Hasbro Far East HB03R Two Way Radio with FRS and Messaging User Manual
Hasbro Far East Ltd. Two Way Radio with FRS and Messaging
User Manual
72970 A551: CHATENOW Communicator THANK vuu FDR PURCHASING THE DHATNDW CDMMUNIEATDR. BE SURE TD READ AND FDLL' ' ALL INSTRLlCTIDNS CAREFULLY EEFDRE uslN THIS PRUDUBT. CHATNDW IS THE 3-IN-1 PEREDNAL CDMMUNIcATnR DESIGNED JUST FDR VDLI! NDW YOU CAN m—IAT WITH vuuu FRIENDS uI= TD 2 MILES AWAV, sENu THEM TEXT MESSAGE, AND TAKE THEIR FHDTDE! STDRE 3D FHDTDE TD vauR ELEDTRDNIC Euuuv usv AND WHEN vuua FR|END5 CALL, THEIR STERED FHDTD pups up! Yuu cAN EVEN uusTuMIzE UR ANIMATE TNE PHDTUE ~ru MAKE vuun FRIENDS LDDK FUNKY! 75028 Asst. age 2 7, 047 2,02 AGES 8+ ruuvuu'r Imc es appear in black and white. Run 9 based on unogslrucled fine of sigh! and WIN vary epsndin on Iermin and conditions. This is a 2-Way Radio. Ran e wi be Iess than 2 miles under 7piccl condi'ions II wiH e reduced subsmmiufly due 00 actors such as obslmcIions (buIldings, Irees, mountains) and Inlerference, I-onJ call and Iexv Features work oniy WIIh oIher CHATNOW Communicuvcrs, Emu DDMMUNIEATBR kEquREs 4 x |.5v “AAA" ALKALINE em-remss may INCLUDED). FHILLIPE/Cfiuss new scflEwukIvER (NEIT INCLUDED) NEEDED m mszm aATrERIEs. TABLE DF CONTENTS WRITE YOUR PERSONAL BUDDY t! HERE: Product Feetures a. Control Keys l lnmlllng the Batterie Low Battery Indicator t Buddy Dtreoto important Tips Personal Buddy tt. Selecting a Chenne . Compatibility With other FRS z-way Radios Chat ZoneW Communication Rang t Getting Started Turning 0n/on Basic Navigalto Main Menu yege t Page 2 Page 2 Selecting a Channel . ‘ How to Talk 1 How To Listen 1 Call Calling a Buddy Calling e New Buddy Number. Text Ho to use the Keypad Wnttng a New Text Message Using a Preset Text Messag Sending a Text Messeg Saving a Text Message Editing a Text Message Viewing your lnoox Viewing your Outbox Vtewtng your Sent Ma Reeeivtng a Text Message Saving a Received Text Message 1 Deleting aText Message, Forwarding a Text Message. Replying to a Text Message. Photou Taking a Photo Saving a Photo 0 your urn. Saving a Photo to your Buddy LlS Deleting a Photo Animettng a Photo Adding Designs la a Photo Adding Text to a Photo . Adding Props to a Photo List . Calling 3 Buddy. Accessing your Buddy's Into Viewtng a Photo . Adding a Buddy. Editing a Budd Deleting a Buddy Personal Setting your Birthday Customize. Selecting a Ring Tone Selecting a Text Message A Selecting a Screen Save Muting the Sound... Controlling the Contrast Setting the Time. Setting the Date, Checking the Eat ry System Default Volume Accessories Carry Case/Faceplates . Earptece. Troubleshooting Guide. Furious-r FEATURES En Bum-Rm. Km! TALK Eu‘l‘rDN ANTENNA REMEIVABLE s FEAKER FA: EPLATE |ND|CATEH 1 LIGHT ‘EAnPlEcs JACK kEAnmscz snLo sen-ans“) LED IBREEN DN/n rF EUYTEN CANEEL RELEASE (BLInE-uuf cuMMuNmA‘run mm ENTER EDNTHEIL FAD (LEI-“re RIEHT, LIP, DOWN) MIEREFHEINE KEVFAD D | m7“. CAMERA FD R E E 5T U E E: When using your CHATNOW Communicator to talk to your friends, hold it in a vertical \ position with |he microphone 1 to 2 inches away from your mouth For each Communicator, use a Phillips/cross head screwdriver to loosen the screw in the battery compartment cover (screw stays attached to cover]. Remove cover. Insert 4 x t.5V ”AAA” alkaline batteries (not included). Replace cover and tighten screw. & CAUTION: 1. As with all small batteries, the batteries used with this toy should be kept away trom small children who still put things in their months. If they are swallowed, promptly see a doctor and, in the U.S., have the doctor phone (202) 625-3333 collect, or, in other countries, have the doctor call your provincial Poison Control Centre. 