Hasbro Far East 60348 Inductive Toys with powered tags User Manual

Hasbro Far East Ltd. Inductive Toys with powered tags

User Manual

Download: Hasbro Far East 60348 Inductive Toys with powered tags User Manual
Mirror Download [FCC.gov]Hasbro Far East 60348 Inductive Toys with powered tags User Manual
Document ID407048
Application IDh26WKFLsDW2PjQTlPfKUGQ==
Document DescriptionUser Manual
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize33.51kB (418917 bits)
Date Submitted2004-03-22 00:00:00
Date Available2004-03-22 00:00:00
Creation Date2004-02-07 10:21:33
Document Lastmod2004-02-07 10:58:29
Document TitleUser Manual
Document CreatorHP 9100C Digital Sender
Document Author: ITS ELECTRIC TOY

-rr (ms game manuncnons or backs up: use a baloornr pen ro moss rno RESET nuuon
see dragrarn bekw u rno game on noesnr |rrnonon_ remove an reorace rne bcnerres
ynrn rresn ones
~ Please keep lnoso msrrucrronsror vurure reverenoe
Ta rnsrarr rne bane-res cornerouowrng
r Use | Pnruos nsao scrswonuer ro loosen rne screw on me
oanery cornoonnrem 60m rrooareo on the hack m rne unn)
and open me door
2 rnsen 4 new w M15 srze oanenes. makmg sure ro anon
n- on ‘ as snown
a fisvhcsms oauery oormnrnenr ooor and nonren rne
4 u no garne nrarrurrcbcns or flocks un - use a baroornroen
to press the RESEY Mm
i’flrgmwnm-nmmmmmn f“
Hesse rsrarn rnrs rnrorrrrarron ror rurrrre reverence sanerres snourd be reoraooo uy an
1 Mwavs Now we msuucnons tareml‘y use MW hallenes spectral and be sure ro
rnserr rnsnr oorrecnyoy noronno may and ~warly mmngs
2 Do "01 "MM ballenes and MW music! Sum-Ira lumen-mo] wrm arkllms
3 Heme exhumed a! dead bullet-es hm ms Dioducl
o Remove oaranss y pvoducl rs nmmhe myeflwlmova long mm
5 Do AM Shem-cum"! lhe SHWW Emma‘s
6 Swim “us Woduvl causer D! be 3?le hy, boll ewm‘ rnlmamm move K away
hum mhzr electrics? equpmenl “2591 (Wing 0" and back on «9am or removing
and vemsemnv bananas} 11 "51:8an
7 RECHARGEABlE EAYTEP‘ES Do "VI mm “use wlh any OHM lvpes m bananas
Always remove Imm (he meant! more remalgm Recharge bamenes umeradu‘l
8 Do "a dispose MNIIMISS I! fir! Bellman may 9M mink
9 Make sure IN hanencs are mserud mueclty and lolw IM game and balmy
Mormnm a E"
Find on! wnsr you and you lrrenos rnnr rs cool or NoICoofl 591m ro cmbfi rs burns
by aorearng wrrn your rnenos
o yonws D150
arr/map Pmmmm rne game on n guessed wnenrne game a aheafly on n
willcau up: new “coor cnansnoe' roradyanoe rorna bonus roundr rnra mmcm rs also
useoro ascsrna cuwgmymar rs crsorayoo
OFF - Press ro lum rns game on The game wri» arsn rum on aurornarrcany aller a
nnnrrrsrr or non-use
uncanny - rne meow ormorr rs borronnr prose ro seroor one or 5 oaraoonss A
oaraoory may be sebcroo ar rne hegmmng 0! a room: ano WM be oraorayso on me LCD
screen rr enemy ra nor meant we game amononcarn onoosos a Cum cnarranoe
[mm one or no careoonos ar ranoonr
scone - Press ounng pray to orsolay al players scores on rne LCD
scum» Press ro change rne sorrno reyerrrorn nrgn. rnodnrrn km or no Wm rno
sound on
nest! - Press Mm: baloornrosn rrywrgarne welalts orraocanyor-rocxs up '
venue also means - Eacn prayer onooees a vorrno Drsc 81mm ralusr
Green, Venow or Fume] They are useo to arecrronrnaly yore ‘Coal' av War Coor as
groomed his: on mmmsuucnons
coor Hull rs payoo rn roonos nnera coorcnanenoe osnwnorrrns screensacn
prayer n turn seclsily yous WNW she rnrnlo rr rs Coor or Nor Cool Mar everyone
nas yoreor no game annornoes now many Nays“ agreed ano ones and wm ro oaar
MIN prayers rn rns mayomy Whenevermeve saomerenoe moornon me game goes no
a bonus mum mere r flechms n rne cool cnauenoe rs Mao Cool or nor Cool In
