Hilti PR2XR01 Levelling and alignment instrument User Manual

Hilti Corporation Levelling and alignment instrument Users Manual

Users Manual

Hilti CorporationFL-9494 SchaanTel.: +423 / 234 21 11Fax: +423 / 234 29 65www.hilti.comHilti = registered trademark of Hilti Corp., Schaan   W3049  1004  10-Pos. 1    1    Printed in Liechtenstein   © 2004Right of technical and programme changes reserved   S. E. & O.000000 / A*000000*
PR25*000000*000000Bedienungsanleitung deOperating instructions en
Y+X+X-Y-Y+X+X-Y-20 m180˚20 m345
1enIt is essential that the operating instructionsare read before the tool is used the firsttime.Always keep these operating instructionstogether with the tool.Ensure that the operating instructions arewith the tool when it is given to otherpersons.PR 25 rotating laser1. General information1.1 Safety notices and their meaning-CAUTION-Draws attention to a potentially dangerous situation thatcould lead to minor personal injury or damage to theequipment or other property.-NOTE-Draws attention to instructions and other useful infor-mation.1.2 PictogramsContents Page1. General information 12. Description 23. Accessories 24. Technical data 35. Safety precautions 36. Before use 57. Operation 68. Checks/adjustment 89. Care and maintenance 910. Disposal 911. Warranty 1012. FCC statement 1013. EC declaration of conformity 11Component parts PR 25 rotating laserLaser beam (plane of rotation)Rotating headControl panelGripBattery compartmentBase plate with 5/8″threadControl panel On/off buttonShock warning deactivation keyRotation speed control keyLine function keyDirection keys (left/right)Servo keys (set X/Y inclination/direction)Auto leveling LEDShock warning deactivation LEDBattery LEDX-inclination/direction LEDY-inclination/direction LEDPRA 25 laser receiverThese numbers refer to the corresponding illustra-tions. The illustrations can be found on the fold-out coverpages. Keep these pages open when studying the oper-ating instructions.In these operating instructions, the PR 25 rotating laseris referred to as “the tool”.Location of identification data on the toolThe type designation and serial number can be foundon the type plate on the tool. Make a note of this data inyour operating instructions and always refer to it whenmaking an enquiry to your Hilti representative or ser-vice department.Type: PR 25Serial no.:Warning signsRead the operatinginstructions before use.SymbolsGeneral warningLaser radiationDo not stare into the beam.Laser class 2 in accordance with EN 60825-1:2003Do not stare into the beam or look directly into the beamwith other optical instruments.Laser class 3A in a accordance with EN 60825-1:2003CLASS II LASER PRODUCT620-690nm/0.95mW max.LASER RADIATION - DO NOTSTARE INTO BEAM1/4s2CLASS IIIa LASER PRODUCT620-690nm/2.45mW max.LASER RADIATION - DO NOT STARE INTOBEAM OR VIEW DIRECTLY WITHOPTICAL INSTRUMENTS3A
2en2. Description2.1 PR 25 rotating laserThe PR 25 is a rotating laser featuring a visible rotatinglaser beam plus a point laser beam set at 90° to the rotat-ing beam, which can be used to indicate the vertical,horizontal or inclined planes.2.2 FeaturesThe tool allows a single person to level or align in anyplane quickly and with great accuracy.Automatic leveling (within ±5° inclination): The tool lev-els itself automatically after switching on. The laser beamis emitted only when the specified accuracy has beenachieved.LEDs indicate the tool's operating status.Speed of rotationThe tool features 4 speeds of rotation. These are: sta-tionary spot (zero rotation), slow rotation, medium-speed rotation and fast rotation.It is possible to switch between functions such as “Rotat-ing laser” and “Line laser”. This can be done from thePR25 rotating laser or by way of the PRA 25 (combinedlaser receiver and remote control unit).Shock warningThe built-in shock warning function becomes active oneminute after switching on: The tool switches to warningmode (all LEDs blink, laser stops rotating) when broughtout of level as a result of vibration or an impact duringoperation. All LEDs blink and the laser stops rotating.Automatic cut-outIf movement of the mechanism is physically impededor the tool is set up outside its self-leveling range, thelaser remains switched off and all LEDs blink.The tool can be set up on a tripod with a 5/8″ thread orstood directly on some other steady surface (free ofvibration).