2. Make sure the batteries are insened correctly and always follow the toy and battery manutacturers‘ instructions; 3. Do not mix old batteries and new batteries or alkaline, standard (carbon zinc) or rechargeable (nickel-cadmium) batteries. LEIW BATTERY INDICATOR Your CHATNOW Communicator Features a Low Battery .‘ Indicator that will pop up on the Main Menu screen to , PERSUNRL alert you that it’s time to change the batteries. If you wait 5 CUSTOMIZE too long it will automatically turn elf. ‘ “r" "Fm ® 7 BUDDY DIREBTDRY 77 ~ WRITE YDLIR FRIENDE’ NAMES AND ELIDDV NUMBERS HERE NAME: BUDDY #: NAME: BUDDY #: NAME: EUDDY #: NAME: BUDDY #: NAME: BUDDY #: __________ NAME, BUDDY #: __________ \ NAME: BUDDY #: 1 NAME:—___ BUDDY #: : NAME: BUDDY #‘: ' |MPURT NT TIPS ' PERSONAL EUDDY # Each CHATNOW Communicator has its own private, personal, lOdigit buddy ID number. To find out what yours is, scroll to ”PERSONAL" in the Main Menu and then ”MY BUDDY it.” Your personal buddy number will appear. Keep this handy and exchan e our number with your lriends so that you can receive calls and call frien 5 directly. SELECTING A CHANNEL Your CHATNOW Communicator has 14 channels shared on a ”taketurns” basis. Everyone you’re chatting with has to be on the same channel. (So pick a number that you'll remember!] COMPATIBILITY WITH EITHER FRS 2-WAY RADlns Your CHATNOW Communicator may also be compatible with some other FRS LFamin Radio Service] 2»way radios (walkie tal ies) for Chat Mode only. To use your CHATNOW communicator with another FRS 2»way radio sim ly make sure both units are set to the same channel (1 44). The other FRS-Z ra io's Interference Eliminator Code must be set to ”O.” CHAT ZDNE CUMMUNlCATIEIN RANGE Your CHATNOW Communicator has a range at up to 2 miles, This is called the CHAT ZONE. This means you can chat, call, and text message your friends from up to 2 miles away based on an unobstructed line of sight, terrain and conditions. Make sure to stay within the CHAT ZONE so your calls and messages go through! G) ‘ *' GETTING STARTED s TURNING YDUR CHATNDW EDMMLINICATDR ON AND DFF ' Press the On/Oti Button to turn the CHATNOW Communicator ONA ' Press and hold the On/OH Button for one second to turn the CHATNOW Communicator OFF. EANEEL curt-ram. FAD UN/UFF BuTTuN EAEIE‘. NAVIGATION ' Use the Control Pad [4 >Av keys] to scroll to and select an item. ° Press ENTER to confirm your selection. 0 Press CANCEL to exit from your selection. MAIN MENU EEFEIRE YDLI BEGIN USING YEILlR BEIMMLINICATEIR, MAKE SURE TD FDLLDW THE TIF‘5 EELDW. TI PE 1‘ MAKE 5 U R E: g PERSUHRL 1‘ ALL THE COMMUNICATORS ARE TURNED ON. CUSTOMIZE 2. EVERYONE |s WITHIN THE CHAT ZONE . VOLUME (UP TO 2 MILE RANGE). V \ CHAT START BHA‘I‘I’INE WITH YDIJR FRIENDS! LIEE YDLIR EHATNDW CEIMMIJNICATEIR LIKE A WALKIE TALKIE! SELECTING A CHANNEL, HDW TD TALK, HDW TD Ll STE N ~ Scro" Io ”CHAT” on Ihe Maln Menu and press ENTER. Salad 0 channel by pressing five A or V keys. Press and how the Tow blmon and soan chamng! TI F: YEILIR Release lhe Talk buNOn 00 lisien 90 your friends. annup up Press CANCEL 00 exi' your Che! and relurn 00 he meNDg MUST Main Menu ALL 55 EIN THE SAME BHANNEL IN ORDER TEI CHAT. . BALL BALL ENE EIF YnuR FRIENDS DIRECTLY! Scroll lo ”CALL" on line Main Menu and press ENTER. Scroll to "BUDDY” to seleci and call an existing buddy From your buddy lisi or "NUMBER” if you wish is call a new buddy, CALLING A BUDDY Bu DDY: Seleci a buddy and press ENTER. The screen will display ”Calling..." and ihen ”Conneciing...” Once connected, your buddy’s photo will pop up if you have ii saved [see Pa e l 1). See Page 13 for how lo save