Haier Telecom 201707G553 Smart Phone User Manual UserManual
Haier Telecom (Qingdao) Co., Ltd. Smart Phone UserManual
User Manual
Haier MobilePhone ManualdeUsuario Models 551 HMvGSSS-FL Qingdao Ha‘er Telecorn Co.._ld ,u evH-xec [um- ‘40 huer m: 0‘ _ , ww.\.u.m-v..m~ «nun-unnum- Haiel Thankyou for choosing 651 Your Phone at a glance Receiver Headphone Jack—I mnu Key HomeKey 3.1qu L-sensor/Prcm m Ity Sen sor Haiet Volume Key Power key BackCcver Back Camera (<2) Speaker Flash Haier Keys Back key Back - Backlolhe pmviousscreen cream Home Key Home -Remrnwthe Home screen Menu Key Recent apps key - snomlodlspleylhe recenl n 5! Volume Volume up/dawn Continuously presslelumtosllenl and vubrane mode. Adjusuhe call volume Adjust the "HLIC playbackyolume. Power Press short to turn on/omhe screen display. Press 35 to turn onlofl‘the phone. Press ‘LSSlo restart me phone Take aScreenshol. Presslhe powerand volume down keys auhe same llrrle (Make aquick screensholforlhe turrenl page, Call Muepress me volume key tolum offthe ringwherlthere isacall Haber Heller mm“ "mm-m Rem ove the battery cover and install the battery lnsertSlM Card and TF Card Note Note Ynur phone '5 designed to be used oriy with the original batteryand charger. The use of other battery or charger is not recommended. it may came Please power offthe phone before you are ready to Insert the original damage '9 MW" phone and "‘5 warranty Wi" be V0",- SIM card or TF Card, If nu, it maydarnage your phone, 1. Open the battery :ever. 2. Irstall the battery. Insert SIM Card 3. lrstall the battery cover. Use only onginal SIM card supp! Iedby operators. Do nd use rnanualy \ cut SIM card ornon-standard card It rnayda'nage ymrphme Insert Memory Card ‘ Th's phonesupportsexlernal 1F 0am and can beextended uptoSZGB - The memo-y card shouidbe inserted intothe card slotwrrectlytothe position line Please Follmvthe picturesth above. Hale: Notification Bar Status of the Icons Side down the notification barloread deiail notice Side upor pressthe Backkey .— backtothe idle. 46 nelwk in use 3 56 network In use 36 named in use I? com um innl 26 hawk in use :, cklmnrrxosmucr B aflery level Vibration mode Flight mode Call Incom ng Call on hold Missed fills NewSMS Connected to computer Alarm edrvoted Downloading Newvoice m m! Synchronizing 6 7 Haiet LegalNotice Thisdocumem. whnherin panorwhole. shell notbe reproduced or transmitted in any way. shque. orf‘o'm without the priorwritlen consent ofHaier. Mt! isa Trademark ofHaIer EuropeTrading SRL Hauler rmwesthe righuo modify“: informa‘ion contained in lhisguide atanytime DISCLAIMER THIRD PARTY SERVICES AND CONTENTARE DELIVERED «ASISI. HAIER DOB NOT GUARANTEE THE CONTENTANDSERVICES SO DELIVERED. EITHER EXPRBS LV OR IMPLICITLY. FORANY PURPOSE WHATSOEVER