ShenZhen HaiLingKe Electronic co.,Ltd. WIFI module HLK M35

User Manual

    Shenzhen HaiLingKe Electronic co., Ltd HLK-M35 User Manual   Serial to WiFi Module
                                   Shenzhen hailingke Electronico.,Ltd                                  Tel:0755-23152658 Fax:0755-83575196   Page 2 / 31 Pages Catalog 1.1.1Brief Introduction.................................................................................................................... 31.1.2Module Features: ................................................................................................................ 31.1.3Module Parameters: ........................................................................................................... 41.1.4Application .............................................................................................................................. 5 1.1.5Hardware ................................................................................................................................ 51.1.6Mechanical Dimension .......................................................................................................... 71.1.7Antenna(optional) .................................................................................................................. 81.1.8General development test suit ............................................................................................. 81.2Typical Application ................................................................................................................... 101.2.1HLK-M35 typical circuit ....................................................................................................... 102 Function ..................................................................................................................................................... 112.1Wireless ................................................................................................................................................... 112.1.1 Work At STA Mode ............................................................................................................ 112.1.2 Work At SoftAP Mode ....................................................................................................... 112.2 Work Mode: Transparent transmission .............................................................................................. 122.3 Config Parameters ................................................................................................................................ 132.4 Firmware Update .................................................................................................................................. 132.5 GPIO ....................................................................................................................................................... 132.6 Network Protocol ................................................................................................................................... 142.6.1 Transparent  transmission .............................................................................................. 142.6.2 AT command....................................................................................................................... 163.Setting and using guide ........................................................................................................................... 173.1 Config by serial ..................................................................................................................................... 173.1.1 Preparation work ................................................................................................................ 173.1.2 How to Connect ................................................................................................................. 173.1.3 Test Steps: .................................................................................................................................. 183.1.4 Communication test .......................................................................................................... 204.1Mode conversion ................................................................................................................. 254.2 At command instruction ................................................................................................... 26Appendix ................................................................................................................................................ 29Document history ................................................................................................................................... 29
