Harman JBLCLIP3ND Portable Bluetooth Speaker User Manual TR04364 JBL Clip 3 QSG B V7 LD

Harman International Industries, Inc Portable Bluetooth Speaker TR04364 JBL Clip 3 QSG B V7 LD


User manual

What’s in the boxButtons12Quick Start GuideGuide de démarrage rapidex13x1
Quick Start GuideGuide de démarrage rapide3Connections3Bluetooth®2. Music control41. Bluetooth connectionJBL Clip 3x2
Quick Start GuideGuide de démarrage rapide3Speakerphone5LED indication6Status LED indicationPairing mode / Incoming callOnBluetooth connectedBluetooth not connectedHaving phone callFast blinkingSlow blinkingOnLow powerChargingBlinkingOn
Quick Start GuideGuide de démarrage rapide3Carabiner7IMPORTANT: The carabiner of JBL Clip 3 is not for climbing.IMPORTANT : le mousqueton de la JBL Clip 3 n’est pas fait pour l’escalade.IMPORTANTE: El mosquetón de JBL Clip 3 no es apto para escalar.AVISO IMPORTANTE: O mosquetão do JBL Clip 3 nunca deve ser usado para alpinismo.WICHTIG: Der Karabinerhaken des JBL Clip 3 ist nicht zum Klettern gedacht.IMPORTANTE: Il moschettone del JBL Clip 3 non è adatto all'arrampicata.BELANGRIJK: De karabijnhaak van de JBL Clip 3 is niet bedoeld om mee te klimmen.VIKTIG: Karabinkroken til JBL Clip 3 er ikke laget for klatring.TÄRKEÄÄ: JBL Clip 3:n karbiinihaka ei ole tarkoitettu kiipeilyyn.ВНИМАНИЕ!Карабин на колонке JBL Clip 3 не предназначен для использованияпри занятиях альпинизмом.VIKTIGT: Karbinhaken på JBL Clip 3 är inte gjord för klättring.VIGTIGT: Karabinhagen på JBL Clip 3 er ikke egnet til klatring.警告:JBL Clip 3(クリップ2)のカラビナは登山用ではありません。WAŻNE: Karabińczyk JBL Clip 3 nie nadaje siędo wspinaczki.중요: JBL Clip 3의 카라비너는 등산용이 아닙니다.重要提示:JBL Clip 3 的挂钩仅作固定设备之用,严禁用于攀爬重要事項:JBL Clip 3 的掛鉤不適用於攀登PENTING: Carabiner (cincin kait) JBL Clip 3 tidak ditujukan untuk aktivitas memanjat.IMPORTANT: The carabiner of JBL Clip 3 is not for climbing.JBL Clip 3IMPORTANT: The carabiner of JBL Clip 3 is not for climbing.
Quick Start GuideGuide de démarrage rapide3Warning8JBL Clip 3 is IPX7 waterproof.IMPORTANT: To ensure that the JBL Clip 3 is waterproof, please remove all cable connections andtightly close the cap; exposing the JBL Clip 3 to liquids without doing so may result in permanentdamage to the speaker. And do not expose JBL Clip 3 to water while charging, as doing so may resultin permanent damage to the speaker or power source.IPX7 waterproof is defined as the speaker can be immersed in water up to 1m for up to 30 minutes.If the speaker will not be used for a long period of time, please recharge the battery at least once every3 months. Battery life will vary due to usage patterns and environmental conditions.La JBL Clip 3 est étanche, conformément à la norme IPX7.IMPORTANT : Afin de vous assurer que la JBL Clip 3 est bien étanche, veuillez retirer l'ensemble desconnexions câblées et bien fermer le capuchon. Sans ces précautions, l'exposition de la JBL Clip 3 auxliquides pourrait endommager l'enceinte de façon permanente. N'exposez pas la JBL Clip 3 à l'eaulorsqu'elle est en cours de chargement, sous peine d'entraîner des dommages permanents à l'enceinteou à la source d'alimentation.La norme d'étanchéité IPX7 stipule que l'enceinte peut être plongée dans l'eau jusqu'à 1 mètre deprofondeur pendant 30 minutes maximum.If the speaker will not be used for a long period of time, please recharge the battery at least once every3 months. Battery life will vary due to usage patterns and environmental conditions.JBL Clip3 es xºresistente al agua conforme a la norma IPX7.IMPORTANTE: Para asegurarse de que el JBL Clip 3 es resistente al agua, retire todas las conexionesde cable y cierre bien la tapa; si expone el JBL Clip3 a algún líquido sin tomar esta medida, podríaprovocar daños permanentes en el altavoz. Tampoco debe exponer el JBL Clip3 al agua durante lacarga, porque podría provocar daños permanentes en el altavoz o en la fuente de alimentación.La resistencia al agua conforme a la norma IPX7 implica que el altavoz puede sumergirse en agua a unaprofundidad máxima de 1m durante un máximo de 30minutos.If the speaker will not be used for a long period of time, please recharge the battery at least once every3 months. Battery life will vary due to usage patterns and environmental conditions.JBL Clip 3 é à prova de água IPX7.IMPORTANTE: Para se certificar de que o JBL Clip 3 é à prova de água, remova, por favor, todos oscabos de ligação e feche bem a tampa; expor o JBL Clip 3 a líquidos sem executar esta ação podecausar danos permanentes ao alto-falante. Não exponha o JBL Clip 3 à água enquanto estivercarregando, pois ao fazê-lo, poderá provocar danos permanentes ao alto-falante ou à fonte de potência.OIPX7àprovadeáguasignificaqueoalto-falantepodesersubmersoemáguaaté1mduranteumperíodo de até 30 minutos.If the speaker will not be used for a long period of time, please recharge the battery at least once every 3months. Battery life will vary due to usage patterns and environmental conditions.Der JBL Clip 3 ist wasserdicht gemäß Schutzklasse IPX7.WICHTIG: Um sicherzustellen, dass der JBL Clip 3 wasserdicht ist, müssen sämtliche Kabelverbindungengetrennt und die Abdeckung sorgfältig geschlossen sein. Andernfalls kann Flüssigkeit in den JBL Clip 3eindringen und den Lautsprecher dauerhaft beschädigen. Während des Ladevorgangs darf der JBL Clip 3keinesfalls Wasser ausgesetzt werden, da dies den Lautsprecher oder die Stromquelle dauerhaftbeschädigen kann.Wasserdicht gemäß Schutzklasse IPX7 bedeutet, dass der Lautsprecher maximal eine halbe Stunde langin 1 Meter tiefes Wasser getaucht werden kann.If the speaker will not be used for a long period of time, please recharge the battery at least once every 3months. Battery life will vary due to usage patterns and environmental conditions.