a buddy's # to your bu dy lisi. Press and hold ihe Talk button and siari talking! Release ihe Talk bulion io lisien lo whai your Friends are saying. Press CANCEL io exii your Call and reiurn lo ihe Buddy Lisi. CALLING A NEW BUDDY NuTEHfihs screen N U M E E R displays ”FAIL” ir again. Three ihin 5 may ave um happen, ; Enier your Friend's iO-diaii personal buddy nUmber and pres; ENTE 1- Your friend ma nor have his/her CHAT OW Tge screen will display ”Calling..." and ihen Communicator any ” onneciing...” _ 4 Once connecied, press and hold the Talk bum" 2 $232|2382$r2ilh2°2vemne and siari ialkingl range. Release ihe Talk bunon lo lislen io whai your 3_ your mend may be friends are saying. charting wiili someone Press CANCEl lo exii your Call and return lo ille else. Number Screen. TEXT SEND AND RECEIVE TEXT MESSAGES FREIM YOUR FRIENDS! Huw YD USE THE KEYFAD Each numbered button features specific letters. For example, press the number 2 button and "A” will appear. Press it again to see "B”, press it a third time to see ”C” and a fourth time to see ”2.” Do this to locate your desired letter or number and to insert it into your text message. To insert a space, press the SPACE key. To insert a backspace, use the DEL key. WRITING A NEW TEXT MESSAGE Scroll to "TEXT" on the Main Menu and press ENTER. Select ”WRITE” from the Menu. Then choose either ”WRlTE" or "PRESETS." WRITE, Use the keypad to write your lriend a text message! At the bottom of the screen a box with common words you may want to use will appear. Scroll throu h the list of suggested words and press ENTER to insert that war into your message. USING A PRESET TEXT MESSAGE PRESETS: Select one of 10 preset messages to send to your lriendl imam Hm.” SENDING, SAVING AND EDITING A bJNEBHIR! van calms-1m?! TEXT MESSAGE vou'u NEUER After you have finished writing your text message press 1 {1370351553} ENTER. Then select either ”SYMBOL,” ”DELSYMBOL,“ um" an! vou ”SEND,” lSAVE," or "EDIT” and press ENTER. “all? 3373" SYMBOL: Choose one at 30 symbols to add to your message. sir Wu mm Se ect the symbol and press ENTER to insert it into your message, DELSYMBOL: Delete the symbol lrom your message. SEND'. Select "BUDDY” and choose a friend from your budd list or select "NUMBER" and enter a new number, Press ENTER and your message wi I be sentl SAVE: Store your message in the Outbox. M Make any necessary corrections to your message and press ENTER when tinished. mfir'lffi’yififi’ii‘lfifii 3g ‘ fi‘sOtWUo'fiH‘s “31“ ’ M375: You can only a one sym 01 to the end of each message. N UTE: Ifyourmessagedoes notfiothrough, don’tworryl It’ssoved automatically to your outbox and can be sent oter. .- .,. m3“ . VIEWING YDUR INEEtXv EILITEDX AND SENT MAIL Select ”VIEW” from the Text Menu, Then choose either ”INBOX," "OUTBOX" or ”SENT” and press ENTER. ‘ 7 _ fl lNBOX: View the last 10 messages you received.tWhOflViflWiflsflflCthXt OUTBOX: View the TO messages that you have landpm“ENTENM'Mfou‘mingwfiom:l lNBOX OUTBOX SENT l saved to send. _ SENT: View the last 10 messages you sent. lyle‘lfl Send Send On 7 e y Vlew View mama Messa'g‘fsrar? ' Delete Edit Delete stored in each box. Be sure to delete Delete All Delete Delete Alli unnecessary messages in order to Delete All keep space for important ones] RECEIVING A TEXT MESSAGE When you receive a new text message, your Communicator will make a sound (whichever text message alert sound you have selected), the indicator light will tlosh, . and you will see an icon appear in the top right corner alerting you that a message has been received tor you to read. To read your new message exit to the Main Menu. ‘ Once you have locatedtyaur new text