Hisense Electric LCDD0001 LCD TV. User Manual 2

Hisense Electric Co., Ltd. LCD TV. Users Manual 2


Users Manual 2

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Document ID1128872
Application IDLb6CTFmItHpheztltDJEXQ==
Document DescriptionUsers Manual 2
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Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize159.83kB (1997922 bits)
Date Submitted2009-06-24 00:00:00
Date Available2009-06-25 00:00:00
Creation Date2009-06-24 18:29:31
Producing SoftwareAdobe Acrobat 7.0 Image Conversion Plug-in
Document Lastmod2009-06-24 18:29:43
Document TitleUsers Manual 2
Document CreatorAdobe Acrobat 7.0

Using the remote control
Preparing the remote control for use
Installan the remote control betterles
1. Open the hattery caller on the backofflle remnte calmnl.
1.1nstalltwo m sl1e(1.5V) batterles. Match the + and - slgns on the batteries to the signs on the
bamery compartment.
3. C|OSE the battery COVEL
1.Dlspuse of your hatterles in a designated dlsposal area. Dn not throw batteries lntu flre.
2m nut mlx battery types or combine used batteries with new nnes.
lkemove dead batteries immediately te prevent battery acid from leaking me the battery
4.1r you do not use the remate control for a long tlme, remove the hattenes.
5.Tlle eneeilve range dime remere control is demonstrated by the following figure:
Using the remote control
Learning about the remote control
Mule: Mum m swnd
PICTURE: 9am h Wm "we
Understanding the TV features
o Mulfilnedll - All ln one w recenrer, vueo llonlm Ind rl: oleplay.
- vrroer viewing angle for 16- and 4:3 display eraeene - om a mo degree winning angle and a
15:9 ergonomic displny panel.
- nlgnal anal-y device - Irrespective of megnefic or geomagnelle enema, urn device acmrately
lellrvlilloee innoce- wmlollt any amnion or blur.
aooerl cannon aemder - You mIvvlew med-“v l-hded (a) TV moor-nu, malllel, new".
preremrded ups, etc. wlllr emler e ol-logue upflnn orben aleploy ndded mule program.
y-ano - Enable pllems co prevan he: elriloren lrorn mooring inappropriebe mgr-en- on w.
seep mner
Multi—Ilnguage usn
Basic operation
Menu operation
Power Oil/OFF
1. mnnmmewnoa power outlet Int-e power lndlmmre rod, ltmeansmatmew ls swltmed off. Pres me
Pumrbllmnmmefrmfiomb'nl marliheremotemmmlmswltch onthewoncetmmerbumnls
swlrcneo on, fire power lndlcamr wIII be dlsola/ed as blue Several seconds later, we w blcmre M" be
olealayeo on the screen,
2. Prfi the Power km on the hilt mmml clr an the mute mmml in (In IhETV Dfi lempnmrily.
3. AlwaysrenovebleACpowerpluglrombleoubelrnmmrusinemlswroralongperlodoffime.
Signal source seledjon
Pu the [mrm'] omen lb select TV, AV, s-vrdeoxcmmlmbvm and HDMI moms. There are two ways In
selecme source: One ls to pres me [lHPIIl'] button cmmrously. wnne me other IS lb use the [AWW] and
[ENTER] bumms lo confirm llre source.
Select channels
Please use (cm- 1cn-] bum on me remote panel be selefl channels. [cm-1 Indlalu channel number up;
[CH-1 indlmes channel number down Press [cue [cllv1 hunt)" on me side panel bimew to seleu me
memes. If you went lo choose any of me sklppefl channds, yrs: the number olreow.
Use [Mute] button
Plss me [mm] huhm be mme me mm. m the [Mule] blmnn Again to lsunle me soono.
Select plmre modes
Pres me [PICTURE] human lo select me pldul’e made from four oobons: Slandard, Home, User and Wvld. You
can aolua me more mode based upon your personal preference
Select sound modes
Plus the [Ammo] lam to select sound modes from Standard, speech, um, and Muslc.
Select zoom modes
Prss me [zoom] bmmn tn selecr the aspect ratio bemaen orb-e width and pidure nelgm (High Befiniuurl 15:9
plumes wlII be fisplaved m angel format 16:9, named wuemle means for so (Standard Definnion 4:3) ale
Normal, wlae, zoom and clnema.
Basic operation
0 Normal
The original 4:3 aspect ratio (1.33:1 signal)
is preserved, so black hars are added to the
left and right of the Image. Standard TV
broadcasts are displayed with a 4:3 aspect ratio.
9 Wide
When watching a standard broadcast or full-frame
movie in this mode, the display image Is stretched
proportionately to fill the TV screen.