                                   Shenzhen hailingke Electronico.,Ltd                                  Tel:0755-23152658 Fax:0755-83575196   Page 3 / 31 Pages 1.1.1  Brief Introduction HLK-M35 is a new low-cost embedded uart wifi module developed by Shenzhen HaiLingKe Electronic  co.,  Ltd This product is an embedded module based on the universal serial interface network standard, built-in TCP / IP protocol stack, enabling the user serial port, wireless network (wifi) interface between the conversions。 Through the HLK-M35 module, the traditional serial devices do not need to change any configuration data can be transmitted through the Internet network. Provide a quick solution for the user’s serial devices to transfer data via Ethernet.。 This document as familiar with the HLK-M35 module and the test suite for guidance document.Please refer to<< HLK-M35 AT Command.pdf>>and<< HLK-M35 DataSheet>>  1.1.2 Module Features: ► Small size:18mm×25mm×2.5mm  ►   Low power consumption; Quick start;;network connect quickly  ► Pefect support 802.11b/g/n  ►  Support all wifi encryption:WEP/WPA-TKIP/WPA-AES/WPA2-TKIP/WPA2-AES  ►  No driver need,User only need to use it as a serial port  ► Support STA/AP mode  ►  Support TCP Server/TCP Client/UDP Server/UDP Client  ►  Support DHCP DNS HTTP    ►  Support serial at command also network at command  ►  Support search module in LAN  ►  Support SmartLink function,use app to config the module connect the wireless router
                                   Shenzhen hailingke Electronico.,Ltd                                  Tel:0755-23152658 Fax:0755-83575196   Page 4 / 31 Pages  ► CE/FCC support,ROHS standard support 1.1.3 Module Parameters: Fig:1  HLK-M35 Module parameters Basic  Wireless IEEE 802.11n、IEEE 802.11g、IEEE 802.11b Wireless Rate 11n:up to 150Mbps 11g: up to 54Mbps 11b: up to 11Mbps Channle 1-14 Frequency range  2.4-2.4835G Send Power  15-18 DBM Interface UART、GPIO Antenna Antenna Type  PCB antenna Distance 100-300m(different situation, different transmission distance) Function  WiFi mode  Sta/soft ap Encryption Wireless encrypiton 64/128/WEP encryption WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK、WPA/WPA2  Serial to Internet Max Serial rate  115200bps TCP    Max connect:4 UDP   Max connect:4 Others LED WIFI led Environmental operate temp:-20-70℃ Operate humidity:10%-90%RH Store temp:-40-80℃ Store humidity:5%-90%RH
                                   Shenzhen hailingke Electronico.,Ltd                                  Tel:0755-23152658 Fax:0755-83575196   Page 5 / 31 Pages 1.1.4 Application    The handheld device  Remote control   The consumer electronics  IOT systems  Industry systems   Portable wireless communication product  Medical equipment  Led control   Sensor network application  Wireless printer  1.1.5 Hardware  HLK-M35 top
                                   Shenzhen hailingke Electronico.,Ltd                                  Tel:0755-23152658 Fax:0755-83575196   Page 6 / 31 Pages  HLK-M35 PIN  HLK-M35 Pin Interface Pin No   Signal Type    Description  1   3.3V  Supply Voltage, 3.3V+/-10% 2  GND  Analogue Ground 3  RST  Module reset pin, Active low 4  RX  Uart rx pin,Input 5  TX  Uart tx pin,Output 6  WiFi_led  WiFiLed 7  ES/RST  Exit/Default/Update 8  GPIO2  General GPIO 9  GPIO1  General GPIO 10  TX  Uart tx pin,Output Connected with Pin5 11  RX  Uart rx pin,Input Connected with Pin4 12  GPIO1  General GPIO 13  GND  Analogue Ground 14  GND  Analogue Ground 15  CS  Analogue Pin(Reserved)
                                   Shenzhen hailingke Electronico.,Ltd                                  Tel:0755-23152658 Fax:0755-83575196   Page 7 / 31 Pages 16  MISO  Analogue Pin(Reserved) 17  MOSI  Analogue Pin(Reserved) 18  CLK  Analogue Pin(Reserved) 19  3.3V  Supply Voltage, 3.3V+/-10%,Connected with Pin1  Note: 1. The voltage of GPIO is 3.3V。 2. The two RX pin is same,The two TX pin is same. 1.1.6 Mechanical Dimension  HLK-M35 detail(TOP View) Note:Module:18×25×2.5mm
                                   Shenzhen hailingke Electronico.,Ltd                                  Tel:0755-23152658 Fax:0755-83575196   Page 8 / 31 Pages 1.1.7 Antenna(optional) According to the IEEE 802.11b/g/n standard requirements, and HLK-M35 need 2.4G antenna, you can use our onboard antenna. 1.1.8 General development test suit We provides the HLK-M35 Startkit, for the customer to quickly familiar with the product and in-depth application development. The figure below shows the general assessment of development and test suite appearance, users can debug module through the RS-232 serial port by computer,and also configuration parameters……   HLK-M35 StartKit
