Hisense Electric LCDF0068 Part15 Subpart B-LED LCD TV User Manual W9HLCDF0068 2 1

Hisense Electric Co., Ltd. Part15 Subpart B-LED LCD TV W9HLCDF0068 2 1

W9HLCDF0068_User Manual 2-1

Download: Hisense Electric LCDF0068 Part15 Subpart B-LED LCD TV User Manual W9HLCDF0068   2 1
Mirror Download [FCC.gov]Hisense Electric LCDF0068 Part15 Subpart B-LED LCD TV User Manual W9HLCDF0068   2 1
Document ID2907741
Application IDK0ts1ZpxssdKZzpWd6wpWg==
Document DescriptionW9HLCDF0068_User Manual 2-1
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize338.46kB (4230717 bits)
Date Submitted2016-02-22 00:00:00
Date Available2016-02-23 00:00:00
Creation Date2016-01-25 13:43:36
Producing SoftwareAcrobat Distiller 7.0.5 (Windows)
Document Lastmod2016-01-25 13:43:56
Document TitleW9HLCDF0068_User Manual 2-1

Important Safety Information
and Warranty Card
P‘ease read (ms thoroughly and keep u tor Mme ralerence,
WHOLE: H [Mfe u ' wand r. “re
‘vou \ Se ‘vour Hot ch9\ Dupb;
Congrufu‘ufions on your purchase! As you enjoy your new produn, please
keep these safefy fips in mind:
- e‘he‘zz‘rvammrm Mrexpu , m l'rflmgav
'ze x: u 5}
MN 0 mhme: bweve‘ Hr ug-a‘ er‘ays
rd: N HwiaHr‘d ccccvfin
He “Hummus
or: u a‘wavs wot/Ned V r A» a'opr' M
m r J: arm: eruv'me'
- 'k poreurmm ~< Jre mmw e‘ymucedmrdve
Mm wk: mums mm arrmawuumrra
- Twe ccmumev e‘e o” c; wry u commNe/ w m c m: emermmem
cm w»,
mark Jr, W A re
a Orv 3m ,3 \(v
. M N ,unmflnrhr', mmr—dnhon:
”a use 0' ye; Hm pane‘ dxip‘uy
WV vccc an»! unricrsmud a“ cwr‘oxcc m: warm: '0' proacr m: a:
W: pm.“
- Dcn Jum chx‘dver mm on (.1 owumrm' MN m e‘emo‘ m
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mrwwm n “mgcv‘ ,» Mr W mm H rpm cm 3W“
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- us», a «m "sum mm mm, mmrmrrrev
unJ/LV' hm by Jm‘cenfindem‘ubo w mu m A cs». U,
- FoHow cu mrrur‘ m :Lrphw by v. :Jup‘cy cm wnH mow? mn'JncuW:
v m m "12/ cunno
- has new vs:
- Be mre re «ow ow me mwamov‘ gmde xupphet m» We meMm- army
Wm mu "g m w To (mum: m mmemmn, p‘eaxe cawmc' Wu” mom
mt wu'uzmrev
- M H», 3,10 m rm mu
w you an n HM fisp‘ny x: app
Sum: wuH n‘cum: me no' 9 n Umcd 'c onx w“ flee‘
mg 01 0k; 6 VHCV Mm cm Vow we “mam: {he mx'u ‘uhun, p‘euxe
corms? on mow“ mandacwro'
.A mm :21 w,” W WWW: {or 'rflzszt'a' rxu-Dmmxuu;
cow u.- *er
Important Safety Instructions
I Read these InstructIons
Keep these Instructions
Heed all warnIngs
Follow all instrucnons
Du not use IhIs apparatus near water
clean only WIth dry cloth
Do not block any ventIlatIon openIngs Install In accordance
WIth the manulacturer s InstructIons
a Do not Install near any heat sources such as radIators, heat
regIstersI slave; or other apparatus (IncludIne amplIhers)
that produce heat
9 Do not deleat the satety purpose ol the polarIzed or
glaundlngrlype plug A polarIzed plug has two blades WIth
one Wldel than the other A groundIng type plug has two
blades and a thIrd groundIng prong rhe vnde blade or the
mud prong are provIded Ior your salety It the provIded
plug does not ht Into your outlet consult an eIectrIcIan Ior
replacement m the oosolete outlet
to Protect the power cord troiii oeIno walked on or pInched
partIcuIarly at plugs convenIence receptacles, and the poInt
where they exIt hum the apparatus
Imnly use attachmentslaccesscries specIlied by the
I: use only WIth can, stand trlpad‘ bracket or
rabIe specmed py the marlmaclwer‘ or sold
WIth the apparatus When a can Is usefl‘
use cautIon when niovIng the cart/apparatus
cemoInatIon to auoId Inlury Iroiii tlpsover SZVZSA
13.Urlplltg thIs apparatus dunno lIghtnIng storms or when
unused tor long penads oi tIme