JBL Clip 3 er IPX7-vanntett.VIKTIG: For å sikre at JBL Clip 3 er vanntett, fjern alle kabeltilkoblinger og lukk kapselen tett igjen; åutsette JBL Clip 3 for væske uten en slik forholdsregel kan resultere i permanent skade på høyttaleren.Og ikke utsett JBL Clip 3 for vann mens du lader, da dette kan resultere i permanent skade påhøyttaleren eller strømkilden.IPX7-vanntett betyr at høyttaleren kan være nedsenket i vann opptil 1m dypt i opptil 30 minutter.If the speaker will not be used for a long period of time, please recharge the battery at least once every3 months. Battery life will vary due to usage patterns and environmental conditions.JBL Clip 3 on IPX7-vesitiivis.TÄRKEÄÄ: Varmistaaksesi, että JBL Clip 3 on vesitiivis, poista kaikki kaapeliyhteydet ja sulje kansitiiviisti. Mikäli JBL Clip 3 altistetaan nesteille tekemättä tätä, kaiuttimelle voi aiheutua pysyvää vahinkoa.Äläkä altista JBL Clip 3 -laitetta vedelle latauksen aikana, sillä se voi aiheuttaa pysyvää vahinkoakaiuttimelle tai virtalähteelle.IPX7-vesitiiviys määrittyy sillä, että kaiutin voidaan upottaa veteen jopa yhden metrin syvyyteen jopa 30 minuutiksi.If the speaker will not be used for a long period of time, please recharge the battery at least once every 3 months.Battery life will vary due to usage patterns and environmental conditions.JBLClip3 — обладает степенью защиты IPX7.ВАЖНО! Чтобы убедиться, что JBL Clip3 водонепроницаемый, извлеките все соединения кабеля и плотнозакрепите колпачок. Не подвергайте JBL Clip 3 воздействию жидкости, не выполнив данной процедуры.Это может вызвать серьезные повреждения динамика. Также не допускайте попадания воды на JBL Clip 3во время зарядки устройства. Это может вызвать серьезные повреждения динамика и блока питания.Степень защиты IPX7 означает, что динамик можно погрузить в воду на глубину до 1 м не более чем наполчаса.If the speaker will not be used for a long period of time, please recharge the battery at least once every 3months. Battery life will vary due to usage patterns and environmental conditions.JBL Clip 3 är vattentät enligt IPX7.VIKTIGT! För att försäkra dig om att JBL Clip 3 är vattentät ber vi dig ta bort alla kabelanslutningar ochtätt försluta locket. Om JBL Clip 3 utsätts för vätska utan att först stänga locket kan detta resultera ipermanent skada på högtalaren. Utsätt inte heller JBL Clip 3 för vatten under laddning, eftersom dettakan resultera i permanent skada på högtalaren eller strömkällan.Vattentät enligt IPX7 definieras som att högtalaren kan sänkas ned i vatten i upp till en meters djup, iupp till 30 minuter.If the speaker will not be used for a long period of time, please recharge the battery at least once every3 months. Battery life will vary due to usage patterns and environmental conditions.Quick Start GuideGuide de démarrage rapide3Il diffusore JBL Clip 3 è conforme alla classificazione di impermeabilità IPX7.IMPORTANTE: per assicurare l'impermeabilità del diffusore JBL Clip 3, rimuovere tutti i collegamenti deicavi e chiudere fermamente il tappo; altrimenti l'esposizione del JBL Clip 3 a liquidi potrebbe causaredanni permanenti al diffusore. Evitare inoltre che il JBL Clip 3 venga a contatto con l'acqua durante laricarica poiché ciò potrebbe causare danni permanenti al diffusore o alla fonte di alimentazione.La classificazione di impermeabilità IPX7 indica che il diffusore può essere immerso in acqua per 30 minutia 1 metro di profondità.If the speaker will not be used for a long period of time, please recharge the battery at least once every 3months. Battery life will vary due to usage patterns and environmental conditions.JBL Clip 3 is waterbestendig volgens IPX7.BELANGRIJK: U kunt ervoor zorgen dat de JBL Clip 3 waterbestendig is door alle kabelaansluitingen teverwijderen en het kapje stevig dicht te doen. Als de JBL Clip 3 wordt blootgesteld aan vloeistoffenzonder dat dit eerst wordt gedaan, kan dit resulteren in permanente schade aan de luidspreker. Stel deJBL Clip 3 ook niet bloot aan water tijdens het opladen. Als u dit toch doet, kan dit resulteren inpermanente schade aan de luidspreker of voedingsbron.Waterbestendig volgens IPX7 betekent dat de luidspreker gedurende maximaal 30 minuten op 1 mdiepte onder water kan worden gehouden.If the speaker will not be used for a long period of time, please recharge the battery at least once every 3months. Battery life will vary due to usage patterns and environmental conditions.
