Vol” in PHONE menu, adjustvolume to desired level by turning theTUNE knob, then press the knob againto confirm.4135Features of your vehicle2. Adjusting Bluetooth • languageSelect “BT Voice Recognition lan-guage” in PHONE menu, adjust lan-guage to desired language by turningthe TUNE knob, then press the knobagain to confirm.- Supported Languages:ENGLISH, FRENCH, SPANISH.NOTE:The Phone need to be paired againafter changing system language.• Avoid resting your thumb or fingeron the talk button as the languagecould unintentionally change.• Turning Bluetooth®ON/OFFBluetooth®system can be enabled (ON)or disabled (OFF) by this menu.- If  Bluetooth®is disabled, all the com-mands related to Bluetooth®systemprompts whether you wish to turnBluetooth®ON or not.1. Press button.2. Say “Set Up”3. Say “Bluetooth Off” after prompt.4. Say “Yes” to confirm.5. By manual operation:-  Select “BT Off” in PHONE menu,then after announcement, say “YES”to confirm.■Phone Book (In-Vehicle)• Adding EntryPhone numbers and voice tags can beregistered. Entries registered in thephone can also be transferred.• Adding Entry by Voice1. Press button.2. Say "Phonebook".- The system replies with all availablecommands.- To skip the information message,press  again and then a beep isheard.3. Say “Add Entry”.4. Say “By Voice” to proceed.5. Say the name of the entry whenprompted.6. Say “Yes” to confirm.7. Say the phone number of that entrywhen prompted.8. Say “Store” if phone number input isfinished.9. Say a phone number type. “Home”,“Work”, “Mobile”, “Other” or “Default” isavailable.10. Say “Yes” to complete adding entry.11. Say “Yes” to store additional locationfor this contact, or say “Cancel” to fin-ish the process.
Features of your vehicle1364✽NOTICE-  The system can recognize single digitsfrom zero to nine. Numbers that areten or greater cannot be recognized.-  You can enter each digit individuallyor group digits together in preferredstring lengths.-  To speed up input, it is a good idea togroup all digits into a continuousstring.- Recommend to enter the numbersconstituted an grouping within alldigit numbers to dial 995 / 734 / 0000-  The display corresponding to eachoperation appears on the screen as fol-lows:Input operation example:1. Say: “Nine, nine, five”➟ Display: “995”2. And say: “Seven, three, four”➟ Display: “995734”• Adding Entry by Phone1. Press button.2. Say “Phonebook”.3. Say “Add Entry” after prompt.4. Say “By Phone” to proceed.5. Say “Yes” to confirm.6.Your phone will start to transferphone/contact list to the audio system.This process may take over 10 minutesdepending on the phone model andnumber of entries7. Wait till the audio displays “TransferComplete” message.• Changing NameThe registered names can be modified.1.Press button.2.Say “Phonebook”.3.Say “Change Name” after prompt.4.Say the name of the entry (voice tag).5.Say “Yes” to confirm.6.Say new desired name.• Deleting NameThe registered names can be deleted.1.Press button.2.Say “Phonebook”.3.Say “Delete Name” after prompt.4.Say the name of the entry (voice tag).5.Say “Yes” to confirm.■Making a Phone Call• Calling by NameA phone call can be made by speakingnames registered in the audio system.1. Press button.2. Say “Call”.3. Say “Name” when prompted.4. Say desired name (voice tag).5. Say desired location (phone numbertype). Only stored locations can beselected.6. Say “Yes” to confirm and make a call.✽TipA shortcut to each of the following func-tions is available:1. Say “Call Name”2. Say “Call <john>”3. Say “Call <john> at <home>”4137Features of your vehicle• Dialing by NumberA phone call can be made by dialing thespoken numbers. The system can recog-nize single digits from zero to nine.1.Press button.2.Say “Call”.3.Say “Number” when prompted.4.Say desired phone numbers.5.Say “Dial” to complete the number andmake a call.✽TipA shortcut to each of the following func-tions is available:1. Say “Dial Number”2. Say “Dial <digit>”■Receiving a Phone CallWhen receiving a phone call, a ringtoneis audible from speakers and the audiosystem changes into telephone mode.When receiving a phone call, “Incomingcall” message and incoming phone num-ber (if available) are displayed on theaudio.• To Answer a Call:- Press  button on the steering wheel.• To Reject a Call:- Press  button on the steering wheel.• To Adjust Ring Volume:- Use VOLUME buttons on the steeringwheel.• To Transfer a Call to the Phone (SecretCall):- Press and hold  button on thesteering wheel until the audio systemtransfers a call to the phone.■Talking on the PhoneWhen talking on the phone, “Active Call”message and the other party’s phonenumber (if available) are displayed on theaudio.• To Mute the Microphone- Press  button on the steeringwheel.• To Finish a Call- Press button on the steering wheel.✽NOTICEIn the following situations, you or theother party may have difficulty hearingeach other:1. Speaking at the same time, your voicemay not reach each other parties. (Thisis not a malfunction.) Speak alternate-ly with the other party on the phone.2. Keep the Bluetooth®volume to a lowlevel. High-level volume may result indistortion and echo.3. When driving on a rough road.4. When driving at high speeds.5. When the window is open.6. When the air conditioning vents arefacing the microphone.7. When the sound of the air condition-ing fan is loud.MUTE
Features of your vehicle1384■Bluetooth®Audio Music StreamingThe audio system supports Bluetooth®A2DP (Audio Advanced DistributionProfile) and AVRCP (Audio VideoRemote Control Profile) technologies.Both profiles provide steaming of musicvia compatible “PAIRED” Bluetooth®Cellular phone.To stream music from the Bluetooth® cel-lular phone, play your music files on yourcellular phone according to your cellularphone user’s manual and press thebutton on the audio system until“MP3 play” is displayed on the LCD.The audio system head unit displays‘MP3 MODE’.NOTE:• In addition to streaming MP3 files,all music and sound files your cellu-lar phone supports can be playedby the audio system.• Bluetooth®compatible cellularphones must include A2DP andAVRCP capabilities.• Some A2DP and AVRCP compatibleBluetooth®cellular phones may notplay music through the audio sys-tem initially. These cellular phonesmay need to have the Bluetooth®streaming enabled, for example;i.e : Menu➟Filemanager➟Music➟Option➟Play via Bluetooth  • Please refer to User’s Guide for yourcellular phone for more information.To cancel Bluetooth®cellular phonemusic streaming, stop music play-back on the cellular phone orchange the audio mode to AM/FM,XM, CD, iPod, ect.CD/AUX  4139Features of your vehicle■ Key matrixNo.ClassPaired H/PEmpty Disconnected1SHORTLONGSHORTSHORTLONG[10sec]LONG[10sec]Normal modeBT SETUP menuIncoming Call Outgoing Call Active Call 2nd CallNot Paired Not Connecting --Accept CallConnected-2nd call1st Call:waiting2nd Call:active2nd Call2nd Call:waiting1st Call:activeKEY------Transfer call:secret callEnd CallVR MODE CancelVR MODE CancelVR MODE CancelVR MODE Cancel Reject Call End Call End Call-ActiveChangelanguage-ActiveSpeakerAdaptation(Only English)ChangelanguageActiveChangelanguageActive-SpeakerAdaptation(Only English)Changelanguage-----------23
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: ˍ Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. ˍ Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. ˍ Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. ˍ Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. Caution: Any changes or modifications to this device not explicitly approved by manufacturer could void your authority to operate this equipment. This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may notcause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum 20 cm between the radiator and your body. This transmitter must not be collocated or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter unless authorized to do so by the FCC. IC Warning Operation of this device is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.

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