                                   Shenzhen hailingke Electronico.,Ltd                                  Tel:0755-23152658 Fax:0755-83575196   Page 9 / 31 Pages  StartKit Interface Fuction  Name  Item  Description Interface DB9  J1  RS232 interface,can DC5V  P1  5V input, min:3.8, max:5.5V 10pin  P2  HLK-M35 module’s pin LED GPIO00  GPIO00 Connect to the HLK-M35 GPIO0; When GPIO0 at low voltage the LED will light up;This can test thee GPIO0 output; POWER  POWER 3.3V power led; If this led do not light up,please check the power supply GPIO01  GPIO01 Connect to the HLK-M35 GPIO1; When GPIO1 at low voltage the LED will light up;This can test thee GPIO1 output; GPIO02  GPIO02 Connect to the HLK-M35 GPIO2; When GPIO2 at low voltage the LED will light up;This can test thee GPIO2 output; WIFI_LED  Indicate LEDWIFI LED, indicate below: Flash 2 times (cycle):The moduel staus:STA SmartConfig Staus; Flash 3 times (cycle): The moduel staus:STA Manual Staus; Extinguishing:Module have connect to the wireless router(No communication data ); Random flash:when receiving or sending data, broadcast data, LED will flash once corresponding Fast blink:When use IoTManager config the module,when successful it will fast blink;Or there are huge Data communication Flash 4 times:The module are now get DHCP. Button Reset  RESET  Reset button,Press the module will reset. Exit/Default Exit/Default Short press(0.5-5s):Enter at command mode Long press(More than 6s):Back to factory
                                   Shenzhen hailingke Electronico.,Ltd                                  Tel:0755-23152658 Fax:0755-83575196   Page 10 / 31 Pages 1.2 Typical Application 1.2.1 HLK-M35 typical circuit  Figure 7. HLK-M35 typical circuit <Descripiton>: MCU  custom’s mircrochip or serial enddevice or serial chip,the interface voltage is 3.3V TTL. RX/TX   The module’s receive/send pin RESET(key2)  Reset button.Press it the module will restart. WIFI_LED(LED2)   Indicate LED Exit/Default (key1)  Short Press:exit transparent transmission. Long press(more than 6s):back to default seeting
                                   Shenzhen hailingke Electronico.,Ltd                                  Tel:0755-23152658 Fax:0755-83575196   Page 11 / 31 Pages 2 Function 2.1Wireless HLK-M35 can be configured STA or AP mode. So,there are two serial to wifi mode:serial to WIFI(STA mode) and serial to WiFi(SoftAp mode)  Note: AP: The center of a wireless network node. Commonly was a wireless router. STA:Wireless node,a enddevice,like notebook,PDA are both STA device.  2.1.1 Work At STA Mode This is the basic wireless network,A ap connect all the STA device together,See the below picture, communication between the STA forward by AP,In this mode,HLK-M35 work at STA mode,by some proper settings, the data can transfer between the serial and wifi.   HLK-M35 Sta Work Topology  2.1.2 Work At SoftAP Mode HLK-M35 works in AP mode, the PAD, mobile phone, computer and other equipment can directly connect to the module, That means the user can convenient to monitor their equipment。
                                   Shenzhen hailingke Electronico.,Ltd                                  Tel:0755-23152658 Fax:0755-83575196   Page 12 / 31 Pages  HLK-M35 SoftAP topology   2.2 Work Mode: Transparent transmission The HLK-M35 supports serial transparent transmission. This has the advantage of plug and play serial, to reduce the user's complexity. Module in  transparent transmission mode, the user only need to configure the necessary parameters.After power on, module automatically connect to the default wireless network and server.  Because in this mode, the module serial port always work in transparent transmission mode, so the user just use it as a virtual serial port. In short, the module is a wireless serial port, without any change,the user’s equipment can be easily add wireless data transceiver  Transparent transmission mode is fully compatible with the user's own software platform, reduce integration of wireless data transmission software development. You should to cofnig the below parameters at STA Manual mode:  Wireless Parameters   Target AP’s SSID and SSID’S length.  Target AP’s encryption   Target AP’s key and key’s length  TCP/UDP parameters  Network Protocol  Remoto IP
                                   Shenzhen hailingke Electronico.,Ltd                                  Tel:0755-23152658 Fax:0755-83575196   Page 13 / 31 Pages  Port  Serial Parameters  Bandrate  Data length  Checksum bit    Stop bit  2.3 Config Parameters   HLK-M35 can config by at command,Learn more you can find << HLK-M35 AT Command V1.3>> HLK-M35 also can be configed by UDP/988 port,When you establish udp,you can send at commad by network,learn more you can see the “ at+DP” command.  2.4 Firmware Update HLK-M35 supprt serial port to update firmware.Use tool:HLK_M35_update.exe.Steps below: 1. Open HLK_M30_update.exe,Change the name of the firmware to HLK-M30.img,copy it to the same directory of the HLK_M35_update.exe tool. 2. Press C to choose update serial port. 3. Press “Enter”to let the tool to start update. 4. Connect the serial prot,Press the Exit/Reset/Update button and then power on,Wait for 1s then release,the tool will load the firmware. 5. When update complete,the module will restart.  2.5 GPIO HLK-M35 supply three GPIO to use,These GPIO can control by serial at command,and also can be controlled by UDP.  HLK-M35 GPIO GPIO  Function  Feature  Type GPI000  Output/Input High/Low Voltage  Write/Read by at command  I/O