JBL Clip 3 具備 IPX7 防水功能。重要事項:為了確保 JBL Clip 3 完全防水,請拔掉所有連接的纜線並 緊密蓋上蓋子;若未進行上述動作而會讓 JBL Clip 3 接觸液體,可能對喇叭造成永久 損害。此外,請勿在充電時讓 JBL Clip 3 接觸到水,因為這麼做可能會對 喇叭或電源造成永久性損害。IPX7 防水功能是指喇叭可浸泡在深達 1 公尺的水中長達 30 分鐘。If the speaker will not be used for a long period of time, please recharge the battery at least onceevery 3 months. Battery life will vary due to usage patterns and environmental conditions.JBL Clip 3 adalah IPX7 tahan air.PENTING: Untuk memastikan JBL Clip 3 tahan air, lepaskan semua sambungan kabel dan rapatkan tutupnya.Kerusakan permanen pada speaker dapat terjadi jika JBL Clip 3 yang tidak tertutup rapat terkena air. Jauhkankontak dengan air ketika mengisi baterai JBL Clip 3, karena hal ini dapat merusak speaker atau catu daya secarapermanen.IPX7 tahan air adalah speaker yang dapat direndam dalam air hingga kedalaman 1 m selama maks 30 menit.If the speaker will not be used for a long period of time, please recharge the battery at least once every3 months. Battery life will vary due to usage patterns and environmental conditions.JBL Clip 3 er IPX7-vandtæt.VIGTIGT: For at sikre at JBL Clip 3 er vandtæt, skal alle kabelforbindelser fjernes, og låget lukkesstramt. Hvis JBL Clip 3 udsættes for væsker, uden dette er gjort, kan det medføre permanent skadepå højttaleren. Udsæt heller ikke JBL Clip 3 for vand under opladning, da dette kan resultere ipermanent skade på højttaleren eller strømkilden.Begrebet 'IPX7-vandtæt' defineres ved, at højtaleren kan nedsænkes i vand til en dybde på 1 m i op til30 minutter.If the speaker will not be used for a long period of time, please recharge the battery at least once every3 months. Battery life will vary due to usage patterns and environmental conditions.JBL Clip 3は、防水性能IPX7に準拠しています。重要:JBL Clip 3の防水性能を確保するには、接続されているケーブルをすべて取り外し、キャップをしっかりと閉めてください。この操作を行わずにJBL Clip 3を水に入れるとスピーカーの故障の原因につながるおそれが あります。また、充電中にJBL Clip 3に水がかかならないようにしてください。充電中に水がかかると スピーカーの故障の原因につながるおそれがあります。防水性能IPX7は、水深1mの水中にスピーカーを最大30分間入れても浸水しないと定義されています。If the speaker will not be used for a long period of time, please recharge the battery at least onceevery 3 months. Battery life will vary due to usage patterns and environmental conditions.Głośnik JBL Clip 3 posiada wodoszczelną obudowę ostopniu ochrony IPX7.WAŻNE: Aby zapewnić pełną wodoszczelność głośnika JBL Clip 3, należy odłączyć wszystkiepodłączone kable i szczelnie zamknąć zatyczki portów. Wprzeciwnym wypadku narażenie głośnikaJBL Clip 3 na kontakt zpłynami może doprowadzić do nieodwracalnego uszkodzenia tego urządzenia.Nie narażać głośnika JBL Clip 3 na kontakt zwodą podczas ładowania, ponieważ może todoprowadzić do nieodwracalnego uszkodzenia tego urządzenia lub zasilacza.Wodoodporność IPX7 oznacza, że głośnik można zanurzyć wwodzie na głębokość do 1m namaksymalnie 30 minut.If the speaker will not be used for a long period of time, please recharge the battery at least once every3 months. Battery life will vary due to usage patterns and environmental conditions.JBL Clip 3는IPX7 방수 제품입니다.중요: JBL Clip 3가 확실히 방수되도록 하려면 케이블 연결을 모두 분리하고 캡을 꽉 닫으십시오.이렇게 하지않고 JBL Clip 3가 액체에 닿게 하면 스피커가 영구적으로 손상될 수 있습니다.또한,충전 중에는 JBL Clip 3가 물에 닿게 하지 마십시오.이렇게 하면 스피커나 전원이 영구적으로 손상될 수 있습니다.IPX7 방수 기능은 스피커를 1m 깊이의 물에 30분간 담글 수 있음을 의미합니다.If the speaker will not be used for a long period of time, please recharge the battery at least once every3 months. Battery life will vary due to usage patterns and environmental conditions.JBL Clip 3 具备 IPX7 防水等级。重要提示:为确保 JBL Clip 3 防水,请拆掉所有电缆连接并 紧闭保护帽;在未采取这些措施的情况下将JBL Clip 3 暴露于液体中 可能会对扬声器造成永久性损坏。请勿在 JBL Clip 3 充电时将其暴露于水中,因为这样做 可能会对扬声器或电源造成永久性损坏。IPX7 防水等级的定义是扬声器可在深达 1 米的水下浸泡长达 30 分钟。If the speaker will not be used for a long period of time, please recharge the battery at least onceevery 3 months. Battery life will vary due to usage patterns and environmental conditions.Quick Start GuideGuide de démarrage rapide3