message you will WWW . h ‘ ' ' - 2 2 v , ~ t . ‘ be given twolaphons. R AD. or SAVE. theMuinMenutdrec‘aive Select 'READ’ to read your new messa e. When ou are a new text message. done, you will be iven the option to ” AVE," ”D LETE," "SEND ON" or "R PLY.” ® SAVING A RECEIVED TEXT MESSAGE SAVE: To save your message, select ”SAVE" and press ENTER. your message will be mm your inbox, DELETINE A TEXT M ESEAE E DELETE: To delete your message, select ”DELETEH and you will be asked "R U SURts‘ Press ENTER and your message will be deleted, or CANCEl to exit: FDRWARD|NG A TEXT MESSAGE SEND ON: To forward your messa e to one of your lriends, select ”SEND ON" and your Buaay list will appear. Select t e buddy you wish to lorwarcl your message to and press ENTER. REPLYINE TD A TEXT MESSAGE REPLY: To reply to our buddy’s message, select ”REPLY" and using the keypad, enter a message: Select "gEND" and your message will be sent to your buddy, - FHDTD 4m” TAKE PICTURES nr YDLIR FRIENDS AND sTunE 1; THEM TD vuuR EuDDv LIST an ALEuM! WATCH YDLIR FRIEND'S STDRED FHDTEI APPEAR WHEN HE DR SHE IS EALLINE. Ynu cAN EVEN ANlMATE THE FHDTD TE! MAKE |'r LDEIK LIKE YEIUR FRlEND’E TALKING TD Yuu! Select "PHOTO" lrom the Main Menu. Then choose either ”SHOOT” or "ALBUM" and press ENTER, TAKING A FHEITEI NDTE= Select "SHOOT" to take a photo. I, igléztlbIONADée Rl’s’or SHOOT: Use the screen to view your lriend. Make sure ”OUTDOOR" mods. your lriend's head is within the trame at your screen. 2. Press the v key to display ress ENTER and check out your photo! the head guide. This helps You can also use the mirror next to the camera to take a ll“ “P Your “land's lace picture of yourself, on the screen. Press ENTER again and now you can save your photo to your ALBUM, BUDDY LIST or DELETE it. SAVING A F'HEITEI TD YDLIR ALBUM ALBUM: Select "2 ALBUM” to save your photo to your personal photo album and return to the Photo Menu. Vou can always pull a photo out o! the album and save it to your buddy list later. SAVING A PHDTD TD YEN—IR BUDDY LIST BUDDY LIST: Select "2 BUDDY” to assi n a photo to one ot our buddy's numbers. Se ect the appro riate budd from the uddy list and press ENTER. It will then ask you to animate the photo, (See nimating a Photo section below.) Now when your buddy calls you, his or her photo will pop up! DELETINE A F'HEITD DELETE: Select ”DELETE" to erase the photo. Be carelul! Once you do this it's gone forever! ANIMATINE A F'HUTD . ANIMATION SETUP: Alter you have assigned a photo to a buddy you have the option to animate t at photo. This will make your buddy look like he or she is talking to you! Select ”YES" to animate your friend‘s photo or ”NO" to leave the photo as ts. A cursor will appear on the photo [+ ], as shown. Use the 4 PAY keys to move the cursor to the area of your budd 's lace that the prompt at the bottom of the screen is telling you. on will need to do this tour llmes for each eye and three times for the mouth. For example: L svs mm H as mat-<7 mum mm L as Law a svs Lsn mum Mm L EVE ECIYTDM R av: acn'rch MEI-IT" LE" L EVE mi: R EV: rue L I“ u" - Press ENTER when you've finished and watch the animation! Press the b key to preview the eye animation. Press the 4 key to preview the mouth animation. Press CANCEL to redo the animation setup, or press ENTER to save the animation and exit. Now every time our buddy calls you, that photo will pop up and animate whi e your buddy is talking! ADDING 055"st ‘rn A F'HEITEI Design mode lets you add text and props to your photos! From the Phcio Menu select ”ALBUM" and press ENTER. Seleci a photo ond press ENTER. Select ”DESIGN" and press ENTER for Design Mode. NDTE: Olher options are available such as assigning the Eh003'73"&“5'i’fii§§ (2 BUDDY) or to delete the photo from your album ( ELET ) ADDING TEXT Ti: A F'HEITD ~ Select ”TEXT” and press ENTER. Use the ke pad to wriie a copiion [up to 8 ‘AN ET i 7 chcrociersjyand press ENTER when finished. 