Hangzhou H3C Technologies H3CEWT0235A29E Wireless LAN Access Point User Manual Installation manual
Hangzhou H3C Technologies Co., Ltd Wireless LAN Access Point Installation manual
Installation manual
H3C WA2200 Series WLAN Access Points Installation Manual Hangzhou H3C Technologies Co., Ltd. http://www.h3c.com Manual Version: Copyright © 2006-2007, Hangzhou H3C Technologies Co., Ltd. and its licensors All Rights Reserved No part of this manual may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written consent of Hangzhou H3C Technologies Co., Ltd. Trademarks H3C, , Aolynk, , H3Care, , TOP G, , IRF, NetPilot, Neocean, NeoVTL, SecPro, SecPoint, SecEngine, SecPath, Comware, Secware, Storware, NQA, VVG, V2G, VnG, PSPT, XGbus, N-Bus, TiGem, InnoVision and HUASAN are trademarks of Hangzhou H3C Technologies Co., Ltd. All other trademarks that may be mentioned in this manual are the property of their respective owners. Notice The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Every effort has been made in the preparation of this document to ensure accuracy of the contents, but all statements, information, and recommendations in this document do not constitute the warranty of any kind, express or implied. To obtain the latest information, please access: http://www. h3c.com Technical Support customer_service@h3c.com http://www. h3c.com About This Manual Related Documentation In addition to this manual, each H3C WA2200 Series WLAN Access Points documentation set includes the following: Manual Description H3C WA2200 Series WLAN Access Points Operation Manual Guides the user to configure features supported by the WA2200 series. H3C WA2200 Series WLAN Access Points Command Manual Elaborates on the commands for configuring the WA2200 series. Organization The H3C WA2200 Series WLAN Access Points Installation Manual is organized as follows: Chapter Contents 1 Product Overview Introduces the hardware configuration, appearances, and interfaces of the WA2200 series. 2 Installation Preparations Introduces the environment requirements, precautions, and tools for the installation of the WA2200 series. 3 Installation of Indoor APs Introduces the mechanical installation, power supply connection, and Ethernet cable connection of the indoor APs and enhanced APs. 4 Installation of Outdoor APs Introduces the outdoor installation checklist, installation flowchart, antenna installation, cable connection, and network connection of outdoor APs. 5 Software Setting Introduces the software maintenance (including working mode switching, software debugging environment setup, security setting, and system name and system clock setting) of the WA2200 series. Conventions The manual uses the following conventions: I. Command conventions Convention Description Boldface The keywords of a command line are in Boldface. italic Command arguments are in italic. [] Items (keywords or arguments) in square brackets [ ] are optional. { x | y | ... } Alternative items are grouped in braces and separated by vertical bars. One is selected. [ x | y | ... ] Optional alternative items are grouped in square brackets and separated by vertical bars. One or none is selected. { x | y | ... } * Alternative items are grouped in braces and separated by vertical bars. A minimum of one or a maximum of all can be selected. [ x | y | ... ] * Optional alternative items are grouped in square brackets and separated by vertical bars. Many or none can be selected. &<1-n> The argument(s) before the ampersand (&) sign can be entered 1 to n times. A line starting with the # sign is comments. II. GUI conventions Convention Description <> Button names are inside angle brackets. For example, click. [] Window names, menu items, data table and field names are inside square brackets. For example, pop up the [New User] window. Multi-level menus are separated by forward slashes. For example, [File/Create/Folder]. III. Symbols Convention Description Warning Means reader be extremely careful. Improper operation may cause bodily injury. Caution Means reader be careful. Improper operation may cause data loss or damage to equipment. Note Means a complementary description. Environmental Protection This product has been designed to comply with the requirements on environmental protection. For the proper storage, use and disposal of this product, national laws and regulations must be observed. Installation Manual H3C WA2200 Series WLAN Access Points Table of Contents Table of Contents Chapter 1 Product Overview ........................................................................................................ 1-1 1.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 1-1 1.2 Hardware Configuration..................................................................................................... 1-2 1.2.1 LEDs........................................................................................................................ 1-3 1.2.2 Interfaces................................................................................................................. 1-7 Chapter 2 Installation Preparations............................................................................................. 2-1 2.1 Unpacking and Inspection ................................................................................................. 2-1 2.2 Preparing Installation Tools ............................................................................................... 2-2 2.3 Examining the Installation Site........................................................................................... 2-2 2.3.1 Installation Site Selection ........................................................................................ 2-2 2.3.2 Temperature and Humidity Requirements .............................................................. 2-3 2.3.3 Power Supply .......................................................................................................... 2-3 2.3.4 Grounding and Lightning Protection ....................................................................... 2-4 Chapter 3 Installation of Indoor APs ........................................................................................... 3-1 3.1 Installation Flowchart ......................................................................................................... 3-1 3.2 Determining the Installation Position ................................................................................. 3-1 3.3 Installing the AP ................................................................................................................. 3-2 3.3.1 Installing the Wall-Mounting Bracket on a Wall....................................................... 3-2 3.3.2 Installing the AP on the Wall-Mounting Bracket...................................................... 3-3 3.3.3 Locking the AP onto the Wall-Mounting Bracket (Optional).................................... 3-4 3.4 Connecting the Power Supply ........................................................................................... 3-5 3.4.1 Local Power Supply ................................................................................................ 3-5 3.4.2 Power over Ethernet ............................................................................................... 3-5 3.5 Connecting the Network .................................................................................................... 3-5 Chapter 4 Installation of Outdoor APs ........................................................................................ 4-5 4.1 Installation Flowchart ......................................................................................................... 4-5 4.1.1 Installing the AP ...................................................................................................... 4-5 4.1.2 Installing an Outdoor Antenna................................................................................. 4-5 4.1.3 Connecting External Cables.................................................................................... 4-5 4.1.4 Powering On the AP................................................................................................ 4-5 4.2 Connecting the Network .................................................................................................... 4-5 Chapter 5 Software Setting .......................................................................................................... 5-5 5.1 Working Mode Switching ................................................................................................... 5-5 5.1.1 Identifying the Current Working Mode .................................................................... 5-5 5.1.2 Switching from the FAT Mode to the FIT Mode ...................................................... 5-5 5.1.3 Switching from the FIT Mode to the FAT Mode ...................................................... 5-5 Installation Manual H3C WA2200 Series WLAN Access Points Table of Contents 5.2 Setting Up a Software Debugging Environment ................................................................ 5-5 5.2.1 Setting Up a Connection with the AP Through the Console Interface .................... 5-5 5.2.2 Telneting to the AP.................................................................................................. 5-5 5.2.3 Configuring Telnet................................................................................................... 5-5 5.3 Configuring a FIT AP ......................................................................................................... 5-5 5.3.1 Associating a FIT AP with the AC ........................................................................... 5-5 5.3.2 Configuring a FIT AP on the AC.............................................................................. 5-5 5.3.3 Security Setting ....................................................................................................... 5-5 5.4 Configuring a FAT AP........................................................................................................ 5-5 5.4.1 System Setting ........................................................................................................ 5-5 5.4.2 Setting a System Name and the System Clock ...................................................... 5-5 5.4.3 Security Setting ....................................................................................................... 