JBL Clip 3 is IPX7 waterproof.IMPORTANT: To ensure that the JBL Clip 3 is waterproof, please remove all cable connections andtightly close the cap; exposing the JBL Clip 3 to liquids without doing so may result in permanentdamage to the speaker. And do not expose JBL Clip 3 to water while charging, as doing so may resultin permanent damage to the speaker or power source.IPX7 waterproof is defined as the speaker can be immersed in water up to 1m for up to 30 minutes.If the speaker will not be used for a long period of time, please recharge the battery at least once every3 months. Battery life will vary due to usage patterns and environmental conditions.JBL Clip 3 is IPX7 waterproof.IMPORTANT: To ensure that the JBL Clip 3 is waterproof, please remove all cable connections andtightly close the cap; exposing the JBL Clip 3 to liquids without doing so may result in permanentdamage to the speaker. And do not expose JBL Clip 3 to water while charging, as doing so may resultin permanent damage to the speaker or power source.IPX7 waterproof is defined as the speaker can be immersed in water up to 1m for up to 30 minutes.If the speaker will not be used for a long period of time, please recharge the battery at least once every3 months. Battery life will vary due to usage patterns and environmental conditions.• Bluetooth version: 4.1• Support: A2DP V1.2, AVRCP V1.5,HFP V1.5, HSP V1.2•Transducer: 1 x 40mm• Output power: 1 x 3W• Frequency response: 120Hz – 20kHz(-6dB)• Signal-to-noise ratio: >80dB• Battery type: Lithium-ion polymer(3.7V/1000mAh)•Battery charge time: 3 hour @ 5V, 0.5A• Music playing time: up to 10 hours(varies by volume level and audio content)• Bluetooth transmitter power: 0 – 9dBm• Bluetooth transmitter frequencyrange: 2.402 – 2.480GHz• Bluetooth transmitter modulation:GFSK, π/4 DQPSK, 8DPSK• Dimensions (H x W x D):137 x 97 x 46 (mm) \ 5.4" x 3.8" x 1.8"• Weight: 210g \ 0.46 lbs• Version Bluetooth: 4.1• Support: A2DP V1.2, AVRCP V1.5,HFP V1.5, HSP V1.2•Transmetteur: 1 x 40 mm• Puissancedesortie:1x3W• Réponse en fréquence: 120Hz – 20kHz (-6dB)• Rapport signal-bruit: >80dB• Type de batterie: Lithium-ion polymère(3,7V/1000mAh)• Temps de chargement de la batterie:3 heures à 5V, 0,5 A• Durée d'écoute musicale :jusqu'à 10 heures(variable selon le volume d'écoute et lecontenu audio)• Puissance de l'émetteur Bluetooth:0–9dBm• Gamme de fréquences de l'émetteurBluetooth: 2,402 – 2,480GHz• Modulation de l'émetteur Bluetooth:GFSK, π/4 DQPSK, 8DPSK• Dimensions (H x L x P):137 x 97 x 46 (mm) \ 5.4" x 3.8" x 1.8"• Poids: 210g \ 0.46 lbsEN FRQuick Start GuideGuide de démarrage rapide3.IPX7 המרב םימ תרידחל םוטא וניה JBL Clip 3-ה ;הקזוחב הסכמה תא קדהו םירבוחמה םילבכה לכ תא קתנ אנא ,םימ תרידחל JBL Clip 3-ה לש ותומיטא תא חיטבהל ידכ :בושחJBL Clip 3-ה תפישחמ ענמיה ,ןכ ומכ .לוקמרל ךיפה יתלב קזנל םורגל הלולע תאז תושעל ילבמ םילזונל JBL Clip 3-ה תפישחחוכה קפסל וא לוקמרל ךיפה יתלב קזנל םורגל לולע רבדהש ןוויכ ,הניעטה תעב םימל.תוקד 30 ךשמל דחא רטמ דע לש קמועב םימב לוקמרה תא לובטל תרשפאמה וזככ תרדגומ IPX7 םימל תומיטאה תמרIf the speaker will not be used for a long period of time, please recharge the battery at least once every3 months. Battery life will vary due to usage patterns and environmental conditions.