-NOTE-In some versions sold, the PRA 25 is not supplied asstandard with the PR 25. In this case, the functions canbe controlled directly from the PR 25 rotating laser itself(excluding auto alignment/surveillance, which is possi-ble only in conjunction with the PRA 25).2.3 Description of functions2.3.1 Horizontal plane (automatic leveling)When switched on, the tool levels itself automatically byway of the 2 built-in servo motors for the X- and Y-direc-tions.2.3.2 Inclined plane (any desired inclination)Inclination can be set up in alignment with given marksby pressing the X- and Y-keys on the PRA 25 or PR Automatic cut-outDuring automatic leveling in one or both directions, theservo system monitors compliance with the specifiedaccuracy.The tool switches itself off in the following situations:– Leveling is not accomplished (tool set up outside its leveling range or the mechanism is physicallyimpeded).– The tool is brought out of level (due to vibration or im-pact).After automatic cut-out, rotation of the laser beam stopsand all LEDs blink.Items supplied1 PR 25 rotating laser1 PRA 25 laser receiver*1 PR 25 operating instructions1 PRA 25 operating instructions*1 PR 25/PRA 25 operating instructions*1 PRA 50/1 target plate1 producer certificate3 batteries (size D cells)2 batteries (size AA cells)1 Hilti case* Depending on the version purchased, this may not beincluded in the items supplied.
3en4. Technical data for the PR 25Range (diameter)Range of remote controlAccuracy (at 24 °C/+75 °F)Plumb beamLaser product classSpeeds of rotationSelf-leveling rangeAutomatic cut-outOperating status indicatorsPower supplyBattery life at 20 °C [+68 °F]Operating temperatureStorage temperatureProtection classTripod threadWeightDimensionsBeam diameterRight of technical changes reserved.2 to 200 m [6 to 650 ft.] with the PRA 250 to 100 m [0 to 325 ft.] with the PRA 25±0.75 mm @ 10 mContinuously at right angles to plane of rotationClass 2, visible, 635 nm, < 1 mWClass 3A, visible, 635 nm, < 2.5 mW(IEC825-1/EN60825-1:2003; FDA 21 CFR 1040)Zero, slow, medium, fast(operating speed)±5°, LED indicatorWhen the laser is brought out of level (unless bothaxes set to inclined mode):– Rotation stops– All LEDs blink– Auto leveling LED– Battery condition LED– Shock warning LED– X and Y inclination/direction LED3 size D alkaline batteries or NiMH rechargeable bat-tery for charging with PUA 80 charger (accessory)Alkaline batteries:  > 50 hoursNiMh batteries:  > 40 hours–20 °C to +50 °C [–4 °F to +122 °F]–30 °C to +60 °C dry [–22 °F to +140 °F]IP 56 (as per IEC 529)5/8″x 18Approx. 2.4 kg (5.3 lbs.) including 3 batteries186 (L) x 186 (W) x 213 (H) mm [7.3″ (L) x 7.3″ (W) x 8.4″ (H) inches]< 16 mm at 10 m3. Accessories3.1 Accessories for the PR 25Many tasks can be carried out much more efficientlywhen the appropriate accessories for the PR 25 are used.The following accessories are available:– PRA 20 and PRA 25 laser receiver– PRA 50 and PRA 51 target plates– PRA 52 slope calculator– PRA 70 and PRA 71 wall mounts– PRA 76 slope adapter– PRA 75 laser receiver holder– PUA 80 charger and PRA 801 battery pack– PA 375 batter board adapter, PA 377 tripod and facadeadapter– PA 910, PA 911, PA 921 and PA 931/2 tripods– PA 950/960 and PA 951/961 telescopic staffs