1A Reier all servIcIng to qualIhed servIce personnel Sewlclng Is
requlred when the apparatus has oeen daiiiaged in any way
such as powelrsupply cord or plug Is damaged IIduId has
been sleIed or oplects have lallen Into the apparatus, the
apparatus has peen exposed to ram or malstule‘ does not
operate normally or has peen dropped
l5 Ta reduce the hat or fire or eledrlc shock do not expose the
apparatus to rain or moIsIure The apparatus shall not be
exposed to dnpplng or splashlng and that oolects hlled WIth
lIduIds such as vasesl shall not be placed on apparatus
to wamlng the apparatus WIth class lechettuctlcn shall oe
connected to a MAINS socket outlet WIth a protectIve earthIng
The lIghtnIne flash WIth arrowhead symbol. wlmln an
equIlatcral trIangle Is Intended to alert the user to the
presence ol unInsulated dangerous voltage wIthIn the
products enclosure that may be ol sutthent magnItude
to oonstItute a risk alelectrIe shock.
The echamatIon poInt WIthin an eguIIateral trIangle is
Intended to alen the user to the presence at Important
opcratIne and maintenance (servicInpl InstruetIons In the
lIterature accompanying the appIIanee
t7 To prevent ln'ury‘ this apparatus must be securely attached to
the wall In accordance WIth the installatIon InstructIons
laJhe MAlNS plue used as the dIsconnect devIee The
dIseonneet device shall remain readIIy operable
le keep yourTV away lrcm rnoIsture Do not expose yourrv to
raIn or moIsture ltwater penetrates Into your TV unplug the
power cord and contact your dealer Cantlnuous use In thIs
case may result in hre or electrIc shock
20 no not expose oattenes to excessIve heat such as sunshlnei
nre orthe lIke
21.0anger or explosion Il battery is Ineorrectly replaced
Replace only WItn the same or eduIvalent type
MoIsture le torm In the operatIng section ol the unIt II the unIt
Is brought trom cool surroundings into a warm room or It the
temperature ol the room rIses suddenly wnen thIs happens
unli’s penormance le he ImpaIred To prevent (hlsy let the unIt
stand In Its new surroundIngs Ior aoeur an hour hetore swnchIng
It on, or make sure that the room temperature rises gradually
condensatIon may also lorm durIng the summer It the unIt Is
exposed to the breeze lrom an aIr cpndItIoner In such cases
change the locatIdn oi the unIi
Do not press hard or Iolt the LCD panel It may cause the
LCD panel glass to break and InIury may occur It the LCD
panel is brokenl make absolutely sure that you do not touch
the hem In the panel. The may cause skIn lnflammatinn.
, II the lIduid gets In your maullly Immediately gargle and
consult WIth your doctor Also, It the llquld gets In your eyes
or touches your Skln‘ consult WIth your doctor alter rInsIng Ior
at least Is mInutes or longer In clean water
It a Iixed lnon.mouIngl pattern reiiiaIns on the LCD panel
Ior long perIods of (Way the image can become permanently
engraIned In the LCD Panel and cause subtle but permanent
ghost Iniaees. ThIs type at damage is NOT covEREp lav
vouR WARRANTY. Never leave your LCD Panel on tor long
perIods ol tIme thle It Is dIsplayIne the Iollowme lormats or
, Fixed lmages‘ such as slack tickers video game patterns
TV station logos and websites
, Special Funnels that do not use the entire screen Far
example Vlewlng letterpox style ltd-9) media on a normal
(A a) display tolacn pars at top and oottom ol screeny‘ or
uiewmg normal style (4-3) media on a wrdescreen tts a)
display (black pars on lelt and right sides at screen)
The lollow no symptoms are not sign. ol mallunclion
put techn al limitation. Therelore we disclaim any
reapon ' ' ty lpr these symptoms.