                                   Shenzhen hailingke Electronico.,Ltd                                  Tel:0755-23152658 Fax:0755-83575196   Page 14 / 31 Pages GPI001  Output/Input High/Low Voltage  Write/Read by at command  I/O GPI002  Output/Input High/Low Voltage  Write/Read by at command  I/O  For example: At+GW=0,1   GPIO0 Output High Voltage At+GR=2     Query GPIO2 Input Voltage  Udp Control below: when the module have connect to the ap.Then establish udp client, prot is 988,in default setting,you can send:hlkATat+GW=0,1\r,the GPIO0 will output high voltage  2.6 Network Protocol      The serial to network have two method: Transparent transmission,at command 2.6.1 Transparent  transmission There are 4 mode of serial to network:TCP Server、TCP Clinet、UDP Server、UDP Client。 TCP Server  Fig10.TCP Server  In this mode,HLK-M35 is waiting for the TCP Client connection.All TCP data is sent directly to the serial port.Serial data is transmitting to all TCP Clien terminal. The HLK-M35 support 4 tcp client.   TCP Client HLK-M35 TCP Server TCP Client TCP Client TCP Client
                                   Shenzhen hailingke Electronico.,Ltd                                  Tel:0755-23152658 Fax:0755-83575196   Page 15 / 31 Pages  Fig11.TCP Client  In this mode, the HLK-M35 will connect the remote domain or ip. All TCP data is sent directly to the serial port.Serial data is transmitting to the tcp server Abnormal network disconnect can cause module active reconnection. When  enable  TCP  reconnection function, TCP Server active disconnected, module will immediately active reconnection, otherwise the module will not reconnect  UDP Server  Fig12.UDP Server  In this mode,Module will listen local udp port, Upon recevied data from this port, the data will be sent to the serial port, and record the distal  IP,Port.The  module will  only record  the last connection remote information. Serial receive data  will  be sent  directly  to  the recorded distal IP, Port.       HLK-M35  TCP Client  TCP Server  HLK-M35  UDP Server  UDP Client
                                   Shenzhen hailingke Electronico.,Ltd                                  Tel:0755-23152658 Fax:0755-83575196   Page 16 / 31 Pages UDP Client  Fig13.UDP Client  In this mode, serial data will be sent to the configed IP, port.The data recevied from the server will be sent  the serial port terminal. 2.6.2 AT command We provides the at command to achieve the function of sending and receiving network data. This functionality is implemented  through socket related  instructions. The basic process is as follows 1)Socket open 2)Socket write 3)Socket read 4)Socket list 5)Socket close          HLK-M35  UDP Client  UDP Server
                                   Shenzhen hailingke Electronico.,Ltd                                  Tel:0755-23152658 Fax:0755-83575196   Page 17 / 31 Pages 3.Setting and using guide 3.1 Config by serial   3.1.1 Preparation work  Hardware:  HLK-M35 module  HLK-M35 motherborad  5V power  Serial cable   Wireless router  Cumputer  Software  HLK-M35_CONFIG tool  Serail&TCP_UDP test tool  3.1.2 How to Connect   Below is the general development kit for communication test. Need a serial computer, no  serial port machine can use a USB to serial cable. Connections are as follows:  Connection of the testboard
                                   Shenzhen hailingke Electronico.,Ltd                                  Tel:0755-23152658 Fax:0755-83575196   Page 18 / 31 Pages 3.1.3 Test Steps: 1.PowerOn the wireless router.We set the wireless parameter as below:  Wireless name:(ssid):HAILINGKE_Guest  Encryption:WPA2_AES  Key:12345678      DHCPD:  Gateway:  DNS:  2,Connect the DB9 of startkit with your computer’s DB9, then power on,the wifi led will flash. 3.Open“HLK-M35_CONFIG-English”,  ,Software interface as follows:  HLK-M35_CONFIG Interface
                                   Shenzhen hailingke Electronico.,Ltd                                  Tel:0755-23152658 Fax:0755-83575196   Page 19 / 31 Pages  4,Chose the right COM port  ,Press the “Exit/Default” button on the starkit board,and then press the button “Search”  ,it will back:Find Device at COM1(115200)    5,Press QueryConfig button,the software will list the current parameters   6,Change the parameters.We config the module parameters as below: Work Mode:STA Manual, Ssid:HAILINGKE_Guest WPA2 /AES
                                   Shenzhen hailingke Electronico.,Ltd                                  Tel:0755-23152658 Fax:0755-83575196   Page 20 / 31 Pages KEY:12345678、 Network:TCP SERVER.   Port:8080 Disable DHCP,Choose Staic IP.  7,Press Commit ,the command will send to the module. Command and respongse area will display the status of command will send and execution. 3.1.4 Communication test 8,Till now the module have connect to HAILINGKE_Guest.So we open serial and TCP/UDP test tool to test the communication.