●Ensure that the tool is set up on a steady surface (notsubject to vibration).●Use the tool only within its specified limits.●Check that your PR 25 is being controlled by your PRA 25 and that it is not reacting to commands fromany other PRA 25 in use on the construction site.5.3.1 Electromagnetic compatibilityAlthough the tool complies with the strict requirementsof the relevant directives, Hilti cannot entirely rule outthe following possibilities:●The tool may cause interference to other equipment,e.g. aircraft navigational equipment.●The tool may be subject to interference caused bypowerful radiation, possibly leading to incorrect oper-ation. Check the readings for plausibility when mea-suring under these conditions or if you are unsure ofthe results.5.3.2 Laser classification for laser class 2 productsDepending on the version purchased, the tool conformsto laser class 2 or, respectively, class 3A based on theIEC825-1/EN60825-1:2003 standard and class 3 basedon CFR 21 § 1040 (FDA). These tools may be used with-out need for further protective measures. The eyelid clo-sure reflex protects the eyes if a person looks into thebeam unintentionally for a brief moment. The eyelid clo-sure reflex may, however, be negatively influenced bymedication, alcohol or drugs. Nevertheless, as with thesun, a person should not look directly into sources ofbright light. Do not direct the laser beam toward per-sons.Laser warning plates based on IEC825/EN60825-1:2003Laser warning plates for the US based on CFR 21 §1040 (FDA)5.3.3 Laser classification for laser class 3A productsDepending on the version purchased, the tool conformsto laser class 3 based on the CFR 21 § 1040 (FDA) stan-dard. These tools may be used without need for furtherprotective measures.Do not look into the laser beam and do not direct thelaser beam toward persons.4en1/4s2CLASS II LASER PRODUCT620-690nm/0.95mW max.LASER RADIATION - DO NOTSTARE INTO BEAM5. Safety precautions5.1 Basic information concerning safetyIn addition to the information relevant to safety given ineach of the sections of these operating instructions, thefollowing points must be strictly observed at all times.5.2 Intended useThe tool is designed to be used for determining, trans-ferring or checking alignment in the horizontal plane,inclined planes and right angles, e.g.– Transferring datum and height marks– Marking out right angles for walls– Vertical alignment with a reference point– Setting out inclinesHilti offers various accessories that allow the tool to beused with maximum efficiency.●The tool and its accessories may present hazards whenused incorrectly by untrained personnel or when usednot as directed.●To avoid the risk of injury, use only genuine Hilti acces-sories and additional equipment.●Tampering with or modification of the tool is not per-missible.●Observe the information printed in the operating instruc-tions concerning operation, care and maintenance.●Do not render safety devices ineffective and do notremove information and warning notices.●Keep laser tools out of reach of children.●Have the tool repaired only at a Hilti service center.Failure to follow the correct procedures when open-ing the tool may cause emission of laser radiation inexcess of class 2 or, respectively, class 3A.●Take the surrounding conditions into account. Do notuse the tool where there is a risk of fire or explosion.* (Requested by FCC §15.21): Changes or modificationsnot expressly approved by the party responsible forcompliance could void the user’s authority to operatethe equipment.5.3 Proper organization of the workplace●Secure the area in which you are working. When set-ting up the tool, take care to avoid directing the beamtoward yourself or other people.●Avoid unfavorable body positions when working onladders. Work from a stable stance and stay in bal-ance at all times.●Measurements taken through panes of glass or otherobjects may be inaccurate.