c LCD Panels are manutactured using an extremely high level
oi precision technology however sometimes pans at the
screen may do missing picture elements or have luminous
This is not a sign at a mallunctron
, no not install the LCD Panel near electronic equipment that
produces electromagnetic waves some equipment placed
too nearthis unit may cause interlerence
, El‘lecl on inrrared devlces , There may be inlerterence
while using inlrared devlces such as inlrared cordless
End of life direc es
Yaw Tv also contains material that can be recycled and
reused For disposal or recycling in mmahom contact your local
authorities or the Electronic lndustnes Alliance at www.ela org
tlor USA; the Electronic Products Recycling Association at
http l/wwweorassocialion ea «or Canada) to find a recycler in
your area
Nan-active pixels
The LCD panel contains almost 3 million thin hlm transistors
which prouide exceptionally sharp video quality ucoasionally, a
lew "attractive pixels may appear on the saveth as a hxed black
tin the case at a dead pixel)‘ blue green or red paint These
non—actiue pixels do not adversely allect the pertormance ol
your TV, and are not considered flelecls
Power saurce
~ Do not use a difierenl power supply cord to plug the TV
into an AC outlet. Using a power cord that did not already
come wrth the w could cause a are, electrical shock or
- Da not use a power voltage that is dinerent than what
hisense has already speoilied. This could cause a tire,
electrical shock or damage.
. it you do not plan to use this Tvtor a longtime tdueto a
lengthy trip or some other reason) then be sure to unplug
it tram the AD outlet
. no not plug or unplug the At: cord when your hands on
wet This may cauaa electrical ahock
~ it an outside antenna or cool. system is connected wtth
the TV, be sure the antenna or cable system grounded
so as to provide protection against voltage surges and
built-up eta charge
No naked flame sources, such as lighted
candles, should be placed on (he appara
The WlFl Module complies wtth FCC radiation exposure limits
set lorth tor an uncontrolled enulronrnent This devlce should he
installed and operated With a minimum distance ol 20 centimeters
oetween the radiator and your oooy tonly applicaole tor Smart
Tv pullt-ln wtrelessl
FCC RF Satety Caullun Statement
This equipment complies with FCC RF radiation exposure
limits set lorth lor an uncontrolled enyironment This equipment
must be installed and operated in aocordanoe With proyided
instructions and must not he co-located or operating in
conjunction Wllh any other antenna or transmitter Endcttsers
and installers must pe proyided With antenna installation
instructions and transmmer operating conditions tor satislying
RF exposure compliance
RF Exposure Statement lor Canada
The radiated output power ol the wireless Device is oelow the
lnduslry Canada tlc) radio lrequency exposure limits. The
Wireless Devlce should be used in such a manner such that
the potential tor human contact during normal operation is
La puissanoe de sortie emiae par l'apparell de saris hl Dell eat
interleure a la llmlte d‘expuslllnrl aux tréduences radio
d‘lrldttslry Canada (lC) U ez l‘appamll de sans hl Dell oe
lacon a minimiser les contacts humains lors du ronctionnement
tonly appllcable tor Tv wtth RF pom
Never place atelevtslon set in an unstable locallon Atelevtslon
set may tall causing serious personal injury or death Many
iniunes, particularly to children, can oe avoided oy laklng
:lmple precautions such a:
a Uslng cablrlels or stands recommended by the manutacturer
ol the television set
e Only using turmture that can salely support the teleyision set
e Ensuring the teleyieion set is not overhanging the edge olthe
supporting iurnlture.