a oomoular ory Prayers wno yored rne same as me cry oacn racaye one new
cool Rulx may be orryao by no rnree or ronr mayors ser rnc game mm on a rams or
floor and nave on players gamersmum r Econ prayermkes avmng Drsc Brenner
Praos any ems Bracererc W or any
| Press rne on I REVEAL button In mm on me game
2 no game NM orornm you as srgn n n you wrsn ro aoyrrsr rne screen oomrasr. press
rne cusmv burron moral runes ro alike“ or nonun rne screen arrer rne ‘slgn rn
ummaflon ls mum
Praosywrvorrngdrsc onro yorrrnandassnownoerow O
Eacn prayer rn nrrn, men sons m oy passnrg nor Mug Dec over me loo or (he game
unrr u does" matter Wham sure or me use rs snow-no The arms wll announce sacn
color as soon as each wave! signs m
Arrsr all me prayers nayo squad m. ores rne an maven nunon agaur m rne
nrannnrrn or 1 prayers naye sroned rn rne oarne goes auronrancarryro ma non nan
wrrnour anyone mess-no on / REVEAL)
4 The game aurorr-aruuyonoosss a Cool onsnenoe armndom
n you won‘t! rarner choose a specmc oareoory you can rgnore rne cool cnsuenoe
strawn on me screen menu press unicorn savour mas (a screw rnrougn wen
canogory rneyrncnroe Loukm Goodr SWR56Amwmes‘ Social Creams senoor a
Emenammem Hume 1. Homes and MICaIsWr-es (AH careoorrss randornryserscrs
a coor onananoe lrorrr am or rns oarooones)
Once you nays rns oesrrao category on screen press (he an / nevm mu lo
WHY 56‘th rns snowy
mm: Van rnay seen a More»! mtsoorv or (M begrnrnno many round beware a me
rs cos
5 wnon a ooor ensue-we appears on Ihe screen reed nour roud ro an prayers
Them rurn me one so rnar ywronoros or com or Nor cool rs yrsrbrera you Make sure
man u cannor ne seen by me mner players‘ n» prayers no me some men aacn prayer
mum oases her vorrno momma game on" w roomsr nor vale
More: Omasmualy. rne screen nray neao cam: mun own cooa CNALLENGE
wnen rnrs ooorrrs one prayer rnnys ro a ooor cnananoe onrass announces rr no arr
prayers. and am araben asnsrrar
Arrer arr wales nave been casr. rne mm», announoes now many prayers ooreeo wlh ecu-
orner or rune yore was 59m evenly Ins phytrs are (hm prorrorsd to moor morr votes
and orscrrss my my yored rnar way
2mm. 4 u m
-u vmmg ms unanimous one pernr rs awarded up each player Free: on / REVEAL rpr
lhe next rpund and a new Cool charrenge
«rr young was ml unanumus urn a mayenry agreed rhen elm physr rn rhe nruyorrry rs
awarded one pornr Preea on IRiVEAL rer rhe Bonus Round
-rr yermg was rred (va wean/l no pdrnrs are warned Pres an I REVEAL «or me
Bonus Round
no - 4 you had ro came vcun own coor orrArLErreE rhere wrrr be no bonus
round unreserherers a ue reerrreuenryr
Ion»: Inn]
wnenever rhere rs a nrrrerenee o! oprnron. me garno goes ro a benue round where rr
unmumes meme! rhe oharrenge rs epnsrdered em or Mm Cour rn a pan-purr my
Hayes who voted rhe same as me any, eaan reperye one purnr men area on 1
REVEAL Iorlhe nen round and | newcoer charrenge
Mdlfloni Ioundx
Arwaye pres our nevm up Begin a new round Rooms ponrrnue unur one payer
reaches a eeore or Is porn;
Viewing Scam
Ar any Irmc duung me gamey scams can be dreprayeu ror er prayers Preea scorn:
and rhe prayers rrdenrmed byeoron arr be smwnonme screen wrlhrherrscm Press
scone agarn m rran rhe some on and resume rhe game
The Irrsl prayer w relch <5 perms wns me game he ung will (rash and rhe game wll
anmunca rhe runner rr mere re a ue (more rhan one player wrrn rs wnua ar We end or a
rpundr rhe game amdnrauearry eenrrnuea wnh rrrerher round unur rhe ue s braren
Miriam J
Vour garne unn unrr snulrm ampnrauaarry arrer rhree nanrm or non-use
m: i_
e Handle Ihe game careruly.