5enLaser warning plate based on IEC825/EN60825-1:2003Laser warning plate for the US based on CFR 21 § 1040 (FDA)This laser product complies with 21 CFR 1040 as applic-able.-NOTE-●Laser class 3A tools should be operated only by trainedpersonnel.●The area in which the tool is in use should be markedwith laser warning signs.●The plane of the laser beam should be well above orwell below eye level.●Precautionary measures must be taken to avoid inad-vertent reflection of the laser beam from potentiallyreflective surfaces.●Precautionary measures must be taken to ensure thatpersons do not look directly into the beam.●The laser beam should not be projected into unsu-pervised areas.●When not in use, laser tools should be stored in a placeinaccessible to unauthorized persons.5.4 General safety precautions●Check the tool before use. If the tool is found to bedamaged, have it repaired at a Hilti service center.●The accuracy of the tool must be checked after it hasbeen dropped or subjected to other mechanical stress.●When the tool is brought into a warm environmentfrom very cold conditions, or vice versa, allow it tobecome acclimatized before use. ●If mounting on an adapter, ensure that the tool isscrewed on securely.●Keep the laser exit aperture clean to avoid measure-ment errors.●Although the tool is designed for the tough conditionsof jobsite use, as with other optical instruments (binoc-ulars, spectacles, cameras) it should be treated withcare.●Although the tool is designed to prevent entry of damp-ness, it should be wiped dry each time before beingput away in its transport container.●Check the tool before using it for important measur-ing work.●Check the accuracy of the tool regularly while in use.5.4.1 Electrical●Do not allow the batteries to fall into children's hands.●Do not overheat or incinerate the batteries. They mayexplode or release toxic substances.●Do not attempt to recharge the batteries (non-recharge-able, alkaline type).●Do not solder the batteries into the tool.●Do not discharge the batteries by short circuiting. Thismay cause the batteries to overheat and swell up.●Do not attempt to open the batteries and do not sub-ject them to excessive mechanical stress.CLASS IIIa LASER PRODUCT620-690nm/2.45mW max.LASER RADIATION - DO NOT STARE INTOBEAM OR VIEW DIRECTLY WITHOPTICAL INSTRUMENTS3A
6en6. Before use-NOTE-– The tool may be powered only by the PRA 801 batterypack or by batteries manufactured in accordance withthe IEC standard.PR 801 battery pack– The performance of the battery drops at low tempera-tures.– Store the battery at room temperature.– Never store the battery where it is exposed to directsunlight, on a radiator or heater, or behind glass (win-dows, motor vehicle windscreens, etc).Batteries– Do not use damaged batteries.– Do not mix old and new batteries. Do not mix batter-ies of different types or batteries from various manu-facturers.6.1 Switching on the toolPress the on/off key.-NOTE-After switching on, the tool begins the automatic level-ing process (max. 40 seconds). Once fully leveled, thetool activates the laser beam in the rotational plane andin the beam perpendicular to this. The laser beam beginsto rotate at medium speed.6.2 LED indicatorsAuto leveling LEDThe LED blinks rapidly.The LED lights constantly.Shock warning LEDAll LEDs blink.The shock warning LED lights red.Battery voltage LEDThe LED lights.Inclination LEDThe X and Y LEDs do not light.The X LED does not light and the Y LED lights red.The X LED lights red and the Y LED does not light.The X LED lights red and the Y LED lights red.The tool is leveling itself automatically.The tool has leveled itself/is operating normally.The tool has been bumped or brought out of level tem-porarily.The shock warning LED lights red after deactivation ofthe shock warning.The batteries are almost exhausted.Operation in the horizontal plane.The Y-direction has been aligned manually or by wayof auto alignment. X-direction is still under automaticcontrol.The X-direction has been aligned manually or by wayof auto alignment. Y axis is still under automatic con-trol.The X- and Y-directions have been aligned manually orby way of auto alignment. The shock warning systemis deactivated.6.3 Inserting new batteries 1. Open the battery compartment by turning the lock-ing button.2. Insert the batteries in the battery compartment. Takecare to ensure correct polarity.3. Close the battery compartment by turning the lock-ing button.
