Hasbro Far East 77923 Wireless Alarm Clock User Manual
Hasbro Far East Ltd. Wireless Alarm Clock
User Manual
M53 E5 give 7??23 531555513; ALARM CLQCK : ' CAUTEON: ELECTRECALLY OPERATED PRODUCT: Not recommended for ehrldrerr ender 8 years or age. Aerwrrh all ereerrrc products preeautrerrs shouid be observed during handhrrg and use to prevent eleerrre shock. ACIDC Power Adaptor Specifications:: Model Number = BIO?- 075080-AdU Input = AC 120V 60Hz Output : DC 7.5V 800mA Porarity: m @ 3/27/08 11:35:43 AM “Arrange yew fer pererseefing thée RQQM TECH Afiarm fieek character. Be sure to reafl and fefiew eEE inefimdiene carefuifiy before usfing thie predmc‘ta Akarm fleck feaflires incfiude ggewmg “feet, pounding handéand a mouth that opens to 53an musk er "shout" eneef three alarm seunds. Try petting its top sensor every ence in a while te shew your appreciation for getting up en “time° fit aise has a buifit-inFM radio or you can connect ycur own music piayer (not ificiudefl). When you play music through Alarm Clock, its fights and ainimatiens wiii ”dance" tn the beat of your muséco . ATTEREES iflfiififlfifl ‘2 - Mg! Replace with 4 x 1.5V “AA“ size aikaiine batteries. ' Philli s/cross head screwdriver nut inciuded 15V AA seze needgd to reptace batteries. ( ) ii 8K0325~2-id_77923,RT“cIock.indd 4-5 6 ET CQNNECTEDE Alarm Cfock's hes? Friend is Mood Lamp (sold sepordiefy}. ROOM TECH BEINGZ Efifieract with each ather acmss yam“ mam! When you gefi them together, they”?! "taik’" to each other. (see inside for éetaifis.) Alarm Clock will even get Mead Lamp ta heip wake yeu up! “TALK” FEATURE WORKS BEST WHEN ETEMS ARE WITHIN 15 FEET OF EACH OTHER AND NOT BLOCKED BY WALLS OR FURNITURE. 3/27/08 11:35:46 AM _ NOTE: This product is packaged in "TRY ME" mode When you bring if home, set the dock or , f§ alarm to activate your character's fun range of features Speaker , f, Left sensor Top sensor Right sensor Eyes/ battery indicator/”taik" mode indicator if? a Giowing feet Digitai dock face/ animation display SK0325-2-id_77923_RT_clock.indd 8-9 FM station tuner” ' V'A " / ~ _ :: fiReset button Bil! 1st switch: Time set/Atarm set/ Clock mode '~ ft , v‘ r f 2nd switch: Alarm off/Alarm on/Radio on Battery compartment AC/DC power adaptor @ 3/27/08 11:35:48 AM For best results, it is advised that you replace the batteries that come in your Alorm Clock with fresh ones betore you set the clock or alarm. NOTE: When the batteries start to get low, your character’s eyes will occasionally Flash red to let you know it neects fresh batteries. A GALETEQN: T0 Use a Phillips/cross head screwdriver (not included) to AVfigE BATE-ER}, loosen screw in battery compartment cover (screw remains @ attached to cover). Remove covert Remove and discard LEAKAGE old batteries. Replace with 4 x l .5V ”AA” size alkaline i. Be 85,th m insert the batteries batteries. Replace cover and tighten screw. currestly and always tallaw the My amt battery manufacturers’ instructions; 2. Do net mix atd and new batteries or alkaline, standard martian-{inst nr rechargeable (nickel-cadmium) batteries; \ 3. Always remove weak fll’ rlead batteries tram the product. ‘ 8KO325-27id_77923_RT_clock.indd 12-13 , . Decreases volume Hours & minm‘es count bockword V >9§ \ 2 ”ms ,, 2 h"? 5 ”Pets" chorocrer (olso works Acts as on ’enter” bufion Press to 2 when music is off) 2 seieca‘ the current onscreen option and move on to the next screen. ncreoses volume Hours & minutes count forword Pop quiz: Pet Alorm Clock isevero! fimes in o row and 5 see who? hoppens‘w Q ,, 2 @ 3/27/09 11:35:49 AM ; NOTE: it this is the first time you’re setting 0 the clock after bringing it home, after sliding the lst switch to ”Time set,” press the ”Talk” Time at . 7 - clack made 3 mm s»: mode tog once This activates Alarm Clock l and only needs to be done once. @ @ Select iZhour or 24»hour time mode: o. For l2-hour mocle, when lace blinks ”J 2” press top sensor to set mode, b, For 24-hour mode, press right or left sensor until lace blinks @ Slide lst switch to ”24”, then press top sensor to set mode, "Clock mode." @ Select hour: Hour digits will blinks Use lett & right sensors to scroll through hours. It setting for PM, use left sensor to scroll hours backward until ”P" lights up. When correct hour displays, press top sensor to set hour. 0 11m m . f . Clock made @ Select minutes: Minute digits will blink. Use left & right sensors to Mar-«w © scroll through minutes. When correct minute displays, press top \ i sensor to set minute. MW??? V, 8K0325-2-id_77923_RT_clockindd 16-17 About five minutes before it’s set to go off, Alarm Clock will start trying to woke you up gently. its feet will start glowing and its arms will top a few times, it you hove (my other ROOM TECH BElNGZ, it will send out o signal to start working them up as well {as long , as they ore turned on and in "Talk” mode). When the set olorm time is reached, Alarm Clock will open its mouth to play either the radio or on olorm sound (Whichever you choose). ® Slide lst switch to ”Alarm set," Yime sffl - 7 . Clock made low“ @ Select hour: Hour digils will blink. Use left & right sensors to scroll through hours. It Select olorm sound: Alorm time will blink There are 3 built-in olorm sounds plus an option to wake up to the FM radio Use left or right sensors to scroll through the options. setting for PM, use left sensor to scroll hours bockworcl until ”P" lights up. When correct hour displays, press top sensor to set hour. @ Select minutes: Minute digits will blink. Use left & righi sensors to scroll through minutes. When correct minute displays, press top sensor to set minute. Press top sensor to set your preference. NOTE: Due to design chorocterisfics, you cannot woke up to your personal music ployen ® Slide l st switch ‘ .gt lilo rm, m - 7 . ciuk made , O ”Clock mode.’ ‘ 3/27/08 11 35:50 AM My, To aclivale alarm, slicle 2nd switch to ”Alarm on." Ease} 0 Ifil Alarm a“ * g - Radio on Alum-run (@/j To snooze for a few more minutes, close Alarm Clock’s head. ° After a Few minutes, Alarm Clock will try again lo wake you gently with lighted animations and a low arm laps. 9 Alter 7 minutes, Alarm Clock will open its head again and play radio or alarm sounds‘ You can snooze lor as long as you like, but eventually you’ll need lo gel up. To turn all alarm, slide 2nd switch lo ”Alarm of?” (or ”Radio on" if you want to listen to the radio), NOTE: If you clan”: snooze the alarm or turn it all, Alarm Clock will automatically tum lhe alarm all after 60 minutes. 8KO325»2-id7779237RTiclockjndd 14-1 5 Alarm Clock loves your music! lt plays animations to the beat of your tunes, whether you’re listening to the FM radio, you’ve connected your own personal music pla er, or it there’s music playing near Alarm Clock. Please note that it you don't touch Alarm Cloc For an hour, it will go into sleep mode and will no longer play animations or music tram your personal music player. lust touch one of Alarm Clock's sensors it you wont to ”wake” it up! ® Slide 2nd switch to ”Radio on.” Use lelt & right sensors to actiust volume up or down as needed. @ Turn FM station tuner to select your radio station. Make sure lst switch is set to “Clock mode.” @ Slide 2nd switch to either the ”Alarm oil” or ”Alarm on” position. @ Plug one enol of the audio plug cable into the headphone lack of your music player. Plug the other end into the audio input jack of Alarm Clock. @ Use left 8: right sensors to odius’i volume up or clown as needed. You might also need to ocliusi the volume on your music player. {E 3/27/08 11 1:35:49 AM Who knew cm Alarm C ock cou d have so much personality? Your ROOM TECH Alarm Clock shows its personality and moods with many different animated light patterns. Here are a Few of the more common animations yc-u’ll see: 8K0325-2-id_77923¥Rchlock.indd 10-1 1 {By the way — if doesn’ f Take much to make Alarm Clock happy. Try petting its top sensor a few times and seeing whcfi happens, 5/27/08 11 135247 AM When your BEINGZ characters ”talk" to each other, you'll notice that they share mood and personality animations. They might even signal one another to make interesting sound effects. The more you interact with your BEINGZ, the more they'll interact with each otherl NOTE: When you turn one character's "Talk" made to ”off," only that character will go into ”No- talk” mode You Once you've set the clock or alarm {which takes our Alarm Clock out at "TRY ME” mode), the l/abric tag becomes the ”Talk" mode tag. It lets you choose whether your Alarm Clock can ”talk" to any will need to press other BElNGZ you might have. each character's ”Talk” made tag When you first activate it, Alarm Clock is automatically set in ”Talk" to "at?” and ”on” mode (Alarm Clock's eyes glow greenlc if you don’t want it to individually it you communicate with your other BEENGZ, press its ”Talk" mode tag once W0“? 70 select {Alarm Clock's eyes will glow orange}, Germ“ CthO'Clefs lo "talk" to each otheri Press the "Talk” mode tag again it you want to turn "Talk" mode hack ' on (eyes will glow green again), 13) I 8K0325~2-id_77923__RT,_cIock.indd 6-7 a DO NOT operate Alarm Clock near liquid or allow liquid to spill on Alarm Clock. 9 BE SURE lhere's enough room Ground Alarm Clock for arms to fully raise and lower without obslruclion and without knocking anything over. 3 Alarm Clock may read to other sounds or noises That it hears, other them musics What to de if: Clack freezes up or acts erratically Press i’he reset button using or pen tip or replace bqfieries. 1; ~ 3/27/08 11 35:44 AM FCC $TATEMENT This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (i) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class 8 digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonabie protection against harmfui interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy, and, it not instailed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference wilt not occur in a particular instaiiation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: @ Recrient or relocate the receiving antenna. a increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. «0 Consuit the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. 0 Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. CAUTION: Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment. Your ROOM TECH Alarm Clock and DC Adaptor should be periodically examined for potential hazards. if any potential hazards are found, please contact Hasbro Consumer Affairs at 1-800-844-3733 for repair or replacement. Product and colors may vary. © 2008 Hasbro. All Rights Reserved. m 33532885?) U'S' Trademarks’ Questions? ca; 1-300-344-3733 BKOS25~2~id,77923_RT_clook.lndd 2—3
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.6 Linearized : No XMP Toolkit : 3.1-701 Create Date : 2008:06:17 14:48:25Z Modify Date : 2008:06:17 14:53:44+08:00 Metadata Date : 2008:06:17 14:53:44+08:00 Format : application/pdf Document ID : uuid:3e4b489e-5c28-4a15-b456-9c6be59e0524 Instance ID : uuid:0d6a3052-d9d5-464a-a1b8-19f3036d6391 Page Count : 16EXIF Metadata provided by EXIF.tools