Hangshi Technology HB192 Bluetooth Keyboard User Manual HB192

Shenzhen Hangshi Technology Co., Ltd Bluetooth Keyboard HB192

User Manual

⢪欽霹僈⛼HB192/HB193碛薴㔵ⰻ〳㹊梡剣佪乼⡲靈ⵖ倰䒭('4,䊨⡲歏⾓7䊨⡲歏崨N"䖉劼歏崨N"漖溭歏崨."Ꝋ歏寑錞呔Ꝋ歏7."6䭽ꝶ㼑ㄐ♰妃挿ⴁ䊨⡲庛䏞䏞䔲歏寑歏ꆀ♶駈傞歏彂䭷爙抧꡸捌鵯傞銳絛ꝶ渹⯎歏կ痦♧姿鵶䱹⾲鄳64#絁涸#畮ⵌꝶ渹⯎歏〡痦✳姿鵶䱹64#絁涸"畮ⵌ歏彂鷓ꂁ㐼䧴罏僽歏腰涸64#䱹〡痦♲姿⯎歏傞⯎歏䭷爙抧ッ紤蒀Ɤ❭⯎歏껒ㄤた荈⸓擆抣կ⡛歏⾓䭷爙抧䔲歏⾓⡛✵7傞㖈⢪欽ꝶ渹傞䭷爙抧ッ紤蒀꡸捌猲꡸կ'/ꝶꝉ䭷爙抧䩧䒓'/ꝉ傞䭷爙抧Ɤ❭覰蒀Ⱒ꡻傞擆抣կ䭽♴ꝶ㹊梡''䘯䰦⸆腊ⴗ䰃㼭侨㶶⼓䭷爙抧鵶䱹䧭⸆た䭽♴侨㶶ꝶ/VN-,䭷爙抧❭饰ⱄ䭽♧妃擆抣կ㣐㼭ⱗ䭷爙抧鵶䱹䧭⸆た䭽♴$BQTꝶꝶ渹鵳Ⰶ㣐ⱗ朐䙖䭷爙抧❭饰ⱄ䭽♧妃擆抣կ歏彂朐䙖䭷爙抧䩧䒓ꝶ渹涸䒓Ⱒꝶ䭷爙抧♶⨢꡸捌猲꡸猲た擆抣䭽♴覰暅ꂁ㼆ꝶ'O朐䙖䭷爙抧ッ覰蒀♶⨢꡸捌կꝶ渹溁歏霃雦䔲ꝶ渹尵剣⟣⡦⸓⡲ⴔꛦ鵳Ⰶ帿䏞⠅溭䭽⟣䠑ꝶ㈂ꄀկ⯎歏䭷爙抧䔲ꝶ渹⯎歏傞䭷爙抧ッ紤蒀Ɤ❭湬荛歏寑껒ㄤ」綁蒀կ㖑㖧帿㖕䋑㹈㸝⼓尪❁遳麤銯鿈䊨⚌㔩菔⚆猰䪮㔩緸㖧XXXCPXDO菔⚆❡ㅷ䪮助❜崨纈Ⰼ㕂剪⸉掚絁Ⰼ㽯㼄覰暅ꝶ渹ꬋ䌢䠭靧䝠⢪欽劥Ⱆ぀⚹䝠䲿⣘涸ꝶ渹㖈⢪欽劥❡ㅷ⵸霼霫絈ꢓ靀劥䩛ⱃկ❡ㅷ㾝爙❡ㅷ暵挿 ⸆腊ꝶ⢪欽霹僈 ꝶ渹錞呔㸝Ⰼ곢濼蒜腊⠅溭垷䒭⯎歏䭷爙抧霹僈1A꫽갉 ꫽갉 ꫽갉㟞㣐갉ꆀ 㟞㣐갉ꆀ 㟞㣐갉ꆀⲸ㼭갉ꆀ Ⲹ㼭갉ꆀ Ⲹ㼭갉ꆀ䘯鷍 䘯鷍 䘯鷍䘯鵳 䘯鵳 䘯鵳乄佞兽⨢ 乄佞兽⨢ 乄佞兽⨢Ⲹ㼭❭䏞 Ⲹ㼭❭䏞 Ⲹ㼭❭䏞8*/⿺⟄♳禹絡㟞㣐❭䏞 㟞㣐❭䏞 㟞㣐❭䏞㼭侨㶶⼓䒓Ⱒ 㼭侨㶶⼓䒓Ⱒ 㼭侨㶶⼓䒓ⰢWin Win.1 AWin Win1 A⟄㹊꣢餝✈涸㘗〿⚹ⲥHB193 覰暅ꝶ渹HB192 覰暅ꝶ渹叻ⲥⰌ㽯㼄䭽ꝶ䋒㽷鲽匠湧䩧⡤낉荈歋崨歧涸ꝶⰆ⛙馰կ㢴禹絡Ⱟ㺂佅䭯XJOEPXTծ."$ծ㸝⼾ծJ04瘝禹絡涸䎂匣ծ疴雵劥ծ〵䒭劼ծ兰腊䩛劼瘝霃㢊կ邍꬗㌂瀨孻⻊䊨蒌䩛䠭絈艓կꅷ欽ⶨⴉ膃絕匬䭽ꝶꂁ⟄䊫⯘⸂ꝶ䌨䭽ꝶ莞鷓䩛䠭ⴀ⠍կ♧⡤䭱꛰䒭ⶨⴉ膃絕匬䭽ꝶ⸂䏞㼭⚂ꝶ䌨䎂珘䏞넞կ覰暅ꝶ渹ꂁ㼆鵶䱹姿낢'Oꝉ'Oꝉ'Oꝉ'Oꝉ'Oꝉ'OꝉAndroid禹絡 iOS禹絡 Windows禹絡ⴗ䰃呱꬗ ⴗ䰃呱꬗ ⴗ䰃呱꬗䩧䒓崹錢㐼 䩧䒓崹錢㐼 䩧䒓崹錢㐼兽⨢ 兽⨢ 兽⨢䵂程 䵂程 䵂程䩧䒓偽絁霃㢊 䩧䒓偽絁霃㢊 䩧䒓偽絁霃㢊Ⱏ❧ Ⱏ❧ Ⱏ❧霃縨 霃縨 霃縨8*/⿺⟄♳禹絡8*/⿺⟄♳禹絡8*/⿺⟄♳禹絡8*/⿺⟄♳禹絡8*/⿺⟄♳禹絡䩧䒓佐诡㣪 䩧䒓佐诡㣪 䩧䒓佐诡㣪䨔㕃 䨔㕃 䨔㕃䳃Ⰶ 䳃Ⰶ 䳃Ⰶ痦♧姿䩧䒓ꝶ渹涸歏彂䒓Ⱒ䭷爙抧♶⨢꡸捌猲꡸猲た擆抣կ痦✳姿䭽♴覰暅ꂁ㼆ꝶ'O朐䙖䭷爙抧ッ覰蒀♶⨢꡸捌痦♲姿䩧䒓䎂匣歏腰涸覰暅䎇䵂程䎂匣歏腰荈遤䧴䩛⸓䵂程䪪ⵌꝶ渹ぜ獦覰暅ぜ獦#08挿ⴁ鵶䱹痦㔋姿㼜⠔儑爙䊺䧭⸆鵶䱹ꝶ渹朐䙖䭷爙抧⠔擆抣կŗŘͧγ㣤ᓄᰡ䪬⮱⩢↍Ҭ⩕ᄬপ喑䩛Ⰵ⩢⎽▜䬗◮ᬣ᝺㐆䩛Ⰵٲ⩢ȡౕጒ҉⟣ᔮ̸ٲ⩢ᓲ䶨Ҭ⩕࣌㷲⩢⎽㏬喑ຯҬ⩕ڣЃ᪝ᢛ㏬ౕጒ҉䓴⼸͚ٲ⩢ज㘪чܧ⣝Ξ⴮হߌ㘪ᩲ䯉ȡԊڨ䉡ธUser ManualHB192/HB1931. 10meters Bluetooth distance connection.2. Control:  GFSK3. Working voltage: 3.5-4.1V4. Working  current:<3mA5. Standby current: <3.6mA6. Sleeping current: 1.67mA7. Lithium battery: 3.7V-280mAh8. Key life: 3million times9. Working temperature: -10°-+55°When the battery power is low, and the power indicator will flicker, its time to charge.Step 1: connect the B port of the origin USB wire to the keyboard              charging port.Step 2: connect the A port to the power port or the electric USB port.Step 3: when charging , the red light will be on until at the end of charging.1: to make the battery much more lift time, it should be charged when the     low power indicator light.2, when you are using the keyboard and charging at same time, please     use the original USB