7en7. Operation7.1 Switching the tool onPress the on/off key.7.2 Selecting the speed of rotationThe speed of rotation can be adjusted by pressing therotation speed control key (PR 25 or PRA 25). Afterswitching on, the PR 25 is set to rotate at medium speed,as standard.– Press the key once to set rotation to medium speed.– Press the key again to set rotation to high speed.– Press the key once more to return to medium speed.– Press the key yet again to set rotation to low speed.– A further press of the key stops rotation (spot).– The next press of the key sets rotation to low speed.– This procedure repeats itself.7.2.1 Selecting the line function After pressing the line function key, the PR 25 projectsa laser line. The line can be lengthened or shortened bypressing the key again.– Press the key once to project a short line.– Press the key again to project a medium-length line.– Press the key once more to project a long line.– Press the key yet again to project an extra-long line.– A further press of the key switches the tool back to thelong line.– The next press of the key switches the tool back to themedium-length line.– This procedure repeats itself.7.2.2 Moving the laser line and spotThe laser line or laser spot can be moved to the left orright by pressing the direction keys (PR 25 or PRA 25).Holding down the direction keys increases the speed ofmovement and the laser line or spot then move contin-uously.7.2.3 Working in the horizontal plane– Mount the tool suitably, depending on the application,e.g. on a tripod.– Press the on/off key.-NOTE-The laser beam switches on and begins to rotate as soonas the tool has leveled itself.7.2.4 Working in the vertical plane– Stand the tool on a level surface in a suitable positionfor the application.*– Press the on/off button.-NOTE-*In order to ensure that the specified accuracy is main-tained, the tool should be stood on an approximatelylevel surface.-NOTE-The X LED does not light (the X-direction is brought intovertical alignment automatically and monitored).The Y LED lights red (the Y-direction can be aligned man-ually by way of the servo keys, the laser plane remainsperpendicular).7.2.5 Automatic alignmentA basic prerequisite for auto alignment is that the PR 25is set up accurately. The PR 25 must be set up so thatthe correct axis (X or Y) is positioned in the direction inwhich alignment is to be performed. This can only bedone in conjunction with the PRA 25.Procedure:– Position the PR 25 at the reference point and with thecorrect axis in the direction in which alignment is tobe performed (the operating range for auto alignmentis a radius of 5-50 m).– Position the PRA 25 laser receiver at the desired point.– Check that no obstacles prevent communication betweenthe PR 25 and the PRA 25.– Activate the auto alignment function by pressing theX or Y key three times within one second. It is impor-tant that the axes correspond correctly, i.e. when X (Y)is to be aligned with the reference point, auto align-ment of the X (Y) axis must be enabled by way of the PRA 25.– As long as the PR 25 is not in line laser mode, it thenswitches automatically to medium rotation speed andbegins the search process. The auto align function isindicated in the display by the axis currently beingaligned and by blinking arrows. An audible signal isemitted continuously during the search process.– The direction of the search process can be changedby pressing the direction arrows.– The beam moves to the zero point (reference plane)as soon as the laser beam strikes the detection areaon the PRA 25 laser receiver.– After reaching this point (finding the reference plane),asignal sounds briefly indicating that the process iscomplete. Only the axis that has been aligned is thenshown in the display.
8enIf the process cannot be completed within a certain periodof time, an error is indicated in the display.-NOTE- If an error is displayedPlease check that the PRA 25 is positioned within theinclination range (+/– 5°) and that no obstacles arelocated between the rotating laser and the laser receiver.7.2.6 Manual alignment with the PR 25 A basic prerequisite for manual alignment is that the PR 25 is set up accurately. The PR 25 must be set up sothat the correct axis (X or Y) is positioned in the direc-tion in which alignment is to be performed.Procedure:– Position the PR 25 at the reference point and with thecorrect axis in the direction in which alignment is tobe performed (the operating range for manual align-ment is a radius of 5–50 m).Setting the X-direction manually– Press one of the X-servo keys twice within 2 seconds.– The X-servo keys can then be used to perform man-ual alignment.-NOTE-The X LED lights red.Setting the Y-direction manually– Press one of the Y-servo keys twice within 2 seconds.– The Y-servo keys can then be used to perform man-ual alignment.-NOTE-The Y LED lights red.7.2.7 Manual alignment using the PRA 25A basic prerequisite for manual alignment is that the PR 25 is set up accurately. The PR 25 must be set up sothat the correct axis (X or Y) is positioned in the direc-tion in which alignment is to be performed.Procedure:– Position the PR 25 at the reference point and with thecorrect axis in the direction in which alignment is tobe performed (the operating range for manual align-ment is a radius of 5–50 m).