5-5 ii Installation Manual H3C WA2200 Series WLAN Access Points List of Figures List of Figures Figure 1-1 Positions of the WA2200 series on the network................................................... 1-1 Figure 1-2 Appearance of the WA2200 series ....................................................................... 1-2 Figure 1-3 LEDs on the H3C WA2210-AG/WA2220-AG ....................................................... 1-3 Figure 1-4 LEDs on the H3C WA2220E-AG .......................................................................... 1-5 Figure 1-5 LEDs on the H3C WA2210X-G ............................................................................ 1-6 Figure 1-6 LEDs on the WA2220X-AG and WA2220X-AGP ................................................. 1-6 Figure 1-7 Interfaces on H3C WA2210-AG/WA2220-AG(indoor)........................................ 1-10 Figure 1-8 Interfaces on H3C WA2220E-AG(enhanced)..................................................... 1-11 Figure 1-9 Interfaces on H3C WA2210X-G/WA2220X-AG/WA2220X-AGP(outdoor) ......... 1-11 Figure 3-1 Installation flowchart of an indoor (enhanced) AP ................................................ 3-1 Figure 3-2 Screw hole locations and screw hole size............................................................ 3-2 Figure 3-3 Install the wall-mounting bracket .......................................................................... 3-3 Figure 3-4 Fix the indoor AP onto the wall-mounting bracket ................................................ 3-4 Figure 3-5 Fix the enhanced AP onto the wall-mounting bracket .......................................... 3-4 Figure 3-6 Lock the indoor AP onto the wall-mounting bracket ............................................. 3-5 Figure 3-7 Lock the enhanced AP onto the wall-mounting bracket ....................................... 3-5 Figure 3-8 Local power supply connection ............................................................................ 3-5 Figure 3-9 PoE connection .................................................................................................... 3-5 Figure 3-10 Connect the AP to the network ........................................................................... 3-5 Figure 4-1 Installation flowchart of the outdoor models ......................................................... 4-5 Figure 4-2 Installation flowchart of the AP on a wall .............................................................. 4-5 Figure 4-3 Wall-mounting bracket structure and positions of screw holes ............................ 4-5 Figure 4-4 Install the outdoor AP on a wall ............................................................................ 4-5 Figure 4-5 Pole and pole base............................................................................................... 4-5 Figure 4-6 Install the outdoor AP on a vertical pole ............................................................... 4-5 Figure 4-7 Install the outdoor AP on a horizontal pole ........................................................... 4-5 Figure 4-8 Install a directional outdoor antenna on a parapet ............................................... 4-5 Figure 4-9 Install a directional outdoor antenna on a building top surface or cement pier.............. 4-5 Figure 4-10 Install omni antennas.......................................................................................... 4-5 Figure 4-11 Install an omni antenna under a special environment ........................................ 4-5 iii Installation Manual H3C WA2200 Series WLAN Access Points List of Figures Figure 4-12 Install an omni antenna on the AP directly ......................................................... 4-5 Figure 4-13 Connect the Ethernet electrical interface to the uplink device ........................... 4-5 Figure 4-14 Connect the Ethernet optical interface to the uplink device ............................... 4-5 Figure 4-15 Exploded view of the port lightning protector (PoE) ........................................... 4-5 Figure 4-16 Ethernet cable connector.................................................................................... 4-5 Figure 4-17 Insert the Ethernet cable connector into the Ethernet interface ......................... 4-5 Figure 4-18 Connect a fiber cable.......................................................................................... 4-5 Figure 4-19 Connection of external cables of the AP ............................................................ 4-5 Figure 4-20 Connection between the AP and Internet........................................................... 4-5 Figure 5-1 Connection between a FIT AP and the AC........................................................... 5-5 iv Installation Manual H3C WA2200 Series WLAN Access Points List of Tables List of Tables Table 1-1 Physical dimensions of the WA2200 series ........................................................... 1-2 Table 1-2 Protocols that each model supports and the chassis material ............................... 1-2 Table 1-3 Description of LEDs on the H3C WA2210-AG/WA2220-AG .................................. 1-4 Table 1-4 Description of LEDs on the H3C WA2220E-AG..................................................... 1-5 Table 1-5 Description of LEDs on the H3C WA2210X-G, WA2220X-AG, and WA2220X-AGP ......................................................................................................................................... 1-7 Table 1-6 Descriptions of interfaces on WA2200 series WLAN access points ...................... 1-8 Table 2-1 List of articles in the package ................................................................................. 2-1 Table 2-2 List of installation tools ........................................................................................... 2-2 Table 2-3 Environment specifications..................................................................................... 2-3 Table 2-4 Nominal voltage and frequency of the low-voltage AC power supply .................... 2-3 Table 2-5 Grounding and lightning protection requirements .................................................. 2-4 Table 4-1 RJ-45 straight-through Ethernet cable pinouts....................................................... 4-5 Table 4-2 RJ-45 crossover Ethernet cable pinouts ................................................................ 4-5 Installation Manual H3C WA2200 Series WLAN Access Points Chapter 1 Product Overview Chapter 1 Product Overview 1.1 Introduction The H3C WA2200 series WLAN access points (hereinafter referred to as the WA2200 series) are developed by Hangzhou H3C Technologies Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as H3C). The WA2200 series consist of six models of access points (APs), which fall into three types according to the application environment: indoor, enhanced, and outdoor. The WA2200 series can serve as FIT APs to cooperate with wireless switches or controllers or serve as FAT APs to provide wireless access for WLAN users. Figure 1-1 shows the typical deployment of the WA2200 series on hotspots. PC WA2200 Auditorium Switch PC PC WA2200 WA2200 Restaurant or tea house Switch Core equipment room Switch Parking lot Switch PC WA2200 Hall or information desk Switch Figure 1-1 Positions of the WA2200 series on the network Figure 1-2 shows the appearance of the WA2200 series. 1-1 Radius server Wireless NMS Service database server Installation Manual H3C WA2200 Series WLAN Access Points Chapter 1 Product Overview Figure 1-2 Appearance of the WA2200 series Table 1-1 Physical dimensions of the WA2200 series Model Physical dimensions (H×W×D) H3C WA2210-AG/WA2220-AG, (indoor) 40×166×118 mm (1.57×6.54×4.65 in.) H3C WA2220E-AG, (enhanced) 35×195×135 mm (1.38×7.68×5.31 in.) H3C WA2210X-G/WA2220X-AG/WA2220X-A GP, (outdoor) 76×245×245 mm (2.99×9.65×9.65 in.) 1.2 Hardware Configuration The six models of the WA2200 series have different radio frequencies (RFs) and structures. Table 1-2 lists the protocols that each model supports as well as the chassis materials. Table 1-2 Protocols that each model supports and the chassis material Type Indoor Model Protocols and chassis material H3C WA2210-AG IEEE802.11a or IEEE802.11b/g, plastic H3C WA2220-AG IEEE802.11a + IEEE802.11b/g, plastic 1-2 Installation Manual H3C WA2200 Series WLAN Access Points Type Enhanced Outdoor Chapter 1 Product Overview Model Protocols and chassis material H3C WA2220E-AG IEEE802.11a + IEEE802.11b/g, sheet metal H3C WA2210X-G IEEE802.11b/g, waterproof cast aluminum + plastic H3C WA2220X-AG IEEE802.11a + IEEE802.11b/g, waterproof cast aluminum + plastic H3C WA2220X-AGP IEEE802.11a + IEEE802.11b/g, waterproof cast aluminum + plastic The WA2200 series have extraordinary radio frequency (RF) performance and provide consummate service functions. With IP65 degree of protection, the outdoor models can be directly deployed outdoors to simplify the installation. The models of the WA2200 series are designed for application in various environments. This section describes the hardware configurations and functions of the WA2200 series in detail. 