e Not placing the teleuision set on tall rurniture ttor example
cupocards or bookcases) wllhoul anchoring path the rurniture
and the teleyision set to a sullable support
a Nol placing the televtslon set on cloth or other materials that
may oe located oetween the television set and supporting
e Educating children aoout the dangers olclimoing on lurniture
to Teach the televtslon set or its controls
ll your existing television set is oeing retained and relocated
the same considerations as aooye should oe applied
Attaching a Wall Mount or Stand to the TV
Make sure inoi your TV has adequate air circulation Allow enough space arouno the w as Shawn below Avald operating the TV at
temperatures belaw 41'FL5‘C)
~ When you mount your TV on the wall or place it on lurniture, mainuin a it tance oi at loan 4 Inch" helween the TV ariit
other uhiecli (walls, cabinel sides, and so on) to ensure proper ventilaliori. Failing to maintain proper ventilation may
cause the w to overheat,
~ no nol mount the TV at more then a 12 degrze tilt
~ no riot use screws that oinerrrcm the length and oiameierthai we have recommeiioeo tsee the Hlsense user Manual or
Qulck Stan Guioel.
- no hot lasteii the screws loo hrmly. rhis may damage the W or cause it to rail. leaoiiig to personal iniury. Hisense is not
liable lor these kinds or accioents.
- ae oarelul when you touch the w. Some pans may be warm or hot
. no not place any type ol rahric or papers undarnealh, on top or, or beside the TV me can block ven
- For do lod intorrriazion about installing mu wall mount oraehot, no «no third-Pany manuhctnrl s instructions or contact
a prolouional installortor anistanco.
-Do nol oneraze or handle the TV with wet hands.
.Neirer laoe a tele or. set in an unstable loeat ii. Ateleir or. set may lall. causing serious persona
Many niii s. pan iilarly to children. can oe av ileii by ta ii, simple preeaiitions siieh as:
- Uslng cabin-ts or stand: rocommono by the manuractum or the television sot.
7 only uslng luriiiture that can sately support the television set.
7 Ensuring the teleui on set is riot overhanglng the edge M the supporting luriiiiur
- uol ola g the lele ii ael on ta him iire (lor exxmple, cupboards or hunkcues) without anchoring hoth the
liirhltiiro an: the teleulsloh sot to a sultahll support.
7 Not plaemg the teleuisioh set on =loth or other mat
lum' ure.
7 Eden mg ch then about the dangers ol e im mg on rumitiiire to reach the ieleirisioii set or ila eontrols.
on amt cause a
iury or death.
s that may oe loo-tea oeiweeii the teleuisioii set an: suppamng
-ll your ex no television set is blins ret e‘ and relocated, the same consider-Hons as above should it up on.
Correcl way to altach a TV stand Correcl way to attach on lhe wall
i2 inenes i2 inones
] him) I mom)
iron) (on am «oh man
teaue ai ieasi this mucn
soace arouno tne sei
4 inches
Incorrect way to attach the Wall Mount bracket nr stand to the TV
Air circulation is blocked
lnaoeouate air circulation can cause lhe w to overheat.
Information importante de
sécurité et la carte de garantie
Voudrez ‘9 fire mmuheusemenl at \e conseNez pour référence future
sicumé DES mums
La fogon dam vows Mme: none Iéuwsew d