– Check that no obstacles prevent communication between the PR 25 and the PRA 25.– Activate the manual alignment function by pressingthe X or Y key twice within 1 second. It is importantthat the axes correspond correctly, i.e. when X (Y) isto be aligned with the reference point, auto alignmentof the X (Y) axis must be enabled by way of the PRA 25.– The laser beam can be moved to the desired positionby pressing the direction keys. Holding down the direc-tion keys increases the speed of movement and thelaser line or spot then move continuously.– The manual alignment function is indicated in the dis-play by the axis currently being aligned and by sta-tionary (constantly lit) arrows. An audible signal is alsoemitted continuously during the search process.– The system switches to normal operation when no keyis pressed within 5 seconds. Only the axis that hasbeen aligned is then indicated in the display.7.2.8 SurveillanceThe surveillance function checks to ensure that no dis-placement of the aligned plane has occurred (e.g. dueto vibration). If displacement has occurred, the laserplane is realigned to the zero point (as long as it is stillwithin the detection area). An additional laser receiveris required for working with the surveillance function.A PRA 20 or PRA 25 may be used to detect the laserbeam.As surveillance begins by way of the auto alignmentfunction, the PR 25 must be set up accurately. The PR 25 must be set up so that the correct axis (X or Y)is positioned in the direction in which alignment is to beperformed.Procedure:– Position the PR 25 at the reference point and with thecorrect axis in the direction in which alignment is tobe performed (the operating range for auto alignmentis a radius of 5–50 m).– Position the PRA 25 laser receiver at the desired point.– Check that no obstacles prevent communication betweenthe PR 25 and the PRA 25.– Activation of this function requires the PRA 25 to beswitched off. While pressing and holding the X or Ykey (the key for the axis you wish to align), switch onthe laser receiver by pressing the on/off key.– The system is then in surveillance mode. The moni-toring function is indicated in the display – the LEDsfor the axis to be aligned and the arrows blink alter-nately.– The auto alignment process then begins as previouslydescribed.– The auto alignment process stops as soon as the zeropoint has been found. In contrast to full auto align-ment, no audible signal is emitted at the end of theprocess.– A check is carried out at regular intervals to ensurethat laser the plane has not been displaced. If it is foundto have been displaced, the laser plane is again broughtinto alignment with the zero point (as long as the laserbeam is still within the detection area and line of sightbetween the rotating laser and the laser receiver hasnot been interrupted for a long period). In the event ofprolonged interruption of the line of sight between thetwo devices, an error is indicated after 30 seconds.
9en-NOTE- If an error is displayedPlease check that the PRA 25 is positioned within theself levelling range (+/– 5°) and that no obstacles arelocated between the rotating laser and the laser receiver.After successfully setting to the zero point, take care toensure that the line of sight between the two devices isnot interrupted.7.2.9 PairingIt is possible to configure the PR 25 and the PRA 25 asa pair. When the two devices are paired, the rotating laserand the detector are assigned to each other. The rotat-ing laser then receives commands only from its “own”detector/remote control unit. The devices can be pairedby pressing and holding down the on/off keys on bothdevices simultaneously.-NOTE-The PR 25 and PRA 25 are not paired when supplied.Each unpaired rotating laser receives commands fromany unpaired laser receiver.Pairing procedure:– The devices can be paired by pressing and holdingdown the on/off keys on the PR 25 and PRA 25 simul-taneously, as previously described, for more than 3seconds. Successful pairing is confirmed by an audi-ble signal emitted by the PRA 25 and by the LEDs onthe PR 25 blinking.Cancelling pairing:– Pairing can be cancelled by pressing and holding downthe on/off keys for more than 3 seconds. Cancellationof pairing can only be successful when the on/off keyson the PR 25 and PRA 25 are not pressed simultane-ously. Successful cancellation of pairing is confirmedby the PRA 25 by the emission of an audible signaland by the symbol “!” displayed. The PR 25 confirmscancellation of pairing by causing all LEDs to blink.7.2.10 Working with the target plate The target plate improves visibility of the laser beam.The target plate for the PR 25 is particularly useful inbright conditions or wherever better visibility of the laserbeam is required.7.2.11 Working with the laser receiverPlease refer to the PRA 25 operating instructions forinformation about the laser receiver.7.2.12 Continuing work in manual mode after arestartIn order to continue working in manual mode after arestart, it is necessary to press one of the “servo” keyson the PR 25 within 3 seconds.7.2.13 Returning to standard modeTo return to standard mode, switch the tool off and thenrestart it.