1.2.1 LEDs The positions and identifications of LEDs on the panel vary with the models. For details about these LEDs, see Table 1-3, Table 1-4, and Table 1-5. I. H3C WA2210-AG/WA2220-AG Figure 1-3 LEDs on the H3C WA2210-AG/WA2220-AG 1-3 Installation Manual H3C WA2200 Series WLAN Access Points Chapter 1 Product Overview Table 1-3 Description of LEDs on the H3C WA2210-AG/WA2220-AG LED Color QTY Meaning Displays the power supply status: POWER Green On: The power supply is normal. Off/flashing: The power supply is not connected or well connected, or works abnormally. Displays the link status of the Ethernet interface: LINK/ACT Green On: The link on the Ethernet interface is up. Off: The link on the Ethernet interface is down. Flashing: Data is being transmitted or received. Displays the wireless link status: 11a Green On: The wireless link is normal. Off: The wireless link is not initialized or the link is faulty. Flashing slowly: A wireless station is accessing the device. Flashing quickly: Data is being transmitted or received. Displays the wireless link status: 11b/g Green On: The wireless link is normal. Off: The wireless link is not initialized or the link is faulty. Flashing slowly: A wireless station is accessing the device. Flashing quickly: Data is being transmitted or received. Caution: The WA2210-AG is a single-RF device. The 11a and 11b/g LEDs cannot be on or flash at the same time. 1-4 Installation Manual H3C WA2200 Series WLAN Access Points Chapter 1 Product Overview II. H3C WA2220E-AG Figure 1-4 LEDs on the H3C WA2220E-AG Table 1-4 Description of LEDs on the H3C WA2220E-AG LED Color QTY Meaning Displays the power supply status: POWER Green On: The power supply is normal.. Off/flashing: The power supply is not connected or well connected or the AP works abnormally. Displays the wireless link status: 11b/g Green On: The wireless link is normal. Off: The wireless link is not initialized or the link is faulty. Flashing slowly: A station is accessing the device. Flashing quickly: Data is being transmitted or received. Displays the wireless link status: 11a Green 1-5 On: The wireless link is normal. Off: The wireless link is not initialized or the link is faulty. Flashing slowly: A station is accessing the device. Flashing quickly: Data is being transmitted or received. Installation Manual H3C WA2200 Series WLAN Access Points LED Chapter 1 Product Overview Color QTY Meaning Displays the speed of the Ethernet interface: SPEED Yellow On: The Ethernet interface operates at 100 Mbps. Off: The Ethernet interface operates at 10 Mbps. Displays the connection status of the Ethernet interface: LINK/ACT Green On: The link on the Ethernet interface is up. Off: The link on the Ethernet interface is down. Flashing: Data is being transmitted or received. III. H3C WA2210X-G, WA2220X-AG, and WA2220X-AGP Figure 1-5 LEDs on the H3C WA2210X-G Figure 1-6 LEDs on the WA2220X-AG and WA2220X-AGP 1-6 Installation Manual H3C WA2200 Series WLAN Access Points Chapter 1 Product Overview Table 1-5 Description of LEDs on the H3C WA2210X-G, WA2220X-AG, and WA2220X-AGP LED Color QTY Meaning Displays the power supply status: POWER Green On: The power supply is normal.. Off/flashing: The power supply is not connected or well connected or the device works abnormally. Displays the status of the Ethernet interface: 10/100BASE -TX Green On: The link on the Ethernet interface is up. Off: The link on the Ethernet interface is down. Flashing: Data is being transmitted or received. Displays the status of the optical interface: 100BASE-F Yellow On: The link on the optical interface is up. Off: The link on the optical interface is down. Flashing: Data is being transmitted or received. Displays the wireless link status: 11a Green On: The wireless link is normal. Off: The wireless link is not initialized or the link is faulty. Flashing slowly: A station is accessing the device. Flashing quickly: Data is being transmitted or received. Displays the wireless link status: 11b/g Green On: The wireless link is normal. Off: The wireless link is not initialized or the link is faulty. Flashing slowly: A station is accessing the device. Flashing quickly: Data is being transmitted or received. Note: The WA2210X-G is a single-RF device and has no 11a LED. The word “reserved” means the LED is reserved for future use. 1.2.2 Interfaces The interfaces provided by the WA2200 series include: 1-7 Installation Manual H3C WA2200 Series WLAN Access Points Chapter 1 Product Overview 2.4 GHz or/and 5 GHz antenna interface(s) Console interface Ethernet interface (optical and electrical) Power interface for indoor and enhanced models Note: In addition, the indoor and enhanced models have a reset button, a security slot, a grounding screw. Table 1-6 describes the interfaces provided by each model. Table 1-6 Descriptions of interfaces on WA2200 series WLAN access points Model WA2210-A G/WA2220AG Interface Standards and protocols Antenna interface 1 IEEE802.11b/g Console interface RS/EIA-232 Ethernet interface Power interface Antenna interface 2 IEEE802.3 IEEE802.3u IEEE802.3af Description WA2210-AG: Main antenna interface, 2.4/5-GHz WA2220-AG: 2.4-GHz antenna interface The console interface is used for device configuration and management. The Ethernet interface can serve as an uplink interface of the device to access the Internet or a MAN, and can simultaneously serve as a PoE interface. The power interface is used for +48 VDC power supply to the device. N/A IEEE802.11a 1-8 WA2210-AG: Auxiliary antenna interface, 2.4/5-GHz WA2220-AG: 5-GHz antenna interface Installation Manual H3C WA2200 Series WLAN Access Points Model WA2220EAG WA2210XG/WA2220 X-AG/WA2 220X-AGP Interface Chapter 1 Product Overview Standards and protocols Description Antenna interface 2 IEEE802.11a This antenna interface is used to connect a 5-GHz antenna or a feeder. Console interface RS/EIA-232 The console interface is used for device configuration and management Ethernet interface IEEE802.3 IEEE802.3u IEEE802.3af The Ethernet interface can serve as an uplink interface of the AP to access Internet or MAN, and can simultaneously serve as a PoE interface. Power interface N/A The power interface is used for +48 VDC power supply to the device. Antenna interface 1 IEEE802.11b/g This antenna interface is used to connect a 2.4-GHz antenna or a feeder. Ethernet optical interface IEEE802.3 Ethernet electrical interface IEEE802.3 SFP MSA SFF-8472 IEEE802.3u IEEE802.3af The Ethernet optical interface can serve as an uplink interface to access the Internet or a MAN. The Ethernet optical interface is used to connect an SFP module. In practice, either the Ethernet electrical interface or the Ethernet optical interface is used. The Ethernet electrical interface can serve as an uplink interface of the device to access the Internet or a MAN, and can simultaneously serve as a PoE interface. Antenna interface 1 IEEE802.11b/g This antenna interface is used to connect a 2.4-GHz antenna or a feeder. Console interface RS/EIA-232 The console interface is used for device configuration and management. Antenna interface 2 IEEE802.11a This antenna interface is used to connect a 5-GHz antenna or a feeder. 1-9 Installation Manual H3C WA2200 Series WLAN Access Points Chapter 1 Product Overview I. Interfaces provided by H3C WA2210-AG/WA2220-AG Top view Bottom view Antenna interface 1 Antenna interface 2 Figure 1-7 Interfaces on H3C WA2210-AG/WA2220-AG Caution: H3C WA2210-AG is a single-RF device. Viewed from the front, the antenna interface on the left (antenna interface 1 in Figure 1-7) is the main antenna interface, while the one on the right (antenna interface 2 in Figure 1-7) is the auxiliary antenna interface. When there is only one antenna, the antenna must be installed on the main antenna interface. H3C WA2220-AG is a dual-RF device. Viewed from the front, the antenna interface on the left (antenna interface 1 in Figure 1-7) is the 2.4-GHz antenna interface, while the one on the right (antenna interface 2 in Figure 1-7) is the 5-GHz antenna interface. 1-10 Installation Manual H3C WA2200 Series WLAN Access Points Chapter 1 Product Overview II. Interfaces provided by H3C WA2220E-AG Figure 1-8 Interfaces on H3C WA2220E-AG III. Interfaces provided by H3C WA2210X-G/WA2220X-AG/WA2220X-AGP Figure 1-9 Interfaces on H3C WA2210X-G/WA2220X-AG/WA2220X-AGP 1-11 Installation Manual H3C WA2200 Series WLAN Access Points Chapter 1 Product Overview Note: H3C WA2210X-G is a single-RF device and provides no 5-GHz antenna interface. 1-12 Installation Manual H3C WA2200 Series WLAN Access Points Chapter 2 Installation Preparations Chapter 2 Installation Preparations This chapter describes the preparations for WA2200 installation, including preparation of installation tools, environment examination, and unpacking & inspection. 2.1 Unpacking and Inspection Before unpacking the package, make sure that the package is intact, without any serious damage or sign of water soaking. When unpacking the package, avoid excessive force or collision. Otherwise, the articles inside the package may get damaged. After unpacking the package, make sure that the following articles are available in the package: Table 2-1 List of articles in the package Description QTY WA2200 WLAN AP 1 PCS Power adapter 1 PCS 220 VAC power cord 1 PCS Console cable 1 PCS Installation kit 1 PCS Omni antenna 2 PCS H3C WA2200 Series WLAN Access Points Installation Manual 1 PCS H3C WA2200 Series WLAN Access Points Electronic Documentation 1 PCS Packing list 1 PCS Note: The accessories may vary with the models and are subject to the packing list. If there is any inconsistency with the packing list, contact your local dealer in time. If the package is rusted or water soaked, stop unpacking and contact your local dealer timely. 2-1 Installation Manual H3C WA2200 Series WLAN Access Points Chapter 2 Installation Preparations 2.2 Preparing Installation Tools When installing the AP, you may need the tools listed in Table 2-2. You should select the appropriate tools according to the installation environment. Table 2-2 List of installation tools Type of tool Indoor installation Outdoor installation General tools 1-meter-long ruler, marking pen, knife, and percussion drill with matching drills Digging tool, adjustable spanner, and vices Special tools Cable stripper, crimping pliers, and RJ-45 crimping pliers Cable stripper, crimping pliers, RJ-45 crimping pliers, waterproof tape, and fiber fusion splicer Auxiliary tools Ladder and rubber hammer Ladder Note: Table 2-2 is only for reference. If you install the AP on a desk, none of the above tools is required; if you install the AP on top of or under eave of a building, no digging tool is required. 2.3 Examining the Installation Site Before installation, you should examine the installation site to keep the AP under a good operational environment. You can examine the installation site from the following two aspects: 2.3.1 Installation Site Selection Keep the AP away from places that are susceptible to high temperature, dust, inflammable, explosive, electromagnetic interference (high power radar, radio station, and transformer), unstable voltage, heavy vibration, or loud noise. The installation site should be dry, without any leakage, dripping, or dew .The AP should be at least 500 m (0.31 mi) away from the seaside and should not face the direction of sea wind. In engineering design, the site should be selected according to the network planning and technical requirements of communications equipment, as well as the considerations such as climate, hydrology, geology, earthquake, electric power, and transportation. 