1, When you add props or “ Your caption will appear on your phoiol iexi to a photo it is saved Then use lhe 1 >Av keys to move your caption as a new photo._Don’t to iis desired location. yvorr — the original photo Press ENTER to save your photo with the copiion Is st" there i “rid 9X“ 2. To flip the ears or eyes, Press CANCEL at any time 00 return to the press the DEL key. Design Menu. ADDING F'RDF’E TEI A PHEITD Seleci ”PROPS“ and press ENTER. You will be given the opiion of adding: HAIR, EARS, eves, NOSE and MOUTH 00 your photo. Select your desired feature and press ENTER. You will be able to choose From several seis of hair, ears, eyes, noses and mouths. See Note 2 to flip the ears and eyes. Pick one and press ENTER. Use the 4 DAY keys to move the prop to its desired location. Press ENTER to save your phoio wilh ihe props and exii. - Press CANCEL or any lime to return to the Props Menu. .- Add more props to make your photo iunkyl l HERE’S WHERE Y|:||.| |:AN FIND AND MANAGE YOUR LIST OF BUDDIES! Scroll to ”LIST" on the Main Menu and press ENTER. Select buddy list and press ENTER. Scoll lo thep buddy you wish to access and press ENTER CALLING A ELIDDY CALL: Seleci "CALL" from The Menu and ou will aulomaiically call E'HE'IG'O Muddy direcily. You know whai lo do next! EDIT DELETE ACCESSING YDIJR ELIDDY’S INFEI INFO: Seleci "INFO" from the Menu. Here you can access your my s personal buddy # address home phone number birthday, siar sign and any notes you ve written. VIEWING A F'HEITD PHOTOt Seleci ”PHOTO" from The Menu. Here ou can view our buddy’s phoio if ii has been saved, Press CANCEL to exit back in i e Buddy Lisi enu. ADDING A ELIDDY Scroll io "LIST” on ihe Main Menu and press ENTER. Select ”ADD” and press ENTER ‘ A_DD: Here you can add a new buddy lo your buddy lisl. Add his or her name personal buddy # address home phone number birihday and any naies Press ENTER to save each entry and move on lo Ihe nexI. Press CANCEL ia back up a step or exit back lo ihe Buddy Lisi Menu. See Page I I la assign a phoio to your buddy. Siar sign will be assigned auiamalically after you iype in your buddy‘s birthday, ® EDlTING A BUDDY EDIT: Select "EDlT" horn the Menu. Here ou can edit your buddy’s name, personal may it, address, home phone number, birthday and any notes. Press ENTER to save each entry and move on to the next. Press CANCEL to back up a step or exit back to the menu shown above. DELETINE A BUDDY DELETE: Select ”DELETE" Tram the Menu. Here you can permanently erase a buddy from your buddy list. Select a buddy From the list and press ENTER. You will be asked ”R U SURE?” Select ”YES” to delete that buddy from your buddy list. Select ”NO” it you do not wish to delete that buddy. Press CANCEL to exit to the menu shown on page 13. PERSEINAL . SAVE ALL DF YnuR FERSDNAL INF‘D HERE! Select ”PERSONAL” from the Main Menu and you will be given several options: MU kItDItV ! nvgmmnw SETTING YDUR NAME MY NAME: Select ”MY NAME" from the Menu and use the Eeypad to enter your first and then last name. Press ENTER to save your name and return to the Personal Menu. Press CANCEL at any time to return to the Personal Menu. VIEWING YDUR PERSONAL BUDDY # MY BUDDY it Select "MY BUDDY #” From the Menu to view your personal buddy number, Keep this number handy to give to your lriends so they can call youl SETTING YCIUR BIRTHDAY MY BIRTHDAY: Select "MY BIRTHDAY” from the Menu. - Use the 4 bAv keys to enter the month, date and year you were born. - Press ENTER to save your birthday and return to the Personal Menu. - Press CANCEL at any time to return to the Personal Menu. CLIETIZIMIZE HERE IS WHERE Vnu DAN SELECT AND SAVE YEILIR PERSUNAL SETTINEEE Select ”CUSTOMlZE’l from the Main Menu and you will be given several options: _|HE YHNE rrxvalm SELECTING A RINE TEINE firth" mum RING TONE: You can select one of 10 ring tones. Select the one it?!