                                   Shenzhen hailingke Electronico.,Ltd                                  Tel:0755-23152658 Fax:0755-83575196   Page 21 / 31 Pages  9.Open the COM port ,type in the ip address and the 8080 port of the module,press connect ,and send data to each other,you can see both have received data
                                   Shenzhen hailingke Electronico.,Ltd                                  Tel:0755-23152658 Fax:0755-83575196   Page 22 / 31 Pages 10,The serial port send:HLK-M35 SERIAL SEND to wifi,and the wifi received the data.The TCP send:HLK-M35 TCP SEND to serial port and the RS232 port have received the data.  3.2 SmartConfig   1 Preparation work:Install“IoTManager_v0.96”  on your android phone .Then, power on the HLK-M35,Press the”Exit/Default” button at least 6 second,this will make the module return to factory setting.   2,Open IoTManager,type in the target wireless router’s ssid and passwork, observe the WIFI-LED blink two times out of a cycle,that means the module is in smartconfig mode,and then
                                   Shenzhen hailingke Electronico.,Ltd                                  Tel:0755-23152658 Fax:0755-83575196   Page 23 / 31 Pages press start button: ,this will config the module connect to the wireless router,when the WIFI-LED is quickly flashing,that mean the module have connected to the router.   3,Let you notebook also connect to the same router,Open our search tool:HLK-M35_Discover ,Press “Discover” button ,You can find all the wifi modules from our company,See below:
                                   Shenzhen hailingke Electronico.,Ltd                                  Tel:0755-23152658 Fax:0755-83575196   Page 24 / 31 Pages   Note: HLK-M35 factory setting is Smart Config.When power on,you can use this tool to config the module 3.3 Applications 3.3.1 Wireless remote control  In this application,the HLK-M35 in STA mode,connect to AP, the HLK-M35 serial connected to user’s equipment. Mobile phone, PAD or computer is connected to the AP, and then through the wireless network to control the user’s equipment.
                                   Shenzhen hailingke Electronico.,Ltd                                  Tel:0755-23152658 Fax:0755-83575196   Page 25 / 31 Pages  3.3.2 Remote connection    The HLK-M35 module as STA, connect to the Internet through the gateway(AP). Module is set to TCP Client, points to the server, the server is set to TCP Sever.The user device is connected to HLK-M35 through the serial port, and its data can be sent to the server to process and storage.The service can send commands to control the user’s equipment  4. At command Instruction   4.1Mode conversion When HLK-M35 module power on,it will enter transparent transmission mode,you can pull down the voltage of the ES/DST pin to let the module enter AT mode.Transparent transmission mode and at mode can change like this:
                                   Shenzhen hailingke Electronico.,Ltd                                  Tel:0755-23152658 Fax:0755-83575196   Page 26 / 31 Pages Serail Port Work Mode When power on,the module will check the config of the network,if it can connect to the internet it will enter transparent transmission,if not,it will enter at command mode. The method of change the transparent transmission mode to at command mode:pull down the voltage of the ES/RST pin more than 0.5s less than 5s,it will enter at command mode.If you pull down the ES/RST pin more than 6s,the module will back to factrory config. Send at+TS=1,the module will enter transparent transmission mode.  4.2 At command instruction At at command mode,you can config the module by at command,the at format like below: at+[command]=[value]\r, There need ” \r”, otherwise it will be considered wrong at instruction. According to the different command module will return a different value   For example:”at+UIp=\r”    Set the remote ip address:。 ”at+UIp=?\r” Query the remote ip address  。  at command below:( Instruction is case sensitive) KeyWord  Function WA Wifi mode,ap/sta WM  Wifista method:manual or smartconfig Sbssid  set target ap bssid Sssid  set target ap ssid Sssidl  set target ap ssid length Sam  set target ap encryption method Spw  set target ap key Spwl  set length of target ap key WC  calculation PMK dhcp  set dhcp or static ip static ip mask Static mask  dns Static DNS gw Static gateway Ub  Set uart bandrate Ud  Set uart datalength Up  Serial parity bit Us  Serial stop bit length UType Set TCP or UDP UIp  Set remote ip address