2-2 Installation Manual H3C WA2200 Series WLAN Access Points Chapter 2 Installation Preparations 2.3.2 Temperature and Humidity Requirements Table 2-3 lists the operating temperature and humidity requirements. Table 2-3 Environment specifications Specification Range Recommended value Test condition Operating temperature (indoor) 0°C to 45°C (32°F to 113°F) 25°C (77°F) None Operating temperature (outdoor) –30°C to +55°C (–22°F to +131°F) 25°C (77°F) None –20°C to +35°C (–4°F to +95°F) 25°C (77°F) No longer than one year –20°C to +45°C (–22°F to +113°F) 25°C (77°F) No longer than three months –20°C to +55°C (–22°F to +131°F) 25°C (77°F) No longer than one month 10% to 95% — None Storage temperature Relative humidity (noncondensing) 2.3.3 Power Supply Check that the site power supply is stable. The centralized AC power system consisting of mains, UPS, and self-supplied diesel generator should be Easy to connect Safe to operate Flexible to dispatch Convenient to maintain The low-voltage power supply should adopt the single-phase three-wire system. Table 2-4 lists the nominal voltage and frequency of the low-voltage AC power supply. Table 2-4 Nominal voltage and frequency of the low-voltage AC power supply Power supply Single-phase three-wire Nominal voltage 100 VAC to 240 VAC 2-3 Stable frequency 50 Hz/60 Hz Installation Manual H3C WA2200 Series WLAN Access Points Chapter 2 Installation Preparations Caution: If the voltage is unstable, a voltage regulator or stabilizer is required. An uninterrupted power supply (UPS) is required for uninterrupted communication. 2.3.4 Grounding and Lightning Protection Table 2-5 Grounding and lightning protection requirements SN Item Requirements The grounding resistance is usually required to be less than 5 ohms, and less than 10 ohms in an area with less than 20 thunderstorm days a year. The top of the grounding body should be at least 0.7 m (2.30 ft) away from the ground surface. In cold areas, the grounding body should be buried below the frozen soil layer. Grounding resistance Grounding lead-in The grounding lead-in should be no longer than 30 m (98.43 ft). A zinc-coated flat steel with a cross-section area of 40 × 4 mm (1.57 × 0.16 in) or 50 × 5 mm (1.97 × 0.20 in) is recommended. AC power grounding The neutral line of the power cord should not be connected with the PGND of other communications equipment. Lightning protection Feeder In plain areas, the protection angle of the lightning rod should be less than 45 degrees. In mountainous areas or lightning areas, the protection angle should be less than 30 degrees. The lightning protection grounding (for example, the grounding of the lightning rod) should be connected to the grounding body of the equipment room. The AC power system in the equipment room should be equipped with a lightning protection box. The grounding cable for the lightning protection box should be greater than 25 mm2 (0.039 in2) in area, and less than 30 m (98.42 ft) in length. The antenna support is already prepared according to the design requirements. A feeder lightning rod is already installed and grounded according to the design requirements. After you have completed the preparations, you can start installing the AP. The installation of indoor models (including the enhanced model) is different from that of the outdoor models. For details, refer to Chapter 3 “Installation of Indoor APs” on page 3-1 and Chapter 4 “Installation of Outdoor APs” on page 4-5. 2-4 Installation Manual H3C WA2200 Series WLAN Access Points Chapter 3 Installation of Indoor APs Chapter 3 Installation of Indoor APs You can directly place an indoor model (including the enhanced model) on a desk. The rubber feet on the bottom of the AP help you to place it horizontally. Or you can fix it onto a wall by using the wall-mounting bracket. The indoor models and enhanced model have the same wall-mounting brackets and accessories. The following introduces the wall-mounting procedure of the indoor models and enhanced model in detail. 3.1 Installation Flowchart Figure 3-1 shows the installation flowchart of the indoor models and enhanced model. Figure 3-1 Installation flowchart of an indoor (enhanced) AP 3.2 Determining the Installation Position Determine the installation position by observing the following principles: Leave as few obstacles (such as wall and ceiling) as possible between the AP and stations. Keep the AP far away from electronic devices (such as microwave oven) that may generate RF noise. Install the AP in a place where it will not hinder people’s daily work and life. Note: A padlock is required for ceiling mounting to prevent any falloff in case of shocks. A Blossom 071 padlock or similar padlock is recommended. 3-1 Installation Manual H3C WA2200 Series WLAN Access Points Chapter 3 Installation of Indoor APs 3.3 Installing the AP The following describes how to install the AP on a wall. Installing the Wall-Mounting Bracket on a Wall Installing the AP on the Wall-Mounting Bracket Locking the AP onto the Wall-Mounting Bracket (Optional) 3.3.1 Installing the Wall-Mounting Bracket on a Wall Follow these steps to install the wall-mounting bracket on a wall: 1) Drill holes 6 mm (0.24 in) in diameter on the wall where the AP should be mounted. The drilled holes should correspond to those in the wall-mounting bracket. There are eight installation holes in total in the wall-mounting bracket. You should select at least three in a triangle for installation. Figure 3-2 Screw hole locations and screw hole size 2) Insert the pointed end of anchors into the drilled holes and tap the flat end of anchors with a rubber hammer until they are all flush with the wall surface. 3) Align the holes in the wall-mounting bracket with the anchors and insert screws through the installation holes into the anchors, as shown in Figure 3-3. 4) Adjust the position of the wall-mounting bracket and tighten the screws. 3-2 Installation Manual H3C WA2200 Series WLAN Access Points Chapter 3 Installation of Indoor APs Figure 3-3 Install the wall-mounting bracket 3.3.2 Installing the AP on the Wall-Mounting Bracket Follow these steps to install the AP on the wall-mounting bracket: 1) Align the AP with the hooks on the wall-mounting bracket and hang the AP on the bracket (see (1) in Figure 3-4 and Figure 3-5). 2) Then press the AP downward to fix it (see (2) in Figure 3-4 and Figure 3-5). 3-3 Installation Manual H3C WA2200 Series WLAN Access Points Chapter 3 Installation of Indoor APs (1) Expansion screw (2) Hock Figure 3-4 Fix the indoor AP onto the wall-mounting bracket Figure 3-5 Fix the enhanced AP onto the wall-mounting bracket 3.3.3 Locking the AP onto the Wall-Mounting Bracket (Optional) The indoor and enhanced APs have a security slot on the top, which can be used to lock the AP onto the wall-mounting bracket to prevent theft. 3-4 Installation Manual H3C WA2200 Series WLAN Access Points Chapter 3 Installation of Indoor APs Follow these steps to lock the AP onto the wall-mounting bracket: 1) Insert the locking plate into the security slot on the top of the AP (see (1) in Figure 3-6 and Figure 3-7). 2) Turn the locking plate counterclockwise until the hole on the locking plate is aligned with the hole in the wall-mounting bracket (see (2) in Figure 3-6 and Figure 3-7). 3) Put the latch through the two holes that are aligned in step 2 (see (3) in Figure 3-6 and Figure 3-7). 4) Lock the latch with a lock. Figure 3-6 Lock the indoor AP onto the wall-mounting bracket 3-5 Installation Manual H3C WA2200 Series WLAN Access Points Chapter 3 Installation of Indoor APs (1) (2) Locking plate Latch (3) Locking hole Wall-mounting bracket Figure 3-7 Lock the enhanced AP onto the wall-mounting bracket Note: The lock is user supplied. 3.4 Connecting the Power Supply 3.4.1 Local Power Supply Connect the AP to the power adapter and then to the power source, as shown in Figure 3-8. 3-6 Installation Manual H3C WA2200 Series WLAN Access Points Chapter 3 Installation of Indoor APs Power interface Power adapter Figure 3-8 Local power supply connection 3.4.2 Power over Ethernet If the uplink device of the AP is a PoE-capable switch or the like, use an Ethernet cable to directly connect the Ethernet interface of the AP to the PoE-capable device. Figure 3-9 PoE connection Caution: In the case of PoE, you do not need to connect the power interface to a power source. You only need to connect one end of an Ethernet cable to the Ethernet interface of the AP and the other end to an Ethernet interface of the PoE-capable device (for example, Ethernet switch). Identify the silkscreen on the device to avoid taking the console interface for the Ethernet interface and vice versa. 3-7 Installation Manual H3C WA2200 Series WLAN Access Points Chapter 3 Installation of Indoor APs 3.5 Connecting the Network Connect the Ethernet interface of the AP to an Ethernet interface of the switch to implement Internet or MAN access, as shown in Figure 3-10. Wireless station Internet Switch WA2200 Wired station Wired station Figure 3-10 Connect the AP to the network 3-8 Installation Manual H3C WA2200 Series WLAN Access Points Chapter 4 Installation of Outdoor APs Chapter 4 Installation of Outdoor APs The outdoor models of the WA2200 series are H3C WA2210X-G, H3C WA2220X-AG, and H3C WA2220X-AGP. You can select an appropriate model according to the actual requirement. The three outdoor models are waterproof, dustproof, and lightningproof. 4.1 Installation Flowchart You can install your outdoor AP on a wall or a pole. As a wireless device, the installation location directly affects the coverage and performance of wireless signals. Therefore, it is recommended that the AP be installed by a professional. Figure 4-1 shows the installation flowchart of the outdoor models. Start Install the wall-mounting bracket Install the fixing support on the pole Fix the AP onto the wallmounting bracket or the mounting plate Install the outdoor antenna Install the RF cable Install the Ethernet cable/ fiber cable Connect the power supply End Figure 4-1 Installation flowchart of the outdoor models 4.1.1 Installing the AP The following describes how to install the AP on a wall and a pole respectively. I. Installing the AP on a wall Figure 4-2 illustrates the installation flowchart of the AP on a wall. 4-1 Installation Manual H3C WA2200 Series WLAN Access Points Chapter 4 Installation of Outdoor APs Start Mark Drill holes Install anchors Fix the wallmounting bracket Fix the AP End Figure 4-2 Installation flowchart of the AP on a wall 1) Mark Step Operation Put the wall-mounting bracket on the installation position against the wall. Mark three expansion screw holes on the wall. For the distance (in mm) between the expansion screw holes, see Figure 4-3. Note: The wall-mounting bracket is not supplied unless ordered. 