IS WELLASWARRANTI BOF MERCHANTABILITYAND FITNES FORA PARTICULAR PLRPOSE. HAI ER DOS NOT GUARANTEE TI-E ACCURACY. VALIDITY. LEGALITY a? EXHAUST VENBS N THE CONTENT m SERVICE PROVIDED BY THIS DEVICE. HAIER SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR NEGIJ GENCE, WHETI'ER IN CONTRACT OR IN TORT, FORANY DIRECT, INDIRECT. INCIDENTAL a? SPECIAL DAMAGE. LEGAL FEES. EXPEI‘SB OR ANY OTHER DAMAGE ARISINGFROM USE OF THE CONTENTOR SERVICE BY YOURSELF OR BYA THI RDPARTY EVEN | F HAIER HAS BEEN ADVISEDOF THE POSS IBI LITY OFSUCH INCONVEM ENCES. AS SOME COWTRIB DO NOTALLOWTHE EXCLUSION OF I MPLIEDWARRANTY OR LIMITATIONS ON THE LEGAL R GHTS a" CONSUMERS IT IS POSS IBLETHATTHBE EXCLUSIONS AND LIMITATIONS MAV NOTAPPDITO YOU. Hale: Safely Cautions Praemmssomy nramxmurerunymersunsarumpropane. Mung Using: mmwmanasmameuwm mu: mnuaam van mmvwmmprymhmew Iagullmrsand bwslzglrdhgflefieofeell phoneswhlsldmlng lekmnm E W bonxmyamprmne mrsenslneledmnheqlpmem—plmcuifly Wmmmm pumamlndthdmnlglmphmsas Kmuld «memento "alumina prham myuquwthndlo. memamm mmmmnmmleqmpmm. Fan-non Womlmabammyampmmavmpamm era-rm «ham-equipment. phasemnucuhe ma mluunemryour led GIMME 9,... Your phoneancause mmwnharcnfleqwnen Sc platinum finned'whenflymg uospms Your phone mlylnleflelewlh maperaihndmeaulequvmem. Vwmuselnerveandfahwmy'summorwlm Inmsplulsand tmlmememeu. Alkvalsumns Donlmyaurpmneln pevolizuons |n13¢.n'ssun§1.edmbemlmhod oflmrmyfizhmmkqewhsnes. Comctwnh Ilqufl Kup yawphwmayrrmwamhrwcumml.wamaum g my be Imp-um, "lung "anus Nwerulaeymr phaneaom Phase handlelhe repzlswlhme prMmmsAnyurummnzad lawnsmuld beaszmmymms. Halal 0 Bloklnmtlnnl Don'tuflyoulphonl flhI-Itlflnikdmid.ll€oddcwsl injury NoundChildrm Knpywmfllmofch’flnn‘t men. "mum-mm ultqmdkmigm naugeoafimmnutn. @ Oryndhxesmris 0M mm: orighalxemiessupfiedwnnymrprmcormmapprwed bllhrlnamfadcumrfheusgofMNOfiXIdKKMSmdarageym pom. nrmseasafetyr'sk. $ Nearbtpbswesand Frenznrd Turn alfyourpnme inor mar mu mriflsornlx mmcssucn as mum a «ck-mlnwysobq balquubtnonxnd w; Tum dryour mm mm mum-em Elnllucle Calls Tom-m-nrgmyalywrptmu muturnldonand ilun nu Mum nu nltworkwwuqc. Diam- national um-rgmynumw and wm'lnd'. Bphinlnaywhulyouaumddm! hing upmn mpm mm. Workma‘l‘umpumuw m mg «mm-"1mm phone smmo Demand 40 Burn ('Msistmdoniugthe M mmeme mg. Usangm phone Marleen-worm: mama."- magnummm‘m. may: make: bxkuporklepawriten rxcldofal 'lrvoflantdatam your mi: prm. 1 0 Hole: Allenlncn I tsecupncnauuen thesignal isgocd. Keepycurcak sbrt. m Mumouuu um mast Th‘saaviu awasmxc'aw tech ildmnaddsccms ad mam warm, 0 ryouu LsmgaBlultocKll nm-taw'u. pill" nu mm mm- law ware-nae: . mm riskcfexpmion l mu ryis upland Dyan kamdtypl. o D‘spcuofund mcmsxcocmg (on: humans. 