écrcm p‘at e? \‘endrmr m vow Mmhse:
peuvem fame to, H Um d\? e
Nous vous Félicitons de votre uchuv l Veufllez garder ces conseils é I'espr'fl alors
que vous profilerez de votre nouveuu produif :
. Lt Lvévrr: mm vepégeme une wag— e a \u hams: ‘ r' 25‘ d9 ware
pcur ‘e: é‘évxeun a gem écmr p‘u'
"4‘ :0!” pm mo : p uzc's w dc: WW : (1073mm a 0V "2 ch’:
m 'mnr’mum aux ’nrv‘mc'uu’u": du {unrrnrr
- Len punflucéuuvuneam vs, 'cbb‘owéqw, Ame
mm w bur/x u, an m mm: M .m (:0 vc ov me: mm mm c:
_ em, \m Vé‘éwsew: a écmn nc'
:eusfi é
*annpm’: pcuvc"? an: rc—mc’: or cnuw' dcs nnxsuvcs
- r ~¢me de \‘e’ "o‘wqu: grand mm (2 ea M.» a (Amer \ w m m m
c dgvénb‘c (Jr: 2mm cc ammmwm my
svnromsiz it u sécumré
- Lwefiu ‘cneccnwempusfi row S..wez e: 'emn‘mmocho‘: du 1mm 1
my umumw J m m .. . "my
- mm mccrvn'nmvaficr'vcwcmmd‘c: ‘c: 'vruwor: Fonmc: m» d‘axsurc'
we Hum-av upp'wpv er} uu modm‘
- Ne amezpu: exenmr'xq'mpe'xuv‘e: r‘eub‘me' “gems”. and
ave: c5: 'Jevr er:
- NC {”1697 pm c m’c’mwi an my :n x mm, qm pnmérc w m}
{um‘ewvem :u'w'e \ exaauez ‘9‘ uu’ e Lzmnude
- Ruppe‘czvum qde ‘e: enfc pews re; nuund ; vegmd
én-mn Mam uh e’c'm pm p‘mgrand he \a mm: - Amuezvom
dc onccr m v Ken! ‘51 on ‘ an, pm on: {We now, Wé ou vr'wmsé
- Pmne/ :0 n u (1( new "(r km; 2: I k e‘ \e: '4':st nu Me'mw zcnnez'e: 3m
x n w de me» qu‘\ ; re pumew' pa: éfirc me’: cu m 5‘: pa' My New
cv eux
(«puma mum: 5| vous MONTEZ lE réLéVISEUR
- 4m :5, .n :uuuo" year-mu m pm ‘2 mm”, c. 1é‘év xeuv em 'éuevroné
m v u» \ooomrcwe mdéperuum Ne‘ qu'JL cm [TL]
' SAW, m m 'Jchon: mm m par ‘cs comm x A“ ngw r' w mm
- v« ; mime! de mre ‘2 gums a m \a- , rpm 30' ‘e Suapm‘ cu
‘ ‘o~cgeN\ua \onde" mmHuhordu Coma: Mm um
mo'vcgc rmm‘ p u' m 'c "msmHo'wow
- m: mm mm ‘c m :u' ‘nq c ‘n \c‘év 3c vnfl 'm)’ m npovonflé
Cam: A; hpuom de mum "e m pa: can“; pew e; 0.1: a m CEA
consmdmn a (Man's w (709' o. (H mm Hock: a: oé’or Comma ‘e mumm-
lamamamomgmm now W‘ Van anon
- Au mm am we a so“ nécnsxcms pow ’cw'c mew 5' ‘ns ‘5' m www.(E.org/suleiy
55m: a éua'v p‘m p5 réhe ‘uu m
sour a
Notices importantes de sécurlté
D057 AucuNE mscs wrspas aspaaasLs paa
U531 :35 msuasuans
2 Consewez ces msuasaans
a Respedez was Iss aasmsssmsms
4 Sulvez mates xss msuasupns
5 N'uuhsez pas ce‘ apparsa a pvoxwmné as rsaa
5 Ne \e nsnpysz qu‘avec an \inge sss
7 Ns b‘oquaz aasans ass aavsnarss a aérafion. Eflecmaz
\‘msmllamn sanmmsmsm aux msmaans aa vspnssm
5 Ne \‘msm‘lez pas was as samces as cha‘ew cnmme Iss
ramataars‘ \ss cams as chaafle‘ \Es mamaaux pa a eaves
dxsposxms (y ssmpns We; amplmsmsars) pradwsan! as Ia
9 Ns vewez pas \e dwsnosmfi as sssams as Ia mane no‘ansée
aa \a naps as (ewe ans naps pa‘aflsée samppns asax
\ames aann ans est p‘us \arge pas \‘zmre ans «ans as type
|srre aampanp dsux \amu m ans \mspma prasns as "use
a a |erre La \ame \arge sL \aumsweme mocha as pass a la
nsns 50m mamas noun/ave sécamé 5‘ \a mans «cams ns
canmsm pas a \a pnss as cement sansausz un e‘ecmcxsn
pow vemp‘acev \a pnss as comam obsmeae
10 P‘acez \e cmdon d‘a msmaapn as (awn mm ns spa pas m
pxéhne’ m pmcé‘ sn pamcuher fiu mvsaa as \a «ens ass
pnsss as cpavam 2! aa pom| as same as rapparsu
n N‘ahhsez pas ass psnpnsnaass / accessmves spssmss pal
12 Ne \‘umlsez qu‘avec an charm an trépwed, an