10en8. Hilti calibration serviceWe recommend that the tool is checked by the HiltiCalibration Service at regular intervals in order to verifyits reliability in accordance with standards and legalrequirements.Use can be made of the Hilti Calibration Service at anytime, but checking at least once a year is recommended.The Calibration Service provides confirmation that thetool is in conformance, on the day it is tested, with thespecifications given in the operating instructions.The tool will be re-adjusted if deviations from the man-ufacturer's specification are found. After checking andadjustment, a calibration sticker applied to the tool anda calibration certificate provide written verification thatthe tool operates in accordance with the manufacturer'sspecification.Calibration certificates are always required by compa-nies certified according to ISO 900x.Your local Hilti Center or representative will be pleasedto provide further information.8.1 AccuracyThe accuracy of the tool in the X- or Y-directions can bechecked as described below.8.1.1 Checking procedure 1. Set up the tool in the horizontal plane at a distance ofabout 20 m (60 ft) from a wall (can also be carriedout with the tool set up on a tripod).2. Make a mark on the wall with the aid of the laser receiver(select medium speed of rotation).3. Pivot the tool through 180° about its own axis (checkthe same laser axis).4. With the aid of the laser receiver, make a second markon the wall.If the check has been carried out carefully, the distancebetween the marks A and B should be less than 6 mm(7/32 inch; at 20 m from the wall).⇒In the event of a deviation in excess of this, pleasereturn the tool to a Hilti Service Center.9. Care and maintenance9.1 Cleaning and drying●Blow dust off the lenses.●Do not touch the glass with your fingers.●Use only a clean, soft cloth for cleaning. If necessary,slightly moisten the cloth with pure alcohol or a littlewater.-NOTE-●Do not use any other liquids as these may damagethe plastic parts.●Observe the temperature limits when storing yourequipment. This is particularly important in winter orsummer, especially if the equipment is kept inside avehicle (storage temperatures: –30 °C to +60 °C/–22 °F to +140 °F).9.2 StorageRemove the tool from its case if it has become wet. Cleanand dry the tool, its carrying case and accessories (at max. temperature of 40 °C/108 °F). Re-pack the equip-ment only when it is completely dry.Check the accuracy of the equipment before it is usedafter a long period of storage or transportation.Remove the batteries if the tool is to be stored for a longperiod.9.3 TransportationUse either the original Hilti case or packaging of equiv-alent quality for transporting or shipping your equip-ment.-CAUTION-Always remove the batteries before shipping the tool.