e srore me garne away rmnr angry or drny arm
‘Keen rhe genre away horn nrprarure or rernperarure enrernae
-Dd nor awning rue game r a armlem ensure renme and replace rhe oarrenee lo
mum e—
rr wur game has been mmam or sonremrng has been rerr 001,00 Nov REruhN rr
ro rhE SYORE rue srore meenr have repraeernenr pm rnsread, wrrre Io us ar
Mayors rne
no Bah 2m
Pawrucker. Hr 02862
In your here, merrrrdn me rrarrre or you genre. rs mbuer "when and rerr us brrerry mar
rhe arabrem rs Abn rmude sares slrp, dare dare M purchase and pnoe pard We run up
our besr ro new
Hagen: rn: warrznls ur rhe prrgrnar ouneumer purehaser or ws pmdrra rhur me producr
wrrr be rree rrgrn deleas rn maleflals or workmlnshlp ror 90 days 1mm rue dare pr ongrnur
purchase rhra warramy 6095 nor oeyer dnmgos resurrnq rmrn umderrl. neerrpenoe,
rmlapgv sen/roe m use or run" eauaae rm areng on! or 601m; rn marenars or
mung mrs wday wauamy panod. Ihe produer wrrrerrher be reparred or re mad rar
Hrsbrds apuonr wrlmm charge In rhe purchasery when rerurrred wrrh or rhe dare
or purchase rar errher rhe dealer or In Hasbro Flew rerurned |o bhmm wrrhour proer
gr rhe dam er purchase or arrer rue 90-day warrarrry perrod has $0196me mono pne
year "our rhe ongrnar dau or pumhase, wrrr be reparreu pr reprmd rrr Hmro‘a oprronr
lava serwae reeor U 5 mass Paymenrs mrm bebya-eckormdnoyorderpayabrerp
reasom Inc
rho remornp rum rha pureha-er a role and emu-iv- rarnedy my my brmh 01
nan-anuy with rupeer rarhe wudun
Arr nmflucl rerumea muer be ahoped prepard and rneured mr less or damape re
more he
consumer Rerurns Aen
1027 Newpdn Aye
Pawlucker Rr ozsez
The means! shourd be earerurry packed m rhe onernar box or erher paerung maunak
smrmerrl re ayerd damage dunng momenr rnuude a cwrplcte wrmen descnprmn er rue
dereer a cheek rr ground as beyond me 90-dly wanalnypsmd. and your unwed name
address and rerephone rmrnber
mrs WARRAN" rs rrr eru or Arr OTHER wmrmmss AND NO omen
REPRESENTATIONS on cums OF Am nAYURE snAu. aE arrrnure on on
mil 2
nus mower, rucwnrrru WArrnArmEs OF rAEraonAmAaruvv AND FITNESS
FOR A PAmULAR vunPosE. ARE urrrrrEn m we "may (so) DAV PSRIOD
nescnrasn ABOVE, In no EVEMY WILL HASBRO BE LIABLE run Arrv sPEcrAL,
rrocrnEmAL, on oorrsEouENnAr. DAMAGES assumrrc Emu POSSESSIONr
use, on uALFuncnou or ms mower.