sappon ou une |ame spssms pm We «aansam ou
vondu ave: \‘avparml 3‘ you: whuz an span
pL vanes aflermnn Wars aa deplacemem as
\ ensemb‘e chanm I appavsn avin a'smsr
toms blessure sn ass as Venversemem “‘2“
<3 Debranchez \‘appnrefl \avs sn on; a‘ mass aa aasna a as
sera pas uuhsé Dendam \ungtemps
1A Carma: \oa‘a vépammm aa personnz‘ quahflé Dss révaras
hens sam nécessaxres s. \‘apparel‘ es! snapmmags a-ans
«appn aaswaanaas ae‘s que We covdun d‘ahmemamn oa fiche
snaammag' s. aa hqmde a as renvevsé sa s. \u DbAe|s pm
mmbes sav \ appavew 5‘ v appavsu a 9‘9 expose a \a pas pa
a Warm s \ appavs ns marahe pas norma‘ememau aas
\‘on a iaummber
15 Four redmre Is nsqas d‘mcenme aa as chm: e‘ecmqae‘
n sxpossz pas net apparsa a \a plwe 0a a \‘hummé L‘appan
sa ns apn pas élre exposé a ass apauss pa ass éc‘flbous-
saves sL \ss oh‘els vemphs as hqmdes tels aas ass vasss,
ne apwsn| pas evs P‘acés sur \‘apparsa.
16.N(snhan “apparel‘ as C‘asse \ an we raccaras a ans
Pnss sedeuv dokée d‘ane sonnsaon a ‘3 Ms
Ls symbol: rsprsssnum un sewaw aans an manpls
éqw‘aléru‘ a new pm a‘ avemr w'auhsaLsav as \a prsasnss
a‘ans «snusn aanpsrsass nan \wlée al mténeur aa
bn’mcr aa prpaaa qw ppm sac awmcnsas samanm ppar
cnnmusr an mas as choc é‘emfluus
Ls ppm d‘exc‘amatmn asns an Wang‘s eqmlatera‘ a
pear ba| a avemv \‘mllwsakeur as We presence ass mstmcs
naps d‘auhsanon e! as mamxenance (emrenen) pnppn
(antes aans \a documentauon qul ascpmpagns vappsrsu
w Pnur evner \ss h‘essareS, ce( appsrsu aaa svs nxs sn «paLs
sssams aa maroomormémemaa swsaons a‘msaauaaan
ta La pviss d'ahmemahon m sss cpmms d‘sposmfde décons
nexmn Ls mspnsxmde decannexmn apa raster axsemem
19 Gavdez vmre m 'wseur a \‘écan as \‘hamwdmé N sxpassz pas
pans wéwseur a \a p‘we pa 3 x-namaas s‘ \‘eau penélre
aans pans «slswssar, aspvanpnsz \s cmdon d‘ahmemzunn e1
nomads: vpus ysvsnasar L'uhhsahun comma: dans :2 ca:
ppanaa provoquer an mcendwe pa an that e‘ecmqae
2p N exposez pas xss pass a ans cha‘em excesswe cumme We
aaxaa, an «pa pa ans snssa amaairs.
21.nanasr d‘up‘asmn u \a pausns su remp‘acée as fawn
mcorvede Remp‘acez amquemem avec \s méme |ype pa \s
was équlva‘am
De l'hamwdué psa| ss «aymsy dans la panis foncuormeHe as
rams 5‘ ssnsp es‘ transnanée d‘an nm a (rind a an mHieu
snaaa pa 5‘ la aempévamve as \a méce s‘é‘éve sapasmsm
aaana ce‘a samsm, We rendemem as l'um|é pem sas psmprps
nus Pourévuev ans «sus snaaapn \alssez \‘amte s'awstevaa
naavsaa mmea psnaam ans heme enwrcn avamas \a me||re
spas |snsmn pa assmezsvous aas Ia |empévamre as Is p‘éce
s \éve gradaeHemem
ans spnasnsaaan psaL aussw ss meev pendant v es 5‘ ranns
est expasée aa cauram d‘mr d‘un chmahsear En parsa pas,
change; \‘emp‘scemerfl as \‘apparefl
7 N‘appuyez pas m suH ecvan Lcu e| ns We ssaaasz pas
Vaas nsquerez as anssv Is vevre as \‘ecran LCD 9‘ as aaas
mssssr 5‘ \‘ecran LcD es| anss, qanss pamcaheremem
sasnnpn as ns pas masher \s hqmde aans \s pannsaa Ls
hqulde pem pvavaquer ans mflammalmn as \a pssa
s‘ \c \Iqmdc cmrc dam vow: ppacnc, garganicpvnus
\mmédwawmsnt st spnsansz vmrs msascm Aussh w ‘9
Mamas smrs an comm avac VDS yeux aa \a paau‘ nncazJei
psnaam snwan 15 mmutei, nu mus longtemvs‘ 'a Vsaa
c‘awa st cansausz vmre msasmn.