Quick Start GuideGuide de démarrage rapide3• Versión de Bluetooth: 4.1• Compatible con: A2DP V1.2, AVRCP V1.5,HFP V1.5, HSP V1.2• Transductor: 1 x 40 mm• Potencia de salida: 1 x 3 W•Respuesta en frecuencia:120Hz – 20kHz (-6dB)•Relación señal-ruido: >80 dB• Tipo de batería: Ion-litio polimérica(3,7V/1000mAh)• Tiempo de carga de la batería:3horas a 5 V, 0,5 A• Tiempo de reproducción de música: hasta10horas (depende del nivel de volumen y elcontenido del audio)• Potencia del transmisor Bluetooth:0–9 dBm• Rango de frecuencia del transmisorBluetooth: 2.402–2.480GHz•Modulación del transmisor Bluetooth:GFSK, π/4 DQPSK, 8DPSK• Dimensiones (Altura x Anchura xProfundidad):137 x 97 x 46 (mm) \ 5.4" x 3.8" x 1.8"• Peso: 210g \ 0.46 lbsES• Versão Bluetooth 4.1• Apoio: A2DP V1.2, AVRCP V1.5,HFP V1.5, HSP V1.2• Transdutores: 1 × 40 mm• Potência de saída: 1 × 3W• Resposta de frequência:120Hz – 20kHz (-6dB)• Índice de sinal para ruído: >80dB• Tipo de bateria: Bateria de íons de lítio(3,7V/1000mAh)• Tempo de carregamento da bateria:3 horas @ 5V, 0,5A•Autonomia musical: até 10 horas (varia deacordo com o nível do volume e oconteúdo áudio)• Potência do transmissor Bluetooth:0a9dBm• Faixa de frequência do transmissorBluetooth: 2.402 – 2.480GHz• Modulação do transmissor Bluetooth:GFSK, π/4 DQPSK, 8DPSK•Dimensões (C × A × P):137 x 97 x 46 (mm) \ 5.4" x 3.8" x 1.8"• Peso: 210g \ 0.46 lbsPT• Bluetooth-Version: 4.1• Unterstützte Protokolle: A2DP V1.2,AVRCP V1.5, HFP V1.5, HSP V1.2• Lautsprecher: 1 x 40 mm• Ausgangsleistung: 1 x 3W• Frequenzgang: 120Hz – 20kHz (-6dB)•Signal/Rauschabstand: >80 dB• Batterietyp: Lithium-Ionen-Polymer(3,7V/1000mAh)•Batterieladedauer: 3 Stunden bei 5 V,0,5 A•Musikwiedergabedauer: bis zu 10 Stunden( je nach Lautstärke und Audioinhalten)• Bluetooth-Sendeleistung: 0 – 9dBm• Bluetooth-Sendefrequenzbereich:2,402 – 2,480GHz• Bluetooth-Sendemodulation:GFSK, π/4DQPSK, 8DPSK• Abmessungen (H x B x T):137 x 97 x 46 (mm) \ 5.4" x 3.8" x 1.8"• Gewicht: 210g \ 0.46 lbsDE• Versione Bluetooth: 4.1• Supporto: A2DP V1.2, AVRCP V1.5,HFP V1.5, HSP V1.2• Trasduttore: 1 x 40 mm• Potenza di uscita: 1 x 3 W•Risposta in frequenza: 120Hz – 20kHz(-6dB)• Rapporto segnale/rumore: >80 dB• Tipo di batteria: litio-ione-polimero(3.7 V / 1000 mAh)• Tempo di ricarica della batteria:3ore@5V,0.5A• Autonomia in riproduzione: fino a 10 ore(varia a seconda del livello del volume e deicontenuti audio)• Potenza trasmettitore Bluetooth: 0 - 9 dBm• Intervallo di frequenza del trasmettitoreBluetooth: 2.402 – 2.480 GHz• Modulazione trasmettitore Bluetooth:GFSK, π/4 DQPSK, 8 DPSK• Dimensioni (H x L x P):137 x 97 x 46 (mm) \ 5.4" x 3.8" x 1.8"• Weight: 210g \ 0.46 lbsIT