4-2 Installation Manual H3C WA2200 Series WLAN Access Points Chapter 4 Installation of Outdoor APs Figure 4-3 Wall-mounting bracket structure and positions of screw holes 2) Drill holes Step Operation Use a percussion drill with a 6-mm (0.24-in) bit to drill holes on the three markings. Observe the following precautions when drilling: Hold the drill handle with both hands, with the bit perpendicular to the wall surface, and prevent wall damage or tilted holes. The hole depth should be the anchor length plus the bit length. Each hole should have the same depth. Remove the dust from the hole before measuring the hole depth. Use a vacuum cleaner to prevent dust from spreading around. If the wall surface is too solid and slippery to locate the bit, punch a notch first. 3) Install anchors 4-3 Installation Manual H3C WA2200 Series WLAN Access Points Chapter 4 Installation of Outdoor APs Note: Before installation, remove dust inside and around all holes with a vacuum cleaner, and then measure the distances between holes. If there is a large error, mark and drill holes again. Step Operation Put an anchor into each hole vertically. Tap the flat end of the anchor with a rubber hammer until the anchor is flush with the wall surface. 4) Fix the wall-mounting bracket Step Operation Align the three holes in the wall-mounting bracket with the anchors and insert three expansion screws through the installation holes into the anchors. Adjust the position of the wall-mounting bracket and tighten the expansion screws. 5) Fix the AP Step Operation Method 1: Align the two installation holes in the AP with the corresponding holes in the wall-mounting bracket and then use two screws to fix them. Method 2: Insert a screw into each installation hole in the AP, but do not tighten them. Then insert the screws into the corresponding holes in the wall-mounting bracket. Tighten the screws so that the AP touches against the wall-mounting bracket, as shown in Figure 4-4. 4-4 Installation Manual H3C WA2200 Series WLAN Access Points Chapter 4 Installation of Outdoor APs Screw M10×12 Figure 4-4 Install the outdoor AP on a wall II. Installing the AP on a pole The fixing support for installing the outdoor AP on a pole consists of two major components: a pair of V-shaped brackets and a mounting plate. The outdoor AP can be fixed on a vertical or horizontal pole with an outer diameter of 60 to 110 mm (2.36 to 4.33 in) through the fixing support. The tilt of the AP is adjustable. On the top of a building, the outdoor AP is usually installed on a pole. Follow these steps to install the outdoor AP on a pole: 1) As shown in Figure 4-5, fix the pole base onto the top surface of a building or onto a cement pier. 4-5 Installation Manual H3C WA2200 Series WLAN Access Points Chapter 4 Installation of Outdoor APs Figure 4-5 Pole and pole base 2) Fix the mounting plate onto one V-shaped fixing bracket with screws. 3) Fix the pair of V-shaped fixing brackets on a vertical or horizontal pole with bolts, flat washers, spring washers, and nuts (see Figure 4-6 or Figure 4-7). Figure 4-6 Install the outdoor AP on a vertical pole 4-6 Installation Manual H3C WA2200 Series WLAN Access Points Chapter 4 Installation of Outdoor APs Bolt M10 nut #10 spring washer #10 flat washer V-shaped fixing bracket Mounting plate AP Figure 4-7 Install the outdoor AP on a horizontal pole 4) Fix the AP onto the mounting plate with screws (see the dashed line and arrow in Figure 4-6 or Figure 4-7). Note: You can first install the fixing support onto the pole and then the AP onto the mounting plate, or vice versa. 4.1.2 Installing an Outdoor Antenna There are two types of outdoor antennas: directional antenna and omni antenna. An omni antenna can be directly installed on an outdoor AP. I. Installing a directional outdoor antenna on a pole Note: You should select such an installation location for the pole that the antenna direction and tilt could be adjusted freely. 4-7 Installation Manual H3C WA2200 Series WLAN Access Points Chapter 4 Installation of Outdoor APs Follow these steps to install a pole on a parapet: 1) Weld the lightning rod onto the tip of the pole. 2) Install the pole on a parapet or cement pier. 3) Use a 40 × 4 mm (1.57 × 0.16 in) flat steel to connect the pole to the ground grid 4) Use pole-mounting brackets to install the directional outdoor antenna on the pole. The pole should be vertical to the building top surface, as shown in Figure 4-8 and Figure 4-9. Figure 4-8 Install a directional outdoor antenna on a parapet Lightning rod Pole-mounting brackets 2500mm Directional outdoor antenna Φ75mm Antenna support (antenna pole) 500mm Steel wire Cement pier 1500mm Flat steel To the grounding grid Figure 4-9 Install a directional outdoor antenna on a building top surface or cement pier 4-8 Installation Manual H3C WA2200 Series WLAN Access Points Chapter 4 Installation of Outdoor APs If there are parapets around the building top and the parapets are 1200 mm (47.24 in) high or higher, install the antenna pole on a parapet with expansion bolts and fix the directional outdoor antenna onto the pole with pole-mounting brackets (see the left diagram in Figure 4-8). If there are parapets around the building top and the parapet height is less than 1200 mm (47.24 in), fix one point of the pole to the parapet with one expansion bolt and the other point to the building top surface with another expansion bolt, and fix the directional outdoor antenna onto the pole with pole-mounting brackets (see the right diagram in Figure 4-8). If there is no parapet around the building top, first use expansion bolts tosecure the pole vertically on the building top surface or cement pier, and then use pole-mounting brackets to fix the directional outdoor antenna onto the pole, as shown in Figure 4-9. II. Installing an omni outdoor antenna on a pole When installing an omni outdoor antenna on a pole, observe the following precautions: The pole should be 35 to 50 mm (1.38 to 1.97 in) in diameter. Usually, a round steel with a diameter of 50 mm (1.97 in) is adopted. The top of the pole should be flush with the upper clamp, as shown in Figure 4-10. The antenna height should meet the signal coverage requirement and the tip of the antenna should fall within the 45° protection angle of the lightning rod. Usually, no lightning rod is directly soldered onto an omni antenna pole (no metal object is allowed within one meter in the horizontal direction of the omni antenna). Instead, a lightning rod is set on a separate pole between two omni antenna poles and the lightning rod is high enough to keep the tip of omni antennas within the protection angle. 4-9 Installation Manual H3C WA2200 Series WLAN Access Points 45° Lightning protection angle Chapter 4 Installation of Outdoor APs 45° Lightning rod Omni outdoor antenna Clamp Antenna pole Figure 4-10 Install omni antennas If the lightning rod cannot be installed on a separate pole owing to the environment limitation, the installation method shown in Figure 4-11 can be adopted. In this case, the lightning rod pole should be at least one meter away from the omni antenna pole. 4-10 Installation Manual H3C WA2200 Series WLAN Access Points Chapter 4 Installation of Outdoor APs Lightning rod 45° Omni outdoor antenna >1000 mm 3000 mm Clamp Angle steel Antenna pole Figure 4-11 Install an omni antenna under a special environment Note: In Figure 4-11, the antenna pole is welded with two angle steels to the lightning rod pole, instead of a cement pier. III. Installing an omni antenna on the AP directly A low-gain omni rod antenna can be directly installed on the AP. The installation procedure is as follows: 1) Screw a feeder lightning arrester onto the downward 2.4-GHz antenna interface. 2) Screw the omni rod antenna onto the N-type connector of the feeder lightning arrester. 3) Ground the feeder lightning arrester with a grounding cable. (See Figure 4-12) 4) Ground the AP with a grounding cable. 4-11 Installation Manual H3C WA2200 Series WLAN Access Points Chapter 4 Installation of Outdoor APs Figure 4-12 Install an omni antenna on the AP directly Note: After the omni antenna is installed on the AP, the antenna should be at least one meter away from the pole or other metal objects. The outdoor AP and the feeder lightning arrester are each equipped with a 3-meter-long grounding cable. If the length is not long enough, you need to supply longer grounding cables. For the grounding requirements, refer to section 2.3.4 “Grounding and Lightning Protection” on page 2-4. You are recommended to install the feeder lightning arrester on the antenna side. 4.1.3 Connecting External Cables Caution: Before connecting external cables, check that all power lines are disconnected, and that there is no dangerous voltage on the neutral (N) line. External cables to be connected include an RF cable, Ethernet cable, fiber cable, grounding cable, and power cord. 4-12 Installation Manual H3C WA2200 Series WLAN Access Points Chapter 4 Installation of Outdoor APs I. Connecting the RF cable The RF cable refers to the cable between the antenna interface and the antenna. Follow these steps to connect the RF cable: 1) Screw one end of the feeder lightning arrester onto the antenna interface. 2) Connect one end of the RF cable to the feeder lightning arrester and the other end to the outdoor antenna. 3) Wrap each joint with insulation tape first, and then with waterproof tape. Note: It is recommended to install a feeder lightning arrester on each antenna interface and ground it well. A finished RF cable with a fixed length can be shipped with the AP if ordered. If such an RF cable is not long enough, you should provide a longer RF cable and an N-type RF connector and prepare the cable at the site. Distinguish the stickiness of the two sides of waterproof tape. Before wrapping a cable joint, stretch the waterproof tape so that the width is three quarters of the original one to ensure the tightness. II. Connecting an Ethernet cable Caution: Follow the steps below to connect an Ethernet cable. Otherwise, the AP may get damaged 1) As shown in Figure 4-13, Figure 4-14, and Figure 4-15, route the waterproof Ethernet cable from the equipment room to the AP installation location. 