5‘ an mpwfixs rsns a can LCD psnaam une \unque Pénode‘
hmagc Pm.“ asvsmr \mmégnéc cn psrmancnss wr \ccrin LCD
pupnupv an ags faméma sapMs man pannanams ca M75
as apmmags n‘ail PAS caqum PAR LA GARANTIE Na
lawssez lama‘s \‘écran LCD anamé psnaam ans \ongua durée
Qaand \I ampns ass wages as Iypes sawams
, Les rrnages lrxes oomme les oours de la pourse, les moms
doleu vldéa, loo logos do slalrons dc lelo'vnron ol los silos
, Les lormals speeraux our he remplrssenl pasl eoran enlrer
Parsxemple l‘ alnohaoed rmape enlormalpandramloue
(16'9)sulurl esran normal 14 zl [handes nolres en haul el
on has oe l' eoran) eu l‘ alnohage du lormal normal (A a) sur
un grand eeran (la 9) (pandes nalres sur la gauche el la
drone de leoran)
Lu dnu euixanlo nu Drov nnlnl 9:! on mauvl
lonctlnnnlmnnl male d‘unl rulromlo Inchmquu. Nous nl
Douvun$ don: Pu ro llnul mponeapln pour do ule
, Les ecrans LCD senl laorrques en ulrlrsanl une leehnolsgre
de preorsron d un nrueau exlrememenl ‘ evé oependanl rl
"I possrple due oenarns elemems de I oran peuvenl ne
pas avoll d‘elemems fl'lmage ou amehenl des pornls
Cecl ne don pas elre eonsrdere eomme un slgrle de mauusrs
, N‘ rnslallez pas l‘ eoran Lcu a proxrmrle d‘ un édurpemenl
eleclrenrsue our eenere des andes electromagnelreues car
cela pourrarl oauser urle rnlenerenoe
, Ellel sur les apparerls a rnlrarouoe 7 rl peul y avorr une
rnlerlerence ouand en urrlrse un apparerl a rnlrarouges lel
ou un le'lepnone sans fil a rnlrarouges
Direcl'ves sur la fin de vie
Volre leleurseur esnlrenl des malerraux qul peuuenl elre
vecyclés el reulrlrses Pour plus d' rnlonnalron de mrse au repoul
ou de reoyclaoe, conlaelez les aurorrres locales ou l'Eleelronre
lnduslrles Alllance au www era mg (pour les slalsunsl l'Assnr
oralrdn du reeyolaoe der produrls eleolrenloues au hl p waV
w eglassaclallnn ca (pour le Canada) pour lreuuer un lecycleur
dans uolre re n
Pixels at s
L‘ecran LCD eornple pres de 3 m ans de lransrslors en couchr
es mrnoes lourmssanl une dualrle d'rmaoe exlremamem elevee
Al seensren des prxels rnaelrls peuuenl apparsllre e I' earn
sous lornre de polm nxe noir (pixel morl). pleu, verl ou rouge
Ce: prxels rnaehls ne nursenl pas au rendemenl de uolre lelevr-
seur el he sonl pas cunsldérés cumme des de'lauls
Alimentat'on électrique
- Ne pas m. ser un cordon d-alnnenlauon dmerenl pour
brancher le lélévlseur dens uns prise seeneur. L'u lrsa on
(fun coma" d menlalion on ne v M pas "es le lélévl-
seurpeurran prevequer un rneendre, url choc eleelrrque
nu d'aunru dommlgu.