0 Forphggau: :qa immtmnckcroutm stun b: isuled mum m‘prrlrt ml mu m .uyxcanibu. o‘nsanu s omen:- used my: rc-muismmMnunanduls lorcquudlnuthlrwfl udlfind in TS 3551 Muchli qroltcr than a re mdmumfroqnaxn other. ‘bpnwntposim Mlnngdawgc‘domlmna high vohm. levelsfcx bug plflodl Hilr Eumpl 1min SRL mmyauunsmx m same. compliuwkn mu mu requ 'renmtsand mm mum provisovlsof D imam 201 alsslzu and Di Irdivl ZOHIESIEU 11 Haler Inlmruz'uu mm Wing at LogoWEEE (Wm: Ellchiulmd Ehctrali: Emmi}: nuwsaslogooumpmmwm hmmakmunx ms prowmms not ammonium-mama ycur - marmmuwutuXouaniw-coasmofaum mdrukucbchiulwmllqu'umtbyrulcuthqmto mum-a cut-cam wiltfu acycnng c‘mn wows-«am mm «unbound mrrecmryofyoumwmdemwuh equpcmnntucmofamuwlmmo mmmgmng Murat mourns.Wprwrrmgmmmmtmumuwm nummmcnsumumyom-m hummum'rmm. PadioFreqnencyExpnsnm: msusvu masm-rwrmLmemas FOR EXPOSURE TO mono wava magmamn internlbnslmnduds [acmfierwkn European m muss/EU (RED) krm'ndofllmobil pm. MILK mm (mm blp‘konthl mnm pvutoctionaffll run- «may». “Krill mom: roar-an 'sm Emmi rlquiflmnlfimnl Skid-N130! "is Glam. Vwmkdlvkl 1! l “6’0"de McIMr. I! '5 dllignld nmm «cud um mimexpmuetombwm nudiofmquency cuctmnmmcfi-ux) 1-:de by ilk-magnum“. nu 9“!me «Mop-u man imp-nan Kim-m: mutilation [ICNRH and imm- ”um-mu my mm «mm :mmmmcyam WMS. Th! mbmlxmeglheiflsuslaunkcfmllnlt kmnam prrkmszou RIM «3mm Wlimitfornwfikdw in: is Zwlkg. We: sum. mam-a using mam warning poniouwnn m. amnrmmming n magnum”: pour mum "mm "14an banana maximum sanvamsuma en thisdlviu when and n is noflnfl wi‘t‘nfi lithe Hr“ WM 11 ugd (mint?! body [ltamlmnun l2 Hale: During “5.!” actual SAvausfbrth sum n usuaw we: bclwwthc van-smug aboufl'his is mus-Jo: purpmofxymm tflkilncylnd to m'll’mizl in. nu on n- mmwun. oplm‘ng mlrdyour ma- dcvicl kmmmxyacmuu wvun m moth m undue ram-at TM Imrthe powercufputcfth: dcvkziJh: meritswvdul. lfyou ar- m using all anyone! xuwyenwruth‘vllltevlrplod m is and isfilldany mm: we! must mumm- phone a. indium a mana- awlyfiomtll body Hun uuthl dawn n. diwrzd down homyour WY- Olglnizlmsuch an”: WW Med”! Orgalillinfl lusm that fi plophln «name an wamam awn-impomcmyeona u- a n. "driva- am. (e knpflw pneu- "4mm". nun and body during wont “Incl rod". Ch! mntofliml slelton (Ill Wont. 13 Hale: Halef nscummou 0s compo-mm HliIrEuropu Tuning -qu 5-5 rue du erilrs NI nay xu rSfiu. Imubll L. TokmSZZOO- Franc! no»: +55 [01175 791 520/ Fax .55 (3)147555 451 www.milncom Dexriplbnfl'lllphcn: Modal Name 'HM-GSS I-FLV GEO Appbcatbn quounci Direct'uls}: mains Tuluomvnunicxions Tlrm' [Equip-non: Dirlctivl (mews/ac) Sundardlxflc which Ccnbrmiyis D- and: 94501 459-1 V119.2l2011-09) 91501 459-5V1.s.112015~0m ENSO'I dBS-TVLSJ (2005-11) EN501 139-17vz.2.1l2012-09) EN 501 459-24 v1.5.1 (201010) 5N5oo5znv1 9 “21315-021 EN 501 51 1 v9.0.212005-05} m501903-2vs.2.112015-10) EN 501 905-1 vs.z.1(zo15-od) m501903-15vs.2.1l2015-10) 945004404 v1.5.1 (2010-08! EN500Mo-2V1.11(2010-oa) EN50560:zao1lA1:2012 Eusosss:2015/Ac: 2014 EN 50950-122005m1122009.