Quick Start GuideGuide de démarrage rapide3• Bluetooth-versie: 4.1• Ondersteuning: A2DP V1.2, AVRCP V1.5,HFP V1.5, HSP V1.2• Omvormer: 1 x 40mm• Uitgangsvermogen: 1 x 3W• Frequentiebereik: 120Hz – 20kHz (-6dB)•Signaal-ruisverhouding: >80dB• Type accu: Lithium-ion polymeer(3,7V/1000mAh)• Oplaadtijd accu: 3 uur @ 5V, 0,5A• Afspeeltijd muziek: maximaal 10 uur(afhankelijk van volume en audio-inhoud)• Vermogen Bluetooth-zender: 0 – 9dBm• Frequentiebereik Bluetooth-zender:2402 – 2480GHz• Modulatie Bluetooth-zender:GFSK, π/4 DQPSK, 8DPSK• Afmetingen (H x B x D):137 x 97 x 46 (mm) \ 5.4" x 3.8" x 1.8"• Gewicht: 210g \ 0.46 lbsNL• Bluetooth-versjon: 4.1• Støtte: A2DP V1.2, AVRCP V1.5,HFP V1.5, HSP V1.2• Energiomformer: 1 x 40mm• Utgangseffekt: 1 x 3W• Frekvensrespons: 120Hz – 20kHz (-6dB)• Signal-til-støy-rate: >80dB• Batteritype: Litium-ion-polymer(3.7V/1000mAh)•Batteriladetid: 3 time @ 5V, 0.5A• Musikkspilletid: opptil 10 timer (variereretter volumnivå og lydinnhold)• Bluetooth-senderens seffekt: 0 – 9dBm• Bluetooth-senderens frekvensområde:2.402 – 2.480GHz• Bluetooth-senderens modulering:GFSK, π/4 DQPSK, 8DPSK• Dimensjoner (H x B x D):137 x 97 x 46 (mm) \ 5.4" x 3.8" x 1.8"• Vekt: 210g \ 0.46 lbsNO•Версия Bluetooth: 4.1•Поддержка: A2DP V1.2, AVRCP V1.5,HFP V1.5, HSP V1.2•Преобразователь частот: 1 x 40 мм•Выходная мощность: 1 x 3 Вт•Эффективный рабочий диапазон частот:120 Гц – 20 кГц (-6дБ)•Соотношение сигнал-шум: >80дБ•Тип аккумулятора: Литий-ионный полимер(3,7 В / 1000 мАч)•Время зарядки аккумулятора: 3 часапри 5 В, 0,5 A•Время воспроизведения музыки: до 10 часов(зависит от громкости и аудио-контента)•Мощность Bluetooth-передатчика: 0 – 9 дБм•Диапазон частот Bluetooth-передатчика:2,402 – 2,480 ГГц•Модуляция Bluetooth-передатчика:GFSK, π/4 DQPSK, 8DPSK•Размеры (В x Ш x Г):137 x 97 x 46 (mm) \ 5.4" x 3.8" x 1.8"•Вес: 210g \ 0.46 lbs• Bluetooth-versio: 4.1• Tuki: A2DP V1.2, AVRCP V1.5,HFP V1.5, HSP V1.2• Muutin: 1 x 40 mm• Syöttöteho: 1 x 3 W• Taajuusvaste: 120Hz – 20kHz (-6dB)•Signaali-kohinasuhde: >80 dB• Akkutyyppi: Litium-ioni-polymeeri(3.7 V / 1000 mAh)• Akun latausaika: 3 tuntia @ 5 V, 0,5 A• Musiikin toistoaika: jopa 10 tuntia(vaihtelee äänenvoimakkuuden tason jaaudiosisällön mukaan)• Bluetooth-lähettimen teho: 0 – 9 dBm• Bluetooth-lähettimen taajuus alue:2,402 – 2,480 GHz• Bluetooth-lähettimen modulaatio:GFSK, π/4 DQPSK, 8DPSK• Mitat(KxLxS):137 x 97 x 46 (mm) \ 5.4" x 3.8" x 1.8"• Paino: 210g \ 0.46 lbsFI RU
Quick Start GuideGuide de démarrage rapide3• Bluetooth-version: 4.1• Support: A2DP V1.2, AVRCP V1.5,HFP V1.5, HSP V1.2• Omvandlare: 1 x 40 mm• Uteffekt: 1 x 3 W• Frekvensåtergivning: 120Hz – 20kHz (-6dB)• Signalbrusförhållande: >80 dB• Batterityp: Litiumjonpolymer(3,7 V/1000 mAh)•Batteriets laddningstid: 3 timmar vid 5 V,0,5 A• Speltid: upp till 10 timmar (varierar beroendepå volymnivå och innehåll)• Bluetooth-sändareffekt: 0–9 dBm• Bluetooth-sändarens frekvensområde:2 402–2480 GHz• Bluetooth-sändarmodulering:GFSK, π/4 DQPSK, 8DPSK• Mått (H x B x D):137 x 97 x 46 (mm) \ 5.4" x 3.8" x 1.8"• Vikt: 210g \ 0.46 lbs• Bluetooth-version: 4.1• Support: A2DP V1.2, AVRCP V1.5,HFP V1.5, HSP V1.2•Transducer: 1 x 40 mm• Udgangseffekt: 1 x 3 W• Frekvensrespons: 120Hz – 20kHz (-6dB)• Signal-støj-forhold: >80 dB• Batteritype: Litiumionpolymer(3,7 V/1000 mAh)• Batteriopladningstid: 3 time ved5V,0,5A•Musikspilletid: Op til 10 timer (varierer efterlydstyrkeniveau og lydindhold)• Bluetooth-sendereffekt: 0-9 