When watching a widescreen (1.78:1 signal)
pmgram or movie, the display imagefills the TV
9 Zoom
Stretches the 4:3 aspect ratla Image vertically
and horizontally to fill the screen at 1:1.78
aspect ratlo.
0 Cinema
Stretches the 4:3 aspect ratlo Image vertically
and horlxontally to Fill the screen at 1:2.35
aspect ratio.
Basic operation
Use [GUIDE] human
Press me [GUIDE] human In away ieamres nfme ATSC program and the EPG function.
Ule [DISPLAV] button
was ”1! [DISPLAY] button to VIEW current source lmnmuon.
use [EXIT] button
Piss the [aim human lo exit ms asp menu
select channels by numbers
Th select a mannel: Pres me channel number you would Ilka in go lo. For exunole, to seller: channel number 120,
Use [MENU] bumm
Prss me [MENU] mu m dismay the TV OSD menu.
use [LASI'] bullion
Press the [um] human to return to me piEvIDuS channel.
Ule [ENTER] button
Prss the [ENTER] human to saw a Dammlar iwm.
Adiufl vohime
Prss [Vol+/VOL-1b\mn m adjust me vnlilme.
Use [ccn] human
Press me [am] bumn to change the cm mode. Using mis mean will senne com man made when viewing
a m or ‘rv channel.
Natl: Te senile default dosed amen seeing for all channels see Seouon 3.3.5, Cased apflnn fur DTV. For mv
«he upfinns me 0:1, 00, lacs, 0:4, Servicel er Servieez. Fur TV and Av, the options are On in off. Addifionalw,
mls mum snaps me m, we er VCR when the mrnpenenr ls summed mm the remele mm.
Use [HTS/SAP] button
Piss (he [HTS/SIP] human 00 chanqe [fie sound mode (Mom, SEED, SAP). This human will select the HTS
omens of Siam. SN’, or Mom in TV mode. alienate audlo channels, and when available. In DTV made.
use [SLEEP] human
mass me [SLEEP] human rweatedly in set me eeep rime, which man be set lo: 5 Mins, 10 Mine, 15 Mins, an Mlns,
45 Mins, an Mlns, 90 Mins, 110 Mine, 1m Mlns, 140 Mills, and air.
Use [TIME] bumn
MM [mm mm cumin themh‘me.
Baslc operation
Video mode adjustment
Piss A or v to nigmiortt Video, then ores > to enter the Who menu.
Piuum none»
i Bnghmeu
Slilmiieu E
. cow rumor-tot- moi
_‘ Manama-o >
. . on.“ uEwa-n
3. Press A or V In nlghllqht an option, mm Bras 4 n! b in adjufl fl! option. You (an adluu:
~ Picture Mode - masks the Pimre Mode. You can seietx Standard, Movie, use, or Vivid.
- Brim!“ > You an WISE Dr necreae the hriqMflS dine Dime. maeasilig the brightness an ad
more iigrit tn dark area oftne picture, vmile accusing me mm mm and more aerknss tn lgrtt
areas of the picture
. Contra-t - You an int-Jase or unease the contrast of me picnic. [muse the contrast in injufl the
whitenrensoffliz pimire ordeaeesetne metre more rain meme picture.
- sour-union - Adjusts use intensity ofthe colors.
- HUE - Adjusise‘te overoii eoior ofthe pid‘ure.
- steepne- - Vou can increase the snot-ens ieoei hr dearer imaps or deuease the Hiarpnefi iovei for
smother images.
- comm-1mm - Charles the color mumum. Vnu can salsa me war temperature him three
options: can, standard or warm.
- AMHud VHen dwadvamed meosdfiligs sidias WK Blad Levd, Burden White Pak
Limer W Flesh Tate.
Audlo mode adjustment
1. its menu to open the osn upfiun
1. Press A or v to Name?“ Mb, men prs > to enter me Aildln menu.
a“... t—ii_- a
More...“ on
Equ-liuv .
Ante vuwmcemmi ct!
Mi m Mnu My
3. Press A or v to highlight an option, men ones 4 m > to adjufl the option. You eon adjust
Basic operation
- nhnoe - Adjusts ihe volurne oflhe leltano nght speakers.
- Equolh-nVou an select me heguenoy you mm adjun and change lls value.
- surround soumtTurrs "fie suround sound elven: on or of.
~ limo Volume Mm! - Tnlm mmnli: vnlurle mm on or off. The option kaeps the audio in a
preset range m eliminate large spires in volume.
. smlF wpeSelens me spmr rype. Vou mn salad: PCM, Ddby Digilol, or of.
non: Vlzl SPDIF me, you can chmse «he opooel dlgiurl audio out lype. ifAudlo vhlume Cnmml is on,
that inane eudlo out control n acumen.