11en11. WarrantyHilti warrants that the product supplied is free of defectsin material and workmanship. This warranty is valid aslong as the product is operated and handled correctly,cleaned and serviced properly and in accordance withthe Hilti operating instructions, all warranty claims aremade within 12 months from the date of the sale (invoicedate), and the technical system is maintained. This meansthat only genuine Hilti consumables, components andspare parts may be used with the product.This warranty provides the free-of-charge repair or replace-ment of defective parts only. Parts requiring repair orreplacement as a result of normal wear and tear are notcovered by this warranty.Additional claims are excluded, unless stringent nationalrules prohibit such exclusion. In particular, Hilti is notobligated for direct, indirect, incidental or consequentialdamages, losses or expenses in connection with, orby reason of, the use of, or inability to use the productfor any purpose. Implied warranties of merchantabil-ity or fitness for a particular purpose are specificallyexcluded.Send the product and/or related parts immediately upondiscovery of the defect to the applicable Hilti marketingorganization for repair or replacement.This constitutes Hilti's entire obligation with regard towarranty and supersedes all prior or contemporaneouscomments and oral or written agreements concerningwarranties.10. Disposal-CAUTION-Improper disposal of the equipment may have serious consequences:●The burning of plastic components generates toxic fumes which may present a health hazard.●Batteries may explode if damaged or exposed to very high temperatures and thus cause poisoning, burns, acidburns or environmental pollution.●Careless disposal may permit unauthorized and improper use of the equipment, possibly leading to seriouspersonal injury, injury to third parties and pollution of the environment.Most of the materials from which Hilti tools or appliances are manufactured can be recycled. The materials mustbe properly separated before they can be recycled. In many countries, Hilti has already made arrangements fortaking back old tools and appliances for recycling. Ask Hilti Customer Service or your Hilti Representative for fur-ther information.Should you wish to return the tool or appliance yourself to a disposal facility for recycling, proceed as follows:Dismantle the equipment as far as is possible without need for special tools.Separate the individual parts as follows:Part/assemblyHousing, toolboxControl panel, displayServo motorElectronicsBatteriesScrews, small partsOnly for EU countriesDo not dispose of electric tools together with household waste material!In observance of European Directive 2002/96/EC on waste electrical and electronic equipmentand its implementation in accordance with international law, electric tools that have reachedthe end of their life must be collected separately and returned to an evironmentally compatiblerecycling facility.Main materialPlasticVariousMetalVariousAlkaline manganeseSteelRecyclingPlastics recyclingElectronics scrapScrap metalElectronics scrap*Scrap metal
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules andRSS-210 of IC. Operation is subject to the following twoconditions:(1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and(2) this device must accept any interference received,including interference that may cause undesiredoperation.Information plates on the product:-CAUTION-This equipment has been tested and found to complywith the limits for a class B digital device, pursuant topart 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed toprovide reasonable protection against harmful interfer-ence in a residential installation. This equipment gener-ates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and,if not installed and used in accordance with the instruc-tions, may cause harmful interference to radio com-munications.However, there is no guarantee that interference will notoccur in a particular installation.If this equipment does cause harmful interference toradio or television reception, which can be determinedby turning the equipment on and off, the user is encour-aged to try to correct the interference by one or more ofthe following measures:●Re-orient or re-locate the receiving antenna.●Increase the distance between the equipment andreceiver.●Connect the equipment to an outlet on a circuit dif-ferent from that to which the receiver is connected.●Consult the dealer or an experienced TV/radio tech-nician for assistance.Changes or modifications not expressly approved byHilti could restrict the user's right to operate the equip-ment.12. FCC statement (applicable in US) / IC statement (applicable in Canada)CLASS II LASER PRODUCT620-690nm/0.95mW max.LASER RADIATION - DO NOTSTARE INTO BEAM21/4s319699This Laser ProductEN 60825-1:2003complies with 21CFR1040 as applicablePR 25Made in GermanyHilti= registered trademark of the Hilti Corporation, Schaan, LiechtensteinPower: 4,5V=nom./150 mACLASS IIIa LASER PRODUCT620-690nm/2.45mW max.LASER RADIATION - DO NOT STARE INTOBEAM OR VIEW DIRECTLY WITHOPTICAL INSTRUMENTS3A319700PR 25 IFMade in GermanyHilti= registered trademark of the Hilti Corporation, Schaan, LiechtensteinPower: 4,5V=nom./150 mAThis Laser ProductEN 60825-1:2003complies with 21CFR1040 as applicable12en
13en13. EC conformityIn conformance with CEWe declare, on our own responsibility, that this productcomplies with the following directives and standards:EN 300 440-2, EN 301 489-3 V1.4.1, EN 60950-1:2001/IEC 60950-1:2001, EN 55022 + A1 + A2:2003Designation: Rotating laserType: PR 25/PR 25 IFYear of design: 2004Hilti CorporationMatthias Gillner Dr. Heinz-Joachim SchneiderHead BU Measuring Systems  Executive Vice President01/ 2005 BA Electric Tools & Accessories   01/ 2005

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