“ you wish to preview. You will hear that ring tone play. Press the nnrr > key to1preview it again. It that's the onegau wish to save, "Tm" press EN ER and from now on when your ommunicotor rings, 5“ nmmr that’s what you'll heart You can also choose ”SILENT," EELEETlNE A TEXT MESSAGE ALERT TEXT ALERT: Select a sound effect to alert you when you have a new text message. Choose From five different sounds. Selectt e one you wish to preview. You will ear that text alert play. Press the > key to preview it a pin, Press NTER to save and store the text alert to your Communicator and return to t e Customize Menu, SELECTING A SCREEN SAVER SCREEN SAVER: You can choose one of 6 screen savers to run when you’re not using your Communicator. If you haven't touched any key on your Communicator for over 3 minutes, the screen saver will outomaticoll run. It can run for approximatel 4 hours, After 4 hours, your Communicator wiII ma e a sound and display ”SHUTD WN IN 1 MINUTE, PRESS ANY KEY TO PREVENT." If you do not press a key or receive any type at communication, it will turn off to conserve battery lite. Select the one you wish to preview and press ENTER. Press the P key to exit the preview and return to the Screen Saver Menu. After you‘ve previewed the screen saver you'd like to use, press CANCEL to return to the Customize Menu. MUTINE THE EDUND MUTE: You can choose to mute the key tones and ring tones on your Communicator, it you wish. Scroll to ”OFF" and press ENTER to disable the sound. Scroll to "ON” and press ENTER to turn the sound back on, CONTROLLING THE CONTRAST CONTRAST: Adjust the contrast of your screen by using the 4 > keys to select one at the Five eves. Press CANCEL to return to the Customize Menu. SETTING THE TIME TIME: Set the current time on our Communicator. w 5 Use the A and v keys till set the hour and then minutes. $3? “fig Use the 1 and P keys to move the cursor from hours to minutes. "owed to Be resell Press ENTER when you ore finished setting the time “h" '°P|9°i"9 and you will return to the Customize Menu. the bflflefles i or pressing the i E ETTI N E TH E DATE 795“ b“"°"- DATE: Set the current dole on your Communicator. Use the A and v keys to set the month, date, and year. Use the < and > keys to move the cursor From month, to date, to year, Press ENTER when you are finished setting the date and you will return to the Customize Menur ' CHECKING THE BATTERY LEVEL BATTERY: Select ”BATTERY" to view our current battery level. Press CANCEL to return to the Customize enu. SYSTEM DEFAULT M SYS DEFAULT: Select ”SYS DEFAULT” to reset all at your customized settings (volume, ringtones, screen savers, time, dole, etc.) and restore the Factory settings. lMAKE EURE TD SET THE VnLuME LEVEL EIN YOUR EHATNEIW . CEIMMIJNIGATDR TEI A REASDNAELE, AUDIELE LEVEL. Select ”VOLUME" on the Main Menu. Use the 4 key to decrease the volume. Use the P key to increase the volume, 63 AEGEEBURIEB CARRY EASE/FACEFLATEE (SDLD SEPARATELY.) Place your CHATNOW Communicalor into this fashionable carry case, snap on a lacaplaie and gel movin I Designed with a hiya bell loop, il‘ll go everywhere you go and you | always be in touch EARPIECE (SEILD SEPARATELY.) Plug it in