4-13 Installation Manual H3C WA2200 Series WLAN Access Points Chapter 4 Installation of Outdoor APs Outdoor Antenna RF coaxial Indoor AP LAN switch Ethernet Cable Port lightning protector AC power Grounding cable Power adaptor Figure 4-13 Connect the Ethernet electrical interface to the uplink device Figure 4-14 Connect the Ethernet optical interface to the uplink device 4-14 Installation Manual H3C WA2200 Series WLAN Access Points Power Chapter 4 Installation of Outdoor APs (Surge) To AP To Network Ethernet cable Ethernet cable Grounding cable AC power(220V) Figure 4-15 Exploded view of the port lightning protector (PoE) Note: If the uplink device is a PoE switch, no port lightning protector or power adapter is required. If the Ethernet optical interface serves as an uplink data interface, the Ethernet electrical interface only serves as a PoE interface. There are two Ethernet interfaces on the power injector, as shown in Figure 4-15. Ensure that the Ethernet interface on the surge side is connected to the AP. Whether the AP is powered by a PoE switch or the power injector, ensure that the AP has been installed as required before power-on. 2) Prepare an Ethernet cable connector Since an Ethernet cable needs to pass through a waterproof cover for waterproof purpose (an Ethernet cable with an RJ-45 connector is unable to pass through), you need to prepare an Ethernet cable connector on site. Usually a category-5 or enhanced category-5 twisted pair cable is adopted. Figure 4-16 shows an Ethernet cable connector. 4-15 Installation Manual H3C WA2200 Series WLAN Access Points Chapter 4 Installation of Outdoor APs RJ-45 connector Figure 4-16 Ethernet cable connector Ethernet cables fall into straight-through Ethernet cables and crossover Ethernet cables. Straight-through Ethernet cable: The wires of a twisted pair cable are crimped in the same sequence in the RJ-45 connectors at both ends. A straight-through cable is used to connect a terminal device (such as PC or router) to a hub or LAN Switch. Crossover Ethernet cable: The wires of a twisted pair cable are crimped in different sequences in the RJ-45 connectors at both ends. A crossover Ethernet cable is used to connect a terminal device (such as PC or router) to another terminal device. You can make such a cable by yourself. Table 4-1 RJ-45 straight-through Ethernet cable pinouts Pin of RJ-45 connector Signal Category-5 twisted pair cable Signal direction Pin of RJ-45 connector Tx+ White (orange) Æ Tx- Orange Æ Rx+ White (green) Å — Blue — — White (blue) — Rx- Green Å — White (brown) — — Brown — 4-16 Installation Manual H3C WA2200 Series WLAN Access Points Chapter 4 Installation of Outdoor APs Table 4-2 RJ-45 crossover Ethernet cable pinouts Pin of RJ-45 connector Signal Category-5 twisted pair cable Signal direction Pin of RJ-45 connector Tx+ White (orange) Æ Tx- Orange Æ Rx+ White (green) Å — Blue — — White (blue) — Rx- Green Å — White (brown) — — Brown — Note: When distinguishing or preparing these two types of Ethernet cables, you can refer to the above tables. Since the Ethernet interface of the WA2200 series is auto-sensing, these two types of Ethernet cables can be used for the Ethernet interface. Refer to Table 4-1 and Table 4-2 to arrange the wire sequence when preparing an Ethernet cable. Otherwise, the communication quality will not be high, even if the devices at both ends can communicate. The Ethernet cable should be equipped with a waterproof sheath when routed outdoors. If possible, cable routing in waterproof tubes is recommended. 3) Insert the Ethernet cable connector into the Ethernet interface, as shown in Figure 4-17. 4-17 Installation Manual H3C WA2200 Series WLAN Access Points Chapter 4 Installation of Outdoor APs Ethernet connector Waterproof cover Sealing nut Joint between connector and cable Figure 4-17 Insert the Ethernet cable connector into the Ethernet interface 4) First tighten the waterproof cover and then the sealing nut. 5) Use waterproof tape to wrap the joint between the waterproof cover and the cable. III. Connecting an optical fiber Caution: Follow the steps below to connect a fiber cable. Otherwise, the AP may get damaged. You need to configure an SFP module and a waterproof cover when connecting the AP to an uplink device through a fiber cable, as shown in Figure 4-18. Figure 4-18 Connect a fiber cable 4-18 Installation Manual H3C WA2200 Series WLAN Access Points Chapter 4 Installation of Outdoor APs Follow these steps to connect a fiber cable: 1) Insert an SFP module into the Ethernet optical interface on the AP. 2) Insert the LC connectors of two ZX fibers with a waterproof cover into the two optical interfaces on the SFP module. 3) First tighten the waterproof cover and then the sealing nut. 4) Use waterproof tape to wrap the joint between the waterproof cover and the fiber cable. 5) Splice the tail fibers with those of the uplink device, and bind the joints with waterproof tape, respectively. 4.1.4 Powering On the AP After all cables are correctly connected as shown in Figure 4-19, power on the AP and check the status of the LEDs. For the description of the LED status, refer to section 1.2.1 “LEDs” on page 1-3. 4-19 Installation Manual H3C WA2200 Series WLAN Access Points Chapter 4 Installation of Outdoor APs Outdoor antenna RF cable Outdoor antenna Grounding cable for feeder lightning arrester Grounding cable Ethernet cable Fiber cable Figure 4-19 Connection of external cables of the AP 4-20 Installation Manual H3C WA2200 Series WLAN Access Points Chapter 4 Installation of Outdoor APs 4.2 Connecting the Network In practice, the AP can be connected to the Internet or a MAN through an Ethernet interface, as shown in Figure 4-20. Figure 4-20 Connection between the AP and Internet Caution: A special outdoor waterproof Ethernet cable is required to connect the AP and waterproof treatment should be made to the Ethernet cable at the outlet of the chassis. 4-21 Installation Manual H3C WA2200 Series WLAN Access Points Chapter 5 Software Setting Chapter 5 Software Setting The WA2200 series can work in the FIT mode or FAT mode. When setting the AP, you must first determine its working mode. The software of the WA2200 series has been loaded and debugged before delivery. After the installation, you can debug the software of the system. 5.1 Working Mode Switching The WA2200 series can work in the FAT mode, or cooperate with a wireless controller to work in the FIT mode, and they can switch between the FIT mode and the FAT mode. By default, the WA2200 series work in the FAT mode. Before switching, identify the current working mode of the AP to determine whether it is necessary to perform a mode switching. 5.1.1 Identifying the Current Working Mode Follow these steps to identify the current working mode of the AP: Step Operation Connect one end of a serial cable to the serial interface on the maintenance terminal and the other end to the console interface on the AP, as shown in the figure below: Run a terminal emulation program on the maintenance terminal and set the communication parameters as follows: Bits per second: 9600 Data bits: 8 Parity: None Stop bits: 1 Flow control: None: Power on the AP and press Ctrl+B to enter BootWare menu. Select 9 to enter a submenu and then select 1 to display the current working mode. 5-1 Installation Manual H3C WA2200 Series WLAN Access Points Chapter 5 Software Setting 5.1.2 Switching from the FAT Mode to the FIT Mode Follow these steps to switch from the FAT mode to the FIT mode: Step Operation Connect one end of a serial cable to the serial interface on the maintenance terminal and the other end to the console interface on the AP, as shown in the figure below: Run a terminal emulation program on the maintenance terminal and set the communication parameters as follows: Bits per second: 9600 Data bits: 8 Parity: None Stop bits: 1 Flow control: None Determine whether the AP contains the FIT image file, namely, WA2200_fit.bin file in the Flash by using the dir command in user view. By default, the AP contains both the FAT image file and the FIT image file. Specify the image file for the next boot by using the boot-loader file wa2200_fit.bin main command in user view. 5.1.3 Switching from the FIT Mode to the FAT Mode Follow these steps to switch from the FIT mode to the FAT mode: Step Operation Associate the FIT AP with the access controller (AC) by reference to section 5.3.1 “Associating a FIT AP with the AC on page 5-5. Configure the AP to work in the FAT mode by using the wlan ap-execute ap-name conversion-to-fatap command in system view. The ap-name argument in the command is the name of the AP whose working mode needs to be switched. If the FAT image file already exists in the AP, the AP will successfully switch from the FIT mode to the FAT mode. You can log in to the AP through the console interface. 5.2 Setting Up a Configuration Environment You can set up a connection with the AP through the console interface or telnet to the telnet-enabled AP through the Ethernet interface to perform software debugging. You cannot directly manage the AP working in the FIT mode, but you can by associating it 5-2 Installation Manual H3C WA2200 Series WLAN Access Points Chapter 5 Software Setting with an AC. This section only describes the software configuration for the AP working in the FAT mode. 5.2.1 Setting Up a Connection with the AP Through the Console Interface Follow these steps to set up a connection with the AP through the console interface: Step Operation Connect one end of a serial cable to the serial interface on the maintenance terminal and the other end to the console interface on the AP, as shown in the figure below: Run a terminal emulation program on the maintenance terminal and set the communication parameters as follows: Bits per second: 9600 Data bits: 8 Parity: None Stop bits: 1 Flow control: None Power on the AP and the POST result is displayed on the maintenance terminal. When POST completes, press Enter to log in to the command line interface. 5.2.2 Telneting to the AP Follow these steps to telnet from the maintenance terminal to the AP: Step Operation Connect the maintenance terminal to the Ethernet interface of the AP over a LAN, as shown in the figure below. 5-3 Installation Manual H3C WA2200 Series WLAN Access Points Chapter 5 Software Setting Step Operation Run the Telnet program on the maintenance e terminal and enter the IP address of the AP to log in to the command line interface. By default, Telnet is disabled on the AP. Therefore, you need to enable Telnet on the AP and configure the IP address, login username, and password if you want to use Telnet. For the detailed configuration procedure, refer to section 5.2.3 “Configuring Telnet” on 5-5. 