1. pres "I!“ to openlhe DSanflon
2. was A or v In hlghlgm seinp,lhen piss > In enlermeserup menu.
3. Pres A or V to hiqninht an (vinyl, then was 4 or b in adiust the option. You am aqua:
- osn language - uee lhe right or M armw huhm on choose the osn Language among English, Spanish
am Pram.
~ Scull Mud! - Use file arrvw bum to choose ME aspect mo betwam picture wldfil and Picture height
(ngh Definition 15:9 plan-es wlll be displayed ln Mglrlal format 15:5, named Mde). The npllons for SD
(Standard Definition 4:3) are Nurmal, Wide, Zoom and Cinema.
. Mus - This is a good function for a oompuher rnonitnr. When DPMS l's on, the nonipuler will mnlmi the
men on or MF. For example, mile mmpuler “ls in sleep mode, the scam will lie swimmd mi. lithe
cowuter ls smelled, the screen also Is maimed.
- TIm-de-Ybucansetuplheexaminiebywursdf.VwoanalszsetunSlaepernmeandAumSleen
Clpflfll: There ale mree heme In it - Analog aimed Captlm, Dlgral aoeed cannon and Dlgnel thlon
Analog clan-n fipfinn: in, ccz, oa,0c4,TBlT1,TEx11,TBm,TExT4.
nlgml Child Clmlm: Servicel, Servbel, Serving], Ss'vice-l, M125, Servimd.
Dlfllhl Cam 97h: There are two ("39mm SNB. One Is me auwmaflc furlmun set as the
Master, Mlle the other Is Me 41mm style where vou an adlus the but she, wlnr,
npadly, background mlnr em, amnrdlrlgly.
- lie-en Deflull - Eyey'rv has its original semng before luv-lg me fooory. So this function helps you
issue mese setlings.
Basic operation
Parental control
1. Prss usuu no open me 050 opllon
z. arse A or v in hlgrllghtnrem-l, men prim > an alter (he Para“ menu.
' change Plssword
Charm-I Black
lnuur Black
ngmm moor
when you first use (his runalon, the default M s [new]. anoe you input nus par-sword, you an:
3. PrssAor v mhigrlighianouriun,lherr pres< ur>madjuameoprionVoumnadlush
. arena-l fleck » This hum will let you block any channel you want.
- Program Block -A. Rating Emma e on
a. u.s.1v Ratings: You m moose TV ratings according tn me Illmlion on the screen.
c The sailings for us. Movie Rafillgs, Canada (English) Ratings and Canada (Frer-zh)
Ratings lullon glee e
If you wenno block me unrated program, please mm on dis funaion.
Following is file decriplinn of lime ratings.
About TV PG Rating:
11m TV nflnus an dlvlded Into two groups: age-band and mutant-based.
TV A" Child's" rv Fantasy Violence
Directed to older chlldrell ,
n suggesnve dialogue
L Stmng |anguage
Parental Guldance suggested
ParentsStmnglycauticned 5 Sexualslwatlnns
Basic operation
About "PM Rating:
The Motion Finn Malian ofAnleriramPM) uses a rating wstem to qualify mmian n'rcue mmerrl.
Televrslen hmadm emway a raring wstem m qualify the mnrentofnelertson program as well.
The MPM and TV Ratings work wlrlr me vcHlP feature and allmn you to Moll! programming abwe me
mung llmrs you dellrmlne.
Rating Defined as
6 General audlence
PG Parental Guldance suggested
P643 Parents strongly cantroned
R Restrrcted
NC-l7 No one 17 and under idmmelfi
x Adultaudienee only
About Canada (French)
8+General; Not recnmmendefl fur young children
Programmlng may not be suitable for chlldren under
the a c of 13
16m“ gangsta“; lsmtbesutauefmrrllararumr
in sun Progranmrng restrided on adults
Aboutc-mfl. (Enqlilh)
htlflfl Deltflfllloll
C Chlldrell
ca+ Chlldren ergntyears and older
G General Programming, suitablelor all audlences
pG Parents Guimnce
14+ Wewers 14 yearsand older
15+ Adult programming
more: As you blod< rating, all mung higher man me am you select are undead as wel. For
sample, rf you moose tn block are mm mm; a me nrgner rams, now am x, are
aummafifaw flocked m .
Basic operation
- Iwnl Slack - You um Nod: me Input source wlm mls furnmn. For mmpie, llyau wnnm black AV
Input, lust hlghllght [AV] and pres [ENTER]. The AV input wlll rm be seen ln the men.