and go! This cool earpiece allowsd/ou lo chat with our friends wiihou' holding onlo your CHATNO Communicator Simply plug it in, clip ii on and press to ialk! {WHAT TD DD IF: . EDMMUNIEATUR —4 Press the Reset Buhonu Vou will begin l FHEEZES UP ai ihe Main Menu, ' SEREEN “ " —' Three ihings may have happened: D'EPLAYE FA"' 1. Your lriend may noi have iris/her l CHATNOW Communicaior on‘ i 2. Your friend may have iraveled oui ol lire CHAT ZONE 3‘ Your iriend may noi have r‘ne channel sei to ihs same ‘ channel as yours. l HEAR STAT”: D? —_‘ When selecling a channel, ii lire number you selecled is FEDPLE TALK'NE UN occupied or coniains slaiic, simply scroll ia lire next available m: CHANNEL vnu channel. WANT 75 L152. ® SAFETY NFDRMA ON Your wireless hand-held portable transceiver cnnlalns a Inw power lransmiller. when (he Talk hullutt is pushed Il sends nut tadin lraquenny {RFD slgnals. The dsvlca is aulltnriled lu operate al a duty tacit" not to exceed 5lJ%. In August 1995, the Federal Cummunlcatinns Cummissinns (FCC) adopted HF exposure guidelines wltit salelv luvels lot hand-held wireless devices. FCC STATEM ENT CAUTION: To maintain compliance wlth the FCC's RF exposure guidelines hold the transmitter and antenna at least 1 Inch (2.5 centimeters) lrorn your lace and speak in a normal Voice. With Ilia antenna pointed up and away from the face. Use only the supplied antenna. Unauthorized antennas. modifications, or attachments could damage the transmitter and may violate FCC regulations. Warning: Adjustment to this unit or replacement ol any transmitter component (crystal, semiconductor, etc.) to this unit could result in a violation oi the rules. This device complies with part 15 ol the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the lollowing two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmlul lnterierence, and (2) this damn must accept any interierence received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. NOTE: This equipment has been tested and tound to comply With the limits tor a Class E digital device. pursuant to part 15 ot the FCC Rules, These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmiul interterence in a residential installation. This equipment generates. uses and can radiate radio frequency energy, and. it not installed and used in accordance with the instructions. may cause harmtul interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interterence will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmtul interference to radio or television reception. whic can be determined by turning the equipment pit and on. the user is encouraged to try to rrsct'lhe lnterlerence by one or more ot the iotlowing measures: to \ “ - Reorient or relocate the receivtng antenna. . - increase the separatlon petween the equipment and thq'ecelver. - Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. 7 GEL. n surnames wrm maroon come to Vinyl" Product and colors may vary. © 2005 Hasbro. All Rights Reserved. TM 3. 0: denote u.s. Trademarks. - 75020 Asst/72970 Asst. PN 6583200000 Questions? Cal. ~800-327-826A
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.4 Linearized : No XMP Toolkit : 3.1-701 Modify Date : 2006:05:24 19:34:44+08:00 Create Date : 2006:05:24 19:31:29+08:00 Metadata Date : 2006:05:24 19:34:44+08:00 Creator Tool : Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Format : application/pdf Document ID : uuid:b2cde5a7-e6ed-4fc9-82a7-f1828d3d12a4 Instance ID : uuid:79e92422-a25f-488b-9f78-1595ea0f9afa Producer : Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Image Conversion Plug-in Page Count : 20 Creator : Adobe Acrobat 7.0EXIF Metadata provided by EXIF.tools