dBm• Bluetooth-senders frekvens område:2,402-2,480 GHz• Bluetooth-senders modulation:GFSK, π/4-DQPSK, 8-DPSK• Mål (H x B x D):137 x 97 x 46 (mm) \ 5.4" x 3.8" x 1.8"• Vægt: 210g \ 0.46 lbs• Wersja Bluetooth: 4.1• Obsługa: A2DP V1.2, AVRCP V1.5,HFP V1.5, HSP V1.2•Przetwornik: 1 x 40 mm• Moc wyjściowa: 1 x 3 W• Pasmo przenoszenia: 120Hz – 20kHz (-6dB)• Stosunek sygnału do szumu: >80 dB• Typ akumulatora: litowo-polimerowy(3,7 V, 1000 mAh)•Czas ładowania akumulatora: 3 godzinyprzy napięciu 5 V i natężeniu 0,5 A• Czas odtwarzania muzyki: do 10 godzin(różni sięw zależności od ustawieńgłośnościitreści audio)• Moc nadajnika Bluetooth: 0 – 9 dBm• Zakres częstotliwości nadajnika Bluetooth:2,402 – 2,480 GHz• Modulacja nadajnika Bluetooth:GFSK, π/4 DQPSK, 8DPSK• Wymiary (wys. x szer. x gł.):137 x 97 x 46 (mm) \ 5.4" x 3.8" x 1.8"•Ciężar: 210g \ 0.46 lbsPL• Bluetoothバージョン:4.1•サポート:A2DP V1.2、AVRCP V1.5、HFP V1.5、HSP V1.2•トランスデューサー:1 x 40mm•出力:1x3W•周波数応答:120Hz ~20kHz (-6dB)•S/N比:>80dB•バッテリータイプ:リチウムイオンポリマー (3.7V/1000mAh)•バッテリー充電時間:3時間@5V、0.5A•音楽再生時間:最大10時間 (音量とオーディオ内容により異なります)• Bluetoothトランスミッター出力: 0~9dBm• Bluetoothトランスミッター周波数範囲:2.402~2.480GHz• Bluetoothのトランスミッター変調方式:GFSKπ/4 DQPSK/8DPSK•寸法 (高さ x 幅 x 奥行き):137 x 97 x 46 (mm) \ 5.4" x 3.8" x 1.8"•重量:210g \ 0.46 lbsJPSV DA
Quick Start GuideGuide de démarrage rapide3• Bluetooth 버전: 4.1•지원: A2DP V1.2, AVRCP V1.5,HFP V1.5, HSP V1.2•변환기: 1 x 40mm•출력: 1 x 3W•주파수 응답: 120Hz – 20kHz (-6dB)•신호대 잡음비: >80dB•배터리 유형:리튬이온 폴리머(3.7V/1000mAh)•배터리 충전 시간:3시간 @ 5V, 0.5A•음악 재생 시간:최대 10시간(볼륨 레벨이나오디오 콘텐츠에 따라 달라질 수 있음)•블루투스 송신기 출력:0–9dBm•블루투스 송신기 주파수•범위: 2.402 – 2.480GHz•블루투스 송신기 변조:GFSK, π/4 DQPSK, 8DPSK•치수(HxWxD):137 x 97 x 46 (mm) \ 5.4" x 3.8" x 1.8"•중량: 210g \ 0.46 lbs• Bluetooth 版本:4.1•支持:A2DP V1.2、AVRCP V1.5、HFP V1.5、HSP V1.2•变频器:1个,40mm•额定功率:5VDC, 3W•输出电源:1个,3W•频率响应:120Hz 至20kHz (-6dB)•信噪比:大于 80dB•电池类型:锂离子聚合物(3.7V/1000mAh)•电池充电时间:在电压为 5V、电流为0.5A 的条件下为 3 小时•音乐播放时间:最长 10 小时(因 音量级别和音频内容而异)•蓝牙发射器功率:0至9dBm•蓝牙发射器频率 范围:2.402 至2.480GHz•蓝牙发射器调制:GFSK, π/4 DQPSK,8DPSK•尺寸(高 x 宽 x 深):137 x 97 x 46 (mm) \ 5.4" x 3.8" x 1.8"•重量:210g \ 0.46 lbs• Versi Bluetooth: 4.1• Mendukung: A2DP V1.2, AVRCP V1.5,HFP V1.5, HSP V1.2•Transduser: 1 x 40mm• Daya Keluaran: 1 x 3W• Respons frekuensi: 120Hz – 20kHz (-6dB)• Rasio sinyal ke derau: >80dB• Jenis baterai: Polimer ion-litium(3.7V/1000mAh)• Waktu mengisi baterai: 3 jam @ 5V, 0,5A•Waktu memutar musik: hingga 10 jam(bervariasi tergantung volume dankonten audio)• daya pemancar bluetooth: 0 – 9dBm• Rentang frekuensi pemancar bluetooth:2,402 – 2,480GHz• Modulasi pemancar Bluetooth:GFSK, π/4 DQPSK, 8DPSK• Dimensi (P x L x T):137 x 97 x 46 (mm) \ 5.4" x 3.8" x 1.8"• Berat: 210g \ 0.46 lbsID•藍牙 版本:4.1•支援:A2DP V1.2、AVRCP V1.5、HFP V1.5、HSP V1.2•換能器:1 x 40mm•輸出功率:1x3W•頻率響應:120Hz – 20kHz (-6dB)•雜訊比:>80dB•電池類型:鋰離子聚合物電池(3.7V/1000mAh)•電池充電時間:3小時 @ 5V, 0.5A•音樂播放時間:長達 10 小時 (視音量和音訊內容而異)•藍牙發送功率:0–9dBm•藍牙發送頻率範圍:2.402 – 2.480GHz•藍牙發送調幅:GFSK, π/4 DQPSK, 8DPSK•尺寸 (高 x 寬 x 深):137 x 97 x 46 (mm) \ 5.4" x 3.8" x 1.8"•重量:210g \ 0.46 lbsCHTKO CHS