wire, if the keyboard is used others USB wire to     charge  , maybe it be mistakes within working.LOW power indicator: when power is below 3.3V, the red light and flicker 1 time every second.FN lock indicator: turn on FN lock key, the LED be blue all the time when you turn off.pressing the FN lock key to use F1-f12 shortcut function.Number indicator: when connected, pressing NUMLK, the indicator light, extinguished when you press again .Capital indicator: when connected, pressing CAPS, keyboard will be capital situation, and extinguished when you press again.Power indicator: turn on the keyboard, and the indicator will flicker 10 times within 10 seconds, next, pressing FN+    to make the keyboard to pair ,and the blue LED will be on and flicker until pair succeed .Keyboard saving energy design: it will be sleeping module when it do not  has been any touched ,  but it will be working when you press any key.charging indicator: when charging , red light will be on, when become green , means 100% power.Full size Bluetooth keyboardThank you for using BOW keyboard, please read manual carefully beforeyou use it.Production photosCharacteristic Shortcut key Keyboard SpecificationSafety hintSaving energy moduleChargingIndicator1AMuteVolume - Volume +Fast backwardFast forwardPlay/PauseLightness - Lightness +Number LockWin Win.1 AWin Win1 AGoods in kind prevail what you buyHB193 Bluetooth keyboardHB192 Bluetooth keyboard1. Standard full size key caps design, easy to type, to enjoy the free and    smooth surfing input.2. Android/Windows/iOS system compatibility, to support Android    /Windows/iOS tablet PC, laptop,desktop, smart phone and so on .3. The surface cover by Sandblasting oxidation, to make more fun with     touch felling4. To use the scissor to support the chocolate key caps, which are     comfortable and outstanding.5. one main body design of key scissor, to make the pressing force     smaller and key balance higher.Keyboard pairing stepsFN lockFN lockMuteVolume - Volume +Fast backwardFast forwardPlay/PauseLightness - Lightness +FN lockFN lockMuteVolume - Volume +Fast backwardFast forwardPlay/PauseLightness - Great than or equal to WIN8Great than or equal to WIN8Great than or equal