- Ne pas uulrser une lensron d'allmemailan qul esl drlrerenl
de so due Hliense a déia epeorlre. Cell pourran preve-
duer un lncendlal un chm: eleelrloue eu d' aulres dum-
-5- you: no privnylz pl: d'unl or l. lilbvluur pendnnl
une langue pe rode len rersen d-un long voyage ou pour
um aulr. Valium ilon aupru-ueue do lo d pranohor do
la prrs. stem".
4N: pas onnsheyeu depraneher le cnvdorl d' enlalron
lorsque les mains snnl humides eel. peul pmvoquer un
ehoe eloel due.
- n eyelamo d‘IntInnl on :iblu oxlirrourul re '5 ' In
W, per la: que l'amenne ou le syslerne de sable esl a la
um dl lacon a lournir uns proloennn oenlro ln innen-
slens el les energes smloues aeeunrulees ..
Aucune source de flamme, telle que des
hougies allumées. ne doit étre placée sur
Le module WlFl conlorme aux llrnlles FCC fl‘eXDosmun aux
radralrons dennres pom un envrron ernenl non oonlrole oer
apparerl doll éve rnslalle er ulrlrse a une drslanee mrnrmale
de 20 eenllmelres enlre le radlaleur el volre corps. (unldue-
menl pour les Sman TV sans fil rnlegre)
Declaralron FCC RF de la séeunle
eel eourpemenl esl oonlorme aux lrmrles FCC RF d'expuslr
lren aux radralrons delrnres pour un enurrennemenl non
conlrole' eel equrpemenl don elre rnslalle el ulrlrse
oonlormemenl aux rnslruolions lourmes el ne dal| pas elre
corlocallsees ou opere en conloncllan avee mule nulre
amenne ou lransmeneur Les ulrlrsaleurs nnaux er les lnslalr
laleurs dorvenl éve lournrs aueo des lnsvuctlons d nslallar
lren de l‘anlenne el des edndrlrons de lonelrennemenl du
lransmeneur salrslarsanl aux norrnes d‘expuslllon aux RF
Deolaranen d'exposrlren RF pour le Canada
The radraled oulpul power ol |he Wrreless Devroe rs below
lhe lnduslry Canada llc) radro trequenoy exposure lrmrls
The Wrreless Devroe should he used rn such a manner suoh
lhal lhe polenlral lor human cenlael durrng normal operalron
ls mlnimlzed
La purssanoe de some ermse parl apparerl de sans nl Dell
est rnlerreure a la lrmrle fl‘exvosmon aux lrenuenees radro
d‘lnduskry Canada (lC) unlrsezl apparerl de sans fil Dell de
lacon a mimmrser les oonlaols humains lors du lonolronnee
menl normal.
lApplrcaole unlquemem pour la lelevrsron auee le purl RF)
Nelamars plaoerun lele 'seurdans un endror ' slahle uh
leleurseur peul lombell eausanl des pleasures eerperelles
graves ou monelles 0n peul e'vrler beaucoup de blessures.
en parlroulrer aux enfams‘ en prenanl des preoaulions
armples oomrne.
e ulrlrserdes meuplea ou des supporls reeemnrandes par la
lsorlcanl de l‘apparell de le’lewslon
e Ulillsel seulemenl les nreuples qul peuuenl supponer sans
dangel la lelevrsren.
, Le posle de lelewslon ne surplompe suremenl pas le oord
du meuole supporl
7 Ne pas plaoer ls Iélsvlsaur sur un grand msuple lpar
exemplel les placards ou les olollolheouesl sons ancrer le
meuple er le |élévlseuv sur un suppon approprre
7 Ne pas placer ls lélévlseur sur un lrssu ou d'auves malérlr
aux qul peuvenl elre slluees enlre le posle de leleulslon el
des meuples de supporl
s Eduquer les enlanls sur les dangers de grrmper sur un
meuple pour allelndre le posle de lelev-slon ou ses
sr volre lelevrseur exlslanl esl conserve el (lansvele, les
memes eansrderalrons que ordessus doruenl elre appl

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Title                           : ??敹思?靽桀 銝霂剛? 撠? 15-5-29
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