some mres an nor arrow rrrrrrrruors as ro haw Inng an rrrrpr-ed warrarrry rears and/or
emlum or rrnrmrrdns or rumeml or consequenlral dame-e so rh abwe rrnrrarrons
and/er emusrons er rrabl-y may nor awryro you rhre warmly pryes yw poem nyna
and you may area have 0mm rrgna. mm vary rrdnr shit [a sane For more rnrorrnarrdn
aborrr Hasbm rrre _ our producrs and speerar Dmmvlfiwrs‘ preese verr our web srre ar
www haebro com
"rs deyree miss wnh Pm rsorrhe FOO mes
operarron ls aubreer m rhe rorreurng Mn condrlnnl
rr) rhre devree rnarrr rmcarse hanrnur rnrenerence, and
(2) rhrs aevree um ace-pr any rnrenerence receryed rnehrdme rnrerrerenoe urar may
uuse undured uperarron
WARNING: orange: or modrficurnns to rhrs ml nor ”drew screwed by me parry
responsoruprwmprranoe coda word rne user‘sarmrrryro weralelm eounnrenr
NOTE: rhrs equvmnl has been reered and round u: wmw wrrh me rmre la a Chss
Bdrgrrar deyroe. pursrnmro Pan rsm ure FCC Rules mesa imlsam dos-erred m
prwrde wane prmeerron mama hrnrnur rmnemme m a resderrrrar rnsrarrarwr
meeornpmenr generarer, rsea, and can radaue radrorrequency energy and, rr mt
rnsrrrr-d and used rn amordanee wnh rhe Infiwrmlsy may cause narnrrrn rnrerrererree
rp radrd eonunurmuuna rmeyer, mere Is in; guarantee our rnrenerenee wrl nor ppeur
In a parmdar rnsrarrarren rr rhre eouurnenr ones cause harmrrr rmenerenee re udre or
rerevrwr reeeprron much can derennrned by rurrurrp rhe eouumenr or and on rhe user
rs encouraged to my ro med rhe mrenmnee pry one or more pr (he remng moawros
~ fiedrrenr or rebure me reeerurng anrenna
~ Increase We separarnn berrueen rue souornerrr and reoeruer
~ named rhe eourpmeru me an emrer on a urcurr dilem'rl rronr mar lo which rhe
reoeruer rs needed
~ Consul rhe dearer man expurenred redrarrvrechmrarr 101 herp
We ynrr benappyro hear your qmrms or oornnrene app-rune garne wue lo Hlshlo
GarreaconsurnerArrarrs Depty P0 apxznumnmr aroma rer measures
(Mum) Oumrs m Canada may ml 4506709620
mum in ©
srreurd you have any drmcurry gperaung rhrs producr. prease wm rp us an
Hasbro UK ud
Nashm Consumer Ana-re
PO BOX My Gas-ml Way Newwn. war-e Mmdvu
or telephone our nevrrno an m son 2242 7275
rru nram uurrrezn mu m1 bag. and mug-rm
me-rdprrm-r. w QLOMMdeuM
hr nzm Aa Rana Roam
u s Pmr mag
ommmerumx-wuymaunm Ema
way MM ennrmgvrr bummed-"Anslurrnvy
MrvAuw-rrauu 5m munahaaa Emamdrrswzraa
Aaarnr. ra rem-noses Dunk-mired n N“ mum py
rem, . we ud Au-ny mryr Aueum Po am
rww hearermu-cen. Wu mule-lemma
m 450?) menu
meanmrm or: Cam-145162
r- ummdflflrhhruu-Mflm
edema-mus anemone.
mm, . u m

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File Type                       : PDF
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PDF Version                     : 1.2
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Creator                         : HP 9100C Digital Sender
Create Date                     : 2004:02:07 10:21:33
Author                          : ITS ELECTRIC TOY
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Subject                         : manual
Modify Date                     : 2004:02:07 10:58:29+08:00
Page Count                      : 2
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FCC ID Filing: RS460348

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