to WIN8Great than or equal to WIN8Great than or equal to WIN8Lightness +FN lockFN lockAndroid iOS Windows Change deskBrowserPauseSearchTurn on wireless equipmentSharingSetFavoritePrint screen InsertionNumber LockChange deskBrowserPauseSearchTurn on wireless equipmentSharingSetFavoritePrint screen InsertionNumber LockChange deskBrowserPauseSearchTurn on wireless equipmentSharingSetFavoritePrint screen InsertionStep 1: turn on the power, and the led indicator flicker 10 times within 10              seconds.Step 2: pressing the FN+    to pair equipment, and the blue led will flicker.Step 3: turn on the equipment suck as tablet PC, which will search the              Bluetooth name which is B.O.W, to click and match.Step 4: when match successfully, the keyboard indicator will be off.TipWarning : if you do not with the way of safety state, you will get fire breaking out , electric shock,  breakdown the keyboard and so on.Danger (high temperature )1. keep away from edge tool2: keep away from radiation like microwave3: no extruding4: no shocking, no curving5: keep away from oil, chemicals and organic solvent.attention: ( notice about the little danger things)Warning:  ( danger)Wireless technology, infinite lifeShenzhen Hangshi Technology Co.,Ltd.ADD: Hangshi Technology Park, G Area, Democracy West Industry park Shajing Baoan District Shenzhen ChinaWeb: www.bow.cnQQ group about exchange of skills: 211705564Nationwide service volume line: 400-682-8008
NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:   - Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. - Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. -Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. -Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help  Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance  could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.   This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules.  Operation is subject to the following two conditions:  (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and  (2) this device must accept any interference received,  including interference that may cause undesired operation.

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