5.2.3 Configuring Telnet Follow these steps to configuring Telnet: Step Operation Enter system view. system-view System View: return to User View with Ctrl+Z. [H3C] [H3C]telnet server enable % Start Telnet server [H3C] Enable Telnet. Enter VTY view [H3C]user-interface vty 0 4 [H3C-ui-vty0-4] Set a Telnet authentication mode, for example, none authentication. [H3C-ui-vty0-4]authentication-mode none [H3C-ui-vty0-4] Set the user priority level, for example, 3. [H3C-ui-vty0-4]user privilege level ? INTEGER<0-3> Specify privilege level [H3C-ui-vty0-4]user privilege level 3 [H3C-ui-vty0-4] Note: In the none authentication mode, you need to enter the password h3capadmin to telnet to a FIT AP, but no password to telnet to a FAT AP. In the password authentication mode, you need to first enter the default password h3capadmin and then the authentication password to telnet to a FIT AP, but only the authentication password to telnet to a FAT AP. 5-4 Installation Manual H3C WA2200 Series WLAN Access Points Chapter 5 Software Setting 5.3 Configuring a FIT AP A FIT AP needs to cooperate with the AC and there is originally no configuration on the FIT AP. All configurations of the FIT AP are first performed on the AC and then sent to the FIT AP. Figure 5-1 shows the connection between the FIT AP and the AC. AC Switch Fit AP(WA2200) Figure 5-1 Connection between a FIT AP and the AC 5.3.1 Associating a FIT AP with the AC I. Viewing the system information of a FIT AP Since a FIT AP is uniquely associated with the AC by the serial-ID of the FIT AP, you need to first view the serial-ID of the FIT AP. Each model of the WA2200 series has a model number. The serial-ID and the model number of a FIT AP are set before delivery. Follow these steps to view the system information of a FIT AP: Step Operation Display the system information of a FIT AP in user view: display wlan ap Display AP Profile -----------------------------------------------Model Number : WA2210_AG Description : -NAAP Address : AC Address : Serial-ID : 1234567891 State : Run H/W Version : Ver.A S/W Version : V100R001B01D001(270549120) Boot Version : 100 Mode : Split Mac Mode -----------------------------------------------Unicast static AC IPv4 address: -NAUnicast static AC IPv6 address: -NA----------------------------------------------- 5-5 Installation Manual H3C WA2200 Series WLAN Access Points Chapter 5 Software Setting II. Associating a FIT AP with the AC Follow these steps to associate a FIT AP with the AC: Step Operation Enter system view. system-view System View: return to User View with Ctrl+Z. [H3C] Create AP view for the FIT AP on the AC, with the view type consistent with the model number of the FIT AP. For example, create AP view with the name being aptest2 and the type being WA2210_AG. [[H3C]wlan ap aptest2 model WA2210_AG [H3C-wlan-ap-aptest2] Configure the corresponding serial-ID of a FIT AP in AP view, for example, 1234567891. [H3C-wlan-ap-aptest2]serial-id 1234567891 [H3C-wlan-ap-aptest2] Configure the first RF interface in AP view and enable and the RF interface. For example, set the RF type of the first RF interface in AP view named aptest2 to 802.11a and the channel number to 36, and enable the RF interface. [H3C-wlan-ap-aptest2]radio 1 type 11a [H3C-wlan-ap-aptest2-radio-1]channel 36 [H3C-wlan-ap-aptest2-radio-1]radio enable [H3C-wlan-ap-aptest2-radio-1] After the above operations, AP view named aptest2 is associated with the FIT AP whose serial-ID is 1234567891 and you can configure the FIT AP on the AC. 5.3.2 Configuring a FIT AP on the AC Configure a WLAN extended service set (WLAN-ESS), service template, and radio policy on the AC, and then bind them to AP view. After that, the AC will automatically send the configuration information to the associated FIT AP. I. Configuring a WLAN-ESS Follow these steps to configure a WLAN-ESS: Step Operation Enter system view. system-view System View: return to User View with Ctrl+Z. [H3C] Create a WLAN-ESS, for example, WLAN-ESS 101. [[H3C]interface WLAN-ESS 101 [H3C-WLAN-ESS101] 5-6 Installation Manual H3C WA2200 Series WLAN Access Points Chapter 5 Software Setting II. Configuring a service template Follow these steps to configure a service template: Step Operation Enter system view. system-view System View: return to User View with Ctrl+Z. [H3C] Create a service template. For example, create clear service template 101. [H3C]wlan service-template 101 clear [H3C-wlan-st-101] Configure an authentication method. For example, configure the open-system authentication method. [H3C-wlan-st-101]authentication-method open-system [H3C-wlan-st-101] Configure the SSID. For example, set the SSID to fytest1. [H3C-wlan-st-101]ssid fytest1 [H3C-wlan-st-101] Bind a WLAN-ESS to the service template. For example, bind WLAN-ESS 101 to the service template. [H3C-wlan-st-101]bind WLAN-ESS 101 [H3C-wlan-st-101] Enable the service template. [H3C-wlan-st-101]service-template enable [H3C-wlan-st-101] III. Configuring a radio policy Follow these steps to configure a radio policy: Step Operation Enter system view. system-view System View: return to User View with Ctrl+Z. [H3C] Create a radio policy, for example, radio policy 1. [H3C]wlan radio-policy 1 [H3C-wlan-rp-1] 5-7 Installation Manual H3C WA2200 Series WLAN Access Points Chapter 5 Software Setting IV. Binding the configurations to AP view Follow these steps to bind the configurations to AP view: Step Operation Enter system view. system-view System View: return to User View with Ctrl+Z. [H3C] Enter AP view and then radio view. For example, enter AP view named aptest2 and then radio 1 view. [H3C]wlan ap aptest2 [H3C-wlan-ap-aptest2]radio 1 [H3C-wlan-ap-aptest2-radio-1] Bind a radio policy and a service template to an RF interface in AP view. For example, bind radio-policy 1 and service template 101 to the first RF interface in AP view named aptest2. [H3C-wlan-ap-aptest2-radio-1]radio-policy 1 [H3C-wlan-ap-aptest2-radio-1]service-template 101 [H3C-wlan-ap-aptest2-radio-1] After the above configurations, wireless stations can detect and access the network whose SSID is fytest1. 5.3.3 Security Setting For the purpose of security, an encryption method can be applied to the authentication of wireless stations and communication between wireless stations and the FIT AP. The following describes how to set the WEP104 encryption method on the AC. I. Setting the encryption template Follow these steps to set the encryption template: Step Operation Enter system view. system-view System View: return to User View with Ctrl+Z. [H3C] Create a service template, for example, encryption template 22, and enter its view. [H3C]wlan service-template 22 crypto [H3C-wlan-st-22] 5-8 Installation Manual H3C WA2200 Series WLAN Access Points Chapter 5 Software Setting Step Operation Configure the TKIP encryption template. Configure an encryption template for SSID testwep104, with the encryption method being WEP104, key-id being 1, and key being 1234567980123. [H3C-wlan-st-22]ssid testwep104 [H3C-wlan-st-22]bind WLAN-ESS 22 [H3C-wlan-st-22]authentication-method open-system [H3C-wlan-st-22]cipher-suite wep104 [H3C-wlan-st-22]wep default-key 1 wep104 pass-phrase 1234567890123 [H3C-wlan-st-22]wep key-id 1 [H3C-wlan-st-22]service-template enable 5.4 Configuring a FAT AP 5.4.1 System Setting The following simply describes how to configure a FAT AP so that wireless stations can access it. I. Configuring a WLAN-BSS Follow these steps to configure a WLAN basic service set (WLAN-BSS): Step Operation Enter system view. system-view System View: return to User View with Ctrl+Z. [H3C] Create a WLAN-BSS, for example, WLAN-BSS 2. [H3C]interface WLAN-BSS 2 [H3C-WLAN-BSS2] II. Configuring a service template Follow these steps to configure a service template: Step Operation Enter system view. system-view System View: return to User View with Ctrl+Z. [H3C] Create a service template. For example, create clear service template 2. [H3C]wlan service-template 2 clear [H3C-wlan-st-2] Configure an authentication method, for example, open-system authentication. [H3C-wlan-st-2]authentication-method open-system [H3C-wlan-st-2] 5-9 Installation Manual H3C WA2200 Series WLAN Access Points Chapter 5 Software Setting Step Operation Set the SSID. For example, set the SSID to testFatAP2. [H3C-wlan-st-2]ssid testFatAP2 [H3C-wlan-st-2] Enable the service template. [H3C-wlan-st-2]service-template enable [H3C-wlan-st-2] III. Configuring an RF interface (WLAN-radio) Bind the WLAN-BSS and service template to the specified RF interface. Follow these steps to configure an RF interface (WLAN-radio): Step Operation Enter system view. system-view System View: return to User View with Ctrl+Z. [H3C] Enter WLAN-radio view, for example, WLAN-radio 1/0/1 view [H3C]interface WLAN-Radio 1/0/1 [H3C-WLAN-Radio1/0/1] Configure the RF type, for example, 802.11a. [H3C-WLAN-Radio1/0/1]radio-type 11a [H3C-WLAN-Radio1/0/1] Set a channel number, for example, 36. [H3C-WLAN-Radio1/0/1]channel 36 [H3C-WLAN-Radio1/0/1] Bind the WLAN-BSS and service template to the specified RF interface. For example, bind WLAN-BSS 2 and service template 2 to RF interface WLAN-radio 1/0/1. [H3C-WLAN-Radio1/0/1]service-template 2 wlan-bss 2 [H3C-WLAN-Radio1/0/1] After the above configurations, wireless stations can detect and access the network whose SSID is testFatAP2. 5.4.2 Setting a System Name and the System Clock Enter command line view through telnet or the console interface. I. Setting a system name Multiple FAT APs in a network can be identified by their system names. 