Quick Start GuideGuide de démarrage rapide3• Bluetooth version: 4.1• Support: A2DP V1.2, AVRCP V1.5,HFP V1.5, HSP V1.2• Transducer: 1 x 40mm• Output power: 1 x 3W• Frequency response: 120Hz – 20kHz(-6dB)• Signal-to-noise ratio: >80dB• Battery type: Lithium-ion polymer(3.7V/1000mAh)• Battery charge time: 3 hour @ 5V, 0.5A• Music playing time: up to 10 hours(varies by volume level and audio content)• Bluetooth transmitter power: 0 – 9dBm• Bluetooth transmitter frequencyrange: 2.402 – 2.480GHz• Bluetooth transmitter modulation:GFSK, π/4 DQPSK, 8DPSK• Dimensions (H x W x D):137 x 97 x 46 (mm) \ 5.4" x 3.8" x 1.8"• Weight: 210g \ 0.46 lbsHUBluetooth version: 4.1 •Support: A2DP V1.2, AVRCP V1.6, •HFP V1.5, HSP V1.2Transducer: 1 x 40mm •Output power: 1 x 3W •Frequency response: 120Hz – 20kHz •(-6dB)Signal-to-noise ratio: >80dB •Battery type: Lithium-ion polymer •(3.7V/1000mAh)Battery charge time: 3 hour @ 5V, 0.5A •Music playing time: up to 10 hours •(varies by volume level and audio content)Bluetooth transmitter power: 0 – 9dBm •Bluetooth transmitter frequency •range: 2.402 – 2.480GHzBluetooth transmitter modulation: •GFSK, π/4 DQPSK, 8DPSKDimensions (H x W x D): •137 x 97 x 46 (mm) \ 5.4" x 3.8" x 1.8"Weight: 210g \ 0.46 lbs •ARHE137 x 97 x 46 (mm) \ 5.4" x 3.8" x 1.8"210g \ 0.46 lbs
Quick Start GuideGuide de démarrage rapide3Торговая марка : JBLНазначение товара : Активная акустическая системаИзготовитель : Харман Интернешнл Индастриз Инкорпорейтед, США, 06901 Коннектикут,г.Стэмфорд, Атлантик Стрит 400, офис 1500Страна происхождения : определяется по двум буквенным обозначениям из первой группысимволов серийного номера изделия (AN0000-000000000 - Вьетнам,ND0000-000000000 - Китай)Импортер в Россию : OOO “ХАРМАН РУС СиАйЭс“, Россия, 127018, г.Москва, ул. Двинцев, д.12, к 1Гарантийный период : 1 годИнформация о сервисных центрах : www.harman.com/ru тел. +7-800-700-0467Срок службы : 2 годаТовар сертифицирован :Дата производства : Дата изготовления устройства определяется по двум буквенным   обозначениям из второй группы символов серийного номера изделия,следующих после разделительного знака «-». Кодировка соответствуетпорядку букв латинского алфавита, начиная с января 2010 года:000000-MY0000000, где «M» - месяц производства (А - январь, B - февраль,C - март и т.д.) и «Y» - год производства (A - 2010, B - 2011, C - 2012 и т.д.).TR04364_BEste equipamento opera em caráter secundário, isto é, não tem direito a proteção contrainterferência prejudicial, mesmo de estações do mesmo tipo, e não pode causar interferência asistemas operando em caráter primário.Este produto está homologado pela ANATEL, de acordo com os procedimentosregulamentados pela Resolução 242/2000, e atende aos requisitos técnicos aplicados.Para maiores informações, consulte o site da ANATEL – www.anatel.gov.brThe Bluetooth® word mark and logos are registeredtrademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any useof such marks by HARMAN International Industries,Incorporated is under license. Other trademarks andtrade names are those of their respective owners.

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