                                   Shenzhen hailingke Electronico.,Ltd                                  Tel:0755-23152658 Fax:0755-83575196   Page 27 / 31 Pages URPort  Set remote port ULPort  Set local port UPL  Set or query data length of automatic framing UPT  Set or query period of automatic framing UPT2  Set or query Interval period of automatic framing DP  Prefix data for UDP/988 port executes the at command DE  UDP/988 port executes the at command enable or disable Rb  Reboot the module ver version Df  Back to default setting SO Socket open SC Socket close SL Socket check SW Socket send SR Socket read DR  Domain name resolution GW GPIO write GR GPIO read TS Transparent ransmission change mac  Get mac address Assid Softap SSID Assidl Softap SSID length Achan Softap wifi channel Aam  Softap encryption method Apw Softap key Apwl  Softap key length Aip  Softap the module’s ip address  Note:The at instruction are case sensitive. "at" the two character is lowercase。  More details of AT Command,you can refer to:<< HLK-M35 AT Command V1.3>>
                                   Shenzhen hailingke Electronico.,Ltd                                  Tel:0755-23152658 Fax:0755-83575196   Page 28 / 31 Pages   HLK-M35_CONFIG tool Details:  Interface description: 1.  Choose Com port 2.  Search module button 3.  Choose module’s work mode 4. Wireless Parameters 5.  Choose network Protocol 6.  Serial port parameters 7. Remote/Local port 8. Network IP  9.  Submit the configure button
                                   Shenzhen hailingke Electronico.,Ltd                                  Tel:0755-23152658 Fax:0755-83575196   Page 29 / 31 Pages 10.  Query the configure button 11.  Enter the transparent transmission button 12.  Back to factory setting button 13.  Waiting to send AT command zone 14.  At command execue returns area 15.  Save user parameter button. Appendix Document history version  Records  Date   V1.1   Draft version  2014-8-10     V1.2   Add UDP at command decription  2014-9-20 V1.3  Add softap at command  2014-10-15   FCC Warning  This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.  NOTE: Any changes or modifications to this unit not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.
                                   Shenzhen hailingke Electronico.,Ltd                                  Tel:0755-23152658 Fax:0755-83575196   Page 30 / 31 Pages  FCC Radiation Exposure Statement:  This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. End users must follow the specific operating instructions for satisfying RF exposure compliance.  Note 1: This module certified that complies with RF exposure requirement under portable or mobile or fixed condition, this module is to be installed only in portable or mobile or fixed applications.  A portable device is defined as a transmitting device designed to be used so that the radiating structure(s) of the device is/are within 20 centimeters of the body of the user  A mobile device is defined as a transmitting device designed to be used in other than fixed locations and to generally be used in such a way that a separation distance of at least 20 centimeters is normally maintained between the transmitter's radiating structure(s) and the body of the user or nearby persons. Transmitting devices designed to be used by consumers or workers that can be easily re-located, such as wireless devices associated with a personal computer, are considered to be mobile devices if they meet the 20 centimeter separation requirement.  A fixed device is defined as a device is physically secured at one location and is not able to be easily moved to another location.  Note 2: Any modifications made to the module will void the Grant of Certification, this module is limited to OEM installation only and must not be sold to end-users, end-user has no manual instructions to remove or install the device, only software or operating procedure shall be placed in the end-user operating manual of final products.  Note 3: The device must not transmit simultaneously with any other antenna or transmitter.  No. Antenna Type  Gain  Impedance 1 PCB  1.5 dBi 50ohm  Note 4: To ensure compliance with all non-transmitter functions the host manufacturer is responsible for ensuring compliance with the module(s) installed and fully operational. For example, if a host was previously authorized as an unintentional radiator under the Declaration of Conformity procedure without a transmitter certified module and a module is added, the host manufacturer is responsible for ensuring that the after the module is installed and operational the host continues to be compliant with the Part 15B
                                   Shenzhen hailingke Electronico.,Ltd                                  Tel:0755-23152658 Fax:0755-83575196   Page 31 / 31 Pages unintentional radiator requirements. Since this may depend on the details of how the module is integrated with the host, Shenzhen HaiLingKe Electronic co., Ltd shall provide guidance to the host manufacturer for compliance with the Part 15B requirements.  Note 5: FCC ID label on the final system must be labeled with “Contains FCC ID: 2AD56HLK-M35” or “Contains transmitter module FCC ID: 2AD56HLK-M35”.  The transmitter module must be installed and used in strict accordance with the manufacturer's instructions as described in the user documentation that comes with the host product Shenzhen HaiLingKe Electronic co., Ltd is responsible for the compliance of the module in all final hosts.

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