5-10 Installation Manual H3C WA2200 Series WLAN Access Points Chapter 5 Software Setting Follow these steps to set a system name: Step Operation Enter system view. system-view System View: return to User View with Ctrl+Z. [H3C] Use the sysname command to set a system name for the AP, for example, AP. system-view [H3C]sysname AP [AP] II. Setting the system clock Follow these steps to set the system clock: Step Operation Run the clock datetime command in user view to set a system time, for example, 10:35:46, November 28, 2007. clock datetime 10:35:46 2007/11/28 5.4.3 Security Setting For the purpose of security, an encryption method can be applied to the authentication of stations and communication between wireless stations and the FAT AP. The following describes how to set TKIP encryption. I. Setting port encryption for WLAN-BSS Follow these steps to set port encryption for WLAN-BSS: Step Operation Enter system view. system-view System View: return to User View with Ctrl+Z. [H3C] Enter WLAN-BSS view, for example, WLAN-BSS 3 view. [H3C]interface WLAN-BSS 3 [H3C-WLAN-BSS3] Set an encryption method for WLAN-BSS, for example, PSK authentication with the key being 12345678. [H3C-WLAN-BSS3]port-security port-mode psk [H3C-WLAN-BSS3]port-security tx-key-type 11key [H3C-WLAN-BSS3]port-security preshared-key pass-phrase 12345678 [H3C-WLAN-BSS3]undo dot1x multicast-trigger [H3C-WLAN-BSS3] 5-11 Installation Manual H3C WA2200 Series WLAN Access Points Chapter 5 Software Setting II. Setting the encryption template Follow these steps to set the encryption template: Step Operation Enter system view. system-view System View: return to User View with Ctrl+Z. [H3C] Enter service template view, for example, encryption template 3. [H3C]wlan service-template 3 crypto [H3C-wlan-st-3] Configure the TKIP encryption template. For example, configure the TKIP encryption template for SSID testFatAP3. [H3C-wlan-st-3]ssid testFatAP3 [H3C-wlan-st-3]authentication-method open-system [H3C-wlan-st-3]cipher-suite tkip [H3C-wlan-st-3]security-ie wpa [H3C-wlan-st-3]service-template enable [H3C-wlan-st-3] 5-12 Compliance and Safety Manual WA 2200 series Wireless LAN Access Point Table of Contents Table of Contents Chapter 1 Regulatory Compliance Information..........................1-1 1.1 Regulatory compliance standards......................................1-1 1.2 European Regulatory compliance......................................1-2 1.2.1 EU Compliance information.....................................1-2 1.2.2 EU Country Restriction in 2.4GHz band..................1-3 1.2.3 EU Country Restriction in 5GHz band.....................1-4 1.3 USA regulatory compliance ...............................................1-5 1.3.1 FCC Part 15.............................................................1-5 1.3.2 RF Requirements ....................................................1-5 Chapter 2 Safety Information Sicherheitsinformationen 安全信息2-1 2.1 General Requirements Allgemeine Anforderungen 通用要求2-1 2.2 Electricity Safety Elektrische Sicherheit 用电安全 .............2-2 Compliance and Safety Manual WA 2110-AG Wireless LAN Access Point List of Tables List of Figures Error! No table of figures entries found. List of Tables Table 2-1 Regulatory compliance standards ...........................1-1 ii Compliance and Safety Manual WA 2200 series Wireless LAN Access Point Chapter 1 Regulatory Compliance Information Chapter 1 Regulatory Compliance Information 1.1 Regulatory compliance standards Table 1-1 Regulatory compliance standards Discipline Standards FCC Bulletin OET-65C FCC Part 15.207 & 15.209 & 15.247 FCC Part 15.207 & 15.209 & 15.407 ETSI EN 300 328 ETSI EN 301 893 CISPR22 CLASS B EMC & RF EN 55022 CLASS B CISPR24 EN 55024 EN 60601-1-2 IEC 61000-3-2 IEC 61000-3-3 ETSI EN 301 489-1 ETSI EN 301 489-17 1-1 Compliance and Safety Manual WA 2200 series Wireless LAN Access Point Chapter 1 Regulatory Compliance Information Discipline Standards UL 60950-1:2003 CAN/CSA C22.2 No 60950-1-03 IEC 60950-1:2001 Safety EN 60950-1/A11:2004 EN 50385 1.2 European Regulatory compliance WA 2200 Series Wireless LAN Access Point complies with the following European Directives: R&TTE Directive 1999/5/EC. 1.2.1 EU Compliance information 1) CE Mark Equipment may be operated in the following country: AT BE CY CZ DK EE FI FR DE GR HU IE IT LV LT LU MT NL PL PT SK SI ES SE GB IS LI NO CH BG RO TR 1-2 Compliance and Safety Manual WA 2200 series Wireless LAN Access Point Chapter 1 Regulatory Compliance Information Note: Select the country in which the product is installed to ensure product operation is in compliance with local regulations. For information on how to select the country, refer to the “Wireless Configuration Command” module in H3C Wireless Control Manager Command Manual. 2) Intended use: IEEE 802.11 a/b/g radio LAN device. 1.2.2 EU Country Restriction in 2.4GHz band WA 2200 series Wireless LAN Access Point may be used indoors or outdoors in all countries of the European Community using the 2.4GHz band: Channel 1-13, except where noted below. France For 2.4 GHz, the output power is restricted to 10 mW EIRP when the product is used outdoors in the band 2454 - 2483.5 MHz. There are no restrictions when used in other parts of the 2.4 GHz band. The frequency band 5470-5750MHz is not allowed. Check http://www.arcep.fr/ for more details. Latvia The outdoor usage of the 2.4-GHz band requires an authorization from the Electronic Communications http://www.esd.lv for more details. 1-3 Office. Please check Compliance and Safety Manual WA 2200 series Wireless LAN Access Point Chapter 1 Regulatory Compliance Information 1.2.3 EU Country Restriction in 5GHz band 1) The frequency band 5150-5250MHz can not be used outdoors. 2) This device support DFS function. Austria Only the frequency band 5150-5250MHz is allowed. France The frequency band 5470-5750MHz is not allowed. Cyprus The frequency band 5470-5750MHz is not allowed. Czech Republic The frequency band 5470-5750MHz is not allowed. Hungary The frequency band 5470-5750MHz is not allowed. Slovakia The frequency band 5470-5750MHz is not allowed. Italy This product meets the National Radio Interface and the requirements specified in the National Frequency Allocation Table for Italy. Unless this wireless LAN product is operating within the boundaries of the owner's property, its use requires a “general authorization”. Please check http://www.comunicazioni.it/it/ for more details. 1-4 Compliance and Safety Manual WA 2200 series Wireless LAN Access Point Chapter 1 Regulatory Compliance Information 1.3 USA regulatory compliance 1.3.1 FCC Part 15 I. US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) EMC Compliance This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. 1.3.2 RF Requirements 1) RF exposure Hazard Warning 1-5 Compliance and Safety Manual WA 2200 series Wireless LAN Access Point Chapter 1 Regulatory Compliance Information To ensure compliance with the requirements of FCC RF exposure, a minimum body to antenna distance of 20cm (8 inch) must be maintained when the device is operated. 2) RF Frequency Requirements This equipment complies with FCC RF radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This device and its antenna must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter. This device is for indoor use only when it is operated at 5.15 to 5.25GHz frequency range. High power radars are allocated as primary users of the 5.25 to 5.35GHz and 5.65 to 5.85GHz bands. These radar stations can cause interference with and /or damage this device. 3) Antennas Only use the supplied antenna. Unauthorized antennas, modifications or change to the antennas could violate FCC regulations and void the user’s authority to operate the equipment. 1-6 Compliance and Safety Manual WA 2200 series Wireless LAN Access Point Chapter 1 Regulatory Compliance Information (15.21) Warning: Changes or modifications to this unit not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user authority to operate the equipment. 15.19 (a)(3) This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. The users manual or instruction manual for an intentional or unintentional radiator shall caution the user that changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment. 1-7 Compliance and Safety Manual WA 2110-AG Wireless LAN Access Point Chapter 2 Safety Information Sicherheitsinformationen 安全信息 Chapter 2 Safety Information Sicherheitsinformationen 安全信息 2.1 General Requirements Allgemeine Anforderungen通用要求 In order to reduce the technically unavoidable residual risk to a minimum, it is imperative to follow the rules below: Um das technisch bedingte Restrisiko auf ein Minimum zu begrenzen, ist es unbedingt erforderlich, die folgenden Regeln zu beachten: 为了避免对人和设备造成伤害,请认真执行下列要求: Read all the instructions before operation. Lesen Sie alle Anweisungen sorgfältig durch, bevor Sie mit dem Arbeiten beginnen. 在进行操作前仔细阅读手册内容。 Do not block ventilation openings while the system is on, and keep at least 5 cm distance from ventilation openings and walls or other things which may block the openings. Sorgen Sie dafür, dass die Öffnungen der Ventilation zu keinem Zeitpunkt verschlossen, verstopft oder anderweitig blockiert sind. Zwischen den Ventilationsöffnungen und Wänden bzw. anderen Gegenständen muss stets ein Abstand von mindestens 5cm bestehen. 2-1 Compliance and Safety Manual WA 2110-AG Wireless LAN Access Point Chapter 2 Safety Information Sicherheitsinformationen 安全信息 设备在工作时必须确保通风口的畅通,确保设备离墙壁或是 其它的可能堵塞通风口的物体的间距至少 5cm。 For AC supplied model: To ensure the safety of the equipment and human body, please unplug the AC power connector and do not use the fixed terminal in the lightning weather. Furthermore, please do not touch the terminal or antenna connector in such weather. Mit Wechselstrom betriebenes Modell: Um die Sicherheit des Personals und der Ausrüstung zu gewährleisten, muss der Stecker aus der Steckdose gezogen werden, wenn die Gefahr eines Blitzeinschlages besteht. Verwenden Sie bei Blitzgefahr keine festinstallierten Steckdosen. Berühren Sie bei Blitzgefahr nicht die Antenne. 对于 AC 输入设备,为保证设备和人身安全,请在雷雨天气时 拔下 AC 电源连接器,并不要使用固定终端,或者不要接触该 终端或者天线。 2.2 Electricity Safety Elektrische Sicherheit 用 电安全 Conducting articles, such as watch, hand chain, bracelet and ring are prohibited during the operation. Es ist nicht erlaubt während dieser Arbeiten leitende Gegenstände wie Uhren, Armbänder, Armreifen und Ringe am Körper zu tragen. 在操作中不能穿戴导电性的物品,如:手表,手琏,手镯和 项链等。 When water is found in the rack, or the rack is damp, please immediately switch off the power supply. 2-2 Compliance and Safety Manual WA 2110-AG Wireless LAN Access Point Chapter 2 Safety Information Sicherheitsinformationen 安全信息 Sollte sich Wasser im Baugruppenträger befinden oder der Baugruppenträger feucht sein, ist die Energiezufuhr sofort zu unterbrechen und das System abzuschalten. 当有液体进入机架或机架有损坏时,请立即切断电源。 When operation is performed in a damp environment, make sure that water is kept off the equipment. Muss in einem feuchten Umgebung gearbeitet werden, ist sicherzustellen, dass kein Wasser in die Ausrüstung dringen kann. 在潮湿环境下进行安装时,请避免液体进入设备。 2-3
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