~ ell-lye Puma-d - The firsktimfi yw uselfll’s funelrdn, useme default password. liyuu wantto
change ll, frst mar me new password than any me same paesrrord aga'n.
- tie-n All -Tlns mrlcfian will letvou clean all the charmelselzxed on thisTV.
um: lfyuu thong mle mmidn, all me programs you press will be last.
TV settings
1. PrmMENllmnps-m‘leosnnpfiun
z. PressAothnhighiightTV,mmprmsbmamzlmewmmu.
rumruaa. Ant-rm-
cnwn Scan
arm-r sup
Mu Slum
Allah Lanuly- swar-
3. Prss A of v mugnlm an canon, men mass 4 orb m anlumneapuan. You an
. TIIIH' "Me - Sela: the TV s‘gnnl sulfur You an select Antenna or able.
- ur-nnel Sun - Scans far channels mar nave signals and spares ma mannes Information in mamary.
When you pres < or b, yourTV des any channels that do not have a signal.
- ummd slrlp - nelelu a charms smd ln memory. When yull pus cl|+ or cm, ydur-erldpsme
dlannel ydu debut Yuu can aull tune in are channel uslng the number humus on me renma mmml.
. ms - selects the ear-rd mode. You can eelea Mona, stereo, dr sap (eemnd alum program).
- Audln Language-Salem me alnflc language for a program.
Append ix
Cleanlng and care
WARNING: Do nm try in rpmwe ma mbirm from me back. Refer eeryiclng to qualified eeryide tedlnidans.
To clean the TV screen:
1. Unplug the "N to avald possible snack hazard.
2. Use a clean aellulase sponge or dlamois clam dampened with a suiufiun of mild W and warm water
in clean me Wecreen and mm. on not Inc and much water as wan spllled Intn me cnnlnet can cause
4. Pni'sh me mam with a flual'fly fumiture polish in maintain the finish and appearance of me (abinm.
filfim; Never use stlmg anarlE sum as Itlimll, bellem, or other demimls an or mar me millet.
These chlmlcah an damage me flush of the cabins.
serore ailing n service Minion, please deck the following table llur a possible cause of the problem and some
Clinmu' lmwfllnt "fin: WWETV can not he npamd, plus unplug the puller and mmrtr
Sym ptoms
Possible Solutions
TV will not turn on
- Make sure the power will ls plugge ' then puss rower-(standby).
. The remote control batteries may oedeau. Replace the batteries.
- Unplug the VGA wire and aluo the power wire again.
No picture, no sound
- check ll you have smhe tlrner on.
- Check the antenna/cahleoonnectlons.
. Press [u "no see rlyod have selected the rightslonal source.
No sound, picture 0K
- The round my be muted, we“ [Von 1 on the remote control.
. The station may hwe broadcast difficulties. Try another channel.
- Check the speakers cable connections.
Poor sound, picture OK
- The station may have aroadeest dlrrlcullles. Try another channel
- check the speakers cahle wnnmlunsr
Poor picture, sound OK
- check the antenna connections.
. The staoon may have aroadeast dimrulues. Try another channel.
. Adjust the picture from the menu.
Unable to select a certain
- The channel may be skipped. choose this channel by dlreetly selecting
the lemon: from the remote control.
Poor colour or no colour
- The statloh may have omadeast difficulties. Try another channel.
- Adjust saturation In The Video settings menu.
The remote control does
not operate
. There may he an castrurtloh between the remote oorrtrol and the
remote control sensor.
- The batteries may i: stalled with a wrong Dfllarily.
- The remote control batteries may bedead. Replaee the batteries.
Disorder display at power on
. This may be caused heuuseol a very short Interval hetrrreen POWER
OFF and on.
- Unplug the power and restart.
Dilgnnll ill 11 iiu
42 inches
Televlslnn system
Amerlcan TV standard ATsC INTSC system
Andlu Inll Itipllx
s'rsc system
Channel coverage
VHF: Z~l3 UHF: 14-69 CATV'1~115
Digltal Terrestrlal Bmadcasl (BVSB): Z~59
Digital cable (64/256 QAM):1~135
N: mad. 540xqso/sallz,saoxsan/som,mzax7sa/snuz
YPbPr/chCr mode 4801/60Hz,4fioP/EOHZ,720P/50Hz,lflflflI/GOHI
ReinIullnn 1920x1060
Power nonrca AC 120 V , 60 HI
inur mnlumpllcn 215W
Audiu Pflmr 10W+10W
RFlnput Cable] Antenna x1
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Modify Date                     : 2009:06:24 18:29:43+08:00
Create Date                     : 2009:06:24 18:29:31+08:00
Metadata Date                   : 2009:06:24 18:29:43+08:00
Creator Tool                    : Adobe Acrobat 7.0
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