“:2010»A1z:2011m2;2015 Phcl: Nuuin-Sursum. Franc. DIM 25m Jun! 2016 Authorized Signllum. Yam'zx FIERLNG Tn: CEO Haiar Europa ill-sun”! com um“ M u nu...- mums m mum: at: I4 Hale: Handout Subshnoolelmnma uam vmmummmzmummus sauna/Emma a “mm .m [M m mxmdhuam mum (mum mil mm "mam of mm m men 'he limll ImM\MI-m mm “150511301: kmdbfl-u mmth-s inn-manic»! "Maj Armmmmdwmmhnh‘mw . mmmnmmmnmmmumum-«u mmWhWW—ulnmunm . mmdmmdlumm. 15 Haier Packing List E—_ —lml _lnzl _- _— USEI'MGMBI TF‘ Pmterzive Film Toughened Membrane m 15 FCC RF Lyn-I2 mimic-all Salami Thu 6cm mm the gmmmnft mailman: forupsm la ndiu mm Th gudslins m bud onshndnds 111:1 wne dtvebpd by irdnpnde'nl scientific mgufrnn'ons Though px'ndic m1 Ibomngh mhmm ofsciehfific 511.12; The mam mm . mama mwmm 11519211 I: ”we the “Myer .11 pm 123.1111.” often 0! mm. m SAletoI‘USMFCC) a 1.6 Wilt; mused Dwm lypos' 5mm Phou (FCC ID: 5372017076553) Ms Abbeenhflad uglinsl lbs SAR 11ml SAR infommnon this ad my pi cult: “wisdom - line at himllwwfugoviowulfixidl Phase m: I}: dam FCCIDmanm send: This am wls 125w! maladmlygicd 10 mm in body To maintain wmfliame wah 33c RF um xequinmens, use wmm sw maintains mm m: between a: «(shades mnhonea m, The we oflzelt ch55, 101m; mimlu axessoxis should now-1m meld“: mm m is Wkly The use ofawemxies m do not My m mmmus my m1 wmply with rcc RF 3:pr lemmas. udshmemmded rcc Wank; Thudevte mm» with Pm 15 am» Fcc 11m. Opnlnnis subject to a. mm no condition: (1) Th: am may 1101 came harmful inletfenmz, mi (2) 1|": dance ms! Accept my mm‘femce received, when imam. 11m mymm uxdeand apex-hon, NOl'E 1. This Wm 1-: been ”an and (and b amply wuh the limits to: a Class 5 «11.1 dwiu, pun-m n 1111110“): m km. The. 111mm hand I) pmv'de mmmbh Function mam human inlexfmnz in a mxdtnfld mum This .quipmn gun-it» um Ild c-n ndhl: «db fivquucyuugy uni, if not inshlled lid used in lwoxdzm with h: inswfnns, my cm: hrmfill interfuewe lo nib eommmicuiom Hawtwl. there is m guru» lb! Meme wlll not occur in I pm': Ila! inshlhh'ml "this equipnem does cum mu inmfeuxm to new or tckvisbn nuptbk which unbt dammimd bycm 11.: mm‘ mm! mm: mismmngd 1n kyh smith: 1mm» 1mm oxrmrcofh {albums unsw- . Elation! mum: 11.: noeivhg antenna . [mass 11; umfionbzmlhe equipmm and receive: .Camcnha mpmm in» mouth! on - :ircuildlfl‘cnm (hm hm winch 1h nanvuiscomcnd .Comhm «.13: armexpu'nuod ndiurrv 13th M My NUl‘E 2: Any domes or moan-mm n lhls mi: 1101 ”my W by «1. party Mpnsbh for wmflnwe cwldvoid the users mummy» open! the equipmnl Emma Hamr‘l’ehcom ULLKI‘ an. nmbnmawmaw nymph—- Mood-2n not Raise-mum:
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